模块三Unit2 Project

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Assignment 1.Retell the passage. 2.Review words and phrases we have learnt.
Self- study Read the first article quickly and try to figure out the basic structure.
Structure of the passage
Part 1 (Para 1)
Part 2 (Para 2) Part 3 (Paras 3-4 ) Part 4 (Para 5)
Form and development of Chinese characters.
The origins of Chinese characters. Brief introduction to Chinese characters. Simplified Chinese characters.
characters to stand Uses 1__________ for ideas, object etc.
Words are formed by putting together different single characters A 4______ 3____________. character can also make up a word.
I want to know what she stands for before I vote for her. 支持,主张
I am not standing for it any longer.
容忍,忍受(put up with, stand, bear)
differ A differs from B A 与B不同 differ from sb/sth (in sth) 与……(在……上)不 同 differ with sb about/on/over sth 在某事上与某人意 见相左/持不同看法
Though they are twins, yet John differs widely from David in character. I have to differ with you on how to approch the problem. difference n. 不同,差别 difference in........,difference between...... and...... different adj. 不同的,有差异的 be different from.....
types of words
pictographs (象形字) ideographs (会意字) indicatives (指示字)
formation Use different shapes or drawings
combine two or more characters together use position to express an idea combine one part indicating meaning and the other suggesting pronunciation
She was fortunate in that she had friends to help her.
stand for
I don't stand for the company. 代表,象征 相当于represent
He was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
M3U2 Language
Project -
Designing a booklet
Do you know the development of Chinese character “马” ?
The development of Chinese characters
Learning aims : By the end of the class, we will be able to: 1. get the main idea of the passage 2. master some key words and phrases
Language points
The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stands for ideas, objects or deeds. 汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用 汉字表示思想、物体和行为。 本句为双重主从复合句,in that 意为___________ 因为,由于 引导 _______________________, 该从句中又包含which 引 原因状语从句 导的_______________________. 定语从句
function(功能) represent different objects
express an idea directions and numbers show their meaning and pronunciation
pictophonetic (ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้声字)
Summary What have we learnt today ?
some letters together.
Task 2: Read the second paragragh to know the
beginning of Chinese characters.
How did Cang Jie invent chinese writing?
Task 3: Read the third to fourth paragraph to know other types of Chinese characters.
from western languages___, The chinese language differs _ ____ in that instead of an alphabet __________, it uses characters which_________________. stand for ideas,objects or deeds Chinese writing began thousands _________________. _______an of years ago. According to ancient story, a man_____________________________. named Cang Jie invented Chinese writing _______characters were developed from drawings of Not all objects. Sometimes to express ideas, some characters were made__________________________________. Other by combining two or more characters together characters were developed for directions and numbers. indicate meanings Though these kinds of characters____________, __________________is that they do not show how they One of their shortcomings should be pronounced. Therefore, a method was developed the meaning to have one part of a character indicate ______________and the suggest the pronunciation other_________________.
Guidance and exploration
Task 1: Read the first paragraph to tell the differences between Chinese and western languages. Chinese language Western language alphabet Uses 2_________ A word is often formed by putting
1. 否定副词与表示“全体”概念的代词/形容词(all,both, every, everywhere, everyone, everything)连用 2. 否定副词与表示“总体”意义的副词(completely, altogether, entirely)连用 3. 否定词+and 连接的并列成分
Not all charaters were developed from drawings of objects. 并不是所有的汉字都是从物体的图形演变而来的。 not all.......表示部分否定 部分否定
In our class, not all the boys go in for football. This kind of tree is not found everywhere. He is not a bright and diligent boy.