



四六级翻译——科技类词汇1.科技园science and technology park2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones3.信息产业IT (Information Technology)4.电器设备electrical appliance5.电子设备electronic device6.电子商务e-commerce7.人工智能artificial intelligience8.先进技术advanced technology9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology10.载人航天飞行manned space flight11.发射成功successful launch12.自然科学natural science13.新兴学科new branch of science14.科技成果research achievements15.科学发展观concept of scientific development16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure19.专利,专利权patent20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture21.物种起源origin of species22.生物工程bio-technology23.基因工程genetic engineering24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)25.技术产权technology property right26.科技含量technology content27.电脑病毒computer virus28.黑客hacker29.垃圾邮件junk mail30.数码科技digital technology31.虚拟社区virtual community32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture33.网民netizen34.克隆cloning 激光laser35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds38.技术创新technological innovation39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces.41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific andtechnological inventions。





科技英语(English for science and Technology,通常略为EST ),它之所以能同普通英语分道扬镳,形成一门独立的学科,很重要的原因在于它有不同于普通英语的特点,笔者根据自己多年的翻译经验,认为我们要掌握其中的几种技巧。





另外有许多词比如negotiate这比较常见的是“谈判”的意思,但是当它出现在“negotiate a bad turn”这个词组中,译成“谈判”就不合适,查查词典就知道是“顺利通过”的意思,所以翻译时选择在具体语言环境中最恰当。




例如:1. Most primary highways are built and cared for by state governments. 大部分主要的公路都是由联邦政府建造和管理。






2. Artificial Intelligence: 人工智能
3. Robotics: 机器人技术
4. Data Analytics: 数据分析
5. Internet of Things (IoT): 物联网
6. Cybersecurity: 网络安全
7. Virtual Reality (VR): 虚拟现实
8. Augmented Reality (AR): 增强现实
10. Genetic Engineering: 基因工程
11. Biotechnology: 生物技术
12. Nanotechnology: 纳米技术
13. Renewable Energy: 可再生能源
14. Artificial Neural Network: 人工神经网络
15. Big Data: 大数据
16. Cryptocurrency: 加密货币
17. Machine Learning: 机器研究
18. 3D Printing: 3D打印
20. Space Exploration: 太空探索







词类转化的译法 句子成分转换的译法 词序转变的译法 被动语态的译法 后置定语的译法 长句的译法
英语中有些形容词(短语)表示“愿望、心理、情感” 等一类概念,相当于汉语的动词
专 业 英 语 Specialized English
科技英语 English for Science and Technology 简称EST 是一种用英语阐述科学技术中的理论、技术、实验和现 象等的英语体系,它在词汇、语法和文体诸方面都有自 己的特点,从而形成一门专门学科。
所谓句子成分转换的译法,是把句子的 某一成分(如主语)译成另一成分(如宾语 等)。在多数情况下,词类转译必然导致句 子成分的转译,例如:当英语的动词转译为 汉语的名词或副词时,该动词的谓语成分也 就相应地转译为汉语的主语.宾语或状语等。 成分转换的目的是使译文通顺,符合汉 语习惯。


positron=positive+electron 正的+电子=正电子 medicare=medical十care 医学的+照管=医疗保障 aldehyde=alcohol十dehydrogenation 醇十脱氢=醛
符号法(signs) 字母形象法(letter symbolizing) X-ray U-pipe
后置定语是位于其所修饰的名词之后的定语,汉语常用前 置定语或多个简单句来说明某概念或某术语,而科技英语 则更多地使用后置定语。 If we now visualize a region of space filled with a tremendous number of charges separated by minute distances. We see first that the field cannot vary with y or with z, and then that the y and z components arising from differential elements of charge symmetrically located with respect to the point at which we wish the field will cancel.


Historically,“three peaks”in translation movements:东汉至唐宋的Buddhism scripture 的翻译、明末清初的科技翻译、鸦片 战争至‘五四“ 的西学翻译。( First Opium War (Britain’s invasion of China, 1840-1842) In terms of scope, quality, and contribution to the development of the nation, the current one is unprecedented.
形象生动,句式简单,强烈的审美意识, 文字生动而感人。
2. 与英语口语文体的对比 An old lady who was listening exclaimed: It beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal, they made a hole in each end of an egg and sucked. A young lady back home from school was explaining. “ Take an egg.” She said, “ and make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex, then apply the lips to the aperture, and by forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.”



科技英语翻译科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是从事科学技术活动时所使用的英语,是英语的一种变体(科技文体)。





专业术语指某一学科领域所特有或专用的语汇,其词义常不为专业外读者所明白,如cryogenics (低温学)、norepinephrine (新肾上腺素)等。

这些专业术语的特点是:a. 词形较长,大多含有源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语的词根、词缀。


如:nucleonics (核子学),semisomnus (半昏迷),autoradiography (自动射线照相术),excoriation (表皮脱落)等。

b. 多复合词。

人们常常通过各种构词方法创造出一些复合词来表示科技发展中出现的新事物,如radiophotography (无线电传真),anti-armored fighting vehicle missile(反装甲车导弹)等。

c. 多缩略词。

为使用便利和节省时间,科技英语同经贸英语一样,也有许多缩略词,如cpd (compound化合物),FM (frequency modulation 调频),telesat(telecommunications satellite通讯卫星)等。


科技英语 英语作文翻译

科技英语 英语作文翻译

科技英语英语作文翻译Technology is changing our lives in so many ways. From the way we communicate to the way we work, technology has become an integral part of our daily routine. Whether it's the latest smartphone or the most advanced computer,there's no denying that technology has had a huge impact on the way we live.One of the most significant changes that technology has brought about is the way we communicate. With the rise of social media and messaging apps, we can now connect with people from all over the world in an instant. It's incredible to think that just a few decades ago, this kind of communication would have been unimaginable.In addition to changing the way we communicate, technology has also revolutionized the way we work. With the advent of remote working and digital collaboration tools, many people are now able to work from anywhere in the world. This has not only increased flexibility forworkers, but has also had a significant impact on the way businesses operate.Another area where technology has made a huge impact is in the field of healthcare. From advanced medical devices to telemedicine, technology has transformed the way we approach healthcare. Patients now have access to a wide range of health information and resources, and doctors are able to provide more personalized care.In conclusion, it's clear that technology has had a profound impact on our lives. From communication to work to healthcare, the ways in which technology has changed the world are countless. As technology continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how it will continue to shape our lives in the future.。



科技英语的特点与翻译一、科技英语的特点科技英语(English for science and technology,EST)指与用于科学和技术交流方面的英语口语和书面语。











另外,科技英语多用逻辑性语法词(logical grammatical operators),如表示原因的如because (of)、due (owing) to、as (a result of)、caused by、for等,表示语气转折的如but、however、nevertheless、otherwise、yet 等,表示逻辑顺序的如so、therefore、thus、furthermore、moreover、in addition to等。




关于科技的英语演讲稿—Technology带翻译(精选多篇)演讲稿一:科技改变人们的生活Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!Today, I'd like to talk about how technology has changed people's lives.As we all know, technology has brought about many profound changes in our daily lives. Thanks to the invention of smartphones, we can easily access information, communicate with friends and work remotely, among many other things. Computers and the internet have created new opportunities for businesses and education, and have revolutionized the way we think about work and learning.On the medical front, technology has also had a tremendous impact. For example, medical drones can deliver life-saving supplies to remote areas, and telemedicine allows patients to access medical consultations and treatments from the comfort of their homes. The development of advanced medical technologies, such as robotic surgery and personalized medicine, has also improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes.In addition, technology is changing the way we interact with the environment. Smart homes, for instance, can reduce energy waste and lower utility bills, and electric cars can greatly reduce air pollution caused by gas-powered vehicles.Overall, technology has greatly impacted our lives in many ways, and its influence will only continue to grow in the future. It's important for us to embrace new technologies and adapt to the changes, but always keep in mind that technology should serve humanity, not dominate it.Thank you!女士们,先生们,早上好!今天我想谈谈科技如何改变人们的生活。





科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)。


2. 科技英语翻译的标准及要求科技英语的语域特征有别于其它语篇体裁。










②并非所有被动语态句子都能起到突出新信息的作用。 基于以上观点,现代科技工作者提倡用主动语态撰写科 技文章。例如《Science》和《Nature》等国际著名刊物在征 稿要求中提出稿件应尽量采用主动语态写作。
翻译例句 本文介绍了热能制冷技术和燃料电池的工作原理及其特 点。针对燃料电池汽车余热浪费大的特点,提出了利用其余热 制冷为燃料电池汽车空调提供冷源的方法,并对其可行性进行 了研究。 译文1:In this paper, the work principles and features of fuel cell as well as refrigeration technique driven by heat energy are introduced. Considering the present fact that a large amount of heat of fuel cell automobile is wasted, the program that cold source is provided for automobile airconditioner with the refrigeration driven by the heat has been proposed and the feasibility of it has been studied. 第一句使用被动语态,该句主语由17个单词构成,而谓语 只有2个单词,造成头重脚轻的结构。第二句为了使用被动语 态,出现了“悬垂分词”,不合英语语法。
It was unsatisfactory for industry to depend on supplies coming from so far away from the industrial areas of Europe. It was always possible that wars or shopping trouble could stop supplies.



动词多倾向于行为动词。时态往往用一般现 在式。
大量使用动词的非限定式,即分词、不定式 和动名词。
科技英语的显著特点是重叙事逻辑上的连贯 (coherence)及表达上的明晰(clarity)与畅达 (fluency);避免行文晦涩,坐着避免表露个人感 情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技论文 总是力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情 作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词。科技英语力求平 易、精确,因此尽力避免使用旨在加强语言感染 力和宣传效果的各种修饰词格,忌用夸张、借喻、 讽刺、反诘、双关等修辞手段,以免使读者产生 行文浮华、内容虚饰之感。
Despite the long-standing availability of effective antibiotics, particularly penicilin, pnemococcal disease continues to take a heavy death toll, particularly among people suffering from other chronic diseases.
Scientists thought that regular orbits of such faint particles were practically nonexistent. The idea has now been rejected by facts.
科学家原来以为这样微弱的粒子实际上是 不存在有规则的轨道的。这种看法现在已 经被事实否定了。
A canning tomato 一种供做罐头的西红柿
Infected children 受到感染的儿童



转化法 (conversion)
不通过任何词形上变化,直接转化为另一个词。在转 化过程中,词性有所改变而词义则与转化前的原义仍 保留有若干联系。 radio用无线电通讯(由名词词义“无线电”转化 而来) x-ray用x光检查(由名词词义“X光”转化而来) e-mail发电子邮件(由名词词义“电子邮件”转化 而来) clone使无性繁殖;复制(由名词词义“无性繁殖, 克隆”转化而来) format为„编排格式(由名词词义“格式”转化而 来)
这两个情态动词可用来表示客观可能性,而其他则多突出主 观性。
(1)You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease . 与艾滋病患者一起工作或上学不会传染上艾滋病。 (2)Anyone with a personal computer ,a modem and the necessary software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. 任何人只要有一台个人电脑, 再有一个调制解调器和必要的软件, 就可以把电脑连接到电话线上,然后就能申请上网。 (3)The best way to improve urban air may be to curb the use of cars,even though modem car are far cleaner than earlier ones. 改善城市空气质量最好的办法可能还是控制汽车的使用,尽管现代 汽车比以前的汽车污染要小得多。 (4)There are many methods by which gastric resection may be accomplished. 胃切除可以用许多方法。



• The way we live will also be affected. We shall work shorter hours and have more time for leisure. There will even be no need to travel to work. • 我们的生活方式也会受到影响:工时将会缩 短,闲暇增多;要办事,甚至不需要远行。

The researchers found a 12 percent reduction in the patients’ blood cholesterol from a level of 349 milligrams per 100 milliters of blood. 研究工作者们发现病人血内胆固醇从每100 毫升血液349毫克这一水平下降了12%。 the transfer of information from one part of the computer to another depends on the electrical current being conducted over wires. 信息从计算机的一个部分传送到另一个部分 靠的是电线中传导的电流。

一、常用词汇的专业化。如 splash/messenger 二、同一词语词义的多专业化。如 transmission/power 三、科技英语除以上两个手段大量吸收语 汇外,还通过现代英语构词法,构成极丰 富多样的科技词汇。

一、词汇的名词化倾向。指抽象名词以及起 名词功用的非限定动词、名词连用。如: Illumination intensity determination = determination of the intensity of illumination 照明强度测定 Power transmission relay system= a relay system for power transmission 送电中继体系

科技英语 翻译10篇

科技英语 翻译10篇

Teach Predictions for 20101. Finally, Apple Unveils the TabletOfficially, Apple has never said a word about making a tablet computer. Yet for months, everyone in tech has been talking and writing and arguing about the Apple tablet as if it's already here. The product has already received more press than most products that actually exist. Bloggers debate its faults and flaws, its strengths and Shortcomings--such is life in the weird and wonderful world of Apple. And this does not happen by accident. Apple orchestrates this stuff. It did the same thing with the iPhone, remember? For a year before the prodtict was unveiled, rumors circulated and fake prototype photos popped up all over the place. Ifs all about creating hype, and wrapping a product in a cloud of mystery and drama, so that by the time you do unveil it people are dying to buy it just tosee what all the fuss is about.The great thing about Apple, however, is that usually the products live up to the hype. Certainly the iPhone has. Arguably, it is the single most important tech product of the past decade. Will the tabletbe as profound? We think it will be. Amazon's Kindle has pioneered the market for a portable reading device. But Kindle is far from perfect. Our bet is that Apple enters this space the way it did with the iPod and iPhone: it lets others do the pioneering work and make all the mistakes, then comes along with a product that blows the predecessors away. Better design. Better build quality. Better service. And a user interface experience that’s light years ahead of everyone else's on the planet.2. Murdoch Pulls out of GoogleThe biggest, most powerful, and once-thought-to-be indestructible print media outlets have arrived at their moment of reckoning. For a decade, the likes of the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, and The New York Times (not to mention innumerable other oudets), have offered up their best work on a silver, online platter-- for free. Look at where it got them. The first is in jeopardy of closing up shop, the Post has shuttered its domestic bureaus, and the Gray Ladys just eliminated some 100 newsroom jobs, the second such move in two years. Enter Rupert Murdoch, theoutspoken Aussie head of News Corp whose empire spans from the Times of London to the most august business publication in the United States, The Wall Street Journal. For months now, he has been ranting about the free consumption of news online. His radical idea? Murdoch wants to stop Google from indexing his sites, and he wants Microsoft to pay for the privilege instead. In other words, he wants someone to pay for the stuff his journalists produce.A chorus of bloggers is crying that the old man's thinking cuts against the force of history--namely, that information wants to be free, and that any future-minded company ignores that fact at its peril. Techdirt says the news baron is a hypocrite. Boing Boing says Murdoch's threat to block searches and shroud his sites with paywalls is nothing more than a bluff. Think again. This isn't a doddering old coot who doesn't get the Web. Murdoch is a savvy business-man who just might lead an industry back into the reality-based community. With billions in cash on hand, he can afford short-term losses as his properties experiment with strategies that do not involve the essential untenability of giving the product away. And once he proves that a news publication can poke Google in the eye and survive, others will follow suit. After all, if they don't, Murdoch may be the only one left standing.3. Malw Disrupts FacebookWhen it comes to malware, the law of gravity is this: the bad guys go where the money is. That's why threats to computer users have evolved from viruses to botnets and phishing attacks--each iteration is more likely to produce profit. How does a piece of malware make money, exactly? In a number of ways, from rifling through your files for bank-account information and credit-card numbers, to turning your computer into a spam factory. The follow-the-money rule also helps explain why there aren't many threats for *Mac computers. They may have some security advantages over PCs, but mostly their market share isn't big enough to be worth malware creatorg time. )It follows that as we conduct more of our lives online, malefactors will follow us there. And where is the biggest action on the Web today? Facebook, which just signed up its 350 millionth user and shows no sign of slowing down. Facebook has seen malware before; the latest threat is an especially virulent edition of the "Koobface" worm that has bedeviled the social network for months. It's going to get worse from here. Facebook has a team of smart engineers dedicated to keeping malicious activity off the site, but with the network ballooning in size, they'll need to redouble their defenses in even greater proportion.4. Starbucks Will Stalk YouPrivacy is so passe. We've become addicted to broadcasting our lives to the world, and the mobile phone is our greatest enabler. That's especially true now that GPS is a standard feature. And today's hottest startups are racing to become the ankle bracelet of choice, doing everything they can to track our every move and indulge our shout-it-from-the-rooftops exhibitionism. Location-aware services like Foursquare, which awards points every time you check into a bar or restaurant, have become staples among the early-adopter crowd. Meanwhile, Twitter6 has added geolocation to its service, meaning each tweet is like a thumbtack on the map of your daily travels. Rumors have it that Facebook, with its 350 million users, is heading in the same direction. It's only a matter of time before advertisers follow. You can almost hear the screams of joy coming from marketing departments nationwide: soon companies will be able to target their ad campaigns based not just on who you are, but where you are. Passing by a Starbucks? Your phone just offered you 10 percent off a peppermint latte!5. Movie Downloads Stall Blu-rayBlu-ray may have won the war with its rival, HD-DVD---but does anyone care? While consumers were waiting for the two formats to duke it out--nobody wanted to plunk down several hundred bucks on a losing technology--they discovered that downloading movies to their homes has matured into a great way to watch their favorite titles. A Harris Interactive poll in June found that only 7 percent of consumers without Blu-ray players planned on buying one in the next year. Whafs holding back a format that everyone agrees is showstoppingly gorgeous to watch? Money is a big part of it, of course. Getting video over the Internet through iTunes9 or Amazon Video on Demand can be much cheaper than purchasing physical copies. Sometimes the value is truly insane: all it costs to binge out on seasons one, two, and three of Friday Night Lights is $ 8.99. That's the price of the cheapest monthly subscription to Netflix, which allows unlimited streaming of some shows and movies to your PC, or to your big screen if you own an Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, newer TiVo, or a similar device,Yes, a Blu-ray disk provides better quality picture and sound. But as Wired magazine argued in a recent cover story, consumers are enjoying a "Good Enough Revolution" : we're nuts about MP3s, even if they sound kind of crappy, and we can't watch enough YouTube clips, even though they're pixellated and choppy. The feverish pursuit of top quality is no longer our only concern. Sometimes convenience matters more.6. Your Phone Replaces Your WalletDuring its most recent pledge drive, the popular public-radio program This American Life followed a familiar script, exhorting its users to chip in $10, $ 5, even just $1, to help pay for its weekly broadcast. The pitch wasn't new, but one of the payment methods was instead of heading to your computer and entering your credit-card information, you could simply send $ 5 to the show via text message. Long promised, never realized, mobile payments will finally take off in the U. S. in 2010. Already the sector is a beehive of activity, with companies like Zong and mPayy enabling cus tomers to pay for online purchases with only a phone number. Obopay, another mobilepayments company, received $ 35 million from Nokia in 2009, and it will have a wide rollout on that company's phones. Perhaps the best sign that the sector is poised for takeoff is that Twitter creator and tech superstar Jack Dorsey has set his sights on it. His new company, Square, launched in December, allows merchants to accept credit-card payments with cell phones. True, Square doesn't untether us from plastic just yet, but it's only a matter of time before "Cash or credit?" becomes "Cash or cell?"7. Facebook Goes PublicAt only 25 years old, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg has turned his donn-room idea into a global empire. Might he identify with Alexander the Great, who wept at the size of his dominion because there were no more lands left to conquer? Not just yet: he can still take the company public. In November, the social-networking company took a major step toward that event by announcing that it was creating two classes of stock: one class suitable for sale in an initial public offering, and one that is vested with 10 times the voting power. An IPO under those conditions would flood the company with cash while keeping control firmly in Zuckerbergs hands. If that sounds familiar, it's because the strategy is the same one used by Google before it went public in 2004. Zuckerberg is as cutthroat and super-ambitious as he is socially awkward that is to say, very--and he would stand to become an actual billionaire, not just a virtual one. His Personal wealth has yo-yo'd in line with various private valuations of his company over the years. Facebook also announced this year that it is cash-flow positive, and a successful IPO would cement the site as a viable business, while archrival Twitter stillscrambles for a business model.8. Twitter Use FlatlinesTwitter is almost synonymous with explosive growth. But there are signs that 2009's darling of the Internet has already begun to level off, a reversal that would have seemed impossible not long ago. In February 2oo9, Nielsen Online reported that Twitter's 7 million unique visitors constituted more than 1,000 percent growth in just a year's time. Ashton Kutcher, after beating CNN to the million-follower mark in a neckand-neck race, began blasting past later milestones with ease. (He's now at 4.1 million followers. ) And when Oprah Winfrey embraced the service in April, Twitter's popularity simply hockey-sticked.There were skeptics all along-- Nielsen also reported last spring that 60 percent of Twitter users failed to return after one month but excitement about the new mediurm's potential made them easy to dismiss. Now the data have become difficult to ignore. Twitters U. S. traffic actually declined from September to October, according to a range of measures. We're by no means Twitter haters--here's proof--but it seems clear that the service is in for a period of modest performance, as sign-ups of new users are measured against better estimates of existing users who neglect their accounts. One of the things that has made Twitter so successful is its wide-open API; ironically, that same transparency can provide a reality check on the number of people who have let their accounts go totally dormant who began tweeting during the Oprah bubble, but turned out to be making just a short stop at the birdbath.9. Microsoft Pushes Out Steve BallmerBallmer's 10th anniversary as CEO of Mierosoft arrives in January, but ifs hard to imagine he'll be celebrating. Mierosoft stock has dropped by nearly 50 percent on his watch, lagging not just other teeh eompanies but even the Dow Jones industrial average. Distracted by the Windows Vista fiasco, Ballmer has missed every big new tech market of the past decade. Google won the race for Internet search and keyword advertising. Apple won in MP3 players and online music sales, and now holds the high ground in mobile phones, while Windows Mobile fades away. Microsoft's Zune music player is a dud. Bing, Microsoft's search engine, will never catch Google. Ballmer is said to be a brilliant guy, but he got a black eye for the way he blundered and blustered and finally botched an attempted acquisition of Yahoo. He's a screamer and a bit of a bully--not the easiest guy to work for. If Microsoft were any other company, this guy would be in trouble. But the catch is, Ballmer was put into the job by Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and the two have been pals since their undergraduate days at Harvard. If Gates wants to get rid of Ballmer, he' 11 have to craft some kind of graceful exit that lets his buddy save face. Another problem: there's no heir apparent on the management team. Nevertheless, investors must be getting restless. Soon they'll start calling for a shake-up.10. Google Faces Antitrust SuitThe Feds are already looking at Google on a variety of fronts. Its deal with book publishers has drawn scrutiny. In 2009 it was hassled by the Federal Trade Commission over possible anticompetitive connections because it shared two board members with Apple, a situation that got resolved when Google CEO Eric Schmidt quit Apple's board, and Arthur Levinson, an Apple board member, quit the Google board. Regulators freaked out again when Google tried to make a search partnership with Yahoo. Supposedly the Feds were ready to bring charges, but then Google walked away from the deal.After facing this scrutiny in the past year, Google has launched a kind of ongoing publicity campaign, wooing the media and hoping to convince people that it isn't really a big bad company. It likes to say that it's operating in a highly competitive field and that its users can leave with the click of a mouse. But the fact is, Google handles two thirds of all searches in the United States. Whether that can legally be defined as a "monopoly" and whether Google can be shown to have abused its powerful market position remains to be seen. But regulators here and/or in the European Union will find Google so tempting a target that they will not be able to resist bringing a case to find out.Addicts of the Information AgeAmong everybody from our leaders to our teenagers, no habit is spreading faster than being connected 24/7 via a smart phone.[2] Its penetration in the U.S. is estimated at 18%, and it seems that everywhere you turn, people are using their smart phones in new ways and in new places. Samsung recently estimated that it expects 500 million global smart-phone users by 2012. Actual phone calls are becoming extinct compared with handheld texts and email messages--whoever thought people would prefer typing to talking? But the evidence appears to say they do.[3"] This has also given rise to a group of people--the top 10% of smart-phone users--who just can't stop. They are the smartphoniacsI, the true addicts of the information age.[4] Here are five tell-tale2 traits of Smartphoniacs :Do they take their smart phones with them when they get up from the table to go to the restroom---and do they take an awful lot of trips there?Do you receive messages from them while you know they are driving (increasingly being harmed in state after state), or at midnight on Saturday night?Do they come up with excuses in the middle of a conversation to pull out their smart phone--something like "let me jot something you said down so I don't forget it", and then sneak a look at all their messages?Are they suffering from sprained or elongated thumbs?Do they openly use their smart phones in inappropriate places, such as first dates, at Rosh Hashanah4 or Christmas dinner, in hospital delivery rooms, or on job interviews?[5 ] If your "friend" fits four out of five of these, then he or she is a smartphoniac. If he fits only two or three of them, he is just another typical user who stays connected on the street, in meetings and at the movies.[6] As these devices pop up everywhere, there has been a recent spate of articles about smart-phone "manners"--as if using your phone when your boss, or your mother, is talking to you is just a matter of poor training on their part. I don't think your boss or your mom ever said "go ahead, text while I'm talking to you". So it's just not a matter of manners. Ifs much more the result of a deeper disconnect anxiety, an irrepressible fear that you will miss something if you put it away.[7] I once worked with a candidate for Senate who emailed me from the podiums during a debate. Many 'CEOs communicate today primarily from their smart phones. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama used them on the campaign trail, while John MeCain didn't.[8] The famed red phone to call the Russian premier in the event of a national security emergency could now be replaced by a red smart phone. Imagine if the world's top leaders were all connected bysmart phones and they communicated directly and frequently about issues of mutual concern. It would revolutionize diplomacy.[9] But Smartphoniacs are an eclectic mix of the successful and powerful, busy professionals, teenagers and college students. All of them commtmicate incessantly.[10] In Korea, more than three in 10 youths who carry mobile phones are said to be addicted. In Germany, there are an estimated 380,000 texting addicts—folks who withdraw from the very family and friends their machines were supposed to connect them to. While there hasn't been a formal study of Smartphoniacs in America, we know that between the second quarter of 2007 and the second quarter of 2008, the North American smart-phone market grew 78.7%. About 139.3 million smart phones were sold world-wide last year, and half of U. S. smart-phone users report using their devices more today than they did just three months ago.[11] Last month, the National Texting Championship award and its $ 50,000 grand prize went to a 15-year-old who texts 500 times a day. A recent poll found that 42% of teens can text with their eyes closed. And based on other studies on the intensity of smart-phone use, we can guess that Smartphoniacs skew male, affluent and well-educated. Not since the television has any invention changed the lifestyle habits of Americans more than the smart phone. The recent movie Seven Pounds detailed the guilt of an executive who caused a fatal car crash because he emailed while driving.[12] To be sure, there are forces calling for temperance7. Some people refuse to date people who use smart phones. Many parents just say no. Legislators are getting into the act to protect public safety. But for the most part, Americans of every age and stage are wrapping themselves in apps, chcks and instantaneous communication as part of a social network. And some small but significant percentage of this group is going to take a one-way slide to the bottom, where the compulsion to use their smart phones is so strong that they can only hope their batteries last long enough to text a cry for help.[13] We're not far away from Smartphoniacs Anonymous or Mothers Against Smart Phones. We've been through this with TV, the Intemet and videogames. In the end it all works out and we successfully integrate them into our lives, even though we are never again the same. At least with smart phones, with all their usage counters, we will be able to tell who has recovered from the binges.。

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科技英语翻译 1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1 The power plant is the heart of a ship. The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induc tion motor. 动力装置是船舶的心脏。


第1节翻译练习2 Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications. Cramped co nditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely. All bodies are known to posse ss weight and occupy space. 半导体装置也称为晶体管 在许多场合替代电子管。

我们知道 所有的物体都有重量并占据空间。


第1节翻译练习3 The removal of minerals from water is called softening. A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole. 去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。

双子叶植物典型的营养叶由两个主要部分组成 叶片和叶柄。

1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1 Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena. All four (outer planets) pro bably have cores of metals, silicates, and water. 爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。

直译 这四颗外层行星的内核可能都由金属、硅酸盐和水构成。

意译The designer must have access to stock lists of the materials he employs. Part adjustment and repair must be performed on regular basis if an acceptable printed product is to be the end prod uct. 设计师必须备有所使用材料的储备表。

意译 要使印刷品的质量达到要求 部件调试及修理就必须定期进行。

意译 第4节翻译练习2 The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water. The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia. The apparent change in size of the sun is cause d by dust in the air near the horizon. 植物生长的各因素中最重要的是水的供应。

合译 太阳的大小看起来有变化 这是由于靠近地平线的空气中有尘粒而引起的。

分译 医生对血样作了分析 看是不是贫血症。

分译These fragments of rock and iron range from thousand kilometers in diameter to less than on e. Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being mad e and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced. 这些石块和铁块的碎片大小不等 大的直径有1000公里 小的不到1公里。

分译 制造过程可以分为单件生产和大量生产。

前者指的是生产少量的零件 后者则是指生产大量相同的零件。

分译 第4节翻译练习3 Cartography is the science of making maps. Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes. 制图学是研究绘制地图的科学。

增译 人们发现 自然界里许多元素 都是各种不同的同位素的混合物。

增译The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is the unit of voltag e and that of current. That like charges repel but opposite charges attract is one of the fundamen tal laws of electricity. 电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特 后者是电压的单位 前者是电流的单位。

增译 同性电荷相斥 异性电荷相吸是电学的一个基本规律。

省译 第4节翻译练习4 Almost any insulated body processes to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric c harge. The angular contact bearing provides a greater thrust capacity. The properties of the weld can be altered by varying the grain orientation. 几乎任何一种绝缘体都多少具有保留电荷一段时间的能力。



2.1 词义的选择第1节翻译练习1 The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other. The earth isn’t completely round; it is slightly flattened at the poles. In each round of operation the particle pic ks up energy from the oscillating electric field. 锭子同时绕两个互相垂直的轴旋转。


名词 地球并非完全是圆的 它的两极略扁平。

形容词An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucl eus of an atom. Her waist measures forty inches round. 电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。

动词 她腰围40英寸。

副词 第1节翻译练习2 Rate of penetration was found to be proportional to the net pressure applied by the tool. Scient ists are constantly striving to find fast and convenient way of obtaining quantitative data. To find t he area of a square or oblong, you merely multiply its length by its width. Certain isotopes are no t found in nature. 人们发现钻孔速度与工具所受的净压力成正比。

求一正方形或长方形的面积 你只需将其长度乘以宽度。



New fibers find expanding applications in engineering and industry. Kangaroos are found in Australia. This plant is found in the sea near the mouth of rivers. Microcomputers have found thei r application in the production of genius sensors. Plastics find wide application in our daily life. 大袋鼠产于澳大利亚。





第2节翻译练习1 The cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it rolls. Traditionally, NC programming has been performed offline with the machine commands being contained on a punched tape. The occurrence of large mats of floating algae may result in the death of many fish from lack of oxygen. 滚动阻力的起因在于滚动体的配合面和它滚动的滚道的变形。

技术性引申 通常 数控机床的编程是脱机完成的 指令载于穿孔带上。

技术性引申 大片大片漂浮的藻类的出现导致很多鱼因缺氧而死亡。

修辞引申The splitting of the uranium or plutonium nucleus is accompanied by the release of very consi derable amount of energy. The major contributors in component technology have been in the se miconductor. The distance between the two plates is small compared with their linear dimension s. Just as different solids and liquids vary in density, so do gases and vapor元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。
