IPG 光纤激光器诊断手册

外部急停 失败描述:
至少外部紧急停止的两个通道被打开。激光操作将停止,电源会关闭,激 光正面的黄色联锁灯将亮。 故障排除:
检查外部紧急停止状态的两个通道。外部紧急停止电路集成在XP2安全 接口。通道1 XP2安全接口C1 - C4,通道2 XP2 C2 - C3。如果一个通道因为 任何理由断开,有必要将第二个通道也断开,两个一起关闭。
激光模块没连接 失败描述:
这个报警显示模块和通信之间的连接断开,“激光错误”将置为高电平。 故障排除:
关闭电源开关,钥匙开关放到OFF,打开激光器前门。 检查所有激光模块通信电缆。检查所有是固定的电缆。钥匙开关放在 “Robot”或“TEST” 。 检查所有激光器模块绿色发光二极管是显示的。一个红色LED显示有错 误在激光模块。通信中断时,LED没有显示。 打开LaserNet系统里面日志文件文件夹并选择故障发生时的日期。右击 鼠标变成淡蓝色日志窗口。选择所有文件并按加载。文件被保存在计算机的 硬盘LaserNet对应的子文件夹在LaserNet激光组的名称。日志保存到一个文 件夹中对应的日期。将日志发送到IPG.
激光器中有水 失败描述:
在漏水的情况下,一两个漏水传感器将处于检测水中。这些传感器将断开安全 回路和关闭主电源开关。故障“激光有水”和“激光错误”将被激活。 故障排除:
立即关掉激光主开关。检查泄漏传感器和机箱是否有水。检查是否有漏水的管 道或软管 。
在大多数情况下,小的水泄漏的原因可以轻易解决。如果有任何密封漏水问题 可联系IPG。问题排除后剩下的水必须移除激光机箱。
如果没有其他报警信息,检查漏水传感器。水内漏的激光将首先激活报 警“激光进水”,排除漏水后报警消息“激光进水”将会消失,报警信息 “外控紧急停止”置为高电平。有必要断开XP2接口的两通道重置报警信息
IPG 扫描激光工站产品说明书

Scanning Laser WorkstationceholderScanning Laser Beam ProcessingSCANNING WORKSTATIONIPG’s Laser Scanning Workstation is a flexible platform for laser scanning of relatively small parts such as those used in the medical device and electronics industries. The system is built around a Class 1 processing chamber with an automatic, vertically-opening front door and uses IPG’s maintenance-free fiber lasers and large-field scanning head. Users can select from the company’s range of rack-mounted lasers that includes CW or QCW IR lasers, and shorter wavelength or shorter pulse-length alternatives.The modular system design allows for selection of up to four-axes of motion (X, Y , Z and Rotary) with optional vision systems for automatic part identification and alignment. The system is controlled by Windows-based software and incorporates Lanmark Winlase 6.0 and is customizable to support all popular languages. The user interface is an arm-mounted touch-screen PC and includes password access controls together with simple start/stop function buttons for use in production environments.Assistance in selecting the equipment configuration that will give best results in your application is available from IPG - Your partner for Automated Laser Processing Systems.• Widest Range of Laser Types & Motion Systems from a CW, QCW, Nanosecond, Picosecond Femtosecond, IR, • Windows 7 Operating System Lanmark WinLase 6.0 Industry-standard Marking SoftwareCleaning/ Marking SystemUV Marking SystemManual-Z, IR Scanner 100 W, 1070 nm QCW LaserMotorized X-Y-Z, UV Scanner3 W, 355 nm LaserPage 3Spot Welding SystemCutting & WeldingMotorized Z, IR Scanner 150/1500 W QCW LaserMotorized X, Manual –Z, Rotary, IR Scanner10 W Femtosecond LaserScanning Laser WorkstationScanning Laser Beam Processing+1 (508) 373-1100*************************。

IPG官方问题解答光纤激光器常见问题解答1. 我现在使用的是灯泵浦YAG激光器,改用光纤激光器会给我带来哪些好处?∙光纤激光器的电光转换效率高达28 %,而灯泵浦YAG激光只有1.5%~2%∙不用更换灯管,因而更加省钱:光纤激光器中使用了寿命长达10万小时的电信级单芯结半导体激光管∙所有功率级的光斑大小和形状都是固定的∙免维护或低维护∙备件极少∙风冷或基本不需要冷却∙体积相当小∙工作距离更长∙不需要调整∙无需预热,立即可用2. 光纤激光器有质保服务吗?在业内,IPG提供的质保期最长:光纤激光器的标准质保期为购买后整2年时间,IPG最长可提供8年质保期,详情请与我们的销售人员联系。
3. 你们的竞争对手说你们的光纤激光器存在后向反射的问题,是真的吗?说这些话的人并不熟悉光纤激光器技术,如果传送光纤选择合适的话,我们的数千瓦功率低模光纤激光器不会发射后向反射问题。
4. 如何确定光斑大小?方法非常简单,对于光纤激光器而言,这是一个光纤输出在工件上成像的过程。
例如,如果光纤直径等于50μm,准直器的焦距等于60 ,最终聚焦透镜的焦距等于300mm,则最终光斑尺寸等于SS= 50x 300/60= 250微米。
光斑大小不随额定功率的5% ~105%动态范围发生变化,对于单模激光器,在使用低阶模激光遮蔽装置时,光斑大小为高斯光束光斑。
5. IPG最近为什么又推出了CO2激光器?IPG最近推出了第一代CO2气体激光器,输出功率1 ~3 kW,光谱范围10.6μm。
这款新的IPG CO2激光器的专利权属于IPG,与现在市面上传统的CO2 激光器相比效率更高、体积更小,非常适合处理非金属材料。
IPG 20W激光器说明书

The document describes connection and control basics of pulsed lasers equipped with interfaces “type D” and “type D1” manufactured by IPG Laser GmbH and its sister companies.Contents:Contents:Laser Internal Structure. (2)Power supply connector (3)Recommended laser connection diagram (3)Electrical connection. (4)Control Connector Pin Assignment, DB-25 plug. (6)Digital Control Interface (DB-25) Description. (7)Laser Operation using Digital Interface (10)Operation Features. (11)Operating modes and options (13)Control Connector Functionality Extension for “type D1” interface (16)Configuration Extension Commands Structure and Signals Description (“type D1” interface) (16)Configuration Extension Command Codes (17)Configuration Extension Timing diagrams (18)RS-232C electrical connector (20)RS-232C Command Structure Description (20)RS-232C Command Codes. Table for monitoring and configuration. (22)RS-232C Command Codes. Table for RS-232C control interface mode. (24)RS-232C Command Codes. Table for Extended PRR mode. (24)RS-232C Command Codes. Table for Adjustable Pulse Duration mode. (25)Command “$4” “Read device status”- return value interpretation. (25)Command “$10” “Read digital interface DB-25 status”- return value interpretation. (26)Command “$11” “Read device extended status”- return value interpretation (27)Operating modes commands (28)Read options command (29)Laser Internal Structure. Laser Internal Structure.Power supply connector Power supply connectorThe power supply connector is the DB-7W2 type plug (male). Pin assignment is shown in the table below.PIN No.PIN No. Name Name Level Level Descr Description iption iption A1 +24V Supply Voltage +24VDC Supply voltage +24VDC ±5%.Must be supplied for the full laser operation.Floating power supply is required.A2 24V Return Wire Supply Ground Power supply ground. Inside the laser this ground isconnected to the laser internal ground (pin 14 of DB-25connector).Floating power supply is required.1, 3, 4 Reserved Customer connection is not allowed 2 Housekeeping 24V +24VDC +24V supply input for independent electronic boardand guide laser operation only. Provides no supply tothe pump laser diodes. Maximum current is 0.2A. Voltage should be supplied relative to pin A2.Must be supplied for the full laser operation.5 Case Earth Direct electrical connection to the laser housing(module)Recommended laser connection Recommended laser connection diagram.diagram.E lectrical connection lectrical connection..1.Main power supply (24VDC) should be capable to permanently supply operating current (refer to the maximum current consumption in the laser specification) and supply 50% higher peak current for short periods up to 250us. Typical models of the laser consume less than 8A current, consequently peak current consumption for such models is less than 12A. Power supply should hold the voltage, measured on the laser cable leads, within a specified range (refer to the laser model specification) both for the steady and for the peak current consumptions. Supply voltage undershoots and overshoots out of the specified range may lead to a non stable laser operation. Power supply transient load regulation should be carefully investigated to choose a suitable power supply model. 2.Wires in the cable connecting main power supply and the laser supply cable should have appropriate length and cross section to ensure negligible voltage drop (especially for the peak current consumption). 3.The main 24VDC supply should have floating outputs. Its return wire should be connected only to the laser 24V return terminal (Pin A2 of DB-7W2). Wrong connections, which may create current loops (shown in the diagram above as the crossed red wires) should be avoided. 4.The main supply line +24V should be connected to +24VDC laser terminal (pin A1 of DB-7W2). 5.Laser ground (DB-25 pin 14) and laser 24V return are connected inside the laser module. No connections are allowed between these terminals outside of the laser module. 6.The laser is equipped with two separate housekeeping supply inputs. The 24V housekeeping is pin 2 of DB-7W2 connector. The 5V housekeeping is pin 17 of DB-25 connector. Table below shows supplies which should be connected to the laser depending on the operating mode.Operating regime Operating regime Main 24V supply supplyHousekeeping 24V supply 24V supply Housekeeping 5V supply 5V supplyPCB communicationguide laser operation no main emission –+ – or +PCB communication guide laser operation no main emission – – or + +Full operation+ + + or –7.In the case of availability both housekeeping supplies the laser consumes power from the24V housekeeping.ser warm-up time is calculated from the beginning of supplying a housekeeping voltage.Even if the main +24V supply is disconnected from the DB-7W2 terminal A1, while one or both housekeeping voltages are still available, the main processor of the laser continues to operate. The laser supports communication and keeps all settings made for the current session.9.Inside the module the common ground is connected to the laser housing via 10 kOhmresistor and parallel 100pF capacitor. This network equalizes potential between ground and the laser case.er controller electronics ground may be connected to the earth by design (dashed red lineon the diagram). If there is no such connection, it should not be intentionally made.Control Connector Pin Assignment, DB Control Connector Pin Assignment, DB--25 plug.25 plug.All control pins are TTL compatible, unless otherwise noted in the pin description. For the interface designs level ranges of the TTL standard should be taken into consideration. PIN No.PIN No.Name NameDescription Description1-8 (D0-D7) Power Setting8-bit bus. 0-FFh in hexadecimal or 0..255 in decimal formats.Least significant bit (lsb) (D0) corresponds to Pin number 1, Most significant bit (msb) (D7) corresponds to pin 8. 00h (0): Minimum output power FFh (255): Maximum output power Disconnected corresponds to 00h.9 LatchLatches power setting into the laser by the rising edge10 ModulationreturnReturn for Emission Modulation input (pin 19). Galvanically isolated. 11,12,16,21 Laser alarms status (see alarm codes in the table below). 13, 24, 25Reserved, customer connection is not allowed. 14 GroundGround15 +5VDC output. Maximum load is 25 mA.175V house-keeping+5±0.25VDC power supply input for independent operation of the guide laser and PCB. Maximum current consumption is 0.5A. 18EEEmission Enable (EE) signal. HIGH:Emission Enable LOW or disconnected:Emission Disable19 EM Emission Modulation (EM) input. Galvanically isolated. HIGH (>3V): Emission ON LOW or disconnected (<1V): Emission OFF 20SyncPulse Repetition Rate (Synchronization) input, square wave.22 GuideGuide Laser (red diode) ON/OFF input.Additional functionality for type D1 interface (see corresponding section). HIGH: ON LOW or disconnected OFF 23 EStopEmergency Stop Input HIGH:OK (Normal operation)LOW or disconnected: STOP (Laser automatically switchesOFF MO and Booster)Digital Digital Control Interface Control Interface Control Interface (DB (DB--25)25) Description.Description.1.The laser is controlled via signals applied to the DB-25 connector. Please refer to the connector interface description table above for pin designation and operating levels. 2.Pins 1 to 8 are the 8 bit bus for the output power setting. Pin 1 is the least significant bit and pin 8 is the most significant bit. Codes in the range 0...255 (0...FFh) should be applied to these pins, which correspond to the power setting of 0...100% of the specified nominal value. Note:Note: optical output power is directly proportional to the power setting (see specification for the power adjustment range). 3.Pin 9 is the “Latch” control line to store power settings (pin1-8) into the laser. The data is stored to the laser by the rising edge of the signal on the pin 9. Data on the pins 1-8 should be stable for 1µs before and 1µs after the rising edge on pin 9.Stability of the data on the Pin 1-9 out of the above mentioned time frames is not required. IPG recommends supplying single positive pulse with duration longer than 2µs to latch the data into the laser. Time interval between adjacent latching pulses should be longer than 100µs (latching frequency less than 10kHz). 4.Pins 11, 12, 16 and 21 are the alarm and status outputs. Pin 12 is reserved for future alarm codes expansion. These pins indicate the following device states: Pin 12Pin 12 Pin 11Pin 11 Pin 16Pin 16 Pin 21Pin 21 Alarm description Alarm description X LOWLOWLOW Temperature alarmTemperature alarm Laser temperature is out of the operating temperature range. X HIGH LOW LOWPower supply alarmPower supply alarm External supply voltage is out of the specified range.X LOWLOW HIGH Normal operation Normal operationX HIGH LOW HIGH Laser is not ready for emission Laser is not ready for emission X LOW HIGH LOW Back reflection alarmBack reflection alarm Laser automatically switches OFF due to high optical power reflected back to the laser. X HIGH HIGH LOW ReservedX LOW HIGH HIGHSystem alarmSystem alarm Laser protection system detects internal failure.XHIGH HIGH HIGH ReservedIn the case of any alarm the laser will be automatically switched OFF and sets internal Alarm flag. To continue operation after alarm event the internal Alarm flag should be reset.To reset Alarm flag pin 18 and 19 should be set to LOW. Alarm outputs (pins 11, 12, 16 and21) will be recovered to the normal state simultaneously with the reset of Alarm flag signal(except Back Reflection alarm).Back reflection alarm: Alarm flag may be dropped when at least one second passes after the Back reflection alarm:alarm activation. If reset was done earlier, the flag will be dropped when 1 second passes after alarm activation.Laser is not ready for emission state: Laser is not ready to emit power. That may be a result Laser is not ready for emission state:of Emergency Stop and Guide Laser activation without following reset or external power supply voltage out of specified range.5.Pin 15 provides +5VDC output with current up to 20mA that can be used for auxiliarysupplying user electronics communicating with the laser DB-25 control interface.6.Pin 17 is the input for +5V Housekeeping power supply voltage. The customer may supply+5±0.25V to this pin to operate the laser control electronics (e.g. communication via RS-232C or device configuration) and activate the guide laser (red diode) if installed. The guide laser can operate without any of +24V Main supply or +24V Housekeeping supply connected.7.Pin 18 is the Emission Enable (EE) signal. The Emission Enable input should be switchedON at least 5ms before switching ON the Emission. After switching ON Emission Enable input, the laser starts to consume more electrical power and emits residual optical power to the output even when EM pin 19 is LOW (Emission). The optical power value (pulsed and CW parts) depends on model and operating mode of the laser. High contrast (HC option) ensures low residual optical power.Note: the EE switches ON simultaneously with the rising edge on the pin. If the HIGH level Note:was applied to the pin before supplying electrical power to PCB, the laser does not recognize that EE has ON state. In order to enable emission the pin 18 (EE) should be dropped and set to HIGH level again after completing of warm-up phase. If the pin 19 (EM) was also in the HIGH state before supplying power to PCB it should be also dropped to the LOW state at the same time.8.Pin 19 is the Emission Modulation (EM) control input. This input is galvanically isolatedfrom the other interface inputs. Use pin 10 (modulation return) as the return wire for this signal. Apply HIGH to switch ON the Emission and LOW to switch it OFF. The laser startsto emit optical power within specified delay after setting the pin to the HIGH level and stops to emit with specified delay after setting to the LOW level. Refer to the laser optical specification for the laser average power rise and fall times. Modulation with a period shorter than sum of the rise and fall times (the laser response time) may lead to the non adequate laser power behavior and optical over/undershoot.Note 1: the EE input should be switched ON at least 5ms before switching ON the Emission.NoteIn case of switching ON EM while the EE is OFF, the laser does not start to emit. In case of switching ON the EM and later the EE, the laser starts to emit in less than 5ms after switching ON the EE.Note 2: Emission switches ON simultaneously with rising edge on the pin. If the HIGH level Note 2was applied to the pin before supplying voltage to the PCB, the laser does not recognize that as the Emission switching ON signal. The pin should be dropped and set to HIGH level again. If the pin 18 was also in the HIGH state before supplying voltage to the PCB it should be also dropped at the same time.9.Pin 20 is the Synchronization input. Pulse train with a repetition rate (PRR) within specifiedoperating range should be applied to the pin (refer to the optical specification for PRR limits). The laser emits pulses simultaneously with the rising edge of the signal. The square wave input signal with duty cycle 0.1 to 0.9 is allowed. Variation of the duty cycle does not affect to the laser characteristics.Note: In case of the PRR supplied being out of the specified range (or no PRR signal Note:supplied) the laser safety circuit substitutes missing pulses or limits the PRR.10.Pin 22 is the guide laser (red diode/ pointer) control line. Apply HIGH to switch the guidelaser ON and LOW to switch the guide laser OFF. If the guide laser option is not installed, pin 22 can either be connected to ground (pin14) or left floating.Note: the laser emission is not allowed simultaneously with the guide laser operation. MO Note:and Booster are blocked internally during the guide laser operation. If the Emission Modulation (pin 19) or Emission Enable (pin18) were set to HIGH level during guide laser operation, the laser will not emit power, and will not start to emit it even after switching OFF the guide laser. It is necessary to drop both Emission Modulation (pin 19) and Emission Enable (pin 18) to restart the laser emission. Until the restart is done the state “Laser is not ready for emission” will be active on appropriate alarm/status pins.11. Pin 23 is the “Emergency stop” input. It should be set to HIGH for normal operation. In caseof dropping this pin to LOW state (even for a short period) the laser automatically switches OFF (similar state when both EE and EM are OFF) independently of other control signals. It is necessary to drop both EE and EM pins (if they were in HIGH state) to restart laser operation. Until the restart is done state “Laser is not ready for emission” will be active on appropriate alarm/status pins. Pin 23 should be set to HIGH at least 2µs before supplying ON signals to EE and EM pins.Laser Operation Laser Operation using Digital Interface using Digital Interface..1.Remove the protection cap from the laser output optical head and make the appropriate termination. 2.Connect the laser module to the control system via DB-25 connector. Use pins according to the description above.Note:Note: Described laser interface is not compatible with the IPG old type “Remote control” drivers. Consult IPG concerning suitable model of remote control. 3.Recommended initial state of control pins: Pins 18, 19, 22 are LOW Pin 23 HIGHPin 20 with repetition rate within specified range4. Connect power supply sources (housekeeping and main) to the laser as described above.5.In 10 seconds after supplying +24V or +5V housekeeping voltages (warm-up time) the laser is ready for operation.Note:Note: It is allowed to supply +24V or +5V Housekeeping voltage before initialization of the control signals.6. Set desired power via pin 1-8. Apply the latch pulse to the pin 9 to store the power settings into the laser.7. Switch the EE ON applying HIGH to the pin 18. 8.Wait 5ms.9. Laser is ready for fast modulation via Pin 19. It is possible to apply HIGH and LOW sequence to switch the laser ON and OFF correspondingly. The laser has finite ON/OFF rise/fall times (refer to the specification for the particular model). The speed of the modulation should not be faster than sum of rise and fall times, otherwise laser optical response may not be as expected.10. If the EM OFF time between subsequent ON/OFF batches (jobs) is more than 500ms, it isrecommended to switch OFF the Emission Enable pin. This will spare power consumption, avoid unnecessary wear out of the laser and exclude residual MO power at the laser output. 11. After finishing laser operation, switch OFF the EM and EE (set LOW to pin 18 and pin 19). 12. Remove all supply voltages.Operat Operation ion ion Features.Features.1.PRR can be changed during laser operation by the adjustment of the signal frequency at the pin 20. The laser has its own internal frequency generator to ensure correct optical PRR for driving MO. Internal generator is a “slave” circuit, that controlled by a “master” pulses applied to the pin 20. Control circuit attempts to synchronize frequency and phase of “slave” pulses with “master” pulses by an appropriate frequency tuning of internal generator. When synchronization pulses of a stable frequency within specified frequency range are applied to the pin 20, the laser synchronizes frequency and phase of the optical pulses with the “master” pulses at the pin 20. 2.Operation of the internal “slave” generator is different for “Type D” “Type D1” interfaces. Type D.Type D.For the interface “Type D” a phase locking loop circuit attempts to compensate a delay between the supplied “master” pulses and the output optical pulses. Changing of the “master” pulses PRR causes tuning of the internal generator frequency and a drift of optical PRR to the new “master” frequency. There are two modes of the tuning depending on “Jump PRR” configuration state.Jump PRR is activeJump PRR is active. If the period of the “master” pulses is changed by less than 1us, the internal “slave” generator adjusts its period with speed of 10 ns per “master” pulse. If the period of “master” pulses is changed by more than 1us, the laser switches OFF emission for 4 pulses and restores it with the “slave” generator operating at the newPRR. Delay compensation between “master” and “slave” generators follows this PRR jump and runs a with speed of 10ns per pulse. This frequency/phase locking mechanism provides stable laser operation and protects the laser from a random or a missing input signal on pin 20.Jump PRR is not active. Phase locking loop starts to synchronize frequency and phase of Jump PRR is not activethe “master” and “slave” generators. The speed of the PRR drift equals to 10ns per “master” pulse period. This mechanism ensures smooth PRR tuning from a previous PRR to the final one.Type D11.Type DFor interface “type D1” PRR of the “slave” internal generator is synchronized by the phase locking loop with the external “master” instantly. There is only a constant delay between the electrical “master” pulses and the output optical pulses; it can vary unit to unit, but stays in range 0.1÷3µs range.3.If the “master” PRR (pin 20) is higher than the maximum allowed PRR, the laser willoperate at the maximum specified PRR. If the “master” PRR (pin 20) is lower than the minimum allowed PRR, the laser will operate at the minimum specified PRR.4.The power setting can be changed during the laser operation by applying updated levels topin 1-8 and latching them into the laser via pin 9. Laser response time to the power setting change is within specified delays for rise/fall times (refer to the laser specification).5.If pins 18 and 19 are in LOW state, there is no laser radiation at the operating wavelength.6.If the EE is ON, and the EM is OFF, there is a residual power at the laser output. The valuedepends on the laser model and the operating mode.7.If the EE is ON and the EM is ON with the zero power set (all pins 1-8 were LOW during thelatching of the power into the laser) there is a residual power at the laser output. The value depends on the laser model and the operating mode.8.The red diode can be switched ON during laser operation (if the option is installed) using pin22. The guide laser should be turned ON when the EE and EM pins are OFF. If the one ofEE or EM is ON, the emission is automatically stopped. To recover laser operation it is necessary to drop pins 18, 19 to LOW. Switching ON of EE and EM is enable only after setting pin 22 to LOW.9. The optional guide laser may operate from either the 24VDC or 5VDC housekeeping.10. Make sure that pin 22 is connected to the ground or left floating if the guide laser is not inuse. Connection to the HIGH level disables laser emission.11. The laser automatically switches OFF emission, if the module temperature rises above ordrops below specified maximum/minimum operating temperatures (for operating temperature range refer to the laser specification). The internal Alarm flags set and appropriate alarm signal combination appears on the alarm pins 11, 12, 16 and 21. The laser does not recover the emission and holds the alarm pins unchanged until the reset of Alarm flag is done. For devices with a remote Booster (power amplifier), this also relates to the remote head temperature.12. The laser has an internal back reflection sensor. It switches emission OFF if the reflectedlevel is potentially dangerous for the laser. The internal Alarm flags is set and the appropriate alarm signal combination appears on the alarm pins 11, 12, 16 and 21. The laser does not recover the emission and holds the alarm pins unchanged until the reset of Alarm flag is done. It is possible to switch ON the EE and EM again in one second after the alarm was emerged.Operating modes and o Operating modes and options ptions ptions1.The laser may be equipped with options and control modes, which extend and/or change laser operation. List of installed options may be read by RS-232C interface using appropriate command. Below is the options matrix, which shows compatible combinations of modes and options which can be installed in the laser. Option Option// Mode Mode Description DescriptionCustomer configurable configurable Other necessary options options RS-232 RS-232 control interface yes no HC High Contrastno no ExtPRR Extended Pulse Repetition Rate yes no BS Bitstream mode yes HC BS1 Bitstream 1 modeyes HC AdjPulse Adjustable Pulse Duration mode no no Jump PRRJump Pulse Repetition RatenonoNoteNote: for interface “Type D1” modes BS and Jump PRR are not available.2. “RS “RS--232C”232C” option allows controlling the laser via RS-232 port. Without this option RS-232 port can only be used for monitoring of the laser parameters.3. “HC”“HC” high contrast option ensures low power leakage if the Emission Modulation signal (pin 19) is LOW and Emission Enable signal (pin 18) is HIGH. For a laser not equipped with this option there is a power leakage at the output,, with the value depending on the model of the laser. If BS1 operating mode is activated, a CW residual power may be emitted.4. “ExtPRR”“ExtPRR” Extended PRR option allows to operate with the PRR lower than nominal (refer to the specification for details). Average power is proportionally reduced while operating at PRR is less than nominal, so that the pulse energy is kept constant.5. “BS”“BS” Bitstream operating mode allows modulation of each pulse individually. Assuming that the laser operates at a constant PRR, the EM signal can be used as a mask. If EM is HIGH the pulse will be emitted at the pulse synchronization signal. If EM is LOW the pulse is not emitted. There is a constant time shift (typically 256µs, may vary depending on the model) between the first rising edge of PRR signal, after the EM signal became HIGH, and the emitted optical pulses train. The option HC is always included, if BS option is installed. An example of a control diagram is shown below.Fixed time shiftPRR6. “BS1”“BS1” Bitstream 1 operating mode allows modulation of each pulse individually. Assuming that the laser operates at a constant PRR, the EM signal can be used as a mask. If EM is HIGH the pulse will be emitted at pulse synchronization signal. If EM is LOW the pulse is not emitted. There is a small delay typically less than 2µs (may vary depending on the model) between the rising edge of PRR signal after the EM signal becomes HIGH and the emitted optical pulse. The option HC is always included, if BS1 option is installed. Sample of a control diagram is shown below. BS1 option (unlike BS) requires the laser to be ready to emission instantly. This results in a leakage of a small amount of CW power in EE ON and EM OFF states. Option BS and BS1 are perfectly fit to raster marking technique. An example of a control diagram for BS1 is shown below.7. “AdjPulse”“AdjPulse” Adjustable pulse duration option allows user to choose shape and duration of the optical pulse from the preinstalled discrete set. The set of preset optical pulse shapes is defined in the device specification and is calibrated at the factory. Please note that operating parameters of the laser like maximum energy and average power may change with the pulse duration (refer to the device specification for detail).PRR EM (pin 19)Control Connector Functionality Extension for Control Connector Functionality Extension for ““type D1” interface interfaceIn the type D1 interface several lines of DB-25 connector may be used for laser parameters setting and monitoring using serial communication. This “Configuration Extension” of digital interface may be activated, deactivated and used as described below. It is designed for instant fast change of some of the laser parameters. It is recommended for use when RS-232 configuration interface is too slow or not convenient for operation.Note:Note: Control pins used in the “Configuration extension” of the digital interface also retain their main function, e.g. guide laser control for pin 22, during operation. PIN No.PIN No.Name Name Description Description2 Serial Input Laser serial data input. Set data bit to the laser synchronously with SCLK rising edge3SCLK Serial data clocks, 100 kHz maximum 14 GroundGround16Serial Output Laser serial data output. Get data bit from the laser synchronously with SCLK rising edge22Interface EnableEnable of “Configuration Extension” functionality HIGH: Enabled. Pins used in “Configuration extension” (2, 3, 16) will have double functionality. LOW or disconnectedDisabledConfiguration Configuration Extension Extension ExtensionCommand Commands sStructure and Signal Structure and Signals s s Description Description Description (“type type D1D1D1””interface)interface)Use serial input (pin 2) to send commands from the control system to the laser and serial output (pin 16) to receive a reply from the laser. Seed clock signal to pin 3 to use the “Configuration Extension”. All command described below should be sent in binary code and MSB should be transmitted first.User command structure to send to the laser:Laser reply structure:。

IPG高功率光纤激光器培训手册PHOTONICSPHOTONIC目录1激光安全(11.1激光等级定义(11.2IPG光纤激光器等级(21.3激光伤害机理(21・4防护眼镜(31.5电气伤害(31.6机械伤害(41.7气体粉尘伤害(41.8安全建议(42设备描述(52.1功能原理(52.2激光原理(62.3激光器构造(72.3.1常见激光器外观(72.3.2激光器前门内部(82.3.3激光器后门内部(92.3.4激光器侧门内部(102.3.5控制部件(112.4安全电路(11 2.4.1安全互锁继电器K6(12242急停安全继电器K7(132.5接口定义(142.5.1XP 1 硬线接口(142.5.2XP2 安全接口(172.5.3XP3水冷机控制接口(192.5.4XP4模拟量控制接口(202.5.5XP 9/10/11/12 -光闸通道安全接口(20 2.5.6现场总线接口(213激光软件(303.1与激光器建立连接(303.2激光器IP地址复位(313.3软件指示灯概述(323.4 启动L ASERN ET 软件(333.5L ASER N ET 软件界面(343.6L ASER N ET 属性页面(353.6.1状态页面(35362警报页面(373.6.3预警页面(41364控制页面(43 3.6.3预警页面(413.7.4程序命令详解(613.6.5事件页面(453.6.6日志文件页面(463.6.7光闸页面(493.6.8电源页面模拟量(513.6.9 电源页面 CAN-Bus (523.6.10水冷机页面Riedel (533.6.11水冷机页面IPG (543.6.13选项页面-QCW 准连续(56 3.6.14现场总线页面Fieldbus (57 3.6.15模块页面(583.7程序(59 3.7.1LaserNet 程序编辑器(593.7.2激光程序命令列表(603.7.3激光程序结构(603.7.5例程讲解(624安装(644.1安装准备(644.2安装位置(644.3安装(644.3.1拆箱(644.3.2卸货(654.4电气连接(674.5水路连接,流量(67 5拆卸(695.1关闭激光器(69 5.2排水(695.3拆除电线(695.4拆卸光学器件(69 5.5安全包装(696光纤操作(706.1—般光纤操作(71 6.2光纤包装(716.3动态补偿器(72 6.4放置光纤(736.5清洁光纤头(746.6拆除光纤(766.7安装光纤(777操作(797.1开机流程(797.2关机流程(797.3开/关主电源(797.3.1开始按钮(807.3.2使用XP2接口外部启动(807.3.3激光软件LaserNet (807.3.4硬线接口(807.3.5现场总线接口(807.4本地模式(807.5使用激光程序的本地模式(817.6硬线接口远程模式(81761硬线命令响应时间表。
IPG Photonics YLPN高功率纳秒脉冲铅绿光纤激光器系列说明书

YLPN 25-100 mJHigh Pulse Energy Fiber LasersHigh Brightness up to 2 kWfor Wider Working Fieldand Faster Scanning FEATURES Pulse Duration 20-100 ns Average Power up to 2000 W Pulse Energy 100 mJ Excellent Pointing Stability Round or Square Processing Fiber High Brightness Enabling Faster Scanning High Brightness for Wider Working Field Maintenance-free Operation Water-cooled Compact Rugged Design High Wall-Plug Efficiency APPLICATIONS Paint Stripping Coating Removal Surface Treatment Texturing IPG Photonics offers YLPN High Power Seriesof high power nanosecond pulsed ytterbium fiber lasers with pulse energy up to 100 mJ and pulse duration from 20 to 100 ns. These powerful models are optimized for high throughput surface treatment applications such as paint stripping, coating removal, surface cleaning and texturing. Average output powers are up to 2 kW and the repetition rates vary from 2 to 100 kHz. The exceptionally high brightness enables faster scanning speeds and wider working fields resulting in higher throughput. These highly efficient water-cooled fiber lasers are packaged in compact rugged 6U 19" rack-mounted units.YLPN 25-100 mJHigh Pulse Energy Fiber LasersLegal notices: All product information is believed to be accurate and is subject to change without notice. Information contained herein shall legally bind IPG only if it is specifically incorporated into the terms and conditions of a sales agreement. Some specific combinations of options may not be available. The user assumes all risks and liability whatsoever in connection with use of a product or its application. IPG, IPG Photonics, The Power to Transform and IPG Photonics’ logo are trademarks of IPG Photonics Corporation. © 2023 IPG Photonics Corporation. All rights reserved.MAX. AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER: 4 kW MAX. PEAK OUTPUT POWER: 10 MWPULSE DURATION: 15-120 nsPULSE REPETITION RATE: 2-100 kHz WAVELENGTH RANGE: 900-1200 nmDANGER - INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION AVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TO DIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATION CLASS 4 LASER PRODUCTIEC 60825-1:20144.7 R6 6/23General Characteristics500 W 1000 W 2000 WConsole Dimensions (W × D × H), mm 449 × 716 × 266Optical Head Dimensions (W × D × H), mm115 × 393 × 93Weight, kg ~ 70~ 95CoolingWaterSupply Voltage, VAC 2303-phase 400-480Power Consumption, W2400Optical Characteristicsup to 50 mJ up to 100 mJWavelength, nm 1064 ±2Mode of Operation PulsedAverage Power, W 500500, 1000 Standard Brightness 1000, 2000 High BrightnessPulse Energy, mJ 25-5030-100Pulse Duration, ns20-10020-100Repetition Rate Range, kHz2-1002-50Optical TerminationOptical HeadFree space collimated output Processing Fiber, round or squareQBH compatible HLC-8 connectorOutput Beam Diameter Range, mm2-9—Process Fiber Size, μm—Standard brightness 400, 600High brightness 300 or 400Beam Parameter Product, mm × mrad~ 9@ 400 μm round core fiber Standard brightness BPP <24 High brightness BPP <13/contact40007000。

你公司所购买的是400瓦的光纤激光器,执行标准是21 CFR 1040.10,激光波长达到1070纳米,通过光纤输出的激光的功率实际上已经超过400瓦,对人的眼睛和皮肤都会造成伤害,尽管这种辐射是不可见的,但是这种激光对人的角膜的伤害是无法避免的,在设备工作的时候必须带上激光护目镜。
中文说明书_翻译 IPG

遵循的法规标准(仅适用产品) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 EMC 电磁兼容性.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 激光等级 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 钥匙控制 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 安全标识的位置 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 激光辐射警示灯 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

USBLMC_CUH_IPG_V1(4)USBLMC Client Use HandbookIPG BoardCatalogSafety During Installation And Operation (1)Summarize (2)Ways to differentiate modules (3)I.Functions of Fiber Module(IPG)and Definitions of Pins (3)1.Features (4)2.Output Socket Definitions (4)3.Definition of Output Socket Pin (5)a.CON1:DB15Galvo Output (5)b.CON2:DB25Fibre socket (6)c.CON3:DB9Marking-on-fly Encoder (7)d.CON4:DB15Power (8)e.CON5:IDC10Socket (10)4.Jumper Illustration (11)5.Hardware Connection (13)a.Input signal IN0,IN8,Start,EMSTOP (13)b.Input signal IN5,IN9 (13)b.Power Connection (14)c.Typical Connection of Fiber Laser Module (16)II.The common connection ways (16)1.The connection between User-defined digital Galvo conversion board&USBLMC control card (16)2.The encoder,photoelectric switch during marking-on-fly (18)Safety During Installation And OperationPlease read these operating instruction completely before you proceed with installing and operating this product.If there are any questions regarding the contents of this manual,please contact BJJCZ.1.Steps For Safe Operation�Carefully check your application program before running it.Programming errors can cause a break down of the system.In this case neither the laser nor the scan head can becontrolled.�Protect the board from humidity,dust,corrosive vapors and mechanical stress.�For storage and operation,avoid electromagnetic fields and static electricity.These can damage the electronics on the product.For storage,always use the antistatic bag.�The allowed operating temperature range is25℃±10℃.�The storage temperature should be between–20℃and+60℃.ser Safety�This product is intended for controlling a laser scan system.Therefore all relevant laser safety directives must be known and applied before installation and operation.Thecustomer is solely responsible for ensuring the laser safety of the entire system.�All applicable laser safety directives must be adhered to.Safety regulation may differ from country to country.It is the responsibility of the customer to comply with all localregulations.�Please observe all laser safety instructions as described in you scan head or scan module manual,and this manual.�Always turn on the power of this product and the power supply for the scan head first before turning on the laser.Otherwise there is the danger of uncontrolleddeflection of the laser beam.We recommend the use of a shutter to prevent uncontrolled emission of laserradiation.SummarizeUSBLMC marking control card is developed specially for marking machine,it adopt USB interface BLMC marking control card is made up of two PCB board:Main-board and IO board.Main board and IO board are connected by two sockets which with50pins.The main-boards are the same,the IO board is divided into three different kinds by application:Optic fiber module(IPG),common digital module,and common analog module.Among them,common digital module is with a conversion board.Features of USBLMC�PowerUSBLMC marking control card uses5V power.We suggest adopt the power of5V/3Ato achieve power mon digital module,common analog interface’s powerinput signal is on CON2socket of module;and the power input signal of the optic fibermodule is on CON4socket of module.Please check the corresponding instruction ofPINS.�The laser Control1)Offer3routes TTL signal:Laser Gate,PWM,FPK for laser ser Gatesignal used for controlling switch of laser;PWM signal can be regarded as PWMsignal in CO2laser machine or the repeated pulse frequency in Nd:Yag lasermachine;FPK is for the first pulse inhibits signal in YAG laser machine.2)Offer2routes that are used for controlling the power of the laser power supply andrepeated pulse frequency of Q switch.3)As to the YLP series of pulse optic fiber laser machine of IPG,which is supplyspecial control signal.4)Laser Gate,PWM signal can be set up into high level available or low levelavailable.5)Common digital module,common analog module can be used for pre-setting theoutput power of the laser power supply.�Common digital input/output signal(TTL signal)There are10routes input and7routes output mon digital signal is dividedinto two kinds,switch form of input signal(no need external power)and non-switchform of input signal(external component entities supply the electric current drive).Common output signal is belong to TTL output(Without optical-isolation),the maxoutput electric current is15mA.Note:"The inputs/outputs signal"of this manual are all for USBLMC control card.The signals receiving by the USBLMC and driving by external component is inputsignals;signals driving by USBLMC control and receiving by external component isoutput signals.�Support multi-card working pattern.One computer can control8sets of USBLMC at a time,makes and marks the control board to run side by side and operate.Differentcontents can be processed by8sets of control cards.�Marking-on-flyFlying encoder can be connected to do real-time liner speed checking for good result ofhigh speed marking.�Extend axis(step motor/servo electrical motor)outputCan output two directions/pulse signals of channels to control step motor(or servoelectrical motor),applicable to pivot or join.�Start signalUsed when marking contents are the same and high speed is required.The Floor pushcan connect to Start signal,or to the common input signal as well.If there are variablesin marking content,they have to be connected to the common input signal.�Compatible with USB2.0/USB1.0Ways to differentiate modulesThere are some texts at the right-bottom corner of the er can differentiate them by them.The contents are:I.Functions of Fiber Module(IPG)and Definitions of PinsEach module is developed according the different applications.Therefore,its serial number,pin definition,jumper setting,and functional settings can vary.When in use please make sure to refer to the instructions of each particular type of module.For example,5V power input signal of USBLMC,on the common digital module and common analog module,should be inserted from12/13/24/25of the feet on CON2socket;while on the optic fiber module,the power input signal is connected from4/5/12/13of the feet on CON4 socket.1.Featuresa).Specially set for the YLP pulse laser by IPG Company.CON2-DB25pin is directlyconnected with the laser cube’s25-stitch pin.b).Digital IO signal,with1-way common output and3-way common input signals.IN0/IN1are fixed as the input at fiber laser status;IN6as the emergency-stop signal input for fiber laser.IN7is to check whether the power of laser marking machine is turned on or off;IN2/3/5are not applicable.IN4/8/9are comment input signals.For specific connections and the suggested connections,please see the section“Digital IO Connection Instructions”.OUT0is the common output;OUT2s fixed as the red light of fiber laser;OUT3is fixed as laser enabled.OUT1,and OUT4~6are not used.c).Output X-axis step motor to control signals.Y/Z axis cannot be output.d).Connect rotary encoder for high speed marking.e).Galvo output signals are digital outputs and can be set as non-encoded digital signal outputs,or set as digital signal outputs with extend codes.2.Output Socket DefinitionsFig.1-1Fiber Module–Socket Illustration3.Definition of Output Socket Pina.CON1:DB15Galvo OutputGalvo signals are digital signals which can be directly connected to digital Galvo.Digital galvo’s signals transfer protocols are not exactly the same,therefore,it should be confirmed which type of transfer protocols is used by the digital galvo.The company also provides transfer boards,which are analog boards transferred from digital.It can also be transferred analog signal outputs and connected to analog galvo.Fig.1-2CON1of Fiber IO boardPin No.Signal name Illustrations1,9CLK-/CLK+Clock signal.Difference output2,10SYNC-/SYNC+Synchronized signal.Difference output3,11XChannel-/XChannel+Digital signal of X axis galvo.Difference output4,12YChannel-/YChannel+Digital signal of Y axis galvo.Difference output5,13ZChannel-/ZChannel+Digital signal of Z axis galvo.Difference output6,14Status-/Status+The state feedback signal of Galvo.Difference input8,15Gnd The reference ground of control card.For the common two-dimension Galvo,only connecting CLK,SYNC XChannel,Ychannel four groups with8signal lines is enough.We suggest use twisted-pair(such as net-line)for connecting for digital signal.b.CON2CON2::DB25Fibre socketCON2socket and optic fiber25stitch socket of laser instrument connect through25stitch rows of line directly.Fig.1-3Pins of CON2Pins Signal name Illustrations1——8P0——P7Laser power.TTL output.9PLATCH Power latch signal.TTL output.10,14Gnd Control card’s Ground11,12Ver2:GND Control card’s Ground Ver3:SGIN2,SGIN3Laser status input.13,15,24Ver2:GND Control card’s Ground Ver3:NULL Reserved16,21SGIN4,SGIN1Laser status input.17Vcc5V power output of control card.18MO Master Oscillator switch.TTL output 19AP Power amplifier.TTL output.20PRR Repeat pulse power signal.TTL output.22Out2Laser’s red light indication signal.TTL output.23EMSTOP Emergency stop signal.TTL output. 25NULL Reservedc.CON3:DB9Marking-on-fly EncoderFig.1-4Pins of CON3PIN No.Signals Illustrations1IN8Common input signal8.Forms a return circuit with GND9. To use this signal,connect it and GND respectively to either terminals of power.2,6IN9+/IN9-TTL input signal.Internal1K current-limited resistor. External current-limited resistor is suggested when voltage is over12V.Please refer to IN9Port Illustration.3,7BCODEN/BCODEP Encoder phase B input signal.Differential input. 4,5ACODEN/ACODEP Encoder phase A input signal.Differential input. 8Vcc Control card5V output.9Gnd Control card Ground.As the return circuit signal of pin8& 1.d.CON4:DB15PowerFig.1-5Fiber Interfere Board CON4Socket Signals and the definitions PIN No.Signals Illustrations1SGIN0Common input signal0.Forms a return circuit with ground 12and13of the control board.To use this signal,connect it and the ground respectively to either terminal of the power.This is an input signal.2EMSTOP Emergency-stop signal.Forms a return circuit with ground 12&13.To use this signal,connect it and the ground signal respectively to either terminal of the NORM-OPEN switch.When this EMSTOP is pressed,it means there is emergency and operation is immediately stopped.The signal is an input signal.3Ver2:POW_BTN Power signal of the laser instrument main power source. Forms a return circuit with the Ground12&13of the control board.To use this signal,connect it and the Ground signal respectively to either terminal of the NORM-OPEN switch.When the power button is pressed downward,pin 10&11are connected;when the button is bounced upwards,they are disconnected.For the power connection, see“Power Connection”.This is an input signal.Ver3:NULL Reserved4,5VCC5V input power positive terminal.This is an input signal.8START Start signal.Forms a return circuit with Ground12&13. To use this signal,connect it and the Ground signal respectively to either terminal of the power.This is an input signal.9OUT0Common output es GND12&13signals as reference signals.This is an output signal.10,11Ver2:POW_CON,POW_CON1Connection port of power relay.Connect POW_CON to theanode of power relay’s control power.One of the powerrelay’s control ports should be connected withPOW_CON1,and the other to the cathode of the cathode ofpower relay’s control power.When the3-point power isplugged in,POW_CON and POW_CON1are connected.At that time,power relay’s control port is connected to itscontrol power,power relay picks up,and fiber laser mainpower is on.Please see“Power Connection”for reference. Ver3:NULL Reserved12,13Gnd 5V input power cathode(Ground signal),i.e.the control card’s Ground signal.This is an input signal.6,14DIR-/DIR+Output signal.Direction signal of the extend axis(step motor or servo motor).The output mode could be set up either as differential output,or as level output(TTL output).This is an output signal.7,15PUL-/PUL+Pulse signal of extend axis(step motor or servo motor). The output mode could be set up either as differential output,or as level output(TTL output).This is an output signal.e.CON5:IDC10SocketFig.1-6CON5Socket PIN No.Signals Illustrations 1,2,3,4OUT5/4/6/1Common output signal es GND 5&7signals as reference signals.This is an output signal.5,7GND Ground 6,8NULL Reserved 9,10S45GND,SGIN5Common input signal 5.4.Jumper IllustrationFig.1-7Illustration of Fiber Interface board Module Jumper Location See jumper illustration below:Label NO.IllustrationsJP1,JP23Extend axis direction/pulse signaling set up.JP1set direction,JP2set pulse signal.Short connection to pins 1-2of jumper will makedifferential output of direction/pulse signal.CON4’s DIR-,DIR+,PUL-,PUL+should be respectively connected to step drive’sDIR-,DIR+,PUL-,PUL+.Short connection to pins 2-3of jumperwill make level output of direction/pulse signal.In this case,CON4’s VCC 、DIR+、PUL+should be respectively connected tostep drive’s VCC,DIR,PUL.JP32If pin NO.3of CON4is not connected to power switch,thisjumper should be connected short.Here correspond to that thepower switch is push down always.For system that uses powerswitch,do not connect the jumper.JP42Not used.JP5,JP6,JP72Index numbers 0~7,used to differentiate various cards when manycards are working at a time.JP8-JP7-JP6correspond to binary b2,b1,b0.Short connecting JUMPER means b0,and not short connecting it means b1.JP92Short connecting the JUMPER means galvo data excludes expanded code(s).Not short connecting it means it contains expanded code(s).Default Settings:JP1~JP2:Short connecting pin2~3.Extend axis direction/pulse signals output level mode. JP3:Not connecting.JP4:Not connecting.JP5~7:Not connecting.JP9:Short connecting.Fig.1-8Fiber module(Fiber Laser Module)Jumper Default Settings5.Hardware Connectiona.Input signal IN0,IN8,Start,EMSTOPFig.1-9input interface SGIN0、IN8、Start and EMSTOPFig.1-110Recommended Connection for Common Input SignalOnly an external switch is needed,and the contact resistance of the switch should be under100Ω.b.Input signal IN5,IN9Common input signal IN9connection circuit and suggested connection are shown as in fig.1-11 and1-12.(CON5PIN10and PIN9for IN5)Fig.1-11Common Input Signal IN9connection Circuit IllustrationFig.1-12Recommended Connection for Common Input Signal IN9The external power supply needs proper input voltage to make sure the current is between 10mA ~15mA.When input voltage is over 12V,it is suggested that control carton connects current-limited resistor R1.Supposed the input current chosen is 12mA,then the input resistance R1is calculated as per the following formula:10001121×⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−=Vin R Ωb.Power ConnectionSee below fig.1-13for recommended power connection:Fig.1-13Recommended power connection wayWhen the power switch is on,the control card turns on the power relay,and the laser main power is connected to the fiber laser.Pin POW_CON and pin POW_CON1allow maximum current of500mA.c.Typical Connection of Fiber Laser ModuleFig.1-14Typical connection way of fiber interface boardFor the Floor push,it depends whether the rotary encoder needs connected.If the marking-on-fly function is not used,then there is no need to connect the rotary encoder.II.The common connection ways1.The connection between U ser-defined digital Galvo conversion board&USBLMC control cardCON1(Digital input signal socket):Connect User-defined digital Galvo conversion’s DB15with USBLMC control card’s DB15directly.Fig.3-1Connection of conversion boardCON2(Power socket):Connect the outside±15V power to the corresponding pin,the range of the voltage is[±12V—±15V],as the following figure(Fig.3-2)Fig.3-2Connection of Power supplyCON3/CON4(Galvo control signal):It’s divided into Single interface&Difference two connection ways,we should choose the most suitable connection way according the GalvoNote:Difference connectioninterface’’s.We suggest use connection’’s output voltage is twice of single interfacesingle interface connection.And while only confirmed the Galvo interface is Difference interface,we can consider to follow the Difference output way.The two connection ways are as following figure(Fig.3-3Single interface of Galvo;Fig.3-4The difference of Galvo)Fig.3-3Single interface of GalvoFig.3-4The difference of Galvo2.The encoder,photoelectric switch during marking-on-flyUSBLMC control card receives differential drive signal(eg DS26LS31type)of encoder;use CON3:DB9encoder and photoelectric switch socket of mark-on-fly.The connection as the following figure(Fig:3-5)Fig.3-5Connection of encoder and photoelectric switch。

IPG光纤激光器维护手册Page 1 of 9Form: 44511 Maintenance routineEnglish Revision: 02Ytterbium Fiber LaserMaintenance routineEnglish1. Usage of this guideThis document provides you an overview about the requested maintenance and service of the Laser system at customer side.Please read the following instructions carefully and handle also to keep the laser and its components in immaculate conditions.2. Maintenance tasks once a weekChecking water level (DI-Water- and Tapwater level-Indication)Estimatedwork time15 minutes including water refillingTime interval Once a weekDescription Please check the water level (see the seperate waterlevel-indications) of the DI-Water- and Tapwater-Tank at chiller side.If it is necessary please refill water.For cooling external optics use DI-water only.Checking air filter at chiller sideEstimated work time 5 minutes visual control30 minutes for filter exchangeTime interval Once a weekDescription Please check the status and the level of pollution of the air fil-ters at chiller side. A high degree of pollution reduces the airflowrate and also the cooling efficiency of the chiller.Take care that the cooling rib area of the chiller are completelycovered by the new filter plane.3. Maintenance tasks by the quarterChecking water qualitiy15 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval quarterlyDescription Please check the water quality of both cooling circuits (DI- andTab water).If you observe any sediments (e.g. algas) in the water tankthen deflate the tanks and the water pipes by the provided wa-ter output nozzles. If it is necessary please clean up the tanks and the relevant water pipes. In case of a complete water ex- change please also clean up the water input filter at laser side.In consultation with IPG Laser GmbH you are able to add addi-tives only into tab water to prevent algal formation.At DI-water no algal formation should be observed becauseofthe low water conductance at DI-water-circuit.DO NOT ADD ANY ADDITIVES INTO DI-WATER-TANK.Refill the Tab water-/DI-Water tank up to the maximum level.Dirt and dust on laser and external optic cabinets15 minutes visual controlEstimatedwork timeTime interval QuarterlyDescription The laser and the external optic cabinets were constructed asdustfree devices. If you observe any dust or dirt on it please check the function of the cabinets ventilation and their airfilters.Missed or misapllied airfilters need to be replaced or repaired. IIf it is required please remove any dirt or dust by using of a damply and not wetly cleanly tissue.4. Maintenance tasks once a yearWater exchange30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription First switch off the chiller completely. Then deflate the tanksand the water pipes by the provided water output nozzles. If itis necessary please clean up also the tanks and the relevant water pipes.Finally refill the Tab water-/DI-Water tank up to the maximum level.Water filter exchange30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription The water filter needs to be checked or to be exchanged (if it isrequired) to ensure an optimize water flow through all coolingcircuits and an optimize functionality of the complete laser.You can absolve this check while exchanging the water annu- ally.Power-MeasurementEstimated60 minutes per optical channelwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription The Laser power should be checked by using of an adequateLaser power measurement device if it is available.In all other cases please contact IPG Laser GmbH first.Measurement of the Laser Beam-Parameter-Product (BPP)60 minutes per optical channelEstimatedwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription The Laser Beam-parameter-product (BPP) should be checked by using of an adequate measurement device if it isavailable.In all other cases please contact IPG Laser GmbH first.FFBD-SignalEstimated work time 10 minutesTime interval Once a yearDescription The FFBD-Signal is an indication-value (quality) of theincoupled Laser power into the process fiber. This sig-nal is showned at LaserNet-Controlsoftware (Beamswitch/Beam coupler). If you are observing a increas-ing value at a constant laser power then check theBeam switch / Beam coupler. Furthermore please con-tact IPG Laser GmbH directly for further analyzing in-structions.You can absolve this control while measuring theLaser power annually.5. If requiredDI-Water-conductance > 15 μS30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval If it is requiredDescription If the DI-Water-conductance increases a value of over 25 μS(indicates a chiller warning at LaserNet Software) please checkif the valve for the DI-Water-Cartridge is already opened. If thevalve is already opened the DI-Water-Cartridge needs to be exchanged.Spare DI-Water-Cartridges are offered by IPG Laser GmbH.DI-Water-conductance > 25 μSEstimated30 minuteswork timeTime interval If it is requiredDescription If the DI-Water-conductance increases a value of over 25 μS(indicates a chiller warning at LaserNet Software) please checkif the valve for the DI-Water-Cartridge is already opened. If thevalve is already opened the DI-Water-Cartridge needs to be exchanged.There is no laser operation possible if the DI-Water-conductance reaches a value of more than 25 μS.Spare DI-Water-Cartridges are offered by IPG Laser GmbH.6. In the event of damagewaterleakages30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription Check the location of the water leakage. Water leakages couldbe observed at water pipe-clamps or at screw connections.In case of an internal water-leakage at laser side please con- tact IPG Laser GmbH directly.Exchange of the water flow-monitor30 minutes, Installation and functionally testEstimatedwork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription The exchange of a water flow-monitor is reserved for trainedstaff of IPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of the water leakage Sensor30 minutes per optical channelEstimatedwork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription The exchange of a water flow-monitor is reserved for trainedstaff of IPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of the process fiberEstimated60 minuteswork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription Laser operation cannot continue while using of a damagedprocess fiber. In this case please contact your distributor first about the damaged fiber. The exchange of a process fiber is reserved for trained staff of IPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of Laser moduleEstimated3 hourswork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription In this case please contact your distributor firstabout the dam-aged module. Please note also the serial number of the dam-aged module. Furthermore it is necessary to send the logFiles(LaserNet-Software) to your distributor and to IPG LaserGmbH.The exchange of a laser module is reserved for trained staff ofIPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of the feeding fiberEstimated4 hourswork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription In this case please contact your distributor first about the dam-aged fiber. Please note also the serial number of the damagedfiber. Furthermore it is necessary to send the log-Files (Laser- Net-Software) to your distributor and to IPG Laser GmbH.The exchange of a feeding fiber is reserved for trained staff ofIPG Laser GmbH only.。
中文说明书_翻译 IPG

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本文是根据原版英文手册的部分内容翻译而来,目的是帮助您 理解英文原版手册的内容。受到翻译人员的技术与水平的限制,不 能保证完全体现出原文含义。因此,本文仅供参考,遇有疑问请务 必核对原版手册。我们不承担因参考本文而造成的任何直接、间接 损失。
IPG 公司与当前服务网络
IPG 光子集团 | IPG 光子
IPG 光子集团 .................................................................................................................................................... II 目 录 ............................................................................................................................................................. III 附 图 .............................................................................................................................................................VI 附 表 ............................................................................................................................................................VII 介 绍 .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 安全信息 ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

3.技术参数-激光功率:可选- 激光波长:1064nm-最大光束质量(M2):≤1.4-最大焊接速度:每秒10米- 激光焊接深度:可达5mm-输送光纤长度:标配3米-电源要求:380V,50Hz4.机器安装-将机器放置在干燥、通风良好的地方。

技术参数- 功率范围:IPG光纤激光器提供从几瓦到几千瓦的功率范围,用户可以根据具体需求选择合适的功率。
- 波长范围:IPG光纤激光器支持不同波长范围,主要有红外、可见光和紫外光等。
- 脉冲频率:IPG光纤激光器具有可调节的脉冲频率,适用于对精度和速度要求高的应用。
- 光纤长度:IPG光纤激光器提供不同长度的光纤,使得用户可以根据设备布局和需求进行灵活安装。
主要应用领域- 切割和焊接:IPG光纤激光器能够实现高精度的金属材料切割和焊接,适用于制造业和汽车工业等领域。
- 打孔和雕刻:IPG光纤激光器提供高能量和高功率输出,可以用于打孔和雕刻各种材料,包括金属、塑料和陶瓷等。
- 印刷和标记:IPG光纤激光器适用于高速印刷和标记任务,可以实现高清晰度和高精度的图形和文字标记。
- 医疗美容:IPG光纤激光器在医疗美容领域有广泛应用,例如皮肤去除和切割等。
- 科研领域:IPG光纤激光器提供稳定的激光输出和可调节的参数,适合用于科学研究和实验室应用。
使用指南- 安全操作:在使用IPG光纤激光器时,务必遵循相关安全操作规程,包括佩戴适当的防护设备和避免直接观察激光束等。
- 调节参数:根据具体应用需求,用户可以通过调节IPG光纤激光器的参数,如功率、脉冲频率和光纤长度,来获得最佳的激光输出效果。
- 维护和保养:定期检查和清洁IPG光纤激光器,确保其正常运行和长期稳定性。

1. 检查LaserNet软件的IP地址。
2 检查电脑的TCP/IP设置
3. 之后请打开激光器右侧的侧板或者门。
IPG Photonics 光纤切割头产品介绍说明书

Applications FeaturesAdvantagesfrom the World Leader in Fiber LasersIPG Photonics Cutting HeadIPGCut-D30 Cutting HeadIPG’s D30 cutting heads are designed toprovide the highest laser power handling capability in the industry in a completely sealed and lightweight package. The IPGCut-D30 provides effortless integration with IPG lasers and offers precise monitoring of height even under high power and high pressure cutting conditions. Available in multiple configurations with the broadest focus and collimator lens options, the IPGCut-D30 is the ultimate tool to cut a multitude of different material types and thicknesses.Standard FeaturesYesLCA P30-002788Base Part #Manual Cutting HeadExample:P30-007633-A4B11:Vertical Motorized Cutting Head 100 mm Water Cooled Collimator 200 mm FocusHLC-8 Fiber ReceiverPierce Detection Sensor Included200 mm Weight (V)Control UnitZ Adjustment on Focus<4.7kg IPG CHCEFocus lens movement +5/-15 mm150 mmHLC-16* Other options available upon requestCOMING SOONIPGCut-HP• The highest power handling in the industry.• Plug and Play interface with high power IPG lasers Z Adjustment of Focus Lens+5/ -15 mm movement for big variety of material cuttingDual Locking Connector Available with HLC or LCA bayonetInterchangeable IPG Collimator with integrated aperture/coolingNozzle Holder Assemblywith accurateand constant height sensorX, Y Adjustment on CollimatorD30 ConfigurationsReplacement NozzlesDiameters Available• 0.8 mm • 1.0 mm • 1.2 mm • 1.5 mm • 1.8 mm • 2.0 mm • 2.3 mm • 2.5 mm • 2.8 mm • 3.0 mm • 3.2 mm • 3.5 mm • 4.0 mm • 4.5 mm • 5.0 mmP40-003805-001P40-003805-002P40-003805-003P40-003805P40-003805-004P40-003805-005P40-003805-006P40-003805-007P40-003805-008P40-003805-009P40-003805-010P40-003805-011P40-003805-012P40-003805-013P40-003805-014Wide• 0.8 mm • 1.0 mm • 1.2 mm • 1.5 mm • 1.8 mm • 2.0 mm • 2.3 mm • 2.5 mm • 2.8 mm • 3.0 mm P40-007141-004P40-007141-005P40-007141-006P40-007141-001P40-007141-007P40-007141-002P40-007141-010P40-007141-003P40-007141-008P40-007141-009Narrow• 0.8 mm • 1.0 mm • 1.2 mm • 1.5 mm • 1.8 mm • 2.0 mm • 2.3 mm • 2.5 mm • 3.0 mm • 5.0 mmP40-008038P40-008038-001P40-008038-002P40-008038-003P40-008038-004P40-008038-005P40-008038-006P40-008038-007P40-008038-008P40-008038-009P40-008038-010P40-008038-011P40-008038-012Dual Gas Passage• Ceramic AssemblyP30-007834Nozzle CeramicAssembly• Full Assembly • Optics • O-RingP30-007654 P45-012927P40-009015Protective WindowParts AvailableControl Electronics (included)16.663IPGCut - Compact Cutting HeadIPG Photonics’ Process HeadsIPG’s compact cutting heads are the idealsolution for standard flat-bed cutting applications. The combination of IPG’s compact cutting heads internal heads optics and its completely sealed architecture provide long term stability of both focal plane and beam quality at lasers up to 4 kW power. IPG’s compact cutting heads are plug and play with all IPG lasers providing ease of integration and service. Utilizing all its attributes, IPG compact cutting heads not only provide precise cutting results, but they also maintain its precision cut quality over both time and laser power.Standard FeaturesDual Locking ConnectorAvailable with HLC-8or LCA bayonetFine Adjust Scale* Adjustable Focus IndicatorFocus Position Range100 mm Collimator/125 mm Focus+6/-9 mm100 mm Collimator/150 mm Focus +9/-14 mm100 mm Collimator/200 mm Focus +15/-25 mmCapacitive Height SensorNozzleInterchangeableLaser Power Weight (V)Control UnitZ Adjustment on FocusUp to 4 kW <2.5 kgIPG CHCE / External Collimator lens movement *See table for detailsSpecificationsHeight Sensing YesLCAExample:P30-004330-A4B10:Vertical Compact Cutting Head 100 mm Water Cooled Collimator 200 mm FocusHLC-8 Fiber Receiver No Height Sensing200 mm 150 mm4100 mm Water Cooled585 mmNo Cooling6100 mmNo CoolingWindow Status LightCover Slide WindowAdjustable IPG CollimatorAir cooled up to 1 kW power Water cooled up to 4 kW powerCompact Head ConfigurationsReplacement NozzlesDiameters Available• 0.8 mm • 1.0 mm • 1.2 mm • 1.5 mm • 1.8 mm • 2.0 mm • 2.3 mm • 2.5 mm • 2.8 mm • 3.0 mm • 3.2 mm • 3.5 mm • 4.0 mm • 4.5 mm • 5.0 mmP40-003805-001P40-003805-002P40-003805-003P40-003805P40-003805-004P40-003805-005P40-003805-006P40-003805-007P40-003805-008P40-003805-009P40-003805-010P40-003805-011P40-003805-012P40-003805-013P40-003805-014Wide• 0.8 mm • 1.0 mm • 1.2 mm • 1.5 mm • 1.8 mm • 2.0 mm • 2.3 mm • 2.5 mm • 2.8 mm • 3.0 mm P40-007141-004P40-007141-005P40-007141-006P40-007141-001P40-007141-007P40-007141-002P40-007141-010P40-007141-003P40-007141-008P40-007141-009Narrow• 0.8 mm • 1.0 mm • 1.2 mm • 1.5 mm • 1.8 mm • 2.0 mm • 2.3 mm • 2.5 mm • 3.0 mm • 3.5 mm • 4.0 mm • 4.5 mm • 5.0 mmP40-008038P40-008038-001P40-008038-002P40-008038-003P40-008038-004P40-008038-005P40-008038-006P40-008038-007P40-008038-008P40-008038-009P40-008038-010P40-008038-011P40-008038-012Dual Gas PassageControl Electronics (included)• Ceramic AssemblyP30-007834Nozzle CeramicAssembly• Optics • O-RingP45-012927P40-009015Protective WindowParts AvailablemillimetersA B125 150 200320.99 343.70 372.8365.59 86.30 115.43Focus LensIPGCut Micro Cutting HeadIPG Photonics’ Process HeadsIPG micro cutting heads provide the idealsolution for micro-machining applications which require small spot sizes and high-resolution focus adjustment. The combination of IPG Micro cutting head’s internal optics and its completely sealed architecture provide long term stability of both focal plane and beam quality. IPG micro cutting heads are plug and play with all IPG lasers providing ease of integration and service. IPG micro cutting heads not only provide precise cutting results, but they also maintain its precision cut quality over both time and laser power.Standard FeaturesDual Locking ConnectorAvailable with HLC-8Adjustable IPG CollimatorAir cooled up to 1 kW powerFine Adjust Scale*Adjustable Focus IndicatorFocus Position Range0.5 X Magnification, +2 / -2 mm 1 X Magnification, +2 / -2 mm 2 X Magnification, +4 / -4 mmEasy Beam Centering +1 / -1 mm X-Y AdjustmentCover Slide Window100 mm85 mm 100 mm85 mm Example:P30-010200-V3C1:Vertical Micro Cutting Head 85 mm Air Cooled Collimator 85 mm FocusHLC-8 Fiber ReceiverL VHorizontal(LHS)Horizontal Standalone(Vertical no camera mount)Vertical S NozzleInterchangeableLaser Power Weight (V)Control UnitZ Adjustment on FocusUp to 1 kW <2 kg N/ACollimator lens movement *See table for detailsSpecificationsMicro Head ConfigurationsCUTTING HEAD ACCESSORIESCameraReplacement NozzlesDiameters AvailableProtective WindowParts AvailableCamera Module• 0.2 mm• 0.3 mm• 0.4 mm• 0.5 mm• 0.8 mm• 1.0 mm• 1.2 mmP45-017701-001P45-017701-002P45-017701-003P45-017701-004P45-017701-005P45-017701-006P45-017701-007• HD Camera (HDMI Connection)P40-000125 (1280x720 resolution, 60fps)P40-000128 (Power supply for camera)P40-000130 (Controller for camera)• PoEHS Camera (Ethernet Connection)P40-000126 (1280x966 resolution, 40fps)P40-000129 (Power supply for camera)• Optic only P45-012927P30-002424millimetersFocus LensAB50 85 100306.22 325.52 340.4668.51 87.81 102.75ConfigurationsSales & ServiceDevelopment, Sales & ServiceManufacturing, Development, Sales & Service IPG Photonics Corpo ra tionWo r ld Headqua r tersOx f ord, MA USA+1 508 373 1100*************************IPG Laser GmbHEur opean Headqua r tersBurba c h, DE+49 2736 44200sales.eur********************IRE-Polus Co.IPG Russia Fryazino, Moscow RU +7 (495) 702 95 89 ********************United Kingdom & Ireland+44 0 117 203 4060*************************Taiwan+886 2 27 93 3582**********************Spain & Portugal+34 937 999 971****************************South Korea+82 42 930 2000*********************Singapore+65.667.87709********************************Turkey+90 216 306 0317***************************** Czech Republic+420 241 433 199****************************France+33 (0) 388 674 974*****************************Brazil+55 11 4380 9939*************************Italy+39 0331 170 6900****************************India+91 956 060 8808****************************China+86 10 6787 3377 ext. 1020********************Japan+81 45 716 9831********************.jpMexico+52 81 1354 2540**************************Poland+48 32 721 22 20*****************************VISIBLE AND/OR INVISIBLELASER RADIATIONAVOIDE EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONCLASS X LASER PRODUCTPer IEC 60825-1: 2007-03; 21 CFR 1040: 10(g)IPG Photonics manufactures a wide range of laser products with laser classifications ranging from Class I to Class IV. Please review the individual product specification for the optical performance characteristics specific to the device. This information typically includes the wavelength range, output power (CW and/or Peak), Pulse Energy, Pulse Repetition Rate, Pulse Width, etc.。
IPG 光纤激光器维护手册

Page 1 of 9Form: 44511 Maintenance routineEnglish Revision: 02Ytterbium Fiber LaserMaintenance routineEnglish1. Usage of this guideThis document provides you an overview about the requested maintenance and service of the Laser system at customer side.Please read the following instructions carefully and handle also to keep the laser and its components in immaculate conditions.2. Maintenance tasks once a weekChecking water level (DI-Water- and Tapwater level-Indication)Estimatedwork time15 minutes including water refillingTime interval Once a weekDescription Please check the water level (see the seperate waterlevel-indications) of the DI-Water- and Tapwater-Tank at chiller side.If it is necessary please refill water.For cooling external optics use DI-water only.Checking air filter at chiller sideEstimated work time 5 minutes visual control30 minutes for filter exchangeTime interval Once a weekDescription Please check the status and the level of pollution of the air fil-ters at chiller side. A high degree of pollution reduces the airflowrate and also the cooling efficiency of the chiller.Take care that the cooling rib area of the chiller are completelycovered by the new filter plane.3. Maintenance tasks by the quarterChecking water qualitiy15 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval quarterlyDescription Please check the water quality of both cooling circuits (DI- andTab water).If you observe any sediments (e.g. algas) in the water tankthen deflate the tanks and the water pipes by the provided wa-ter output nozzles. If it is necessary please clean up the tanksand the relevant water pipes. In case of a complete water ex-change please also clean up the water input filter at laser side.In consultation with IPG Laser GmbH you are able to add addi-tives only into tab water to prevent algal formation.At DI-water no algal formation should be observed because ofthe low water conductance at DI-water-circuit.DO NOT ADD ANY ADDITIVES INTO DI-WATER-TANK.Refill the Tab water-/DI-Water tank up to the maximum level.Dirt and dust on laser and external optic cabinets15 minutes visual controlEstimatedwork timeTime interval QuarterlyDescription The laser and the external optic cabinets were constructed asdustfree devices. If you observe any dust or dirt on it pleasecheck the function of the cabinets ventilation and their airfilters.Missed or misapllied airfilters need to be replaced or repaired. IIf it is required please remove any dirt or dust by using of adamply and not wetly cleanly tissue.4. Maintenance tasks once a yearWater exchange30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription First switch off the chiller completely. Then deflate the tanksand the water pipes by the provided water output nozzles. If itis necessary please clean up also the tanks and the relevantwater pipes.Finally refill the Tab water-/DI-Water tank up to the maximumlevel.Water filter exchange30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription The water filter needs to be checked or to be exchanged (if it isrequired) to ensure an optimize water flow through all coolingcircuits and an optimize functionality of the complete laser.You can absolve this check while exchanging the water annu-ally.Power-MeasurementEstimated60 minutes per optical channelwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription The Laser power should be checked by using of an adequateLaser power measurement device if it is available.In all other cases please contact IPG Laser GmbH first.Measurement of the Laser Beam-Parameter-Product (BPP)60 minutes per optical channelEstimatedwork timeTime interval Once a yearDescription The Laser Beam-parameter-product (BPP) should be checked by using of an adequate measurement device if it is available.In all other cases please contact IPG Laser GmbH first.FFBD-SignalEstimated work time 10 minutesTime interval Once a yearDescription The FFBD-Signal is an indication-value (quality) of theincoupled Laser power into the process fiber. This sig-nal is showned at LaserNet-Controlsoftware (Beamswitch/Beam coupler). If you are observing a increas-ing value at a constant laser power then check theBeam switch / Beam coupler. Furthermore please con-tact IPG Laser GmbH directly for further analyzing in-structions.You can absolve this control while measuring theLaser power annually.5. If requiredDI-Water-conductance > 15 µS30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval If it is requiredDescription If the DI-Water-conductance increases a value of over 25 µS(indicates a chiller warning at LaserNet Software) please checkif the valve for the DI-Water-Cartridge is already opened. If thevalve is already opened the DI-Water-Cartridge needs to beexchanged.Spare DI-Water-Cartridges are offered by IPG Laser GmbH.DI-Water-conductance > 25 µSEstimated30 minuteswork timeTime interval If it is requiredDescription If the DI-Water-conductance increases a value of over 25 µS(indicates a chiller warning at LaserNet Software) please checkif the valve for the DI-Water-Cartridge is already opened. If thevalve is already opened the DI-Water-Cartridge needs to beexchanged.There is no laser operation possible if the DI-Water-conductance reaches a value of more than 25 µS.Spare DI-Water-Cartridges are offered by IPG Laser GmbH.6. In the event of damagewaterleakages30 minutesEstimatedwork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription Check the location of the water leakage. Water leakages couldbe observed at water pipe-clamps or at screw connections.In case of an internal water-leakage at laser side please con-tact IPG Laser GmbH directly.Exchange of the water flow-monitor30 minutes, Installation and functionally testEstimatedwork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription The exchange of a water flow-monitor is reserved for trainedstaff of IPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of the water leakage Sensor30 minutes per optical channelEstimatedwork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription The exchange of a water flow-monitor is reserved for trainedstaff of IPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of the process fiberEstimated60 minuteswork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription Laser operation cannot continue while using of a damagedprocess fiber. In this case please contact your distributor firstabout the damaged fiber. The exchange of a process fiber isreserved for trained staff of IPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of Laser moduleEstimated3 hourswork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription In this case please contact your distributor first about the dam-aged module. Please note also the serial number of the dam-aged module. Furthermore it is necessary to send the logFiles(LaserNet-Software) to your distributor and to IPG LaserGmbH.The exchange of a laser module is reserved for trained staff ofIPG Laser GmbH only.Exchange of the feeding fiberEstimated4 hourswork timeTime interval In the event of damageDescription In this case please contact your distributor first about the dam-aged fiber. Please note also the serial number of the damagedfiber. Furthermore it is necessary to send the log-Files (Laser-Net-Software) to your distributor and to IPG Laser GmbH.The exchange of a feeding fiber is reserved for trained staff ofIPG Laser GmbH only.。

专业资料IPG激光器接口说明目录1 XP1接口 (2)1.1 外部输入信号: (2)1.2激光器输出信号 (3)2 XP2接口 (4)2.1 输入信号 (4)3 XP4接口 (5)P1、P2 模拟量输入, 模拟量电压0到10V(对应0-100%功率) (5)4、PA系统激光器通道 (5)第一通道控制激光器功率 (5)5、激光器上高压流程 (6)版本:V1.0编写:定制产品部时间:2016.61 XP1接口1.1 外部输入信号:Laser Request(激光器请求)高电平有效外部控制时此位必须置1,无此信号输入时其它输入信号都会被忽略。
控制器发出此信号时激光器会发出应答信号,B7(Laser assigned)置为高电平。
A2 Program start (程序启动)高电平有效,控制激光程序起动和停止。
如果程序号是0000000和A6为高电平,那么激光器由模拟量控制A3 Internal Control Enabled 内控使能,高电平有效A4 Rest error(复位错误)高电平有效复位激光器系统的所有错误信息和激光器输出的错误信号,输入激活时间至少持续1ms。
A5 Guide laser ON (引导激光开启)A6 Analogue control ON(模拟量控制激活)高电平有效激活时程序号要为0000000A16 公共地C1 Laser ON (激光器电源开启)用于打开和关闭激光器主电源,如果主电源不能开启,B13(Warming output)会被置1. 如果主电源开启,输出 B8(Laser ON)会置1.C3至C6 双光纤通道选择 C3 最低位,C6最高位0000→Home position0001→通道10010→通道21.2激光器输出信号B1 Laser Ready(激光器准备好)高电平有效B2 Emission ON 高电平有效激光器光闸打开,正在出光B3 Internal control enabled 高电平有效内控使能B4 Laser Error(激光器错误)B5 Guide Laser is ON 红光打开时置1B6 Analogue Control is ON 模拟量控制模式时置1B7 Laser is assigned 激光器应答信号高电平有效。

感谢您选择 IPG 光纤激光器!
本文将协助您开始使用 IPG 连续型中功率光纤激光器。更详细、更准确的产品资讯,请您仔细阅读 产品随附的英文原版用户手册。
1、拆箱与检查............................................................................................................................... 4 2、一般安全信息 ........................................................................................................................... 4
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Ytterbium Fiber Laser Alarm messagesAnalysis and SolutionEnglishNoticeInformation contained in this document is subject to change without notice. IPG Laser GmbH (IPG) believes that the information provided is accurate and reliable, however IPG makes no warranty of any kind as to the information contained in this document, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Further, IPG does not assume responsibility for use of the information contained in this document or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. IPG shall not be liable for errors contained in this documents or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.IPG grants no license, directly or indirectly under any patent or other intellectual property rights from use of the information provided herein. Copyright 2008 IPG Laser GmbH. All rights reserved. You may not reproduce, transmit, store in a retrieval system or adapt this publication, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of IPG, except as allowed under applicable copyright laws.We have identified words that we consider as trademarks. Neither the presence nor absence of trademark identifications affects the legal status of any trademarks.All service and maintenance shall be performed by qualified IPG trained personnel.IPG- GroupIPG delivers fiber laser in all domains of laser material processing,medical engineering and scientific institutes and universities. IPG is theaccepted market leader in this modern fiber laser technology. The IPG- Group contains subsidiaries in many European, Asiatic and American developed counties. Main production site for these lasers is Burbach inGermany with a vertical range of manufacture of 90%. This guarantees you as user a high grade of competence and reliability. High output power, excellent beam quality, high stability and mobility are outstanding predicates of the fiber laser. The superiority of the fiber laser is efficiency, flexibility, modularity, thermal and mechanical robustness that comes along with a simple constructive assembly. Further important characteristics for the industrial use are low running costs. Economic feasibility studies show, that it is possible to realize faster, better and more cost-effective industrial applications with high power fiber laser. IPG has the production capacity for a production in high piece numbers. More information you can find under .IPG Companies with present serviceThe steps described in this manual should be done with the utmostcaution.Index1.CONTACTS 61.1.United States of Amerika 6 1.2.Germany 6 1.3.Italy 7 1.4.United Kingdom 7 1.5.Japan 7 1.6.Russland 8 1.7.Indien 8 1.8.China 81.9.South Korea 92.STATUS MESSAGES 10ser Standby 103.ALARM MESSAGES 113.1.E-Stop 11 3.2.E-Stop button 12 3.3.E-Stop external 13 3.ser overheat 14 3.ser fiber interlock 15 3.6.High back reflection 16 3.ser module failure 17 3.ser module disconnected 18 3.9.Chiller failure 19 biner failure 20 3.11.Initialisization Error 21 3.12.Electronics overheat 22 3.13.Low water flow: Laser 23 3.14.Low water flow: fiber con 24 3.15.Water in Laser 25 3.16.Water in beam switch / Fiber to Fiber coupler 26 3.17.Critical Error 27 3.18.AC power interruption 28 3.19.Power supply failure 29 3.20.Chiller error 30 3.21.Unexpected pump current 31 3.22.Unexpected ground leakage 323.23.High average power 334.WARNING MESSAGES 344.1.Indication lamps failure 34 4.2.Reserved module is ON 35 4.3.Module overheat 36 4.4.Module overheat 375.BEAM SWITCH 385.1.Cabinet door (A) & Cabinet door (B) 38 5.2.Error 39 5.3.Scattered light 40 5.4.FFBD (Fast Fiber Breakage Detection) 41 5.5.Low water flow: process fiber Input / output 425.6.Optical interlock 436.FIBER TO FIBER COUPLER 446.1.Geringe Durchflussmenge Aus- / Eingang Faserstecker 44 6.2.Scattered light 451. Contacts1.1. United States of AmerikaIPG Photonics Corporation50 Old Webster RoadOxford, MA 01540, USATel: (877) 980-1550Tel: (508) 373-1100 - MainFax: (508) 373-1103Sales:Tel: (508) 373-1126 - Sales MainTel: (508) 373-1144 – Materials Processing SalesTel: (508) 373-1173 - Telecom SalesTel: (508) 373-1169 - Scientific & Special SalesE-mail: @Customer Support:Tel: (508) 373-1157E-mail: support@1.2. GermanyIPG Laser GmbHSiemensstrasse 7D-57299 Burbach, GermanyTel: +49 2736 44 20 100Fax: +49 2736 44 20 160SalesTel: +49 2736 44 20 342E-mail: sales.europe@Customer SupportTel: +49 2736 44 20 451E-mail: support.europe@1.3. ItalyIPG Fibertech S.r.l.Via Pisacane, 4620025 Legnano (MI), ItalyTel: +39 0331 170 6900Fax: +39 0331 170 6919E-mail: sales.italy@1.4. United KingdomIPG Photonics (UK) Ltd.22 Buckingham GateLondon SW1E 6LB, United KingdomTel: +44 207 828 9929Fax: +44 207 834 1521E-mail: @1.5. JapanIPG Photonics Japan Limited7-16, Shirokane 2-Chome,Minato-ku, TOKYO, 108-0072 JapanTel : +81-3-6909-9020Fax: +81-3-3446-8571E-mail: info@ipgphotonics.co.jpURL: http://www.ipgphotonics.co.jp1.6. RusslandIRE – Polus Co.Vvedenskogo Sq. 1Fryazina, Moscow 1411190 RussiaTel: +7 095 526 9083Fax: +7 095 702 9573Email: mail@ntoire-polus.ruURL: http://www.ntoire-polus.ru1.7. IndienIPG Photonics (India) Pvt. Ltd.“Tirumala Tech Park”, No. 27, 1st Cross, 2nd PhaseDoddanekundi Industrial Area, Mahadevapura PostBangalore 560 048 IndiaTel: +91 80 2852 4861Tel: +91 80 2852 4862Fax: +91 80 5116 3282Email: ipgindia@1.8. ChinaIPG (Beijing) Fiber Laser Technology Co., Ltd.F28, 2 Jingyuan North St. BDABeijing, China 100176Tel: +86-10-6787-3377 ext.1010Fax: +86-10-6787-9294E-mail: junshao@1.9. South KoreaIPG Photonics (Korea) Ltd.Daega Bld. 3rd Floor, 641-11 Bongmyung-DongYuseong-Gu, Daejon, KoreaTel: +82 42 825 6354Fax: +82 42 825 6352E-mail: yhan@ipgk.krURL: http://www.ipgk.kr2. Status messages2.1. Laser StandbyStatus message Laser StandbyCard StatusFailure descriptionIf no alarm is present and the power supply is switched off, the status message Laser Standby should be present.It is not possible to switch on main power supply if the status Laser Standby is not present. Trouble shootingCheck if the E-Stop buttons on the Laser, the beam switch or the fiber-fiber coupler cabinet are pushed.Choose in the Program LaserNet the Card “Power Supply” and Check the status bits of the power supply. A detailed description is in this handbook. Check also “Power Supply Failure” Check status of interlock circuit. If the interlock circuit is not closed the yellow interlock lamp on the front side of the laser will be enlightened. It is not possible to switch on the Laser when the interlock Circuit is open.3. Alarm messages3.1. E-StopAlarm messages E-StopCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThe alarm message shows that the internal or the external E-Stop cuircit is opned. Normally this message is shown together wit E-Stop button or external E-Stop.Trouble shootingPlease check the alarm messages …E-Stop Button“ and …External E-Stop“3.2. E-Stop buttonAlarm message E-Stop buttonCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThis Alarm indicates that the E-Stop Button from the laser, the beam switch or fiber-fiber coupler is pushed. If at least one E-Stop button is pushed laser operation will be stopped, the power supply will be switched off.Trouble shootingCheck status of the E-Stop buttons. If one of the buttons is pushed, release the E-Stop button and check the alarm messages in LaserNet. If no further alarm is present and the status message Laser standby is on, it is possible to switch on power supply.3.3. E-Stop externalAlarm message E-Stop externalCard AlarmsFailure descriptionIt is present if at least on channel of the two channel external E-Stop is opened. Laser operation will be stopped, the power supply will be switched off and the yellow interlock lamp on the front side of the laser will be on.E-Stop External appears only together with Laser fiber interlock see Laser fiber interlock. Trouble shootingCheck status of the two channel external E-Stop. The external E-Stop circuit is integrated in the XP2 safety interface. Channel 1 is XP2 safety interface C1 – C4, Channel 2 is XP2 C2 – C3. If one of the channels was opened by any reason it is necessary to open the second channel additionally and close both again.If it not possible to rest the alarm message, check the water leakage sensors. A water leakage inside of the Laser will first activate the alarm “Water in Laser” After the removal of the water leakage the alarm message “Water in Laser” will disappear and the alarm Message “E-Stop External” get high. It is necessary to open both Channels at the XP2 interface to reset the alarm message.3.4. Laser overheatAlarm message Laser overheatCard AlarmsFailure descriptionLaser overheat will stop the Laser operation and Laser Emission in standard configuration. The Signal “Laser Ready” becomes low, and the signal “Laser Error” high.This alarm is active if one laser module reaches a operation temperature of 35 °C. When the module temperature is below 32 °C the alarm message Laser Error will be cleared automatically.Trouble shootingCheck status page in the program LaserNet. The maximum temperature, the related module number and the actual water flow are indicated on this page. The water flow threshold is listed in the Laser Manual.Check if the water flow threshold is near the threshold. When it is near the threshold check the water level of the chiller. Refill water if necessary.Check if all valves are open and if there are any pressed or buckled tubes at the water circuit.If the Alarm appears again check status of refrigerant circuit of the chiller after 5 minutes of chiller operation. Inside the chiller this status can be monitored by checking refrigerant window. The color of the indicator should be green.If there are air bubbles inside or the color of the indicator is red inform your provider of the laser system to clarify next steps.3.5. Laser fiber interlockAlarm message Laser fiber interlockCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThis alarm will immediately switch of main power supply. The signal Laser Ready will be set to low and the signal Laser Error will be high.This alarm message indicates a possible damage of the feeding fiber of the laser.If the Laser system contains a Fiber to Fiber Coupler this message monitor additionally the process fiber.If the Laser systems contains a beam switch the porcess fibers are monitored separately Trouble shootingCheck if the red guide laser beam is visible after the feeding fiber. If a beam switch is integrated in the Laser system it is necessary to use the guide laser No. 0. The mirror of the beam switch channel where the guide laser beam is checked must be in ON position. When the guide laser is very weak or not visible it indicates, that there is a damages inside of the fiber.Check the temperature of the optical head near the fiber connector. At 70°C the safety of the optical head will open automatically the interlock. If the temperature is too high it is necessary to check the DI-Water flow. When the temperature of the optical head is cold enough it is possible to reset the alarm. When the alarm appear several times, please contact IPG Laser GmbH.3.6. High back reflectionAlarm message High back reflectionCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThe alarm message switch off laser emission. The signal “Laser Ready” will be set to low and the signal “Laser Error” will be active.This alarm is caused by back reflected light from the work piece.Trouble shootingCheck if the red guide laser beam is visible after the feeding fiber. If a beam switch is integrated in the Laser system it is necessary to use the guide laser No. 0. The mirror of the beam switch channel where the guide laser beam is checked must be in ON position. When the guide laser is very weak or not visible it indicates, that there is a damages inside of the fiber.There is no damage of the fiber, when the guide laser is visible after the Feeding fiber or the process fiber.3.7. Laser module failureAlarm message Laser module failureCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThe alarm message Laser module failure indicates a failure of a laser module.The signal “Laser Ready” will be set to low and the signal “Laser Error” will be active.The Laser can compensate the module failure only, when a reserve module is installed.When a Laser module is installed in the Laser, the reserve module will switch on immediately after the defect module has been switched off. In this case the message “Laser module failure” will is not active. The warning “Reserve module” becomes active.Trouble shootingCheck the status of the laser modules. Open the front door and check the LEDs of the Laser modules. A green LED shows a failure-free Laser Module. A red LED indicated a failure in the Laser module.Open the fuse from the damaged laser Module and remove the communication cable. Laser operation with less power is possible when the module is disconnected.Open the logfile folder inside LaserNet and select the date when the failure occurred. Right mouse click into light blue logfiles window. Select all files and press load. The files are saved on the hard disc of the computer in a sub folder of LaserNet corresponding to the name of the laser set in LaserNet. The logfiles are saved to a folder corresponding to the date. Send the logfiles to IPG Laser GmbH.3.8. Laser module disconnectedAlarm message Laser module disconnectedCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThe alarm message Laser module disconnected indicates a breakdown in the communication between laser and module. Regarding the configuration of the laser it is possible that the signal Laser error is set to high.Trouble shootingSwitch of the Power supply of the Laser and turn the key in Off position and open the front door of the Laser.Check all communication cables of the Laser modules. Check if all cables are fixed. Switch the key of the Laser in Robot or Test.Check if at all Laser Modules the green LEDs are active. A red LED indicates a error in the Laser Module. The communication is interrupted, when no LED is active.Open the logfile folder inside LaserNet and select the date when the failure occurred. Right mouse click into light blue logfiles window. Select all files and press load. The files are saved on the hard disc of the computer in a sub folder of LaserNet corresponding to the name of the laser set in LaserNet. The logfiles are saved to a folder corresponding to the date. Send the logfiles to IPG Laser GmbH.3.9. Chiller failureAlarm message Chiller failureCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThis signal is present if the accumulative fault signal at the chiller is present and indicates some problems with the chiller. The failure research has to be done at the Chiller side. Trouble shootingCheck the water levels of the chiller and refill water if necessary.Check the quality of the air filter at water-air chillers. When the quality of the air filter is very dirty and is necessary to exchange the air filter. A dirty air filter will reduce the Air flow and reduce the cooling power of the Laser.Check the safety switches and fuses inside the chiller. It is possible that the building form the Chillers is different. The picture is only a sample.Safety switches and fusesReset Pressostat by pressing the black button. It is possible that the building form the Chillers is different. The picture is only a sample.PressostatIs it not possible to reset the error, please check for further information the chiller manual. Additional support you can get from IPG Laser GmbH or from Riedel Hotline.3.10. Combiner failureAlarm message Coupler failureCard AlarmsFailure descriptionIf the alarm message coupler failure occurs the emission will be switched off. Laser Ready will be set to low and Laser Error to high. The alarm message “critical error” will be activated. See “Critical Error”Trouble shootingCheck if the red guide laser beam is visible after the feeding fiber. If a beam switch is integrated in the Laser system it is necessary to use the guide laser No. 0. The mirror of the beam switch channel where the guide laser beam is checked must be in ON position. When the guide laser is very weak or not visible it indicates, that there is a damages inside of the fiber.Open the logfile folder inside LaserNet and select the date when the failure occurred. Right mouse click into light blue logfiles window. Select all files and press load. The files are saved on the hard disc of the computer in a sub folder of LaserNet corresponding to the name of the laser set in LaserNet. The logfiles are saved to a folder corresponding to the date. Send the logfiles to IPG Laser GmbH.3.11. Initialisization ErrorAlarm message Initialisization ErrorCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThe first possibility for an Initialisization Error is an indication for an internal Frimware failure. The second possibility for an Initialisization Error is a wrong setting of the Multi Port interface of the beam switch.Trouble shootingIf the Laser contains a Multi Port Interface check if all board have the same laser number. If the settings are incorrect please change to the correct setting.If the Laser does not contain a Multi Port Infterface please open the logfile folder inside LaserNet and select the date when the failure occurred. Right mouse click into light blue logfiles window. Select all files and press load. The files are saved on the hard disc of the computer in a sub folder of LaserNet corresponding to the name of the laser set in LaserNet. The logfiles are saved to a folder corresponding to the date. Send the logfiles to IPG Laser GmbH.3.12. Electronics overheatAlarm message Electronics overheatCard AlarmsFailure descriptionIf the Electronic overheat signal is active it will not influence laser operation. The alarm message Electronic overheat indicates a temperature higher than 50 °C inside electronic cabinet of the laser.Trouble shootingCheck settings of temperature sensor inside electronic cabinet of the laser. If the setting of the temperature is different from 50 °C change to 50 °C.Check if ventilator inside electronic cabinet is working.Check status of alarm message again. If the alarm is still present please measure the temperature inside of the electronic cabinet.When the failure do not switch of, after the electronic cabinet cools down, please inform IPG Laser GmbH.3.13. Low water flow: LaserAlarm message Low water flow: LaserCard AlarmsFailure descriptionWhen the alarm message Low water flow: Laser is active laser operation is stopped or not possible. The alarm message “Laser error” will be active.Trouble shootingCheck and compare the actual water flow with the required water flow. The specified water flow is listed in the user manual.Check if all water valves are open and if any tubes are pressed or bended.Check if the signal …Chiller ready“ is present in the program LaserNet on the card “status”. If the signal is not active check if the Alarm “Chiller Failure” is active. The alarm message indicated a failure at the chiller side.Check is a general Failure is active at the chiller.Check the water level of the water tanks. Refill water when it is necessary.Check the water pressure of water in and water out at the chiller side.When the failure is still active check the refrigator cuircuit at the chiller side. After 5 minutes of operation check inside the chiller the window with indication of the cooling fluid. The indication should be green. If there is any air bubbles inside the colour of the indication will be red. Contact IPG Laser GmbH in this case.Refrigerant window with indicator3.14. Low water flow: fiber conAlarm message Low water flow: fiber conCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThe alarm message Low water flow fiber connector will switch off emission. Laser Ready will be cleared and Laser Error will be activated.The alarm message indicates a low water flow for the feeding fiber output.Trouble shootingCheck if the lamp OUT1 of the Flow switch is on. When the Lamp is off, the water flow is less than the threshold.Flow switch with active OUT1Check if all water valves are open and if any tubes are pressed or bended.Check is a general Failure is active at the chiller.Check the water level of the water tanks. Refill water when it is necessary.Check the water pressure of water in and water out at the chiller side.When the failure is still active check the refrigator cuircuit at the chiller side. After 5 minutes of operation check inside the chiller the window with indication of the cooling fluid. The indication should be green. If there is any air bubbles inside the colour of the indication will be red. Contact IPG Laser GmbH in this case.3.15. Water in LaserAlarm message Water in LaserCard AlarmsFailure descriptionIn the case of a water leakage one of the two water leakage sensors will detect the water. These sensors will open the safety loop and switch of the main power supply. The alarm messages “Water in Laser” and “Laser” error” will be activated.Trouble shootingSwitch off immediately the main switch of the Laser.Check the leakage sensors and check if any water is in the Laser.Check if there is any water leakage at the pipes or at the hoses.In the most cases the reason for the small water leakages can be solved easily. If their are any problem to seal the water leakage contact IPG Laser GmbH.After the problem is fixed the rest water has to be removed out of the laser cabinet.When there is no water leakage in the Laser cabinet, please check the leakage sensors. One leakage sensor is in the electronic cabinet. The second sensor is in the Laser cabinet. The yellow LED indicates a working and not active water sensor. When the LED is off the sensor are detecting water.leakage sensor3.16. Water in beam switch / Fiber to Fiber couplerAlarm message Water in beam switch / Fiber to Fiber couplerCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThis alarm message will immediately switch off main power supply and the magnetic valves inside the laser for the optics will be closed. Laser Error will be activated.It is not possible to switch on main power supply when this alarm message is present. Trouble shootingCheck the conditions of the Fiber connectors of the feeding fiber and the process fibers. Remove the fiber from the beam switch or the fiber to fiber coupler. This work is only allowed to do by IPG laser GmbH trained personal.3.17. Critical ErrorAlarm message Critical ErrorCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThis error always appears in combination with “Combiner failure”.A “Combiner failure”/ “Critical Error” will immediately switch off the main power supply (and therefore also the emission). Laser Error will be activated.70Trouble shootingSee “Combiner failure”.If a critical error appears it is not possible to reset the laser with the normal reset button. To reset a critical error it is necessary to call IPG. IPG will check if it is possible to clear the failure with a special code. When the possibility is given IPG will create this code. Open Settings, Laser > Reset critical.A window appears. Type the “code no” and the “code” and press the button “Reset critical errors”. After this procedure it is possible to use the laser again.If no critical error is present it is not possible to type a code or press the button "Reset critical errors".3.18. AC power interruptionAlarm message AC power interruptionCard AlarmsFailure descriptionIf supply voltage for laser (400VAC) drops below some specified level, this alarm will appear. The Main power supply will switch off. The laser stops emission. “Laser Error” will be activated.Trouble shootingDANGER – HIGH VOLTAGESerious risk to your healthPlease check if the specified input voltage from external supply is present. Check if all 3 phases are present.3.19. Power supply failureAlarm message Module power supply failureCard AlarmsFailure descriptionThis Failure indicates an error inside of the main power supply. Laser emission will be switched off and the alarm “Laser Error” will high.Trouble shootingChoose the card power supply in Laser Net and check the status of the power supply.Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Status Description0 0 0 0 Proper Operation0 0 0 1 Overheating0 0 1 0 Excessive input voltage 0 0 1 1 Short circuit0 1 0 0 No-load operation0 1 0 1 Interlock open geöffnet 0 1 1 0 Reserved0 1 1 1 Reserved These events relate external parameters or environment (water flow, input voltage etc.)1 0 0 0 Internal failure (Code_X) 1 0 0 1 Internal failure (Code_Y) 1 1 1 1 Internal failure (Code_Z) These messages relate to internal errors and assume that the power supply should be replaced.Check the external parameters when they are the reason fort he failure. If it not possible to solve the failure or an internal failure is detected, please contact IPG Laser GmbH.3.20. Chiller errorAlarm message Chiller errorCard AlarmsFailure descriptionChiller Error is a global failure message for the LaserNet Card Ciller.Trouble shootingChange to the card Chiller.Check the water conductivity. If the value is over the threshold open the valve to the DI-cartridge. When the valve is already open it is necessary to exchange the DI-cartridge.Check the temperature for Laser and optic. If one of the values above or below the threshold check the chiller.Check the water levels of the chiller and refill water if necessary.Check the quality of the air filter at water-air chillers. When the quality of the air filter is very dirty and is necessary to exchange the air filter. A dirty air filter will reduce the Air flow and reduce the cooling power of the Laser.Reset Pressostat by pressing the black button. It is possible that the building form the Chillers is different. The picture is only a sample.PressostatIs it not possible to reset the error, please check for further information the chiller manual. Additional support you can get from IPG Laser GmbH or from Riedel Hotline.3.21. Unexpected pump currentAlarm message Unexpected pump currentCard AlarmsFailure descriptionUnexpected pump current will immediately switch off main power supply. The alarm message Laser Error will be activated. It is not possible to switch on main power supply when this alarm message is present.Trouble shootingCheck witch Laser module causes this failure. Open rear door of the laser and disconnect the fuse from the first module. Then check the status of the alarm message. When the alarm message is still active remove the fuse from the next module. Control again if the alarm is disappeared. Repeat this procedure until the alarm message disappeared. When the alarm message disappeared the last disconnected Laser module caused the failure. The fuses of the other modules can be connected again.The Laser can operate in this configuration with less power.An installed reserve module will not switch on, if a module creates an unexpected pump current.Open the logfile folder inside LaserNet and select the date when the failure occurred. Right mouse click into light blue logfiles window. Select all files and press load. The files are saved on the hard disc of the computer in a sub folder of LaserNet corresponding to the name of the laser set in LaserNet. The logfiles are saved to a folder corresponding to the date. Send the logfiles to IPG Laser GmbH.。