西行漫记 英文读书笔记




高中西行漫记读后感 LELE was finally revised on the morning of December 16, 2020高中西行漫记读后感很早就在历史课本上听说过《西行漫记》这本书,但是好几年过去了,对于它也只是仅仅停留在听说的阶段。





































































外国名著英语读书笔记 The Wizard of OZ

外国名著英语读书笔记 The Wizard of OZ

外国名著英语读书笔记 The Wizard of OZ 第一篇:The an. fei frank. baum book, e unchkin, eaning erald city to find The great e. on The road, she has met The scarecroan ----- he needs a heart; ----- coe difficulties one after anoTher, and finally came to The emerald city. because of Their e_cellent performance, great healers to help Them achieve Their aspirations, scarecroan had a heart; coetoe to a beautiful fantasy asters of The beautiful dorothy is an innocent little girl from her body, i learned in a strange environment, should learn to strong and optimistic, even hoselves, or age of The characters make The story more lively and interesting. good quality.in The reading process, i seem to dorothy became good friends, my heart as dorothy from time to time e_perience of joy, tension, surprise, sadness. The performance of her brave, good heart and strong barrassing. because in The past, i never dared to go out alone.after reading The book, i itable little girl, so i have benefited enormously. i think if i become a strong optimism. from ove forately The ideal haven. per one goal is to have to pay hard ust not afraid of difficulties, ind might think a great day e.after reading this fairy tale, i am determined, like courage, like dorothy, e The learning, all The negative factors in life, The courage to challenge Themselves, i am i believe i cando it!第二篇:The , is very popular in The unchkin by cyclone and made efforts to reunite ily. on her e across a scarecroith and became friend . in this story, everyone has a dream. The girl e, The scarecroe brains, The lion ith s, They gone through many difficulties, and eventually, They allrealized Their dreams under The helps of OZ, any good spirits among Them! on Their s, although They came up hardships and crises and are alists. They united as one and make unremitting efforts. in The end, They all realized Their dreams. from this book, i learned that and try our best to achieve it. no matter hoid lion could also fight . among The te_t, pressed me most are OZ’s ideas about brains heart and courage. he said: a baby has brains, but it doesn’t knouch. e_perience is The only thing that brings knoore e_periences you are sure to get; you have plenty of courage, i am sure. all you need is confidence in yourself. There is no living things is not afraid akes most people unhappy. if you only kno concerned, lyman frank baum uses These simple vivid sentences to e_press The thoughts of brain, heart and courage. in real life, some people do not give Themselves The time to think, They just only knouch. some people do not have any confidence, fearing both The beginning and The end. The real courage is: despite The fear, you still face The danger. so he said you haveplenty of courage, i am sure. all you need is confidence in yourself. some people only think Themselves, never give oThers love and care. only akes a lot of people happy. so he said i think you are akes most people unhappy.this is all i learned from this famous book《The unchkins place, kind of pointing her to The emerald city to find e. on The road, she encounters The scarecroan ----- he needs a heart; coedifficulties one after anoTher, and finally came to The emerald city. because of Their e_cellent performance, great achieve Their aspirations, The scarecroan e, back to The relatives.《绿野仙踪》以虚构的奥兹国为背景,讲述了美国堪萨斯州的小姑娘多萝茜被龙卷风卷到了一个叫孟奇金的地方,好心的女巫指点她到翡翠城去找奥兹国大术士帮忙送她回家。



外国名著英语读书笔记 Gone with the windone of my friends had recommended the book gone with the wind almost two years’ ago, but my reading plan was just put off, for the book is really too thick and i even no courage to start. however, this semester i made my mind to read and i found myself was totally lost in the absorbing plots and the attractive characters the author portrayed. i was impressed by the war, the love and the hero scarlett o’hara, who would also be a charming and successful woman in today’s modern society, i think.scarlett is a dark-haired, green-eyed georgia belle who struggles through the hardship of the civil war and reconstruction. she exhibits more of her father’s hard-headed ness than her mother’s refined southern manners. determination defines scarlett and drives her to achieve everything she desires by any means necessary. 1, pursuing her love bravely.scarlett aims to win ashley wilkes, and her failure to do so guides the p lot of the novel. ashley’s marriage to melanie and rejection of scarlett drive nearly all of scarlett’s important subsequence decisions. scarlett marries charles hamilton to hurt ashley, stays by melanie’s side through the war because she promise ashley she will, and loses her true love, rhett butler, because of her persistent desire to win ashley. without hesitation for pursuing her love, she is a little blind to love. however, her courage is inspiring. after all, love always makes people lose sense. 2, facing the war fearfully.on the night the yankees capture atlanta and set it afire, scarlett drives the cart all night and day through a dangerous forest full of deserters and soldiers, at last reaching tara. shearrives to find that her mother, ellen, is dead; her father, gerald, has lost his mind; and the yankee army has looted the plantation, leaving no food or cotton. scavenging for subsistence desperately, scarlett vows never to go hungry again. scarlett takes charge of rebuilding tara. she murders a yankee thief and puts out a fire set by a spiteful yankee soldier. what a great girl she is! instead of feeling afraid and waiting for others to help her, she bears the burden of rebuilding the tara by herself. i admire her so much; for i have the same belief---- heaven helps those who help themselves! 3, gifted in business.when scarlett takes advantage of frank’s immobility, going to the store to see the account books, she quickly realizes that frank runs the business badly—his friends owe him vast sums of money that he is too embarrassed to collect. scarlett thinks she could do a much better job in strictly male world of business and begins to think of acquiring a sawmill. devoting all her time to the mill and turning a sizeable profit by any means necessary, she becomes the only successful businesswoman in atlanta. in that age, it is really a big challenge for women and she has the confidence and courage to challenge it.scarlett’s development precisely mirrors the development of the american’s south. she c hanges from spoiled teenage to hard-working widow to wealthy opportunist, reflecting the south’s change from leisure society to besieged nation to compromised survivor. as selfish she is, her bravery and strong mind towards love and war really impress me a lot. when there is barrier, even disasters come, we can feel depressed or afraid, but never give up.it is really a wonderful novel which worth being chewed!。






















以下小编为大家介绍名著英文版文章,欢迎大家阅读参考!名著读书笔记英文版1" Les Miserables " (1862) is representative works of Victor Hugo,as one of the most famous novels in the French literature.The novel basic plot is Ran A Rang pitiful life history. He originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison. Passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life. The punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person. He uses an alias is Madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor. But soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker Fantin's daughter Cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to Paris. Afterwards again unceasingly encountered police's pursuit. The Ran A Rang entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue." Les Miserables " is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 Paris's street barricade war all wrote is quite real. But the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events. If Ran A rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade Marilius, all is strange, molds,environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic.名著读书笔记英文版2Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space. He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox. The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.名著读书笔记英文版3Be a Woman Be a HumanLittle Women is an autobiographical novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. She wrote from the heart, and wove into the story incidents from the lives of herself and her three sisters at Concord. It was based on author’s own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters. Little Women is the story of the Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee.The novel hasn't got fantastic plot, but the author described the happy family life with the simple language. However, this is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contents of family life. It has become a much loved classictale and many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following.One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways--physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, their friendly rich neighbor, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband's illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbor and becomes more or lean invalid. The novel tells of their young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth's terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world.When I read the book, the comfortable feeling and the sense of growing up both strike me as reasonable. These are some most impressive plots to me.All of the characters who earlier wish for genius and success—Amy, Jo, and Laurie—now realize that they merely possess talent, not the genius for which they earlier hope. These realizations are the results of growing up and learning to accept small defeats. Even Jo’s writing style changes. She no longer writes tales of adventure and intrigue but, instead, write in simpler style that sounds similar to that Little Women itself. Tough one can argue that this change in writing style reflects a loss of independence for Jo, one can also argue that it demonstrates an ability to adapt her creativity to the world around her.Another plot appeals to me a lot is the end of the story. In contrast to the stormy, childish encounter between Laurie and Jo, Bhaer’s proposal to Jo is touching and more grown-up. Jo goesout to seek Bhaer, demonstrating that she has some agency in the affair; when he proposes, the rain and mud prevent him from going down on his knee or giving his hand, so they stand literally on an equal footing. Jo, furthermore, looks nothing like a romantic heroine; she is bedraggled with rain and mud, but it makes no difference. This marriage, which begins with equality andprimacy of the heart rather than primacy of appearance, is promising.There is also some foreshadowing in this book. For instance, when Laurie parents the March sisters with a postbox, the writer hints that love letter will pass through the box in years to come. Laurie promise to kiss Amy before she dies foreshadows their future marriage.The old story brings me some contemporary thinking. Women’s struggle between familial duty and personal growth; the danger of gender stereotyping; the necessity of work; and the importance to be genuine. No matter what age you are in, you need to keep equality concept in mind. Just as the poem If by Joseph Rudyard Kipling goes:If you can talk with crows and keep your virtue,Or walk with kings---nor lose the common touch.Then you’ll be a woman, and be a human. The book teaches me how to be a woman, or rather how to be a human.。





















Book Report——Red Star Over ChinaLast month, I read a book named Red Star Over China . Now I want towrite some thoughts about it.The main idea of it is about Edgar Snow ’s 7 years in China. It is really a great book.Red Star Over China is a classic because of the way in which it was produced. Edgar Snow was just 30 and had spent 7 years in China as a journalist. In 1936 the Chinese Communists had just completed theirsuccessful escape from Southeast China to the Northwest, and wereembarking upon their united-front tactic. They were ready to tell their story to the outside world. Snow had the capacity to report it. Readers of the book today should be aware of this combination of factors. In the period when the Japanese expansion over Manchuria and into North China dominated the headlines, this young American had not only reported the events of the day but had got behind them into some contact with the mindsand feelings of Chinese patriotic youth. He had proved himself a young of broad human sympathy, aware of revolutionary stirrings among China China’’sintellectuals and able to meet them with some elementary use of Chinese language.More than this, Snow is an activity, ready to encourage worthy causesrather than be a purely passive spectator. Most of all, he had proved himself a zealous factual reporter, able to appraise the major trends ofthe day and describe them in vivid color for the American reading public.In 1936 he stood on the western frontier of the American expansion across the Pacific toward Asia, which had reached its height after a fullcentaury of American commercial, diplomatic, and missionary effort. Thiscentury had produced an increasing American contact with the treaty portswhere foreigners still retained their special privileges.My immediate destination was Sian Fu Fu—which —whichmeans “Western Peace.” Sian Fu was the capital of Shensi province, it was two tiresome days and nights by train to the southwest of Peking, and it was the western terminusof the Lon Hai railway. From there I planned to go northward and enterthe soviet districts, which occupied the very heart of Ta His-pie,China’s China’s Great Northwest. Lochuan, a town about one hundred fifty miles Great Northwest. Lochuan, a town about one hundred fifty miles north of Sian Fu, then marked the beginning of Red territory in in Shensi. Shensi. Everything north of it, except strips of territory along the main highways,and some points which will be noted later, was already dyed Red. With Lochuan roughly the southern and the Great Wall the northern, extremitiesof Red control in Shensi, both the eastern and western Red frontiers wereformed by the Y ellow River. Coming down from the fringes of Tibet, the Yellow River. Coming down from the fringes of Tibet, the wide, muddy stream flows northward through Kansu and Ning Hsia, and abovethe Great Wall into the province of Suiyuan —Inner Mongolia. Then after many miles of uncertain wandering toward the east it turns southward again,to pierce the Great Wall and from the boundary between the provinces of Shensi and Shansi.It was within this great bend of China’s most treacherous river riverthat the soviets then operated —in northern Shensi, northeastern Kansu, and southeastern Ning Hsia. And by a strange sequenceof of history history this region almost corresponded to the original this region almost corresponded to the original confines of the birthplace of of China. China.Near here the Chinese first formed and unified themselves as a people, thousands of years ago.(From Red Star Over C hina China P14 -15)It is very much to the credit of Snow that this book has stood the taste of time on both these counts —as a historical record and as an indication of a trend.。




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1.西游记英语读书笔记 This summer vacation, I read journey to the west, one of the four famous works. This book is very classic. It was created by Master Wu Chengen and is also one of the required books for Grade 5. The book tells the story that four Tang monks, teachers and disciples went to the west to worship Buddha and learn sc riptures. They climbed mountains and rivers all the way and finally achieved the correct results after experiencing the difficulties of September 81. Monkey King is the main character in this book. Many people like him and think he is a wise and brave hero, but I think the early monkey king had no rules and no law. Let him guard the flat peach garden, but he stole all the flat peaches. Knowing that he was not invited to the flat peach banquet, he made a big fuss in the heavenly palace. Finally, he was pressed by the Tathagata Buddha on the Wuxing mountain for 500 years and suffered a lot. Chapter 15 stealing ginseng fruit is the same bad problem. Zhen Yuanzi kindly asked daotong to send two ginseng fruits to Tang monk. Tang Monk didn't dare to eat, but Bajie saw it. He fooled Wukong to steal some. After being found, he refused to admit his mistake. Instead, he became angry and simply pulled down two ginseng fruit trees. As a result, they were naturally punished. Monkey King is a stone monkey. He lacks a tutor. If he does it by his own ability, he will not abide by the rules and lawlessness, but he will be punished in the end. After being pitiful and embarrassed, I have to clean up the mess by myself. In real life, there are also some unruly people. For example, during the epidemic, there was an old man who had clearly been to the epidemic area, but he also concealed his action track, did not isolate himself after coming back, and walked around without a mask in densely populated areas, resulting in widespread spread and greater social harm. If you have rules, you will achieve great things. If you don't have rules, you will bear the consequences《 Journey to the west is not only a novel, but also a textbook to guide us how to be human.2.西游记英语读书笔记 After reading Journey to the west, I benefited a lot. He also let me understand a profound truth, that is: if you want to do a thing, you must let everyone work together and unite to succeed. After reading Journey to the west, I have deep feelings. In particular, I was deeply impressed by the twists and turns of the plot and the strange experience of Tang Monk teachers and disciples. Journey to the west is one of the four famous works in ancient China by Wu Chengen. It mainly tells the story of Tang Monk and three disciples who worked hard to subdue demons and subdue demons, went through the difficulties of September 81 and finally obtained the Sutra. This book shows people all kinds of difficulties and obstacles encountered by the four masters and disciples on the vast Westward Journey to learn s criptures, and turns these difficulties and dangers into all kinds of dangerous disasters. It is an eye opener and amazing to compete with demons and ghosts one after another. The characters in the book have distinctive personalities and characteristics. There are honest and kind Tang monks who are dedicated to Buddhism, smart and alert Sun Wukong who has a clear distinction between good and evil, pig Bajie who is lazy and likes to play smart, and sand monk who is practical, reliable and silent. The novel has wonderful plots and climaxes. Personality is the monkey king making trouble in heaven, three dozen Baigujing, true and false Monkey King, three borrowed plantain fans, etc. it is not only a well-known classic, but also a story I can't put down. Incentive language Tang Monk's teachers and disciples experienced all kinds of hardships, but they didn't flinch at all. Their perseverance, fearlessness of difficulties and dangers and perseverance touched me a lot. In the past, although I had the lofty ideal of being a scientist, I couldn't bear hardships and stand hard work. I often procrastinated and gave up halfway. I was obsessed with enjoyment, eating delicious food and playing fun. In the years to come, I must get rid of the wrong way of doing things, vigorously carry forward the enterprising spirit of tenacity, perseverance, fearlessness of difficulties and dangers, do everything well, and forge ahead towards my set goal!3.西游记英语读书笔记 One summer vacation, I finished reading the book journey to the West written by Wu Chengen. This book, together with a dream of Red Mansions, the romance of the Three Kingdoms and the water margin, are four famous works. When I got this book for the first time, I didn't know the main content, because I seldom watched the TV play journey to the west, so I was very curious. What is written in the book? This book "hides" more than 1000 good words with four left characters. As far as I know, it has become one of the four famous works because there are many good words and goodsentences, which show the author's writing skills. Four word good words such as: tut tut praise, describe the psychological activities of Tang monk, and admire the scenery very much! It means constant praise and admiration; Gnashing teeth: it describes Wukong's look, very atmosphere! It means to hold back great pain and bite your teeth After reading this book, I also understand the characteristics of the main characters here. Tang Monk: with compassion, he wants to worship the Buddha and seek scri ptures. He spared no effort and is strict and persistent, but sometimes he is a little stubborn in dealing with problems. Wukong: kill demons and demons. They have golden eyes and want to protect master. Sometimes they think they are right and don't listen to master. Bajie: I listen to master's words. I'm most afraid of exploring the way. I'm often teased by Wukong, and I'm a little greedy for money and lust and lazy. Monk Sha: loyal, honest, clever, obedient, hardworking and steady, wholeheartedly abide by the Buddhist commandments with Tang Monk and senior brothers, and be steadfast, upright and selfless. Finally, the four masters and disciples persevered, trekked through mountains and rivers all the way, experienced the difficulties of September 81, stepped into the Buddhism and achieved the correct results of true Sutra cultivation. This is just like reading. If we read a few chapters every day, we will overcome all laziness, improve our writing level, and finally achieve results!。





英语名著读书笔记1i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience ,when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it wasdiffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange isvery great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we canfind his happiness in his heart .英语名著读书笔记2We are a group of children living in the new era and naturally accustomedto confusion and trouble. But we should concentrate on the road in front of us.We should be a group of ambitious people. If Holden has not pure ideal, then hewould be degenerate, his ideal let him survive. Ideal is a beacon for people, ittook people into the bright future.Yes, where are ideals and there is hope. Thehope is in tomorrow. We will have a brighter future!英语名著读书笔记3Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small,plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through fivedistinct stages: Janes childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her auntand cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and rolemodels but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of ThornfieldManor, where she falls in love with her Byronicemployer, Edward Rochester; hertime with the Rivers family at Marshs End (or Moor House) and Morton, where hercold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with andmarriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partlyautobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothicelements.英语名著读书笔记4One hot summer day,Alice and her sister are sitting under the tree.Alicesees a white rabbit,and she run after it.The rabbit goes down a rabbit whole andAlice follows it,she is now in a strange wonderland.Alice eats some specialthings,and she changes her size!Everything is different and strange there.Theanimals there can speak!Alice meets many interesting things.At last,she wakesup.It’s just a dream!英语名著读书笔记5The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingways most enduring works.Told inlanguage of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cubanfisherman,down on his luck,and his supreme ordeal——a relentless,agonizing battlewith a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.Here Hemingway recasts,instrikingly contemporary style,the classic thene of courage in the face ofdefeat,of personal triumph won from los.Written in 1952,this hugely successfullynovella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a hugepart in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. The novel is veryfamous in the world, so lot of people like this novel. We also studied it in ourChinese class, Hemingways novel are always interesting I like his novel much,also in his novel we can learn a lot by his meanings. It’s really a good novelfor people to read.。



读《西游记》的读书笔记英文,600字Journey to the West is a classic novel written by Wu Cheng'en in the sixteenth century. The novel tells the story of the pilgrim monk Xuanzang, who travels from China to India in search of Buddhist scriptures in order to bring them back to China. Along his journey, he is accompanied by three disciples; Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing.The novel spans a great distance and takes many twists and turns, as the group faces numerous obstacles and enemies. Xuanzang and his disciples must use their wits and abilities to overcome these difficulties. These are, however, more than just physical dangers; the group encounters many supernatural forces and spiritual tests as they traverse their way through the treacherous landscapes of India.The novel explores many themes and ideas, including loyalty, the power of faith, Buddhist morality, and the need to understand oneself. Xuanzang’s journey serves as an important metaphor for attaining enlightenment and inner peace. Throughout the novel, Xuanzang must use his strength and wits to help his disciples become better people, in order to ensure that their mission is successful. Although it is often seen as merely a work of fiction, Journey to the West has had a lasting influence on Chinese culture and philosophy.The characters in the novel are memorable and each represents something different. Sun Wukong is the most powerful and mischievous of the three disciples, using his magical skills and strength to fight the demons and monsters they encounter. ZhuBajie is greedy and often cowardly, although his heart is in the right place and he always ends up doing the right thing in the end. Sha Wujing is the most humble, but often underestimated and overlooked.Journey to the West is a highly entertaining and thought-provoking classical novel that blends together fantasy, adventure, and philosophy in a unique way. It serves as an important work of literature in Chinese culture, and continues to be read today by many people around the world.。



八年级英语西游记读后感英文"The Journey to the West: A Reflection on Eight Years of English Study"As an eighth-grade student, I recently completed the reading of the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West" in my English class. This masterpiece, written by Wu Cheng'en during the Ming Dynasty, tells the story of the monk Tripitaka and his three disciples as they travel to India to obtain sacred Buddhist scriptures. Through their numerous adventures and encounters with monsters and demons, the characters demonstrate qualities such as courage, perseverance, and compassion.After eight years of studying English, reading "Journey to the West" was a particularly rewarding experience for me. Not only did I gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and literature, but I also improved my language skills by reading and analyzing a complex and challenging text. The novel's rich symbolism, vibrant characters, and intricate plot provided me with ample material for discussion and reflection.One of the aspects of "Journey to the West" that resonated with me the most was the theme of personal growth andself-discovery. Each of the main characters undergoes atransformative journey, not only physically but also spiritually. Through their trials and tribulations, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.Another aspect of the novel that struck me was its blend of fantasy and reality. The fantastical elements of the story, such as the characters' ability to transform into different forms or the presence of supernatural beings, added an element of magic and wonder to the narrative. At the same time, the novel's exploration of human emotions and experiences, such as fear, love, and jealousy, grounded the story in a sense of realism and relatability.Overall, reading "Journey to the West" has been a truly enriching experience for me as a student of English. It has broadened my horizons, deepened my appreciation for literature, and challenged me to think critically about the themes and messages conveyed in the text. I am grateful for the opportunity to have studied this classic work and look forward to exploring more great literary works in the future.。



西斿记三打白骨精读后感650字英文回答:After reading "Journey to the West: Three Battles with the White Bone Demon," I was filled with a sense of adventure and excitement. The story takes the reader on a thrilling journey with the main characters, Sun Wukong, Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing, as they face numerous challenges and overcome obstacles.One aspect of the story that I enjoyed was the dynamic between the characters. Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is mischievous and cunning, yet fiercely loyal to Tang Sanzang. Tang Sanzang, on the other hand, is akind-hearted and determined monk who constantly strives to do good. Zhu Bajie, the pig-like creature, provides comic relief with his gluttonous nature, while Sha Wujing, the water spirit, is often portrayed as the calm and level-headed member of the group. The interactions between these characters create a sense of camaraderie and make the storymore engaging.Another aspect that I found fascinating was the portrayal of the White Bone Demon. She is a complex character who initially appears as a beautiful and seductive woman, but is revealed to be a powerful and dangerous demon. This dichotomy adds depth to the story and raises questions about appearances versus reality. It also serves as a reminder that things are not always what they seem.The story is filled with action-packed scenes and thrilling battles. One of my favorite moments was when Sun Wukong fights the White Bone Demon in an epic showdown. His quick thinking and clever strategies keep the reader on the edge of their seat. This scene showcases the Monkey King's bravery and intelligence, and highlights his role as the hero of the story.Overall, "Journey to the West: Three Battles with the White Bone Demon" is a captivating and entertaining read. It combines elements of adventure, friendship, and morallessons, making it a timeless classic. The characters are relatable and the story is filled with excitement and suspense. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy and adventure stories.中文回答:读完《西斿记三打白骨精》,我感到充满了冒险和激动的情绪。



西游记读后感英语200词八年级The Journey to the West: A Captivating AdventureThe Journey to the West, a classic Chinese novel, has captivated readers for centuries with its intricate plot, colorful characters, and profound philosophical themes. As an eighth-grade student, I had the opportunity to delve into this literary masterpiece and found myself immersed in a world of adventure, mysticism, and self-discovery.The story follows the pilgrimage of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang, accompanied by his three protectors: the mighty Monkey King Sun Wukong, the mischievous Pigsy, and the river monster Sandy. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to the West, facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. The Monkey King, with his boundless energy, cunning intellect, and unwavering loyalty, emerges as the central figure, providing a constant source of entertainment and inspiration.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is the richness of its symbolism and the depth of its philosophical underpinnings. The journey to the West represents the quest for enlightenment and theattainment of spiritual fulfillment. The various demons and monsters encountered along the way symbolize the internal struggles and temptations that one must overcome in the pursuit of truth and self-realization.The character development throughout the story is truly remarkable. Xuanzang, the pious and scholarly monk, undergoes a profound transformation as he faces the challenges of the journey, growing in wisdom and compassion. The Monkey King, initially driven by his own ego and desires, gradually learns the importance of humility, discipline, and selflessness. The supporting characters, such as Pigsy and Sandy, also contribute to the richness of the narrative, each with their own unique personalities and roles to play.One of the most captivating aspects of the novel is the vivid and imaginative depiction of the various realms and mythical creatures encountered by the protagonists. From the celestial palaces of the Jade Emperor to the treacherous underworld, the author's vivid descriptions transport the reader to a world of wonder and enchantment.The Journey to the West is not merely a work of fiction but a profound exploration of the human condition. Through the trials and tribulations of the characters, the novel delves into themes of morality, spirituality, and the search for meaning in life. The interplaybetween the physical and the metaphysical, the material and the spiritual, is a constant source of intrigue and contemplation.As an eighth-grade student, I found the novel to be a truly transformative experience. It not only entertained me with its captivating storytelling but also challenged me to reflect on my own values and beliefs. The lessons of perseverance, compassion, and self-discovery that are woven throughout the narrative have left a lasting impression on me.In conclusion, The Journey to the West is a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of time and culture. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the timeless appeal of its themes and the universal human experiences it explores. As I continue my own journey through life, I will carry the lessons and insights I have gained from this remarkable work of literature, ever-grateful for the opportunity to have embarked on this captivating adventure.。



The Journey to the West An English Reading Evaluation The Journey to the West is a famous Chinese novel that has been enjoyed by generations of readers. The novel is often considered a classic of Chinese literature, and it has been translated into many different languages. The novel is based on the Buddhist legend of the same name, and it tells the story of a group of Buddhist pilgrims who travel to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures.One of the main themes of The Journey to the West is bravery. The pilgrims have to face many challenges on their journey, including dangerous animals, fierce warriors, and treacherous terrain. Despite the challenges, the pilgrims remain brave and determined to obtain the scriptures. They are able to overcome their fears and adversity by relying on their faith in Buddhism and their determination to achieve their goal.Another important theme of the novel is humility. The pilgrims are often proud and self-centered, but they learn to be humble and grateful after they encounter obstacles and challenges on their journey. They learn that true humility is not about denying their ego or humility, but rather about appreciating the beauty and grace of life.The novel also explores the themes of Buddhism and Taoism.The pilgrims" journey is often compared to the journey of Buddhism, which is about seeking truth and enlightenment. Similarly, the pilgrims" journey is also influenced by Taoism, which emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature and seeking inner peace.Overall, reading The Journey to the West was an enjoyable and informative experience. The novel is a classic work of Chinese literature that explores many important themes, and it is still enjoyed by readers around the world. The novel"s characters, including Sun Wukong, Pig Eight Quit, the Sand Monk, and Tang Monk, are well-developed and engaging. I found myself 深深吸引,被他们的命运和冒险所感动,尤其是孙悟空与 Pig Eight Quit 之间的友情和坚定的决心,他们为了信仰而勇往直前,不畏艰险,不屈不挠。



西游记读书笔记500字以上【中英文实用版】英文文档:"Journey to the West" Book Notes"Journey to the West", written by Wu Cheng"en, is a classic Chinese novel that dates back to the Ming Dynasty.The novel tells the story of the monk Tang Sanzang and his three disciples, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing, as they embark on a perilous journey from China to India to obtain sacred Buddhist sutras.Along the way, they encounter numerous demons and spirits who seek to impede their quest.One of the central themes of "Journey to the West" is the concept of perseverance and dedication.Despite facing countless hardships and obstacles, Tang Sanzang remains resolute in his mission to obtain the sutras and save the world from evil.His unwavering commitment serves as an inspiration to his disciples, who also display great courage and resilience in the face of adversity.Another important theme in the novel is the power of friendship and teamwork.The journey to India would have been impossible for Tang Sanzang to complete alone.It is through the support and cooperation of his disciples that he is able to overcome the many challenges they encounter.The dynamic personalities of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing complement each other, and their individualstrengths contribute to the overall success of their mission.The novel also offers a fascinating portrayal of Chinese folk religion and Buddhism.The characters in the story often encounter various deities, demons, and spirits, which reflect the rich and diverse spiritual landscape of ancient China.The novel explores themes of good versus evil, temptation, and redemption, as the protagonists strive to triumph over their inner and outer demons.In conclusion, "Journey to the West" is a masterpiece of Chinese literature that delves into themes of perseverance, friendship, and spirituality.Wu Cheng"en"s engaging storytelling and vivid character descriptions make the novel a captivating read.The novel"s enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless message and universal appeal.中文文档:《西游记》读书笔记《西游记》,吴承恩所著,是一部源自明代的经典中国小说。



英语读书笔记《西游记》"Journey to the west" is one of the four major Chinese masterpiece. It is Wu Chengen's masterpiece, tells the story of a monkey and Zang and young pig, drifting West to learn from the story of the book, although I read this book, but to edit TV doesn't know seen many times, for it a lost feeling, let a person see the love of it. Sun Wukong have tremendous courage and wisdom to extricate Sun Wukong, since the road from Five Fingers Group to get scriptures, during which 99 manager eighty-one is difficult, every disaster is Sun Wukong wholeheartedly to rescue master, and finally successfully retrieve the Scriptures《海底两万里》These days, I read a book "twenty thousand miles in the sea", this book is very interesting. Amongthem, I was "seabed twenty thousand miles" in the iceberg of this section deeply touched. They sailed in the Antarctic region, on the way back, unfortunate tip trapped, but they use their wisdom to save his life. How thrilling moment! Think of them, in dangerous situations, they are sober minded, with wisdom to overcome difficulties. What about me? I grew up mostly timid, and in the face of difficulties when there is no courage to face, to overcome it. "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea" and gave me some courage, I should learn that their dauntless spirit! "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea" is an adventure story, but it gave me a lot of courage, it makes me brave to face the reality, not timid and overcautious!《狼来了》This is a true story. Say, a boy on the hillside stocking sheep, because of boredom, so compiled a wolf!" A lie that deceives the hard working peasants. Once someone believed, the two timesomeone believed, when the third time, the boy really met the wolf, in panic, he shouted, "wolf! The wolf is coming! Really! The wolf really came!" The peasants on the hillside heard that he was lying again and no one took care of him. So the boy and the sheep were eaten by the wolf! This parable tells us a profound truth, do not deceive others to tease, a two may succeed, until the third time you really have the danger we need to help, but because we do not trust you, so who will come to help you. We should be honest and don't tease others because of boredom.《鲁滨逊漂流记》Robinson Crusoe is Daniel Defoe's masterpiece of creation. I always take this book as a beacon of my life.This book is about a British adventurous spirit, do not listen to discourage parents, go overseas adventures several times of distress, the last time the trapped Island, lonely andhelpless, struggling. But he didn't give up hope. The sheep, manufacturing tools, with extraordinary courage and infinite wisdom survived. Into his unremitting efforts, the use of their knowledge to do thousands of thousands of degrees《释梦》Freud (1856--l939) is a famous Austria psychiatrist and founder of the psychoanalysis school. His work spans half a century of literature, philosophy, theology, ethics, aesthetics, political science, sociology and psychology of the masses have a wide and deep influence, if the range of influence as a measure of great standard, so Freud is the greatest psychologist. Freud launched the history of human thought and a Copernicus revolution, he pointed out that the human unconscious is not controlled by consciousness, the subconscious contains a huge psychological content, he complained of irrational human tothe most rational voice. "Dream" is Freud the pillar of the academic works. Through the study of dreams has greatly expanded its range of human inquiry, which has had a profound impact on our lives.。

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Book Report
——Red Star Over China
Last month, I read a book named Red Star Over China. Now I want to write some thoughts about it.
The main idea of it is about Edgar Snow’s 7 years in China. It is really a great book.
Red Star Over China is a classic because of the way in which it was produced. Edgar Snow was just 30 and had spent 7 years in China as a journalist. In 1936 the Chinese Communists had just completed their successful escape from Southeast China to the Northwest, and were embarking upon their united-front tactic. They were ready to tell their story to the outside world. Snow had the capacity to report it. Readers of the book today should be aware of this combination of factors. In the period when the Japanese expansion over Manchuria and into North China dominated the headlines, this young American had not only reported the events of the day but had got behind them into some contact with the minds and feelings of Chinese patriotic youth. He had proved himself a young of broad human sympathy, aware of revolutionary stirrings among China’s intellectuals and able to meet them with some elementary use of Chinese language.
More than this, Snow is an activity, ready to encourage worthy causes rather than be a purely passive spectator. Most of all, he had proved himself a zealous factual reporter, able to appraise the major trends of the day and describe them in vivid color for the American reading public.
In 1936 he stood on the western frontier of the American expansion across the Pacific toward Asia, which had reached its height after a full centaury of American commercial, diplomatic, and missionary effort. This century had produced an increasing American contact with the treaty ports where foreigners still retained their special privileges.
My immediate destination was Sian Fu—which means “Western Peace.” Sian Fu was the capital of Shensi province, it was two tiresome days and nights by train to the southwest of Peking, and it was the western terminus of the Lon Hai railway. From there I planned to go northward and enter
the soviet districts, which occupied the very heart of Ta His-pie, China’s Great Northwest. Lochuan, a town about one hundred fifty miles north of Sian Fu, then marked the beginning of Red territory in Shensi. Everything north of it, except strips of territory along the main highways, and some points which will be noted later, was already dyed Red. With Lochuan roughly the southern and the Great Wall the northern, extremities of Red control in Shensi, both the eastern and western Red frontiers were formed by the Yellow River. Coming down from the fringes of Tibet, the wide, muddy stream flows northward through Kansu and Ning Hsia, and above the Great Wall into the province of Suiyuan—Inner Mongolia. Then after many miles of uncertain wandering toward the east it turns southward again, to pierce the Great Wall and from the boundary between the provinces of Shensi and Shansi.
It was within this great bend of China’s most treacherous river that the soviets then operated—in northern Shensi, northeastern Kansu, and southeastern Ning Hsia. And by a strange sequence of history this region almost corresponded to the original confines of the birthplace of China. Near here the Chinese first formed and unified themselves as a people, thousands of years ago.
(From Red Star Over China P14 -15)
It is very much to the credit of Snow that this book has stood the taste of time on both these counts—as a historical record and as an indication of a trend.。
