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Apple Is Born

Now that they had decided to start a business, they needed a name. Jobs had gone for another visit to the All One Farm, where he had been pruning the Gravenstein apple trees, and Wozniak picked him up at the airport. On the ride down to Los Altos, they bandied around options. They considered some typical tech words, such as Matrix, and some neologisms, such as Executek, and some straightforward boring names, like Personal Computers Inc. The deadline for deciding was the next day, when Jobs wanted to start filing the papers. Finally Jobs proposed Apple Computer. “I was on one of my fruitarian diets,” he explained. “I had just come back from the apple farm. It sounded fun, spirited, and not intimidating. Apple took the edge off the word …computer.‟ Plus, it wo uld get us ahead of Atari in the phone book.” He told Wozniak that if a better name did not hit them by the next afternoon, they would just stick with Apple. And they did.

∙neologism [ni:'ɔlədʒiz(ə)m]

n. 新字, 新语,新语症

∙bandy ['bændi]

adj. 向外弯曲的v. 把...打来打去,往复投掷; 传播;散布

∙prune [pru:n]

n. 酶干vt. 修剪,砍掉,削减vi. 删除

∙matrix ['meitriks]

n. 母体,子宫细胞脉石,字母n.矩阵

∙intimidate [in'timideit]

vt. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫


n. 锉(文件的整理汇集)

∙straightforward [streit'fɔ:wəd]

adj. 笔直的, 率直的

∙fruitarian [fru:'tɛəriən;fru:'teri:ən]

n. 常食水果的人,果食主义者

Apple. It was a smart choice. The word instantly signaled friendliness and simplicity. It managed to be both slightly off-beat and as normal as a slice of pie. There was a whiff of counterculture, back-to-nature earthiness to it, yet nothing could be more American. And the two words together—Apple Computer—provided an amusing disjuncture. “It doesn‟t quite make sense,” said Mike Markkula, who soon thereafter became the first chairman of the new company. “So it forces your brain to dwell on it. Apple and computers, that doesn‟t go together! So it helped us grow brand awareness.”

∙simplicity [sim'plisiti]

n. 单纯, 简朴


∙slice [slais]

n. 薄的切片,一部份,锅铲vt. 切成薄片,大幅降低

∙whiff [(h)wif]

n. 一吹, 一阵香气, 香烟的一口v. 轻轻地吹, 吹送, 使被三阵出局

∙manage ['mænidʒ]

vt. 管理,处理,维持,达成,经营vi. 管理,达成


adj. 次要的,临时的adj. 非传统的,不规则的,自由的n. 弱拍

∙counterculture ['kauntə'kʌltʃə]


∙instantly ['instəntli]

adv. 立即地, 即刻地

∙thereafter [ðɛər'ɑ:ftə]

adv. 其后, 从那时以后

∙brand [brænd]

n. 燃烧的木条,剑,商标,牌子,烙印,类型vt. 打烙印,污蔑,铭记∙earthiness ['ə:θinis]

n. 土质

∙amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ]

adj. 有趣的, 引人发笑的

∙disjuncture [dis'dʒʌktʃə]

n. 分离状态

∙dwell [dwel]

vi. 居住, 存在, 冥想, 详细阐述

∙awareness [ə'wɛənis]

n. 认识(了解,知道)
