
英汉翻译 时若是不注 意其具体语境 , 公 示
公众提倡信息 和发布相关指示文 字 , 具 有 原 则 和 策 略 , 但 是 不 同的 译 者 都 有 不 同的 语 英 译 时 就 会 容 易 出现 翻 译 不 当的 问题 , 见解 , 因此 , 相 同的 公 示 语 就 会 出 现 不 同 的 或 是 措 辞 表 达 拖 沓 累 赘 的 结 果 , 没有 达 到 英文 译 本 。 在 杭 州 的 公示 语 翻 译 中 , 翻译 版 最佳 的公 示 效 果 。 例如, “ 访 客 专 用停 车 场 ”
人不 明 白” 的情况。 公 示 语 翻 译 出现 的 种 种
1 . 2单 词拼 写错 误
单词拼 写错误 是比较 常见 的小错误 ,
但是这 样低级的错误 , 对一个城 市的语 言 化、 公开化 等特点 , 因此 , 在 景 区公 示 语 翻
错误 必定会误导外 国朋友 , 同时 也 在 一 定 文 化 形 象 影 响 是 甚 大 的 。 这 样 的 错 误 一 定 译 上 , 提 出 了以 下 几 点 翻 译 策 略 。 程 度 上 损 害 了城 市 及 国 家 形 象 。 杭 州是 我 程 度 上 会 降 低 该 地 区 的 档 次 , 同时 有 的 错 2. 1注意 言简 意赅 国著 名 旅 游 城 市 之 一 , 以“ 上有天堂 、 下 有 误 会 让 外 国友 人 捧 腹 大 笑 。 比如, 汉 英 公示 语 的 翻 译 在我 国受 到 重 r oo m-me n / wa s h r o o m—wo me n ” 等。 对 于一 视, 学 术 界对 其 英 译 提 倡 “ 拿来主义” , 并 且 强调 翻 译 时 还 需 照 顾 目标 语 群 众 的 语 言 需 市景 区 公 示 语 翻 译 工 作 。


为 Please Tender Exact Fare。语气委婉,又恰
如其分。yang Street 北海公园 BEIHAI PARK 售票亭 Ticket Office 询问台 Information (二)呼唤型公示语。 呼唤型公示语,指的是具有提示注意, 限制或者警示作用的用语,旨在通过“呼唤”, 提请游客采取或者禁止某些行为。呼唤型的 公示语根据适用范围的不同,也分为强制性 质,提示性质,旅游景点的宣传语等等方面。 我们应该因地制宜,采取多样化的翻译方法。 考虑到中外文化底蕴也不尽相同,我建议在 实际的翻译工作中,采取借译和再创造的方 法 [3]。 1. 借译 公示语的借译,是指利用英语文本现有 的词汇或者字根进行翻译。鉴于英语公示语 严格的规范性,我们翻译人员可以利用“现 成”的译文,对同类的公示语进行归类,进 行准确的译注的。举例如下: A.“ 请 勿 吸 烟 ” 我 们 可 以 翻 译 成 No Smoking !同样,对于禁止吸烟这类相同意 思的公示语,我们都可以规范的翻译成 No Smoking ! B. 比如说,我们想要保护景区中的绿地, 不允许他人在草地上穿行,践踏。通常我们 会诙谐的编一些顺口溜,既起到说明、提示 的意思,又不会让景区的游客感到生硬,强 制,认为是用一种命令的口吻,而影响到游 客游玩的心情。我们通常会这样说“小草微
不可一概而论。 二、不同类型公示语的翻译技巧 (一)信息型公示语 信息型公示语,顾名思义就是要把信息
准确无误的传递给每一个游客,引导中外游 客根据信息型公示牌,更好的寻找到景区的 路线图,公共设施的目的地,以及景区的一 些基本信息 [2]。信息型公示语的目的就是简 单,明了地让游客明白,所以我们一般可以 选取直译的方法,举几个简单的例子:


相关部门应建立专门的评估机构或委托第三方机构进行旅 游景点公示语翻译质量的评估工作,确保评估的客观性和 公正性。
相关部门应根据评估结果对译者或相关单位实施奖惩措施 ,对表现优秀的给予表彰和奖励,对存在问题的进行整改 和处罚。
功能翻译理论对公示 语翻译的适用性
采用文献研究法,收集相关 理论资料,构建研究框架。
结合功能翻译理论,对收集 到的语料进行定性分析,归 纳翻译失误类型。
运用实证分析法,对杭州市 旅游景点公示语进行实地调 查,收集语料。
由于中西方文化差异导致的翻译失误,如将具有特定文化内涵 的词汇直译为目标语言,导致读者产生误解。
在翻译过程中遗漏了原文中的重要信息,导致译文无法完整传 达原文的意思。
译文表达不够准确、流畅或地道,导致读者难以理解或产生歧 义。
功能翻译理论视角下的翻译失误 分析
本研究主要运用功能翻译理论指导公示语翻译实践,未来 可以进一步探索该理论在其他类型文本翻译中的应用价值 ,如广告、新闻、法律文本等。同时,也可以将功能翻译 理论与其他翻译理论相结合,形成更完善的翻译理论体系 。
语法错误是翻译中常见的问 题之一。在杭州市旅游景点 公示语的翻译中,语法错误 可能导致游客无法理解译文
由于译者对目标语言的表达 方式不够熟悉,可能使得译 文表达方式不地道,给游客 带来阅读上的困扰。

译文一:Protect water resource, Construct new hometown
译文二:Protecting, Constructing [10]
译文:Wheelchair Access
2.提示性公示语: 汉语:小心落水
译文:Beware of Drowning
译文:No Entering
1.目的原则(Skopos Rule)


原创毕业论文公布的题目可以用于免费参考(全英文论文)归纳法在初中英语语法教学中的应用(全英文论文)研究英语幽默的产生(全英文论文)呼啸山庄的象征主义(全英文论文)麦田里的守望者之美国俚语分析(全英文论文)从认知的角度来看主动语态在商务信函中的语用功能(全英文论文)英语专业低年级学生课堂反馈及其对学习效果的影响(全英文论文)从蜘蛛侠系列看美国的英雄主义(全英文论文)关联理论视角下软新闻的翻译(全英文论文)母语对中国大学生口语学习的影响(全英文论文)中西文化差异对习语翻译的影响(全英文论文)论傲慢与偏见中的爱情观和婚姻观(全英文论文)阿特伍德肉体伤害的女性主义解读(全英文论文)日本企业管理的制胜之道儒家思想管理(全英文论文)麦田里的守望者的异化主题分析(全英文论文)专八考试中的说明文体裁分析(全英文论文)英语语法与语用的协调情态动词为例(全英文论文)中英风俗习惯差异对英语专业大学生口语学习的影响(全英文论文)中英人名姓氏的来源及命名方式的比较(全英文论文)浅谈奥斯卡.王尔德的喜剧认真的重要性中谎言的运用(全英文论文)英语习语变体的修辞效果及其翻译本题目是全英文原创论文,需要完整可以联系QQ:805 99 0749 (全英文论文)小学英语教学中的启发式教学(全英文论文)初三英语写作中常见的错误分析—XX中学为例(全英文论文)欧.亨利短篇小说的艺术技巧(全英文论文)王尔德童话作品的角色分析(全英文论文)新闻翻译典故处理策略和方法(全英文论文)网络聊天中的语码转换(全英文论文)高中生英语课堂沉默现象原因分析及解决对策—XX中学为例(全英文论文)夏洛的价值夏洛的网的主题解读(全英文论文)中国特色新词及其英译研究(全英文论文)论雾都孤儿的写作手法与创作意义(全英文论文)从Salsa舞解析墨西哥人的性格(全英文论文)论新闻英语汉译中的归化与异化策略(全英文论文)创造性与商标翻译(全英文论文)英语商务信函的文体分析(全英文论文)从美国刑侦剧犯罪现场调查看讯问过程中合作原则的违反(全英文论文)商标翻译中的问题及对策(全英文论文)任务型教学法在XX中学高一英语阅读教学中的应用研究(全英文论文)论创造性背叛在翻译红楼梦章回目录中的运用(全英文论文)希腊罗马神话对英语习语的影响(全英文论文)英汉动物词汇文化内涵异同对比分析(全英文论文)任务型教学法在高中英语写作中的运用(全英文论文)我校英语专业学生议论文写作中因果类话语标记语的使用情况(全英文论文)艾米莉•狄金森诗歌之意象探析(全英文论文)文化差异对可口可乐公司品牌全球化的影响(全英文论文)初中英语课堂问题行为及对策(全英文论文)论渗透定价对新兴电子行业的影响华为公司为例(全英文论文)从关联理论看日化品品牌翻译宝洁和联合利华为例(全英文论文)英语专业高年级学生作文错误分析(全英文论文)论英语长句的翻译(全英文论文)词缀在英语词汇教学中的运用(全英文论文)英语形容词的翻译(全英文论文)浅析第二语言习得过程中的动机缺乏及其解决方案(全英文论文)大学生语用能力现状研究(全英文论文)美式俚语在社会文化中的使用及其影响(全英文论文)教师用语在英语课堂教学中的作用(全英文论文)网络环境下的大学英语自主学习情况分析(全英文论文)功能对等与英语习语的翻译(全英文论文)中国大学英语学习者分词误用分析--XX学院学生的研究(全英文论文)数学专业学生英语自主学习情况分析(全英文论文)浅谈跨文化交际中的理解障碍(全英文论文)秘密花园中生态女性主义解读(全英文论文)XX中学高三年级英语阅读问题调查研究(全英文论文)英语委婉语的交际功能(全英文论文)谈旅游景点名称的翻译技巧--以“六大古都”为例(全英文论文)山寨文化的反思发展与创新(全英文论文)商务英语书信中正式用语和非正式用语对比分析(全英文论文)美国悲剧中克莱德的悲剧分析(全英文论文)母语迁移对英语专业学生英语学习的影响(全英文论文)农村中学英语学习的焦虑调查—以XX中学初一学生为例(全英文论文)分析蒂凡尼的早餐中郝莉的人物特点(全英文论文)嘉莉妹妹中女主角嘉莉的分析(全英文论文)中餐菜名的英译(全英文论文)蝴蝶梦中女性成长主题分析(全英文论文)道林.格雷的画像中美的主题(全英文论文)中美家庭价值观的跨文化对比与研究(全英文论文)论数字习语翻译的文化取向(全英文论文)浅论广告语汉译的美学效果(全英文论文)语块与大学英语专业学生英语写作水平的相关性研究(全英文论文)XX市区公示语翻译错误分析与对策研究(全英文论文)汉英数字禁忌的对比研究(全英文论文)可口可乐--跨国公司在华成功的本土化战略(全英文论文)论母语正迁移对英语教学与学习的作用(全英文论文)从中西方政治文化差异看中美关系(全英文论文)中英色彩文化的研究(全英文论文)他们眼望上苍中的女性话语权分析(全英文论文)英文电影片名翻译原则与策略(全英文论文)从麦田守望者的主人公看美国社会病态(全英文论文)论英语谚语翻译(全英文论文)对黑人妇女在民权运动期间争取教育权的背景分析(全英文论文)英语专业高年级学生作文错误分析(全英文论文)语块法在小学英语词汇教学中应用的实证研究(全英文论文)最蓝的眼睛中的叙事艺术(全英文论文)国内英语学习者二语习得石化现象研究综述(全英文论文)社会语言学视角下的校园语码转换(全英文论文)从美学角度分析英文电影阿凡达的汉语翻译(全英文论文)浅谈商务函电的写作(全英文论文)反讽艺术在傲慢与偏见中的应用。
模因论视角下景点公示语翻译 完整版

模因论视角下景区公示语的翻译Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Spots From the perspective of MemeticsAbstract:Public signs in scenic spots refer to the signs suspended or posted prominently in public places with the text or graphic formation close related to the information about the scenic spots with the function of announcement, presentation tips, guidance and warning information. Globalization leads to more and more foreign friends to visit, work and travel in China. In the process of this kind intercultural communication, the bilinguals of the signs are the necessity of developing scenic spots. The translation quality of signs in the scenic spots can not only directly influence the sightseeing of the tourists and their aesthetic feeling in the scenic spots but also relates to our international image. In our country, many experts and scholars realize there are many mistakes in the public signs in the scenic spots and take many research on many respects. In general, there are many classify of mistranslation and analysis about the public scenic, however, there are little research based on the memetics. This article puts the public signs in the scenic spots as the research object and discusses the problems existing in the translation of the signs and standardizes the signs translation from the perspective of memetics.Key words: public signs in scenic spots; translation; memetics摘要: 景区公示语是指悬挂或张贴在公共场所醒目位置的公告语,具有告知、提示、指引、警示等与所在景区信息密切相关的文字或图形信息。


二、翻译的目的论及应用目的论简介目的论(skopos theory)是功能派翻译理论(functionalist approach)中最重要的理论。
它由两位德国著名的翻译理论家弗米尔(Hans. J Vermeer)和雷斯(Katherina Reiss)创立于20世纪80年代。
(1)目的法则目的论将“行为理论”(action theory)引入翻译理论中,认为翻译是一种行为,一种跨文化的交际行为。
任何一种行为都有其自身的目的,翻译行为所要达到的目的决定了翻译所应采取的方法策略,这即是目的论的首要法则——目的法则(the skopos rule)。

二、研究目的通过研究公示语汉英翻译,本研究的目的如下:1. 分析公示语的目的和发送者所追求的特定目标,探讨公示语编写者在语言表达上的战略选择,为汉英翻译提供更加准确、生动、有效的翻译策略。
2. 探究不同功能的公示语及其翻译对翻译质量的影响,为翻译工作者提供更加科学的选译思路。
3. 通过案例分析汉英翻译中常见的问题,如语义负载、语用意义、文化差异等问题,为解决这些问题提供可行的途径。

2.连贯原则(Coherence Rule)
3.忠实原则(Fidelity Rule)
1. 简洁明了


1.目的论浅析《阿Q正传》杨、戴英译本及莱尔英译本的不同翻译策略 [J], 刘霞
2.目的论视角下的文学翻译策略研究--以《红楼梦》两个英文译本为例 [J], 刘瑞
3.目的论视角下《红楼梦》中委婉语的翻译策略——以霍克斯译本为例 [J], 黄颖
4.目的论视角下《红楼梦》中委婉语的翻译策略--以霍克斯译本为例 [J], 黄颖
——以《红楼梦》译本为例 [J], 吴建;张韵菲;郑贞

1 杭州汉英公示语翻译现状杭州是江南著名的城市,历史悠久。
1.1 翻译版本不统一虽然现在越来越多的人开始注意到公示语翻译的准确性,也在探讨基本的翻译原则和策略,但是不同的译者都有不同的见解,因此,相同的公示语就会出现不同的英文译本。

关键词:目的论;公示语翻译;旅游景区Study on C-E Translation of Public Signs in Hangzhou’s Sc enic Areas from the Perspective of Skopos TheoryAbstract: With the development of economy and the booming of tourism, bilingual public signs are used in many tourist scenic areas to provide convenience for foreign tourists. However, the translation of public signs is not satisfactory. There are many errors and non-standard phenomenon, which has a bad impact on the city’s image. Taking Hangzhou’s tourist scenic areas as an example, this paper analyzes the problems in the translation of public signs and put forward some translation strategies to improve the translation, as well as the image of Hangzhou.Key words: Skopos theory; translation of public signs; tourist scenic areasStudy on C-E Translation of Public Signs in Hangzhou’s Scenic Areas from the Perspective of Skopos Theory1. Introduction1.1 The Introduction of Public SignsIn order to study public signs, we must first figure out the meaning of “signs” in English. A sign refers to “ a piece of paper, wood or metal that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions, a warning, etc”. This is the definition of sign given by Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary(Sixth Edition). Therefore, it can be inferred that public signs include road signs, advertisements, product instructions, tourist handbooks, slogans, notices in public areas. Professor Lv Hefa points that “Basic information that involves people’s behavior and demand in food, housing, traveling and entertainment should all fall into the category of public signs, which are publicly shown to the public, tourists, overseas visitors, foreigners inChina and the Chinese in other countries (2005).”Public signs have an impact on our life in many ways and provide much convenience and help for our daily life. In terms of the function of English public signs, they can be classified into four categories, directing public signs, prompting public signs, restricting public signs and compelling public signs.(1) directing public signsDirecting public signs are used to deliver information, help people know about the surroundings or remind the public of the features of the location. These public signs show considerate information service, without any limitation and compelling meaning. For example, “Tickets”(售票处), “Department Store” (百货商场).(2) prompting public signsPrompting public signs are designed to warn people to pay attention to potential dangers or risks to avoid unnecessary loss. For example, “Caution! Watch your step!”(小心,注意脚下)(3) restricting public signsThis kind of public signs set some requirements and rules for people to obey. They mostly appear in subway or some passages. It has played a important role in dredging the stream of people. For example, “Athletes Only.”(运动员专用) “Staff Only.”(员工通道).(4) compelling public signsGenerally, direct and compulsory words are used to forbid people from doingsomething. For example, “No Smoking.”(禁止吸烟) “No Parking”(禁止停车)1.2 Research Objective and SignificanceHangzhou, crowned as “ Paradise on Earth”, is famous for its picture sque scenery. With a long history of 2,200 years, Hangzhou used to be one of the seven ancient capitals of China. Nowadays, it is the provincial city of Zhejiang Province, serving as the center of the province’s politics, economy, culture, traffic, and tou rism. As a historical and cultural city, Hangzhou attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad every year. Especially, when West Lake charges no admission fees, even more tourists swarm into the scenic spots every holiday.With the booming tourism, b ilingual public signs are used for foreigner’s convenience. They play a significant role in providing information and displaying our culture and civilization. However, the current situation is that there are many errors in the English public signs. The poor translation of public signs often make foreigners puzzled by the contents. Hence, it is urgent for us to pay attention to the translation of public signs and find some corresponding strategies to improve the translation. Only in this way, can Hangzhou has a better image.2. Literature Review2.1 Skopos Theory2.1.1. Studies of Skopos Theory AbroadThe word Skopos, derived from Greek, means purpose. The core concept of skopstheory is that the most important factor of translation is the purpose of the overall translational action. The technical term Skopos usually refers to purpose of the target text. Besides Skopos, Vermeer also uses some related words like aim, purpose, intention, and function. To avoid confusion, Nord proposes to make a difference between intention and function. Intention is defined from the perspective of initiator, while function, referring to text function, is decided by the target reader’s expectation, needs, knowledge and environment. The functionalist theories of translation sprung up in Germany in the 1970s. Its development has gone through three stages: The first stage: Katharina Reiss firstly applies functional category into translation criticism by associating linguistic function, type of texts and translation strategy. She develops a translation criticism pattern based on the functional relationship between the source text and the target text, which forms the prototype of functionalist theory. Reiss states that the ideal translation is an integral communicative performance that is “in which the aim in the target language is equivalence as regards the conceptual content, linguistic form and communicative function of a source text.”(Nord, 2001) The second stage: Reiss’s student, Hans J. Vermeer proposes the Skopos theory, releasing translation study out of the bondage of source-text-oriented approach. This theory is set on the basis of action theory and regards the aim of the translation process as the first principle. Vermeer believes that translation (interpretation included)is a kind of transformation to transfer communicative verbal and non-verbal signs from one language into another. Translation problems can’t be solved only by linguistics. Thus, he defines translation as an action “ to produce a text in target setting for a targ et purpose and target addressees in target circumstances .”(Nord, 2001) In the framework of Vermeer’s Skopos theory, one of the most significant factor of translation’s objective is target readers . They have their own cultural backgrounds, their specific expectations to translation and communicative needs. Vermeer thinks that the original text is just an “offer of information”. It is clear that the status of the source is lower in Skopos theory than that in equivalence-based theories.The third stage: Justa Holz Mattari further develops functionalist theory and establishes the theory of translational action. She views translation as a complex activity to achieve specific purpose. She focuses on analyzing the functions of participants (initiator, translator, text user, message receiver ) and the context where participants’ actions take place. For the first time, Christiane Nord systematically articulates the internal and external factors that should be considered in text analysis of translation in English. She reviews all the the theories of functionalist and proposes that translators should obey the principle of function plus loyalty, and so the theory is consummated.2.1.2. Studies of Skopos at HomeSince functionalist theory has been introduced in China in 1987, there are countless essays about Skopos theory. Relevant studies are mainly concerned with definition, translation standard, translation criticism, translation teaching, translation strategy, literary translation and non-literary translation ( including tourism translation, trademark translation, advertisement translation, movie title translation and so on).The first person introduced functionalist theory is Gui Qianyuan. In his article Remember the Federal Republic of Germany Three Translators in Chinese Translation, he mentioned Vermeer’s new insight about translation. However, it didn’t draw other translators attention because the focus of the article is “translators” instead of “translation theory”. Eight years later, after Zhang Nanfeng and Chen Xiaowei made abrief comment on skopostheory, more people began to pay attention to this theory. In 2001 and 2004, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press introduced and published Nord’s and Reiss’s works Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functional Approaches Explained and Translation Criticism: The Potentials & Limitations. Undoubtedly, it is a big push for the study and spread of skopostheory in China.From current statistics, Skopos theory is widely accepted and spread in China, which has a profound effect on the translation studies. However, there are still some problems which are worth thinking and reflecting. Firstly, current academic studies present an unbalanced characteristic. For example, there are more reviews of the theory than studies, more translation of practical writings than literary translation. Secondly, part of domestic studies are in absence of centralized and deep analysis. In fact, some articles still linger at the level of simple reviews, while others repeat some theoretical principles that are known to all of the academic circles. Thirdly, from the research scope, most of the articles at home focus on some important rules of Skopos theory and the quotation of it. Consequently, they ignore Vermeer’s view about status of the source text in translation, literary translation and translation teaching, as well as Nord’s view about the relationship between Skopos theory and translation teaching.2.1.3. Three Rules of Skopos Theory2.1.3.1 Skopos RuleFrom the point of Vermeer, Skopes ru le can be defined in this way: “ Each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. The Skopos rule thus reads as follows: translate/interpret/speak/write in a way that enables your text/translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function. ”( Nord, 2001) It is the top-ranking rule for any translation. It claims that the process of translation is determined by the purpose of translational action. In a word, the end justifies means. Translational activities may have a variety of purposes. These purposes can be divided into three categories: the translator’s purpose(e.g. to make a living), communicative purpose of the target text(e.g. to enlighten the reader ), the purpose to be achieved by using some special translation strategies(e.g. to translate literally according to itsstructure in order to clarify the special syntax structure of some language ). Coherence RuleCoherence rule means that any translation must meet the standard of intratextual coherence. Intratexual coherence means that the target text is comprehensive to the readers and is meaningful in the target culture and communicative environment of the text users. Any text is only a provider of information. Translators choose information that interests him in terms of the Skopos rule. After language process, the target text becomes a new provider of information. In the process of information transformation, intratextual coherence is the first principle to abide by for the translators. Fidelity RuleIt is pointed out by Christian Nord. She finds out that there are two flaws in Skopos theory. Firstly, because of different cultural patterns, people with different cultural backgrounds have different views toward target texts. Besides, if the communicative purpose of the target text demanded by the Skopos rule is opposite to the intention of the author, we will go against the fidelity rule though Skopos rule is observed. Therefore, Nord puts forward the fidelity rule to solve the problem of cultural difference and the relationship between the participants of the translational action. She holds the view that translators should be responsible for their target readers. They ought to explain everything they do and why they do it. This is the one side of the fidelity rule. On the other side, fidelity rule requires that translators also should be loyal to the author of the source text. Translators are supposed to show their respect to the writer and make a coordination between the target text and the writer’s intention. Fidelity rule mainly focuses on the the relationship between translator, the original writer, text receiver in the process of translation.The above is a brief introduction of Skopos theory. I think that Skopos theory is a very useful theoretical basis in analyzing the translation of public signs in scenic areas.2.2 Studies on the Translation of Public SignsIn recent years, the translation of public signs is studied in the guidance of many translation theories, such as Functionalist Translation Theory, text typology,pragmatics and crosscutural communication. According to Liu Fagong and Xu Beijia (2008), on the basis of Newmark’s Text Function Classification Theory, tra nslation of public signs should follow the principle of unity, briefness, and comprehensibility. Fang Can(2009) proposes that translation is a dynamic process of adaptation to specific contexts. This adaptation should change with different contexts to meet the communicative needs of the two parties.The present situation of the translation of public signs is not satisfactory.Foreigners are often confused by the poor translation. He Xuegeng (2006) summarizes the problems from three perspectives, the change and loss of information, the inappropriateness of words, carelessness of billboard makers. Wang Yinquan & Chen Xinren (2004) point out four reasons of the failure translation: (1) The communicative information is lost during translation. (2) The intention of translation is misunderstood. (3) The courtesy of language is lost. (4) The translation is not equivalent to the original in information.Some scholars, taking some cities or tourist spots as examples, analyze thetranslation of public signs. Based on Skopos theory, Liu Dawei & Zhao Yali (2011) classify the public signs into two categories—— cultural loaded and common sense public signs and give some advice to improve the translation accordingly. According to first-hand materials from the spot areas, Yang Yihao (2010) sums up the major problems of the English public signs. Based on the theory of type of text and language function, also combined with Peter Newmark’s semantic and communicative translation theory, he puts forward some corresponding strategies.3. Problems in the Translation of Public Signs in Hangzhou’s Scenic AreasAfter some field trips in Hangzhou’s scenic areas,I have collected some materials of public signs and found out a lot of mistakes. At last, I decide to classify the mistakes from four aspects: vocabulary, grammar, pragmatic and culture.3.1 Lexical ErrorsLexical errors are the most common mistakes in the translation of public signs in scenic spots. Generally, there are two kinds of lexical errors: spelling mistakes andinappropriate words. This kind of errors usually result from the carelessness and the irresponsibility of board-makers. In that case, tourists will be misled by these public signs and feel a terrible travelling experience, thus with the bad impression to Hangzhou, they may be not willing to come again, which is bad for the development of tourist industry. However, some departments do not pay much attention to the problems. Mistakes still can exist. For example:Example 1: Convenience Stors (便民售货)Correct: Convenience StoresExample2: BREEZE-RUFFLED LOTUS AT WIINDING GARDEN(曲院风荷) Correct: BREEZE-RUFFLED LOTUS AT WINDING GARDENExample 3: Toi et (厕所)Correct: ToiletExample 4: Tickey Price: RMB 25/P.P(票价:每人25元)Correct: Ticket Price: RMB 25/P.PExample 5: In 1689, when Emperor Kangxi made a second trip south, the temporary paiace on Solitary Hill was first built and West Lake was dredged.Correct: In 1689, when Emperor Kangxi made a second trip south, the temporary palace on Solitary Hill was first built and West Lake was dredged.Example 6: The Su Seawall(苏堤)Correct: The Su CausewayAnalysis:The word “seawall” means “a large strong wall built to stop the sea from flowing onto the land”. Clearly, the West Lake is not sea. So here it is more appropriate to use the word causeway.Example 7: Discount price policy is available for youngsters from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan by presenting valid identity.Correct: Discount price policy is available for youngsters from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan by presenting valid identification.Analysis:The word “identity” is w rongly used here. The word means who or what somebody or something is. In Chinese, we say “身份”. In fact, what is needed to present is an official paper or a document that can prove who you are. The Chinesemeaning is “身份证明”。

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荒诞与抵抗——《局外人》中莫尔索的荒诞表现之原因分析109 论《红字》中的道德观110 试论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征手法111 Psychological Portrayal in an Epistolary Novel----On Samuel Richardson’s Pamela 112 人文主义思想在《皆大欢喜》中的运用113 从中西文化差异对英语口语教学的探讨114 从《永别了,武器》中看战争对人性的影响115 幽默语言的语用分析116 Cultural Elements in Chinese Film Subtitles and Their Translation Strategies117 黑人英语与非裔美国黑人文化的研究118 从目的论看《红楼梦》中成语的翻译119 《藻海无边》中边缘女性的生存与救赎120 英汉色彩词的语用对比研究121 《麦田里的守望者》的文体特色分析122 英汉被动意义表达比较研究123 论《杀死一只知更鸟》的成长主题124 基于认知语境的英语动物习语的理解策略研究——以“狗”的习语为例125 英汉广告翻译中的文化差异126 红色,英汉词汇差异的文化理据127 On the Techniques and Principles in English-Chinese Translation of Movie Titles128 浅析“苹果”广告中的文化因素129 Biblical Ideas on Women and Sex130 情境教学法在初中英语教学中的应用131 对抗还是和谐——论《白鲸》人与自然的关系132 Analysis of the New Female Scarlett in Gone with the Wind133 浅论英文原声电影在英语教学中的应用134 A Brief Analysis of Public Sign Translation135 从“联想”看中国企业国际化的影响因素及其战略选择136 中英广告宣传方式的比较研究137 论如何提高初中英语课堂教学效率138 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策139 论中英情感隐喻的异同点140 老纽约下的女性悲剧——对《纯真年代》中两位女性的分析141 影视作品的字幕翻译策略142 从功能对等理论的角度看英语新闻标题中修辞的翻译143 An Analysis of the Limitations in Charles Dickens’ Critical Realism Reflected in Oliver Twist144 从《小王子》看成人世界的身份危机145 试析《野性的呼唤》中的生态观146 从生态女性主义视角解读《野草在歌唱》中的女性角色147 理智胜于情感148 论《简爱》中的经济意识149 从原型批评理论来看<<哈利波特>>系列小说中的人物原型150 中美服饰的文化差异分析151 公示语汉英翻译中的语用失误浅析及对策152 On Movie Title Translation from Skopos Theory Perspective153 论商务谈判中的文化因素154 女性主义解读《傲慢与偏见》中的柯林斯155 英汉典故及文化内涵的比较分析156 论《苔丝》中女性意识与社会现实之间的冲突157 《阿甘正传》——美国传统价值观的回归158 A Study of Humour And Satire in Mark Twain’s Two Famo us Adventures159 灰姑娘情结在《理智与情感》中的表现160 《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事技巧分析161 中美学校教育和家庭教育之比较162 新闻英语中的委婉语及其翻译策略163 论《法国中尉的女人》中萨拉的女性主义的显现164 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义165 中西商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究166 从《推销员之死》看消费主义时代美国梦的破灭167 从人类文化语言学的角度分析英语语言中的性别歧视现象168 The Application of Task-based Approach to Improving Speaking Ability in Middle School 169 《林湖重游》中的静态美分析170 外语学习中的个体差异171 浅析中美婚礼习俗差异172 从接受美学视角看中式菜肴的英译173 从归化策略视角看中医药说明书的翻译174 A Reflection upon American Heroism Based on Reviews of Hollywood Movies175 从主位述位的角度阐述英语口语的连贯性176 浅议英语广告的翻译177 Hardy’s View of feminism from Sue Bridehead in Jude the Obscure178 论海勒《约塞连幸免于难》的黑色幽默的荒诞与反讽179 论王尔德在《道林格雷的画像》中的美学思想180 英雄的成长-对《指环王》主人公弗罗多的分析181 从时代背景看《唐璜》中个人主义到人道主义的升华182 幻灭的美国梦:《夜色温柔》的象征意义解读183 目的论在电影字幕翻译中的应用——以《功夫熊猫》为例184 Text Cohesion in English Business Contracts185 从《当汽车等待的时候》看欧•亨利的写作特色186 美国情景喜剧《老友记》中幽默的翻译研究187 英汉“批评”类动词的语义成分及词化模式分析188 从主角与配角之间关系的角度探讨《老人与海》中的生存主题189 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses”in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton190 英汉翻译中的增词技巧191 从自然主义角度解读《苔丝》的悲观主义192 论修辞在英语广告中的应用193 从自然主义角度解读《人鼠之间》中的美国梦(开题报告+论文)194 浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用195 简爱性格研究196 文化视角下的英汉习语对译(开题报告+论文+)197 从电影《国王的演讲》看平民情结198 《虹》中生态女性主义简析199 《蝴蝶梦》中的哥特式元素200 目的论视角下旅游景区公示语误译的研究。
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Study on C-E Translation of Public Signs in Hangzhou’s Sc enic Areas from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
Abstract: With the development of economy and the booming of tourism, bilingual public signs are used in many tourist scenic areas to provide convenience for foreign tourists. However, the translation of public signs is not satisfactory. There are many errors and non-standard phenomenon, which has a bad impact on the city’s image. Taking Hangzhou’s tourist scenic areas as an example, this paper analyzes the problems in the translation of public signs and put forward some translation strategies to improve the translation, as well as the image of Hangzhou.
Key words: Skopos theory; translation of public signs; tourist scenic areas
Study on C-E Translation of Public Signs in Hangzhou’s Scenic Areas from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
1. Introduction
1.1 The Introduction of Public Signs
In order to study public signs, we must first figure out the meaning of “signs” in English. A sign refers to “ a piece of paper, wood or metal that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions, a warning, etc”. This is the definition of sign given by Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary(Sixth Edition). Therefore, it can be inferred that public signs include road signs, advertisements, product instructions, tourist handbooks, slogans, notices in public areas. Professor Lv Hefa points that “Basic information that involves people’s behavior and demand in food, housing, traveling and entertainment should all fall into the category of public signs, which are publicly shown to the public, tourists, overseas visitors, foreigners in
China and the Chinese in other countries (2005).”
Public signs have an impact on our life in many ways and provide much convenience and help for our daily life. In terms of the function of English public signs, they can be classified into four categories, directing public signs, prompting public signs, restricting public signs and compelling public signs.
(1) directing public signs
Directing public signs are used to deliver information, help people know about the surroundings or remind the public of the features of the location. These public signs show considerate information service, without any limitation and compelling meaning. For example, “Tickets”(售票处), “Department Store” (百货商场).
(2) prompting public signs
Prompting public signs are designed to warn people to pay attention to potential dangers or risks to avoid unnecessary loss. For example, “Caution! Watch your step!”(小心,注意脚下)
(3) restricting public signs
This kind of public signs set some requirements and rules for people to obey. They mostly appear in subway or some passages. It has played a important role in dredging the stream of people. For example, “Athletes Only.”(运动员专用) “Staff Only.”(员工通道).
(4) compelling public signs
Generally, direct and compulsory words are used to forbid people from doing
something. For example, “No Smoking.”(禁止吸烟) “No Parking”(禁止停车)
1.2 Research Objective and Significance
Hangzhou, crowned as “ Paradise on Earth”, is famous for its picture sque scenery. With a long history of 2,200 years, Hangzhou used to be one of the seven ancient capitals of China. Nowadays, it is the provincial city of Zhejiang Province, serving as the center of the province’s politics, economy, culture, traffic, and tou rism. As a historical and cultural city, Hangzhou attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad every year. Especially, when West Lake charges no admission fees, even more tourists swarm into the scenic spots every holiday.。