
A决策、组织、领导、控制 B计划、决策、领导、激励C计划、组织、领导、控制 D计划、组织、决策、控制2、效率是指()。
A产出与投入之比 B销售总额C目标的达成度 D管理水平3、张总是一家大型企业新上任的总经理,经过调查研究后,他发出了四道指令:一是调整企业发展方向;二是调整部门结构;三是采取激励措施,进一步调动员工积极性:四是要加强对工作绩效的考核。
A计划、控制、组织和领导 B计划、组织、领导和控制C领导、计划、组织和控制 D领导、组织、计划和控制4、下列哪位管理学者提出“管理就是决策”的主张()A、赫伯特•A西蒙B、彼得•F•德鲁克C、弗雷德•E•费德勒D、弗里蒙特•E•卡斯特5、管理具有与生产关系、与社会制度相联系的一面,这里是指()A、管理的自然属性B、管理的社会属性C、管理的科学性D、管理的艺术性6、管理者必须因地制宜地将管理知识与具体管理活动相结合,这里强调的是()A、管理的科学性B、管理的艺术性C、管理学的历史性D、管理学的实用性7、企业在销售产品时,需要预估货款回收的可能性。
该项信用审核工作可以说是:()A.重效率、轻效果 B.轻效率性、重有效性C.重效果、轻效率 D.效率和效果都不重视8、对于管理人员来说,需要具备多种技能,如概念技能、人际技能、技术技能等越是处于高层的管理人员,对于以上三种技能按其重要程度的排列顺序为:( )A 概念技能、技术技能、人际技能B 技术技能、概念技能、人际技能C 概念技能、人际技能、技术技能D 人际技能、概念技能、技术技9、一个管理者所处的层次越高,面临的问题越复杂,越无先例可循,就越需要具备( )A、技术技能B、领导技能C、概念技能D、人际技能10、有人说在管理中经常是“外行领导内行”,这在一定程度上说明,对管理者来说( )A.授权和技术一样重要B.人际关系是第一位的C.人际沟通比技术更重要D.技术不是最重要的11、管理的基本职能是( )A.计划、组织、指挥、协调B.计划、组织、领导、控制C.计划、决策、选人、用人D.决策、计划、领导、协调12、管理的二重属性是指:( )A、科学性与艺术性B、自然属性与社会属性C、主观性与客观性D、科学性和社会性13、下面属于基层第一线管理人员的职位是( )A、总裁B、厂长C、部门经理D、工长14、在特定工作领域内运用技术、工具、方法等的能力称为( )A、人际技能B、技术技能C、概念技能.D、都不正确15.管理的主体是 ( )A.管理者 B.组织 C.人 D.管理机构二、简答题1、如何理解管理即是一门科学又是一门艺术?2、有效的管理者一定是成功的管理者吗?说明理由。

第一篇的练习题一、选择题1.管理人员通过一系列基本管理职能来实现组织目标,不属于管理职能范畴的是()A.组织B.控制C.领导D.经营2.领班属于下述哪一类管理人员( )。
A.基层第一线管理人员B.中层管理人员C.高层管理人员D.以上均不是3.对管理最形象的描述是( )A.艺术B.科学C.艺术和科学D.上述均不是4.对资源进行计划、组织、领导、控制以有效地实现组织目标的过程称为()。
A.管理 D.组织 C.战略计划 D.激励5. 对中层管理人员来说,相对更重要的技能是()A.形成概念的技能B.人际关系技能C.计划技能D.技术技能6.下面属于基层第一线管理人员的职位是( )A.总裁 B.厂长 C.部门经理D.工长7.某位管理人员把大部分时间都花费在直接监督下属人员工作上,他一定不会是( )A.工长 B.总经理 C.领班 D.车间主任10.管理者在作为组织的官方代表对外联络时,他扮演的角色是以下哪一方面的( )A.信息情报方面B.决策方面C.人际关系方面D.业务经营方面11.中层管理人员的主要工作是( C )。
A.战略管理 B.现场管理 C.组织协调 D.开拓创新12.洞察事物,抽象形成概念的能力对下列哪类管理人员最为重要( )A.高层管理人员B.中层管理人员C.基层管理人员D.A和B15.构成行业环境的主要成分不包括。
A.法约尔B.韦伯C.泰罗D.梅奥18.如果你是一位公司的总经理,当你发现公司中存在许多小团体时,你的态度是:A、立即宣布这些小团体为非法,予以取缔B、深入调查,找出小团体的领导人,向他们提出警告广不要再搞小团体C、只要小团体的存在不影响公司的正常运行,可以对其不闻不问,听之任之D、正视小团体的客观存在性,允许乃至鼓励其存在,对其行为加以积极引导19.管理的首要职能是:A、计划B、组织C、领导D、控制20.企业高层主管人员在履行职能时,下面说法正确的是:A、要强化计划、组织职能,弱化领导和控制职能B、要强化计划、组织和控制职能,弱化领导职能C、要强化领导、控制职能,弱化计划职能D、要强化组织、控制职能,弱化计划、领导职能21. 对于企业中的正式与非正式组织,下列说法正确的是:A、正式组织是积极的,非正式组织是消极的B、正式组织具有目的性、正规性和内聚性特征C、非正式组织具有目的性、稳定性和自发性特征D、在一定条件下非正式组织可被转化为正式组织22管理者在处理与组织成员和其他利益相关者的关系时,他们就在扮演_______.A.人际角色B.信息角色C.决策角色24.在同不合作的供应商进行谈判的时候,管理者扮演的是____________。

A、10项B、14项C、5项D、6项正确答案:B6、管理者影响人的行为的手段无非两类,一类与权力有关,另一类与( )有关。

《管理学》综合练习题及答案第一章管理与管理学(一)单项选择题1.通常认为,管理首要的职能是( A )。
A.计划B.组织C.领导D.控制2.管理者应具备的最基本的技能中,对各层次的管理者几乎同等重要的是( B )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.业务技能3.管理者应具备的最基本的技能中,对基层管理者显得尤为重要的是( A )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.领导技能4.管理者应具备的最基本的技能中,对高层管理者显得尤为重要的是( C )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.领导技能5.财务部经理审查财务报表的能力属于( A )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.分析技能6.营销人员的营销策划能力属于( A )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.分析技能7.当人们组成一个组织之后,组织中的活动基本上就可分为( A )。
A.计划和控制B.计划和组织C.领导管理D.作业和管理8.对管理者来讲,在工作中运用具体的专业知识、工具或技巧的能力是( A )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.分析技能9.对管理者来讲,成功地与别人打交道并与别人进行沟通合作的能力是( B )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.分析技能10.对管理者来讲,对事物进行全局分析、判断、洞察、概括的能力是( C )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.决策技能11.员工因公出差,必须先由直接主管签字,再由财务主管签字后方能到财务室报账,这属于管理的哪一职能? ( C )A.计划B.组织C.控制D.领导12.“凡事预则立,不预则废”反映了管理的哪一职能? ( A )。
A.计划B.领导C.组织D.控制(二)多项选择题1.以下属于管理客体的有( ABCD )。
A.人B.财C.信息D.时间2.管理者应具备的最基本的三种技能,指的是( ABC )。
A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能D.领导技能3.以下对管理描述正确的有( BCD )。



《管理学》复习题第1章管理与管理学一、单项选择题( D )1.为实现共同目标而一起工作的群体称为:A.管理B.决策C.管理人员D.组织( C )2.对管理最形象的描述是:A.艺术B.科学C.艺术和科学D.上述均不是( C )3.不属于管理职能的是:A.组织活动B.控制活动C.有效获取资源D.计划与决策( A )4.对资源进行计划、组织、领导、控制以有效地实现组织目标的过程称为:A.管理B.组织C.战略计划D.激励( C )5.管理者在作为组织的官方代表对外联络时,他扮演的角色是以下哪一方面A.信息情报方面B.决策方面C.人际关系方面D.业务经营方面( A )6.对高层管理人员来说,相对更重要的技能是:A.形成概念的技能B.人际关系技能C.计划技能D.技术技能( B )7.实现组织既定目标所需的资源有:A.人力资源B.计划与决策C.技术技能D.分析技能( D )8.企业家是管理者的哪种角色A.人际角色B.代表人角色C.信息角色D.决策角色( D )9.下面属于基层第一线管理人员的职位是:A.总裁B.厂长C.部门经理D.工长( A )10.对基层业务管理人员而言,其管理技能侧重于:A.技术技能B.财务技能C.谈判技能D.营销技能(归纳)11.一种从典型到一般的研究方法,即通过对客观存在的一系列典型事物或经验进行观察,分析其特点、变化规律,从中找出事物变化发展的一般规律的研究方法是:A.试验法B.定量研究法C.权变方法D.演绎方法二、多项选择题(ABCD )1.下列与管理学有紧密关系的学科有:A.经济学B.社会学C.心理学D.计算机科学与控制论(BD )2.管理者按横向的管理领域可划分为:A.中层管理者B.综合管理者C.基层管理者D.职能管理者(ABCD )3.管理者角色论中的决策制定方面包括:A.谈判者B.资源分配者C.混乱驾驭者D.企业家三、判断题(R )1.管理自从有了人类集体活动以来就开始了。


一、单项选择题1.中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠( D )A.正式权力与沟通技巧B.个人权力与技术技能C.人际关系技能与技术技能D.沟通技能与人际关系技能2.组织文化的功能主要表现在( D )A.整合功能、导向功能和强化功能B.整合功能、导向功能和适应功能C.强化功能、导向功能和约束功能D.强化功能、适应功能和约束功能3.沟通、了解、激励下属的管理技能是( C )A.技术技能B.诊断技能C.人际技能D.概念技能4.为实现组织共同目标而一起工作的群体称为( D )A.管理B.决策C.管理者D.组织5.行为科学的主要贡献不包括以下哪项( D )A. 社会人假设B. 领导理论C. 需求要素与激励D. 计时工资6.中层管理人员的主要工作是( C )A.战略管理B.现场管理C.沟通协调D.开拓创新7.7.组织中关于长期发展的重大决策是( B )。
A.战术决策B.战略决策C.中层决策D.业务决策8.8.法约尔于1916年发表的成名著作为( C )A.科学管理原理B.流水生产组织C.工业管理与一般管理D.动作研究方法9. 下列不属于领导职能一般特点的是(C )。
A.主导性B.协调性C.专业性D.决断性10.领导者在进行科学决策时,通常将决策过程各个阶段之间的逻辑结构绘成决策树,决策树分析方式的适用范围是( C )A.确定型决策B.非确定型决策C.风险型决策D.以上类型决策均适应11.随着电冰箱市场从卖方市场转向买方市场,各冰箱厂家在改进产品设计,增加产品功能、改善售后服务等方面绞尽脑汁,不断推陈出新。
这种竞争战略是( B )A.集中战略B.差异化战略C.混合战略D.成本领先战略9.决策所遵循的原则是( D )A.最优原则B.实用原则C.科学原则D.满意原则10.13.决策的依据是( B )A.完全信息B.适量信息C.少量信息D.与信息无关11.14.西蒙把决策活动分为程序化决策与非程序化决策两类,二者区分标准是:( B )A.经营活动与业务活动B.例行问题与非例行问题C.最优标准或满意标准D.计算机决策或非计算机决策12.某一决策方案,只有一种执行后果并能事先测定,此种类型的决策称为( A )A.确定型决策B.风险型决策C.非肯定型决策D.概率型决策13.有一类决策,决策者只知道有多少种自然状态及其发生概率,但不能确定哪种自然状态会发生。


A.管理 B.组织 C.战略计划 D.激励2.管理人员通过一系列基本管理职能来实现组织目标,不属于管理职能范畴的是。

二、单项选择题1、下列哪位学者提出“管理就是决策”的主张?()A 亚当·斯密B 泰罗C 罗伯特·欧文D 西蒙2、梅奥的管理思想中对人性的认识是。
( C )A 受雇佣人B 经济人C 社会人D 复杂人3、下列哪项职能是管理职能的灵魂和生命。
( A )A 创新B 决策C 领导D 控制4、泰罗的科学管理理论出现在( ) 。
A 19世纪末20世纪初B 20世纪30年代C 20世纪40年代D 20世纪60年代5、把二战后管理理论研究的多姿多彩局面概括为“管理理论丛林”的是()。
A 福特B 孔茨C 马斯洛D 巴纳德三、判断题1、学习型组织就是要抽取一定时间来学习专业知识的一种组织。


管理学练习题及答案(周三多)第一章管理与管理学一、名词解释1、管理2、管理职能3、霍桑试验4、权变管理理论二、单项选择1、下列哪位管理学者提出“管理就是决策”的主张()A、赫伯特·A西蒙B、彼得·F·德鲁克C、弗雷德·E·费德勒D、弗里蒙特·E·卡斯特2、管理的核心是()A、处理组织内部资源的稀缺问题B、处理与组织外部的关系C、处理各种人际关系D、处理组织内部与组织外部的一致性关系3、管理具有与生产关系、与社会制度相联系的一面,这里是指()A、管理的自然属性B、管理的社会属性C、管理的科学性D、管理的艺术性4、管理者必须因地制宜地将管理知识与具体管理活动相结合,这里强调的是()A、管理的科学性B、管理的艺术性C、管理学的历史性D、管理学的实用性5、“X—Y”理论的代表人物是()A、麦格雷戈B、赫兹伯格C、梅奥D、马斯洛6、社会合作系统学派的代表人物是()A、法约尔B、西蒙C、巴纳德D、卢桑斯7、系统与权变理论把人看作是()A、经济人B、社会人C、自我实现人D、复杂人8、决策理论学派的代表人物是()A.巴纳德 B.西蒙 C.卡斯特 D.卢桑斯三、多项选择1、管理的二重性是指()A、管理的自然属性B、管理的社会属性C、管理的科学性D、管理的艺术性2、下列关于管理过程的描述,正确的有()A、管理过程和管理职能是统一的B、管理过程和管理职能是分离的C、管理过程是动态中的管理D、管理过程中静态中的管理E、管理过程也是信息变换的过程3、从科学的定义上讲,存在管理必须具备以下条件:()A、必须是两个人以上的集体活动B、必须是具有盈利动机的集体活动C、必须是正式组织D、必须是非正式组织E、必须具有一致认可的、自觉的目标4、赫兹伯格理论中的“双因素”是指()A.保健 B.激励 C.X理论 D.Y理论四、是非判断1、管理就是由一个或若干个人通过行使各种管理职能,使组织中以人为主体的各种要素的合理配置,从而达到实现组织目标而进行的活动。

( F )3、效率与效果之间的差别可表述为:效果是使组织资源的利用成本达到最小化,而效率则是使组织活动实现预定的目标。
( F)4、不同行业中及不同的组织内部专业特点差别显著,很难说管理活动有什麽共性。
( F)5、新的管理理论层出不穷,对实际工作中的新问题做出了较好的解释,因此可以说,泰勒的科学管理理论等古典管理理论已经彻底过时,除了尚存历史意义外,对管理实践早已丧失了指导作用。
( F )6、主张通过与管理者职能相联系的办法把有关管理知识汇集起来,力图把用于管理实践的概念、原则、理论和方法糅合在一起以形成管理学科的学派是管理过程学派。
( T )8、管理科学是把科学的原理、方法和工具应用于管理的各种活动,制定用于管理决策的数学和统计模型,并把这些模型通过计算机应用于管理减低不确定性,最大限度地提高了管理活动的程序性,代表着管理理论的发展趋势,因此优于其它的管理理论。
( F )9.马克斯·韦伯的行政组织是有机式组织。
( F )10.企业内部环境包括竞争对手、顾客、供应者、政府机构、利益集团。
( F )二、选择题1、将管理要素按目标的要求结合成一个整体,体现了管理的( B )职能。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制2、粗略划分,管理有(ABCD )职能。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制3、下列( C )性质不属于管理的特性。
A. 综合性B. 应用性C. 精确性D. 艺术性4、要确保“事有人做,人有事做;事得其人,人得其事”,需做好管理中的(B )工作。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制5、管理的职能也就是管理工作中所包含的几类基本活动。

A.技术技能B.人际技能C.概念技能15.田力是某大型企业集团的总裁助理,年富力强,在助理岗位上工作得十分出色.他最近被任命为集团销售总公司的总经理,从而由一个参谋人员变成了独立部门的负责人.下面是田力最近参与的几项活动,你认为这其中的哪一项几乎与他的领导职能无关? ____B____A.向下属传达他对销售工作目标的认识B.与某用户谈判以期达成一项长期销售协议C.召集各地分公司经理讨论和协调销售计划的落实情况D.召集公司有关部门的职能人员开联谊会,鼓励他们克服难关18.企业管理者可以分成基层、中层、高层三种,高层管理者主要负责制定____B_____A.日常程序性决策B.长远全局性决策C.局部程序性决策D.短期操作性决策19. 越是处于高层的管理者,其对于概念技能、人际技能、技术技能的需要,就越是按以下顺序排列_____C____A.概念技能,技术技能,人际技能;B.技术技能,概念技能,人际技能;C.概念技能,人际技能,技术技能;C.人际技能,技术技能,概念技能20.“科学管理理论”的创始人是_____A____。
A.经纪人B.社会人C.理性人D.复杂人22. 根据赫茨伯格的双因素理论,以下属于保健因素的是哪一个______C_________。
A.工作上的成就感 B.提升 C.工资 D.责任24.威廉·大内在分析研究了日本的企业管理经验之后,提出了____D______。

、单项选择题1. 被称为“科学管理之父”的是( A )。
A. 泰罗B. 法约尔C. 韦伯D.梅奥2. 霍桑实验证明人是(B)。
A. “经济人”B. “社会人”C.“复杂人”D.“政治人”3.梅奥等人通过霍桑实验得出结论:人们的生产效率不仅受到物理的、生理的因素的影响,而且还受到社会环境、社 会心理因素的影响。
由此创立了 ( C ) A.行为科学学说 B.人文关系学说4. 人本原理强调管理的根本是( B )。
A. 提高劳动生产效率 B. C. 提高组织整体效能D.5. 管理职能中居于首要地位的是( A )6. 企业管理层次的差异决定了目标体系的垂直高度。
这样,企业目标就成了一个有层次的体系和网络,即是目标的 ( A ) 。
A.层次性B.多重性C .变动性7 .有一种领导理论, 它将领导方式分为四类, 即独裁命令式、 温和命令式、 协商式和参与式, 这种领导理论即 ( A )A.领导行为理论B .领导权变理论C •领导特性8. “凡事预则立,不预则废。
”是强调( D )的重要性。
A. 组织 B .预测 C.预防 D •计划9.某公司生产某产品的固定成本为 50 万元,产品单位售价为 80 元,本年度产品定单为 10000 件。
据此,单位可变成 本降到( )元/ 件时才不至于亏损。
A. 300B . 130C . 60D . 30A )不能直接起到激励的作用,但能防止人们产生不满情绪。
C 、成就因素D 、需要因素11、 某研究所的一位管理人员告诉自己的好朋友,说他在单位的主要职责是给软件开发人员分派具体的工作任务,并指挥和监督各项具体工作任务的完成。
由此可推断,这位管理人员是( C )A. 高层管理人员B. 中层管理人员C. 基层管理人员D. 无法推断 12、 权变理论是根据( D )的观点提出来的。
A. 经济人 B. 社会人 C. 自我实现人 D. 复杂人13、 某建筑工地的包工头王某对其手下的民工采用了一种“胡萝卜加大棒”的管理方法,他常说的口头禅是“不好好干 就回家去,干好了下个月多发奖金”,可以认为( D )是不对的。

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Management, 11e (Robbins/Coulter)Chapter 18 Introduction to Controlling1) Controlling is the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance. Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 486Objective: 1Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual2) Having a control system reduces the scope of employee empowerment and autonomy. Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 487Objective: 1Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual3) Some control criteria, such as employee satisfaction, can be used for any manageme nt situation. Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 488Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual4) Deviations that exceed the acceptable range of variation become significant and need a manager's attention.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 489Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual5) Basic corrective action corrects problems at once to get performance back on track. Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 490Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual6) Managers should do nothing if the variance observed from the standard is acceptable. Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 491Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual7) Productivity decreases when an organization raises the prices of its products.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 492Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual8) Organizational effectiveness is a measure of how appropriate organizational goals are and how well those goals are being met.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 492Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual9) Feedforward control is more popular and effective than the other forms of control. Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 494Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual10) Feedforward control takes place while a work activity is in progress.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 494Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual11) Activity ratios measure an organization's ability to meet its current debt obligations. Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 495Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual12) The balanced scorecard approach evaluates organizational performance from more than just the financial perspective.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 496Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual13) Managers should not consider the standards when measuring the actual performance of employees.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 497Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual14) Benchmarks for a company must be created based on the previous performance of the company.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 498Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual15) Managers tend to use more direct supervision and highly centralized decision making for control in less technologically advanced countries.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 499Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual16) Embezzlement and fraudulent filing of expenses are examples of employee theft. Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 500Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual17) Employers establish specific policies defining theft and fraud and discipline procedures. This is an example of a concurrent control measure to control employee theft.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 501Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual18) Using corporate hotlines or other mechanisms for reporting and investigating workplace violence is an example of feedback control.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 501Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual19) Job uncertainties and employee stress are factors that contribute to workplace violence. Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 502Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual20) A service profit chain is the service sequence from employees to customers to profit. Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 504Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual21) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act also called for more disclosure and transparency of corporate financial information.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 505Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual22) ________ refers to the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance.A) ControllingB) LeadingC) PlanningD) OrganizingAnswer: APage Ref: 486Objective: 1Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual23) Which of the following is the final step in the management process?A) organizingB) planningC) controllingD) leadingAnswer: CPage Ref: 487Objective: 1Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual24) Which of the following corresponds to the controlling step in the management process?A) performance measurementsB) employee motivationC) strategy formulationD) organizational structuringAnswer: APage Ref: 487Objective: 1Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual25) Which of the following observations is true of organizational controlling?A) An effective control system facilitates employee empowerment.B) Forming an organizational structure is a crucial control activity.C) Human resource management is a subset of the controlling process.D) Organizational strategies are formed during the controlling stage.Answer: APage Ref: 487Objective: 1Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual26) The control process assumes that ________.A) employees require clear directions from managementB) employees are under-qualified and require trainingC) performance standards are already in placeD) employee monitoring costs are part and parcel of doing businessAnswer: CPage Ref: 488Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual27) The first step in the control process is ________.A) setting the desired standardsB) measuring actual performanceC) comparing performance against expectationsD) enforcing managerial controlAnswer: BPage Ref: 488Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual28) Managers should use subjective measures when ________.A) work activities cannot be expressed in quantifiable termsB) work activities are critical to the organizationC) organizational processes and activities are complexD) immediate managerial action is requiredAnswer: APage Ref: 488Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual29) Which of the following sources of information for measuring performance has the disadvantage of being subject to personal biases, and is time consuming and obtrusive?A) oral reportsB) personal observationsC) statistical reportsD) written reportsAnswer: BPage Ref: 489Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual30) Which of the following is one of the main advantages of using statistical reports as the source of information?A) Statistical reports can be used to obtain firsthand knowledge.B) Unfiltered information can be obtained using statistical reports.C) Statistical reports are effective for showing relationships.D) Statistical reports allow verbal and non-verbal feedback.Answer: CPage Ref: 489Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual31) Which of the following sources usually provides filtered information which cannot be documented?A) oral reportsB) personal observationsC) statistical reportsD) written reportsAnswer: APage Ref: 489Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual32) Which of the following sources provides information which is comprehensive, formal, and easy to file and retrieve?A) oral reportsB) personal observationsC) statistical reportsD) written reportsAnswer: DPage Ref: 489Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual33) The comparing step in the control process determines ________.A) a company's relative position in the industry in terms of the standards usedB) a company's relative position in the industry in terms of performance variancesC) the ideal standard to be used in measuring organizational performanceD) the variation between actual performance and the standardAnswer: DPage Ref: 489Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual34) ________ corrects the problem at once to get performance back on track.A) Basic corrective actionB) Immediate corrective actionC) Revision of standardsD) Revision of benchmarksAnswer: BPage Ref: 490Topic: The Control ProcessObjective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual35) If a manager investigates how and why performance has deviated beyond the acceptable range of variation, and then corrects the source of the deviation, she is using ________.A) bureaucratic controlB) immediate corrective actionC) basic corrective actionD) concurrent controlAnswer: CPage Ref: 490Objective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual36) Managers could choose to do nothing when ________.A) an employee fails to attain the standard because of internal problemsB) the difference between actual performance and standard performance is low and acceptableC) performance standards are acceptable, though the employees have not attained itD) the variance observed from the expected performance is caused due to unrealistic standards Answer: BPage Ref: 491Topic: The Control ProcessObjective: 2Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual37) Which of the following refers to the overall output of goods or services produced divided by the inputs needed to generate that output?A) YieldB) Demand functionC) EffectivenessD) ProductivityAnswer: DPage Ref: 492Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual38) ________ is measured by the costs of acquiring and transforming organizational resources into outputs.A) InputB) QualityC) EffectivenessD) EfficiencyAnswer: APage Ref: 492Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual39) Which of the following is considered the easiest way to increase organizational productivity?A) increasing the price of outputsB) increasing the amount of inputsC) hiring more employeesD) decreasing the value of the productsAnswer: APage Ref: 492Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual40) In order to increase the ratio of outputs to inputs, a manager would have to ________.A) decrease the selling priceB) increase productivityC) increase the quality of inputsD) hire additional employeesAnswer: BPage Ref: 492Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual41) Organizational ________ is a measure of how appropriate organizational goals are and how well an organization is achieving those goals.A) productivityB) effectivenessC) efficiencyD) yieldAnswer: BPage Ref: 492Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual42) Certain organizations conduct culture audits to find out which companies are the best to work for. What is the major benefit associated with these rankings?A) The rankings indicate the effectiveness of an organization's concurrent control.B) The rankings indicate how well a company performs in comparison to others.C) These rankings are used by governments to make decisions on corporate grants.D) These rankings affect the credit rating of concerned organizations.Answer: BPage Ref: 493Objective: 3Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual43) An organization hires additional personnel as soon as they get a major contract. The organization is using ________ control.A) feedforward controlB) concurrent controlC) feedback controlD) management controlAnswer: APage Ref: 494Objective: 4Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application44) Which of the following is considered the most desirable type of control to prevent anticipated problems?A) feedforward controlB) concurrent controlC) feedback controlD) reactive controlAnswer: APage Ref: 494Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual45) The management control that takes place while a work activity is in progress is known as________.A) feedforward controlB) concurrent controlC) feedback controlD) reactive controlAnswer: BPage Ref: 494Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual46) Management by walking around is an example of ________ control.A) feedbackB) concurrentC) feedforwardD) reactiveAnswer: BPage Ref: 494Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual47) ________ is when a manager in the work area interacts directly with employees to maintain supervision.A) Preventive maintenanceB) Management by walking aroundC) Reactive controlD) Feedforward controlAnswer: BPage Ref: 494Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual48) The ________ ratios measure an organization's ability to meet its current debt obligations.A) activityB) liquidityC) leverageD) profitabilityAnswer: BPage Ref: 495Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual49) Which of the following ratios examines the organization's use of debt to finance its assets and its ability to meet the interest payments on the debt?A) liquidity ratiosB) leverage ratiosC) profitabilityD) activity ratiosAnswer: BPage Ref: 495Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual50) ________ ratios measure how efficiently the firm is using its assets.A) LiquidityB) LeverageC) ProfitabilityD) ActivityAnswer: DPage Ref: 495Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual51) Which of the following ratios measures how efficiently and effectively the firm is using its assets to generate revenue?A) liquidity ratiosB) leverage ratiosC) activity ratiosD) profitability ratiosAnswer: DPage Ref: 495Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual52) The ________ approach to performance measurement was introduced as a way to evaluate organizational performance from more than just the financial perspective.A) market valueB) economic valueC) balanced scorecardD) financial controlAnswer: CPage Ref: 496Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual53) Which of the following is a performance measurement tool that looks at four areas that contribute to a company's performance?A) market value methodB) economic value methodC) balanced scorecard approachD) information control approachAnswer: CPage Ref: 496Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual54) When data is analyzed and processed, it becomes ________.A) a systemB) informationC) factD) a structureAnswer: BPage Ref: 497Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual55) Raw, unanalyzed facts are called ________.A) dataB) informationC) databaseD) data centerAnswer: APage Ref: 497Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual56) ________ is the search for the best practices among competitors or noncompetitors that lead to their superior performance.A) Factor analysisB) Total quality managementC) Market positioningD) BenchmarkingAnswer: DPage Ref: 498Objective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual57) Control techniques can be quite different for different countries. The differences are primarily in the ________.A) types of tasks that employees perform in various countriesB) way employees respond to the controlling measuresC) strategic orientation of each techniqueD) measurement and corrective action steps of the control processAnswer: DPage Ref: 499Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual58) Fraudulent filing of expense reports is an example of ________.A) employee theftB) workplace piracyC) workplace violenceD) privacy intrusionAnswer: APage Ref: 500Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual59) Clinical psychologists suggest that employee theft ________.A) occurs primarily when there are poor management-labor relationsB) is a symptom of poor planning and management controlC) happens because people find ways to rationalize this behavior as correctD) reflects deep cultural problems in the societyAnswer: CPage Ref: 501Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual60) Factors that have been found to be linked to workplace violence include ________.A) too much caffeineB) employee stressC) poor employee dietD) poor personal hygieneAnswer: BPage Ref: 502Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual61) Experts have described employee work driven by TNC as a primary contributor to workplace violence. TNC refers to ________.A) time, numbers, and crisesB) time, number, and chaosC) time, neglect, and crisesD) time, neglect, and chaosAnswer: APage Ref: 502Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual62) Which of the following is an example of a feedforward control measure used to control possible workplace violence?A) Clearly communicate the security policies to employees.B) Use corporate hotlines for reporting and investigating incidences.C) Review company policies and change, if necessary.D) Investigate incidences and take appropriate action.Answer: APage Ref: 503Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual63) An organization communicates openly to its employees about violent incidences in the workplace and what's being done to handle them. This is an example of a ________ control strategy.A) feedbackB) proactiveC) concurrentD) feedforwardAnswer: APage Ref: 503Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual64) The service profit chain is the service sequence from employees to customers to profit. According to this concept, the company's strategy and service delivery system determines________.A) the skill development of employeesB) how the firm performs in the short runC) the employee satisfaction in the companyD) how employees service customersAnswer: DPage Ref: 504Topic: Contemporary Issues in ControlObjective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual65) Corporate governance ________.A) refers to executive governance practices in companiesB) is a system used to govern a corporation so that the interests of corporate owners are protectedC) is a term that refers to legal agreements made between two or more partner firmsD) refers to the negative influence of the corporate in societyAnswer: BPage Ref: 504Topic: Contemporary Issues in ControlObjective: 4Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual66) Two areas in which corporate governance is being reformed are the role of boards of directors and ________.A) employee stock optionsB) financial reportingC) executive compensationD) top level managementAnswer: BPage Ref: 504-505Topic: Contemporary Issues in ControlObjective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: Conceptual67) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act called for ________.A) increased pollution control measures from the governmentB) more disclosure and transparency of corporate financial informationC) limited accountability of directors and executives of corporatesD) more social contribution from companies in the United StatesAnswer: BPage Ref: 505Objective: 5Difficulty: EasyClassification: ConceptualStatco's Control (Scenario)Statco, Inc., is a statistical software company based in Columbia, TN. This publicly traded firm has grown in a systematic fashion over its 25-year existence and now claims more than 12,000 employees worldwide. As it has grown, the company has adopted a hierarchical structure, which emphasizes organizational authority. Management relies heavily on administrative rules, regulations, and policies in order to meet its goals. However, the company has struggled to meet projected revenues for each of the past 10 quarters. The firm hires Mark Adams, an expert in control system design, to design a control system and offer suggestions to improve the firm's performance.68) Which of the following is a key activity that the proposed control system should perform?A) organizational planningB) organizational structuringC) performance measurementD) strategic planningAnswer: CPage Ref: 487AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 1Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application69) Mark wants to formulate a control process for the organization. What should be the first step in the control process?A) carrying out performance comparisonB) determining the actual performanceC) developing a benchmarkD) validating the performance standardAnswer: BPage Ref: 488AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 2Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application70) Mark wants to use a tool which is easy to visualize and effective for showing relationships. Which of the following tools is best suited for this?A) personal observationsB) oral reportsC) written reportsD) statistical reportsAnswer: DPage Ref: 489AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 2Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application71) Mark recommends that the managers at Statco should identify how and why performance has deviated beyond the acceptable range of variation, and then correct the source of the deviation. Here, Mark is recommending ________.A) bureaucratic controlB) immediate corrective actionC) basic corrective actionD) concurrent controlAnswer: CPage Ref: 490AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 2Difficulty: ModerateClassification: ApplicationThe Industry Leader (Scenario)Frank, the new CEO for First Fidelity, is working hard to turn around the formerly successful real estate business. His goal is to make First Fidelity a leader in the industry. He understands the importance of improving organizational productivity in achieving his goals. Mark is keen to improve organizational performance and effectiveness.72) The operations manager suggests a hike in the prices to improve productivity. However, Frank rules this option out. What could be the possible reason for this?A) Product prices are not related to organizational productivity.B) Selling price is negatively correlated to organizational productivity.C) The real estate business is characterized by intense competition.D) Such an action would lead to reduced employee satisfaction.Answer: CPage Ref: 492AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 3Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application73) Frank believes organizational effectiveness is more important to the organization than organizational productivity. What could be the rationale behind this belief?A) Organizational productivity is not a measure of organizational performance.B) Organizational effectiveness is a measure of how well the organizational goals are met.C) Organizational productivity is not directly related to organizational output.D) Organizational effectiveness is a quantitative measure of the input-output relationship. Answer: BPage Ref: 492AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 3Difficulty: ModerateClassification: ApplicationControlling OperationsCharles is the operations manager of a firm which operates as a leaf tobacco merchant and processor worldwide. Charles believes that the firm's productivity can be increased substantially from the current level. He wants to exert control to improve organizational performance and productivity.74) Charles wants to prevent problems before their occurrence. Which of the following is the most desirable type of control to achieve this goal?A) reactive controlB) concurrent controlC) feedforward controlD) feedback controlAnswer: CPage Ref: 494AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 4Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application75) Charles interacts directly with the employees in the work area to identify problem areas. He works with various departments to obtain a holistic idea of the business. This type of direct supervision is an example of ________ control.A) proactiveB) concurrentC) feedforwardD) feedbackAnswer: BPage Ref: 494AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 4Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application76) Charles discovers major flaws in the packaging department. He consults the production manager and formulates control measures to improve packaging. Here, Charles is using the________ control.A) feedbackB) proactiveC) concurrentD) feedforwardAnswer: APage Ref: 494AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 4Difficulty: ModerateClassification: ApplicationFinancial ControlsRuth Moody works as a freelance financial consultant. She renders financial services to individuals and small businesses. Entropic Communications, Inc., a fabless semiconductor company, seeks her services to study the financial stability of their company.77) Ruth wants to analyze the organization's ability to meet its current debt obligations. Which of the following ratios is most helpful to Ruth in analyzing this?A) inventory turnover ratioB) return on investment ratioC) current ratioD) total asset turnover ratioAnswer: CPage Ref: 495AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 4Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application78) Ruth identifies the firm's leverage ratio to be very high. What suggestion could Ruth give to help the firm reduce its leverage ratio?A) Increase the money supply by selling a part of its assets.B) Pay back part of its debts to improve the ratio.C) Maintain more current assets than current liabilities.D) Reduce the sales to total assets ratio of the firm.Answer: BPage Ref: 496AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 4Difficulty: ModerateClassification: ApplicationEmployee TheftBarbara is the product manager of an energy company which operates in the Americas. She is concerned about the increased employee theft observed in the factory. A study has shown that $30000 worth of merchandise was accounted to employee theft in the year 2010.79) Barbara consults a criminologist to identify the reasons for employee thefts. Which of the following is the most likely interpretation that the criminologist would present?A) People have financial-based pressures which motivate them to steal.B) People steal because the opportunity presents itself through lax controls.C) Favorable circumstances tempt people to commit crimes.D) People steal because they can rationalize whatever they're doing.Answer: APage Ref: 500-501AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 5Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application80) Barbara wants to take corrective measures to prevent future theft. Which of the following is a feedback tactic that Barbara could use to control theft?A) use the services of professional investigatorsB) openly communicate the costs of stealingC) use corporate hotlines for reporting incidencesD) educate and train employees about the policiesAnswer: APage Ref: 501AACSB: Analytic SkillsObjective: 5Difficulty: ModerateClassification: Application。