
Saeco Xsmall 自動型義式濃縮咖啡機用戶操作指南说明书

Saeco Xsmall 自動型義式濃縮咖啡機用戶操作指南说明书
義式濃縮咖啡與咖啡沖煮..................................................................... 20
發泡鮮奶/卡布奇諾沖煮........................................................................ 21 發泡鮮奶.......................................................................................................... 21 蒸汽/咖啡模式轉換........................................................................................ 23 沖煮卡布奇諾.................................................................................................. 24
使用前準備............................................................................................... 10 咖啡機包裝...................................................................................................... 10 使用前準備...................................................................................................... 10

Saeco 组合型咖啡机 使用说明

Saeco 组合型咖啡机 使用说明

Saeco组合型咖啡机—使用说明SAECO VIA VENETO(Combi cappuccino)目录索引一、 前言 (2)二、 机器参数 (2)三、 安全预防 (2)四、 基本介绍 (3)五、 安装 (4)六、 制作咖啡 (5)七、 使用热水 (6)八、 使用蒸汽 (6)九、 清洗 (6)十、 除钙 (7)十一、 故障处理 (8)十二、 保证书 (9)前言10、遇到不了解的地方请咨询经销商。

VIA VENETO 基本介绍17、滤杯18、铜制过滤器19、粉饼滤杯20、双杯滤杯21、压粉器6、蒸汽//热水旋钮14、咖啡粉输出口7、输出口15、磨豆器轻触开关8、热水//蒸汽输出管16、过滤器注:其中18、19、20不随机附带安装安装注意事项:1、确定电源供应为220V2、电源线破损不能使用,并应远离热源及易燃物品。












Saeco royal 机型简单操作说明1.插上电源,打开主开关(在机器左侧下方)。












Saeco HD8856 05 浓缩咖啡机说明书

Saeco HD8856 05 浓缩咖啡机说明书


这就是高端的奶泡体验Exprelia 可随时为您冲泡杯杯地道的香醇咖啡。



原汁原味的完美意式咖啡集成式储奶容器,打造完美奶泡双加热器,即刻获得鲜奶特制品完全采用陶瓷研磨器,咖啡不会烧焦根据您的口味制作饮料保留您喜爱的咖啡设置可调节研磨器,调出各种咖啡提升咖啡 Crema 层和浓度易于清洁和保养自动清洁与除垢让机器始终洁净如初全自动双清洁,打造洁净卫生的奶泡可分离式烹煮套件,清洁极为方便采用不锈钢表面前沿设计产品亮点不锈钢前沿设计的 Saeco 浓缩咖啡机采用经过打磨的不锈钢表面。




Saeco 采用陶瓷研磨器,可获得均匀的研磨效果而不会使咖啡豆过热,制作出完美口味浓缩咖啡。



这款浓缩咖啡机的研磨颗粒为 8 档调节,从制作醇厚浓缩咖啡的最细研磨档到品味较淡咖啡的最粗研磨档。



可分离式烹煮套件Saeco 发明的冲煮套件是确保浓缩咖啡机自动冲煮的核心部件。



自动双清洁储奶容器这款 Saeco 浓缩咖啡机可对储奶容器进行全自动双清洁。



自动清洁与除垢Saeco 把这款浓缩咖啡机设计为在机器开机或关闭时,自动用水清洁咖啡回路,令每一杯咖啡都呈现出非凡、清新的口味。

Saeco PicoBaristo 全自動義式濃縮咖啡機使用说明书

Saeco PicoBaristo 全自動義式濃縮咖啡機使用说明书

Type HD8927/08繁體中文 5內容簡介6重要事項6警示6警告6警告6咖啡機概觀7使用者介面8首次安裝8手動沖洗循環12沖洗咖啡沖煮管路12沖洗熱水管路13AquaClean 濾水器13準備與安裝 AquaClean 濾水器13啟動 AquaClean 濾水器14更換 AquaClean 濾水器15測試水質硬度17飲品類型與份量18沖煮咖啡19以咖啡豆沖煮咖啡19以預磨咖啡粉沖煮咖啡20沖煮奶類飲品21如何使用牛奶罐21沖煮奶類咖啡飲品與奶泡22特殊飲品22特殊飲品選擇方式22提供熱水22調整數量與口味23Saeco 調整系統23調整咖啡與牛奶份量23調整咖啡濃度24調整研磨設定24維護與保養25清洗沖煮組件26每月潤滑沖煮組件28清潔牛奶罐28除垢程序31若除垢程序中斷該怎麼做33警示圖示與錯誤碼33錯誤碼的意義35疑難排解36示範模式功能39訂購 Saeco 配件39技術規格39回收40保固與支援 405繁體中文簡介親愛的顧客,感謝您購買 Saeco PicoBaristo 全自動義式濃縮咖啡機! 現在只要輕鬆按下按鈕,您就可以沖泡出從義式濃縮咖啡到拿鐵瑪奇朵等所有您喜愛的咖啡飲品,而且當然是用新鮮咖啡豆沖泡! 您可以在本使用手冊中找到所需的資訊,並以最佳方式安裝、使用、維護並善用咖啡機。

為充分享受 Saeco 為您提供的好處,請至下列位址註冊產品:/welcome。




-請勿將咖啡機、插頭或電源線浸入水中 (有觸電的危險)。


-請勿將熱水噴嘴朝向身體部位: 有燙傷的危險。

-請勿接觸高溫表面, 務必使用握把和旋鈕。



saeco royal 喜客皇家型咖啡机使用说明书

saeco royal 喜客皇家型咖啡机使用说明书

Saeco 皇家型咖啡机Automatic espresso coffee machineOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS说明书目录索引一、安全预防 (2)二、前言 (3)三、机器参数 (3)四、基本介绍 (4)五、安装 (6)六、使用 (7)七、菜单与设置 (10)八、调节与设定 (14)九、清理与保养 (15)十、故障处理 (20)十一、保证书 (21)一、安全预防1、本机不能在户外使用,不要靠近热源。










11、请遵守本手册内的安全预防说明,说明书要保存好, 并放置在易找处,以供参考。



三、机器参数1、品名:皇家型2、尺寸:(宽×高×深度) 390×395×455(厘米)3、重量(净):15公斤4、电线长度: 1.2米5、豆槽容量:300克6、水箱容量: 2.4升7、豆渣槽容量308、水泵工作压力:15帕9、电压:230伏10、功率:专业型1600W卡布其诺型2300W11、电源频率50赫兹12、控制面板数码液晶13、安全设备煮器压力安全阀自动温度控制器四、Royal基本介绍机器基本说明:01、输出口高度调节钮11、单品盖02、输出口12、液晶显示屏03、热水/蒸汽输出管13、操作面板04、卡布其诺组件14、豆渣槽05、蒸汽旋钮15、废水盘06、温杯盘16、冲泡器07、水箱17、豆量调节杆08、水箱盖18、冲泡器把手09、豆槽盖19、冲泡器底座接盘10、豆槽电脑控制面板1、热水开关键2、单品咖啡键;(在设定中为“▲”,用来向上浏览菜单)3、卡布其诺键;(在设定中为“ENTER”,确认键)4、浓缩咖啡键;(在设定中为“ESC”,取消。

Saeco GranBaristo 全自动咖啡机 HD8966 用户手册说明书

Saeco GranBaristo 全自动咖啡机 HD8966 用户手册说明书


产品注册及获取支持服务,请登录/welcomeType HD8966CH N24243向奶壶注入鲜奶 (42)插入奶壶 (43)卸除奶壶 (43)清空奶壶 (44) (45)冲泡含奶饮品冲泡含奶饮品..........................................快速鲜奶壶自动清洁程序 (48)调整含奶饮品的冲泡量 (49) (51)特别饮品特别饮品..............................................热水 (51)调整热水排出 (53)冲泡其他饮品的特别饮品菜单 (54)调整“Special Beverages”(特别饮品)菜单的其他饮品量 (55) (56)饮品编程饮品编程..............................................粉量 (57)咖啡量 (57)温度 (57)口味 (58)鲜奶量 (58) (58)热水编程热水编程..............................................水量 (58)温度 (59)恢复饮品参数 (59)恢复饮品参数.......................................... (60)咖啡机编程咖啡机编程............................................水设置 (60)语言设置 (61)待机设置 (61)按钮声音 (62)出厂设置 (62)统计信息 (62)统计信息.............................................. (63)维护维护..................................................除垢 (63)咖啡冲泡器清洁程序 (63)清洁奶壶 (64)咖啡回路清洁 (64) (65)清洁与维护............................................清洁与维护咖啡机的每日清洁 (65)水箱的每日清洁 (67)奶壶的每日清洁 (67)奶壶的每周清洁 (70)咖啡冲泡器的每周清洁 (74)咖啡豆槽、托盘和咖啡粉格的每周清洁 (78)奶壶的每月清洁 (80)咖啡冲泡器的每月润滑 (84)使用“咖啡油去除剂”的咖啡冲泡器每月清洁 (85) (88)除垢..................................................除垢 (93)除垢程序意外中断......................................除垢程序意外中断 (94)显示信息显示信息.............................................. (96)故障排查..............................................故障排查 (99)节能..................................................节能待机 (99) (100)技术规格.............................................技术规格 (100)保修与服务保修与服务...........................................保修 (100)服务 (100) (101)订购维护产品.........................................订购维护产品 (102)咖啡机配件...........................................咖啡机配件4中文中文5• 请勿触碰高温表面。




一、咖啡机概述1. 外观介绍咖啡机外观时尚简约,采用不锈钢材质制作,具有耐用性和易于清洁的特点。

2. 功能简介我们的咖啡机配备了多种咖啡制作功能,包括浓缩咖啡、美式咖啡、拿铁、卡布奇诺等。


二、咖啡机的使用方法1. 准备工作(1)将咖啡机放置在平稳的台面上,确保插头与电源连接。



2. 制作浓缩咖啡(1)将咖啡粉放入咖啡机的过滤器篮中,并轻轻拍紧。



3. 制作美式咖啡(1)将咖啡机的过滤器篮中加入适量的咖啡粉,并轻轻拍紧。



4. 制作拿铁和卡布奇诺(1)将鲜牛奶倒入适量的容器中,放入咖啡机的奶泡器。



三、清洁和维护1. 清洁咖啡机(1)每次使用后,务必清洗过滤器篮和过滤器头,避免咖啡渣残留。


2. 维护咖啡机(1)定期检查水箱和咖啡粉收集盒的清洁情况,如有需要清理。


四、使用注意事项1. 请确保咖啡机的电源插头与电源连接正确,避免电流不稳定影响使用安全。

2. 制作咖啡时,请务必按照说明选择适当的功能,并遵循操作步骤。

3. 在咖啡机工作时,避免触摸热表面,以免烫伤。

4. 使用前和使用后请检查咖啡机是否正常,如有异常请及时联系售后服务。

Philips Saeco Exprelia 一次性智能烘培咖啡机说明书

Philips Saeco Exprelia 一次性智能烘培咖啡机说明书

Philips Saeco Exprelia Super-automatic espresso machine•Class•Black•5-step adjustable grinder HD8854/16Espresso and cappuccino at a single touch With full bean-to-cup customisationThe Exprelia is always ready to serve your favourite coffee speciality. Thanks to the immediate beverage selection interface, whatever you choose is made at the touch of a button — and instantly prepared thanks to the machine's double boiler.Authentic Italian coffee perfection•Coffee without burnt taste thanks to 100% ceramic grinders•Double boiler for fast and professional results•Integrated automatic milk function with Easy RefillEasy to clean and maintain•Always a clean machine thanks to auto-clean and descalingEasy to clean and maintain•Frontal access to removable brewing group•Immediate beverage selectionSet the beverages to suit your taste•Play with the coffee's richness with our adjustable grinders•SBS: crema and body boostSet the beverages to suit your taste•Save your favourite coffee settingsHighlightsImmediate beverage selection Whether you want a cappuccino or anespresso, with the immediate beverageselection you can enjoy your personallycustomised beverage speciality at the touch ofa buttonAuto-cleaning and descalingSaeco designed this espresso machine toautomatically clean its coffee circuit with waterwhen starting up or switching off to deliver agreat, fresh taste with each cup of coffee.Regular descaling prolongs your espressomachine's life. This machine will not onlyprompt when descaling is needed, theautomated descaling process will start andguide you with clear on-screen messages whenyou have to intervene. Descaling has neverbeen so easy!Removable brewing group The brewing group is at the heart of every fully automatic coffee machine and it should always be kept clean. A task that doesn't get any more convenient than with a Saeco: remove, rinse and re-insert — finished.Double boiler for fast results Dual and independent heating systems enable you to make as many Latte Macchiatos and Cappuccinos as you need, without any loss of performance.Integrated automatic milk Enjoy your milk specialities non-stop: it is possible to refill the carafe with milk even while the integrated milk frother is plugged in and working.Saves your coffee settings You will always get a perfect cup of espresso brewed just for you, according to your personal preference, thanks to our innovative memo function for adjusting the coffee length, strength and temperature. Enjoy a superb coffee drink in your favourite cup at the touch of a button.100% ceramic grinders This espresso machine is equipped with 100% ceramic grinders. Saeco uses ceramic grinders because of their consistent grind without overheating the coffee bean, for an impeccable espresso. Ceramic also ensures long-lasting performance and totally silent operation.Issue date 2022-06-21 Version: 1.0.1© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsEasy to use•Usage: Adjustable coffee dispenser, Bypass for grinded coffee, Frontal access to all functions, Instant steam (2 boilers), Removable brewing group, Removable water tank•Cleaning and maintenance: Automatic coffee circuit rinse, Automatic milk circuit rinse, Descaling cycleWeight and dimensions•Product weight: 13.4 kg•Coffee bean capacity: 300 g•Product dimensions (L x D x H): 245 x 360 x 420 mm•Waste container capacity: 11 serv •Maximum cup height: 150 mm•Milk carafe capacity: 0.5 L•Water tank capacity: 1.5 LTechnical specifications•Boiler material: Stainless steel (Inox)•Cord length:80 cm•Voltage: 120 V •Supported coffee types: Ground coffee, Whole coffee beans•Power: 1500 W•Frequency: 60 Hz•Country of origin: Made in Italy, Designed in Italy •Water pressure in pump: 15 bar (perfect espresso)•Number of water boilers: 1 boiler •Removable brewing groupPerfect Espresso•Espresso technology: Saeco adapting system, Aroma-system: pre-brewing, SBS: creme adaptor Multi-Beverage•Milk Variations: Integrated auto milk function, Milk quantity selector, Removable milk carafe Service•2-year worldwide guaranteeSustainability•Automatic Standby Option。

Saeco Moltio 自動發泡器超級自動咖啡機使用手冊说明书

Saeco Moltio 自動發泡器超級自動咖啡機使用手冊说明书


請註冊您的產品以獲得支援,網址/welcomeType HD8768 - HD8885TW N 26263調整調整 (27)Saeco Adapting System (27)調整陶製咖啡研磨器 (27)調整香味(咖啡濃度) (28)調整咖啡龍頭 (29)調整咖啡分量 (30)沖煮義式濃縮咖啡與咖啡 ..................................................................... (3131)沖煮義式濃縮咖啡與咖啡使用咖啡豆自動沖煮義式濃縮咖啡和咖啡 (31)使用預磨咖啡粉沖煮義式濃縮咖啡和咖啡 (32)準備製作卡布奇諾所需的發泡鮮奶準備製作卡布奇諾所需的發泡鮮奶 (33)發泡鮮奶 (33)沖煮卡布奇諾 (36)釋出熱水 (3737)釋出熱水 .................................................................................................. (3939)清潔與保養清潔與保養 ..............................................................................................咖啡機的每日清潔 (39)水箱的每日清潔 (40)自動發泡器的每日清潔 (41)咖啡機的每週清潔 (42)沖煮系統的每週清潔 (42)咖啡豆槽、盤和咖啡粉格的每週清潔 (46)沖煮系統的每月潤滑 (47)自動發泡器的每月清潔 (49)使用「咖啡油脂清潔劑」的沖煮系統的每月清潔 (55)除垢除垢 (58)除垢程式的意外中斷 (6464)除垢程式的意外中斷 ............................................................................. (6565)程式設定程式設定 ..................................................................................................可以調整下列設定 (65)如何為咖啡機進行程式設定 (67)畫面圖示含義畫面圖示含義 .......................................................................................... (6969) (7373)故障排除故障排除 ..................................................................................................節能 (76)節能待機 (76) (7777)技術規格 ..................................................................................................技術規格 (7777)保固與服務 ..............................................................................................保固與服務保固 (77)服務 (77)訂購保養產品 (7878)訂購保養產品 .......................................................................................... (7979)咖啡機附件咖啡機附件 ..............................................................................................4中文中文5啡機後,請將電源插頭從牆壁插座中拔出:- 如果出現故障;- 咖啡機長期閒置不用;- 對咖啡機進行清潔之前。



























本咖啡机不得在温度低于和/或等于2°C 或高于32°C 的环境中使用;若咖啡机曾处在这样的环境中,请即刻联系服务供应商,进行安全检查。



飞利浦saeco incanto咖啡机用户手册说明书

飞利浦saeco incanto咖啡机用户手册说明书

INCANTOHD8918, HD8917HD8916, HD8915EN USER MANUAL 简体中文用户手册한국어 사용자 설명서ContentsMachine overview_________________________________________________________________5Introduction ______________________________________________________________________5First installation___________________________________________________________________6AquaClean filter __________________________________________________________________6Activating the AquaClean filter_______________________________________________________6Replacing the AquaClean filter_______________________________________________________7Replacing the AquaClean filter after 8 filters were used__________________________________8Measuring the water hardness_______________________________________________________8Control panel and display___________________________________________________________9One-touch beverage buttons________________________________________________________9Navigation buttons________________________________________________________________9MENU button ____________________________________________________________________9AROMA STRENGTH button _________________________________________________________10Brewing coffee____________________________________________________________________10Brewing coffee with beans__________________________________________________________10Brewing coffee with pre-ground coffee________________________________________________10Special drinks and hot water_________________________________________________________10Dispensing hot water_______________________________________________________________11Brewing milk-based coffee beverages and milk froth____________________________________11Beverage types and lengths_________________________________________________________12Beverage types___________________________________________________________________12Beverage lengths__________________________________________________________________12Adjusting volume and taste_________________________________________________________12Adjusting coffee and milk volume____________________________________________________12Adjusting coffee strength___________________________________________________________13Adjusting grinder settings___________________________________________________________13Cleaning and maintenance__________________________________________________________14Cleaning table ____________________________________________________________________14Cleaning the brew group____________________________________________________________15Cleaning the brew group under the tap________________________________________________15Cleaning the brew group with coffee oil remover tablets__________________________________15Reinserting the brew group__________________________________________________________16Lubrication_______________________________________________________________________17Cleaning the milk carafe ____________________________________________________________17Carafe quick clean_________________________________________________________________17Thorough cleaning of the milk carafe__________________________________________________18Weekly cleaning of the milk carafe___________________________________________________18Monthly cleaning of the milk carafe___________________________________________________19Descaling procedure_______________________________________________________________20What to do if the descaling procedure is interrupted_____________________________________22Warning icons and error codes_______________________________________________________22Meaning of the warning icons________________________________________________________22Meaning of the error codes__________________________________________________________23Troubleshooting___________________________________________________________________244EnglishMachine overview1User interface 22Cover of bean hopper2ESPRESSO button 23Bean hopper3ESPRESSO LUNGO button 24Brew group4AROMA STRENGTH button 25Inside of service door with cleaning instructions 5Standby button 26Coffee exit duct6MENU button 27Coffee residues drawer7LATTE MACCHIATO button 28Coffee grounds container8CAPPUCCINO button 29Drip tray cover9Protection cover 30Hot water dispensing spout10Adjustable coffee dispensing spout 31Opening for hot water dispensing spout 11Lid of water tank 32Water tank12Lid of bean hopper 33Milk container13Lid of pre-ground coffee compartment 34Milk dispensing unit14Main switch 35Lid of milk dispensing unit15Socket for cord 36Milk dispensing spout16Service door 37AquaClean filter17'Drip tray full' indicator 38Water hardness test strip18Drip tray 39Grease tube with application tip19Drip tray release button 40Cleaning brush20Cord 41Measuring scoop21Grind setting knobIntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of a Saeco full-automatic coffeemachine! To fully benefit from the support that Saeco offers, please registeryour product at /care .To help you get the best out of your coffee machine, Saeco offers fullsupport in 4 different ways:-The separate quick start guide for first installation and first use.-This user manual for more detailed information on how to use themachine, how to keep it clean, how to descale it and how to solveproblems.5English-This is the QR code. Scan this code to access instruction videos on howto brew the best coffees, how to clean the machine and for a list offrequently asked questions. (/care)-The separate booklet with important safety information.First installation For first installation, follow the instructions on the separate quick start guide.Note: This machine has been tested with coffee. Although it has beencarefully cleaned, there may be some coffee residues left. We guarantee,however, that the machine is absolutely new.Note: You can install the AquaClean filter during the first installationprocedure (see separate quick start guide). If you skip installation of theAquaClean filter at first use, you can install it later by entering the menu (see'Activating the AquaClean filter').AquaClean filterThe AquaClean filter is designed to reduce limescale deposits in your coffeemachine and provide filtered water to preserve the aroma and flavor of eachcup of coffee. If you use a series of 8 AquaClean filters as indicated in this user manual, you don't have to descale your machine for up to 5000 cups.Note: Your machine has to be completely limescale-free before you start touse the AquaClean filter. If you did not activate the filter during firstinstallation, you need to descale the machine before you activate the filter.Activating the AquaClean filterNote: Always confirm activation of the AquaClean filter in the machine menuas described below. You also need to do this after replacing the AquaCleanfilter. By activating the AquaClean filter in the machine menu, the machinemonitors the number of filters used. When the filter has been replaced 8times, the machine reminds you to descale it.1For instructions on how to place the AquaClean filter in the water tank,see the separate quick start guide.Note: Shake the AquaClean filter for about 5 seconds, immerse it upsidedown in a jug with cold water and wait until no more air bubbles comeout.6English2Press the MENU button, select MENU and press the OK button to confirm. Scroll to AQUACLEAN FILTER. Press the OK button to confirm.-The display shows the number of AquaClean filters that have beeninstalled previously from 0 to 8 filters.3Select ON on the display, press the OK button to confirm.4The display automatically updates the number of filters used.-Then the 'machine ready' screen appears with the AquaClean 100%icon to indicate that the filter has been installed.5Dispense 2 cups of hot water (0.5 l) to complete the activation. Discardthis water.Replacing the AquaClean filterNote: Replace the AquaClean filter as soon as the capacity has dropped to0% and the filter icon flashes quickly. Replace the AquaClean filter at leastevery 3 months, even if the machine has not yet indicated that replacementis required.Tip: We advise you to buy a new filter when the capacity has dropped to10% and the filter icon starts flashing slowly. This ensures that you canreplace the filter when the capacity has dropped to 0%.1Take out the AquaClean filter and replace it by a new AquaClean filter(also see the separate quick start guide).2Press the MENU button, scroll to AQUACLEAN FILTER and press the OKbutton to confirm.7English-The display asks if you want to activate a new filter.3Press the OK button to confirm.-The display automatically updates the number of filters used.4Dispense 2 cups of hot water (0.5 l) to complete the activation. Discardthis water.Replacing the AquaClean filter after 8 filters were used1When the filter icon starts flashing on the display, press the MENUbutton, scroll to AQUACLEAN FILTER and press the OK button to confirm.-The display tells you that you need to descale the machine beforeactivating the new filter.2Press the OK button to start the descaling procedure (see 'Descalingprocedure').-Press the escape button several times to leave the filter menu if youdo not want to descale right away.3At the end of the descaling procedure, the display asks you if you wantto install the AquaClean filter.-Follow the steps in 'Replacing the AquaClean filter'.Measuring the water hardnessNote: If you have installed the AquaClean filter, you do not need to set thewater hardness.To be able to adjust the machine settings to the water in your region, pleasemeasure the water hardness with the water hardness test strip supplied. Thedefault water hardness of the machine is set to the highest level (4). If themeasured water hardness is different, adjust the setting in the machinemenu.1Immerse the water hardness test strip (supplied with the machine) in tapwater for 1 second.2Remove the water hardness test strip and and wait for 1 minute.3Check how many squares have turned red and check the water hardnessin the table below.number of red squares value to be setwater hardness8English4Press the MENU button, select menu and scroll to select water hardness.Select the preferred water hardness setting and press the OK button toconfirm.Control panel and displayThis espresso machine has a self-explaining display for easy use. Read the sections below for a quick explanation of the buttons. One-touch beverage buttonsUse the one-touch beverage buttons (ESPRESSO, ESPRESSO LUNGO,CAPPUCCINO and LATTE MACCHIATO) to quickly prepare one of the preset beverages.-Make sure that the milk carafe is in place and prepared for use when you select cappuccino or latte macchiato (see the separate quick start guide).-If you want to stop the brewing process before the machine has finished dispensing the preset coffee volume, press the OK button.-You can adjust the length of espresso or espresso lungo (see 'Adjustingcoffee and milk volume').-After preparing a milk-based beverage, the machine starts the QUICKCARAFE CLEAN procedure.Navigation buttonsSome of the one-touch beverage buttons have a double function; use these buttons to navigate through the menu:ESPRESSO button = Escape button : press this button to return to the main menu.CAPPUCCINO button = Up button :press this button to scroll up through the display menu.confirm or stop a function.through the display menu.MENU buttonUse the MENU button to prepare other drinks, like hot water and frothedmilk. You can also use the MENU button to change the following settings:-Display contrast-Coffee temperature-Stand-by time: this is the time after which the machine goes into standby mode.-Water hardness: to be able to adjust the machine settings to the water in your region, please measure the water hardness.-To activate the AquaClean filter-To start descaling 9EnglishAROMA STRENGTH buttonUse the AROMA STRENGTH button to adjust the coffee strength (see'Adjusting coffee strength') or to brew pre-ground coffee (see 'Brewingcoffee with pre-ground coffee').Brewing coffeeBrewing coffee with beansTo brew coffee, follow the instructions on the separate quick start guide.To brew two cups of espresso or espresso lungo, press the button of thedesired beverage twice. The machine automatically carries out two grindingcycles in sequence.Note: Using the cover of the bean hopper helps to keep the beans fresh. Brewing coffee with pre-ground coffeeWhen you brew coffee with pre-ground coffee, use the measuring scoopsupplied to put the correct dose in the pre-ground coffee compartment. Donot add too much pre-ground coffee to avoid the coffee grounds drawerfrom getting clogged.Dispensing hot water1Insert the hot water dispensing spout.2Press the MENU button. Select DRINKS, confirm and scroll to select HOTWATER.3Press the OK button to confirm. The display reminds you to install the hotwater dispensing spout; press the OK button to confirm. The machinestarts dispensing hot water.4To stop dispensing hot water, press the OK button.Brewing milk-based coffee beverages and milk frothNote: For more information on how to use the milk carafe, read the separatequick start guide or scan the QR code (see 'Introduction ') to access thededicated website for instruction videos.1Place a cup under the open milk froth dispensing spout.2Choose your milk-based beverage.-Press the one-touch CAPPUCCINO or LATTE MACCHIATO button tobrew one of these milk-based beverages right away.-Press the MENU button, choose DRINKS and scroll down through thedrinks to select MILK FROTH.-The machine reminds you that you have to install the milk carafe andopen the milk froth dispensing spout.3The machine first dispenses a preset volume of frothed milk into the cupor glass and then dispenses a preset volume of coffee.-To stop dispensing milk or coffee, press the OK button.4After brewing milk-based coffee beverages, the display asks you if youwant to perform the quick clean procedure for the milk carafe. You have10 seconds to activate the quick clean procedure (see 'Carafe quickclean'). You can perform the quick clean procedure while leaving the milkinside the milk carafe. It is recommended to perform the quick cleanprocedure at least once a day. Press the OK button to confirm that youwant to perform the quick clean procedure or press the escape button toperform the quick clean procedure later.Beverage types and lengthsBeverage typesBeverage name Description How to selectEspresso Coffee with thick crema served in asmall cup One-touch beverage button on control panelEspresso Lungo A longer espresso with thick cremaserved in a medium-sized cup One-touch beverage button on control panelCappuccino1/3 espresso, 1/3 hot milk and 1/3milk foam served in a large cup One-touch beverage button on control panelLatte Macchiato Long shot of hot milk with foam anda shot of espresso served in a tallglass One-touch beverage button on control panelMilk Froth Hot milk with foam MENU/DRINKSHot Water MENU/DRINKSBeverage lengthsBeverage name Standard length Length rangeEspresso40 ml20 - 230 mlEspresso Lungo80 ml20 - 230 mlHot water300 ml50 - 450 ml Adjusting volume and tasteAdjusting coffee and milk volumeYou can adjust the volume of the beverage brewed according to your tasteand to the size of the cups.Note: We advise you to use glass cups or cups with a ceramic-coated rim.1To adjust the espresso volume, press and hold the ESPRESSO buttonuntil the display shows the MEMO icon.-The machine enters the programming phase and starts to brew theselected beverage.2Press the OK button when the cup contains the desired amount ofespresso.-The tick on the display shows that the button is programmed: everytime it is pressed, the machine brews the set espresso volume.Note: To set the volume of espresso lungo, cappuccino and latte macchiato,follow the same procedure: press and hold the button of the beverage andpress the OK button when the cup contains the desired amount. To adjustthe volume of milk-based coffee beverages, first insert the milk carafe andsave the milk volume and then save the coffee volume.Adjusting coffee strengthTo change the coffee strength, press the AROMA STRENGTH button. Eachtime you press the AROMA STRENGTH button, the aroma strength changesby one degree. The display shows the chosen strength, which is only savedif you brew a coffee.123451Very mild2Mild3Regular4Strong5Very strongNote: The machine automatically dispenses the correct coffee volume foreach coffee strength.Note: You can also use the AROMA STRENGTH button to brew coffee withpre-ground coffee.Note: After adjusting the coffee strength, the display shows the main menuagain and saves the chosen aroma strength when you brew a coffee.Adjusting grinder settingsYou can adjust the grinder settings by using the grind setting knob inside thebean container.Note: You can only adjust the grind settings when the machine is grindingcoffee beans.Caution: Do not turn the grind setting knob more than one notch at a time toprevent damage to the grinder.1Place a cup under the coffee dispensing spout.2Open the lid of the bean hopper.Press the ESPRESSO button.When the grinder starts grinding, press down the grind setting knob andturn it to the left or right.There are 5 different grind settings you can choose from. The lower thesetting, the stronger the coffee.Cleaning and maintenanceNote: Consult the table below for when and how to clean all detachableparts of the machine. For more detailed information on how to clean thebrew group and how to descale the machine, read the correspondingchapters below or go to the dedicated website /care.Cleaning tablePart description When to clean How to cleanBrew group Weekly Remove the brew group and clean it under the tap(see 'Cleaning the brew group under the tap').Depending on thetype of usageLubricate the brew group (see 'Lubrication').Monthly Clean the brew group with the coffee oil removertablets.Milk carafe After every use Perform the QUICK CARAFE CLEAN as indicated onthe machine after preparing a milk-based beverage(see 'Carafe quick clean').Daily Clean the milk carafe thoroughly (see 'Thoroughcleaning of the milk carafe').Weekly Disassemble the milk carafe and clean all parts underthe tap (see 'Weekly cleaning of the milk carafe').Monthly Use Saeco milk circuit cleaner CA6705 for thiscleaning cycle (see 'Monthly cleaning of the milkcarafe').Drip tray As soon as the red'drip tray full' indicatorpops up through thedrip tray.Empty the drip tray and clean it under the tap.Coffee grounds container When it suits you Empty the coffee grounds container and clean itunder the tap. Make sure the machine is switched onwhile you empty and clean the coffee groundscontainer.Water tank When it suits you Clean it under the tap.Part description When to clean How to cleanPre-ground coffeeWeekly Clean the top part with a spoon handle as shown2Press the AROMA STRENGTH button and select pre-ground coffee.3Put a coffee oil remover tablet in the pre-ground coffee compartment.4Press the ESPRESSO LUNGO button. The machine dispenses water from the coffee dispensing spout.5When the progress bar has reached the middle, set the main switch on the back of the machine to OFF.6Let the coffee oil remover solution act for approximately 15 minutes.7Set the main switch to ON. Press the standby button.8Wait until the machine performs an automatic rinsing cycle.9Perform the 'Weekly cleaning of the brew group' procedure.10Remove the drip tray with the coffee grounds container. Empty the drip tray and the coffee grounds container and place them back in themachine.11Press the AROMA STRENGTH button and select pre-ground coffee.12Press the ESPRESSO LUNGO button. The machine dispenses water from the coffee dispensing spout.13Repeat steps 12 and 13 twice. Discard the dispensed water. Reinserting the brew group1Before you slide the brew group back into the machine, make sure the two yellow reference signs on the side match. If they do not match,perform the following step:-Make sure the lever is in contact with the base of the brew group.2Make sure that the yellow locking hook of the brew group is in the correct position.Usage frequency Nr of beverages brewed daily Lubrication frequencyLow1-5Every 4 monthsNormal6-10Every 2 monthsHeavy>10Every month1Switch off the appliance and unplug it.2Remove the brew group and rinse it under a lukewarm tap (see 'Cleaningthe brew group under the tap').3Apply a thin layer of grease around the shaft in the bottom of the brewgroup.Cleaning the milk carafeCarafe quick cleanAfter preparing a milk-based beverage, the carafe cleaning icon appears onthe display.1When the carafe cleaning icon appears on the display, press the OKbutton if you want to perform a cleaning cycle.1Remove the lid of the milk dispensing unit.2Lift the milk dispensing spout out of the milk dispensing unit.3Remove the milk tube from the milk dispensing spout.4Rinse the milk tube and milk dispensing spout with lukewarm water thoroughly.Weekly cleaning of the milk carafeThe milk dispensing spout consists of 5 components. Disassemble all components once a week and clean them under the tap. You can also clean all components, except for the milk container, in the dishwasher.1Milk tube2Rubber support3Milk frother4Milk frother connector5Housing of milk dispensing spoutDisassembling the milk dispensing spout1Press the release buttons on both sides of the top of the milk dispensing unit (1) and lift the top off the milk container (2).2Turn the milk dispensing unit upside down and hold it firmly in your hand.Pull the milk tube off the rubber support.3Press the release buttons on the milk frother and remove the milk frother from the the rubber support.4Pull the milk frother connector out of the milk frother.5Rinse all components under a lukewarm tap.Reassembling the milk carafe1To reassemble the milk froth dispensing spout, follow steps 2 to 4 of 'Disassembling the milk froth dispensing spout' in reverse order.2Place the milk froth dispensing spout back into the top of the milk carafe. 3Place the top of the milk carafe back onto the milk carafe.the machine.6Rinse the milk carafe thoroughly and fill it with fresh water up to the MAX level indication.7Insert the milk carafe into the machine.8Place the container under the milk dispensing spout.9Press the MENU button and select MILK FROTH in the DRINKS menu tostart the carafe rinsing cycle.10Repeat step 9 until the milk carafe is empty.Note: Never drink the solution dispensed during this step.11Repeat steps 6-10.12When the machine stops dispensing water, the cleaning cycle is finished.13Disassemble all the components and rinse them under a lukewarm tap.The machine is ready for use.Descaling procedureWhen the display shows START CALC CLEAN, you need to descale themachine. If you do not descale the machine when this message appears onthe display, the machine will eventually stop working properly. In that case,repairs are not covered by the warranty.Only use Saeco descaling solution to descale the machine. Saeco descalingsolution is designed to ensure optimal performance of the machine. The useof other products may damage the machine and leave residues in the water.You can buy Saeco descaling solution in the online shop at/care.The descaling procedure lasts 30 minutes and consists of a descaling cycleand a rinsing cycle. You can pause the descaling or rinsing cycle by pressingthe escape button. To continue the descaling or rinsing cycle, press the OKbutton.Note: Do not remove the brew group during the descaling procedure.1Remove the drip tray and the coffee grounds container, empty and cleanthem and put them back into place.2Place a large container (1.5 l) under the coffee dispensing spout.CALC3When the display shows START CALC CLEAN, press the OK button to start the descaling procedure. Remove the hot water dispensing spout ifpresent.-The display reminds you that you have to insert the carafe. 20English-The display reminds you that you have to open the milk dispensing spout.-The display reminds you that you have to remove the AquaCleanfilter.Note: You can press the escape button to skip descaling. If you want to start the descaling procedure later, press the MENU button, select MENU and scroll to select DESCALING. Press OK to confirm.4Pour the descaling solution into the water tank. Fill the water tank with fresh water up to the CALC CLEAN level indication. Place the water tank back into the machine. Press the OK button to confirm.-The first phase of the descaling procedure starts. The machine starts dispensing the descaling solution at intervals.-The display shows the descaling icon, the phase indication and the duration. This first phase takes 20 minutes.5Let the machine dispense the descaling solution until the water tank is empty.6Remove the water tank and rinse it.7Fill the water tank with fresh water up to the CALC CLEAN level indication. Place the water tank back into the machine and press OK.8Remove and rinse the milk carafe. Fill the milk carafe with water up to the MIN level indication. Insert the milk carafe into the machine and open the milk froth dispensing spout.9Remove and empty the container and place it back under the coffee dispensing spout. Press OK to confirm.10The second phase of the descaling procedure starts, which is the rinsing cycle. This phase takes 3 minutes. The display shows the rinsing icon and the duration of the phase.Note: If the water tank is not filled up to the CALC CLEAN level, themachine may require another rinsing cycle.11Wait until the machine stops dispensing water. The descaling procedure is finished when the tick appears on the display.12Press the OK button to exit the descaling cycle. The machine starts heating up and performs the automatic rinsing cycle.13Remove and empty the container.14Perform the 'Weekly cleaning of the milk carafe' procedure to clean the milk carafe after descaling.21English15Clean the brew group by performing the 'Weekly brew group cleaning'cycle.16Install a new AquaClean filter in the water tank.Tip: Using the AquaClean filter reduces the need for descaling!What to do if the descaling procedure is interruptedOnce the descaling procedure has started, you must let the machineperform the entire procedure until the very end without switching off themachine. If the machine gets stuck during descaling, you can exit thedescaling procedure by pressing the standby button. If this occurs, or in caseof a power failure or accidental disconnection of the cord, do the following:1Empty and rinse the water tank thoroughly.2Fill the water tank up to the CALC CLEAN level indication and switch themachine back on. The machine will heat up and perform an automaticrinsing cycle.3Before brewing any beverages, perform a manual rinsing cycle.Note: If the descaling procedure was not completed, the machine willrequire another descaling procedure as soon as possible. Warning icons and error codesMeaning of the warning iconsThe warning icons are displayed in red. Below you find a list of the warningicons that may appear on the display and their meaning.Fill the water tank with freshwater to the MAX levelindication.The milk carafe is not installed.Insert the milk carafe into themachine.22English。

Philips Saeco Intelia 全自动咖啡机说明书

Philips Saeco Intelia 全自动咖啡机说明书

Philips Saeco InteliaCafetera espressosúper automática•Prepara 7 variedades de café•Espumador de leche clásico•Negro•Molinillo ajustable con 5 nivelesHD8751/11Espresso y capuchino con un solo toqueCon molinillos cerámicos de granos de café para un mayor saborSolo la cafetera espresso súper automática Saeco Intelia te ofrece la experiencia espressoperfecta: es fácil de usar, personalizar y limpiar. Prepara un capuchino, una lechemanchada un espresso o agua caliente; todo es posible.Tecnología avanzada diseñada para brindar la perfección del café•Espuma suave con el espumador de leche clásicoLa gran comodidad es parte de la experiencia•El sistema de preparación totalmente extraíble se limpia en poco tiempoTecnología avanzada diseñada para brindar la perfección del café•20 000 tazas del café más refinado con molinillos de cerámica resistente•Personaliza al máximo la intensidad del café con las 5 posiciones del molinilloDestacadosMolinillos ajustables con 5 nivelesSi hablamos de finura del molido, esta cafetera nunca te decepcionará. Las diferentes mezclas de café requieren diferentes niveles degranularidad para desplegar todo su sabor. Por eso, la granularidad del molido de esta cafetera dispone de cinco posiciones ajustables, desde molido más fino para disfrutar de un espresso lleno de cuerpo hasta más grueso para disfrutar de un café más ligero.Molinillos 100 % cerámicosNuestros molinillos están hechos con cerámica de alta tecnología y son excepcionalmente duros y precisos. Los granos de café se muelen suavemente, sin riesgo de sobrecalentamiento y se extrae todo el mejor sabor y aroma para proporcionar un sabor excelente durante al menos 20 000 tazas.Sistema de preparación extraíbleEficacia y facilidad de uso fueron las inspiraciones clave cuando Saeco ideó elprimer sistema de preparación de café hace 30 años y, en la actualidad, sigue demostrando ser una pieza de ingeniería eficaz. Como siempre, es muy fácil de limpiar: solo hay que extraerla, lavarla bajo el grifo durante unos segundos y volver a insertarla con la misma sencillez.Espumador de leche clásicoEl espumador de leche clásico es ideal para aquellos a los que les encanta a asumir el papel de maestro artesano, y es muy fácil de usar. En cuestión de segundos puedes crear una deliciosa capa de espuma sedosa: la gloria suprema del café.Fecha de publicación 2023-09-20Versión: 1.0.1© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones quedan sujetas a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Las marcas comerciales son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o sus respectivos titulares. EspecificacionesPaís de origen•Fabricado en: EuropaDatos logísticos•Tamaño palé: 80x196,4x120 cm•Peso del palé (UE): 190 kg•Número de piezas del palé: 20Depósito de agua•Capacidad del depósito de agua: 1,5 LDatos técnicos•Potencia: 1900 W•Presión de la bomba: 15 bar Especificaciones técnicas•Longitud del cable: 0,8 m•Tensión:230 V•Capacidad del contenedor de granos: 300 g •Frecuencia:50 Hz•Tiempo de preparación de una taza: 45 (espresso) a 100 (café largo) s•Capacidad del depósito de agua: 1,5 L •Capacity waste container: 10 bebidas•Presión de la bomba: 15 bares•Altura máxima de la taza: 130 mm•Calderas de agua: 1Diseño•Color:Negro•Color:Black•Materiales y acabado: PlasticPeso y dimensiones•Capacidad del recipiente para residuos: 10 bebidas •Capacidad para granos de café: 300 g•Peso:8 kg•Dimensiones del producto (largo x fondo x alto): 256x440x340 mm•Dimensiones del producto (An. x Pr. x Al.):256 x 440 x 340 mm•Peso del producto: 8,9 kg Especificaciones generales•Adecuado para: Granos de café, café molido en polvo•Tazas al mismo tiempo: 2•Facilidad de limpieza y mantenimiento: Ciclos de enjuagado automático, Ciclo automático de eliminación de los depósitos de cal, Sistema de preparación extraíble, Filtro de agua Brita opcional •Ajustes de intensidad del café: 3•Personalización por bebida: Temperatura ajustable, Volumen de la taza ajustable, Intensidad del café ajustable•Facilidad de uso y comodidad: Boquilla desmontable, Bandeja de goteo desmontable, Pantalla, Desconexión automática, Modo de espera automático•Ajustes del molinillo: 5•Variedades con un solo toque: 3•Tipo de caldera: Caldera con calentamiento rápido •Funciones especiales: Molinillo cerámico, Opción de vapor, Opción de agua caliente, Preparación previa, Espumador de leche manual Pannarello •Tipo de pantalla: LCD•Cafés: Espresso, cappuccino, agua caliente, cafè créme, espuma de leche, espresso macchiato, latte macchiatoAcabado•Material del cuerpo del aparato: Plástico •Material de la caldera: Acero inoxidable •Material de la bandeja de goteo: Acero inoxidable •Material del depósito de agua: Plástico •Material de la boquilla: Plástico•Material del panarello: PlásticoServicios•1 año de garantíaSostenibilidad•Consumo de energía de preparación: 1900 W。



全自动特浓泡沫咖啡机SAECO ROYAL PROFESSIONAL中文操作手册分解图 2-1(日常操作图示)30.加满豆箱31. 加满水箱(清水)32. 调节机器参数33. 调节粉量34. 做咖啡35.加粉槽(用粉时加)36. 热水出口37. 做蒸汽或开水38. 调节抽奶质量39.清倒废渣箱40. 拆下并清洗有关咖啡出口配件分解图 2-2(造啡器、磨豆机及抽奶器清洗保养图示)41. 取下造啡器42. 旋转手柄拆除上滤网并清洗干净43. 取出漏粉槽并清洗干净44. 放回造啡器(应切记对准卡槽位置)45. 拆下固定螺丝并取下豆箱46.小心取下调节杆47. 按图示对准基准点48. 小心取下磨豆机上磨刀49.用专用的毛刷清洁干净50. 将上磨刀装回并重新校准基准点51.将调节杆重新装回52. 拆开抽奶器并清洗干净常见信息或故障显示1 .RINSING机器自动清洗2 .WARMING UP锅炉预热3 . SELECT PRODUCT READY FOR USE选择各功能按键可以使用4 . ENERGY SAVING节能状态(再次按下即可开机)5 . HOT WATER供应热水6 . STEAM供应蒸汽7 . CAPPUCCINO供应牛奶泡沫8 . BREW UNIT MISS造啡器未放好(取出造啡器并重新放好)9 . BREW UNIT BLOCK造啡器锁死(请致电维修人员)10. WATER TANK EMPTY水箱空了(加水)11. COF. BEANS EMPTY豆箱空了(加豆)12. DREGDRAWER MISS渣箱未放好(左右动一下放好渣箱)13. DREGDRAW FULL渣箱满了(清洁废渣箱并放回)14. GRINDER BLOCKED磨豆机锁死(清洁磨豆机或致电维修)15. DESCALE锅炉需除垢(致电维修人员)16. VENTILATE锅炉内有空气(按热水键排汽)17.其他情况致电维修人员操作及保养清洗说明一.使用操作程序(参考图示2-1):1. 水箱加满水(最好用纯水), 豆箱加满豆, 然后打开机器左下部总电源开关;2.开机后, 锅炉预加热约三分钟, 显示“SELECT PRODUCT READY FOR USE”时, 可以开始使用。

Saeco Aroma手动咖啡机说明书

Saeco Aroma手动咖啡机说明书

Saeco AromaManual Espressomachine•BlackRI9373/11Taste the aroma of your favourite coffee beansIn a sturdy Saeco manual espresso machineGet a high-quality manual Saeco espresso machine into your kitchen! Enjoy a stainlesssteel design and the patented porta filter for the best Espresso taste and a fantastic crema.Professional quality•Painted metal body for sturdy constructionAuthentic Italian Espresso•Pressurised Crema filter holder•15 bar pump•Cup warmerSimplicity and speed of use•Ergonomic in day to day operation•Suitable for ground coffee and pods•Delicious milk froth thanks to the classic milk frotherLarge espresso capacity•2.5-litre water tank for high capacityHighlightsPressurised Crema filterThis special Crema filter guarantees a long-lasting, delicious Crema — whatever coffee blend you may choose.Ground coffee and pods For your convenience you can choose between ground coffee and pods15 bar pumpHigh pressure ensures that the entire aroma of the ground coffee is always fully extractedCup warmer This feature allows you to not only store your espresso cups and glasses right on the espresso machine, it also pre-heats them letting the aroma unfold even better and guaranteeing a long-lasting cremaErgonomic in day to dayFor refilling the coffee powder or water, or emptying the filter or the drip tray, all compartments are directly accessible for maximum convenience.2.5-litre water tankThe large water tank allows for lots of coffees to be made, with less refillingPainted metal bodyThe painted metal body is sturdy and guarantees you long lasting Espresso experience.Classic milk frotherThis Saeco espresso machine comes with the classic milk frother that baristas call a “Pannarello”. It dispenses steam and isimmersed in milk to prepare gorgeous milk foam. Unleash your inner barista by preparing your delicious milk specialties the traditional way!Issue date 2022-06-21 Version: 1.1.1© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsWeight and dimensions•Product dimensions (L x D x H):25 x 29.5 x 35 mm•Product weight: 6.9 kg•Weight:6,9 kg•Water tank capacity: 2.5 LTechnical specifications•Cord length:80 cm•Boiler material: Stainless steel (Inox)•Voltage: 230 V•Supported coffee types: Coffee pods, Ground coffee•Power: 950 WFeatures•Hot water/Steam Nozzle•Interface: Direct buttons•Pannarello: Plastic•Removable water tank•Cup holder•Cup warmer•Simultaneous brewing •Filter holder: Pressurised "Crema"•Suitable for podsDesign•Colour: black painted•Materials and finishing: metal painted body Service•2-year worldwide guaranteeLogistic data•Pallet size: 80x120x195 cm•Pallet weight (EU): 414 kg•Number of pieces per pallet: 60Water tank•Water tank capacity: 2,5 LTechnical data•Power: 950 W•Voltage: 230 V•Pump Pressure: 15 bar。



JURA Typ 623 IMPRESSA X9 使用说明Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18ABB A机器各部说明A 废水盘B 废水盘盖C 粉渣盒D 可调节高低的咖啡/牛奶出口E 打奶沫键F 玛琪雅朵咖啡键G 奶咖键H 双杯键I 瑞丝崔朵咖啡键J 意式浓缩咖啡键K 普通咖啡键L 卡布基诺咖啡键M 语言显示系统N 豆槽O 预磨咖啡粉槽/添加药片槽P 咖啡杯围栏Q 程控外盖R 水箱S 蒸汽键T 热水键U 热水喷口V 蒸汽喷口W 附件盒X 水箱盖程序设置按键A 开关键B 过滤器键C 除垢键D 杯数统计键E 进入程式键F +G 润湿键H 清洗牛奶系统I 清洗咖啡系统J 清洗牛奶及咖啡系统K 退出L –1使用说明IMPRESSA X9■屏幕显示:正在运行显示的程序■屏幕显示:请根据提示操作= 注意 = 重要 = 提示Jura Elektroapparate AG, CH-4626 Niederbuchsiten,Internet 目录1. 咖啡机说明 ....................................................... page 31.1 标准功能 ............................................... page 31.2 JURA工程师操作 ................................ page 32. 安全操作须知 ................................................... page 32.1 警告 ....................................................... page 32.2 预防 ....................................................... page 43. 使用咖啡机之前 ............................................... page 43.1 检查电源电压 ....................................... page 43.2 检查电源保险负荷 ............................... page 43.3 加水 ....................................................... page 43.4 加豆 ....................................................... page 44. 初次使用 ........................................................... page 45. 开机 ................................................................... page 56. 润湿 ................................................................... page 57. 调节磨豆器 ....................................................... page 58. 调节水硬度 ....................................................... page 5 9. 过滤器 .............................................................. page 69.1 安装过滤器 .......................................... page 610. 咖啡 .................................................................. page 610.1 制作普通咖啡/意式浓缩/瑞丝崔朵 .... page 610.2 卡布基诺/玛琪雅朵 ............................. page 610.3 奶咖 ...................................................... page 610.4 打奶沫 .................................................. page 610.5 双杯键 .................................................. page 711. 热水 .................................................................. page 712. 蒸汽 .................................................................. page 713. 关机 .................................................................. page 714. 程序设定 .......................................................... page 714.1 设置水硬度 .......................................... page 814.2 自定义咖啡设置 .................................. page 814.3 设置时间 .............................................. page 914.4 设置自动开机时间 .............................. page 914.5 设置自动关机时间 .............................. page 1014.6 指定某天激活/关闭自动开关机 ......... page 1014.7 设置待机自动关机 .............................. page 1014.8 设置语言 .............................................. page 1114.9 设置显示 .............................................. page 1114.9.1 水量单位 (ml/oz) ...................... page 1114.9.2 时间模式 ................................... page 1114.10 设置开机润湿 ...................................... page 1214.11 信息统计 .............................................. page 1214.11.1 制作杯数 .................................. page 1214.11.2 保养次数 ................................. page 1315. 杯数统计 .......................................................... page 1316. 保养 .................................................................. page 1316.1 加水 ...................................................... page 1316.2 自动进水系统 ...................................... page 1316.3 清空粉渣盒 .......................................... page 1316.4 清空废水盘 .......................................... page 1416.5 找不到粉渣盒 ...................................... page 1416.6 加豆 ...................................................... page 14216.7 清除异物 .............................................. page 1416.8 清洗须知 .............................................. page 1416.9 拆除并清洗咖啡喷口 .......................... page 1416.10 清洗牛奶系统 ...................................... page 1416.11 清洗咖啡系统 ...................................... page 1516.12 清洗咖啡喷口 ...................................... page 1516.13 更换滤芯 .............................................. page 1616.14 除垢 ...................................................... page 1717. 教您做一杯好咖啡 ........................................... page 1818. 提示 ................................................................... page 1819. 报废 ................................................................... page 1920. 法律声明 ........................................................... page 1921. 技术参数 ........................................................... page 19前言感谢您购买IMPRESSA X9. 为了确保您对这台机器的正确使用,请认真阅读并掌握此操作手册。

飞利浦 Saeco Minuto 自动鲜奶奶泡器全自动意式浓缩咖啡机说明书

飞利浦 Saeco Minuto 自动鲜奶奶泡器全自动意式浓缩咖啡机说明书


产品注册及获取支持服务,请登录 /welcomeType HD876224CH N244中文中文5• 若出现下列情况,请将电源插头从墙面插座拨出:- 咖啡机出现故障;- 咖啡机长期搁置不用;- 清洗咖啡机之前。



• 若电源插头、电源线或咖啡机损坏,请勿使用咖啡机。

• 请勿改装咖啡机或其电源线。

请将咖啡机送交 Philips 授权的服务中心进行维修,以免发生危险。

• 本咖啡机不适合身体、智力或感官有缺陷的成人(及儿童)以及经验能力不足者使用,上述人群须在监护人的指导下使用咖啡机。

• 请看管好儿童,避免其将咖啡机当作玩具。

• 切勿将手指或其他物体插入咖啡研磨器。



9最后,重新将水箱注满水至 MAX(最大)刻度线。



请注意:请注意:若咖啡机超过 2 个或 2 个以上星期(含)未使用,一旦开启,机器将自动执行冲洗/自动清洗程序。


当咖啡机处于待机模式或关闭超过 15 分钟,自动冲洗/自动清洁程序也会自动启动。


4 将“INTENZA+”滤水器放入空水箱。


5 在水箱中注入干净的饮用水,并将其重新放回到咖啡机上。

6 利用热水功能排空水箱中的水(参阅“排出热水”章节)。

7 将水箱重新注满水。

8 按下“”按钮,然后再通过按下“”按钮滚动页面,直到以下屏幕显示。

9 按下“”按钮,选择“ON”(开),再按下“”按钮,确认选择。

10 按下“”按钮,退出编程。



日向 Saeco Xsmall Vapore 微型自动浓缩咖啡机说明书

日向 Saeco Xsmall Vapore 微型自动浓缩咖啡机说明书

Saeco Xsmall Vapore Super-automatic espresso machine•3 Beverages •Classic Milk Frother •BlackHD8645/47Taste the aroma of your favourite coffee beans One touch super-automatic espresso machineWhatever blend of coffee you wish to try next, the Xsmall will grind the beans fresh on the spot at the touch of a button. It comes also equipped with a manual frother to add a touch of velvety pleasure to all your fresh coffee drinks.A variety of coffees customized to your taste•Enjoy 3 beverages at your fingertips•Delicious milk froth thanks to the classic milk frother•Adjust the length and 5 grinder settings•Adjust and store your personal user profile•Enjoy 2 cups at the same time with Double Cup functionYour fresh coffee experience•20,000 cups of finest coffee with durable ceramic grinders•Hot coffee from the first cup with Thermoblock•Always the right strength in cup, no matters which beansEnjoy your coffees every day with no hassle•Fits any kitchen thanks to the small size and frontal access•Enjoy a great coffee with Auto-Rinse & guided descaling•Thorough cleaning thanks to fully removable brewing groupHighlights3 beveragesEnjoy your favourite drinks for your special moments. Whether you crave for an espresso, a cofffee or a milk based recipe, your Super-automatic machine delivers a perfect in-cup result with no hassle and in no time!Auto-Rinse & Guided descalingThis espresso machine automatically cleans its coffee circuit with water upon starting up or switching off of the machine, this delivers a great, fresh taste with each cup of coffee.Regular descaling prolongs your espresso machine’s life. This machine will prompt when descaling is needed. It will guide you with on-screen messages what you have to do and when.Classic milk frotherThe Classic Milk Frother, which baristas also call Pannarello, dispenses steam to help you easily prepare soft milk foam for your cappuccino. Unleash your inner barista by preparing your delicious milk specialties the traditional way!Customize your coffeesAdjust the length and 5 grinder settings Double CupEnjoy and share your favorite coffee thanks to the double cup functionRemovable brew groupThe brewing group is the heart of every super-automatic coffee machine, and should becleaned regularly. The fully removable brewing group allows you to clean it thoroughly just by rinsing it under the tapSmall size and frontal accessIt doesn't matter how big your kitchen is: this machine fits even the smallest spaces, and it is extremely convenient as you can access the water and waste containers from the front. Designed for making your coffee enjoyment easier.User ProfilesStore the length of any coffee beverageaccording to your personal taste. You will be able to drink espresso, coffee and all other beverages always as you prefer, at the touch of a button.100% ceramic grindersOur grinders are made of high-tech ceramic: exceptionally hard and precise. Fresh beans are gently ground, without risk of overheating: extracting all the best flavors and aroma, delivering a superior coffee taste for at least 20,000 cups.Gusto perfettoGusto Perfetto is self learning technology that tracks constantly the beans you use to prepare your drinks. If it detects a change in the type of beans used, it automatically adjust the dosing in the brew chamber to always ensure a consistent result in cupSpecificationsGeneral specifications•Milk Solution: Classic Milk Frother •User Interface: LED ButtonsService•1-year guaranteeTechnical specifications •Capacity waste container: 8 servings •Capacity water tank: 1 L•Coffee bean capacity: 180 g•Cord length: <100 cm•Filter compatibility: Brita Intenza •Frequency: 60 Hz•Max. cup height: 95 mm•Product dimensions: 295 x 325 x 420 mm •Voltage: 120 V•Waste container: Frontal access •Water tank: Frontal access Customization•Aroma Strength Settings: No•Coffee Length: Adjustable•Grinder Settings: 5•Pre Brew Aroma control: No•User Profiles:1Other features•Auto-Rinse & Guided descaling•Gusto perfetto•Main Switch ON / OFF button•Quick Heat Boiler•Removable brew groupVariety•Beverages: Espresso, Espresso Lungo, Hot water •Coffee Powder Option: No•Double Cup•Milk Double Cup: NoIssue date 2019-06-27 Version: 7.0.1EAN: 00 07502 00477 00© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.。

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分解图 2-1(日常操作图示)
30.加满豆箱31. 加满水箱(清水)32. 调节机器参数33. 调节粉量34. 做咖啡35.加粉槽(用粉时加)36. 热水出口37. 做蒸汽或开水38. 调节抽奶质量39.清倒废渣箱40. 拆下并清洗有关咖啡出口配件
分解图 2-2(造啡器、磨豆机及抽奶器清洗保养图示)
41. 取下造啡器42. 旋转手柄拆除上滤网并清洗干净43. 取出漏粉槽并清洗干净44. 放回造啡器(应切记对准卡槽位置)45. 拆下固定螺丝并取下豆箱46.小心取下调节杆
47. 按图示对准基准点48. 小心取下磨豆机上磨刀
49.用专用的毛刷清洁干净50. 将上磨刀装回并重新校准基准点51.将调节杆重新装回52. 拆开抽奶器并清洗干净
1 .RINSING机器自动清洗
4 . ENERGY SAVING节能状态(再次按下即可开机)
5 . HOT WATER供应热水
6 . STEAM供应蒸汽
7 . CAPPUCCINO供应牛奶泡沫
8 . BREW UNIT MISS造啡器未放好(取出造啡器并重新放好)
9 . BREW UNIT BLOCK造啡器锁死(请致电维修人员)
10. WATER TANK EMPTY水箱空了(加水)
11. COF. BEANS EMPTY豆箱空了(加豆)
12. DREGDRAWER MISS渣箱未放好(左右动一下放好渣箱)
13. DREGDRAW FULL渣箱满了(清洁废渣箱并放回)
14. GRINDER BLOCKED磨豆机锁死(清洁磨豆机或致电维修)
15. DESCALE锅炉需除垢(致电维修人员)
16. VENTILATE锅炉内有空气(按热水键排汽)
1. 水箱加满水(最好用纯水), 豆箱加满豆, 然后打开机器左下部总电源开关;
2.开机后, 锅炉预加热约三分钟, 显示“SELECT PRODUCT READY FOR USE”时, 可以开始使用。

3. 按各功能键(大、中、小杯、热水、蒸汽及打奶键)做咖啡、开水及蒸汽等。

4. 当使用咖啡粉时, 先按面板上粉键(),再打开顶部粉槽盖, 加咖啡粉一调
羹(最多二调羹), 再按相应功能键(大、中、小杯)做咖啡;
5. 要做泡沫咖啡时, 按面板上抽奶键( ), 一直到满意的量为止。









( 此保修卡只限中国国内使用 )












