管理会计第六章答案——Answers for Chp 6
《管理会计》课后习题参考答案目录第一章管理会计概述 (1)1.理解资产高安全度、资产高利润率、现金流充足、资产高增值率和把握新产业 (1)2.简述基于业务优化的高质高效的财务支持 (1)3.简述管理会计的内涵是如何逐渐扩大的 (2)4.简述科学管理理论与管理会计的关系 (2)5.简述组织行为学与管理会计的关系 (2)6.简述权变理论与管理会计的关系 (3)7.简述信息经济学与管理会计的关系 (3)8.简述代理人理论与管理会计的关系 (3)9.简述知识经济理论与管理会计的关系 (3)10.简述管理会计假设的内容及意义 (3)11.简述理解管理会计目标及其与企业目标的关系 (3)12.简述管理会计信息质量特征与财务会计质量特征的区别 (4)13.简述管理会计与财务会计、财务管理、审计和内部控制的产生及结合 (4)14.简述管理会计与财务会计的区别 (4)15.简述管理会计与财务会计的耦合逻辑 (4)第二章成本性态分析 (5)1.成本性态分析在管理会计中的地位 (5)2.混合成本的分解方法 (5)3.固定成本与变动成本的特征 (5)4.边际贡献率与变动成本率的关系 (5)第三章本量利分析 (6)1.试说明本量利分析的基本假设 (6)2.什么是本量利分析的基本表达式 (6)3.什么是保本点?影响保本点的因素有哪些? (7)4.什么是保利点?影响保利点的因素有哪些? (7)5.试说明一个经营多种产品的企业如何确定保本点 (7)6.什么是安全边际率、保本点作业率和经营杠杆率? (7)7.怎样进行实现目标利润的敏感性分析? (8)第四章变动成本法 (8)1.变动成本法与全部成本法的主要区别有哪几个方面? (8)2.变动成本法与全部成本法期间损益发生差异有何规律? (8)3.试评述变动成本法的优缺点 (9)4.“只要生产量大于销售量,当期全部成本法的利润必定大于变动成本法的利润”。
这一命题是否成立?为什么? (9)第五章资金管理 (9)1.现金管理业务流程 (9)2.银行账户管理 (9)3.资金计划管理 (9)4.现金池分类与构成要素 (10)5.现金池功能定位与构建原则 (10)6.现金池运作流程 (10)7.资金集中管理模式 (10)8.银企直联系统总体运行流程 (10)9.银企直联系统主要功能 (11)第六章短期经营决策 (11)1.短期经营决策的特点有哪些? (11)2.短期经营决策中的相关成本和无关成本分别有哪些? (11)3.简述短期经营决策的主要方法及各自的优缺点 (11)4.简述在不同情况下半成品是否深加工的决策方法 (12)5.简述在完全竞争市场和非完全竞争市场条件下的定价方法? (12)6.简述短期营运决策敏感性分析的方法及应用 (13)第七章长期投资决策 (13)1.什么是独立项目和互斥项目? (13)2.什么是现金流量?投资项目的现金流量包括哪些内容? (13)3.投资项目的现金流量如何计算? (14)4.现金流量在估计中应注意哪些问题?(可删除) (14)5.投资决策评价的方法有哪些?各自的优缺点是什么? (14)第八章全面预算管理 (16)1.什么是全面预算?你怎样认识它的重要性? (16)2.全面预算有哪些预算构成? (16)3.什么是弹性预算?与固定预算相比有何优越性? (16)4.试分析比较零基预算与增减预算的主要区别? (17)5.什么是滚动预算?有何特点? (17)6.简述预算控制的方法 (17)7.简述预算调整的前提条件 (18)8.现金预算包括哪些项目?各项目之间存在怎样的勾稽关系? (18)9.会计制度设计如何与预算管理衔接? (18)10.财务会计控制如何与预算执行对接? (18)练习题 (18)第九章作业成本管理 (22)1.简述作业成本法的特点 (22)2.如何评价作业的增值性? (22)3.结合企业实际,谈读作业成车法的应用 (23)4.简述作业成本管理中降低成本的途径 (23)5.作业成本法在制造费用分配基础与分配路径上与传统成本法有何有同 (23)第十章目标成本管理 (23)1.简述目标成本法的特点 (23)2.如何应用价值工程技术进行产品设计 (23)3.结合企业实际,谈谈目标成本管理的应用 (24)4.简述目标成本法的实施原则 (25)5.简述确立目标成本的主要活动 (25)6.简述目标成本规划的五个步骤 (26)7.如何将顾客需求纳人目标成本管理? (26)8.简述价值链在目标成本管理中的贡献 (26)9.简述目标成本管理中的供应链管理 (27)10.简述目标成本管理的组织和团队 (27)11.简述目标成本管理的核心工具 (27)第十一章项目成本管理 (28)1.现代项目成本管理的发展 (28)2.项目生命周期成本管理的方法 (28)3.简述工作分解结构的作用 (28)4.以一场婚礼筹划为例,写出工作结构分解图 (28)5.简述项目资源计划的工具与方法 (29)6.简述项目成本估算的技术路线 (29)7.简述项目成本估算的方法 (29)8.简述项目成本估算和项目成本预算的区别与联系 (29)9.简述项目成本预算的调整内容有哪些 (29)10.简述项目成本控制的方法有哪些 (29)11.简述挣值法的三个基本值 (29)12.简述挣值法几个关键指标的内容与作用 (29)13.简述项目成本决算的意义和作用 (30)第十二章战略成本管理 (30)1.简述战略成本管理研究的定义和特征 (30)2.简述生命周期成本管理的内容 (30)3.简述战略成本定位分析方法 (31)4.简述企业一般竞争战略的内容 (31)5.简述战略成本动因分析的内容 (31)6简述供应链管理的主要内容、目的及基本原则 (31)7.简述供应链成本核算框架 (32)8.简述前瞻式成本管理及内容 (32)9.简述精益管理会计及其内容 (33)10.简述跨组织成本管理及其内容 (33)11.简述供应链成本管理的方法 (34)第十三章绩效管理 (34)1.简述战略绩效管理的特点与优势 (34)2.简述分权管理与责任会计 (34)3.简述责任中心的分类及其不同责任中心的绩效评价方法 (35)4.简述内部转移价格及其制定 (36)5.简述关键绩效指标法的含义及其基本流程 (36)6.简述经济增加值的价值管理体系 (36)7.简述平衡计分卡之“平衡” (37)8.简述平衡计分卡的实施程序 (37)9.简述平衡计分卡与企业战略 (38)第十四章管理会计报告 (38)1.简述会计报告体系的构成 (38)2.简述管理会计报告的主要特征 (39)3.简述按不同标志分类的管理会计报告体系 (39)4.简述管理会计报告流程 (39)5.简述基于报告对象的管理会计报告体系 (40)6.简述基于责任中心的管理会计报告体系 (40)7.基于价值链的管理会计报告体系 (41)第十五章管理会计信息化 (41)1.如何理解管理会计信息系统概念 (41)2.管理会计信息系统建设与应用原则、程序的内容 (41)3.如何理解管理会计信息系统架构 (42)4.成本管理信息化的内容包括哪些 (42)5.如何理解成本管理信息系统模式 (43)6.预算管理信息化的内容包括哪些 (44)7.如何理解预算管理信息系统 (44)8.如何理解绩效管理信息化过程 (45)9.如何理解绩效管理信息平台 (45)10.如何理解投资项目管理信息化 (45)11.如何理解投资项目管理信息化系统 (45)12.如何理解管理会计报告信息化 (46)13.如何理解ERP系统的管理会计 (46)第一章管理会计概述1.理解资产高安全度、资产高利润率、现金流充足、资产高增值率和把握新产业(1)资产高安全度是企业全面梳理资产管理流程,及时发现资产管理中的薄弱环节,切实采取有效措施加以改进,并关注资产减值迹象,合理确认资产减值损失,更好地避免下列风险:①存货积压或短缺,可能导致流动资金占用过量、存货价值贬损或生产中断;②固定资产更新改造不够、使用效能低下、维护不当、产能过剩,可能导致企业缺乏竞争力、资产价值贬损、安全事故频发或资源浪费;③无形资产缺乏核心技术、权属不清、技术落后、存在重大技术安全隐患,可能导致企业法律纠纷、缺乏可持续发展能力。
第六章167. The following is Arkadia Corporation's contribution format income statement for last month:The company has no beginning or ending inventories and produced and sold 20,000 units during the month.Required:a. What is the company's contribution margin ratio?b. What is the company's break-even in units?c. If sales increase by 100 units, by how much should net operating income increase?d. How many units would the company have to sell to attain target profits of $125,000?e. What is the company's margin of safety in dollars?f. What is the company's degree of operating leverage?a. Contribution margin ratio:CM ratio = Contribution marginSales = $400,000$1,200,000 = 0.333b. Break-even units:Selling price ($1,200,00020,000 units) = $60 per unitV ariable expenses ($800,00020,000 units) = $40 per unitSales = V ariable expenses + Fixed expenses + Profit $60Q = $40Q + $300,000 + $0$20Q = $300,000Q = $300,000$20 per unit = 15,000 unitsc. Increase in net operating income from additional sales of 100 units:----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------d. Sales to attain target profit:Sales = V ariable expenses + Fixed expenses + Profit $60Q = $40Q + $300,000 + $125,000$20Q = $425,000Q = $425,000$20 per unit = 21,250 unitse. Margin of safety in dollars:Break-even sales = $60 per unit 15,000 units = $900,000 Margin of safety in dollars = Sales - Break-even sales= $1,200,000 - $900,000 = $300,000f. Degree of operating leverage = Contribution marginNet operating income= $400,000$100,000 = 4.0168. The Garry Corporation's most recent contribution format income statement is shown below:Required:Prepare a new contribution format income statement under each of the following conditions (consider each case independently):a. The sales volume increases by 10% and the price decreases by $0.50 per unit.b. The selling price decreases $1.00 per unit, fixed expenses increase by $15,000, and the sales volume decreases by 5%.c. The selling price increases by 25%, variable expense increases by $0.75 per unit, and the sales volume decreases by 15%.d. The selling price increases by $1.50 per unit, variable cost increases by $1.00 per unit, fixed expenses decrease by $15,000, and sales volume decreases by 12%.a.b.----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------c.d.169. McConkey Corporation produces and sells a single product. The company's contribution format income statement for July appears below:Required:Redo the company's contribution format income statement assuming that the company sells 5,800 units.173. Spencer Company's most recent monthly contribution format income statement is given below:----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------The company sells its only product for $10 per unit. There were no beginning or ending inventories.Required:a. What are total sales in dollars at the break-even point?b. What are total variable expenses at the break-even point?c. What is the company's contribution margin ratio?d. If unit sales were increased by 10% and fixed expenses were reduced by $2,000, what would be the company's expected net operating income? (Prepare a new income statement.)a. The contribution margin ratio is $15,000$60,000 = 25%. Therefore, the break-even insales dollars is $18,00025% = $72,000.b. The variable cost ratio is $45,000$60,000 = 75%. Therefore, the variable expenses at thebreak-even point are $72,000 75% = $54,000.c. 25% See part (a) above.d.174. Sarratt Corporation's contribution margin ratio is 62% and its fixed monthly expenses are $91,000. Assume that the company's sales for May are expected to be $193,000.Required:Estimate the company's net operating income for May. Assume that the fixed monthly expenses do not change. Show your work!176. Huitron Inc. expects its sales in September to be $143,000. The company's contribution margin ratio is 65% and its fixed monthly expenses are $62,000.Required:Estimate the company's net operating income for September. Assume that the fixed monthly expenses do not change. Show your work!----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------177.Belli-Pitt, Inc, produces a single product. The results of the company's operations for atypical month are summarized in contribution format as follows:The company produced and sold 120,000 kilograms of product during the month. There were no beginning or ending inventories.Required:a. Given the present situation, compute1. The break-even sales in kilograms.2. The break-even sales in dollars.3. The sales in kilograms that would be required to produce net operating income of $90,000.4. The margin of safety in dollars.b. An important part of processing is performed by a machine that is currently being leased for $20,000 per month. Belli-Pitt has been offered an arrangement whereby it would pay $0.10 royalty per kilogram processed by the machine rather than the monthly lease.1. Should the company choose the lease or the royalty plan?2. Under the royalty plan compute break-even point in kilograms.3. Under the royalty plan compute break-even point in dollars.4. Under the royalty plan determine the sales in kilograms that would be required to produce net operating income of $90,000.a.1. Sales = V ariable expenses + Fixed expenses + Target profit$4.50Q = $3.00Q + $120,000 + $0$1.50Q = $120,000Q = $120,000$1.50 per unit = 80,000 units----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------2. 80,000 units ⨯ $4.50 per unit = $360,0003. Sales = V ariable expenses + Fixed expenses + Target profit $4.50Q = $3.00Q + $120,000 + $90,000$1.50Q = $210,000Q = $210,000$1.50 per unit = 140,000 units4. Margin of safety = Sales - Sales at breakeven = $540,000 - $360,000= $180,000b. 1.Since net operating income increases by $8,000 the royalty is a good plan, provided sales remains at the same level.2. Sales = V ariable expenses + Fixed expenses + Target profit$4.50Q = $3.10Q + $100,000 + $0$1.40Q = $100,000Q = $100,000$1.40 per unit = 71,429 units3. 71,429 units ⨯ $4.50 unit = $321,4294. Sales = V ariable expenses + Fixed expenses + Target profit $4.50Q = $3.10Q + $100,000 + $90,000$1.40Q = $190,000Q = $190,000$1.40 per unit = 135,714 units178. Shelhorse Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------Fixed expenses are $275,000 per month. The company is currently selling 4,000 units per month. Required:The marketing manager believes that a $13,000 increase in the monthly advertising budget would result in a 150 unit increase in monthly sales. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change? Show your work!180. Naumann Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:Fixed expenses are $234,000 per month. The company is currently selling 4,000 units per month. Required:Management is considering using a new component that would increase the unit variable cost by $7. Since the new component would improve the company's product, the marketing manager predicts that monthly sales would increase by 500 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change if fixed expenses are unaffected? Show your work!Since fixed expenses are not affected by this change, the change in net operating income will be equal to the change in total contribution margin.182. Bethard Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------Fixed expenses are $354,000 per month. The company is currently selling 5,000 units per month. Required:The marketing manager would like to cut the selling price by $8 and increase the advertising budget by $23,000 per month. The marketing manager predicts that these two changes would increase monthly sales by 600 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change? Show your work!184. Hamiel Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:Fixed expenses are $301,000 per month. The company is currently selling 5,000 units per month. Required:The marketing manager would like to introduce sales commissions as an incentive for the sales staff. The marketing manager has proposed a commission of $16 per unit. In exchange, the sales staff would accept an overall decrease in their salaries of $68,000 per month. The marketing manager predicts that introducing this sales incentive would increase monthly sales by 200 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change? Show your work!----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------186. Merlin Enterprises manufactures a cellular telephone. The company's partial contribution format income statement for the most recent year is below.Required:a. Complete the contribution income statement above.b. Determine the breakeven sales and units using either the equation or the contribution approach.c. Determine the sales necessary to earn a profit of $54,000.d. Determine the margin of safety percentage for the year above.a. V ariable expenses = 0.55 ⨯ $300,000 = $165,000V ariable expenses per unit = 0.55 ⨯ $60 = $33b. Break-even in unit sales = $108,000/$27 per unit = 4,000 unitsBreak-even in dollar sales = $108,000/0.45 = $240,000c. Dollar sales to attain target profit = ($108,000 + $54,000)/0.45 = $360,000d. Margin of safety = $300,000 - $240,000 = $60,000Margin of safety percentage = $60,000/$300,000 = 20%187. Frisch Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:Required:Determine the monthly break-even in either unit or total dollar sales. Show your work!----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------Break-even in unit sales = Fixed expenses/Unit contribution margin= $138,720/$86.70 = 1,600Break-even in total sales dollars = Fixed expenses/CM ratio= $138,720/0.51 = $272,000189. Y amakawa Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:Required:Determine the monthly break-even in unit sales. Show your work!Break-even in unit sales = Fixed expenses/Unit contribution margin= $670,480/$136 = 4,930191. Cleghorn Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:Required:Determine the monthly break-even in total dollar sales. Show your work!----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------Break-even in total sales dollars = Fixed expenses/CM ratio= $153,216/0.56 = $273,600193. Brihon Corporation produces and sells a single product. Data concerning that product appear below:Required:a. Assume the company's monthly target profit is $12,650. Determine the unit sales to attain that target profit. Show your work!b. Assume the company's monthly target profit is $63,250. Determine the dollar sales to attain that target profit. Show yourwork!a. Unit sales to attain target profit= (Fixed expenses + Target profit)/Unit contribution margin= ($518,650 + $12,650)/$126.50 = 4,200b. Total sales dollars to attain target profit= (Fixed expenses + Target profit)/CM ratio= ($518,650 + $63,250)/0.55 = $1,058,000199. Knezevich Corporation makes a product that sells for $230 per unit. The product's current sales are 36,900 units and its break-even sales are 32,103 units.Required:Compute the margin of safety in both dollars and as a percentage of sales.----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------202. Mcquage Corporation has provided its contribution format income statement for July.----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------Required:a. Compute the degree of operating leverage to two decimal places.b. Using the degree of operating leverage, estimate the percentage change in net operating income that should result from a 19% increase in sales.a. Degree of operating leverage = Contribution margin/Net operating income= $251,100/$41,300 = 6.08b. Percent increase in net operating income= Percent increase in sales ⨯ Degree of operating leverage= 19% ⨯ 6.08 = 115.52%205. Brancati Inc. produces and sells two products. Data concerning those products for the most recent month appear below:Fixed expenses for the entire company were $32,860.Required:a. Determine the overall break-even point for the company. Show your work!b. If the sales mix shifts toward Product W07C with no change in total sales, what will happen to the break-even point for the company? Explain.a.Overall CM ratio = Total contribution margin/Total sales= $36,400/$52,000 = 0.70Break-even point in total sales dollars = Fixed expenses/Overall CM ratio= $32,860/0.70 = $46,943b.----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------Since Product W07C's CM ratio is greater than Product B29Z's, a shift in the sales mix toward Product W07C will result in a decrease in the company's overall break-even point.206. V eren Inc. produces and sells two products. During the most recent month, Product F73A's sales were $27,000 and its variable expenses were $9,450. Product L75P's sales were $14,000 and its variable expenses were $5,310. The company's fixed expenses were $21,060.Required:a. Determine the overall break-even point for the company. Show your work!b. If the sales mix shifts toward Product F73A with no change in total sales, what will happen to the break-even point for the company? Explain.a.Overall CM ratio = Total contribution margin/Total sales= $26,240/$41,000 = 0.64Break-even point in total sales dollars = Fixed expenses/Overall CM ratio= $21,060/0.64 = $32,906b.Since Product F73A's CM ratio is greater than Product L75P's, a shift in the sales mix toward Product F73A will result in a decrease in the company's overall break-even point.----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------。
第二章习题参考答案五、业务题P77-781.解:单位:元2.解:以x、y分别表示销售额和维护保养费,b=最高点和最低点成本之差÷最高点和最低点业务量之差=(37 800-34 000)÷(560 000-480 000)=0.0475a=最高点混合成本总额-b×最高点业务量=37 800-0.0475×560 000=11 200(元)y=11 200+0.0475x3.解:实用文档实用文档33.77991639614808998961639)x (xnyx x y x a 22n1i n1i i 2in 1i n 1i n1i iiin 1i i2i ≈-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑∑======(千元)36.4991639689699148086)x(xnyx y x n b 2n1i n1i 2i 2in1i n1i n1i iiii≈-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑=====(千元/千人) ∴y=a+bx=77.33+4.36x六、案例分析题 P78-79实用文档32.1290232006256000097968000002320029600062560000)x (xnyx x y x a 22n1i n1i i 2in 1i n 1i n1i iiin 1i i2i ≈-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑∑======(元)26.1223200625600009296000232007968000009)x(xnyx y x n b 2n1i n1i 2i 2in1i n1i n1i iiii≈-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑=====(元/件)∴y=1 290.32+12.26x选择“回归直线法”的理由:“合同认定法”和“工程法”的本案例资料不可行;“账户分析法”的准确度不高;“高低点法”不适合成本变动趋势波动比较大的M 公司使用,如果使用将产生比较大的误差;“散点图法”是根据目测绘制出来的,带有一定的随意性,其准确度不高;最后“回归直线法”使用了微积分当中的极值原理,在六个方法中具有最高的精确度。
第2章习题答案 (1)高低点法根据图表的资料可以看出,最高点为1月份,最低点为2月份 b=(12600-8600)/(4500-2900)=2.50(元) a=12600-2.5×4500=1350(元) 或 =8600-2.5×2900=1350(元)故,维修成本的公式可表达如下:y=1350+2.5x (2)回归直线法b=(n ∑xy - ∑x ∑y)/[n ∑x 2– (∑x)2] a=(∑y - b ∑x )/n运用本公式和上例数据可得: Y=1970+2.35x第3章习题答案 1.(1))(1000025300000件=-=x (图略) 盈亏临界点销售额=10000*5=50000(元)(2)安全边际量=x-x 0=28000-1000=18000(件) 安全边际额= 18000*5=90000(元) 安全边际率=18000/28000=64.3%(3)税前利润=(5-2)*28000-30000=54000(元)2.(1))(750026300000件=-=x 安全边际量=20000-7500=12500(件)税前利润=(6-2)*20000-30000=50000(元)(2))(218752630000%15150000件)(销售量=-++=(3))(240002660003000060000件销售量=-++=4. A 产品边际贡献率=(100-80)/100=20%B 产品边际贡献率=(120-90)/120=25%C 产品边际贡献率=(160-112)/160=30% A 产品销售比重=600*100/200000=30% B 产品销售比重=500*120/200000=30% C 产品销售比重=500*160/200000=40%加权平均边际贡献率=20%*30%+25%*30%+30%*40%=25.5% 综合盈亏临界点销售额=45900/25.5%=180000(元) A 产品盈亏临界点销售额=18000*30%=54000(元) A 产品盈亏临界点销售量=54000/100=540(件) B 产品盈亏临界点销售额=18000*30%=54000(元) B 产品盈亏临界点销售量=54000/120=450(件) C 产品盈亏临界点销售额=18000*40%=72000(元) C 产品盈亏临界点销售量=72000/160=450(件)5.(1)盈亏临界点销售量=120000/(50-30)=6000(件) 保本点作业率=6000/8000=75%安全边际率=1-保本作业率=1-75%=25% 边际贡献率=(50-30)/50=40%销售利润率=25%*40%=安全边际率*边际贡献率=25%*40%=10% (2)令销售量为x ,则 (1-6000/x )*40%=16%X=10000(件)6.(1))(5000060/366020000元)(盈亏临界点销售额=-=税前利润=(60-36)*1000-20000=4000(元) (2)154000100060=⨯==p sx s η 94000100036-=⨯-=-=p sx b η 640001000)3660(=⨯-=⋅=p x cm x η 5400020000-=-=-=p a a η (3)TP=6000△P=6000-4000-2000(元) △P/P=2000/4000=50%△S/S=(△P/P )/s η=50%/15=3.3% S 1=60*(1+3.3%)=62(元) △b/b=(△P/P )/b η=50%/(-9)=-5.56%b1=36*(1-5.56%)=34(元)△x/x=(△P/P)/xη=50%/6=8.33%x1=1000*(1+8.33%)=1083(件)△a/a=(△P/P)/aη=50%/(-5)=-10%a1=20000*(1-10%)=18000(元)第4章习题答案1·解:(1)用算术平均法汁算,1999年彩色显像管预测销售量=(25+30+36+40+50)/5=36.2(万只)(2)用加权平均法。
管理会计第六章短期生产经营决策练习题及答案 It was last revised on January 2, 2021第六章短期生产经营决策复习思考题一、单项选择题:1、有关产品是否进行深加工决策中,深加工前的半成品成本属于()。
管理会计课后习题答案第一章总论一、单项选择题1. B2. C3. D4.A二、多项选择题1. ABCD2. ABCD3. ABCD4. ABC5. ABCD三、判断题1.√2. √3.×4.√5.×6.√第二章成本性态与变动成本法一、单选题1. D2. C3. B4.A5.C6.D7.B8.D9.D 10. B二、多项选择题1. AB2. ACD3. AB4. AB5. ABC6. BCD7. ABD 8.ABCD 9.BC 10.CD三、判断题1.×2.×3.√4.×5.√6.√7.×8.√四、实践练习题实践练习1某企业生产一种机床,最近五年的产量和历史成本资料如下:要求: (1)采用高低点法进行成本性态分析;(2)采用回归直线法进行成本性态分析。
解:(1)采用高低点法进行成本性态分析:460=a+50b550=a+70b, 故b=(550-460)÷(70-50)=4.5; a=460-50×4.5=235则 Y=235+4.5X(2)采用回归直线法进行成本性态分析:b=(5×150925-300×2495)÷(5×18250-300×300)=4.9a=(2495-4.9×300)÷5=205(万元)则 Y=205+4.9X实践练习2已知:某企业本期有关成本资料如下:单位直接材料成本为10元,单位直接人工成本为5元,单位变动性制造费用为7元,固定性制造费用总额为4,000元,单位变动性销售管理费用为4元,固定性销售管理费用为1,000元。
解:变动成本法:(1)单位产品成本=10+5+7=22元(2)期间费用=4000 +(4×600+1000)=7400元(3)销货成本=22×600=13200元(4)边际贡献=40×600-(22×600+4×600)=8400元营业利润==8400-(4000+1000)=3400元完全成本法:(1)单位产品成本=22+4000/1000=26元(2)期间费用=4×600+1000=3400元(3)销货成本=26×600=15600元(4)营业利润=(40×600-15600)- 3400=5000元实践练习3已知:某厂只生产一种产品,第一、二年的产量分别为30 000件和24 000件,销售量分别为20 000件和30 000件;存货计价采用先进先出法。
【计算分析题】1. 某人将100万元投资于一项事业,估计年报酬率为6%,在10年中此人并不提走任何现金,10年末该项投资的本利和为多少?100×(F/P,6%,10)=100×1.7908=179.08万元2. 某人打算在5年后送儿子出国留学,如果5年末需要一次性取出30万元学费,年利率为3%,复利计息情况下,他现在应存入银行多少钱?30×(P/F,3%,5)=30×0.8626=25.878万元3. 某企业10年后需偿还到期债务1000万元,如年复利率为10%,则为偿还债务企业每年年末应建立多少等额的偿债基金?1000÷(F/A,10%,10)=1000÷15.9374=62.75万元4. 某人购入一套商品房,向银行按揭贷款50万元,准备20年内于每年年末等额偿还,银行贷款利率为5%,他每年应归还多少钱?50÷(P/A,5%,20)=50÷12.4622=4.01万元5.某公司拟购置一处房产,现有两种付款方案可供选择:(1)从现在起,每年年初支付10万元,连续支付10年;(2)从第4年开始,每年年初支付15万元,连续支付10年。
6. 某公司拟于2011年购置一台大型冲床,需一次性投资200万元,购入后安装调试即可投入运营。
月份变动成本固定成本合计1 51.658 6.975 58.6332 51.422 6.342 57.7643 49.347 6.397 55.7444 56.92 6.399 63.3195 55.456 6.191 61.656从各月的计算结果来看。
《管理会计第六章试卷及答案》一、单选题(共 20 题,每题 2 分)1. 下列关于本量利分析的基本假设,错误的是()A. 总成本由固定成本和变动成本两部分组成B. 销售收入与业务量呈完全线性关系C. 产销平衡D. 产品产销结构稳定,但品种结构会发生变化2. 在本量利分析中,贡献毛益是指()A. 销售收入减去变动成本后的余额B. 销售收入减去固定成本后的余额C. 利润减去固定成本后的余额D. 利润减去变动成本后的余额3. 某产品的单位变动成本为 10 元,固定成本总额为 20000 元,若销售单价为 15 元,则保本销售量为()A. 4000 件B. 5000 件C. 6000 件D. 8000 件4. 已知某企业生产销售甲、乙两种产品,甲产品边际贡献率为 50%,乙产品边际贡献率为 40%,甲产品销售额为 30000 元,乙产品销售额为 20000 元,则该企业的加权平均边际贡献率为()A. 45%B. 48%C. 50%D. 52%5. 某企业只生产一种产品,单位变动成本为 6 元,固定成本总额为 5000 元,企业确定的目标利润为 4000 元,产品售价为 15 元,则实现目标利润的销售量为()A. 1800 件B. 2000 件C. 2200 件D. 2400 件6. 下列因素单独变动时,不会对保利点产生影响的是()A. 单价B. 单位变动成本C. 固定成本D. 目标利润7. 某企业的边际贡献率为 40%,安全边际率为 50%,则销售利润率为()A. 10%B. 20%C. 15%D. 25%8. 在多品种条件下,能够影响加权平均边际贡献率大小的因素有()A. 企业固定成本总额B. 各种产品销售比重C. 各种产品的边际贡献率D. 全厂目标利润9. 下列各项中,属于本量利分析内容的有()A. 单一产品下的保本分析B. 盈利条件下单一品种的本量利分析C. 单一品种下的保利分析D. 以上都是10. 某企业生产一种产品,单价 20 元,单位变动成本 12 元,固定成本 40000 元,正常销售量为 20000 件。
第六章习题参考答案: 1.解:(1)预期未来现金流入的现值应等于流出的现值:1045822元 (2)收回的流动资金现值=145822×(p,10%,5)=145822×0.6209=90541(元)(3)每年需要的现金流量(固定资产投资摊销额)=(1045822-90541)/(p/a,10%,5)=955281/3.7908=252000(元)(4)每年税后利润=252000-(900000/5)=252000-180000=72000(元) (5)每年税前利润=72000/(1-0.4)=120000(元)(6)销售量=(500000+180000+120000)/(20-12)=100000(件)2. (1)NPV=[500×(1-33%)+3000×(1-10%)÷5] ×(P/A ,10%,4)+300×(P/S ,10%,4)+3000×(1-10%)÷5×33%×(P/S ,10%,4)-3000=100.36(万元) NPV=875×(P/A ,10%,3)+300×(P/S ,10%,3)+540×2×0.33×(P/S ,10%,3)-3000 =-330.92(万元)n=3+77.336.10092.33092.330=+(年)(2)他们的争论是没有意义的,因为现金流入持续时间达到3.77年方案即为可行。
(1)继续使用旧设备的平均年成本每年付现操作成本的现值=()22.54256048.3%)301(2150)5%,12,/(%3012150=⨯-⨯=⨯-⨯A P (元) 年折旧额=(14950-1495)/6=2242.5(元) 每年折旧抵税的现值()81.16154018.2%305.22423%,12,/%305.2242=⨯⨯=⨯⨯=A P (元)残值收益的现值=[]54.949)5%,12,/(%30%)10149501750(1750=⨯⨯⨯--S P 旧设备变现收益=[]75.8416%30)35.224214950(85008500=⨯⨯--- 继续使用旧设备的现金流出总现值=5425.22+8416.75-1615.81-949.54=11276.62 继续使用旧设备的平均年成本=11276.62/(P/A ,12%,5)=3128.22 (2)更换新设备的平均年成本购置成本=13750(元)每年付现操作成本现值=28.2446)6%,12,/(%)301(850=⨯-⨯A P 年折旧额=(13750-1375)/6=2062.5每年折旧抵税的现值=2062.5*30%*(P/A ,12%,6)=2543.93(元)残值收益的现值=()[]52.1095)6%,12,/(%30%101375025002500=⨯⨯⨯--S P 更换新设备的现金流出总现值=13750+2446.28-2543.93-1095.52=12556.83更换新设备的平均年成本=12556.83/(P/A ,12%,6)=3054.15(元)因为更换新设备的平均年成本低于继续使用旧设备的平均年成本,故应更新设备4、(1)设内含报酬率为i,则10=14.4×(P/S,i,5)(P/S,i,5)=0.6944(P/S,7%,5)=0.713;(P/S,8%,5)=0.6806用插值法求得i=7.57%(2)年现金净流量=(6.5-1)×(1-33%)+10/5×33%=4.345万元未来的NCF现值=4.345×(P/A,7%,5)×(P/S,7%,2)=15.56万元现值指数=15.56/10=1.556年税后利润=4.345-10/5=2.345万元会计收益率=2.345/10=23.45%(3)设年复利率为i,则15.56=1.945×(P/A,i/2,10)故(P/A,i/2,10)=15.56/1.945=8由于(P/A,4%,10)=8.1109(P/A,5%,10)=7.7217按内插法计算求得:i/2=4.2849%i=8.57%实际利率=(1+4.2849%)2-1=8.75%(4)设每次从银行收回现金A万元,则15.56=A(P/A,5%,10)故A=2.02万元5、(1)计算税后现金流量(2)计算净现值净现值=1920×0.909+2520×0.826+(3720+600)×0.751-6000=1745.28+2081.52+3244.32-6000=1071.12元(3)计算回收期回收期=2+(6000-1920-2520)/4320=2.36年(4)由于净现值大于0,应该接受该项目。
第六章短期经营决策【习题一】(1)差燉收入(B-A):M X240-40X 360=15360-14400=960(2)差最成A <B-A): 58X240—32X360-13920-11520=2400(3)差ht扭益(B-A): 960-2400=-1440结论:生产A见育利,【习题二】(1)大中取大法:2500万元(2)大中取小法:900万兀⑶小中取大法:470万元:(4)铝威蛊决第法:设定凤険系数a・玻麻比较:2500F+900 (l-a>: !800*a^l000 (ba); 470F+250 <l-a> 中的彊大名•- 当Pl/8时,选择生?1500 当a<l/8H<,选择生户1000万吨.【习题三】Qll果开发A,预期收血l()(WM)x (4()0-280)・I(MXM)X(300-200) =2000()0 元:如果开发B,狈期收益:125()0> (365-255)• 12000* (300-200) =175000 元© 生产A屯竹利.【习题四】(1 ) "I果白制・预期成也240000T.6X20000(X560000 元:如果外购.预期成木:200000X4.2- (30000X 10-60000-12000-8000-240()0 ) 64400() 元:选择白制°(2〉如果制逍卑料肌H的同也成木降到20000尤,仍然不改变决体.外购成木为640000 疋仍然人于白丽成木56000()応【习题五】计算表如下:柚据卜衣,企业应该选择单位定价3・8兀"【习题六】【习题七】(】)线件规划法如下:II 标曲救:min (Z) =1.25x+O.6yS. T・x-b)*>=12500 0.8x+0.3y>=6<XX) 0 2x+0.l5y<=24()0 ⑵经il算求無如卜:XN500, Y=8(H)0, Z=10425第七章长期投资决策【习题一】计算该项设条H询的现行rb价及第六年末该项系列付款的终伯:现ffh 100 000+20 000X1^1^30 (JOOXPa “XP K什20 OOOXP^«=219 392. 4 元终值:10 OOOXF A o-20 OOOXFn i+30 OOOXFa XF, *20 000=368 017. 1 元【习题二】ii*圧建Jim原蛤投诜的现伯与终值及该”! II建成投产后毎年制收净利和折1日的现伯和终值:除始投资的现值:400 OOOXPa 14X5=1 373 200元原始投资的终(th 100 OOOXFa m =26 110 000 元【习题三】牛折IlJSh <215 000-15 000) /5=10 000 元1 •净现值法:各年舟利润:(180 000-100 000-10 000) X(l-304)=28 000元各年NCF: 28 000M0 000=68 000 几未来报1W总现(ft: 68 OOOXPa .+15 OOOXP, =229 772 元NEV: 229 772-215 000=14 772 元山丁•该爪债投资方案的净现值为止数,故该方案可行。
答:(1)单位变动成本=80-30=50(元/件)初步判定单位变动成本<订货价格差别损益=(70-50)×200=4000(元)应接受订货(2)差别损益=4000-1000=3000(元)应接受订货(3)差别损益=4000-5000=-1000(元)应拒绝订货(4)差别损益=200×(70-50)+100×(70-100)-1000=0 接受或拒绝订货均可2.某厂生产A产品,其中零件下年需18000个,如外购每个进价60元。
解:自制零件下的成本=18 000×(30+20+8)=1044 000(元)外购零件下的成本= 18 000× 60==1080 000(元)自制零部件的差量收益=1080 000—1044 000=36 000(元)因此,应选择自制零部件方案。
3.假定上题自制零件方案需增添专用设备两台,每台100000元,使用期限5年,假定没有残值,按直线法进行折旧,每年为40 000元。
4.2004年度:销售成本=销售收⼊-销售⽑利=200000-40000=160000(元)固定制造费⽤=销售成本-(直接成本+直接⼈⼯+变动制造费⽤)=160000-(40000+50000+20000)=50000(元)推销和管理费⽤=销售⽑利-销售净利=40000-10000=30000(元)推销和管理费⽤变动部分=推销和管理费⽤-固定部分=30000-14000=16000(元)2005年度:∵2005年销售收⼊较2004年销售收⼊增长的%=(300000-200000)/200000×100%=50% ∴根据成本习性原理,2005年的变动成本各项⽬均应按2004年的数据增长50%。
固定成本项⽬不变,仍按2004年⾦额计列:直接材料=40000×(1+50%)=60000元直接⼈⼯=50000×(1+50%)=75000元变动制造费⽤=20000×(1+50%)=30000元固定制造费⽤仍为50000元销售成本=60000+75000+30000+50000=215000元销售⽑利=300000-215000=85000元(推销和管理费⽤)变动部分=16000×(1+50%)=24000元(推销和管理费⽤)固定部分仍为14000元推销和管理费⽤=24000+14000=38000元净利=销售⽑利-推销和管理费⽤=85000-38000=47000元则单位变动公⽤事业成本b=(1900-1300)/(700-400)=2 元/⼩时总公⽤事业费⽤成本中的固定部分,代⼊⾼或低点数据可求得:a=1900-700*2或1300-400*2=500总公⽤事业费⽤成本y=500+2*x(2)略(3)根据最⼩⼆乘原理,b=(n∑xy-∑x∑y)/[n∑x2-(∑x)2]=(6*5168500-3200*9470)/(6*1765000-3200*3200)=2.02 元/⼩时a=(∑y-b∑x)/n=(9470-2.02*3200)/6=501 元总公⽤事业费⽤成本y=501+2.02*x(4)取x=800利⽤(1):预计8⽉商店总的公⽤事业成本y=500+2*x=500+2*800=2100 元利⽤(3):预计8⽉商店总的公⽤事业成本y=501+2.02*x=501+2.02*800=2117 元6.(1)按全部成本法计算单位产品成本:∵单位变动⽣产成本=(20000+15000+20000)/5000=11元单位固定⽣产成本=20000/5000=4元∴单位产品成本=11+4=15元按变动成本法计算单位产品成本:∵单位变动⽣产成本=(20000+15000+20000)/5000=11元∴单位产品成本=11元(2)编制职能式收益表:先算出销售单价:∵变动成本率=单位变动成本(b)/销售单价(p)∴销售单价=单位变动成本/变动成本率=11/55%=20元编制职能式收益表:该公司职能式收益表编制贡献式收益表:该公司贡献式收益表(3)⽐较上述两张收益表,可明显看出职能式收益表计算出来的税前净利,较贡献式收益表算出来的要多4000元(10000-6000)。
第二章成本特性与变动成本法一、单项选择题1、有关固定成本特点的说法,正确的是( C )。
A.单位固定成本随业务量变动成正比例变动B.固定成本总额随业务量变动成正比例变动C.单位固定成本随业务量变动成反比例变动D.固定成本总额随业务量变动成反比例变动2、在相关范围内,单位变动成本( B )。
A、在不同产量水平下各不相同B、在各种产量水平下保持不变C、随产量增加而增加D、随产量增加而减少3、在变动成本法下,固定性制造费用和非生产成本应( A )处理。
A、作为期间成本B、作为产品成本C、递延到下期D、按在产品与产成品分摊4、变动成本法与全部成本法分期营业净利润出现差额的根本原因在于( D )。
A、变动生产成本水平出现了差异B、对固定性制造费用的处理方法不同C、销售费用、管理费用和财务费用计入损益表的位置和补偿途径不同D、计入当期损益表的固定性制造费用的水平出现了差异5、当期初无存货,期末有存货时,全部成本法确定营业净利润( B )变动成本法确定的营业净利润。
A、小于B、大于C、等于D、或大或小6、在单价和成本水平不变的条件下,当前、后期产量不变时,按全部成本法确定的营业净利润( C )。
A、增加B、减少C、不变D、或多或少或不变7、贡献边际是指产品的销售收入与相应的( A )之间的差额。
A、变动成本B、固定成本C、总成本D、单位售价二、多项选择题1、成本按其经济用途可以分为(CD )。
A、直接成本 B 、间接成本C、生产成本D、非生产成本2、成本按性态可以分为(ADE )。
A、固定成本B、直接成本C、间接成本D、变动成本E、混合成本3、常用的成本性态分析方法有(ABD )。
A、技术估算法B、合同检查法C、因果法D、历史成本分析法4、变动成本法与全部成本法的损益确定上存在以下区别(BCD )。
A、营业收入的计算公式不同B、营业净利润的计算公式不同C、所编制的损益表格式及提供的中间指标有所不同D、损益确定程序不同5、边际贡献可以以(ABD )表示。
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Q1 (6-B3) Dropping a product lineAll amounts are in thousands of British pounds.The major lesson is that a product that shows an operating loss based on fullyallocated costs may nevertheless be worth keeping. Why? Because it may produce a sufficiently high contribution to profit so that the firm would be better off with it than any other alternative.The emphasis should be on totals:Existing General Replace Magic Department With Operations Merchandise Sales 6,000 -600 + 250 = 5,650 -600 + 200 = 5,600 Electronic ProductsVariable expenses 4,090 -390 + 175a = 3,875 -390 + 100 b = Contribution margin 1,910 -210 + 75 = 1,775 -210 + 100 = 1,800 3,800 Fixed expenses 1,100 -120 + 0 = 980 -120 + 30 = Operating income 810 - 90 + 75 = 795 - 90 + 70 = 790 1,010 a(100% - 30%) × 250b (100% - 50%) × 200The facts as stated indicate that the magic department should not be closed. First, the total operating income would drop. Second, fewer customers would come to the store, so sales in other departments may be affected adversely.Q2 (6-37) Sell or process furtherProduct M should not have been processed further. The only valid approach is toconcentrate on the separable costs and revenues beyond split-off:Sell at ProcessSplit-off Further asas M Super M Difference Revenues, 2,500,000 gallons @30¢ & 36¢ $750,000 $900,000 $150,000 Separable costs beyond split-off -- 165,000 Income effects for April $750,000 $735,000 $ (15,000) 165,000The joint costs do not differ between alternatives and are irrelevant to the question of whether to sell or process further. The next table (not required) confirms the results (in thousands):Alternative 1Super DifferentialAlternative 2L M Total L M TotalEffectsRevenues $1,000 $750 $1,750 $1,000 $900 $1,900Joint costs $1,600 $1,600 ---$ 150Separable costs --- 165 165 Total costs 165$1,600 $1,765Income effects $ 150 $ 135 $(15)$ 165The difference in total costs over the five years is $3,000 in favor of keeping, computed as follows:Q3 (6-40) Replacement of old equipmentFive Years TogetherKeep ReplaceCash operating costs $22,500 $15,000 $ 7,500DifferenceOld machine (book value):Depreciation 5,000 --or --Lump-sum write-off -- 5,000Disposal value -- -2,000 2,000 New machine: Acquisition cost -- 12,500Total costs $27,500 $30,500 ($ 3,000)-12,5002. The loss on disposal of the old machine combines the lump-sum write-off (anirrelevant item) with the disposal value (a relevant item), $5,000 - $2,000 = $3,000loss on disposal. Because of the inclusion of an irrelevant item, this amount doesnot affect the computation in requirement 1. It is best to keep the lump-sumwrite-off and the disposal value separate, as is done in the table in requirement 1.Q4 (6-45) Hotel rooms and opportunity costs2. The simplest approach is:Let X = % of occupancyThen $110 × X = $70X = $70 ÷ $110 = 63.636%A longer approach follows. To be indifferent, Marriott would have to generate thesame rent as the American Airlines contract which is $70 × 50 rooms × 365 days =$1,277,500.Let Y = Number of rooms per day @ $110$110 × Y × 365 = $1,277,500$40,150 × Y = $1,277,500Y = 31.82 rooms per dayPercentage of occupancy of the 50 rooms = 31.82 ÷ 50= .63636= 63.636%To check the answer:$110 × .63636 × 50 × 365 = 1,277,493 ≈ $1,277,500Q5 (6-51) Choice of product2. The solution in requirement 1 assumes that moderately priced items can outselldesigner items 2 to 1 and that the store will be 100% full of such items.Interdependencies between the items are ignored. If these factors do not hold,some combination of the two items may be preferable.Additional considerations include the investment in inventories, the number of salespersonnel, the skills and training of sales personnel, and the degree of substitutability between the types of items.This problem could also be addressed on a unit basis. Suppose one designer item is displayed and sold in a given time period. How many moderately priced itemscould be sold in the same period? First, compute how many moderately priceditems would be displayed:Moderate priced items displayed = 4/3 × designer items displayed = 4/3 × 1 = 1 1/3 For each item displayed, 1 1/2 moderately priced items would be sold in the same time period that 1 designer item is sold. Why? Because turnover of designer items is 2/3 that of moderately priced items, which implies that turnover of moderately priced items is 1 1/2 times that of designer items. Therefore,Moderate priced items sold = 1 1/2 × 1 1/3 × designer items sold= 2 × designer items soldGulf Coast Fashions can use a given amount of space to sell either 1 designer item or 2 moderately priced items. Contribution margins are:Moderately priced itemsDesigner items1 × $120 = $1202 × $65 = $130The contribution is greater from selling 2 moderately priced items than from selling 1 designer item.Q6 (6-58) Conceptual approachMarketing management misjudged the life of the old freight cars. This may raise questions about the accuracy of the estimated useful life of the new freight cars. However, the unexpired costs of the old freight cars are not relevant to this decision. The conceptual error being made by the operating manager is the failure to distinguish between two decisions:the original decision and the current decision. Instead, he is mixing the two so that neither is evaluated correctly.The current decision should be influenced solely by expected future revenues and outlays, including the capital investment. The book value of the old equipment is per se irrelevant. The current decision should not carry the burden of past blunders.The past decision should be audited. In this instance, hindsight reveals that marketing management was overly optimistic. The key question is whether unwarranted optimism is being used again to justify additional outlays.Some instructors may wish to point out how decisions such as these might be affected by the long-term relationships with a big customer at this and other locations.Many decisions have such interdependencies.Q7 (6-66) Make or Buy1. The $10,000 disposal value of the old equipment is irrelevant because it is the samefor either choice. This solution assumes that the direct department fixed overheadis avoidable. You may want to explicitly discuss this assumption.Cost Comparison for Make or Buy DecisionAt 60,000 UnitsNormal VolumeBuyMakeOutside purchase cost at $1.00 - $60,000 Direct material at $.30 $18,000 -- Direct labor and variable overhead at $.10 6,000 -- Depreciation ($188,000 - $20,000) ÷ 7 24,000 -- Direct departmental fixed overhead** at$.10 or $6,000 annually 6,000-- Totals $54,000* $60,000*On a unit basis, which is very dangerous to use unless proper provision is made for comparability of volume:Direct material $.30Direct labor and variable overhead .10Depreciation, $24,000 ÷ 60,000 .40Other fixed overhead**, $6,000 ÷ 60,000.10Total unit cost $.90Note particularly that the machine sales representative was citing a $.24 depreciation rate that was based on 100,000 unit volume. She should have used a 60,000 unit volume for the Rohr Company.**Past records indicate that $.05 of the old unit cost was allocated fixed overhead that probably will be unaffected regardless of the decision. This assumption could bechallenged. This total of $3,000 ($.05 × 60,000 units) could be included under bothalternatives, causing the total costs to be $57,000 and $63,000, and the unit costs to be $.95 and $1.05, respectively. Note that such an inclusion would have no effect on thedifference between alternatives.Also, this analysis assumes that any idle facilities could not be put to alternative profitable use. The data indicate that manufacturing rather than purchasing is the better decision--before considering required investment.2. At 50,000 Units At 70,000 UnitsMake Buy Make BuyOutside purchase at $1.00 - $50,000 - $70,000Direct material at $.30 $15,000 -- $21,000 --Direct labor and variableoverhead at $.10 5,000 -- 7,000 --Depreciation 24,000 -- 24,000 --Other direct fixed overhead 6,000 -- 6,000-- Totals $50,000 $50,000 $58,000 $70,000At 70,000 units, the decision would not change. At 50,000 units, Rohr would be indifferent. The general approach to calculating the point of indifference is:Let X = Point of indifference in unitsTotal costs of making = Total costs of buying$.30X + $.10X + $24,000 + $6,000 = $1.00 X$30,000 = $.60 XX = 50,000 units3. Other factors would include: Dependability of estimates of volume needed, need for quality control, possible alternative uses of the facilities, relative merits of other outside suppliers, ability to renew production if price is unsatisfactory, and the minimum desired rate of return. Factors that are particularly applicable to the evaluation of the outside supplier include: short-run and long-run outlook for price changes, quality of goods, stability of employment, labor relations, and credit standing.。