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摘要 (2)


引言 (4)

1 绪论 (5)

1.1前期调研 (5)

1.2计算机技术综述 (5)

1.3开发背景与主要内容 (7)

2 系统技术开发 (8)

2.1可行性分析 (8)

2.2面对对象的程序设计介绍 (9)

2.3SQL语言介绍 (10)

2.4JDBC数据访问技术 (11)

2.5数据库系统概述 (12)

2.6系统开发理论介绍 (14)

2.7开发环境 (15)

3 系统设计 (17)

3.1系统结构设计 (18)

3.2数据库设计 (19)

4 系统实现 (22)

4.1界面设计 (22)

4.2主要代码的编写 (23)

5 系统测试和优化 (54)

5.1测试目的 (54)

5.2测试方法 (54)

5.3测试步骤 (55)

5.4系统优化 (56)

6 讨论 (57)

6.1源代码的控制 (57)

6.2变量命名的约定 (57)

6.3JAVA对字符串操作总结 (58)

6.4对错误的处理 (61)

结论 (63)

致谢 (64)

参考文献 (65)








The system of financing is very important to business enterprise, and it is an indispensability part. The business enterprise is previously and already focalization in the execution financial management. However, the financing system is not only to business enterprise, and to students or families all contain very important meaning.

This thesis systematically analyzes the background and process of software’s exploitation. Firstly it tells us the exploitative environment of software. Secondly it shows the process of designing the software in detail, such as the design of database and the achievement, as well as the design and functions of the concrete interface. Finally it concludes the problems that occur in the exploitative process of this software. Adopting the way of object oriented program (OOP) and ADO database interview technique, whose exploitation mainly includes the establishment and maintenance of background database and the process of forepart application, using the way JA V A that achieve automatization and information technology of the system of financing in students.

The system mainly consists of the following modules:Customer password debarkation, Investigating database and the confluence of initial data and so on, which make the availability of the cash in students into earning and payout, Investigation and management of the system more perfect and flexible.

According to read the thesis, you can realize the program “The Students’ Financing System “the approach of design and cont rol the function of system.

Key Words:University Students;Financing;DATABASE;Object Oriented Program
