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1.表示“许多”,修饰或代替可数名词(复数),与 few(少数)相对;而 much 用来修饰或代替不可数名词(单数),与l it tle(少量)相对。

2. 关于many of

(1) 其后接名词时,该名词通常应是特指的(比如有the, these, those, my, our, Tom’s等修饰)。如:

Many of the are mine. 很多书都是我的。

Many of his ideas were amusing to her. 他的许多想法使她感到有趣。

(2) 如果名词没有表特指的限定词,通常就不用of。如:


误:I didn’t eat much of breakfast.

正:I didn’t eat much breakfast.


误:There aren’t many of leaves left.

正:There aren’t many leaves left.

(3) 如果用了介词of又没有特指限定词,通常是不可以的。如:

误:Many of students have read it.

正:Many of the students have read it. 许多学生读过它。

误:Much of time was wasted.

正:Much of the time was wasted. 大部分时间都浪费了。

(4) 在人称代词前总是用many of或much of,其中的of不能没有。如:

I didn’t eat much of it. 这个我没吃多少。

Many of us were too tired to go further. 我们很多人都累得不能再往前走了。

3. 两者都可与 more 连用,其区别仍然是 many more之后接复数名词,much more 之后接不可数名词。如:

There have been many more burglaries this year. 今年盗窃案比过去多好些。His car cost much more money than mine. 他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多得多。有时其后的名词可承前省略。如:

Many people support the government, but many more are against it. 许多人支持政府,但更多得多的人反对它。

另外,其后修饰的不是名词,而是形容词或副词,则用much more,不用many more。如:

You must work much more carefully. 你应工作得更加细心。

4. 注意“many a+单数可数名词”的用法:形式上为单数,但意义上为复数(意为“许多”),若用作主语,其谓语通常与形式一致而不与意义一致(即谓语用单数)。如:

Many a young man has tried and failed. 很多年轻人都试过,而且失败了。注意,“many a+单数名词”是一个十分正式的结构,在口语或非正式文体中一般都用“many+复数名词”代之。

5. 与a great /good number of, a great /good amount of等表达不同,a great /good many后接名词时,不用介词of。如:

I’ve known her for a great many years. 我认识她好多年了。

A great many people were at the meeting. 很多人参加了会。


A good many of them have big houses. 他们中的许多人有大房子。

A great many of the houses were destroyed in the earthquake. 这次地震毁了很多房屋
