







A Survey of British LiteratureI. Early and Medieval Literature (Unit 2)1. three conquests2. the medieval period: 476 A. D—the 15th century3. Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066):--oral traditions;--“Beowulf”: the national epic--Caedmon: the first known English religious poet4. Anglo-Norman Period (1066-15th century):--Popularity of romancens;--Chaucer: the father of English poetry;--Ballads developed;5. “Beowulf”--longest; an epic; features (Pagan and Christian coloring; kenning; metaphor)6. Romance--Definition: It is a narrative verse of prose singing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. Romances are popular in the medieval period.--“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”7. Geoffrey Chaucer--the father of English literature/poetry;--The Canterbury Tales: a double fiction; the Wife of Bath‟s prologue; The Wife of Bath‟s Tale;heroic couplet)8. Ballad:--Definition:A story told in song, usually in four line stanzas, with the 2nd and the 4th lines rhymed.--Robin Hood Ballads.9. Appreciation:--from “Beowulf”--from “The Canterbury Tales”II. The Renaissance (Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5,Unit 6)1.three discoveries2.Renaissance--a thristing curiosity for classical literature;--a keen interest in life and human activities.3.Humanism--individualism; the joy of the present life; reason; the affirmation of self-worth--Humanism emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life.Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.4.Sonnet:--Definition: It is a poem of 14 lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure; it expresses a single idea or theme. (Thomas Wyatt first introduced it to England)5.Shakespearean sonnet:--Definition: A Shakespearean sonnet consists of three four-line stanzas (called quatrains) and a final couplet composed in iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg.6.Blank verse: having a regular meter, but no rhyme. (Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey)7.Spenserian stanza:--Definition: Each stanza contains nine lines in total: eight lines in iambic pentameter followed by a single 'Alexandrine' line in iambic hexameter. The rhyme scheme of these lines is "ababbcbcc."8.Appreciation:--Edmund Spenser and “The Faerie Queene”(written in blank verse)--Thomas More and “Utopia”--Christopher Marlowe‟s Dr. Faustus(Appreication);Tamburlaine;The Jew of Malta; The Passionate Shepherd to His Love;--Sonnet 18by Shakespeare (“Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer‟s Day”): time, mortality, immortality9.The first English essayist: Francis Bacon (“Of Studies”)10.Elizabethan theatre—the golden age of English drama;11.Shakespearean comedies: As You Like It; The Merchant of Venice; A Midsummer Night‘s Dream;Much Ado About Nothing; Twelfth Night12.Shakespearean tragedies: Macbeth; King Lear; Hamlet; Othello13.Shakespearean comedies:--Features: clowns, servants, jesters, fools; dramatic irony; mistaken identity, cross-dressing;--Patterns: The Green World Pattern (Sample: A Mid-summer Night’s Dream)19. Shakespearean tragedies:--Features: characters; structure; soliloquy; traveling; the role of fate/chance20. Appreciation:--“To be, or not to be” (from Hamlet) (Hamlet‟s dilemma)--“Tommorrow, tomorrow,…”(from Macbeth) (Mabeth is tired of the world; bored with life;metaphors:)III. The Period of Revolution and Restoration (the 17th century) (Unit 7)1.17th: the beginning of modern England;2.Cavalier poets:--Reflected the royalist values;--Themes: beauty, love, loyalty, morality;--Style: Direct, short, frankly erotic--Motto:“Carpe Diem”“Seize the Day”--Robert Herrick, Ben Johnson, Rochard Lovelace, etc;--Appreciation: “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” (Herrick; “to seize the day”)3.Metaphysical school:--the founder of the Metaphysical school: John Donne--conceit: an extended metahpor involving dramatic contrasts or far-fetched comparisons;--John Donne‟s love poems: “The Flea”;“V alediction: Forbidden Mourning” (Appreciation) --Andrew Marvell: “To His Coy Mistress”4.Puritan writers:--John Bunyanh: “The Pilgrim‟s Progress” (a religious allegory)--John Milton: “Paradise Lost”(based on The Old Testament) (…Paradise Regained”; “Samson Agonistes”) (Appreciation)IV. The 18th Century Literature—The Age of Enlightenment (Unit 8 and Unit 9)1.18th century: the golden age of English novels2.Enlightenment--an intellectual movement in Europe in the 18th century;--Reason as the guiding principle for thinking and action;--the belief in eternal truth, eternal justice, natural equality ;--a continuation of Renaissance;(Belief in the possibility of human perfection through education).3.Neo-classicism:--A revival of classical standards of order, harmony, balance, simplicity and restrainedemotion in literature in the 18th century.--Alexander Pope4.“Essay on Criticism” by Alexander Pope--a manifesto of neoclassicism;--Appreciation: “A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing…”(learning as mountain climbing;inadequate learning may impair a balanced apprecation of a poem).5.Realistic novels:--Jonathan Swift;Gulliver’s Travels; A Modest Proposal; A Tale of a Tub; The Battle of the Books;--Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe;(Appreciation)--Henry Fielding: Tom Jones; Joseph Andrews; Jonathan Wilde the Great;6. Sentimentalism--the middle and later decades of the 18th c.;--definition: passion over reason, personal instincts over social duties; the return of the patriarchal times; lamenting over the destructive effects of industrialization--Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Gray, etc.7. The Graveyard School--subjects, style;--Thomas Gray‟s “Elegy written in a country churchyard”: structure; theme; (Appreciation)8. Pre-romanticism:--the latter half ot the 18th century;--Robert Burns: “Auld Lyne Syne”; “A Red, Red Rose”--William Blake: “Songs of Innocence” “Songs of Experience”; “The Lamb”, “The Tyger”;9. Richard Bringsley Sheridan: The School for Scandal; The Rivals;10. Oliver Goldsmith: The Vicar of Wakefield; She Stoops to ConquerV. The Romantic Period (1789-1832) (Unit 10 , Unit 11 and Unit 12)1.The Romantic period: an age of poetry2.Romanticism:--Manifesto of British Romanticism: Lyrical Ballads: co-published by Wordsworth and Coleridge--Features: individual as the center of all life and experience; from the outer world to the innerworld; Passion; imagination ; Nature; pastoral; past ; Individual freedom; simple and spontaneous expression; symbolic presentations; fantastic elements;3.English Romantic Poets--Lake Poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey--The Satanic Poets: Byron; Shelley; Keats--Lyrical Ballads: the manifesto of the English Movement;4.William Wordsworth--“a worshipper of nature”;--nature and country poems: “I Wanderered Lonely as a Cloud”; “The World is Too Much with us”; “Tintern Abbey”; “To a Butterfly” “The Solitary Reaper”; “Lucy Poems”;--theories on poetry; “Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes its orgin from emotion recollected in tranquility.”--W ordsworth‟s view of nature: critique of materialism; a source of mental cleanliness; the guardian of the heart; the beneficial influence of nature;--Appreciation: “I Wanderered Lonely as a Cloud”; “Tintern Abbey”;5.Samuel Taylor Coleridge:“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”6. George Gordon Byron:--Byronic Hero: an idealised but flawed anti-hero created by Byron; love of freedom, hatred of tyranny, passionate, rebellious, chivalrous, arrogant, cynical, individualistic, isolated, single-handedly, melancholy--major poems by Byron: “Childe Harold‟s Pilgrimage”(Byronic Hero); “Don Juan”; “She Walks in Beauty”; “The Isles of Greece” (Appreciation)7. Percy Bysshe Shelley:--Plato‟s influence; pantheism--“Prometheus Unbound”; “Ode to the West Wind”“Prometheus Unbound”; “Ode to a Skylark”;“Queen Mab”; “A Defense of Poetry”;-- Appreciation : “Ode to the West Wind”: themes of death and rebirth; destruction and regeneration;8. John Keats-- “Ode on a Grecian Urn”; “Ode to a Nightingale”; “Ode to Autumn”; “Endymion”; “Isabella”--Appreciation: “Ode on a Greican Urn”: the powers and limitations of artVI The Victorian Literature (1832-1901) (Unit 13 and Unit 14)1. Authors and Works--William Makepeace Thackray: Vanity Fair--George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss; Silas Marner; Middlemarch; Adam Bede--Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice: Emma; Sense and Sensibility; Mansfield Park--Thomas Hardy: Far from the Madding Crowd; Tess of the D’Urbervilles; Jude the Obscure; The Return of the Native; The Mayor of Casterbridge--Charlotte Bronte:Jane Eyre; Shirley;--Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights--Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest; A Woman of No Importance--Walter Scott: Ivanhoe;1.Bronte Sisters and the Female Gothic Tradition:--Female Gothic refers to the tradition of Gothic writing by women . . . that represents the female experience within domesticity as one of imprisonment, claustrophobia and terror.2.Appreciation:--Jane Eyre by Charolotte Bronte;--Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte;3.Naturalism--Definition:Heredity and social environment as the sha ping forces of one‟s character; to determine "scientifically" the underlying forces influencing the actions of the characters.pessimism; fatalism; detached perspective;--Appreciation: “Tess of D‟Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy4.Aestheticism--Oscar Wilde4. Charles Dickens:--Oliver Twist; David Copperfield; A Tale of Two Cities; Hard Times; Great Expectations; The Pickwick Papers; Little Dorrit5. Poets--Alfred Tennyson: “Break, Break, Break”--Robert Browning: “My Last Duchess” (dramatic monologue)--Mathew Arnold: “Dover Beach” (Appreciation)6.Thomas Hardy--“Shakespeare of the English novel.”--novels of character and environment: Far from the Madding Crowd; Tess of the D’Urbervilles;Jude the Obscure--fatalism;--naturalistic tendencies;7. George Bernard Shaw--the greatest Irish dramatist in the 20th c.--a member of the Fabian society; reformist ideas--Plays: Mrs. Warren’s Profession; Major Barbara8. John Galsworthy--The Forsyte Saga: The Man of Property, In Chancery, and To Let.--Analysis: The Man of PropertyVII. The Modern Period (Unit 15)1. Modernism:--theorectical basis;--innovative forms;--thematic concerns;3. Steam of consciousness novel:--Bergson‟s theory of ps ychological time;--Definition:The style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character‟s thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories, and mental images as the character experiences them.--Virginia Woolf and James Joyce4. Virginia Woolf--“Modern Fiction” (attacked the traditional way of novel-writing)--Mrs. Dalloway; To the Lighthouse; The Waves--Mrs. Dalloway: appreciation5. James Joyce--an Irish writer;--Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses--Ulysses (Theme, techniques)6. Psychological Fiction--Freudian‟s theories;--D. H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers; The Rainbow; Women in Love; Lady Chatterley’s Lover--Sons and Lovers: appreciation7. Other important writers:--E. M. Forster: A Passage to India; A Room with a View; Where Angels Fear to Tread; Howards End;--William Golding: Lord of the Flies;--Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness; Lord Jim;VIII. Postwar Literature (Unit 16)1.Existentialism--“Existence precedes essence”--Theme;2. Theatre of the Absurd--Samuel Beckett: Nobel prize--Harold Pinter: Nobel Prize--Definition--Waiting for Godot (Beckett):3. Angry Y oung Man:--mid-1950s;--John Osborne: Look Back in Anger4. Metafiction:--definition:--John Fowles: The French L ieutenant’s Woman5. Symbolism:--definiton;--T. S. Eliot: “The Waste Land” (spiritiual empitness and emotional impoverishment)--William Butler Y eats: “Sailing to Byzantium”;(Appreciation)“The Second Coming”; “Leda and the Swan”;。



一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类: pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》( national epic 民族史诗) 采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)例子: of man was the mildest and most beloved,To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise、二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)Canto 诗章1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士与绿衣骑士) 就是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里、乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups、朝圣者都就是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层与社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character、这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。




教学重点与难点:《英国文学》的主要流派教学内容:从总体上介绍学习英国文学的意义和方法以及这门课程的性质1.为什么要学习英国文学2.学习英国文学的意义3.从盎格鲁·撒克逊时期到后现代主义时期的英国文学4.如何学习这门课程本章习题要点:1. 你对英国文学的了解有多少?2.文学和文化/历史/社会的关系第二讲中古时期英国文学教学要求:了解早期英国文学,尤其盎格鲁·撒克逊时期文学的主要特征和主要作品。




教学重点与难点:文艺复兴;莎士比亚的戏剧和诗歌一文艺复兴运动二人文主义思潮三文艺复兴时期的重要作家四威廉·莎士比亚1. 莎士比亚生平及戏剧创作生涯2. 莎士比亚作品的思想意义及艺术成就3.《哈姆雷特》片断赏析4.《第18首、第29首十四行诗》赏析本章习题要点:人文主义思想在文学作品中的反映;莎士比亚的戏剧和诗歌。



教学重点与难点:清教思想;《失乐园》一历史背景二约翰·弥尔顿1. 弥尔顿的生平及文学创作2. 《失乐园》选读本章习题要点:资产阶级革命对文学的影响;弥尔顿的文学价值和社会价值。












托马斯·莫尔(Thomas more, 1478-1535)是英国最主要的早期人文主义者,他的《乌托邦》(utopia)批评了当时的英国和欧洲社会,设计了一个社会平等、财产公有、人们和谐相处的理想国。


《乌托邦》开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的先河,这一传统从培根的《新大西岛》(the new Atlantis)、斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》(gulliver's travels)、勃特勒的《埃瑞璜》(erewhon)一直延续到20世纪的科幻小说。



英国文学史I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated.Artistic features:1. Using alliterationDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵)Some examples on P52. Using metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideasGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340~1400(首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。

约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。


)The father of English poetry.writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.①<The Canterbury Tales>坎特伯雷故事集:first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English②<Troilus and Criseyde>特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德③<The House of Fame>声誉之宫Medieval Ages’popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事)Famous three:King ArthurSir Gawain and the Green KnightBeowulfII The Renaissance PeriodA period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival:1. new discoveries in geography and astrology2. the religious reformation and economic expansion3. rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureThe most famous dramatists:Christopher MarloweWilliam ShakespeareBen Johnson.1. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙·斯宾塞1552~1599(后人称之为“诗人的诗人”。



知识点梳理一中世纪文学(约 5 世纪—1485)•Beowulf贝奥武夫Old English literature, poems, the national epic of the English people ★特点Artistic features: ing alliteration押头韵 ing metaphor and understatement3.give an impression of reserve and at time a tinge of ironical humor3位Middle English 的著名诗人1.Geoffrey Chaucer—— The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集The founder of English poetry、realismwriting style: wisdom, humor, humanity.first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English<名解>heroic couplet:the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter p26、39、902.William Langland——Piers The Plowman 耕者皮尔斯:a picture of feudal England3.The author of Sir Gawain and Green Knight•The Robin Hood Ballads 罗宾汉<名解> 民谣The Ballads is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. The ballads are in various English and Scottish dialects.二文艺复兴时期文学(15 世纪后期—17 世纪初)A period of drama and poetry.The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the EnglishRenaissance.<名解>Renaissance p30-31• 托马斯·莫尔Thomas More——Utopia乌托邦He was one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought<名解> The sonnet p39• 埃德蒙·斯宾塞Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene、The Shepherd’s Calendar牧人日历The poets’ poet. The first to be buried in the Poet’s corner of Westerminster AbbeyThe Faerie Queene——nationalism、humanism、puritanism• 弗兰西斯·培根Francis Bacon——Essays随笔The founder of English materialist philosophy近代唯物主义奠基人The first English essayist在论述探究知识的著作中提出了知识就是力量这一著名论断•克里斯托弗·马洛Christopher Marlowe“University Wits”—Tamburlaine帖木耳大帝、TheJew of Malta马耳他的犹太人、Doctor Faustus<名解>Blank verse无韵体: written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.★William Shakespeare 1564~161637plays 2long poems 154sonnets四大喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night’s Dream《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice《皆大欢喜》As You Like It《第十二夜》Twelfth Night四大悲剧《哈姆莱特》Hamlet《奥赛罗》Othello《李尔王》King Lear《麦克白》Macbeth历史剧《亨利四世》Henry IV正剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》Romeo and JulietFeatures of Shakespeare's drama:1 one of the founders of realism in world literature2 often used the method of adaptation3 skilled in many poetic forms: song, sonnet, couplet, especially the blank verse4 a great master of the English language•本·琼生Ben Johnson——Every Man in His HumorHis portrayal of characters is one-sided, flat, and lacking development; they are not round and full-blooded.He was a forerunner of classicism in English literature which was to reach its hightide in the 18th century.古典主义先驱三17 世纪文学英国资产阶级革命时期The puritan poets 弥尔顿、班扬The metaphysical poets 邓恩The cavalier poets 德莱顿★约翰·弥尔顿John Milton 1608~1674早期Poems——On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity、Comus、Lycidas中期Pamphlets——Of Reformation in England、Areopagitica《论出版自由》、The Defence ofthe English People为英国人民声辩晚期Giant works失明后写——Paradise Lost失乐园、Paradise Regained复乐园、SamsonAgonistes力士参孙Areopagitica论出版自由,as a declaration of people's freedom of the press, has been a weapon in the later democratic revolotion struggles.Paradise Lost:long epic in12 books, written in blank verse. p107Agonistes力士参孙:poetical drama modelled on the Greek tragedies. It is from the Book of Judges in the Old Testament.Brief summary p1111 he was a political in both his life and his art. He was a militant pamphleteer of the English Revolution, and the greatest English revolutionary poet in 17th century2 he wrote the greatest epic in English literature. He and Shakespeare have always been regarded as two patterns of English verse3 he is a master of the blank verse. he first used blank verse in non-dramatic works.4 he is a great stylist.5 his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.• 约翰·班扬John Bunyan—The Pilgrim’s Progress: a religious allegory天路历程Puritan poet•John Donne the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).四启蒙时期文学(17th后期—18th中期)核心Reason<名解>The Enlightenment:an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism.<名解> classicism:The classicists modelled themselves on Greek and Latin authors, and try to control literary creation by some fixed laws and rules drawn from Greek andLatin works. The English classicists followed these standards in their writings.Classicists had some fixed laws and rules for almost every genre of literature.•Richard Steele——The Christian Hero(pamphlet)、(Newspapers)The Tatler、The spectator(in conjunction with Addison)、Theatre、The English•Joseph Addison——The Campaign(a poem,his best-known poem in heroic couplet) Cato (tragedy)、The Spectator、A Letter from Italy★The Spectator:a daily newspaper, one essay a day,dealing with the customs, manners, morals,literature and other current topics of the time, in a light and pleasant mannerAmong the most striking features of The Spectator are the character sketches (人物素描) of Mr. Spectator and the members of his club.Contribution:•Addison and Steel developed the form of letter writing to the verge of the epistolary novel(书信体小说).•Addison’s Spectator essay were looked upon as the model of English composition by British authors all through the 18th century.•Humor, intimacy and elegance are the striking features of the English familiar essay•Alexander Pope 亚历山大•蒲柏1688~17441.Essay on Criticism、2.The Rape of the Lock卷发遇劫记the masterpiece, which is worth reading for itsdescription and satire of the dull court life of Englandof that time.3.The Dunciad愚人记、4.Essay on Man人论、5.Moral Essays道德论6.The Works of Shakespeare 《莎士比亚全集》One of the first to introduce rationalism to England.Pope is the most important representative of the English classical poetry. Frequently writing in the form of heroic couplets. He was at his best in satire and epigram.• Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~17451.Gulliver’s TravelsLilliput小人国Brobdingnag大人国Flying Island飞岛Houyhnhnm马岛2.A Tale of a Tub3.A Modest Proposal and The Drapi er’s Letters(pamphlets)Denounce the cruel and unjust treatment of Ireland by the English government and stir up the Irish people to fight.4.The Battle of BooksSwift’s Style: He is one of the greatest masters of English prose. His language is simple and clear and vigorous. He is a master satirist, and his irony is deadly. (例如modest proposal)• Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔•笛福Robinson Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记was one of the forerunners of the English realistic novel.Robinson Crusoe is representative of the English bourgeoisie.Moll Flanders、Colonel Jacque、Captain singleton•Samuel Richardson——Pamela (Develop the English novel)、Clarissa Harlowe• Henry Fielding亨利•菲尔丁1707~1754Novels:1.Tom Jones汤姆•琼斯(A love story between Tom and Sophia)2.Joseph Andrews、3.The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great、4.Amelia艾米莉亚He is the founder of English realistic novel、father of the English novel•Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔•约翰逊——A Dictionary of English Language英语大词典• Oliver Goldsmith(playwriter)奥利弗•格尔德斯密斯——The Deserted Village(poem)、The Good Natured Man、She stoops to Conquer(drama)•Richard Brinsley Sheridan(playwriter)理查德•布林斯利•施莱登——The Rivals、The School for Scandal(drama)Romantic Revival arose in the latter half of the 18th century, against Classicism.The pre-romantic poetry was represented by Blake and Burns.•William Blake威廉•布莱克1757~1827Songs of Innocence天真之歌、Songs of Experience经验之歌、The Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的婚姻1. Blake was opposed to the classicism of the 18th century.2. His poems were full of romantic spirit and imagery symbolism.3. He was a Pre-Romanticist or forerunner of the romantic poetry of the 19th century.•Robert Burns罗伯特•彭斯1759—1796A Red, Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰songs of love and friendship、Auld Long Syne往昔时光The Scots Musical Museum and Collection of Original Scottish Airs.收集苏格兰民谣He is the greatest of Scottish poets and one of the greatest song writers in the world .The poems of Burns are written in the Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects.五浪漫主义时期文学Romanticism in England(1798-1832)The romantic period began in 1798 the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s <Lyrical Ballads>, and end in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death.The Lake Poets湖畔诗人who lived in the lake district.The elder generation: escapist romanticists(William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Robert Southey)★William Wordsworth1770—1850Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集beginning of the Romantic Revival、deep love for nature sympathy for the poorI Wondered Lonely As A Cloud我好似一朵流云独自漫游Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey登丁寺杂咏The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女、The Prelude序曲•Samuel Taylor Coleridge——The Rime of the Ancient Mariner古舟子颂The poem is considered his masterpiece•Robert Southey——Joan of Arc圣女贞德The younger generation: active romanticists:•George Gordon Byron 乔治•戈登•拜伦1788—1824Don Juan唐•璜、Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage恰尔德•哈罗德尔游记、Cain该隐、The Vision of Judgment审判的幻景<名解>拜伦式英雄Byronic heroes is a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin, against tyrannical rules or moral principles.恰尔德·哈罗德是拜伦诗歌中第一个“拜伦式英雄”。



一、The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)The literature:Two divisions: pagan and ChristianThe Song of Beowulf:the events which took place on the Continent at the beginning of the 6th Century,The poem tells of a hero, a Scandinavian prince named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of the monster Grendel, half man and half fiend, and Grendel's mother, who comes that evening to avenge Grendel's death. Fifty years later Beowulf, now king of his native land, fights a dragon who has devastated his people. Both Beowulf and the dragon are mortally wounded in the fight. The poem ends with Beowulf's funeral.Theme:the primitive people’s struggle against hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.二、The Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)The Literature:The literature which they brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure (Romance), in marked contrast with the strength and somberness(朴实无华)of Anglo-Saxon poetry (Epic).Explanation of Sir Gawain and Green Knight:Two motifs〔主题〕1.The test of faith, courage, purity2.The test of human weakness for self-preservation三、Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?-1400〕Characteristics①His allegories and symbols are already tinged with realistic images②Chaucer’s poem is distinguished for its profound delineation of character and truthful description of human relations.The Canterbury Tales:The Host (Harry Baily) proposes a storytelling contest to pass the time; each of the 30 pilgrims (including the poet) is to tell four tales on the round trip.Major Work:1.The Legend of Good Women好女人的故事 2.The House of Fame声誉殿堂3.The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集 4.Troilus and Cressida特洛伊勒斯和克莱西5.The Parliament of Fowls百鸟会议四、The Renaissance〔16th Century〕Two features:1.A thirsting curiosity for classical literature. 2.The keen interest in life and human activities.1.William Shakespeare(1564-1616)Three Periods of his Dramatic Career and its characteristics(1)the years from 1590 to 1600,are characterized from a degree by formal and rather obvious construction and by stylized verse to highly individualized.Comedies: 1)The Merchant of Vince, 威尼斯商人2)A Midsummer Night’s Dream,仲夏夜之梦Twelfth Night,第十二夜3)As You Like It.〔皆大欢喜〕4)The Comedy of Errors, 5)The Merry Wives of Window, the years from 1601 to 1608,the most profound of his works. Tragedies:1)Hamlet哈姆雷特2)King Lear李尔王3) Macbeth麦克白4) Othello奥赛罗5)Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶6) Timon of Athens.(雅典的泰门〕the period from 1609-1612,principal romantic tragicomedies.The Themes of Hamlet:new themes:1.the impossibility of certainty; 2.the complexity of action;3the mystery of death;4.its exploration into man’s inner world, into human psychology through a series of soliloquy〔自言自语,独白〕.Traditional aspects of Themes :1.Hesitation:2. Inherited Sin and Corruption(人生而有罪和堕落):3. Sons Seeking Revenge 4. Deception: Deception makes up a major motif in Hamlet. 5. Ambition6. Loyalty:7. Madness8.Empty ExistenceFeatures of Shakespeare’s Drama :1). one of the founders of realism in world lit. 2) Skilled in many poetic forms .3). A great master of the English languagePetrarchan sonnet :The octave is eight lines long, and typically follows a rhyme scheme of ABBAABBA, or ABBACDDC.The sestet occupies the remaining six lines of the poem, and typically follows a rhyme scheme of CDCDCD, or CDECDE.Shakespearean sonnet:ABAB CDCD EFEF GG The sonnet 18,16The Spencerian Sonnet:ABAB BCBC CDCD EE On His Blindness2.Francis Bacon(1561-1626)Major works:1)Advancement of Learning学术的进展2)New Instrument新工具3)New Atlantis 新大西岛; 4)Essays随笔(Of Truth; Of Friendship; Of Studies论学习; Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self)五、The Period of Revolution & Restoration 〔17th Century)Literary characteristics:Confusion; Absence of any fixed standard of literary criticism;1.John Donne (1572-1631)Metaphysical poetsA Valediction: forbidding mourningTheme:Real, complete love unites not only the bodies of a husband and wife but also their souls. Such spiritual love is transcendent, metaphysical, keeping the lovers together intellectually and spiritually even though the circumstances of everyday life may separate their bodies. Imagery:The circle 1. Marriage ring 2. Path of the planets 3. Path described by a compassThe compass Planetary trepidation Earthquakes The gold Valuable, noble, difficult to destroy Three kinds of poets.Puritan poet(清教徒派诗人), Cavalier poet(保皇派诗人),the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).Literary term: Metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌)2.John Milton (1608-1674) An English Poet1)Paradise Lost (masterpiece)《失乐园》2)Paradise Regained《复乐园》3)Samson Agonistes 《力士参孙》4)Lycidas 《利西达斯》5) Areopagitica 《论出版自由》6)On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity《基督诞生晨颂》7)L’Allegro《快乐的人》8)Of Reformation in England 《论英国改革》9)Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce《离婚的戒律与学说》10)Penseroso《幽思的人》11)Comus 《科玛斯》Paradise Lost:It is about Satan’s rebellion against God and the expulsion(驱逐) of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.Theme :The theme of the poem is a revolt against God’s authorityOn His Blindness:theme:God judges humans on whether they labor for Him to the best of their ability.六、The Age of Enlightenment in England 〔The 18th Century〕1.Daniel Defoe:The father of the English fiction(英国小说之父〕Major works:1)The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊漂流记》2)Captain Singleton 《辛格顿船长》3)Moll Flanders 《摩尔·弗兰德斯》4)A Journal of the Plague Year 《大疫年日记》5) Roxana 《罗克萨娜》THE ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOETheme:the power of the average man to preserve life and to organize economy in the face of unpromising environment.2.Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)One of the greatest masters of English prose;十八世纪杰出的政治家和讽刺小说家Major Works:1)A Tale of a Tub 《一个木桶的故事》2)Battle of the Books 《书籍之战》3)Journal to Stella 《给斯黛拉的信》4)The Drapier’s Letters《布商的信》5)A Modest Proposal 《一个温和的建议》Gulliver’s Travels 《格列佛游记》:Lilliput 小人国Brobdingnag 大人国Flying Island 飞岛国Houyhnhnm 马岛国Swift style :simple, clear, vigorous language;direct and precise prose;a master satirist;deadly(非常有效的) irony;powerful satire.3.Robert Burns(1759-1796):Scottish poet and writer of traditional Scottish folk songs.1)A Red Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰2) Auld Longn Syne 往昔时光3)John Anderson,My Jo 约翰爱德生,我的爱人4)A Man’s a Man for A That不管那一套5) My Heart’s in the Highlands我的心在那高原上七、The 19th RomanticHistory Background:(1).Industrial Revolution and French Revolution had a strong influence in Britain literature.(2)Fighting for “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity〞also becomes British national spirit.1.William Wordsworth(1770-1850)与Samuel Taylor Coleridge,Robert Southey 同被称为Lake Poets(湖畔诗人〕Characteristics:Wordsworth’s poetry is distinguished by purity and simplicity of his language which was spoken by the peasants who convey their feelings and emotions in simple and unelaborated〔坦率的〕expressions.Major Work:Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey“丁登寺杂咏〞Wandered Lonely as a Cloud “我独自漫游像一朵浮云〞The Prelude序曲The Excursion 远足Lyrical Balas 抒情歌谣集The Solitary Reaper〞“孤独的收割者〞2.George Gordon Byron(1788-1824))he is one of the most excellent representatives of English Romanticism and one of the most influential poets of the time.Major works:1) Hours of Idleness (1807)《闲暇时刻》2)The English Bards and Scott Reviewers (1809)《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》3)Child Harold Pilgrimage (1st two cantos1812, the later cantos 1816-1818) 《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》written in Spenserian stanza.4) The Giaour 《异教徒》5) Lara (1814)《莱拉》6)The Corsair (1814)《海盗》7) Don Juan (1819-1824)《唐璜》masterpiece8) The Vision of Judgment 《审判的幻景》9)Cain 该隐10〕She walks in Beauty 她走在美的光影里The characteristic of his poems:Byron’s poems show energy and vigor, romantic daring (bold, brave) and powerful passion.3.Persy Bysshe Shelly :one of the major English Romantic poets.Major works:1) Zastrozzi, 《柴斯特罗齐》2) The Necessity of Atheism, 《无神论的必要性》3) Queen Mab, 《仙后麦布》4) Prometheus Unbound,《解放了的普罗米修斯》5) “The Odes to the West Wind〞,“西风颂6) The Masque of Anarchy, 《暴政的行列》7) A Defence of Poetry, 《诗之辩护》8) The Triumph of Life, 《革命的胜利行列》4.John Keats“Beauty is truth, truth beauty〞.Major works:1)“O Solitude〞,“孤寂〞2)“On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer〞,“初读查普曼译荷马史诗〞3)Poems,《诗集》,his first book. 4)Endymion,《恩底弥翁》his first long poem.5)Isabella,《伊莎贝拉》6)Hyperion,《许佩里翁》7)Lamia,《莱米亚》.The great odes: (1)On a Grecian Urn,“希腊古瓮颂〞.(2)To Psyche,“心灵颂〞.(3)On Melancholy,“哀感〞.(4)To Autumn,“秋颂〞.The characteristic of his poetry, characterized by exact and closely-knit construction, sensual descriptions, and by force of imagination, gives transcendental values to the physical beauty of the world.5.Jane Austin:one of the realistic novelists.Major works:Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》Mansfield Park 《曼斯菲尔德花园》.Emma《爱玛》Persuasion《劝告》The characteristic of her novel:1〕She drew vivid and realistic pictures of everyday life of the country society 2〕main concern is about human beings in their personal relations, human beings with their families and neighbors3〕Stories of love and marriagePride and Prejudice:Main idea:The book mainly tells the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent Elizabeth Bennet. None of the daughters of the wealthy family can inheritthe estate (property) of the family for it has been entailed (把遗产留给) upon the nearest male heir, William Collins. Collins intends to marry and he decides to choose Elizabeth. But Elizabeth rejects his proposal. When another young man called Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, she has prejudice against him because she thinks that he has nothing but pride. After many twists and turns, misunderstanding disappears and they are happily united.Theme:1)pride and prejudice2)love and marriage八、The Victorian AgeThe Mainly three kinds of literature and its characteristics1)the Chartist literature 2)English Critical Realism 3)Victorian poetry1.Charles DickensMajor works: 1)Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》2)The Pickwick Papers«匹克威克外传»3)Great Expectations «远大前程» 4)David Copperfield «大卫·科波菲尔»5)Bleak House «荒凉山庄»6)Hard Times «艰难时世»7〕Little Dorrit «小杜丽»8〕A Tale of Two Cities «双城记» 9〕Dombey and Son (1847-1848)«董贝父子»10〕Our Mutual Friend «我们的共同朋友»11〕American Notes «美国札记»2.Charlotte Bronte:1)Anne Bronte(1820—1849) Agnes Grey,《安格尼斯·格雷》The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall《王尔德费尔庄园的佃户》Jane Eyre,《简爱》Themes :Love Versus Autonomy2)Emily Bronte(1818—1848) Wuthering Heights,《呼啸山庄》The theme of the novel: a full human life (完美人生) in a capitalist society was impossible of attainment (达到).They were all talented writers and all of them died young.3.Alfred,Lord TennysonMajor works:1).In Memoriam 《悼念》2). Poems, Chiefly Lyrical 《抒情诗集》3). Poems (two volumes) 《诗集》4). The Princess 《公主》5). Maud 《毛黛》6). The Idylls of the King 《国王叙事集》7. Poems by Two Brothers《哥俩集》4.Robert BrowningMajor works :1)“Home-Thoughts, from Abroad〞2)《异域乡思》“Meeting at Night〞《深夜幽会》“Parting at Morning〞《清晨离别》。





教学步骤:Step 1: 引入教师介绍英国文学史的重要性和意义,并引导学生思考英国文学的特点和影响。

Step 2: 发展背景介绍英国文学史的发展背景,包括古代英国文学的影响,罗马和基督教的进入,以及中世纪和文艺复兴时期的文学发展。

Step 3: 重要时期和特点讲解英国文学史上的重要时期和特点,包括伊丽莎白时代,文艺复兴,浪漫主义,维多利亚时代和现代主义等。

Step 4: 重要作品和作家介绍英国文学史上的重要作品和作家,包括莎士比亚的戏剧,弥尔顿的《失乐园》,狄更斯的小说等。

Step 5: 分组讨论将学生分成小组,每组选取一个重要的时期或作家进行深入研究,并展示给全班。

Step 6: 总结和评价与学生一起总结英国文学史的重要内容和特点,并评价英国文学对世界文学的影响。



教学步骤:Step 1: 引入教师引导学生思考莎士比亚戏剧的特点和影响,并激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step 2: 莎士比亚戏剧的特点和艺术手法讲解莎士比亚戏剧的特点和艺术手法,如诗意语言,人物描写和戏剧构思等。

Step 3: 《哈姆雷特》的情节和主题介绍《哈姆雷特》的情节和主题,包括主人公的复仇和道德困境等。

Step 4: 对《哈姆雷特》的解读和分析教师带领学生一起对《哈姆雷特》进行深入解读和分析,如人物形象,意象和隐喻等。




英国文学的发展可分为几个阶段,其中最重要的阶段包括古英语文学、中世纪文学、文艺复兴时期文学、17 世纪文学、18 世纪文学、19 世纪文学和 20 世纪文学。




17 世纪文学以约翰·弥尔顿、约翰·班扬和约翰·德莱顿等人的作品为代表,其中《失乐园》、《天路历程》和《论出版自由》等作品成为这一时期的经典。

18 世纪文学则以丹尼尔·笛福、乔纳森·斯威夫特、理查森·谢里丹和简·奥斯汀等人的作品为代表,这一时期的文学作品反映了工业革命时期的社会变革。

19 世纪文学是英国文学的又一辉煌时期,这一时期的代表作家包括查尔斯·狄更斯、夏洛蒂·勃朗特、艾米丽·勃朗特和托马斯·哈代等。

20 世纪英国文学则以弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、乔治·奥威尔、威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆和阿加莎·克里斯蒂等作家的作品为代表。




















以下为英国文学史第二册的知识点总结个别知识点会有错误或者遗漏请在复习的时候自主补充愿大家都能取得好成绩———VictoriaJPart V The Romantic PeriodThe romantic period began in 1798 the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s <Lyrical Ballads>, and end in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death. Wordsworth华兹华斯Coleridge 柯尔律治Southey 骚塞The Lake Poets1.William Wordsworth威廉•华兹华斯1770~1850Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人)a leader of the romantic movement in England.①Lyrical Ballads 《抒情歌谣集》(with Samuel Taylor Coleridge)It marked the beginning of the Romantic revival in England(1)This is a joint work of Wordsworth and his friend Coleridge.(2)The publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 marks the beginning of the RomanticMovement in England.(3)It begins with Coleridge’s long poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”(“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”)and ends with Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”(“丁登寺”).(4)Many of the subjects of these poems deal with elements of nature such as birds,daffodils and simple rural folk.(5)The majority of poems in this collection were written by Wordsworth.The poems in Lyrical Ballads are characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language.(6) Some of the best poems in the collection are:“Lines Written in Early Spring”(“早春诗行”),“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”)“Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” (“丁登寺”).②Lucy Poems 《露西组诗》③“I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” “独自漫游似浮云”=“The Daffodils”“水仙”Theme: 1.Nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstance. It is nature that give him “strength and knowledge full of peace”2. It is bliss to recall the beauty of nature in poet mind while he is in solitude.Comment: The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poets philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.④“The Solitary Reaper”“孤独的收割者”⑤The Prelude 《序曲》or Growth of a Poet’s Mind⑥The Excursion 《远足》《漫游》Wordsworth’s Principles of Poetry(feelings,commonplace things,the real language of man and deliberate simplicity,inner self, changed the ordinary speech of the language → return to nature.)2.George Gordon Byron乔治•戈登•拜伦1788~18241)Hours of Idleness 《闲暇时刻》《消闲时光》dealing with childish recollections andearly friendship, showing the influence of 18th century traditions。












托马斯·莫尔(Thomas more, 1478-1535)是英国最主要的早期人文主义者,他的《乌托邦》(utopia)批评了当时的英国和欧洲社会,设计了一个社会平等、财产公有、人们和谐相处的理想国。


《乌托邦》开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的先河,这一传统从培根的《新大西岛》(the new Atlantis)、斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》(gulliver's travels)、勃特勒的《埃瑞璜》(erewhon)一直延续到20世纪的科幻小说。



英国文学史复习资料英国文学史复习资料第一章:中世纪文学1.1 安格鲁-撒克逊时期(5世纪-1066年)- 口头传统和史诗:《贝奥武夫》- 基督教文学:《凡尔登战役》1.2 后征服时期(1066年-1485年)- 基督教文学:《格尔罗与黛斯蒙德》- 骑士文学:《亚瑟王传说》、《罗宾汉传》第二章:文艺复兴时期(1485年-1603年)2.1 草原学派- 约翰·斯克利- 托马斯·莫尔2.2 伊丽莎白时代- 威廉·莎士比亚:《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 - 克里斯托弗·马洛:《第一部十诫》第三章:17世纪文学3.1 评剧派- 本·琼生:《伊丽莎白时代断头台上的十一个人》- 约翰·福特:《佩里克尔斯·普林》3.2 枪炮派- 约翰·洛克:《论人类理解》- 托马斯·霍布斯:《利维坦》第四章:启蒙时代(18世纪)4.1 洛克主义- 亚当·斯密:《国富论》- 大卫·休谟:《人性的研究》4.2 唯理主义- 亚历山大·波佩:《怪异小说》- 理查德·斯蒂文森:《金银岛》第五章:浪漫主义(19世纪)5.1 威廉·华兹华斯:《抒情诗》5.2 柯勒律治:《唐吉诃德》第六章:维多利亚时代6.1 珍奥斯汀:《傲慢与偏见》6.2 狄更斯:《雾都孤儿》6.3 奥斯卡·王尔德:《道林·格雷的画像》第七章:现代主义(20世纪)7.1 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《至灵宴》7.2 乔治·奥威尔:《1984》7.3 约瑟夫·康拉德:《黑暗之心》第八章:后现代主义(20世纪末至今)8.1 萨尔曼·鲁西迪:《午夜的孩子》8.2 伊恩·麦克尤恩:《第二个苏格拉底》8.3 泽拉尔·纳西莫夫:《洛丽塔》总结:英国文学史涵盖了从中世纪到现代的丰富多样的文学作品。



Part VII The Romantic Period (1798-1832) Romanticism in EnglandI. background1.The French Revolution(1789-1799)2. The Industrial RevolutionII romanticism1. definition and characteristics (理解)2. The period: 1798-1832Beginning with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads (1798), ending with Walter Scott’s death(1832)3. The representative poetsWilliam Wordsworth(1770-1850)威廉·华兹华斯S.T. Coleridge (1772-1834)S.T.柯勒律治Robert Southey (1774-1843)罗伯特·骚塞George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824)乔治·戈登·拜伦Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822)珀西·比希·雪莱John Keats(1795-1821)约翰·济慈4. The prose writersWalter Scott (1771-1832): historical novelist 沃尔特·司各特James Austen (1775-1817) : novelist 简·奥斯丁Charles Lamb (1775-1834): essayist 查尔斯·兰姆5. Literary formsThe age of Wordsworth –like the age of Shakespeare - was decidedly an age of poetry. There was also a noteworthy development of the novel which was already beginning to establish itself as the favorite literary form of nineteenth century.The drama was the only literary form that was not adequately represented.(一)William Wordsworth(1770-1850)I status①the leading figure of the English romantic poetry②He has started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self.③using the ordinary speech and advocating a return to nature.II works1. Subjects:①Poems about nature②Poems about human life2. WorksLines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey (1798) 《廷腾寺》The Prelude (1805-1806) 《序曲》The Excursion (1814) 《远足》Sonnets3. selected readingTintern AbbeyShe Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 她住在人迹罕见的路边I Traveled Among Unknown Men 我曾在异乡漫游I wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我像一朵孤独的浮云The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女(二)George Gordon, Lord Byron(1788-1824)I. Literary Works①Hours of Idleness《闲暇时刻》《消闲时光》②The English Bards and Scott Reviewers《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》③Child Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》Canto I,II(1812)Canto III (1816)Canto Iv (1818)④Oriental Tales⑤Manfred 《曼弗雷德》a poetical drama(诗剧)⑥Cain 《该隐》a poetical drama⑦Don Juan《唐璜》II Selected Reading1.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 恰尔德·哈罗德游记2.Don Juan 唐璜(The Isles of Greece 哀希腊)3. When We Two Parted 当我俩分别的时候4. She Walks in Beauty 她早在美的光影里5. Sonnet on Chillon 夏兰(瑞士一古堡)的囚徒III Byronic Hero (理解)(三)Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)The worksTwo narratives①Queen Mab 麦布女王1813②The Revolt of Islam伊斯兰的反叛1818 Lyrics③Ode to the West Wind 西风颂1819④To a Skylark 云雀颂1820⑤The Cloud 云1820⑥Adonais 阿多尼an elegy for John KeatsPoetic drama⑦Prometheus Unbound 解放的普罗米修斯1819⑧The Cenci 钦契一家The major prose essay ⑨A Defence of Poetry诗辩1822(四)John Keats (1795-1821)I works①a sonnetOn First Looking into Chapman’s Homer 1817初读查浦曼译之荷马②a long narrative poemEndymion 1818 恩底弥翁③a volume of verseLamia , Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems 1820拉米亚、伊莎贝拉、圣安格尼斯节前夜和其它的诗( four great odes –On Melancholy忧郁颂, On a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂, To Psyche精神颂, To a Nightingale夜莺颂, and Hyperion许珀里翁)II ode(理解)(五)Walter Scott (1771-1832)I.statusHistorical novelist and poet popular throughout much of the world during his timeII Scott’s Works1. Poems①Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border《苏格兰边区歌谣集》1802 (he had collected among the Scottish people for many years.)②The Lay of the Last Minstrel《最末一个行吟诗人》③Marmion《玛密恩》1808④The Lady of the Lake《湖上夫人》18102. Historical Novelssubjects:from the Middle Ages to the 18th centuryhistory of ScotlandEnglish historyhistory of European countriesOf the Scottish history①Waverley 《威弗利》1814②Guy Mannering 《盖伊·曼纳令》1815③The Antiquary《古董家》1816④The Black Dwarf 《黑侏儒》1816⑤Old Morality 《修墓老人》1816⑥Rob Roy《罗布·罗伊》1817 the best of the group⑦The Heart of Midlothian 《密得洛西恩监狱》/《爱丁堡监狱》1818⑧The Bride of Lammermoor《沼地新娘》1819⑨A legend of Montrose 《蒙特罗斯传奇》1819⑩Red Gauntlet《雷德冈脱利特》1824⑾The Betrothed《约婚夫妇》1825⑿Talisman 《护身符》1825Of the English history①Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》/《撒克逊劫后英雄传/略》the English history of the end of the 12th century②The Monastery《修道院》1820③The Abbot《修道院长》/《女王越狱记》1820④Kenilworth, 《肯纳尔沃思堡》1821②③④describes the time of Mary Stuart and Queen Elizabeth⑤The Pirate 《海盗》1821⑥The Fortunes of Nigel, 《尼格尔的家产》1822⑦Peveril of the Peak 《贝弗利尔·皮克》1823⑤⑥⑦take place in 17th century Scotland and England⑧Woodstock 《皇家猎宫》1826The English RevolutionOf the European countries①Quentin Durward 《昆丁·达沃德》1823the best-known novel on French history.②Anne of Geierstein 《盖厄斯坦的安妮》1829③Count Robert of Paris《巴黎的罗伯特伯爵》1832III. historical novels①P86 L5-14②P 87 the last par.(六)Jane Austen (1775-1817)I. Novels1. Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》2. Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》18133. Northanger Abbey 《诺桑觉寺》18184. Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德花园》18145. Emma 《爱玛》18156. Persuasion 《劝告》1818II A writer of the 18th century(理解)III Main literary concern (themes) (理解)IV selected readingPride and Prejudice(人物情节)(七)Charles Lamb(1775-1834)I The rise of English essayThe first decades of the 18th and 19th centuries witnessed new births in the essay as a form in literature.①Addison and Steele socialized the essay②A means of intimate self expressionCharles LambWilliam Hazlitt (1778-1830) 威廉·哈兹里特Thomas De Quincy(1785-1859)托马斯·德·昆西Leigh Hunt(1784-1859)李·亨特II works•Tales from Shakespeare (1807)•Specimens of English Dramatic PoetsContemporary with Shakespeare (1808)•Essays of Elia (1823)•Last Essays of Elia (1833)PART VIII The (early) Victorian Age(1832-1968) Critical Realism in England I BackgroundI. The period①The Victorian reign (1837-1901)②A new era 1832—the Reform Bill1902—the end of Boer war(the Victorian roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria)Two divisions:a. Early Victorian period (1832-1868)(first 14 years – filled with unrest, alarm, and miserythe succeeding 22 years— the growing prosperity and general good feeling, “ the workshop of the world” )b. Late Victorian(1868-1902)II. literature1 Critical realismCharles Dickens (1812-1870) 狄更斯William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) 萨克雷Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) 夏洛特·勃朗特Emily Bronte (1818-1848) 艾米丽·勃朗特Mrs Gaskell (1810-1865)盖斯凯尔夫人Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)安东尼·特罗洛普George Eliot (1819-1880) 乔治·艾略特2. the chartist literature3. the poetsAlfred Tennyson (1809-1892)丁尼生Robert Browning (1812-1889) 布朗宁Charles Algernon Swinburne (1837-1909) 斯温伯恩Charles Dickens (1812-1870)I. the three greatest Victorian novelistsCharles DickensWilliams Makepeace ThackerayGeorge EliotII The Major Works of Charles DickensSketches by Boz (1836) 博兹特写集The Posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-1837) 匹克威克外传Oliver Twist (1837-1838) 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839) 尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841) 老古玩店Barnaby Rudge 1841巴纳比·鲁奇A Christmas Carol (1843) 圣诞欢歌Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1845) 朱述尔维特Dombey and Son (1846-1848) 董贝父子David Copperfield( 1849-1850) 大卫·科波菲尔Bleak House (1852-1853) 荒凉山庄Hard Times (1854) 艰难时世Little Dorrit (1855-1857) 小杜丽A Tale of Two Cities (1859) 双城记Great Expectations (1860-1861) 远大前程Our Mutual Friend 我们共同的朋友III writing features1.Humor2. His character-portrayal3. Language4. a master story-tellerWilliam M Thackeray (1811-1863)I worksFrazer ①- ④①1837-38 The Yellowplush Correspondence②1839-40 Catherine③1841 The Great Hoggarty Diamond④1844 Barry Lyndon 巴利·林顿⑤Snob Papers ( in Punch) 1848 The Book of Snobs(a social satirist)⑥1847-1848 V anity Fair⑦1848-1850 Pendennis 潘丹尼斯⑧Henry Esmond : a historical novel⑨1855 The Rose and the Ring⑩1855 The Newcomes 纽卡莫一家⑪1855 The Four Georges ( a series of lectures on Kings George 1-IV and their times)12 1857-1859 The VirginiansCornhill Magazine 康西尔杂志13-1613. 1860 Lovel the Widower 鳏夫洛威尔14. 1861-1862 The Adventures of Philip15. 1864 Denis Duval 丹尼斯·杜瓦尔16. 1863 The Roundabout papers 转弯抹角的随笔II Masterpiece: V anity Fair1.Setting : Vanity Fair is set at the time of the Napoleonic wars.2.the title :from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress3.subtitle : a novel without hero4.Characterization:Rebecca SharpAmelia5.Major plotGeorge Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)(1819-1880)Major works1.Translation:The Essence of Christianity《基督教的本质》2. Scenes of Clerical Life 《教区生活场景》1857Three stories:1) “The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton” “阿莫斯·巴顿牧师的不幸遭遇”2) “Mr. Gilfil’s Love Story” “吉尔菲尔先生的恋爱史”3) “Janet’s Repentance” “珍妮特的忏悔”3 Adam Bede《亚当·比德》18594.The Mill on the Floss 《弗洛斯河上的磨房》1859=18605. Silas Marner《织工马南》18616. Romola《罗慕拉》18637. Felix Holt the Radical1866《激进分子费立可斯·霍尔特》8. Middlemarch(1871—1872) 《米德尔马契》9. Daniel Deronda 1876 《丹尼尔·德龙达》II Writing features (理解)The Brontë SistersCharlotte Brontë (1816—1855)Emily Brontë (1818—1848)Anne Brontë (1820—1849)I WorksPoems by Culler, Ellis, and Acton Bell1846 a collection of poemsEmily:Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》Anne:①Agnes Grey《安格尼斯·格雷》②The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall《维尔德菲尔庄园的房客》①The Professor《教授》(based on her Brussels experience; not published until her death)②Jane Eyre《简爱》(masterpiece)③Shirley,《雪莉》1849④Villette,《维莱特》1853II Jane EyreIII. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte①one of the great works of genius in English fiction②Emily drew equally on her own emotional, introverted nature and on the wild and mysterious moorland around for the story of Heathcliff.③the title: wuthering, a yorkshire dialect for “weathering”④the plotTwo families and an instruderThe Earnshaw family—Wuthering HeightsHindley (Hareton)Catherine (cathy)The Linton family—Thrushcross GrangeEdgarIsabellaThe instruder Heathcliff (Linton)Alfred, Lord Tennyson1809-1892I statusThe most representative, if not the greatest, Victorian poetII Major works①In Memoriam 1833-1850 悼念集131 short poemsA powerful expression of the poet’s philosophical and religious thoughts②Idylls of the king 1850-1855•12 books of narrative poems, based on the Celtic legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table• A modern interpretation of the classic mythIII Tennyson’s best-known short poems①Ulysses②Break, Break, BreakSadness over the loss of a dear friend, combiningnature and his inner world③Crossing the BarIV Writing features (理解)Robert BrowningI Dramatic monologueII His major works①Pauline②Paracelsus 1835 帕拉塞尔萨斯③Sordello 索尔戴洛④Pippa passes 比芭走过⑤Dramatic Lyrics 1842⑥Dramatic Romances 1845⑦Men and Women 1855⑧The Ring and the Book 1868-1869III Artistic features①The name of Browning is often associated with the term "dramatic monologue." Although it is not his invention, it is in his hands that this poetic form reaches its maturity and perfection.its maturity and perfection.②Browning's poetry is not easy to read. His rhythms are often too fast, too rough & unmusical③The syntax is usually clipped & highly compressed. The similes & illustrations appear too profusely. The allusions & implications are sometimes odd & far-fetched. All this makes up his obscurity.On the whole, Browning's style is very different from that of any other Victorian poets.His poetic style belongs to the 20th-century rather than to the Victorian age.IV Selected Reading:“My Last Duchess”Best example of dramatic monologuePart IX Twentieth Century Literature The transition from 19th to the 20th Century in English LiteratureBackground of history•Imperialism•Social reformLiterature①A period of struggle between realistic and anti-realist trendsRealistic writersGeorge Meredith(1828-1909)乔治·梅瑞迪斯Samuel Butler (1865-1902)萨缪尔·巴特勒Thomas Hardy (1840-1828) 托马斯·哈代George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) 乔治·巴纳德·萧Herbert George Wells(1866-1946) 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯John Galsworthy 约翰·高尔斯华绥(1867-1833)Features:P 310 –p311 (5 paragraphs )Anti-realistic writersRobert Louis Stevenson 斯蒂文森(1850-1894)新浪漫主义Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德(1856-1890)唯美主义Joseph Rudyard Kipling 吉卜林(1865-1936)帝国主义诗人(the first English-language writer to receive the Nobel Prize)②ModernismBackground (philosophical ideas)(1)Karl Marx:scientific socialism(2)Darwin’s theory of evolutionThe Social Darwinism, “survival of the fittest”(3) Einstein’s theory of relativity provided entirely new ideas for the concepts of time and space.(4)Freud’s analytical psychology(5) Arthur Schopenhauer, a pessimistic philosopher, started a rebellion against rationalism, stressing the importance of will and intuition.(6) Friedrich Nietzsche went further against rationalism by advocating the doctrines of power and superman and by completely rejecting the Christian morality.(7) Henry Bergson established his irrational philosophy, which put the emphasis on creation, intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness.Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)English poet and novelistThe Wessex Novelspessimism and sense of tragedy in human life.I His Major WorksHardy himself divided his novels into three groups:1) Novels of Character & Environment (性格与环境小说)2)Novels of Romances & Fantasies3)Novels of Ingenuity1) Novels of Character and EnvironmentUnder the Greenwood Tree(1872) 《绿荫下》Far from the Madding Crowd(1874) 《远离尘嚣》The Return of the Native (1878) 《还乡》The Trumpet Major(1880)《号兵长》The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886) 《卡斯特桥市长》The Woodlanders(1887)《林地人》Tess of the d'Urbervilles(1891) 《德伯家的苔丝》Jude the Obscure(1895) 《无名的裘德》II features①Past & Modern②Determinism③Critical realismIII Writing features①Hardy is not an analyst of human life or nature like George Eliot, but a meditative story-teller or romancer.②He tells very good stories about very interesting people but seldom stops to ask why.③He is a great painter of nature.④His heroes and heroines, those unfortunate young men and women in their desperate struggle for personal fulfillment and happiness, are all vividly and realistically depicted.⑤They all seem to possess a kind of exquisitely sensuous beauty.⑥And finally, all the works of Hardy are noted for the rustic dialect and a poetic flavor.⑦In style, Hardy is a traditionalist, although there are obvious traits of modernism in thematic matters.John Galsworthy 高尔斯华绥Major works①his first book,From the Four Winds(a volume of short stories)1897②The Forsyte Chroniclesthe first trilogy:The Forsyte SagaThe Man of Property (1906)In Chancery(1920)To Let(1921)the second trilogy: A Modern Comedy 1929the third : End of the Chapter1934③playsThe Silver Box (1906)Strife (1909)Justice (1910)Oscar Wilde•Irish poet, novelist, dramatist and essayist• A spokesman for Aestheticism (the school of “Art for Art’s sake”AestheticismWorks①The Picture of Dorian Gray (a novel) 1891道连·格雷的画像②Lady Windermere’s fan③A Woman of No Importance④An Ideal Husband⑤The Importance of Being Earnest(②- ⑤Comedies)⑥The Ballad of Reading Gaol《雷丁监狱之歌》1898 (poem)⑦De Profoundis 1905 《从深处》(prose)。




























《英国文学史》课程教学大纲一.课程教学目标学生通过本课程的学习,在知识方面应对英国文学发展脉络有一个清晰系统地把握,内容主要涉及文学背景,文学思潮,文学流派,文学术语,主要作家作品等;在能力方面经过一个学年的系统学习基本掌握文学欣赏的基本方法,为以后进一步深造或进行学术科学研究打下良好的基础.二课程性质,目的与任务:《英国文学史》是全日制大学本科教育英语专业本科学生的必修课程,是为培养和检验学生英美文学的基本知识和理解、鉴赏英美文学原著的能力而设置的一门专业理论课程.本课程的教学任务和目的是:培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法,通过阅读和分析英美文学作品,促进学生语言基本功和人文素质的提高,增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解.使学生了解和认知英国文学史上一些较有影响的作家的创作倾向、思想方法、在文学史上的地位和成就以及对本国文学乃至世界所产生的影响等等.在此基础上,使学生了解一些名家的代表作品的思想意义、文学价值、写作手法、语言技巧等,为学生的教学、研究打下基础.三基本要求:本课程要求学生对英国文学形成与发展的全貌有个大概的了解: 了解各个发展时期的文学特色及作家、作品,并通过阅读具有代表性的英国文学作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色并努力掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,努力提高语言水平,增强对英美文学原著的理解,特别是对作品中表现的社会生活和人物情感的理解,提高他们对各种形式的文学作品如小说、诗歌、戏剧等阅读能力和鉴赏水平。

大纲内容Part oneⅠ、Aims: The study of this part aims at offering a general knowledge to the students about the important literary forms ﹠the most important writer, Geoffrey Chaucer in this period.Ⅱ、DemandsStudents are required to get acquainted with the general knowledge mainly by the way of self-study.Ⅲ、ContentsA .The Introduction to LiteratureB. Beowulf, the national epic of English PeopleC. Romance, an important literary form which is popular from 11th –14th CenturyD. Ballad, an important literary form which is popular in 15th century.E. Geoffrey Chaucer, the most important writer in this period. IV. Points emphasizedGeoffrey Chaucer and his masterpiece, Canterbury Tales.V. Direction for studyA. Getting acquainted with literature.B. Consulting reference books for the convince of self-study.VI. ExercisesQuestions to be answered.1. What is the theme of Beowulf?2. What are the differences between Romance & Ballad?3. Why is Geoffrey Chaucer considered as the greatest writer in early& medieval English literary period.VII. SummaryThe dearly and medieval English literary period is comparably a less important literary period. The most important issue of this period is something about Geoffrey Chaucer.Part Two. The English RenaissanceI. AimsThe study of this part aims at getting to know something about Renaissance Movement, humanism, Elizabethan drama and William Shakespeare.II. DemandsStudents are required to get acquainted the basic characters of Renaissance literature & master the corresponding part of Elizabethan drama and William Shakespeare.III. ContentsA.Introduction to Renaissance Movement & HumanismB.Elizabethan Prose1.Utopian prose2.Francis Bacon’s essaysC.Elizabethan Poetry1. General introduction to Elizabethan poetry2. Edmund Spenser, the poets’ poetD. Elizabethan Drama1.Introduction to Elizabethan drama2.Introduction to William Shakespeare’s literary career3.The themes in William Shakespeare’s works4.The comedy of William Shakespeare5. The tragedy of William Shakespeare6.The historical plays of William Shakespeare7.The sonnet of William Shakespeare8.Other Elizabethan DramatistsIV. Points emphasizedA. Elizabethan dramaB. William ShakespeareV. Direction for studyA.Read as many works of William Shakespeare as possibleB.Consult the reference books to have a general knowledge on Renaissance literatureVI. Exercises1. What is your understanding of English Renaissance Movement?2. What is your comment on William Shakespeare3.What is your comment on Hamlet?4.What is your comment on The Merchant of Venice?VII. SummaryRenaissance period is one of the most important literary periods in English literary history, which witnesses the prosperity of prose, poetry and drama. Yet Elizabethan drama is the most important literary form in this period, William Shakespeare is the great writers in the world as well as in Great Britain. It is rather necessary for us to have a thorough going study on him.Part Three. The Period of English Bourgeois RevolutionI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with a general knowledge of English revolutionary period & detail information of John Milton & John Bunyan.II. DemandsStudents are required to grasp the main idea of the literary achievement of this century and master the corresponding part to introduce John Milton & John Bunyan.III. ContentsA.Introduction to the two dominant literary thoughts in this period1.Revolutionary spirit2.Anti revolutionary tendencyB.John Milton1.John Milton, the great pamphleteer2.John Milton, the greatest poet3.Paradise Lost, the masterpiece of John MiltonC.John Banyan1.John Banyan, the great prose writer2.Pilgrims Progress, the masterpiece of John MiltonD.Metaphysical poets & Cavalier PoetsIV. Points EmphasizedJohn Milton the great pamphleteer and greatest poetV. Direction for studyA.Getting to know something about English revolutionB.Reading Paradise LostVI. ExercisesQuestions to be answered.1.What is your common on Milton Paradise LostVII. SummaryThe period is comparably less important than other period, and the most significant issue is to master the great achievement of John Milton & masterpiece of him: Paradise Lost.Part Four. The Eighteenth CenturyI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with the knowledge of Enlightenment movement. Neo-classicism and realistic literature.II. DemandsStudents are required to study eighteenth century as an enlightenment century & Enlightenment movement as an intellectual movement but only a literary movement. Realistic literature is the most important literary tread they should master.III. ContentsA.Introduction to Enlightenment movementB.Introduction to Neo-classicism and Alexander PopeC.Brief introduction to Joseph Addison & Richard Steele1.The basic characteristics of 18th century English realistic novel.2.Daniel Defoe & Jonathan Swift3.Detail study of Henry FieldingD.Sentimentalist writers and pre-romanticism writersIV. Points EmphasizedA.Enlightenment MovementB.Realistic novelV. Direction for studyA.Having a comprehensive study of Enlightenment movementB.Reading as many realistic novels in period as possibleVI. ExercisesQuestions to be answered1.What is the influence of 18th century Enlightenment thought on literature2.What are the basic characteristics of 18th century English realistic novel?3.What do we say Henry Fielding is the greatest realistic novelist in 18th century?VII. SummaryEighteenth century is a very important period in English literary history. Enlightenment thought is the dominant literary thought prevailing in the whole century, upon the influence of the Enlightenment thought, there emergesNeo-classicism in poetry and prose, realism in the field of novel. To have a comprehensive study of Enlightenment thought and study realistic literature of this century is of vital importance for students to have a good understanding of this part of literary history in this period.Part Five. Romanticism in EnglandI. AimsThe study of this chapter aims at having a comprehensive understanding of the characters of romanticism and getting acquainted with a group of world famous romantic poets esp. William Wordsworth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron & John Keats.II. Demands1. Having a comprehensive study on Romanticism2. Having a detail study of romantic poetsIII. ContentsA. Detail introduction to romanticismB. Detail analysis of Lake poets1. William Wordsworth2. S. T. ColeridgeC. Detail analysis of active romanticists1. Percy Bysshe Shelly2. Gorge Gordon Byron3. John KeatsD. Brief introduction to romantic prose writersE. Brief introduction to Walter ScottIV. Point EmphasizedA. RomanticismB. Romantic poetsV. Direction for studyA. Getting acquainted with romantic literature through the comparison between romantic literature and classical literatureB. Reading as many romantic poems created in this period as possibleVI. Exercises1. Why does romantic poetry become popular in early 19th century?2. How can we appreciate a piece of poem?3. What’s your comment on bake poets4. What’s your comment on William Wordsworth?VII. SummaryThe part is one of another most important literary period in English period. The great achievement in this period lives in the poetic field. To study romantic poetry is the most important task of the students.Part Six. English Critical RealismI. AimsThe study of this part aims at cultivating the ability of students to appreciates, analysis the mot complex literary form, novel.II. RemandsStudents are asked to have a clear knowledge of realistic tradition in 18th century and have the solid foundation of English language.II. ContentsA. Introduction to critical realismB. Charles Dickens, the greatest critical realism writer1. A panoramic description of the English society in 19th century.2. Bitter criticism on all social evils3. Basic characteristics of his novel4. Detail analysis his representative worksC. William Makepeace ThackerayD. Women novelist1. Bronte sisters2. Mrs. Gaskell3. George EliotIV. Points EmphasizedA. The comprehensive understanding of critical RealismB. A comprehensive study of Charles DickensV. Direction for studyA. Making comparison between 18th century English realism and critical realismB. Reading as many critical realism novels as possibleVI. ExercisesA. Questions to be answered1. What is critical realism2.What’s your comment on Charles Dickens children images3. What are the similarities and difference of 18th century realistic novel and 19thcentury critical realism novel4. How do you understand the image of Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte’ Jane Ey re?B. Essay writing: writing an essay on Charles DickensVII. SummaryCritical realism represents the greatest achievement of English writers in English literary history. The novels of Charles Dickens give a panoramic description of the social condition at that time in the second half of 19th century. All critical realism writer have made painstaking efforts to enable English literature achieve her maturity. To have a thorough-gong study of critical realism literature is of great significant to the students.Part Seven. Prose writers and Poet of the mid and late 19th centuryI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with general knowledge of prose writers and detail information of Victorian Poets.II. DemandsStudents are requirement to make full use of the textbook and all kinds of information channels to get acquainted with Victorian literature.II. ContentsA. Introduction to Victorian periodB. General survey on prose writerC. Detail Analysis of Victorian poets1. Tennysona. Tennyso n’s life and careerb. “In Memoriam”c. “The Idylls of the king”2. The Browning’sa. Browning’s early life careerb. Elizabeth Barrett (Mrs. Browning)c. Browning’s Main Achievement in poetryd. Browning’s short lyricsD. General survey on literary trends at the end of the century1. Naturalism2. Neo-romanticism3. AestheticismIV. Points EmphasizedVictorian PoetsV. Direction for studyA. Consult as many reference books as possibleB. Read short lyrics of Victorian writersVI. Exercises1. What is Browning’s main achievement in poetry2. What is naturalism?3. What is your comment on aestheticism?VII. SummaryThe period is notable main because of the literary and social criticism represent by Carlyle Ruskin. The development of English poetry, of course, did not stop. New poets appeared who wrote poems under the influence of their romantic predecessors and did much to perfect the form of English poetry. Another significant literary phenomenon appeared in the end of this period is the arising of new literary trends especially the appearance of naturalism and aestheticism.Part Eight Twentieth Century English LiteratureI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with clear idea about Modernism literature and the new characters of realistic literature in 20th century.II. DemandsStudents are required to have a comprehensive study of modernism literature and master the new techniques wired by modernist writers.III. ContentsA. General introduction to English novels in 20th century.B. Thomas Hardy1. Life and work2. “Tess of the D’UrbervillesC. The Irish Dramatic movement:Bernard ShawD. Modernism in poetry1. Imagism Movement2. W.B. Yeats3.T.S. EliotE. The Psychological Fiction1. Introduction psychological fiction2. D.H. Lawrence3. The stream of Consciousness school of novela. James Joyceb. Virginia WoolfIV. Points emphasizedModern literatureV. Direction for studyA. Read as many works of modernist writer as possibleB. Get acquainted with new techniques of modernist writersVI. Exercises1. What is modernism2. What is your comment on imagist movement3. What is your comment on stream of conscious novels?4. How do you understand D.H Lawrence’s new relation ship between man and woman?VII. SummaryThis period is one of the most important literary periods in English literary history. We can find from the works of realistic writers in this period the inheritance of the literary tradition of the last century and also the arising of new literary trend of modernism. Modernism literature is the most important literary achievement of 20th century and we can find the best refection of modernism from the works of D.H Lawrence, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf.六、课程的有关说明本大纲是依据1999年国家教育部批准实施的高等教育英语专业英语教学大纲并且依据本系办学特点及学生实际情况而编写的.本课程大纲的教学对象是师范本科英语专业三年级学生。



英国文学史第一章知识点一.English literature:poetry诗歌、Novel小说、Drama戏剧and Essay散文。

a)中世纪:the English Medieval Age:the old English Literature 古英语时期the Middle English Literature 中古英语时期Anglo-Saxon ages 央格鲁-撒克逊时代给我们留下的古英语文学作品中,最重要的一部是《贝奥武甫》,别认为是英国的民族史诗。

The good specimens标本of pagan异教poetry 诗歌are Beowulf,the greatest of Germanic epics日耳曼史诗. 讲述主人公贝尔武甫斩妖除魔,与火龙搏斗的故事,具有神话传奇色彩。

national epic 民族史诗of the English people/of theAnglo-Saxons; Denmark story; alliteration 头韵体, A lot of metaphors 隐喻and understatements保守的陈述are used in the poem.Epic:long narrative poems叙事诗thatrecord the adventures orheroic deeds of a hero enacted制定in vast landscapes风景.The style of epic is grand宏伟的and elevated严肃的.e.g. Homer’s Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:The epic presents an all-round picture of the tribal society史诗提出了一种全面的图像部落的社会。

.We can see the social conditions and customs of that period我们可以看到那个时期的社会条件和习俗。



一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》( national epic 民族史诗) 采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved,To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)Canto 诗章1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里.乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character.这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。

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英国文学史知识梳理一、The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066)The literature:Two divisions: pagan and ChristianThe Song of Beowulf:the events which took place on the Continent at the beginning of the 6th Century,The poem tells of a hero, a Scandinavian prince named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of the monster Grendel, half man and half fiend, and Grendel's mother, who comes that evening to avenge Grendel's death. Fifty years later Beowulf, now king of his native land, fights a dragon who has devastated his people. Both Beowulf and the dragon are mortally wounded in the fight. The poem ends with Beowulf's funeral.Theme:the primitive people’s struggle against hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.二、The Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)The Literature:The literature which they brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure (Romance), in marked contrast with the strength and somberness(朴实无华)of Anglo-Saxon poetry (Epic).Explanation of Sir Gawain and Green Knight:Two motifs(主题) 1.The test of faith, courage, purity2.The test of human weakness for self-preservation三、Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?-1400)Characteristics①His allegories and symbols are already tinged with realistic images②Chaucer’s poem is distinguished for its profound delineation of character and truthful description of human relations.The Canterbury Tales:The Host (Harry Baily) proposes a storytelling contest to pass the time; each of the 30 pilgrims (including the poet) is to tell four tales on the round trip.Major Work:1.The Legend of Good Women好女人的故事 2.The House of Fame 声誉殿堂3.The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集4.Troilus and Cressida特洛伊勒斯和克莱西5.The Parliament of Fowls百鸟会议四、The Renaissance(16th Century)Two features:1.A thirsting curiosity for classical literature. 2.The keen interest in life and human activities.1.William Shakespeare(1564-1616)Three Periods of his Dramatic Career and its characteristics(1)the years from 1590 to 1600,are characterized from a degree by formal and rather obvious construction and by stylized verse to highly individualized.Comedies: 1)The Merchant of Vince, 威尼斯商人 2)A Midsummer Night’s Dream,仲夏夜之梦 Twelfth Night,第十二夜 3)As You Like It.(皆大欢喜)4)The Comedy of Errors, 5)The Merry Wives of Window, the years from 1601 to 1608,the most profound of his works.Tragedies:1)Hamlet哈姆雷特 2)King Lear李尔王 3) Macbeth麦克白 4) Othello 奥赛罗 5)Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶 6) Timon of Athens.(雅典的泰门)the period from 1609-1612,principal romantic tragicomedies.The Themes of Hamlet:new themes:1.the impossibility of certainty; 2.the complexity of action;3the mystery of death;4.its exploration into man’s inner world, into human psychology through a series of soliloquy(自言自语,独白) . Traditional aspects of Themes :1.Hesitation:2. Inherited Sin and Corruption(人生而有罪和堕落):3. Sons Seeking Revenge 4. Deception: Deception makes up a major motif in Hamlet. 5. Ambition6. Loyalty:7. Madness8.Empty ExistenceFeatures of Shakespeare’s Drama :1). one of the founders of realism in world lit.2) Skilled in many poetic forms .3). A great master of the English language Petrarchan sonnet :The octave is eight lines long, and typically follows a rhyme scheme of ABBAABBA, or ABBACDDC.The sestet occupies the remaining six lines of the poem, and typically follows a rhyme scheme of CDCDCD, or CDECDE. Shakespearean sonnet:ABAB CDCD EFEF GG The sonnet 18,16The Spencerian Sonnet:ABAB BCBC CDCD EE On His Blindness2.Francis Bacon(1561-1626)Major works:1)Advancement of Learning学术的进展 2)New Instrument新工具3)New Atlantis新大西岛; 4)Essays随笔(Of Truth; Of Friendship; Of Studies论学习; Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self)五、The Period of Revolution & Restoration(17th Century)Literary characteristics:Confusion; Absence of any fixed standard of literary criticism;1.John Donne (1572-1631)Metaphysical poetsA Valediction: forbidding mourningTheme:Real, complete love unites not only the bodies of a husband and wife but also their souls. Such spiritual love is transcendent, metaphysical, keeping the lovers together intellectually and spiritually even though the circumstances of everyday life may separate their bodies.Imagery:The circle 1. Marriage ring 2. Path of the planets 3. Path described by a compassThe compass Planetary trepidation Earthquakes The gold Valuable, noble, difficultto destroyThree kinds of poets.Puritan poet(清教徒派诗人), Cavalier poet(保皇派诗人),the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).Literary term: Metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌)2.John Milton (1608-1674) An English Poet1)Paradise Lost (masterpiece)《失乐园》 2)Paradise Regained《复乐园》3)Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》4)Lycidas 《利西达斯》5) Areopagitica 《论出版自由》6)On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity《基督诞生晨颂》 7)L’Allegro《快乐的人》 8)Of Reformation in England《论英国改革》9)Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce《离婚的戒律与学说》10)Penseroso《幽思的人》 11)Comus 《科玛斯》Paradise Lost:It is about Satan’s rebellion against God and the expulsion(驱逐) of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.Theme :The theme of the poem is a revolt against God’s authorityOn His Blindness:theme:God judges humans on whether they labor for Him to the best of their ability.六、The Age of Enlightenment in England (The 18th Century)1.Daniel Defoe:The father of the English fiction(英国小说之父)Major works:1)The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊漂流记》2)Captain Singleton 《辛格顿船长》3)Moll Flanders 《摩尔·弗兰德斯》4)A Journal of the Plague Year 《大疫年日记》5) Roxana 《罗克萨娜》THE ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOETheme:the power of the average man to preserve life and to organize economy in the face of unpromising environment.2.Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)One of the greatest masters of English prose;十八世纪杰出的政治家和讽刺小说家Major Works:1)A Tale of a Tub 《一个木桶的故事》2)Battle of the Books 《书籍之战》 3)Journal to Stella 《给斯黛拉的信》4)The Drapier’s Letters《布商的信》5)A Modest Proposal 《一个温和的建议》Gulliver’s Travels 《格列佛游记》:Lilliput 小人国 Brobdingnag 大人国Flying Island 飞岛国 Houyhnhnm 马岛国Swift style :simple, clear, vigorous language;direct and precise prose;a master satirist;deadly(非常有效的) irony;powerful satire.3.Robert Burns(1759-1796):Scottish poet and writer of traditional Scottish folk songs.1)A Red Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰 2) Auld Longn Syne 往昔时光3)John Anderson,My Jo约翰爱德生,我的爱人4)A Man’s a Man for A That不管那一套5) My Heart’s in the Highlands我的心在那高原上七、The 19th RomanticHistory Background:(1).Industrial Revolution and French Revolution had a strong influence in Britain literature.(2)Fighting for “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” also becomes British national spirit.1.William Wordsworth(1770-1850)与Samuel Taylor Coleridge,Robert Southey 同被称为Lake Poets(湖畔诗人)Characteristics:Wordsworth’s poetry is distinguished by purity and simplicity of his language which was spoken by the peasants who convey their feelings and emotions in simple and unelaborated(坦率的) expressions.Major Work:Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey“丁登寺杂咏”Wandered Lonely as a Cloud “我独自漫游像一朵浮云” The Prelude序曲The Excursion 远足 Lyrical Balas 抒情歌谣集 The Solitary Reaper”“孤独的收割者”2.George Gordon Byron(1788-1824))he is one of the most excellent representatives of English Romanticism and one of the most influential poets of the time.Major works:1) Hours of Idleness (1807)《闲暇时刻》2)The English Bards and Scott Reviewers (1809)《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》3)Child Harold Pilgrimage (1st two cantos1812, the later cantos 1816-1818) 《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》written in Spenserian stanza.4) The Giaour 《异教徒》5) Lara (1814)《莱拉》6)The Corsair (1814)《海盗》7) Don Juan (1819-1824)《唐璜》masterpiece8) The Vision of Judgment 《审判的幻景》 9)Cain 该隐10)She walks in Beauty 她走在美的光影里The characteristic of his poems:Byron’s poems show energy and vigor, romantic daring (bold, brave) and powerful passion.3.Persy Bysshe Shelly :one of the major English Romantic poets.Major works:1) Zastrozzi, 《柴斯特罗齐》2) The Necessity of Atheism, 《无神论的必要性》3) Queen Mab, 《仙后麦布》4) Prometheus Unbound,《解放了的普罗米修斯》5) “The Odes to the West Wind”,“西风颂6) The Masque of Anarchy, 《暴政的行列》7) A Defence of Poetry, 《诗之辩护》8) The Triumph of Life, 《革命的胜利行列》4.John Keats“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”.Major works:1)“O Solitude”,“孤寂”2)“On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”,“初读查普曼译荷马史诗”3)Poems,《诗集》,his first book. 4)Endymion,《恩底弥翁》 his first long poem.5)Isabella,《伊莎贝拉》6)Hyperion,《许佩里翁》7)Lamia,《莱米亚》.The great odes: (1)On a Grecian Urn,“希腊古瓮颂”.(2)To Psyche,“心灵颂”.(3)On Melancholy,“哀感”.(4)To Autumn,“秋颂”.The characteristic of his poetry, characterized by exact and closely-knit construction, sensual descriptions, and by force of imagination, gives transcendental values to the physical beauty of the world.5.Jane Austin:one of the realistic novelists.Major works:Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》 Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》 Mansfield Park 《曼斯菲尔德花园》.Emma《爱玛》 Persuasion《劝告》The characteristic of her novel:1)She drew vivid and realistic pictures of everyday life of the country society 2)main concern is about human beings in their personal relations, human beings with their families and neighbors3)Stories of love andmarriagePride and Prejudice:Main idea:The book mainly tells the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent Elizabeth Bennet. None of the daughters of the wealthy family can inherit the estate (property) of the family for it has been entailed (把遗产留给) upon the nearest male heir, William Collins. Collins intends to marryand he decides to choose Elizabeth. But Elizabeth rejects his proposal. When another young man called Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, she has prejudice against him because she thinks that he has nothing but pride. After many twists and turns, misunderstanding disappears and they are happily united.Theme:1)pride and prejudice2)love and marriage八、The Victorian AgeThe Mainly three kinds of literature and its characteristics1)the Chartist literature 2)English Critical Realism 3)Victorian poetry1.Charles DickensMajor works: 1)Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》 2)The Pickwick Papers«匹克威克外传»3)Great Expectations «远大前程» 4)David Copperfield «大卫·科波菲尔»5)Bleak House «荒凉山庄» 6)Hard Times «艰难时世» 7)Little Dorrit «小杜丽»8)A Tale of Two Cities «双城记» 9)Dombey and Son (1847-1848)«董贝父子»10)Our Mutual Friend «我们的共同朋友»11)American Notes «美国札记»2.Charlotte Bronte:1)Anne Bronte(1820—1849) Agnes Grey,《安格尼斯·格雷》 The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall《王尔德费尔庄园的佃户》Jane Eyre,《简爱》Themes :Love Versus Autonomy2)Emily Bronte(1818—1848) Wuthering Heights,《呼啸山庄》The theme of the novel: a full human life (完美人生) in a capitalist society was impossible of attainment (达到).They were all talented writers and all of them died young.3.Alfred,Lord TennysonMajor works:1).In Memoriam 《悼念》2). Poems, Chiefly Lyrical 《抒情诗集》3). Poems (two volumes) 《诗集》4). The Princess 《公主》5). Maud 《毛黛》6). The Idylls of the King 《国王叙事集》7. Poems by Two Brothers《哥俩集》4.Robert BrowningMajor works :1)“Home-Thoughts, from Abroad” 2)《异域乡思》“Meeting at Night”《深夜幽会》“Parting at Morning”《清晨离别》。
