



The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2).
值得注意的是,人们,尤其是非专业人士,对物流有一种广泛 的误导性概念,即认为物流就是运输。的确,运输是物流 的核心构成部分,没有运输什么也动不起来。即使如此, 物流仍然比单独的运输所能传达的意义要深远得多。
How a bottle of Coca Cola coke moves to an end consumer 一瓶可乐是如何到达最终消费者手中的
If a consumer wants to have a bottle of Coca Cola coke, he can choose to:
go straight to the manufacturer, buy it at ex-factory price (e.g. 1.50 Yuan/bottle) but pay extra costs for bus fare (e.g. 5 Yuan or more) , totaling 6.50 Yuan plus time cost (hours of bus travel), or
B选择是个人零散客户最常用的选择,在此种方式下,客户支付 较高的零售价,在享有较低的总成本的同时,还可以换取 购物的轻松并免除到厂家取货的耗时旅程。



物流专用术语物流基本概念术语1.物品article2.物流logistics3.物流活动logistics activity4.物流作业logistics operation5.物流模数logistics modulus6.物流技术logistics technology7.物流成本logistics cost8.物流管理logistics management9.物流中心logistics center10.物流网络logistics network11.物流信息logistics information12.物流企业logistics enterprise13.物流单证logistics documents14.物流联盟logistics alliance15.供应物流supply logistics16.生产物流production logistics17.销售物流distribution logistics18.回收物流returned logistics19.废弃物物流waste material logistics20.绿色物流environmental logistics21.企业物流internal logistics22.社会物流external logistics23.军事物流military logistics24.国际物流international logistics25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL)26.定制物流customized logistics27.虚拟物流virtual logistics28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain30.条码bar code31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)32.有形消耗tangible loss33.无形消耗intangible loss物流作业术语1.运输transportation2.联合运输combined transport3.直达运输through transport4.中转运输transfer transport5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport 6.集装运输containerized transport 7.集装箱运输container transport8.门到门door—to-door9.整箱货full container load (FCL)10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL 11.储存storing12.保管storage13.物品储存article reserves14.库存inventory15.经常库存cycle stock16.安全库存safety stick17.库存周期inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期)lead time 19.订货处理周期order cycle time 20.货垛goods stack21.堆码stacking22.搬运handing/carrying23.装卸loading and unloading24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging26.销售包装sales package27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装neutral packing29.运输包装transport package30.托盘包装palletizing31.集装化containerization32.散装化containerization33.直接换装cross docking34.配送distribution35.共同配送joint distribution36.配送中心distribution center37.分拣sorting38.拣选order picking39.集货goods collection40.组配assembly41.流通加工distribution processing 42.冷链cold chain43.检验inspection物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库warehouse2.库房storehouse3.自动化仓库automatic warehouse 4.4.立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库virtual warehouse6.保税仓库boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物cargo under customer’s supervision9.冷藏区chill space10.冷冻区freeze space11.控湿储存区humidity controlled space12.温度可控区temperature controlled space13.收货区receiving space14.发货区shipping space15.料棚goods shed16.货场goods yard17.货架goods shelf18.托盘pallet19.叉车fork lift truck20.输送机conveyor21.自动导引车automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22.箱式车box car23.集装箱container24.换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)25.特种货物集装箱specific cargo container26.全集装箱船full container ship27.铁路集装箱场railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站inland container depot29.集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS)30.集装箱码头container terminal31.国际铁路联运international through railway transport32.国际多式联运international multimodal transport33.大陆桥运输land bridge transport34.班轮运输liner transport35.租船运输shipping by chartering36.船务代理shipping agency37.国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent38.理货tally39.国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance 40.报关customs declaration41.报关行customs broker42.进出口商品检验commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略logistics strategy2.物流战略管理logistics strategy management3.仓库管理warehouse management4.仓库布局warehouse layout5.库存控制inventory control6.经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式fixed—quantity system (FIS)9.ABC分类管理ABC classification10.电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS)11.准时制just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流just—in-time logistics13.零库存技术zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理logistics cost control15.物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP) 16.制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP)18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II)19.物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP)20.企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理supply chain management (SCM)22.快速反映Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR)24.连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP)25.计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO)26.供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.业务外包outsourcing度量单位汇总克 Gram g.公斤 Kilogram Kg.公担 Quintal q。

物流专业英语 six

物流专业英语 six

and Transshipment(建议分批装运和转 船装运)

Sample2 Shipping Instructions (container) 装运指示(集装箱)

November 7,2009
Dear Mrs. Lee. We are glad to hear from your letter dated October 20th in connection with our order for four containers of Chinese Porcelains made in Jingdezhen. In reply, we have the pleasure to inform you that we have booked shipping space for the goods under the captioned order on the vessel “Elizabethan”, which is due to arrive at your port on or about 26th of this month. Please arrange shipment of goods booked by us with the least possible delay. Please in time contact our shipping agents, CMA CGM Co. Ltd. for loading arrangements, and send us a short cable confirmation when loading completed. Yours truly, Ann Brown (Mrs.) Manager



物流专用术语物流基本概念术语1. 物品article2. 物流logistics3. 物流活动logistics activity4. 物流作业logistics operation5. 物流模数logistics modulus6. 物流技术logistics technology7. 物流成本logistics cost8. 物流管理logistics management9. 物流中心logistics center10. 物流网络logistics network11. 物流信息logistics information12. 物流企业logistics enterprise13. 物流单证logistics documents14. 物流联盟logistics alliance15. 供应物流supply logistics16. 生产物流production logistics17. 销售物流distribution logistics18. 回收物流returned logistics19. 废弃物物流waste material logistics20. 绿色物流environmental logistics21. 企业物流internal logistics22. 社会物流external logistics23. 军事物流military logistics24. 国际物流international logistics25. 第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL)26. 定制物流customized logistics27. 虚拟物流virtual logistics28. 增值物流服务value-added logistics service29. 供应链supply chain30. 条码bar code31. 电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)32. 有形消耗tangible loss33. 无形消耗intangible loss物流作业术语1. 运输transportation2. 联合运输combined transport3. 直达运输through transport4. 中转运输transfer transport5. 甩挂运输drop and pull transport6. 集装运输containerized transport7. 集装箱运输container transport8. 门到门door-to-door9. 整箱货full container load (FCL)10. 拼箱货less than container load (LCL11. 储存storing12. 保管storage13. 物品储存article reserves14. 库存inventory15. 经常库存cycle stock16. 安全库存safety stick17. 库存周期inventory cycle time18. 前置期(或提前期) lead time19. 订货处理周期order cycle time20. 货垛goods stack21. 堆码stacking22. 搬运handing/carrying23. 装卸loading and unloading24. 单元装卸unit loading and unloading25. 包装package/packaging26. 销售包装sales package27. 定牌包装packing of nominated brand28. 中性包装neutral packing29. 运输包装transport package30. 托盘包装palletizing31. 集装化containerization32. 散装化containerization33. 直接换装cross docking34. 配送distribution35. 共同配送joint distribution36. 配送中心distribution center37. 分拣sorting38. 拣选order picking39. 集货goods collection40. 组配assembly41. 流通加工distribution processing42. 冷链cold chain43. 检验inspection物流技术装备及设施术语1. 仓库warehouse2. 库房storehouse3. 自动化仓库automatic warehouse4.4. 立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse5. 虚拟仓库virtual warehouse6. 保税仓库boned warehouse7. 出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse8. 海关监管货物cargo under customer’s supervision9. 冷藏区chill space10. 冷冻区freeze space11. 控湿储存区humidity controlled space12. 温度可控区temperature controlled space13. 收货区receiving space14. 发货区shipping space15. 料棚goods shed16. 货场goods yard17. 货架goods shelf18. 托盘pallet19. 叉车fork lift truck20. 输送机conveyor21. 自动导引车automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22. 箱式车box car23. 集装箱container24. 换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)25. 特种货物集装箱specific cargo container26. 全集装箱船full container ship27. 铁路集装箱场railway container yard28. 公路集装箱中转站inland container depot29. 集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS)30. 集装箱码头container terminal31. 国际铁路联运international through railway transport32. 国际多式联运international multimodal transport33. 大陆桥运输land bridge transport34. 班轮运输liner transport35. 租船运输shipping by chartering36. 船务代理shipping agency37. 国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent38. 理货tally39. 国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance40. 报关customs declaration41. 报关行customs broker42. 进出口商品检验commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1. 物流战略logistics strategy2. 物流战略管理logistics strategy management3. 仓库管理warehouse management4. 仓库布局warehouse layout5. 库存控制inventory control6. 经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ)7. 定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS)8. 定期订货方式fixed-quantity system (FIS)9. ABC分类管理ABC classification10. 电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS)11. 准时制just in time (JIT)12. 准时制物流just-in-time logistics13. 零库存技术zero-inventory logistics14. 物流成本管理logistics cost control15. 物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP)16. 制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)17. 配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP)18. 配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II)19. 物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP)20. 企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP)21. 供应链管理supply chain management (SCM)22. 快速反映Quick response (QR)23. 有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR)24. 连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP)25. 计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO)26. 供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)27. 业务外包outsourcing度量单位汇总克 Gram g、公斤 Kilogram Kg、公担 Quintal q、公吨 Metric ton m、t、长吨 Long ton l、t、短吨 Short ton Sh、t、英担 Hundredweight Cwt、美担 Hundredweight cwt、磅 Pound lb、两(常衡) Ounce oz、两(金衡) Ounce oz、t司马担 Picul米 Metre m、公里 Kilometre Km、厘米 Centimetre cm、毫米 Milimerte mm、码 Yard Yd、英尺 Foot Ft、英寸 Inch In、平方米 Square metre Sq、m、平方英尺 Square foot Sq、ft、平方码 Square yard Sq、yd、立方米 Cubic metre Cu、m、立方英尺 Cubic foot Cu、ft、升 Litre l、毫升 Millilitre Ml、加仑 Gallon Gal、蒲式耳 Bushel Bu、克拉 Carat Car、马力 Horse Power h、p、千瓦 Kilowatt Kw、公吨度 Metric ton unit m、t、u、表 6 :常见英文单位Bag 袋 bale 包 bottle 瓶Box 箱 carton/ctn 纸盒箱 Case(c/s) 箱、合、套coil 圈 Container 集装箱 Crate 板条箱Dozen 打 gross 罗(12打) drum 桶In bulk 散装 lot 批 package 件pallet 托盘 Pieces/pcs 件 Ream 令roll 卷 set 套、台、坐 Sheet 张、件strand 股 unit 辆、台、单位 Vial 药瓶专有名词汇总出口信贷export credit出口津贴export subsidy商品倾销dumping外汇倾销exchange dumping优惠关税special preferences保税仓库bonded warehouse贸易顺差favorable balance of trade贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade进口配额制import quotas自由贸易区free trade zone对外贸易值value of foreign trade国际贸易值value of international trade普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 价格术语trade term (price term)运费freight单价price码头费wharfage总值total value卸货费landing charges金额amount关税customs duty净价net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税port dues回佣return commission 、装运港port of shipment折扣discount, allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价wholesale price目的港port of destination零售价retail price进口许口证import licence现货价格spot price出口许口证export licence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price国际市场价格world (International)Market price离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight交货delivery轮船steamship(缩写S、S)装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间time of delivery定程租船voyage charter装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B\\L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers’ account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan、31st、或shipment on orbefore Jan、31st、一/二月份装船shipment during Jan、/Feb、或Jan、/Feb、shipment 在、、、、、、(时间)分两批装船shipment during、、、、in two lots 在、、、、、、(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during、、、、in two equal lots 分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C 允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable订单indent订货;订购book; booking电复cable reply实盘firm offer递盘bid; bidding递实盘bid firm还盘counter offer发盘(发价) offer发实盘offer firm询盘(询价) inquiry;enquiry指示性价格price indication速复reply immediately参考价reference price习惯做法usual practice交易磋商business negotiation不受约束without engagement业务洽谈business discussion限**复subject to reply **限* *复到subject to reply reaching here **有效期限time of validity购货合同purchase contract销售合同sales contract购货确认书purchase confirmation销售确认书sales confirmation一般交易条件general terms and conditions以未售出为准subject to prior sale需经卖方确认subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认subject to our final confirmationINT (拍卖auction)寄售consignment招标invitation of tender投标submission of tender一般代理人agent总代理人general agent代理协议agency agreement累计佣金accumulative commission补偿贸易compensation trade (或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatorytrade(又叫:往返贸易) counter trade来料加工processing on giving materials来料装配assembling on provided parts独家经营/专营权exclusive right独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement独家代理sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency;exclusive agent轮船steamship(缩写S、S)装运、装船shipment租船charter(the chartered shep)交货时间time of delivery定程租船voyage charter;装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B\L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers或optional charges for Buyers' account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan、31st、或shipment on or before Jan、31st、一/二月份装船shipment during Jan、/Feb、或Jan、/Feb、shipment在……(时间)分两批装船shipment during、、、、in two lots在…(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during、、、、in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable运费freight单价price码头费wharfage总值total value卸货费landing charges金额amount关税customs duty净价net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税portdues回佣return commission装运港portof shipment折扣discount,allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价wholesale price目的港portof destination零售价retail price进口许口证inportlicence现货价格spot price出口许口证exportlicence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price国际市场价格world (International)Marketprice离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight。



第二节 Recent Trends in Logistics1.Third Part Logistics ( TPL) 第三方物流Third Part Logistics provides all the logistics services. They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first part( supplier or producer) and the second part( buyer or customer). The primary objectives of third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer.第三方物流提供了所有的物流活动。



Third Part Logistics have been growing rapidly. Cost reduction and demands for batter and cheaper services are the main drives behind the growth.A third part logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick–ups and deliveries, whereas in–house transportation cannot. Other reasons are as follows:第三方物流增长十分迅速。


text B definition of transportation
1.fixed facilities are the physical components of the system that are fixed in space and consisted of the network(e.g.,transit treminals,harbors,or airports as the nodes and routes,channels,or lines as link in the network)of the transportation system.
5.one area may have more favorable climatic condition,different natural resources,and more efficient human resources and so on.therefore,the area that is best situated should be the source of production.again,the availability of efficient transportation is necessary to capitalize on these advantages.

交通运输与物流专业英语(Unite 8)中英文

交通运输与物流专业英语(Unite 8)中英文

Unit Eight Transportation ServiceText A Transportation in logisticsAn industrialized society without an efficient transportation system seems a contradiction in terms. As consumers, we often take for granted that products will move from where they are produced to where they are consumed with a minimum of difficulty-in terms of both time and cost. The transportation sector of most industrialized economies is so pervasive that we often fail to comprehend the magnitude of its impact on our way of life.工业化社会没有一个高效的交通运输系统似乎是一种矛盾的说法。


The unique position which transportation occupies in economic activity arises from the reduction of the resistance of time and space to the production of economic goods and services. The significance of this in terms of the allocation of economic resources is indicated by the fact that probably at least one third of wealth of a nation is directly devoted to transportation. Transportation is so important that without it organized human activity would be impossible. Complete stoppage of transport services of a community is the quickest way to assure complete paralysis of cooperative effort: economic, political and social.由于经济商品和服务在配送时间和地理位置上(遇到的)阻碍减少,交通运输在经济活动中的独特地位逐渐显现出来,事实证明,一个国家创造的财富至少有三分之一直接源于交通运输,因此交通对于经济资源分配的重要性不言而喻。



efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized dataLogistics: logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized dataefficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized dataLogistics: logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized dataefficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized dataLogistics: logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized dataefficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized dataLogistics: logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirementsDistribution: distribution is a logistics and delivery service in which goods move from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time spanDirect cost :a direct cost is one that goes directly to a cost centre or cost unitFixed cost: fixed costs are those that do not vary over a given period neither will it be affected by mileage or vehicle activityTime value: time value is logistics refers to the difference in value of the same goods at different timeMRP : MRP is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company to distribute all resources economically while satisfying the demand of the marketE-business: E-business or E-commerce refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized data。



物流管理专业外文翻译外文文献英文文献附录英文资料原文:From the perspective of modern logistics systems, storage is an important part of logistics is the logistics system, distribution center, hoping for effective logistics warehouse here, scientific management and control, so that the logistics system more smoothly, more reasonable to run. In this paper, the importance of starting from the warehouse, combining theory and practice, through an enterprise storage andlogistics activities in the "space" and "cargo space" to analyze how the activities in the warehouse through the "space" and "cargo space "management to improve storage efficiency, reduce storage costs.Case Background: Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. of a storage management. A Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. located in Guangdong Huizhou Jinyuan Industrial Zone, which was established in 1998, is a professional lighting devices and electrical equipment manufacturers, it is the industry's leading enterprises. With excellent product quality, excellent service, the access to the customer's extensive approval and praise. In order to adapt to the new form of strategic development needs, the Company's existing network of integrated customer relationship, across the country set up the 35 operations centers, improve the company's supply chain, logistics, warehousing and distribution systems and customer service system. The company is headquartered Total finishedgoods warehouse 3, namely a set of finished products warehouse, finished products and finished second group of three storage warehouses. They are based on different types of products in different product sub-warehouses: one product a warehouse on the first floor is to facilitate the shipment into, so it is relatively types of goods stored there are more point, such as lamp, lamp panel and so on. And all of the export goods are stored in a group. Finished second group is mainly warehouse track lights, metal halide lamp, T4 lamp, T5 lamp and light. The company's several light sources are stored in the warehouse two groups finished. Three major stored product warehouse specific grid lamps, ceiling lamps, track lights, and some other companies products.1 An analysis of warehouse storage spaceWarehouse storage system's main elements include storage space, goods, personnel and equipment and other factors. Storage is the storage of the core functions and key links, storage area plan is reasonable or not directly affect the operational efficiency of warehouse and storage capacity. Therefore, the effective use of storage space as warehouse management is one important factor of good or bad. The company'sproducts sell well. Frequency of a large warehouse storage, goods flow also great. The company's warehouse space layout is stored on theshelves of goods, three-dimensional space utilization is not high, sohe's warehouse is not very high degree of mechanization, storage, only forklifts, including hand trucks and electric forklift. Warehouse operation methods, generally with a forklift, rarely manpower for thereceipt of goods, which are materials used to send and receive cards, every time shipping and receiving cards will be done in the send and receive registration materials, so we usually check very convenient goods such as some of the follow-up results from the present work seems to still relatively high efficiency, operation is quite easy. So the whole way of operating the company's warehouse is quite reasonable. The warehouse usually because the storage space is often not enough and the goods stored in the work space position. Particularly in the sales season, the warehouse storage products especially crowded, working up inside people feel a little depressedfeeling. So not very reasonable storage operating environment. The warehouse, data storage costs a statistical look fairly reasonable, because it costs very little equipment, fixed storage cost is not very high, while the storage cost is the cost of the class structure, so storage costs are therefore not very high.Storage warehouse for storage of goods that is as functional space.Storage space = potential use of physical space + space + space + operations useless space. Physical space, which means the goods were in fact occupied the space. The company's warehouse, its physical space accounted for 75% of the warehouse; the potential use of space accounted for 10%; work space and accounts for about 10% as the company's warehouse mechanization is not high, so a small point of space does not work What effect, its security is also essential to meet the requirements intermittent; his useless space accounted for about 5%. Onthe whole, the warehouse space utilization is high, there is a little crowded phenomenon. Analysis: the relative reduction should be the use of some physical space to increase the number of intermittent operations such as space, safety of space use. In addition, space and vertical space from the plane of view, the level of space has been put to good use, but the use of vertical space is not high, it can be considered top shelf, or high-level automatic three-dimensional shelf, to make better use of vertical space.2 rack management analysisRack management refers to the goods into warehouse, on the goods handling, how to put, place, etc. where a reasonable and effective planning and management. The disposal of goods, how to place, mainly by the strategic decision taken by the storage of goods of a specific storage location, will have to combine the principles of location assignment related to the decision. The company's warehouse storage rack management approach is used in positioning guidelines to follow. Positioning refers to each type of storage or storage of goods are fixed for each cargo space, cargo space of goods can not be interoperable. Therefore, when planning cargo space, cargo space for each volume of goods shall not be less than the possible maximum amount in the bank. However, in actual operation, the positioning of different storage conditions generally done in accordance with appropriate adjustments, it will make changes based on the actual situation. Cargo space in the warehouse management in the work by the staff of the company, combiningtheory with practice, carried out positioning, fixed-point, quantitative management principles, therefore, Ta cargo-bit capability is not Quanbu Anzhaozuida conducted in the library volume positioning, as the company's products belong to relatively large seasonal variations in the product, if the maximum amount set in the library space utilization will fall to the warehouse, so wastage of resources.- As all the libraries in the digital warehouse are stored with the principles of positioning, in accordance with the current situation of the company's warehouse, all use the principle of positioning is not very reasonable storage should be in accordance with the different characteristics of products and storage requirements, the product classification For important product, a small number of products used variety store positioning. And because almost all of the company's products feature the same features they are not mutually exclusive, this product features from the point of view is they could be put together randomly.In addition, the company's warehouse management, distribution of cargo spaces You are also a number of principles: (1) FIFO principle, Ji is the ancestor of goods, first-out library library principles, the principles generally applicable to a short life cycle of goods. (2) the principle of facing channel, referring to the goods of the mark, name the face of passageways so that theoperator can easily simple identification, it allows the retentionof goods, access to easy and efficient manner, which is to the warehouseto be fluent in the basic principles of operation. (3) weight characteristics of the principle, meaning that according to the weight of different goods to determine the level of goods in the storage location of places. In general, the weight should be kept on the ground or the lower shelf position, light goods were kept in the upper shelf location. In the case of manual handling operations carried out when the people of waist height for the custody of heavy or large items, while above the waist height of the light used to keep the goods or small items. This principle, the use of the safety and shelf manual handling operations have great significance. According to this principle, the company's warehouse stocking on the use of the fruit picking type. In this way, the storage requirements of the company's present situation is very reasonable, but also for staff is also very convenient.In the specific cargo space management process, we can see that the above description: they still use more modern management methods and principles. These methods and principles. For most of the moretraditional business management for storage or a more scientific and reasonable. Of course, in the management of the process there will be issues, such as operation in practice, some operators do not pay attention, not careful, careless also makes some of the principles of our implementation is not good enough. In the company's product sales, and warehouse management appears cargo space confusion, some products will be stored in the operating channel and the secure channel, so that is not conducive to our operations, warehouse operations particularlyaffect the safety of personnel, there are security risks. Because these problems often are especially prominent when the season, so these problems, the author suggested that some of the goods stored in the open yard, but the time to do well in the storage protection. 3 proposed ABC Classified Management ApplicationsTo conduct an effective inventory management and control, we mustfirst sort of inventory, only then can we better manage the goods and control. Therefore, I analyzed that in the original storage facilities under the same conditions, using ABC classification of goods for the implementation and management. This can effectively use the original storage space and cargo space. Through the analysis of goods to identify the primary and secondary, classification queue. According to Barrett curve reveals the "critical few and minor majority" rule should be applied in the management. Therefore, in accordance with product value, sales, shortage cost, or order in advance of other indicators toclassify the product. A class of products which are the highest value of inventory, general inventory of its total inventory of 15%, while the value of it is accounted for 70% ~ 80%; B products are middle of the stock value of these species 30% of the total inventory value of the total value of 15% to 25%; while the C class product is the value of the bottom of the inventory, its value is only 5% of the total value, but it accounts for the total inventory stocks 55%. Storage can be classified by goods and different products for each type of different management strategies developed to implement different control measures. In themanagement process, the products for A to require warehousing products are all everyday to inspect and inventory, the operation should be careful, can significantly embodiment up such products other products Butong between, were the focus of management; on B products, managed by sub-key can be 2 to 3 days to inspect and inventory. At the same time,do not neglect the management of products on the C, C products every week to conduct an inspection and inventory.We know from the analysis, storage operations, "space", "cargo space" and its scientific and rational management is an important partof warehouse management, warehousing costs alsoaffect the cost of important factors. Through practical examples of some of the storagemanagement problem analysis and research, through analysis and study of these issues, so wehave deeper storage management to understand, storage has its own management principles, weshould abide by and seriously the implementation of these principles. When in use thecombination of theory and practice, so that our warehouse and our theory more in tune with theactual operation. Only the combination of theory and practice to our knowledge to the limits.中文译文从现代物流系统观点来看,仓储是物流的一个重要环节,是物流系统的调运中心,希望在仓储这里对物流进行有效、科学地管理与控制,使物流系统更顺畅、更合理地运行。



物流专用术语物流基本概念术语1.物品article2.物流logistics3.物流活动logistics activity4.物流作业logistics operation5.物流模数logistics modulus6.物流技术logistics technology7.物流成本logistics cost8.物流管理logistics management9.物流中心logistics center10.物流网络logistics network11.物流信息logistics information12.物流企业logistics enterprise13.物流单证logistics documents14.物流联盟logistics alliance15.供应物流supply logistics16.生产物流production logistics17.销售物流distribution logistics18.回收物流returned logistics19.废弃物物流waste material logistics20.绿色物流environmental logistics21.企业物流internal logistics22.社会物流external logistics23.军事物流military logistics24.国际物流international logistics25.第三方物流third—part logistics (TPL)26.定制物流customized logistics27.虚拟物流virtual logistics28.增值物流服务value—added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain30.条码bar code31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)32.有形消耗tangible loss33.无形消耗intangible loss物流作业术语1.运输transportation2.联合运输combined transport3.直达运输through transport4.中转运输transfer transport5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport 6.集装运输containerized transport 7.集装箱运输container transport8.门到门door-to-door9.整箱货full container load (FCL) 10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL 11.储存storing12.保管storage13.物品储存article reserves14.库存inventory15.经常库存cycle stock16.安全库存safety stick17.库存周期inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期)lead time 19.订货处理周期order cycle time 20.货垛goods stack21.堆码stacking22.搬运handing/carrying23.装卸loading and unloading24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging26.销售包装sales package27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装neutral packing29.运输包装transport package30.托盘包装palletizing31.集装化containerization32.散装化containerization33.直接换装cross docking34.配送distribution35.共同配送joint distribution36.配送中心distribution center37.分拣sorting38.拣选order picking39.集货goods collection40.组配assembly41.流通加工distribution processing 42.冷链cold chain43.检验inspection物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库warehouse2.库房storehouse3.自动化仓库automatic warehouse 4.4.立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库virtual warehouse6.保税仓库boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物cargo under customer’s supervision9.冷藏区chill space10.冷冻区freeze space11.控湿储存区humidity controlled space12.温度可控区temperature controlled space13.收货区receiving space14.发货区shipping space15.料棚goods shed16.货场goods yard17.货架goods shelf18.托盘pallet19.叉车fork lift truck20.输送机conveyor21.自动导引车automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22.箱式车box car23.集装箱container24.换算箱twenty—feet equivalent unit (TEU)25.特种货物集装箱specific cargo container26.全集装箱船full container ship27.铁路集装箱场railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站inland container depot29.集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS)30.集装箱码头container terminal31.国际铁路联运international through railway transport32.国际多式联运international multimodal transport33.大陆桥运输land bridge transport34.班轮运输liner transport35.租船运输shipping by chartering36.船务代理shipping agency37.国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent38.理货tally39.国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance 40.报关customs declaration41.报关行customs broker42.进出口商品检验commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略logistics strategy2.物流战略管理logistics strategy management3.仓库管理warehouse management4.仓库布局warehouse layout5.库存控制inventory control6.经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式fixed-quantity system (FIS)9.ABC分类管理ABC classification10.电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS)11.准时制just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流just-in-time logistics13.零库存技术zero—inventory logistics14.物流成本管理logistics cost control15.物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP)16.制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19.物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP)20.企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理supply chain management (SCM)22.快速反映Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR)24.连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP) 25.计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26.供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.业务外包outsourcing度量单位汇总克 Gram g。



翻译However,logistics can mean different things to different organizations.Some firms are more concerned with producing the benefits;that is, their management focus is on the flow of raw materais into the production process rather than on delivering the final goods to the user.然而,对物流可以表达了不同的事物,不同的组织机构。


There are a variety of product characteristics that have a direct,and often important,impact on the development and operation of a distribution system.This impact can affect both the structure of the system and the cost of the system.The major characteristics are;有各种各样的产品的特点,有一个直接的、非常重要,影响着发展和运作的配电系统。


主要特点;Several well-known firms involved in logistics relationships owe much of their success to the notion of information utilized to share this one another.Among the most notable examples are Procter and Gamble and WALMart.Through a series if agreements with giant retall customers.P G has made a major commitment to the development of dedicated customer teams tohandle these major accounts.A primary objective of these teams is to facilitate the sharing of information between the firms and will typically address a full range of logistics, finance, and accounting.多家知名公司参与物流关系欠它们的许多成功的概念来分享这一信息利用另一种形式。

























1. Supply chain consists of firms collaborating take advantage of strategic position and to improve operating efficiency.
Summary 本章小结
The chapter focuses on the concept of supply chain and supply chain management. Supply chain consists of firms collaborating to serve the needs of end-customers. Supply chain consists of firms collaborating to take advantage of strategic position and to improve operating efficiency.
True or False 判断对错
1.There are a variety of definition about the term "logistics", each have slightly different meaning.
2. Logistics involves the flow and storage of "goods, services, and related information".
5. Good customer service is to make sure that the right person receive the right product with the right quantity at the right place at the right time in the right condition, even the cost is very high.



仓储物流外文文献翻译中英文原文及译文2023-2023原文1:The Current Trends in Warehouse Management and LogisticsWarehouse management is an essential component of any supply chain and plays a crucial role in the overall efficiency and effectiveness of logistics operations. With the rapid advancement of technology and changing customer demands, the field of warehouse management and logistics has seen several trends emerge in recent years.One significant trend is the increasing adoption of automation and robotics in warehouse operations. Automated systems such as conveyor belts, robotic pickers, and driverless vehicles have revolutionized the way warehouses function. These technologies not only improve accuracy and speed but also reduce labor costs and increase safety.Another trend is the implementation of real-time tracking and visibility systems. Through the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags and GPS (global positioning system) technology, warehouse managers can monitor the movement of goods throughout the entire supply chain. This level of visibility enables better inventory management, reduces stockouts, and improves customer satisfaction.Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainability in warehouse management and logistics. Many companies are implementing environmentally friendly practices such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and alternativetransportation methods. These initiatives not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions but also result in cost savings and improved brand image.Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become integral parts of warehouse management. AI-powered systems can analyze large volumes of data to optimize inventory levels, forecast demand accurately, and improve operational efficiency. Machine learning algorithms can also identify patterns and anomalies, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.In conclusion, warehouse management and logistics are continuously evolving fields, driven by technological advancements and changing market demands. The trends discussed in this article highlight the importance of adopting innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, visibility, sustainability, and overall performance in warehouse operations.译文1:仓储物流管理的当前趋势仓储物流管理是任何供应链的重要组成部分,并在物流运营的整体效率和效力中发挥着至关重要的作用。



Chapter 1Logistics and competitive strategyHighlights the principles of competitive strategy and the pursuit of differentiation through the development of productivity and value advantage.强调竞争策略的原则,说明应通过发展生产力和价值优势来追求产品差异化。

The definition of Logistics management(物流管理定义)Logistics is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the organization and its marketing channels in sucha way that current and future profitability are maximizedthrough the cost-effective fulfillment of orders.物流是一个过程,它对企业及其所有营销渠道,从战略的角度管理原材料、零部件和最终库存品(包括相关信息流)的采购、流通和存储,以低成本完成订单,从而实现当前和未来的收益最大化 advantageWhat’s the basic successful factors in the marke tplace (成功三要素)it is the “Three C’S” :The CompanyIt’s CustomersIt’s CompetitorsWhat’s the source of competitive advantage(竞争优势)The source of competitive advantage is found firstly in the ability of the organization to differentiate itself, in the eyes of the customers, from its competition and secondly by operating at a lower cost and hence at greater profit.竞争优势首先源于企业标新立异的能力,企业只有自身与众不同,才能在客户眼中脱颖而出;其次,竞争优势源于比竞争对手更低的运营成本及因此获得的高利润。



What is logistics Management?什么是物流管理1.The Definition of logistics物流管理的定义After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the t ransfer of goodsfrom the supplier(seller)to the customer(buyer) in the most cost-effective manner。

This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process,hardware such as logistics facilities and equipm ent (logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control an d standardization。

In addition,supports from the government and l ogistics association should be in place。



在转运过程中,像物流设施和设备(物流运输工具)之类的硬件是必要的,也需要信息控制和标准化管理. 另外,来自政府和物流协会的支持应该到位。

Three major functions of logistics.物流的三个主要功能(1)Creating time value:same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process,whichis professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time v aluefor goods。



What is logistics Management? 什么是物流管理1.The Definition of logistics物流管理的定义After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the t ransfer of goodsfrom the supplier(seller)to the customer(buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipme nt (logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the government and logistic s association should be in place.完成商业交易后物流将以最有效的成本方式以最有效的成本方式实行从供应商(卖方)到客户(买方)货物转运。




Three major functions of logistics.物流的三个主要功能(1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at diff erent times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is p rofessionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.创造时间价值:同样的货物在不同的时间有不同的价值。

物流专业英语 Chapter Four Shipment,Track and Delivery

物流专业英语 Chapter Four  Shipment,Track and Delivery

Lee: You can see the delivery date and other details in the delivery notice. I have sent it to you through the information system. Peter: Ok. I will check it as soon as possible.
conveyance [kənˈveɪəns] n. 传送,表达;运输工具;交通 工具; 产权转让证书 distribution [ˌdɪstrɪ'bju:ʃn] n.分配,运销,分销,散 步,分布 inventory ['ɪnvəntrɪ] n.存货,库存 transit ['trænzɪt] n.搬运,载运,通过,中转,过境 vt.vi.通过,经过 freight [freɪt] n.货运;货物 vt.运输,装货于 truckload [ˈtrʌkləʊd] n.一货车的容量 vehicles ['vi:ɪklz] n.交通工具,车辆;传播媒介,手段
Allen: Would you please give me some examples of our major clients at present? Lee: At present, one of our major client is Lee Kum Kee. Our main task is the do intensive distribution for it, that is delivering products to all wholesalers and retailers according to customer orders. Allen: It can’t imagine how heavy the workload is.



——Introduction to logistics——物流导论1. 物流定义物流,物流中心,以及物料的流动特性都被称为物流。


在20世纪60年代后,日本引入了这样的概念, 即:物流是实现产品和消费品之间的管理、运输、物流搬运、包装等联系的过程,并且作为一种信息角色的支持来控制这类功能。










1.1 这是一个“计划、实施和控制过程”首先,物流是一个“计划,实施和控制”的过程。



1.2 关于“有效与高效流动和储存”请注意,该定义还提到了“有效和高效流动和储存”。




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0811010213 张劭君P51_P55Service response logistics activities物流活动——服务与响应Service response logistics has three primary activities: waiting time, capacity, and delivery (see Figure 4.1). Waiting time refers to the management of the time a customer must wait before the service is consumed or rendered. Capacity is the management, scheduling, and staffing of people and equipment to meet a predetermined level of customer service that is consistent with preestablished cost trade-offs. Scheduling too little capacity may lead to lost sales, while scheduling too much may enhance customer service levels but unprofitable increase operations costs. The third service response logistics activity is delivery. It is defined as choosing the distribution channels to deliver the service to the customer.物流的服务与响应有三个首要的活动:等待时间,能力(容积)和送货(见表4.1)。






The three service response logistics activities must operate together to meet customer service requirements. If they do not operate as a system, they do not yield the full benefits. Also, service response logistics must coordinate with the rest of logistics. Almost all products have service attached to them, and many services have attached products. That is why the model in Figure 4.1 shows traditional logistics activities and service response activities as a coordinated system.为了满足客户服务需求,三个物流的服务与响应的活动必须同时运行。





Evolution of the integrated logistics concept集成物流概念的演变To those not involved in integrated logistics, it appeared from out of the blue. This is far from the truth!Integrated logistics has been around throughout human history. The great explorers like Alexander the Great, Columbus, and Magellan applied logistics concepts to expand territories and find shorter trade routes. The term “logistics”as used today originated in the military during World War Ⅱ. Military logistics focused on the strategic movement of military personnel and supplies. When military logisticians returned from the war, they began to apply what they had learned to theproblems of business logistics.那些没有牵涉到集成物流的*出乎意料的出现。






In the early 1960s, Peter Drucker brought the concept to the forefront. In an article entitled“The Economy’s Dark Continent,”Drucker said that:“We know little more today about distribution than Napoleon’s contemporaries knew about the interior of Africa. We know it is there, and we know it is big, and that’s about all.”20世纪60年代早期,彼得德鲁克使物流的概念成为社会的主流。



”In that same article, Drucker also pointed out that distribution was a last frontier for top management to find strategic efficiencies. Then, distribution referred to many of the activities included in today’s concept of integrated logistics.在这篇文章中,德鲁克也指出物流配送是一个对高层管理寻找战略效率来说唯一剩下的尚待开发的领域。


Many variables affected the evolution and growth of integrated logistics. The first was the growth of consumer awareness and the marketing concept of the 1960s Product lines expanded to meet the rising demand for more selections. This product line expansion put great pressure on distribution channels to move more products and keep costs down, especially in transportation and inventory.许多变量的影响着集成物流的演变和发展。



A second factor was the introduction of the computer. Computer experts and integrated logistics managers quickly found a multitude of computer applications for logistics. These applications offered still greater efficiency in transportation routing and scheduling, inventory control, warehouse layout and design, and every aspect of integrated logistics. In fact, computers allowed integrated logistics managers to model integrated logistics systems and then analyze the effects of proposed changes; this application greatly advanced the system’s approach.第二个因素就是计算机的引进。



