硕士综合英语教程1参考译文Unit 1创建低碳经济概述1.对于主要由人类活动而迅速积累的温室气体引发了全球变暖这一事实,没有人再持有异议。
Unit 4(Para. 1) In the last few centuries, marriage has been connected to romantic love. This kind of package deal is not easy to maintain and indeed many people fail while trying to do so. Nevertheless, most people still pursue this deal. This is another type of paradox associated with marriage.在过去的几个世纪里,婚姻总是和浪漫的爱情联系起来。
package adj. 一揽子的 vt. 打包;将…包装package deal 一揽子交易,一揽子交易中的条款nevertheless adv. 然而,不过;虽然如此 conj. 然而,不过paradox n. 悖论,反论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事(Para. 2)Some of the main difficulties of this package deal are the following: (a) in modern society, marriage is no longer unique in fulfilling tasks such as raising children and enhancing one’s status and financial situation,(b) long-term romantic relationships are problematic in that they lack significant changes, which are so meaningful to emotions in general and love in particular, and (c) the greater flexibility of romantic boundaries in modern society make it harder to maintain strict emotional connections and constraints, such as those recommended in marriage.要实现这一揽子交易,有如下几点主要的困难:1. 在现代社会,婚姻已不是实现像抚养孩子,加强个人地位,及改善经济状况等任务的惟一形式。
硕士英语综合教程2课后翻译UNIT 11.探索的魔力会激励我们年轻人去学习数学、科学以及工程学,并为我们培养出新一代的改革者和开拓者。
The fascination generated by further exploration will inspire our young people to study math, and science, and engineering and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.2.一回到英国,他就利用媒体的高知名度,作为进入政坛的踏板。
Uponreturning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.3.由于业务的自然增长,你将会时时处于忙碌的状态,并且必须能够接受倒班,包括在夜间和周末上班。
Owing to the nature of every growing business,you will need to be on the go constantly,and also be on the go prepared to work shift work,including nights and weekends.4.在澳大利亚,汽油价格也出现下降。
In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.5.亚洲经济出现了积极的态势,一些国家已经克服金融危机的影响并且恢复发展,亚洲再次成为全球经济增长的焦点。
Unit 1 成功机构,以人为本
“ 我们公司的经营模式是公司和每一位员工共同成功,绝不落下任何人,这也是成功 经营一个企业的典范……” ——霍华德·舒尔茨 1. 英特尔公司奉行它。微软、摩托罗拉、戈尔、西南航空公司、班杰瑞、惠普、林肯电 气以及星巴克也都奉行它。它是什么?它就是这些公司所奉行的“以人为本” 的策略。 2. 越来越多的例子证明,成功的组织都是以人为本的。为什么?因为精明的经理人们已 经认识到他们企业的员工才是它们唯一真正的竞争优势。竞争者可以在产品、工艺、 选址、销售渠道等诸多方面与其不相上下,但却很难效仿的是拥有一支由专业素质高 和工作动机强的人组成的劳动力队伍。几乎在所有的行业,那些成功的公司之所以超 越它们的对手们,主要的区别就在于他们所能够得到和留住想要的人。 3. 哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化 的多样性。它们根据年龄、性别和种族积极寻求一支多元化的员工队伍。第二,它们 具有家庭氛围。 公司通过为其员工提供灵活的工作时间以及现场托儿服务设施等帮助 员工平衡工作和个人职责之间的关系。第三,它们对员工培训进行投资。这些公司花 费巨资以确保员工的技能水平始终保持最新状态。 这不仅确保员工可以处理该公司的 最新技术和工艺,而且还使这样的员工极具市场竞争力。第四,以人为本的公司将权 力下放给员工。它们将权力和义务下放到公司的最底层。 4. 那些奉行以人为本的组织拥有一支更敬业、更忠诚的工作团队。因而这样的团队精神 转化成了高生产率和工作满意度。 这些员工会愿意做出更大的努力——为了准确彻底 地完成他们的工作,他们会全力以赴。我们来看一看其中的一个因奉行“以人为本”而 取得成功的公司:星巴克。 星巴克的卓越成就 5. 让你在咖啡中醒来!——星巴克无处不在。作为世界首屈一指的专业咖啡零售商, 星 巴克在世界上 30 多个国家开设和授权开设了 8000 多家咖啡店。 这些咖啡店销售各种 各样的咖啡饮品、食物、咖啡及咖啡用品。星巴克在五个国家拥有超过 47啡豆的烘焙厂里,星巴克还采用自我管理的工作团队。尽管烘焙厂的经理和总监 们会负责最初工作团队的组建,但他们会鼓励合伙人负责团队的日常工作,包括决策 在内。由合伙人和总监组成的跨职能工作团队已经习惯了自已决定员工的招募事宜。 结论 21. 星巴克是企业中员工学习、员工所有、员工参与和沟通的楷模。结果是上乘的产品, 加上真正体贴入微、有求必应的顾客服务。令人欣慰的是,它的年销售量每年增加百 分之六十五,净收入每年增涨百分之七十到百分之百。 22. 总之,星巴克为它的合作伙伴提供各种不同的机会和福利。难怪新的店面继续以每周 3 至 5 个的速度不断涌现, 同时它的员工也选择在星巴克成就他们的事业而不是离开。
UNIT 1(1) The fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math, science and engineering, and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.(2) Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.(3)Owning to the nature of every growing business, you will need to be on the go constantly, and also be on the go prepared to work shift work, including nights and weekends.(4) In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.(5) The Asian economy has presented a positive trend. Some countries have overcome the impact of the financial crisis and revived development. Asia has once again become the spotlight of global economic growth.(6) China’s accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy, but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the progress of Asian economy and world economy.(7) The growing quantity of information, couple with the development of technologies, erable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.(8) The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.2) Translate the following paragraph into English. It ’ s actually pretty natural, and almost unavoidable, for managers to form expectations of their workers. Research has found that in an organization, our expectations of others can be tied directly to productivity, profitability, and yes -motivation! If you have high expectations of your employees, you will possess a powerful and effective tool for improving performance and motivation within your organization.Performance is often a matter of expectations. Managers and supervisors form expectations of others, which then influence how they interact with those people. If you don’t expect much f rom your employees, they will sense that and perform poorly. Why? Because your expectations of them affect their desire to do well. The point is that people naturally try to live up to our expectations of them, or live down to them, whatever the case may be. So expect the best from your employees and don’t be surprised if that’s exactly what you get! b. English to ChineseUNIT 2(1)Rising oil prices are typically negative for corporate profits since they boost expenses and eat into consumers’discretionary income.(2)And it follows from this, Hobbes believes, that the sovereign has the right to decide what opinions, what books, what ideas are conducive to peace and which ones aim simply to stir up war and discontent?(3)Researchers in Germany say that a cancer fighting substance found in hops could be enhanced to brew a special anti cancer beer.(4)A fabled bird, identified with the kingfisher, was supposed to have the power to calm the wind and the waves while it nested on the sea during the winter solstice.(5)Bicyclists often ride as though two wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws.(6)The instructor should not rebuke the girl student for her small mistake in front of all classmates. Given that she is inexperienced, she has done a good job.(7)From a broader perspective, higher attrition rate would affect the development of the industry as a whole. So the necessity is to shorten the apprenticeship.(8)I have to level with you because I don’t want any misunderstanding between us, so how can you justify spending so much money?(2)Translate the following paragraph into English. The error—the heresy—is to think that the entire purpose of education is to get you a better job: that the entire function of an individual life is to make as much money as possible. No one said to me, read Finnegans Wake and you’ll make a bloody fortune; that’s the whole point of reading the damn thing. It’s a terrible shame, and I feel horribly sad for the people who must go through it all, carrying the burden of economic expectation rather then the spirit of exploration and adventure. We were all too busy trying to suss out the meaning of life to be sidetracked by such side issues as careers, until the time came to meet reality head on. That hasn’t stopped a number of old university friends from being conspicuously successful. Therefore, the purpose of education is supposed to make you rich, not wealthy.UNIT 3(1)Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open—but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.(2)The soldiers were so courageous that they sworn to wipe out any enemy that dare to invade into their country.(3)They’re so lacking in confidence in the attraction of broadcasting the games on TV that they feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them.(4)What’s worse, there are those who would unleash malicious network attacks designed to exploit these hidd en vulnerabilities to uncover the prized data within.(5)The change of the government’s interference strategies on housing ushered in a period of stable house prices.(6)This shows true leadership, sustained vision, and solid commitment. They were applauded for sticking with it for so many years with great subtlety.(7)How to single out the most succinct way to finish the work still remains a problem.(8)But Defense Secretary Gates said the United States has put a lot on the table in terms of missile defense proposals and it is time for the Russians to reciprocate.(2)Translate the following paragraph into English. According to some media reports recently, the cyber attacks to Google and many American companies seemed to have originated in China. The Chairman of Chinese Internet Association refutes that it was an irresponsible prejudice to allege on that cyber attacks originated in China without thorough investigation,and was therefore absolutely arbitrary. With the rapid development on internet in the globe, it was difficult to determine the origin because of the ease of hiding identities online. The hacker may hide identities, log on the computer of a foreign country and commit cyber attacks to the computers in the third one.However, China’s information network, as well as many other countries, also faces severe threat of cyber attacks. Chinese government has always attached great importance to the security of the computer network and strengthened international cooperation to crack down on cross border cyber crimes, as well as enhanced its crackdown through consultation and collaboration with the International Criminal Police Organization. Therefore, it is wholly nonsense to allege on that cyber attacks originated in China judging merely from computer IP address of China.UNIT 4(1)Potential investors exploring more promising areas, such as low carbon energy and infrastructure, are stymied because of the lack of a clear policy framework.(2)Fortunately, most managers welcome such initiative, and they are increasingly willing to give their employees more responsibility, autonomy, and authority in their jobs.(3)We are offering a package deal which includes the whole office computer system, staff training and hardware maintenance.(4)Although this so called continuous speech recognition approach has indeed improved accuracy, it is by no means infallible.(5)This is a concrete illustration of what we mean by one and the same thing having two contradictory aspects.(6)Actual demand in a particular year, in particular in the private sector, depends on the economic factors and the commercial decisions of developers and consumers.(7)If you ever need a blood transfusion, it’s important that you only receive blood compatible with your own type.(8)Therefore, the Europeanization of Chinese does not stem from an internal force, but rather originates from an external pressure.2)Translate the following paragraph into English. Most of us, when young, had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing. At the time, we may have resented this intruder—but as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with. It was not the intruder that “caused”the break, but the lack of a real relationship.On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a “third party”. This is, however, a psychological illusion. The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him—and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper. He calls him a hypnotist or a thief or a home breaker. In the vast majority of cases, however, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long before any “third party”has appeared on the scene.Unit 5(1)Some people dub China as “The Bicycle Kingdom”. Yet in the past, you could hardly see anyone from this kingdom in the international cycling events.(2)The WHO says anyone exposed to the bird flu should be quarantined to avoid contact with sufferers of regular human influenza.(3)The great “Spanish flu”pandemic of 1918~1919 was considered the worst plague in history, killing up to 40 million people with half of the world’s population infected in only a few months.(4)The time for talk is over. The time for action is now. Because we know that if we don’t act, a bad situation will become dramatically worse. Crisis could turn into catastrophe for families and businesses across our country.(5)Called plant factories, these anonymous looking warehouses have sprung up across the whole world and can churn out immaculate looking lettuces and green leaves 24 hours a day, seven days a week.(6)I think, learning English can boil down to three simple ingredients: persistence, proper ways and good teachers.(7)Usually, when we put the blame on others, we would be blind of our own mistakes. And if we don’t acknowledge or learn from our own mistakes, chances are high that we are going to repeat them.(8)To defuse your anger, try a simple stress management technique. Take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love.2)Translate the following paragraph into English. Even in rich countries, it will be months before everyone who wants the vaccine can get it. Poor countries will get little if any vaccine. The pandemic vaccine should make you and your family safe from this virus, but you may not get it for months, if you can get it at all. Some countries, including the US and the UK, have ordered enough to vaccinate everyone and immunization began this month. Most poor countries will get only a little, or none. In rich countries many will still get sick, and some will die, before they can be vaccinated. And yet even people who can get it are hesitating. Nearly half the parents in the US say they will refuse to vaccinate their kids, even though children are a priority group for vaccination, due to unfounded rumors about the risks of the various swine flu vaccines.Unit 6(1)To dismiss John from his job when his wife has just left him would be hitting a man when he is down.(2)We were all astonished beyond measure on hearing that Tom and Jane are getting married after knowing each other for merely two weeks.(3)She began to put the house straight, making beds and washing dishes, cleaning and tidying; but she could summon up no enthusiasm for it.(4)Beyond all differences of race or creed, we are one country, mourning together and facing danger together.(5)With love I will tear down the wall for suspicion and hate which they have built round their heartsand in its place will I build bridges so that my love may enter their souls.(6)John Travolta has been obsessed with planes and flying since he was a little boy. When he was eight years old, his mother and sister pitched in to get him a fancy toy plane for Christmas.(7)Wish you a very successful semester as you dig into the science of psychology and put it into practice in your own lives, and think about how to take psychology from the classroom to the world.(8)They are a group of fearless fighters, and as a group they have conqured one difficulty after another. And today they carried out this plan with determination and devotion though they met with many difficulties.2) Translate the following paragraph into English. The past 30 years of reform and opening up have also brought about historical changes in China ’s relations with the rest of the world. China, once a closed and semi closed society, has opened itself to the outside world. It is an active participant in international and regional cooperation, and it has become a major engine propelling global economic growth. It has established extensive contacts with the international community and taken an active part in international and regional affairs. Faithfully fulfilling its international obligations and playing a responsible and constructive role, China is now an important force for maintaining world peace and promoting common development. Any country that wants to develop itself should not only rely on its own efforts, but also carry out reform and opening up and pursue win win progress and common development with other countries. This is the conclusion we have drawn from the success of China’s development endeavors. And we are keenly aware that in this increasingly globalized world China’s future is inseparably bound up with the future of the world.。
When his grandma, the on in the world, passed away, her heart was filled with nothing else but deep sorrow and regret.
3 他尴尬地发现他的新老板就是他曾常常戏弄的小学同学(turn out)
He found embarrassedly that his new boss turned out to be his primary school classmate, on whom he used to play tricks.
7 那天早上在亚洲最大的农贸集市上,我看见至少有十万人相互推挤着购买牲畜,这种情景令我难忘(jostle)
That morning in the largest rural market in Asian, I saw at least a hunderd thousand people jostled with one another to buy livestock, which is so unforgettable to me.
The conference committees’ members are disscussing whether the topic should fall under this session’s theme.
6 在知道自己的病情不断恶化的情况下,这位曾雄心勃勃的企业家不得不将掌管公司的大权移交给儿子(relinquish)
9 两派都认为在强硬的枪支法对降低犯罪率也是无能为力的,关键是对人的教育(concur)
Unit8-Breakthrough Ideas—交大工程硕士英语课文翻译
Breakthrough Ideas 突破性想法No Monopoly on creativity创造无垄断1 Creativity is a virtually limitless resource: Every human being has creative potential that can be turned to valuable ends. The number of people doing creative work – the scientists , engineers, technologists, artists, and designers and the various professionals in health care, finance, law, and other fields who make up the ―creative class‖ – has increased vastly over the past century. In 1900, fewer than 10% of U.S. workers were doing creative work. In 1980, that figure was slightly more than 15%. But by 2000, the creative class included almost a third of the workforce. The creative sector accounts for nearly half of all wage and salary income in the United States -- $1.7 trillion, as much as the manufacturing and service sectors combined. Imagine wealth could be generated if the creative capacities of the remaining two-thirds of the workforce were harnessed, too.创造力事实上是一个无限的资源:每个人都有创造性的潜力,能带来有价值的结果。
Put forth 拿出,发挥等。
I’ve put forth effort to catch the bird, but finally it flew out of my hand. Put into action 实行,实施;开动Regardless of =in spite ofRegardless of what you are and what you are doing, I must affirm my original judgement.Reach out to = show sb that you want to help them.When you are in depression, just reach out to jesus.Be on the go = be very active and busy.Because the United States is a highly active society,full of change and movement. people always seem to be on the go.Interact with = communicate withBeing on the front line requires communications, be it communication in training employees to perform their job properly, or communication with customers.Be it 为虚拟语气,省略了might ,采取倒装语序。
Come into contact withNobody comes into contact with such meanful person.Coupled with外加,加上All in all = when everything is consideredAll in all, hardly an imagine of paradise.At the rate of 以….的速度/比例It’s little wonder that new stores continue to open at the rate of three to five every week, and employees are making careers at Starbucks instead of dropping out.Drop out = no longer take part in or be part of sth.辍学,离开,脱离。
Unit 1 Putting in a Good Word for Guilt2. Vocabulary:<1> An increasing number of children’s books attempt to portray life as it is for members of disadvantaged and minority groups. This year saw the publication of a rich [assortment] of realistic fictions for children aged 8-12 and older.[assortment]n.A collection of various kinds; a variety多种多样;一批品种多样的收藏;多种多样<2> People with [narcissistic] personality disorder have a great sense of self-importance. They seek excessive admiration from others and fantasize about unlimited success or power.[narcissistic]adj.自恋的,自我醉的narcissistn.自我醉者narcissisticallyadv.<3> Studies on film consumers had indicated teenage audience as s a prime market, with the result that Hollywood filmmakers [obsessively] catered to that market, sometimes at the expense of adult fare. [obsessively]adv.强迫性地, 着迷似地obsessiveadj.[1] Of, relating to, characteristic of, or causing an obsession着迷,与着迷有关的或具有着迷特征的obsessive gambling着迷于赌博[2] Excessive in degree or nature急迫的,在程度或性质上过分的an obsessive need to win急迫的想赢的欲望obsessivenessn.〔名词〕obsessvt.<魔鬼、妄想等>缠住; 迷住[常用被动结构]使窘困; 使烦扰be obsessed by [with]被...附上[缠住, 迷住心窍]obsessorn.使人烦扰的人或事<4> Robinson found many savages on this island. They were seen warring, [slaying] and eating each other, and sacrificing one another by thousands to their gods.[slaying ] <= slayv.tr.〔与物动词〕[动词各种形态:slew,slain, slaying,slays][1] To kill violently凶狠地杀死The soldiers slain in the battle were burried that night.在那天夜晚,埋葬了在战斗中牺牲了的战士。
一How to put learner firstWith the development of the society, education has been grown attention by people. So as a developing country, our education is now experiencing a great challenge. How should we improve our educational status quo? The answer is that we should put learner first in the process of education, because students are the subject of education.How to put learner first? In the teaching process, we come up with every idea and established every goal that must depart from the student's own development. Teachers should first prepare students in class, and then prepare knowledge so that every student gets progress, rather than a cookie-cutter to education. Only in this way can it motivate students' learning desire, spontaneous learning makes them, let them have fun in learning,to cater to the students' own development rule, only in this way can china education obtain a good development.In short, students as the main body in the process of education, teachers in the teaching process should more understand each student's own development situation, according to the actual situation of students set teaching plan, and put the students in the first place all the time.二My view on graduate education in chinaGraduate education is an important part of China's higher education. It shoulders the important mission of cultivating advanced talents. However, the current development of postgraduate education is not satisfied.Due to increase enrollment, the education of talent quality becomes lower.There are many reasons about it. First, with the increase number of graduate enrollment, it’s number almost close to the undergraduate enrollment in recent years.Although this kind of situation to adapt to the situation of our country at present stage, improve the whole national culture quality and delay the employment pressure, there are many problem that not allow ignoring, especially the postgraduate education quality problem. Second, there will always be some students who are turned away by the job market in the recruitment process because of a variety of reasons. This is due to the relatively independent between the academic and market demand. Final this problem should be solved immediately so that our country’s the graduate education can get good development.On the whole, while the graduate student education still has some problems, I believe that government will make some relevant measures to solve these problems. It makes the graduate student education a positive development.三The cyberattack in our lifeWith the further development of the internet, all kinds of online activities has become increasingly frequent,this makes the network security issues become more prominent, all kinds of network attack emerge in endlessly, how to prevent network attacks, network environment is particularly important to protect the unit and personal.In the real network environment, the measures of prevention hacker attacks mainly have two aspects: first, we should establish a safe network environment, all kinds of security software installed, updated software and use the latest virus library;Second, we should strengthen our knowledge about computer security, network attack ways and means, we don't open those unsafe websites; Final, we should pay attention to personal account and password protection, develop good habits on the internet.All in all, the government should improve the network information security laws and regulations. At the same time, we should enhance their consciousness of network information security. I believe that one day our network environment will become better.四Romantic love and marriageLove and marriage play an important role in the life of people. I think love is the most important to the marriage, because love is the foundation of the marriage.For us, with love, the couple will have the strong power to face everything in their future life, not for his or her own, but for the other half in their life. It is love that makes their hearts close and makes their life full of warmth. This type of marriage usually brings happiness. Many couples live a happy life because their marriage is based on true love. In real life, however, some people get married just to seek for a life partner, but marriage like this won’t be happy, for the two don’t have the same faith, and their marriage is destined to be a failure. Numerous facts prove that marriage based on true love lasts and cannot be easily split up whereas marriage without love does not endure and may end in divorce.In my opinion, love is romantic and marriage is realistic. However, no matter how love should be the premise of marriage. Marriage is not a game and we have to consider many issues, such as family and children. So when we consider the marriage must be realistic and want to think calmly. That makes it possible to obtain a successful marriage.五how to battle the outbreaks of pandemics With the development of the society, people's life quality rise ceaselessly, more and more disease repeated outbreaks. It brought huge influence to people's life. How should we do to prevent various infectious diseases。
UNIT 1 Low-Carbon Economy2. Vocabulary(1) adverse (2) stark (3) inflict (4) systematically (5) triggered(6)improvident (7) incurred (8) alternative (9) lost out on (10) settled onB C A D B C A D C D3. Cloze(1) embraced (2) sped up (3) running out (4) urgency(5) initiative (6) specific (7) designated (8) contribute(9) incorporate (10) hampering (11) reward (12) involved(13) adverse (14) adaptive (15) vulnerability (16) alternative(17) context (18) due to (19) compensation (20) scheduled4. Translationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Bending under the weight of the packs, sweating, they climbed steadily in the pine forest that covered the mountainside.(2) Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly.(3) Unemployment shot up in France during the second quarter, and the country’s top finance official said the situation will continue to aggravate even if a global economic recovery gathers pace. It was the worst quarterly unemployment in France since early 2006.(4) As social practice continues to develop, we should keep renewing our ideas and make innovations courageously in light of practical needs.(5) Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 3 times in the past few years.(6) The U.S. government has called on people to save water because the scarcity of water has become a source of global tension ecologically, economically and politically.(7) In order to be a recognized leader in the industry, it’s essential for a company to improve production quality and tap the overseas market through the help of state-of-the-art technologies and equipment.(8) If you are thinking about coming to Britain for Christmas, it might be a good idea to think again. That’s because thousands of Christmas travelers have been stranded in the UK as adverse weather conditions caused massive disruption to the transport infrastructure.2) Translate the following paragraphs into English.Scientists say the warming of the planet will be gradual, but that extreme weather events will increase in frequency and intensity. They say the effects of more storms, floods, droughts and heat waves will be abrupt and profound. The World Health Organization says the effects of so-called climate-sensitive diseases already are killing millions of people.Climate change is a global phenomenon. While no country will be exempt, she says its consequences will not be evenly distributed. The WHO chief says poor countries that already are struggling with huge problems will be most affected. Fragile health systems in the developing world will come under increased stress. They will have great difficulty coping with the increased burden of disease and other health problems.b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.很多权威的气候学家们都曾发出过这样的警告: 如果我们现在的温度超过工业化前2摄氏度(3.6华氏度)的话,我们将会迈进一个危险的未知国度。
硕士英语综合教程1 (参考答案)目录Unit 1Low Carbon Economy(1)Unit 2A Harmonious Society(12)Unit 3Culture Shock(20)Unit 4Artificial Intelligence(27)Unit 5Success and Happiness(34)Unit 6Urban Life(44)Unit 7Mass Media(52)Unit 8New Applications of Waste Materials(60)Unit 9Car Culture(70)Unit 10Famous Persons’ Biographies(81)Unit 11World Cultural Heritage(87)Unit 12Wisdom and Beliefs(96)硕士英语综合教程1Unit 1 Low Carbon EconomyText A Creating a Low Carbon Economy→III. Key to the Exercises1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.1. B2. B3. A4. C5. Bb. Fill in the blanks with the information you’ve learned in the text.(1) the result of the rapid build up of greenhouse gases primarily caused by human activities; we begin a concerted, rapid shift toward a low carbon economy(2) climate represents the envelope within which all our natural systems operate(3) the increased costs of damage from extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, heat waves, and major storms; the risk that such events affect global financial markets through higher or more volatile insurance costs; and the risk of abrupt and large scale climate change(4) Scientific analysis of historic climate data and projections of future conditions, and state of the art computer models paint a stark picture of what is to come(5) keeping average temperature to an increase in the range of 2.0℃to 2.4℃2. V ocabularya. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.(1) adverse(2) stark(3) inflict(4) systematically(5) triggered(6) improvident(7) incurred(8) alternative(9) lost out on(10) settled onb. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.(1) B(2) C(3) A(4) D(5) B(6) C(7) A(8) D(9) C(10) D3. ClozeChoose an appropriate word or phrase from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each one can be used only ONCE. Change the form where necessary.(1) embraced(2) sped up(3) running out(4) urgency(5) initiative(6) specific(7) designated(8) contribute(9) incorporate(10) hampering(11) reward(12) involved(13) adverse(14) adaptive(15) vulnerability(16) alternative(17) context(18) due to(19) compensation(20) scheduled4. Translationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Bending under the weight of the packs, sweating, they climbed steadily in the pine forest that covered the mountainside.(2) Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly.(3) Unemployment shot up in France during the second quarter, and the country’s top finance official said the situation will continue to aggravate even if a global economic recovery gathers pace. It was the worst quarterly unemployment in France since early 2006.(4) As social practice continues to develop, we should keep renewing our ideas and make innovations courageously in light of practical needs.(5) Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 3 times in the past few years.(6) The U.S. government has called on people to save water because the scarcity of water has become a source of global tension ecologically, economically and politically.(7) In order to be a recognized leader in the industry, it’s essential for a company to improve production quality and tap the overseas market through the help of state of the art technologies and equipment.(8) If you are thinking about coming to Britain for Christmas, it might be a good idea to think again. That’s because thousands of Christmas travelers have been stranded in the UK as adverse weather conditions caused massive disruption to the transport infrastructure.2) Translate the following paragraphs into English.Scientists say the warming of the planet will be gradual, but that extreme weather events will increase in frequency and intensity. They say the effects of more storms, floods, droughts and heat waves will be abrupt and profound. The World Health Organization says the effects of so called climate sensitive diseases already are killing millions of people.Climate change is a global phenomenon. While no country will be exempt, she says its consequences will not be evenly distributed. The WHO chief says poor countries that already are struggling with huge problems will be most affected. Fragile health systems in the developing world will come under increased stress. They will have great difficulty coping with the increased burden of disease and other health problems.b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.很多权威的气候学家们都曾发出过这样的警告: 如果我们现在的温度超过工业化前2摄氏度( 3.6华氏度)的话,我们将会迈进一个危险的未知国度。
UNIT 1 Low-Carbon Economy2. Vocabulary(1) adverse (2) stark (3) inflict (4) systematically (5) triggered(6)improvident (7) incurred (8) alternative (9) lost out on (10) settled onB C A D B C A D C D3. Cloze(1) embraced (2) sped up (3) running out (4) urgency(5) initiative (6) specific (7) designated (8) contribute(9) incorporate (10) hampering (11) reward (12) involved(13) adverse (14) adaptive (15) vulnerability (16) alternative(17) context (18) due to (19) compensation (20) scheduled4. Translationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Bending under the weight of the packs, sweating, they climbed steadily in the pine forest that covered the mountainside.(2) Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly.(3) Unemployment shot up in France during the second quarter, and the country’s top finance official said the situation will continue to aggravate even if a global economic recovery gathers pace. It was the worst quarterly unemployment in France since early 2006.(4) As social practice continues to develop, we should keep renewing our ideas and make innovations courageously in light of practical needs.(5) Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 3 times in the past few years.(6) The U.S. government has called on people to save water because the scarcity of water has become a source of global tension ecologically, economically and politically.(7) In order to be a recognized leader in the industry, it’s essential for a company to improve production quality and tap the overseas market through the help of state-of-the-art technologies and equipment.(8) If you are thinking about coming to Britain for Christmas, it might be a good idea to think again. That’s because thousands of Christmas travelers have been stranded in the UK as adverse weather conditions caused massive disruption to the transport infrastructure.2) Translate the following paragraphs into English.Scientists say the warming of the planet will be gradual, but that extreme weather events will increase in frequency and intensity. They say the effects of more storms, floods, droughts and heat waves will be abrupt and profound. The World Health Organization says the effects of so-called climate-sensitive diseases already are killing millions of people.Climate change is a global phenomenon. While no country will be exempt, she says its consequences will not be evenly distributed. The WHO chief says poor countries that already are struggling with huge problems will be most affected. Fragile health systems in the developing world will come under increased stress. They will have great difficulty coping with the increased burden of disease and other health problems.b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.很多权威的气候学家们都曾发出过这样的警告: 如果我们现在的温度超过工业化前2摄氏度(3.6华氏度)的话,我们将会迈进一个危险的未知国度。
Text A 1. Reading Comprehension
2. Vocabulary
3. Close
4. Translation a. Chinese to English
2) Translate the following paragraphs into English.
Text B a.
研究生英语创新教育系列教材 硕士英语综合教程(1)
Unit 3 Culture Shock
Text A 1. Reading Comprehension
2. Vocabulary
3. Close
4. Translation a. Chinese to English
2) Read the following passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.
Text B a.
研究生英语创新教育系列教材 硕士英语综合教程(1)
Unit 6 Urban Life
b. English to Chinese
1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.
2) Read the following passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.
Text B a.
研究生英语创新教育系列教材 硕士英语综合教程(1)
Unit 7 Mass Media
(1)Although Chrysler had dramatically improved its designs and production lines,it failed toprefigure the fashions of the forecourt.虽然克莱斯勒公司已经大大改进了它的设计和生产线,却未能预示市场前沿的流行趋势。
(2)Built by a Mughal emperor as a mausoleum for his dead wife, the Taj is one edifice thatactually lives up to its press.泰姬陵是由一位莫卧儿皇帝为亡妻建造的陵墓,实际上是一座不负众望的建筑。
(3)For the auto manufacturers involved in the case, any further recalls will sully their reputations,perhaps irreparably对于卷入此案的汽车制造商来说,任何进一步的召回都将玷污他们的声誉,也许是无法挽回的。
(4)If business news makes the front page, it tends to focus on some new allegation of accountingfraud, insider trading, or misuse of funds.如果商业新闻登上头版,往往会聚焦于一些新的关于会计欺诈、内幕交易或滥用资金的指控。
(5)If you build an extension to your house without the knowledge and consent of the localplanning authorities, you may have to demolish what has just been built.如果你在没有得到当地规划当局的知识和同意的情况下建造房屋的扩展部分,你可能必须拆除刚刚建造的。
硕士英语综合教程2Unit 1 Human-based Strategy1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.(1) B(2) C(3) A(4) A(5) Bb. Fill in the blanks with the information you’ve learned in the text.(1) they value cultural diversity; they are family friendly; they invest in employee training; they empower their employees(2) their employees; Howard Schultz(3) cultural and technical aspects; coffee knowledge, product expertise, customer service and interpersonal skills(4) full health and dental coverage, vacation, and participation in the company wide stock plan called Bean Stock(5) self managed work teams; cross functional teams2. Vocabularya. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.(1) astute(2) ignite(3) enthusiasm(4) turnover(5) transaction(6) interact with(7) come into contact with(8) empower(9) superior(10) drop outb. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.(1) B(2) D(3) A(4) C(5) B(6) A(7) D(8) B(9)C(10) A3. Cloze(1) motivated(2) selecting(3) retain(4) relied(5) differentiated(6) recruited(7) adaptability(8) prospective(9) require(10) efficiently(11) comprehensive(12) challenge(13) survived(14) rate(15) tripled(16) generous(17) financial(18) reveal(19) premium(20) morale4. Translationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) The fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math, science and engineering, and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.(2) Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.(3) Owning to the nature of every growing business, you will need to be on the go constantly, and also be on the go prepared to work shift work, including nights and weekends.(4) In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.(5) The Asian economy has presented a positive trend. Some countries have overcome the impact of the financial crisis and revived development. Asia has once again become the spotlight of global economic growth.(6) China’s accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy, but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the progress of Asian economy and world economy.(7) The growing quantity of information, couple with the development of technologies, erable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.(8) The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.2) Translate the following paragraph into English.It’s actually pretty natural, and almost unavoidable, for managers to form expectations of their workers. Research has found that in an organization, our expectations of others can be tied directly to productivity, profitability, and yes-motivation! If you have high expectations of your employees, you will possess a powerful and effective tool for improving performance and motivation within your organization.Performance is often a matter of expectations. Managers and supervisors form expectations of others, which then influence how they interact with those people. If you don’t expect much from your employees, they will sense that and perform poorly. Why? Because your expectations of them affect their desire to do well. The point is that people naturally try to live up to our expectations of them, or live down to them, whatever the case may be. So expect the best from your employees and don’t be surprised if that’s exactly what you get!b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化的多样性。
Text B a.
Text B
a. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.
Complete the sentences with the information given in the text.
Text B a.
Unit 8 New Applications of Waste Materials
Text A 1. Reading Comprehension
2. Vocabulary
3. Close
4. Translation a. Chinese to English
Text B a.
Unit 9 Car Culture
Text A 1. Reading Comprehension
2. Vocabulary
3. Close
4. Translation a. Chinese to English
Text B a.
Unit 3 Culture Shock
Text A 1. Reading Comprehension
2. Vocabulary
3. Close
4. Translation a. Chinese to English
硕士英语西交大课后作文In the modern era, the landscape of higher education has been significantly transformed by the advent of digital technology. As a student at Xi'an Jiaotong University, I have witnessed firsthand how technology has reshaped the way we learn, communicate, and conduct research. This essay aims to explore the multifaceted impact of digital technology on higher education, particularly in the context of a prestigious institution like ours.Firstly, the integration of digital tools in the classroomhas revolutionized the teaching and learning process. Withthe use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and Moodle, educators can now post course materials, assignments, and announcements online, making them readily accessible to students. This not only enhances the organization of course content but also allows for a more interactive and dynamic learning environment.Secondly, digital technology has facilitated collaborative learning. Through platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams, students and professors can engage in real-time discussions and virtual meetings, even when they are not physicallypresent in the same location. This has been particularly beneficial during the global pandemic, where remote learning became the norm.Moreover, the use of digital databases and online librarieshas expanded the scope of research and academic inquiry. Students and faculty now have access to a wealth of information and scholarly articles at their fingertips, which was previously unimaginable. This has not only accelerated the pace of research but also broadened the horizons of academic exploration.However, the digital revolution in education is not without its challenges. Issues such as digital divide, where unequal access to technology can exacerbate educational inequalities, are a growing concern. Additionally, the transition to online learning has highlighted the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive academic data.In conclusion, digital technology has brought about profound changes in higher education, enhancing the learning experience and opening up new avenues for academic collaboration and research. As we continue to embrace these advancements, it is crucial for institutions like Xi'an Jiaotong University to address the challenges that come with them, ensuring that the benefits of digital technology are accessible to all and that the integrity of academic work is maintained.This essay is a reflection on the current state of higher education in the digital age, as experienced at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and an exploration of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.。
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Unit 1(1) The fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math, science and engineering, and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.(2) Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.(3) Owning to the nature of every growing business, you will need to be on the go constantly, and also be on the go prepared to work shift work, including nights and weekends.(4) In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.(5) The Asian economy has presented a positive trend. Some countries have overcome the impact of the financial crisis and revived development. Asia has once again become the spotlight of global economic growth.(6) China’s accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy, but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the progress of Asian economy and world economy.(7) The growing quantity of information, couple with the development of technologies, erable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.(8) The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化的多样性。
Unit 2(1) Rising oil prices are typically negative for corporate profits since they boost expenses and eat into consumers’ discreti onary income.(2) And it follows from this, Hobbes believes, that the sovereign has the right to decide what opinions, what books, what ideas are conducive to peace and which ones aim simply to stir up war and discontent?(3) Researchers in Germany say that a cancer-fighting substance found in hops could be enhanced to brew a special anti-cancer beer.(4) A fabled bird, identified with the kingfisher, was supposed to have the power to calm the wind and the waves while it nested on the sea during the winter solstice.(5) Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws.(6)The instructor should not rebuke the girl student for her small mistake in front of all classmates. Given that she is inexperienced, she has done a good job.(7) From a broader perspective, higher attrition rate would affect the development of the industry as a whole. So the necessity is to shorten the apprenticeship.(8) I have to level with you because I don’t want any misunderstanding between us, so how can you justify spending so much mo ney?比如,英语文学专业一年级和二年级博士生可能不会面对像他们的医学和法律学院的同伴那样令人头疼的课程负担或者以不正当手段进行的竞争,但是以后有更持久而艰苦的工作等待着他们。
Unit 3(1) Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open, but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.(2) The soldiers were so courageous that they sworn to wipe out any enemy that dare to invade into their country.(3) They’re so lacking in confidence in the attraction of broadcasting the games on TV that they feel they have to hype up wi th some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them.(4) What’s worse, there are those who would unleash maliciou s network attacks designed to exploit these hidden vulnerabilities to uncover the prized data within.(5) The change of the government’s interference strategies on housing ushered in a period of stable house prices.(6) This shows true leadership, sustained vision, and solid commitment. They were applauded for sticking with it for so many years with great subtlety.(7) How to single out the most succinct way to finish the work still remains a problem.(8) But Defense Secretary Gates said the United States has put a lot on the table in terms of missile defense proposals and it is time for the Russians to reciprocate.为什么这些在军事领域里被认为是“计算机网络攻击”的策略没有被更广泛地运用?尽管互联网带来了巨大的变化,但它并没有使悠久的战争规律变得过时或毫不相关。
在既相互分离又相互连接的网络空间里,这个要求并不容易满足: 在网络攻击敌人的手机塔时,也会影响到平民目标。