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Unit5 _Translation
A. 1. Workers of the world全世界的劳动者,拿出你们占卜用的水晶球来预测未来吧。正如最近几十年工作场所发生了诸如妇女的涌入、计算机的出现、工会的衰落、服务业的兴起等翻天覆地的变化一样,未来几十年将会发生同样引人注目的巨变。经济学家们认为,试图对几十年后的工作做出精确的预测是愚蠢的行为,因为最大的变化可能将来源于我们只有在梦中才能想象得到的新技术。“想预测技术,你可实在是遇到大麻烦了。”关于工作的过去与未来的《新摩登时代》一书的作者戴维·比尔斯说。不过未来也并不是完全深不可测。人口学家可以告诉我们许多有关未来十年或十五年以后劳动力的构成状况。而描绘其它的变化则需要一边从当前趋势中做出推断,一边希望自己别被推断结果所难堪。
2. Even the knowledge workers即便是知识工作者——这些将要在新经济时代兴旺发达的高学历、高收入专业人员——也面临着一些巨大的变化。二十世纪九十年代初的大裁员以后,似乎每个下岗的管理人员都不得不自称为顾问,以免承认自己永久失业。但是专家坦言,供雇用的自由职业人才将成为正常现象,而非例外情况。人力资源研究院进行的一个科研项目发现,在被调查的大型公司中,仅有61%预计十年后它们四分之三以上的职工将由全职、常规人员构成,而目前具有这种人员配置的公司所占比例高达84%。尽管这听上去令人恐慌,但是沃顿商学院的马克·尤西姆教授说,那些与他共事的正处在职业生涯中期的管理人员已经心平气和地接受了频繁更换雇佣者和工作任务、而不是在同一个公司从低级职位一步步做到高级职位的观念。当然,他们也别无选择。
According to the Watts Wacker,斯坦福研究所的未来学家瓦茨·韦克认为,下世纪的供雇用人才趋势是向中世纪的行业公会制度的回归。过去,手艺人走乡串镇用自己的手艺为各种客户服务。将来,许多知识工作者将在家里通过使用先进的信息手段远距离到自己的多个办公室上班。
1.在新经济时代,中学毕业文凭是不够的。大多数工作除在职培训以外,还需要大学学位或研究生学位。In the New Economy, a high-school diploma does not suffice.Most jobs require a college degree or graduate on the top of on-the-job training.
2.By extrapolating from the research findings, futurists predict that freelance talent will not decli ne over the next decade - if anything, it will grow.
3. It’s no secret that the current unemployment rate remains high. In the wake of the downsizing of many factories, there is an influx of laid-off workers into the job market.
4.The advent of the Internet has brought immense changes to the workplace. The most dramatic one is that many highly educated professionals now telecommute to their offices.
5. 随着人们期望With longer life span, health care workers will thrive in years to come.
6. 汽车修理工
Auto mechanics are now classified as the technician class, rather than blue-collar workers of yore .
Just as technological innovations have replaced many low-skill low-pay jobs, fierce overseas competition is vaporizing many well-paid positions in the information technology industry.
Despite the boom in the service sector, it has become the norm that personal service workers w ork long workweek but only with low pay and benefits.
9. 一些经济学家
Some economists scoff at the school of thought that computers will take the place of human bein
gs and thus free them up for nonprofit work.
The key to success in the information age is to keep learning lest you should fail to keep up with t echnological development
Unit 4_Translation
A. many of the fired workers许多被解雇的员工及他们的支持者们都抨击说裁员没有必要,且处理不当,因为这同迈克尔.戴尔所创建的公司相悖。戴尔的企业文化具有强烈的精英管理的色彩,企业期望员工做能使公司成功的任何事情。其回报是:丰厚的一揽子股权利益。这使很多三十几岁的技术工人变成了百万富翁,或者用奥斯汀人的叫法,叫戴尔富翁。
1. 这些著名的集团公司都纷纷裁员,说明新一轮的经济衰退即将到来。
The famous corporate companies are all downsizing, which signals that a new round of economic recession is at hand.
In theory, the fired Dell workers should land on their feet because they have highly marketable sk ills, and should not worry about finding a new job.
He is always speaking badly of that university owing to his refusal by it last year. In other words, he is just expressing sour grapes.
Although he has left the company for many years, he still stays in touch with the boss there. 5. 杰克和苏珊
The news of Jack and Susan’s marriage breakup came as a complete shock to us. They had appear ed to be the happiest couple before the public.
6. 避免被解雇
Some people say one of the ways to avoid being laid off is to avoid positions in such departments as human resources, accounting, and administration, etc. These departments do not generate rev enue, and are unrelated to product development.
7. 学校要求
The school requires that those who are about to graduate should hand in their library cards and s tudent’s identity cards before they leave the school.
8. 成名
After becoming famous, the writer has been busy with all kinds of social activities, and his writing career has been put on hold.
9. 在职学习的压力
Owing to the pressure from studying as a part-time student, he finally decided to ask his boss to cut back on his workload.