GREAT DEPRESSION(美国1920年的经济危机)

By 1914, most developed countries had adopted the gold standard with a fixed exchange rate between the national currency and gold—and therefore between national currencies. In World War I, European nations went off the gold standard to print money, and the resulting price inflation drove large amounts of the world’s gold to banks in the United States. The United States remained on the gold standard without altering the gold value of the dollar. Investors and others who held gold sent their gold to the United States, where gold maintained its value as a safe and sound investment. At the end of World War I, a few countries, most notably the United States, continued on the gold standard while others temporarily adopted floating exchange rates. The world’s international finance center had shifted from London to New York City, and the British were anxious to regain their old status. Some countries pledged to return to the gold standard with devalued currencies, while others followed the British lead and aimed to return to gold at prewar exchange rates.

金融危机对全球经济带来的影响2008年发生的金融危机是自大萧条(Great Depression)以来全球最严重的一次经济危机,它影响了整个世界,从欧洲到美国,从亚洲到非洲,无一幸免。

The Great Depression
Brief introduction Effects Causes Measures
Brief introduction
The Great Depression(1929-1933),originated in U.S. history, the severe(严重的) economic crisis supposedly precipitated by the U.S. stock-market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world.
--摘自威廉.曼彻斯 特·《光荣与梦想》
It had been the immense disparity between the country’s productive power and the American people’s ability to consume.
It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century.
Unemployment and homelessness increased Bank Closings -- the collapse of the nation’s
两次经济大危机原因的比较研究 (英文版)

2014--2015学年第一学期«英语国家概况»科目考查论文A Comparison of the Causes of The Great Depressionin 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008 1929年大萧条与2008年经济大危机成因对比研究学院专业班级学生学号AbstractThe Great Depression in 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008 are twolarge-scale events in American economic history for nearly one century. Though the two economic crises vary in background, ways of eruption and origins, they definitely share in common. For example, both of their eruptions are caused by economic imbalance, overproduction, and the driving force behind these is the capital seeks for profit.The study will focus on the comparison of the Great Depression and financial crisis. The writer will do a brief discussion and research on their courses, then to reveal their significance to prevent and settle today’s economic crisis, which contributes to help us to improve the cognition to economic crisis’ development.The thesis is composed of following five parts:In the first part the writer briefly describes the background of the crises and their impacts on world economy and then leads to the causes of the two crises.In the second part the writer explains the common causes of American two economic crises. In the third part and the fourth part the writer interprets the causes of two American economic crises in 1929-1933 and in 2008 respectively.In the conclusion the writer concludes that through the research of the causes of the two economic crises, the countries in the modern world may learn how to improve its capacity to prevent and resolve the potential economic crisis.Key words: economic crisis, financial crisis, United States, comparison, causes摘要美国2008年发生的经济危机与20世纪30年代的经济危机是近一个世纪以来美国经济发展史上出现的两次大规模的危机。

The single of starting
The blind expansion of the production capacity of the relative stable international and demestic markets have shape contradictions,leading to the outbreak of the economic crisis in 1929.…
The Economic Crisis In America源自ackground(Reasons)
Behind the prosperity of the economy
1,The American long-term blind investment{长期盲目投资}
2,The proportion of the economy, the agricultural recession{经济比例失调,农业不景气}

Economic crisisIn October 24, 1929, American black Thursday, crazy stock trend suddenly appeared in the New York stock exchange, trading a total of nearly 13000000 shares of stock, beyond more than 10 times of the normal daily trading volume. In financial speculation and bubble economy, the soared stock price now moved so that it can not keep up with the speed of price quotes. With many people in bankruptcy with a mountain of debt, even 8 people killing themselves on the day because of Dutch act of debt, the financial panic started. However, this was the largest , the longest, and the worst start of economic crisis in the history of capitalism. In the following four years, the capitalist world sank into the global crisis economically, socially and politically , has been a huge impact, precarious.On the Black Thursday, at 12 o’clock noon, a number of Wall Street financial giants in the Morgan Foundation Office held an emergency meeting, deciding to raise money to save the market. Two days later, the situation temporarily stabilized. But on 28th, Monday, with the wind coming again, 9,250,000 stocks sprung out such as the flood and the financial giants finally were unable to resist with wealth exhaustion, and they issued a statement at night: give up the rescue and panic is unstoppable to come. The next day, Tuesday, at 10 o’clock in the morning, with the stock market opening and the Gong ringing, large amounts of stock was thrown out, even at any price, but not many people wanted to buy with the chaotic scene. At the beginning of stock opening, 3000000 shares were thrown out, reaching more than 8000000 shares two hours later, and more than 12,000,000 stocks closed at one thirty. when shares reached16,410,000 , the stock market finally collapsed and the stock marketfell by12.82%. Hundreds of billions of dollars instantly became nothing and economic crisis has opened a prelude. Later on, the stock continually plunged with stock index 100 points in 1926, 145 points in November 1929 , 102 points in December 1930, and falling to 54 points in December 1931. Until 1933, the situation was extremely serious, even falling to 34 points in June, finally the index had lost 5/6. Nearly one hundred billion U.S. assets burst miraculously disappeared such as soap bubbles. From September in 1929 to January 1933, thirty kinds of stocks fell by 82.8%, from the average of $364.9 to $62.7. In the meanwhile, 20 kinds of railway stock from an average of $180 per share to $28.1, decreasing by 84.4%.The crisis heavily hit the United States firstly, thousands of factories and banks collapsed. There were 26400 companies and 934 banks broken In 1930. In 1931, 28300 companies and 1440 banks failed; In 1932, 31300 companies and 1453 banks failed; In 1933, 20300 companies and 1783 banks also failed. People rushed into banks in a panic to draw a large number of deposits, which caused a great loss of gold reserves as well as capital output sharply decreased nearly being stopped..In early 1933, all banks in the United States were out of business basically . Finance was just the nerve center of modern economy,and its paralysis inevitably led to the entire national economic havoc and the economy in the United States almost collapses, which resulted in continuous decline in America's GDP. In 1929, GDP was $103.1 billion, $55.6 billion in 1933. During the past three years GDP has decreased by half. Ten years later, it went back to $99.6 billion in 1940.What is more , industrial production of USA in July 1932, has fallen to the bottom, contrast in May 1925, plummeted 55.6%, steel fell by nearly 80%, fell by 87% in the machine tool manufacturing, auto industry has declined by 95%.With the economic crisis leading to a large number of unemployed people, people's life became seriously poor and the unemployed in the United States had more than 400 in 1930 to 8 million people in 1931, breaking through the ten million mark in 1932. In 1933, the most serious unemployment went up to 17million, which means nearly a third of the workers in the United States. From October 1930 to March 1931, there were 223000 people out of work among 690,000 workers and 5,000 households losing their homes within only 6 days just were unable to pay the mortgage. The unemployed fully in urban and rural, cold, hunger, and homeless, have been admitted to the Hoover cottage made of wood, sheet metal or paper boxes and so on. The humble dwelling were called Hoover cottage, because when Hoover once was run for President of the United States, he had promised the workers that they could have the chicken to eat and cars to drive.Once in America, about 34,000,000 people had no income, accounting for 28% of the total population, and even a large number of schools went bust. In 1932, only New York, at one time, had more than 30 students out of school and millions of people relied on charity with fear and despair throughout the crisis. This is so called the history of the great tragedy of America.In the early twentieth century, there were a variety of latent crisis factors in America economic prosperity such as large gap between the rich and the poor, wealth is concentrated in a few rich people, so that the majority of people in lower class lacked purchasing power because of poverty. In 1929, the rich in USA, accounting for 5% of the population of the country, had a personal collection of 1/3. At thesame time, the poor households with the annual income of less than $2000 were up to 60% of the whole families. In addition, the number of the pre-crisis unemployment reached about 2,000,000. Another important factor is the rampant speculation, such as speculation frenzy of the stock and real estate , forming the bubble economy. The New York Stock Exchange listed shares increased to from 443,000,000 shares in January 1925 to more than 1,000,000,000 shares of stock in October 1929 , with the face value higher with 3 to 20 times, some even up to 50 times. The the doubled prices and a serious departure from the actual value, the stock eventually fell off a serious cliff on the Black Thursday in 1929.书中横卧着整个过去的灵魂——卡莱尔人的影响短暂而微弱,书的影响则广泛而深远——普希金人离开了书,如同离开空气一样不能生活——科洛廖夫书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉——库法耶夫书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者———史美尔斯书籍便是这种改造灵魂的工具。

大萧条对美国妇女婚姻与家庭的影响周莉萍【英文标题】The Influence of the Great Depression on American Women's Marriage and Family【作者简介】周莉萍,宁波大学文学院历史系副教授。
(宁波 315211)【内容提要】大萧条时期经济长期处于困境,对美国妇女的婚姻与家庭产生了深刻影响,此时性观念趋于保守,结婚率、离婚率与生育率都呈现下降趋势;家庭经济状况普遍恶化,家庭主妇承担起更多的经济责任,在家庭中的经济作用和精神力量相对增大,在家庭中的角色扩大,地位相应提高,但此时男女两性的性别定位并没有得到根本改变。

世界经济危机对社会的影响英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on SocietyIntroductionThe world experienced a severe economic crisis in the late 2000s, which had a significant impact on societies around the globe. This crisis, commonly referred to as the Great Recession, was triggered by a combination of factors, including the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, the collapse of major financial institutions, and a global credit crunch. In this essay, we will examine the social repercussions of the global economic crisis and how it affected individuals, families, and communities.Unemployment and Job InsecurityOne of the most immediate and visible effects of the economic crisis was the spike in unemployment rates. As companies downsized or went bankrupt, millions of people lost their jobs, leading to widespread job insecurity and financial distress. Unemployment not only affected individuals' ability toprovide for their families but also had a profound impact on their mental and emotional well-being. The fear of losing one's job or struggling to find stable employment created a sense of uncertainty and anxiety that permeated throughout society.Income Inequality and PovertyThe economic crisis exacerbated income inequality, as the wealthiest individuals and corporations were able to weather the storm, while the most vulnerable members of society suffered the most. The gap between the rich and the poor widened, as those at the bottom of the income scale faced job loss, wage cuts, and reduced social services. Poverty rates increased dramatically, with millions of people around the world falling below the poverty line and struggling to meet their basic needs. The economic crisis highlighted the structural inequalities inherent in society and underscored the need for greater social welfare programs and economic redistribution.Housing and HomelessnessThe collapse of the housing market was a central component of the global economic crisis, as subprime mortgages and risky lending practices led to a wave of foreclosures and evictions. Families that had invested their life savings in a home suddenly found themselves homeless, with nowhere to turn.Homelessness rates soared, as individuals and families were forced to live in shelters, cars, or on the streets. The housing crisis not only had a material impact on people's lives but also a psychological one, as the loss of a home can be a traumatic and destabilizing experience.Health and Well-beingThe economic crisis had far-reaching implications for people's health and well-being, as financial stress and insecurity can take a toll on both physical and mental health. Individuals who were already struggling with chronic conditions or mental health issues found it increasingly difficult to access necessary care and support. The economic downturn also led to cuts in healthcare funding and services, further exacerbating the challenges faced by vulnerable populations. As a result, many people experienced increased stress, anxiety, and depression, as they grappled with the uncertainty and instability of their economic circumstances.Social Cohesion and TrustThe economic crisis strained social cohesion and trust, as communities struggled to cope with the fallout of the recession. People became more distrustful of institutions and leaders, as they felt abandoned and betrayed by those in positions of power.Social divisions deepened, as different groups within society competed for scarce resources and opportunities. Trust in government, business, and other social institutions eroded, leading to a breakdown in social solidarity and cooperation. The economic crisis highlighted the fragility of social cohesion and underscored the need for greater transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in decision-making processes.ConclusionThe global economic crisis had a profound impact on societies around the world, shaping the lives and experiences of individuals, families, and communities. From unemployment and income inequality to housing insecurity and health challenges, the repercussions of the economic downturn were far-reaching and long-lasting. As we reflect on the social consequences of the crisis, it is clear that the challenges faced by society are interconnected and require a holistic and inclusive approach to address. By recognizing the human dimension of economic crises and prioritizing the well-being of all members of society, we can build a more resilient and equitable world for future generations.篇2The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on SocietyIntroductionThe world economy is a complex system that is constantly changing and evolving. In recent years, the global economic crisis has had a significant impact on society, affecting people's lives in various ways. This essay will examine the impact of the economic crisis on different aspects of society, including employment, income inequality, poverty, and mental health.Impact on EmploymentOne of the most immediate and noticeable effects of the economic crisis is the impact on employment. During times of economic downturn, many companies cut costs by reducing their workforce, leading to layoffs and job losses. This can have a devastating effect on individuals and families, who may struggle to make ends meet without a steady source of income. Unemployment can also have long-term effects on people's mental health, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and depression.Income InequalityThe economic crisis can exacerbate income inequality within society, widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Asbusinesses struggle and lay off workers, those who are already marginalized and disadvantaged may be hit the hardest. The wealthy may be able to weather the storm by cutting back on luxury expenses, while the poor may be forced to choose between paying for rent or food. This can lead to increased social tensions and unrest, as people become increasingly frustrated with the unequal distribution of wealth.PovertyThe economic crisis can also lead to an increase in poverty rates within society. As unemployment rises and wages stagnate, many families may find themselves struggling to make ends meet. This can lead to a cycle of poverty, where individuals are unable to escape their circumstances and achieve economic stability. Poverty can have far-reaching effects on society, affecting everything from health outcomes to educational attainment. It is important for governments and policymakers to address the root causes of poverty and implement measures to support those most in need.Mental HealthThe economic crisis can have a significant impact on people's mental health, leading to increased rates of stress, anxiety, and depression. Uncertainty about the future, financialinsecurity, and job loss can all contribute to feelings of hopelessness and despair. This can have a ripple effect on society, leading to increased rates of substance abuse, domestic violence, and suicide. It is crucial for communities to come together and support one another during times of economic hardship, providing a safety net for those in need.ConclusionThe global economic crisis has had a profound impact on society, affecting people's lives in various ways. From employment and income inequality to poverty and mental health, the effects of the economic crisis are far-reaching and long-lasting. It is important for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to address these challenges and build a more resilient and equitable society for all. By understanding the impact of the economic crisis on society, we can take steps to mitigate its effects and create a more just and sustainable future.篇3The Impact of Global Economic Crisis on SocietyThe global economic crisis that started in 2008 had a profound impact on societies all around the world. The crisis,which was triggered by the collapse of the housing market in the United States, resulted in widespread job losses, reduced incomes, and a general sense of economic insecurity. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which the economic crisis affected different aspects of society.One of the most immediate effects of the economic crisis was the rise in unemployment rates. As companies struggled to stay afloat in the face of declining demand, they were forced to lay off workers in order to cut costs. This led to a sharp increase in the number of people who were out of work, which in turn put a strain on social welfare programs and increased the number of people living in poverty.The rise in unemployment also had a negative impact on mental health, as many people found themselves struggling to make ends meet and worried about their future prospects. This led to an increase in cases of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, which put additional strain on already stretched healthcare systems.The economic crisis also had a significant impact on social mobility, as those who were already disadvantaged found it even harder to escape poverty. With fewer job opportunities available, many people found themselves stuck in low-paying, insecurejobs with little prospect of advancement. This perpetuated cycles of poverty and inequality, making it even harder for those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder to climb their way up.Another way in which the economic crisis affected society was through its impact on education. As governments cut budgets in response to declining tax revenues, education systems around the world suffered from a lack of funding. This resulted in larger class sizes, fewer resources, and lower quality education for many students, particularly those from low-income backgrounds. This further exacerbated inequalities in society, as those who were already disadvantaged by their socioeconomic status were now also disadvantaged by their lack of access to quality education.The economic crisis also had a significant impact on social cohesion, as people became increasingly worried about their own financial security and less willing to help others. Trust in institutions and in each other declined, leading to a breakdown in social bonds and a sense of alienation and isolation. This had negative consequences for community cohesion and civil society, as people became more focused on their own needs and less willing to engage with others.In conclusion, the global economic crisis had a profound impact on society, affecting everything from employment to mental health to education. It widened inequalities, exacerbated social problems, and eroded social cohesion. As we continue to grapple with the long-term effects of the crisis, it is important to consider how we can build a more resilient and inclusive society that is better equipped to withstand future economic shocks. Only by working together and supporting one another can we hope to create a more just and equitable world for all.。

The effect of the global financialThe international financial crisis is becoming more and more worse, the impact on the Chinese economy is also further expansion, it even extended into every aspect of society. For example, manufacturing, energy, food, IT… and so on..From the news, many international companies went bankrupt, and more companies begin to lay off employees, also cancelled the original recruitment plan. Around us, many people can not find a job.This is a global economic crisis, no one can disregard .Facing the crisis, We can only helpless? No way. Everything has two sides. The financial crisis also let investors concern about the long-term growth prospects field. For example, the field of new energy. It also provides China opportunities of increasing the input of new energy.We will use their wisdom, potential, and find the way to overcome it. This is the only way to minimize crisis, also can be safely in this crisis.The financial crisisA slump in finance increase since last year was likely to continue through the next whole year, resulting that people's cutting back on spending due to recession fears, which is a period of reduced trade and business activity, and increasing food and gasoline prices. Ever since the financial crisis broke out, hundreds of thousands of people had lost their jobs, and the governments all over the world are now faced with the huge problem of unemployment. People in the west country and Europe are cut short their budget and try to keep a balance between payout and earnings. As to my opinions to the financial crisis, I hold a positive rather than a negative attitude. I think we will together cope with it well, and I believe there is no obstacle that we can't jump over. So I believe there will be a better tomorrow for the world economy.金融危机英语作文1What Caused The Financial Crisis?I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word —GREED. Over the years, mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn’t afford their mortgages. But they did it any way because there was nothing to lose. These lenders were able to charge higher interest rates and make more money on sub-prime loans. If the borrowers default, they simply seized the house and put it back on the market. On top of that, they were able to pass the risk off to mortgage insurer or package these mortgages as mortgage-backed securities. Easy money!And what went wrong with our financial system? The whole thing was one big scheme. Everything was great when houses were selling like hot cakes and their values go up every month. Lenders made it easier to borrow money, and the higher demand drove up house values. Higher house values means that lenders could lend out even bigger mortgages, and it also gave lenders some protection against foreclosures. All of this translates into more money for the lenders, insurers, and investors. Unfortunately, many borrowers got slammed when their adjustable mortgage finally adjusted. When too many of them couldn’t afford to make their payments, it causes these lenders to suffer from liquidity issue and to sit on more foreclosures than they could sell. Mortgage-backed securities became more risky and worth less causing investment firms like Lehman Brothers to suffer. Moreover, insurers like AIG who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble.The scheme worked well, but it reverses course and is now coming back to hurt everyone with a vengeance.金融危机英语作文2Today's college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm into job market or look every talent fair for potential employers. The concept of selling oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them.有关美国金融危机英语作文[1]美国次贷危机,金融危机已经严重影响到全球的经济,全球的股市更是每况愈下。

以下是我撰写的一篇英语作文,参考了一些常见的观点和论据,希望对你有所帮助:Title: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the United States。
Introduction:The 2008 financial crisis, also known as the Global Financial Crisis, had far-reaching effects on the United States economy and the global financial system. Triggered by the collapse of the housing bubble, this crisis led to widespread economic turmoil and highlighted the vulnerabilities within the financial sector.Body:1. Causes of the Crisis:The roots of the financial crisis can be traced back to various factors. One of the primary causes was the proliferation of subprime mortgages and the subsequent housing market collapse. Financial institutions engaged in risky lending practices, fueling a housing bubble that eventually burst, causing widespread defaults and foreclosures.Additionally, deregulation of the financial industry allowed for the creation of complex financial instruments, such as mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations, which obscured the true risks and led to a mispricing of assets. This lack of transparency andoversight contributed to the severity of the crisis.2. Impact on the Economy:The consequences of the financial crisis were severe and long-lasting. The United States experienced a sharp contraction in economic activity, marked by a significant increase in unemployment and a decline in consumer spending.Many Americans lost their homes, retirement savings, and jobs, exacerbating income inequality and poverty levels.Moreover, the crisis had a ripple effect on the global economy, causing a synchronized downturn in other countries. International trade contracted, financial markets plummeted, and governments around the world implemented stimulus measures to mitigate the damage.3. Government Response:In response to the crisis, the U.S. government intervened with a series of unprecedented measures aimed at stabilizing the financial system and stimulating economic growth. The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) provided funds to troubled financial institutions, while the Federal Reserve implemented monetary policies to lower interest rates and inject liquidity into the banking system.Additionally, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which aimed to regulate the financial industry more effectively andprevent future crises. These policy interventions helped stabilize the economy in the short term but raised questions about the long-term sustainability of government debt and the effectiveness of regulatory reforms.4. Lessons Learned:The financial crisis of 2008 exposed fundamental flaws in the financial system and highlighted the need for stronger regulation and oversight. It underscored the interconnectedness of global financial markets and the risks associated with excessive leverage and speculative behavior.Moving forward, policymakers must remain vigilant and implement measures to address systemic risks and promote financial stability. This includes enhancing transparency, strengthening capital requirements, and monitoring emerging risks in the financial system.Conclusion:The 2008 financial crisis was a watershed moment in economic history, with profound implications for the United States and the global economy. While the immediate impacts have subsided, the lessons learned from this crisis continue to shape policy discussions and efforts to prevent future financial catastrophes. By learning from past mistakes and implementing prudent reforms, we can strive to build a more resilient and stable financial system for future generations.。
2008年美国 金融危机 英文版

2008年美国金融危机英文版(in English)美国作为世界上第一大经济体,对世界经济的发展具有火车头的作用。
2008 financial crisis (in English)The United States as the world's largest economies, the world's locomotive of economic development. However, in 2007 less than satisfactory performance of the U.S. economy, sub-loan crisis broke out, more difficult. To reduce the rate of economic growth, rising inflation, the rise in unemployment, all show the U.S. economy has been growing from the stagnation of the past. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said "stagflation in the U.S. economy has not yet, but already there are early signs appear."次贷危机是美国经济放缓的导火索,其后续影响不断恶化并逐渐波及到世界经济。
经济大萧条 英文资料 论文

Great Depression, in U.S. history, the severe economic crisis supposedly precipitated by the U.S. stock-market crash of 1929. Although it shared the basic characteristics of other such crises (see depression), the Great Depression was unprecedented in its length and in the wholesale poverty and tragedy it inflicted on society. Economists have disagreed over its causes, but certain causative factors are generally accepted. The prosperity of the 1920s was unevenly distributed among the various parts of the American economy—farmers and unskilled workers were notably excluded—with the result that the nation's productive capacity was greater than its capacity to consume. In addition, the tariff and war-debt policies of the Republican administrations of the 1920s had cut down the foreign market for American goods. Finally, easy-money policies led to an inordinate expansion of credit and installment buying and fantastic speculation in the stock mark et. The American depression produced severe effects abroad, especially in Europe, where many countries had not fully recovered from the aftermath of World War I; in Germany, the economic disaster and resulting social dislocation contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler. In the United States, at the depth (1932–33) of the depression, there were 16 million unemployed—about one third of the available labor force. The gross national product declined from the 1929 figure of $103,828,000,000 to $55,760,000,000 in 1933. The economic, agricultural, and relief policies of the New Deal administration under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did a great deal to mitigate the effects of the depression and, most importantly, to restore a sense of confidence to the American people. Yet it is generally agreed that complete business recovery was not achieved and unemployment ended until the government began to spend heavily for defense in the early 1940s.大萧条时期,美国的历史,据说严重的经济危机促成了美国股市1929年崩溃。


世界经济危机对社会的影响In the twenty-first century, the world has witnessed numerous economic crises, each with profound impacts on society. These crises are not mere fluctuations in economic indices; they are seismic shifts that reshape the social, political, and cultural landscape. The global economic crisis of 2008, for instance, triggered a chain reaction of events that had far-reaching consequences for individuals, communities, and nations alike.**1. Economic Disruption**The most immediate impact of the crisis was the widespread disruption of economic activities. Global trade, investment, and production suffered significant contractions, leading to job losses, business closures, and a general slowdown in economic growth. This had a direct impact on individuals, who faced increased financial instability and uncertainty about their future.**2. Social Unrest**The economic downturn often led to social unrest and political instability. As people struggled to make endsmeet, there was a rise in protests, strikes, and even riots in some parts of the world. This social unrest could have long-term consequences for political systems and social cohesion.**3. Inequality**The crisis often exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities. While some sectors of society were able to weather the storm, others were hit much harder. This led to a widening gap between the rich and the poor, which can have long-term social and political consequences.**4. Social Services**Governments, facing budget constraints, often had to make difficult decisions about where to allocate limited resources. This often meant cuts to social services such as healthcare, education, and welfare, which had a direct impact on the well-being of society's most vulnerable members.**5. Technological Innovations**In the wake of the crisis, there was a surge in technological innovations that aimed to address theeconomic and social challenges. For instance, the rise of the gig economy and remote work became more prevalent as businesses looked for ways to cut costs and remain competitive. These innovations, while they brought new opportunities, also presented new challenges for society. **6. Global Cooperation**The crisis also highlighted the need for global cooperation to address shared challenges. As national economies became increasingly interconnected, it became clear that unilateral action was not enough. This led to an increased focus on global institutions and cooperation to address issues such as trade, climate change, and financial stability.In conclusion, the world economic crisis not only had immediate economic impacts but also had profound social consequences. It exposed and exacerbated existing social issues, such as inequality and social unrest, while also presenting opportunities for technological innovation and global cooperation. As we face future crises, it is important to remember that the solutions often lie not justin economic policies but also in addressing the underlying social and cultural challenges.**世界经济危机对社会的影响**自二十一世纪以来,世界见证了多次经济危机,每一次都对社会产生了深远的影响。

一. 美国大萧条的背景经济危机往往有其深层次的原因。
二. 美国大萧条对世界经济的冲击1. 国际贸易的衰退美国大萧条的爆发导致了全球范围内的经济衰退。
2. 金融体系的崩溃美国大萧条使得全球的金融体系陷入了混乱。
三. 美国大萧条对社会的影响1. 失业率的激增美国大萧条导致了大规模的失业。
2. 社会福利的改革大萧条使得人们对社会福利制度的要求越来越高。
四. 美国大萧条的启示1. 经济周期的规律美国大萧条让人们认识到经济发展的不稳定性和周期性。
2. 国际合作的重要性美国大萧条的爆发也导致了全球范围内的经济紧缩,这迫使各国意识到合作的重要性。
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Post-crisis US
The financial crisis started from 2008 has had a great influence on the USA in many aspects including politics, economy and people’s daily life.
Here are some datas about America from The World Bank: Year 2007 2008 2009
1.9 -0.0 -
Central government
46.5 54.9 67.1
debt, total (% of
81 82 83
School enrollment,
tertiary (% gross)
5.8 9.3
total (% of total
labor force)
From the datas above,we can have a look at post-crisis US.
The first of all , the speed of GDP growth of America has slowed down because of the crisis. It's GDP even decreased from 2008 to 2009. However, the USA is still the most developed country in the world.
Secondly, the central government debt was increasing in the period from 2007 to 2009. Due to the poor economy, the federal government even don't have enough money, and it has to borrow more and more.
Thirdly, the unemployment of total labor force increased at a surprising speed according to the sheet above. Unemployment
may cause more crimes and social unrest. And the people tended to complain about the government.Many people even lose hope on the future.
The last, the rate of school enrollment in tertiary had increased in the period from 2007 to 2009. Why? I think may be the reason is the unemployment. Because jobs are more difficult to look for,students prefer to stay at school rather than go to society where they can't find a job.
And that's some general analysis about post-crisis US.
王运超 20105620829。