

21世纪研究生英语综合教程2课文翻译 西交大版

21世纪研究生英语综合教程2课文翻译 西交大版




























综合教程1第一单元Because of the sizable colonial trades with many overseas areas,the gold and silver coins of all the important commercial countries of Europe and their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere were freely exchanged throughout the eastern seaboard. More important than English coins,which could not be legally exported from Britain to the colonies,were the sliver coins of the Spanish mint. These were struck in Mexico City and Lima and introduced into the Spanish colonies. Spanish dollars were so common in the colonies that the coin was eventually adopted as the monetary unit of the United States.Although Massachusetts first attempted to mint coins of low bullion content as early as 1652, the colonies eventually turned to paper to increase their meager and undependable money supply。

The promissory notes of well—known individuals and bills of exchange drawn on English merchants readily exchanged hands for several months.In addition,treasures of the various colonies began to issue promissory notes in advance of tax collection and issue written orders to town officers requiring the payments of obligations from local stores,like other negotiable instruments,these pieces of paper were exchanged on endorsement as money.由于殖民地与许多海外地区的大量贸易,所有欧洲的重要商业国及其在西半球的附属国的金银铸币在北美东海岸都可以自由交易。



2.小鸟在保护区的草场上轻快地飞过,作 为世界上最大的陆地动物家园,这里有 着不同寻常的宁静。
Unit 2: Text A
3. The sanctuary was started in 1995 by
Carol Buckley and Scott Blaise. The two former
6. 芭克雷证实说,正如我们在《国家地理》 杂志和探索频道看到的那样,大象彼此之 间十分友善。因为芭克雷接触的大象都遭 受过忽视和虐待,她目睹了大象之间同病 相怜的情感,这些情景令她难忘,其中还 包括下面这个不同寻常的故事。
Unit 2: Text A
9. 多年前,当詹妮还是头小象时就与雪莉相识了 ,她们同在一个马戏团卖力地演出。尽管她们 仅仅相处了几个星期,但在分开之前雪莉已承 担起了詹妮代理妈妈的重任。但那是23年前的 事了,她们还会记得吗?
Unit 2: Text A
10. Jenny knew right away who Shirley was. Soon Hohenwald was rocking as the two greeted each other with trumpeting and celebratory bumping.
8.自由是件美好的东西,詹妮渴望拥有它。她因腿 伤被单独关在一个院子里一天,但事实证明那对 她来说是一种压力。于是她被放到象群中,就在 那时她与一位“故人”不期而遇。



Unit 1 Text A选择健康饮食,不论有机与否自联邦政府六年半前认证“有机”食品以来,美国人以极大地热情接受了这一概念。

















硕士英语综合教程2课后翻译UNIT 11.探索的魔力会激励我们年轻人去学习数学、科学以及工程学,并为我们培养出新一代的改革者和开拓者。

The fascination generated by further exploration will inspire our young people to study math, and science, and engineering and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.2.一回到英国,他就利用媒体的高知名度,作为进入政坛的踏板。

Uponreturning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.3.由于业务的自然增长,你将会时时处于忙碌的状态,并且必须能够接受倒班,包括在夜间和周末上班。

Owing to the nature of every growing business,you will need to be on the go constantly,and also be on the go prepared to work shift work,including nights and weekends.4.在澳大利亚,汽油价格也出现下降。


In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.5.亚洲经济出现了积极的态势,一些国家已经克服金融危机的影响并且恢复发展,亚洲再次成为全球经济增长的焦点。


Unit 2: Text A
Loving Memor:y ElephantReunion
By Andy Simmons
When two abused elephants are reunited after 23 years,their joy is trumpetedthroughoutthecolony.
4. At the sanctuary,the 19Africanand Asian elephantsin residenceare allowedto exist as they would in the wild. “Wecreateda system where dominancedoes not exist at all,”says Buckley.“Wgeivethemtheoptionto sayno.”
2.小鸟在保护区的草场上轻快地飞过,作 为世界上最大的陆地动物家园,这里有 着不同寻常的宁静。
Unit 2: Text A
3. The sanctuarywas started in 1995 by CarolBuckleyand ScottBlaise. Thetwo former elephanttrainers had seen enoughabuse and neglectat circusesand zoosto inspirethemto createa sanctuarywhereelephantscould live out their lives. The sanctuarywould offer what Buckley considersthe three necessitiesfor a happyelephant:freedomfrom dominance, room to wanderandlots of otherelephants.



21世纪研究生英语综合教程2课后练习题含答案课后练习题1.根据文章内容和所学知识,回答以下问题:(1)What is cognitive psychology?(2分)(2)List three cognitive processes.(3分)(3)What is metacognitive awareness?(2分)(4)What do we know about the functional distinction between the cerebral hemispheres?(3分)2.请阅读下面的短文,并回答问题。

Reading is one of the most important skills that a student can develop. In fact, it is not just students who need to develop this skill. It is essential for everyone. Research has shown that reading helps develop vocabulary, improve comprehension and enhance imagination. Reading helps to expand your knowledge and broaden your horizons.But how can you become a better reader? Here are some tips:(1)Start with something easy. If you are a novice reader,beginning with material that is too challen ging won’t be fun andmay discourage you.(2)Read at a comfortable pace. If you try to read toofast and miss important detls, you will end up having to go backand re-read the material.(3)Focus on comprehension, not just speed. Reallyunderstanding what you are reading is much more important than just finishing quickly.(4)Take breaks. Reading can be tiring, so give yourself abreak every now and then.(5)Practice reading in different settings. You may findthat you read better in one location or environment than another. (1)What is the importance of developing reading skills?(2分)(2)What are the benefits of reading?(2分)(3)What are some tips for becoming a better reader?(6分)答案1.(1)Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processessuch as。



《工程硕士研究生英语综合教程》第二版王慧莉课后练习英译中In the October issue of the journal Pediatrics,for instance,researchers at Stanford University released findings from an ongoing study of students at an upper-middle income high school in the San Francisco area.One written survey found that the large majority of students were members of at least one social networking site—81%of them on MySpace. They also found that89%of those students had cellphones,most of them with text and Web surfing capabilities.They are more wired than ever—but they’re also getting warier.Increasingly,they’ve had to deal with online bullies,who are posting anything from unflattering photos to online threats.Privacy issues also are hitting home,most recently when students discovered that personal updates on their Facebook pages were being automatically forwarded to contacts they didn’t necessarily want to have the information.Facebook was forced to let users turn off the data stream after they rebelled.例如,在10月的儿科学期刊上,斯坦福大学的研究人员发布了一项关于旧金山地区中中高收入高中学生的研究结果。

《工程硕士研究生英语综合教程》第二版 王慧莉 课后练习中译英

《工程硕士研究生英语综合教程》第二版 王慧莉 课后练习中译英

Unit21:一些学生意识到在网上结交的朋友仅仅能算认识而已,于是,他们就拔掉了自己电脑的电源插座. Some student pulled the plug after realizing that a lot of the online friends they accumulated were really just acquaintances.2:这个教授一直提倡面对面交流,但是他并不反对技术的使用.他认为学生们应该知道使用技术的最适合的时间,地点和原因,所有他已经开始对学生进行限制,严禁他们在课堂上网.This professor is long an advocate of face-to-face communication,although he is no anti-technology.he believes that students should know when,where and for what purpose technology is most appropriate,so he has begun setting his own limits,banning students from surfing the Internet during lectures.3:有些人认为网络上的一切并没有他们当初想象的那么好,所有他们觉得简单的面对面交流可能会更好;另一些人则认为不见面的网络交流可成为日常交流的一个很好的补充手段,因为他们比不使用网络的人有着更大,更紧密的社交圈.Some people hole that nothing on the Internet is as great as they thought,so they wonder if simple face-to-face communication might work better.others regard faceless communication as a supplement to everyday interactions,as they have a larger network of close and significant contacts than non-Internet-users.4:有时,当人们害怕面对面,害怕被拒绝时,短信是一种快捷简便的解决问题的方法.我们可以通过短信取消晚上的约会,这样就可以不用解释;我们也可以通过短信来约别人出来,这样就不会像打电话或面对面亲耳听到别人说”不”时的尴尬.Sometimes,when people have a fear of confrontation and rejection,text messaging is an easy and quick way out.we can cancel a night out with a text message to avoid having to explain.we can also ask for dates via text to escape the humiliation of hearing a“no”on the phone or in person.Unit31:找一份普通的白领工作已经变得极为深奥微妙,充满迂回曲折和错综复杂的问题,让不止一个人来解释资讯总是一件好事.A typical white-collar job search has become so sophisticated,with so many twists and turns and overlapping issues,that it’s nice to have more than one person interpreting that data.2:你从公司内部的一个朋友那里听说,招聘经理是极为古怪的那种人,而且,在你那次灰心丧气的求职经历不久,那位无能的经理就被解雇了.即便如此你的自我心理分析仍然是值得的.选择负责任,尽你所能去改进方法永远都不会是多此一举.You’ve learned from a friend inside the company that the hiring manager was one of those flaky types,and that the shiftless manager was fired soon after your frustrating experience.your self-analysis would still be worthwhile.Choosing responsibility,choosing to improve what you can about your approach,is never wasted effort.3:如果你在整个职业生涯中一直坚持学习和提高,将会怎样?如果你化解每一次令人心灰意冷,不成功的求职面试以提高你在某一个主要方面的熟练程度,将会怎样?如果你下决心将每一次被冒犯和忽略的经理转化为颇具价值的学习过程,又将会怎样?what if you keep improving,and learning,all through your business career?what if you left every frustrating or unsuccessful job interview resolved to improve your proficiency in one key area?what if you resolved that every affront and slur would translate into valuable learning for you?4:你今天下定决心为你的求职负责任,让求职求职过程中的每一步都成为自我提高的机会.you resolved today to take total responsibility for your job search,and make every step in it a chance for personal improvement.Unit61:电子商务可能被定义为“交易双方利用电子手段,前非实际的交流和接触,来进行互动的任何一种商业交易形式one possible definition of electronic commerce would be:"any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact.2:现代商业的特点是供应能力目益增长,全球竞争日益严峻和客户要求日益苛刻。



Ⅰ. Background information (3)Ⅱ. Language points (4)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (6)Unit 2 (10)Ⅰ. Background information (10)Ⅱ. Language points (12)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (15)Unit 3 (19)Ⅰ. Background information (19)Ⅱ. Language points (20)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (22)unit 4 (26)Ⅰ. Background information (26)Ⅱ. Language points (32)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (33)Unit 5 (36)Ⅰ. Background information (36)Ⅱ. Language points (39)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (41)Unit 6 (44)Ⅰ. Background information (44)Ⅱ. Language points (50)Ⅲ. Reference materials (51)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (54)Unit 7 (59)Ⅰ. Background information (59)Ⅱ. Language points (60)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (61)Unit 8 (63)Ⅰ. Background information (63)Ⅱ. Language points (67)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (68)Unit 9 (71)Ⅰ. Background information (71)Ⅱ. Language points (74)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (75)Unit 10 (78)Ⅰ. Language points (78)Ⅱ. Key to the exercises (79)Unit 11 (83)Ⅰ. Background information (83)Ⅱ. Language points (85)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (87)I. Background information (91)Ⅱ. Language points (91)Ⅲ. Key to the exercises (94)Unit 1Text A Putting in a Good Word for GuiltⅠ. Background information1.Ellen Goodman A syndicated columnist whose writing appears in over four hundred newspapers, Ellen Goodman began her working career in 1963. Goodman began newspaper writing at the Detroit Free Press, where she worked as a general reporter and news feature writer on the city desk.In 1980, Goodman was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Commentary. Goodman‟s work has won many other awards, including the American Society of Newspaper Editors Distinguished Writing Award in 1980. She received the Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award from the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights in 1988. In 1993, at its Seventh Annual Exceptional Merit Media Award Ceremony, the National Women‟s Political Caucus gave her the President‟s Award. In 1994, the Women‟s Research & Education Institute presented her with their American Woman Award.2.Freud Freud may justly be called the most influential intellectual legislator of his age. His creation of psychoanalysis was at once a theory of the human psyche, a therapy for the relief of its ills, and an optic for the interpretation of culture and society. Despite repeated criticisms, attempted refutations, and qualifications of Freud‟s work, its spell remained powerful well after his death and in fields far removed from psychology as it is narrowly defined. If, as the American sociologist Philip Rieff once contended, “psychological man” replaced such earlier notions as political, religious, or economic man as the 20th century‟s dominant self image, it is in no small measure due to the power of Freud‟s vision and the seeming inexhaustibility of the intel lectual legacy he left behind.3.Karl Menninger (1893 1990) founder of the Menninger Foundation for Psychiatric Education and Research. As director of education of the foundation, besides training other theapists, he wrote many works, among which are The Human Mind (1930), Man Against Himself (1938), and Whatever Became Of Sin? (1973)4.Reverend TillotsonJohn Tillotson (1630 1694), chaplain to Charles Ⅱand a prominant preacher of his age. He supported the Revolution of 1688 and was apointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1691.5.David Riesman American sociologist and author most noted for The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character (with Reuel Denney and Nathan Glazer, 1950), a work dealing primarily with the social character of the urban middle class. “The lonely crowd” became a catchphrase denoting modern urban society in which the individual feels alienated. Also entering common speech were the labels he applied to two of the three character types that he identified in the book: “inner directed” and “other directed.”Ac cording to Riesman‟s theory, in preindustrial societies having a high potential for population growth (e.g., medieval Europe), the typical individual is “tradition directed,” his personal valuesbeing determined by the traditions of a highly structured society or by power relations within its major divisions, such as classes, professions, castes, or clans. These values are characteristically passed intact from one generation to another. When the population is growing but has not reached the stage of crowding (e.g., western Europe from the Renaissance to the early 20th century), the “inner directed” individual predominates. His personal values are determined early by his immediate family, are not necessarily related to any wider social forces, and are also likely to remain unchanged. In heavily industrialized societies, where the population is dense and perhaps beginning to decline, the “other directed” individual emerges. His life is in large part shaped by “peer groups” of persons whom he resembles in age, s ocial class, or otherwise, and he adjusts his values to conform to those of his group in a constant process of change.Ⅱ. Language points1. Feeling guilty is nothing to feel guilty about. (para.1) You don‟t have to be consciously uncomfortable if you have the sense of guilt.2. Yes, guilt can be the excess baggage that keeps us paralyzed unless we dump it. (para.1)Sure, guilt can be the over loaded burden that tortures us if we don‟t get rid of it.paralyze v. to make unable to move or acte.g. The child was paralyzed by fear when the thunder came.打雷的时候,这孩子被吓得不能动弹。



Unit 1成功机构,以人为本“我们公司的经营模式是公司和每一位员工共同成功,绝不落下任何人,这也是成功经营一个企业的典范??”——霍华德·舒尔茨1. 英特尔公司奉行它。







3. 哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化的多样性。









4. 那些奉行以人为本的组织拥有一支更敬业、更忠诚的工作团队。




星巴克的卓越成就5. 让你在咖啡中醒来!——星巴克无处不在。





Are We Getting Smarter?我们正变得更聪明吗?IQ scores rose steadily in the 20th century. As scientists search for the reasons, they are shedding new light on the dance between genes and life experience that determines intelligence.在20世纪IQ值稳步上升。


1 While generations of schoolchildren, military recruits, job applicants and Mensa wannabes have wrestled with IQ questions like these, some smart scientists who study intelligence have been stumped by an even more exasperating puzzle: why have IQ scores been rising? And not rising a little, by a point here and there, but soaring--27 points in Britain since 1942, 24 points in the United States since 1918, 22 points in Argentina since 1964, with comparable gains throughout Western Europe, Canada, Japan, China, Israel, Australia and New Zealand. The rise is so sharp that the average child today is as bright as the near genius of yesteryear. "This shatters our belief about the rigidity of IQ," says psychologist Ulrich Neisser of Cornell University. "It's powerful evidence that you can indeed change it."当在校的孩子、军队的新兵、求职者和向往Mensa协会的人努力解答像这样的IQ问题时,一些聪明的研究智力的科学家一直被另一个更让人困惑的问题困扰:为什么IQ值一直在上升?并且不是上升一点点不是这里升一点那里升一点,而是大幅度上升:英国自从1942年以来增长27个百分点,美国自1918年以来增长24个百分点,阿根廷自1964年以来增长22个百分点,这种增长遍及西欧、加拿大、日本、中国、以色列、澳大利亚和新西兰。

硕士综合英语教程2Unit1、2、3、4、5 Text A译文

硕士综合英语教程2Unit1、2、3、4、5 Text A译文

硕士综合英语教程2参考译文Unit 1成功机构,以人为本“我们公司的经营模式是公司和每一位员工共同成功,绝不落下任何人,这也是成功经营一个企业的典范……”——霍华德·舒尔茨1.英特尔公司奉行它。

























UNIT 1 The Winner’s Guide to SuccessMotivational experts reveal what drives them成功者的成功之路励志专家揭示其前进的动力How do successful people think? What drives them? To find out, I interviewed some of the people most successful in motivating others: top motivational speakers and bestselling authors of “how-to-succeed” books. Here are seven keys to success that they share.成功人士是怎麽想的?什么在驱动着他们?为了探究原由,我访谈了一些最能成功激励大众的人士:顶尖的励志演说者和“如何成功”类畅销书的作者们。


Take full responsibility. In a society in which people blame everyone from their parents to the government for their failure to get ahead, motivational superstars refuse to buy into the victim mentality. Their credo is “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.”承担全部责任。



”They realize that when you say someone or something outside of yourself is preventing you from succeeding, you’re giving away your power. You’re saying, “ you have more control over my life than I do.”他们认识到当你说是自身之外的某件事或某个人阻碍了你成功,就是在举手投降。



Unit 8美国的房地产泡沫1.在2005-2006年期间达到了高峰。



然而,一旦利率上升,房产价格在2006-2007年开始在美国的很多地区适度回落, 筹集资金变得更加困难。

违约和丧失抵押赎回权激增, 的那样上涨, 可调利率调得更高。

2. 在这次金融危机爆发前的许多年低利率和大量的外国资金流入创造了方便的信用条件,资消费。



随着部分的房市和信贷的繁荣,被称为抵押贷款证券和债务抵押证券的金融协议的数量大大增加了, 他们的价值来自于抵押贷款偿还和房价。


当房价下跌, 已经借贷和大力投资次级抵押贷款证券的全球主要金融机构蒙受了重大的损失。




3. 当房市泡沫和信贷泡沫加剧,一系列的因素导致金融体系不断的扩展,而且变得越来越脆弱,其过程被称为金融体系化。






政府也帮助金融机构摆脱困境和执行经济刺激计划, 承担额外的财政承诺。



Unit 1Translation of Text如何应对恭维H·艾伦·史密斯尽管我确信蓄胡子会使我更加气度不凡,走在大街上会使女性发笑,但我从不留胡子,原因是我不敢冒险,因为哪怕蓄一点点胡子也很危险,它会招来别人的恭维。

























Unit 2ComprehensionA.1. The first paragraph mainly introduces us a newly observed phenomenon by some scientists who study intelligence: IQ scores have been rising sharply in the last few decades.2. Scientists have believed that IQ is rigid, and remains steady. The newly observed phenomenon breaks their belief. It is hard evidence that IQ can be changed.3. Because neither genes nor environment explains IQ rise adequately. Studies about genes show that genes account for about 75 percent of the difference between individuals’ IQs by late adolescence, so environment has very limited room to play a role in determining intelligence. But it would be ridiculous if we say that IQ rise has resulted from “smarter” genes, because the genes in a population do not ch ange quickly enough to cause such sharp IQ rise. That is why scientists find it hard to explain the phenomenon.4. “Paradox” here refers to two opposing views about the influence of environment on intelligence. The high heritability of IQ suggests that environment does not play much role in shaping IQ, but IQ gains over time suggest that environment is extremely powerful in shaping IQ.5. They explained that people’s IQs were affected by both environment and genes, but their environments should correspond to their IQs. That is to say, people with higher IQ usually seek and live in a more stimulating environment, which will cause still higher IQ.6. Genes cause people to seek out certain environments, certain life experiences. Smarter genes enable people to enjoy doing everything, thus causing them to be more and more intelligent than those who are less gifted.7. “Multiplier effect” means that smarter genes lead to higher IQs, higher IQs then lead one into better environments, and better environments again cause still higher IQs.8. “Dance” brings to mind a scene or a picture in which two people move rhythmically to music and cooperate in a harmonious way. Genes cause people to seek out certain environment. Environment in turn stimulates genes. Genes and environment work together in a mysterious way to boost intelligence.9. The slight deficit in IQ can cause the person to feel frustrated, consequently, he/she will not enjoy going to school and may even come to hate learning. If a person is unwilling to learn, he will not increase his knowledge of the world. A small initial genetic deficit can be enlarged, causing him/her to be intellectually underdeveloped.10. The main purpose of paragraph 6 is to tell us what kind of life experiences andsocial and technological environments may have positive effects on IQ. The IQ-boosting environments the author listed are: the Internet, videogames, more parent attention to their children, reading, crossword puzzles, traveling, technological advances, etc.11. IQ changes brought by social and technological change are long lasting, while IQchanges based on temporary stimulation do not stay for long. They will fade gradually.12. The Flynn effect shows that IQ can be enhanced by good environment. It is not afixed ability. So one should not have a fatalistic sense towards his/her IQ.B.1. Introduction (Para. 1): a newly observed phenomenon:Sharp rise of IQ scores in the last few decades in all parts of the world.2. Main Idea (Para. 2-5): What has made IQ scores rise?1) It is hard to explain. Because:(1) Neither genes nor environment answers the question though genes accountfor 75 percent of IQ differences.(2) “Smarter” genes cannot explain the IQ rise because the genes do notchange so quickly.2) William Dickens and James Flynn’s explanation:Paradox: High heritability: environment is feeble.IQ gains overtime: environment is powerful.Solution: People’s IQs are affected by both environment and genes, but their environments are matched to their IQs.Detailed explanation:1) People with a modest genetic advantage will seek out better environment,which causes still higher IQ.2) People with a slight initial deficit in IQ will only find less favorableenvironments, which can reinforce their genetic disadvantage.3. Experience and environments that can be stimulating to IQ (Para. 6—7):1) IQ-boosting experience and environments that have enduring effects:e.g. (1) crowded computer screens (Internet)(2) videogames(3) fast-food place mats and cereal boxes full of games and mazes(4) smaller families(5) more demanding jobs(6) more free time for reading, playing, and traveling(7) technological gadgets2) IQ-boosting experience and environments that only have temporary effects:e.g. (1) early-childhood enrichment program(2) Parents-aided intellectual stimulation in children’s early ages4. Conclusion (Para. 8):1) Those who believe in the power of genes and those who believe in the power ofenvironment are both right.2) Genes cause certain life experiences, which form environment. Environmentdirectly fosters IQ differences.Language StudyA. 1. assessing 2. foster 3. paradox 4. teamed up with5. indulge6. peers7. took off8. feeble9. boost 10. makes no senseB. Confusing WordsI. 1. subtract 2. distract 3. abstract 4. extractedII. 1. wisdom 2. Intellect 3. intelligence 4. brainsIII. 1. fate, destiny 2. fortune 3. fate 4. fortune 5. destinyC. Cloze1. with2. come3. genetic4. Various5. separated6. different7. common8. role9. approximately 10. vary 11. arisen 12. shown 13. remaining 14. adequately 15. contributing 16. modified 17. fixed 18. lifetime 19. improve 20. insteadTranslationA.智力测验在学校、商业部门、政府部门、军队及医学上都得到了广泛应用。





问题一:警察让Tony, Funior叔叔, Silvio, Psulie Walnuts和Livia站成一排,编号从左到右分别是1到6。


Livia是从左边数第三个人,Tony紧靠在Funior 叔叔的左边。

如果Psulie Walnuts站在6的位置上并且没有人在他旁边,Silvio在哪里?问题二:7年前Jack的年龄是Jill的3倍。



“这个粉碎了我们对IQ稳定性的信念,”康奈尔大学心理学家Ulrich Neisser说,“它是你进一步改变IQ值的有力证据。










Communication通信Modulation▪Every transmitting station is assigned a radio frequency (RF) call the carrier which can travel over long distances in free space with the speed of light.▪However, the human ear cannot respond to these high frequencies. If the radio waves are to carry a message or information, some feature of the radiowave must be varied in accordance with the information to be communicated.▪调制▪每个发送站被分配一个射频(RF)调用其可以长距离行进在自由空间与光速的载体。



▪The process by which the information is superimposed on the carries is called modulation.▪In the case of radio broadcasts the information or the message generally consists of low frequencies in the range of 20HZ to 20,000 HZ.▪These low frequencies are called audio frequencies because the human ear can respond to corresponding sound frequencies in the same range.▪通过将信息叠加在携带过程称为调制。

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Unit5 _TranslationA. 1. Workers of the world全世界的劳动者,拿出你们占卜用的水晶球来预测未来吧。








2. Even the knowledge workers即便是知识工作者——这些将要在新经济时代兴旺发达的高学历、高收入专业人员——也面临着一些巨大的变化。






According to the Watts Wacker,斯坦福研究所的未来学家瓦茨·韦克认为,下世纪的供雇用人才趋势是向中世纪的行业公会制度的回归。





In the New Economy, a high-school diploma does not suffice.Most jobs require a college degree or graduate on the top of on-the-job training.2.By extrapolating from the research findings, futurists predict that freelance talent will not decli ne over the next decade - if anything, it will grow.3. It’s no secret that the current unemployment rate remains high. In the wake of the downsizing of many factories, there is an influx of laid-off workers into the job market.4.The advent of the Internet has brought immense changes to the workplace. The most dramatic one is that many highly educated professionals now telecommute to their offices.5. 随着人们期望With longer life span, health care workers will thrive in years to come.6. 汽车修理工Auto mechanics are now classified as the technician class, rather than blue-collar workers of yore .7.正如新技术Just as technological innovations have replaced many low-skill low-pay jobs, fierce overseas competition is vaporizing many well-paid positions in the information technology industry.8.尽管服务业Despite the boom in the service sector, it has become the norm that personal service workers w ork long workweek but only with low pay and benefits.9. 一些经济学家Some economists scoff at the school of thought that computers will take the place of human beings and thus free them up for nonprofit work.10.在信息时代The key to success in the information age is to keep learning lest you should fail to keep up with t echnological developmentUnit 4_TranslationA. many of the fired workers许多被解雇的员工及他们的支持者们都抨击说裁员没有必要,且处理不当,因为这同迈克尔.戴尔所创建的公司相悖。











B.1. 这些著名的集团公司都纷纷裁员,说明新一轮的经济衰退即将到来。

The famous corporate companies are all downsizing, which signals that a new round of economic recession is at hand.2.被解雇的戴尔公司In theory, the fired Dell workers should land on their feet because they have highly marketable sk ills, and should not worry about finding a new job.3.他去年没被那所He is always speaking badly of that university owing to his refusal by it last year. In other words, he is just expressing sour grapes.4.虽然他已经离开Although he has left the company for many years, he still stays in touch with the boss there. 5. 杰克和苏珊The news of Jack and Susan’s marriage breakup came as a complete shock to us. They had appear ed to be the happiest couple before the public.6. 避免被解雇Some people say one of the ways to avoid being laid off is to avoid positions in such departments as human resources, accounting, and administration, etc. These departments do not generate rev enue, and are unrelated to product development.7. 学校要求The school requires that those who are about to graduate should hand in their library cards and s tudent’s identity cards before they leave the school.8. 成名After becoming famous, the writer has been busy with all kinds of social activities, and his writing career has been put on hold.9. 在职学习的压力Owing to the pressure from studying as a part-time student, he finally decided to ask his boss to cut back on his workload.10. 对于工作面试You must be fully prepared for the job interview, otherwise you will screw the whole thing up owi ng to your nervousness.Unit3_TranslationA:1. but 但是不论你是买入还是卖出,在过去的20年里,世界经济的大部分已日益融合。



