






3.第I卷(1—13小题,33 —61小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案不能涂写在试卷上,涂写在试卷上一律不给分。第I卷中的第14—17小题、18—32小题和第II卷的试题在电脑上阅卷,其答案用黑色或蓝色钢笔或水笔写在答题卡上,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上也一律不给分。


I. Listening Comprehension

Section A (10%)

Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. Allen is still in bed. B. Allen fell ill last week.

C. The woman is Allen’s sister.

D. The man is Allen’s brother.

2. A. He is a writer. B. He is a student.

C. He is a worker.

D. He is a tour guide.

3. A. The woman doesn’t know the man.

B. The woman and the man are friends.

C. The man is very familiar with the women.

D. The man often talks with women.

4. A. The woman bought too many shirts.

B. The woman bought all the shirts in the store.

C. He wanted to see what the woman bought.

D. He didn’t like the style of the shirts.

5. A. In Chicago. B. In Boston. C. In Washington. D. In Manchester.

6. A. He is very shy. B. He is open-minded.

C. He is brave.

D. He is modest.

7. A. No news is good news. B. The man’s family has forgotten him.

C. The woman works in the post office.

D. The man expects to hear from his family.

8. A. He wants to play tennis outdoors. B. He feels tired and sick.

C. He doesn’t want to play tennis.

D. He wants to play basketball instead.

9. A. Kim should study up late for the exam.

B. Kim should be well rested for the exam.

C. Kim will get some fresh air in the morning.

D. Kim will be the top student in the exam.

10. A. The woman will rent the house.

B. The woman likes the house very much.

C. The woman is not satisfied with the house.

D. The woman will buy the house.

Section B(6%)

Directions: In Section B, you will hear one short passage, and you will be asked three questions on the passages. The passage will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. The second Monday of every month.

B. The Monday when the sky is blue.

C. The day when people have to stop weekend to work.

D. The day that most of the people feel blue.

12. A. Jobs make people get money and social identity.

B. Jobs can only offer people a lot of money.

C. Jobs make people be busy every day.

D. Jobs let people know many other new friends.

13. A. How American workers are doing today.

B.The current economic situation.

C. What people say about the government.

D. The history of work in U.S.

Section C (4%)

Directions: In Section C, you will hear a longer conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 to 20 are based on the following conversation.

Relieve Pressure

How is John He looks pale and __14__.

The reason caused stress The manager assigned two __15__ to him.

Present situation The deadlines are __16__.

Solution Need someone to __17__to.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A (15%)

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


What’s the frightening situation you can think of? For many people, it’s being shut somewhere they (18)____ not get out of.

That’s exactly (19)____happened to an American tourist who said, “it feels good to be free” after he was locked inside a London bookstore for two hours.

David Willis had been using the Internet inside the Waterstones store in Trafalgar Square, London, UK (20)____ he found that he had been shut inside, according to Sky News.

He tried (21)____(get) out but failed, and it was only after posting messages on Twitter, a social network, that he (22)____( release).

After he had spoken to the police but still not been released, he posted: “Hi Waterstones, I(23)____(lock) inside of your Trafalgar Square bookstore for two hours now. Please let me out.”

It got the attention of thousands of Internet users. The police arrived at(24)____ store, and they finally let him out just after 11 pm on Thursday.

After he was released, he posted another,(25)____(simple) message: “I’m free.”


Google has begun testing the electric car in Mountain

View, California. The car does not have all the normal car

controls. Instead, it has a smartphone app that calls it and

tells (26)_____the destination, and a STOP button between

the two seats in case the passengers need to override the


The company’s co-founder, Sergey Brin, says that they want to change the world for people

(27)_____ do not find it easy to travel around. The cars have been built specially by a company in Detroit. Google will now test the cars, (28)______ are not yet for sale.

There need to be detailed scans of the roads before the cars can drive on them, (29)______ they cannot collect and process enough information in real time.

Chris Urmson, director of the driverless car project at Google, said: “The cars will be very basic. But they will t ake you (30)______ you want to go at the push of a button. And, that’s an important step towards (31)______(improve) road safety and helping millions of people travel around more easily.”

So far, the driverless cars have driven 700,000 miles without an accident caused by the computer. The company says that thousands of people die each year on the roads and that about 80% of crashes are caused (32)______ human mistakes.

Section B (9%)

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. decided


C. abroad



F. struggling

G. unemployment

H. idea

I. leave


Governments in Europe dream of finding a magic solution to rising unemployment. But, in the poorest parts of the EU, __33__ continues to rise.

Now, in Sardinia, Italy, a mayor thinks he has found an answer to his town’s unemployment

__34__. Valter Piscedda, the mayor of Elmas, a sm all town near Sardinia’s capital, Cagliari,

wants to pay residents to __35__. The town will pay for ten unemployed local people to take English lessons, get on a cheap flight and look for jobs in other parts of Europe.

“This __36__ comes from common sense and experience,” he told the Guardian. “In the past year and a half – __37__ in the past few months – I have seen young people, almost every day, who have lost hope that they will find work. Some ask for help in __38__ work here. Others have tried everythi ng and, now, they want to go and gain work experience __39__; life experience, too.”

So he __40__ to help people who want to gain experience abroad.

Sardinia, and also much of southern and central Italy, is __41__ with high unemployment. Unemployment was at 17.7% in the second quarter of 2014, according to Italy’s National Institute of Statistics. More than 54% of people under 25 are out of work.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A (10%)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

There are about 50,000 mystery shopping trips every month in the UK. Mystery shoppers pretend to be a customer in a store but they are really__42__ information on the store and how good or bad its service is. The __43__ for mystery shoppers is growing because online shopping is becoming more popular.

“Retailers (零售店) are becoming increasingly __44__ that shoppers who visit a physical store want a s ervice and an experience they can’t get __45__,” says Simon Boydell, spokesman for Marketforce, which has more than 300,000 mystery shoppers. “Our customers want to know how well their __46__ are delivering on that experience.”

“We assign different store l ocations to each shopper and take turns so that they never __47__ to the same shop within three months,” says Jill Spencer of mystery shopping company ABa. “Each day, they spend up to eight hours __48__ five to ten stores, plus another hour or two writing detailed __49__ on every part of their visit.” For that, the mystery shoppers can earn up to £155 a day. Their expenses are also paid. Mystery shoppers who film their visits with a __50__ camera can earn even more – around £300 a day.

Mystery shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to __51__ the products they buy.“I’m always given a specific task, such as buying something from a specific department or a new product range, but I can often buy whatever I want – a nd keep it.” says mystery shopper Laura.

42. A. collecting B. checking C. deleting D. downloading

43. A. foundation B. satisfaction C. decision D. demand

44. A. popular B. aware C. detective D. imaginative

45. A. home B. office C. online D. paid

46. A. stores B. customers C. headquarters D. access

47.A. round off B. pass on C. get over D. go back

48.A. staring B. simplifying C. visiting D. predicting

49.A. bills B. reports C. articles D. diaries

50.A. hidden B. amused C. renewed D. displayed

51.A. release B. benefit C. keep D. expand

Section B (15%)

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


At the end of every British summer I find myself praying for a proper winter, one that will allow a bit of fun: sledging, snowballing, snowman-building. I’m not very demanding; I don’t need amazing downhill skiing and the Cresta Run. What I want is a few days out with the kids. And, much as I like blue skies and sun in summer, I’d swap it every time for frozen ponds, a hillside covered in

fresh snow and ice hanging off the houses. Maddy, 11, wants the same and so, instead of waiting and hoping, we are going to make sure. We are going to Sweden.

Winter fun in Sweden is a bit more advanced than in most of the UK. They do snowshoeing, ice-fishing, snow house-building and so on. They also do lots of Father Christmas matter, which Maddy didn’t want: “I’m too old for that kind of nonsense, Dad.”Above all, what Maddy wanted was dogs with puppies. She’s not too old for that.

We flew to Lulea, a city at the top of the finger of Baltic Sea that reaches out to the north between Sweden and Finland, almost touching the Arctic Circle, then transferred, with some other winter-hungry families, to woodland houses by the sea. There was plenty of snowand ice, but the guides were keeping a nervous eye on theinstrument for measuring temperature, which was dangerouslyclose to zero.

“Normally, we are 10C below,”said Roger, our guide,who was also handing out our equipment for the days ahead: snowshoes, boots, gloves and so on. A holiday that provides all the necessary outfits will save you a fortune.

52.“I find myself praying for a proper winter” because _________.

A. winter is much more fun than summer

B. I like playing exciting sports in winter

C. I want a few days out with the kids

D. the activities in winter are more demanding

53. What does the word “swap”mean in paragraph 1?

A. offer

B. exchange

C. wait

D. reject

54. Which best describes our trip to the city Lulea?

A. We did not see any other people except the guides

B. The guides were nervous because of the low temperature

C. We had everything prepared so that we could have a good journey

D. The guides gave us the equipment in order to transfer quickly


BRANDON Carter-Chan has the world at his feet.

The Dannemora resident danced his way to victory in a number of individual performance groups at the Tauranga Festival of Performing Arts last month. It’s one of the major tap-dancing awards in New Zealand and offers $1000 in prize money to the winner.

“I entered because the competition offers a lot of prize money, but also because it attracts a lot of really good dancers from around the country,”Brandon told the Times.

“I really like competing.

"If I’m entering a tap-dancing contest, I want to beat good dancers so I can learn and get better.”

Brandon, 16, trains under tutor Simon Watts at the Carter-Chan Dance Performance Centre in East Tamaki, run by his mother Brigid.

Mrs Carter-Chan says her talented son wasn’t as prepared for the contest in Tauranga as they would have liked.

“It was a real struggle in a way,”she says.

“Brandon had worked so hard on his school studies all year and was also quite sick.

“One of the dances he was doing, a tango, he had to make up the week of the competition.

“It was a different style to what he’s used to and that put pressure on him for the senior tap award.

“He was totally out of his comfort zone.”

Brandon is having a highly successful 2014. Brandon has only been competing in tap-dancing for two years and is also a highly skilled singer. He earned the people’s choice award, voted on by the viewing audience, at the Xtreme Talent Quest stage performance competition for teenagers in Howick in 2012.

The rising star regularly performs in public as a singer and dancer, including as a cast member of the annual Coca-Cola Christmas in the Park entertainment showcase.

55.What is Tauranga Festival of Performing Arts probably?

A. A competition held for tap-dancing lovers or dancers.

B. A contest where dancers can get a lot of prize money as long as they join in.

C.The dance centre owned by Brandon’s mom.

D. A dancing game which only good dancers can sign up for.

56. Which is probably Brandon’s Mom’s job?

A. A manager

B. A designer

C. A judge

D. A school teacher.

57.Which does not describe Brandon having the world under his feet?

A.He was the winner at the Tauranga Festival of Performing Arts.

B.He earned the people’s choice award.

C.He performs the annual Coca-Cola Christmas in the Park entertainment showcase.

D.He regularly performs in public as a singer and dancer.


The Earth’s moon used to have a stronger magnetic field(磁场). During samples collected from the Apollo task, researchers claimed that the moon featured a magnetic field as strong as 70 microteslas(单位:微特斯拉). That’s compar ed to 50 microteslas here on Earth. At present, the moon does not have a global magnetic field.

Benjamin Weiss, the co-author of the new study, says, “Earth’s magnetic field is currently 50 microteslas in strength. The early moon may have had a magnetic field that was bigger, maybe up to more than 70 microteslas.”

Weiss and Sonia Tikoo, who had their study published in Journal Sciences, suggest that the magnetic field of the moon can be the result of the molten liquid core that our satellite had taken for research. They believe that planets and other bodies move electrically conducting fluids around themselves, thus producing magnetic fields through a process which they compared to a dynamo(发电机). They note that earlier scientists did not understand whether the moon produced the magnetic field itself or if it was due to the outside forces.

The group of researchers spent the last six years using new and advanced search methods in order to find strong signals that the moon might have had a magnetic core of its own. They believe that if the moon had a similar inner dynamo, it would allow them to better understand its inside structure and solve a problem scientists have grappled with for years.

After several conducting studies, they could not say why the moon actually stopped producing the magnetic field. Researchers are also still confused at how such a small core on the moon could have created the original strong magnetic field it is originally believed to have produced.

58. The word " grappled" (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to______.

A. exchanged

B. dealt

C. connected

D. started

59. We can infer from the conclusion of Weiss and Tikoo’s research that______.

A. the magnetic fields of the moon can produce its electricity owing to the outside forces.

B. only planets move electrically conducting fluids around themselves.

C. the result of the molten liquid core leads to the magnetic field of the moon

D. the moon might have had a magnetic core of its own.

60. Which is true about the magnetic field of the moon?

A. The moon did not have a global magnetic field in the past.

B. The magnetic field of the moon is as strong as that on the earth.

C. The satellite took it for finding strong signals.

D. The moon could have created the original strong magnetic field due to its core.

61. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The secret of the magnetic field of the moon

B. The result of the magnetic field of the moon

C. The moon can produce the magnetic field

D. The process of the magnetic field of the moon

Section C (6%)

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

There are about 29,000 deaths annually in the UK from air pollution. PM2.5, carbon and other chemicals are linked to heart and lung diseases as well as cancer. Some particle matter lies in the lungs, while the finest particles can enter the bloodstream, risking damage elsewhere in the body.

There are nearly as many deaths now caused by air pollution as there are from smoking, so the main thing is we stop a new generation of children being exposed. It is said government has taken measures to make green air. Such as: Monitoring all over the country and predicting what result it will bring on time; A national plan for dealing with heavily polluting vehicles; Changes to fuel duty to encourage low nitrogen dioxide(二氧化氮) vehicles as well as low carbon dioxide(二氧化碳); Financial encouragement for other choices of fuels; Encourage walking and cycling, etc.

Our dirty air will simply not clean itself, and this issue is one that will, without the

government's involvement, continue to impact on present and future generations. Enough is enough. The government must act on these pieces of advice quickly if we are to improve the quality of the air we breathe and protect the nation's heart health."

A government spokesperson said there would be a full response to the report in the future, but added: "Clean air is important for people's health and, while air quality has improved greatly in recent decades, we are investing heavily in measures across government to continue this, spending £2 bn since 2011 in green transport."

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

62. What harmful matters are connected to heart and lung diseases?

63. Give two examples of the measures of making green air according to the passage.

64. _________ is the key to improve air quality and impact on our current and future generations.


IV. Translation(15%)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. Translation:





69.许多漫画不仅让人们娱乐,而且也提供了精神食粮。(…not only…)

V. Guided Writing(10%)

Directions: Write an English composition in 70-90 words according to the instructions given below in English.

70.你校将进行校“十佳学生(Top Ten Students)”评选活动,号召全体同学做推荐工作。假如你是李明,有推荐你班同学王华为候选人的意向,现请你写一封推荐信,简要介绍其典型事迹及推荐理由。




Dear to whom it may concern,

I would like to nominate one person, who is in my opinion, the most excellent student in my class – Wang Hua.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could give Wang Hua a favorable consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming


1—5BDAAD 6—10ADCBC 11---13 CAD

14. concerned15. tasks16. near17. Talk

18.can 19. what 20. when 21. to get 22. was released 23. have been locked 24.the 25.simpler26. it 27. who 28. which 29. because 30. where

31. improving 32. By

33.G. unemployment 34. D problem 35.I. leave 36. H. idea 37. B. especially 38. E. finding 39. C. abroad 40. A. decided 41. F. struggling

41—45 ADBCA 46—50DCBAC

52—54 CBB 55—57AAD 58--61BCDA

62.PM2.5,carbon and other chemicals

63.Financial encouragement and encouraging walking and cycling.

64. Government’s involvement

65.Young people enjoy/like following trends.

66.Famous people/Celebrities have a great(er) influence on/influence students’ life.

67.Both teachers and students have three weeks off school for the Spring Festival.

68.You can have a lot of fun chatting in English with foreigners.

You can/will find it a lot fun chatting…

69.Many cartoons not only amuse people but also provide them with food for thought.

70.Writing: (omitted)


Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four

possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.M: How is your husband?W: Allen was sick last week, but now he feels better.

Question: What do we learn about Allen?

2. W: What do you do for a living?

M: I work for a travel agency, taking tourists to a place and showing them around.

Question: What does the man probably do?

3. W: Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?

M: Sorry, I don’t think we have.

Question: What do we learn from the conversation?

4. W: I bought some shirts in the new department store. How about having a look at them?

M: Some shirts? It seems you have bought all shirts in the store.

Question: What does the man mean?

5. W: Do you enjoy your life in Manchester?

M: Yes, I do. I’m leaving for Chicago or Boston. Anyway, I’ve never regretted my earlier decision.

Question: Where does the man live now?

6. W: What do you consider your weakness?

M: I’m not good at speaking in public. I feel uncomfortable when I speak in public. Question: What’s the character of the man?

7. W:No mail for me today? They must have forgotten about me. I hope everything is all right at


M: No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days.

Question: What do we learn from the conversation?

8. W: Let's play tennis outdoors today.

M: Sounds good. But we’ve played tennis three times this week, I am tired.

Question: What does the man mean?

9. W: Kim says he’s going to stay up all night studying for the exam tomorrow morning.

M: Wouldn’t he be better off getting a good night’s sleep so he’ll feel fresh in the morning. Question: What does the man imply?

10. M: How about this house? Three bedrooms, a large kitchen, high ceilings and a big

drawing room.

W: Not bad. But it takes one hour to get to the station.

Question: What’s the woman’s attitude towards the house?

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear one short passage, and you will be asked three questions on the passage. The passage will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Whether you love it or hate it, work is a major part of most people’s lives in the world. Americans are no exception. Americans might complain about “blue Monday”when they have to go back to work after the weekend, but most of them put a lot of importance on their job, not only about money but also about socialidentity. In fact, when Americans are introduced to a new person, they almost always ask each other, “What do you do?”They are really asking, “What is your job or profession?”Today, however, we won’t look at work in terms of what work means socially or psychologically. We’re going to take a look at work in the United States today in three different ways. First, we’ll take a historical look at work in America. Uh, we’ll do that by looking at how things changed for the American worker from the year 1900 to the year of the latest 2010. That is, from the beginning of the twentieth century to recent times. Then we’ll look at how U.S. workers are doing today. And after that, we’ll take a look at some possible reasons for the current economic situation. And finally, we’ll look at what people say about what the government should

manufacture in factories.

(Now listen to it again, please.)

11. What does the “blue Monday”mean?

12. Why do Americans put a lot of importance on their jobs?

13. What’s the first point discussed in this passage?

Section C

Directions: In section C, you will hear a longer conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 14 to 17 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

W: John, you look pale. What happened?

M: I stayed up last night.

W: Did you have something on your mind? You look so concerned! Maybe I can help you!

M: Well, I'm under a lot of pressure. My manager assigned me two tasks. Now the deadlines are near but I have finished neither of them.

W: Is there anything I can do for you?

M: Well, I guess no one can help me but myself. For the moment, I just need someone to talk to so that I can relieve my stress.

W: I know your feeling. Take it easy and say something to me if you like.

M: Oh, you are so kind. Thank you!

W: Not at all!

(Now listen to it again, please.)


上海南汇中学2019学年第一学期10月考试 高一数学 一、填空题(每小题3分,共12题,共36分) 1.设集合{}1,2,3A =-,集合{}23,B a =,若B A ?,则a =__________. 【答案】 【分析】 由题意得出22a =,由此可解出实数a 的值. 【详解】20a ≥Q ,且{}1,2,3A =-,{}23,B a =,B A ?,22a ∴= ,解得a = 故答案为:【点睛】本题考查利用集合的包含关系求参数,在处理有限集的问题时,还应注意集合的元素应满足互异性,考查计算能力,属于中等题. 2.用描述法表示所有被4除余1 的整数组成的集合:_________. 【答案】{} 41,x x n n Z =+∈ 【分析】 利用描述法和整除性质即可得出. 【详解】由题意知,所有被4除余1的整数组成的集合为{}41,x x n n Z =+∈. 故答案:{} 41,x x n n Z =+∈. 【点睛】本题考查描述法、数的整除性质,考查推理能力,属于基础题. 3.设集合(){},13A x y y x = =-,(){},5B x y y x ==+,则A B =I __________. 【答案】 (){}1,4- 【分析】 解方程组135 y x y x =-??=+?,求出公共解,即可得出集合A B I .

【详解】解方程组135y x y x =-??=+?,得14x y =-??=? ,因此,(){}1,4A B =-I . 故答案为:(){}1,4-. 【点睛】本题考查集合交集的计算,同时也考查了二元一次方程组的求解,在表示集合时要注意集合元素的类型,考查计算能力,属于基础题. 4.不等式1123 x <-的解集是_________. 【答案】()3, 2,2? ?-∞?+∞ ??? 【分析】 将原不等式变形为24023 x x ->-,解出该不等式即可. 【详解】由1123x <-,移项得11023x ->-,即24023x x ->-,解得32 x <或2x >. 因此,不等式1123x <-的解集是()3,2,2??-∞?+∞ ?? ?. 故答案为:()3,2,2? ?-∞?+∞ ?? ?. 【点睛】本题考查分式不等式的求解,考查运算求解能力,属于基础题. 5.已知关于x 的不等式220ax x c ++>的解集为11(,)32 -,则不等式220cx x a -+->的解集为__________. 【答案】(2,3)- 分析:不等式2 20ax x c ++>的解集为11,32??- ???,则方程220ax x c ++=的根为11,32-,利用韦达定理求参数c a 、,再解不等式220cx x a -+->即可。 详解:不等式220ax x c ++>的解集为11, 32??- ???,则方程220ax x c ++=的根为11,32-,由韦达定理可知:2111a 12326a -=-+=?=-,111c 2326 c a =-?=-?=,所以不等式


上海市行知中学2014-2015学年高二上学期期中考试历史试题word版 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共90分。每题只有一个正确答案) 1.美国历史学家写道:“想象一下,哥伦比亚麦德林可卡因垄断集团成功发动一起对类国的军事袭击,迫使其允许可卡因合法化,还须支付巨额战争赔款——这幅场景当然荒谬绝伦,但类似的事件在19世纪的中国确曾发生过。”“类似的事件”是指 A.八国联军侵华战争B.甲午战争C.中法战争D.鸦片战争 2.1870年前后,湖南、江西、江苏、湖北、直隶等地教案频发。民间传言,“或称教堂拐骗人口,或称教堂挖眼剖心,或称教堂诱污妇女”。此类传言盛行的主要原因在于 A.清政府允许传教士在华传教B.民众与外国势力的矛盾加剧 C.普通民众受教育程度较低D.太平天国运动的影响 3.一个英国人在乾隆二十五年(1760年)到中国,这一年他可能经历的事情是 A.看到机户和机工因工资纠纷到衙门打官司 B.邀请中国朋友去他乘坐的船上参观蒸汽机 C.北京的朋友邀请他看京剧演出 D.收到国内信说英王解散了议会 4.“如果基督教国家参与镇压这场运动将是很悲哀的,因为起义者们抱着一种争取进步的激情和作全面改革的意向,……目前显得较可取的惟一政策,……避免与内战双方发生任何政府层面的瓜葛。”这则材料反映出 A.太平天国运动初期英国采取中立政策B.义和团运动兴起后英国避免介入 C.北伐战争时期英国奉行中立政策D.辛亥革命时期英国采用外交孤立政策 5.近代一位有识之士曾说:“一国所得,诸国安然而享之;一国所求,诸国群起而助之。是不啻驱西洋诸国,使之协以谋我。”上述言论针对的是这反映出 A.领事裁判权B.片面最惠国待遇C.居住及租地权D.“门户开放”政策 6.现代化是晚清历史发展的一个趋向,最能体现这一趋向的是 A.洋务运动——戊戌变法——清末新政 B.洋务运动——戊戌变法——辛亥革命 C.鸦片战争——中法战争——甲午战争 D.太平天国运动——义和团运动——辛亥革命 与以上行政机构变化直接相关的历史事件,对应准确的一组是 A.洋务运动——百日维新——新政——预备立宪 B.洋务运动——甲午战争——辛丑条约——新政 C.第二次鸦片战争——甲午战争——新政——预备立宪 D.第二次鸦片战争一维新变法~辛丑条约~新政 8.清朝第一位驻外使节郭嵩焘在给李鸿章的信中说到:“轮船之为便利,天下所共知也。愚劣如湘人,亦习焉而知其利。是以十年以前,阻难在士绅;十年以,阻难专在官。凡三次呈请……独不准百姓置造”。这种现象开始改观是在 A.19世纪40年代B.19世纪60年代C.19世纪末D.20世纪初 9.同治年间(1861—1875年),清朝统治出现相对稳定的局面,国力有所增长,士大夫阶层


上海市行知中学2020-2021学年高三下学期3月月考数学试 题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、填空题 1.若复数z 满足2136z i -=+(i 为虚数单位),则z =____________. 2.函数()()1,1x f x a b a b =+><-不经过第_________象限. 3.已知“x k >”是“ 3 1x <”的充分不必要条件,则实数k 的取值范围是_________. 4.在报名的2名男教师和4名女教师中,选取3人参加义务献血,要求男、女教师都有,则不同的选取方式的种数为________(结果用数值表示). 5.设函数()()cos 06f x x πωω?? =- > ?? ? ,若()4f x f π?? ≤ ??? 对任意的实数x 都成立,则ω的最小值为__________. 6.如果已知极限1lim sin 1n n n →∞??= ???,那么极限21 5sin lim 21 n n n n →∞--=________. 7.已知P 为曲线sin cos 12sin 2x y θθθ=+??=-? (θ是参数,02θπ≤<)上一点,则点P 到点 ()0,1Q 距离的最小值是_______. 8.已知函数()()2 11f x ax b x b =+++-,若对任意的b R ∈,函数()()F x f x x =-总有两个不同的零点,则实数a 的取值范围是___________. 9.若正三棱锥的正视图与俯视图如图所示,则它的侧视图的面积为__________. 10.若实数x 、y 满足约束条件4y x x y y k ≤?? +≤??≥? ,且2z x y =+的最小值是9-,则实数k = ______. 11.在平面直角坐标系中,已知A (1,0),B (0,?1),P 是曲线 上一个动


上海南汇中学 2011—2012学年度高三第一次考试 英语试题 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷两部分,满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(105分) I.Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversations, a question will be asked about what was said.The conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A.In a drugstore.B.In a warehouse. C.In a department store.D.In a fashion designer's studio, 2.A.She's spending time going over her accounts. B.She's going home for only a few days. C.She's excited about going home. D.She's counting the number of vacation days. 3. A.150.B.135.C.100.D.15.4.A.When he was sixteen.B.When he was thirty-nine.C.When he was thirteen.D.When he was thirty. 5.A.He can't go to the lab this week. B.He thinks the woman is being unfair. C.He agrees that the workload is too heavy. D.He feels the assignment is reasonable. 6.A.The woman asks the man to help her manage her money. B.The woman helps the man leam to manage his money. C.The woman pays for the seminar. D.The woman will go to the seminar with the man. 7.A.It is not his affair. B.He is too busy to answer her. C.It has been two weeks since he met Charles last time. D.He doesn't know Charles well. 8.A.Lawyer and client.B.Secretary and patient.C.Shop assistant and customer.D.Waiter and customer.

2019-2020学年 上海市行知中学高一上英语10月月考英语试卷

上海市行知中学2019学年第一学期 高一年级第一次月考英语试卷 I. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Mistakes that work The best way to learn something is to make mistakes first. Thomas Edison, (1) __________ invented the light bulb, told his colleagues: “Of the 200 light bulbs that didn’t work, every failure told me something was able to incorporate (融入) into the next attempt.” Benjamin Franklin, the US statesman and scientist once said: “I haven’t failed. I have had 10,000 ideas that didn’t work.” (2) __________ of these people understood that failures and false starts are the condition of success. In fact, (3) __________ surprising number of everyday objects had their beginnings in a mistake or a misunderstanding. Post-it notes, packets of crisps and even bread are all unexpected inventions. In 2600 BC, a tired Egyptian slave invented (4) __________ is now called bread when the dough (面团) rose during his sleep. And crisps were first cooked by a cook in the USA when a customer suggested his fried potatoes be (5) __________ (thin) than they were. In 1968 Spencer Silver was trying to develop a strong glue when he accidentally invented a very weak glue instead. His colleague, Art Fry decided to use it six years later, in1974, to have his bookmarks (6) __________ (hold) in his books and the post-it note was invented. Successful businesspeople have often made big, expensive mistakes in their past. When an employee of IBM made a mistake that cost the company $600,000, Thomas Watson, the chairman, (7) __________ (ask) if he would fire the man. “No,” he replied. “I have just spent $600,000 (8) __________ (train) him. I won’t let another company (9) __________ (benefit) from the experience. The important thing to remember is that you need to learn from your mistakes. (10) __________ you don’t, then there is no point making them. 1 / 11


上海南汇中学2015学年高三10月月考卷 II. Reading Section A (16分) Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct. (A) People in all parts of the world are observing “No Tobacco Day”. It is the day 25 the World Health Organization appeals to people to stop using tobacco products. The WHO hopes 26 people stop smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco for one day, they will stop permanently. The day includes special observances and awards ceremonies in 166 countries. The target group for this year’s “NO Tobacco Day” is women. Organizers want to make sure women know the dangers of smoking. Health experts have warned for years that smoking 27 lead to heart disease, cancer and other problem. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least 2,500,000 persons each year. Still, many people find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is nicotine, a substance found in cigarettes. Nicotine is a drug. The effects of it are similar to the effects of cocaine and heroin. “No Tobacco Day” is aimed at smokers and those 28 earn money from tobacco sales. So businesses are asked to stop selling tobacco products for twenty-four hours. Newspapers are required not 29 (publish )_advertisement for cigarettes. Two important developments 30 ( observe) in recent years. In industrial countries, the number of smokers has been falling about one percent a year. But in developing countries, the number of smokers has been rising two percent a year. This is the result of increased efforts by tobacco companies 31(sell) their products in developing countries. The World Health Organization has approved plans _to help reach its goal of a “smoke-free” world. 32 governments ought to offer tobacco farmers the chance to earn money by growing other crops. Another involves improved public information campaigns about the dangers of smoking. (B ) In cinema's earliest days, the film industry was based in the nation's theatrical center, New York, and most films were made in New York or New Jersey, 33 a few were shot in Chicago, Florida, and elsewhere. Beginning in 1908, however, a growing number of filmmakers located


2019-2020学年上海市行知中学高一下学期期末数学试题 一、单选题 1.将表的分针拨慢10分钟,则分针转过的角的弧度数是( ) A . 3 π B . 6 π C .3 π- D .6 π- 【答案】A 【解析】将表的分针拨慢10分钟,则分针逆时针转过60°,即分针转过的角 的弧度数是 3 π. 本题选择A 选项. 2.关于函数()(0)a f x x a x =- >,有下列四个命题,其中正确的是( ) A .()f x 的值域是(,0)(0,)-∞+∞ B .()f x 是奇函数 C .()f x 在(,0)(0,)-∞+∞上单调递增 D .方程|()f x a =∣ 总有两个不同的解 【答案】B 【解析】A 中通过令()0f x =可求得x 的值,可知值域包括0,可判断A ; B 中根据奇函数的定义可判断B ; C 中通过反例可确定()f x 在()(),00,-∞?+∞上不满足单调递增的定义,可判断C ; D 中将方程变为a x a x - =±,通过验证两个一元二次方程各有两个不等实根,并且0x =不是其中任何一个的根,即可确定方程共有四个不同解,可判断D. 【详解】 对于A 选项:令0a x x - =,解得:x =()f x 值域含有元素0,则A 错误; 对于B 选项:由解析式可知()f x 定义域为{} 0x x ≠,又 ()()a a f x x x f x x x -=-- =-+=-- ()f x ∴是奇函数,则B 正确; 对于C 选项:当()x ∈时,()0f x >;当(x ∈时,()0f x <,可知()f x 在()(),00,-∞?+∞上不满足单调递增的定义,则C 错误; ④由()f x a =得: ()f x a =±,即a x a x - =±,整理可得:20x ax a ±-= 240a a ∴?=+>,20x ax a ∴+-=与20x ax a --=各有两个不等实根,


2018-2019学年上海市浦东新区南汇中学高一上英语期中试卷解析 II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%) Section A (10%) Directions: After reading the passage below. fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.. For many people, having your own business sounds like the perfect job. You can do work that you love and set your own schedule. Every morning, you (21)________(greet) with cries of welcome from your employees At night, you don’t have to be forced to work overtime. You never have to listen to a boss, and you can even raise your salary any time you want. Nevertheless the reality is different "(22)________ (run) your own business can be lonely." says David Pail.l who started a website design business at home years ago. His income in the first two months was $0.Finally, he got a big project creating a website for a magazine. Then he had a new problem: his schedule. "I was working twelves hours a day, seven days a week (23)________I didn't have employees to help me.”today, Paid Web Design is successful but David says,”I wasn't really prepared at the beginning I didn't understand the challenges I(24)________(face)then." Some of the challenges are practical With no boss, (25)________ is easy to take too much time off-and get too little work done. With no co-worker ,you might feel (26)________ (bore). You have to pay for your own benefits, such as vacations and insurance. (27)________ you make a bad business decision,you will lose all the money that you invested. For all of these reasons. more than half of all new businesses fail within one year. Another problem is balancing work with personal life. As a business owner, you can't just stop at 5p.m. and forget about your work until tomorrow. David recalls,” Even when I was watching TV in the evening. I was thinking about my clients and my projects, I did try to stay away from my business after work, but my worry was impossible (28)________(hide)." Still, hundreds of people around the world start businesses every day, and most enjoy the adventure.Denise Williams, the owner of a women’s clothing store, began by making and selling T-shirts in her apartment and she (29)________ (open) seven new branches since then. "There are lots of advantages to having your own business," says Denise, "You can decide exactly (30)________ to operate it and who will be by your side to work for you. When you are your own boss, there are no limits." 【答案】21.are greeted 22.Running 23because/as/since 24.was facing/faced 25.it 26.bored 27.If


陶行知简介 陶行知是我国近代教育史上伟大的人民教育家,教育思想家和教育改革、实践家,是伟大的民主主义战士,共产主义战士,伟大的 爱国主义者。他的一生竭尽全力,奉献教育,他用自己长期的教育 实践经验创立了具有中国特色的生活教育理论为主要内容的教育学 说。陶行知的一生是为我国人民教育事业和革命事业做出不朽贡献 的光辉一生,陶行知的崇高师德和奉献精神,堪称“万世师表”, 永远是人民教师学习的楷模。 1、少年时代的陶行知(1891——1917) 陶行知原名文浚,1891年10月18日出生于安徽省黄山市的歙县黄潭源村。家境清贫,其父给幼小的儿子取名文浚,意思是希望他长大后有所作为。 1896年,陶文浚刚满六岁,由场村蒙童馆先生文秀才免费收为弟子,由于聪明好学,曾在三刻钟内熟读和背诵《左传》43行,在学习上显露惊人的聪明。 1906年,陶文浚,因崇一学堂英籍校长唐俊贤喜其聪明勤劳准予免费吸收他为崇一学堂第十七个学生。年轻的陶文浚从小热爱祖国,座位上及寝室墙壁上均写上了“我是中国人,我要为中国出力。” 1908年,因学习成绩优异,他提前一年毕业于崇一学堂。于当年考上了杭州广济医学堂学医。 1909年,受崇一学堂唐俊贤校长的资助,他考上了南京金陵大学预科汇文书院成美馆学习(成美馆即今日南京金陵中学的前身)。 1910年,他转入金陵大学文学系,在校期间,学习成绩优异,出类拔萃,并组织爱国演讲,举办爱国捐献,热心宣传民族民主革命思想。 1911年,武昌爆发辛亥革命前夕,正值暑假,陶文浚回县参加辛亥革命地文起义。1914年,陶文浚以优异的成绩毕业于南京金陵大学。毕业论文《共和精义》发表在《金陵光》学报上,其中提出了教育兴国的主张。当年,陶文浚受人资助,考上了美国伊利诺大学,攻读市政。1915年获该校政治硕士学位。 1915年秋,陶文浚转到哥伦比亚大学师范学院教育系学习,受杜威教授、孟禄教授等的指导,这给回国的陶行知为祖国教育的改革和发展,尤其是大众教育的普及起了积极的推动作用。 1917年夏,陶文浚在哥伦比亚大学获该校都市学务总监资格文凭。他谢绝了美国孟禄教授让他申报博士学位的好意,怀着“要使全中国人民教接受教育”的宏愿,回到了苦难的祖国,踏上献身人民教育事业的征途。 2、提倡教育改造时期(1917——1926) 1917年,陶行知留学回国后,应聘到南京高等师范学校任教育学专任教员,主张课堂教学与社会实践相结合。 1917年,由黄炎培先生倡导的“中华职业教育社”在上海成立。刚从美国归来的陶行知,被吸收为中华职业教育社的“特别会员”,提出生利、利群的职业教育宗旨。 1918年,他担任南京高等师范学校代理教务处主任。当年五月,南京高等师范学校教育专修科成立,他担任该科主任。 1919年,“五四”运动兴起,陶行知积极参加“五四”爱国运动,提出教育改革的主张。先后发表了《教学合一》、《第一流的教育家》等文章。提倡“教学相长”,主张教与学结合,好的先生不是教书,不是教学生,而是教学生学。 1920年,他促成南京高等师范学校首次招女生,并与北京大学相约,开放女禁,招收女生。 1921年,南京高等师范学校改为东南大学,陶行知兼任教育科主任。同年12月,中华教育改进社宣布成立,他担任主任干事要职,提出教育革新运动必须具备开辟和试验精神。


2019年上海市行知中学高一第一学期月考 数学试题 2019.10 一、单选题 1.若集合P 不是集合Q 的子集,则下列结论正确的是( ) A.Q P ? B.P Q =?I C.P Q ?≠? D.P Q P ≠I 【答案】D 【解析】根据互为逆否命题的两个命题等价,得到答案. 【详解】 原命题:“若P Q P =I ,则集合P 是集合Q 的子集”,真命题; 逆否命题:“若集合P 不是集合Q 的子集,则P Q P ≠I ”, 根据互为逆否命题的两个命题等价,原命题真,那么逆否命题也是真命题, 故选:D 【点睛】 本题考查根据互为逆否命题的两个命题是等价的,判断命题的真假,意在考查对命题内容的理解,和掌握情况,属于基础题型. 2.集合P 具有性质“若x P ∈,则 1 P x ∈”,就称集合P 是伙伴关系的集合,集合111,0,,,1,2,3,432A ?? =-???? 的所有非空子集中具有伙伴关系的集合的个数为( ) A.3 B.7 C.15 D.31 【答案】C 【解析】首先分析集合A 中的哪些元素能是伙伴关系的集合里的元素,然后利用集合的子集个数公式求解. 【详解】 根据条件可知满足伙伴关系的集合里面有1 11,1,,3,,232-中的某些元素, 1 3和3,12 和2都

以整体出现, 1 3和3看成一个元素,12 和2也看成一个元素, ∴共有4个元素, Q 集合是非空集合, ∴有42115-=个. 故选:C 【点睛】 本题主要考查集合关系的判断,利用条件确定伙伴关系的元素是解决本题的关键,意在考查分析问题和解决问题的能力. 3.已知,,a b c ∈R ,则下列四个命题正确的个数是( ) ①若22ac bc >,则a b >;②若22a b ->-,则()()2 2 22a b ->-; ③若0a b c >>>,则a a c b b c +>+;④若0a >,0b >,4a b +>,4ab >,则2a >,2b >. A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 【答案】C 【解析】利用不等式的性质,逐一分析选项,得到正确结论. 【详解】 ①当22ac bc >时,20c >,两边同时除以2c ,得到a b >,正确; ②220a b ->-≥,那么2 2 22a b ->-,即()()2 2 22a b ->-,正确; ③ ()()()()() a b c b a c c a b a a c b b c b b c b b c +-+-+-==++- ,0a b c >>>Q 0,0a b b c ∴->-> a a c b b c +∴>+,正确; ④令1 10,2 a b == 同样能满足4,4a b ab +>> ,2,2a b ∴>>不正确. 共有3个正确. 故选:C. 【点睛】 本题考查不等式比较大小,一般不等式比较大小的方法:1.做差法,2.利用不等式的性质,


2018-2019学年上海市浦东新区南汇中学高二上英语期末试卷解析 II. Grammar and Vocabulary 20% Section A 10% Directions:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word:for the other https://www.360docs.net/doc/5316487538.html,e one word that best fits each blank. Receiving gifts is certainly something everyone enjoys. But do you know that many people enjoy giving gits even more than (18)________ (receive )them? You may have heard people say from time to time, "It's better to give than to receive(19)________. this be true? Unwrapping the gift you (20)________ (want) for months and months is so exciting.How could anything get better than that? Maybe you already know what we're talking about.Have you ever worked really hard on (21)________priceless work of art for a loved one? When you were finished with it. you were probably very excited to give to them. Waiting until their birthday or a special occasion can sometimes seem like t orture (折磨) when you just can't wait (22)________ (give) someone a special homemade gift right from your heart Do you remember the very feeling of expectation (23)________you get as they're opening their present? (24)________________________you've ever felt like that, then you know it's true: it rally is better to give than to receive There's just a simple joy from giving freely of your time and talents to loved ones. This old saying has ancient roots in many religions. The Bible. the Torah, and the Quran all encourage helping others. Today, scientists are also looking for biological evidence (25) ________. it's better to give than to receive For example, some scientists believe that giving to or helping others helps to relieve stress in the body and is (26)________(beneficial) to your heath. From your own personal experience, you probably know how good it feels to do a good deed for (27)________ Helping others allows you to capture that great feeling by putting others first. You might capture that feeling by volunteering your services for a worthy cause. 【答案】18.receiving 19.Could/Can 20.have been wanting 21.a 22.to give 23.that 24.As/So long as 25.that/why 26.more beautiful 27.someone/others 【解析】 18.考察非谓语动词。词组enjoy doing sth more than doing sth,喜欢做某事更胜于做某事,故填receiving。 19.考察情态动词。句意:这句话会是正确的吗?情态动词can/could表示“能;会”,故填Could/Can。 20.考察现在完成进行时。句意:打开你好几个月都一直想要的礼物是非常兴奋的。句中want动作从过


=========专项训练·词汇========= (A) A German entrepreneur named Lasse Rheingans has become a subject of attention since The Wall Street Journal recently reported on a novel idea he has put in place at his 16-person technology start-up: a five-hour workday. They arrive at 8 a.m. and leave at 1 p.m., at which __1__ they’re not expected to work until the next morning. This __2__ between time in the office and time spent working is critical. In our current age of email and smartphones, work has pervaded (渗透) more and more of our waking hours, making the idea of a(n) __3__ workday seem quaint (古怪的). We’re driven to these extremes by some __4__ sense that all of this crazy communicating will make us more productive. Mr. Rheingans is betting that we have this wrong. His experiment is based on the idea that once you remove time-wasting distractions and constrain (约束) __5__ conversation about your work, five hours should be sufficient to accomplish most of the core activities. To __6__ this new approach, he has employees leave their phones in their bags at the office and blocks access to social media on the company network. Strict rules reduce time spent in meetings. Perhaps most important, his employees now check work email only twice each day. The Wall Street Journal described it as “radical (激进的).” However, many people are heartened to see Mr. Rheingans’s idea of short workday and, as was reported this week, Microsoft Japan’s __7__ with a four-day week during the summer. It’s not yet clear that these innovations are exactly the right way to run technology companies, or whether they can __8__ to other business contexts. But what is right in this case is the __9__ mind-set that led to these experiments in the first place. If like many digital knowledge workers, you’re exhausted by endless work and flooded inboxes, the good news is that better and more sustainable ways of producing valuable __10__ with your brain might be coming — if we can find enough visionaries willing to try out “radical” new ideas about how best to get things done.
