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仪American Table Manners (中英对照)餐桌礼仪是进餐时的礼节,也包括怎样有礼貌地使用餐具。不同的文化有不同的餐桌礼仪。事实上很多礼节是从实际需要而演变来的,比如把手肘放在餐桌上是属于不礼貌的行为,因为把手肘放在桌面上的时候就有把碗、杯打翻的可能。然而每一个家庭或者一些群体有他们自己的餐桌礼仪标准,也有他们自己对于这些礼仪如何严格执行程度的规定。(Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners. Many table manners evolved out of practicality. For example, it is generally impolite to put elbows on tables, since doing so creates a risk of tipping over bowls and cups. Each family or group sets its own standards for how strictly these rules are to be enforced.)
饭前(Before dining)
(Men's and unisex hats should never be worn at the table. Ladies' hats may
be worn during the day if visiting others.)
•在正式的宴会中,男士们须站在自己的座位后面,等女士们都坐下了以后,才能坐下。(Before sitting down to a formal meal, gentlemen stand behind their chairs until the women are seated.)
•在开始吃饭前,主人要做饭前的谢饭祷告,这在美国的家庭里是很普遍的,客人应该加入这个谢饭的祷告,至少要在祷告的时候保持安静以示尊敬。如果被邀请的客人有不同的信仰,主人的谢饭祷告不应该包括深奥的宗教仪式。(A prayer or 'blessing' may be customary in some households, and the guests may join in or be respectfully silent. Most prayers are made by the host before the meal is eaten. Hosts should not practice an extended
religious ritual in front of invited guests who have different beliefs.)
•一般要等到每一个人都拿到了食物以后,大家一起开始吃。在别人还没有拿到食物以前,不应该擅自开始先吃;除非那些还没有拿到食物的人士请你不要等候,你才可以先吃。(One does not start eating until every person is served or those who have not been served request that you begin
without waiting.)
•餐巾是放在膝盖上的。在正式的宴会中,客人要等主人把他(她)的餐巾放到膝盖上之后,才把自己的餐巾放上。(Napkins are placed in the lap.
At more formal occasions diners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host places his or her napkin on his or her lap)
•在正式的宴会上,食物应该同时送到餐桌上的每一位,但还是要等主人拿起餐具之后客人才能拿起餐具进餐。(At more formal occasions all diners should be served at the same time and will wait until the hostess or host lifts a fork or spoon before beginning)
•如果你不能吃某些食品,在你作客的时候,(如果主人不是你的亲戚,)不应要求主人为你另外再增添你要吃的食品。(Even if one has dietary restrictions, it is inappropriate for non-relatives to request food other than that which is being served by the host at a private function)
进餐时的礼仪:(General manners while dining)
或者“谢谢,我不需要”。(When a dish is offered from a serving dish (a.k.a.
family style), as is the traditional manner, the food may be passed around or
served by a host or staff. If passed, you should pass on the serving dish to the next person in the same direction as the other dishes are being passed. Place
the serving dish on your left, take some, and pass to the person next to you.
You should consider how much is on the serving dish and not take more than a proportional amount so that everyone may have some. If you do not care for
any of the dish, pass it to the next person without comment. If being served by
a single person, the server should request if the guest would like any of the
dish. The guest may say "Yes, please," or "No, thank you.")
•当为进餐人士服务的时候,上菜都是从进餐者的左边放到他(她)的前面;而撤盘子的时候,都是从进餐者的右边拿走。但是对于饮料,可以从左右的任何一方呈上和撤离。(When serving, serve from the left and
pick-up the dish from the right. Beverages, however, are to be both served as well as removed from the right-hand side)
•在喝汤的时候,用汤匙由靠近你的一处开始,向远离你的方向打汤。不要把整个汤匙放入嘴里来喝汤,而是在汤匙的边上喝汤。如果汤碗里只剩一点儿汤了,你可以用不拿汤匙的手把汤碗靠近你的一边略略提起,这将使你比较容易把余下的汤流入你的汤匙。(Dip your soup spoon away from you into the soup. Eat soup noiselessly, from the side of the spoon. When there is a small amount left, you may lift the front end of the dish slightly with your free hand to enable collection of more soup with your spoon)