
一、英国(United Kingdom)英国是英语的发源地,也是英语国家中最重要的一个。
二、美国(United States)美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,也是世界上最强大的国家之一。
五、新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,也是一个英语国家。

英美国家概况复习材料英美国家概况复习材料1.PuritanismPuritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England. They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born. Some were God’s chosen while others were damned to hell. No church nor good works could save people. The sign of being God’s elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling. They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God’s will and establish a direct contact with God. These beliefs had great impact on American culture.2.The Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule. The document declared that all mem were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It also explained the philosophy of government: the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments were to secure the rights mentioned above. The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.3.The Articles of ConfederationAfter the War of Independence was won, the new nation of the United States was organized under the agreement of the Articles of Confederation with a weak national government calledthe Congress. Each state had its own government, made ists own laws and handled its internal affairs. The states did not cooperate with the Congress and with each other. The Congress had no power to force any state to contribute money to the national government and the Congress could not tax any citizen either. Asa result, the Articles of Confederation failed.4.The making of the US ConstitutionThe Articles of Confederation failed. The Congress decided to hold a constitutional convention to revise the Articles of Confederation. The delegates from 12 states (Rhode Island refused to participate) gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 and ended up in writing a new constitution and set a federal system with a strong central government. The Constitution provided that an election of the president would be called, federal laws would be made only by aCongress made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate and a Supreme Court would be set up. This new Constitution was finally approved by the majority of the citizens in over 9 of the 13 states and was officially put into effect in 1787.5.Industrial Revolution in AmericaAfter independence, America was principally an agricultural country. The Industrial Revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860. One key development was the introduction of the factory system. A second development was the “American system”of mass production. A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial tasks. A fourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization----the bank and corporation.6.The executiveThe chief executive is the president, who is elected to a four-year term. A president can be elected to only two terms according to an amendment passed in 1951. The president can propose legislation to Congress. He can veto any bill passes by Congress. The veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both houses. The president can appoint federal judges as vacancies occur. He is the commander in chief of the armed forces. The president has other broad authorities in running the government departments and handling foreign relations.7.Industrial Revolution inAmericaAfter independence, America was principle an agricultural country. The Industrial Revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860. One key development was the introduction of the factory system. A second development was the “American system” of mass production. A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial tasks. A forth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization—the bank and corporation.8.Religious diversityFrontier America made the United States a fertile ground for the growth of new religious movements. Many religious communities and secular utopias, experiments in new forms of social living, were founded in 18th and 19th century America. Many small sects and cults appear in America society all the time. They have certain tendencies in common. They regard the larger society as hopelessly corrupt. Some of them never win a large following, but some others prosper and graduate into the rank of the respectable denominations. Some non-Western religions such as Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism are also growing.9.The “ Lost Generation”In the aftermath of World War I, many novelists produced a literature of disillusionment. Some lived in Europe. They were known as the “Lost generation”. Two of the mostrepresentative writers of the “Lost Generation”were Hemingway and Fitzgerald.10.Higher educationIn America, higher education refers to education on the college level. America higher education includes four categories of institutions. They are the university, the four-year undergraduate institution ( the college) the technical training institution and the two-year or community college. Some are supported by public funds and some by private funds. Many universities and colleges have won reputations for providing their students with a higher quality of education. The great majority are providing their students with a higher quality of education. The great majority are generally regarded as quite satisfactory.11.The civil rights movementIt is one of the most important spontaneous action in1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement. The black students’ sit-in at a department lunch counter in North Carolina touched off the nationwide civil rights movement. During the first half of the decade, civil rights organizations like SNCC, CORE, and SCLC struggled for racial integration by providing leadership, tactics, network and people. In the latter half of the decade, some black organizations changed their nonviolent tactics, and emphasized on more radical means to end dis crimination12.CountercultureIn the wake of the free Speech Movement and the New Left, there appeared a phenomenon that historians called the “counterculture.”The counterculture rejected capitalism and other American principles. They had morals different from those taught by their parents. Some groups pf youth tried to construct different ways of life. Among the most famous were the hippies. They sought new experience through dropping out, and drug taking. But it was music, rock music in particular, that became the chief vehicle for the counter cultural assault on the traditional American society. The counterculture exerted a great influence upon people’s attitudes toward social morals, marriage, career and success.13.Poverty as a social problemThe United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Yet over 24 million people or about 10% of the population are living at or below the official poverty line, incomes that the federal government considers insufficient to meet basic requirement of food, clothing, and shelter. There are millions more living slightly above the poverty line, whose plight is not much better. Also, the social services in the United States compare unfavorably with those in most industrialized societies. Furthermore, the affluent majority seems indifferent to the problems of the poor. This raises some serious moral problems and inevitably creates fierce conflicts of interest and many political controversies. Therefore, poverty in the United States is a big social problem.。

英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分)英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分)Chapter 1第一章Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4. Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wale大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。

14个重点单元的主要内容如下:theunitedstatesofamericaunit3americanbeginningsunit4thepoliticalsystemintheunitedstatesunit5americaneconomyunit6religioninthe unitedstatesunit7americanliteratureunit8educationintheunitedstatesunit9socialmovementsofthe1960sunit10socialprobl emsintheunitedstatesunit11americanwayoflife:asearchforcrediblegeneralizationuni t12thewomen’sliber ationmovementinamericaunit13technologyinamericaunit14post-wwiiamericanforeignpolicyunit15sportsandscenicsportsinamericaunit16americanpopularculture:movieandmusic美利坚合众国部分第3单元美国起源第4单元美国的政治体制第5单元美国的经济第6单元美国的宗教第7单元美国的文学第8单元美国的教育第9单元二十世纪六十年代的社会运动第10单元美国的社会问题第11单元美国生活方式:找寻可信的简单化第12单元美国的妇女解放运动第13单元美国的技术第14单元二战后的美国外交政策第15单元美国的体育与观光体育第16单元美国的通俗文化:电影与音乐新西兰部分(1-2单元)和加拿大部分(17-22单元)约占到期末考试内容的20%,新西兰部分重点掌控第1单元国土、人民与历史和第2单元政治制度、教育与经济;加拿大部分重点掌控第17单元国土和人民,第18单元加拿大的政府和政治体制和第20单元加拿大经济。

英语国家概况(1)(2)问题库答案63. What was the unique American phenomenon? How did it come into being? Do you think it still exists in today's American society?63. He is an American, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds.… Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.… The American is a new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions.…64. In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?64. New England also established another American tradition—a strain of often intolerant moralism. The Puritans believed that governments should enforce God's morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath and other religious believers different from themselves. Roger Williams, one of the Puritans who protested that the state should not interfere with religion, was driven out of Massachusetts. In 1635, he set up Rhode Island colony, which guaranteed religious freedom and the separation of church and state. The Puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American values such as individualism, hard work, respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.65. What are the two political parties in the United States? Do you think they are fundamentally different?65. the United States has two major political parties. One is the Democratic Party, which evolved out of Thomas Jefferson's party, formed before 1800. The symbol of the party is the donkey. The other is the Republican Party, which was formed in the 1850s, by people in the states of the North and West, such as Abraham Lincoln, who wanted the government to prevent the expansion of slavery into new states then being admitted to the union. The symbol of the Republican Party is the elephant.66. What is the Bill of Rights? Do you think that it was necessary to write the Bill of Rights explicitly into the U.S. Constitution?66. The Bill of Rights: the first 10 amendments, collectively known as the Bill of Rights, were added within two years of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. These amendments remain intact today, as they were written two centuries ago. The first guarantees freedom of worship, speech and press, the right of peaceful assembly, and the right to petition the government to correct wrongs. The Bill of Rights and subsequent constitutional amendments guarantee the American people the fullest possible opportunity to enjoy fundamental human rights.67. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? Was it necessary to change the Articles of Confederation and write a new constitution for the newnation of the United States at the time?67. The Articles of Confederation failed because the states did not cooperate with the Congress or with each other. When the Congress needed money to pay the national army or to pay debts owed to France and other nations, some states refused to contribute. The Congress had been given no authority to force any state to do anything. It could not tax any citizen. Only the state in which a citizen lived could do that.68. What is a federal system? What are some of the major differences between a federal system and a confederation?68. The Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government. A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each. The Constitution also called for the election of a national leader, or president. It provided that federal laws would be made only by a Congress made up of representatives elected by the people. It also provided for a national court system headed by a Supreme Court.69. What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the U.S. government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?69. If Congress proposes a law that the president thinks is unwise, the president can veto it. That means the proposal does not become law. Congress can enact the law despite the president's views only if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote in favor of it.If Congress passes a law which is then challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect.The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appointments to federal positions, including the position of Supreme Court justice. The Senate, however, must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official. In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments70. It is known to all that buying and selling stocks is a risky business. Why do you think there are still so many people involved in it?70. In order to invest, individuals do not have to have a great deal of money: they can buy just a small portion of a business—called a share. The business of buying and selling shares in enterprises has become so big that offices have had to be set up where the selling of shares, or stock , can take place. These places, located in many cities in the United States and around the world, are called stock exchanges. The best-known is perhaps the New York Stock Exchange, located in the Wall Street area of New York City, the nation's largest city and a major business center. 71. What promotes the diversity in American religion?71. Continuous immigration.72. In what way do you think that religious freedom was a historicalnecessity in the United States?72. A few Americans were so influenced by the new science and new ideas of the Enlightenment in Europe that they became deists, believing that reason teaches that God exists but leaves man free to settle his own affairs. Many traditional Protestants and deists could agree, however, that, as The Declaration of Independence states, "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights," and that "the laws of Nature and Nature's God" entitled them to form a new nation. Among the rights that the new nation guaranteed, as a political necessity in a religiously diverse society, was freedom of religion. The First Amendment insured that American government would not meddle in religious affairs or require any religious beliefs of its citizens.73. What is the relationship between government and religion in America?73. In some ways, the government supports all religions. Religious groups do not pay taxes in the United States. But government does not pay ministers' salaries or require any belief—not even a belief in God—as a condition of holding public office. Oaths are administered, but those who, like Quakers, object to them, can make a solemn affirmation, or declaration, instead.74. What are some of the features in religion that are particularly American? What are some of the major differences between American religion and religion in Europe?74. First of all, Americans with different religions live together under the same law. Secondly, the religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress. Thirdly, in the United States every church is a completely independent organization, and concerned with its own finance and its own building.75. What is the main theme in American literature according to the author? How does the author illustrate his point?75. The questing of the American people has indeed been a drama of many parts. In one way or another, however, it has always been a "pursuit of happiness". American literature is the continuous narrative of that pursuit.76. Why did Mark Twain win so many readers both at home and abroad? 76. Mark Twain was the first major American writer to be born away from the East Coast. He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River and received only a basic public school education. He began working in a printer's shop when he was still a boy, and this experience led to a series of newspaper jobs in the Midwest and the West. Twain was a new voice, an original genius, a man of the people, and he quickly won readers.77. What are the major characteristics of education in America?77. Americans have a strong tendency to educate their children about major public concerns—problems such as environmental pollution, nuclearissues, neighborhood crime and drugs. Responding to public pressure, boards of education in different areas often add courses on various relevant issues to the elementary and secondary school curriculum. 78. What are some of the major themes in novels written by the "Lost Generation"?78. The "Lost Generation" is a term used to describe the generation of young men and women who came to maturity in the 20s. Some of them fought in World War I. They became disgusted with war and disillusioned with the post-war society. They shared the same sense of dislocation, rootlessness and disillusionment.79. What is the goal of education in the United States? Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain, the United States and China concerning the goals of education.79. The goal is—and has been since the early decades of the republic—to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public. Though this goal has not yet been fully achieved, it remains an ideal toward which the American educational system is directed. The progress which has been made is notable both for its scope and for the educational methods which have been developed in the process of achieving it.80. What does an American student learn?80. American students pass through several levels of schooling—and thus, several curricula—on their way to a high school diploma. They attend: Elementary School, Secondary School, high school.81. What were the major social movements of the 1960s? And what was the historical background of the social movements of that decade?81. The Civil Rights Movement, Youth Anti-war Movement, Women’s Liberation movement and etc.82. The black political movement that began as a force for integration changed course in the mid-1960s and began to emphasize black uniqueness and even black separatism. What caused this transformation?82. Although these segregation laws were illegal under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, the US government would not declare the Southern laws unconstitutional until there were cases brought in federal courts. The civil rights movement began when black people spontaneously protested segregation laws and created organizations to make the protests successful. Long before the students in Greensboro, North Carolina began their sit-ins, there were many others who protested the segregation laws.83. Draw analogies between the black revolution and the women's movement. What common assumptions do they share?83. The women activities were most in the civil rights and anti-war movements before. They believed the male leaders of these movements werediscriminating against women in the movement just like White’s discrimination against black men. They became known as the "women's liberation" group, or "women's lib", used radical tactics and received a great deal of bad publicity. This group found strong support among large numbers of young activists from other organizations.84. The author says that the United States was founded on the principle of human equality, but in practice the nation has fallen far short of that ideal. Illustrate this point with what you have learned from this book.84. For example, the racial discrimination, sex discrimination, class structure, etc.85. What does poverty mean in the United States ? Why is poverty a social problem in America?85. Poverty in the United States does not simply mean that the poor do not live quite as well as other citizens. It means many old people eating dog and cat food to supplement their diets. It means malnutrition and deprivation for hundreds of thousands of children. It means greater susceptibility to disease, to alcoholism, to victimization by criminals, and to mental disorders. It often means unstable marriages, slum housing, illiteracy, ignorance, inadequate medical facilities, and shortened life expectancy. Poverty can mean low self-esteem, despair, and stunting of human potential.86. Why does the author emphasize that the invention of one technology has to be supported by a number of related technologies which form a supporting system? Give examples.86. A technology is a system of practices, often involving a physical device that accomplishes some result desired by some influential segments of society: government planners, military leaders, businessmen, or evena large proportion of citizen consumers.87. When are the American football matches held?87. The late summer (preseason), the fall (regular season), and the winter until late in January (post-season, or play off time ). All this culminates in the Super Bowl to decide the champion team for the year.88. Why did a musical form of black origin gain acceptance in all classes in America and spread throughout the country?88. It is a uniquely American contribution to the arts. No other art form, painting, fiction, poetry, has had a distinctive American contribution as has jazz music. Composers around the world during the twentieth century found inspiration in early American jazz.89. What are the contributions made by Louis Armstrong to the early jazz music?89. But Armstrong himself left Chicago in 1924 for New York with his new wife, Lil Hardin, to play with Fletcher Henderson's orchestra. Armstrong organized, with the help of his wife, several of his friends into therecording groups known as the Hot Five and the Hot Seven to make a justly Hot Five Dancing in the Roaring Twenties famous series of recordings for the Okeh Recording company. At this time, 1926, Armstrong also recorded his famous "scat singing", vocalizing nonsense syllables in tune with the music. Armstrong continued to play and record during the 1930's, both in America and in Europe. With the New Orleans revival in the late 1940's and with his motion picture appearances, particularly with the popular Bing Crosby, Armstrong once again shone brightly as America's foremost jazz musician.90. Why Canada is regularly rated as having the best standard of living in the world?90. It has a lively and rich culture, with many world famous actors, pop stars and writers. In annual "quality of life" surveys produced by the United Nation each year, Canada regularly is rated as having the best standard of living in the world because of its health care, education, clean environment, social welfare, and so on.91.What is the distinct feature in Canadian modern literature?91. In Modern literature, Canadian nationhood was no longer in doubt from an outside perspective, but from the inside the nature of that nation and the strength of its institutions remained somewhat in question. Ethnic, region and gender were the topics Canadian literature investigated in a process of self-analysis.92. Discuss the similarities and differences in the government systems between the U.K. and Canada.92. As a former British colony, Canada's system of government was based on the British system of parliamentary democracy. This is often referred to as “Westminst er—style” democracy, named after the British House of Commons. Like other former colonies like New Zealand and Australia, many Canadian laws, political practices and customs were brought from the "Old Country" and adapted to the different conditions of the new country. At first glance, the similarity between British and Canadian political conditions are great; but when you look more closely, you can see important differences which have arisen from the experience of governing a huge but sparsely populated country.93. What are some of the characteristics of the Canadian party system? 93. Through most of the 20th century, federal political power has been held by either the Liberal Party or by the Progressive Conservatives. Since 1900, the Liberals have spent about 66 years in power, compared to the Conservative Party's record of about 30 years in government. With the system so dominated by these two parties, the party that was not in power always formed the official opposition to the government. But neither of these parties were popular throughout the whole country. The western provinces preferred more socialist—oriented policies and seldom elected a Liberal to represent them, so during the many years of Liberal government,they had very little influence on national policy, since only a handful of MPs belonged to the most powerful parties. Quebec experienced the same thing during periods of Conservative rule, since it seldom voted Conservative.94. What are some of the things that make Canada a unique and interesting country?94. This introduction opens with one of the things that makes Canada distinctively different—a welcome to Canada in the two official languages of English and French. This is our first clue as to what makes Canada special. If people outside of Canada are a little bit confused about what Canada is, the same is also true for Canadians.95. How do you understand "multiculturalism"?95. Officially, Canada refers to itself as "multicultural". This was an idea born during the debate on bilingualism and biculturalism in the 1960s when a Royal Commission was set up to examine relations between French and English Canada. Organized ethnic communities demanded that their heritages also be acknowledged. Politicians noted that one—third of Canadians were neither English nor French and thus invented the idea of a multicultural society within a bilingual framework and provided money to help different ethnic groups retain their identities.96. Why do you think the author says that Canada has avoided the worst excesses of intolerance and prejudice?96. As a prominent member of Canada's Ukrainian community remarked: There is no longer any excuse for anyone in this country to be ashamed of his cultural background. Canada is a multicultural society. The days of Anglo-Saxon dominance are gone.97. What is the Canada's Place in the World Economy?97. One area of Canadian influence is the world economy. By actively building up a strong domestic economy, Canadian policy-makers succeeded in creating a wealthy country which wields an amount of economic power in the international arena that is surprising for a country that is so small in terms of its population. Canada, along with the US, France, Italy, Great Britain, Germany and Japan, is a member of the Group of 7, the world's leading economies. Membership of the Group of 7 gives Canada significant prestige and influence in the international system.98. Do you think the Canadian government should subsidize the inefficient Canadian farmers or import foodstuff from neighbouring American states?98. In the past, agricultural exports have been very important to the Canadian economy: before World War I, 50 per cent of Canada's exports were agricultural; this fell to 40 per cent after World War II. But in recent years there has been a dramatic drop, and now they comprise less than 10 per cent of Canada's total exports. Furthermore, it has become cheaper in many cases to import foodstuffs rather than to produce such items domestically. For example, it makes more geographical sense forEasterners to buy their vegetables from neighbouring American states rather than shipping similar products from western Canada. The conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement also displaced inefficient Canadian farmers, who used to rely on government subsidies to remain productive.99. Why is the idea of survival thought of as the central symbol of Canadian literature? What does cultural survival mean in Canadian literature?99. The idea that there is such a thing as "American" or "British", or in this case, "Canadian" literature suggests another question: what makes this literature different from those other nations' literatures. a concern with "simple" survival in the face of hostile elements—a reflection of the dangerous natural world in which Canadians find themselves, with huge distances to cross to get help, endless forests to get lost in, hard winters to freeze in, wild animals to attack them. Just surviving in these conditions was a full—time job for Canadians, native or settler, prior to this century.This idea can extend to concern with "cultural" survival in a variety of ways: the attempt to maintain a Canadian identity in the first place that does not disappear into a weak version of the old colonial power's (Britain's); the dogged persistence of native Canadian peoples to maintain their distinctive cultures against overwhelming European dominance; the assertive survival of a French-Canadian identity in Quebec after the English had conquered the French in Canada; the survival of any kind of overall Canadian identity while troubled by these internal differences, and while being flooded from outside by the culture of their huge neighbour to the south: the USA. In all these ways the Canadian identity is under threat and perhaps defined by that threat, so that "survival" may indeed be a useful idea with which to approach Canada and Canadian literature.100. What are the major reasons for Canada's active role in international organizations? And how does Canada play its active role?100. Because of its geography, Canada has sometimes been described as being "indefensible". As a result, Canada has had to find different ways of ensuring its security. Because of its military vulnerability, Canadian policy-makers have had a great interest in promoting peace and cooperation among nations. For this reason, Canada has always played an active role in international organizations like the United Nations, the Commonwealth (the political grouping of former British colonies and dominions), and La Francophonie (an informal group of countries and regions with French as their mother tongue). It makes strong contributions to UN peacekeeping missions, works hard to resolve disputes between countries using diplomatic means, has a large development aid program, and is a major player in the world economy.101. what was British EmpireThe British Empire was the biggest in history and had global power. It lasted for a century and had 458 million people. (Approximately a quarter of the population) it took up 36.7 million km2 (14.2 million square miles) about a quarter of the earths total land area. At the peak of its power, it was often said that: 'The sun never sets on the British Empire' because the span across the globe insured the sun always shone on at least one or several countries that belonged to it.。

一、复习范围和重点1. 复习范围本课程的复习范围为教材《英语国家社会与文化入门》(上册),高等教育出版社,2018年6月第三版的20个教案单元,其中1-10单元是与英国有关的内容;11-14单元是与爱尔兰共和国有关的内容;15-20单元是与澳大利亚有关的内容。
2. 复习重点本课程的复习重点为教材《英语国家社会与文化入门》的第1-第10教案单元,约占期末终结考试的80%。
10个重点单元的主要内容如下:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnit 01 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom IUnit 02 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom IIUnit 03 The Government of the United KingdomUnit 04 Politics, Class and RaceUnit 05 The UK EconomyUnit 06 British LiteratureUnit 07 British Education SystemUnit 08 British Foreign RelationsUnit 09 British MediaUnit 10 Sports, Holidays and Festivals in Britain大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国部分第1单元英国简要介绍(I)第2单元英国简要介绍(II)第3单元英国政府第4单元政治、阶级和种族第5单元英国经济第6单元英国文学第7单元英国教育体制第8单元英国外交关系第9单元英国媒体第10单元英国的体育、假日和节日爱尔兰共和国部分(11-14单元)和澳大利亚部分(15-20单元)约占期末考试内容的20%,爱尔兰共和国部分重点掌握第11单元国土、人民和历史,第12单元政治和经济,澳大利亚部分重点掌握第15单元土地和梦想的人民和第20单元从种族主义到多元文化。


一.简答题1. What is the full name of the U.K.?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. What are the two components of the British Parliament?They are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.3. Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World War Ⅱ?Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.4. What are the three functions of the House of Commons?The three functions are : to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy.5. In what ways do British universities enjoy complete academic freedom?British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degrees.6. What are the three categories of Shakespeare’s plays and their representatives?Shakespeare’s plays fall into three categories: comedy, tragedy and historical play. The representatives of his comedies include A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It and Twelfth Night. His major historical plays include Richard III, Henry IV and Antony and Cleopatra. His great tragedies are represented by Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet.7. What were Nixon's well-known contributions during his presidency?Nixon made three well-known contributions:a) brought the Vietnam War to a close;b) reestablishing U.S. relations with China;c) negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the former Soviet Union.8. What are the two characteristics of the U.S. Constitution?One is "check and balances". The other is that the powers of the central government and the power of state governments are specified.9. 说出三个英国的节日Christmas, Easter and "Trooping the color"二.论述题1. What are the characteristics of English literature in the 20th century?English literature in the 20th century can be roughly divided into two periods: Modernism and Postmodernism. Modernism prevailed before the Second World War, It can be viewed as a deliberate departure from tradition and is characterized by the use of innovative forms of expression. Modernist writing seems unorganized, hard to understand. It often portrays the action form the viewpoint of a single confused individual, rather than from the viewpoint of all-knowing, impersonal narrator .After World War II, postmodernism begins. Postmodernism differs in some ways from Modernism. Modernism, for example, tends to present a fragmented view of human subjectivity, but present that fragmentation as somethingtragic, something to be lamented as a loss. Postmodernism does not lament the idea of fragmentation but rather celebrates it .Modernists look for buried meaning below confusing surfaces, while postmodernists abandon that search, However, there are still many postwar writers who continue traditional themes.2. Why is the United States regarded as a "melting pot" and a "salad"?The United States "is not merely a nation but a nation of nations". The immigrants came in waves, including the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians. Therefore, America was described as a "melting pot" where various racial and ethnic groups were combined into one culture. Recently, Americans have been called a "salad" in that people of different races and ethnic groups mix harmoniously but at the same time keep their distinct culture and custom.3. What was the cause of the American Civil War?(可能该题考简答)The issue of slavery was the focus of American politics, economics and cultural life by the mid-19th century.The southern planters needed a large number of laborers to manage their plantations and they regarded the black slaves as their property. In the North, with the development of industry, there was a growing demand for free labor. What's more, the Northerners demanded a law protecting tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads, but the Southerners were strongly against it and advocated free trade so that they could purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries. The accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the Civil War.4. How is a President voted into office in America? What are your ideas about the American election?Each party holds its national convention every four years to choose a candidate for the presidency. To win a presidential election, a candidate has to spend millions of dollars, travel all over the country to make speeches, and debate on television with the rival. The general election is technically divided into two stages. During the first stage, presidential electors for each state will be chosen. In the second stage the electors meet and vote a President. Since the second stage is only a kind of formality, everyone knows who will be the next President as soon as the first stage is over.I think the candidates spend too much money on the electoral campaign. However, the election can not solve the social and economic problems as some candidates do not keep their word after they become President.5. How did the U.S. Constitution lay groundwork for America's economic development?The U.S. Constitution, as an economic charter, established that the entire nation, was a unified or "common" market. There were no tariffs or taxes on inter-state commerce. It provided that the federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, establish uniform bankruptcy laws, create money and regulate its value, fix standards of weights and measures, establish post offices and roads, and fix rules governing patents and copyrights. The last mentioned clause was an early recognition of the importance of "intellectual property", a matter that began assuming great importance in trade negotiations since the late 20th century.6. What are the characteristics of American writing during the Romantic period?During the Romantic period, most of the American writings placed an increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions, and they displayed an increasing attention to the psychic state of their characters, They celebrated America’s landscape with its virgin forests, meadows, endless prairies, streams and vast oceans. The Romantic writers had a strong tendency to exalt the individual and the common man.。

(0035)《英美国家概况》复习大纲考试内容:英国部分Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter Three美国部分Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter Three(注:考试不包含课本补充阅读材料)(0035)《英美国家概况》样题及答案一.单项选择题Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question. (15 points)1. The Stonehenge was the most shining example of people.a. Celticb. Anglo-Saxonc. Danishd. Roman答案为a 。
如1. a 2. d2. In 1975, the first oil was brought ashore from the .a. Atlantic Oceanb. English Channelc. Indian Oceand. North Sea答案为d 。
二.是非题Read the following statements carefully and decide if each of them isTrue or False: (15 points)1. It was during James I’s time that England defeated Spanish Armada. (F)2. Cold war did not end until after the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989. (T)请将答案按顺序写在答题纸上。

I.Fill in the BlanksThe full and official name of uk is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The UK is an __island_____ country.The UK is located in the __northwestern Europe. _244,100 __square kilometers, the 75th__largest country in the world.The UK is country of island surrounded by__North sea_______ ( to its east),___Atlantic ocean__ (to its north)___Irish sea (to its west and between Great Britain and Ireland),________English Channel and Strait of Dover_____ (to its south).The British Isles –a geographic term which includes two large islands, Great Britainand Ireland island , and 5,000 small islands.Great Britain: comprises only England , Scotland and _Wales___.Ireland island: includes Northern Ireland and southern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of The UK , while southern Ireland became an independent country– Republic of Ireland .The UK is made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .The UK is made up of England , Scotland , __Wales and Northern Ireland.The largest part of U.K. is _ England __.In 1707, by the Act of Union , Scotland joined the kingdom of Great Britain.Ben Nevis, (The Ben), 1344 m,the highest mountain in Scotland and the UK .The capital of Wales is Cardiff ,a small city.Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians.British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. Julius Caesar, the great Roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55BC.The full official name of the country is the United States of America, usually referred to asthe U.S.A.In the United States, _ Houston __, which is a city of Texas, is nicknamed “ the Space City”.Harvard is located in __ Boston __, which is also called “ The Athens of America” from the teaching and research carried out in over 100 colleges and universities.The “first Americans” were the Indians .In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands.The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.The first English colony in the Americas was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.September 22, 1862 issued the Emancipation Proclamation which granted freedom to about 4 million slaves.On April 9, 1865,The Civil War officially ended with the unconditional surrender of the South.The Severn River is the longest river in Britain (355km).The Thames River is the second largest and most important river in Britain (338km).The Clyde River is the most important river in Scotland (170km).Continental United States lies in central North America with Canada to its north, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its south, the Atlantic Ocean to its east and the Pacific Ocean to its west.The 2 newest states: Alaska and Hawaii separated from continental United States .Alaska borders on northwestern Canada, Hawaii lies in the central Pacific.Its Atlantic coast faces the developed countries of Western Europe, and its Pacific coast and Hawaii give the nation an approach to the Far East and Australasia.In the past the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans served as natural barriers between the US and the rest of the world. This allowed the US to grow and become strong with little outside interference.II.Explain the Following TermsThe Backbone of England:The Pennines is called the back bone of England. The highest point of the Pennines is Cross Fell.(893 meters). The mountain takes on a general dip towards the east and fades into the low ground bordering the North Sea .Lake District:It is on the west side of the northern Pennines (northwest of England), it is a very famous touring spot in Britain ; it has an immense variety of mountain, lake and valley scenery, and many high, rocky cliffs; it is the home of the lake poets Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey of the 19th century.Giant’s Causeway : It is the 8th Natural Wonder of the World . A stretch of basaltic rock pillars weathered to different heights and presenting a stepped surface on the north coast of Northern Ireland. 37,000columns formed by cooling lava.The River Thames: “If there were no Thames, there would be no London.” The River Thames is the lifeline of London, flows through London and goes into the English Channel.Lough Neagh is the largest lake on the British Isles in Northern Ireland (396 km).Loch Ness is the best-known lake in Northern Scotland because of the Loch Ness monster.Birmingham:Birmingham is a metropolitan district and an industrial and manufacturing city(pop.977087) (2001) in the West Midlands,the second largest city in England,and the market centre of the Black Country.It is famous for metal goods, hardware, cars, electrical equipment, machine tools, jewellery, small arms and plastics.Liverpool:Liverpool is the second largest port (pop.439 473) of England, a metropolitan district with City status in Merseyside on the Mersey estuary. Its industries are shipbuilding,engineering,food processing and sugar refining. The University of Liverpool was built in 1903.The Beatles:The Beatles were an English pop and rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960, and one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. From 1962 the group consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals). As the band devoloped , lots of the great songs were produce. Yesterday is one of them. It was recorded by for their 1965 album Help!. The song remains popular today with more than 3,000 recorded cover versions.Glasgow :Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and third most populous in the United Kingdom.Glasgow is in Scotland on the River Clyde,a manufacturing and shipping centre.Products are iron and steel, machinery, chemicals,textiles and clothing.The Uiversity of Glasgow(1450) and Strathclyde University (1964) are to be found there.Cardiff :Cardiff is a port (pop.305 353) (2001) and district in S.Glamorgan,Wales,on the River Taff.Industries are shipping (the Bristol Channel),iron and steel.University College,Cardiff(1863),is part of the University of Wales.Edinburgh :Edinburgh is the capital (pop.449 020) (2001) of Scotland since the 15th century and main town of Lothian,built around the rocky ridge on which its fortified castle stands.Its adjoining port,Leith,lies on the south shore of the Firth of Forth.Industries are banking,insurance,printing,publishing,shipbuilding,chemicals,distilling and brewing.The university was founded in 1583.It holds an international festival of music and the arts every year.The Hadri an’s Wall and Antonine Wall: The Romans built two great walls to keep the Picts. One was Hadrian’s Wall running from Carlisle to Newcastle, the other was Antonine Wall linking the estuaries(河口)of the Forth and the Clyde.Uncle Sam :It is a figure symbolizing the United States ,it portrayed as a tall, white-haired man with a goatee,often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat.“Uncle Sam” to the United State s is “John Bull” to UK.The Appalachian Mountains: The Appalachian Mountains run slightly from the northeast to southwest . The Appalachian Mountains are old (have been worn out over millions of years) and low (the highest peak is only a little over 2,000 metres) , noted for virgin forests and mines ,served as a natural barrier for westward movement during the early settlement.The Rocky Mountains:The Rocky Mountains run slightly from the northwest to southeast. The Rocky Mountains are younger (are consi dered as young as China’s Himalayas) and high (with the higher peak Elbert of about 4,500 metres),and it the backbone of the North American continent and is known as the Continental Divide.,famous for lots of natural national parks It is also known as the Continental Divide, because it separates the major river systems of the United States.The Mississippi:The Mississippi is 3,782 kilometres long and is called “father of waters” and the “old man river” .The Mississippi and its tributaries drain one of the richest farm areas in the world .They form a 19,000-kilometre system of waterways and serve as important means of transportation.The Missouri :The Missouri is over 6,000 kilometres, and is one of the longest rivers in the world runs 3,725 kilometres before it joins the Mississippi.The Ohio :The Ohio is about 1,500 kilometres long and is called the American Ruhr (after the Ruhr River in Germany), famous for its rich valuable deposits.The area is well known for its steel industry.The First Continental Congress:In September 1774, the First Continental Congress was heldin Philadelphia which encouraged Americans to refuse to buy British goods.The Second Continental Congres:The Second Continental Congress(three weeks after the battle at Lexington in 1775 ) founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of Washington; Appointed a committee to draft a formal declaration(Thomas Jefferson was the man who draft it), the Declaration of Independence, And adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.The Treaty of Paris :In September ,1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed. Britain recognized the independence of the United States; The war was from 1775 to 1781, it shows that, in a just war ,a weak nation can defeat a strong one. American people gained independence and capitalism developed in America. It also had great international influence.Gettysburg Address:On November 19,1863,Abraham Lincoln made a short speech on the occasion of dedicating the national cemetery at Gettysburg. He ended his speech with these memorable words:“ That government of the people ,by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.The Great Depression:In October 1929, the stock market crashed, marketing the beginning of the Great Depression. During the great depression, the United States experienced deflation, unemployment soared from 3% in 1929 to 25% in 1933, and manufacturing output collapsed by one-third.The Truman Doctrine: the U.S government should support any country which said it was fighting against commuism. It was put forward by the U.S. President Truman in 1947。

英美国家概况美国概况国旗The Stars and Stripes:13条状红白相间,代表original 13 states,50颗星,代表50个州The whole of the USA includes 50 states and a federal district, the District of Columbia, which is the seat of the Federal Government.The two youngest states of the USA are Alaska in the northwestern part of North America and Hawaii in the central Pacific Ocean.The Mississippi Rivers is the longest and the most important river in the USA. It flows from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.In the USA, there are three great mountain ranges: the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Great Cordillera Mountain Range.The renowned Yellowstone National Park in the northwestern part of Wyoming is the oldest national park in the world and contains the largest wildlife preserve in the US.The five Great Lakes lying between the boundary of Canada and the USA are : Lake Michigan(密歇根或密执安湖), Lake Superior(苏必利湖), Lake Ontario(安大略湖), Lake Huron(休伦湖)and Lake Erie(伊利湖)The world-famous Niagara Falls (尼亚加拉瀑布) is located on the US-Canadian boundary between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.The Statue of Liberty was given by French people as a gift to New York City.Chicago is the largest industrial city and the second largest city in terms of population in the USA.Hollywood, the base of the film industry located in Los Angeles, is a world famous film producing center.Detroit, the “motor city”, is on the Detroit River between Lake Huron and Lake Erie.San Francisco is located on the central part of the California shoreline. It has been one of the principal gateways to the East.HISTORYThe explorer who first discovered and identified the new continents is Christopher Columbus.After the discovery of the New World, three European powers sent many explorers to the new continents: the Spanish, the English and the French.In the autumn of 1620, pilgrims started for America in a ship named the “Mayflower”.Thanksgiving is now observed throughout the USA, this holiday began in 1621 as a way to express settlers’ thanks to God for the good harvest.独立战争the war of independenceOpposed to what was perceived as British oppression, colonial leaders held the First Continental Congress in 1774 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚).1775年,the fire of Lexington marked the beginning of the war of independence.同年,第二届大陆会议在费城召开,乔治•华盛顿为领导人Thomas Jefferson drafted Declaration of Independence, which the congress adopted on July 4, 1776. What does the Declaration of Independence tell us?The turning point: the victory at SaratogaThe two parts signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783—America won its independenceThe westward movement (省略)美国内战the civil warCauses of the civil war: economic reason and political reason?In 1852, a novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written and published in the US. It aroused a great discontent for slavery.Fall of Fort Sumter marked the beginning of the civil war.1861-1865,打了四年,北方胜利,北方为联邦军union army,南方为邦联军confederate armyEmancipation Proclamation林肯有名的葛底斯堡演说Gettysburg address “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”The significance of the civil war?The American Civil War was an epoch-making event in the history of the United States of America, because: (1) It was a bourgeois revolution in nature, a continuation and expansion of the War of Independence. It was a struggle of life and death between two social systems, between the one that could push history forward and the one that would drag history to the old times. (2)It was the broad masses who secured the victory with life and blood. They played a very important role in influencing the progress and the outcome of the war. (3)The abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the Negroes enabled the country to develop more rapidly in every field. It took America only three decades after the war to assume the lead as industrial country in the world. (4)Most Americans were glad to see that their country was no longer associated with slavery and the Union was held together.the industrial revolution镀金时代gilded age,借自马克吐温的书名,指内战到20世纪初,工业发展亨利福特Henry ford大规模生产汽车,莱特兄弟Wright brothers设计第一架飞机升天,都在这个时候1920s的大萧条与新政the great depression and the new dealAn economic crisis emerged at the end of the prosperous 1920’s, which shook t he USA and the whole capitalist world to its foundation. This is the Great Depression.罗斯福新政,Franklin D Roosevelt, the new deal美国与二战1941年,珍珠港被袭击,美国正式参战The Truman Doctrine: It is the doctrine formulated by Truman, the 33rd US President in 1947. The doctrine aimed to give economic aids to resist the spread of communism1949年,北大西洋条约签署,North Atlantic Treaty,任何对缔约国的攻击视为对所有缔约国的攻击。

Chapter 21.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T)2.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.(T)3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe--- the Britons.(T)4.The Anglo--Saxons came to Britain in the mid--5th century.(T)5.The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F)6.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T)7.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T)8.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F)9.The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans foe trade and territory.(F)10.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.(T)1. The D attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.A. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic2.By the late 7th century, D became the dominant religion in England.A. Celtic ChristianityB. Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC. Germanic ChristianityD. Roman Christianity3.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of B .A. St. AugustineB. Edward the ConfessorC. William the ConquerorD. Alfred the Great4.The C marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A. Viking invasionB. signing of the Magna CartaC. Norman ConquestD. Adoption of common law5.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of C .A. the House of ValoisB. the House of YorkC. the House of TudorD. the House of Lancaster6.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort toA .A. divorce his wifeB. break with RomeC. support the ProtestantsD. declare his supreme power over the church7.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between B .A. Protestants and PuritansB. Royalists and ParliamentariansC. nobles and peasantsD. aristocrats and Christians8. A was passed after the Glorious Revolution.A. Bill of RightsB. Act of SupremacyC. Provisions of OxfordD. Magna Carta9.The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the Ccentury.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th10.Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of theD century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20thChapter 31.Conventions are regarded less important than common law in the working of theBritish government.(F)2.The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.(F)3.In reality,the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.(F)4.British Parliament is the law--making body of the Commonwealth of Nations.(F)5.Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal are all members in the British Upper House.(T)6.The members in the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.(F)7.The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.(T)8.Cabinet members are chosen by the Prime Minister from various political parties in Parliament.(F)9.British law consists of two parts,the civil law and the criminal law.(T)10.The legal systems in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are muchsimilar in terms of law, organization and practice.(F)1. The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three ofthe following branches with the exception of the C .A. judiciaryB. legislatureC. monarchyD. executive2.The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on D .A.passing the billsB. advising the governmentC. political partiesD. public attitude3.As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to B the Houseof Commons.A. rivalB. complementC. criticizeD. inspect4.British Cabinet works on the principle of A .A. collective responsibilityB. individual responsibilityC. defending the collectivismD. defending the individuals5.The main duty of the British Privy Council is to B .A. make decisionsB. give adviceC. pass billsD. supervise the Cabinet6.In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every C years.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six7. C has a distinct legal system based on Roman law.A. WalesB. EnglandC. ScotlandD. Northern Ireland8.Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a B system.A. single-partyB. two-partyC. three-partyD. multi-party9.The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism andD .A. government interventionB. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reformD. a belief in individualism10.The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it A .A. set up the National Health ServiceB. improved public transportationC. abolished the old tax systemD.enhanced the economic development Chapter 41.Britain was the first industrialized nation in the world.(T)2.The British economy experienced a relative decline during the postwar period.(T)3.Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic development in Britain.(F)4.Thatcher's revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British econimic and social problems.(F)5.The economic approach adopted by Tony Blair is different from that of the Labor party and the Conservative Party.(T)6.Blair made the Bank of England independent in order to separate politics and economic policy.(T)7.Britain is the world's leading exporter of poultry and dairy products.(F)8.The fishing industry provides more than 50%of Britain's demand for fish.(T)9.Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry has a long history.(F)10.Nuclear power is one of the major energy sources in Britain.(T)1. The British economy achieved global dominance by the C .A. 1860sB. 1870sC. 1880sD.1890s2.In B , the British Parliament passed two important acts to establish awelfare state.A. 1945B. 1946C. 1947D. 19483.The A in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy inBritain.A. oil crisisB. high inflation ratesC. large importsD. unemployment problem4.Of the following practices, C does not belong to Thatcher’s socialwelfare reform.A. reducing child benefitsB. shortening the unemployment benefits periodC. reducing the unemploymentD. lowering old age pensions5.The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects exceptD .A. limiting government spendingB. keeping inflation under controlC. reducing unemploymentD. reducing inequality6.Britain has devoted C of its land area to agriculture.A. 54%B. 64%C. 74%D.84%7.Britain’s important fishing areas include all the following except D .A. the North SeaB. the English ChannelC. The sea area around IrelandD. The sea area between Britain and Ireland8.Coal mining industry in Britain provides B of the energy consumed inthe country.A. 1/3B. 1/4C. 1/5D. 2/39.The car industry in Britain in mostly A .A. foreign-ownedB. state-ownedC. joint-ventureD. privately-owned10.Of the following sectors in Britain, C has experienced spectaculargrowth since the end of Word War II.A. AgricultureB. energy industryC. service industryD.manufacturing industryChapter 51.The British government has been responsible for education since the early 1800s.(F)cation in Britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 15.(F)3.The National Curriculum is compulsory in both the state system and the independent system.(F)4.When children finish their schooling at 16, they are required to take a national GCSE examination.(T)5.Graduates from state schools in Britain have a less favorable chance to enter famous universities than those from independent schools.(T)6.In the 1960s, a large number of new universities were founded in Britain.(T)7.Most British people begin their day with reading the morning newspaper and end it watching television in the evening.(T)8.The Times i s the world's oldest national newspaper(F)9.The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world.(F)10.Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christian calendar, and others are related to local customs and traditions.(T)1. In Britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the D .A. 1930sB. 1940sC. 1950sD. 1960s2.About B of British children receive primary and secondary educationthrough the independent system.A. 5%B. 6%C. 7%D. 8%3.Partially funded by central government grants, the British universities receivetheir remaining funds from all the following sources except B .A. tuition feesB. loansC. donationsD.corporate contributions4.Of the following, A is NOT a basis of admission to Britain’suniversities.A. result in national entrance testB. A-level resultC. an interviewD. school references5.To be admitted to the Open University, one need B .A. some educational qualificationsB. no educational qualificationsC. General Certificate of Education-AdvancedD.General National VocationalQualifications“Big 6.Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as theThree” with the exception of C .A. The TimesB. The GuardianC. The ObserverD. The Daily Telegraph7.Life on Earth is a kind of C program produced by the BBC and ispopular among 500 million viewers worldwide.A. featureB. dramaC. documentaryD. soap opera8. D is Britain’s top pay television provider.A. BSBB. SkyTVC. BBCD. BSkyB9.Of the following, D is NOT a common feature of all the Britishholidays.A. families getting togetherB. friends exchanging good wishesC. friends enjoying each other’s companyD. families traveling overseas10.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except A .A. Trooping the ColorB. Queen’s Christmas messageC. Boxing DayD. Christmas pantomimeChapter 91.America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, who arrived on the new continent after Columbus.(T)2.The second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, and the Continental Army and Navy were founded under the command of Thomas Jefferson.(F)3.The Civil War not only put an end to slavery, but also decided that America was a single, indivisible nation.(T)4.Many American people approved of the Vietnam War.(F)5.During Clinton's term, the economy developed steadily, resulting in a lower rate of unemployment.(T)6.In 1990, American troops and the troops from allied nations launched Operation Desert Storm in order to drive Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.(T)7.According to the American administration, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were responsible for the terrorist event on September11,2001.(F)8.The America government regarded Iraq a nation among the "axis of evil".(T)9.On March 19,2003,American and United Nation's troops, supported by several other countries, began an invasion of Iraq.(F)10.Although the combat operations in Iraq are over, it is still hard for America to decide when to withdraw its army.(T)1.The first successful English colony in North America was founded at C in .A. Jamestown, LouisianaB. Boston, MassachusettsC. Jamestown, VirginiaD. Plymouth, Georgia2.Pilgrim Fathers are a group of B who came to America to avoidpersecution in England.A. ProtestantsB. PuritansC. CatholicsD. Christians3.The Seven Years’ War occurred between the C .A. French and American IndiansB. French and SpaniardsC. French and BritishD. British and American Indians4.“No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan of D .A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 colonies5.The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired in B .A. ConcordB. LexingtonC. PhiladelphiaD. Boston6.In May 1775, B was held in Philadelphia and began to assume thefunctions of a national government.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Boston Tea PartyD. the Congress of Confederation7.Abraham Lincoln issued C to grant freedom to all slaves.A. Declaration of IndependenceB. ConstitutionC. Emancipation ProclamationD. Bill of Rights8.The policy of the United States was A at the beginning of the two worldwars.A. neutralityB. full involvementC. partial involvementD. appeasement9.President C applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the GreatDepression.A. WilsonB. TrumanC. RooseveltD. Kennedy10.The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continuedthroughout the terms of Presidents D .A. Johnson, Nixon and FordB. Truman, Eisenhower and KennedyC. Kennedy, Johnson and NixonD. Eisenhower, Kennedy and JohnsonChapter 101.Bill of Rights was written into the Constitution in 1787.(F)2.The form of American government is based on three main principles: federalism, the separation of powers, and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law.(T)3.The U.S. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.(F)4.Certain presidential appointments must be approved by Congress.(T)5.The judicial branch of the federal government consists of a series of courts: the Supreme Court, the courts of appeals and the district courts.(T)6.Like Britain, the United States has a two--party system.(T)7.The Democratic Party is conservative in terms of its ideology.(F)8.American presidential campaign adheres to the "winner-take-all" practice.(T)9.American foreign policy throughout the World War II was neutrality.(F)10.American foreign policy during the Cold War period was containment and intervention.(T)1.The U. S. Constitution came into effect in B .A. 1787B. 1789C. 1791D. 17932.The Constitution of the United States C .A. gives the most power to CongressB. gives the most power to the PresidentC. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the othersD. gives the most power to the Supreme Court3.The Bill of Rights B .A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the PresidentB. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedomsC. is part of the Declaration of IndependenceD. has no relationship with the Constitution4.The following except B are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.A. freedom of religionB. the right to get into people’s house by policeC. freedom of speech and of pressD. the right to own one’s weapon if one wishes5.All the following except C cannot make legislative proposal.A. the SenatorB. the RepresentativeC. the Secretary of StateD. the President6.The following except C are all powers of the President.A. vetoing any bills passed by CongressB. appointing federal judges when vacancies occurC. making lawsD. issuing executive orders7.According to the Constitution, a candidate for President must be D .A. at least 35 years oldB. at least a 14 years’ resident of the United StatesC. born in AmericaD. all of the above8.The terms for a Senator and Representative are D and yearsrespectively.A. two, fourB. two, threeC. two, sixD. six, two9.The Supreme Court is composed of D justices.A. sixB. sevenC. eightD. nine10.The President is directly voted into office by C .A. all citizens of AmericaB. the citizens over 18 years oldC. electors elected by the votersD. the senators and representativesChapter 111.America is the world's largest industrial nation.(T)2.America has a mixed economy and the government has little control over businesses.(F)3.Charter companies contributed to Britain's successful colonization of the U.S.(T)4.In the U.S. Constitution, the recognition of the importance of "intellectual property" could be identified.(T)5.Although slavery was abolished as a result of the Civil War, the owners of plantation in the South made more profits from selling their agriculture products.(F)6.President Roosevelt's New Deal had little effect in dealing with the economic crisis in the early 1930s.(F)7.The 1960s was a period of consolidation for the American businesses.(F)8.American agricultural exports outweigh imports, leaving a surplus in the agricultural balance of trade.(T)9.Auto production is one of the important sectors in American manufacturing industry.(T)10.The world economy has little to do with the growth and decline of the American foreign trade.(F)1.America produces a major portion of the world’s products in the following fields except C .A. machineryB. automobilesC. oreD. chemicals2.The modern American economy progressed from C to , andeventually, to .A. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyB. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyC. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economyD. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy3.Chartered companies were NOT granted the D by the British King orQueen.A. political authorityB. economic rightsC. judicial authorityD. diplomatic authority4.The first National Bank of the United States was established with the urge ofD .A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Andrew JacksonD. Alexander Hamilton5.The following inventions took place during the “second industrial revolution”except D .A. typewriterB. telephoneC. electric lightD. refrigerator6.President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society”by introducing variousprograms like the following except D .A. MedicareB. Food StampsC. Education InitiativesD. Unemployment Pension7.About B of American crops are for export.A. halfB. one thirdC. one fourthD. one fifth8.The following statements are all true except B .A. Agribusinesses reflect the big, corporate nature of many farm enterprises.B. Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural importsand exports.C. Agribusinesses range from one-family corporations to multinational firms.D. Agribusinesses include a variety of farm businesses and structures.9. D is not one of the three giants in American automobile industry.A.FordB. General MotorsC. ChryslerD. American Motors10.At present, U. S. exports account for A of the world’s total.A. 10%B. 15%C. 20%D. 25%Chapter 12cation is governed by state and local governments instead of the national government in America.(T)2.All American children are offered 12 years of compulsory public education.(T)3.The first formal academic institution that a child attends is called kindergarten.(F)4.After 12 years of schooling, American students receive a bachelor's degree at graduation.(F)5.When selecting a college or university, undergraduate students have a great concern for its size, location and academic quality.(T)6.In American institutions, a board of trustees composed of professionals is responsible for the administration.(F)ually, an undergraduate student has to earn 120 credits to receive a degree.(T)8.Yale university is the second eldest institution of higher learning in the United States.(F)9.It is The New York Times that first uncovered the Watergate Scandal in 1972 through the efforts of two reporters.(F)10.Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November.(F)1.Formal education in the United States consists of C , secondary andhigher education.A. kindergartenB. publicC. elementaryD. private2.Of the following subjects, B are NOT offered to elementary schoolstudents.A. mathematics and languagesB. politics and business educationC. science and social studiesD. music and physical education3.Higher education in the United States began with the founding of B .A. Yale UniversityB. Harvard UniversityC. Princeton UniversityD. New York University4.Of the following, B are NOT among the categories of American highereducation.A. universities and collegesB. research institutionsC. technical institutionsD. community colleges5.Of the following, D is NOT the responsibility of the board of trustees inU. S. institutions.A. choosing the presidentB. establishing policies for administrators and facultyC. approving budget and other financial projectD. decide which student to enroll6.To get a bachelor’s degree, all undergraduate students are required to do thefollowing except C .A. attending lectures and completing assignmentsB. passing examinationsC. working for communitiesD. earning a certain number of credits7.Of the following universities, B has NOT cultivated any AmericanPresident yet.A. Harvard UniversityB. Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyC. Princeton UniversityD. Yale University8. B is sold especially to the upper or upper-middle class and it has areputation for its serious attitude and great bulk.A. The Washington PostB. The New York TimesC. Los Angeles TimesD. New York Daily News9.Of the following, B is NOT among the three major radio and TVnetworks in America.A. the National Broadcasting System (NBS)B. the Public BroadcastingService (PBS)C. the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)D. the American BroadcastingSystem (ABS)10.The National Day of the United States falls on B .A. June 4thB. July 4thC. June 14thD. July 14th。

I. Multiple Choice (20%)Britain does not share land border with any other countries except()A. Northern IrelandB. FranceC. The Republic of IrelandD. Norway William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in ( ).A. 1086B. 1066C. 1035D. 1381Shylock is most probably a character from ( )A. Charles DickensB. William ShakespeareC. Thomas HardyD. Bernard ShawNative Americans, the first people to live in North America, descended from people who arrived from ( ) many thousands of years ago.A. EuropeB. RussiaC. AustraliaD. AsiaThe population of the United States grows to today’s 300 million, the ( ) largest in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. fourthD. fifthThe largest state in area is Alaska, followed by ( ), and California.A. HawaiiB. MissouriC. TexasD. Montana( ) finished most of the writing of the Declaration of Independence.A. Benjamin FranklinB. John AdamsC. Thomas Jefferson George WashingtonHistorically, ( ) lived in widely scattered settlements and relied on subsistence activities, such as hunting, fishing, and trapping in Alaska.A. HopiB. ApacheC. NavajoD. EskimosC. White HouseD. Washington MonumentEmancipation Proclamation, which abolished slavery in the southern states, was issued by ( ) on January 1, 1863, midway through the Civil War.A. Martin Luther KingB. Abraham LincohnC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington.II Gap-filling (20%)_______ is the national flower of the US.The United States is a _______ republic consisting of _______ states.The official language of the US is _______, and the second most spoken language is _______.______ is known as the Father of Waters in the U.SChristianity, founded by Jesus Christ in the first century A.D., has two textbooks, the ________ and the _________.The English language has experienced three stages in its development: _________, ________, _________.Renaissance originally meant the rediscovery of ancient _______ and _______ cultures. But modern scholars use it to mean the great variety of changes which Europe underwent politically, economically and culturally between 1450 and 1600.III. Term Explanation (30%)1.Culture2.Abraham Lincohn3.Gettysburg Address4.Stars and Strips5.Norman Conquest6.Declaration of Independenceke Poets8.Industry RevolutionVI. Questions (30%)1.How do you think of “We have a government of the people, by the people andfor the people”?2.Who states that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself? How do you think ofit?3.What are the features of the climate in Great Britain? Describe the causes andeffects4.What are the major characteristics of “culture”?5.What is Westward Expansion? And in what way is it important to the UnitedStates?6.What is New Deal? What do you think the present Chinese government can learnfrom New Deal to avoid further economic depression in China?。
英美国家概况之History of USA_2

2.4 Process of the War
• In 1781, a decisive victory at Yorktown in Virginia • On October 19, 1781, the British general Cornwallis was forced to
surrender, the war came to an end. • The two parts signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783—America won its
• Printing paper money and opening diplomatic relations with foreign powers.
2.2 The Second Continental Congress
• George Washington, a wealthy Virginia planter, was respected as a man of ability and integrity.
2.5 The Establishment of Constitution
• On May 25, 1787, the constitution was drafted. • In June 1789, the constitution came into effect in nine states.
• Once a colonel in the French and
Indian War;
• One of the few Americans with
considerable military experience;
• Led the continental army to the


名词解释AgribusinessThe new farming has been called “agribusiness”, because it is equipped and managed like an industrial business with a set of inputs into the processes which occur on the farm and outputs or products which leave the farm.Puritanism (173)Which stresses predestination , original sin , total depravity , and limited atonement or the salvation of a selected few who would receive God`s grace.The Lost Generation (182)Which refers to the young American writers caught up in the war and cut off from the old values yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization has gone mad .The beat movement (185)The word “beat”suggests a non-conformist , rebellious attitude toward conventional values concerning sex , religion and the American way of life , an attitude that results from the feeling of depression and exhaustion and the need to escape into an unconventional , communal mode of life .The Joy Luck ClubFocus on the relationship between mother and daughter . In her works , Tan deals with the characters ' conflicting emotions , which are associated with being native-born Americans of Chinese ancestry . Amy Tan , her fiction weaves back and forth through time and individual perspectives , and her characters seek redemption , forgiveness and peace .Cultural mosaicPeople of diverse origins and communities are free to preserve and enhance their own cultural heritage while participating as equal partners in Canadian society .Firestick farmingAustralian used fire as a hunting tool . They cleared areas using fire in order to stimulate the growth of grazing pastures and drive out small animals that they could easily capture . This method is called "firestick farming ".Australian-New Zealand Army Corps (NAZAC)During the First World War , the Australian troops , joined by New Zealand forces , were called the Australian-New Zealand Army Corps . ANZAC Day , is one of Australia' s most important national holidays to honor all those Australians who died in military conflicts .Three electoral systemsWhich are important in Australia namely the simple majority system , the preferential representation system and the proportional representation system . The simple majority system is a straightforward from of voting whereby the option with a simple majority of votes wins . Underthe preferential representation system , voters number the candidates on the ballot paper in选择题1、The modern American economy progressed from colonial economy to farming economy,and eventually ,to industrial economy。
英美国家概况 Unit2 A brief introduction to the UK

UNIT 3 The government of UK
Britain is the oldest representative
democracy in the world. Its roots can be traced back one thousand years ago
The crown and Cabinet (consists of some members of the parliament)need to have good relationship, so they need to meet each other regularly. In 1714, the British Queen died without producing a heir to the throne, so they found a king from Germany.
for discussion or talk In the 13th century, The king would gather barons and representatives to raise money. The king wanted to enlarge the group that gave him money, so the house of Lords and the house of commons came into being.
governance also has its own constitution(宪法). Parliament has a number of different functions
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选择题1、The modern American economy progressed from colonial economy to farming economy,and eventually ,to industrial economy。
现代美国经济进展从殖民地经济到农场经济,终于,工业经济2、Chartered companies were NOT granted the diplomatic authority by the British King or Queen。
3、President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society”by introducing various programs like the following except Unemployment Pension。
4、The following statements are all true except Agribusinesses maintain a balanced pattern between agricultural imports and exports.下面声明是所有真只是农业综合企业保持一个平衡模式在农业之间进口和出口。
5,American Motors is not one of the three giants in the American automobile industry。
美国汽车不是之一三个巨人在美国汽车业6,At present,U.S. exports account for 10% of the world’s total. 目前,u。
7,higher education in the United States began with the founding of Harvard university。
更高现行美国教育体制首先哈佛大学的创建8,Of the following,decide which student to enroll is Not the responsibility of the board of trustees in U.S. institutions .的下面,决定哪个学生注册不是责任的理事会在u。
9、To get a bachelor’s degree ,all undergraduate students are required to do the following except working for communities。
得到学士学位,所有本科生被要求做下面除工作社会10. Of the following universities, Massachusetts institute of technology has NOT cultivated any American Presidents yet. 的下面大学,麻省理工学院还未培育任何美国总统过。
11, Los Angeles Times is sold especially to the upper or upper-middle class and it has a reputation for its serious attitude and great bulk。
12,The National Day of the United States falls on July 4th.国庆节地点状语落到七月4。
13,Of the following writers ,Benjamin Franklin & Jonathan Edwards are from the colonial and revolutionary periods。
14, Of the following , Nature is NOT Nathaniel Hawthorne’s work .的下面,性质不是霍桑的作品。
15.Of the following writers , Herman Melville is NOT included in the group of naturalists .下面作家,赫尔曼·梅尔维尔不包括在组的博物学家。
16,F.Scott Fitzgerald’s finest novel is The Great Gatsby ,and its theme is about the American Dream.f。
17,Of the following books , The Sound and the Fury is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway.的下面书,喧哗与骚动不是写被海明威。
18. Canada became the world's fourth largest industrial nation (after world war II) . 加拿大成为世界的第四最大工业国(在第二次世界大战)后。
19. The Liberal government led by Mackenzie King did the following to lay the foundations of the Canadian welfare state except (introducing health insurance ) . 自由党政府领导由马更些王做下面外行的的基础的加拿大人福利国家除(介绍健康保险)。
20. Pierre Trudeau retired from his post as head of the government and party leader partly because (he had not been able to reverse the declining economic trend )特鲁多退休他的职位作为政府的头像,党的的领导人部分地因为(他还未能相反的拒绝经济趋势)21.(The Meech Lake Accord )recognized Quebec as a "distinct society ". (达成米治湖协议)承认魁北克省由于一个"不同的社会"。
22.Martin's Liberal government tried to do the following but to (give the Quebec City sovereignty ). 马丁的自由派的政府尝试做下面但(给魁北克市主权)。
23. In each province, a Lieutenant Governor represents the British Crown. 在每个省,一个副州长代表英国冠。
24.The influence of the New Democratic Party has declined gradually in Parliament in today’s Canada.影响的新民主党慢慢下降了在议会在今日的加拿大。
25.If applicants meet the basic requirements for an immigrant they need to do the following except applying for citizenship. if申请人满足基本要求对一个移民他们需要做某事下面除申请公民权。
26.Canada’s three largest trading partners include the following except Mexico.加拿大的三最大贸易伙伴包括下面除了墨西哥。
27.Canberra is Australia’s capital.27。
28.Britain’s first permanent colony was founded in 1788.28。
29.The Commonwealth of Australia was established in 1901.29。
30.The first time that Australia developed a foreign policy independent of Britain was during the Great Depression of the 1930s.第一次那个澳大利亚开发一个外交政策独立英国中的大萧条1930s。
31.The movement to gain recognition of Aboriginal rights was started in the 1960s.31。
the 运动土著的获得认可权利被开始1960s。
32.The following were all aspects of the economic reforms which tookplace between 1983 and 1996 except enlarging the scale of the mining industry.下面各方面的经济改革——发生在1983之间,1996除放大规模的矿业。
33.Australia ranks 53rd in terms of population through it is the sixth largest country in the word.33。
34.Australia’s economy depends largely on foreign trade.澳大利亚的经济依靠主要地在外贸。
35.As an ideal place for investments , Australia’s foreign capital mainly comes from Japan and the United States.35。