近日,在工作中您经常会看到一些英文缩写,您知道它们是什么意思吗?PSI: Process and Systems Innovation: 流程与系统创新
WGG: White Goods Group: 白电集团
DPG: Digital Products Group: 数码及个人产品集团
CSG: Consumer Solution Group: 客户解决方案集团
EPG: Equipment Product Group: 装备部品制造集团
BCG: Business Circulation Group: 商业流通集团(日日顺)
FSG: Finance Service Group: 金融集团
GO: Global Operation: 全球运营部
CM: Corp Marketing: 市场创新部
CST: Corporate Strategy and Technology: 战略技术部
HR: Human Resource: 人力资源部
FIN: Finance: 财务管理部
Legal: 法律事务部
BCP: Best Costing Program: 最优成本实践项目
CTCP: Customer to Cash Program: 业务运营模式实践项目
GTMP: Go To Market Program: 营销模式实践项目
ICP: Internal Control Program: 内控体系建设项目
ITP: IT Program: 持续信息化建设项目。
Overall Every Control and Clear海尔集团公司是以青岛海尔电冰箱股份有限公司为主体,联合青岛电冰柜总厂、空调器厂等企业组建而成。
海尔集团现有员工1.1万人,占地面积1万平方公里,建筑面积46万平方米, 属国家大型一级企业,也是国内家电行业出口产品种类最多的企业。
海尔的发展中重要的一条是确定了坚持走质量效益型发展道路,创立中国家电的国际名牌的发展战略,坚持正确的经营理念,持续不懈地推进管理方法——OEC管理法, 形成企业内部的良性运转机制。
一、OEC管理法OEC管理法也称日清日高管理法OEC是“Overall Every Control and Clear ”的英文缩写,其含义是全方位地对每人、每天所做的每件事进行控制和清理,做到“日清日毕、日清日高”。
即总帐不漏项,事事有人管,人人都管事,管理凭效果, 管人凭考核。
从出口策略上坚持先难后易,产品先后取得了美国的UL、加拿大的CSA、EEV、德国的VDE、GS、TUV、中东的SSA、日本的S —mark,澳大利亚的SAA等认证。
目标的实施,首先是将总目标运用方针目标管理的方法,分解为各部门的子目标, 再由子目标分解为每个员工的具体目标值,从而使全公司总目标落实到具体的责任人身上。
求变创新,是海尔始终不变的企业语言。 更高目标,是海尔以一贯之的企业追求。 第一个十年 第二个十年 第三个十年
海尔精神:无私奉献 追求卓越 海尔作风:迅速反应 马上行动 海尔精神:敬业报国 追求卓越 海尔作风:迅速反应 马上行动
海尔精神:创造资源 美誉全球 海尔作风:人单合一 速决速胜 全球化的海尔,需要全球化的海尔精神。 海尔的全球化,需要企业的全球化追求。
海尔组织结构特点: 因为当时计划经济仍占主要 地位,计划经济体制有巨大惯性,海尔只是专心 于冰箱一种产品的生产,所以在组织结构上只需 划分职能,采取垂直式集权领导。
当时社会现状:逐步向市场经济过渡,质量、服 务、价格等市场要素逐渐培育成形 国内企业:习惯于只抓产品产量,不在乎产品质 量,因此一碰上市场疲软就产生积压,只好靠降 价来度过难关。 海尔:在创业伊始就重视产品质量,创市场名牌 。而当其它企业开始抓质量时,海尔又把战略重 点转向培养服务意识和市场信誉上,成功走完了 名牌战略阶段
侧重抓关键的人、关键的环节、关键的项目,即20%, 以带动 80%。运用该法则于管理,即职务越高,责任越重。
创业23年以来,在“真诚到永远”的理念指导下,首席执行官张瑞敏带 领海尔集团在快速发展的同时,一贯积极投身社会公益事业,用真情回报社 会,以海的品格年复一年地为社会默默地奉献: 投资制作了212集的动画片《海尔兄弟》;1994年开始投资参加希望工程; 1998年投资建成海尔科技馆;2002年开始赞助“中国少年儿童海尔科技奖”、 “海尔之星—我是奥运小主人”等活动。2002年9月6日,世界性慈善组织国 际联合劝募协会向海尔集团首席执行官张瑞敏授予“全球杰出企业领袖奖” 和“最佳捐赠者奖”两项大奖。2004 年1月,中国青少年发展基金会授予海 尔集团国内企业唯一一块“希望工程特殊贡献奖”牌匾。2005年1月海尔集 团首席执行官张瑞敏当选“爱心中国”――首届中国最具影响力慈善人物。 2006年6月16日,在由中国公益事业联合会、中国爱心工程主办的“中国公 益事业十大功勋人物”评选活动中,海尔集团首席执行官张瑞敏荣获“中国 公益事业十大功勋人物”称号,海尔集团荣获“中国公益事业十大贡献集体” 称号,是惟一一个荣获个人和集体荣誉称号的单位。据不完全统计,至今海 尔集团用于社会教育事业、对口支援帮扶、扶贫救灾助残的捐款、捐物等共 计5亿多元。
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. by the U.S. retail legend Sam. Mr. Walton was established in 1962 in Arkansas.
After forty years of development, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc has become the largest private employer and the world's largest retailer.
As a good corporate citizen, Wal-Mart from entering China to actively carry out community service and charitable activities, more than eight years total to charitable, public interest groups donated more than 19.74 million yuan of goods. June 2004, Wal-Mart China won issued by the Guangming Daily Guangming CSR Awards (TNCs) in the Best Community Award.
H a ie r ra p id d e v e lo p m e n t is th e m a in d riv e r o f in n o v a tio n , H a ie r S p irit - "d e d ic a tio n a n d th e p u rs u it o f e x c e lle n c e " 8-w o rd is in n o v a tio n s p irit .
海尔公司简介 英文PPT课件
海尔公司简介 英文
1. 公司介绍 2. 项目简介 3. 产品运营 4. 发展规划 5. 资本融资
,翻个神将头伸进被窝。又是接连不断地鞭炮声,震耳欲聋。我坐起来,窗外五点多的天空是黑暗 的,但万家都已开灯,将世界都照亮了。我穿好衣服,跑到客厅,爸爸在厨房里下饺子。推开阳台 门,向远处眺望。一排排灯光像一个个小太阳,照亮了远方的景象。看春晚看到八点多,太阳已经 探出半个身子。大树上的新芽歪着头,像在对人们卖萌撒娇。小花坡上粉白色的纱衣,害羞地将脸 蒙住,发出清脆的笑声。微风穿过树,到过千家万户,收集每家的欢笑,所到之处留下幸福的味道。 阳光温暖,照耀着世间万物。此时我们一家五口在沙发上吃着饺子,不时谈论春晚。临去姥姥家时, 爸爸上了柱香。一点着,一缕白色的烟雾如丝带一般缠绕心间。上了路,看着老家一年一年
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North America
South America
实力加自信就是一个坚韧不可摧的团队。站在每一个人都想挑战自我的立场上,我们以实力为盾、 自信为矛、团结为勇气,组成了激情无畏的团体。我们会用实力证明,我们是最棒的,让我们勇敢地去做吧。
• 1984年1月1日,青岛市经委批准,正式成立青 岛电冰箱总厂。
现任海尔集团董事局主席兼首席执行官。 1984年,张瑞敏由青岛市原家电公司
副经理出任青岛电冰箱总厂厂长。他确立 了“名牌战略”,带领员工抓住机遇,加快发 展,使企业扭亏为盈,年均增速高达81 6%。
1999年,张瑞敏出任海尔集团董事局 主席,并于2000年5月. 就任首席执行官。在 5
At the same time, ZhangRuiMin himself the award-winning. In 1999, he was the financial times voted the world's most respected entrepreneurs; In 2002, he won the international joint fundraising association established by the "global outstanding enterprise leader award" and "best donors" award, is domestic only won the honor of entrepreneurs; In 2003, China central television host in the "touched China 2002 person of the year" award, he became the only won the honor of entrepreneurs. In 1984, haier's predecessor, the Qingdao refrigerator general factory is a collective small factory, deficit of 1.47 million yuan, the annual sales income 3.48 million yuan only. Keep a mess 600 worker, is already low morale. The year of the December 26,, at the age of 35 ZhangRuiMin from Qingdao home appliance industry corp vice manager position, take up office formally as the small factory director. Face a dilemma of eyes, ZhangRuiMin decisive decide: to save the enterprise, we should train quality consciousness, produce the perfect product. For this, he paid much attention to the production of any details, proposed "the defective product is waste.
第1篇Introduction:As a global leader in home appliances and smart living solutions, Haier has always been at the forefront of innovation and quality. To ensure that their team is composed of the best talents, Haier often conducts online interviews to assess candidates' skills, experience, and cultural fit. This guide provides a comprehensive list of potential online interview questions in English, along with detailed answer tips to help you prepare effectively for your Haier interview.Part 1: Common Interview Questions1. Tell me about yourself.- Answer Tip: Start with your educational background, professional experience, and then transition to your personal interests and values. Highlight any relevant skills or experiences that make you a good fitfor the position.- Example Answer: "I am a graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Major]. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have developed strong skills in [Relevant Skills], which I have applied in [Previous Experiences]. Outside of work, I am passionate about [Hobbies or Interests]."2. What are your greatest strengths?- Answer Tip: Choose strengths that are relevant to the job and support your claims with examples. Avoid overused strengths like "hardworking" or "team player."- Example Answer: "One of my greatest strengths is my ability to adapt quickly to new environments and learn new skills. For instance, in my previous role at [Company Name], I was tasked with implementing a new software system, and I successfully managed to learn and master itwithin a month."3. What are your greatest weaknesses?- Answer Tip: Choose a genuine weakness, but one that you areactively working to improve. Explain how you are addressing this weakness.- Example Answer: "I sometimes struggle with time management, especially when juggling multiple tasks. To improve, I have startedusing project management tools and setting specific deadlines for each task."4. Why did you quit your last job?- Answer Tip: Avoid negative comments about your previous employer. Focus on your reasons for leaving and how they align with your career goals.- Example Answer: "I left my last job to pursue a new opportunitythat aligned more closely with my career aspirations. I was excitedabout the chance to work in a dynamic industry and contribute to the growth of the company."5. Why do you want to work for Haier?- Answer Tip: Research the company's culture, values, and recent achievements. Explain how your skills and experiences make you a goodfit.- Example Answer: "Haier is a global leader in the home appliances industry, known for its innovative products and strong corporate culture.I am particularly impressed by your commitment to sustainability and smart living solutions. I believe my background in [Relevant Field] aligns well with the challenges and opportunities presented by this role."6. What do co-workers say about you?- Answer Tip: Ask a colleague or mentor for a reference or quote that highlights your work ethic and skills.- Example Answer: "My colleagues often say that I am a reliable team player who always goes the extra mile to ensure the success of our projects."7. Would you be willing to relocate if required?- Answer Tip: Be honest about your willingness to relocate, but also express your openness to new experiences.- Example Answer: "I am open to relocation if it is necessary for the role. I believe that change can be a positive opportunity for growth and development."8. What do you know about us?- Answer Tip: Research the company's history, mission, products, and recent news articles. Show your enthusiasm for the company and its values.- Example Answer: "I have been following Haier for several years and am particularly interested in your smart home appliances and commitment to innovation. I have read about your recent partnership with [Partner Company], which I believe is a testament to your forward-thinking approach."Part 2: Industry-Specific Questions1. For Sales and Marketing Positions:- What is your experience with sales and marketing strategies?- Can you give an example of a successful marketing campaign you have led?- How do you handle customer complaints and feedback?2. For Technical Positions:- Describe a technical project you have worked on and the challenges you faced.- What programming languages or tools are you proficient in?- How do you stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies?3. For HR and Recruitment Positions:- What are your experiences in talent acquisition and retention?- How do you ensure a positive candidate experience during the recruitment process?- Can you share an example of a successful hiring decision you made?Part 3: Tips for Online Interviews1. Technical Setup:- Ensure a stable internet connection and a quiet environment.- Test your camera, microphone, and speakers before the interview.- Dress professionally, as you would for an in-person interview.2. Body Language:- Maintain eye contact with the camera.- Sit up straight and maintain good posture.- Avoid fidgeting or slouching.3. Communication:- Listen carefully to the interviewer's questions.- Speak clearly and concisely.- Take a moment to think before answering a question.4. Follow-Up:- Send a thank-you email to the interviewer after the interview.- Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.By following these tips and preparing thoroughly for your Haier online interview, you will be well-equipped to showcase your skills, experience, and enthusiasm for the role. Good luck!Conclusion:Haier's online interview process is designed to assess your qualifications, cultural fit, and ability to contribute to their team.By understanding the common interview questions, preparing thoughtful answers, and following the tips provided in this guide, you will be well on your way to a successful interview with Haier.第2篇IntroductionAs a global leader in home appliances and smart living solutions, Haier offers a diverse and dynamic work environment. To ensure that candidates are well-prepared for the online interview process, we have compiled a comprehensive list of potential questions along with detailed answers. These questions cover various aspects, including personal background, professional experience, skills, and company culture. Let’s dive into the world of Haier and explore the questions that might be asked during your online interview.Section 1: Personal Background1. Tell me about yourself.Answer: “My name is [Your Name], and I am originally from [YourCity/Country]. I hold a [Your Degree] in [Your Major] from [Your University]. Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a strong interest in [Your Field of Interest]. My previous work experience includes [Your Relevant Experience], where I gained valuable skills in [List Key Skills].”2. What are your greatest strengths?Answer: “I believe my greatest stre ngths are [List Strengths, suchas teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and communication skills].These qualities have enabled me to excel in my previous roles and contribute positively to the teams I have been a part of.”3. What are your greatest weaknesses?Answer: “I acknowledge that I have room for improvement in [List Weakness, such as time management or public speaking]. However, I am committed to addressing this weakness by seeking feedback, practicing regularly, and taking relevant courses.”4. Why did you quit your last job?Answer: “I left my previous job for [Reason, such as a better career opportunity, a more challenging role, or to work for a company with a stronger corporate culture]. I am confident that Haier’s values and growth op portunities align with my career aspirations.”5. Why do you want to work here?Answer: “I am drawn to Haier because of its innovative approach to technology, commitment to sustainability, and global presence. The company’s reputation as a leader in the industry, coupled with the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects, makes Haier an ideal place for my career growth.”Section 2: Professional Experience6. What do co-workers say about you?Answer: “My co-workers have often commented on my [List Positive Qualities, such as teamwork, dedication, and reliability]. They appreciate my ability to work collaboratively and contribute to a positive work environment.”7. Would you be willing to relocate if required?Answer: “Yes, I am open to relocation if it is necessary for therole and aligns with my career goals. I am willing to adapt to new environments and embrace the challenges that come with them.”8. What do you know about us?Answer: “I have thoroughly researched Haier and am aware of its global presence, commitment to innovation, and focus on customer satisfaction. I am particularly impressed by Haier’s efforts in sustainability and its dedication to creating smart living solutions.”9. What kind of salary are you looking for?Answer: “I w ould like to discuss my salary expectations during the interview process, as I believe it is important to align compensation with my experience and the value I can bring to the team.”10. What were you earning at your last job?Answer: “I earned [Your Salary] at my last job. However, I am open to discussing a competitive salary package that reflects my experience and the responsibilities of this new role.”Section 3: Skills and Abilities11. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?Answer: “I have learned that making mistakes is a natural part of growth. From my previous experiences, I have learned the importance of being proactive in identifying potential issues, seeking feedback, and learning from my mistakes to improve my futu re performance.”12. Why should we hire you?Answer: “I believe I am the ideal candidate for this role because of my [List Relevant Skills and Experience]. I am a highly motivated individual who is eager to learn and contribute to the success of Haier. My dedication to excellence and commitment to the company’s values make me a valuable asset to your team.”13. What Is Your Dream Job?Answer: “My dream job would be a role that allows me to leverage my skills and experience to contribute to the success of a company like Haier. I am excited about the opportunity to work on innovative projects and be part of a team that values creativity and collaboration.”Section 4: Company Culture and Values14. How do you handle stress and pressure in the workplace?Answer: “I believe that stress and pressure are inevitable in any workplace. To handle them, I focus on maintaining a positive attitude, setting realistic goals, and prioritizing my tasks effectively. I also find that taking short breaks and engaging in physical activity helps me to stay focused and productive.”15. How do you contribute to a positive work environment?Answer: “I contribute to a positive work environment by being respectful and supportive of my colleagues, actively participating in team activities, and maintaining open communication. I believe that a positive work environment is essential for teamwor k and productivity.”16. What is your preferred work style?Answer: “I am a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve common goals. However, I also appreciate the opportunity to work independently on certain tasks. My preferred work style is a blend of both teamwork and individual responsibility.”17. How do you approach problem-solving?Answer: “I approach problem-solving by first understanding theissue and gathering relevant information. Then, I brainstorm potential solutions, evaluate their feasibility, and select the most effective approach. Throughout the process, I maintain open communication with my team members to ensure we are aligned and moving in the right direction.”ConclusionPreparing for an online interview with Haier requires a comprehensive understanding of the company, its values, and the role you are applying for. By addressing the questions outlined in this guide, you can present yourself as a well-prepared and enthusiastic candidate. Remember to showcase your skills, experience, and passion for the role, and goodluck with your interview!第3篇IntroductionWelcome to the海尔线上英文面试题目及解答指南。
Haier 海尔公司 英文
• April 14, 1992, Qingdao refrigerator factory through the ISO9001 certification, and to be the home appliance industry the first through the authentication of the factory. • November 16, 1992, haier group in Qingdao high-tech park 800 mu of land requisition, build China's largest production base of home appliance haier industrial park. • On November 19, 1993, Qingdao haier refrigerator Co., LTD shares on the Shanghai stock exchange listing.
In the course of development of haier group
• On January 1, 1984, Qingdao, Shanghai economic committee approved formally established Qingdao refrigerator factory. • In April, 1985, made by the factory director ZhangRuiMin host, there will be serious quality problem of 76 sets a brand electric water tank smashed up in public. • In June 1985, the production of our first Taiwan four-star refrigerators "jean island liebherr" brand BCD-212 type. • In 1988, "jean island-liebherr" brand BCD-212 type refrigerator won the Chinese history of refrigerator first medal in GuoYou gold medal.
Refrigerator Washing Machine
Wine Cabinet (酒柜)
Others Products
Strong emission gas water heater Hanging air conditioning Cupboard Freestanding refrigerator Freestanding washing machine Disinfection cabinet Cabinet air conditioner Embedded air-conditioning Freestanding dishwasher
Freestanding wine cooler Embedded dishwasher Display cabinet / ice bar Stand-alone dry cleaning machine Freezer Wall-type electric water heater Range hood Side of the suction hood Large electric water heater Gas stove High-end oven
Everyone is the talent, not race horses. (人人是人才,赛马不相马) The key of management ---- you must confirm his or her value, provided employees create value for clients.
Company’s brief introduction Reputation in the world Main products Development Strategy Culture Public service, welfare underategy
Content outline:pany profile2.the company introduced CEOpany industry4.the products of the company5.how to promote Haier products6.the modes of transport7.Haier washing machine Questionnairecompany profileHaier Group is a leading global set of home appliance solutions provider and virtual-real fusion distributors. The company was founded in Qingdao in 1984.Since the venture, Haier adhere to the user demand as the center of the innovation system to drive the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises, from an insolvent, was on the verge of collapde of the collective small plant development to become the world’s largest household appliance manufacturersOn 2011, Haier Group global turnover of 150900000000yuan,17countries in the world with more than 80000emplyees,Haier users around the world more than 100 countries and regions. In the domain of white goods. Haier Group holds a number of consumer life brand .Which, according to the statistics of Haier brand, has won for three consecutive years the world’s largest sales of household appliances brand(data source: Euromonitor International Euromonitor).In the era of Inter, Haier build open innovation system to support the brand market development, as of 2011,has declared 12318 patents, or 8350authorized patens; cumulative reported77international standard proposal, of which 27 have been published and implemented, is China’s paten applications and submit to international standards of the largest home appliance enterprises. In the gobal domain of white home appliance, Haier is growing as the industry leader and regulators.the company introduced CEO唐浩 Haier Group CEOZhang Ruimin, Shandong, Laizhou, a senior economist, University of Science and Techonlogy of China master of business administration, the Haier Group party secretary, the chairman of the board of directors, chief exeutive officer Zhang Ruimin is the founder of Haier Group, the sixteen CPC Central Committee, alternate member.On 1984,Zhang Ruimin from Qingdao City, former home appliance company manger as the Qingdao Refrigerator General factory. He established the “famous brand strategy”,and lead the staff to seize opportunity, accelerate development, created from weak to strong development of a miracle. In 26 years, Haier Group has grown from a deficit of 1470000yuan collective small plant, become the 2007 global turnover of 118000000000yuan of China home appliances brand, and in the world and gained high reputation. In 2008 March, Haier capped second times by “England Financial Time” named “China’s top ten world-class brand”.Haier mottoThe essence of management is not known, but action Forever, trembling with fear, always to be very careful attitudeA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single stepDo not discount the quality, the service dose not discount, credit.Capital is a boat, the brand is sail, business is the people, culture is the soulTo seek truth from facts, is to change the mindset problemDare to seek truth from facts, is the problem of improving the ideological realm11. Haier mottoThe essence of management is not known , but actionForever , trembling with fear, always to be very careful attitudeA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,the world famous brand in the Do not discount the quality , the service does not discount, credit .Capital is a boat , the brand is sail , business is the people, culture ids the soulTo seek truth from facts, is to change the mindset problemDare to seek truth from facts , is the problem of improving the ideological realmcompany industry1.Haier industryWhite electric productsDigital and personal products groupThe whole kitchenResidentialHome appliances2.White electric productsAs the world's largest white goods group ,Haier's goal is to provide global consumers to enjoy better living life and provide the perfect solution . In order to achieve the global commitment to consumers ,Haier white group relies on own refrigerator , air-conditioner ,washing machine ,water heater, kitchen electric products such as white goods, continuously for consumers around the world to create the new life experience and wonderful life style.3.Digital and personal products groupHaier digital and personal products goup Haier Group to implement the brand strategy of globalization is one of the pillar industries , Haier digital and personal products group line across the appliance ,computer and mobile phone and other fields, is currently the onlytelevision big screen, can cover al computer screen and small screen mobile phone manufacturers, By taking the family as the unit of the web end solutions to help users to achieve the Intelligent Cloud Televisions to help users to achieve the Intelligent Cloud Television Center for computer , mobile phone, home appliances, interconnection control , interactive, in order to bring the novel and unique personalized video entertainment intelligent home furnishing life solutions.realized the consumers for high quality living the dream.4.The whole kitchenQingdao Haier galley equipment limited company in 1996 October 1997,mainly engaged in the development ,production and sales of cabinets and integration of Haier househole appliances for the market to provide high-quality kitchen overall, investment 183000000 yuan to build a world-class, Asia's leading digital production base , in the domestic first proposed the ' one cabinet appliances, a service station satisfaction " sales philosophy, known as "the Chinese kitchen bathroom industry leader "5.ResidentialHaier estate adhering to the "creation of resources, reputation as a global "Haier spirit , though the "product innovation, create value ,to create a system " strategic approach, and strive to achieve "tamp foundation, integrated innovation , speed rise " development strategy. 2009 Haier estate continuous implementation of fast development, has become the strong cavalcade .Haier estate in 2011 "Chia top 100 real estate enterprise thirty-sixth ", the growth of TOP 10 second, for four condecutive years won the Chinese real estate enterprises, won the "2010 China estate Lu leader " first name , in Chinese real estate brand value second in North China area .6.Home appliancesThe scope of business environment, the kitchen, personal care in three areas , including the vacuum cleaner, induction cooker ,rice cookers , electric pressure cooker,microwave oven, soya-bean milk machine, water machine, hangingironing machine such as the 14 major categories of more than 200 products . Fully meet the diverse needs of customers , to provide users with the various forms of life quality solution , the rapid development of the Haier home appliances is committed to the growth of the industry the first brand of high -end home appliances !the products of the company7.Haier products海尔的形象术语——真诚到永远Product technology1.Break the traditional refrigerator two district pattern multi zone precise temperature control Food temperature preservation requirements vary.Haier refrigerator precision control area technology,can be different according to different storage temperature food positioned on each temperature area,according to need to be able to control temperature precisely,accurate fresh smell.2.Induction of Vc from fresh fresh freshA general refrigerator storage vegetable & fruit usually encounter water and nutrient loss,perishable.Haier refrigerator unique Vc induced preservation technology,sustained release induced by Vc preservation factor can neutralize the vegetable & fruit due to respiration releases ethylene gas,reduce the loss of the nutrient components of fresh vegetable & fruit,more durable.3.Air frost free technology to achieve the best preservation effectHaier high-end refrigerators using advanced fully air cooling technology,so that the refrigerator each corner can rapid and uniform cooling, without defrosting;air through the multiplexer controlled precision air duct system,seal water in skin,does not destroy nutrients,achieve the best preservation effect.4.The utility is convenient science and technologyA general refrigerator storage of frozen meat is often very hard,after thawing nutrition with blood flow lost.Haier refrigerator has a 007fresh frozen zone,fresh meat into, open-18c cryogenic frozen ,not the loss of nutrition juice.Food frozen after appearing,automatically transferred to-7c thermostatic preservation,without thawing readily cut. Protection measuresRefrigerator placedRefrigerator placed position is chosen should avoid direct sunlight,good ventilation,and the wall to keep at a distance,to facilitate the operation of refrigerators produced heat can circulateCheck the tightnessAlways check the refrigerator seal,if the deformation will affect the degree of closure,dovetail,caused by cold air leakage,thereby increasing the powerconsumption.If the distortion is serious,should be timely repair replacementIn addition to regular cream.The refrigerator is used for a period of time,will produce some frost,if not regularly defrosting,it will influence the refrigeration effect,and power consumption will also increase,even easy danage of compressor.Therefore,whenever see frost thickness more than 7cm,it should be for defrostingReduce the time of opening door.Whenever you open a door,there will be air conditioning heat exposed,invasion,so it must be running again refrigeration compressor.So as far as possible once took the diverse needs of ingredients,and must act quickly,a box door also do not pull too much angle,as far as possible to reduce the loss of cold air.23.Haier washing machineAccording to the latest consumer survey data shows;Haier washing machine current brand attention reached 4.7%,ranking first in all brand;in the one or two,three level of market and the lock channel in Dalian,Haier washing machine are top, a market share of nearly40%,all this comes from Haier washing machine to be consistent from beginning to end consumers attention24.Haier washing machine introductionThe world as the only one available at the same time scale production of Asian wave wheel,European roller,America stirring type and double power washing machine of professional production enterprises,Haier washing machine has twenty-six series, more than 6000 varieties,annual production capacity of 13000000 units,annual sales volume,sales are up,is the most steady development,the most competitive brand of washing machine,known as China's washing machine industry leader.In September 1,2005,bythe State Quality Inspection Administration and the Chinese famous brand strategy promotion committee jointly organized the first Chinese world famous brand product is announced,Haier washing machine successfully selected for China to create the first world famous brand of washing machine.25.The technology of washing machine:V6steam ironing technology ease fold reduction elasticWith the development of science and technology,drying technology development.Haier washing machine technology innovation,following the wind drying,hot air drying,drying steam three generation of V6 steam ironing technology,smooth folds,restore elasticity,completely solve the traditional drying method takes too much time,not all,drying clothes damage and other problems,intimate care of your life.26."Zero carbon core"static frequency low carbon lifeHaier washing machine combined with GE 's first"zero carbon core"frequency conversion technology,realize the drive and motor structure technical innovation,into the revolutionary zero carbon conversion era,by outer driving upgrades for the inner drive,efficient washing,energy efficiency and carbon reduction,bring natural quiet green low carbon life.Constant power technology360'uniform clean Haier united world home appliance giant fisherand common R & D uniform power washing machine,to subvert the traditional horizontal vortex type washing machine,innovation of tumbling washing mode,even deep fiber,water,winding prevention,low wear,initiated the new era of uniformly washing washing machine industry.The technology of washing machine:V6steam ironing technology ease fold reduction elasticWith the development of science and technology, drying technology develoment.Haierwashing machine technology innovation,following the wind drying,hot air dring,drying steam threegeneration technology of the new generation of V6 steam ironing technology,smooth folds,restore elasticity completely solve the traditional drying method takes too much time,not all,drying clothes damage and other problems,intmate care of your life.How to promote Haier products1.Haier Group brand value2.the development history of Haierrefrigerator3.EER value of Haier refrigerator4.Haier refrigerator configuration5.Haier refrigerator products after saleservice6.at the same time we must grasp the relatedknowledge of other brand refrigerator Modes of transportThe haier refrigerator belongs to largeobjects so we can use the railroad andhighway transportation.Raliway transportation1)Transport capacity2)Running speed3)Low transportation cost4)Transport often is good5)With low energy consumption6)Good generalityHighway transportaion1)Flexibility,strong adaptability2)Can realize the “door to door”directtransportation3)In the mid or short-distancetransport,delivery speedHaier washing machine questionnaire:1.Do you like what type of washing machine?A.)The impellerB.)DrumC.)Double cylinder washing machine2.Do you think the washing machine wear is the major cause of what?A.)Washing process clothing with the water,turning around,fricyion around thebarrel causes wearB.)During washing,clothes are piled up in the bottom of the washing machine,and the bottom of the barrel rotates about friction caused by wear and tearC.) Washing clothes piled together in a small space,leading to clothing and clothing wear.3.Do you think what kind of washing machine wear more?A.)The impellerB.)DrumC.) Double cylinder washing machine4.)Are you aware of the problem of uneven washing machineA.)YesB.)No5.You buy the washing machine is the most important?A.)Evenness and cleannessB.)The clothes wear degreeC.)Energy efficiency ratingD.)Washing efficiencyE.)PriceF.)Appearance6.If the recent organization of Haierwashing machine group purchase,do you havea plan?If you want ,the washing machine iswhat kind if?Hoping to get preferential?Please fill in the:(______________)Name(______)Sex(___)Female(___)Age(___)Occupation(____)E-mail(______)Telephone(_______)Income(__ ____)GOOD BYE HAIER I LOVE YOU!(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
总部目前位于加州硅谷Palo Alto市,2002年与康柏公司合并,是全球仅次于IBM的计算机及办公设备制造商。
弗莱森电讯(verizon)——弗莱森电讯公司是由贝尔大西洋公司(Bell Atlantic)与美国通用电话电气公司(GTE)于2000年5月合并而成(兼并金额600亿美元),是美国第一大地方电话公司和第二大电信服务商。
海尔智家(600690)2016-2020年二Hale Waihona Puke 度财务报表数据-原点参数目录
公司基本信息 资产负债表-BS(本币) 资产负债表-BS(人民币) 资产负债表-BS(美元) 利润表-IS(本币) 利润表-IS(人民币) 利润表-IS(美元) 现金流量表-CF(本币) 现金流量表-CF(人民币) 现金流量表-CF(美元) 报表货币换算汇率表
报表期间: 2016-2020
说明 — 原始财报,可登陆原点参数"全球上市企业数据库"查看。 — 文件格式为EXCEL,按表分开存放,详见附表。 — 所有科目为中文 — 所有货币换算为报告期当期汇率
— 本币为公司财报原始的货币
公司名称 公司英文名称 公司简称 股票代码 交易所 成立时间 上市时间 注册地址 员工数
海尔智家股份有限公司 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 海尔智家 600690 上海证券交易所 1994-03-31 1993-11-19 青岛市崂山区海尔工业园内 87447
海尔智家股份有限公司(原名:青岛海尔股份有限公司)是一 家主要从事家用电器的研发、生产和销售业务的中国公司。该 公司主要产品包括冰箱/冷柜、洗衣机、空调、热水器、厨电 、小家电和U-home智能家居产品等。该公司还为顾客提供智能 家电成套解决方案。该公司还从事提供渠道综合服务业务,包 括物流以及家电与其他产品的分销业务。该公司的产品销往中 国国内市场与海外市场。
海尔企业行业环境分析 海尔企业行业环境分析
4.企业文化优势 企业文化优势
海尔人学习了美国、日本企业推崇的创新精神与团 队精神,在中国优秀的传统文化基础上将二者有机地 结合起来,形成了极其丰富的海尔文化。对于企业运 行过程中出现的各种问题、错误,海尔人习惯于通过 各种形式的大讨论,从主宰人们行为的思想、观念上 彻底解决,杜绝同样的问题、错误再次发生。海尔文 化卡上面列有:“敬业报国、追求卓越”的海尔精神 ;“迅速反应、马上行动”的海尔作风;“东方亮了 、西方再亮”的资本运营观;“先难后易”开拓国际 市场的理念;“用户永远是对的”服务观;“优秀的 产品是优秀的人才干出来的”质量观;市场观念为“ 只有淡季的思想,没有淡季的市场”、市场唯一不变 的法则
海尔集团 海尔集团
企业文化、 企业文化、及简介 企业归属 企业发展方向 企业外部环境分析 企业利润分配
海尔企业介绍 海尔企业介绍
• •
海尔集团总部在中国青岛。是中国第一大白色家电制造商。 企业在中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会联合发布的2006年度中 国企业500强中名列第二十五、2007年度名列二十八。 海尔将U-Home(智能家居)集成作为重点,掌控专利标准的话 语权,进一步发展全球营销网络创造更多的用户资源。同时,以 “三位一体”的本土化模式整合全球研发、制造、营销资源,创 造全球化品牌。 海尔集团创立于1984年,创业27年来,坚持创业和创新精神创世 界名牌,已经从一家濒临倒闭的集体小厂发展成为全球拥有8万 多名员工、2011年营业额1509亿元的全球化集团公司。海尔已 连续三年蝉联全球白色家电第一品牌,并被美国《新闻周刊》 (Newsweek)网站评为全球十大创新公司。
海尔 U Home
关于海尔U-home'的神秘内幕Post By:2010-6-28 9:54:00 [只看该作者]这两天在论坛里边闲逛,发现很多行内的朋友对海尔U-home还不了解,感觉很神秘。
第一部分 U-home的概念U-home中的“ U ”取自拉丁语“Ubiquitous”一词,意思是“普遍存在,无所不在”。
海尔U-home是海尔集团在物联网时代推出的美好住居生活解决方案,它采用有线与无线网络相结合的方式,把所有设备通过信息传感设备与网络连接,从而实现了“ 家庭小网”、“ 社区中网”、“ 世界大网”的物物互联,并通过物联网实现了3C产品、智能家居系统、安防系统等的智能化识别、管理以及数字媒体信息的共享。
海尔U-home用户在世界的任何角落、任何时间,均可通过打电话、发短信、上网等方式与家中的电器设备互动,畅享“ 安全、便利、舒适、愉悦”的高品质生活。
1、我们的任务就是以最佳品质,最优服务,最低价格 为您带来最高价值。
2、先进的生产设备,独特的开发力量和完美的售 后服务使我们的产品在国内、外市场深受欢迎
Branch: Products:
Brands: Employees: President: Chairman & CEO :
1. 遵循信息忠实的原则 在进行公司介绍的翻译时,或直译或意译都应做到信息忠实。例如:
(1)国营南江友谊商业公司成立于1985年,是南江控股(集团)有限责 任公司下属子公司,专门从事对外劳务输出。
译文:Established in 1985, Southriver Friendship Business Corporation is a state-owned company subordinate to Southriver Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. specialized in exporting labor.
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I. 试把下列词语译成汉语。
(1) corporation (2) stockholder (3) capital (4) the board of the directors (5) location (6) rank (7) enterprise (8) stated-owned (9) individual-owned (10) collective-owned
1837 Cincinnati, Ohio, the United States more than 80 countries Beauty Care, Fabric and Home Care and Family Health Care, etc. about 300 about 140,000 A. G. Lafley A. G. Lafley
Content outline:pany profile2.the company introduced CEOpany industry4.the products of the company5.how to promote Haier products6.the modes of transport7.Haier washing machine Questionnairecompany profileHaier Group is a leading global set of home appliance solutions provider and virtual-real fusion distributors. The company was founded in Qingdao in 1984.Since the venture, Haier adhere to the user demand as the center of the innovation system to drive the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises, from an insolvent, was on the verge of collapde of the collective small plant development to become the world’s largest household appliance manufacturersOn 2011, Haier Group global turnover of 150900000000yuan,17countries in the world with more than 80000emplyees,Haier users around the world more than 100 countries and regions. In the domain of white goods. Haier Group holds a number of consumer life brand .Which, according to the statistics of Haier brand, has won for three consecutive years the world’s largest sales of household appliances brand(data source: Euromonitor International Euromonitor).In the era of Inter, Haier build open innovation system to support the brand market development, as of 2011,has declared 12318 patents, or 8350authorized patens; cumulative reported77international standard proposal, of which 27 have been published and implemented, is China’s paten applications and submit to international standards of the largest home appliance enterprises. In the gobal domain of white home appliance, Haier is growing as the industry leader and regulators.the company introduced CEO唐浩Haier Group CEOZhang Ruimin, Shandong, Laizhou, a senior economist, University of Science and Techonlogy of China master of business administration, the Haier Group party secretary, the chairman of the board of directors, chief exeutive officer Zhang Ruimin is the founder of Haier Group, the sixteen CPC Central Committee, alternate member.On 1984,Zhang Ruimin from Qingdao City, former home appliance company manger as the Qingdao Refrigerator General factory. He established the “famous brand strategy”,and lead the staff to seize opportunity, accelerate development, created from weak to strong development of a miracle. In 26 years, Haier Group has grown from a deficit of 1470000yuan collective small plant, become the 2007 global turnover of 118000000000yuan of China home appliances brand, and in the world and gained high reputation. In 2008 March, Haier capped second times by “England Financial Time”named “China’s top ten world-class brand”.Haier mottoThe essence of management is not known, but action Forever, trembling with fear, always to be very careful attitudeA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step Do not discount the quality, the service dose not discount, credit.Capital is a boat, the brand is sail, business is the people, culture is the soulTo seek truth from facts, is to change the mindset problemDare to seek truth from facts, is the problem of improving the ideological realm11. Haier mottoThe essence of management is not known , but action Forever , trembling with fear, always to be very careful attitudeA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,the world famous brand in the Do not discount the quality , the service does not discount, credit .Capital is a boat , the brand is sail , business is the people, culture ids the soulTo seek truth from facts, is to change the mindset problemDare to seek truth from facts , is the problem of improving the ideological realmcompany industry1.Haier industryWhite electric productsDigital and personal products groupThe whole kitchenResidentialHome appliances2.White electric productsAs the world's largest white goods group ,Haier's goal is to provide global consumers to enjoy better living life and provide the perfect solution . In order to achieve the global commitment to consumers ,Haier white group relies on own refrigerator , air-conditioner ,washing machine ,water heater, kitchen electric products such as white goods, continuously for consumers around the world to create the new life experience and wonderful life style.3.Digital and personal products groupHaier digital and personal products goup Haier Group to implement the brand strategy of globalization is one of the pillar industries , Haier digital and personal products group line across the appliance ,computer and mobile phone and other fields, is currently the only television big screen, can cover al computer screen and small screen mobile phone manufacturers, By taking the family as the unit of the web end solutions to help users to achieve the Intelligent Cloud Televisions to help users toachieve the Intelligent Cloud Television Center for computer , mobile phone, home appliances, interconnection control , interactive, in order to bring the novel and unique personalized video entertainment intelligent home furnishing life solutions.realized the consumers for high quality living the dream.4.The whole kitchenQingdao Haier galley equipment limited company in 1996 October 1997,mainly engaged in the development ,production and sales of cabinets and integration of Haier househole appliances for the market to provide high-quality kitchen overall, investment 183000000 yuan to build a world-class, Asia's leading digital production base , in the domestic first proposed the ' one cabinet appliances, a service station satisfaction " sales philosophy, known as "the Chinese kitchen bathroom industry leader "5.ResidentialHaier estate adhering to the "creation of resources, reputation as a global "Haier spirit , though the "product innovation, create value ,to create a system " strategic approach, and strive to achieve "tamp foundation,integrated innovation , speed rise " development strategy. 2009 Haier estate continuous implementation of fast development, has become the strong cavalcade .Haier estate in 2011 "Chia top 100 real estate enterprise thirty-sixth ", the growth of TOP 10 second, for four condecutive years won the Chinese real estate enterprises, won the "2010 China estate Lu leader " first name , in Chinese real estate brand value second in North China area .6.Home appliancesThe scope of business environment, the kitchen, personal care in three areas , including the vacuum cleaner, induction cooker ,rice cookers , electric pressure cooker,microwave oven, soya-bean milk machine, water machine, hanging ironing machine such as the 14 major categories of more than 200 products . Fully meet the diverse needs of customers , to provide users with the various forms of life quality solution , the rapid development of the Haier home appliances is committed to the growth of the industry the first brand of high -end home appliances !the products of the company7.Haier products海尔的形象术语——真诚到永远Product technology1.Break the traditional refrigerator two district pattern multi zone precise temperature controlFood temperature preservation requirements vary.Haier refrigerator precision control area technology,can be different according to different storage temperature food positioned on each temperature area,according to need to be able to control temperature precisely,accurate fresh smell.2.Induction of Vc from fresh fresh freshA general refrigerator storage vegetable & fruit usually encounter water and nutrient loss,perishable.Haier refrigerator unique Vc induced preservation technology,sustained release induced by Vc preservation factor can neutralize the vegetable & fruit due torespiration releases ethylene gas,reduce the loss of the nutrient components of fresh vegetable & fruit,more durable.3.Air frost free technology to achieve the best preservation effectHaier high-end refrigerators using advanced fully air cooling technology,so that the refrigerator each corner can rapid and uniform cooling, without defrosting;air through the multiplexer controlled precision air duct system,seal water in skin,does not destroy nutrients,achieve the best preservation effect.4.The utility is convenient science and technologyA general refrigerator storage of frozen meat is often very hard,after thawing nutrition with blood flow lost.Haier refrigerator has a 007fresh frozen zone,fresh meat into, open-18c cryogenic frozen ,not the loss of nutrition juice.Food frozen after appearing,automatically transferred to-7c thermostatic preservation,without thawing readily cut.Protection measuresRefrigerator placedRefrigerator placed position is chosen should avoiddirect sunlight,good ventilation,and the wall to keep at a distance,to facilitate the operation of refrigerators produced heat can circulateCheck the tightnessAlways check the refrigerator seal,if the deformation will affect the degree of closure,dovetail,caused by cold air leakage,thereby increasing the power consumption.If the distortion is serious,should be timely repair replacement In addition to regular cream.The refrigerator is used for a period of time,will produce some frost,if not regularly defrosting,it will influence the refrigeration effect,and power consumption will also increase,even easy danage of compressor.Therefore,whenever see frost thickness more than 7cm,it should be for defrostingReduce the time of opening door.Whenever you open a door,there will be air conditioning heat exposed,invasion,so it must be running again refrigeration compressor.So as far as possible once took the diverse needs of ingredients,and must act quickly,a box door also do not pull too much angle,as far as possible to reduce the loss of cold air.23.Haier washing machineAccording to the latest consumer survey data shows;Haier washing machine current brand attention reached 4.7%,ranking first in all brand;in the one or two,three level of market and the lock channel in Dalian,Haier washing machine are top, a market share of nearly40%,all this comes from Haier washing machine to be consistent from beginning to end consumers attention24.Haier washing machine introductionThe world as the only one available at the same time scale production of Asian wave wheel,European roller,America stirring type and double power washing machine of professional production enterprises,Haier washing machine has twenty-six series, more than 6000 varieties,annual production capacity of 13000000 units,annual sales volume,sales are up,is the most steady development,the most competitive brand of washing machine,known as China's washing machine industry leader.In September 1,2005,by the State Quality Inspection Administration and the Chinese famous brand strategy promotion committee jointly organized the firstChinese world famous brand product is announced,Haier washing machine successfully selected for China to create the first world famous brand of washing machine.25.The technology of washing machine:V6steam ironing technology ease fold reduction elastic With the development of science and technology,drying technology development.Haier washing machine technology innovation,following the wind drying,hot air drying,drying steam three generation of V6 steam ironing technology,smooth folds,restore elasticity,completely solve the traditional drying method takes too much time,not all,drying clothes damage and other problems,intimate care of your life.26."Zero carbon core"static frequency low carbon life Haier washing machine combined with GE 's first"zero carbon core"frequency conversion technology,realize the drive and motor structure technical innovation,into the revolutionary zero carbon conversion era,by outer driving upgrades for the inner drive,efficient washing,energy efficiency and carbon reduction,bring natural quiet green low carbon life.Constant power technology360'uniform cleanHaier united world home appliance giant fisherand common R & D uniform power washing machine,to subvert the traditional horizontal vortex type washing machine,innovation of tumbling washing mode,even deep fiber,water,winding prevention,low wear,initiated the new era of uniformly washing washing machine industry.The technology of washing machine:V6steam ironing technology ease fold reduction elastic With the development of science and technology, drying technology develoment.Haier washing machine technology innovation,following the wind drying,hot air dring,drying steam three generation technology of the new generation of V6 steam ironing technology,smooth folds,restore elasticity completely solve the traditional drying method takes too much time,not all,drying clothes damage and other problems,intmate care of your life.How to promote Haier products1.Haier Group brand value2.the development history of Haier refrigerator3.EER value of Haier refrigerator4.Haier refrigerator configuration5.Haier refrigerator products after sale service6.at the same time we must grasp the related knowledge of other brand refrigeratorModes of transportThe haier refrigerator belongs to large objects so we can use the railroad and highway transportation.Raliway transportation1)Transport capacity2)Running speed3)Low transportation cost4)Transport often is good5)With low energy consumption6)Good generalityHighway transportaion1)Flexibility,strong adaptability2)Can realize the “door to door”directtransportation3)In the mid or short-distance transport,deliveryspeedHaier washing machine questionnaire:1.Do you like what type of washing machine?A.)The impellerB.)DrumC.)Double cylinder washing machine2.Do you think the washing machine wear is the major cause of what?A.)Washing process clothing with the water,turning around,fricyion around the barrel causes wearB.)During washing,clothes are piled up in the bottom of the washing machine,and the bottom of the barrel rotates about friction caused by wear and tearC.) Washing clothes piled together in a small space,leading to clothing and clothing wear. 3.Do you think what kind of washing machine wear more?A.)The impellerB.)DrumC.) Double cylinder washing machine4.)Are you aware of the problem of uneven washing machineA.)YesB.)No5.You buy the washing machine is the most important?A.)Evenness and cleannessB.)The clothes wear degreeC.)Energy efficiency ratingD.)Washing efficiencyE.)PriceF.)Appearance6.If the recent organization of Haier washing machine group purchase,do you have a plan?If you want ,the washing machine is what kind if?Hoping to get preferential?Please fill in the:(______________)Name(______)Sex(___)Female(___)Age(___) Occupation(____)E-mail(______)Telephone(_______)Income(__ ____)GOOD BYE HAIER I LOVE YOU!21。
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II. 公司将介绍的翻译技巧(2) (2)自1979年成立迄今,成霖以其优质的产品、良好的售后服务、实惠 的价格以及最高的环保标准,迅速成为北美地区水龙头及厨浴配件市场最主要 的外国供应商。 译文:Founded in 1979, Globe Union has grown to become North America’s largest important supplier of quality faucets and plumbing accessories. The company has earned this position by consistently manufacturing high-quality products, providing excellent service and cost-effective pricing while maintaining our commitment to the highest operational and environmental standards. 此句更多采用意译的方法,将一句话的原文翻译拆分成两个句子,与原文 信息对等。
Sec 8
Ⅱ. 阅读下列公司介绍并完成练习。(4)
Sec 1
1. 本公司介绍传递的信息是:
Sec 3
A. C.
公司的性质 ____________
B. D.
公司的名称 _______________ 公司的经营范围 ________________
Sec 4
海尔公司英文简介(一)Haier was incorporated in 1984, entrepreneurship in 26 years, insist on entrepreneurship and innovation spirit, create world famous brand from a shaky business has become a global collective small factory owns more than 70,000 employees, 20xx turnover 1357 billion yuan of globalization group company."Haier" has become the first brand for global white goods, and was Newsweek (Newsweek website named as the world top ten innovative company.Haier to create the age of the Internet world famous brand.The Internet age world famous brand is characteristic of can quickly meet the user's individualized demand, the enterprise needs to mass customization rather than mass manufacturing.Haier seize Internet opportunities to solve this challenge, and actively explore practice "win-win" mode, single unity through "DaoSanJiao" organizational innovation and "end-to-end" independent operation body construction, realizes from "sell products" to "sell service" transition,create business of alienation, sustainable competitive advantage.Leading the trend of development advantage - haier accumulative patent application 1 million multinomial, home appliance enterprise in China top, and take the lead to achieve the international standard of zero breakthrough.Haier accumulative total has joined fifty-one international standard drafting, 27 a standard has promulgated.Haier through standard output, driving the whole industry chain exports.Zero distance under virtual net fusions, haier in the domestic market has strong marketing network advantage, and with the Internet sufficiently fusion, with "zero distance under virtual network convergence" makes the first time meet user first demand competitiveness."Virtual network" refers to the Internet, through the Internet community formation user viscosity,"Real nets" refers to the marketing network, logistics network, network, the first time service customer satisfaction.So many world famous brand in China they will sale of all or part of the entrusted to haier,Haier also through their abroad channel sales haier products, formed resources swap, quicken the pace of haier march world market.Zero inventory of "will be namely for" -- change traditional enterprise to product-centered model of development, the implementation of user-centerednamely need namely for mass customization, realized the "zero inventory" and "zero receivable".In liquidity zero loans, on the basis of haier CCC (cash turnover days) to negative 10 days.In future development, haier tightly.spread living things networking the demand of The Times, will U - Home (intelligent household) integration as the key, the discourse power, control patent standard further development worldwide marketing network to create more user resources.Meanwhile, the "trinity" localized pattern integrated global r&d, manufacturing, marketing resources, create globalization brand.Haier in development and at the same time actively to social responsibility, rebuilding the 129 hope schools made 212 sets the animated film hb children science and education ".Haier is the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games, the only global white goods sponsors.海尔公司英文简介(二)Haier is the world's fourth largest white goods manufacturer and is the official home appliances sponsor of the Beijing 20xx Olympic Games.As of 20xx, the Haier Group has established a total of 64 trading companies (19 located overseas), 29 manufacturing plants (24 overseas), 8 design centers (5 overseas) and 16 industrial parks (4 overseas).Consistent with Haier's position as a global brand, the company employs over 50,000 people around the world. In addition, Haier boasts a 58,800-strong sales network which last year accounted for a global turnover of 118 billion RMB (16.2 billion USD). Guided by the branding strategy of CEO Zhang Ruimin, Haier has advanced through the 'brand building,' 'diversification,' and 'internationalization' stages, and since 20xx has embarked on the fourth stage: "Global Branding." Haier has enjoyed a growing international reputation over the past 24 years. 19 of the companies products, including refrigerators, air conditioners,washing machines, televisions, water heaters, personal computers, mobile phones, and kitchen appliances have been rated as "Top Brands" in China, and China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has named Haier refrigerators and washing machines as among China's "Top Global Brands." In 20xx, for the fourth consecutive year, Haier was ranked first in terms of overall leadership among mainland Chinese companies in the Wall Street Journal Asia's annual survey of Asia's 200 Most Admired Companies. In March 20xx, the Financial Times once again added Haier to its list of Top 10 Chinese Global Brand Names withsurvey respondents ranking Haier number one in terms of product quality, trust, innovation, management, and branding. In May 20xx, Haier ranked 13th on Forbes' Reputation Institute Global 200 list.As of June 20xx, the company has been awarded 8333 patents, with 1996 for Haier design team inventions. In 20xx alone Haier obtained 875 patents; 502 were invention patents.Haier has participated in theinstitution and modification of nine international standards, as well as 152 national and 425 industry standards, with three international standards set to launch in the near future. Of all the Chinese household appliance companies, Haier by far leads the way in the creation of international, national, and industry standards. Haier management models such as "OEC," "market chain," and "Integration of Individuals and Goals" have been case studies at Harvard Business School, the University of Southern California; IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland; INSEAD in France, and Kobe University. Haier's "market chain" management model has been included in the European Union's case study library.海尔公司英文简介(三)Company’sbrief introduction Mainproducts DevelopmentStrategy Publicservice, welfare undertaking(公益事业) Introduction 1984:beingestablished Turnover:135,700,000,000CNY Patent:more than 10,000 Brandvalue:8,000,000,000 CNY Internet’sWorld Famous Brand(互联网时代的知名品牌):satisfy customers’ needs OneSingle Integrated Mode(人单合一模式):sell service instead rewarding:“China Innovative Company” Reputation Occupy6.1% whiteapplicant market under marketingsurvey Euromonitor(欧睿国际)in 20xx firstbrand globalwhite applicants, refrigerator winecabinet globalmanufacturer firstplace China’smost valuable brand rankings (中国最有价值品牌排行榜)last yearsProducts Washing Machine Wine Cabinet (酒柜) Others Computer Refrigerator Others Products Strongemission gas water heater Hanging air conditioning Cupboard Freestanding refrigerator Freestanding washing machine Disinfection cabinet Cabinet air conditioner Embedded air-conditioning Freestanding dishwasher Freestandingwine cooler Embedded dishwasher Display cabinet icebar Stand-alone dry cleaning machine Freezer Wall-type electric water heater Range hood Side suctionhood Large electric water heater Gas stove High-end oven Development Strategy Brandstrategy(1984~1991):produce refrigerator only, accumulate management experience Diversification(多元化)strategy(1992~1998):one product variousproductInternationalstrategy(1998~20xx): being sold mainglobal economic area market Globalstrategy(20xx~now):creating different kinds HaierBrand------adjust differentcountries worldCulture racehorses. (人人是人才,赛马不相马) youmust confirm his hervalue, provided employees create value clients.Public service, welfare undertaking greenenvironmental protection hopeproject :129 Hope School onlyglobal sponsor 20xxBeijing Olympic Games Povertyalleviation (扶贫) disabledactivities (助残) HaierBrothers” Thanks---来源网络整理,仅供参考。
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The green environmental protection The hope project :129 Hope School Sports: the only global sponsor in the
2008 Beijing Olympic Games Poverty alleviation (扶贫) Hold the disabled activities (助残) Produce the cartoon “ Haier Brothers”
Company’s brief introduction Reputation in the world Main products Development Strategy Culture Public service, welfare undertaking(公
The global manufacturer The first place in China’s most valuable
brand rankings (中国最有价值品牌排行榜)last for 9 years
家用电器(Household appliance)
• Diversification(多元化)strategy (1992~1998):one product to various product
• International strategy(1998~2005):being sold in the main global economic area market
The key of management ---you must confirm his or her value, provided employees create value for clients.
Public service, welfare undertaking
Occupy 6.1% in the white applicant market under the marketing survey of Euromonitor (欧睿国际)in 2010
The first brand of global white applicants, refrigerator and wine cabinet
• Global strategy(2006~now):creating different kinds of Haier Brand------adjust to different countries in the world
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Everyone is the talent, not race horses. (人人是人才,赛 马不相马)
IT、数码产品(Digital products)
家居(Home) 医疗设备Medical equipment
Development Strategy
• Brand strategy(1984~1991):produce refrigerator only, accumulate management experience of enterprises
1984:being established
Turnover:135,700,000,000 CNY
Patent :more than 10,000
Brand value:8,000,000,000 CNY
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素材和资料部分来自 网络,如有帮助请下载!
The Internet’s World Famous Brand(互联网 时代的知名品牌):satisfy customers’ needs
One Single Integrated Mode(人单合一模式): sell service instead of products -----rewarding: “China Innovative Company”