2009数学建模C题 卫星跟踪解析




卫星“追赶”及遮挡问题•卫星“追赶”——相距最近和最远问题两颗卫星在同一轨道平面内绕地球做匀速直线运动,a卫星的角速度为ωa,b卫星的角速度为ωb,某时刻两卫星正好同时通过地面同一点正上方,相距最近,如图匱所示匮当它们转过的角度之差匁θ匽π,即满足ωa匁t−ωb匁t匽π时,两卫星第一次相距最远,如图匲所示匮当它们转过的角度之差匁θ匽匲π,即满足ωa匁t−ωb匁t匽匲π时,两卫星再次相距最近匮经过一定的时间,两星又会相距最近和最远匮匱.两星相距最远的条件ωa匁t−ωb匁t匽匨匲n匫匱匩π匨n匽匰,匱,匲,匳...匩匲.两星相距最近的条件ωa匁t−ωb匁t匽匲nπ匨n匽匰,匱,匲,匳...匩期分别为T A和T B,绕行方向与地同一直线上)时开始计时,则要经过•卫星遮挡问题如图匴所示,飞船绕地球做圆周运动,地球半径为R,宇航员在A点测出的张角为α,则飞船扫描地球的弧长为¯MN,若太阳光为平行光,则在A点状态下,宇航员可以观察到日全食匮根据几何关系有即卩卮α匲匽Rr进而可以求出飞船的运行轨道、速度、周期等匮若地球自转周期为T0,卫星绕地球运转周期为T,则一天内飞船经历“日全食”的次数为n匽T0 T若在A点发射信号,则处于地球上¯MN范围内可以接收到信号匮解决卫星遮挡问题,关键在于找对切线位置,进而根据几何关系进行求解匮卫星遮挡问题宇宙飞船以周期为T绕地球作圆周运动时,由于地球遮挡阳光,会经历“日全食”过程,如图所示。


太阳光可看作平行光,宇航员在A点测出的张角为α,则则()动的线速度为匲πR T即卩卮α匲历“日全食”的次数为T T0全食”过程的时间为αT0例题1($$$)利用三颗位置适当的地球同步卫星,可使地球赤道上任意两点之间保持无线电通讯,目前地球同步卫星的轨道半径为地球半径的匶.匶倍,假设地球的自转周期变小,若仍仅用三颗同步卫星来实现上述目的,则地球自转周期的最小值约为()匮十.匱卨卂.匴卨千.匸卨卄.匱匶卨O答案卂O解析设地球的半径为R,则地球同步卫星的轨道半径为r匽匶.匶R.已知地球的自转周期T匽匲匴卨,地球同步卫星的转动周期与地球的自转周期一致,若地球的自转周期变小,则同步卫星的转动周期变小.由GMm R2匽m匴π2RT2可知,做圆周运动的半径越小,则运动周期越小.由于需要三颗卫星使地球赤道上任意两点之间保持无线电通讯,所以由几何关系可知三颗同步卫星的连线构成等边三角形并且三边与地球相切,如图由几何关系可知地球同步卫星的轨道半径为r 匽匲R由开普勒第三定律r3T3匽k得T 匽Tr 3r3匽匲匴匨匲R匩3匨匶.匶R匩3≈匴卨故选:卂.O答案十O解析人造卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,根据万有引力提供向心力,设卫星的质量为m、轨道半径为r、地球质量为M,有F匽GMmr2匽mω2r解得ω匽…GMr3卫星再次经过某建筑物的上空,卫星多转动一圈,有匨ω−ω0匩t匽匲π地球表面的重力加速度为:g匽GM R2联立解得t匽匲π…gR2r3−ω0故选:十.为匲θ,求同步卫星的轨道半径r赤道上A,B之间的区域,∠AOB和θ表示)习题匲($$$)我国自主研发的首颗高分辨率对地观测卫星“高分一号”,于匲匰匱匳年匴月匱匲日由长征二号丁运载火箭发射升空,匲匰匱匳年匱匲月正式投入使用,该卫星对地面拍摄的分辨率可达匲米,可对全球进行扫描拍摄,达到了世界的先进水平。



2009高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛A 题评阅要点[说明]本要点仅供参考,各赛区评阅组应根据对题目的理解及学生的解答,自主地进行评阅。

因为本题涉及到一些重要概念, 所以请各赛区评阅专家在阅卷前务必用比较多的时间来研读本评阅要点. 千万不要简单地以数值结果来评分.评阅时请注意具体情况具体对待, 特别要注意在处理误差分析时有没有闪光点。


1. 设前轮的半径为R ,制动时承受的载荷为G ,等效的转动惯量为J ,线速度为v ,角速度为ω,重力加速度为g 。

应该利用能量法得到 222121ωJ v g G =,v = Rω. 从而 J = GR 2/g 。

利用数据计算得到J = 52 kg ·m 2。


)2. 记飞轮的外半径为R 1,内半径为R 0,厚度为h ,密度为ρ,则飞轮的惯量为)(24041R R hJ -=πρ,利用数据计算得到三个飞轮的惯量分别为30 kg ·m 2、60 kg ·m 2、120 kg ·m 2,它们和基础惯量一起组成的机械惯量可以有8种情况:10, 40, 70, 100, 130, 160, 190, 220 kg ·m 2。

对于问题1中得到的等效的转动惯量,用电动机补偿能量对应的惯量(简称电机惯量)有两种方案:12 kg ·m 2 或 –18 kg ·m 2。


)3. 导出数学模型的一种方法为: 记需要模拟的单轮的等效的转动惯量为J , 主轴转速为()t ω,机械惯量1J , 则J 关于主轴的制动扭矩()M t 为,dtd Jt M ω=)( (1) J 1关于主轴的扭矩为 1d J dtω (2) 从而电流产生的扭矩()e M t 应为 1()()e d M t J J dtω=- (3) 由于电机的驱动电流0()()e I t k M t =,所以 01()()d I t k J J dt ω=- (4) 控制时可由k ω的测量值差分后得到1k I +.或者由(3)除以(1),得到 1()()e M t J J M t J-=,则有 10()()J J I t k M t J-= (5) 控制时由k M 的测量值得到1k I +. (4)和(5)就是驱动电流依赖于两个可观测量的数学模型。




我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。



所属班级(请填写完整的全名):09级数学与应用数学班队员(打印并签名) :1. 王茜2. 丁*燕3. 毕瑞4. 李*洋5. 王*彬小组负责人(打印并签名):李*洋日期: 2012 年 5 月 1 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):题目:三级火箭发射人造卫星分析摘要:火箭是一个非常复杂的系统,本文主要从卫星的速度因素着手,忽略一些次要因素将问题简化,再利用所学物理学知识建立数学模型,得出火箭飞行速度与其初始质量和飞行过程中的质量关系,进而分析得出结论。

关键词:卫星发射 牛顿定律 三级火箭 动能守恒 万有引力定律一、问题重述建立一个模型说明要用三级火箭发射人造卫星的道理。

(1)设卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,证明其速度为r g R v /=,R 为地球半径,r 为卫星与地心距离,g 为地球地面重力加速度。

要把卫星送上离地面600km 的轨道,火箭末速度v 应为多少?(2)设火箭飞行中速度为)(t v ,质量为)(t m ,初速度为零,初始质量为 0m ,火箭喷出的气体相对于火箭的速度为u ,忽略重力和阻力对火箭的影响。

用动量守恒原理证明)(ln)(0t m m u t v =。

由此你认为要提高火箭的末速度应采取什么措施? (3)火箭质量包括3部分:有效载荷(卫星)p m ;燃料f m ;结构(外壳、燃料舱等)s m ,其中s m 在s f m m +中的比例计作λ,一般λ不小于10%。



2009年全国研究生数学建模竞赛C题多传感器数据融合与航迹预测未来的战争,将是陆、海、空相结合的立体战争, 成功地收集各种情报非常重要,甚至对战争的胜负起着决定性的作用。






















在分析数据时,我们可以从以下几个方面入手:1. 空间分布特征分析:通过分析不同地区、不同时间段的卫星图像数据,我们可以了解不同地区之间的空间分布特征和变化趋势。

2. 影响因素分析:我们需要考虑影响城市热岛效应的各种因素,如气候、地形、建筑结构、人口密度等。


3. 预测城市热岛效应的变化趋势:根据已有的卫星图像数据和相关影响因素的分析结果,我们可以预测城市热岛效应的变化趋势,并为城市规划和管理提供参考依据。




基于以上分析,我们可以提出以下建模思路:1. 利用GIS软件进行空间分析和可视化展示:根据已有的卫星图像数据和相关影响因素的分析结果,利用GIS软件进行空间分析和可视化展示,以便更好地理解城市热岛效应的空间分布特征和影响因素。


解题思路 14
一种比较典型的仿真优化方法是:对每一位等待 一种比较典型的仿真优化方法是: 入院病人,以该病人当日入院的公平性(以到达 入院病人,以该病人当日入院的公平性( 先后计)与病床使用效率(分类考虑) 先后计)与病床使用效率(分类考虑)两方面综 合排序(例如求两个指标的加权和),然后按排 合排序(例如求两个指标的加权和),然后按排 ), 序结果安排当日入院病人,由此得到公平合理的 序结果安排当日入院病人, 住院方案。按此方案进行仿真, 住院方案。按此方案进行仿真,再统计各项评价 指标值,并与FCFS方案作比较,此问即告完成。 FCFS方案作比较 指标值,并与FCFS方案作比较,此问即告完成。
解题思路 3
这一类以排队论及仿真优化方法为主要解决 方法的题目, CUMCM年竞赛题目中,还 不多见。而这一类随机服务系统优化的问题, 不多见。而这一类随机服务系统优化的问题, 在现实实际中却是大量存在的,因此, 在现实实际中却是大量存在的,因此,在以 反映现实生活中的数学建模问题为己任的大 学生数学建模竞赛中,出现这一类题目, 学生数学建模竞赛中,出现这一类题目,也 是很自然的事情,MCM中如04年 中如04 是很自然的事情,MCM中如04年B题“游乐场 快速通道问题” 05年 快速通道问题”,05年B题“高速公路收费站 问题” 就是两个这类问题的实例。 问题”,就是两个这类问题的实例。
本问主要考核能否给出一个相对合理的病 床安排模型,主要目标为: 床安排模型,主要目标为:提高病床有效利用 率以及提高公平度。 率以及提高公平度。 就提高病床有效利用率而言,病人术后住 就提高病床有效利用率而言, 院时间是一个不可优化的量, 院时间是一个不可优化的量,所以只能在术前 等待时间上作文章。 等待时间上作文章。经对题目所给数据的分析 可知: 可知:对白内障病人的入院时间加以限制成为 提高效率的必然选择。 提高效率的必然选择。

















解题思路 24

关键词的理解 优化目标 基本考点 难点 关键点(区分点) 例:08年A题—数码相机定位

关键点的清晰化 不断选择 (trade off ) 的过程 现实与理想之间的平衡 大局观 建模思路的顺畅展开


T , T
若仍采用“一三方案”,效率较低,通过分 析可以发现主要原因是对视网膜与青光眼病人而 言,会造成病床使用效率降低。 通过有限种方案的仿真计算比较可知,采用 “二四方案” 或“三五方案”可使病床使用效率 有所提高。前者效率+公平总体效果较好,后者 效率较高,但公平性较差。
解题思路 23

一些基本问题上也做得不理想的论文却不在少 数,反映出学生对此类问题的生疏。另外,对 问题本质的理解不到位的也大有人在。

解题思路 9

数据分析做得比较深入的同学,会发现一 条隐含在数据中的关键信息:术前住院时 间过长是当前病床使用效率不高的主要因 素。这样一个关键信息的获得,会使得建 模更有方向感。
第 一 问

主要考核对问题的考虑是否全面,对问题实质的理解是 否到位。评价指标分两类:效率指标和公平性指标。 效率指标——平均术前住院时间,或病床有效利用率。

专题26 卫星或天体中的追及、相遇模型(解析版)

专题26 卫星或天体中的追及、相遇模型(解析版)

专题26 卫星或天体中的追及、相遇模型1、科学思维——模型建构卫星或天体中的追及、相遇模型中,两卫星或天体均绕同一颗中心天体做匀速圆周运动,求解何时相距最近或最远即为此模型。


2、模型特征模型图示特点模型1:从相距最近开始,同向运动,何时再次相距最近(1)扫过角度关系:∆θa −∆θb =2π(2)最短时间:∆t =T a TbT b−T a模型2:从相距最近开始,同向运动,何时再次相距最远(1)扫过角度关系:∆θa −∆θb =π (2)最短时间:∆t =T a Tb 2(T b−T a)模型3:从相距最近开始,反向运动,何时再次相距最近(1)扫过角度关系:∆θa +∆θb =2π(2)最短时间:∆t =T a Tb T b+T a模型4:从相距最近开始,反向运动,何时再次相距最远(1)扫过角度关系:∆θa +∆θb =π (2)最短时间:∆t =T a T b 2(T b +T a )模型5:从相距最远开始,同向运动,何时再次相距最近(1)扫过角度关系:∆θa −∆θb =π (2)最短时间:∆t =T a T b 2(T b −T a )模型6:从相距最远开始,反向运动,何时再次相距最近(1)扫过角度关系:∆θa +∆θb =π(2)最短时间:∆t =T a Tb 2(T b+T a)【典例1】[从相距最近开始,同向运动,何时再次相距最近或最近](多选)如图所示,a 和b 是某天体M 的两个卫星,它们绕天体公转的周期为T a 和T b ,某一时刻两卫星呈如图所示位置,且公转方向相同,则下列说法中正确的是( )A. 经T a T bT b−T a后,两卫星相距最近B. 经T a T b2(T b−T a)后,两卫星相距最远C. 经T a+T b2后,两卫星相距最近D. 经T a+T b2后,两卫星相距最远【答案】AB【解析】a和b是某天体M的两个卫星,它们绕天体公转的周期为T a和T b,当两颗卫星转动角度相差2π时,即a比b多转一圈,相距最近。



2009高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛默认分类2009-09-25 21:41:02 阅读208 评论12 字号:大中小订阅卫星和飞船的跟踪测控模型摘要本文建立卫星或飞船全程跟踪测控方案的模型,通过图解法,分析法,利用天文知识,地理知识和物理知识对该模型进行求解。



对于问题2,由于地球是自转的,所以卫星或飞船在运行过程相继两圈不能回到同一点,我们首先引入星下点轨迹,根据星下点轨道为“8”字形的封闭曲线,得出测控站也应该建立在“8”字形的封闭曲线上,即是卫星或飞船投影在地球上的轨迹,根据星下点轨迹的方程为:φ=arcsin[sini.sin(ωst)] ,λ=Ω0+arctg[cosi.tg(ωst)]-ωst(2),再结合天体运动知识,计算出至少需要个才能达到全程跟踪的目的对于问题3,我们收集的是我国的“神舟七号”飞船的资料,“神七”在全球一共有16个测控站,由11站和6船组成,我们从中选择其中几个测控站作为研究对象,最后结果结合第一,二问的方程得出每个站的测控范围。




数学建模 题目A:卫星监控地球问题

数学建模 题目A:卫星监控地球问题

论文题目:卫星监控地球问题卫星监控地球问题摘要:本文依据空间第一型曲面积分,三角形相似原理以及物理学中的开普勒第三定律可知,在只考虑卫星轨道为严格的圆形或椭圆形时,并且任意时刻卫星只能监控到所在点切平面上空区域的前提下,根据卫星环绕地球轨道的不同,本着“卫星全程监控地球”这一原则,我们在问题分析时形象地将在任意一刻卫星监视地球的情况运用matlab 作图法表示出来,再建立相应的数学模型,很好的解决了间谍卫星对地球的监控面积问题。

对于问题1,在卫星距地表a km 时的任意时刻卫星所监视的面积,我们简单从地球沿严格圆轨道运行分析。

得出如下结论:(1) 卫星在距地球表高为a 时监视地球的面积为:222R R R a R π⎛⎫- ⎪+⎝⎭(2)卫星在距地球表高为a 时监视地球的总面积为:222244,R S Rh R ππ⎛ -== ⎝其中h (3)当卫星距地球表面高为900km 时卫星监视地球的面积为: ()231583806.12km(4)当卫星距地球表面高为900km 时卫星监视地球的总面积为: ()2245805280.94km对于问题二,我们经过认真分析后得出,在求解当卫星环绕地球一周所监视的总面积占地球总面积的40%时,我们仍然认为卫星绕地轨道为圆形,同时本着“卫星全程监控地球”这一原则,再结合问题一中第一部分的求解公式得出,再进行建模求解。


所以解得卫星在绕地球运行的一个周期内看到除两极之外的整个地球时,卫星距地高度为:10035.05km对于问题四,首先,通过互联网收集了物理学中关于开普勒第三定律的相关资料,建立开普勒第三定律模型,将卫星在一定高度上的可监视区域投影到地球上,画出卫星在椭圆轨道上运行时平面图形;其次,以赤道所在直线为x 轴和垂直于赤道过卫星椭圆轨道焦点的中心处的直线为y 轴,建立平面直角坐标系;再次,将其转换为极坐标系,求得卫星绕地旋转的角速度;最后,在平面直角坐标系中,运用两点间距离公式结合第一问中当据地表为一定高度时卫星的监控面积,确定了当卫星运行轨道是椭圆时卫星在任意时刻监控地球的面积为:22=2R R S R H R π⎛⎫- ⎪+⎝⎭监视面积以及卫星绕地球一周的总面积:=4S π环绕一周所监视的面积最后,通过对模型优缺点的评价和分析,进一步对模型的改进和推广做了阐述,并更接近实际的给出了改进模型的具体几点改进思路和方法。



















例如,假设有4个飞轮,其单个惯量分别是:10、20、40、80 kg·m2,基础惯量为10 kg·m2,则可以组成10,20,30,…,160 kg·m2的16种数值的机械惯量。

2009 卫星跟踪绝对解析动力学

2009 卫星跟踪绝对解析动力学

New Approach to Satellite Formation-Keeping:Exact Solution to the Full Nonlinear ProblemHancheol Cho 1and Adam Yu 2Abstract:This paper presents a new,simple,and exact solution to the formation keeping of satellites when the relative distance between the satellites is so large that the linearized relative equations of motion no longer hold.We employ a recently proposed approach,the Udwadia-Kalaba approach,which makes it possible to explicitly obtain the desired control function without making any approximations related to the nonlinearities in the underlying dynamics.We use an inertial frame of reference to describe the motion of a satellite and since no approximations are made,the results obtained apply to situations even when the distance between the satellites is arbitrarily large.The paper deals with a projected circular formation,but the methodology in this paper can be applied to any desired configuration or orbital requirements.Numerical simulations confirm the brevity and the accuracy of the analytical solution to the dynamical control problem developed herein.DOI:10.1061/͑ASCE ͒AS.1943-5525.0000013CE Database subject headings:Satellites;Orbits;Simulation .IntroductionFormation flying technology has been extensively investigated as a means to get better performance than a single monolithic satel-lite.This technology guarantees a reduction in cost and has many applications such as the optical interferometry,distributed sens-ing,gravitational field measurements,ionospheric observation,earth observation,and 3D mapping for planetary explorers.One of the central problems of formation flying is the proper descrip-tion of the relative dynamics between satellites,which is the basis of formation design and control.Conventionally,linearized equa-tions of relative motion such as Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire ͑HCW ͒equations ͑Hill 1878;Clohessy and Wiltshire 1960͒,which are linearized about a reference orbit or the formation center,have been used due to their simplicity.In the presence of perturbations,however,the formation configuration based on linearized equa-tions would be destroyed.Therefore,control forces must be ap-plied to maintain the desired configuration for a specific mission.This formation-keeping problem for multiple satellites has been widely investigated by various researchers.Yan et al.͑2000͒de-signed a pulse-based periodic controller to keep a formation using the HCW equations and the linear quadratic regulation technique.The main drawback to this paper is that the earth oblateness grav-ity perturbation is neglected,hence,Sparks ͑2000͒proposed a feedback control strategy in the presence of this perturbation.He designed a controller using discrete time linear quadratic regula-tor laws based on the HCW equations.Based on the HCW equa-tions,Sabol et al.͑2001͒investigated several satellite formation flying designs and their evolution through ing the varia-tion of orbital elements,they designed formation-keeping schemes in the presence of various perturbations.Armellin et al.͑2004͒developed a real-time control strategy that includes both reconfiguration and formation keeping.They solved these two problems by generating a control sequence based on a discretiza-tion of the differential constraints and a parametrization of the controls.Qingsong et al.͑2004͒solved this formation-keeping problem by using a low-thrust fuzzy control method.However,Yan and others ͑Yan et al.2000;Sparks 2000;Sabol et al.2001;Armellin et al.2004;Qingsong et al.2004͒made use of the linearized equations of relative motion,and hence the methods thus derived are suitable only for very close formations.Although,as pointed out earlier,there has been an extensive literature regarding formation flying to date,the effects that result from the nonlinearities remain yet to be fully modeled.Karlgaard and Lutze ͑2003͒approached the problem using spherical coordi-nates and perturbation techniques to extend the HCW equations that are correct to second order.Richardson and Mitchell ͑2003͒obtained the solution that includes the third-order nonlinearities by enforcing periodic motion.Kasdin et al.͑2005͒used a Hamil-tonian formulation to solve the problem to include second-order nonlinearity effects,but with J 2perturbations.In this paper,assuming unbounded and time-varying low-thrust burns throughout the maneuver,the formation-keeping problem is exactly and explicitly solved without any restriction about the distance between satellites.Also,this paper derives the exact control force to maintain the configuration of the formation.We use a new approach for constrained dynamic systems pro-posed by Udwadia and Kalaba ͑Udwadia 2000,2002,2003,2005,2008;Kalaba and Udwadia 1993;Udwadia and Kalaba 1992,2002͒,which is based on Gauss’s principle.The Udwadia-Kalaba equation unlike the Lagrange’s equation handles both holonomic and nonholonomic constraints with equal ease.This equation con-tains the generalized Moore-Penrose inverse ͑Udwadia and Kalaba 1999͒and has been applied to highly constrained prob-1Graduate Student,Dept.of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,Univ.of Southern California,Los Angeles,CA 90089-1453͑correspond-ing author ͒.E-mail:hancheoc@ 2Member,Engineering Staff,F-35JSF Program Section,Northrop Grumman Co.,1840Century Park East,Los Angeles,CA 90067-2199.E-mail:adam.yu@Note.This manuscript was submitted on March 26,2009;approved on April 29,2009;published online on May 4,2009.Discussion period open until March 1,2010;separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers.This paper is part of the Journal of Aerospace Engi-neering ,V ol.22,No.4,October 1,2009.©ASCE,ISSN 0893-1321/2009/4-445–455/$25.00.JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ©ASCE /OCTOBER 2009/445D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y C H O N G Q I N G U N I VE R S I T Y o n 09/10/15. C o p y r i g h t A S C E .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .lems in various fields of study such as robotics ͑Peters et al.2005͒and astrodynamics ͑Schutte and Dooley 2005͒.The major contri-bution of this paper is the ability to explicitly solve the complete nonlinear dynamics and control problem as a whole without the use of any approximations.In previous research,the linearized equations of relative motion described in a local moving frame or their approximate versions ͑that are valid only to second or third order ͒have been used to solve the formation-keeping problem,so it has been very challenging to obtain an exact solution.We consider a satellite called the “chief”orbiting a central body,and require that a “deputy”satellite maintain a given re-quired formation relative to this chief.We employ herein the two-body equation of motion described in an inertial frame of reference,and then incorporate the station-keeping requirements as constraints to obtain a simple equation of motion that com-pletely captures all the nonlinearities.This equation exactly yields the given constrained motion and also gives an exact control force ͑as an explicit function of the state and time ͒required to maintain the formation.The results obtained can apply to the case even when the distance between satellites is so large that the linearized relative equations of motion no longer hold.The dynamics once described in the inertial frame are then recast,for convenience,into a local moving frame by the use of a transformation matrix.As a practical constraint we choose the relative configuration that is circular when projected on the local horizontal plane,which is generally called the projected circular orbit ͑PCO ͒͑Vaddi et al.2003͒.This projected circular formation is based on the solutions to the linearized equations,and hence the nonlinear behavior of relative motion will break down this configuration.To avoid this break down of configuration,the need to use a control force arises,which will be solved for in detail.Also,this new approach gives a general methodology that can be easily applied to any type of relative configuration.The analysis in this paper is summarized as follows:in the section Udwadia-Kalaba equation,we briefly discuss the funda-mental equation of motion for a constrained system.Next,in the section Unconstrained motion,the acceleration for the uncon-strained motion is depicted,which also serves as a solution for the relative motion in the two-body problem.In the section Con-strained motion,the constraint equation and the exact control force are derived in the inertial frame which forces the deputy to maintain the required PCO configuration.Finally,in the section Numerical simulations,numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the brevity and the accuracy of the method.Udwadia-Kalaba EquationThis section deals with the fundamental equation for a con-strained system,which we will call the Udwadia-Kalaba equation.Consider a point-mass satellite in the inertial Cartesian coordinate frame.When the initial position and velocity of the satellite are known,the vectors of displacement and velocity are denoted by the following:x =͓x 1,x 2,x 3͔T ;x˙=͓x ˙1,x ˙2,x ˙3͔T ͑1͒The forces impressed on the satellite are denoted by a 3by 1vector,and denoted byF ͑t ͒=͓F 1͑t ͒,F 2͑t ͒,F 3͑t ͔͒T͑2͒The unconstrained motion of the system can be expressed as a 3by 1matrix equationMx¨=F ͓x ͑t ͒,x ˙͑t ͒,t ͔͑3͒orx¨=M −1F ͓x ͑t ͒,x ˙͑t ͒,t ͔=a ͑t ͒͑4͒where M =m I 3ϫ3=diagonal mass matrix;m =mass of the satellite;I 3ϫ3=3by 3identity matrix;and a ͑t ͒=acceleration at the time t of the unconstrained system.Furthermore,the system is con-strained through the application of the following set of consistent constraint equations:A ͑x ͑t ͒,x˙͑t ͒,t ͒x ¨=b ͑x ͑t ͒,x ˙͑t ͒,t ͒͑5͒where the matrix A =m by 3matrix and b =m by 1vector,wherem is the number of constraints.The application of constraints on the unconstrained system causes additional forces to be applied to the unconstrained system and the equation of motion of the con-strained system becomesMx¨͑t ͒=F ͑x ͑t ͒,x ˙͑t ͒,t ͒+F c ͑6͒where F c =additional constraint force vector that arises due to theapplication of the constraints.Udwadia and Kalaba proposed the following equation of motion for the constrained system ͑uniquely described at each instant of time ͒͑Udwadia and Kalaba 2008͒:Mx¨=F +M 1/2͑AM −1/2͒+͑b −Aa ͒͑7͒where the superscript “+”represents the generalized Moore-Penrose inverse.In this paper,Eq.͑7͒is referred to as theUdwadia-Kalaba equation.It is important to note that the Udwadia-Kalaba equation should be described in the inertial frame of reference.Then,the constraint force vector F c ͑t ͒is de-scribed asF c ͑t ͒=M 1/2͑AM −1/2͒+͑b −Aa ͒͑8͒Since the generalized Moore-Penrose inverse of a matrix is unique,the control force is uniquely and explicitly calculated by Eq.͑8͒,regardless of whether the constraints given by Eq.͑5͒are holonomic or nonholonomic.It is straightforward to show that the Udwadia-Kalaba equation satisfies the constraint Eq.͑5͒.Using the fact that M =m I 3ϫ3in this paper,as we are concerned with only a single deputy satellite,the Udwadia-Kalaba equation can be further simplified to ͑Udwadia and Kalaba 2008͒x¨=a +A +͑b −Aa ͒͑9͒Mx¨=F +MA +͑b −Aa ͒͑10͒Unconstrained MotionThe unconstrained motion represents the relative motion withoutthe application of a control force on the system of satellites.The chief and the deputy satellites move only under the influence of gravity,and hence we consider “unconstrained”motion and “un-controlled”motion to have the same meaning.In the case of constrained motion,proper control forces are needed to be ap-plied on the unconstrained system to meet the constraint require-ments.Hence,we consider “constrained”motion and “controlled”motion to also have the same meaning.When a point-mass satellite is orbiting around the Earth,the unconstrained acceleration of the system is expressed in the iner-tial coordinate system as follows ͑Prussing and Conway 1993͒:446/JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ©ASCE /OCTOBER 2009D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y C H O N G Q I N G U N I VE R S I T Y o n 09/10/15. C o p y r i g h t A S C E .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .a =−GM͑X 2+Y 2+Z 2͒3/2΄XY Z΅͑11͒where G =universal gravitational constant and M =mass of a cen-tral body,the Earth in this paper.Eq.͑11͒is described in the inertial frame,more precisely the Earth-centered inertial ͑ECI ͒frame.This coordinate frame originates at the center of the Earth,the X axis points toward the vernal equinox,the Z axis extends through the North Pole,and the Y axis completes the right-handed rule ͑Fig.1͒.Constrained MotionAssuming the chief satellite is in a circular orbit with a fixedinclination under no perturbation,our goal is to maintain the dis-tance between the chief and deputy to be constant,say ␳,when projected on the local horizontal plane.Also,to prevent the x coordinate from diverging,another constraint between x and z coordinates is applied.To describe these constraints,it is conve-nient to define a new coordinate frame,called the Hill frame or the local-vertical and local-horizontal frame.The origin of this frame is located at the chief,the x axis lies in the radial direction,the y axis is in the along-track direction,and the z axis lies along the orbital angular momentum vector,thus completing a right-handed coordinate system ͑see Fig.1͒.In this frame,the con-straint equations can be written asy 2+z 2=␳2͑12a ͒2x −z =0͑12b ͒where ␳=constant distance between the chief and the deputy.Eq.͑12b ͒is added to make the relative motion to be bounded in every axis,and it also matches with the solutions of the HCW equations satisfying the constraint Eq.͑12a ͒͑Sabol et al.2001͒.Since Eqs.͑12a ͒and ͑12b ͒are holonomic constraints,we differentiate Eqs.͑12a ͒and ͑12b ͒twice with respect to time and the equations becomeyy¨+zz ¨=−y ˙2−z ˙2͑13a ͒2x¨−z ¨=0͑13b ͒where x ,y ,and z =described in the Hill frame.Since the Hillframe is a rotating or noninertial frame,we must transform Eq.͑13͒into the one described in the ECI ͑inertial ͒frame.The transformation can be accomplished as follows:first,we rotate by ⍀about the Z axis of the ECI frame where ⍀is the longitude of the ascending node of the chief,the angle between the X axis and the line of node.We will denote this rotation matrix by R 3͑⍀͒where the subscript 3means the rotation about the third axis,Z axis in this caseR 3͑⍀͒=΄cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑⍀͒0−sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑⍀͒0001΅͑14͒Next,we rotate the system by i about the first axis,where i is the inclination of the chief,the angle between the equatorial plane and the chief’s orbital plane.We denote this rotation matrix as R 1͑i ͒R 1͑i ͒=΄1000cos ͑i ͒sin ͑i ͒0−sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͒΅͑15͒It is important to note that both ⍀and i are constant because the chief is in a circular orbit under no perturbation,so both R 3͑⍀͒and R 1͑i ͒are constant.Then,we rotate the system by ␻about the third axis,where ␻is the argument of latitude of the chief,the angle measured between the ascending node and the chief’s po-sition vector.We denote this rotation matrix as R 3͑␻͒R 3͑␻͒=΄cos ͑␻͒sin ͑␻͒0−sin ͑␻͒cos ͑␻͒0001΅͑16͒Note that ␻is not constant because the chief is moving.␻can be represented as␻=␻0+n ͑t −t 0͒͑17͒where ␻0=argument of latitude at the initial time,t 0,and n de-notes the constant mean motion of the chiefn =ͱGM r 03͑18͒Here,r 0=radius of the chief’s circular orbit.Finally,we translatethe system by −r 0along the x axis to coincide the origin with the chief’s position.Then,the final transformation equation which maps the ECI frame ͑X ,Y ,Z ͒to the Hill frame ͑x ,y ,z ͒becomes΄x +r 0y z΅=R 3͑␻͒R 1͑i ͒R 3͑⍀͒΄XYZ΅͑19͒Let us define the total rotation matrix as RR ϵR 3͑␻͒R 1͑i ͒R 3͑⍀͒͑20͒Using Eqs.͑14͒–͑16͒,wegetFig.1.ECI frame ͑X -Y -Z ͒and Hill frame ͑x -y -z ͒.The distancebetween the chief and the deputy must be maintained to be ␳in the yz -plane of the local,rotating coordinate frame x -y -z .JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ©ASCE /OCTOBER 2009/447D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y C H O N G Q I N G U N I VE R S I T Y o n 09/10/15. C o p y r i g h t A S C E .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .R =΄cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒+cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒sin ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒−cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒−cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͒΅͑21͒The first constraint equation ͓Eq.͑13a ͔͒contains only y and z ,so we use only the last two rows of the matrix R and define the followingmatrix:R ϵͫ−cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒−cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͒ͬ͑22͒Differentiating the matrix R once and twice with respect to time,we get the following:R ˙=ͫ−n cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒+n sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒−n cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒−n sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒−n sin ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒000ͬ͑23͒R ¨=ͫn 2cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒+n 2sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒−n 2cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒+n 2sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒−n 2sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒000ͬ͑24͒Also,the second constraint equation ͓Eq.͑13b ͔͒contains only x and z ,so we use only the first and third rows of the matrix R and definethe following matrix:R˜ϵͫcos ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒+cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒sin ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒−cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͒ͬ͑25͒Differentiating the matrix R˜once and twice with respect to time,we get the following:R˜˙=ͫ−n cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒−n sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒−n sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒+n cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒n sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒000ͬ͑26͒R ˜¨=ͫ−n 2cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒+n 2sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒−n 2sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒−n 2cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒−n 2sin ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒000ͬ͑27͒If the chief is in an equatorial orbit,then its inclination is zero,theline of nodes does not exist,so ⍀and ␻cannot be defined.In this case the X axis is considered as the node,therefore ⍀=0,i =0,and ␻is just the angle between the X axis and the position of the chief.Hence,the transformation matrix R is simply given byR =R 3͑␻͒=΄cos ͑␻͒sin ͑␻͒0−sin ͑␻͒cos ͑␻͒0001΅͑28͒AlsoR =ͫ−sin ͑␻͒cos ͑␻͒0001ͬ;R ˙=ͫ−n cos ͑␻͒−n sin ͑␻͒0000ͬ;R ¨=ͫn 2sin ͑␻͒−n 2cos ͑␻͒0000ͬ͑29͒andR˜=ͫcos ͑␻͒sin ͑␻͒0001ͬ;R ˜˙=ͫ−n sin ͑␻͒n cos ͑␻͒0000ͬ;R ˜¨=ͫ−n 2cos ͑␻͒−n 2sin ͑␻͒0000ͬ͑30͒Let us consider the first constraint given by Eq.͑12a ͒.Then,from Eq.͑19͒,y and z components in the Hill frame are related byͫyzͬ=R ΄XY Z΅͑31͒Differentiating Eq.͑31͒once and twice yields the following:ͫy ˙z˙ͬ=R ˙΄XY Z΅+R΄X ˙Y ˙Z ˙΅͑32͒ͫy ¨z¨ͬ=R ¨΄XY Z΅+2R˙΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅+R ΄X¨Y¨Z¨΅͑33͒Eq.͑13a ͒can be represented in a matrix form͓y z ͔ͫy¨z¨ͬ=−͓y˙z ˙͔ͫy˙z˙ͬ͑34͒Substituting Eqs.͑31͒–͑33͒into Eq.͑34͒,we get the first con-straint equation described in the ECI frame448/JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ©ASCE /OCTOBER 2009D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y C H O N G Q I N G U N I VE R S I T Y o n 09/10/15. C o p y r i g h t A S C E .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .͓X Y Z ͔R TΆR ¨΄X Y Z΅+2R ˙΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅+R ΄X¨Y¨Z¨΅·=−͕͓XY Z ͔R˙T+͓X˙Y ˙Z ˙͔R T ͖ΆR ˙΄XY Z ΅+R ΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅·͑35͒Eq.͑35͒can be rearranged into the following:͓X Y Z ͔R T R ΄X¨Y¨Z¨΅=−͓X Y Z ͔R T R ¨΄XYZ΅−2͓X Y Z ͔R T R ˙΄X ˙Y˙Z˙΅−͓X Y Z ͔R ˙T R ˙΄X YZ΅−2͓X Y Z ͔R ˙T R ΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅−͓X˙Y ˙Z ˙͔R T R ΄X˙Y ˙Z˙΅͑36͒Next,let us consider the second constraint Eq.͑12b ͒.Then,from Eq.͑19͒,x -and z -components in the Hill frame are related byͫx zͬ=R ˜΄XY Z΅͑37͒Differentiating Eq.͑37͒once and twice yields the following:ͫx ˙z˙ͬ=R ˜˙΄XY Z΅+R ˜΄X ˙Y ˙Z ˙΅͑38͒ͫx ¨z¨ͬ=R ˜¨΄XY Z΅+2R ˜˙΄X ˙Y ˙Z ˙΅+R˜΄X ¨Y ¨Z¨΅͑39͒Eq.͑13b ͒can be represented in a matrix form͓2−1͔ͫx ¨z¨ͬ=0͑40͒Inserting Eq.͑39͒into Eq.͑40͒yields the second constraint equa-tion described in the ECI frame͓2−1͔R˜΄X ¨Y ¨Z¨΅=−͓2−1͔R ˜¨΄XY Z΅−͓4−2͔R˜˙΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅͑41͒The two constraint equations ͓Eqs.͑36͒and ͑41͔͒can be repre-sented in a form of Eq.͑5͒A ͑x ͑t ͒,x˙͑t ͒,t ͒x ¨=b ͑x ͑t ͒,x ˙͑t ͒,t ͒More specifically,we obtain the following vector equation:ͫA 11A 12A 13A 21A 22A 23ͬ΄X ¨Y ¨Z¨΅=ͫb 1b 2ͬ͑42͒Then,each component of the matrices A and b can be written as follows:͓A 11A 12A 13͔=͓X Y Z ͔R T R͑43͒so thatA 11ϵX ͕͓cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒+sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͔͒2+sin 2͑⍀͒sin 2͑i ͖͒+Y ͕͓cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒+sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͔͓͒sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒−cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͔͒−sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑⍀͒sin 2͑i ͖͒+Z ͕sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͒−sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͓͒cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒+sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͔͖͒͑44a ͒A 12ϵX ͕͓cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒+sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͔͓͒sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒−cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͔͒−sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑⍀͒sin 2͑i ͖͒+Y ͕͓cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͔͒2+cos 2͑⍀͒sin 2͑i ͖͒+Z ͕sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͓͒cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͔͒−cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͖͒͑44b ͒A 13ϵX ͕sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͒−sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͓͒cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͒+sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͔͖͒+Y ͕sin ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒ϫ͓cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒cos ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑␻͔͒−cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒cos ͑i ͖͒+Z ͓sin 2͑i ͒cos 2͑␻͒+cos 2͑i ͔͒͑44c ͒and͓A 21A 22A 23͔=͓2−1͔R˜͑45͒so thatA 21=2cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒−2sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒−sin ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒͑46a ͒A 22=2sin ͑⍀͒cos ͑␻͒+2cos ͑⍀͒cos ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒+cos ͑⍀͒sin ͑i ͒͑46b ͒A 23=2sin ͑i ͒sin ͑␻͒−cos ͑i ͒͑46c ͒JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ©ASCE /OCTOBER 2009/449D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y C H O N G Q I N G U N I VE R S I T Y o n 09/10/15. C o p y r i g h t A S C E .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .In additionb 1=−͓X Y Z ͔R T R ¨΄X Y Z΅−2͓X Y Z ͔R T R˙΄X ˙Y ˙Z ˙΅−͓X Y Z ͔R ˙T R ˙΄X Y Z΅−2͓X Y Z ͔R ˙T R΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅−͓X˙Y ˙Z ˙͔R T R ΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅͑47͒andb 2=−͓2−1͔R ˜¨΄XY Z΅−͓4−2͔R ˜˙΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅͑48͒The generalized Moore-Penrose inverse of the matrix A can beobtained in a following closed form ͑Udwadia and Kalaba 2008͒:A +=͓͑A 1+−␤c +͉͒c +͔͑49͒whereA 1+=1A 112+A 122+A 132΄A 11A 12A 13΅͑50͒␤=A 11A 21+A 12A 22+A 13A 23A 112+A 122+A 132͑51͒c +=1A 212+A 222+A 232−␤2͑A 112+A 122+A 132͒΂΄A 21A 22A 23΅−␤΄A 11A 12A 13΅΃͑52͒Finally,substituting all these terms in the Udwadia-Kalaba equa-tion ͓Eq.͑9͔͒x ¨=a +A +͑b −Aa ͒=−GM ͑X 2+Y 2+Z 2͒3/2΄XY Z΅+͓͑A 1+−␤c +͉͒c +͔ϫͫb 1b 2ͬ+GM ͑X 2+Y 2+Z 2͒3/2͓͑A 1+−␤c +͉͒c +͔ͫA 11A 12A 13A 21A 22A 23ͬϫ΄X Y Z΅͑53͒The constraint force that is needed to satisfy our constraints canbe explicitly obtainedF c =MA +͑b −Aa ͒=m ͓͑A 1+−␤c +͉͒c +͔ͫb 1b 2ͬ+GMm ͑X 2+Y 2+Z 2͒3/2͓͑A 1+−␤c +͉͒c +͔ͫA 11A 12A 13A 21A 22A 23ͬ΄X Y Z΅͑54͒where m =mass of the deputy satellite.In Eqs.͑53͒and ͑54͒,A 1+,␤,and c +are explicitly given in Eqs.͑50͒–͑52͒as a closed form.Numerical SimulationsIn this section,the analytical results in the previous section are verified by numerical simulations.The radius of the chief’s orbit is assumed to be 7.0ϫ106m and the mean motion n is 0.001078rad/s.The deputy is desired to be maintained the PCO with ␳=50km.Since the value of ␳is not small,using the HCW equa-tions is not a good idea to solve this problem.⍀,i ,and ␻0of the chief are given as 30°,80°,and 0°,respectively.Therefore the initial condition for the chief in the ECI frame is given by X 0ء=΄r 0cos ͑⍀͒r 0sin ͑⍀͒0΅=΄6.062ϫ106m3.5ϫ106m 0m ΅;X ˙0ء=΄−v 0cos ͑i ͒sin ͑⍀͒v 0cos ͑i ͒cos ͑⍀͒v 0sin ͑i ͒΅=΄−6.553ϫ102m /s1.135ϫ103m /s 7.432ϫ103m /s ΅͑55͒where the subscript 0means the values at the initial time,the superscript ءdenotes the vector associated with the chief satellite and v 0is the constant orbital speed of the chief,which is deter-mined by the vis-viva equation ͑Prussing and Conway 1993͒v 0=ͱGMr 0=7.547ϫ103m /s ͑56͒Next,we must be careful when dealing with the initial condi-tion of the deputy,because the initial condition must also satisfythe constraint equations.In this paper,the constraints are holo-nomic,so both Eqs.͑12͒and ͑13͒must hold.Eqs.͑12͒and ͑13͒can be represented in the ECI frame as͓X Y Z ͔R T R ΄X Y Z ΅−␳2=0,͓2−1͔R˜΄XY Z΅=0͑57͓͒X Y Z ͔R T R ˙΄X Y Z΅+͓X Y Z ͔R T R ΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅=0,͓2−1͔R ˜˙΄XY Z΅+͓2−1͔R˜΄X ˙Y ˙Z˙΅=0͑58͒Then,the initial condition for the deputy satellite must satisfy the450/JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ©ASCE /OCTOBER 2009D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y C H O N G Q I N G U N I VE R S I T Y o n 09/10/15. C o p y r i g h t A S C E .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .following equations:͓X 0Y 0Z 0͔R 0T R 0΄X 0Y 0Z 0΅−␳2=0,͓2−1͔R ˜0΄X 0Y 0Z 0΅=0͑59͓͒X 0Y 0Z 0͔R 0T R ˙0΄X 0Y 0Z 0΅+͓X 0Y 0Z 0͔R 0TR 0΄X ˙0Y˙0Z ˙0΅=0,͓2−1͔R ˜˙0΄X 0Y 0Z 0΅+͓2−1͔R ˜0΄X ˙0Y ˙0Z ˙0΅=0͑60͒For practical use,the general initial conditions that satisfy theconstraint equations ͓Eqs.͑59͒and ͑60͔͒are proposed by Vaddi et al.͑2003͒x 0=␳2sin ␣0;y 0=␳cos ␣0;z 0=␳sin ␣0x˙0=␳2n cos ␣0;y ˙0=−␳n sin ␣0;z ˙0=␳n cos ␣0͑61͒where ␳=50km;␣0=phase angle between deputy satellites;andthe mean motion n is 0.001078rad/s as before.If we use ␣0=0.55rad,Eq.͑61͒will yieldx 0=1.3067ϫ104m;y 0=4.2626ϫ104m;z 0=2.6134ϫ104mx˙0=22.9784m /s;y ˙0=−28.1764m /s;z ˙0=45.9568m /s ͑62͒The initial conditions given by Eqs.͑61͒and ͑62͒are designed primarily to keep the PCO without any application of control forces by assuming that the linearized HCW equations are valid,and so these initial conditions under this assumption lead to a circular orbit.However,we shall show that when the full nonlin-ear system is considered,the orbit no longer remains circular,and in what follows we will determine the explicit control force needed to get a circular orbit.Eqs.͑61͒and ͑62͒are described in the Hill frame.To use the Udwadia-Kalaba equation,we need to transform these values into the ones in ECI frame by using Eq.͑19͒X 0=΄X 0Y 0Z 0΅=΄6.0827ϫ106m 3.4907ϫ106m 4.6517ϫ106m ΅;X ˙0=΄X ˙0Y ˙0Z˙0΅=΄−651.3041m /s 1,082.1m /s 7,426.4m /s ΅͑63͒Also,we set three times the orbital period of the chief as the simulation time in which the period is given byP =2␲n=5.828ϫ103s =1.619h ͑64͒First,we simulate the unconstrained motion.The ODE solver ODE45in MATLAB was used to numerically integrate the sys-tem,and the error tolerance was set to 10−12.The position vector of the deputy X ͑t ͒can be obtained by directly integrating Eq.͑11͒with the initial condition of Eq.͑63͒.The result is described in the ECI frame.If the position vector is desired to be described in the Hill frame,Eq.͑19͒can be used΄x y z ΅=R ΄X Y Z΅−΄r 00΅͑65͒Next,we simulate the constrained motion.The ODE solver ODE45in MATLAB was again used to numerically integrate the system,and the error tolerance was set to 10−12as before.The position vector of the deputy X ͑t ͒can be obtained by directly integrating Eq.͑53͒with the initial condition of Eq.͑63͒.Then,we transform the position vector in the ECI frame into that in the Hill frame using Eq.͑65͒.Fig.2shows the trajectory of the deputy projected on the yz -plane in the Hill frame without the constraint.The scale is normalized to ␳,and the relative motion is unbounded and mov-ing left in the y direction,which shows the necessity of the con-straint,say,thrust.This means that the initial conditions given by Eq.͑61͒fail to keep the desired circular orbit.This is because these initial conditions assume that the linear HCW equations hold,that is,that the relative distance between the deputy and the chief is small.However,since we are dealing here with the large-relative-distance case ͑␳=50km ͒,this assumption of linearity no longer holds.In Fig.3,the constrained motion of the deputy is shown.Also,the scale is normalized to ␳.The trajectory is being maintained very well with the relative distance of ␳=50km.Figs.4and 5depict the trajectories of the deputy projected on the xz -plane in the Hill frame without and with the constraint,respectively.The scale is normalized to ␳as before.There is not much difference between the trajectories in these two figures.In Figs.6and 7the three-dimensional trajectories in the Hill frame without and with the constraint,respectively,are displayed.It is critical to note that there is a large drift for the unconstrained case in the ydirection.Fig.2.Unconstrained motion in the yz -planeJOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ©ASCE /OCTOBER 2009/451D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y C H O N G Q I N G U N I VE R S I T Y o n 09/10/15. C o p y r i g h t A S C E .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。



下面以我国发射的神舟七号 卫埋 为例 ,来检验上述模 型中的算法 二 :崩小圆c 覆盖飞行区域矩形 卧 神州七号的运行轨道预 角:4 7 度 ,为了便于 、算 ,我们令h 2 9 3 十 =
神州 七号飞船 轨 道的近地距离2 ( 里 ,远地距离3 ( o 5I . 公里 , 则 飞船 离地面 的 高度H 用平j 数 求 汁算} 2030 2 25 采 { :( o十 5 ),= 7公 里 。由 ^=4 。 5 ,得到 I =! =2 ) 10 49 公里 , 4 又有 小圆半径 一
4 模 型 的 f 检 验 段设
Li )算 法 一:媚 小圆C 覆盖矩 形p 的外接圆O 把此 覆蔷问 题简 单转比成了用n 小圆C 个 去覆盖 一个大圆O的 小爱盖问题 ,小 嘲c勺 。 半 径用 示 , = t 8。 1. H,大圆O的半径片R表示 , 、 l ( r Hxa 7 9 8 n 0 j = _ ' 显然 R 时是成立的 那么我们不禁去思考 ; R. 1 R时予
1 矢量 控 制
电动机转速偏差以及在低速 区域获得较理想的平滑转 速 , 用大规模 应 集成电路并 采用专用数字式 自动 电压调整 ( V 控制技术 的控制方 A R)
式 ,已实用化并取得 良好的效果 。
2 直 接 转 矩 控 制
直接转矩控制也 称之 为 “ 直接 自 制” , 种 “ 控 这 直接 自控制 ”的 思想是 以转 矩为 中心来进行 磁链 、转矩 的综合控 制。和矢 量控制不 同 ,直接转矩 控制不 采用解 耦的方 式 , 而在 算法上不 存在旋转坐标 从 变换 ,简单地 通过检测 电机 定子 电压和电流 , 助瞬时空 间矢 量理论 借 计算电机的磁链和转矩 ,并根据 与给 定值 比较所 得差值 ,实现磁链和






本题问题条件不明确,比如:轨道形状等 任务少,且不明确所用数学知识较多不是优化问题,但包含优化思想 学生普遍做的不好全国参考评审建议结果不正确 球面几何问题。

全国评审建议(1) 关于椭圆轨道:数值寻优 (2) 关于地球自转 参考建议不正确 正六边形覆盖。

平面上是最优的覆盖方式,2005年研究生竞赛题:hoc 网络 蜂窝通讯 及94年本科生竞赛题无线电频道分配。

球面上未必如此,评审建议结果有错,不考虑边界(应为48正六边形) 评审建议的具体算法 (1) 求球带的表面积(2) 每个测控站的测控范围(球冠(3) 考虑测控范围的重叠(球面正六边形,球冠的0.827) (4) 考虑边界论文处理一.问题描述主要是用自己的语言请该问题的背景及需要解决的问题以及自己打算怎样来处理该问题作简要介绍。

二.关于问题一(20分) 相关假设及符号说明 模型一1.假设地球是球体,卫星轨道是圆2.地球半径为R ,卫星高度为Hsin(18093*)sin 93*87arcsin(sin 93)3602*RR H RR Hn θθθ+=--=-+⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎢⎥模型二.(15分)1.假设地球是球体,卫星轨道是椭圆2.地球半径为R ,卫星高度近地点为h ,远地点为H 。

卫星轨道椭圆方程:c o s(02)s i n x a y b ϕϕπϕ=⎧≤≤⎨=⎩地球球面圆方程:c o s (02)s i nx c Ry R θθπθ=+⎧≤≤⎨=⎩ 其中,()/2,a R H h b =++=考虑测控站i 的位置(,)iP R θ及其测控轨道起点11(,,)i i Q a b ϕ,测控终点12(,,)i i Q a b ϕ向量: (cos cos ,sin sin ),(cos ,sin )i ij ij i ij i P Q a c R baR O P R R ϕθϕθθθ=---=i ij P Q 与O P 夹角87 ,由夹角余弦公式得cos cos sin sin cos sin 3a b R c θϕθϕθ+--=令(,)cos cos sin sin cos sin 3F a b R cϕθθϕθϕθ=+---易知, (,)(,)(,)0F F F ϕθϕθϕθ=--=,,给出了测控站位置与测控临界位置点的关系,给出了两者中的一个就可以求出第二个。

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在一个卫星或飞船的发射与运行过程中,往往有多个测控站联合完成测控任务,如神州七号飞船发射和运行过程中测控站的分布如下图所示:图片来源/jrzg/2008-09/24/content_1104882.htm请利用模型分析卫星或飞船的测控情况,具体问题如下:1. 在所有测控站都与卫星或飞船的运行轨道共面的情况下至少应该建立多少个测控站才能对其进行全程跟踪测控?2.如果一个卫星或飞船的运行轨道与地球赤道平面有固定的夹角,且在离地面高度为H 的球面S上运行。

考虑到地球自转时该卫星或飞船在运行过程中相继两圈的经度有一些差异,问至少应该建立多少个测控站才能对该卫星或飞船可能飞行的区域全部覆盖以达到全程跟踪测控的目的?3. 收集我国一个卫星或飞船的运行资料和发射时测控站点的分布信息,分析这些测控站点对该卫星所能测控的范围。



















图14.模型建立与求解因为对于不同轨道高度卫星来说,地球同步卫星高度较高(35786km ),且位于赤道正上空,在赤道上设立3个测控站便可全程跟踪监测。



首先确定在不同测控站个数n D 情况下,卫星或飞船的最低高度模型1(如式2.1、2.2所示)。

93sin )18087sin(hr D r n+=- 2.1则可得:r D r h n--=)18087sin(93sin2.2分析式2.2可以发现高度与测控点个数负相关,计算可得不同卫星轨道下测控站点个数(见表1)。

图 2表1不同测控站点个数下卫星轨道的最低高度对表1分析可知,当卫星或飞船运行的高度越低,需要的观测点越多。



表2 不同类型卫星高度表由上述模型以及数据可知:低轨道卫星至少需要10个测控站,中轨道卫星至少需要5个测控站,高轨道卫星至少需要3个测控站,太阳同步卫星至少需要7个测控站,地球同步卫星轨道高度远大于7651.5km,至少需要3个测控站;5.模型的优化对于问题1的上述模型,并没有考虑卫星发射过程,这在一定程度会影响测控点的个数,本小节对模型1进行一定的优化。



图3 卫星发射过程示意图根据图2中的测控站点与测控卫星的几何信息,可得到测控站点距卫星最远距离x 与卫星高度、地球半径的关系式(如下式2.3):93cos 2)(222xr h r r x =+-+ 2.3解得测控站点距卫星最远距离x 为:222293cos 93cos h rh r r x +++=通过几何运算,可得到一个测控站所监测卫星或飞船的最大运行弧长l :hr h rh r r hr h rh r r :x h r xhr x ++++=++++=+=+=]293cos 93cos [93sin arcsin]293cos 93cos [93sin sin 93sin sin 93sin sin 222222θθθθ的值代入θθπππθπ1802360)(2)(2)(22360)(2=⋅++==+=⋅+=h r h r l d D h r d h r l nθπ2360)(2⋅+=h r l 经上计算得卫星或飞船经过一个测控站所花的时间T:vD h r v l T n ⋅+==)(2π 通过卫星或飞船经过一个测控站所花的时间T 与卫星或飞船从发射到进入轨道的时间t的比较当T >>t 时,卫星不会进入盲区;当T 接近或小于t 时,卫星会进入盲区,需要增加测控站本文这里采用神舟七号卫星数据,对提出的优化模型进行验证。

km r 6378=,km h 343=神七的入轨飞行速度7820.185米/秒,神七上升段飞行时间583.828秒, 可知:6.113436378])3433436378293cos 637893cos 6378[93sin arcsin180222≈++⨯⨯+⨯+⨯=n DvD h r v l T n ⋅+==)(2π=466820185.76.11)3436378(2≈⨯+π秒 如果按照上面的分析则神七在发射需到进入轨道需要再增加测控站才能进行全程测控。



三、问题21.问题假设1) 假设每个测控站都正常工作;2) 假设卫星或飞船的运行轨道为圆形; 3) 假设卫星或飞船不出故障; 4) 假设卫星在空中的时间足够长;5) 假设卫星在运行过程之中没有太阳风暴所引起的电磁干扰的影响;6) 假设卫星卫星在发射时气象条件(温度、湿度、平均风速和高空风速)合适; 2.符号设定3.问题分析根据对问题二的分析,由于地球的自转,当卫星在空中时间足够长的情况下,卫星在地球上的投影将会形成一个区域(见图4),而测控的目标是空中的卫星,从而考虑将投影区域向空中移动(移动距离为卫星高度h )形成一个“卫星”区域,为了达到测控的目的,测控的范围将要完全覆盖这一“卫星”区域。





根据倾角的范围将区域分别为(见表3):表3每个测控站的测控范围为一个圆形区域,故我们采用圆形的蜂窝状分布(见示意图2,三个圆的圆心连线为正三角形,将每个圆形测控范围的有效范围为以R 为边长的正六边形),以达到测控站最少的目的。
