
A. Prediction Accuracy
The scatter plot in Fig shows the fitted score (as the χ-axis) and the user score (as the Υ-axis) for each rate pair and time interval test set
Accuracy of prediction
B. Comparison to PESQ
1) Fixed Rate
Prediction error: SILK versus PESQ for fixed-rate tracks
For the fixed-rate comparison, we included tracks in both
B. Variable-Rate Model
where the effect of change frequency is distributed to the logarithm term, and the effect of hr and lr is distributed to the two subroutines, SCALE() and SHIFT() .
THE EFFECTIVE end-to-end transport of delay-sensitive voice data has long been a subject of study in multimedia networking.

1 2
学术英语是国际学术界的通用语言,掌握学术英 语能够使学者更好地参与国际学术交流,分享研 究成果。
严谨、准确的学术语言有助于提高研究论文的质 量和说服力,使研究得到更广泛的认可。
学术英语能够帮助学者了解不同文化背景下的学 术观点和研究方法,促进跨文化交流与合作。
提前了解报告的主题和背 景,有助于更好地理解报 告内容。
在报告过程中,尽量保持 注意力集中,避免错过重 要信息。
对于重要的观点和数据, 及时做笔记以便后续回顾 。
积极参与讨论,对于不理解的问题及时提问,同 时对于别人的问题也要认真回答。
组织论文结构合理,逻辑清晰,使读者易于 理解。
分段论述,标明小标题,突出重点和层次感 。
利用图表、表格等形式辅助说明研究结果和 数据。
在进行学术研究时,查找和筛选合适的学术文献是至关重要的第一步。可以通过学术数据库、图书馆 、学术搜索引擎等途径查找相关文献。在筛选文献时,应关注文献的学术声誉、研究方法和结论的可 靠性。
在讨论中积极发表自己的观点,但要确保论据充 分、逻辑清晰。
在讨论中要尊重他人的观点,避免过于情绪化或 攻击性的言辞。
学术英语介绍 优质课件

To enrich themselves with knowledge of content matter such as treatment and prevention of diseases, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), emerging and reemerging diseases, etc.
To build up a stock of language for writing journal papers.
Textbook and Teaching Materials
《学术英语(医学)》.季佩英,孙庆祥等 .2012. 外 语 教 学 与 研 究 出 版 社.
to develop language proficiency and skills as needed for communication in academic contexts,
and to use English language in simulated or real situations where English language serves as the medium for communication.
Course Description
This course, therefore, is framed to provide the students with opportunities
to expose themselves to the subject matter related to medicine,
Enrich yourself with knowledge of medicinerelated issues;
学术英语(医学)_Unit 1ppt课件

• thinning of her bones on last DEXA scan
• stressful but good about keeping her appointments and getting her blood tests
• generally healthy
Unit 1 Doctors’ Life
• not making eye contact with Mrs. Osorio
• DEXA scan
• thinning of her bones / lower density
• stressful life
• keep her appointments
• blood tests
• generally healthy
• an average patient
• not excessively complica完te整d版课件
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Useful expressions
• in my practice / in a medical practice
• overweight
• diabetes
• hypertension
• cholesterol on the high side
• The doctor tried to or at least pretend to pay attention to the patients while completing documentation.
• Complaints that doctors don’t listen might have other

species, Alangium chinense for accompanying
speciess.This model could slowed the conflict between man and natults
Composition of vascular plant
The dominant species of the dicotyledoneae, next of the nocotyledoneae, and the pteridophyte at last.
Importance values of the plant
Fengshui forest
Fengshui forest to some extent belongs to secondary forest. This is to be retained by the forest in the Chinese people's worship of Fengshui culture,when the village was built.
The communities can be named: Castanopsis hystrix + Castanopsis sclerophylla - Canthium dicoccum + Castanopsis fabri - Oplismenus compositus + Adiantum flabellulatum .
a good reference for the afforestation
Analysis of data
Importance value Diversity index Population age structure

The types of monochromatic light
LED and its development history
The development of composite light LED
The rapid development of the white LED
The research of efficient blue LED
学生:庞彦红 王鑫 李帅 魏铎垒
The research of efficient blue LED
Part One
Part Two
The development of LED The fictions of LED
1,save energy 2,environment protection 3,small and power
1,beautiful and colorful 2,energy saving=money saving 3,high safety
1 The types of monochromatic light LED
The types of monochromatic light LED and its
development history
The early monochromatic light LED was made in 1960s.which only glow red.by the mid-70s,that can Green ,yelloew,and orange .in the early 80s, brigheness greatly enhanced

• Standard Written English • It’s / don’t / I’d like … • This guy … / I wanna … • Exam / lab • My friend Jack, he is …
• If you do not pay attention to environmental problems, you must suffer huge loss sooner or later.
• If we do not pay attention to environmental problems, we must suffer huge loss sooner or later.
• Take … for example • Just imagine … • Look no further than … • 如何体现严谨性 + 客观性 • One typical example is A, which … • A serves as a perfect instance … • A best illustrates the statementIf environmental problems are not given enough attention, huge loss is inevitable. • 中文弱主语 英文需主语 • 第三人称 (one) >第一第二人称 • 事物 (无灵主语) >人称 • 被动>主动 • Viewers’ Discretion Is Advised.

4. Speaking • Ask for information and clarification in a
polite and effective way • Learn to do interviews and report the
findings in an oral presentation
What is EAP?
English for Academic Purposes/EAP
内容:教材分为《学术英语》综合、 人文、理工、社科等。我们的课程 分为读学科主题文章、听专业相关 讲座、练学术口语、写学科专业论 文以及做学科相关研究等环节。
目标:训练对信息的获取、分析、整 合、利用能力;提高学生撰写学期论 文及学术论文的技能;帮助学生过度 到专业双语课程及全英课程学习;全 面培养学生的学业能力、思辨创新能 力和解决实际问题的学术研究能力。
Unit 1
Unit Contents
Unit objectives Text A Text B Text C Academic language and discourse Listening Speaking Writing
Unit 1
Unit Objectives
acquire some specialized vocabulary of economics • Understand the functions of parenthetical statements • Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions

In reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt
in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
mollit anim id est laborum. dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt.
Eiusmod Chart
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnanderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
学术英语 综合 Unit 1 PPT

Academic English — An Integrated Course
What is EAP?
English for Academic Purposes/EAP 内容:教材分为《学术英语》综合、 人文、理工、社科等。我们的课程 分为读学科主题文章、听专业相关 讲座、练学术口语、写学科专业论 文以及做学科相关研究等环节。
Unit 1
Unit Objectives
3. Listening • Make predictions about the content of a lecture 4. Speaking • Ask for information and clarification in a polite and effective way • Learn to do interviews and report the findings in an oral presentation
Unit 1
Text A Lead-in
How do you celebrate Spring Festival? Write down your activities in the table in the textbook and analyze whose skill and labor are required to make these activities possible.
Giving thanks for the 'invisible hand'
1. GRATITUDE TO THE ALMIGHTY is the theme of Thanksgiving, and has been ever since the Pilgrims of Plymouth brought in their first good harvest……Today, in millions of homes across the nation, God will be thanked for many gifts — for the feast on the table and the company of loved ones, for health and good fortune in the year gone by, for peace at home in a time of war, for the incalculable privilege of having been born — or having become — American.

30sGood afternoon, everyone. The title of the paper is Visible Microspectroscopy for Diagnosis of Gastric Precancer. Its author is Liu Yong from Department of Physics, Zhao qing University. It’s presented by Li Mengfan from CAS, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science. You can know more about cancer and the new method to diagnose gastric precancer after reading this paper.58sCancer is very common among human beings. It is mostly related to the habit of the patients, the job, the environment, the drinking water and the soil matters, too. If a person is affected by certain bacteria, he may also get gastric cancer. Bad habits like smoking, drinking, mental tension, eating improperly and living irregularly increase the possibility of having cancer. Before specific treatment, the doctor should make sure whether the patient has cancer and where the focus is. The method used to diagnose cancer and locate thecancerous area is very important.42sBefore we design a method to diagnose cancer, we should know more about cancer like where it starts and what it causes.Firstly, about 90% of the human’s cancer start from the epithelial layer of skin, internal organs and tubular organs in the body. Secondly ,cancer usually accompanied by the changes of organization structure in the cell level.So, the changes which appear in the structure of organization and chemical composition provides important evidence for diagnosis of precancer.42sNormal method to diagnose gastric precancer is Reflectance spectroscopy. It’s very prospective in early diagnosis of cancer and is commonly used these years.One of the most common technology is diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, it can acquire the approximate information of the target tissue. This method is low cost, fast and non-invasive, it provides important means for diagnosis of malignant damage of organization of human organs. However, there are also some disadvantages of this method which need to be improved.55sThis is the system of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, the light beam emitted from the tungsten halogen lamp is guided into the integral ball by the source fiber. The light come out of the integral ball irradiate the standard board, the reflected light of the standard board is treated as the background. Then take target tissue substitute for the standard board, and scan the reflected light of it. The reflected light spectra of the gastric tissue mucosal layer and the submucosa layer is guided into the spectrometer by the collector fiber. The spectrometer and the computer is connected by USB, spectrum can be processed using computer.36sFirst of all, only average visible spectrum of the target tissue can be acquired, it means that the docters cannot make out the location of the cancerous tissue precisely.What’s more, the device is easy to be affected by changes of optical path length induced by different set-up of prober and the variation of hemoglobin concentration due to the pressure between prober and tissue.50sTo avoid the problems of the commonly used techniques, diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, scientists do a lot of researches to find out a new way to diagnose precancer.The new method is Visible Microspectroscopy. The visible microspectroscopic measurement device is accomplished on the basis of fiber confocal microscope, its 3-d imaging principle devote to the optical tomography ability of the system.The visible microspectrum of cancerous and normal tissue can be analysed andcontrasted, so it’s more useful than the normal method.45sThis is the structure of the visible microspectroscopy device .The fiber coupler can separate the lighting beams from the signal beam. The two lens can focus the light on the tissue ,The 3-D electronic controlled platform move along the direction of optic axis, so that the device can acquire the visible microspectroscopy signal of the sample in different depth, precisely locate the boundary of the cancerous tissue.The signal measured from different position can be stored in the computer after analysed by the spectrometer.31sThis is the spectrum chart of the normal tissue and cancerous tissue, they are analyzed by the spectrometer before being transmitted to the computer. The upper chart is the visible spectrum of normal tissue, it is regular. Contrasting to this, in the nether chart, the spectrum of the cancerous area shows that the strength of reflected light grows as the wave length grows.49sIn comparison with the normal method, there are a lot of advantages of the new method.Firstly, the structure of visible microspectroscopy device is very simple. The main parts consist of source, fiber coupler, 3-D electronic controlled platform, spectrometer and the computer.Secondly, the 3-D space microspectrum can be acquired , which can help the doctors efficiently make out whether the gastric tissue is cancerous.What’s more, the optical tomography ability enabled the device to precisely locate the edge of the cancerous area.32si.In conclusion, the main goal of this research is to find a new way to diagnose thegastric precancer.ii.The spectrum of the normal and cancerous gastric tissues which can be measured by visible microspectroscopy in cell level is the central idea .iii.This new method can obtain the cell level information, and is not affected bychanges of optical path length and hemoglobin concentration.50si. The device is very simple, so it can have a small size, which can reduce the sufferings of patients.It can efficiently make out whether the tissue is canceration.ii. Besides, the 3-D space microspectrum and optical tomography ability can make the device accurately distinguish the cancerous tumor area from the normal tissue in cell level, thus the boundary of the cancerous tissue can be ascertained accurately.iii. The result of the research shows that this device may be used to non-invasively diagnosis of early gastric cancer.20sThis device is only researched in the lab, there are still a lot of works to do to make this device applied into practice. So, s pecial design of this device should be made which can be applied to the medical diagnosis.给大家推荐一个英语微信群Empty Your Cup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。
学术英语 Unit .ppt

Good and bad things about Mrs. Osorio’s conditions that run through the author’s mind.(Pre. 3)
Good Things Blood tests done Glucose a little better Her blood pressure good but not great
度的) “三高”? Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Hyperglycemia
Language Focuses
a typical office ___v_is_it___(典型的诊所就诊) DEXA __s_c_a_n__(DEXA扫描) medical __p_r_a_ct_ic_e____(行医)
Warm-up Video
Physician Burnout
Text A: Neuron Overload and the Juggling Physician
How do you interpret the title?
Neuron overload (神经过载) Juggling Physician (忙乱的医生)
如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯, 也会让我那内心脆弱的平衡乱作一团,就像井然有 序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场突然崩塌一样。
Do you agree that it is sheer neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to the complaint that doctors don’t listen? (Pre. 1)
Mrs. Osorio’s condition (Pre. 2)

1. 实验材料 2. 实验过程 3. 结果和讨论 4. 结论
Slide 7
Material & Methods
主要说明研究所用的材料、仪器、方法 及基本过程,为报告的科学性提供依据 ,便于他人重复。必须指出:不能被重 复验证的研究结果是不能为科学界所公 认的。
Slide 8
• Introducing yourself
I’m here today to… My purpose today is to… My goal for this presentation is to… The aim of this presentation is to… The reason why I’m here today is to…
Slide 11
• 概括结果,并予以解释和分析; • 分析、推理或说明意外的发现; • 与自己和他人的结果进行比较和分析,并提出个
人见解; • 引用他人的结果支持或论证自己的观点或结论; • 实事求是地指出缺点及其引起的可能原因; • 对存在的问题提出设想。
Slide 12
结论文字不多,简明扼要,层次清晰, 观点明确。结论应实事求是,过窄而浅, 有失报告的丰富性;过高而深,有失报告 的真实性。讨论的材料只能作为支持结论 的旁证,不能作为结论的直接根据。
Slide 13
为简报做结语有两个功用,一是正式结束一场报告 ,二是再度打动听众的情绪 。
• 运用关键字或标题作提示,不是解说(最基本、最 主要、最精炼)

written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit
(Compact Oxford English Dictionary)
as literature while dismissing others as non-literature? )
Unit 1 The Art of Literature
Supplementary information
What is literature?
Many college professors, upholding a traditional standard of literary quality, believe that students should read works whose artistic merit has been established over the years. However, some have begun to question the very notion of literary quality and the notion of what is literature.
Unit 1 The Art of Literature
• Lead-in
– Lead-in activities – Supplementary information
Unit 1 The Art of Literature
What is literature?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
class; Get dynamically involved in any classroom
Enlarge your vocabulary and language knowledge and improve your sense of the target language;
Course Description
This course, therefore, is framed to provide the students with opportunities
to expose themselves to the subject matter related to medicine,
to develop language proficiency and skills as needed for communication in academic contexts,
and to use English language in simulated or real situations where English language serves as the medium for communication.
Course Description
Rationales for this course
English for Academic Purpose entails a vast array of skills and a good knowledge of the subject matter.
To build up a stock of language for writing journal papers.
Textbook and Teaching Materials
《学术英语(医学)》.季佩英,孙庆祥等 .2012. 外 语 教 学 与 研 究 出 版 社.
A Course of Academic English for Medical Purpose
Course Description
Overall Objective
To help the students with their English proficiency in academic contexts where medicine is the subject matter
To enrich themselves with knowledge of content matter such as treatment and prevention of diseases, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), emerging and reemerging diseases, etc.
Course Description
Rationales for this course
Although inseparable, EAP differs from EGP in many respects and warrants special attention so that the learners use English language proficiently and properly in academic contexts.
Course Description
Rationales for this course
Shift from English for General Purpose (EGP) to English for Academic Purpose (EAP) and English for Specific Purpose is the trend of English teaching and learning at tertiary level in China.
Enrich yourself with knowledge of medicinerelated issues;
To be proficient when communicating in academic contexts
To be familiar with the components of a typical journal paper, and the characteristics of each component
Suppห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ementary video clips
Additional Materials
1. 登陆: 2. 填写用户名:yixueyingyu@ 3. 填写密码:woaiyixue 4. 登陆后点击 网盘>学术英语
Be autonomous in your English learning; Be engaged in out-of-class listening practice; Read the text critically and get ready for any
To expand by a large margin their vocabulary, especially those specialized terms in medical context
To be able to prepare and deliver presentation with/without the aid of PPT on the topics related to medicine