
Brief Introduction of World Expo ShanghaiWorld Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.With a long civilisation, China favours international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community's support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world's people place on China's future development.So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution.Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme "Better City, Better Life." For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create aneco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction. Innovation is the soul, while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centred development, scientific and technological innovation, cultural diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century.Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall endeavour to attract about 200 nations and international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand, we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world.In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues. Before the conclusion of the Exposition, a "Shanghai Declaration" will be issued. This declaration, hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions, will epitomise the insights to be offered by the participants and embody people's ideas for future cooperation and development and extensive common aspirations, thereby leaving a rich spiritual legacy of urban development to people throughout the world.The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to make Expo 2010 Shanghai China a special event that carries on traditions and opens a new vista into the future. Our motto is: "Keeping in mind the next 60 years' development while preparing for the six months' Exposition." We count on the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.。

世 博 园 全 景 图
• Chinese Pavilion • French Pavilion • British Pavilion
Chinese pavilion 中国馆
The Chinese country hall takes “Chinese wisdom throuth city development” as a subject. Because its shape likes an ancient hat, therefore it’s named “crown of the Eastern”. 中国国家馆以“城市发展中的 中华智慧”为主题,由于形状酷 似一顶古帽,因此被命名为“东 方之冠”。
建筑外观以“东方之冠,鼎盛中华, 建筑外观以“东方之冠,鼎盛中华, 天下粮仓,富庶百姓”的构思主题, 天下粮仓,富庶百姓”的构思主题, 表达中国文化的精神与气质。 表达中国文化的精神与气质。 展馆的 展示以“寻觅”为主线, 展示以“寻觅”为主线,带领参观者 行走在“东方足迹” 寻觅之旅” 行走在“东方足迹”、“寻觅之旅”、 低碳行动”三个展区, 寻觅” “低碳行动”三个展区,在“寻觅” 中发现并感悟城市发展中的中华智慧。 中发现并感悟城市发展中的中华智慧。
英国馆外型简洁,并创意无限,这就是英国国 家馆所演绎的展馆。整个建筑最大的亮点,也就是 它的核心部分:“种子圣殿”--六层楼高的立方 体结构,周身插满约6万根透明的亚克力杆,这些 亚克力杆向外伸展,随风轻摇。白天,光线透过透 明的亚克力杆照亮“种子圣殿”的内部;晚上,它 们内含的光源能点亮整个建筑。。“种子圣殿”周 围的设计也寓义深远,它就像一张打开的包装纸, 将包裹在其中的“种子圣殿”送给中国,作为一份 象征两国友谊的礼物。

Pavilion Highlights
• Journey through Time • Opera • Cutting-edge Technologies
Highlight 1: Journey through Time
experience a journey from ancient times into the future. At the "past zone," highlight the friendship between China and Japan Historic cases
• Japanese companies will highlight cutting-edge technologies at the pavilion. robots will play violins for visitors a "Life Wall"
Japanese culture
Better Life Better City
The main structure: "The Crown of the East"
a distinctive “dougong” style featured roof
“Oriental Crown, Splendid China, Ample Barn, and Rich People”
Pavilion Features
a semi-circular structure, covered by a purple membrane material
Pavilion Display
• solar energy collection batteries hidden in the double-layer membrane • collect rainwater to spray on its exterior surface to keep temperatures cool

In 2010, Shanghai will embrace the World Expo, a wonderful opportunity for China and a grand gathering for the world.The World Expo is a large-scale long-lasting highly-influential international exhibition in which a large number of countries and international organizations participate. The intergovernmental organization located in Paris, the Bureau International des Exposition, is responsible for regulating and managing the frequency and quality of world expositions. BIE currently has 152 member nations.Since London held the first world EXPO in 1851, these events have achieved a history of 157 years, from the initial stage of commodity display and exchange to the current promotion of new technologies and living ideas, World EXPOS have been actively responding to major issues in human development and serving as important platforms to promote world exchanging cooperation.Many of society’s prevailing ideas and behaviors started with the World Expo. For example, the Eiffel Tower was a landmark built for France for its 1889 World Expo. And inventions like the light bulb, telephone, sewing machine, steam engine and escalator were all made public through the World Expos.Today World Expos have been increasingly becoming important stages for the world people to review history, exchange wisdom, cooperate and look forward. They are regarded as the Olympic events in the field of economy, culture, science and technology. Such events have long lasting and deep influences for the host nation’s economic and social development.Exhibition forms have been evolving for many years. In today’s World Expos, contents on display will set on the current EXPO theme, and venues will include theme pavilion, national pavilions, international organization pavilions, and corporate pavilions. EXPO participants can plan, design and build their pavilions according to their own cultural background and understanding of the EXPO theme. Theme pavilions are normally built by the host nation.During the World Expo, there will also be large-scale events, including participant days, art performances, festivals and forums. In addition to normal exhibitions, world leaders will attend celebration days of their own country’s pavilions. Performances in pageant, organized by the participating countries, will also tour the EXPO site.China is a country with a love for international exchanges and an aspiration for world peace. During its reform and opening up, it is long dreamed of speeding up its development and increasing its contact with other countries by means of hosting a successful and unforgettable world exposition. On December 3rd, 2002 China won the honor of hosting EXPO 2010 in Shanghai on the basis of fair and friendly competition at the 132nd general assembly of the BIE in Monte Carlo Monaco. As World Expo 2010 will be the first of its kind to be hosted in the developing country, the choice demonstrated the support of the world community to, and its confidence in China’s drive of reform and opening up. It was also a manifestation of the expectations of the people around the whole world to the future development of China.China has a need for the EXPO, and the EXPO has a need for China. World Expo 2010 Shanghai China will create an epoch-making chapter in the history of the World Expo. EXPO Shanghai is scheduled to run for 184 days, opening on May 1st, 2010, and closing on October 31st. China will try to win participation by 200 countries and international organizations and attract 70 million domestic and overseas visitors. If achieved, these goals will set two new records in the history of the World Expo.The theme of World Expo 2010 Shanghai is “Better City, Better Life”. In other words, urban life will be spotlighted for the first time in the history of the World Expo. Centering on this theme, governments and people of countries around the world will demonstrate new models for the future development of cities, characterized by sound coordination between the environment and development in harmony between mankind and nature.All the pavilions of Shanghai EXPO Park will be located along the banks of the Huangpu River in downtown Shanghai. A 5.28-square-kilometer land space has been allotted to the EXPO. With 3.28 square kilometers enclosed, in terms of land space, World Expo 2010 will be the biggest in World Expo history. The enclosed area, EXPO Shanghai, is divided into zone A B C D and E. The first three, located in Pudong, cover an area of about 2.38 square kilometers. In these zones will stand the China pavilion, the pavilions of other countries, the pavilions of international organizations, the theme pavilions, the EXPO center, and the performance center. Zone D E, covering 0.9 kilometers in west Shanghai, will house Corporate Pavilions, Theme Pavilions, and the Urban Best Practice Area. The EXPO site will also include some fine historical buildings and industrial heritages with unique characteristics. The organizer of EXPO has worked out plans for the protection of all historical buildings. The total floor space of the old buildings to be preserved, renovated andutilized will be 383,000 square meters, nearly one-fifth of the total floor space of the EXPO Park.The green areas in square’s plan for EXPO Park will occupy about 160 hectares or 49% of the total land space of the park. The EXPO square, the EXPO axis, the plaza cluster, and pedestrian sightseeing route, and the catering and shopping outlets cover a total area of nearly 10 hectares, and will provide a desirable recreational space for visitors.During EXPO Shanghai, nearly 20, 000 art performances and other events will be staged, including more than 100 high-end forums, theme forums, and public forums, designed for participants to experience, feel and exchange viewpoints about the theme of the EXPO, namely “Better City, Better Life”.。

2010年上海世博会,机遇和挑战并存The Expo in Shanghai, Opportunities and Challenges世界博览会是全球最高级别的博览会,是世界各国展示其社会、经济、文化、科技成就和发展前景的盛会,被誉为“经济、科技、文化领域的奥林匹克”。
World Exposition is regards as the world's highest level of exposition, on which the countries exhibit their social, economic, cultural, scientific and technological achievements. It is also known as "the Olympics in the economic, technological and cultural fields" .Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai, this will become a historic opportunity for a powerful China by showing the world economic and technological strengths. This will bring forth profound influence on economic, social, environmental and institutional aspects in Shanghai and surrounding areas. A host country never aims to the profitability of the Expo itself, but to the great economic content the Expo has been given. Experiences of the Expo 1993 in Daejeon and Expo 2000 in Hanover showed that the World Exposition could boost the economy and stimulate the stock market. World Exposition plays an important and leading role in development, application and promotion of new technology .what’s more, it also has far-reaching significance in promoting economic development of the host city and its country. Specifically, the Expo itself belongs to exhibition economy and thus promotes the development of a series of industrial chain. During the exposition, It will bring powerful driving force for economic growth and development of service industry by investing in infrastructure, drawing a huge amount of materials, people and capital flow into Shanghai.经济增量效应。

The Japanese pavilion
The Spain pavilion(西班牙馆)
The Saudi Arabia pavilion(沙特阿拉伯馆)
Pavilions show
Mascot(吉祥物) ---"Haibao"
a Chinese character“人” meaning people
e Central Axis (轴)
The Expo Axis China Pavilion(临时展出馆) Theme Pavilions Expo Center Expo PerformanceCenter
上海世博会河北馆 2010年中国上海世博会---湖北馆
The map
Some special pavilions
Oriental Crown
• Based on the concept (概念) of “oriental crown”
• Express(表达) the spirit(精神) and
France pavilion

设 影 片 将 通 过
观 , 创 地 新 和 风 和 雨 等 四 维 效 果 , 让 观 众 沉 浸 在 惊 奇 的 情 感 和 视 觉 体 验 中 般 的 美 国 馆 象 乐 . 景 的 好 同 美 共 在 , 幻 们 梦 居 现 出 邻 呈 的 市 了 她 城 发 的 启 暗 心 灰 决 和 和 败 情 破 激 经 的 曾 她 使 . , 下 花 园 引 的 指 茂 的 繁 神 个 精 一 作 着 合 象 , 想 空
在奥塞博物馆的支持下,法国馆将在世博会期间展出七件传世名作, 在奥塞博物馆的支持下,法国馆将在世博会期间展出七件传世名作,这七 幅藏品包括法国画家米勒的作品《晚钟》 马奈的《阳台》 梵高的《 幅藏品包括法国画家米勒的作品《晚钟》,马奈的《阳台》,梵高的《阿尔的 舞厅》 赛尚的《咖啡壶边的少女》 博纳尔的《化装间》 高更的《餐点( 舞厅》,赛尚的《咖啡壶边的少女》,博纳尔的《化装间》,高更的《餐点(又 名香蕉) 以及罗丹的雕塑作品《青铜时代》 据悉, 名香蕉)》以及罗丹的雕塑作品《青铜时代》.据悉,这批展馆珍藏从未同时在 法国境外展出,每件名作的保险金额都在1亿欧元之上.由于这7件艺术品每件 法国境外展出, 每件名作的保险金额都在1亿欧元之上. 由于这7 都非常珍贵,法国方面将派出7架飞机分别运送它们到达上海,以确保安全. 都非常珍贵,法国方面将派出7架飞机分别运送它们到达上海,以确保安全.
向 游 客 热 情 问 好 具 , 欢 迎 大 家 化 的 到 来 理 . 随 着 大 门 敞 开 将 进 入 可 容 纳 区 名 观 众 的 第 友 乐 费 表 总 代 500 展 国 美 会 , 世 博 由 将 , 方 地 的 观 奇 和 地 文 异 域 有 是 个 国 示 美 展
示 和 分 钟 的 休 息 时 间 , 玩 转 美 国 馆 差 不 多 需 要 空 小 时 . 第 一 个 空 间 是 序 幕 部 分 , 展 片 影 的 为 约 长 时 有 都 间 1 , 示 展 个 每 在 . 作 合 和 新 创 , 乐 观 精 4 神 的

答:①人类面临严峻的人口、资源和环境形势,已严 重制约了经济和社会的可持续发展。②落实科学发展观, 坚持保护环境和节约资源的基本国策,实施可持续发展 战略。③建设“两型社会”,加强生态文明建设。 ④和 谐社会要求人与自然和谐相处。⑤提倡绿色消费。
副主题:城市多元文化的融合、城市经济的 繁荣、城市科技的创新、城市社区的重 塑、城市和乡村的互动。
吉祥物“海宝” 寓意
蓝色“人”字的可爱造形让所 有人耳目一新。海宝,以汉字 “人”字为核心创意,配以代表 生命和活力的海蓝色。他的欢笑, 展示着中国积极乐观、健康向上 的精神面貌;他挺胸抬头的动作 和双手的配合,显示着包容和热 情;他翘起大拇指,是对来自世 界各地的朋友发出的真诚邀请。
会徽以绿色为主色调,富有生命活力,增 添了向上、升腾、明快的动感和意蕴,抒发 了中国人民面向未来,追求可持续发展的创 造激情。
了我国的哪项基本国策? 【补充笔记:

以下是上海世博会的英语介绍:The World Expo is a large-scale international exhibition held in a city all over the world. It has a long history and is known as the "Olympics of Economics and Technology". The World Expo has been held in cities all over the world for more than 150 years, among which more than 20 were held in Asia. The World Expo 2010, held in Shanghai, China, is the first time that China has hosted the World Expo.The theme of the World Expo 2010 is "Better City, Better Life". With a strong international flavor, an exquisite art and an eloquent image, it provides an international platform for cities to showcase their achievements in the urban construction and development. The host city also can improve its international status and international influence by holding the World Expo. The host city of the World Expo is an honor, but at the same time, it is also a challenge and opportunity. It can bring great convenience to local development. Therefore, countries are anxious to take on the opportunity to host the World Expo.The World Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai from May 1 to October 31. Shanghai is an open, prosperous and harmonious city, and will comprehensively implement the urban planning concept of the Expo to carry out infrastructure construction and urban planning and construction. The theme of the Expo is "Better City, Better Life", which will be implemented through the following three sub-themes: "city, people and development". The World Expo will help promote cooperation between China and other countries, enhance China's international status and international influence, and promote economic development in Shanghai and China.The World Expo will be held in Shanghai for six months from May to October. During this period, there will be many countries' national pavilions and enterprises' independent pavilions in the Expo site. Visitors can visit these pavilions to learn about their characteristics and products. In addition, there will also be many cultural activities at the same time, such as concerts, performances, etc., which can provide more opportunities for visitors to experience different cultures.It is estimated that the World Expo will attract more than 70 million domestic and foreign tourists to visit Shanghai. It will bring about $50 billion in tourism income to Shanghai and other cities along the Yangtze River Delta in China. In addition, the World Expo will also help promote the economic development of China as a whole.。

Theme: Better City , Better Life.
The Expo Site covers a total area of 5.28 square kilometers, including the enclosed area and outside areas of support facilities. There are 12 pavilion groups, eight in the Pudong Section and four in Puxi, each with an average area of 10–15 hectares.
The host cities of the past years
1851 London Britain 1853 New York America 1855 Paris France 1862 London Britain 1867 Paris France 1873 Vienna Austria 1876 Philadelphia America 1878 Paris France 1889 Paris France 1893 Chicago America 1900 Paris France 1904 St. Louis America 1915 San Francisco America 1915 Panama Panama 1926 Philadelphia America 1930 Liege Belgium 1933-1934 Chicago America 1935 Brussel Belgium 1937 Paris France 1939-1940 New York America 1958 Brussels Belgium 1962 Seattle America 1964-1965 New York America 1970 Osaka Japan 1982 Knoxville America 1984 New Orleans America 1986 Vancouver Canada 1990 Osaka Japan 1992 Sevilla Spain 1992 Genova Italy 1993 Taehung Korea 1998 Lisbon Portugal 2000 Hannover Germany 2005 Aichi Japan

TheShanghaiWorldExpo(上海世博会)I’m Angela Zhang from Class 4 Grade 8. Today my topic is “The Shanghai World Expo”.Hello ladies and gentlemen.I’m Angela Zhang from Class 4 Grade 8. Today my topic is “The Shanghai World Expo”.First I’ll say something about World Expo History. As we know the very first World Expo the Great Exhibition of 1851 took place in the Crystal Palace in London. UK. Ever since then the goals of World Expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial. Visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience―outside cultures new scientific advancements and new inventions. World Expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world.Fir st I’ll say something about World Expo History. As we know the very first World Expo the Great Exhibition of 1851 took place in the Crystal Palace in London. UK. Ever since then the goals of World Expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial. Visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience―outside cultures new scientific advancements and new inventions. World Expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world.On December3 2002 the Bureau of International Expositions (or call it BIE) announced that Shanghai will host Expo2010. the BIE had received bids from five cities to host Expo2010. Among the 5 nice cities the BIE chose Shanghai at last! It’s really an exciting news for not only Shanghainese but also all of Chinese people. Here are some details about it.On December3 2002 the Bureau of International Expositions(or call it BIE) announced that Shanghai will host Expo2010. the BIE had received bids from five cities to host Expo2010. Among the 5 nice citie s the BIE chose Shanghai at last! It’s really an exciting news for not only Shanghainese but also all of Chinese people. Here are some details About it.Look at this profile carefully. The title is “The 2010 World Exposition Shanghai China ”. this is the l ogo.And the theme is “better city. better life”.OK let’s guess who is the image representative? Yeah you’re right Yao Ming!Shanghai Expo is the first comprehensive World Expo held in a developing country. And it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment just like the theme: better city better life.I think as a student in Shanghai we should learn to be a gentle person and keep good manners from now on. And try to practice English more in order to communicate with foreigners fluently in the near future. Because we’re a part of Shanghai!。

Highlight 1:Exploring “Oriental Footprint”: The wisdom that the ancient Chinese used to develop cities will be showcased with programs of different styles in Section One. A video played in the multimedia exhibition will tell stories about China's vast migration from rural to urban areas over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, people's enthusiasm for building a better city and expectations forthe future. The famous picture of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” will also make its appearance in the China Pavilion to illustrate the charms of ancient Chinese cities. (亮点1:探寻“东方足迹”第一展区通过风格迥异的展示项目,向人们展示中国人在城 市发展中的智慧。其中的多媒体综合展项播放的一部影片,讲述改革开放三十多年来 中国自强不息的城市化经验、中国人的建设热情和对于未来的期望。国宝级名画《清 明上河图》被艺术地再现于展厅中,传达中国古典城市的智慧。) Highlight 2:The Experience Trip Excursion trains will give visitors an appreciation of the great wisdom and achievements in China's urban development from ancient to modern times. (亮点2:展开“寻觅之旅”:采用轨道游览车,让参观者领略中国从古至今在城市营建 规划中展现出的大智慧。) Highlight 3:Focus on low-carbon future :Chinese people will tackle future challenges brought by urbanization in a sustainable way which takes low-carbon technologies as its core. (亮点3:聚焦“低碳行动”聚焦以低碳为核心元素的中国未来城市发展,展示中国人如 何通过“师法自然的现代追求”来应对未来的城市化挑战,为实现全球可持续发展提 供“中国式的回答”。)

展馆设计灵感来自上海的传统游戏“游戏棒”,由20个不规则、可自由组装的功能 模块组合而成,代表意大利20个大区。整座展馆犹如一座微型意大利城市,充满弄 堂、庭院、小径、广场等意大利传统城市元素。
往2楼 To Second Flnd Floor 饮水机 Drinking Fountain 实时窗口便民服务 Internet Service 爱心柜台 Courtesy Counter 快速窗口 Express Counter 英语柜台 English Counter 预约柜台 Appointment Counter 审核组 Review of Household Registration
在勤 On Duty 差假 Off duty 轮值主管 Superior on Duty 轮值志愿者 Volunteer on Duty 引导服务 Guide Service 抱怨处理 Complaints Dealing 办公时间 Office Hours/ Business Hours 弹性上班时间 Flexible Hours 星期六、日及固定假日休息 Closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays 收发柜台 Mail Counter
类别:国际展览局注册类世界博览会 时间:2010年5月1日至2010年10月31日 主题:城市,让生活更美好 Short Title: Expo 2010 Shanghai China The exposition The Expo Type :A Registered International Exhibition to Bureau International des Expositions Time: From May 1, 2010 to October 31, 2010 Theme: Better City , Better Life

Until now,world expo has been held in different contries for 41 times ,including World Expo 2010 Shanghai. The character of world expositions has evolved since 1851. Three eras can be distinguished:the era of industrialization(1851–1938) , the era of cultural exchange (1939–1987) , and the era of nation branding (1988–The emblem, depicting the image of three people-you, me, him/her holding hands together, symbolizes the big family of mankind.
Created from a Chinese character meaning people, the mascot "Haibao" embodies the character of Chinese culture and fully reflects the Shanghai World Expo "Better City, Better Life" theme
Duration: Duration: May 1 to Oct 31, 2010 Theme: Theme:Better City, Better Life SubSub-themes: Blending of diverse cultures in the city ; Economic prosperity in the city; Innovation of science and technology in the city; Remodeling of communities in the city; Rural-urban Interaction Goal:To Goal: attract the participation of 200 countries and international organizations and 70 million visitors from home and broad
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Pavilion Features:
The main structure of the China Pavilion, "The Crown of the East," has a distinctive roof, made of
(亮点2:展开“寻觅之旅”:采用轨道游览车,让参观者领略中国从古至今在城市营建 规划中展现出的大智慧。)
Highlight 3:Focus on low-carbon future :Chinese people will tackle future challenges brought by urbanization in a sustainable way which takes
Barn, and Rich People," to express the spirit
Highlight 1:Exploring “Oriental Footprint”: The wisdom that the ancient Chinese used to develop cities will be showcased with programs of different styles in Section One. A video played in the multimedia exhibition will tell stories about China's vast migration from rural to urban areas over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, people's enthusiasm for building a better city and expectations forthe future. The famous picture of “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” will also make its appearance in the China Pavilion to illustrate the charms of ancient Chinese cities.
The name of the mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is Haibao, which means the treasure of the sea. The name of Haibao is easy to remember, echoes with the color of its body and is a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition.
Theme: The Sensual City(场馆主题:感性城市) National Pavilion Day: June 21(国家馆日:6月21日) Pavilion Mascot: Cat Léon(吉祥物:小猫莱昂(Léon)) Pavilion Area: Around 6,000 Square Meters(展馆面积:约6000平方米) Location: Within Zone C of the Expo site(展馆位置:C片区) Pavilion Features:The "Sensual City" itself is impressive with a large, classical roof garden and a pond. The walls of the square-shaped structure, which is made from a special concrete, are covered in plants and it looks like a white floating palace.
low-carbon technologies as its core.
中 国 馆
Russia's hall
(亮点1:探寻“东方足迹”第一展区通过风格迥异的展示项目,向人们展示中国人在城 市发展中的智慧。其中的多媒体综合展项播放的一部影片,讲述改革开放三十多年来 中国自强不息的城市化经验、中国人的建设热情和对于未来的期望。国宝级名画《清 明上河图》被艺术地再现于展厅中,传达中国古典城市的智慧。)
Highlight 2:The Experience Trip Excursion trains will give visitors an appreciation of the great wisdom and achievements in China's urban development from ancient to modern times.
2010 上 海 世 博 会
Better City , Bette Life
The emblem, depicting the image of three peopleyou, me, him/her holding hands together, symbolizes the big family of mankind. Inspired by the shape of the Chinese character (meaning the world), the design conveys the organizers‘ wish to host an Expo which is of global scale and which showcases the diversified urban cultures of the world.
Haibao is the good well ambassador of Shanghai Expo. He is embracing friends from all over the world with his arms and confident smile.
Theme: Chinese Wisdom in Urban Development
traditional dougong or brackets, which date back more than 2,000 years.
The contour design of the pavilion is based on the concept of "Oriental Crown, Splendid China, Ample