
He's the general director of the Truman show. Everything about Truman is under his control.He can control everything in the Seaheaven island,including the sun, the moon,the tide the weather and so on.
Strange Experiences
One day,a strange thing changes his whole life.He meets a man who just looks like his dead father.He feel excited and confused.He decides to find out the truth. And the abnormal things just follow with him. He finds the other people,including his best friend and wife, seem to work together to conceal something.
She is the beautiful wife of Truman. And she did everything possible to prevent Truman from leaving the Seaheaven island.
She is Truman's first love.She told Truman his life is just an arranged soap opera.However, a man claiming to be Sylvia's father told Truman that she was mentally ill and he was ready to take her to Fiji for medical treatment.

• 技术的发展、物质的充裕,究竟是解放了 人还是束缚了人? • 究竟是把人推向了更加自主的方向,还是 把他更加失去了自我,更加远离了真实的 世界和鲜活的人生?
“他可以随时离开—如果他有这样清晰 的目标,如果他有这样坚定的决心去发 现事情的真相—那么,我们谁也无法 阻止他离开。”
其实,内心的禁锢,比外在的约束更 可怕,一旦你鼓起勇气,迈出那一步,你 会发现,横在面前的困难,就像《楚门的 世界》中那蓝天大海一样,只是一块薄薄 的道具墙而已。
《 The Truman’s World 》 《楚门的世界》
• 作为一个不受期待的生命,主人公Truman Burbank 被电视网络公司收养,在一个宁静和谐的小岛生活。 • 他与周围的人们愉快融洽地相处着,还娶到了一位 美丽的妻子。每一天对他来说,都是那竟然都是电 视台的安排。
• 他生活的社区是一个巨大的摄影棚,他的朋 友、邻居,甚至是妻子都不过是演员而已。 • 从小时候开始,他的一切行踪便被隐藏的摄 像机拍了下来,并且成为了一部受到全球观 众喜爱的电视剧集。
• 为了维持收视率,电视台的幕后操纵者千 方百计地隐瞒着一切。
• Truman 厌倦了这种监狱似的生活,于是, 他踏上了逃亡之路,开始了对新生活的追 寻……
Born as a TV star, Truman is imprisoned in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life. He doesn’t know that his world is designed, everyone he meets with, all his friends, his wife, even his parents are just actors, the sunrise, the air, the city, the rain, everything is designed and created, his life is just a TV show. All of these made Truman feel that all these years he spent on this island were so comfort and easy, just as the world should be. He dreamt to be an explorer, but was told the world had nothing to explore. He dreamt to leave the island, but indirectly resulted his father’s “death”. He dreamt to fall in love with the girl he likes, but only to be told that she was a psychopath. And at last, he realized that there was something wrong with the world he lived in. leading by his dream, he managed to get out, leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.

楚门的世界英文简介The Truman Show is a 1998 American comedy-drama film directed by Peter Weir, written by Andrew Niccol, andstarring Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. The film tells thestory of Truman, who, unaware that his life is the subject of a popular television show, is living in a simulated town named Seahaven.The film opens with a pan shot of Seahaven Island, accompanied by the fervent, manufactured enthusiasm of its inhabitants. As the camera moves higher, it reveals the town itself, a sprawling heavily monitored community nestled inthe middle of a giant soundstage. On the surface, Seahaven exudes the American dream, a perfect town full of happypeople and wealth.Truman is the protagonist of the fictional television show called The Truman Show, which is broadcasted live around the world 24 hours a day. Unbeknownst to him, Truman’sentire life has been a production, orchestrated by Christof, the show’s creator and director. Since Truman’s birth,every aspect of his life has been recorded for the entertainment of the masses. Most of the people in his life including his parents, wife and friends are actually actors and every element of Seahaven is controlled and manipulatedby Christof and his team. Even the weather and sunlight areall part of an enormous, carefully constructed illusion.The rest of the film follows Truman’s gradualrealization that his entire world is a lie, as he strugglesto break free from the show’s control and confront its maker;a task that eventually leads him up the stairs of the set’s biggest set piece, and into the real world beyond.The Truman Show is an exploration of reality, identity, and freedom. It calls to mind how our lives can be spinning out of control, manipulated by forces beyond our control. In the end, it challenges us to challenge the authority and to break free of our own preconceived notions. It forces us to think, “Am I living my life the way I choose, or am I merely a puppet on someone else’s strings?”。

但伪装始终是伪装,真相最终暴露出来。Truman 厌倦了 这种监狱似的生活,于是,他踏上了逃亡之路,开始了对新 生活的追寻……
Born as a TV star, Truman is imprisoned in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life. He doesn’t know that his world is designed, everyone he meets with, all his friends, his wife, even his parents are just actors, the sunrise, the air, the city, the rain, everything is designed and created, his life is just a TV show. All of these made Truman feel that all these years he spent on this island were so comfort and easy, just as the world should be. He dreamt to be an explorer, but was told the world had nothing to explore. He dreamt to leave the island, but indirectly resulted his father’s “death”. He dreamt to fall in love with the girl he likes, but only to be told that she was a psychopath. And at last, he realized that there was something wrong with the world he lived in. leading by his dream, he managed to get out, leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.

The film is framed around(围绕着) the television show "The Truman Show". Its main character, Truman Burbank, has lived his entire life since before birth in front of cameras for the show, though he himself is unaware of this fact. (整体介 绍)
“In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.”
• 导演在建立这个世界的目的是想看到一个更真实的楚门,因为他认为 真实的世界缺少“真实”,而虚假的世界里有楚门的 “真实”。随着 时代的发展,难道我们的世界越来越不真实了么?真实的世界的确存 在着许许多多的欺骗、谎言,因为这就是真实的世界!但是我们心存 希望的去接受这个世界,用心去感受真实,用善良去包容谎言。就想 楚门最后的选择一样,他没有选择逃避,而是勇敢的接受真实世界的 挑战。因为那才是真实的!
When Truman start to wondering about his life, he try to leave “the world”. Finally, after much difficulty he find the door of "EXIT".
“ there’s no more truth out there……than there is in the world I created for you ,the same lies ,the same deceit .but in my world ,you have nothing to fear. Iknow you better than you know yourself. You can’t leave,Truman. You belong here.

The Truth
Truman was born in front of a camera, all his life is a TV show. The island is a huge studio, all the people on the island are actors of the TV show.
. Andrew Niccol
Director-Peter Weir
Australian director One of the most attractive directors in Hollywood Feature films: Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社 (1989) The Truman Show 楚门的世
Major Achievement:
The 71st Annual Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖) :
(Nominated)Best Supporting Actor –Ed Harris
(Nominated)Best Directing –Peter Weir
(Nominated)Best Wr Nhomakorabeating Original Screenplay-
Main supporting actorChristof-Ed Harris
Born in 1950, America. Three times nominated the Academy Awards. Feature films: The Rock 勇闯夺命岛 (1996) A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 (2001)


Daisy Wu
(Drama/Comedy) (1998)
Major Characters: Truman Burbank..............................Jim Carrey Meryl(Truman's wife)ura Linney Christof( the show's director)……....Ed Harris
TRUMAN Was nothing real?
CHRIS;s what made you so good to watch. Listen to me, Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.
TRUMAN You never had a camera in my head!
CHRISTOF You're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. The episode when you lost your first tooth. You can't leave, Truman. You belong here...With me. Talk to me. Say something. 'ell, say something, goddamnit! You're on television! You're live to the whole world!

TRUMAN (to the audience) In case I don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Hahaha! Yeah!
Knowing your destiny is arranged by others, will you be brave to face it and get rid of it?
Information about the movie The Truman 中译名:S楚ho门w的世界
(Drama/Comedy) (1998)
Major Characters: Truman Burbank..............................Jim Carrey Meryl(Truman’s wife)ura Linney Christof( the show’s director)……....Ed Harris
Curtain call to his unreal life Step on the stair to the world
The lines
Was nothing real?
CHRISTOF YOU were real. That's what made you so good to watch. Listen to me, Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.

英语作文向别人介绍楚门的世界Welcome to the world of Truman!Truman Burbank lives in a picturesque town called Seahaven, but little does he know that his entire life is being broadcasted live on television to millions of people around the world. All his friends, family, and even his wife are actors hired to play their roles in his carefully constructed reality.As Truman begins to question the truth of his world, he starts to notice inconsistencies and strange occurrences that lead him to uncover the truth. Determined to escape the confines of his artificial existence, Truman embarks on a journey to find freedom and discover the real world beyond Seahaven.Filled with suspense, drama, and heartwarming moments, "The Truman Show" is a thought-provoking film that challengesthe boundaries of reality and the power of human resilience. Join Truman on his unforgettable adventure as he breaks free from the confines of his carefully orchestrated world and embraces the unknown with courage and determination.Experience the magic of "The Truman Show" and let yourself be captivated by its powerful message about the importance of being true to oneself and never giving up on your dreams. Truman's world may be artificial, but his journey is real and inspiring.。

• 技术的发展、物质的充裕,究竟是解放了 人还是束缚了人? • 究竟是把人推向了更加自主的方向,还是 把他更加失去了自我,更加远离了真实的 世界和鲜活的人生?
“他可以随时离开—如果他有这样清晰 的目标,如果他有这样坚定的决心去发 现事情的真相—那么,我们谁也无法 阻止他离开。”
其实,内心的禁锢,比外在的约束更 可怕,一旦你鼓起勇气,迈出那一步,你 会发现,横在面前的困难,就像《楚门的 世界》中那蓝天大海一样,只是一块薄薄 的道具墙而已。
《 The Truman’s World 》 《楚门的世界》
• 作为一个不受期待的生命,主人公Truman Burbank 被电视网络公司收养,在一个宁静和谐的小岛生活。 • 他与周围的人们愉快融洽地相处着,还娶到了一位 美丽的妻子。没有想到的是,这一切竟然都是电 视台的安排。
• 他生活的社区是一个巨大的摄影棚,他的朋 友、邻居,甚至是妻子都不过是演员而已。 • 从小时候开始,他的一切行踪便被隐藏的摄 像机拍了下来,并且成为了一部受到全球观 众喜爱的电视剧集。
• 为了维持收视率,电视台的幕后操纵者千 方百计地隐瞒着一切。
• Truman 厌倦了这种监狱似的生活,于是, 他踏上了逃亡之路,开始了对新生活的追 寻……

Run away
Truman decides to run away. But the TV show director doesn’t want him to make it. He makes a storm on the sea.
The end
Truman overcomes the storm, at last, he find the exit of the studio. He starts his new life! And the TV show goes to its end.
Information about the movie
(Drama/Comedy) (1998)
Major Achievement: The 71st Annual Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖) : (Nominated)Best Supporting Actor –Ed Harris (Nominated)Best Directing –Peter Weir (Nominated)Best Writing Original Screenplay-
Andrew Niccol
Director-Peter Weir
Australian director One of the most attractive directors in Hollywood Feature films: Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社 (1989) The Truman Show 楚门的世
Chief actor-Truman-Jim Carrey
Canadian actor. World famous comedian. His facial expressions are very rich. People call him “the rubber man”. Feature films: The Mask 变相怪杰 (1994) The Truman Show 楚门的世 界 (1998) Bruce Almighty 冒牌天神 (2003)

Niccol Three times nominated the Academy Awards.
directors in Hollywood
But the TV show director doesn’t want him to make it. He decides to find out the truth.
Information about the movie
(Drama/Comedy) (1998)
Major Achievement: The 71st Annual Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖) : (Nominated)Best Supporting Actor –Ed Harris (Nominated)Best Directing –Peter Weir (Nominated)Best Writing Original Screenplay-
Andrew Niccol
Director-Peter Weir
Australian director Truman’s life is an arranged life, maybe it looks so perfect, you don’t need to care about education, work, health and so on, but it
The Truth
Truman was born in front of a camera, all his life is a TV show. The island is a huge studio, all the people on the island are actors of the TV show.
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然而,他所不知道的是,这一切竟然都是电视台的安排。 他生活的社区是一个巨大的摄影棚,他的母亲、朋友、同学、 同事、给予他善意暗示的初恋情人、失而复得的父亲、缺乏 共同语言的妻子都不过是演员,他每天生活的空间中,一切 都是制造出来的,包括空气、大海、城市、打雷和下雨…… 。 从小时候开始,他的一切行踪便被隐藏的摄像机拍了下来, 并且成为了一部受到全球观众喜爱的电视剧集。为了维持收 视率,电视台的幕后操纵者千方百计地隐瞒着一切。
___________________________________ _______________
场景截取段为楚门在到达巨大影棚 边缘,即将迈入现实社会时与创造者的 对话。创造者在天上巨大的控制室里向 楚门讲述了事情的来龙去脉,并告诉楚 门他如今已经是世界上最受欢迎的明星, 他今天所取得的一切是常人无法想象的, 如果他愿留在海景就可继续明星生活, 楚门不为所动,毅然走向远方的自由之 路。
但伪装始终是伪装,真相最终暴露出来。Truman 厌倦了 这种监狱似的生活,于是,他踏上了逃亡之路,开始了对新 生活的追寻……
___________________________________ ________பைடு நூலகம்______
Born as a TV star, Truman is imprisoned in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life. He doesn’t know that his world is designed, everyone he meets with, all his friends, his wife, even his parents are just actors, the sunrise, the air, the city, the rain, everything is designed and created, his life is just a TV show. All of these made Truman feel that all these years he spent on this island were so comfort and easy, just as the world should be. He dreamt to be an explorer, but was told the world had nothing to explore. He dreamt to leave the island, but indirectly resulted his father’s “death”. He dreamt to fall in love with the girl he likes, but only to be told that she was a psychopath. And at last, he realized that there was something wrong with the world he lived in. leading by his dream, he managed to get out, leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.
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