



留学生海归求职咨询行业需要记住这几点 在金融业中,以投资银行业和咨询行业为高薪的主要代表。

那么,那些因为咨询业的高薪、体面、社会地位高等因素而对咨询业产生向往的人们,你真的了解咨询业么?Part 1咨询行业为何如此吸引人咨询是一个很广义的概念,如果上维基百科搜一下“consulting”,就会出现诸如Financial Consulting、IT Consulting、Human Resource Consulting、Management Consulting、Public Relations Consulting等子条目。







这个行业的领军人物是MBB:也就是McKinsey & Co.麦肯锡,Bain & Co. 贝恩和Boston Consulting Group 波士顿咨询公司。

二线雇主包括:Deloitte德勤,Accenture埃森哲,Strategy& (原Booz博斯), A.T Kearney科尔尼, Oliver Wyman (奥纬) 等。





【海归招聘会】在Bain做Consulting:咨询的道路上,掌握主动权,才能实现自我提升!Q1: 本科和master都学习Industrial and Operations Engineering,最后却选择了consulting作为职业发展的方向,为什么会这样选择?选择consulting其实对我来说并不是一个很大的转型,大家可能都会觉得做consulting 的大多都是business school出身的,但其实我身边也有蛮多Engineering的同学也在做consulting,我们分析问题会非常谨慎,特别注重细节,做事情会比较hands-on一些,其实这些都是我在engineering school学到的东西。

对于consultant刚开始来讲的话,需要有很强的能力去build model, 把客户的很多信息都转化成有用资讯,而且我之前有在不同的公司实习过,做过supply-chain consultant,还有做过internal consultant,虽然形式不同,但consultant的本质都是沟通。



一开始难免会不适应环境,节奏太快啊等等,工作之外自己也没有太多自己的时间,还要合理manage manager’s expectation。


Q3:在Bain现在做associate consultant,主要负责的方向是哪些?会处理哪些case?至今的三个月来,我做了两个任务,第一个任务是private equity。

我的第一个client是做hedge fund,他们是要acquire另外一家上市公司,所以我们要去分析market,还有未来是否能sustainable,这个公司本身是否是一个很好的position,买了之后这是否是一个很好的price,能否能cut cost,要有全面的分析。


























【上海海归招聘会】McKinsey导师亲述:四大转MBB? 现在是最好的时机!

【上海海归招聘会】McKinsey导师亲述:四大转MBB? 现在是最好的时机!

【上海海归招聘会】McKinsey导师亲述:四大转MBB?现在是最好的时机!1同样高大上的投行和咨询,怎么选?1.What do you get out of consulting that you don’t in investment banking?“There are three main advantages that consulting has over investment banking. The first is the ability to manage your own work schedule. On any given project, you have to think about how you can best add value to the team and to the client. This is in stark contrast to the hierarchical nature of investment banking, where you are basically waiting to receive orders from someone more senior than you and simply executing.This will help you develop time management, projectmanagement, and structuring skill sets.”“Secondly, consulting gives you a much broader set of e xperiences and exposure. Every new project is a chance to learn something new, interesting, and exciting. You will most likely be in a new industry, a new function, a new client, or all of the above.In contrast, investment banking is more narrowly focused. You are either placed into a vertical industry such as TMT or FIG, or into a functional group such as M&A or IPO. Either way, you will only get exposure to the specific desk that you are placed into. Having a variety of experiences not only allows you to build out a comprehensive set of skills, it also gives you a broader set of exit options. After being an investment banker, the only real exit option is private equity. In contrast, a consulting experience allows you to transition to private equity, hedge funds, technology firms, startups, corporate management roles, and many more.”“Lastly, consulting gives you client exposure, and very senior exposure at that. Most projects take place on the client site, which means you will be interacting with the clients on a daily basis. In addition, you will be responsible for running meetings and giving presentations. This is in stark contrast to investment banking where you just work behind your computer all day long. Getting client exposure has two main benefits. First, it strengthens your communications skills, both writtenand oral. Secondly, you will develop the confidence to speak with much more senior people and treat them as a peer.”相比投行,咨询主要有3个优点:首先,和投行的等级制不同,你可以管理自己的工作日程,而非等待senior的指令,然后做简单的执行工作。



【招聘海归硕士】刚拿到贝恩暑期实习的offer,和大家分享一下求职经验刚刚拿到Bain 的offer -Summer Associate Consultant Intern -Hong Kong office 。

Major steps in the recruitment process:1 CV screen◆Mention leadership traits and internship experience◆my intern experience is mostly in the financial industry , eg banking and capital markets2 Written Test◆CV 过到后, 就会收到Written test invitation in regional office. Its basically equivalent to Mckinsey's PST, theres no way you can find Bain's past tests online , so i recommend practicing Mck's tests. 因为人太懒的关系我只是练了3个online mock PST ,真正Bain written test的时候差点做不完... Just try your best to understand the questions and the reading materials quickly and you will be fine .3 Group Interview◆面试官是三个AC,每人自我介绍后就开始讲辩题◆~10 candidates divided into 2 groups to debate on a random topic which is impossible to prepare . 10 mins prep and then 15 mins debate , 2min per candidate ending speech.4 1st Round case interview◆2 middle-level consultants , 1 on 1 case interviews , 30 mins each , conducted consecutively.◆1st case : video interview with a consultant based in the Beijing office, 面试case 的部分以普通话进行( 可能他见我是香港人, 所以想考考我的普通话吧哈哈)我的普通话真的挺差,所以面试的过程不太通顺,中英夹杂,他有时说得快的时候我有点听不明白,只好硬着头皮尽量抄底重点lolthe case is about a global logistic company's performance enhancement in the China Market . 问答来来回回20分钟,最后他问我有什么suggestion,其实我真的不肯定,然后就说去acquire 内地的middle market players 吧,合并派货流程(cost synergies) 和有更好的market penetration and client network.fit方面他问了我几次为什么想做consulting,given that I have a much longer history in the financial industry. 然后问了我Mck vs Bain 怎么选择,banking vs consulting 怎么选择等等.. 还真的挺pushy..◆2nd case : 香港人senior associate consultant (SAC) , 是港大的师兄, 问了一个based on his own client experience 的case ,主要是关于cost reduction, 要看一些图表,market research等等,然后发现客户面对low margin compared to competitors 的问题。








招聘机构利弊英语作文Title: Pros and Cons of Recruitment Agencies。

In the contemporary job market, recruitment agencies have become increasingly prevalent, offering services to both job seekers and employers. While they provide numerous benefits, they also come with certain drawbacks. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of recruitment agencies.Advantages:1. Wide Network: Recruitment agencies often have extensive networks with various companies across different industries. This allows them to connect job seekers with a wide range of job opportunities that may not be easily accessible otherwise.2. Expertise and Resources: These agencies typically have experienced recruiters who possess in-depth knowledgeof the job market and specific industries. They can provide valuable insights and guidance to job seekers regarding their career path, resume writing, and interview preparation.3. Time-saving: Job hunting can be a time-consuming process, involving searching for vacancies, submitting applications, and attending interviews. Recruitment agencies streamline this process by matching candidates with suitable job openings, saving them time and effort.4. Access to Hidden Opportunities: Some job vacancies may not be advertised publicly and are only accessible through recruitment agencies. By registering with these agencies, job seekers gain access to these hidden job opportunities, increasing their chances of finding employment.5. Negotiation Assistance: Recruitment agencies often assist in negotiating salary packages and other employment terms on behalf of the candidates. They leverage their industry knowledge and negotiation skills to securefavorable terms for the candidates.Disadvantages:1. Cost: Employers usually pay recruitment agencies a fee for their services, which can be substantial,especially for smaller businesses. This cost may deter some employers from utilizing recruitment agencies, limiting job opportunities for job seekers.2. Lack of Control: Job seekers relinquish some degree of control over their job search process when they rely solely on recruitment agencies. They may not have direct access to information about job vacancies or the ability to tailor their applications according to specific companies' requirements.3. Quality of Matches: While recruitment agenciesstrive to match candidates with suitable job openings, there is no guarantee of a perfect fit. Job seekers may be presented with opportunities that do not align with their career goals or expectations.4. Potential for Misrepresentation: In some cases, recruitment agencies may exaggerate job descriptions or misrepresent job opportunities to attract candidates. This can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction among job seekers who were misled about the nature of the job.5. Limited Scope: Despite their extensive networks, recruitment agencies may focus primarily on certain industries or job types, limiting the options available to job seekers in other fields.In conclusion, recruitment agencies offer valuable services by connecting job seekers with job opportunities and assisting employers in finding suitable candidates. However, they also have drawbacks such as cost, lack of control, and potential for misrepresentation. Job seekers should weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding to enlist the services of a recruitment agency and consider alternative job search methods as well.。

Consultant (海外留学背景)岗位职责要求

Consultant (海外留学背景)岗位职责要求

Consultant (海外留学背景)岗位职责要求作为一名海外留学背景的Consultant,你将扮演着一个重要的角色,专门帮助公司和客户解决复杂的问题,并推动公司的业务增长。

以下是你的岗位职责要求:1. 提供专业的咨询服务作为一名Consultant,你需要具备深厚的专业知识和经验,能够提供高质量、全面的咨询服务。


2. 分析和解决问题作为Consultant,你需要有逻辑思维能力,能够深入分析问题并提出有效解决方案。


3. 管理项目和流程作为Consultant,你需要有组织管理能力和规划能力,能够有效地管理项目和流程,确保项目按时按质地完成。


4. 与客户沟通作为Consultant,你需要与客户保持沟通,了解他们的需求和意见。


5. 具有商业意识作为Consultant,你需要具备敏锐的商业意识,了解公司的市场定位和竞争环境,帮助公司制定战略计划,提高公司的竞争力。

6. 领导才能作为Consultant,在项目中你可能需要领导团队成员,需要有领导能力和谈判技巧,能够处理团队管理和客户关系等问题。

7. 提高公司声誉与持续发展作为Consultant,你需要致力于提高公司声誉和业务范围的增长。








Consulting:solving problem with clear-cut need solutions,关键是发现root cause,解决一个已知的问题,consulting,卖的是ideas。

Advisory:locating problem with advise on viable solutions,关键是发现一个未知的问题,并建议client如何自行解决问题。

我们平时所熟知的Consulting 公司是指MBB三大(麦肯锡、贝恩、波士顿),主要是做战略咨询的;或是埃森哲、IBM,主要是做企业信息系统咨询的。


其实在Anderson事件(不明就里的小伙伴可以自己Google“Anderson Scandal”)之前五大的咨询部门都是非常强势的,是MBB强有力的竞争对手。

可惜Anderson 事件后,其中四大的咨询部门剥离。

Anderson 剥离为Accenture,PwC剥离为IBM的咨询部门,KPMG咨询剥离成为毕博咨询等,但高冷的Deloitte 拒绝剥离,所以它的咨询部门就这样一直保留着,直到今天。

2ConsultingConsulting总的来说可以分成战略咨询(Strategy)、运营咨询(Operation)、信息技术系统咨询(IT system)三大类。













(一)Advisory VS. Consulting在英文中这两个词的含义有些微差异,advisory的咨询性质更体现为“建议”,似乎是光说不练的意思,专业服务多是一次性的,而consulting的咨询性质更体现为“商议”,似乎是建议后还要和对方商量怎么做的意思,专业服务范围在建议层面之后有不同程度的延伸和扩展。




大家可能比较了解的就是Audit 和Tax,但是具体来讲的话其实四大除了这两条Service line 之外还有Advisory 和Consulting,这里主要是以EY 的Service line 作为标准,四大的结构分支和业务项目整体来说,会有一些小的不同,但是大的方向来讲是差不多的。

1Audit一般来讲每一个四大都是Audit 占的比例最重,人数最多,服务也最多,以EY 为例,对于底下的Audit 包括四个主要的部分:最主要的就是External Audit就是我们通常意义上的审计,要做的事情一般就是会去客户那边审查客户的Financial statementsFAAS(Financial Accounting Advisory Services)它是稍微带一点Advisory 的性质,主要是为客户,我们都知道Accounting standards regulation 基本上每年都会有变化,只不过有时是小变化有时是大变化,所以这个Service 就是主要给客户提供一些帮助FIDS(Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services)主要是针对Fraud 提供相关的一些服务,FIDS 有一个很大的特点就是基本上是One hundred percent traveling,因为它本身针对的就是Fraud 相关的服务,所以对于Independence 的要求特别的高,你不可能在你所处的Office 工作,就是因为你是本地的,可能就会跟那些公司多少都会有一些联系,所以就在你判断上不太好搞,所以FIDS 基本上就是百分之百Traveling 的。

CCASS (Climate Change and Sustainability Services)这个就是非常特殊的一个服务,它是专门针对最近这几年以来,由于天气影响带来的一些环境、社会和经济的变化,因为这些变化导致了很多行业内规范和规则的变化,与此同时给行业带来了一些压力。




高一的时候我参加了我们学校的一个到美国交流的项目,那段时间过得很开心,host family对我也很好,甚至后来我上大学了也经常到他们家去过感恩节。


我记得当时录取我的有Yale,Wustl,U Michigan,UVA,还有NYUStern,但因为录取的专业不是我最理想的选择吧,所以后来还是选择了去UNC。



(怎么找research?)大一刚进UNC的时候,我有research scholarship,所以去学校之前开始reach out可能的research。

大一去的时候,做了china health and nutrition study。

大二有了programming background之后,因为UNC有很多research的机会,学校也有招volunteer,我就跑去面试了,最后拿到了一个医院的data analyst。



而NGO 也一般不给国际生sponsorship。




所以我就去面试了几家consulting firms。



刚刚拿到offer, 谈谈我的Consulting⾯试杂记,希望能给各位朋友⼀些帮助。




好了⾔归正传,给我offer的是⼀家全球性的Consulting Company, 具体名字这⾥隐去了。


我申请的是graduate position, 公司给办work permit, 起薪在30K以上。





有的⼯程博⼠毕业,选了graduate engineer做起,起薪是21-23K;有的博⼠毕业留校做博⼠后,起薪是24K左右;有的⼯程博⼠毕业也选了graduate position, 但是去了McKinsey和波⼠顿第⼀信贷,起薪分别是38K和40K左右;还有⼀个理科博⼠刚毕业拿到了这⾥的JP Morgan的PhD Entry Route做Quan,起薪58K。

再说说我的在英国读完本科或者硕⼠毕业的朋友和朋友的朋友(这⾥都是graduate position),有的直接去了⼯程公司, 起薪23K;有的去了这⾥的律师事务所,起薪28-30K; 还有的去了这⾥的Big Four,起薪23-25K;还有的佼佼者进了世界知名的Investment Bank,起薪35-40K。

【海归人才网】从实验室到四大Advisory 跨度没有想象中那么大

【海归人才网】从实验室到四大Advisory 跨度没有想象中那么大

【海归人才网】从实验室到四大Advisory 跨度没有想象中那么大【本想做个医生,但后来爱上了consulting】我本科在University of Chicago 学习Biological Sciences,当初是想未来做一个医生或者当一个生物学教授。



所以我打算转行做consulting,具体做advisory associate.目前我在PwC给Texas的一个client做consulting,data analysis,project management, 还会帮助supervisor 做interview,还有其他一些support的工作,帮助我的team做research,写很多survey。

我觉得PwC的企业文化非常好,大家都很friendly,自己的supervisors 都对自己非常好,很少很少有人来命令下属什么的。


我很喜欢我现在的工作,现在的工作还是和生物医学——我学习的领域有关:health care consulting。



我之前在一个non-profit实习过,做一些data analysis,run program还是和现在的工作很相关。



我当初在non-profit实习的时候,因为我是唯一一个有科学背景的intern,我会替他们做很多data analysis,让他们更好的理解program的prosand cons,还有哪些需要提升的东西。



【留学人才网】新鲜出炉的四大Advisory跟Tax面经【同时面audit和advisory两个职位我喜爱的position也选择了我】在PwC,我面试的是Forensics advisory,我个人是很喜欢Forensics advisory的岗位的。

KPMG的Forensics service比较小,也不招full-time,Deloitte 在我所在的地方好像也没有招Forensics的职位,所以我在KPMG,Deloitte报的的岗位是audit。

最后如我所愿,我进入了PwC做Forensics advisory。


而Forensics是有四个面试,四个面试都是围绕着PwC的professional principle来进行的。

比如说,global acumen, business acumen,relationships , technical capability and leadership, 这五大方面在四个面试中他们都有针对性的test到了。

我个人的经历是,一个interview是technical capability,一个case study, 其他两个是behavioral interview。

我觉得technical的interview应该是最难的,因为他会问一些不是behavioral又像behavioral一类的问题,非常broad但又需要联系到自己的实践经验,所以说如果你是有很多work experience 就会比较好回答一些。

因为我们很多学生没有full-time work experience,所以在问到这之类的问题就会显得有些束手无策。

比如说他就有问到一个:在你的工作里面如果你做的东西有inconsistency or inaccuracy, how do you deal with it? 你需要找到一个example非常有力非常出彩的阐述你的原则和做法,这个问题其实有点在挖掘你不太好的一面。

咨询意见 英语作文

咨询意见 英语作文

咨询意见英语作文Title: The Importance of Seeking Advice。

Introduction:In today's fast-paced and complex world, seeking advice has become an essential part of decision-making. Whether it is for personal or professional matters, seeking opinions and guidance from others can provide valuable insights and help us make informed choices. This essay will discuss the significance of seeking advice, the benefits it offers, and how one can effectively utilize the advice received.Body:1. Gaining Different Perspectives:Seeking advice allows us to gain different perspectives on a situation or problem. When we solely rely on our own opinions, we may overlook crucial aspects or biases. Byconsulting others, we can broaden our understanding and consider alternative viewpoints. This not only helps us make better decisions but also encourages personal growth and development.2. Accessing Expertise:In certain situations, seeking advice from experts in a particular field is crucial. For instance, when facing a legal issue, consulting a lawyer can provide us with the necessary legal knowledge and guidance. Similarly, seeking advice from professionals such as doctors, financial advisors, or career counselors can help us navigate complex situations and make well-informed choices. Accessing their expertise can save us time, money, and potential mistakes.3. Emotional Support:Sometimes, seeking advice is not solely about finding a solution but also about seeking emotional support. Sharing our concerns and challenges with others can provide comfort and reassurance. Friends, family, or mentors can offer alistening ear, empathy, and guidance during difficult times. Their support can boost our confidence and help us overcome obstacles with a clearer mindset.4. Avoiding Mistakes:Seeking advice can help us avoid costly mistakes. When making important decisions, there is often a risk of overlooking critical factors or making hasty choices. Seeking advice from experienced individuals who have faced similar situations can help us anticipate potential risks and pitfalls. Learning from their mistakes can save us from unnecessary setbacks and regrets.5. Effective Utilization of Advice:While seeking advice is essential, it is equally important to know how to effectively utilize the advice received. Firstly, it is crucial to carefully choose the individuals from whom we seek advice. Selecting trustworthy and knowledgeable individuals ensures the quality and reliability of the advice received. Secondly, activelylistening and considering different perspectives is essential. It is important to be open-minded and receptiveto suggestions, even if they differ from our initial thoughts. Lastly, weighing the pros and cons of different options and making an informed decision based on the advice received is crucial.Conclusion:In conclusion, seeking advice is a valuable tool in decision-making. It provides us with different perspectives, access to expertise, emotional support, and helps us avoid mistakes. By effectively utilizing advice, we can make informed choices that lead to personal growth and success. Therefore, it is essential to embrace the habit of seeking advice and recognize its significance in our lives.。



咨询作文英语Consulting Writing。

In today's fast-paced world, people often find themselves in need of advice or guidance in various aspects of their lives. This is where consulting comes in, offering professional expertise and support to individuals or organizations seeking to make informed decisions. In this article, we will explore the concept of consulting, its benefits, and how to choose the right consultant for your needs.What is Consulting?Consulting is a professional service provided by experts in a particular field to help clients make informed decisions. Consultants offer their expertise and advice to individuals or organizations facing complex problems or seeking to improve their performance. Consulting services can be provided in various areas, including management,finance, marketing, human resources, technology, and more.Benefits of Consulting。

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虽然都称为咨询,却很不一样四大Advisory vs. Consulting我们平常之所以对Consulting 和Advisory感到困惑,主要因为中文都可以翻译成“咨询“,但其实他们两者有着本质的区别。

我们平时所熟知的Consulting 公司是指MBB三大(麦肯锡、贝恩、波士顿),主要是做战略咨询的;或是埃森哲、IBM,主要是做企业信息系统咨询的。


今天主要来看看四大Advisory 都有哪些subservice line(本文仅供参考,主要针对美国地区)。

EY AdvisoryEY 的Advisory 服务分为以下几种:∙Transaction Advisory Service∙IT Risk and Assurance∙Risk∙Performance ImprovementKPMG AdvisoryKPMG 的Advisory 服务分为以下几种:∙Management Consulting∙Risk Consulting∙Transaction & RestructringDeloitte AdvisoryDeloitte 的Advisory 服务分为以下几种:∙Risk & Resilience∙Regulatory∙Forensics & Compliance∙Financial TransactionsDeloitte Consulting之前我们在讲第一章四大各部门介绍时,就有提到过Deloitte 还有Consulting ,里面还提及Advisory 与Consulting 之间的区别(想了解的可以点击这里查看)。

为什么这里要特别将Deloitte 拉出来讲?因为在四大中,Management Consulting 是Deloitte 的天下,也只有Deloitte 的业务范畴是最全面的,战略、运营、IT都有在做。

DeloitteConsulting 的实力甚至是可以跟MBB 媲美的。

最新的Vault 排名把Deloitte Consulting 排到第4,仅次于MBB 。

IT主要做信息技术方面的规划和实施,主要竞争对手是Accenture ,IBM,Capgemini 等IT 咨询公司。

Human Capital Advisory 主要做的员工持股计划、人力资源规划、薪酬体系设计等人力资源方面的管理咨询,主要竞争对手是Mercer ,Towers Watson 等。

而S&O 则主要做战略规划、组织架构调整、管理流程再造等咨询,主要竞争对手就是MBB, RB, ATK, (原来的) Monitor 和Booz 等战略咨询公司了。

PwC AdvisoryPwC 的Advisory 服务分为以下几种:∙Management Consulting∙Technology Consulting∙Risk Consulting∙Strategy Consulting (Strategy&)Strategy& (Strategy Consulting) 作为PwC Strategy& (Strategy Consulting) 中的一员,要帮助客户抓住必要的利益,主要通过以下的方式:一是协助企业制定公司或者部门发展战略,二是协助企业形成差异化优势,让他们在众多竞争对手当中脱颖而出。

PwC 的Strategy Consultants 主要工作是为客户提供创新解决方案,着重在公司战略、人才和组织战略、经营战略、客户策略和技术策略。

所以 Advisory 到底在做什么?笼统来说,Advisory的定义是:locating problem with advise on viable solutions,关键是发现一个未知的问题,并建议client如何自行解决问题。


Risk准确可靠的Financial Statement 对企业执行高效的管理起着关键作用,而财务报告又受国内和国外的规章和条例影响。



为了让企业规避风险,做好以下的风险管理就显得特别重要了:1.明确企业面对的主要风险是什么2.了解与衡量发生风险的可能性有多高,这个风险对企业的商业驱动力有多大的影响3.明确高风险项,并制定计划降低风险4.帮助企业简化风险管理程序,降低成本5.提升企业业绩6.保护现有资产以KPMG为例的话,它的Risk 下面又有以下几种Subline:Financial Risk Management、Forensic、IT Advisory 和Internal audit & Regulatory complicance 服务。

其中值得提一下的是Forensic ,主要的工作是给客户提供价值,时间要早,速度要快。


Transaction Advisory Service要与收购(投资)交易等资本市场活动相关,主流业务包括:Financial Due Diligence(FDD,财务尽职调查):主要是分析目标公司的财务背景,为M&A作出判断。

Business Due Diligence(商业尽职调查),主要是通过各种渠道来全方位Research 目标公司的背景,Valuation(估值),包括在MA 的过程中对企业进行估值,以及对审计业务中客户的债券价值、期权价值等进行估值,主要需要用到金融学的知识。

除此之外还有M&A Strategy(并购策略), Post-deal Restructuring(并购后整合), Corporate Finance Advisory(企业融资)等。

虽然四大都有这项业务,但却喜欢用不同的名字来命名PwC:Deals(据说服务也是四大之中最顶尖的)Deloitte:Financial Advisory ServiceEY:Transaction Advisory ServiceKPMG:Transactions& RestructuringIT RiskIT Risk 很显然是涉及到信息技术方面的服务。


选择:Assurance (Audit) or Advisory?这个部分是针对EY 的,但是大多数情况来说也适用于四大。

Assurance 主要包括传统的Audit 服务,当然也包括Financial audits 。

Assurance 已经是非常成熟的一项业务了,并且已形成了一套系统的方法论及常有年度审计业务。


而另一方面,Advisory 更像是走传统的企业管理咨询模式,它不如Assurance 的持续性好,但却是公司里发展最快的一个业务。

Compare & Contrast:两者之间的差异非常大的。

工作模式的不同Assurance 的工作简直就是分析性与耗时性的一个典型代表。

而在旺季的时候,Auditors 也是每周花个80+小时或更多的时间去搜索数据,找出反常之处,最后写报告,给客户总结一下他们的发现。

而说到参与的人员,Assurance 大部分的工作一般是由年轻的员工去负责的,然后交由Seniors 和Managers 审核,最后由合伙人签字之后才呈现给客户看。




而相反,Advisory 主要让一大批经验丰富的员工负责处理复杂的商业挑战,通常来说,寻常的服务方法不能够很好地完成这些挑战。

无论客户是否意识到对自己会面对的挑战是什么,Advisory 都要求员工对客户会面对的所有挑战有着非常敏锐的触觉以及深入的认知。




与客户的关系不同Assurance 的工作主要是以审计报告或者正式鉴证的形式,把自己的发现呈现给客户。


客户在与Aditors 沟通的时候会非常谨慎,这是因为Auditor 工作中很重要的一点就是要问客户一些探索性的问题,了解当前的情况,用以支撑自己的发现。

Auditors 与客户的关系,通常来讲是合作性的,但是也是非常紧张,总之就是一言难尽。

而另一方面,Advisory 的工作需要与客户有大量的互动,建立相互合作的友好关系,最后为客户定制一个成功的解决方案,解决他们当前的经营问题。

这样的交流互动能够很快地发展成一段稳固和持续的关系,这是因为很多时候,Advisory 的工作就是要跟客户紧密合作,实现客户目标。

而Advisory 工作的核心就是根据Advisor 的专业知识,为客户提供方案。
