速卖通新手免邮模板新开的店家对邮费设置有很多疑问,这个模板针对新手建议的,后续熟悉了,可以自行调动一、输入新模版名称例如free二、Epacket 设施卖家承担运费(Epacket是针对美国的,时效是7-15天,运费和小包相近)三、选邮政小包自定义运费这个我们要设置5个运费组合============================ 第一个运费减免60%国家1 亚洲2、欧洲勾选以上打黑色钩的国家,设置运费减免为60%========================== 运费减免75%运费1、亚洲二、非洲3、南美洲4、北美勾选以上打黑色钩的国家,设置运费减免为75%============================ 3、设置卖家承担运费,即包邮的国家1亚洲二欧洲三北美四、大洋洲勾选以上打黑色钩的国家,设置卖家承担运费四、设置巴西的运费勾选巴西,设置运费减免85%===========================五、设置阿根廷不发货六、设置其他地区,运费减免50%点击保存设置运达时间:点击删除找到欧洲,勾选俄罗斯设置为90天二,点击添加运费组合找到巴西南美洲找到巴西设置为120天,确认添加三、若买家不在以上国家,设置60天点击保存再点击保存,这样我们对基础的邮政小包的免邮设置就完成了运费的计算(重量*该国家每公斤的价格+8元挂号费)*折扣例如,我有200g的货物,运往俄罗斯,俄罗斯每公斤的运费是96.5元那么我运费就是0.2*96.5+8=27.3,在乘以你在货代那里拿到的折扣,折扣每个货代不同,不在举例,注意不要贪图太便宜的货代,以防运输时间过久,造成纠纷各区的运费可以百度查询中国邮政小包价格表,这里不在说明。
1.1 邮政小包邮政小包主要包括中邮小包、新加坡小包、瑞士小包、瑞典小包等,通过邮政空邮服务寄往国外的小邮包。
1.2 商业快递商业快递主要是指UPS、Fedex、DHL、TNT四大巨头,普遍具有以下特点:速度快,服务好,丢包率低,但价格昂贵,且价格资费变化较大。
1.3 专线物流专线物流主要是针对发货量较大的目标国家和地区专门开辟的物流渠道,货物通过航空包舱方式运到国外,再进行本地派送,性价比较高,较受欢迎。
1. 姓名(Full Name)- 填写寄件人的全名,按照护照或身份证上的姓名书写,确保准确无误。
例如:张三(Zhang San)。
2. 联系地址(Contact Address)- 详细的居住地址或办公地址。
- 例如:中国广东省深圳市南山区科技园XX路XX号XX大厦XX室,邮编:518057。
- 英文地址的书写顺序通常为:门牌号+街道名称,城市,省份/州(如果适用),邮政编码,国家。
如:Room XX, XX Building, XX Road, Science and Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, China。
3. 联系电话(Contact Phone Number)- 填写可以联系到寄件人的有效电话号码,包括国家区号。
例如:+86 -138xxxxxxxx。
4. 电子邮箱(Email Address)- 提供一个常用的电子邮箱地址,方便快递公司在需要时与寄件人联系,如:******************。
1. 姓名(Full Name)- 收件人的全名,同样要准确,最好按照收件人所在国家的习惯书写顺序。
例如:John Smith。
2. 联系地址(Contact Address)- 收件人的详细地址,需包含所有必要信息。
英文为:XX Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA。
3. 联系电话(Contact Phone Number)- 收件人的有效联系电话,包含国家区号。
如:+1 - 123 - 456 - 7890。
4. 电子邮箱(Email Address)- 如果有,提供收件人的电子邮箱地址,方便快递通知收件人取件等事宜。
eBay国际e邮宝API v3集成说明
eBay Inc. confidential
1. 仔细阅读API接口文档
2. 下载V3的WSDL
3. 找到文档中的V3的测试地址和生产环境地址
4. 根据自己使用的开发语言使用相关工具包根据WSDL生成 可调用类
5. 测试新版API能顺利调用 6. 将自己的系统执行逻辑加入
../ShipFromAddress/ Province
国家, 可用值:CHINA
省,可用值请参考寄件人地 址和退货地址省份对照表
../ ReturnAddress/ Country
../ReturnAddress/ Province
国家, 可用值:中国
省,可用值请参考寄件人地 址和退货地址省份对照表
eBay Inc. confidential
国际E邮宝API V3与V2的区别
受影响字段 ../PickUpAddres/ Country 可用值 国家, 可用值:中国
../ShipFromAddress/ Country
国际e邮宝API V3与V2的区别
API 名称 AddAPACShippingPackage 功能说明 上传一个国际e邮宝包裹信息,同时申请一个包裹 跟踪号。
CancelAPACShippingPackage ConfirmAPACShippingPackage
GetAPACShippingLabel GetAPACShippingPackage GetAPACShippingPackageStatus GetAPACShippingRate VerifyAPACShippingUser RecreateAPACShippingPackage GetAPACShippingTrackCode GetAPACShippingLabels
ebay-信息回复模板3客人请求取消定单hi ,thank you for contacting usas your request ,we sent a cancel request to you.please accept that then you do not have to pay anything.welcome back anytime ,hope to deal with u next time.if you can ,please leave us positive feedback with 5 star which is very important for us. we will leave u a positive feedback automatically once we receive your positive feedback.many thanks客人重复购实,询问取消一个定单.hi ,thank you for your custom.we found that you made two order but only paid for one . please check your purchase list ,if you do want both ,please pay for the other one .if you do want only one ,we can cancel the another one for you before ebay open a unpaid case automatically.please let me know asap ,otherwise ebay systerm Thankshi, thank you for your message.we just seperate the invoice to you , and we just send a cancel request to you for one , pls accept that then you can only pay for one .thanks客人要求取消已经开unpaid case 的回复hi,thank you for your message.ebay will automatically send a payment reminder if it still not receive the payment in one week.we can cancel the order for you before ebay open a unpaid case automatically .but we are unable to cancel the payment reminder and the transaction once ebaysent it . but please do not worry , it will close automatically then ,you do not have to pay for that .Thanks客人一个取消,一个发货hi,thank you for your quick response.as your request ,we sent a cancel request to you.please accept that then you do not have to pay anything..we have post one to you today.please bear in mind that the item is shipped from china and it takes 16 to 30 days to reach most country.please be more patient for that.Thanks客人要求退款取消定单.hi,thank you for your message.as you request , we have processed full refund to you through paypal.please check it . meanwhile,we sent a cancel transaction request to you.please accept that then you do not have to pay anything.welcome back anytime ,hope to deal with u next time.if you can ,please leave us positive feedback with 5 star which is very important for us. we will leave u a positive feedback automatically once we receive your positive feedback.many thanks客人地址不详hi , thank you for your payment.could you confirm your shipping address for us please . as we found that there was no house number on your address when we package it today. as you know, buyer should make sure their address in PayPal or ebay is correct and valid.please get back to us asap, otherwise we will post in 2 working days later if we havenot heard from you .Thanks客人购买gift box,要求取消.hi ,thank you for your payment .unfortunately ,as clearly stated in the listing ,we do not sell GIFT BOX seperately . gift box is for peopel want to wrapp wallet as a present . gift box is free ,we charge £0.99 extra is for postage extra cost . we apprecaite that you can read the full description again .your understanding will be much appreciated . we will process full refund to you then and cancel the transaction if you do not like to purchase a wallet. hope to hear from you asap.Thanks客人询问批发hi,thank you for contacting us.we are happy to do the wholesale business with some other sellers. and we do have some good retail buyers from other coutry so far.before we take about the wholesale price for 10pcs,100 pcs or even 1000pcs. i strongly recommend that you can try 1 pcs first .once you receive the item , you will find the quality and design. it does not make any sence if you did not see the quality ,is it ? we can supply you in many different items and styles.please get back to us thenthanks客人要求换货,但已发货hi,thanks for your messge.Unfortunately,according to ebay policy We have to package in 24 hours once receiving the full payment. so your item was postaged yestoday.you should leave a message when you makea payment .your understanding will be much appreciated客人要求缩短运输时间Hi,thanks for your messageIf you add an additional £0.95 for registration fee,we will post it by ChinaPost Registered trackable Air Mail.as we stated a time table about the delivery time in the listing ,normally it takes 12 to 20 days to UK.so if you take this offer,pls a order without payment and leave a message for us then we will send you a new invoicehave a good day客人东西坏了要求其发图片hi ,thank you for contacting us .sorry to hear that .all item are 100% brand new with full package and it had been fully checked before sending out ..we appreciate that you can take some photo and send the photos to the ebay message as attachment. . Please do not worry ,we will do our best to sort out any problem for yo u.thanks(ps)here is the way how to upload photo in the message as attachment, first you click reply ,then click attach photos, then you can upload photos.pls get back to us if u need more help.thanks。
若运费不打折,使用e邮宝的运费为80元/kg X0.8kg+7元=71元,
使用中邮挂号小包的运费为90.5元/kg X0.8kg+8元=80.4元。
• 国际e邮宝是中国邮政专门发向美国,加拿大,英国,法
1、寄往美国的小包货物主要物流运输方式? 2、国际e邮宝运价计算?
PART2 案例分析
1. e邮宝: 是邮政速递物流为适应跨境电商轻小件物品寄 递需要推出的经济型国际速递业务,利用邮政渠道清关, 进入合作邮政轻小件网络投递。单件限重2公斤,主要路 向参考时限7-10个工作日,价格实惠。详情请登录邮政 速递物流国际在线发运系统。目前,该业务限于为中国 电商卖家寄件人提供发向美国,加拿大,英国,法国和 澳大利亚的包裹寄递服务。
《e邮宝业务》 案例分析
案例 背景
案例 分析 案例 启示
2016年5月,敦煌网网店FRESHSUN合伙人张女士收到美 国网名Jams客户关于运动包订单,该订单属于Free shipping, 价格包邮订单,订单编号1656635400,下单日期:2016-0512,该产品打包好的重量为0.8KG,体积为40cm X20cm X15cm,美国买家希望10天内能收到货物,没其他特殊要求。 问:在此背景下,请安排合理有效的运输方式,并合理计算运 输成本。
1.5.5 海关申报清单
• 为满足中国海关留存出口邮件内件申报信息的要求,eBay寄件人需 通过ebay的物流工具打印海关申报清单。该清单包括寄件人一次交 寄所有邮件的海关申报信息。
1.5.6 揽收 eBay卖家通过物流工具向EMS发送要求上门揽收的请求。上门揽收 信息包括:邮件号、揽收地址等。 邮政派揽人员根据派揽系统提供的派揽地址信息,打印派揽工单, 揽收人员上门揽收邮件。
3.2 登录
网址: 必须为eBay注册用户 在第一次登陆Shipping Tool后系统将会自动激活您的 Shipping Tool帐号,并在2小时内把过去14天您在任何一 个eBay站点与美国买家的交易将会同步至Shipping Tool 里。以后系统将会自动同步您的交易交到Shipping Tool 来。
邮件揽收未成功 – 我方不能揽收的要第一时间通知客户,揽收未成功邮件将在72小时内自 动失效。 注意事项: – 原则上各开办局应在当日中午12时前完成本日的揽收任务(与客户另有 时间约定的除外),当日完成该业务的收寄。 – 以速递派揽系统接收客户派揽订单为起始时间,派揽订单在24小时内必 须得到响应。
补录信息 (邮件重量) 生成信息 (资费、 原寄局、 收寄时间)
EDI Network
页 1
2.4 内部处理流程图
实物流 信息流
EDI Network
Postal database
1.4 重量和尺寸限制 重量:单件限重2公斤,单件邮件低于50克的邮件按50克 计算。 单件最大尺寸:长、宽、厚合计不超过90厘米,最长一边 不超过60厘米。圆卷邮件直径的两倍和长度合计不超过 104厘米,长度不得超过90厘米。 单件最小尺寸:长度不小于14厘米,宽度不小于11厘米。 圆卷邮件直径的两倍和长度合计不小于17厘米,长度不少 于11厘米。
ems国际快递单打印模板篇一:EMS快递单模板寄件人 05xx-xxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxx有限公司xx省xx市xxx路xx号收件人 05xx-xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx有限公司xx市xxxx路xxx号xxxxx幢xF Xxx市寄件人xxx1份篇二:EMS快递单打印软件使用说明EMS快递单打印软件使用说明感谢您选用EMS快递单打印软件。
本软件能帮您快速的打印出工整美观的EMS 快递单据~具体使用说明如下:一、收件人和发件人数据保存本软件不仅能即填即打,而且能保存收件人和发件人信息,打印时,只需选取相应的数据就能开始打印。
用户可以自己创建EXCEL文件作为导入数据源,创建时请注意EXCEL文件第一行请与“数据导入样表.xls”文件保持一致,并且数据存放在EXCEL文件的Sheet1 内~注意:1、收、发件人数据导入格式是一样的,但不要存放在同一个EXCEL文件里~2、数据导入时请先关闭EXCEL~3、表格第一行一定要与样表相同,没有数据的列也不能少,否则不能正常导入~四、收件人和发件人数据查找在列表栏下方有数据查找编辑栏(图六),可在这里输入待查找的数据,然后单击右边的查找图标。
Ebay实用模板第一:邮件模板售前(1)物品出售中:买家询问物品细节问题关于尺寸一位美国买家告诉你她平时穿US 8码的连衣裙,想咨询从你这她应该买哪一个尺码,你回M号比较适合。
示例:Hello, seller, I wear US Size 8, could you give me some advice on which size I should buy from you? Hello, dear customer, size M of this dress will fit you pretty well. Any other questions, feel free to let me know. Thanks.关于合并运费当买家一次性购买多件商品时,可能会向你提出合并运费的要求,你可以通过修改并发送电子发票(invoice)的形式,对买家购买的多件商品只收取一次运费。
示例:Hello, seller, can you combine shipping for me as I’ve bought seve ral items from you? Pls. send me just in one package, thanks.Hello, dear customer, thanks for your business.Have combined the shipping already and only charge you the shipping fee once. You can check the invoice I’ve just sent to you and pls. make the payment through the invoice directly.Any other questions, feel free to let us know.(2)买家咨询海关关税问题问题:Are there any import taxes or customs charges that I need to be aware of if I purchase this and have it shipped here to Louisiana in the United States?回答:Thank you for your inquiry.I understand that you are worrying about any possible extra expense for this item. According to past experience, it did not involve any extra expense at buyer side for similar small or low cost items. Please do not much worry.However, in some individual cases, buyer might need to take some import taxes or customs charges in import countries. As to specific rates, please consult your local custom office. Appreciate for your understanding.Yours Sincerely,Seller Name or ID(3)买家建议其他付款方式问题:Do you accept check or bank transfer? I do not have a PayPal account.回答:Thank you for your inquiry.For simplifying the process sake, I suggest that you pay through PayPal. As you know, it always takes at least 2-3 months to clear international check so that the dealing and shipping time will cost too much time.PayPal is a faster, easier and safer payment method. It is widely used in international online business. Even if you do not want to register a PayPal account, you can still use your credit card to go through PayPal checkout process without any extra steps.Hope my answer is helpful to you.Yours Sincerely,Seller Name or ID(4)回应买家还价问题:Hello, I can give 100 dollars. Is it OK?回答:Thank you for your interests in my item.Perhaps we can’t offer you that low price you bargained. I’m sorry for that. In fact the price listed is reasonable and been carefully calculated. It leaves me limited profit already.But, we’d like to offer you some discounts on multiple items. If you purchase more than 5 pieces in one order,_________discount will be giver to you on amount.Any further questions please let me know. Thanks.Yours Sincerely,Seller Name or ID售后邮件(1)物品售出:提醒买家尽快付款模板提醒邮件—买家拍下物品后,却迟迟没有付款:Hello,Much appreciate your purchase from us, but we haven’t received your payment for that item yet.As a friendly reminder, the instant payment is very important. The earlier you pay, the sooner you will get the item.Please make your payment as soon as possible, so we can send you the item in time. If you have any problems during paying, or if you don’t want it any more, please feel free to let us know. We can help you to resolve the problems or cancel our transaction.Thanks again and looking forward to hear from you soon.(2)物品寄出:提供物品跟踪号设置买家收货预期物品寄出后向买家提供物品跟踪号,并告知预计送达时间:Hello, dear customer,Your item has just been sent out via China International Shipping service which may take about 15-20 business days to arrive at you.The tracking number of your parcel is: RR123456CN , and you can track the shipping status on the website bellow in a few days:/item/itemStatusQuery.do?lan=0Besides, as we all know that International shipping requires more complicated shipping procedures, such as both countries’ customs clearance, transit stations etc., it will probably take longer time for your item to arrive at the final destination.Much Appreciate for your understanding on this uncontrollable matter. If you have any other concerns, feel free to let me know.Thanks.(3)特殊情况物流延误:节假日/自然灾害/安检收严节假日导致物流延误国庆假期,物流货代公司均放假休息,物品往往会因此耽误投递,请及时联系买家,做好沟通,请买家保持耐心:Dear buyer,Thank you for purchasing and prompt payment. However, we’ll have the National Holiday from Oct 1 to Oct 7. During that time, all the shipping service will not be available and may cause the shipping delay for several days.Thanks for your understanding and your patience is much appreciated. If you have any other concerns, pls. just let us know.Keep in touch.Thanks.自然灾害导致物流延误请务必时刻关注我们的物流公告,掌握世界各地的自然灾害,判断自己的物品运输是否受到影响,一旦发生问题请及时与买家沟通,此处为火山爆发沟通模板:Dear customer,We’re sorry to inform of you that your item delivery may be delayed for the volcanic explosion in south Iceland.Due to this volcanic explosion, airlines to Europe have been cancelled, and many airports were closed either, which directly caused the shipping delay.Your understanding and patience is much appreciated. We will keep tracking the shipping status, and try our best to resolve the problems that caused by this unexpected issue. If you have any other concerns, just let us know.Keep in touch. Thanks.关于加强安检导致物流延误海关、机场加强安检也是导致物流延误的原因之一,发生这样情况时也务必及时告知买家,并请买家耐心等待:Dear customer,I just got the notice that all packets (from all countries) to US would be subject to stricter screening by the customs.Due to the tightened customs control and screening, the shipping time to US will be longer than normal.We appreciate your understanding and patience. You are also welcomed to contact us for your suggestions and any concerns.Thanks.(4)物品未收到:提供物流状态并请买家耐心等待提供物流最新状态,物品寄出后一段时间,买家可能会发来邮件询问物品怎么还没收到,这时你需耐心地向买家解释情况,并请其耐心等待:Hello, dear customer,I’ve just tracked your parcel status and get following latest information:Tracking No.: RR725377313CNStatus: departure from outward office of exchangeDate: 2011-10-17It seems that your parcel has already arrived in EU and is waiting for local dispatch now. Pls. just be patient for another several days and it’ll be delivered soon.Normally it takes 15-20 business days to arrive at you, but as this is a peak holiday season and the shipping agency is extremely busy on handling parcels now, as the result, it might need longer time to deliver the international parcels.Sorry for the inconvenience and your understanding is highly appreciated. Thanks.(5)物品收到:关于退货换货关于退货当买家收到东西不满意并提出退货时,如果你接受退货,则可对其进行以下回复:Yes, we accept return or exchange. Pls. send your item back to:XX,XXXX,200001,Shanghai,ChinaI’ll issue you the refund (excluding the postage) via PayPal once I receive your parcel.Thanks.关于换货当买家要求换货时,如果你接受换货,可进行如下回复:Sure, you can send it back for exchange. Pls. send your item back to:XX, XXXX, 200001, Shanghai, ChinaWe will send you a new one after receiving your parcel. Please be aware the return shipping cost and re-send shipping cost will be charged on your side.Thanks for your understanding and any other questions feel free to let me know. 第二:购买须知货运运输条例Shipping Terms We only ship to the confirmed address provided by PayPal. Before you pay, please make sure your address in PayPal matches the address you would like us to ship to.We ship items to Name of the CountriesBuyers' Information: We strive our best to provide you the most reliable, affordable way of shipping service. But sometimes international delivery is highly depended on the courier company and local customs/duties. If you do not receive your item on time, please contact us immediately for further assistance. Thank you for your understanding.运输方式Shipping Method All items will be shipped by China EMS, FedEx, UPS.Express delivery is only to US/UK/Canada/Australia, other countries will be subject to change with our email confirmation.We do not ship to Name of the CountriesWe can not mark any package as a gift, but all international packages are marked "ebay Purchase" on the insurance form.We offer combined shipping which will save your shipping cost greatly for your multiple purchases. Please do not pay until you make your last purchase.运输时间Shipping Time All items will be shipped within 48 business hours upon receipt of payment (except Saturday and Sunday).It takes about 7-14 days to ship to Name of the Countries. Ie: United States, Canada, Europe, Asia or other places worldwide.We are unable to take any responsibility for any custom delay or tax. Reason is because transit time is highly depended and provided by Postal Service (except weekends and holidays)运费Shipping Cost (仅供参考)ServiceLevelDestinationShippingProviderFeesDeliveryPeriodTrackingStatusServiceLevelStandardServiceUSChina Post AirMailFree15-20businessdaysNStandardServiceOtherCountriesChina Post AirMail$415-25businessdaysNOtherCountriesExpeditedServiceUSChina PostEMS$97-10businessdaysYExpeditedServiceUK, CA, AU,DEChina PostEMS$108-12businessdaysYUK, CA, AU,DEOtherCountriesChina PostEMS$1510-20businessdaysNOtherCountries Note:有关更多关于EMS快递服务方式。
买家沟通邮件模板1. 当收到买家的付款以后Dear valued customer,Your payment has been received for the following item. We will ship it within ___ business days as promised. After doing so, we will send you a notification letter, with tracking number information if applicable.(中文:我们已经收到了您订购商品的款项。
)Two points for clarification:(中文:两点声明)1. Shipping charge: some buyers might think our shipping charge is high. But the fact is NOT, we charge you based on the actual shipping cost.(中文:关于运费:有的买家可能会认为我们的运费偏高,其实不然,运费是根据实际运输成本来计算的)2. Shipping time: because you bought the item from the other side of the world, it will need to be shipped and the shipping period the seller has no control over the amount of time it will take the shipping company to deliver the item to you. What we can ensure is that the item is shipped within certain biz days as promised. (中文:运送时间:因为您是跨国网购,所以商品的运输和派送时间较长且属于卖家的不可控因素。
这些一般是等1-2周的时间,如果客人一直没回复的,就再通知客人:“我们先取消订单full refund给他,他想要就再买”3. paypal hold payment、Unclear payment等还没收到 clear payment的,要过几天就进paypal 查是否clear,如果客人回复说已clear了,也要进paypal确认清楚,再通知物流解hold、发货还没发货的,地址有问题的:Sorry to bother you.We have tried to send the item to you.But we are informed by the courier that your address isn't correct.The address from your payment is 输入系统的地址.Would you pls kindly offer the correct address and your phone number for us to send the item to you?Or pls kindly offer another address to send the item.We won't send the item out until we receive your confirmation.Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.Look forward to your reply.还没发货的,邮编不正确的:Sorry to bother you.Sorry when we tried to send the item to you, we are informed that the zip code of your address "输入客人的邮编" is incorrect.Would you pls kindly confirm your Postal Code first?The address from your payment is 输入系统的地址.Is it right?Or would you pls kindly tell us another address so that we can send the item to you? Or would you like to cancel the order for a full refund?Pls kindly advice that.We have held your order and we won't send it out until we receive your reply.Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to you.Look forward to your reply.已经发货的,邮局通知我们地址有问题,派送不了的:Sorry to bother you.Sorry your parcel could not be delivery to you due to the address is incorrect. We havesent to your follow address:输入客人的地址Would you mind contact your locate post office asap?Would you mind kindly let us your know telephone number as well.We will contact our post office to follow up the item.Sorry for any inconvenience caused, hope you won't mind.Looking for your reply soon.Item到了,但是没人接收的,要通知客人联系快递公司(黄色那里要根据实际情况改为对应的快递公司的名字):Sorry to bother you.Sorry we are informed that your item has been arrived your address, but there's nobody to receive it.And the post office has left you a card.Would you pls contact your local DPD to receive the item soon?Or it will be returned to us.Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to you.Look forward to your reply.通知reversal:For eBay item NEW 17.1" LCD SCREEN FOR TOSHIBA SATELLITE M60-166 (填入相应的item title)Item# 350465454939(填入相应的item ID)We got a bad news from PayPal that the payment has been reversed to your PayPal account by your bank.We need your help for this issue.Would you please check your account for the details and repay this amount to our PayPal account?Sincerely hope for your kind understanding.The bank often does this annoying action.Could you please pay these 金额 to our PayPal account: 输入我们相应的邮箱地址at your convenience?Thanks a lot for your kind help in advance.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.不发军区邮编:Sorry to bother you.Sorry when we tried to send the item to you, we are informed that the zip code of your address belongs to Military area commands zip code and the post office can't send the item to your address.Would you pls kindly tell us another address and your phone number so that we can send the item to you?Or would you like to cancel the order for a full refund?Pls kindly advice that.We have held your order and we won't send it out until we receive your reply.Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to you.Look forward to your reply.Best regards.偏远地区,改发DHL,要加收3.5GBP(这个要根据具体情况改一下标黄色的地方):Sorry to bother you.Sorry we are informed by Hermes that they can't send the item to your address due to your address belongs to remote area.And we found that the DHL can deliver the item to you, but the postage is more expensive so that you need to pay for extra 3.5 GBP.Would you pls kindly tell us that you would like to pay for the extra 3.5 GBP and have the item send by DHL to you asap?Or would you like to cancel the order for a full refund?Pls kindly advice that.We have held your order and w won't send it out until we receive your reply.Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to you.Look forward to your reply.Best regards.通知paypal hold:Sorry to bother you.Sorry to tell that you payment have been held by PayPal.We will send you an item until we receive your payment.Sorry for any inconvenience caused, hope you won't mind.Any question, pls feel free to contact us.Unclear payment:(也适用Express Checkout Payment、Mobile Express Checkout等没收到clear payment的情况)Sorry to bother you.Sorry to tell that you payment is unclear.We will send you an item unstill we receive your clear payment.Sorry for any inconvenience caused, hope you won't mind.Any question, pls feel free to contact us.屏的,刚买就缺货的,发不了货的:Thank you for your purchase, but we're sorry that we're informed by our supplier, this batch of screen have some quality problems.And according to the feedbacks from our buyers these days, we guess some of the items are faulty, we're going to return all the items to the supplier.We can't risk sending you a faulty item and the new items could not be arrived in a short time.So we would like to give you a full refund first.Sincerely apologize for this unexpected case and sorry again for any troubles caused. Would you mind repay the item when we get back the item if you are still interested in?Pls understand, hope you won’t mind.Any question, pls feel free to contact us.Best Regards其他产品,刚买就缺货的,发不了货的:Thank you for your purchase, but we're sorry that we're informed by our supplier, this batch of item have some scratches on them.And according to the feedbacks from our buyers these days, we guess some of the items are faulty, we're going to return all the items to the supplier.We can't risk sending you a faulty item and the new items could not be arrived in a short time.So we would like to give you a full refund first.Sincerely apologize for this unexpected case and sorry again for any troubles caused. Would you mind repay the item when we get back the item if you are still interested in? P ls understand, hope you won’t mind.Any question, pls feel free to contact us.Thank you for your purchase, but we're sorry that we're informed by our supplier, this new batch of item was out of stock just now.So we would like to give you a full refund first.Sincerely apologize for this unexpected case and sorry again for any troubles caused. Would you mind repay the item when we get back the item if you are still interested in? P ls understand, hope you won’t mind.Any question, pls feel free to contact us.Thank you for your message.Sorry we're informed that your item was lost during delivery, this new batch of item was out of stock just now.So we would like to give you a full refund first.Sincerely apologize for this unexpected case and sorry again for any troubles caused. Would you mind repay the item when we get back the item if you are still interested in? P ls understand, hope you won’t mind.Any question, pls feel free to contact us.改颜色:Sorry to bother you.We would like to send you the item asap, but we are informed that the [Navy] item happens to be out of stock now.And we have some black color of this item (KF04D) in stock.Would you pls kindly tell us if you would like to have the black one to send to you or cancel the order for a full refund?Pls kindly advice that.Once we confirm that, we will solve it for you asap.Your cooperation will be highly valued.Pls don't worry; we will try our best to solve the problem for you.Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to you.Looking forward to your reply.For eBay itemItem#We got a bad news from PayPal that the payment has been reversed to your pay pal account by your bank.We need your help for this issue.Would you please check your account for the details and repay this amount to our pay pal account?Sincere hope for your kind understanding.The bank often does this annoying action.Could you please pay these to our PayPal account:at your convenient?Thanks a lot for your kind help in advance.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.。
【一、基本信息】1.寄件人信息:- 姓名:(请填写寄件人姓名)- 性别:(请选择)男/女- 联系电话:(请填写寄件人联系电话)- 电子邮箱:(请填写寄件人电子邮箱)- 地址:(请填写寄件人详细地址,包括国家、省份/直辖市、城市、区/县、街道、门牌号等)2.收件人信息:- 姓名:(请填写收件人姓名)- 性别:(请选择)男/女- 联系电话:(请填写收件人联系电话)- 电子邮箱:(请填写收件人电子邮箱)- 地址:(请填写收件人详细地址,包括国家、省份/直辖市、城市、区/县、街道、门牌号等)3.快递公司信息:- 快递公司名称:(请填写快递公司名称)- 快递公司联系方式:(请填写快递公司联系电话)【二、包裹信息】1.包裹类型:- (请勾选)普通包裹/快递包裹/限时快递/冷链快递/危险品快递2.包裹重量:- 净重:(请填写包裹净重,单位为千克)- 毛重:(请填写包裹毛重,单位为千克)3.包裹尺寸:- 长度:(请填写包裹长度,单位为厘米)- 宽度:(请填写包裹宽度,单位为厘米)- 高度:(请填写包裹高度,单位为厘米)4.包装情况:- (请勾选)未包装/已包装(请描述包装材料及方式)5.特殊要求:- (如有特殊要求,请在此处详细描述,如:需要保价、需要送货上门、需要指定送货时间等)【三、物品信息】1.物品名称:- (请填写物品名称)2.物品数量:- (请填写物品数量)3.物品价值:- (请填写物品价值,单位为货币,如:人民币、美元等)4.物品类别:- (请勾选)日用品/食品/电子产品/化妆品/服装/书籍/艺术品/其他5.物品描述:- (如有需要,请在此处详细描述物品特征,如:颜色、型号、品牌等)【四、其他信息】1.付款方式:- (请勾选)预付/到付/货到付款2.保险金额:- (如有需要,请填写保险金额,单位为货币)3.备注:- (如有其他需要说明的事项,请在此处填写)【五、签名确认】1.寄件人签名:- (请寄件人在此签名确认)2.收件人签名:- (收件人收到包裹后,请在此签名确认)【六、快递公司审核】1.快递公司审核:- (快递公司工作人员在收到填写完整的表格后,将进行审核,如有问题,将联系寄件人或收件人)【注意事项】:1.所有信息必须真实准确,如有虚假信息,将承担法律责任。
3 运费模板
标准类:针对美国﹤5美金标准类线上线下 是没意义了,任何产品用“E邮宝”最低的 价格个企也是十几块钱, 除非利润很高, 否则会亏钱。
美国以外:所有类目只要是线下发货都不行, 其他都是可用。
线下经济类物流(无追踪半邮) 不能查询到任何追踪信息,影响头 家在速卖通购物体验确定性,卖家 也会面临更高的未收到货的纠纷及 投诉风险,并影响到卖家的各项商 业经营指标。
支付金额≧5美金的订单:允许使用标准类物流服 务中的“E邮宝”,只要是美国下的订单,最好走“E 邮宝”就好了,最快最经济,而且支付金额5美金以 上必须要发挂号的,或者用”AliExpress无忧物流-标准 ”及快速类物流服务价格会比”E邮宝高得多,其他标准 类物流服务及经济类物流服务将不被允许(特殊类目 商品除外),超过1.5kg或2kg要用ups。
为什么目的国为美国、金额≥5美金的订单仅允许使用标准服务中的“E邮宝”、 “AliExpress无忧物流-标准”,不允许使用普通挂号小包?
美国邮政不提供普通挂号小包 的物流跟踪信息,买家无法查询到 包裹在目的国物流状态及是否妥投, 卖家将面临更高的未收到货的纠纷 及投诉风险,直接影响了卖家的各 项商业经营指标。
速卖通邮费免邮模板方法XXXFor new store owners。
there are many ns about shipping fees。
This template is mended for beginners。
and as you XXX familiar。
you can adjust it on your own.1.Enter the new template name。
such as "free".2.Epacket facilities。
the seller bears the shipping cost (Epacket is for the United States。
with a delivery time of 7-15 days。
and the shipping cost is similar to small packages).3.Select postal parcel custom shipping.We need to set up 5 shipping ns:The first shipping fee ces 60% for countries:2.XXXCheck the black tick boxes above and set the XXX 60%.The second shipping fee ces 75% for countries:2.Africa3.South America4.XXXCheck the black tick boxes above and set the XXX 75%.3.XXX shipping cost。
that is。
countries with free shipping:2.XXX3.XXX4.OceaniaCheck the black tick boxes above and set the XXX.4.Set the shipping fee for Brazil:XXX 85%.5.XXX not ship.6.XXX a 50% shipping discount.Click save.XXX:Click delete.Find XXX.Set it to 90 days.XXX:Find Brazil and South America and set it to 120 days。
三态用户操作手册E邮宝操作手册2010—12-08目录一、前期准备工作 (1)1.1.功能概述 (1)1。
功能说明 (1)二、操作步骤 (1)2.1。
EPACKET申请 (1)2.1.1.功能简介 (1)2.1。
操作 (1)2.2。
EPACKET信息管理 (2)2.2。
1.功能简介 (2)2。
操作 (2)2。
订单录入 (4)2。
1.功能简介 (4)2。
2.操作 (5)2。
4.批量上传 (7)2。
功能简介 (7)2。
2.操作 (7)2。
5.打印E邮宝地址标签 (8)2。
5.1.功能简介 (8)2.5。
操作 (8)2.6.打印E邮宝申报清单 (10)2。
功能简介 (10)2.6.2.操作 (10)E邮宝一、前期准备工作1.1.功能概述此用户手册用于对新增的货运方式EPACKET的用户后台的操作介绍,货运方式EPACKET只适用于国内用户在Ebay网站产生的寄往美国的订单。
2.2.EPACKET信息管理2.2.1.功能简介此处用于介绍如何添加EPACKET相关信息2.2.2.操作在左侧导航栏> 用户中心> 选择EPACKET信息管理,进入EPACKET信息管理列表页面点击【添加关联eBay账号】按钮,用户便可以进行添加关联eBay账号操作(可添加多个)eBay账号,数据标识,密钥均不能为空(数据标识和密钥由Ebay提供,详细获取方式可以咨询所属的ebay客户经理);添加后显示在列表页面。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
重量(3位小数) 0.445 0.200 0.268 0.246 0.260 0.228 0.270 0.226 0.159 0.158 0.379 0.243 0.680 0.185 0.225 0.202 0.214 0.186 0.365 0.165 0.209 0.225 0.140 0.427 0.230 0.199 0.225 0.175 0.295 0.177 0.222 0.359 0.280 0.160
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 W18 W19 W20 W21 W22 W23 W24 W25 W26 W27 W28 W29 W30 W31 W32 W33 W34
商品中文名称 裙子 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 鞋子 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 裙子 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 女士上衣 裙子 女士上衣 女士上衣
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报关价格(整数) 12 6 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 12 6 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 4