



48个国际音标表、 长兀音[i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei ( eo ey i ) three tree gree n sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clea nplease he she me piece receive ceili ng二.短元音[i]1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音” 发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。

i:visit 参观e: English 英语e : Chinese 中国人 ei : receive 接至卩 ie : believeee : feeling 感情 ea : please 请u: busy 忙 y:pretty 漂亮的ee: been 曾经是 ui: build 建造amix fix fit pig big build missdictio nary2、词汇拓展: six 、eleven 、trip 、list 、movie3、实用操练: I.Where there is a will, there is a way .有志者事竟成。

2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。

三.兀音[e ]1、疯狂外号:“小开口 45度”音,简称为“ 45度”音。

发音时舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起,舌位比[i:]低;唇形中常,开口度比[i:]大。

e : remember 记得 questi on 问题 ea : weather 天气, pleasant 令人愉快的[e ]字母组合 ea e a ( ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay ) head breadpleasureelepha nt electric remember sell shell less on better bed deskhotelyesmany any 2、 词汇拓展:pen 、 yes 、 bed 、let 、every 、 egg 3、 实用操练:(1) Better late than never.迟到总比不到好(2) East or west, home is best.金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。



国际音标元音1、长元音[i:]ee:tree树木 ea:meat肉 ie:believe 相信 e:Chinese 中国人three green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea please2、短元音[i]1 “短衣音”i: visit 参观 e: English英语u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的 ui: build建造sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big miss3.长元音[ə: ]er :prefer更喜欢 ir:dirty脏的ere:were 是(be) or:world世界ur: hurt伤害 urgent 紧急的girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird worm work4。

短元音[ə]er:teacher 教师 or:doctor 医生 u:suppose认为 ea:ocean海洋5。

长元音[ɔ:]or:order命令 sport运动 ar:warm温暖的 our:fourth 第四 ore:more 更多oor: door 门small wall talk tall walk short lord horse for forty floor store autumn four court bought6。

短元音[ɔ]a : want 想要 o:hot热的lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not wash watch7.长元音 [ u: ]8.u:rude粗鲁的 o:improve改善 ue:blue蓝色 oe:shoe 鞋 oo:soon 不久8。

短元音[u]u:push推 pull 拉 o:woman 女人 oo:cook烹调 look看 good 好的 ou:could能 would 将foot wood should put full bull wolf9.长元音[a:]10.短元音[∧]o: money 金钱 u:fun乐趣 lucky幸运的11小嘴元音[e]e: egg鸡蛋 question 问题12.大嘴元音[æ]a: hand手 happy高兴 map地图bag practice and ant passion hat mad bad black back ]13双元音[ ei ]a: amazing 惊人的 ai:afraid担心的ea:great伟大的 eigh:neighbor邻居14。



英语国际音标表(48个)英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control politearound account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listenfamulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [ɔ: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ])发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [u] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould couldput full bull pull pushwoman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town16) [εu] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [iε] 字母组合eer earbeer deerear nearhere fierce idea19) [ ɛə ] ([eə])字母组合ear air erepear bearchair air fairthere wherecare20) [uε] [auə]字母组合our owerhour tour flower shower48个英语音标犹如60个汉语拼音,只要熟练地掌握了它们,对学习英语的作用是相当大的。



48个国际音标表(打印版)国际音标元音12个单元音长元音[i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [a:] [e]短元音[i] [ə] [ɒ] [u] [Λ] [æ] 8个双元音[ei] [ai] [ɔi][iə][ɛə] [uə][əu] [au]辅音10对清辅音[p] [t] [k] [f ] [s] [θ][ ∫ ][tʃ][tr] [ts] 浊辅音[b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [ð][ʒ][dʒ][dr] [dz] 3个鼻音[m] [n] [ŋ]3个似拼音[h] [r] [l]2个半元音[w] [j]2元音1、长元音[i:]ee:tree树木ea:meat肉ie:believe 相信e:Chinese 中国人three green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea please2、短元音[i]1 “短衣音”i: visit 参观e: English 英语u: busy忙ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的ui: build建造sit picture it is list six mix345.长元音[ɔ:]or:order命令sport运动ar:warm温暖的our:fourth 第四ore:more 更多oor:door 门small wall talk tall walk short lord horse for forty floorstore autumn four courtbought6.短元音[ ɔ]a : want 想要o:hot热的lost lot fox box mop hoploss collar not wash watch7.长元音[ u: ]8.u:rude粗鲁的o:improve改善ue:blue蓝色oe:shoe 鞋oo:soon 不久ui:fruit水果ou:route路线food moon room gloom broom do two true truth58.短元音[u]u:push推pull 拉o:woman 女人oo:cook烹调look看good 好的ou:could能would 将foot wood should put fullbull wolf9.长元音[a:]a:class 班级ear:heart 心ar:far远的smart聪明的uar:guard保卫car farm card arm garden fastlast glass plant aunt10.短元音[∧]o: money 金钱u:fun乐趣lucky幸运的oo:blood血液ou:enough 足够trouble 烦恼,困难supper lunch fun gun comemother brother love flood11小嘴元音[e]e:egg鸡蛋question 问题6ea:weather天气pleasant 令人愉快的head bread pleasure deskhotel yes many any12.大嘴元音[æ]a: hand手happy高兴map地图bag practice and ant passionhat mad bad black back ]13双元音[ ei ]a: amazing 惊人的ai:afraid担心的ea:great伟大的eigh:neighbor 邻居ay: pay 支付delay 耽搁name cake late gate play say may way break rain plain they14.双元音[ai]i:china中国y:cry哭ey: eye眼睛ie:pie 馅7饼ui:guide指导uy:buy买igh:flight飞行eigh:height 高度bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly15 合口双元音[ɔi]oi:join 加入choice 选择point要点oy: enjoy享受toy玩具boy男孩joy oil soil voice16双元音[ iə]ear: hear 听见year 年ere:here 这里eer:beer啤酒deer ear near idea17.双元音[ɛə]air:air 空气are:share 分享ear:wear 穿eir:their 他们ere:there那里8pear bear chair fair where18.双元音[uə]oor: poor穷的our: tour 旅行sure 肯定的19双元音[əu]o: hope 希望open 打开oa:goal 目标ou:soul灵魂ow: know 知道home go no host ghost low below grow blow show flow boat coat20双元音[au]ou:about 关于proud自豪ow:allow容许flower 花house out count sound loud mouse now cow how town9辅音21. 双唇爆破辅音[p]hope希望help帮忙keep保持happen 发生picture 图画;照片pen、pencil、please、plant、people polite person22. 双唇爆破辅音[b]boy、男孩book、书bed 床trouble麻烦public 公众的breakfast 早餐bag、ball、bring become brother break23.辅音/t/talk谈话tomato西红柿tiger 老虎pretty 漂亮的little一点meet、last、aunt、table、sport、difficult24. 辅音/d/10difficult难的death 死亡order命令add添加advice建议and、friend、bed、kind、good25. 辅音/k/kiss吻quiet安静的music音乐lock锁上26.辅音[g]glad高兴的forget忘记egg鸡蛋game、girl、grandmother、great、get27.辅音[f]fun娱乐fresh新鲜的enough 足够的laugh 笑phone、found、father、fruit、floor28.辅音【v】voice声音over超过clever聪明的love爱video、volleyball、give、movie29.辅音【s】silly 愚蠢的decide决定fix 修理scene场景miss错过success成功sister、nice、school、sun、class、star30. 辅音【z】crazy 疯狂present礼物business 生意exercise练习is、those、zero、busy、because31. 辅音【θ】thank感谢Thursday 星期四healthy健康的nothing没什么breath呼吸three、birthday、thing、tenth、think32. 辅音【ð】than比that那个there那儿weather天气gather 聚集this、these、the、father、other33. 辅音【ʃ】fish、鱼shirt、衬衫shoes、鞋子short 短的tension ocean social machine English wish34. 辅音【ʒ】usually通常地pleasure愉快decision决心measure测量35. 辅音【tʃ】Culture文化、question问题change改变church教堂catch抓住touch接触each、march、much、chair、chicken、lunch36. 辅音【dʒ】Joke玩笑January一月genius天才imagine想像large巨大的age工资orange、vegetable、age、large、change37. 辅音【tr】trade贸易trick骗局introduce引进trip旅行true、trip、travel、try、trust、treat38. 辅音【dr】drive 驾驶drink喝drop落下children孩子们dream、driver、draw、dry39.辅音【ts】facts 事实accounts帐目attracts吸引40.辅音【dz】hands手words单词besides除此之外41. 辅音[m]market 市场master控制mobile移动famous著名meet、math、more、many、month42. 辅音[n]name名字number数字need需要person人annoy design knowledge ninth、new、night43.辅音/ŋ/Thing事情、物品bring、带来evening、晚上thank感谢language angry English singer interesting、morning44. 辅音【h】handsome 英俊hope希望holiday假日happy高兴的45. 辅音【r】respect尊敬break打破carry搬运wrong错误的ruler、ring、red、room、run、rock46. 舌边辅音【l】leading领先popular流行的lately最近follow跟随47.半元音【w】wage工资whatever无论什么what、want、where、when、with、well48. 半元音【j】young年轻yesterday昨天lawyer律师you 你yes 是的。



英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak c lean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2) [ I ]发音字母 i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [ ? ] 发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black ba ck glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better b ed desk hotel yes many any5) [?] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [?] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington contr ol politearound account ago elephant banana Canada Japan chinamen listen Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合 ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ ? ] 发音字母 u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [?: ]字母组合 al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort morelord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [?] ([ ? ])发音字母 o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not want wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合 oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom厄运 goose tooth shoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [?] 字母组合 oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould couldput full bull pull pushwoman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母 i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [a?] 字母组合 ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud aro und mouseflower down now cow how town16) [??] 发音字母 o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flow boat coat goal17) [ ?? ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [i?] 字母组合 eer earbeer deerear nearhere fierce idea19) [ e?] 字母组合ear air erepear bearchair air fairthere wherecare20) [??] [a??]字母组合our owerhour tour flower shower48个英语音标犹如60个汉语拼音,只要熟练地掌握了它们,对学习英语的作用是相当大的。

48个国际音标表(打印版) 很全很经典

48个国际音标表(打印版) 很全很经典

国际音标学习一、长元音[i:]e:Chinese 中国人ee:feeling 感情ei:receive 接到ea:please 请ie:believe 相信字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling二.短元音[i]1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。

i: visit 参观e: English英语u: busy忙ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的ui: build建造[ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious2、词汇拓展:six 、eleven 、trip 、list、movie3、实用操练:1.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。



e:remember记得question 问题ea:weather天气,pleasant 令人愉快的[e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better beddesk hotel yesmany any2、词汇拓展:pen、yes、bed、let、every、egg3、实用操练:(1)Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好(2)East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。








以下是一些常见的单元音:1.[i],如Chinese中国人、sit坐、picture图片、it它、is 是、list列表、six六、mix混合2.[ə],如fix修理、fit适合、pig猪、big大、miss错过双元音双元音是由两个元音组成的音素。





英语国际音标表(48个)英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control politearound account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listenfamulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [ɔ: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ])发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [u] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould couldput full bull pull pushwoman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [εu] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [iε] 字母组合eer earbeer deerear nearhere fierce idea19) [ ɛə ] ([eə])字母组合ear air erepear bearchair air fairthere wherecare20) [uε] [auə]字母组合our owerhour tour flower shower48个英语音标犹如60个汉语拼音,只要熟练地掌握了它们,对学习英语的作用是相当大的。




e:Chinese 中国人ee:feeling 感情ei:receive 接到ea:please 请ie:believe 相信2、词汇拓展:we、she 、meet 、sixteen 、each 、please3、实用操练:(1)Speaking English is a piece of cake. 说英语是小菜一碟(2)Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

4、额外奉献:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)这是一个非常好用的句型。

(1)Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。

(2)Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.需要帮忙尽管说二.短元音[i]1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。

i: visit 参观e: English英语u: busy忙ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的ui: build建造2、词汇拓展:six 、eleven 、trip 、list、movie3、实用操练:1.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。



e:remember记得question 问题ea:weather天气,pleasant 令人愉快的2、词汇拓展:pen、yes、bed、let、every、egg3、实用操练:(1)Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好(2)East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。




e:Chinese 中国人ee:feeling 感情ei:receive 接到ea:please 请ie:believe 相信2、词汇拓展:we、she 、meet 、sixteen 、each 、please3、实用操练:(1)Speaking English is a piece of cake. 说英语是小菜一碟(2)Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

4、额外奉献:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)这是一个非常好用的句型。

(1)Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。

(2)Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.需要帮忙尽管说二.短元音[i]1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。

i: visit 参观e: English英语u: busy忙ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的ui: build建造2、词汇拓展:six 、eleven 、trip 、list、movie3、实用操练:1.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。



e:remember记得question 问题ea:weather天气,pleasant 令人愉快的2、词汇拓展:pen、yes、bed、let、every、egg3、实用操练:(1)Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好(2)East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。



48个国际音标表元音12个单元音长元音[i:][][][u:][a:]短元音[i][][][u][][e][] 8个双元音[ai][ei][i][i][][][u][au]辅音10对清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][][ ∫ ][][tr][ts]浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][][ ][][dr][dz] 3个鼻音[m][n][]3个似拼音[h][r][l]2个半元音[w][j]一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。

e:Chinese 中国人extremely 极其地ee:feeling 感情agree 同意ei:receive 接到conceive 设想ea:please 请dream 梦;梦想ie:achieve 达到believe 相信实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。

3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。

2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。

i: visit 参观limit 限制e: english英语ticket车票u: busy忙ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的difficulty困难ui: build建造实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。




e:Chinese 中国人 ee:feeling 感情ei:receive 接到 ea:please 请ie:believe 相信2、词汇拓展: we、she 、meet 、sixteen 、each 、please3、实用操练:(1)Speaking English is a piece of cake. 说英语是小菜一碟(2)Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

4、额外奉献:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)这是一个非常好用的句型。

(1)Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。

(2)Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.需要帮忙尽管说二.短元音[i]1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。

i: visit 参观 e: English英语u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的 ui: build建造2、词汇拓展:six 、eleven 、trip 、list、movie3、实用操练:1.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。



e: remember记得 question 问题ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的2、词汇拓展:pen、 yes、 bed、 let、every、 egg3、实用操练:(1)Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好(2)East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。



英语国际音标表(48个)英语音标及字母组合对照1、元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control politearound account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listenfamulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buse mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [ɔ: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ])发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [u] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould couldput full bull pull pushwoman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [εu] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [iε] 字母组合eer earbeer deerear nearhere fierce idea19) [ ɛə ] ([eə])字母组合ear air erepear bearchair air fairthere wherecare20) [uε] [auə]字母组合our owerhour tour flower shower48个英语音标犹如60个汉语拼音,只要熟练地掌握了它们,对学习英语得作用就是相当大得。




e:Chinese 中国人ee:feeling 感情ei:receive 接到ea:please 请ie:believe 相信2、词汇拓展:we、she 、meet 、sixteen 、each 、please3、实用操练:(1)Speaking English is a piece of cake。

说英语是小菜一碟(2)Seeing is believing。

眼见为实.4、额外奉献:Please feel free to .。




(1)Please feel free to visit anytime。


(2)Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.需要帮忙尽管说二。

短元音[i]1、疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平.i:visit 参观e:English英语u: busy忙ee: been曾经是y:pretty漂亮的ui:build建造2、词汇拓展:six 、eleven 、trip 、list、movie3、实用操练:1。

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。


I’m pretty busy.我很忙.三.元音[e]1、疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。


e:remember记得question 问题ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的2、词汇拓展:pen、yes、bed、let、every、egg3、实用操练:(1)Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好(2)East or west,home is best。



元音12个单元音长元音[i:][][][u:][a:]短元音[i][][][u][][e][] 8个双元音[ai][ei][i][i][][][u][au]辅音10对清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][][ ∫ ][][tr][ts]浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][][ ][][dr][dz] 3个鼻音[m][n][]3个似拼音[h][r][l]2个半元音[w][j]一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。

e:Chinese 中国人extremely 极其地ee:feeling 感情agree 同意ei:receive 接到conceive 设想ea:please 请dream 梦;梦想ie:achieve 达到believe 相信实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。

3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。

2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。

i: visit 参观limit 限制e: english英语ticket车票u: busy忙ee: been曾经是y: pretty漂亮的difficulty困难ui: build建造实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

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英语国际音标表(48个)1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [ ? ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control politearound account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listenfamulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ ? ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [?: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [ ? ] ([?])发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [u] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould couldput full bull pull pushwoman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [εu] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [ ?? ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [iε] 字母组合eer earbeer deerear nearhere fierce idea19) [ ?? ] ([e?])字母组合ear air erepear bearchair air fairthere wherecare20) [uε] [au?]字母组合our owerhour tour flower shower48个英语音标犹如60个汉语拼音,只要熟练地掌握了它们,对学习英语的作用是相当大的。

语音知识:1) 字母:语言的书写形式。

元音字母只有a,e,i(y),o,u2) 音素:音的最小的单位。


即20个元音音素和28个辅音音素.3) 元音:发音响亮,是乐音;口腔中气流不收阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。


4) 辅音:发音不响亮,是噪音;口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。


5) 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。


6) 开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e name bike home due;b) 辅音+元音he,go,hi。

7) 闭音节: a) 辅音+元音+辅音bad,bed,sit,hot,cup;b)元音+辅音it。

8) 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。

读音规则1) 重读音节(见元音和辅音的例句)。

2) 非重读音节[ ] banana,student,today,after,[i] orange,secret,evening,very,Monday。


not at all,half an hour,I love you and all、after all。


good girl,good student,good job,expression,school,extreme。


Would you do it? I am glad to meet you、Can't you see it? last year,this year。




a'bout,be'lieve,ad'dress,de'cide,re'port,con'demn,res'pect,com'pare,in'form,dis'cuss,im'press,mis'take,en'force,pre'pare,em'ploy,per'mit,es'cape,pro'duce,ex'claim,trans'latec)有de-,in-,re-,con-,pre- 等前缀的重音与词义和词类有关,一般名词的重音在第一个音节上,其它的词性在第二个音节上。

'record,re'cord; 'insult,in'sult; 'conduct,con'duct; 'present pre'sent; 'content,con'tent。






c)词尾有-eous,-grahpy,-ial,-ian,-ic,-ics,-ience,ient,-ify,-ion,-ious,-ity,ive 后缀的词,重音在这些后缀的前一个音节上。

