
那么你知道西游记用英语怎么说吗? 接下来跟着来学习一下吧。
西游记的英语说法1:The Pilgrimage to the West西游记的英语说法2:journey to the west西游记相关英语表达:小说西游记the journey to the west novel西游记的英语例句:1. The novel " Pilgrimage to the West'shows plenty of imagination.小说《西游记》表现出丰富的想像力.2. Such kind of fusion is reflected profoundly in Journey to the West.在明代小说《西游记》中,这种融合有着典型而又深刻的反映.3. The theme park would incorporate a range of Chineselegends and myths.以“西游记”为蓝本的乐园将融合中华民族的各种传说和神话故事.4. A journey to the West is highly praised by critics of literature.《西游记》受到文学评论家很高的赞誉.5. His movie comments amusingly on characters in Journey to the West.他的电影作品趣话了《西游记》人物.6. There is a performance named & quot ; The Journey to the West pinghua & quot ; this afternoon in Haidian theater.今儿下午在海淀剧院有个《西游记评话》的演出.7. In Journey to the west, Zhubajie always eats the fruit that he steals from offerings.《西游记》中, 猪八戒总是爱偷吃供果.8. The famous classic literary novel Pilgrimage to the West is also a political science work.古典文学名著神话小说《西游记》其实也是一部政治学著作.9. I am planning to write a book, I intend to entitle it The Journey Westward.我准备写一本书, 打算将它命名为《西游记》.10. Of all the characters in thethethe research on Monk Sha is very little.在《西游记》的人物画廊中,沙僧形象研究历来受冷落,即使有一些研究成果,论者对沙僧在取经队伍中的作用也普遍看轻.。

西游记的英语单词单词:Journey to the West1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2中文释义:《西游记》,中国古代一部著名的长篇神话小说。
1.3英文释义:A famous long - length mythical novel in ancient China.1.4相关词汇:无(专有名词较难有严格意义上的同义词、近义词或派生词,但如果从宽泛意义上,mythological story可算相关词汇)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“Journey to the West”是这部小说英文译名,直接对应中文原名。
3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1)Characters in Journey to the West:《西游记》中的人物例句:There are many interesting characters in Journey to the West.翻译:《西游记》中有很多有趣的人物。
(2)Stories from Journey to the West:来自《西游记》的故事例句:Grandpa often tells us stories from Journey to the West.翻译:爷爷经常给我们讲《西游记》里的故事。
4. 实用片段(1). "I'm reading Journey to the West these days. The Monkey King is so powerful!" Tom said to his friend Jack. Jack replied, "Yes, he can defeat so many demons."翻译:“我这几天正在读《西游记》呢。
journey to the west词汇摘抄

journey to the west词汇摘抄以下是《西游记》中的一些词汇摘抄:1. 西游记(Xī Yóu Jì) - Journey to the West2. 取经(Qǔ Jīng) - Seeking scriptures3. 唐僧(Táng Sēng) - Tang Monk4. 孙悟空(Sūn Wù Kōng) - Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King5. 猪八戒(Zhū Bā Jiè) - Zhu Bajie, also known as Pigsy6. 沙僧(Shā Sēng) - Sha Wujing, also known as Sandy7. 蜘蛛精(Zhī Zhū Jīng) - Spider Demon8. 白骨精(Bái Gǔ Jīng) - White Bone Demon9. 十万八千里(Shí Wàn Bā Qiān Lǐ) - Ten thousand and eight thousand miles, used to describe vast distances traveled10. 神仙(Shén Xiān) - Immortal11. 方丈(Fāng Zhàng) - Abbot of a Buddhist temple12. 计策 (Jì Cè) - Strategy, plan13. 战胜 (Zhàn Shèng) - To overcome, to conquer14. 妖怪(Yāo Guài) - Monster, demon15. 丹药(Dān Yào) - Elixir, pill16. 降妖除魔(Xiáng Yāo Chú Mó) - Subduing demons and exterminating evil17. 佛经(Fó Jīng) - Buddhist scripture18. 和尚 (Hé Shàng) - Monk19. 仙界(Xiān Jiè) - Fairy realm, celestial world20. 法力无边(Fǎ Lì Wú Biān) - Boundless magical power请注意,本回答所提供的词汇仅为展示原文中常见的词汇,并不会涵盖全部内容。
journey to the west词汇表

journey to the west词汇表西游记词汇表西游记是中国古代四大名著之一,是一部富有想象力和冒险精神的文学作品。
1. 西天取经(Journey to the West)- 故事的主线,唐僧师徒四人前往西天取得佛经。
2. 孙悟空(Sun Wukong)- 也被称为齐天大圣,是唐僧师徒当中最为重要的角色之一。
3. 猪八戒(Zhu Bajie)- 唐僧师徒的成员之一,原是天庭的天蓬元帅,因为犯了错被贬下凡间为猪。
4. 沙悟净(Sha Wujing)- 唐僧师徒的成员之一,原是天庭的力士,因为犯了错被贬下凡间为沙僧。
5. 唐僧(Tang Sanzang)- 故事的主角,他是一个慈悲心善的高僧,被天神指派前往西天取经。
6. 西游记(Journey to the West)- 这部小说的名字,意味着师徒四人的西天之旅。
7. 妖怪(Yao Guai)- 故事中充斥着各种各样的妖怪,它们有些善良,有些邪恶。
8. 佛经(Buddhist Scriptures)- 师徒四人的目标是取得佛经,这是唐僧前往西天的主要原因。
9. 观音菩萨(Guan Yin Bodhisattva)- 是一个拥有救人悯世心的菩萨,她给予唐僧师徒很多帮助。
10. 西游(Journey to the West)- 故事中的主要场景是师徒四人穿越了河流、山脉和平原,最终达到西方天堂。

西游记好词解释20个英文回答:1. Tang Monk (唐僧): Tang Monk is the main character in the novel "Journey to the West". He is a Buddhist monk who is on a journey to retrieve sacred scriptures from India. Tang Monk represents wisdom, compassion, and righteousness. In the story, he often faces various challenges and tests his faith and determination.2. Sun Wukong (孙悟空): Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a mischievous and powerful monkey who accompanies Tang Monk on his journey. He possesses incredible strength and magical abilities, such as shape-shifting and flying on a cloud. Sun Wukong is known for his rebellious nature and loyalty to his master.3. Zhu Bajie (猪八戒): Zhu Bajie, also known as Pigsy, is another companion of Tang Monk. He is a half-man, half-pig creature with a voracious appetite and a tendency to belazy and greedy. Despite his flaws, Zhu Bajie is a loyal friend and plays an important role in helping Tang Monk on their journey.4. Sha Wujing (沙悟净): Sha Wujing, also known as Friar Sand, is the final companion of Tang Monk. He is a former celestial general who was banished to the mortal world as a punishment. Sha Wujing is known for his loyalty, humility, and strength in battle. He is a reliable and steadfast member of the group.5. Journey to the West (西游记): "Journey to the West" is a classic Chinese novel written by Wu Cheng'en in the16th century. It tells the story of Tang Monk and his three companions as they travel to India to retrieve sacred scriptures. The novel is a blend of adventure, fantasy, and moral lessons, and it has become one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.6. Ruyi Jingu Bang (如意金箍棒): The Ruyi Jingu Bang is Sun Wukong's magical staff that he acquires from the Dragon King of the East Sea. The staff has the ability to changesize and weight according to Sun Wukong's wishes. It is a powerful weapon that helps him overcome obstacles and defeat enemies on their journey.7. Xuanzang (玄奘): Xuanzang is another name for Tang Monk in "Journey to the West". He is based on thehistorical figure Xuanzang, a Buddhist monk who traveled to India in the 7th century to study Buddhist scriptures and bring them back to China. Xuanzang's journey inspired the novel and its depiction of Tang Monk's quest for knowledge and enlightenment.8. Bull Demon King (牛魔王): The Bull Demon King is a powerful demon who is a recurring antagonist in "Journey to the West". He is known for his strength and cunning, and he often tries to thwart Tang Monk and his companions on their journey. The Bull Demon King represents the forces of evil and temptation that the travelers must overcome.9. Lotus Prince (莲花公主): The Lotus Prince is a beautiful and seductive demon who tries to deceive Tang Monk and his companions on their journey. She uses hercharm and magic to lure them into danger and test their resolve. The Lotus Prince symbolizes the temptations and distractions that can lead people astray from their true path.10. White Bone Demon (白骨精): The White Bone Demon isa malevolent spirit who takes on a human form to deceive and harm others. She is known for her cunning and ability to disguise herself as a beautiful woman to seduce her victims. The White Bone Demon is a formidable foe that Tang Monk and his companions must face in their quest for the sacred scriptures.中文回答:1. 唐僧,唐僧是《西游记》中的主要人物,他是一位前往印度取经的佛教僧侣。

《西游记》里的高级英文词汇一线口语2015-02-04 10:19《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great Classical Novels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of the Monkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel of China、The Adventures of Monkey等。
故事一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚(Buddhist monk)玄奘(Xuangzang)去印度朝圣(pilgrimage)获取佛学经典(Buddhist sutras/Buddhist scriptures)的神奇经历(mythologized legends)展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述(fictionalized account)。
在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪(monsters/evils)和困难(calamity),包括火焰山(flaming mountain)、蜘蛛精洞(lair of spider-spirits)、女儿国(kingdom ruled by women)等稀奇古怪的场面(scenario)。
他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。
观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的白马(white horse)。
他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻(atonement)过去犯下的罪过(past sin)。
释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。

《西游记》里的高级英文词汇《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great Classical Novels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of the Monkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel of China、The Adventures of Monkey等。
故事一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚( Buddhist monk )玄奘( Xuangzang )去印度朝圣( pilgrimage )获取佛学经典( Buddhistsutras/Buddhist scriptures )的神奇经历( mythologized legends )展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述( fictionalized account )。
在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪( monsters/evils )和困难( calamity ),包括火焰山( flaming mountain )、蜘蛛精洞( lair of spider-spirits )、女儿国( kingdom ruled by women )等稀奇古怪的场面( scenario )。
他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。
观音( Guanyin )菩萨( Bodhisattva )按照佛( Buddha )的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧( Tang-dynasty monk )和三个徒弟( disciple )以及唐僧的坐骑( mount ),一匹龙王太子( dragon prince )变的白马( white horse )。
他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻( atonement )过去犯下的罪过( past sin )。

西游记:Journey to the West唐三藏 tang monk孙悟空 monkey king猪八戒 piggie沙和尚 sha monk花果山:Mountain of Flower and Fruit水帘洞:Water Curtain Cave南天门:Southern Gate of Heaven灵霄殿:Hall of Miraculous Mist离恨天:Thirty-Third Heaven兜率宫:Tushita Palace丹房:Elixir Pill Room蟠桃园:Peach Garden蟠桃胜会:Peach Banquet瑶池:Jade Pool宝阁:Pavilion御马监:heavenly stables龙宫:Dragon Palace下界:Earth美猴王:Handsome Monkey King孙悟空:Sun Wukong弼马温:Protector of the Horse齐天大圣:Great Sage Equalling Heaven大闹天宫:Havoc in Heaven玉帝:Jade Emperor王母:Queen Mother大禹:Yu the Great太上老君:Supreme Lord Lao Zi太白金星:Great White Planet托塔李天王:Heavenly King Li降魔大元帅:Grant Demon-Subduing Marshal 哪吒:baby-faced Nezha巨灵神:Mighty Magic Spirit二郎神:god Erlang四大天王:Four great Heavenly Kings增长天王:Sword Heavenly King广目天王:Lute Heavenly King多闻天王:Umbrella Heavenly King持国天王:Snake Heavenly King马天君:Keeper of the Imperial Stud七仙女:seven fairy maidens土地:local guardian god天将:Heavenly General天兵:heavenly soldier仙官:immortal official神仆:immortal servants东海龙王:Dragon King of the Eastern Sea 龟丞相:Prime Minister Tortoise凤:phoenix天马:heavenly horse定海神珍:Magic Sea-Fixing Pin如意金箍棒:As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel 火眼金睛:fiery eyes with golden pupils风火轮:Wind-fire Rings金刚琢:special bracelet炼丹炉:cook furnace玲珑塔:magic pagoda金丹:Golden Elixir Pill仙桃:magic peach仙酒:immortal wine仙果:magic fruit瞌睡虫:sleep insects法力:magic power降龙伏虎:subdue dragons and tigers娱乐为主,呵呵,注米需谨慎!Welcome !!! 欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。

二、好词1. 神通广大:Wonderful magical powers.2. 腾云驾雾:Soaring through the clouds.3. 翻江倒海:Turning the sea upside down.4. 降妖伏魔:Defeating demons and monsters.5. 金光闪闪:Shimmering with golden light.6. 神采奕奕:Radiant with energy and vitality.7. 仙风道骨:Having the appearance of a sage or Taoist.8. 神机妙算:Using clever strategies to overcome challenges.9. 千变万化:Endlessly changing forms.10. 仙境般的美景:Scenery reminiscent of a fairyland.三、好句1. 孙悟空大闹天宫:Sun Wukong rampages in the Heavenly Palace.2. 八戒大战流沙河:Baijia battles the silt river in a valiant attempt to rescue the princess.3. 沙僧护送唐僧:Sha Shen escorts the Monk from the west to the Holy Land.4. 历经九九八十一难,终成正果:After enduring 81difficult trials, they finally achieved enlightenment.5. 佛法无边:The Buddha's teachings are boundless.6. 智慧如海:As wise as the sea itself.7. 勇往直前:March forward with courage.8. 心地善良:Having a kind and compassionate heart.9. 追求真理:Pursuing truth with unwavering dedication.10. 人心难测:Human nature is difficult to fathom.四、英文版示例1. “With his magical powers, Sun Wukong dazzled the Heavenly Palace with his deeds.”2. “Baijia, with his great strength and courage, battles the silt river in a valiant at tempt to rescue the princess.”3. “Throughout their journey, Sha Shen's unwavering dedication to the Monk from the west serves as a shining example of true compassion.”4. “With the help of the gods, they overcome each challenge, enduring the trials of life and finally achieving enlightenment.”5. “The Buddha's teachings are a source of inspiration for all who seek truth and enlightenment.”6. “A wise person always sees what others cannot, and a brave one never fears what others do.”7. “One must be kind an d compassionate in order to truly understand the nature of human beings.”8. “Life is filled with unexpected twists and turns, making it difficult to predict what will happen next.”9. “The world is a mysterious place, full of hidden dangers and unexpected rewards.”10.“The path to enlightenment is not always smooth, but with perseverance and dedication, one can find the inner strength to overcome any challenge.”五、结语《西游记》中的好词好句具有深刻的哲理和启示,对于理解这部经典之作有着重要的帮助。

1. Monkey King - 孙悟空
2. Tang Monk - 唐僧
3. Tripitaka - 真经
4. Pigsy - 猪八戒
5. Sandy - 沙僧
6. Dragon King - 龙王
7. Jade Emperor - 玉皇大帝
8. Lotus Prince - 莲花生
9. Bull Demon King - 牛魔王
10. White Bone Demon - 白骨精
11. Monkey King's staff - 如意金箍棒
12. Cloud somersault - 筋斗云
13. Magic water - 神仙水
14. Red boy - 红孩儿
15. Demon cave - 比丘国
- 1 -。

西游记英文配音版,99.9%的人不看字幕都能懂!每个人心中不可逾越的经典西游记竟然有了英文版这估计是唯一一个国人不看字幕却都能听懂的英文配音快戳视频来感受听力无障碍的快感吧~▼▼▼Dare you answer mewhen I call your name!我叫你一声你敢答应吗Haha go ahead!哈哈,你叫吧Monkey Sun!行者孙!Your grandpa is here!你爷爷在此!哈哈哈哈是不是感觉很魔性呢今天就给大家说说《西游记》里的有关词汇壹/孙悟空七十二变 72 polymorphic transformations长生不死 immortality齐天大圣 Great Sage Equal to Heaven咒语 talisman美猴王 Handsome Monkey King花果山 Mountain of Flowers and Fruits水帘洞 Cave of Water Curtains如意金箍棒 will-following golden-banded staff 火眼金睛 fiery golden eyes翻筋斗云 cloud somersault妖魔 demons紧箍咒 tightening-crown spell贰/猪八戒天蓬元帅 Marshal Tian Peng|调戏 flirt with嫦娥 Princess of the Moon Chang'e被贬 banish人间 mortal realm贪吃好色 insatiable appetites for food and sex 猪悟能 Pig Awakened to Power半人半猪 half human half pig高老庄 Gao Village九齿钉耙 nine-tooth iron rake叁/沙和尚河怪 river ogre沙和尚 Friar Sand流沙河 Flowing Sand River卷帘大将 Great General for Folding the Curtain 蟠桃宴 Peach Banquet王母娘娘 Heavenly Queen Mother水晶杯 crystal goblet月牙铲 Crescent-Moon Shovel/Monk's Spade。

《西游记》高级英文词汇《西游记》是中国四大古典小说(Four Great ClassicalNovels/Four Masterworks)之一,通常翻译为Journey to the West,也翻译为The Journey to the West、Adventures of theMonkey God、Monkey:A Folk Novel ofChina、The Adventures of Monkey等。
故事一共一百章(chapter),围绕唐朝和尚(Buddhist monk)玄奘(Xuangzang)去印度朝圣(pilgrimage)获取佛学经典(Buddhist sutras/Buddhist scriptures)的神奇经历(mythologized legends)展开,当然这是一种对历史事件的虚构描述(fictionalizedaount)。
在取经路上,他们遇到了各种鬼怪(monsters/evils)和困难(calamity),包括火焰山(flaming mountain)、蜘蛛精洞(lair of spider-spirits)、女儿国(kingdom ruled bywomen)等稀奇古怪的场面(scenario)。
他们必须经过八十一难(81 disasters)来取得真经。
观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的白马(white horse)。
他们帮助唐僧取经,来减轻(atonement)过去犯下的罪过(past sin)。
释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。
观音也叫观世音(Guanshiyin),字面意思是Observing theSounds or Cries of the World,在西方经常翻译为慈悲女神(Goddess of Mercy);观音梵语Avalokitesvara(阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻),一个男性的神;有时音译为Kuan-yin或Kuan-shih yin。

英语版《西游记》三四集的词汇和句子观音(Guanyin)菩萨(Bodhisattva)按照佛(Buddha)的指示,将这个任务交给了唐僧(Tang-dynasty monk)和三个徒弟(disciple)以及唐僧的坐骑(mount),一匹龙王太子(dragon prince)变的白马(white horse)。
释迦摩尼(Shakyamuni)也叫悉达多乔达摩(Siddhattha Gotama),即佛。
观音也叫观世音(Guanshiyin),字面意思是Observing theSounds or Cries of the World在西方经常翻译为慈悲女神(Goddess of Mercy);观音梵语Avalokitesvara(阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻),一个男性的神;有时音译为Kuan-yin或Kuan-shih yin。
唐僧在英语中也常翻译为Tripitaka,即三藏,字面意思是Three Baskets ofBuddhist Teaching据说吃了他的肉可以长生不老(to obtainimmortality by eating Xuanzangs flesh)孙悟空(Sun Wukong)是从石头里诞生的猴子,会七十二变(72polymorphictransformations),长生不死(immortality),自封为‘齐天大圣(Great Sage Equal to Heaven)’,曾经位列天官.(celestialbureaucracy),后反叛(rebellion)天庭,被佛用咒语(talisman)困于山下五百年。
他原来叫美猴王(HandsomeMonkeyKing),住在花果山(Mountain of Flowers and Fruits)水帘洞(Cave of Water Curtains);悟空是菩提祖师须菩提(PatriarchBodhi/Subhuti)起的法号,意思是Awakening toEmptiness。

西游记前五集英语生词1、The Monkey美猴王2、The Waterfall Cave水帘洞3、Subodhi菩提祖师4、Secret Formulas秘籍5、The Demon of Chaos大战牛魔王6、The Dragon King龙宫借兵器7、The Land of Darkness大闹地府8、A Job in Heaven天庭招安9、The Peach Garden蟠桃园10、The Powerful Sage大战二郎神11、Trouble in Heaven被困天宫12、The Bet如来的赌约13、The True ures真经14、A Promise to Protect悟空拜师15、Tea with a Dragon龙王的劝诫16、Wukong Gets Tricked紧箍咒17、The Dragon in the River白龙马18、The Robe观音院赏袈裟19、An Evil Plan僧众的阴谋20、The Black Bear Spirit黑熊怪偷袈裟21、The Monster's Friend观音变蛇精22、A Very Strange Pill奇怪的丹丸23、Great Protectors猪八戒24、The Great King Yellow Wind黄风大圣25、Powerful Wind Magic三昧神风26、The Monster in the River沙悟净27、The Ginseng Fruit人参果28、Wukong Leaves His Body悟空偷果29、The Magic Sleeve镇元大仙30、The Frying Pan悟空下油锅31、Guanyin's Vase观音救果树32、Lady Whitebone白骨夫人33、Bajie Takes a Nap八戒偷懒34、Tricked by the Princess公主智救唐僧35、A Visit to the King黄袍面君藏祸心36、Tricked Again悟空归来耍计策37、Missing from Heaven天庭奎木狼38、Bajie Tries to Sleep平顶山八戒探路39、The Injured Monk金角变化困悟空40、The Magic Gourd玉净瓶。
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唐三藏 tang monk
孙悟空 monkey king
猪八戒 piggie
沙和尚 sha monk
花果山:Mountain of Flower and Fruit 水帘洞:Water Curtain Cave
南天门:Southern Gate of Heaven
灵霄殿:Hall of Miraculous Mist
离恨天:Thirty-Third Heaven
兜率宫:Tushita Palace
丹房:Elixir Pill Room
蟠桃园:Peach Garden
蟠桃胜会:Peach Banquet
瑶池:Jade Pool
御马监:heavenly stables
龙宫:Dragon Palace
美猴王:Handsome Monkey King
孙悟空:Sun Wukong
弼马温:Protector of the Horse
齐天大圣:Great Sage Equalling Heaven 大闹天宫:Havoc in Heaven
玉帝:Jade Emperor
王母:Queen Mother
大禹:Yu the Great
太上老君:Supreme Lord Lao Zi
太白金星:Great White Planet
托塔李天王:Heavenly King Li
降魔大元帅:Grant Demon-Subduing Marshal 哪吒:baby-faced Nezha
巨灵神:Mighty Magic Spirit
二郎神:god Erlang
四大天王:Four great Heavenly Kings
增长天王:Sword Heavenly King
广目天王:Lute Heavenly King
多闻天王:Umbrella Heavenly King
持国天王:Snake Heavenly King
马天君:Keeper of the Imperial Stud
七仙女:seven fairy maidens
土地:local guardian god
天将:Heavenly General
天兵:heavenly soldier
仙官:immortal official
神仆:immortal servants
东海龙王:Dragon King of the Eastern Sea 龟丞相:Prime Minister Tortoise
天马:heavenly horse
定海神珍:Magic Sea-Fixing Pin
如意金箍棒:As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel 火眼金睛:fiery eyes with golden pupils
风火轮:Wind-fire Rings
金刚琢:special bracelet
炼丹炉:cook furnace
玲珑塔:magic pagoda
金丹:Golden Elixir Pill
仙桃:magic peach
仙酒:immortal wine
仙果:magic fruit
瞌睡虫:sleep insects
法力:magic power
降龙伏虎:subdue dragons and tigers