ESP8266-12 WiFi模块用户手册V1.0
ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册_ 术语和缩写 (4)k 产品简介 (5)二 捱遊 (5)产品特性 (5)模块封装....模块基本参数 硬件介绍 功耗二射频指标 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 二A± ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 二WiFi 天线 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 二 推荐炉温曲线 .. (14)乙 功能描述 (15)二主要功能 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 二工作模式 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 ・ 应用领域 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 二AiCloud .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 L全功能测试版介绍 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 二测试步骤 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 二 基砂AT 指令 (20)测试AT (20)二 WiFi 功能AT 指令 (20)选择WiFi 应用模式:AT+CWM0DE (20)列出当前可用接入点:AT+CWLAP (21)加入接入点:AT+CWJAP (21)退出接入点:AT+CWQAP (22)设置AP 模式下的参数:AT+CWSAP (22)TCPIP AT 指令 (23)建立 TCP/UDP 连接:AT+CIPSTART (23)获得 TCP/UDP 连接状态:AT+CIPSTATUS (23)启动多连接:AT+CIPMUX (24)发送数据:AT+CIPSEND (25)关闭 TCP/UDP 连接:AT+CIPCL0SE (25)6 7 8 11获取本地IP地址:AT+CIFSR (26)配置为服务器: (27)选择 TCPIP 应用模式:AT+CIPMODE (30)设置服务器主动断开的超时时间:AT+CIPST0 (30)设置波特率:AT+CI0BAUD (30)4. 产品试用 (31)表格目录表格1 术语和缩写4表格2 模块技术规格7表格3 Pin脚定义10表格4 功耗数据11表格5 射频指标12 &图目录图2 模块管脚排列图 (8)图3 天线图 (13)图4 V/iFi射频参考电路图 (14)图5 推荐回流曲线图 (14)图6 全功能测试板板正面视图 (16)术语和缩写表格1 术语和缩写1.产品简介1.1.(1.2.概述ESP8266是一款超低功耗的UART-WiFi透传模块,拥有业内极富竞争力的封装尺寸和超低能耗技术,专为移动设备和物联网应用设计.可将用户的物理设备连接到Wi-Fi无线网络上,进行互联网或局域网通信,实现联网功能。
esp8266 技术参考 说明书
平台介绍 ......................................................................................................................13
I2C 接口口说明
描述 I2C 的功能、master 接口口和使用用示例例。
第 10 章
I2S 接口口说明
描述 I2S 的功能、模块配置和接口口函数说明。
第 11 章
UART 接口口说明
描述 UART 的功能、硬件资源、参数配置、配置中断、中断处理理
第 12 章
PWM 接口口说明
GPIO 寄存器器、SPI 寄存器器、UART 寄存器器、定时器器寄存器器。
描述 SDIO 的功能、DEMO 实现方方案、ESP8266 端及 STM32 端
描述 SPI 的功能、SPI 主/从机协议格式和 API 函数说明。
描述 SPI 的功能、从机协议格式、从机状态定义与中断线行行行为和
应用用场景 1 参数配置 .....................................................................................................8
应用用场景 2 参数配置 .....................................................................................................9
1.3. 串串行行行外设接口口(SPI/HSPI) .....................................................................................................1
ESP8266 安信可ESP-12F WIFI模块规格书
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
目录1. 产品概述 (2)1.1. 特点 (3)1.2. 主要参数 (4)2. 接口定义 (5)3. 外型与尺寸 (7)4. 功能描述 (9)4.1. MCU (9)4.2. 存储描述 (9)4.3. 晶振 (9)4.4. 接口说明 (10)4.5. 最大额定值 (11)4.6. 建议工作环境 (11)4.7. 数字端口特征 (11)5. RF 参数 (12)6. 功耗 (13)7. 倾斜升温 (14)8. 原理图 (15)9. 产品试用 (16)1.产品概述ESP-12F WiFi 模块是由安信可科技开发的,该模块核心处理器ESP8266 在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的Tensilica L106 超低功耗32 位微型MCU,带有16 位精简模式,主频支持80 MHz 和160 MHz,支持RTOS,集成Wi-Fi MAC/ BB/RF/PA/LNA,板载天线。
ESP8266 固件下载协议 V1.2 应用指南说明书
Byte 0 1 2~3
4~7 8~n 8 9
Data type
Table 2-1. Packet Header Format Request
Always 0x00.
Always 0x01.
2.2. Packet Body...............................................................................................................................4
3. Firmware Image Format ........................................................................................................5 A. Appendix - Programming Examples .....................................................................................6
1.2. Download Procedure .................................................................................................................2
2. Transmission Protocol ...........................................................................................................3 2.1. Packet Header ...........................................................................................................................3
ATK-ESP8266WIFI⽤户⼿册_V1.0⾼性能UART-WIFI 模块ATK-ESP8266 WIFI ⽤户⼿册修订历史版本⽇期原因V1.002015/6/10第⼀次发布User Manual⽬录1.特性参数 (1)2.使⽤说明 (2)2.1模块引脚说明 (2)2.1安信可ESP8266-12F WIFI模块 (3)2.2模块使⽤说明 (4)2.2.1 功能说明 (4) 透传模式 (4)2.2.2 使⽤前准备 (4)2.2.3 硬件连接 (4)2.2.4 指令结构 (5)2.2.3 基础AT指令 (5) AT (5) AT+RST (6) AT+GMR (6) ATE (6) AT+RESTORE (6) AT+UART (6)2.2.4 WIFI功能AT指令 (7) AT+CWMODE (8) AT+CWJAP (8) AT+CWLAP (9) AT+CWQAP (9) AT+CWSAP (9) AT+CWLIF (10) AT+CWDHCP (10) AT+CW AUTOCONN (11) AT+CIPSTAMAC (11) A T+CIPAPMAC (11) A T+CIPSTA (12) A T+CIPAP (12)2.2.5 TCP/IP⼯具箱AT指令 (12) AT+CIPSTA TUS (13) AT+CIPSTART (13) AT+CIPSEND (14) AT+CIPCLOSE (14) AT+CIFSR (15) AT+CIPMUX (15) AT+CIPSERVER (16) AT+CIPMODE (16) AT+CIPSTO (16) A T+CIUPDA TE (17) A T+PING (17)2.2.6 基本AT指令测试 (17) AT+RST 重启模块,如图2. (18) AT+GMR 查看版本信息,如图2. (19)2.2.7 单连接client,透传模式 (19)2.2.8 多连接server (23)3 结构尺⼨ (26)4 其他 (27)1.特性参数ATK-ESP8266是ALIENTEK推出的⼀款⾼性能的UART-WiFi(串⼝-⽆线)模块,ATK-ESP8266板载ai-thinker公司的ESP8266模块,该模块通过FCC,CE认证,可直接⽤于产品出⼝欧美地区。
桹ⷧ㘶Ⓟ⣷㘴㟅Ⓙ䤓庆㻑㈏㈏㢾浧抮庆㻑᧨力 APB 㲰⧦㘴㟅Ⓙ䤓㈏㈏㢾幎桽⹓ⷧ⣷䤓 庆㻑ᇭ APB 㲰⧦⏔㇢屲䪐⣷᧨⇕♹♾ⅴ幎桽 ESP8266 㲰⧦␔♾冥䲚䤓⹓ⷧ⣷ᇭ䟀ℝ♠抐 ⦿⧏ₜ⚛᧨APB 庆㻑♾厌Ⓙ才㡯兎䟄㘴㟅⣷ᇬSI/SPIᇬ㧉 SDIOᇬGPIOᇬUARTᇬ ⸭㢅㢅朮(RTC)ᇬMAC 㒥㟿ⷦ⪉サᇭ
2013 ᒤ 12 ᴸ 09 ᰕ
ESP8266 802.11bgn 㤉厌ℶ❐
⃟曺㤉厌℡勣♿ಧಧESCP 㕴㦘浧㊶厌㡯兎 SOC᧨全䲊┷♿幍帰サ㧴䰞檂᧨⸒ ⅴ㦏⇝㒟㦻㙟∪㦏⮶⸭䞷㊶᧨ WiFi ┮厌⏴␅Ⅵ侊兮㙟∪㡯棟♾厌ᇭ
ሴ仁 balun
ሴ仁 ᧕᭦ ሴ仁 ਁሴ
12 | P a g e
2013 ᒤ 12 ᴸ 09 ᰕ
ESP8266 802.11bgn 㤉厌ℶ❐
扨㷍唾䓖⏴ℕ₹怔⇝┮䘖 32 ⇜㈽⨚ CPU᧨サ㦘 16 ⇜位丏㲰㆞ᇭ♾ⅴ抩扖ⅴₚ㘴 ♲扭㘴年 CPU᧶
䘎᧕ᆈۘ᧗ࡦಘǃҏਟԕ⭘ᶕ䇯䰞ཆ᧕䰚ᆈⲴ㕆⸱ RAM/ROM ᧕ਓ(iBus) ਼ṧ䘎᧕ᆈۘ᧗ࡦಘⲴᮠᦞ RAM ᧕ਓ(dBus) 䇯䰞ᇴᆈಘⲴ AHB ᧕ਓ JTAG 䈳䈅᧕ਓ
↯抐 802.11n, MCS7, POUT =+14dBm 㘴㟅 802.11b, ▔栎 1024 ⷦ唑, -80dBm 㘴㟅 802.11g, ▔栎 1024 ⷦ唑, -70dBm 㘴㟅 802.11n, ▔栎 1024 ⷦ唑, -65dBm 侊兮㈔㧉㲰㆞ 䂀ㄵ䧰䦯 唑厌㲰㆞ DTIM 1 唑厌㲰㆞ DTIM 3 ␂㧉
ESP8266 ⺟母板上跳线设置为 MTDO:0,GPIO0:0,GPIO2:1,进入入下载模式。
• 如下绿色色显示示区域,选择要烧录的 bin 文文件 ➝ 填写烧录地址 ➝ 勾选待烧录的选项。
Espressif Systems Confidential
Friday, April 17, 2015
Table of Contents
1. 前言言...............................................................................................................4
Espressif Systems Confidential
Friday, April 17, 2015
• 设置 COM 口口和波特率。
• 点击 "START" 开始下载。 • 下载完成后,将⺟母板断电,修改跳线为运行行模式,上电正常运行行。
更多ESP8266的信息,请访问:/ 新手手指南位于BBS /viewforum.php?f=21
2. 开发工工具
以下列出建议使用用的串口口工工具和烧录工工具,客户也可以选择使用用其他同样功能的工工具。串口口工工具, 用用于打印信息,进行行调试;烧录工工具,用用于下载软件到 flash 中。
Arduino---ESP8266WIFI模块⽬录⼀:Arduino安装(内容截图如下:最简单⽅法)选⽤NodeMCU 1.0即可⼆:简单测试void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run once:pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT); //测试灯}void loop() {// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW);delay(1000);digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH);delay(1000);}LED_BUILTIN中builtin是内建意思,为内建LED灯,可直接⽤于测试三:引脚对应引脚编号对应数字D016D15D24D30D42D514D612D713D815D93D101四:简单使⽤案例:⽆线控制LED开关#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> //引⼊模块#ifndef STASSID#define STASSID "Tenda_064E38"#define STAPSK "YM123456789"#endifconst char* ssid = STASSID;const char* password = STAPSK;// Create an instance of the server// specify the port to listen on as an argumentWiFiServer server(80); //开启板⼦的80端⼝void setup() {////在波特率为9600~38400之间,波特率的增长倍数与传输速率的增长倍数基本相同,但是在波特率⼤于192000以上时,传输速率基本没有任何提⾼。
6、打开“启明WIFI”app,输入IP: 端口号5000
esp8266 教程
esp8266 教程ESP8266教程:连接WiFi网络步骤一:准备工作1.1 确保你已经具备以下物品:- ESP8266模块- 电脑- USB转串口模块- 杜邦线1.2 安装USB驱动程序在使用ESP8266之前,我们需要先安装USB转串口模块所需的驱动程序。
步骤二:连接硬件2.1 将ESP8266与USB转串口模块连接起来。
2.2 将USB转串口模块连接到电脑的USB接口上。
步骤三:编写代码3.1 打开Arduino IDE,新建一个代码文件。
3.2 导入ESP8266库在Arduino IDE中,点击"工具"->"管理库",搜索并安装ESP8266库。
3.3 编写代码接下来,我们开始编写代码。
```cpp#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>const char* ssid = "YourWiFiNetworkName";const char* password = "YourWiFiNetworkPassword";void setup() {Serial.begin(115200);WiFi.begin(ssid, password);while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {delay(1000);Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi...");}Serial.println("Connected to WiFi!");}void loop() {// 这里可以添加你的代码逻辑}```备注:将"YourWiFiNetworkName"替换成你的WiFi网络名称,将"YourWiFiNetworkPassword"替换成你的WiFi网络密码。
E S P8266-08-W iF i模块用户手册V1.0ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册V1.0目录术语和缩写 (4)1.产品简介 (5)1.1.概述 (5)1.1.1产品特性 (5)1.1.2模块封装 (6)1.1.3模块基本参数 (6)1.2.硬件介绍 (7)1.3.功耗 (10)1.4.射频指标 (11)1.5.尺寸 (13)1.6.WiFi 天线 (14)1.7.推荐炉温曲线 (14)2.功能描述 (15)2.1.主要功能 (15)2.2.工作模式 (15)2.3.应用领域 (16)2.4.AiCloud (16)3.全功能测试版介绍 (17)3.1.测试步骤 (18)3.2.基础AT指令 (22)3.2.1 测试AT (22)3.3.WiFi功能AT指令 (22)3.3.1 选择WiFi应用模式:AT+CWMODE (22)3.3.2列出当前可用接入点:AT+CWLAP (23)3.3.3 加入接入点:AT+CWJAP (23)3.3.4 退出接入点:AT+CWQAP (23)3.3.5设置AP模式下的参数:AT+CWSAP (24)3.4.TCPIP AT指令 (25)3.4.1建立TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPSTART (25)3.4.2获得TCP/UDP连接状态:AT+CIPSTATUS (25)3.4.3启动多连接:AT+CIPMUX (26)3.4.4发送数据:AT+CIPSEND (27)3.4.5关闭TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPCLOSE (27)3.4.6获取本地IP地址:AT+CIFSR (28)3.4.7配置为服务器: (29)3.4.8选择TCPIP应用模式:AT+CIPMODE (32)3.4.9设置服务器主动断开的超时时间:AT+CIPSTO (32)3.4.10设置波特率:AT+CIOBAUD (32)4.产品试用 (33)表格目录表格 1 术语和缩写4表格 2 模块技术规格7表格 3 Pin脚定义10表格 4 功耗数据11表格 5 射频指标12图目录图 2 模块管脚排列图 (8)图 3 尺寸图 (13)图 4 WiFi射频参考电路图 (14)图 5 推荐回流曲线图 (15)图 6 全功能测试板板正面视图 (17)术语和缩写表格 1 术语和缩写1.产品简介1.1.概述ESP8266是一款超低功耗的UART-WiFi 透传模块,拥有业内极富竞争力的封装尺寸和超低能耗技术,专为移动设备和物联网应用设计,可将用户的物理设备连接到Wi-Fi 无线网络上,进行互联网或局域网通信,实现联网功能。
用的这款各引脚功能:来至厂家提供的资料GPIO0 默认是工作模式(不接线)。
反正一开始连接的时候CH_PD 必须为高电平。
如果电脑的wifi 上显示了你的wifi 信号说明模块已经工作。
PIN FunctionDescription 1 URXD 1)UART_RXD ,接收;2)General Purpose Input/Output :GPIO3;2UTXD 1)UART_TXD ,发送;2)General Purpose Input/Output :GPIO1;3)开机时禁止下拉; 5RESET (GPIO 16) 外部Reset 信号,低电平复位,高电平工作(默认高); 6GND GND 8VCC 3.3V ,模块供电; 9 ANT WiFi Antenna11 GPIO0 1)默认WiFi Status :WiFi 工作状态指示灯控制信号;2)工作模式选择:上拉:Flash Boot ,工作模式;下拉:UART Download ,下载模式;12 ADC ADC ,输入范围:0V-1V ;13 GPIO15 下拉:工作模式;14 CH_PD 1)高电平工作;2)低电平模块供电关掉;15GPIO21)开机上电时必须为高电平,禁止硬件下拉;2)内部默认已拉高记得输入各种AT指令,勾选上“发送新行”些内部信息)然后输出READY!代表系统正系统启动后,系统会输出一堆乱码(其实不是乱码,系统启动后输出一常对于后面的操作--先提个醒,如果连接wifi出现连接不上的问题,可以发送AT+RESTORE 恢复出厂设置或刷固件先看秦时明月;;;;;;终于做好了,android客服端软件,(记得加权限,网络,和wifi。
ESP8266用户手册ESP8266是一种广泛使用的无线模块,由Espressif Systems开发,被广泛使用于物联网和嵌入式设备的应用。
ESP8266的设计目标是为IoT应用提供连接便捷、底层可编程性和低成本的方案,它采用了Tensilica的L106 Diamond系列的32位大小端MCU。
1. 硬件介绍ESP8266是一款集成了Wi-Fi的芯片,它与主控芯片之间通过串行通信进行交互。
ESP8266的主体尺寸为16mm x 24mm,并且它的引脚和结构都是十分紧凑的。
2. 软件介绍在软件方面,ESP8266支持多种开发平台和语言。
目前,ESP8266最受欢迎的开发平台是Arduino IDE,用户可以通过该平台进行快速的开发工作。
3. WiFi模式ESP8266支持三种WiFi模式: STA模式、AP模式和STA+AP 模式。
4. AT指令ESP8266可以通过AT指令进行控制。
5. 固件升级在使用ESP8266过程中,我们可能需要升级不同版本的固件以获取新的功能和修复BUG。
E103-W01-IPX使用手册V1.01.模块介绍 (2)1.1.特点简介 (2)1.2.基本用法 (3)1.3.电气参数 (3)1.4.电气特性 (3)2.功能简述 (4)2.1.引脚定义 (4)2.2.模块功耗 (5)2.3.应用原理图 (5)3.快速入门 (6)3.1.模块作为Client与TCP服务器连接 (6)3.2.模块作为AP建立TCP SERVER与PC无线连接 (15)3.3.Smart Config使用 (17)3.4.PWM的使用 (18)3.5.GPIO的使用 (19)3.6.ADC的使用 (20)3.7.修改串口波特率 (20)4.组网说明 (21)4.1.组网角色 (21)4.2.组网模型 (21)5.AT指令 (23)6.定制合作 (24)7.关于我们 (25)1.模块介绍1.1.特点简介E103-W01是一款超高性价比的100mW(20dBm)串口转Wi-Fi模块,贴片小体积封装,陶瓷天线与IPX并存,工作在2.4~2.4835GHz频段。
典型应用:模块特点:√无线抄表√210ms开机透传,掉线自动连接√无线传感√多种波特率√智能家居√支持SmartConfig配置功能√工业遥控及遥测√支持TCPServer、TCPClient、UDP√智能楼宇及智能建筑√三种工作模式STATION、AP、STATION&AP√高压线监测√支持14mA低功耗数据接收√环境工程√支持串口透明传输√高速公路√支持多种加密方式√小型气象站√支持模块串口AT指令配置√自动化数据采集√支持可配置4路PWM输出√消费电子√内置看门狗,永不死机√智能机器人√参数记忆,掉电保存√路灯控制√1路10位精度ADC1.2.基本用法1.3.电气参数1.4.电气特性2.功能简述2.1.引脚定义2.2.模块功耗参数最小值典型值最大值单位Tx802.11b,CCK11Mbps,POUT=+17dBm165170180mA Tx802.11g,OFDM54Mbps,POUT=+15dBm135140150mA Tx802.11n,MCS7,POUT=+13dBm115120130mA Rx802.11b,1024bytes包长,-80dBm182023mA Rx802.11g,1024bytes包长,-70dBm535665mA Rx802.11n,1024bytes包长,-65dBm535665mA 部分睡眠131518mA睡眠0.80.9 1.1mA深度睡眠91011uA关机0.40.50.6uA 2.3.应用原理图注意:供电电源必须保证在3.0V~3.6V,为保证模块能稳定工作,建议外部选择电流大于300mA的LDO。
迪文WIFI模块使用指南 V1.1说明书
RMA 报警 保留
0x401 0x404
3 D2=需要上传的 RMA 变量存储器字地址。
D1 : D0=需要上传的 RMA 变量存储器字长度。 12 保留。
高字节=0x5A 表示设备描述有效。
设备描述 (设备描述)
0x411 0x413 0x414 0x416
低字节=设备描述文本的编码方式和长度。 1
每个 Buffer 固定占 2304 个字(0x900)空间,顺序往后排。
单个 Buffer 定义(前 512 字节是控制接口,后面 4KB 是数据):
D0:0x5A 表示启动一次这个 buffer 的远程升级,CPU 处理后清零。
D1:远程升级空间选择,0x00-0x03,4 个远程升级空间之一。
RMA 自动刷新服务器的时间间隔,0x0000-0xFFFF,单位为 0 . 1 秒。 1 0x0000 表示不需要自动刷新。
推荐值 5AA5
全 00 全 00
00000001 0001 自定义
设备描述 (RMA 映射)
设备描述 (远程升级)
0x431 0x432
迪文 WIFI 模块使用指南 V1.1
1. 概述
为了让迪文智能液晶屏轻松方便的连接互联网,迪文架设了自己的云服务器,并在 DGUS 系统之上,将连接 互联网的接口进行整合,这样以后开发带网络功能的智能迪文屏将会非常简单方便。
目前支持的液晶屏平台有 T5UID1、T5UID2 以及 T5L_ASIC。支持的产品有 86 盒产品、网络屏等。 迪文 WIFI 方案优势主要体现在以下三个方面: 1、开发效率 基于 DGUS 架构,单机功能实现后,单片机零代码即可实现配网和数据上传。工程师只需要对数据地址做好 规划即可。将复杂的 JSON 协议解析放在云端处理,节省单片机资源,提高开发效率。客户可以将精力集中在产品 核心功能上。 2、稳定性 方案已经将主芯片(GUI)、WIFI 模块、MQTT 服务器之间协议打通,形成 UI+IOT 集成式解决方案,减少客户 开发的环节数,减少沟通成本,降低开发中的不确定性,使整个方案稳定性提升。 3、成本 WIFI 模块作为迪文物联网解决方案一环,面对不同行业数万家客户,形成规模优势。直接和 WIFI 芯片原厂合 作,保证成本优势。
ESP8266 WiFi模块参数配置指南说明书
ESP8266 Phy Init Bin Parameter Configuration GuideVersion 1.0Espressif SystemsCopyright © 2018About This Guide This guide provides the parameter configuration for ESP8266 phy init bin.Release NotesDate Version Release notes2018.12V1.0Initial releaseDocumentation Change NotificationEspressif provides email notifications to keep customers updated on changes totechnical documentation. Please subscribe at https:///en/subscribe.CertificationDownload certificates for Espressif products from https:///en/certificates.Table of Contents....................................................................................... 1.Structure of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 1.................................................................................... 2.Check Bits for ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 2.......................................................................................... 3.Version of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 3............................................................................................... 4.Selection of Crystal Oscillator 4.......................................................................................................... 5.Six Levels of TX Power 5.......................................................................................... 6.TX Power for Various Data Rates 6.................................................................................................................... 7.TX Power Limits 7..........................................................................................7.1.Value Range of the TX Power Limits 77.2.Parameters for the TX Power Limits 7................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8.RF Calibration 91. Structure of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 1.Structure of ESP8266 Phy InitBin ESP8266 phy init bin is comprised of a 128-byte phy init data as shown in Table 1-1:Table 1-1. Structure of ESP8266 Phy Init BinName Sizephy init data128 bytes2. Check Bits for ESP8266 Phy Init Bin 2.Check Bits for ESP8266 PhyInit Bin The check bits for ESP8266 phy init bin are stored in byte zero of phy init data, and therelevant parameter is Init_bin_magic with default value of 0x5. The check bits are used forverifying the data location in ESP8266 phy init bin. If the parameter value is the same asthe default value when reading data, it is assumed that data are stored correctly inESP8266 phy init bin.Table 2-1. Check Bits for ESP8266 Phy Init BinLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Description0Init_bin_magic5For check3. Version of ESP8266 Phy Init Bin3.Version of ESP8266 Phy InitBinThe version information of ESP8266 phy init bin is stored in byte 1 of phy init data.For example, ESP8266_esp_data_bin_v08.bin represents Version 08, which is stored inbyte 1 as 0x8.Table 3-1. Version of ESP8266 Phy Init BinLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Description1Init_bin_version8phy init bin version4. Selection of Crystal Oscillator 4.Selection of Crystal OscillatorThe parameter crystal_sel allows you to select a crystal oscillator. The available options aregiven in Table 4-1. Currently, ESP8266 mainly supports 26 MHz and 40 MHz crystaloscillators.Table 4-1. Selection of Crystal OscillatorLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Description48crystal_sel10: 40 MHz crystal oscillator 1: 26 MHz crystal oscillator 2: 24 MHz crystal oscillator5. Six Levels of TX Power 5.Six Levels of TX PowerTX power can be switched between six levels. The indexes for the six levels are thenumbers from 0 to 5 at the end of the parameter names. For example, the index fortxpwr_qdb_0 is 0, representing the maximum TX power. From txpwr_qdb_0 totxpwr_qdb_5, the TX power decreases progressively.Default TX power settings can be found in Table 5-1.Table 5-1. Six Levels of TX PowerLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Default Value Unit Actual TX Power34txpwr_qdb_0780.25 dB19.5 dBm35txpwr_qdb_1740.25 dB18.5 dBm36txpwr_qdb_2700.25 dB17.5 dBm37txpwr_qdb_3640.25 dB16 dBm38txpwr_qdb_4600.25 dB15 dBm39txpwr_qdb_5560.25 dB14 dBm6. TX Power for Various Data Rates 6.TX Power for Various DataRates You can choose from any of the six TX power levels for different data rates. The columnDefault value in Table 6-1 contains the TX power index.Table 6-1. TX Power for Various Date RatesLocation in phy init data Parameter Name Data rate/mode DefaultValueDescription40txpwr_index_0MCS0, 1 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s, 5.5 Mbit/s, 11 Mbit/s,6 Mbit/s, 9 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_041txpwr_index_1MCS1, 12 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_0 42txpwr_index_2MCS2, 18 Mbit/s1Select txpwr_qdb_1 43txpwr_index_3MCS3, 24 Mbit/s1Select txpwr_qdb_1 44txpwr_index_4MCS4, 36 Mbit/s2Select txpwr_qdb_2 45txpwr_index_5MCS5, 48 Mbit/s3Select txpwr_qdb_3 46txpwr_index_6MCS6, 54 Mbit/s4Select txpwr_qdb_4 47txpwr_index_7MCS75Select txpwr_qdb_596txpwr_index_11b_en802.11b00: use txpwr_index_0 toset TX Power for 802.11b1: use bytes 97 and 98 toset TX Power for 802.11b97txpwr_index_11b_01 Mbit/s,2 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_098txpwr_index_11b_15.5 Mbit/s, 11 Mbit/s0Select txpwr_qdb_07. TX Power Limits7.TX Power LimitsThe TX power limits have been set mainly to limit the maximum powers for channels 1, 11,13 and 14 in order to conform to the certification test results.7.1.Value Range of the TX Power LimitsThe TX power limits are set against the six levels. The value range of the limits is [0:5],which includes the values presented in Table 7-1.7.2.Parameters for the TX Power LimitsThe parameters for the TX power limits are specified in Table 7-2. For example, if the valueof byte 78 is set to 2, the bytes 30-33 are enabled to configure the maximum TX powers for channels 1, 11, 13 and 14.Table 7-1. Values of the TX Power Limits ValueTX Power Limit (Unit: 0.25 dB)0txpwr_qdb_01txpwr_qdb_12txpwr_qdb_23txpwr_qdb_34txpwr_qdb_45txpwr_qdb_5Table 7-2. Parameters for the TX Power Limits Location inphy init data Parameter name Default value Description78fcc_enable 00: disable bytes 30-331: reserved2: enable bytes 30-33 to set maximum TXpower30mpwr_chan10Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/g/n mode at channel 1, range [0:5]. 0xf8 isan invalid parameter.31mpwr_chan110Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/g/n mode at channel 11, range [0:5]. 0xf8is an invalid parameter.7. TX Power Limits32mpwr_chan130Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/ g/n mode at channel 13, range [0:5]. 0xf8 is an invalid parameter.33mpwr_chan140Set the maximum TX power for 802.11 b/ g/n mode at channel 14, range [0:5]. 0xf8 is an invalid parameter.8. RF Calibration 8.RF CalibrationThe values of the parameter RF_calibration are shown in Table 8-1. To ensure better RFperformance, it is recommend to set RF_calibration to 3, otherwise the RF performancemay become poor.Table 8-1. Parameter of RF CalibrationLocation inphy init dataParameter name Default value Description114RF_calibration30 & 1: only used for setting TX power 2: No RF calibration3: Conduct all RF calibrationDisclaimer and Copyright NoticeInformation in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without notice.THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY , NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2018 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.Espressif IoT Team。
ESP -12F WIFI模块规格说明书ESP-12F WIFI模块规格说明书版本 1.02015年8月23日免责申明和版权公告本文中的信息,包括供参考的URL地址,如有变更,恕不另行通知。
Wi-Fi 联盟成员标志归 Wi-Fi 联盟所有。
注 意由于产品版本升级或其他原因,本手册内容有可能变更。
ESP-12F规格说明书目录1.产品概述 (2)1.1.特点 (3)1.2.主要参数 (4)2.接口定义 (5)3.外型与尺寸 (7)4.功能描述 (9)4.1.MCU (9)4.2.存储描述 (9)4.3.晶振 (9)4.4.接口说明 (10)4.5.最大额定值 (11)4.6.建议工作环境 (11)4.7.数字端口特征 (12)5.RF 参数 (12)6.功耗 (13)7.倾斜升温 (14)8.典型应用原理图 (15)ESP-12F规格说明书1.产品概述ESP-12F WiFi 模块是由安信可科技开发的,该模块核心处理器 ESP8266 在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的 Tensilica L106 超低功耗 32 位微型 MCU,带有 16 位精简模式,主频支持 80 MHz 和 160 MHz,支持 RTOS,集成 Wi-Fi MAC/ BB/RF/PA/LNA,板载天线。
ESP8266-DevKitSUser GuideVersion 1.0Espressif SystemsCopyright © 2020About This Guide This user guide provides information on ESP8266-DevKitS-development board.Release NotesDate Version Release notes2020.02V1.0Initial release.Documentation Change NotificationEspressif provides email notifications to keep customers updated on changes totechnical documentation. Please subscribe here.CertificationDownload certificates for Espressif products from here.Tables of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 1.Overview 1.......................................................................................................... 2.Functional Description 2............................................................................................................ 3.How to Flash a Board 4................................................................................................................3.1.Hardware Preparation 4.........................................................................................................................3.2.Hardware Setup 4..........................................................................................................................3.3.Software Setup 4................................................................................................................. 4.Board Dimensions 5.............................................................................................................. 5.Hardware Reference 6............................................................................................................................5.1.Block Diagram 65.2.Power Supply Options 6...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5.3.Header Blocks 6A.Appendix—Learning Resources 8.........................................................................................................................................................................................................A.1.Must-Read Documents 8................................................................................................................A.2.Must-Have Resources 91. Overview 1.OverviewESP8266-DevKitS is Espressif’s flashing board designed specifically for ESP8266. It can beused to flash an ESP8266 module without soldering the module to the power supply andsignal lines. With a module mounted, ESP8266-DevKitS can also be used as a minidevelopment board like ESP8266-DevKitC.ESP8266-DevKitS supports the following ESP8266 modules:-ESP-WROOM-02-ESP-WROOM-02D-ESP-WROOM-02U2. Functional Description 2.Functional DescriptionFigure 2-1. ESP8266-DevKitSThis chapter introduces key components, interfaces and controls of ESP8266-DevKitSdevelopment board:•Spring PinsConnect and fix the module. These spring pins fit castellated holes on the module.• 2.54 mm Female HeadersConnect to jumper wires and other development boards. For description of femaleheaders, please refer to 5.3 Header Blocks.•USB-to-UART BridgeA single chip USB-UART bridge provides up to 3 Mbps transfers rates.2. Functional Description •LDO5V-to-3.3V Low dropout voltage regulator (LDO).•Boot ButtonDownload button. Holding down the Boot button and pressing the EN button initiates the firmware download mode. Then users can download firmware through the serial port.•Micro USB Port/Micro USB ConnectorUSB interface. Power supply for the board and the communication interface betweena computer and the board.•EN ButtonReset button. Pressing this button resets the system.•Power On LEDTurns on when the USB or power supply is connected to the board.3. How to Flash a Board 3.How to Flash a Board 3.1.Hardware Preparation• 1 x ESP8266 module of your choice• 1 x USB 2.0 cable (Standard-A to Micro-B)• 1 x PC loaded with Windows, Linux or Mac OS3.2.Hardware SetupPlease mount a module of your choice onto your ESP8266-DevKitS according to thefollowing steps:•Gently put your module on the ESP8266-DevKitS board. Make sure that castellated holes on your module are aligned with spring pins on the board.•Press your module down into the board until it clicks.•Check whether all spring pins are inserted into castellated holes. If there are some misaligned spring pins, place them into castellated holes with tweezers.3.3.Software SetupFor step-by-step introductions, please refer to ESP8266 Quick Start Guide.Note:1.To flash binary files, the ESP32 chip should be set to UART boot mode. This can be done either by theflash tool automatically, or by holding down the Boot button and tapping the EN button.2.After binary files have been flashed, please reset or power up your ESP32 module again to run theflashed application (this step is executed automatically by the flash tool by default).4. Board Dimensions 4.Board DimensionsFigure 4-1. Board Dimensions5.Hardware Reference 5.1.Block DiagramFigure 5-1. ESP8266-DevKitS Block Diagram5.2.Power Supply OptionsThere are three mutually exclusive ways to provide power to the board:•Micro USB port, default power supply•5V and GND header pins•3V3 and GND header pinsIt is advised to use the first option: micro USB port.5.3.Header BlocksTable 5-1. Header BlockLocation Label SignalL1G GNDL23V3VDD 3V3L33V3VDD 3V3L4EN CHIP_ENL5G GNDL614GPIO14L712GPIO12L813GPIO13L915GPIO15L102GPIO2L110GPIO0L12G GNDL135V External 5VL14G GNDL15G GNDR1G GNDR216GPIO16R3G GNDR4TX U0TXDR5RX U0RXDR6G GNDR74GPIO4R8RST EXT_RSTBR95GPIO5R10ADC To TOUT after a voltage divider R11G GNDR12G GNDR13G GNDR14G GNDR15G GNDA.Appendix—LearningResources A.1.Must-Read Documents•ESP8266-DevKitS Reference DesignDescription: This zip package include ESP8266-DevKitS schematics, PCB layout,gerber and BOM files, and spring design files.•ESP8266 Quick Start GuideDescription: This document is a quick user guide to getting started with ESP8266. Itincludes an introduction to the ESP-LAUNCHER, how to download firmware on to theboard and run it, how to compile the AT application, structure and the debuggingmethod of RTOS SDK. Basic documentation and other related resources for theESP8266 are also provided.•ESP8266 SDK Getting Started GuideDescription: This document takes ESP-LAUNCHER and ESP-WROOM-02 as examplesto introduce how to use ESP8266 SDK. The contents include preparations beforecompilation, SDK compilation and firmware download.•ESP-WROOM-02 DatasheetDescription: ESP-WROOM-02 is a SMD module that integrates ESP8266EX. Themodule has been adjusted to get the best RF performance.•ESP-WROOM-02D/ESP-WROOM-02U DatasheetDescription: ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U are ESP8266EX-basedmodules developed by Espressif. Compared with ESP-WROOM-02, the RFperformance of ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U are optimized.•ESP-WROOM-02 Reference DesignDescription: This zip package includes ESP-WROOM-02 hardware downloadingresources, manufacturing specifications, BOM and schematics.•ESP-WROOM-02D/ESP-WROOM-02U Reference DesignDescription: This zip package includes ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02Umodule reference design resources, including schematics, PCB layout, gerber files andBOM lists.•ESP-WROOM-02 PCB Design and Module Placement GuideDescription: The ESP-WROOM-02 module is designed to be soldered to a host PCB.This document compares six different placements of the antenna on a host board andprovides notes on designing PCB.•ESP8266 Hardware ResourcesDescription: This zip package includes manufacturing specifications of the ESP8266board and the modules, manufacturing BOM and schematics.•ESP8266 AT Command ExamplesDescription: This document introduces some specific examples of using Espressif ATcommands, including single connection as a TCP Client, UDP transmission andtransparent transmission, and multiple connection as a TCP server.•ESP8266 AT Instruction SetDescription: This document provides lists of AT commands based onESP8266_NONOS_SDK, including user-defined AT commands, basic AT commands,Wi-Fi AT commands and TCP/IP-related AT commands. It also introduces thedownloading of AT firmware into flash.•TCP/UDP UART Passthrough Test DemonstrationDescription: This guide is intended to help users run a TCP & UDP passthrough test onthe ESP8266 IoT platform.•FAQA.2.Must-Have Resources•ESP8266 SDKsDescription: This website page provides links to the latest version of ESP8266 SDK andthe older ones.•ESP8266 ToolsDescription: This website page provides links to the ESP8266 flash download tools andESP8266 performance evaluation tools.•ESP8266 App•ESP8266 Certification and Test Guide•ESP8266 BBS•ESP8266 ResourcesDisclaimer and Copyright NoticeInformation in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without notice.THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY , NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2020 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.Espressif IoT Team。
Handson Technology ESP8266 NodeMCU WiFi开发板用户手册说明书
User Manual V1.2The ESP8266 is the name of a micro controller designed by Espressif Systems. The ESP8266 itself is a self-contained WiFi networking solution offering as a bridge from existing micro controller to WiFi and is also capable of running self-contained applications. This module comes with a built in USB connector and a rich assortment of pin-outs. With a micro USB cable, you can connect NodeMCU devkit to your laptop and flash it without any trouble, just like Arduino. It is also immediately breadboard friendly.Table of Contents1. Specification: (3)2. Pin Definition: (3)3. Using Arduino IDE (3)3.1 Install the Arduino IDE 1.6.4 or greater (4)3.2 Install the ESP8266 Board Package (4)3.3 Setup ESP8266 Support (5)3.4 Blink Test (7)3.5 Connecting via WiFi (9)4. Flashing NodeMCU Firmware on the ESP8266 using Windows (12)4.1 Parts Required: (12)4.2 Pin Assignment: (12)4.3 Wiring: (13)4.4 Downloading NodeMCU Flasher for Windows (13)4.5 Flashing your ESP8266 using Windows (13)5. Getting Started with the ESPlorer IDE (15)5.1 Installing ESPlorer (15)5.2 Schematics (18)5.3 Writing Your Lua Script (18)6. NodeMCU GPIO for Lua (22)7. Web Resources: (22)ing Arduino IDEClick ‘File’ -> ‘Preferences’ to access this panel. Next, use the Board manager to install the ESP8266 package.Click ‘Tools’ -> ‘Board:’ -> ‘Board Manager…’ to access this panel.Scroll down to ‘ esp8266 by ESP8266 Community ’ and click “Install” button to install the ESP8266 library package. Once installation completed, close and re-open Arduino IDE for ESP8266 library to take effect.Setup ESP8266 SupportWhen you've restarted Arduino IDE, select ‘Generic ESP8266 Module’ from the ‘Tools’ -> ‘Board:’ dropdown menu. Select 80 MHz as the CPU frequency (you can try 160 MHz overclock later)Find out which Com Port is assign for CH340 Select the correct Com Port as indicated on ‘Device Manager” Note: if this is your first time using CH340 “ USB-to-Serial ” interface, please install the driver first before proceed the above Com Port setting. The CH340 driver can be download from the below site:Once the ESP board is in bootload mode, upload the sketch via the IDE, Figure 3-2.Figure3-1: Connection diagram for the blinking testFigure 3.2: Uploading the sketch to ESP8266 NodeMCU module.The sketch will start immediately - you'll see the LED blinking. Hooray!Connecting via WiFiOK once you've got the LED blinking, let’s go straight to the fun part, connecting to a webserver. Create a new sketchconst char* host ="";void setup(){Serial.begin(115200);delay(100);// We start by connecting to a WiFi networkSerial.println();Serial.println();Serial.print("Connecting to ");Serial.println(ssid);WiFi.begin(ssid, password);while(WiFi.status()!= WL_CONNECTED){delay(500);Serial.print(".");}Serial.println("");Serial.println("WiFi connected");Serial.println("IP address: ");Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());}int value =0;void loop(){delay(5000);++value;Serial.print("connecting to ");Serial.println(host);// Use WiFiClient class to create TCP connectionsWiFiClient client;const int httpPort =80;if(!client.connect(host, httpPort)){Serial.println("connection failed");return;}// We now create a URI for the requestString url ="/projects/index.html";Serial.print("Requesting URL: ");Serial.println(url);// This will send the request to the serverclient.print(String("GET ")+ url +" HTTP/1.1\r\n"+"Host: "+ host +"\r\n"+"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");delay(500);// Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial while(client.available()){String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');Serial.print(line);}Serial.println();Serial.println("closing connection");}That's it, pretty easy right ! This section is just to get you started and test out your module.ESP8266 Module Breadboard Friendly with Header ConnectorESP8266 Module Breadboard FriendlyPL2303HX USB-UART Converter CableSome Male-to-Female Jumper WiresESP8266 Pin DescriptionCH_PD Pull high, connect to Vcc +3.3VVcc Power Supply +3.3VTXD Connect to RXD (white) of PL2303HX USB-Serial converter cable RXD Connect to TXD (Green) of PL2303HX USB-Serial converter cable GPIO0 Pull low, connect to GND pinGND Power Supply groundPress the button “Flash” and it should start the flashing process immediately, showing the Module MAC address if After finishing this flashing process, it should appear a green circle with a check icon at lower left corner.Your ESP8266 module is now loaded with NodeMCU firmware.Here’s a rundown of the features the ESPlorer IDE includes:Syntax highlighting LUA and Python code.Code editor color themes: default, dark, Eclipse, IDEA, Visual Studio.Undo/Redo editors features.Code Autocomplete (Ctrl+Space).Below the Code Window, you have 12 buttons that offer you all the functions you could possible need to interact with your ESP8266. Here’s the ones you’ll use most: “Save to ESP” and “Send to ESP”.5.3 Writing Your Lua ScriptBelow is your script to blink an LED.lighton=0pin=4gpio.mode(pin,gpio.OUTPUT)Right now you don’t need to worry how this code works, but how you can upload it to your ESP8266.Look at the top right corner of your ESPlorer IDE and follow these instructions: Press the Refresh button.Select the COM port for your FTDI programmer.Select your baudrate.Click Open.Copy your Lua script to the code window (as you can see in the Figure below):Congratulations, you’ve made it! The blue LED at the upper right corner should be blinking every 2 seconds!6. NodeMCU GPIO for LuaThe GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output) allows us to access to pins of ESP8266 , all the pins of ESP8266 accessed using the command GPIO, all the access is based on the I/O index number on the NoddMCU dev kits, not the internal GPIO pin, for example, the pin ‘D7’ on the NodeMCU dev kit is mapped to the internal GPIO pin 13, if you want to turn ‘High’ or ‘Low’ that particular pin you need to called the pin number ‘7’, not the internal GPIO of the pin. When you are programming with generic ESP8266 this confusion will arise which pin needs to be called during programming, if you are using NodeMCU devkit, it has come prepared for working with Lua interpreter which can easily program by looking the pin names associated on the Lua board. If you are using generic ESP8266 device or any other vendor boards please refer to the table below to know which IO index is associated to the internal GPIO of ESP8266.Nodemcu dev kit ESP8266 Pin Nodemcu devkitESP8266 PinD0 GPIO16 D7 GPIO13D1 GPIO5 D8 GPIO15D2 GPIO4 D9 GPIO3D3 GPIO0 D10 GPIO1D4 GPIO2 D11 GPIO9D5 GPIO14 D12 GPIO10D6 GPIO12D0 or GPIO16 can be used only as a read and write pin, no other options like PWM/I2C are supported by this pin.In our example in chapter 5 on blinking the blue LED, the blue LED in connected to GPIO2, it is defined as Pin4 (D4) in Lua script.7. Web Resources:•ESP8266 Lua Nodemcu WIFI Module•ESP8266 Breadboard Friendly Module•ESP8266 Remote Serial WIFI Module•PL2303HX USB-UART Converter Cable。
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ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册V1.0目录术语和缩写 (4)1.产品简介 (5)1.1.概述 (5)1.1.1产品特性 (5)1.1.2模块封装 (6)1.1.3模块基本参数 (7)1.2.硬件介绍 (8)1.3.功耗 (14)1.4.射频指标 (15)1.5.尺寸 (16)1.6.WiFi 天线 (17)1.7.推荐炉温曲线 (17)2.功能描述 (18)2.1.主要功能 (18)2.2.工作模式 (18)2.3.应用领域 (18)2.4.AiCloud (18)3.全功能测试版介绍 (19)3.1.测试步骤 (23)3.2.基础AT指令 (26)3.2.1 测试AT (26)3.3.WiFi功能AT指令 (26)3.3.1 选择WiFi应用模式:AT+CWMODE (26)3.3.2列出当前可用接入点:AT+CWLAP (27)3.3.3 加入接入点:AT+CWJAP (27)3.3.4 退出接入点:AT+CWQAP (28)3.3.5设置AP模式下的参数:AT+CWSAP (28)3.4.TCPIP AT指令 (29)3.4.1建立TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPSTART (29)3.4.2获得TCP/UDP连接状态:AT+CIPSTATUS (29)3.4.3启动多连接:AT+CIPMUX (30)3.4.4发送数据:AT+CIPSEND (31)3.4.5关闭TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPCLOSE (31)3.4.6获取本地IP地址:AT+CIFSR (32)3.4.7配置为服务器: (33)3.4.8选择TCPIP应用模式:AT+CIPMODE (36)3.4.9设置服务器主动断开的超时时间:AT+CIPSTO (36)3.4.10设置波特率:AT+CIOBAUD (36)4.产品试用 (37)表格目录表格1 术语和缩写4表格2 模块技术规格7表格3 Pin脚定义13表格4 功耗数据14表格5 射频指标15图目录图 2 模块管脚排列图 (12)图 3 尺寸图 (16)图 4 WiFi射频参考电路图 (17)图 5 推荐回流曲线图 (17)图 6 全功能测试板板正面视图 (19)术语和缩写表格 1 术语和缩写1.产品简介1.1.概述ESP8266是一款超低功耗的UART-WiFi 透传模块,拥有业内极富竞争力的封装尺寸和超低能耗技术,专为移动设备和物联网应用设计,可将用户的物理设备连接到Wi-Fi 无线网络上,进行互联网或局域网通信,实现联网功能。
更多资料,请访问安信可开源社区1.1.1产品特性●支持无线802.11 b/g/n 标准●支持STA/AP/STA+AP 三种工作模式●内置TCP/IP协议栈,支持多路TCP Client连接●支持丰富的Socket AT指令●支持UART/GPIO数据通信接口●支持Smart Link 智能联网功能●支持远程固件升级(OTA)●内置32位MCU,可兼作应用处理器●超低能耗,适合电池供电应用● 3.3V 单电源供电1.1.2模块封装ESP8266支持五种封装形式,极大的丰富了客户的可选择性,方便应用于各种物联网硬件终端场合。
1. 2.54标准直插工艺2. 贴片封装3. 底贴工艺4. 半孔贴片工艺5. 超小体积封装,只有10*10毫米1.1.3模块基本参数表格2 模块技术规格1.2.硬件介绍ESP8266硬件接口丰富,可支持UART,IIC,PWM,GPIO,ADC等,适用于各种物联网应用场合。
此模块已通过FCC&CE认证,可放心出口图 1 模块管脚排列图表格3 Pin脚定义1.3.功耗下列功耗数据是基于3.3V的电源、25°的环境温度下测得。
[1] 所有测量均在天线接口处完成。
[2] 所有发射数据是基于90% 的占空比,在持续发射的模式下测得的。
表格 4 功耗数据1.4.射频指标以下数据是在室内温度下,电压为3.3V时测得。
表格5 射频指标注:1)72.2Mbps是在802.11n模式下,MCS=7,GI=200uS时测得;2)802.11b模式下最高可达+19.5dBm的输出功率;1.5.尺寸图2 尺寸图1)ESP8266模块PCB封装可以提供,请联系客服索取;1.6.WiFi 天线ESP8266支持三种天线接口形式:板载PCB天线、IPEX接口和邮票孔接口,板载PCB天线和IPEX 接口天线客户可直接使用,无需添加任何匹配电路。
如果客户需要在大板上设计天线部分,可使用ESP8266邮票孔天线接口,这种设计时大板需要预留匹配电路,如下:图3 WiFi射频参考电路图注:1、以上虚线框的部分需要进行天线匹配,以实际天线匹配的电子元器件参数为准;2、以上为RF走线要做50欧姆阻抗,禁止90度直角走线,长度不能超过15mm;1.7.推荐炉温曲线Refer to IPC/JEDEC standard;Peak Temperature : <250°C;Number of Times: ≤2 times;图 4 推荐回流曲线图2.功能描述2.1.主要功能ESP8266可以实现的主要功能包括:串口透传,PWM 调控,GPIO控制。
PWM 调控:灯光调节,三色LED 调节,电机调速等。
2.2.工作模式ESP8266模块支持STA/AP/STA+AP 三种工作模式。
♦STA 模式:ESP8266模块通过路由器连接互联网,手机或电脑通过互联网实现对设备的远程控制。
♦AP 模式:ESP8266模块作为热点,实现手机或电脑直接与模块通信,实现局域网无线控制。
♦STA+AP 模式:两种模式的共存模式,即可以通过互联网控制可实现无缝切换,方便操作。
2.3.应用领域♦串口CH340 转Wi-Fi;♦工业透传DTU;♦Wi-Fi 远程监控/控制;♦玩具领域;♦色LED 控制;♦消防、安防智能一体化管理;♦智能卡终端,无线POS 机,Wi-Fi 摄像头,手持设备等。
AiCloud可接受客户的定制化需求,Web 页面配置,Android/iOS 平台App均可支持。
该开发板可提供UART串口数据传输解决方案、RGB灯光调节、智能插座等硬件演示方案;图5 全功能测试板板正面视图Notice:由于本全功能测试板利用模块的外围管脚兼容设计了不同的应用,故需要通过拨码开关选择和区分;1)011010,110000 默认模式,可直接用手机app控制;2)011010,001010 串口调试模式;3)011110,001010 串口下载模式;4)011010,000101 单片机下载模式;此模块有专门的整套测试版,可使用手机app直接控制模块1 手机安装IOT.APK 苹果手机端稍后发布2 短路帽接上上电进入烧写模式,拿掉进入正常运行状态3 装上电池后,手机搜索到网络AI-THINKER 的路由器4 加入这个路由器(模块形成的路由器)密码是:ai-thinker5 加入成功后就可以用手机直接控制模块了。
经过上面步骤:1 用手机直接控制模块的AP,进而控制调光和开关IO2 或者再步骤1的基础上,进入配置菜单,进入家用网络3 模块一旦链接上家用网络后,模块会自动挂载到服务器上述步骤1 可以无需任何路由器,手机直接控制模块步骤2 可以在家里用手机WIFI控制模块步骤3 一旦模块挂载到服务器,手机就可以随时随地用2G 3G 4G网络流量控制。
以上是基本演示功能而已,商业用途请联系安信可洽谈功能描述:1 全IO口引出,支持AT和内部ESP8266直接开发产品2 带屏蔽壳,稳定性提高一个等级3 支持3路PWM 6路IO 一路AD 和一路高速UART4 固件升级后,可用客户端(手机或PC)直接控制PWM IO 或者UART 无需外挂MCU5 本测试板可以用来升级本测试板用途:1 测试ESP-12的稳定性。
2 做为低成本最小系统,用来学习,可以AT指令或者SDK进行开发下载3 展示本公司所提供的服务:APP+服务器+硬件设备全部研发实力本公司可提供APP 服务器硬件全套的方案,让客户少走点路,拿来就用。
3.1.测试步骤服务器和客户端要搭载在同一个网络上(要么同时搭载在路由器上要么同时搭载在模块上,)1.搭载在路由器上(手机/PC直接连接到路由器,模块通过A T+CWJAP="SSID","PWD"链接到路由器)2.搭载在模块上(手机/PC连接到模块wifi上即Esp8266,模块不用设置)首先要设置服务器(手机、PC、模块都可以模拟服务器)1.模块作为服务器,AT指令设置模块进入server模式,tcp调试助手连接模块。
2.PC作为服务器,设置pc端为tcp server模式,模块作为客户端向pc申请端口(AT+CIPSTART="pc端IP",端口)3.手机作为服务器和pc作为服务器原理相同(手机默认server模式,等待模块连接)4.透传模式测试上电之后,执行AT指令(AT+CWMODE=3AT+RSTAT+CIPMODE=1 "设置透传模式"...... "正常tcp连接测试"注:透传只能在单连接模式下进行,所以在建立连接之前一定要用(AT+CIPMUX=0 设置单连接)3.2.基础AT指令3.2.1 测试AT语法规则:3.3.WiFi功能AT指令3.3.1 选择WiFi应用模式:AT+CWMODE 语法规则:参数定义:3.3.2 列出当前可用接入点:AT+CWLAP语法规则:参数定义:3.3.3 加入接入点:AT+CWJAP语法规则:参数定义:3.3.4 退出接入点:AT+CWQAP语法规则:3.3.5设置AP模式下的参数:AT+CWSAP 语法规则:参数定义:3.4.TCPIP AT指令3.4.1建立TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPSTART语法规则:参数定义:3.4.2获得TCP/UDP连接状态:AT+CIPSTATUS 语法规则:参数定义:3.4.3启动多连接:AT+CIPMUX 语法规则:参数定义:3.4.4发送数据:AT+CIPSEND语法规则:参数定义:3.4.5关闭TCP/UDP连接:AT+CIPCLOSE 语法规则:参数定义:3.4.6获取本地IP地址:AT+CIFSR 语法规则:参数定义:3.4.7配置为服务器:3.4.8选择TCPIP应用模式:AT+CIPMODE语法规则:参数定义:3.4.9设置服务器主动断开的超时时间:AT+CIPSTO参数定义:3.4.10设置波特率:AT+CIOBAUD语法规则:默认波特率是9600参数定义:4.产品试用(1)淘宝店铺:深圳市安信可科技(2)技术讨论QQ群:185323735 (3)技术支持论坛:物联世界。