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1. Would you please tell me how to get to Shanghai Railway Station?

Ans: You can take Metro Line NO.1.

2. What shall I do if I want to report a case?

A: You can dial 110 for police emergency service and tell them what happened.

3. This is a private house, why are you in my house?

A: We have received a call from your neighbor saying there is a disturbance here.

4. I parked my car here a moment ago, but it’ gone.

A: Look! There is a “No Parking” sign over there. Your car may have been towed away for illegal parking.

5. Can I buy the daily necessities that I need here?

A: You can go to the supermarket of the detention house once every week.


6. 一般来说,在中国,特别是在上海游览是很安全的。

Generally speaking it’s quite safe to travel in China, especially in Shanghai.

7. 让现场的所有东西原封不动。

Please keep everything on the scene intact.

8. 如果你想更多的了解上海,你最好参观一下人民广场。

If you want to know more about Shanghai, you’d better visit the People’s Square.

9. 犯罪率逐年降低,而安全感和满意率则逐年上升。

The crime rate is decreasing year by year while the sense of security and satisfaction of the residents are increasing year after year.

10. 每年十月中旬到十一月中旬会安排各种旅游庆祝活动,以展示城市生活风貌和文化。

Every year from mid-October to mid-November various tourist festivals are arranged to demonstrate the city life style.

11. 让我带你熟悉一下小区的环境。

Let me show you around and you will know more about the community.

12. 我们想了解一下你们为什么争吵?

We’d like to know the reason why you argued.

13. 今后公安机关交通管理部门拖车不得收取拖车费。

From now on the police traffic administration department shall no charge any towing fee.

14. 上海交通秩序的维持需要每个人的自己配合。

Shanghai’s maintenance of traffic order needs the cooperation of everybody.

15. 每天有很多交通事故都是由于行人乱穿马路造成的。

Jaywalking leads to numerous traffic accidents every day.

1. How can I get to Pudong International Airport as soon as possible?

A: Take a taxi to the maglev train starting station. Then take the maglev train and you’ll reach your destination in a few minutes.

2. What do you mean by modern policing strategy?

A: IT means that we police implement the modern policing strategies such as community policing, quick response to 110 emergency call and net-like patrol.

3. Are there any special cultural events in Shanghai?

A: Yes. There’s Shanghai Tourism Festival and China Shanghai International Art Festival.

4. Can I buy cigarettes there?

A: No. Cigarettes are a contraband item in the detention house.

5. What are the main differences between the new law and the old one?

A: The new law puts more emphasis on the safety of pedestrians and police don’t charge towing fees.

6. 春节是中国农历新年的开始,也是家庭团聚的时间。

Spring Festival is the beginning of the Chinese Lunar Year and it’s time for family reunion.


Don’t you know beating one’s spouse is against laws?

8. 我发现上海建造了不少现代化道路交通设施,有地铁,轻轨线路,磁悬浮列车等等。

I find that alt of modern traffic facilities have been built in Shanghai such as metros, light rail lines, maglev trains and so on.

9. 不管怎样,违法停车只会使交通状况更为糟糕。

Whatever the problems are, illegal parking only worsens the traffic situation.

10. 出事您后悔就晚了。

You would find it too late to regret if it happened.

11. 在这种情况下,行人是有优先权的。

Don’t you know pedestrians have the right to go first in such a situation?

12. 我们这就去你家进行勘测。

We’ll go to your house immediately to make some investigation.

13. 你说了解一些安全常识是非常必要的。

It’s quite necessary to acquire some knowledge of safety.

14. 你告诉对方根据《刑法》,他的拘留期限最长为37天。

Under the relevant law, the maximum period of holding you in custody is 37days.

15. 请您详细描述一下事故发生的情况。

Please describe in detail how the accident happened.
