



工业设计常用工艺词汇中英文对照整理:工业设计课吕健安目录一、表面处理技术英文词汇 (1)二、表面处理不良英文词汇 (3)三、工业设计英文词汇 (4)四、模具制造和五金加工英文词汇 (8)五、模具塑胶缺陷英语词汇 (10)六、模具、塑胶原料英语词汇 (11)七、常用印刷工艺英语词汇 (12)一、表面处理技术英文词汇1. 高亮光hi-glossy2. 亚光honed(石材);matte(瓷砖);Dull3. 亮光glossy;shine4. 半光(亚光)semi dull5. 全消光full dull6. 亚光黑色Matte black7. 变色color changing8. 拉丝Brushed9. 金属拉丝brushed metal10. 光面Smooth surface11. 喷油spray12. 电镀electroplate13. 喷砂处理sand blast14. 金属喷镀法metallikon15. 真空涂膜metallizing16. 表面蚀刻etching17. 阳极氧化处理anodizing18. 蚀纹erode grain19. 抛光polishing20. 磨砂玻璃frosted glass;depolished glass21. 磨砂milled(表面的磨砂效果)22. 磨砂铜brushed brass23. 磨砂面纯银效果silver brushed finish24. 倒角chamfer25. 圆角round corner26. 轮廓contour27. 样板,仿形copy28. 设计,方案design29. 表面,外观face30. 利边sharp edge31. 金属氧化Metal oxide s32. 着色处理color coated treatment33. 丝印silk-screen34. 菲林film35. 工艺technics36. 外观appearance; Exterior; appearance; face37. 水转印water transfer printing38. 水转印膜water transfer printing film39. 纹理Textures40. 木纹wood grain41. UV油UV oil42. 铬chrome43. 镀铬chromate treatment;chrome-plating;chroming;Chromium-plating44. 镀三价铬(枪色) Plating of trivalent chromium45. 枪色rifle color coating;Gun color46. 深色dark color47. 浅色light color48. 激光雕刻Laser engraving49. 双面激光雕刻double-sided laser engraving50. 背面back51. 装饰ornamental;decorate;Decorative52. 透明红色Transparent red53. 镜片lens;Optic54. 模内抛光Mold polishing55. 印刷printing56. 印刷油墨printing ink57. 丝网screen mesh58. 丝网印刷screen printing59. 移印tempo printing;pad printing60. 丝网印版screen printing forme61. 漏印through printing62. 印刷网框screen printing frame63. 丝网类型type of screen, type of mesh64. 涂饰Coating65. 烫金Hot Stamping66. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil67. 印刷油墨Printing Ink二、表面处理不良英文词汇1. 飞油、喷油过多over spray2. 喷油不足、起牙边under spray3. 喷油表面不均匀uneven spray4. 喷油不良poor spray5. 喷油表面刮花scratch painting6. 喷油表面粘尘dust painting7. 外来油污foreign paint8. 喷油反底(露底色)paint insufficient coverage9. 喷油擦花paint abraded10. 喷油拖花painting smear11. 漏喷油missing painting12. 甩油/起皮painting peel off13. 橙皮油orange peel14. 聚油paint accumulation15. 叻架积油lacquer accumulation16. 喷油表面起泡bubble paint17. 补油不良poor re-paint18. 喷油水渍water stain mark19. 喷油颜色不配对paint color mismatch20. 喷油颜色分歧错误称paint color misalignment21. 喷油颜色有差别paint color deviation22. 喷油哑色paint color dull23. 喷油颜色有光泽paint color shine24. 喷油表面不光滑rough surface on coating25. 油料深色dark paint26. 漆油喷涂不良poor paint27. 油漆外层不良poor coating28. 喷油完成不良poor finishing29. 磨擦甩油color migration30. 涂油painting31. 喷油spraying32. 丝印不良poor silk screen printing33. 印油过多over print34. 印油不足under printing35. 印刷不良poor printing36. 热烫不良poor hot stamp37. 热烫过多over stamp38. 热烫不足under stamp39. 移印位置不准确tempo paint dislocate40. 移印油过多over tempo41. 移印油不足under tempo42. 移印不良poor tempo43. 移印刮花tempo scratching44. 移印不完整、缺油incomplete tempo painting45. 移印不清晰、朦tempo illegible46. 移印颜色不同tempo painting mismatch47. 移印套色偏移tempo painting off set48. 漏移印missing tempo49. 移印移位tempo off position50. 油漆不干paint damped51. 喷错油spraying wrong52. 电镀不良poor electro-plating53. 电镀过多over plating54. 电镀变黄electro-plating yellow55. 电镀脱落electro-plating peel off56. 电镀擦花electro-plating abraded57. 电镀彩虹色electro-plating rainbow58. 电镀阴阳色electro-plating shadow59. 电镀发黑electro-plating black60. 氧化oxidation三、工业设计英文词汇1. 设计Design2. 现代设计Modern Design3. 工艺美术设计Craft Design4. 工业设计Industrial Design5. 产品设计Product Design6. 包装设计Packaging Design7. 结构设计Structure Design8. 概念设计Concept Design9. 改型设计Model Change10. 工艺设计Technological Design11. 成套化设计Set Design12. 超小型设计Compact type13. 袖珍型设计Pocketable Type14. 便携型设计Portable type15. 系列化设计Series Design16. 组合式设计Unit Design17. 仿生设计Bionics Design18. 结构设计Structure Design19. 图形设计Graphic Design20. 视觉设计Visual Design21. 形式设计Form Design22. 工艺设计Technological Design23. 改型设计Model Change24. 照明设计Illumination Design25. 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design26. 字体设计Lettering design27. 二维设计Two-dimension Design28. 三维设计Three-dimension Design29. 设计语言Design Language30. 设计条件Design Condition31. 装饰、装潢Decoration32. 设计方法论Design Methodology33. 设计语言Design Language34. 设计条件Design Condition35. 设计过程Design Process36. 设计调查Design Survey37. 功能分析Functional Analysis38. 生命周期Life Cycle39. 外观饰面Facing40. 设计美学Design Aesthetics41. 人类工程学Human Engineering42. 造型艺术Plastic Arts43. 机械美Beauty of Machine44. 功能美Functional Beauty45. 材料美Beauty of Material46. 平衡Balance47. 对称Symmetry48. 协调Harmony49. 对比Contrast50. 类似Similarity51. 比例Proportion52. 黄金分割Golden Section53. 变形Deformation54. 表现Expression55. 构成Composition56. 纹样Pattern57. 形态Form58. 设计素描Design Sketch59. 制造原形Prototype60. 模型Model61. 仿真模型Finished Model62. 实体模型Solid Model63. 石膏模型Plaster Model64. 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimensional Animation65. 图形与背景Figure and ground66. 产品开发Product Development67. 产品改型Model Change68. 产品测试Product Testing69. 产品成本Product Cost70. 促销Sales Promotion71. 产品形象Product identity72. 形象策略Image Strategy73. 设计策略Design Policy74. 艺术总监Art Director75. 明度Valve76. 彩度Chroma77. 色相Hue78. 色温Color temperature79. 有彩色Chromatic color80. 无彩色Achromatic colors81. 明色Light color82. 暗色Dark color83. 图形符号Graphic symbol84. 符号论Semiotic85. 视觉符号Visual sign86. 符号Sign87. 宣传Propaganda88. 广告Advertising89. 企业形象Corporate identity90. 企业标准色Company color91. 标签Label92. 包装Pack93. 包装Package94. 工业包装Industrial packing95. 博览会Exposition96. 商品目录Catalogue97. 广告计划Advertising planning98. 广告效果Advertising Effect99. 象征/符号Symbol100. 象征标志Symbol mark101. 版面设计Layout102. 广告摄影Advertising photography 103. 设计费Design Fee设计法规与标准(英)104. 工业产权Industrial Property 105. 知识产权Intellectual Property 106. 注册商标Registered Trade Mark 107. 专利Patent108. 发明专利Patent for Invention 109. 外观设计专利Patent for Design 110. 实用新型Utility Model设计思潮与流派(英)111. 古典主义Classicism112. 现实主义Realism113. 新艺术运动Art Nouveau114. 流线型风格Streamlined Forms115. 国际风格International Style116. 功能主义Functionalism117. 包豪斯Bauhaus118. 现代主义Modernism119. 极少主义Minimalism120. 概念主义Conceptualism121. 超级写实主义Super Realism四、模具和五金加工英文词汇1. 模具Mold2. 模芯Mold core3. 压模Pressing dies4. 注塑模injection mould5. 凹凸模punch-cum-blanking die6. 嵌入式凹模inserted die7. 定模和动模fixed half and moving half8. 模具分型线mould split line9. 直接脱模in-line-of-draw10. 嵌件insert11. 硬件hardware12. 型腔impression13. 电铸electroform;Electro-deposition14. 电镀Galvanized;Electroplate15. 铸造Foundry16. 锻造forge17. 粗砂rough sand18. 脱模Mold release19. 化学电镀chemical plating20. 电化学加工electrochemical machining21. 铸造Casting22. 切削加工Cutting23. 挤出成型Squeezing24. 木材工艺Woodcraft25. 喷涂成型Spray Up26. 铸塑成型Casting27. 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing28. 注射injection29. 轮廓contour30. 使弯曲curve31. 扭曲distort32. 切断,夹住clip33. 冷挤压cold hobbing34. (使)变形,扭曲distort35. 轮廓profile36. 冲孔punch37. 斜角Bevel38. 凹槽Groove39. 边框Frame Front40. 逆时针Counter Clockwise41. 垂直的Perpendicular42. 螺丝Screw43. 规格Specification44. 粗糙的Rough45. 锥形taper; cone46. 首选的Preferred47. 阴影线Hatching48. 表面Surface49. 中心,圆心Center(CEN)50. 角度Angle51. 有角的angular52. 凹穴depression53. 细节,详情detail54. 边缘edge55. 制图drawing56. 特色,特征feature57. 裂口,间隙gap58. 图解的graphic59. 六角形的,六角的hexagonal60. 智能的intelligent61. 安装installation62. 结合线joint line63. 未加工的raw64. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处recess65. 凹入的re-entrant66. 阴影的shaded67. 槽slot68. 毛坯,坯料stock69. 高度Height70. 硬度Hardness71. 布氏硬度值Brinell Hardness Number72. 强度strength73. 减,减去subtract74. 螺纹thread75. 处理treatment76. 侧视图side view;side elevation77. 正视图front view78. 断面图、截面图、剖视图sectional view79. 初步的,预备的preliminary80. 注塑件molding81. 毛刺burr82. 板金工Sheet metal Work83. 光洁度Glossiness;gloss finish84. 外观Surface;Appearance85. 颜色标准Color standard86. 尺寸过大Over dimension87. 尺寸过小Under dimension88. 缩影Sink marks五、塑胶产品缺陷英语词汇1. 橘皮状表皮皱摺surface roughening2. 刮伤/划痕scratch3. 疤痕scar4. 凹陷riding5. 斑点mottle6. 压痕indentation7. 刮伤flaw8. 流痕flow mark9. 毛边galling10. 光滑glazing11. 裂纹fissure12. 褪色fading13. 变形deformation14. 色斑color mottle15. 腐蚀corrosion16. 毛边burr17. 泛白blushing18. 色差aberration19. 光泽gloss20. 表面白斑White patches on surface21. 银纹Silver marks / silver streak22. 水纹Splay mark23. 翘曲Warp age /warped24. 收缩Shrinkage/shrink25. 颜色差异Off color六、模具、塑胶材料英语词汇1. 材料Material2. 原材料raw material3. 材料规划Material Planning4. 材料评价Material Appraisal5. 加工材料Processing Materials6. 铝aluminum7. 电化铝Alumite8. 颜料Artist Color9. 黄铜brass10. 铸铝Casting aluminum11. 铸钢Casting steel12. 陶瓷制品ceramic13. 橡胶rubber14. 黑色金属Ferrous Metal15. 有色金属Nonferrous Metal16. 有机材料Organic Materials17. 金属材料Metal Materials18. 无机材料Inorganic Materials19. 复合材料Composite Materials20. 天然材料Natural Materials21. 塑料Plastics22. 通用塑料Wide Plastics23. 工程塑料Engineering Plastics24. 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin25. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil26. 涂料,油漆Paints27. 玻璃Glass28. 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel29. ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resin30. 硅树脂Silicone Resin31. 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin32. 著色剂colorant33. 调色color matching34. 色母料color master batch35. 塑胶plastic36. 热熔性塑胶thermosetting plastic37. 聚氯乙烯PVC polyvinylchloride38. 聚乙烯PE polythene39. 聚氨基甲酸酯PU polyurethane40. 聚丙烯PP polypropylene41. 聚碳酸酯PC polycarbonate42. 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate,43. 工程塑胶engineering plastics44. 压克力acrylic45. 颜料Pigment46. 染料Dye七、常用印刷英语词汇常见印刷工艺和材料英语词汇1. 表面处理coating,finishing2. 光胶gloss lamination3. 亚胶matte lamination4. 植毛flocking5. 菲林film6. 边着色painted edge7. 烫金foil stamping8. 压纹line embossed9. 击凸embossing10. 吸塑油blister varnish11. 隐性油invisible UV12. 局部UV spot UV13. 丝印silk screen14. 金粉glittering15. 珍珠油bronzing varnish16. 环保吸塑ENV heat-seal17. 环保磨光ENV calendering18. 特別UV special UV coating19. 亚油matte varnish20. 水油AQU varnish21. 印油press varnish22. UV UV varnish23. 夜光油glowing dark24. 出版Output25. 排版Impose the layout26. 骑马订saddle stitching27. 加光(M.F.) machine finish28. 胶装notch binding29. 胶粘装订glue binding30. 折页folding31. 配页assemble32. 插页insert33. 折叠式插页folded insert34. 烫背back baking35. 压槽knocking out the groove36. 裁切cutting37. 刷胶brush glue38. 覆膜laminating39. 压光calendering40. 套烫register gilt41. 凹凸印embossing42. 擦金bronzing43. 模切die cutting44. 封皮cover45. 扉页fly page46. 书壳book case47. 样品,样本Specimen48. 盒box49. 天地盒lid and base box50. 商标Logo51. 手册Manual;enchiridion52. 特种纸Fancy paper53. 铜版纸Gloss art paper (80gsm -157gsm)54. 原色牛皮bleached Kraft paper55. 白色牛皮kraft paper56. 布纹纸Arlin57. 双灰板Grey board (350gsm -3500gsm) or Chipboard58. 瓦楞纸Flute or corrugate59. 胶贴纸Sticker (85gsm) including removable sticker and permanentsticker60. 单粉咭C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)61. 书写纸Wood free paper (60gsm -120gsm) wood free board(>120gsm62. 粉灰咭CCNB board (230gsm -500gsm)常见印刷缺陷英语词汇63. 无胶水No glue64. 有阴影Shadowing65. 胶水痕迹Glue mark66. 折叠破裂Cracked folds67. 上光不良Poor coating68. 太软Over softness69. 爆线Seam broken70. 水渍Water mark71. 盒开口Glue end flap open72. 墨色Ink color73. 油墨浓度Ink density74. 印刷不良Poor printing75. 样品有缺陷Defect sample76. 印错,印刷错误Misprint77. 纸毛(linty) Linting78. 色偏(颜色改变) Color shift79. 溅墨misting常见印刷机械英语词汇80. 印刷机printing press81. 双面单色印刷机perfecting press82. 双面多色印刷机multicolour perfecting press83. 多色印刷机multi-colour printing press84. 双色印刷机two-colour printing press85. 单色印刷机single-colour printing press86. 圆压圆印刷机rotary printing press87. 往复转印刷机reversible printing press88. 二回转印刷机two-revolution printing press89. 一回转印刷机single-revolution printing press90. 停回转印刷机stop-cylinder printing press91. 圆压平印刷机(或称平台印刷机flat-bed cylinder press92. 平压平印刷机platen press93. 卷筒纸印刷机roll-fed printing press94. 单张纸印刷机sheet-fed printing press95. 丝网印刷机screen-process printing press96. 凹版印刷机intaglio printing press97. 平版印刷机planographic press98. 凸版印刷机relief printing press99. 印刷速度printing speed100. 印刷过程printing process。



表面处理英文翻译表面处理代码的含义Finish (表面处理)Code(代码)Finish(表面处理)Code(代码)Zinc Blue (镀蓝锌) ZU Nickel Flash(镀亮镍)NIZinc Black (镀黑锌) ZB Nickel Electroless (无电解镍)ENZinc Yellow (镀五彩锌) ZC Chrome Flash (镀亮铬)CRZinc Clear (镀白锌) ZITin Flash(镀亮锡)ETBlack Anodize (氧化黑色) BL Passivation (钝化)PSNatural Anodize (氧化黑色) NA Gold Plating (镀金)AUGold Anodize (氧化金色) GD Silver Plating(镀银)AGCopper Red (镀红铜) RU Titanium Plating(镀钛)TICopper Yellow (镀黄铜) YU Cadmium Plating (镀镉)CDNickel Over Copper (镀铜底镍) CN Zinc-Iron Alloy (镀镉)ZFTin Matt(镀哑锡)DT Chromate(铬酸盐)CH Flash Black PaintingPC Plain XCoating(镀哑锡)(素材)Sn/Pb Plating (镀锡铅合金) TP Electro Painting (电泳漆)EFSandblast and Anodize(喷沙阳极)SA。

表面处理 热处理英汉对照

表面处理 热处理英汉对照

表面处理、热处理关连用语英汉对照退火:anneal淬火:quench回火:temper正火normalizingage hardening 时效硬化ageing 老化处理air hardening 气体硬化air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火anode effect 阳极效应anodizing 阳极氧化处理atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面austempering 奥氏体等温淬火austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体bainite 贝氏体banded structure 条纹状组织barrel plating 滚镀barrel tumbling 滚筒打光blackening 染黑法blue shortness 青熟脆性bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理box annealing 箱型退火box carburizing 封箱渗碳bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatment 光辉热处理bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理carbide 炭化物carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳cementite 炭化铁chemical plating 化学电镀chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀coarsening 结晶粒粗大化coating 涂布被覆cold shortness 低温脆性comemtite 渗碳体controlled atmosphere 大气热处理corner effect 锐角效应creeping discharge 蠕缓放电decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火depth of hardening 硬化深层diffusion 扩散diffusion annealing 扩散退火electrolytic hardening 电解淬火embossing 压花etching 表面蚀刻ferrite 肥粒铁first stage annealing 第一段退火flame hardening 火焰硬化flame treatment 火焰处理full annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法globular cementite 球状炭化铁grain size 结晶粒度granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing 石墨退火hardenability 硬化性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线hardening 硬化heat treatment 热处理hot bath quenching 热浴淬火hot dipping 热浸镀induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理ion plating 离子电镀isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法low temperature annealing 低温退火malleablizing 可锻化退火martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭metallikon 金属喷镀法metallizing 真空涂膜nitriding 氮化处理~nitrocarburizing 软氮化normalizing 正常化oil quenching 油淬化overageing 过老化overheating 过热pearlite 针尖组织phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化pre-annealing 预备退火precipitation 析出precipitation hardening 析出硬化press quenching 加压硬化process annealing 制程退火quench ageing 淬火老化quench hardening 淬火quenching crack 淬火裂痕quenching distortion 淬火变形quenching stress 淬火应力reconditioning 再调质recrystallization 再结晶red shortness 红热脆性residual stress 残留应力retained austenite 残留奥rust prevention 防蚀salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火sand blast 喷砂处理seasoning 时效处理second stage annealing 第二段退火secular distortion 经年变形segregation 偏析selective hardening 部分淬火shot blast 喷丸处理shot peening 珠击法single stage nitriding 等温渗氮sintering 烧结处理soaking 均热处理softening 软化退火solution treatment 固溶化热处理spheroidizing 球状化退火stabilizing treatment 安定化处理straightening annealing 矫直退火strain ageing 应变老化stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzero treatment 生冷处理supercooling 过冷surface hardening 表面硬化处理temper brittleness 回火脆性temper colour 回火颜色tempering 回火tempering crack 回火裂痕texture 咬花thermal refining 调质处理thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理time quenching 时间淬火transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理under annealing 不完全退火vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空淬火vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化water quenching 水淬火wetout 浸润处理。



阳极氧化 anodic oxidation)阳极酸化处理 anodizing (英),anodising (美)阳极酸化皮膜 anodic oxide coating,anodic oxide film自然酸化 natural oxidation-阳极酸化涂装复合皮膜 combined coating of anodic oxide and organic films 化学氧化膜 chemical conversion coatingconversion coating电解 electrolysis5电解液 electrolytic solution阳极 anode阴极 cathode辅助电极 auxiliary electrode极间距离 distance between electrodes, anode-cathode distance电解电压 bath voltage电流密度 current density电流分布 current distribution皮膜产生率 coating ratio活性化处理 activation去离子水 deionizer water散射 diffuse reflection镜面反射 mirror reflection specula reflection反射率 reflectivity reflectance光泽 gloss面光泽度 relative-specula glossiness色差 color difference灰度grey scale研磨材 abrasive染料 dye dyestuff水溶性染料 water soluble dye油溶性染料 oil soluble dye治具 jig, rack电解框 frame for racking前处理 pretreatment梨地处理 mat(matt)finish环形加工 spin finish发丝 hair-line finishDiamond-cut finish;光泽处理退光bright finish,bright dipping研磨 sanding ,grinding ,polishing皮带研磨 belt sanding ,belt grinding ,belt polishing振动研磨 barrel polishing, barreling, tumblingelectrolytic polishing电解研磨.化学研磨 chemical polishing, chemical brightening!脱脂 degreasing碱蚀 alkaline degreasing酸脱脂 acid degreasing有机溶剂脱脂 organic solvent degreasing乳胶脱脂 emulsion degreasing电解蚀刻 electrolytic etching中和demitting直流法 direct current anodizing交流法 alternating current anodizing交直重叠法 process of superimposed direct current on alternating current 定电流法 constant current anodizing定电压法 constant voltage anodizing草酸皮膜 oxalic acid anodic oxide coating/硫酸皮膜 sulphoacid anodic oxide coating硬质皮膜 hard anodic oxide coating原色皮膜 self-color anodic oxide coating, integral color anodic oxide coating:电解染色皮膜electrolytic colored anodic oxide coating多孔质皮膜 porous anodic oxide film阻挡层膜 barrier layer anodic oxide coating功能皮膜 functional coating膜 flexible anodic oxide喷雾染色 spray dyeing涂布染色 daub dyeing菲林法 photo-printing-印刷染色法 direct printing转写染色法 heat transfer printing脱膜 removing of coating, stripping of coating封孔处理 sealing of anodic oxide coating水合封孔处理 hydro-thermal sealing水蒸气封孔处理 steam sealing热水封孔处理 boiling water sealing镍盐封孔处理nickel sealing.化学氧化处理 boehmite process'电解涂装 electrodeposition coating, electrophoretic coating磷酸盐法 phosphate process(皮膜单元 oxide cell多孔质层 porous layer2一水合氧化铝 boehmitecoating thickness皮膜厚度.表面粗度 surface roughness皮膜均一性 uniformity of film'皮膜表面密度 apparent density of film皮膜质量coating mass阳极酸化皮膜的固化 ageing皮膜烧焦 burning of anodic oxide coating皮膜破坏 cracking of anodic oxide coating, crazing of anodic oxide coating, stress cracking阳极粉化blooming挂灰sealing smut"风化weathering bloom干涉色iridescence;孔腐蚀 pitting corrosion;局部腐蚀 local corrosion系状腐蚀 filiform corrosion接触腐蚀 galvanic corrosion耐侯性 weather resistance耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance耐磨性 abrasion resistance, wear resistance)耐污染性 stain resistance写像性 image clarity'光泽 brightness色堅度 color fastness:脱离耐力 dielectric strength击穿电压 breakdown voltage色匹配度 color matching色的许容差 color tolerance皮膜厚試験 coating thickness test盐雾试验 salt spray test盐雾试验 copper accelerated acetic acid salt spray test(CASS test) 耐碱试验 alkali resistance test封孔试验 sealing test皮膜硬度试验 hardness test of anodic oxide coating耐磨耗性试验 abrasion resistance test,光堅ろう度试验 accelerated light fastness test色差计 color-difference meter屋外曝晒试验 outdoor-exposure tes加速耐候性试验 accelerated weathering test1 表面预处理1.1 光亮化 brightening用化学或电化学抛光的方法,使金属表面光亮的过程。



压铸件表面处理术语英文对照珍珠叻(pearl nickel)珍珠铬(pearl chrome)磷化(phosphatizing)镁合金阳极处理(anodizing)铬化(chromating)钝化(passivating)哑灰(dull grey)无铬钝化(deactivator)古青(antique brass)古红(antique copper )喷珍珠镍(painted pearl nickel)喷珍珠铬(painted pearl chrome)砂铬(satin chrome)光铬(bright chrome)电泳漆(electrophoretic coating)静电粉沫喷涂(electrostatics powder coatings)喷砂阳极处理(anodization of sand blast)聚氨酯漆喷涂(polyurethane coatings )聚脂漆喷涂(polyester coatings)环氧树酯喷涂(epoxy coatings)普通焗漆(baking enamel coatings)高温厨具焗漆(Non-stick debron coatings)喷砂+无色磷化(环保) [sand blasting + clear phosphatization (unharmed to environment) ]喷砂+无色磷化(不环保) [sand blasting + clear phosphatization (harmed to environment) ]无色铬化(clear chroming)彩色铬化(各色) (colored chroming)彩色钝化(各色) (colored passivation) 和种间色(spacing color)光镍+银+透明大红色泳漆(bright nickel + silver + clear scarlet e-coatings) [ 电尼龙叻(10-20μm),扫尼龙之后上光油(聚脂漆最少为50μm,光泽度为90) ] [satin nickel plated(10-20μm), brushed to satin surface and then clear lacquer (polyester clear lac quer min 50μm gloss 90) ] ;透明泳漆(clear e-coatings)透明蓝色泳漆(clear blue e-coatings)透明黑色泳漆(clear black e-coatings)黑色泳漆(不透明) [black e-coatings (unclear) ]金泳漆(gold e-coatings)光镍+扫尼龙+透明黄色泳漆(bright nickel + brushed to satin surface + clear yellow e-coatings)光镍+透明浅黄色泳漆(bright nickel + clear buff e-coatings )光镍+银+透明深黄色泳漆(bright nickel + silver + clear deep-yellow e-coatings)光镍+透明红紫色泳漆(bright nickel + clear purple e-coatings)光镍+透明深紫色泳漆(bright nickel + clear amaranth e-coatings)光镍+扫尼龙+透明浅红色泳漆(bright nickel + brushed to satin surface + clear light-red e-coatings)光镍+透明红色泳漆(bright nickel + clear red e-coatings)光镍+银+透明大红色泳漆(bright nickel + silver + clear scarlet e-coatings)光镍+透明啡色泳漆(bright nickel + clear coffee e-coatings)光镍+透明深绿色泳漆(bright nickel + clear dark green e-coatings)六价铬(hexavalent chromium)三价铬(trivalent chromium)尼龙镍+透明泳漆(satin nickel + clear e-coatings)光青铜+透明泳漆(bright bronze + clear e-coatings)光青铜+扫尼龙+透明泳漆(bright bronze + brushed to satin surface + clear e-coatings)珍珠镍+透明泳漆(pearl nickel + clear e-coatings)珍珠镍+扫尼龙+透明泳漆(pearl nickel + brushed to satin surface + clear e-coatings)哑镍+透明泳漆(matte nickel + clear e-coatings)古青铜+透明泳漆(antique bronze + clear e-coatings)古青铜+哑泳漆(antique bronze + matte e-coatings)古红铜+透明泳漆(antique copper + clear e-coatings)古红铜+哑泳漆(antique copper + matte e-coatings)古黄铜+透明泳漆(antique brass + clear e-coatings)古黄铜+哑泳漆(antique brass + matte e-coatings)新古色+哑泳漆(neo-patina + matte e-coatings)古铜+哑泳漆(bronzed + matte e-coatings)物理汽相淀积钛/氮化钛涂层[PVD (physical vapor deposition) Ti/ TiN (titaniumnitride) ]Polished stainless steel(不锈钢精光:PSS)Pearl nickel plated(珍珠镍:PLNP)Antique nickel plated(古铜镍/哑镍:AN)PVD(锆:PVD)Pewter(白腊:PWT)Satin Brass(铜砂光:SB)Brass self color(铜原色:BS)Polished and lacquered(铜抛光:P&L)Satin nickel(砂镍:SN)Satin chrome plated(砂铬:SC)Chrome plated(镀铬:CP)Pear nickel placed(珍珠镍:P LN P)Pearl golden plated(珍珠金:PLOP)Polished brass plated(仿金:PB)Antique brass plated(青古铜:AB)Antique copper plated(红古铜:AC)Oil rubbed bronze(油擦青古:US10B)Polished brass plated(仿金:PB)Satin stainless steel(不锈钢砂光:SS)Polished stainless steel(不锈钢精光:PSS)。



表面处理术语英语词汇 age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理 air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火 anode effect 阳极效应 anodizing 阳极氧化处理 atomloy treatment 阿木洛伊表面 austempering 奥氏体等温淬火 austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体 bainite 贝氏体 banded structure 条纹状组织 barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光 blackening 染黑法 blue shortness 青熟脆性 bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理 box annealing 箱型退火 box carburizing 封箱渗碳 bright electroplating 辉面电镀 bright heat treatment 光辉热处理 bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理 carbide 炭化物 carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层 carburizing 渗碳 cementite 炭化铁 chemical plating 化学电镀 chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀 coarsening 结晶粒粗大化 coating 涂布被覆 cold shortness 低温脆性 comemtite 渗碳体 controlled atmosphere 大气热处理 corner effect 锐角效应 creeping discharge 蠕缓放电 decarburization 脱碳处理 decarburizing 脱碳退火 depth of hardening 硬化深层 diffusion 扩散 diffusion annealing 扩散退火 electrolytic hardening 电解淬火 embossing 压花 etching 表面蚀刻 ferrite 肥粒铁 first stage annealing 第一段退火 flame hardening 火焰硬化 flame treatment 火焰处理 full annealing 完全退火 gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法 globular cementite 球状炭化铁 grain size 结晶粒度 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理 graphitizing 石墨退火 hardenability 硬化性 hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 hardening 硬化 heat treatment 热处理 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火 hot dipping 热浸镀 induction hardening 高周波硬化 ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理 ion plating 离子电镀 isothermal annealing 等温退火 liquid honing 液体喷砂法 low temperature annealing 低温退火 malleablizing 可锻化退火 martempering 麻回火处理 martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭 metallikon 金属喷镀法 metallizing 真空涂膜 nitriding 氮化处理 nitrocarburizing 软氮化 normalizing 正常化 oil quenching 油淬化 overageing 过老化 overheating 过热 pearlite 针尖组织 phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化 pre-annealing 预备退火 precipitation 析出 precipitation hardening 析出硬化 press quenching 加压硬化 process annealing 制程退火 quench ageing 淬火老化 quench hardening 淬火 quenching crack 淬火裂痕 quenching distortion 淬火变形 quenching stress 淬火应力 reconditioning 再调质 recrystallization 再结晶 red shortness 红热脆性 residual stress 残留应力 retained austenite 残留奥 rust prevention 防蚀 salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火 sand blast 喷砂处理 seasoning 时效处理 second stage annealing 第二段退火 secular distortion 经年变形 segregation 偏析 selective hardening 部分淬火 shot blast 喷丸处理 shot peening 珠击法 single stage nitriding 等温渗氮 sintering 烧结处理 soaking 均热处理 softening 软化退火 solution treatment 固溶化热处理 spheroidizing 球状化退火 stabilizing treatment 安定化处理 straightening annealing 矫直退火 strain ageing 应变老化 stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火 subzero treatment 生冷处理 supercooling 过冷 surface hardening 表面硬化处理 temper brittleness 回火脆性 temper colour 回火颜色 tempering 回火 tempering crack 回火裂痕 texture 咬花 thermal refining 调质处理 thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理 time quenching 时间淬火 transformation 变态 tufftride process 软氮化处理 under annealing 不完全退火 vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化 vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理 vacuum hardening 真空淬火 vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理 vacuum nitriding 真空氮化 water quenching 水淬火 wetout 浸润处理。



表面处理中英文对照1age hardening时效硬化ageing老化处理air hardening 气体硬化air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火anode effect阳极效应anodizing阳极氧化处理atomloy treatment 阿托姆洛伊表面austempering 奥氏体等温卒火austenite奥氏田体/奥氏体bainite贝氏体baned structure 条纹状组织barrel plating滚镀barrel tumbling滚筒打光blackening 染黑法blue shortness 青熟脆性bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理box annealing 箱型退火box carburizing 封箱渗碳bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatment 光辉热处理bypass heat treatment旁路热处理carbide 碳化物carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳cemmentite 碳化铁chemical plating 化学电镀chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀coarsening 结晶粒粗大化coating 涂布被覆cold shortness 低温脆性comemtite 渗碳体controlled atmosphere 大气热处理corner effect 锐角效应creeping discharge 蠕缓放电decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火depth of hardening硬化深层diffusion扩散diffusion annealing 扩散退火electrolytic hardening 电解卒火embossing 压花etching 表面蚀刻ferrite 肥粒铁first stage annealing 第一段退火flame hardening 火焰硬化full annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法globular cementite 球状碳化铁grain size 结晶粒度granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing 石墨退火hardenability 硬化性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线hardening 硬化heat treatment 热处理hot bath quenching 热裕卒火hot dipping 热浸镀induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理ion plating 离子电镀isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法low temperature annealing 低温退火malleablizing 可锻化退火martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁碳metallikon 金属喷镀法metallizing 真空涂膜nitriding 氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化normalizing 正常化oil quenching 油卒化overageing 过老化overheating 过热pearlite 针尖组织phosphating 碳酸盐皮膜处理physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化pre-annealing预备退火precipitation 析出precipitation hardening 析出硬化press quenching 加压硬化process annealing 制程退火quench ageing 卒火老化quench hardening 卒火quench crack 卒火裂痕quenching distortion 卒火变形quenching stress 卒火应力reconditioning 再调质recrystallization 再结晶red shortness 红热脆性residual stress 残留应力retained austenite 残留奥氏体rust prevention 防蚀salt bath quenching 盐浴卒火sand blast 喷砂处理seasoning 时效处理second stage annealing 第二段退火secular distortion 经年变形segregation 偏析selective hardening部分卒火shot blast 喷丸处理shot peening 珠击法single stage nitriding 等温渗碳sintering 烧结处理soaking 均热处理softening 软化退火solution treatment 固溶化热处理spheroidizing 球状化退火stabilizing treatment 安定化处理straightening annealing 矫直退火strain ageing 应变老化stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzero treatment 生冷处理supercooling 过冷surface hardening 表面硬化处理temper brittleness 回火脆性temper colour 回火颜色tempering 回火tempering crack回火裂痕texture 咬花thermal refining 调质处理thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理time quenching 时间卒火transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理under annealing 不完全退火vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空卒火vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化water quenching 水卒火wetout 浸润处理。



金属表面处理中英文对照表BRASS(SOLID BRASS) 青銅ANTIQUE 青古銅NICKEL 叻色PEWTER 黑古銅DK.NICKEL 黑叻MATTED GOLD 啞金PLASTIC 塑膠 SATIN GOLD 磨砂金GOLDEN/SLIVER 金/銀 PEARL GOLD 珍珠金PEARL NICKEL 珍珠叻POLISHED BRASS 啞銅MATTED NICKEL 啞叻MATTED BLACK 啞黑BRUSH BRASS 掃黃銅 BRUSH NICKEL 掃叻BRUSH GOLD 掃金TARNISHED BLACK 木碳黑BRUSH ANTIQUE 掃青古銅GUN METAL 槍色BRUSH ANTI NICKEL 掃黑叻 TITANIUM 鈦黑ANTIQUE NICKEL 淺黑叻 BRUSH RED COPPER 掃紅古銅BRUSH GUNMETAL 掃槍色SPRAYED SAND PEWTER 噴沙黑叻LT GOLD 淺金MATTED BRASS 啞青銅NICKEL FREE 無叻叻NICKEL FREE BRASS 無叻青銅PEARL GUN METAL ELECTRO MATTED BLACK 電泳啞黑RED COPPER 紅古銅CHROME 鉻色MATTED CHROME 啞鉻色 BRUSH LT GUNMETAL 掃淺槍NKL FREE BRUSH ANTIQUE 無叻掃青古銅NICKEL FREE ANTTQUE 無叻青古銅NICKEL FREE GOLD 無叻真金NICKEL FREE GUN METAL 無叻槍色LT GUN METAL 淺槍NKL FREE BRUSH GUN METAL 無叻掃槍ANTIQUE SILVER 古銀色GREY NICKEL 灰叻ANTIQUE COPPER 古銅BRUSH MATTED GUN METAL 掃啞槍NKL FREE MATTED NICKEL 無叻啞叻NICKEL FREE DK. NICKEL 無叻黑叻ROLL PLATING GUN METAL 滾電槍色NKL FREE ANTIQUE NICKEL 無叻淺黑叻COPPER 原銅ROLL ANTIQUE 滾青古銅ALUMINIUM 鋁色BRUSH MATTED LT GOLD 掃啞淺金MATTED LT GOLD 啞淺金SILVER 銀色BRUSH LT GOLD 掃淺金DULL ANTIQUE BRASS 啞古銅ANTIQUE GOLD 古金LT ANTIQUE 淺青古銅ROSE GOLD 玫瑰金ALLOY 合金色NEW GOLD 新金BRUSH COPPER 掃原銅9K LT GOLD 9K淺金NKL FREE LT GOLDE 無叻淺金NKL FREE BRUSH NKL 無叻掃叻NKL FREE LT GUN METAL 無叻淺槍BRUSH DK GUN METAL 掃深槍NKL FREE BR DK GUN METAL 無叻掃深槍DK BLK NICKEL 深黑叻DK ANTIQUE 深青古銅NKL FREE GREY NICKEL 無叻灰叻NKL FREE DK BLK NICKEL 無叻深黑叻NKL FREE ANTI SILVER 無叻古銀LT GUN METAL 淺槍(面掛電,底滾電)NKL FREE BR LT GOLD 無叻掃淺金NKL FREE BRUSH GOLD 無叻掃金NKL FREE PEARL GOLD 無叻珍珠金NEW COPPER 新原銅BIO PEWTER 古叻DULL GOLD 濁金ELECTRO BLACK 詠黑SPRAY BLACK 噴黑BRONZE BRASS 仿銅LT ANTIQUE GOLD 淺古金MATTED GUN METAL 啞槍DULL NICKEL 濁叻ROLL DK.NICKEL 滾黑叻NKL FREE ROLL DK.NICKEL 無叻滾黑叻RAW 原胚(無電鍍)SPRAY 噴色NKL FREE ELECTRO BLACK 無叻電詠黑NKL FREE BRUSH BRASS 無叻黃銅DK GUN METAL 深槍NKL FREE DK GUN METAL 無叻深槍SPRAY MATTED BLK 噴啞黑NKL FREE MATTED GOLD 无叻哑金常见的表面处理冲床工艺序号俗称(中文)英文(翻译)常见的颜色序号冲压工序英文翻译1 喷塑 powder coated 黑白军绿 1 落料 blanking2 烤漆lanking finish 2 切断 cuttingbanking varnishing 3 折弯 bendingpainting backing 4 冲字stamping letterspray painted 5 拉伸to stretch6 拉深to pull and stretch3 镀锌 zinc plated 蓝白锌彩锌 7 切边side cut /sid scrapzinc coated 8 去毛边trmming4 镀镍 iron with nickel plated 普通镍化学镍9 冲孔pierceiron covered by nickel 10 抽孔draw holesteel with nickel plated 11 深冲压deep drawing5 光亮镀镍 bright nickel-plating deep stamping6 镀铝aluminum-plated 12 折叠folding7 镀铬 chrome-plated 13 成型molding8 镀银silver-plated 14 整形plastic15 攻丝tapping9 镀金gold-plated10 镀锡tin-plated11 电泳 electrophoresis 黑色electro-coating亮铬Polished Chrome仿金Polished 24K Gold拉丝铬Brushed Chrome。



(镀锡铅合金) Sandblast and Anodize SA
Electro Painting
Nickel Electroless
Zinc Yellow
(无电解镍) Chrome Flash
(镀五彩锌) ZI
Zinc Clear
(镀亮铬) Tin Flash
Black Anodize
Natural Anodize
(镀镉) Zinc-Iron Alloy
DT Tin Matt(镀哑锡)
Flash Black Painting
(镀镉) Chromate
(铬酸盐) Plain
Code (代码)
Sn/Pb Plating
(钝化) Gold Plating
Gold Anodize
Silver Plating
(氧化金色) Copper Red
Titanium Plating
CHale Waihona Puke pper YellowYU
Cadmium Plating


表面处理代码的含义 Finish (表面处理) Zinc Blue (镀蓝锌) Zinc Black (镀黑锌) Zinc Yellow (镀五彩锌) Zinc Clear (镀白锌) Black Anodize (氧化黑色) Natural Anodize (氧化黑色) Gold Anodize (氧化金色) Copper Red (镀红铜) Copper Yellow (镀黄铜) Nickel Over Copper (镀铜底镍) DT Tin Matt(镀哑锡) (铬酸盐) Flash Black Painting PC Plain X CN YU RU GD NA BL ZI ZC ZB Code (代码) ZU Finish (表面处理) Nickel Flash (镀亮镍) Nickel Electroless (无电解镍) Chrome Flash (镀亮铬) Tin Flash (镀亮锡) Passivation (钝化) Gold Plating (镀金) Silver Plating (镀银) Titanium Plating (镀钛) Cadmium Plating (镀镉) Zinc-Iron Alloy (镀镉) Chromate CH ZF CD TI AG AU PS ET CR EN Code (代码) NI
Coating (镀哑锡) Sn/Pb Plating (镀锡铅合金) Sandblast and Anodize (喷沙阳极) SA TP
Electro Painting (电泳漆)
Байду номын сангаас



金属表面处理中英文对照表Last updated on the afternoon of January 3, 2021金属表面处理中英文对照表BRASS(SOLID BRASS) 青铜ANTIQUE 青古铜NICKEL 叻色PEWTER 黑古铜黑叻MATTED GOLD 哑金PLASTIC 塑胶SATIN GOLD 磨砂金GOLDEN/SLIVER 金/银PEARL GOLD 珍珠金PEARL NICKEL 珍珠叻POLISHED BRASS 哑铜MATTED NICKEL 哑叻MATTED BLACK 哑黑BRUSH BRASS 扫黄铜BRUSH NICKEL 扫叻BRUSH GOLD 扫金TARNISHED BLACK 木碳黑BRUSH ANTIQUE 扫青古铜GUN METAL 枪色BRUSH ANTI NICKEL 扫黑叻TITANIUM 钛黑ANTIQUE NICKEL 浅黑叻BRUSH RED COPPER 扫红古铜BRUSH GUNMETAL 扫枪色 SPRAYED SAND PEWTER 喷沙黑叻LT GOLD 浅金MATTED BRASS 哑青铜NICKEL FREE 无叻叻NICKEL FREE BRASS 无叻青铜PEARL GUN METAL ELECTRO MATTED BLACK 电泳哑黑RED COPPER 红古铜CHROME 铬色MATTED CHROME 哑铬色BRUSH LT GUNMETAL 扫浅枪NKL FREE BRUSH ANTIQUE 无叻扫青古铜NICKEL FREE ANTTQUE 无叻青古铜NICKEL FREE GOLD 无叻真金NICKEL FREE GUN METAL 无叻枪色LT GUN METAL 浅枪NKL FREE BRUSH GUN METAL 无叻扫枪ANTIQUE SILVER 古银色GREY NICKEL 灰叻ANTIQUE COPPER 古铜BRUSH MATTED GUN METAL 扫哑枪NKL FREE MATTED NICKEL 无叻哑叻NICKEL FREE DK. NICKEL 无叻黑叻ROLL PLATING GUN METAL 滚电枪色NKL FREE ANTIQUE NICKEL 无叻浅黑叻COPPER 原铜ROLL ANTIQUE 滚青古铜ALUMINIUM 铝色BRUSH MATTED LT GOLD 扫哑浅金MATTED LT GOLD 哑浅金SILVER 银色BRUSH LT GOLD 扫浅金DULL ANTIQUE BRASS 哑古铜ANTIQUE GOLD 古金LT ANTIQUE 浅青古铜ROSE GOLD 玫瑰金ALLOY 合金色NEW GOLD 新金BRUSH COPPER 扫原铜9K LT GOLD 9K浅金NKL FREE LT GOLDE 无叻浅金NKL FREE BRUSH NKL 无叻扫叻NKL FREE LT GUN METAL 无叻浅枪BRUSH DK GUN METAL 扫深枪NKL FREE BR DK GUN METAL 无叻扫深枪DK BLK NICKEL 深黑叻DK ANTIQUE 深青古铜NKL FREE GREY NICKEL 无叻灰叻NKL FREE DK BLK NICKEL 无叻深黑叻NKL FREE ANTI SILVER 无叻古银LT GUN METAL 浅枪(面挂电,底滚电)NKL FREE BR LT GOLD 无叻扫浅金NKL FREE BRUSH GOLD 无叻扫金NKL FREE PEARL GOLD 无叻珍珠金NEW COPPER 新原铜BIO PEWTER 古叻DULL GOLD 浊金ELECTRO BLACK 咏黑SPRAY BLACK 喷黑BRONZE BRASS 仿铜LT ANTIQUE GOLD 浅古金MATTED GUN METAL 哑枪DULL NICKEL 浊叻ROLL 滚黑叻NKL FREE ROLL 无叻滚黑叻RAW 原胚(无电镀)SPRAY 喷色NKL FREE ELECTRO BLACK 无叻电咏黑NKL FREE BRUSH BRASS 无叻黄铜DK GUN METAL 深枪NKL FREE DK GUN METAL 无叻深枪SPRAY MATTED BLK 喷哑黑NKL FREE MATTED GOLD 无叻哑金常见的表面处理冲床工艺序号俗称(中文)英文(翻译)常见的颜色序号冲压工序英文翻译1 喷塑 powder coated 黑白军绿 1 落料 blanking2 烤漆 lanking finish 2 切断 cuttingbanking varnishing 3 折弯 bendingpainting backing 4 冲字 stamping letterspray painted 5 拉伸 to stretch6 拉深 to pull and stretch3 镀锌 zinc plated 蓝白锌彩锌 7 切边 side cut /sid scrapzinc coated 8 去毛边 trmming4 镀镍 iron with nickel plated 普通镍化学镍9 冲孔 pierceiron covered by nickel 10 抽孔 draw holesteel with nickel plated 11 深冲压 deep drawing5 光亮镀镍 bright nickel-plating deep stamping6 镀铝 aluminum-plated 12 折叠 folding7 镀铬 chrome-plated 13 成型 molding8 镀银 silver-plated 14 整形 plastic15 攻丝 tapping9 镀金 gold-plated10 镀锡 tin-plated11 电泳 electrophoresis 黑色electro-coating亮铬 Polished Chrome仿金 Polished 24K Gold拉丝铬Brushed Chrome。



表面处理关连用语专业英语中英文对照age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火 anode effect 阳极效应anodizing 阳极氧化处理 atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面austempering 奥氏体等温淬火 austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体bainite 贝氏体 banded structure 条纹状组织barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光blackening 染黑法 blue shortness 青熟脆性bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理 box annealing 箱型退火box carburizing 封箱渗碳 bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatment 光辉热处理 bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理carbide 炭化物 carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳 cementite 炭化铁chemical plating 化学电镀 chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀coarsening 结晶粒粗大化 coating 涂布被覆cold shortness 低温脆性 comemtite 渗碳体controlled atmosphere 大气热处理 corner effect 锐角效应creeping discharge 蠕缓放电 decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火 depth of hardening 硬化深层diffusion 扩散 diffusion annealing 扩散退火electrolytic hardening 电解淬火 embossing 压花etching 表面蚀刻 ferrite 肥粒铁first stage annealing 第一段退火 flame hardening 火焰硬化flame treatment 火焰处理 full annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法 globular cementite 球状炭化铁grain size 结晶粒度 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing 石墨退火 hardenability 硬化性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 hardening 硬化heat treatment 热处理 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火hot dipping 热浸镀 induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理ion plating 离子电镀 isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法 low temperature annealing 低温退火malleablizing 可锻化退火 martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭 metallikon 金属喷镀法metallizing 真空涂膜 nitriding 氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化 normalizing 正常化oil quenching 油淬化 overageing 过老化overheating 过热 pearlite 针尖组织phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化 pre-annealing 预备退火precipitation 析出 precipitation hardening 析出硬化press quenching 加压硬化 process annealing 制程退火quench ageing 淬火老化 quench hardening 淬火quenching crack 淬火裂痕 quenching distortion 淬火变形quenching stress 淬火应力 reconditioning 再调质recrystallization 再结晶 red shortness 红热脆性residual stress 残留应力 retained austenite 残留奥rust prevention 防蚀 salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火sand blast 喷砂处理 seasoning 时效处理second stage annealing 第二段退火 secular distortion 经年变形segregation 偏析 selective hardening 部分淬火shot blast 喷丸处理 shot peening 珠击法single stage nitriding 等温渗氮 sintering 烧结处理soaking 均热处理 softening 软化退火solution treatment 固溶化热处理 spheroidizing 球状化退火stabilizing treatment 安定化处理 straightening annealing 矫直退火strain ageing 应变老化 stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzero treatment 生冷处理 supercoo-ling 过冷surface hardening 表面硬化处理 temper brittleness 回火脆性temper colour 回火颜色 tempering 回火tempering crack 回火裂痕 texture 咬花thermal refining 调质处理 thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理time quenching 时间淬火 transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理 under annealing 不完全退火vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化 vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空淬火 vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化 water quenching 水淬火wetout 浸润处理-。



金属表面处理中英文对照表IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】金属表面处理中英文对照表BRASS(SOLID BRASS) 青铜ANTIQUE 青古铜NICKEL 叻色PEWTER 黑古铜黑叻MATTED GOLD 哑金PLASTIC 塑胶SATIN GOLD 磨砂金GOLDEN/SLIVER 金/银PEARL GOLD 珍珠金PEARL NICKEL 珍珠叻POLISHED BRASS 哑铜MATTED NICKEL 哑叻MATTED BLACK 哑黑BRUSH BRASS 扫黄铜BRUSH NICKEL 扫叻BRUSH GOLD 扫金TARNISHED BLACK 木碳黑BRUSH ANTIQUE 扫青古铜GUN METAL 枪色BRUSH ANTI NICKEL 扫黑叻TITANIUM 钛黑ANTIQUE NICKEL 浅黑叻BRUSH RED COPPER 扫红古铜BRUSH GUNMETAL 扫枪色 SPRAYED SAND PEWTER 喷沙黑叻LT GOLD 浅金MATTED BRASS 哑青铜NICKEL FREE 无叻叻NICKEL FREE BRASS 无叻青铜PEARL GUN METAL ELECTRO MATTED BLACK 电泳哑黑RED COPPER 红古铜CHROME 铬色MATTED CHROME 哑铬色BRUSH LT GUNMETAL 扫浅枪NKL FREE BRUSH ANTIQUE 无叻扫青古铜NICKEL FREE ANTTQUE 无叻青古铜NICKEL FREE GOLD 无叻真金NICKEL FREE GUN METAL 无叻枪色LT GUN METAL 浅枪NKL FREE BRUSH GUN METAL 无叻扫枪ANTIQUE SILVER 古银色GREY NICKEL 灰叻ANTIQUE COPPER 古铜BRUSH MATTED GUN METAL 扫哑枪NKL FREE MATTED NICKEL 无叻哑叻NICKEL FREE DK. NICKEL 无叻黑叻ROLL PLATING GUN METAL 滚电枪色NKL FREE ANTIQUE NICKEL 无叻浅黑叻COPPER 原铜ROLL ANTIQUE 滚青古铜ALUMINIUM 铝色BRUSH MATTED LT GOLD 扫哑浅金MATTED LT GOLD 哑浅金SILVER 银色BRUSH LT GOLD 扫浅金DULL ANTIQUE BRASS 哑古铜ANTIQUE GOLD 古金LT ANTIQUE 浅青古铜ROSE GOLD 玫瑰金ALLOY 合金色NEW GOLD 新金BRUSH COPPER 扫原铜9K LT GOLD 9K浅金NKL FREE LT GOLDE 无叻浅金NKL FREE BRUSH NKL 无叻扫叻NKL FREE LT GUN METAL 无叻浅枪BRUSH DK GUN METAL 扫深枪NKL FREE BR DK GUN METAL 无叻扫深枪DK BLK NICKEL 深黑叻DK ANTIQUE 深青古铜NKL FREE GREY NICKEL 无叻灰叻NKL FREE DK BLK NICKEL 无叻深黑叻NKL FREE ANTI SILVER 无叻古银LT GUN METAL 浅枪(面挂电,底滚电)NKL FREE BR LT GOLD 无叻扫浅金NKL FREE BRUSH GOLD 无叻扫金NKL FREE PEARL GOLD 无叻珍珠金NEW COPPER 新原铜BIO PEWTER 古叻DULL GOLD 浊金ELECTRO BLACK 咏黑SPRAY BLACK 喷黑BRONZE BRASS 仿铜LT ANTIQUE GOLD 浅古金MATTED GUN METAL 哑枪DULL NICKEL 浊叻ROLL 滚黑叻NKL FREE ROLL 无叻滚黑叻RAW 原胚(无电镀)SPRAY 喷色NKL FREE ELECTRO BLACK 无叻电咏黑NKL FREE BRUSH BRASS 无叻黄铜DK GUN METAL 深枪NKL FREE DK GUN METAL 无叻深枪SPRAY MATTED BLK 喷哑黑NKL FREE MATTED GOLD 无叻哑金常见的表面处理冲床工艺序号俗称(中文)英文(翻译)常见的颜色序号冲压工序英文翻译1 喷塑 powder coated 黑白军绿 1 落料 blanking2 烤漆 lanking finish 2 切断 cuttingbanking varnishing 3 折弯 bendingpainting backing 4 冲字 stamping letterspray painted 5 拉伸 to stretch6 拉深 to pull and stretch3 镀锌 zinc plated 蓝白锌彩锌 7 切边 side cut /sid scrapzinc coated 8 去毛边 trmming4 镀镍 iron with nickel plated 普通镍化学镍9 冲孔 pierceiron covered by nickel 10 抽孔 draw holesteel with nickel plated 11 深冲压 deep drawing5 光亮镀镍 bright nickel-plating deep stamping6 镀铝 aluminum-plated 12 折叠 folding7 镀铬 chrome-plated 13 成型 molding8 镀银 silver-plated 14 整形 plastic15 攻丝 tapping9 镀金 gold-plated10 镀锡 tin-plated11 电泳 electrophoresis 黑色electro-coating亮铬 Polished Chrome仿金 Polished 24K Gold拉丝铬Brushed Chrome。



工业设计常用工艺词汇中英文比照整理:工业设计课吕健安目录一、表面处理技术英文词汇 (1)二、表面处理不良英文词汇 (2)三、工业设计英文词汇 (2)四、模具制造和五金加工英文词汇 (4)五、模具塑胶缺陷英语词汇 (5)六、模具、塑胶原料英语词汇 (6)七、常用印刷工艺英语词汇 (6)一、表面处理技术英文词汇1. 高亮光hi-glossy2. 亚光honed(石材);matte(瓷砖);Dull3. 亮光glossy;shine4. 半光(亚光)semi dull5. 全消光full dull6. 亚光黑色Matte black7. 变色color changing8. 拉丝Brushed9. 金属拉丝brushed metal10. 光面Smooth surface11. 喷油spray12. 电镀electroplate13. 喷砂处理sand blast14. 金属喷镀法metallikon15. 真空涂膜metallizing16. 表面蚀刻etching17. 阳极氧化处理anodizing18. 蚀纹erode grain19. 抛光polishing20. 磨砂玻璃frosted glass;depolished glass 21. 磨砂milled(表面的磨砂效果)22. 磨砂铜brushed brass23. 磨砂面纯银效果silver brushed finish24. 倒角chamfer25. 圆角round corner26. 轮廓contour27. 样板,仿形copy28. 设计,方案design29. 表面,外观face30. 利边sharp edge31. 金属氧化Metal oxide s32. 着色处理color coated treatment33. 丝印silk-screen34. 菲林film35. 工艺technics36. 外观appearance; Exterior; appearance; face37. 水转印water transfer printing38. 水转印膜water transfer printing film39. 纹理Textures40. 木纹wood grain41. UV油UV oil42. 铬chrome43. 镀铬chromate treatment;chrome-plating;chroming;Chromium-plating44. 镀三价铬(枪色) Plating of trivalent chromium45. 枪色rifle color coating;Gun color46. 深色dark color47. 浅色light color48. 激光雕刻Laser engraving49. 双面激光雕刻double-sided laser engraving50. 背面back51. 装饰ornamental;decorate;Decorative52. 透亮红色Transparent red53. 镜片lens;Optic54. 模内抛光Mold polishing55. 印刷printing56. 印刷油墨printing ink57. 丝网screen mesh58. 丝网印刷screen printing59. 移印tempo printing;pad printing60. 丝网印版screen printing forme61. 漏印through printing62. 印刷网框screen printing frame63. 丝网类型type of screen, type of mesh64. 涂饰Coating65. 烫金Hot Stamping66. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil67. 印刷油墨Printing Ink二、表面处理不良英文词汇1. 飞油、喷油过多over spray2. 喷油不足、起牙边under spray3. 喷油表面不匀整uneven spray4. 喷油不良poor spray5. 喷油表面刮花scratch painting6. 喷油表面粘尘dust painting7. 外来油污foreign paint8. 喷油反底(露底色)paint insufficient coverage9. 喷油擦花paint abraded10. 喷油拖花painting smear11. 漏喷油missing painting12. 甩油/起皮painting peel off13. 橙皮油orange peel14. 聚油paint accumulation15. 叻架积油lacquer accumulation16. 喷油表面起泡bubble paint17. 补油不良poor re-paint18. 喷油水渍water stain mark19. 喷油颜色不配对paint color mismatch20. 喷油颜色分歧错误称paint color misalignment21. 喷油颜色有差别paint color deviation22. 喷油哑色paint color dull23. 喷油颜色有光泽paint color shine24. 喷油表面不光滑rough surface on coating25. 油料深色dark paint26. 漆油喷涂不良poor paint27. 油漆外层不良poor coating 28. 喷油完成不良poor finishing29. 磨擦甩油color migration30. 涂油painting31. 喷油spraying32. 丝印不良poor silk screen printing33. 印油过多over print34. 印油不足under printing35. 印刷不良poor printing36. 热烫不良poor hot stamp37. 热烫过多over stamp38. 热烫不足under stamp39. 移印位置不精确tempo paint dislocate40. 移印油过多over tempo41. 移印油不足under tempo42. 移印不良poor tempo43. 移印刮花tempo scratching44. 移印不完整、缺油incomplete tempo painting45. 移印不清晰、朦tempo illegible46. 移印颜色不同tempo painting mismatch47. 移印套色偏移tempo painting off set48. 漏移印missing tempo49. 移印移位tempo off position50. 油漆不干paint damped51. 喷错油spraying wrong52. 电镀不良poor electro-plating53. 电镀过多over plating54. 电镀变黄electro-plating yellow55. 电镀脱落electro-plating peel off56. 电镀擦花electro-plating abraded57. 电镀彩虹色electro-plating rainbow58. 电镀阴阳色electro-plating shadow59. 电镀发黑electro-plating black60. 氧化oxidation三、工业设计英文词汇1. 设计Design2. 现代设计Modern Design3. 工艺美术设计Craft Design4. 工业设计Industrial Design5. 产品设计Product Design6. 包装设计Packaging Design7. 结构设计Structure Design8. 概念设计Concept Design9. 改型设计Model Change10. 工艺设计Technological Design11. 成套化设计Set Design12. 超小型设计Compact type13. 袖珍型设计Pocketable Type14. 便携型设计Portable type15. 系列化设计Series Design16. 组合式设计Unit Design17. 仿生设计Bionics Design18. 结构设计Structure Design19. 图形设计Graphic Design20. 视觉设计Visual Design21. 形式设计Form Design22. 工艺设计Technological Design23. 改型设计Model Change24. 照明设计Illumination Design25. 视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design26. 字体设计Lettering design27. 二维设计Two-dimension Design28. 三维设计Three-dimension Design29. 设计语言Design Language30. 设计条件Design Condition31. 装饰、装潢Decoration32. 设计方法论Design Methodology33. 设计语言Design Language34. 设计条件Design Condition35. 设计过程Design Process36. 设计调查Design Survey37. 功能分析Functional Analysis38. 生命周期Life Cycle39. 外观饰面Facing40. 设计美学Design Aesthetics41. 人类工程学Human Engineering 42. 造型艺术Plastic Arts43. 机械美Beauty of Machine44. 功能美Functional Beauty45. 材料美Beauty of Material46. 平衡Balance47. 对称Symmetry48. 协调Harmony49. 对比Contrast50. 类似Similarity51. 比例Proportion52. 黄金分割Golden Section53. 变形Deformation54. 表现Expression55. 构成Composition56. 纹样Pattern57. 形态Form58. 设计素描Design Sketch59. 制造原形Prototype60. 模型Model61. 仿真模型Finished Model62. 实体模型Solid Model63. 石膏模型Plaster Model64. 计算机三维动画Computer Three Dimensional Animation65. 图形和背景Figure and ground66. 产品开发Product Development67. 产品改型Model Change68. 产品测试Product Testing69. 产品成本Product Cost70. 促销Sales Promotion71. 产品形象Product identity72. 形象策略Image Strategy73. 设计策略Design Policy74. 艺术总监Art Director75. 明度Valve76. 彩度Chroma77. 色相Hue78. 色温Color temperature79. 有彩色Chromatic color80. 无彩色Achromatic colors81. 明色Light color82. 暗色Dark color83. 图形符号Graphic symbol84. 符号论Semiotic85. 视觉符号Visual sign86. 符号Sign87. 宣扬Propaganda88. 广告Advertising89. 企业形象Corporate identity90. 企业标准色Company color91. 标签Label92. 包装Pack93. 包装Package94. 工业包装Industrial packing95. 博览会Exposition96. 商品书目Catalogue97. 广告支配Advertising planning98. 广告效果Advertising Effect99. 象征/符号Symbol100. 象征标记Symbol mark101. 版面设计Layout102. 广告摄影Advertising photography 103. 设计费Design Fee设计法规和标准(英)104. 工业产权Industrial Property 105. 学问产权Intellectual Property 106. 注册商标Registered Trade Mark 107. 专利Patent108. 独创专利Patent for Invention 109. 外观设计专利Patent for Design 110. 好用新型Utility Model设计思潮和流派(英)111. 古典主义Classicism112. 现实主义Realism113. 新艺术运动Art Nouveau114. 流线型风格Streamlined Forms 115. 国际风格International Style116. 功能主义Functionalism117. 包豪斯Bauhaus118. 现代主义Modernism119. 极少主义Minimalism120. 概念主义Conceptualism121. 超级写实主义Super Realism四、模具和五金加工英文词汇1. 模具Mold2. 模芯Mold core3. 压模Pressing dies4. 注塑模injection mould5. 凹凸模punch-cum-blanking die6. 嵌入式凹模inserted die7. 定模和动模fixed half and moving half8. 模具分型线mould split line9. 干脆脱模in-line-of-draw10. 嵌件insert11. 硬件hardware12. 型腔impression13. 电铸electroform;Electro-deposition14. 电镀Galvanized;Electroplate15. 铸造Foundry16. 锻造forge17. 粗砂rough sand18. 脱模Mold release19. 化学电镀chemical plating20. 电化学加工electrochemical machining21. 铸造Casting22. 切削加工Cutting23. 挤出成型Squeezing24. 木材工艺Woodcraft25. 喷涂成型Spray Up26. 铸塑成型Casting27. 压缩成型Compression Molding Pressing28. 注射injection29. 轮廓contour30. 使弯曲curve31. 扭曲distort32. 切断,夹住clip33. 冷挤压cold hobbing34. (使)变形,扭曲distort35. 轮廓profile36. 冲孔punch37. 斜角Bevel38. 凹槽Groove39. 边框Frame Front40. 逆时针Counter Clockwise41. 垂直的Perpendicular42. 螺丝Screw43. 规格Specification44. 粗糙的Rough45. 锥形taper; cone46. 首选的Preferred47. 阴影线Hatching48. 表面Surface49. 中心,圆心Center(CEN)50. 角度Angle51. 有角的angular52. 凹穴depression53. 微小环节,详情detail54. 边缘edge55. 制图drawing56. 特色,特征feature57. 裂口,间隙gap58. 图解的graphic59. 六角形的,六角的hexagonal60. 智能的intelligent61. 安装installation62. 结合线joint line63. 未加工的raw64. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处recess65. 凹入的re-entrant66. 阴影的shaded67. 槽slot 68. 毛坯,坯料stock69. 高度Height70. 硬度Hardness71. 布氏硬度值Brinell Hardness Number72. 强度strength73. 减,减去subtract74. 螺纹thread75. 处理treatment76. 侧视图side view;side elevation77. 正视图front view78. 断面图、截面图、剖视图sectional view79. 初步的,预备的preliminary80. 注塑件molding81. 毛刺burr82. 板金工Sheet metal Work83. 光滑度Glossiness;gloss finish84. 外观Surface;Appearance85. 颜色标准Color standard86. 尺寸过大Over dimension87. 尺寸过小Under dimension88. 缩影Sink marks五、塑胶产品缺陷英语词汇1. 橘皮状表皮皱摺surface roughening2. 刮伤/划痕scratch3. 疤痕scar4. 凹陷riding5. 斑点mottle6. 压痕indentation7. 刮伤flaw8. 流痕flow mark9. 毛边galling10. 光滑glazing11. 裂纹fissure12. 褪色fading13. 变形deformation14. 色斑color mottle15. 腐蚀corrosion16. 毛边burr17. 泛白blushing18. 色差aberration19. 光泽gloss20. 表面白斑White patches on surface21. 银纹Silver marks / silver streak22. 水纹Splay mark23. 翘曲Warp age /warped24. 收缩Shrinkage/shrink25. 颜色差异Off color六、模具、塑胶材料英语词汇1. 材料Material2. 原材料raw material3. 材料规划Material Planning4. 材料评价Material Appraisal5. 加工材料Processing Materials6. 铝aluminum7. 电化铝Alumite8. 颜料Artist Color9. 黄铜brass10. 铸铝Casting aluminum11. 铸钢Casting steel12. 陶瓷制品ceramic13. 橡胶rubber14. 黑色金属Ferrous Metal15. 有色金属Nonferrous Metal16. 有机材料Organic Materials17. 金属材料Metal Materials18. 无机材料Inorganic Materials19. 复合材料Composite Materials20. 自然材料Natural Materials21. 塑料Plastics22. 通用塑料Wide Plastics23. 工程塑料Engineering Plastics24. 热塑性树脂Thermoplastic Resin25. 烫金膜Hot Stamping foil26. 涂料,油漆Paints 27. 玻璃Glass28. 搪瓷、珐琅Enamel29. ABS树脂Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resin30. 硅树脂Silicone Resin31. 聚氨酯树脂Polyurethane Resin32. 著色剂colorant33. 调色color matching34. 色母料color master batch35. 塑胶plastic36. 热熔性塑胶thermosetting plastic37. 聚氯乙烯PVC polyvinylchloride38. 聚乙烯PE polythene39. 聚氨基甲酸酯PU polyurethane40. 聚丙烯PP polypropylene41. 聚碳酸酯PC polycarbonate42. 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate,43. 工程塑胶engineering plastics44. 压克力acrylic45. 颜料Pigment46. 染料Dye七、常用印刷英语词汇常见印刷工艺和材料英语词汇1. 表面处理coating,finishing2. 光胶gloss lamination3. 亚胶matte lamination4. 植毛flocking5. 菲林film6. 边着色painted edge7. 烫金foil stamping8. 压纹line embossed9. 击凸embossing10. 吸塑油blister varnish11. 隐性油invisible UV12. 局部UV spot UV13. 丝印silk screen14. 金粉glittering15. 珍宝油bronzing varnish16. 环保吸塑ENV heat-seal17. 环保磨光ENV calendering18. 特別UV special UV coating19. 亚油matte varnish20. 水油AQU varnish21. 印油press varnish22. UV UV varnish23. 夜光油glowing dark24. 出版Output25. 排版Impose the layout26. 骑马订saddle stitching27. 加光(M.F.) machine finish28. 胶装notch binding29. 胶粘装订glue binding30. 折页folding31. 配页assemble32. 插页insert33. 折叠式插页folded insert34. 烫背back baking35. 压槽knocking out the groove36. 裁切cutting37. 刷胶brush glue38. 覆膜laminating39. 压光calendering40. 套烫register gilt41. 凹凸印embossing42. 擦金bronzing43. 模切die cutting44. 封皮cover45. 扉页fly page46. 书壳book case47. 样品,样本Specimen48. 盒box49. 天地盒lid and base box50. 商标Logo51. 手册Manual;enchiridion52. 特种纸Fancy paper53. 铜版纸Gloss art paper (80gsm -157gsm) 54. 原色牛皮bleached Kraft paper55. 白色牛皮kraft paper56. 布纹纸Arlin57. 双灰板Grey board (350gsm -3500gsm) or Chipboard58. 瓦楞纸Flute or corrugate59. 胶贴纸Sticker (85gsm) including removable sticker and permanent sticker60. 单粉咭C1S art paper (170gsm) or C1S art board (190gsm -450gsm)61. 书写纸Wood free paper (60gsm -120gsm) wood free board(>120gsm62. 粉灰咭CCNB board (230gsm -500gsm)常见印刷缺陷英语词汇63. 无胶水No glue64. 有阴影Shadowing65. 胶水痕迹Glue mark66. 折叠裂开Cracked folds67. 上光不良Poor coating68. 太软Over softness69. 爆线Seam broken70. 水渍Water mark71. 盒开口Glue end flap open72. 墨色Ink color73. 油墨浓度Ink density74. 印刷不良Poor printing75. 样品有缺陷Defect sample76. 印错,印刷错误Misprint77. 纸毛(linty) Linting78. 色偏(颜色变更) Color shift79. 溅墨misting常见印刷机械英语词汇80. 印刷机printing press81. 双面单色印刷机perfecting press82. 双面多色印刷机multicolour perfecting press83. 多色印刷机multi-colour printing press84. 双色印刷机two-colour printing press85. 单色印刷机single-colour printing press86. 圆压圆印刷机rotary printing press87. 往复转印刷机reversible printing press88. 二回转印刷机two-revolution printing press89. 一回转印刷机single-revolution printing press90. 停回转印刷机stop-cylinder printing press91. 圆压平印刷机(或称平台印刷机flat-bed cylinder press92. 平压平印刷机platen press93. 卷筒纸印刷机roll-fed printing press94. 单张纸印刷机sheet-fed printing press95. 丝网印刷机screen-process printing press96. 凹版印刷机intaglio printing press97. 平版印刷机planographic press98. 凸版印刷机relief printing press99. 印刷速度printing speed100. 印刷过程printing process。






防护性表面处理1.耐蚀处理 (AC):Anti-corrosion treatment2.防氧化处理 (AO):Anti-oxidation treatment3.防尘处理 (AD):Anti-dust treatment4.防盐雾处理 (AS):Anti-salt fog treatment5.防风化处理 (AW):Anti-weathering treatment表面改性处理1.表面涂覆处理 (SC):Surface coating treatment2.表面喷涂处理 (ST):Surface spraying treatment3.表面沉积处理 (SD):Surface deposition treatment4.表面合金化处理 (SA):Surface alloying treatment5.表面等离子处理 (SP):Surface plasma treatment表面修饰处理1.表面抛光处理 (SP):Surface polishing treatment2.表面激光处理 (SL):Surface laser treatment3.表面电刷处理 (SB):Surface brush treatment4.表面烧蚀处理 (SE):Surface eroding treatment5.表面喷丸处理 (SW):Surface shot blasting treatment表面功能化处理1.表面涂层处理 (SC):Surface coating treatment2.表面改变电阻率处理 (SR):Surface resistance altering treatment3.表面改变导电性处理 (SC):Surface conductivity altering treatment4.表面改变磁性处理 (SM):Surface magnetism altering treatment5.表面改变光学性质处理 (SO):Surface optics altering treatment其他常见缩写1.热处理 (HT):Heat treatment2.精密表面处理 (SP):Precision surface treatment3.涂覆层厚度测试 (CT):Coating thickness testing4.表面粗糙度测试 (SR):Surface roughness testing5.表面硬度测试 (SH):Surface hardness testing每种表面处理工艺都有其特定的表现效果和适用范围。

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耐侯性 weather resistance
耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance
耐磨性 abrasion resistance, wear resistance)
耐污染性 stain resistance
写像性 image clarity'
光泽 brightness
1 表面预处理
1.1 光亮化 brightening
1.2 光亮浸渍 bright dipping
1.3 抛光 polishing
1.4 软轮磨光 buffing
皮膜均一性 uniformity of film'
皮膜表面密度 apparent density of film
皮膜质量coating mass
阳极酸化皮膜的固化 ageing
皮膜烧焦 burning of anodic oxide coating
皮膜破坏 cracking of anodic oxide coating, crazing of anodic oxide coating, stress cracking
热水封孔处理 boiling water sealing
镍盐封孔处理nickel sealing.
化学氧化处理 boehmite process'
电解涂装 electrodeposition coating, electrophoretic coating
磷酸盐法 phosphate pr
阻挡层膜 barrier layer anodic oxide coating
功能皮膜 functional coating
膜 flexible anodic oxide
喷雾染色 spray dyeing
涂布染色 daub dyeing
菲林法 photo-printing-
印刷染色法 direct printing
电解研磨 electrolytic polishing
化学研磨 chemical polishing, chemical brightening!
脱脂 degreasing
碱蚀 alkaline degreasing
酸脱脂 acid degreasing
有机溶剂脱脂 organic solvent degreasing
耐磨耗性试验 abrasion resistance test,
光堅ろう度试验 accelerated light fastness test
色差计 color-difference meter
屋外曝晒试验 outdoor-exposure tes
加速耐候性试验 accelerated weathering test
1.11 酸洗 pickling
1.12 清洗 cleaning
1.13 除灰 desmutting
光泽处理 退光bright finish,bright dipping
研磨 sanding ,grinding ,polishing
皮带研磨 belt sanding ,belt grinding ,belt polishing
振动研磨 barrel polishing, barreling, tumbling
电流密度 current density
电流分布 urrent distribution
皮膜产生率 coating ratio
活性化处理 activation
去离子水 deionizer water
散射 diffuse reflection
镜面反射 mirror reflection specula reflection
1.22 喷玻璃丸处理 glass bead blasting
1.23 喷砂 sand blasting
1.24 湿喷 wet blasting,liquid honing
转写染色法 heat transfer printing
脱膜 removing of coating, stripping of coating
封孔处理 sealing of anodic oxide coating
水合封孔处理 hydro-thermal sealing
水蒸气封孔处理 steam sealing
反射率 reflectivity reflectance
光泽 gloss
面光泽度 relative-specula glossiness
色差 color difference
灰度grey scale
研磨材 abrasive
染料 dye dyestuff
水溶性染料 water soluble dye
原色皮膜 self-color anodic oxide coating, integral color anodic oxide coating:
电解染色皮膜electrolytic colored anodic oxide coating
多孔质皮膜 porous anodic oxide film
1.5 电解光亮化 electrobrightening
1.6 电解抛光 exechtropolishing
1.7 电解浸蚀 electrolytic etching
挂灰sealing smut"
风化weathering bloom
孔腐蚀 pitting corrosion;
局部腐蚀 local corrosion
系状腐蚀 filiform corrosion
接触腐蚀 galvanic corrosion
盐雾试验 copper accelerated acetic acid salt spray test(CASS test)
耐碱试验 alkali resistance test
封孔试验 sealing test
皮膜硬度试验 hardness test of anodic oxide coating
自然酸化 natural oxidation-
阳极酸化涂装复合皮膜 combined coating of anodic oxide and organic films
化学氧化膜 chemical conversion coatingconversion coating
电解 electrolysis5
1.25 活化 activation
1.26 再活化 reactivation (of an anodic oxide coating)
电解液 electrolytic solution
阳极 anode
阴极 cathode
辅助电极 auxiliary electrode
极间距离 distance between electrodes, anode-cathode distance
电解电压 bath voltage
1.19 滚筒磨光 tumbling
1.20 喷磨 abrasive blasting
1.21 喷丸 shot blasting
1.16 刷光 brushing
1.17 磨光 grinding
1.18 带式磨光 belt grinding ,belt polishing
色堅度 color fastness:
脱离耐力 dielectric strength
击穿电压 breakdown voltage
色匹配度 color matching
色的许容差 color tolerance
皮膜厚試験 coating thickness test
盐雾试验 salt spray test
定电流法 constant current anodizing
定电压法 constant voltage anodizing
草酸皮膜 oxalic acid anodic oxide coating/
硫酸皮膜 sulphoacid anodic oxide coating
硬质皮膜 hard anodic oxide coating