

2.4GHz 无线传输接收器系统用户手册说明书

2.4GHz 无线传输接收器系统用户手册说明书
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
Poor reception
Causes and remedies
- No camera (or other video - AC adapter not plugged in
device) connected to
- Power switch not turned on
- Adjust antenna direction
- Adjust antenna direction
Because our products are subject to continuous improvement, SVC Reserves the right to modify product design and specifications without Notice and without incurring any obligation. E & OE.

BC5602 RF 2.4GHz 收发器 数据手册说明书

BC5602 RF 2.4GHz 收发器 数据手册说明书

Rev. 1.2012021-10-13BC5602RF 2.4GHz收发器特性•频率带宽:2402~2480MHz •支持3线或4线SPI 接口 •输入电压范围宽:1.9V~3.6V•可编程数据速率:125/250/500Kbps•可编程TX 输出功率:5dBm (最大 +6dBm ) •低电流消耗♦Deep Sleep 模式电流0.5μA ,支持数据保存♦TX 电流:25mA @ 5dBm ♦RX 电流:17mA @ 250Kbps •两个Sleep 模式♦Middle Sleep 模式,支持快速XO 启动 ♦常规的Light Sleep 模式 •RX 灵敏度♦-97dBm @ 250Kbps 无线数据速率 •片上VCO 以及带内置回路滤波器的小数N 分频合成器•支持16MHz 晶振(±20ppm) •数据包处理 ♦数据白化♦自动应答/重发 ♦CRC 可选协议 ♦支持Burst 数据包 ♦支持自动ACK 处理♦适用于1:6星型网络的6个数据管道 •符合FCC/ETSI•封装类型:16-pin QFN (3mm ×3mm)概述BC5602为高性能、低成本的完全集成的CMOS RF GFSK 收发器,可用于2.4GHz 频 段的无线应用。

该芯片内置一个高集成的2.4GHz 收发器和一个基带调制解调器,可编程数据速率为125Kbps 、250Kbps 和500 Kbps 。

数据处理特性包括3层32字节TX/RX FIFO 和数据包处理,如白化和CRC 校验。

BC5602支持Middle Sleep 模式,仅消耗30μA 微量电流即可实现XO 快速启动。

该芯片可在2.4GHz 频段数据速率为250Kbps 时实现-97dBm 的灵敏度,提供+5dBm TX 输出功率时的电流消耗为25mA 。

完全内置的小数N 分频合成器所支持的频率范围宽,分辨率高。

外部主控MCU 可通过一个3线或4线的SPI 接口访问BC5602。

SX1280TR2.4-GC 2.4GHz 无线收发模块使用说明书

SX1280TR2.4-GC 2.4GHz 无线收发模块使用说明书



该模块功能特点如下:●工作电压:1.8 ~ 3.7V●工作频段:2.4~2.5GHz●发射功率:12.5dBm●超高接收灵敏度:-132dBm●超远有效通讯距离:1~2Km(可视距离)●采用LoRa调制方式,同时兼容并支持FLRC,FSK,GFSK传统调制方式●自带测距引擎,支持TOF(Time-of-flight)功能●兼容BLE物理层●SPI通信接口,可直接连接各种单片机使用,软件编程非常方便二、应用场合●智能家居●物体跟踪、测距●无线围栏●可穿戴传感器,健康医疗●航模遥控深圳市硅传科技有限公司Tel:086-0755-******** Fax:086-0755-******** Web:三、规格参数深圳市硅传科技有限公司Tel:086-0755-********Fax:086-0755-********Web: 四、外形尺寸图:五、引脚功能说明:六、接线图七、附加说明1、推荐使用直流稳压电源对该模块进行供电,电源纹波系数尽量小,模块需可靠接地,并请注意电源正负极的正确连接,如反接可能会导致模块永久性损坏;2、模块天线附近不能围绕其它金属物体,否则会严重影响通讯距离。

3、模块天线可以选择内置PCB天线或者IPEX座子,具体由电容位置决定,如下图:内置PCB天线(出厂默认) IPEX座子。

Kenko 无线收发器 WTR-1 说明书

Kenko 无线收发器 WTR-1 说明书

非常感謝您此次購買Kenko 無線收發器[WTR-1]。


2.4GHz 電波式無線收發器Nikon 型(N)、Canon 型(C)●安全注意事項●包裝內容物、各部位名稱●使用前電池置入方法、安裝方法●電源打開方法、顯示畫面說明●使用方法基本使用方法示例設定步驟●其他使用方法:分組光量比設定●規格表●常見故障排除●關於售後服務、維護保養 諮詢窗口●●●.................................................................................3..............................................................6..................................................................7.......................................................8.............................................................................9...........................................................................................10.................................................13...........................................................................................14................................................................................15.............................................................16[WTR-1]是一款使用2.4GHz 頻段無線電通訊的閃光燈控制專用無線收發器。



12456RS-485 Wireless ReceiverQuick Start GuideAppearanceIndicator and Function ButtonQuick OperationWire the receiver according to the diagram.DIP SwitchPower TerminalDIP Address SettingsRed and Power TerminalWhen the switch is towards ON, the binary value is 1. If you set the DIP switch like the figure displayed below, its binary value is 00010, and its decimal value is 2.1The DIP address and associated zone No. for different The power of wireless receiver is supplied by control panel on the model of DS-19A08-BN , DS-19A08-BNG , andDS-19A08-DNG. The power supply of the control panel is made by Channel Well Technology Co.,Ltd., and meets LPS.Loosen the screw on the bottom to dissemble the device.UD10719B-A87910111213Quick OperationQuick OperationAdd Detector to the Control Panel[Password]+[*]+[95]+[Zone No.]+[#][*]+[#]Install ReceiverAdd/Delete Wireless Detector32 1. Install the rear panel.Secure the rear panel on the wall with 5 screws.Loosen the screw on the bottom of the receiver to dissemble the device before installation and wiring.2. Fix the PCB board on the rear panel.3. Route the cables.4. Fix the front panel on the rear panel bytightening the set screw.COPYRIGHT ©2018 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Any and all information, including, among others,wordings, pictures, graphs are the properties of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to be “Hikvision”). This user manual (hereinafter referred to be “the Manual”) cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise stipulated, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual.About this ManualThis Manual is applicable to Control PanelThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the product. Pictures, charts, images and all otherinformation hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version in the company website (/en/).Please use this user manual under the guidance of professionals.Trademarks Acknowledgement and other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions. Other trademarks and logos mentioned below are the properties of their respective owners.Legal DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS, AND HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY , SATISFACTORY QUALITY , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ANDNON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA OR DOCUMENTATION, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.REGARDING TO THE PRODUCT WITH INTERNET ACCESS, THE USE OF PRODUCT SHALL BE WHOLLY AT YOUR OWN RISKS. HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHERDAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.SURVEILLANCE LAWS VARY BY JURISDICTION. PLEASE CHECK ALL RELEVANT LAWS IN YOUR JURISDICTION BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT YOUR USECONFORMS THE APPLICABLE LAW. HIKVISION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN THE EVENT THAT THIS PRODUCT IS USED WITH ILLEGITIMATE PURPOSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.The password includes installer password and admin password (operator 1 password ).The password includes installer password and admin password (operator 1 password ).Only the installer and administrator can add/delete the wireless detector.At most 8 wireless devices can be connected to a wireless receiver.1. Enter the following command to make the control panel enter the adding mode. The zone No. should be 3digits, enter 0 on the high-order position for deficiency, e.g. ,enter 023 if the zone No. is 23.3. Enter the following command to make the control panel exit the adding mode.2. Trigger the detector to add the detector to the control panel.Delete Detector to the Control Panel[Password]+[*]+[96]+[#][*]+[#]1. Enter the following command to make the control panel enter the deleting mode.3. Enter the following command to make the control panel exit the deleting mode.2. Trigger the detector to delete the detector to the control panel.This product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" and comply therefore with theapplicable harmonized European standards listed under the RE Directive 2014/53/EU, the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.You can also add/delete the detector via client software. For details, refer to Security Control Panel Programming Guide .You can add/delete keyfob via programming. For details, refer to Security Control Panel Programming Guide .。

RF-603 无线引闪 快门遥控同步收发器 说明书

RF-603 无线引闪 快门遥控同步收发器 说明书
re using
Channel Setting Opened the protective film, use the channel setting switch to set two or more transceivers as the same code.
automatically change transmit and receive state, namely two or more
transceivers can be used at the same time to control cameras or flash lights.
●● In support of flash waking up and triggering synchronically , with PC sync
Within capacious areas, the remote control distance may reach to 100m.
●● RF-603 wireless flash trigger system consist two or more similar transceivers,
reach to 1/320s(some of models may reach to 1/250s only or less, difference
models of flash and camera using may achieved difference flash sync speed).
Include items
EN 3
PC sync cable/Shutter connecting cable



瑞孚ws70plus无线收发器测评使用说明书瑞孚WS70 Plus无线收发器是一款专业的音频传输设备,可以在无线的环境下实现音频的高质量传输。


1. 设备包装内容:瑞孚WS70 Plus无线收发器、耳机、充电器、说明书。



3. 连接音频源:将音频源通过收发器的输入接口连接至收发器上。








总结:瑞孚WS70 Plus无线收发器具有高品质的音频传输性能,能够满足各种应用需求。




总之,瑞孚WS70 Plus无线收发器是一款性能出色的音频传输设备,能够为用户带来方便快捷的音频体验。

Skyworks Solutions Si4822 26 DEMO 无线电收发器用户指南说明书

Skyworks Solutions Si4822 26 DEMO 无线电收发器用户指南说明书

Si4822/26-DEMOSi4822/26 D EMO B OARD U SER’S G UIDE1. Features⏹ ATDD (analog tune and digital display) FM/AM/SW radio⏹ Worldwide FM band support from 64 to 109MHz with 5 default sub-bands:● FM1 87–108MHz (Demo Board Default)● FM2 86.5–109MHz● FM3 87.3–108.25MHz● FM4 76–90MHz● FM5 64–87MHz (Demo Board Default)⏹ Worldwide AM band support from 504 to 1750kHz with 5 default sub-bands:● AM1 520–1710kHz (Demo Board Default)● AM2 522–1620kHz (Demo Board Default)● AM3 504–1665kHz● AM4 520–1730kHz● AM5 510–1750kHz⏹ Worldwide SW band support from 2.3 to 28.5MHz with 16 default sub-bands:● SW1 5.6–6.4MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW2 5.95–6.2MHz● SW3 6.8–7.6MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW4 7.1–7.6MHz● SW5 9.2–10MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW6 9.2–9.9MHz● SW7 11.45–12.25MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW8 11.6–12.2MHz● SW9 13.4–14.2MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW10 13.57–13.87MHz● SW11 15–15.9MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW12 15.1–15.8MHz● SW13 17.1–18MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW14 17.48–17.9MHz● SW15 21.2–22MHz (Demo Board Default, for Si4826 only)● SW16 21.45–21.85MHz⏹ Twelve positions band switch or one push button for selecting different band according to the targetapplication.⏹ Two AAA battery operations with working voltage down to 2.0V⏹ Economical potentiometer for frequency tuning replaces more expensive variable capacitor (PVC)⏹ Potentiometer and/or push button volume control⏹ FM 50µs or 75µs (default) de-emphasis⏹ 9-level Bass/Treble via push button control for FM⏹ 7-level Bass/Treble via push button control for AM/SW⏹ FM/AM/SW band indicator and frequency display in LCD⏹ 2×4 matrix keypad interface⏹ The frequency range of each band, de-emphasis and AM channel space can be re-configured by host MCU.SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4822/26-DEMO2. OverviewThis manual describes the operation of the Skyworks Solutions Si4822/26-DEMO Board Rev1.0, October 24, 2011. The Skyworks Solutions Si4822/26-DEMO Board is designed with the 24-pin SSOP-packaged Si4822/26 chip, the revolutionary single chip AM/FM/SW receiver that integrates everything from antenna input to audio output and allows use of common and economical potentiometers to do the frequency tuning. It provides a complete portable analog tune digital display AM/FM/SW radio design. The LCD displays the tuning information. The Si4822/26-DEMO is designed with 1-layer PCB, allowing the lowest cost without sacrificing the RF performance. The demo board works with two AAA batteries and working voltage down to 2.0V.2SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4822/26-DEMOSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 33. DescriptionFigure 1 and Figure 2 shows the physical layout of the board with key components indicated.Figure 1.Si4822/26-DEMO Board Top Side in Time ModeFigure 2.Si4822/26-DEMO Board Bottom SideSi4822/26-DEMO4SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Power:BAT1: 2 cells AAA battery compartment Audio Connectors:J5: Stereo audio headphone output Antenna Selections:AM antenna: Ferrite stick antenna for AM J6: SMA connector for AM conductive testing S11: AM antenna selectorJ1: BNC connector for FM/ SW conductive testing or FM whip antenna S12: FM antenna selectorRadio Band Selection:The demo board provides two methods for selecting the radio band: one is to use the slide switch S2, another is to use the POWER/BAND button. S14 determines which method is in use.S14:1-2: SMA for AM Conductive Test 2-3: AM Ferrite Antenna1-2: BNC (J1)2-3: HP ANT (J5)3211-2: Use slide switch to select band 2-3: Use push button to select band321Si4822/26-DEMOSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 5Radio Band Property Setting:S13:Audio Output Test Point:For the general specification test, TP3 is the recommended audio signal test point. The audio test instrument should be connected to TP3 to get more accurate test results. J5 can also be used as an audio test point, but the test results may not be entirely accurate under some circumstances.Main Components:U1: Skyworks Solutions Si4822/26 AM/FM/SW ATDD receiver U2: Audio amplifier U3: MCULCD: The digital display of tuning frequency3211-2: Use the keypad to set the band propery via MCU2-3: Use the tuner default band setting values21GND AOUTSi4822/26-DEMO6SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Control Interface:VR1: Frequency tuning wheel VR2: Volume control wheelS3~S8, S10: The keypadS2: Band slide switch for FM, AM, and SWBand definition:1: FM1 (87–108MHz), De-emphasis =75µs 2: FM5 (64–87MHz), De-emphasis =75µs 3: AM1 (520–1710kHz), 10kHz spacing 4: AM2 (522–1620kHz), 9kHz spacing 5: SW1 (5.6–6.4MHz)6: SW3 (6.8–7.6MHz)7: SW5 (9.2–10.0MHz)8: SW7 (11.45–12.25MHz)9: SW9 (13.4–14.2MHz)10: SW11 (15–15.9MHz)11: SW13 (17.1–18MHz)12: SW15 (21.2– 22MHz)Human Interface:There are seven keys for controlling the demo board as shown below:Each key can have a different function under each operating condition:⏹ Time mode: Radio function is disabled. LCD displays time. Buttons can be used to set time, alarm, etc.⏹ FM/AM/SW Radio mode: Tuner IC works in Power Up mode. Radio function is enabled. LCD displays the radio station parameters. Buttons are used to adjust radio settings.The functions of the buttons are summarized in Table 1. The FM/AM/SW radio parameters that can be configured are listed in Table 2.Si4822/26-DEMOSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 7Table 1. Key Function DescriptionButton/ModeTime Mode Tuner OffFM/AM/SW Radio ModeTuner OnPOWER/BANDhold Time < 1s None Change between FM, AM, and SW (1 FM band, 1 AM band and 8 SW bands)hold Time > 1sEnable radio Disable radio function and enter Time mode (Radio parameters will be saved to MCU).DE/SPCNoneFM mode: Change De-emphasis, between 50 µs and 75 µs.AM mode: Change channel space, between 9kHz and 10kHz.BASS/TMR Enter or quit time setting menu.Decrease Bass/Treble level by 1 step.TREBLE/ALEnable or disable the alarm function; enter or quit alarm setting menu.Increase Bass/treble level by 1 step.UP/VOL+hold Time < 1s In setting menu, change the current time/alarm parameterby one unit per each press.In radio setting menu, change the current parameter by one unit per each press. In radio working mode, increase volume 1 step per each press.hold Time > 1sIn setting menu, change the current time/alarm parameter automatically.In radio setting menu, change the current parameter automatically.In radio working mode, increase volume level automatically until to maximum.DOWN/VOL-hold Time < 1s In setting menu, change the current time/alarm parameterby one unit per each press.In radio setting menu, change the current parameter by one unit per each press. In radio working mode, decrease volume 1 step per each press.hold Time > 1sIn setting menu, change the current time/alarm parameter automatically.In radio setting menu, change the current parameter automatically.In radio working mode, decrease volume level automatically until to minimum.SETTINGhold Time < 1sNone In radio setting menu, change the selected item per each press.hold Time > 1sNoneQuickly return to FM working mode.Si4822/26-DEMO8SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Notes:T one/VOL mode has four selections:⏹ Bass/treble mode: no digital volume control, fixed volume level at 59⏹ Digital volume mode: no bass/treble effect, volume levels from 0 to 63⏹ Mixed mode 1: bass/treble and digital volume coexist, volume levels from 0 to 63, scale to 0~59⏹ Mixed mode 2: bass/treble and digital volume coexist, volume levels from 0 to 63The Tuning preference of FM has two selections:⏹ Preference1: When tuning to adjacent channels, the volume level decreases by 2dB ⏹ Preference2: When tuning to adjacent channels, the volume level remains unchanged The Tuning preference of SW has two selections:⏹ Preference1: When tuning to adjacent channels, the volume level decreases by 2dB ⏹ Preference2: When tuning to adjacent channels, the volume level remains unchanged There is no tuning preference selection for AM mode.Table 2. Radio Configuration ParametersFM ParameterAM ParameterSW ParameterBass/Treble: 0-8Default: 4Bass/Treble: 1-7Default: 3Bass/Treble: 1-7Default: 3Digital volume: 0-63Default: 63Digital volume: 0-63Default: 63Digital volume: 0-63Default: 63Band top: max 109MHz Default: 108MHz Band top: max 1750kHz Default: 1710kHz Band top: max 28.5MHzDefault: 6.4/7.6/10/12.25/14.2/15.9/18/22MHz for SW1 to SW8 respectivelyBand bottom: min 64MHz Default: 87.5MHz Band bottom: min 504kHz Default: 522kHzBand bottom: min 2.3MHzDefault: 5.6/6.8/9.2/11.45/13.4/15/17.121.2MHz for SW1 to SW8 respectively Band range: max 22MHz Band range: max 2.2MHz Band range: max 1.1MHzDe-emphasis: 50 or 75µs Default: 75µs Channel space: 9 or 10kHz Default: 9kHzTone/VOL mode: a-d Default: dTuning preference: a-d Default: bSi4822/26-DEMO 4. OperationThe Si4822/26-DEMO board, a complete analog tune and digital display radio, provides two major modes of operation: Time mode and FM/AM/SW Radio mode.4.1. Time ModePlace two AAA batteries into the battery compartment. The board will automatically enter Time mode and display the time.The demo board display in Time mode is illustrated in Figure1.4.1.1. Time SettingThe time default value is 00:00 and can be set to the correct time manually when needed.1. In Time mode, press the BASS/TMR button to enter the setting menu. The default is to set the minute itemfirst. Press this button again to select the hour item. The selected item flashes.2. While the selected item is flashing, press the DOWN/VOL- and UP/VOL+ button to set the desired time.3. When you have finished setting the time, press BASS/TMR button to quit the setting menu. The MCU willautomatically quit the setting menu if there is no operation within 2 seconds.4.1.2. Alarm Setting1. In Time mode, press the TREBLE/AL button to enable or disable the alarm function and to enter the settingmenu automatically when the alarm is enabled. Once you have entered the setting menu, the default is to set the minute item first. Pressing this button again will select the hour item. The selected item flashes.2. While the selected item is flashing, press the DOWN/VOL- and UP/VOL+ button to set the desired time.3. When you have finished the alarm setting, press TREBLE/AL button to quit the set menu. The MCU willautomatically quit the setting menu if there is no operation within 2 seconds.4. If the alarm is enabled and the alarm setting time is matched, the radio will be automatically turned on afterthe buzzer sounds for 5 seconds.5. The radio will be turned off and the demo board will go into sleep mode automatically if there is nooperation on the push buttons within 15 minutes; if there is any operation on the push buttons, the auto-sleep function will be disabled. The radio keeps working throughout this time.SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•9Si4822/26-DEMO10SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•4.2. FM/AM/SW Radio ModeIn time mode, the device will enter FM/AM/SW mode after a long press (hold time > 1s) of the POWER/BAND button or when the alarm time is reached. The LCD displays the following information: band indicator, band frequency indicator, and sleep indicator in case the radio is automatically turned on by the alarm.The demo board display in FM/AM/SW mode is illustrated in Figure 3.Figure 3.LCD Display in FM Radio ModeThe demo board provides two methods to select the radio band: one is to use the slide switch (S2), the other is to use the POWER/BAND push button. S14 determines which method is in use.The demo board also provides two methods to set the band property: one is to use tuner default values, the other is to use the keypad to reconfigure band property value via the MCU. S13 determines which method is in use. If you use the tuner default values, the band property is fixed and cannot be re-configured. Refer to Section "4.2.1.MCU Setting Band Property” for the operation details for setting the band property using the keypad. To operate the demo board, follow these procedures:1. According to the desired radio band selection method, set S14 to use the slide switch or push button.2. According to the desired radio band property, set S13 to use tuner default values or reconfigure the band property.3. Hold the POWER/BAND push button (hold time > 1s) or when the alarm time is reached, the device will enter FM/AM/SW mode.4. Use slide switch S2 or press the POWER/BAND push button to select the desired band.5. Refer to section "4.2.1. MCU Setting Band Property” or section "4.2.2. MCU Setting Radio Working Mode” to reconfigure the band property or radio working mode if necessary.6. Rotate the tuning wheel and find the desired radio station with the help of the LCD display and/or tuning indicator D1.7. Rotate the volume control wheel VR2 and/or press the DOWN/VOL- or UP/VOL+ button to get a comfortable volume. Press the BASS/TMR or TREBLE/AL button to get the desired bass/treble level.Notes:⏹ For FM listening, the earphone cable must be connected to the board when S12 is set to HP ANT or anexternal antenna must be connected to the BNC connector when S12 is set to BNC.⏹ For AM listening, the ferrite antenna must be connected to the board and the S11 is set to Ferrite beforeturning on the radio or switching the band to AM.Si4822/26-DEMOSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 114.2.1. MCU Setting Band PropertyThe demo board provides the function that the band property can be set by the MCU. The band property includes:⏹ Band top ⏹ Band bottom⏹ De-emphasis (only for FM)⏹ Channel Space (only for AM)The setting menu is illustrated in Figure 4.To set the band properties, follow these steps:1. Press the SETTING button to enter the setting menu and select the item to be set. The selected item flashes for 1 second, then automatically switches to its current value.2. While the value is flashing, press the DOWN/VOL- or UP/VOL+ button to set the desired value within 3 seconds.3. Repeat step 1 and 2 to finish setting the band properties.4. When the band properties are set, the MCU automatically quits setting menu if there is no operation within 3 seconds.5. In FM working mode, press the DE/SPC button to set the De-emphasis 50µs or 75µs.6. In AM working mode, press the DE/SPC button to set the Channel Space 9kHz or 10kHz.Figure 4.Setting MenuS E TTIN G M E N U :Si4822/26-DEMO4.2.2. MCU Setting Radio Working ModeThe host MCU can set the radio working mode. The working mode includes:⏹ Tone/volume mode (only for FM mode), item 3 in setting menu⏹ Tuning preference (only for FM and SW), item 4 in setting menuTo set radio working mode, follow these steps:1. Press the SETTING button to enter the item 3. The LCD displays the item number st3 for 1 second, thenautomatically switches to its mode indication.2. Press the DOWN/VOL- or UP/VOL+ button to select the desired mode within 3 seconds.3. Repeat step 1 and 2 to set the tuning preference by setting the item4.4. When the radio working mode is set, the MCU automatically quits the setting menu if there is no operationwithin 3 seconds.12SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4822/26-DEMO5. Bill of Materials⏹ ATDD AM/FM/SW receiver IC Si4822/26 with external 32.768kHz crystal oscillator support⏹ LM4910MA Audio amplifier IC⏹ TM8795 MCU⏹ See T able3 for detailsTable 3. Si4822/26-DEMO Board Bill of Materials Rev 1.0Item Qty Reference Description Value112C1-2 C6 C19 C24 C37-42 C44CAP,SM,0603,X7R0.1µ22C5 C36CAP,SM,0603,X7R0.47µ32C8 10CAP,SM,0603,COG100p41C33CAP,SM,0603,COG10p54C28-29 C32 C35CAP,SM,0603,COG22p61C11CAP,SM,0603,X7R330p72C30-31CAP,SM,0603,X7R33n81C34CAP,SM,0603,COG33p91C15CAP,SM,0603,X7R 4.7µ102C4 C12CAP,SM,0603,X7R10µ111C13CAP,SM,1210,X7R47µ121C18CAP,SM,0603,X7R820p132C23 C27CAP,SM,1210,X7R220µ142C14 C25Electrolytic capacitor100µ/4V151C3Electrolytic capacitor220µ/4V162R5-6RES,SM,06032k171R27RES,SM,0603100R181R34RES,SM,0603100k191R32RES,SM,060310R202R3 R42RES,SM,060310k211R41RES,SM,0603120k221R22RES,SM,060312k232R1-2RES,SM,06031M242R4 R31RES,SM,06031k SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•13Si4822/26-DEMOTable 3. Si4822/26-DEMO Board Bill of Materials Rev 1.0 (Continued)Item Qty Reference Description Value251R24RES,SM,0603200R261R13RES,SM,060322R271R16RES,SM,0603 2.2k281R20RES,SM,0603 6.8k291R21RES,SM,0603NP301R7RES,SM,0603,T olerance ±1%10k 1%311R29RES,SM,0603,T olerance ±1%160k 1%329R9-12 R14-15 R28 R33 R35RES,SM,0603,T olerance ±1%20k 1%331R43RES,SM,0603,T olerance ±1%30k 1%341R36RES,SM,0603,T olerance ±1%33k 1%351R8RES,SM,0603,T olerance ±1%40k 1%361R44RES,SM,0603,T olerance ±1%47k 1%371U1SI4822/26 SSOP24Si4822/26 381U2LM4910MA,SO8LM4910MA 391U3TM8795 44 PIN TM8795 44 PIN 401Q2TRANSISTOR NPN SOT232N3904411Q1TRANSISTOR NPN SOT232SC9018421Q3TRANSISTOR NPN SOT232N3906432D2 D4DIODE,SM,ESD,SOT23BAV99443B4 B5 B6FERRITE BEAD,SM,0603 2.5k/100M 451B1FERRITE BEAD,SM,0603NP461BZ1BUZZER BUZZER472Y1-2CRYSTAL32.768kHz 481D1LED LED491D61N41481N4148501J5Stereo earphone jack with switch 3.5mm511L1RES,SM,06030R521L3IND,SM,0603120nH531TP3CONN,TH,1x2,HDR CONN,TH,1x2,HDR 14SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4822/26-DEMO Table 3. Si4822/26-DEMO Board Bill of Materials Rev 1.0 (Continued)Item Qty Reference Description Value541LCD1LCD LCD551J1 BNC VERTICAL BNC for FM testing 561J6SMA VERTICAL SMA for AM testing 571ANT1AW ferrite stick antenna220µH581BAT1BATTERY BOX ,AAA*2 SIZE594S11-14One pole two throw switch601S2Single pole twelve throw switch618S1 S3-8 S10Push button621VR1100k, ±10%,Variable resistor(POT)100k631VR210k,±20%,Variable resistor(POT)10k SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•15Si4822/26-DEMO16SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4822/26-DEMOSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•1718SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Copyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.PortfolioQuality/qualitySupport & Resources/support。



100m光纤收发器使用说明100m光纤收发器使用说明1. 引言本文旨在提供100m光纤收发器的使用说明,帮助用户正确配置和操作光纤收发器。

2. 产品特点•支持100兆速率•使用单模光纤传输•具备高性能和稳定的传输功能•支持多种接口类型3. 安装步骤1.确保光纤收发器与设备断电,避免电击危险。





4. 注意事项•在安装和使用光纤收发器时,请务必阅读并遵循本使用说明。




5. 联系方式如有任何问题或需要进一步咨询,请联系我们的售后服务团队:- 电话:XXXXXXXXXX - 邮箱:6. 结论本使用说明提供了100m光纤收发器的安装、注意事项以及联系方式等重要信息。


7. 光纤收发器配置在使用100m光纤收发器之前,需要根据实际需求进行一些基本的配置。

通过连接到光纤收发器的设备,进入网络设置界面,根据需要进行以下配置: - IP地址设置:根据网络环境,设置光纤收发器的IP地址,确保与其他设备在同一网段。

- 子网掩码:设置合适的子网掩码,以确保设备之间能正常通信。

- 网关设置:输入正确的网关地址。

- DNS设置:根据实际需求,设置DNS服务器的地址。

其他设置根据实际需求,还可以进行一些其他设置,比如: - VLAN设置:如果需要进行VLAN划分,可以在光纤收发器中进行相应设置。

- QoS设置:根据实际需求,进行流量优先级的配置,以确保重要数据的传输质量。









安科瑞电气无线测温收发器 ATC600 使用说明书 V1.1

安科瑞电气无线测温收发器 ATC600 使用说明书 V1.1

416ATC600无线测温收发器ATC600 wireless temperature measurementtransceiver使用说明书V1.1Operation Manual V1.1安科瑞电气股份有限公司申明DECLARATION版权所有,未经本公司之书面许可,此手册中任何段落,章节内容均不得被摘抄、拷贝或以任何形式复制、传播,否则一切后果由违者自负。


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of our company. The violator will bear the dependent legal responsibility.We reserve all the rights.本公司保留对本手册所描述之产品规格进行修改的权利,恕不另行通知。


We reserve all the rights to revise product specification without notice. Please consult local agent to get the latest information of our products specification.目录Contents1.安装使用 (1)1.Install and use (1)1.1型号说明 (1)1.1 Model description (1)1.2技术指标 (1)1.2 Technical Features (1)1.3产品安装及尺寸 (2)1.3 Product installation and size (2)1.4接线方法 (2)1.4wiring method (2)2.通讯指南 (3)munications (3)2.1通讯格式详解 (3)2.1Communication Examples (3)2.1.1读取数据(功能码03H/04H) (3)2.1.1 Read Data (Function code 03H/04H) (3)2.1.2预置单个寄存器(功能码06H) (4)2.1.2 Preset Single Register (Function code 06H) (4)2.1.3预置多个寄存器(功能码10H) (4)2.1.3 Preset Multi Register (Function code 10H) (4)2.2 通讯地址表 (5)2.2 Parameter address table (5)1.安装使用 1.Install and use1.1型号说明 1.1 Model description1.2技术指标 1.2 Technical Features项目 Items指标 Features 收发器ATC600 Transceiver ATC600工作电源 Power sourceAC/DC100~265V≤6V A 功耗Power Consumption≤2W 测温点数points 不大于240点 No more than 240 points分辨率 Resolution 0.1℃测温范围 Range of temperature-50℃~+125℃测温精度 Precision±1℃ ATC 表示无线测温收发器Wireless temperature measurement transceiver600 型号:TypeC :终端模式;Z :中继模式 C: Terminal mode ;Z:Relay modeX表示收发器为600系列 600 series transceiver1.3产品安装及尺寸1.3 Product installation and sizeATC600无线测温接收器,采用导轨(DIN35mm )安装方式。



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8多功能无线接收器说明书简介:新一代HB-MFR 接收器最低功耗只有0.3瓦,配合我们全新的太阳能无线红外对射产品,让您的家更安全,也让地球更绿色!本产品采用有线供电,可以摆放在桌上或挂在墙壁上。


本机带有音量控制旋钮(图1-4)可以自由调整放音大小,每个防区各配置1个单刀双掷继电器,整机带一个响应无线信号的直流14V 输出的联动继电器所有继电器的响应时间都可调整,目前有1秒,10秒,60秒,5分钟几个选项。



Sketch of Structure :结构示意图:J4 J3 J2 J1Figure 1 Internal View 图1 内部示图Power Beep Reminderzone1 zone2 zone3 zone4Select Delete Pause BeepZoneFigure 2 TopView 图2 俯视图Operation:操作说明:注意2:长按:按下某键超过2秒短按:按下某键后立刻释放1.将外部电源的圆形插口插入接收器上(图1-1)电源插座部分。



4. 学习对射的无线地址每个家帮公司的无线对射产品都有一个唯一的无线地址,为使接收器和对射能配合工作,我们首先要使接收器记忆对射器的地址。



按下“select”不放,灯将在“zone1”, “zone2” ,“zone3” ,“zone4”位置之间依次点亮,最后回到“Power”位。

深圳市冠标 SOYO-WT24G02 高保真数字无线音频收发器 产品说明书

深圳市冠标 SOYO-WT24G02 高保真数字无线音频收发器 产品说明书

高保真数字无线音频收发器产品说明书产品名称: 2.4GHz数字无线音频收发器产品型号: SOYO-WT24G02日期: 2008-4版本号: 1.5深圳市冠标科技发展有限公司Soyo Technology Development Co. Ltd.版权所有2008-2009All rights reserved 2008-2009目录一、产品介绍: (3)1.1 应用范围 (3)1.2 功能 (4)1.3 1.3电性参数 (5)2.产品应用领域 (6)3、产品使用方法 (7)3.1无线音频发射器(SOYO-WT24G02T)使用指引 (7)3.1.1发射器连接图及外观尺寸: (7)3.1.2发射器功能说明 (7)3.1.3发射器连接使用方法 (8)3.1.4发射器的频道变换方法 (9)3.2无线音频接收器(SOYO-WT24G02R)使用指引 (10)3.2.1 接收器连接图及外观尺寸 (10)3.2.2接收器功能说明 (10)3.2.3接收器使用方法 (11)3.2.4无线音频接收器的频道变换方法 (12)3.3无线音频接收器与发射器的配对方法 (12)3.3.1 点对点配对方法: (12)3.3.2 点对群配对方法: (13)4.产品订货指南 (13)4.1无线音频收发器外观示意图 (13)4.2型号说明 (14)4.3外观颜色说明 (15)5.特别声明 (15)一、产品介绍:SOYO-WT24G02XX是深圳市冠标科技发展有限公司采用SOYO-WM24G02数字无线音频收发模块开发的一款高保真、抗干扰性好的数字无线音频收发器,该产品是继第一代高保真数字无线音频收发器推出市场并获得成功后,根据大量的客户来信和我公司市场、研发团队研究后,新推出的第二代数字高保真数字无线音频收发器,该产品除了具有第一代数字无线音频收发器所具有的体积小、集成度高、音质好(具有HDCD的音质效果,目前本公司产品的采样率行业内最高,音质最佳),抗干扰性强,输入电压范围宽(3.6-6伏)、音频输出功率高达50mw, 输入接口可兼容麦克风和立体声音频输入的特点外,还特别增加了以下几项功能:z具备两位的数码显示功能,可以实时显示音量和频道的变化情况z频道的上下调整功能z最高127级数字音量调节功能z电源开关自带开关机噪声消除电路,可以有效消除开关机的噪声z内置红外遥控功能z支持内置可充电锂电池工作模式,让产品实现真正的无线z支持音频-普通麦克风-监听三种音频输入模式的实时在线切换功能该模块的工作频段为2.4G ISM 国际通用免费频段,适用全球市场;本产品支持固定ID的工作模式,可以点对点或点对群,支持自动扫频功能,这样大大方便客户的使用,只需ID配对完成,接收机便可随意放置,接收机都会自动接收发射器的信号。

ICOM IC-7600 中文说明书(完全版)

ICOM IC-7600 中文说明书(完全版)
❍ 高分辨率的频谱显示器,中心频率和固定频率模式,还有迷 你频谱显示.
❍ 前后面板上的 USB 控制接口. ❍ 大型液晶显示屏采用 LED 背光.
在你尝试操作之前. 如果你发现错误,希望你告知我们及时改正。
本手册包含 IC-7600 重要安全操作说明.
• 重新调整或重新定位接收天线 • 增加设备和接收器之间的距离. • 同其他接收器分开连接到电源插座. • 咨询经销商或有经验的无线电/电视技术员的帮助
Icom, Icom Inc. 和 Icom 商标是 ICOM (日本)公司 在日本以及其他地区的注册商标。
▣! 警告高射频电压! 禁止 在发射过程中接触
切勿 把收发器置于过多灰尘的或者阳光直射的环境
切勿 放置收发器靠近墙壁以及在上面覆盖物体,这
总是放置在一个安全的地方,以避免儿童意外使 用. 要小心! 如果你使用线性放大器,将收发器的RF 输出 功率不要高于放大器的最大输入电平,否则,线性放 大器将受到毁坏,
○1 手持话筒
........................................................ 1
○2 直流电源线 ............................................................ 1
HF/50 MHz 全模式无线电收发器
手册是参照 IC-7600 的官方英文版手册编译,力求准确反映 原手册内容,手册保持了原版英文排版,涉及专业及水平 有限,失误和疏忽在所难免,手册皆在增加设备交流,仅 供参考此期间产生的一切设备问题概不负责,同样未经许 可你不能用于任何商业目的的使用。编译:BD4UJ















应用点对点通信(代替RS232、RS485)点对多点通信(代替RS485)尺寸规格型号说明DW-M1无线RTU (数据收发器)型号描述如下:D W – M1 x – x – a其中: 指示模块电源。

其中1表示12V DC 供电, 2表示24V DC 供电。


2表示RS232接口,4表示RS485接口,T 表示TTL 接口。

最大输出功率 0表示100mw ;1表示500mw 。

数据收发器类型编号,本收发器编号1 表示大为智通无线RTU (数据收发器)例如:DW-M11-2-1 表示发射功率500mw ,RS232接口,12VDC 供电的DW-M1型无线RTU (数据收发器)。







第二步:连接发射器1. 首先,将无线发射器接收器的发射器部分插入音频/视频源设备的输出接口。




















无线DMX512收发器(GN-WF-RX、GN-WF-TR)【使用说明书】REV 2.32010.07.10无线DMX512发射器(GN-WF-TR)无线DMX512接收器(GN-WF-RX)广南电子有限公司目录第一章产品简介 (3)1.1产品功能简介 (3)1.2主要性能特点 (3)1.3产品示意图 (3)1.4硬件接线说明 (4)卡侬输入座(XLR)接法,如右图所示 (4)卡侬输出座(XLR)接法,如右图所示 (5)网线座(RJ-45)接法 (5)通过无线DMX512收发器,DMX512控制器与灯具接线示意图 (5)第二章产品使用方法 (6)2.1 DMX512收发器数码管显示及操作说明 (6)发射部分 (6)接收部分 (6)2.2 DMX512收发器正常工作说明 (6)可靠工作条件(无线DMX512发射器与无线DMX512接收器) (6)操作步骤. (无线DMX512发射器与无线DMX512接收器) (7)2.3 将DMX512收发器做为DMX512放大器或转接器。

(7)第三章配件及外形尺寸 (8)3.1 产品外形尺寸 (8)3.2 产品及随机配件: (8)3.3 选配本公司生产的平板天线,最大通信距离大于1000米 (8)第四章故障排除及维护 (9)23第一章 产品简介1.1产品功能简介无线DMX512收发器以无线的方式传输标准的DMX512协议数据。

该产品用于DMX 控制台与灯,灯与灯之间的无线数据传输,代替长期以来所依赖的双绞线。

在数据的传输过程中做到无延时,数据实时可靠!该产品采用2.4G 全球开放ISM 频段,是一款价格低廉,功能强大的无线DMX512收发器。


1.2主要性能特点●多达到252个信道,每个信道间隔200KHz 。

●39级可调功率输出,从-50dBm 至20dBm,点对点可视通信距离大于1000米●工作于ISM 频段,2.4-2.4835 GHz 免许可证使用.●近万组密码可供设置,保证多台无线DMX512收发器同一区域使用不受干扰。


二、 基本参数
◆ 工作温度: -25-85℃
◆ 工作电压: AC220V ◆ 最大功耗: < 1W ◆ 支持通道: 512 ◆ 工作频段: 2.4GHz ◆ 传输距离: 500~1000M ◆ 外形尺寸: L150*W100*H40 MM
三、 功能特点
1、将物联网无线组网技术融入并应用到 DMX512 灯光控制领域。 2、针对无线通信自主创新设计 ZDMX512-EV3 协议(完全兼容 DMX512 协议)。 3、信号无延时、使用灵活、自由组建网络。 4、可实现 20 级----8KM 以上无线信号接力续传。 5、具备多点对多点的自动收发功能。 6、具备自动信号搜索连接功能。 7、采用 DSSS 直接序列扩频技术,超强抗干扰性能。 8、在抗干扰能力、稳定性、传输距离、信号加密等方面比常规的 2.4G 无线模块具有绝对 优势。
产 品 说 明 书
DMX512-ZIGDD 无线组网收发器-灯勾版
一、 产品概述
DMX512-ZIGDD 无线组网控制器(全自动收/发调制解调器)作为壹科物联网 DMX512 综 合控制系统的产品之一,在灯光行业率先将物联网无线组网技术融入并到 DMX512 灯光控制 领域,并针对无线通信自主创新设计出一套 ZDMX512-EV3 协议(完全兼容 DMX512 协议), 支持点对多点、多点对多点的无线组网,具备信号无延时、使用灵活、自由组建网络(可实 现 20 级---8KM 以上无线信号接力续传)、信号切换、自动收发、自动搜索信号连接等功能 特点,且采用了 DSSS 直序列扩频技术,具有超强抗干扰性能,本产品可独立使用或与我公 司同类型其他产品配套使用。同类型产品具有多种型号,客户可根据需要自行选购。
4、 组网功能 当通讯距离大于收发器信号的覆盖半径时,可在发送端与接收端增加一个通讯节点(本

NI USRP2953说明书

NI USRP2953说明书

NI USRP2953说明书NI USRP™(通用软件无线电外设)是一款软件定义、灵活且价位适中的即用型无线电平台。

用户在配有1兆位以太网端口的计算机上安装NI LabVIEW系统设计软件后,只需安装NI USRP-2953硬件即可开始使用。

本文档描述了NI USRP-2953无线电收发器的安装和设置方法。

每个NI USRP 设备随附一本纸质版《入门指南》、一张USRP软件套件DVD、一个壁挂式适配器、一根以太网电缆、一根SMA-SMA电缆以及一个30 dB衰减器。

推荐使用的附件包括与应用相匹配的衰减器和多输入多输出(MIMO)数据和同步电缆(用于需要使用多个NI USRP设备的情况)。

快速参考4步骤:1安装NI USRP软件套件—该软件套件将在LabVIEW中增加以下项目:NI-USRP驱动程序、LabVIEW调制工具包、LabVIEW MathScript实时模块和LabVIEW数字滤波器设计工具包。

2、将IP地址更改为静态IP地址—推荐使用以下IP地址:,这是由于NI USRP-2953无线电收发器的IP地址为192.168.10.2。

3、连线—将天线或电缆连接到NI USRP-2953无线电收发器的前端。

然后将NI USRP-2953连接到计算机,并插上电源。

如果对这四个步骤有任何疑问,请参考纸质版《NI USRP-2953入门指南》。

1、概述NI USRP-2953软件可编程无线电收发器专为无线通信教学和科研而设计。


连接NI USRP设备NI USRP平台具有宽泛的频率范围和多个RF配置,能够帮助用户通过与802.11 (Wi-Fi)和ZigBee相同频段的实时信号来进行物理层基于主机的算法的实验和原型开发。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

SUNREO T ECH WLAN-24AP-S802用户手册WLAN-24AP-S802目录目录目录 (2)包装清单 (3)介绍 (4)特性和优势 (6)无线基础 (7)三种操作模式 (10)开始 (11)使用配置菜单 (13)AP管理器II (54)网络基础 (55)故障排除 (71)技术规格 (77)注册 (80)SUNREO ⏹ AirPremier TM 可管理无线接入点 ⏹以太网供电基本设备⏹ 电源适配器 -DC 48V ,0.4A ⏹ 电源线缆⏹内含手册和保修卡的CD光盘⏹ 快速安装向导 ⏹以太网电缆包装清单系统最小要求注意:使用不同于内置电压的电源会损坏该设备,且不予保修。


⏹ 带Windows®,Macintosh®,或基于Linux 操作系统的计算机,并安装有以太网卡⏹ Internet Explorer 版本 6.0或 Netscape Navigator ™ 版本 7.0或更高包装清单⏹ 支架座用户手册WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S80224AP-S802sunreo Premier 速率比以前的无线设备最快高达到15倍(在Super G 模式中无线信号速率最高达到108Mbps*),这样您就能够更快更有效地工作,提高生产力。


能够以三种不同的无线组网模式运行;接入点,带有AP 的WDS (无线网络部署延展系统),或者WDS 模式。

使用PoE (以太网供电),减少了布线的工作量,节省了时间和资金,带来了更大的灵活性。

有了PoE ,在CAT5电缆上可以在传输数据的同时,提供电源,使您的网络安装变得比较廉价,而且更方便。

Air为了能更好地快速建立和扩展办公室中或其它工作地点,商业展示和特殊场合中的无线局域网(WLAN ),在与其它产品一起工作在Super G 模式下时,提供的数据传输速率最高达到108Mbps 。

(802.11g 标准向后兼容802.11b 设备。

) 介绍介绍最大无线信号速率源于IEEE 标准802.11g 规格。



在两种环境下使用WPA :Enterprise (针对公司)和Personal (针对家庭用户)。

WPA-Enterprise 和WPA2-Personal 针对不要求对用户进行认证,基于服务器的家庭用户。

认证方法与WEP 类似,即在无线路由器/AP 上定义一个“预共享密钥”。


使用的加密方式为临时密钥完整性协议(TKIP ),提供每个数据包动态哈希。


数据加密随高级加密标准(AES )升级,因此WPA2-Personal 远胜于WPA-Personal 。

用户手册WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802802.1x: 认证,是抵御外来侵略的第一道防线。



可以通过Windows® XP 操作系统访问EAP (可扩展的认证协议)。

在使用802.1x 特性时,网络中所有设备都要采用相同类型的EAP 协议。

WPA-Enterprise 和WPA2-Enterprise 对于已经有了安全基础设施的商业企业来说,是比较理想的方案。


基于802.1x 和RADIUS 服务器(远程认证拨入用户服务器),网络管理员可以对能够访问无线局域网的认证用户的列表进行定义。

新的客户端在尝试访问一个配置有WPA -企业或WPA2-企业的无线局域网时,就会要求输入用户名和密码。



数据加密会随着高级加密标准(AES )一起升级,因此WPA2-Enterprise 远胜于WPA-Enterprise 。

介绍用户手册WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP ⏹ 3种不同的运行模式 - 为了能满足您的无线连网要求,能够分别在三种模式下运行,即:⏹ 简单安装的PoE (以太网供电)。

⏹ 更快速的无线连网,兼容802.11g 标准,无线信号速率最高达到54Mbps*(在Super G 模式下可高达108Mbps*)。

⏹ ⏹ WPA 带来更好的安全性 - 可以通过WPA (Wi-Fi 保护访问)安全地连接网 ⏹ AP 管理II 安装向导 - 新的安装向导使网络配置更加快速和简单。

⏹ 用于管理的SNMP - 不仅快速,而且还支持SNMP v.3,进行更好的网络 ⏹ 使用 OFDM 技术 (正交频分复用技术)⏹ 在2.4GHZ 频率范围下运行⏹ 基于Web 的界面,用于管理和配置 特性和优势接入点,带AP 的WDS ,或者WDS 。

特性和优势最大无线信号速率源于IEEE 标准802.11a 和802.11g 规格。



兼容802.11b 标准,无线数据速率最高达到11Mbps -意味着不用断开连接,您可以将您的系统移植到您自己计划中的802.11g 标准上。



杰出的无线AP 管理II 软件与捆绑在一起,可以对网络进行配置和固件升级。

系统管理员还可以轻松地对,基于Web 的配置进行设置。

网络管理员可以下载suneo D-view 模块,通过软件监控实时网络通信量。

用户手册WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP D-view suneo24AP-S802WLAN-无线基础无线产品基于行业标准,为您的家庭,商业或公共访问无线网络提供易用、兼容的高速率无线连接。



无线局域网 是通过无线电信号,而不是电缆来传输和接收数据的计算机网络。






(WLAN ) 人们为了不同的目的而使用WLAN 技术:移动性- 当人们在WLAN 覆盖范围内的任何地点都能访问数据时,就提高了生产力。

基于实时信 较低的执行成本—WLAN 易于安装,管理,修改和迁移。

通过简便的WLAN ,能够频繁更改网络。

安装和网络扩展—安装WLAN 系统快捷而简便,并且不需要将线缆穿过墙壁和天花板。

无线技术 价格低廉的方案— 无线网络设备的价格与传统网络设备的价格同样具有竞争力。

多功能可扩展性— WLAN 可以针对特定应用和安装的需要进行各种不同的配置。


WLAN 能够在线缆安装不方便的地方进行工作。



根据采用的无线设备的数目,WLAN 的适用范围可从用户较少的点对点网络到能容纳成百上千个用户的大型主干网络。

用户手册WLAN-24AP-S802sunreo sunreo基于标准的技术可管理无线接入点使用的是802.11b 和802.11g 标准。

IEEE 802.11g 标准是802.11b 标准的扩展。

在2.4GHz 波段中,使用OFDM 技术,它将无线信号速率最大提高到了54Mbps*(在Super G 模式下的最大速率为108Mbps )。

这就意味着在大多数环境下,在该设备覆盖的特定范围内,您可以快速地传送较大的文档,甚至还可以在您的网络上观看MPEG 格式的电影,而察觉不到丝毫的延迟。

该技术采用OFDM (正交频分复用)技术,通过无线电波传输高速率的数字数据。

OFDM 将无线电信号分离成多个更小的子信号,然后再以不同的频率同时发送给接收方。

OFDM 减少了信号传输中的串话(干扰)数量。


802.11g 提供了可访问的当今最高级的网络安全特性,包括WPA 和WPA2。

最大无线信号速率源于IEEE 标准802.11g 规格。



WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802sunreoAir Premier 让您能够通过无线连接,在它所覆盖的任意范围内访问您的网让您的设备远离(至少3-6英尺或1-2米)能产生RF 噪音的电子设备或电器。

4 将和其它网络设备之间的墙壁和天花板数量降到最低-每一面墙壁或天花板能够让的范围缩小3-90英尺(1-30米)。









实际的范围会受到您家庭或办公室的材料类型和背景RF (无线电频率)噪音的影响而各有不同。

最大化无线范围的关键是遵循以下基本步骤:WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S80224AP-S802三种运行模式三种运行模式用户手册WLAN-24AP-S802WLAN-24AP-S802如何正确安装该调制解调器,请向您的电缆或者DSL 供应商咨询。
