2.2.1 水文站按流量测验方法的需要,可 分别设立基本水尺断面和相应的流量测 验断面。
基本?浮标?流速仪?比降? 水位计、水尺在何处?
要点 5
1 浮标法测流的中断面宜与流速仪法测流断面、 基本水尺断面重合。当受地形限制有困难时, 可分别设置,但与流速仪法测流断面间不应有 水量加入或分出; 2 上、下浮标断面必须平行于浮标中断面并间距 相等,且其间河道地形的变化小;上、下浮标 断面的距离应大于最大断面平均流速值的50倍 ;当受条件限制时可适当缩短,但不得小于最 大断面平均流速值的20倍;
• 2 当断面控制和河槽控制发生在某河段的不同位置时, 应选择断面控制的河段作为测验河段;在几处具有相 同控制特性的河段上,应选择水深较大的窄深河段作 为测验河段;
2.1.3 采用流速仪法测流的测验河段,宜顺直、稳定、水流集中,无分流岔 流、斜流、回流、死水等现象;顺直河段长度宜大于洪水时主河槽宽度的5 倍;??宜避开有较大支流汇入或湖泊、水库等大水体产生变动回水及严 重漫滩、急剧冲淤等的影响。并应符合下列规定: 1 在平原区河流上,河段宜顺直匀整,全河段的河宽、水深和比降应无明显 变化,单式河槽河床上宜无水草丛生。当测验河段无法避开游荡性河段时 ,应避开变动沙洲; 2 在潮汐河流上,宜选择水面较窄、涨落潮流路顺直、通视条件较好、横断 面较单一、受风浪影响较小的河段; 3 水库、湖泊出口站或堰闸站的测验河段宜选在建筑物的下游,并避开水流 大的波动和异常紊动的影响。当在下游测验有困难,而建筑物上游又有较 长的顺直河段时,可将测验河段选在建筑物上游; 4 结冰河流的测验河段不宜有冰凌堆积、冰塞、冰坝。对有层冰层水的多冰 层结构的河段,应经调查或勘查,选取结冰情况较简单的河段;对特殊地 形地理条件,宜选择不冻河段作为测验河段; 5 受水工程或人类活动影响以及巡测断面的测验河段选择,可根据设站目的 或需要,适当放宽条件,以能够满足测验精度要求为原则。
AGA 9 - 多路超声流量计测量技术(第2版)说明书
![AGA 9 - 多路超声流量计测量技术(第2版)说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6cb8fb99c0c708a1284ac850ad02de80d5d8067c.png)
AN OVERVIEW AND UPDATE OF AGA 9 – ULTRASONIC METERSJim BowenSICK, Inc.A BSTRACTThe American Gas Association published Report No. 9, Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters 2nd Edition [Ref 1] in April 2007. Report 9 details recommended practice for using multipath gas ultrasonic meters (USMs) in fiscal (custody) measurement applications. This paper reviews some of history behind the development of AGA Report No. 9 (often referred to as AGA 9), key Report contents, which includes information on meter performance requirements, design features, testing procedures, and installation criteria. This paper also discusses changes that will be incorporated in the next revision. At the time of this paper the expected publication date is spring of 2017.I NTRODUCTION/B ACKGROUNDMembers of the AGA Transmission Measurement Committee (TMC) wrote AGA 9. It started in 1994 with the development of Technical Note M-96-2-3, Ultrasonic Flow Measurement for Natural Gas Applications [Ref 2]. This technical note was a compilation of the technology and discussed how the USMs worked, and is included as Appendix C in the 2007 edition, but it is deleted from the upcoming revision since most of the principles described in it have been adapted to the Report’s text. After competition of the Technical Note, the AGA TMC began the developing a new Report for custody application of gas USM technology. More than 50 contributors participated in its development, and included participants from the USA, Canada, The Netherlands, and Norway, representing a broad cross-section of measurement personnel in the natural gas industry at the time (circa 1997).AGA 9 incorporates many of the recommendations in the GERG Technical Monograph 8 [Ref 3] and certain related OIML [Ref 4 & 5] recommendations. Since USM’s are linear meters, much of the document was patterned around AGA 7, Measurement of Gas by Turbine Meters [Ref 6], another linear device. Most of the performance requirements in revision 1 of AGA 9 were based on the limited test data available at the time, and absent high rate test labs. Where no data was available to support a specific requirement, AGA 9 was silent, or left it up to the manufacturer to specify.R EVIEW OF AGA9§1 I NTRODUCTION (S COPE OF R EPORT)Section 1 of AGA 9 provides information on the scope of the document. It states that it’s for multipath ultrasonic transit-time flow meters that are used for the measurement of natural gas. A multipath meter is defined as having two or more independent acoustic paths used to measure transit time difference of sound pulses traveling upstream and downstream at an angle to the gas flow. Today most users require a minimum of 3 acoustic paths for fiscal measurement. The scope goes on to state “Typical applications include measuring the flow of large volumes of gas through production facilities, transmission pipelines, storage facilities, distribution systems and large end-use customer meter sets.”AGA 9 provides information to meter manufacturers that are more performance-based than manufacturing-based. Unlike orifice meters that basically are all designed the same, USM manufacturers have developed their products somewhat differently from one another: most notably, in path configurations. Thus, AGA 9 does not tell the manufacturers how to build their meter, but rather provides information on the performance the product must meet.§2 T ERMINOLOGYSection 2 discusses terminology and definitions that are used throughout the document. Terms like auditor, designer, inspector, manufacturer, etc. are defined there.§3 O PERATING C ONDITIONSSection 3 discusses operating range conditions over which the USM shall perform with specified accuracy. This includes sub-sections on gas quality, pressures, temperatures (both gas and ambient), gas flow considerations, and upstream piping and flow profiles. The gas quality specifications were based upon typical pipeline quality gas and no discussion was included for sour gas applications other than to consult with the manufacturer. It is important to note that these requirements were based upon the current manufacturer’s specifications in order to not exclude anyone. Based on the current state of AGA 9 revision, there are no significant user impact issues, yet on the table, regarding Section 3.§4 M ETER R EQUIREMENTSSection 4, titled “Meter Requirements”, addresses specific mechanical and electrical reuqirments manufacturers need meet to operate the devices in a hazardous environment. Sub-sections on codes and regulations, meter body markings, ultrasonic transducers, electronics, computer programs, and supporting documentation are included.§4.3 Meter BodyThe section on meter body discusses items such as operating pressure, corrosion resistance, mechanical issues relative to the meter body, and markings. Here is says manufacturers should publish the overall lengths of their ultrasonic meter bodies for the different ANSI flange ratings.External and Internal Corrosion resistance and compatibility with gas mixtures commonly found in today’s pipeline is stipulated.The inside diameter of the ultrasonic meter shall have the same inside diameter as the upstream tube’s diameter and must be within 1%. The value of 1% was based mainly on early European studies and also work performed at the Southwest Research Institute’s MRF (Metering Research Facility) in San Antonio, Texas.AGA 9 discusses the ability to remove transducers under pressure. Experience shows that transducers are rarely extracted under pressure, since many meter stations employ multiple runs, making short term outages possible. This allows de-pressurization and transducer removal after blow-down. Additionally, once the meter run is de-pressurized, the internal condition of the meter and associated piping can be inspected if boroscope and inspection ports are available.Proposed Changes:•Reference to use of extraction tools is eliminated.§4.4 TransducersThe section on transducers discusses a variety of issues including specifications, rate of pressure change, and transducer tests. The intent was to insure the manufacturer provided sufficient information to the end user in order to insure reliable and accurate operation in the field, and also to insure accurate operation should one or more pairs need replacement in the field. Subsections include basic specifications, rate of pressure change, exchange and transducer tests.Proposed Changes:•Hydrostatic test of meter bodies shall not be done with transducers installed if test pressure is above ANSI rating.For higher pressures, transducers need be removed.•§4.4.3, “Exchange”, in reference to transducers, is deleted and replaced with existing §4.4.4, “Transducer Tests” , which itself remains unchanged.§4.5 ElectronicsThe electronics section includes two suggested types of flow output communicated to flow computers: serial and frequency. Serial communication (digital using either RS-232 or RS-485) is suggested because the ultrasonic meter is clearly a very “smart” instrument and much of its usefulness relies on the internal information contained in the meter. The frequency output is a not required but standard on all USM, and is needed in applications where flow computers and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) do not have the necessary software application to poll the USM using the serial port.A majority of users apply the frequency output as input to flow computers. Most USM manufacturers employ standard Modbus collection of measurement information via a serial link or Ethernet adapter. Additional serial or Ethernet ports are used for local interrogation using the manufacturer’s software.AGA 9 requires the manufacturer to also provide digital outputs (DOs) for flow direction and data valid. A digital out is used for monitoring by the flow computer to determine direction of flow (when a single frequency is used for both forward and reverse flow). Data valid is an indicator that the meter has an alarm condition that may impact its accuracy.AGA 9 requires the meter be electrically rated for a hazardous environment as defined by the National Electrical Code [Ref 12]. The minimum rating for a USM is for Class 1, Division 2, Group D environments. Some users specify a rating of Division 1, and, for the most part, all manufacturers design for the more stringent Division 1 requirement.Proposed Changes:•Elimination of the requirement for a scaled 4-20 ma output, now making it an option.•Added statement that a scaled 4-20 ma output is not to be used for custody measurement.•Delete of the paragraph specifying “significant change” as +/- 0.2% shift in the meter’s output, and new stipulation that Manufacturer’s replacement of cables, electronics, transducers, etc won’t shift meter output more that Manufacturer stated repeatability (0.2%).§4.6 Computer Programs Meter Firmware and SoftwareUSMs typically do not provide a local display or keyboard for communicating with the meter as is traditional with some flow computers. USM Manufacturers provide their meter specific software for meter configuration and diagnostic interrogation. There are few specific diagnostic data requirement in manufacturer’s to have similar looking and functioning software, but Report 9 does cite some in §4.6.4, “Meter Diagnostics”.The velocity data is used to indicate flow profile irregularities and to calculate volume rate from average velocity. The flow rate is determined from by multiplying velocity times the meter’s cross-sectional area of the meter. The speed-of-sound data is used as a diagnostic tool to check for erroneous transit time measurement errors. Other information is required to judge the quality of the data such as percent of accepted ultrasonic pulses, signal to noise ratio and transducer gains. A discussion on these is documented in several papers [Ref 13 & 14].Other meter requirements in this section include anti-roll devices (feet), pressure tap design and location on the meter, and standard meter markings. Many of these requirements are based on field experience and the lessons learned from other metering technologies.§4.7 §6 Individual Meter Testing Requirements Moved to “dimensional measurements” et alSection’s 4.7 discusses how the manufacturer will perform tests on the USM prior to shipment. Many also call this testing dry calibration. In reality dry calibration is simply an assembly process to help verify proper meter operation prior being installed in the field. Since there were no calibration facilities in North America until the late 1990’s, it was felt that if a manufacturer could precisely control the assembly process, flow calibration would not be required. Hence the term dry calibration has often been used to describe this section.AGA 9 requires the manufacturer to document the internal diameter of the meter to the nearest 0.0001 inches. This is to be determined from 12 separate inside diameter measurements. This dimension is to be adjusted back to 68 °F and reported on the documents. Measurements should be traceable to a national standard such as NIST, the National Institute for Standards and Technology.Individual meters are to be tested to strict tolerances for leaks and imperfections. AGA 9 also specifies a Zero-Flow Verification Test and a Flow-Calibration Test procedure (although a flow-calibration is not required).No significant changes have been proposed to §4.7 at this time.§4.8 DocumentationSection 4.7 of Report 9’s 2nd edition discusses the manufacturing and certification documents required to be delivered by USM builders. The section has been significantly reworked to add description of required dimensional measurements, leakage tests, etc.§5.0 Performance Requirements Installation (was §7 in second edition of Report 9)Many of the variables the designer should take into consideration when using USMs are addressed, such as operating conditions, use of flow conditioners and meter tube configurations etc.§5.2 Piping Configuration Metering Package Design CriteriaReport 9’s 1st Edition was developed with only limited empirical data. The 2nd Edition, published in 2007 was not much of an improvement. For instance, Section 5.2 of AGA 9 discusses upstream piping issues. The intent here is to provide the designer with some basic designs that will provide accurate measurement. It states “Recommend upstream and downstream piping configuration in minimum length — one without a flow conditioner and one with a flow conditioner — that will not create an additional flow-rate measurement error of more than +0.3% due to the installation configuration. This error limit should apply for any gas flow rate between q min and q max. The recommendation should be supported by test data.” In other words, the manufacturer is required to let the designer know what type of piping is permitted upstream so that the impact on accuracy will not be greater than 0.3%.In reality this is difficult given the variety of upstream pipe configurations operators use, so the so-called end-treatments (or entrance/exit piping) are often included in the calibration of the “metering package”.Much data has been taken and published since 1998, and, as a consequence of this data, and the desire to provide the highest level of accuracy, most users have elected to use a high-performance flow conditioner with their USM. Testing has shown that the use of a 19-tube bundle, typical with turbine and orifice metering, will not improve the USM performance, and inmost cases actually will degrade accuracy [Ref 7]. However, high performance flow conditioners, usually specified in meter package design, help to obtain a uniform and repeatable flow profile.Proposed Changes:•Process section added to indicate guidance for operating conditions such as pulsating flow and a more detailed discussion of potential noise impacts on USM operation.•Recommended Default Meter Run Configurations (§5.2.3) are modified to eliminate the optional entrance to the meter run through either a tee or elbow, leaving users to their design preference so long a meter performance meets §6 requirements.Corrected flow rate output requires USM metering packages include temperature measurement on the outlet leg of the meter run. AGA 9 recommends the thermowell be installed between 2D and 5D downstream of the USM on a uni-directional installation. It states the thermowell should be at least 3D from the meter on a bi-directional installation. This was based on research done at SwRI sponsored by GRI in the 1990’s. These studies found measurable influence onset at 2D downstream of USMs during and the committee settled on 3D as a reasonable distance.§6.0 Performance RequirementsSince Report 9 is a performance based document, “Performance Requirements” are core to its scope, and it addresses minimum performance requirements the USM’s must meet. It requires flow calibration for fiscal use.AGA 9’s second edition (2007) separates ultrasonic meters into two categories; smaller than 12” and meters that are 12” and larger. This division was created to allow relaxed accuracy requirements for smaller meters where tolerances are more difficult to maintain. All other requirements, including repeatability, resolution, velocity sampling interval, peak-to-peak error and zero-flow readings are the same, regardless of meter size.The edition preparing for release in 2017 will have 3 size ranges and new accuracy limits:•>10” Max Error: +/-0.7% q t≤q i≤q max; +/-1.4% for q min≤q i≤q t with linearity of+/-0.2% for q t≤q i≤q max•3”-8”: Max Error: +/-1.0% q t≤q i≤q max; +/-1.4% for q min≤q i≤q t with linearity of+/-0.2% for q t≤q i≤q max•<3”: Max Error: +/-2.0% q t≤q i≤q max; +/-3.0% for q min≤q i≤q t with linearity of+/-0.2% for q t≤q i≤q maxPer the second edition, the maximum error allowable for a 12-inch and larger ultrasonic flow meter is ±0.7%, and ±1.0% for small meters. This error expands to ±1.4% below Q t, the transition flowrate. Within the error bands, the error peak-to-peak error (also thought of as linearity) must be less than 0.7%. The repeatability of the meters must be with ±0.2% for the higher velocity range, and is permitted to be ±0.4 below Q t. Figure 1 is a graphical representation of these performance requirements as shown in AGA 9.Figure 1 – Performance Specification Summary, 2nd EditionSection 5 also discusses the potential effects of pressure, temperature and gas composition on the USM. Here is states “The UM shall meet the above flow-measurement accuracy requirements over the full operating pressure, temperature and gas composition ranges without the need for manual adjustment, unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer.” There has been some concern about calibrating a USM at one pressure and then operating at a different pressure. Although there are a variety of opinions on this, most believe the meter’s accuracy is not significantly impacted by pressure [Ref 13] since there has not been correlation with significant per pat Speed of Sound measurements (one would expect if the meter were changing dimensions due to pressure change that a path length change would result and turn up in a path SoS deviation).§7 C OMMISSIONING &F IELD V ERIFICATIONSection 7 briefly discusses field verification requirements. Since each USM provides somewhat different software to interface with the meter, AGA 9 was not too specific about how to verify field performance. Rather they left it up to the manufacturer to provide a written field verification procedure that the operator could follow. The 2nd edition made limited progress on Field Verification, but it is intended the 3rd edition will be much more expansive regarding Field Verification practice. Much debate is occurring on these topics now to insure recommended practice matches Operator requirements, current Field practice and Manufacturer capability, and since this discussion is on-going, it is difficult to state proposed changes due to their number and variety.Typically today the operator would check the basic diagnostic features including velocity profile, speed-of-sound by path, transducer performance, signal to noise ratios and gain. One additional test is to compare the meter’s reported SOS with that computed by a program based upon AGA 8 [Ref 12].At the time of the first release there was no universally excepted document that discussed how to compute SOS. However, in 2003 AGA published AGA Report No. 10, Speed of Sound in Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases [Ref 13]. This document, based upon AGA 8, provides the foundation for computing SOS that most software uses today, and is incorporated by reference into the 2nd Edition. It will pass that AGA 10 collapses into AGA 8 and that the SoS calculation will be harmonized, to some extent with SGERG, the European consortium’s method to calculate SoS in hydrocarbon mixtures. This effort is nearly complete now and will result in an AGA 8 Equation of State document that includes AGA 10 Detailed and SGERG.R EFERENCES1.AGA Report No. 9, Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters, 2nd Edition, April 2007, American GasAssociation, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 222092.AGA Engineering Technical Note M-96-2-3, Ultrasonic Flow Measurement for Natural Gas Applications,AmericanGas Association, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 222093.GERG Technical Monograph 8 (1995), Present Status and Future Research on Multi-path Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters,Christian Michelsen Research AS, the GERG Project Group and Programme Committee No. 2 - Transmission and Storage, Groupe Européen De Recherches Gazières4.OIML R 6General provisions for gas volume meters,1989 (E), International Recommendation, OrganizationInternationale de Métrologie Légale, Bureau International de Métrologie Légale, 11, rue Turgot - 75009 Paris - France 5.OIML D 11General requirements for electronic measuring instruments,1994 (E), International Document,Organization Internationale de Métrologie Légale, Bureau International de Métrologie Légale, 11, rue Turgot - 75009 Paris - France6.AGA Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 7, Measurement of Gas by Turbine Meters, American GasAssociation, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 222097.T. A. Grimley, Ultrasonic Meter Installation Configuration Testing, AGA Operations Conference, 2000, Denver, CO8.John Stuart, Rick Wilsack, Re-Calibration of a 3-Year Old, Dirty, Ultrasonic Meter, AGA Operations Conference, 2001,Dallas, TX9.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49 —Transportation, Part 192, (49 CFR 192), Transportation of Natural Gas andOther Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 10.NFPA 70, National Electrical Code,1996 Edition, National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy,MA 0226911.Umesh Karnik & John Geerlings, Effect of Steps and Roughness on Multi-Path Ultrasonic Meters, ISFFM 2002,Washington, DC12.AGA Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 8, Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other RelatedHydrocarbon Gases, American Gas Association, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 2220913.AGA Report No 10, Speed of Sound in Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases, July 2002, American GasAssociation, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209。
如果差压Байду номын сангаас必须装在 节流装置之上时,必
图3-21 测量液体流量时的连接图
1—节流装置;2—引压导管;3—放空阀;4—平衡 阀;5—差压变送器;6—贮气罐;7—切断阀
二 差压式流量计
(2)测量气体流量时,上述的这 些基本原则仍然适用。但引压管连 接方式有些不同。
注意 不仅需要合理的选型、准确的设计计算和加工制造,更 要注意正确的安装、维护和符合使用条件等,才能保证差压 式流量计有足够的实际测量精度。
二 差压式流量计
被测流体工作状态的变动。例如:温度、压力、湿度 以及相应的流体重度、粘度、雷诺数等参数数值发生变化, 则会造成较大的误差。为了消除这种误差,必须按新工艺重 新设计计算,或加以必要的修正。
第三章 检测仪表与传感器
第三节 流量检测及仪表
节流现象与流量基本方程式 标准节流装置 差压式流量计的测量误差
工作原理 电远传式转子流量计
直接式质量流量计 补偿式质量流量计
靶式流量计 椭圆齿轮流量计 涡轮流量计 电磁流量计
根据流体流动连续 性方程,流束中心 流速增加,而静压 力逐渐减小。
图3-17 孔板装置及压力、流速分布图
截 面 II : 流 速 静压为p’2 。
截面III:流速v3, 静压为p’3。
转子流量计的应用场景可以分为以下几个方面:1. 工业流程工业流程中,转子流量计主要应用于可控流动的液体,如油、化学品、水和蒸汽等。
2. 环保工程环保工程中,转子流量计主要用于测量污水、废水、污泥等液体的流量,并且可以有效避免水体污染、废水处理设备等水环境管理问题,确保水体环保安全。
3. 农业转子流量计也广泛应用于农业中,用于测量水、肥水等的流量和用量,以便控制灌溉和施肥计划,提高土壤肥力。
4. 公共设施转子流量计还可以应用于公共设施中,如水处理、给排水、供热供冷、空调等行业,以便精确测量温度、流量、压力等参数,帮助控制设备运行和提高能源利用率。
二、转子流量计的工作原理1. 转子一般转子流量计的主体结构就是由转子和仪表组成。
2. 工作原理在作用流到转子流量计内部后,它会通过入境口进入仪表的测量配管内部,经过测量总管后,流体就会到达转子上面。
3. 转子流量计的优点(1)精度高:转子流量计使用高精度的机械式结构,能够达到极高的精度,最高可以达到0.2%。
机动车尾气排放检测作业指导手册的操作操作规范 The latest revision on November 22, 2020三、操作规程(一)外观检测员1、维护好外检区的检测秩序;2、指导客户填写车辆登记表;3、对照行驶证信息,确认外检表内容和车辆信息是否相符;4、检测车辆要检查轮胎有无明显缺气,左右气压是否一致,轮胎有无裂痕及划伤,是否夹有杂物及过多沙石;5、检查车辆进、排气系统,发动机变速箱和冷却系统,不得有任何破损、泄漏,车辆的发动机变速箱和冷却系统等应无液体渗漏;6、确定车辆驱动形式,断开ABS和防侧滑(ASR),和引车员做好交接,提醒引车员驱动形式;7、检查车辆的机械状况,无影响安全或引起试验偏差的机械故障;8、关闭空调、暖风,音响等附属装备,装备牵引力控制装置的车辆应关闭牵引力控制装置。
接地法兰材料:不锈钢琴 1CR18Ni9Ti
进口保护法兰材料:不锈钢 1Cr18Ni9Ti
外壳防护:分离型橡胶或聚氨酯衬里传感器 IP68 水下 10m
间距:转换器与传感器间距一般不超过 100 米
4 安装
算量. l 具有 RS485 或 RS232 数字通讯信号输出. 1.2 主要用途
可用于测量封闭管道中导电液体和浆液的体积流量.广泛适用于 石油、化工、电力、矿冶、给排水、造纸、医药、食品等部门的生产 工艺过程流量测量和控制. 1.3 使用环境条件
环境温度:分离型 传感器 -25℃~+60℃ 一体型及转换器(工作温度) -10℃~+60℃
11.1 操作面板
图 18 11.2 按键功能 在自动测量状态下,仪表自动完成各项测量功能并显示相应的测 量数据,在参数设置下,用户使用四个面板键完成参数设置。 11.3 转换器参数设置 仪表有两个运行状态:自动测量状态 参数设置状态 仪表通电后自动进入测量状态,在参数设置状态下通过转换器面 板上的四个薄膜按键可以完成仪表参数设置 左上键: 循环选择屏幕下行显示内容 右下键: 循环选择屏幕上行显示内容 复用键+确认键: 进入参数设置状态 确认键: 反回自动测量状态 参数设置状态下 左上键: 光标数字减 1 右下键: 光标数字加 1 复用键+左上键: 光标左移 复用键+右下键: 光标右移 确认键: 进入/退出子菜单 确认键: 在任意状态下连续按下两秒钟反回自动测量 状态 注:1.在使用复用键时,应先按下复用键再同时按住左上键或右
1.流量测量标准节流装置设计计算程序中差压选择方法的分析 [J], 朱希彦;何适生
2.流量测量节流装置计算机辅助设计计算 [J], 魏桂香
3.流量测量节流装置新国标GB/T2624计算机辅助设计 [J], 张天春
4.流量测量节流装置的计算机辅助设计 [J], 苏国Hua
5.流量测量节流装置设计手册(第二版) [J],
学习情景三 采集与统计交通流量
2.摄影法 (1)地面(高处)摄影观测法 (2).航空摄影观测法 还有利用卫星遥感图片测量交通密度的方法。
学习情景三 采集与统计交通流量
特点:上述方法均为离线式调查,数据分析处 理时间较长、费用昂贵,难以应用于需要实时判 断的道路交通管理与控制中。
在现代道路交通管理与控制中,交通流密度( 上述方法测得的为空间密度)常用测量交通流的 时间密度代替,并用车辆观测器实现了快速、实 时反映。
•掌握浮动车法 •掌握地点车速法 •了解交通密度
实训一 交通量调查
•1、调查地点:校门口路段交通量; •2、时间:周五,14:30~15:30 •3、集合时间及地点:14点整,2号楼前 •4、分组:12组,每组8人或7人;
•第1组:1-01~1-08 •第2组:1-09~1-16 •第3组:1-17~1-24 •第4组:1-25~1-34 •第5组: 1-35~1-43 •第6组:1-44~1-54
交通密度调查主要有出入量法和摄影法,后 者又分为地面(高处)摄影观测法和航空摄 影观测法。
学习情景三 采集与统计交通流量
1.出入量法 出入量法是一种通过观测调查,获得道路上两
断面之间无出入交通的路段内现有车辆数,从而 计算路段交通密度的方法。 ( 1)出入量法基本原理
在道路上选择 A、B两点间路段为观测路段, 如图所示,车流从A点驶向B点。
学习情景三 采集与统计交通流量
学习情景三 采集与统计交通流量
• 浮动车法举例
学习情景三 采集与统计交通流量
第二章 流量测量
![第二章 流量测量](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/746dca56be23482fb4da4cc4.png)
2.3 涡街结构
VSF由传感器和转换器两部 分组成: 传感器包括旋涡发生体(阻 流体)、检测元件、仪表表 体等; 转换器包括前置放大器、滤 波整形电路、D/A转换电 路、输出接口电路、端子、 支架和防护罩等。
图2 涡街流量计
旋涡频率检测方法,大致分为两类: 1、检测旋涡发生时流速变化,采用的元件有热丝、热 敏电阻、超声波探头等; 2、检测旋涡发生时压力变化,采用的检测元件有压电 元件、应变元件、膜片+压电、膜片+电容等。
混 相 流 体 的 安 装
• 涡街流量计的特点 – 精度高 0.2~1.0%。 – 量程比100:1~20:1。 – 几乎不受流体性质变化的影响 –结构简单。 –频率输出,便于数字化测量,f与v成正比
1.基本工作原理 涡轮流量计是从叶轮流量计(水表)基 础上发展起来的 流体冲击涡轮叶片,使涡轮旋转,涡轮的 旋转速度随流量的变化而变化,通过涡轮 外的磁电转换装置可将涡轮的旋转转换成 电脉冲,转动的频率与流量等相关
由于受零件变形的影响,容积式流量计一般不宜 在高温或低温下使用。
又称恒压降变面积流量计,适用 于中小流量。 检测原理 流体在锥形管中自下而上流动, 其中的浮子(转子)将稳定在 某一个位置
1、涡街流量计对管道流速分布畸变、旋转流 和流动脉动等敏感,对现场管道安装条件应充 分重视,遵照生产厂使用说明书的要求执行。 2、涡街流量计可安装在室内或室外。 3、传感器在管道上可以水平、垂直或倾斜安 装,但测量液体和气体时为防止气泡和液滴的 干扰,安装位置要注意 。
5.什么是检测装置的静态特性?其主要技术指标有哪些?6.什么是仪表的测量围及上、下限和量程?彼此有什么关系?7.什么是仪表的变差?造成仪表变差的因素有哪些?合格的仪表对变差有什么要求?8.有人想通过减小表盘标尺刻度分格间距的方法来提高仪表的精度等级,这种做法能否到达目的?9.用标准压力表来校准工业压力表时,应如何选用标准压力表精度等级?可否用一台精度等级为0.2级,量程为0~25MPa的标准表来检验一台精度等级为1.5级,量程为0~2.5MPa 的压力表?为什么?习题1.某弹簧管压力表的测量围为0~1.6MPa,精度等级为2.5级。
试求:(1)各示值的绝对误差;(2)仪表的根本误差,该仪表合格否?5.+550℃、0℃~1000℃,现要测量500℃的温度,其测量值的相对误差不超过2.5%,问选用哪块表适宜?6. 有一台精度等级为2.5级、测量围为0~10MPa的压力表,其刻度标尺的最小分格应为多少格?第2章测量误差分析与处理1.请分别从误差的数值表示方法、出现的规律、使用的条件和时间性将误差进展分类。
2.何谓系统误差?系统误差有何特点?3.试举例说明系统误差可分为几类?如何发现系统误差?4.随机误差产生的原因是什么?随机误差具有哪些性质?5.为什么在对测量数据处理时应剔除异常值?如何判断测量数据列中存在粗大误差?6. 对某一电压进展了屡次精细测量,测量结果如下所示〔单位为mV 〕:85.30,85.71,84.70,84.94,85.63,85.65,85.24,85.36,84.86,85.21,84.97,85.19,85.35,85.21,85.16,85.32,试写出测量结果表达式〔置信概率为99.73%〕。
2-4 深度动态流检测技术(DFI)
![2-4 深度动态流检测技术(DFI)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0c46ad9367ec102de2bd89c4.png)
基于DPI技术的带宽管理系统,总是滞后新应用,需要紧跟新 协议和新型应用的产生而不断升级后台特征数据库,否则就不能有 效识别、管理新技术下的应用,提高模式匹配效率;而基于DFI技 术的系统在管理维护上的工作量要少于DPI系统,因为同一类型的 新应用与旧应用的流量特征不会出现大的变化,因此不需要频繁升 级流量行为模型。
由于DPI采用逐包分析、模式匹配的技术,因此,可以对流量中的 具体应用类型和协议做到比较准确的识别;而DFI仅对流量行为进行分 析,因此只能对应用类型进行笼统分类,如对满足P2P流量模型的应用 统一识别为P2P流量,对符合网络语音流量模型的类型统一归类为VoIP 流量,但是无法判断该流量是否采用H.323或其他协议。如果数据包是 经过加密传输的,则采用DPI方式的流控技术不能识别其具体应用,而 DFI方式的流量行为识别技术则不受影响,因为应用流的状态行为特征 不会因加密而根本改变。
DFI识别原理举例பைடு நூலகம்
例如,网上IP语音流量体现在流状态上的特征就非常明显:RTP流 的包长相对固定,一般在130~220byte,连接速率较低,为20~ 84kbit/s,同时会话持续时间也相对较长,所用传输层协议为UDP;而 基于P2P下载应用的流量模型的特点为平均包长都在450byte以上、下 载时间长、连接速率高、首选传输层协议为TCP等。
DFI技术正是基于这一系列流量的行为特征,建立流量特征模型, 通过分析会话连接流的包长、连接速率、传输字节量、包与包之间的 间隔等信息来与流量模型对比,从而实现对应用类型的鉴别。
正文内容:I. 阀门结构检测1. 确认阀门外观是否完整、无损坏2. 检测阀门密封性,包括阀杆密封、阀座密封等3. 测量阀门尺寸和重量,与设计要求进行对比4. 检查阀门附件,如手轮、限位器等,是否正常运作5. 对阀门材质进行化学成分分析,确认是否符合规范要求II. 阀门流量特性测试1. 进行定量流量测试,记录阀门开度和流量2. 测试阀门的内部流体压降,确保阀门流体阻力符合要求3. 检测阀门在不同开度下的流量特性曲线4. 分析阀门流量调节性能,确定其是否满足工艺要求III. 阀门密封性检测1. 进行压力测试,确定阀门的密封性2. 测试阀门在不同压力下的泄漏情况3. 检查阀门密封件,确保其完好无损4. 分析阀门泄漏原因和解决方法5. 对阀门的泄漏量进行评估,结合业务需求进行判定IV. 阀门操作性能评估1. 测试阀门的开关灵活性和操作力2. 检测阀杆的回位情况和位置指示准确性3. 检验阀门操作机构的运行状态4. 确认阀门动作是否符合工艺要求5. 分析操作性能调整措施,提出改进建议V. 阀门安全性评估1. 检查阀门是否设置了相应的安全装置2. 评估阀门在突发事故情况下的应急反应能力3. 分析阀门在异常工况下的安全性能4. 评估阀门的防腐性和耐火性能5. 提供阀门安全评估报告和改进措施建议总结:根据以上对阀门的全面检测和评估,我们可以得出相关结论并提出改进建议。
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(2)雷诺数低于ReD时线性变坏,这就决定了保证精度的 最低流速。小口径涡街流量计的最低流速要大些; (3)被测流体粘度大时最低流速要大.否则雷诺数在ReD 以下就不能进行测量; (4)由于流体温度变化而引起粘度变化时,要保证最低流 速时雷诺数大于ReD。
4 涡街流量计使用范围的计算
(1)量程的计算 一般测量液体时流速范围是(0.38∽6)m/s, 测量气体外流速范围为(4∽60)m/s。 (2)二次仪表的调整
qv f qv K
根据仪表标定时取得的ξ值(脉冲数/升)和仪表最 大流量qv(升/抄),可算出最大流量时送入二次仪表的 脉冲频率。利用数字频率计将音频信号发生器的输出频 率调至对应最大流量时送人入二次仪表的脉冲频率数, 当送入二次仪表这个频率时.二次仪表的输出应为最大 流量值。
(四)涡轮流量计的特点和使用 优点:
其测量精度高,复现性和稳定性均好;量程范围宽, 量程比可达(10~20):1,刻度线性;耐高压,压力损失;对 流量变化反应迅速,可测脉动流量;抗干扰能力强,信号 便于远传及与计算机相连。 缺点: 制造困难,成本高。 场合: 通常涡轮流量计主要用于量精度要求高、流量变化 快的场合,还用作标定其他流量的标准仪表。
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2013-8-15 核工程检测技术 5
1. 涡轮流量计 (一)涡轮流量计的性能 (1)精度高 基本误差在±0.25%∽±1.5%之间; (2)量程比大 一般为10:1; (3)惯性小 时间常数为毫秒级; (4)耐压高 被测介质的静压可高达10MPa; (5)使用温度范围广 有的型号可侧-200℃的低温介质 的流量,有的可测400℃度的介质的流量; (6)压力损失小 一般为0.02MPa;
2 f f nz z 或 z 2
qv v0 F
z tan f qv 2 rF
2013-8-15 核工程检测技术 11
f 令 , 称为仪表常数,则 qv
显示仪表 涡轮流量计的显示仪表实际上是一个脉冲频率测 量和计数的仪表,它将涡轮流量变送器输出的单位时 间内的脉冲数和一段时间内的脉冲总数按瞬时流量和 累计流量显示出来。
2. 涡街流量计 优点: 涡街流量计测量精度较高;量程比宽,可达100:1; 使用寿命长,压力损失小,安装与维护比较方便;测量 几乎不受流体参数变化的影响,用水或空气标定后的流 量计无须校正即可用于其它介质的测量;易与数字仪表 或计算机接口,对气体、液体和蒸汽介质均适用。 缺点: 流体流速分布情况和脉动情况将影响测量准确度, 因此适用于紊流流速分布变化小的情况,并要求流量计 前后有足够长的直管段。
(四)涡街流量计的使用与安装 1 流量系数
qv D2 d d K 1 1.25 f 4St D
流量计的量程范围、线性、复现性等均取决于流量系 数K的特性。从上式ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ以看出,流量系数K的特性取决于斯 特罗哈尔数St。不同的漩涡发生体型式就有不同的斯特罗 哈尔数。一般具有如下规律 (1)雷诺数在临界值只ReD以上的话.斯特罗哈尔数St值 的变化不超过±1%,这时ReD值大约为5000∽10000。 St的复现性误差一般小于± 0.2%;
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1 D E 2 qv D u E 4 4B k
B —为磁感应强度 ; D —管道内径 ; u —流体平均流速; E —感应电势。 K —电磁流量计的仪表常数。
(二)工作原理及结构 原理
涡轮流量计实质上为一零功率输出的涡轮机,当被 测流体通过时,冲击涡轮叶片,使涡轮旋转,在一定的
平均流速成正比,通过磁电转换装臵将涡轮转速变成电 脉冲信号,以推导出被测流体的瞬时流量和累积流量。
2 压力损失 在涡街流量计中游涡发生体占去流通截面的一部分,所 以有节流作用,又由于产生游涡,都使得实际流体的流动产 生能量损失.表现为压力损失。与其他一些流量计比较,压 力损失是小的。 3 安装
(1)为了保证测量精度,流量计安装位臵的前后应有必要 的直管段 上游侧如有缩径阻力件时要有15D的直管 段;如有同平面弯头时要有20D的直管段;如果有阀门 要有50D的直管段。下游侧的直管段应为5D以上;
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(5)为了保证被测液体流速的对称,变送器前应有一定长度 的直管段。上游测如有弯头、三通等,加5倍管径的直 管段;如有阀门,加10倍管径的直管段。 (6)信号线应单独穿入接地钢管,绝不能和电源线穿在一个 钢管里。信号线一定要用屏蔽线,长度不大于30m。 (7)被测液体的流动方向应为变送器规定的方向,否则仪表 将没有输出。被测液体流速最低不低于仪表量程的10%, 最高不超过10m/s。当测量能严重磨损衬里的液体时,要 降低最大流速至3m/s。 (8)被测液体电导率的下限由转换器的输入阻抗决定。入阻 抗为100MΩ,被测液体的电导率不得低于10μΩ/cm。
使轴 用承 寿的 命性 长能 短好 的坏 关是 键涡 。轮 流 量 计
核工程检测技术 9
v0 tan r
为涡轮的角速度 为作用于涡轮上的流体速度 为涡轮叶片的平均半径
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3. 电磁流量计
(一)测量原理及结构 电磁流量计是基于法拉第电磁感应原理制成的一种流 量计。当被测导电流体在磁场中沿垂直磁力线方向流动而 切割磁力线时,在对称安装在流通管道两侧的电极上将产 生感应电势,此电势与流速成正比。
(2)涡街流量计可以水平、垂直或其他位臵安装,但测量液体时如果是 垂直安装,应使液体自下向上流动,以保证管路中总是充满液体; (3)要安装于没有冲击和振动的管线上 对于蒸汽管路由于可能有冲击 和振动,因而要安装支架。虽然涡街流量计的结构比其他多数流量 计耐冲击和振动,但还是应尽量安装在冲击和振动都小的地方; (4)周围温度和气体条件也应考虑 应尽量避免周围有高温热辐射源, 也应避开环境温度变化大的地方。如难以避免,则应采取隔热措 施。另外要尽量避免周围有腐蚀性气体: (5)虽然防水型涡街流量计具有相当好的防水结构,但也不要浸没在水 中使用。
(7)输出是频率信号 容易实现流量积算和定量控制,并且抗干扰等优点。 它可用于测量轻质油(汽油、煤油、柴油)、粘度低的润滑 油及腐蚀性不大的酸、碱溶液。仪表的口径为Φ400mm ∽Φ600mm,插人式可测管道直径Φ100mm∽Φ1000mm的 流量;流体中不能含有杂质.否则误差大,轴承磨损快, 仪表寿命低,故仪表前最好装过滤器;不适于测粘废大的 液体。
在典型的层流或紊流分布的情况下,圆管截面上流速 的分布是有规律的,K为确定的值,但在阀门、弯头等局 部阻力件后流速分布变得非常不规则,K值很难确定,而 且通常是不稳定的。因此速度式流量测量方法的一个共同 特点是,测量结果的准确度不但取决于仪表本身的准确度, 而见与流速在管道截面上的分布情况有关。 为了使测量时的流速分布与仪表分度时的流速分布相 一致,仪表要求在其前后有足够的直管段或加装整流器, 以使流体进入仪表前速度分布就达到典型的层流和紊流的 速度分布,如图所示。
第五章 流 量 检 测
第二节 速度式流量计
一、速度式流量测量方法概述 速度式流量测量方法是以直接测量管道内流体流速作 为流量测量的依据。若测得的是管道截面上的平均流速v, 则流体的体积流量qv=vA,A为管道截面积。若测得的是管 道截面上的某一点流速vr则流体体积流量qv=Kgvr A,K为 截面上的平均流速与被测点流速的比值,它与管道内流速分 布有关。
2013-8-15 核工程检测技术 30
MKULC2100 系列电磁流量计
测量介质:导电介质 流速范围:0.3~10m/s 测量精度:0.5%FS 1.0%FS 显示方式:LCD显示瞬时流量,累积流量。 介质温度:0-70℃;0-90℃;0-150℃(可选) 压力:1.6Mpa;2.5Mpa;6.4Mpa;16Mpa;25Mpa;32Mpa 输出信号:频率输出0-2kHz;电压输出1-5V;电流输出4-20mA; RS-485串行接口 断电数据保存时间:10年 电源:220VAC±15% 24VDC±5%(可选) 平均无故障工作时间:MTBF=30000h 防护等级:IP67、IP68(只适用于分体型) 衬里材料:聚氨脂橡胶、氯丁橡胶、聚四氟乙烯、F46。 电极材料:316L,哈氏合金HB;哈氏合金HC;特殊材料 (如:钛、钽、铂等稀有金属材料)。