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1. 特性阻抗:Z0〔Ω〕和静电电容:C〔pF/m〕



一般同一绝缘体材料时,Z0决定于导体直径(d)和绝缘体外径(D)之比(D/d)。1. Impedance (Z0), Capacitance (C)

1)Impedance & Capacitance have an inverse proportion

relationship. (An example data on coaxial cable is illustrated below).

Fundamentally, if the insulating material is exactly the same, the ratio of Z0to C is determined by the diameter of

s Z0

Z0在频率大约为10MHz以上时趋于稳定。对于同轴电缆规定10MHz时的Z0,对于同轴之外的其它电缆,定义频率或测量法后规定Z0。Z0is stable when frequency gets to about 10 MHz & over. Coaxial cable regulates the Z0at 10 MHz, & cables other than coaxial regulate the Z0by defining frequency or measurement method.

d与介电常数( ε )的关系

除D/d、频率外,决定Z0和C的要素还有介电常数( ε )。这取决于绝缘体材料。

导体为同一时,ε 和Z0、C的关系如q、w。




w C和Z0不变,缩小ε 时,



一般来说PVC是受频率和温度影响ε 大幅度变化的绝缘材

料。因此,对Z0等电气特性的要求高时,应使用聚烯烃类、氟化乙烯树脂类等ε稳定的绝缘体材料。3)The relationship of dielectric contact (ε).

Another factor for determining Z0& C, besides D/d & frequency is dielectric contact (ε).

This is determined according to the insulating material.

q&w below show the relationship between ε, Z0& C when the conductors used are same size.

q When the external diameter of the insulating body is not changed & εis made smaller

→ C becomes smaller & Z0becomes bigger.

(In other words : without changing the size of the

structure, C & Z0can be changed.)

w When C & Z0are not changed, & εis made smaller

→the external diameter of the insulating body

becomes smaller.

(In other words : without changing C & Z0, the

external diameter of the insulating body can be

made smaller.)

In general PVC is an insulating material where unfortunately εexperiences large scale changes, according to frequency & temperature. Because of this, when electrical properties of Z0etc, are demanded polyoefin & fluorocarbon polymers etc. are used in the insulating material to stabilize ε.



(阻抗匹配电缆的实际测量例:参照下表)[Additional information on the Z0& C in cable other than coaxial cable.]

Even if the cable is the same, Z0and C can be very different by wiring.

(An example of a survey on impedance matching cable is illustrated below).







[不平衡接线Z0] × 1.4~1.6 Լ [平衡接线Z0]

2. 延迟时间:Td [ns/m]

如果没有绝缘体(导体伸展于空中) ,信号将以光速传输。





·Unbalanced wiring : All GND wires, with the exception of the measured signal wire, & the shield are bundled together to earth. Measurement is between earth & the measured signal wire.

·Balanced wiring : With the exception of the measured signal pair, everything is open. Measurement is between pairs.

The relationship of both of the above is approximately shown in the equation below :

[Unbalanced wiring Z0] × 1.4~1.6

Լ[Balanced wiring Z0]

2. Time delay : Td [ns/m]

If there is no insulating body (when the conductor is an overhead cable - stretched up in the air) the signal is transmitted at light velocity. However, when the cable is insulated, the signal is not transmitted at light velocity.

(Dielectric contact : εinfluence).

The time taken for the cable to transmit the signal is called the ‘time delay’ (Td.)

The relationship between this ε& Td is as below :

But, except in particular uses, the absolute value of Td is not

a problem.

εTd 大小



Td big small

big small
