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一. 简单句中的省略

1. 省略主语

在祈使句或某些习惯性的用法中常省略主语。如(You) Close the door at once.

(It) Sounds fine to me.

2. 省略主语和谓语的一部分

在表示建议的问句、比较状语从句、感叹句和there be句型中常省略。

如What (do you think) about a cup of tea? He speaks English as well as you (do).

What a (good) girl (she is)! (Is there) anything elso to buy?

3. 省略宾语、表语

这种省略常见于对话的答语中。如---Which of the two is better?

---It’s hard to tell (it).

He is hard-working and so is his sister (hard-working).

4. 名词所有格后名词的省略


如These are John’s books and those are Mary’s (books).

At her mother’s (house) she passed many happy days.

5. 冠词的省略

在某些固定短语the next day(morning,week,year …)中,有时为了使语气紧凑,定冠词the常可以省略;在副词的最高级前面定冠词常可以省略;另外在某些独立结构中和as引导的让步状语从句中,常可省略冠词。

如We went to the farm to help the farmers with the harvest (the) next day.

He sings (the) best in the class. Child as she is, she knows a lot.

6. 介词的省略

一些动词搭配构成的短语,如prevent / stop sb(from)doing,have trouble / difficulty/ problems(in)doing,spend time(in)doing等中的介词常可以省略。

如Trees can prevent the earth (from) being washed away.

Can you stop him (from) going swimming in the river?

I have some difficulty (in) answering the question.

7. 动词不定式中的省略

如果不定式所表示的内容在上文中已经出现,为了避免重复,常常把不定式里的动词及其后续部分省略,只保留to。如---Will you go with me?---Well, I’d like to (go with you).


○1有些动词,如believe,find,think,feel,consider,imagine,prove等后作宾补的结构to be + n. / adj.中的to be可以省略。如I consider him (to be) lazy.

His mother found him (to be) a clever boy.


如Why didn’t he come earlier? He was told to (come early).

She didn’t come, though we had invited her to (come).

○3在can not but,can not choose but,can not help but之后的动词不定式一般不带to;but 之前有实义动词do的某个形式do,does,did,done时,也不带to,否则要带to。

如I can not but admire his courage.

He has no choice but to accept the fact.


如I would like to do it for you, but I don’t know how to (do it for you).

Nothing has ever stopped him from sleeping when he wants to (sleep).


如They made the boy go to bed early.---- The boy was made to go to bed early.


○6当不定式在形容词afraid,anxious,eager,glad,happy,ready,willing等后作状语时,to后的内容常承前省略。如---Will you join us in the game?

---I’ll be glad to (join you in the game).

You can’t force him to answer the question if he’s not ready to (answer the question).


如I haven’t read the book, but I wish I would have time (to read the book).


如---Are you a student?---No, but I used to be.

John didn’t come, but he ought to have.

○8当不定式在be going to,be able to,have to,ought to,used to后作复合谓语时,不定式符号后的内容可省略。如I didn’t want to wait for him but I had to (wait for him).

They do not visit their parents as much as they ought to (visit their parents).

二. 并列句中的省略


如Bob has done his homework, but Tom hasn’t (done his homework).


如He gave up smoking for a while, but (he) soon returned to his old ways.

3.主语相同,谓语也相同,则二者都可以省略。如She was poor but (she was) honest.

His suggestion made John happy, but (his suggestion made) Mary angry.

三. 复合句中的省略

1. 名词性从句中的省略


如Someone has used my bike, but I don’t know who (has used it).

He will come back, but he does n’t know when (he will come back).

He has gone, but no one knows where (he has gone).

You are unhappy. Can you tell me why (you’re unhappy)?


如It is important that we (should) speak to the old politely.

○3在I’m afraid,I think,I believe,I hope,I guess等作答句时,后面跟“so”与“not”分别表示肯定和否定,宾语从句可省去。如---Do you think it will rain?

---I hope not (that it will not rain).
