

GRE 再要你命3000 词汇背诵神奇PPT List(2)

GRE 再要你命3000 词汇背诵神奇PPT List(2)

冲动的 性急的
剧烈的 猛烈的
impious 不敬神的
执行 2021/9/2
实施 91
坍缩 2021/9/2
内爆 92
List 12
by 查理m!世 勤奋就是最好的懒惰途径!
严厉的 2021/9/2
hasten 促进
hasty 轻率的
hauteur 傲慢 自大
impenitent不 悔悟的
命令 命令的
强制的 迫切的
必要的 2021/9/2
帝国的 帝王的
imposing 宏伟壮丽的
impostor 冒充者



python初始化list列表(1维、2维)1.初始化递增的list:list1 = range(10)#print list1#[0,1,2, (9)2.初始化每项为0的⼀维数组:list2 = [0] * 5#print list2#[0,0,0,0,0]3.初始化固定值的⼀维数组:initVal = 1listLen = 5list3 = [ initVal for i in range(5)]#print list3#[1,1,1,1,1]list4 = [initVal] * listLen#print list4#[1,1,1,1,1]4.初始化⼀个5x6每项为0(固定值)的数组(推荐使⽤):multilist = [[0 for col in range(5)] for row in range(6)]5.初始化⼀个5x6每项为0(固定值)的数组multilist = [[0] * 5 for row in range(3)]看到了以上的⽅法,那初始化⼀个⼆维数组时,是否可以这样做呢:multi = [[0] * 5] * 3其实,这样做是不对的,因为[0] * 5是⼀个⼀维数组的对象,* 3的话只是把对象的引⽤复制了3次,⽐如,我修改multi[0][0]:multi = [[0] * 5] * 3multi[0][0] = 'Hello'print multi输出的结果将是:[['Hello', 0, 0, 0, 0], ['Hello', 0, 0, 0, 0], ['Hello', 0, 0,0, 0]]我们修改了multi[0][0],却把我们的multi[1][0],multi[2][0]也修改了。


但是如下写法是对的:multilist = [[0] * 5 for row in range(3)]multilist[0][0] = 'Hello'print multilist我们看输出结果:[['Hello', 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]恩,没问题。

新东方托福词汇乱序版 List 2(详细版)

新东方托福词汇乱序版 List 2(详细版)

Word List 2interior a.内部的(inner);n.内部in the interior of 在…内部constitution n.宪法;体质;构成constitutional a. constitutionally ad. freeze v.(使)结冰/凝固dehydrate v.(使)脱水(dry,desiccate) dehydration n.sinuous a.蜿蜒的(winding);迂回的alarm n.闹钟;警报vt.使惊恐(startle); alarming(a.令人担忧的);alarmist(n.危言耸听者)machinery n.<总称>机器,机械;机构(organization)expect v.预期,期望,指望(anticipate) inspect(v.检查);aspect(n.方面)anticipate v.预见,预期(look forwardto,foresee,expect);先于…行动anticipation(n.预期,预料)critic n.评论家,批评家;吹毛求疵者(detractor) criticism(n.评判;批评);criticize(v.批评;评论)instinctual a.本能的uncanny a.神秘的(weird);异乎寻常的(unusual)arrest n/vt.逮捕;停止,阻止;吸引sprinkle v.撒n.少量orthodox a.传统的;正宗的preliterate a.文字出现以前的,没文字的nominal a.名义上的;(费用等)微不足道的nominal assets 名义资产certificate n.确定,确信;必然性(certainty) moral certitudes 道德信念hustle n.忙碌vt.猛推;催促hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘fake a.冒充的n.假货v.伪造engrave vt.(在…上)雕刻;铭刻prohibit v.禁止,阻止(prevent)homage n.尊敬,敬意dramatize v.改编成喜剧;(使)戏剧化infatuate vt.使迷恋;使糊涂(confuse)exclusive a.独占的;除外的;奢华的n.独家新闻cynical a.愤世嫉俗,冷嘲热讽的(sardonic)discriminate v.区别;歧视(differentiate) discriminate between区别;discriminateagainst 歧视associate v.结交(consort);关联(relate)a.副的;合伙的n.伙伴(companion,partner) associated(a.关联的;联合的);association(n.协会;联合)spare vt.抽出(时间等);免除 a.备用的;空闲的(free) n.备用品(reserve)database n.数据库proclaim v.宣布,申明(declare,announce);显示(display)exclaim(v.惊呼);reclaim(vt.要求归还)level n.水平;高度(altitude);级别a.平坦的(plain);等高的vt.使平坦level off/out (经急剧涨落后)保持平稳发展controversy n.争论,辩论(dispute,argument) arouse/cause controversy 引起争论oppose v.反对,对抗(object,resist) opposed(a.反对的);opposing(反向的;相反的)toxic a.有毒的(poisonous);中毒的toxicity(n.毒性)lead v.领导;领先;导致n.引导lead to导致;通向rustproof a.不锈的sunlit a.阳光照耀的profession n.职业(occupation);同行;专业(specialty);宣称enter/go into a profession从事/加入一个行业hay n.干草hay stack 干草堆vegetarian n.素食者a.素质主义的vegetarian principles 素质主义column n.专栏(文章);圆柱,支柱(pillar);纵队microbe n.微生物,细菌(bacteria,germ)homestead n.豪宅,孙家庄;宅地homesteader(n.农场主)canyon n.峡谷crayon(n.蜡笔)portraiture n.画像技法;肖像landscape(n.风景画)alloy n.合金vt. 使合金microscopic a.用显微镜可见的;极小的 a microscopic creature 微生物verse n.诗歌(poetry);韵诗(rhyme)credential n.证书(certificate);文凭(diploma);资格(qualification)towering a.高耸的(topping);杰出的pervasive a.普遍深入的;遍及的lush a.茂盛的(flourishing) lushness (n.草木茂盛)blush(v/n.脸红);slush(n,烂泥)igneous a.火的,似火的;火成的salient a.显著的,突出的(distinct,outstanding)rescue vt/n.营救,搭救(save)acquire vt.获得,取得(obtain,gain) acquired(a.后天习得的);acquisition(n.获得)require(vt.需要);inquire(v.询问)geometry n.几何学geometric(a.几何的);geometrically(ad.几何学上的);geometrician(n.几何学者) inner a.内部的;内心的n.内心,内部innermost(a.最里面的)combine v.(使)联合(fuse,unite)shrivel v.(使)枯萎shriveled(a.干巴的;枯萎的)infancy n.幼年(babyhood);(发展或成长的)初in one's infancy 处于初创期期(beginning)syrup n.糖浆hemp n.大麻ethical a.道德的(moral) ethnic(a.人种的,种族的)weed n.杂草,水草trend n.趋势(tendency) economic trend经济趋势motivate vt.激励(stimulate,impel);激发motivated a. motivation n.(inspire)dilate v.(使)膨胀,扩大(expand);详述dilate on/upon 详述peak a.最高的,高峰的n.最高点homing a.有返回原地本能的homing pigeon 信鸽flagellum n.鞭毛intricate a.错综复杂的(complex)tournament n.比赛(game,match);锦标赛(titlematch)advocate vt.提倡n.倡导者advocacy n.crush vt.碾碎(grind);使变形;镇压crash(v/n.碰撞)ingredient n.成分,要素(element);(烹调的)原料terminal n.终点站(destination);终点;航站楼a.末端的(endmost) passenger terminal 客运枢纽站terminus n. terminate v.rub n/v.擦,摩擦mighty a.强有力的(powerful);巨大的accident n.意外事故,事故accidental a. accidentally ad. inflammation n.炎症shield n.防护物(defense);盾vt.保护(protect,defend)mammoth a.巨大的(enormous,huge) n.猛犸象nightmare n.噩梦accord n.协议,条约v.与…一致,符合(agree) in accord with 与…一致;of one's ownaccord 自动地versus prep.对抗VSmusician n.音乐家。

Word List 2

Word List 2

WORD LIST 2Definite 明确的,肯定的Cautious 十分小心的,谨慎的Prayer 祷告,祈祷,祈求,祈望Nest 巢,窝,穴Demestic 本国的,家庭的Chest 胸腔,胸膛,箱子Airline 航空公司,航线Rebel 反叛分子,反对者Satisfactory 令人满意的Stem 茎,树干,起源,词干Render 使得,致使,给予,提供,翻译,Object 实物,物体,目的,目标,对象,客体,宾语,反对,不赞成Gardener 园丁,花匠Shrink 使起皱,收缩,退缩,畏缩Parade 游行,检阅,使列队游行Rumour 谣传,谣言Rug 小地毯Establish 建立,确立,设立,证实Primarily 首先,主要的Kindness 仁慈,好意Breast 乳房,胸膛,胸膛,胸脯Sticky 粘性的,天气湿热的Boost 提高,增加,激励,宣扬Fund 资金,基金,存款,为提供资金Incredible 不可相信的,难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的Abroad 到,在国外,在传播,流传Detective 侦探,私人侦探Stiff 硬的,僵硬的,拘谨的Stimulate 刺激,激励,激发Fame 名声,名望Consume 消费,喝光,毁灭,是入迷Accelerate 是加快,是增速Lightning 闪电Sting 刺,蛰Bound 一定的,有义务的,跳回弹回,成为的界限,划界,限制Rouse 惊起,唤起,唤醒Cultivate 耕,种植,培养,陶冶,发展Material 材料,素材,重要的实质性的Personnel 总成,人员,员工Display 陈列,展览,显示Particle ;例子,小品词,微粒Frog 蛙Impression 印象,印记Biology 生物学,生态学Drunk 醉的,陶醉的,Barrier 栅栏,屏障,障碍Stock 原料,总成,家畜,常用的,常备的Fisherman 渔民,渔夫Politician 政治家,政客Royal 皇室的,皇家的Barber 理发师Stocking 长筒袜Delegate 代表,代表团成员,授权,把委托给Highlight 强调,突出Depression 使沮丧,萧条期,洼地Signature 署名,签名Atmosphere 大气,空气,气氛,环境Evaluate 评价,估的价Rescue 营救,救援Personality 人格,个性,人物Latter 两者中后者的,后一半的Parliament 一会,国会Input 输入,投入Partial 部分,不公平的,偏袒的Loyalty 忠诚,忠心Calendar 日历,历法Overlook 俯瞰Debate 争论,辩论Stoop 俯身,弯腰,屈背。

美国对中国加征关税商品清单List 2

美国对中国加征关税商品清单List 2

List 2HTSUS Subheading Product Description2710.19.30 Lubricating oils, w/or w/o additives, fr. petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. fr. petro oils2710.19.35 Lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils but n/o 10% by wt. of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin2710.19.40 Lubricating greases from petro oil/bitum min/70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils > 10% by wt.of fatty acid salts animal/vegetable origin3403.19.10 Lubricating preparations containing 50% but less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals3403.19.50 Lubricating preparations containing less than 50% by weight of petroleum oils or of oils from bituminous minerals3403.99.00 Lubricating preparations (incl. lubricant-based preparations), nesoi3811.21.00 Additives for lubricating oils containing petroleum oils or oils obtained frombituminous minerals3811.29.00 Additives for lubricating oils, nesoi3901.10.10 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94 and having a relative viscosity of 1.44 or more, in primary forms3901.10.50 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94, in primary forms, nesoi 3901.20.10 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more and having a relative viscosity of1.44 or more, in primary forms3901.20.50 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more, in primary forms, nesoi 3901.30.20 Ethylene copolymer: Vinyl acetate-vinyl chloride-ethylene terpoly w/ < 50% deriv of vinyl acetate, exc polymer aromatic/mod arom monomers3901.30.60 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, nesoi3901.90.10 Polymers of ethylene, nesoi, in primary forms, elastomeric3901.90.55 Ethylene copolymers, in primary forms, other than elastomeric3901.90.90 Polymers of ethylene, nesoi, in primary forms, other than elastomeric3902.10.00 Polypropylene, in primary forms3902.20.10 Polyisobutylene, elastomeric, in primary forms3902.20.50 Polyisobutylene, other than elastomeric, in primary forms3902.30.00 Propylene copolymers, in primary forms3902.90.00 Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, nesoi, in primary forms3903.11.00 Polystyrene, expandable, in primary forms3903.19.00 Polystyrene, other than expandable, in primary forms3903.20.00 Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, in primary forms3903.30.00 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers, in primary forms3903.90.10 Methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene (MBS) copolymers, in primary forms 3903.90.50 Polymers of styrene, nesoi, in primary forms3904.10.00 Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with any other substances, in primary forms3904.21.00 Polyvinyl chloride, mixed with other substances, nonplasticized, in primary forms 3904.22.00 Polyvinyl chloride, mixed with other substances, plasticized, in primary formsSubheading3904.30.20 Vinyl chloride copolymer: Vinyl acetate-vinyl chloride-ethylene terpoly w/< 50% deriv vinyl acetate, exc polymer aromatic/mod arom monomers3904.30.60 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers, nesoi3904.40.00 Vinyl chloride copolymers nesoi, in primary forms3904.50.00 Vinylidene chloride polymers, in primary forms3904.61.00 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), in primary forms3904.69.10 Fluoropolymers, elastomeric, other than polytetrafluoroethylene, in primary forms 3904.69.50 Fluoropolymers, other than elastomeric and other than polytetrafluoroethylene, in primary forms3904.90.10 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, nesoi, in primary forms, elastomeric, in primary forms3904.90.50 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, nesoi, in primary forms, other than elastomeric, in primary forms3905.12.00 Polyvinyl acetate, in aqueous dispersion3905.19.00 Polyvinyl acetate, other than in aqueous dispersion, in primary forms3905.21.00 Vinyl acetate copolymers, in aqueous dispersion3905.29.00 Vinyl acetate copolymers, other than in aqueous dispersion, in primary forms 3905.30.00 Polyvinyl alcohols, whether or not containing unhydrolyzed acetate groups, in primary forms3905.91.10 Copolymers of vinyl esters or other vinyls, in primary forms, containing by weight 50% or more of derivatives of vinyl acetate3905.91.50 Copolymers of vinyl esters or other vinyls, in primary forms, nesoi3905.99.80 Polymers of vinyl esters or other vinyl polymers, in primary forms, nesoi3906.10.00 Polymethyl methacrylate, in primary forms3906.90.10 Acrylic polymers (except PMMA) in primary forms, elastomeric3906.90.20 Acrylic plastics polymers (except PMMA), in primary forms, nonelastomeric 3906.90.50 Acrylic polymers (except plastics or elastomers), in primary forms, nesoi3907.10.00 Polyacetals in primary forms3907.20.00 Polyethers, other than polyacetals, in primary forms3907.30.00 Epoxide resins in primary forms3907.40.00 Polycarbonates in primary forms3907.50.00 Alkyd resins in primary forms3907.61.00 Polyethylene terephthalate, having a viscosity number of 78 ml/g or higher 3907.69.00 Polyethylene terephthalate, having a viscosity number less than 78 ml/g3907.70.00 Poly(lactic acid)3907.91.20 Unsaturated allyl resins, uncompounded3907.91.40 Unsaturated allyl resins, nesoi3907.91.50 Unsaturated polyesters, other than allyl resins in primary forms3907.99.20 Thermoplastic liquid crystal aromatic polyester copolymers3907.99.50 Other polyesters nesoi, saturated, in primary forms3908.10.00 Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or -6,12 in primary form3908.90.20 Bis(4-amino-3-methylcyclohexyl)methaneisophthalic acid-laurolactam copolymerSubheading3908.90.70 Other polyamides in primary forms3909.10.00 Urea resins; thiourea resins3909.20.00 Melamine resins3909.40.00 Phenolic resins3909.50.10 Polyurethanes, elastomeric, in primary forms3909.50.20 Polyurethanes: cements, in primary forms3909.50.50 Polyurethanes, other than elastomeric or cements, in primary forms3910.00.00 Silicones in primary forms3911.10.00 Petroleum resins, coumarone, indene, or coumarone-indene resins and polyterpenes, in primary forms3911.90.10 Elastomeric polysulfides, polysulfones and other products specified in note 3 tochapter 39, nesoi, in primary forms3911.90.15 Specified carbodiimide or homopolymer with polyethylene thermoplastic goods 3911.90.25 Thermoplastic polysulfides, polysulfones & oth products spec in note 3, chapt 39, cont aromatic monomer units or derived therefrom3911.90.35 Benzenamine; and hydrocarbon novolac cyanate ester3911.90.45 Thermosetting polysulfides, polysulfones & oth products spec in note 3, chapt 39, cont aromatic monomer units or derived therefrom3911.90.70 Chlorinated synthetic rubber3911.90.90 Polysulfides, polysulfones & other products specified in note 3 to chapter 39, nesoi 3912.12.00 Cellulose acetates, nesoi, in primary forms, plasticized3912.20.00 Cellulose nitrates (including collodions), in primary forms3912.39.00 Cellulose ethers, other than carboxymethylcellulose and its salts, in primary forms 3912.90.00 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives nesoi, in primary forms3913.10.00 Alginic acid, and its salts and esters, in primary forms3913.90.10 Chemical derivatives of natural rubber, nesoi, in primary forms3913.90.50 Natural polymers and modified natural polymers, nesoi, in primary forms3914.00.20 Cross-linked polyvinylbenzyltrimethylammonium chloride (Cholestyramine resin USP) 3914.00.60 Ion-exchangers based on polymers of headings 3901 to 3913, in primary forms, nesoi 3916.10.00 Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of polymers of ethylene3916.20.00 Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of polymers of vinyl chloride3916.90.10 Monofilament with cross-section dimension over 1 mm, rods, sticks, profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of acrylic polymers3916.90.30 Monafilament nesoi, of plastics, excluding ethylene, vinyl chloride and acrylicpolymers3916.90.50 Rods, sticks and profile shapes, at most surface-worked, of plastics, nesoi3917.21.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of ethylene3917.22.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of propylene3917.23.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of vinyl chloride3917.29.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of other plastics nesoi3917.31.00 Flexible plastic tubes, pipes and hoses, having a minimum burst pressure of 27.6 MPaSubheading3917.32.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastics, other than rigid, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings3917.40.00 Fittings of plastics, for plastic tubes, pipes and hoses, nesoi3919.10.10 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, in rolls n/o 20 cm wide, light-reflecting surface produced by glass grains3919.10.20 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, in rolls n/o 20 cm wide, not having a light-reflecting glass grain surface3919.90.10 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, light-reflecting surface produced by glass grains, nesoi3919.90.50 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, other flat shapes, of plastics, not having a light-reflecting surface produced by glass grains, nesoi3920.10.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not reinforced orcombined with other materials, of polymers of ethylene3920.20.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not reinforced orcombined with other materials, of polymers of propylene3920.30.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not reinforced orcombined with other materials, of polymers of styrene3920.43.10 Nonadhesive plates/sheets/film/foil/strip made imitation of patent leather, of vinyl chloride polymers, not less 6% plasticizers3920.43.50 Nonadhesive plate/sheet/film/foil/strip, noncellular, not comb w/other materials, of vinyl chloride polymers, not less 6% plasticizer, nesoi3920.49.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, noncellular, not combined w/othermaterials, of polymers of vinyl chloride, < 6% plasticizers3920.51.10 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polymethyl methacrylate, flexible3920.51.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polymethyl methacrylate, not flexible3920.59.10 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of acrylic polymers, flexible, nesoi3920.59.40 Transparent sheeting containing 30% or more by weight of lead3920.59.80 Plates, sheets, film, etc, noncellular, not reinforced, laminated, combined, of other acrylic polymers, nesoi3920.61.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polycarbonates3920.62.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyethylene terephthalate3920.63.10 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of unsaturated polyesters, flexible3920.63.20 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of unsaturated polyesters, not flexible3920.69.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyesters, nesoi3920.71.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of regenerated celluloseSubheading3920.73.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of cellulose acetate3920.79.05 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of vulcanized fiber3920.79.10 Nonadhesive films, strips, sheets, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of other cellulose derivatives nesoi, n/o 0.076 mm thick3920.79.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of cellulose derivatives, nesoi3920.91.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyvinyl butyral3920.92.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of polyamides3920.93.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of amino-resins3920.94.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of phenolic resins3920.99.10 Nonadhesive film, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of plastics nesoi, flexible, over 0.152mm thick, not in rolls3920.99.20 Nonadhesive film, strips and sheets, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of plastics nesoi, flexible3920.99.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, noncellular, not combined with other materials, of plastics, nesoi3921.11.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polymers of styrene 3921.12.11 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, with man-made textile fibers, over 70% plastics3921.12.15 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, with man-made textile fibers, n/o 70% plastics3921.12.19 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, combined with textile materials, nesoi3921.12.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chloride, not combined with textile materials3921.13.11 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, with man-made textile fibers, over 70% plastics3921.13.15 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, with man-made textile fibers, not over 70 percent plastics3921.13.19 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, combined with textile materials nesoi3921.13.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of polyurethanes, notcombined with textile materials, nesoi3921.14.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of regenerated cellulose 3921.19.00 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, cellular, of plastics nesoi3921.90.11 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of noncellular plastics combined with man-made fibers, n/o 1.492 kg/sq m, over 70% plastics3921.90.15 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, strip, of noncellular plastics combined with man-made fibers, n/o 1.492 kg/sq m, n/o 70% plasticsSubheading3921.90.19 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with textile materials, nesoi, not over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.21 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with cotton, over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.25 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with man-made fibers, over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.29 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of noncellular plastics combined with textile materials, nesoi, over 1.492 kg/sq m3921.90.40 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, flexible, nesoi, of noncellular plastics 3921.90.50 Nonadhesive plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, nonflexible, nesoi, of noncellular plastics7002.20.10 Glass rods of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked7308.10.00 Iron or steel, bridges and bridge sections7308.20.00 Iron or steel, towers and lattice masts7308.90.30 Iron or steel, not in part alloy steel, columns, pillars, posts, beams and girders 7308.90.60 Iron or steel, columns, pillars, posts, beams and girders, nesoi7308.90.70 Steel, grating for structures or parts of structures7308.90.95 Iron or steel, structures (excluding prefab structures of 9406) and parts of structures, nesoi7614.10.10 Aluminum, stranded wire, cables & the like w/steel core, not electrically insulated, not fitted with fittings & not made up into articles7614.90.20 Aluminum, elect. conductors of stranded wire, cables & the like (o/than w/steel core), n/elect. insulated, n/fitted w/fittings or articles8406.82.10 Steam turbines other than for marine propulsion, of an output not exceeding 40 MW 8407.34.05 Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used in agricultural tractors, cylinder capacity over 1000 cc to 2000 cc8407.34.35 Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used in agricultural tractors, cylinder capacity over 2000 cc8407.90.10 Spark-ignition rotary or reciprocating internal-combustion piston engines nesoi,installed in agricultural/horticultural machinery/equipment8407.90.90 Spark-ignition rotary or reciprocating internal-combustion piston engines, formachinery or equipment nesoi8408.20.10 Compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines to be installed in tractors suitable for agricultural use8419.60.10 Machinery for liquefying air or gas containing brazed aluminum plate-fin heatexchangers8419.89.10 Machinery and equipment for the treatment of materials (by a process which changes temperatures), for making paper pulp, paper or paperboard8419.89.95 Industrial machinery, plant or equipment for the treatment of materials, by process involving a change in temperature, nesoi8420.10.20 Calendering or similar rolling machines for making paper pulp, paper or paperboard 8420.99.10 Parts of calendering or rolling machines for processing textiles8424.82.00 Agricultural or horticultural projecting or dispersing equipment including irrigation equipmentSubheading8424.89.90 Other mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, nesoi8432.29.00 Harrows (other than disc), scarifiers, cultivators, weeders and hoes for soilpreparation or cultivation8432.31.00 No-till direct seeders, planters and transplanters8432.39.00 Seeders, planters and transplanters, nesoi8432.42.00 Fertilizer distributors8443.99.40 Parts of photocopying apparatus of subheading 8443.39.20 specified in additional U.S.note 4 to this chapter8455.90.40 Parts for metal-rolling mills, other than rolls, in the form of castings or weldments, individually weighing less than 90 tons8464.10.01 Sawing machines for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass8465.95.00 Drilling or mortising machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hardplastics or similar hard materials8465.96.00 Splitting, slicing or paring machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials8466.30.80 Special attachments for use solely or principally for machine tools of headings 8456 to 8465, nesoi8473.50.60 Part/accessory (also face plate and lock latch) of printed circuit assemblies suitable for use w/machine of two or more heading 8469 to 84728473.50.90 Parts and accessories, nesoi, suitable for use with machines of two or more of the headings 8469 to 84728475.29.00 Machines for manufacturing or hot working glass or glassware, nesoi8483.30.80 Bearing housings nesoi; plain shaft bearings8486.10.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of boules or wafers8486.20.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of semiconductor devices or electronic integrated circuits8486.30.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of flat panel displays8486.40.00 Machines and apparatus for the manufacture of masks and reticles; for the assembly of electronic integrated circuits;8486.90.00 Parts and accessories of the machines and apparatus for the manufacture ofsemiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits and flat pa8501.10.20 Electric motors of an output of under 18.65 W, synchronous, valued not over $4 each 8501.10.60 Electric motors of an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W 8501.20.40 Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W 8501.31.40 DC motors, nesoi, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W 8501.31.80 DC generators of an output not exceeding 750 W8501.32.20 DC motors nesoi, of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 14.92 kW 8501.32.60 DC generators of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW8501.33.20 DC motors nesoi, of an output exceeding 75 kW but under 149.2 kW8501.33.30 DC motors, nesoi, 149.2 kW or more but not exceeding 150 kW8501.52.40 AC motors nesoi, multi-phase, of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 14.92 kWSubheading8501.53.60 AC motors, nesoi, multi-phase, 149.2 kW or more but not exceeding 150 kW 8503.00.95 Other parts, nesoi, suitable for use solely or principally with the machines in heading 8501 or 85028507.80.40 Other storage batteries nesoi, of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of 8703.908507.80.81 Other storage batteries nesoi, other than of a kind used as the primary source of power for electric vehicles8511.80.20 Voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8511.80.40 Voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays other than those designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8511.90.20 Parts of voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays, designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8511.90.40 Parts of voltage and voltage-current regulators with cut-out relays, other than those designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems8529.10.91 Other antennas and antenna reflectors of all kinds and parts, for use8533.90.40 For the goods of subheading 8533.40, of ceramic or metallic materials, electrically or mechanically reactive to changes in temperature8536.30.80 Electrical apparatus for protecting electrical circuits, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, nesoi8536.50.70 Certain specified electronic and electromechanical snap-action switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V8536.70.00 Connectors for optical fibers, optical fiber bundles or cables8537.10.30 Electric control panels, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000, assembled with outer housing or supports, for goods of 8421, 8422, 8450 or 85168541.10.00 Diodes, other than photosensitive or light-emitting diodes8541.40.60 Diodes for semiconductor devices, other than light-emitting diodes, nesoi8542.31.00 Electronic integrated circuits: processors and controllers8542.32.00 Electronic integrated circuits: memories8542.33.00 Electronic integrated circuits: amplifiers8542.39.00 Electronic integrated circuits: other8542.90.00 Parts of electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies8543.70.45 Other electric synchros and transducers; defrosters and demisters with electricresistors for aircraft8543.70.99 Other machinery in this subheading8544.49.10 Insulated electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, not fitted with connectors8544.49.20 Insulated electric conductors nesoi, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, not fitted with connectors8544.60.60 Insulated electric conductors nesoi, not of copper, for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V, not fitted with connectors8601.20.00 Rail locomotives powered by electric accumulators (batteries)8602.10.00 Diesel-electric locomotivesSubheading8605.00.00 Railway or tramway passenger coaches and special purpose railway or tramwaycoaches, not self-propelled8606.10.00 Railway or tramway tank cars and the like, not self-propelled8606.30.00 Railway or tramway self-discharging freight cars (o/than tank cars or insulated/refrig.freight cars), not self-propelled8606.91.00 Railway or tramway freight cars nesoi, closed and covered, not self-propelled 8606.92.00 Railway or tramway freight cars nesoi, open, with nonremovable sides of a height over 60 cm, not self-propelled8606.99.01 Railway or tramway freight cars nesoi, not self-propelled8607.11.00 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, truck assemblies for self-propelled vehicles8607.19.03 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, axles8607.19.30 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, parts of truck assemblies for non-self-propelled passenger coaches or freight cars8607.30.10 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, hooks and other coupling devices, buffers, pts thereof, for stock of 8605 or 86068607.30.50 Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, hooks and other coupling devices, buffers, pts thereof, for stock of 8601 to 86058609.00.00 Containers (including containers for transport of fluids) specially designed andequipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport8701.20.00 Road tractors for semi-trailers8701.30.50 Track-laying tractors, not suitable for agricultural use8701.91.10 Other tractors of engine power <18kW, for agricultural use8701.91.50 Other tractors of engine power <18kW, not for agricultural use8701.92.10 Other tractors of engine power => 18kW but < 37kW, for agricultural use8701.92.50 Other tractors of engine power => 18kW but < 37kW, not for agricultural use 8701.93.10 Other tractors of engine power => 37kW but < 75kW, for agricultural use8701.93.50 Other tractors of engine power => 37kW but < 75kW, not for agricultural use 8701.94.10 Other tractors of engine power => 75kW but < 130kW, for agricultural use8701.94.50 Other tractors of engine power => 75kW but < 130kW, not for agricultural use 8701.95.10 Other tractors of engine power >130kW, for agricultural use8701.95.50 Other tractors of engine power >130kW, not for agricultural use8704.90.00 Mtr. vehicles for transport of goods, o/than w/compress. ign. or spark ign. recip.piston engine, nesoi8705.10.00 Mtr. vehicles (o/than for transport of persons or of goods), mobile cranes8705.20.00 Mtr. vehicles (o/than for transport of persons or of goods), mobile drilling derricks 8705.90.00 Mtr. vehicles (o/than for transport of persons or of goods), special purpose motor vehicles nesoi8711.10.00 Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, fitted w/recip. internal-combustion piston engine w/capacity n/o 50 cc8711.60.00 Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, w/electric motor for propulsion8711.90.01 Motorcycles (incl. mopeds) and cycles, nesoi8901.30.00 Vessels, designed for the transport of goods, refrigerated vessels (o/than tankers)Subheading8905.90.10 Floating docks9001.10.00 Optical fibers, optical fiber bundles and cables, other than those of heading 8544 9001.20.00 Sheets and plates of polarizing material9014.10.90 Direction finding compasses, other than optical instruments, gyroscopic compasses or electrical9025.19.40 Pyrometers, not combined with other instruments9025.19.80 Thermometers, for direct reading, not combined with other instruments, other than liquid-filled thermometers9025.80.10 Electrical: hydrometers & sim. floating instr., hygrometers, psychometers, & any comb. with or w/o thermometers, pyrometers, & barometers9027.10.20 Electrical gas or smoke analysis apparatus9027.90.20 Microtomes9028.10.00 Gas supply or production meters, including calibrating meters thereof9028.20.00 Liquid supply or production meters, including calibrating meters thereof9028.30.00 Electricity supply or production meters, including calibrating meters thereof 9029.20.40 Speedometers and tachometers, other than bicycle speedometers9029.90.80 Parts and accessories of revolution counters, production counters, odometers,pedometers and the like, of speedometers nesoi and tachometers9030.31.00 Multimeters for measuring or checking electrical voltage, current, resistance orpower, without a recording device9030.32.00 Multimeters, with a recording device9030.84.00 Instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking or detecting electrical quantities or ionizing radiations, nesoi: with a recording device9030.89.01 Instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking or detecting electrical quantities or ionizing radiations, nesoi: w/o a recording device。

Word LIST 2

Word LIST 2

accurate a.正确无误的;精确的 The forecast was soon proved accurate.
achievement n.成绩,成就 His achievements spread from the sun and moon to remote galaxies.
acid n.酸;a.酸的;尖刻的 DNA is the short form of deoxyribonucleic acid.
acknowledge vt.承认;确认;感谢 Plagiarism is taking other people's work without acknowledging it,that is, without saying where it comes from.
absurd a.荒唐的 Wearing a swimming suit during a snowstorm is absurd.
abuse vt./n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 Biometricks may raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse.
adhere vi.粘附;遵守;坚持 Our firm has a set of standards which adhere to international requirements.
accompany vt.&vi.陪伴;伴奏 Your enrolment form must be accompanied by the course deposit of $100.
accomplish vt.达到(目的),完成 We must accomplish the task before noon.

高三英语一轮复习300高考核心词汇默写及练习 List 2 apologize-bond

高三英语一轮复习300高考核心词汇默写及练习 List 2 apologize-bond

300高考核心词汇默写及练习List Two一.默写表词汇英译汉词汇英译汉apologize apparentargue appealattention applyappointment appreciateapproach approveartificial arrangeassociate assessastonish assumeattract attachavailable automaticbalance awarebeat basebehave beautyblame benefitbelieve bond二.根据中文或首字母提示填空。

1. Chimps will check to see if they have the _____________(注意)of the animal with which they wish to communicate.2. With three registers, this method is much faster than the traditional ____________(方式).3. The kids _____________(显然)know the truth.4. Examples and dialogues are recorded with real native speakers instead of ______________ (自动的)computers.5. Now she is one of the experts, writing books on flower______________(布置).6. The deadlines and what you need to ____________(申请)depend on the program.7. By the time these “solutions” become widely _____________(可找到的), scammers will have moved into cleverer means.8. I’d like to make an ______________(预约)for next Wednesday afternoon.9.The governments _____________(争辩)that this will help foreigners better join the society.10. Otherwise, the recreation of traditions would be ____________(非自然的)and empty.11. It is wrong to _____________(认为)arts groups cannot make a profit.12. Lindsey’s husband was totally a______________ by the unexpected visit.13. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, but I often had crazy dreams in which I was to b___________ for Millers accidents.14. Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belongs, a _______________(纽带)with others.15. Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological ______________(失衡).三.用所给词的适当形式填空。

初中英语词汇 词根 联想 乱序版 list1-list2

初中英语词汇 词根 联想 乱序版 list1-list2
not only...but also...
Inot only clean the house but also water the flowers.
List 2environment,difference





二、列表的创建方式1、使用方括号:list1 = []此时list1就是一个空列表。

2、使用list关键字:list2 = list()此时list2也是一个空列表。

3、通过拼接:list3 = [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]此时list3的元素为1,2,3,4,5,6。

三、Python中的列表操作1、访问列表中的元素:列表的索引从0开始,可以通过索引来访问列表中的元素,例如: fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']apple = fruit[0]banana = fruit[1]cherry = fruit[2]2、更新列表中的元素:可以通过指定索引来更新列表中的元素,例如:fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']fruit[0] = 'mango'此时fruit中的第一个元素变为mango。

3、删除列表中的元素:可以使用del关键字来删除列表中的元素,例如:fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']del fruit[0]此时apple就被删除,fruit中只剩下banana和cherry。

四、Python中的列表函数1、len()函数:len()函数可以用来获取列表中元素的个数,例如:fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']num = len(fruit)此时num的值为3,即fruit中元素的个数为3。

Word list 2

Word list 2

Word list 21, insect ['insekt]n. 昆虫;卑鄙的人2, proficiency [prəu'fiʃənsi]n. 精通,熟练3, sentiment ['sentimənt]n. 感情,情绪;观点;情操;多愁善感4, gear [ɡiə]n. 齿轮;传动装置;装置,工具vi. 适合;搭上齿轮;开始工作vt. 开动;搭上齿轮;使……适合;使……准备好adj. 好极了5, literacy ['litərəsi]n. 读写能力;精通文学6, rectify ['rektifai]vt. 改正;[电]整流;[化]精馏7, overhead ['əuvəhed, ,əuvə'hed] adv. 在头顶上;在空中;在高处adj. 高架的;在头上的;在头顶上的n. 天花板;经常费用8, frequent ['fri:kwənt, fri'kwent] adj. 时常发生的;频繁的;惯常的vt. 常到,常去;时常出入于9, destiny ['destini]n. 命运,定数,天命10, cellar ['selə]n. 地窖;酒窖;地下室vt. 把…藏入地窖11, gigantic [,dʒai'ɡæntik]adj. 巨大的,庞大的12, classical ['klæsikəl]adj. 古典的;经典的;第一流的;传统的n. 古典音乐13, reclaim [ri'kleim]vt. 开拓;回收再利用;改造某人,使某人悔改vi. 抗议,喊叫n. 改造,感化;[化]再生胶14, orientation [,ɔ:rien'teiʃən, əu-]n. 方向;定向;向东方;适应;情况介绍15, huddle ['hʌdl]vt. 把...挤在一起;使缩成一团;草率了事vi. 挤作一团;蜷缩n. 拥挤;混乱;杂乱一团16, hasty ['heisti]adj. 匆忙的;轻率的;草率的;性怠的17, cancer ['kænsə]n. 癌症;恶性肿瘤18, breed [bri:d]vi. 繁殖;饲养;产生vt. 繁殖;饲养;养育,教育;引起n. 品种;种类,类型19, finance [fai'næns]n. 财政,财政学;金融vt. 负担经费,供给…经费vi. 筹措资金20, imaginative [i'mædʒinətiv]adj. 虚构的;富于想像的;有创造力的21, establish [i'stæbliʃ]vt. 建立;安置;创办vi. 植物定植22, reconcile ['rekənsail]vt. 使一致;使和解;调停,调解;使顺从23, fracture ['fræktʃə]n. 破裂,断裂;骨折vi. 破裂;折断vt. 使破裂24, enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik]adj. 热心的;热情的;狂热的25, priority [prai'ɔrəti]n. 优先;优先权;优先次序;优先考虑的事26, nutrition [nju:'triʃən]n. 营养,营养学;营养品27, contest ['kɔntest, kən'test]vt. 争辩;提出质疑vi. 竞争;争辩n. 竞赛;争论;争夺28, deviate ['di:vieit, 'di:viət]vi. 越轨;脱离vt. 使偏离29, pamphlet ['pæmflit]n. 小册子30, discriminate [dis'krimineit, dis'kriminət]vt. 区别;辨别;歧视vi. 区别;辨别;歧视31, rivalry ['raivəlri]n. 竞争;竞赛;对抗32, competence ['kɔmpitəns]n. 能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入33, barricade [,bæri'keid, 'bæri-]n. 路障;街垒;争论之处vt. 设路障;阻碍34, glamour ['ɡlæmə]n. 魅力,魔力;迷人的美vt. 迷惑,迷住35, nourish ['nʌriʃ, 'nə:-]vt. 滋养;怀有;使健壮36, stab [stæb]vt. 刺;刺穿;刺伤;戳;直入vi. 刺;戳;刺痛;刺伤n. 刺;戳;突发的一阵;[口]尝试37, accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit]vi. 累积;积聚vt. 积攒38, armor ['ɑ:mə]n. 装甲;盔甲vt. 为…装甲39, slip [slip]vi. 犯错;滑倒;减退;滑动;失足vt. 使滑动;滑过;摆脱;塞入;闪开n. 滑,滑倒;错误;下跌;事故;片,纸片adj. 滑动的;有活结的;活络的abbr. 串行线路接口协议,是旧式的协议(Serial Line Interface Protocol)40, enlighten [in'laitən]vt. 启发,启蒙;教导,开导;[古]照耀41, idiom ['idiəm]n. 成语,习语;土话42, progressive [prəu'ɡresiv]adj. 进步的;先进的n. 改革论者;进步分子43, booth [bu:ð, bu:θ]n. 货摊;公用电话亭44, appendix [ə'pendiks]n. 附录;阑尾;附加物45, corrode [kə'rəud]vt. 侵蚀;损害vi. 受腐蚀;起腐蚀作用46, groove [ɡru:v]n. 凹槽,槽;最佳状态;惯例vt. 开槽于vi. 形成沟槽47, owe [əu]vt. 感激;欠;应给予;应该把……归功于vi. 欠钱48, complaint [kəm'pleint]n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈49, stability [stə'biliti]n. 稳定性;坚定,恒心50, stabilize ['steibilaiz]vt. 使稳固,使安定vi. 稳定,安定51, propaganda [,prɔpə'ɡændə]n. 宣传;[宗]传道总会52, flare [flεə]vt. 使张开;使闪耀;用发光信号发出;使外倾vi. 闪耀,闪光;燃烧;突然发怒n. 闪光,闪耀;耀斑;照明弹;爆发53, stable ['steibl]n. 马厩;牛棚adj. 稳定的;坚定的;牢固的vi. 被关在马厩vt. 赶入马房54, innumerable [i'nuj:mərəbl]adj. 无数的,数不清的55, justify ['dʒʌstifai]vi. 证明合法;整理版面vt. 证明…是正当的;替…辩护56, foam [fəum]n. 泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫vi. 起泡沫;吐白沫;起着泡沫流动vt. 使起泡沫;使成泡沫状物57, compose [kəm'pəuz]vt. 使平静;构成;写作;排…的版vi. 排字;组成;作曲58, psychiatrist [psai'kaiətrist, psi-]n. 精神病学家,精神病医生59, intellectual [,intə'lektjuəl, -tʃuəl]n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的intellectual: 知识分子|过渡的|中间的intellectual skill: 智力技能Public Intellectual: 公共知识分子|公共知识份子|公众知识分子60, objection [əb'dʒekʃən, ɔb-]n. 异议,反对;缺陷,缺点;妨碍;拒绝的理由Objection: 我抗议!|异议|拒绝objection handling: 处理拒绝状况|异议处理Objection!: 我抗议|扂蕨祜61, costume ['kɔstju:m, kɔ'stju:m]n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装vt. 给穿上服装costume: 服装|装束|民族服装costume supervisor: 服装管理员costume cambric: 杂色低档轧光平布62, reaction [ri'ækʃən, ri:-]n. 反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用reaction: 反应|不良反应|反弹:价格在较长时间下跌后的回升exothermic reaction:放热反应|发热反应|放热反应(体系放热给环境,化学反应的焓变为负值)dynamic reaction: 动压力|动力反作用|动态分析设计63, presume [pri'zju:m, -'zu:m]vt. 假定;推测;擅自;意味着vi. 相信;擅自行为64, hurricane ['hʌrikən]n. 飓风,暴风65, entail [in'teil]vt. 必需,使承担;[律]限定继承n. 限定继承,限定继承权;限定继承的财产66, referee [,refə'ri:]n. 裁判员;调解人;介绍人vi. 担任裁判;仲裁vt. 为…当裁判;调停67, dodge [dɔdʒ]n. 躲闪;托词vi. 躲避,避开vt. 躲避,避开68, foremost ['fɔ:məust] adj. 最先的;最重要的adv. 首先;居于首位地69, stack [stæk]n. 堆;堆叠vt. 使堆叠;把…堆积起来vi. 堆积,堆叠70, circus ['sə:kəs]n. 马戏团;马戏71, disguise [dis'ɡaiz]vt. 假装;掩饰;隐瞒n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西72, stagger ['stæɡə]vt. 使交错;蹒跚;使犹豫vi. 蹒跚;犹豫n. 蹒跚;交错安排adj. 交错的;错开的73, recognize ['rekəɡnaiz]vt. 承认;认出,识别vi. 确认,承认;具结74, embody [im'bɔdi]vt. 体现,使具体化;具体表达。

新东方四级词汇乱序版练习 List1 2

新东方四级词汇乱序版练习 List1 2

Word List 2We demanded that they give us a d (确切的)answer.He is a c (谨慎的)person, so whatever he does, he is not only discreet but careful as well.He said, "I knew God would hear your p (祈祷)".When a bird's n (巢)is overturned, no egg can remain intact.Low prices crimped d (国内的)output and foreign imports.An a (航空的)spokesman said poor weather was more likely to have been a factor in the crash than the condition of the plane.It is natural for teenagers to r (反抗)against their parents.While I knew we could do better, I doubted there was a completely s (满意的)solution to either of the two problems.The plant's s (茎)curled round the branches of the tree.Any assistance you can r (提供)him will be appreciated.If she does not o (反对)to it, why should we?Teacher is hard g (园丁), is unknown silkworms.Woollen fabrics s (缩水)in the wash.Traffic was tied up for three hours because of the p (游行).The r (谣言)had to disappear before facts.Wipe your feet well, or track up my new r (地毯).Everyone has an idea about what kind of culture they want to e (建立)for their team.After all, Eden was a garden, not a farm. The difference is p (起初的)one of scale.I will always remember your k (善意)to me.The coat is too tight at the b (胸部).This old stamp isn't s (粘性)any more; I shall have to gum it down onto the envelope.It wants the government to take action to b (促进)the economy.The scientist abandoned his research for lack of f (资金).Michael told us an i (难以置信的)story about his grandmother catching a thief.It is worth while to take a trip a (国外).I’ve enlisted the help of Master D (侦探)Sherlock Holmes to help guide us on our search.I still take medication, and I'm s (僵硬)and in pain sometimes, especially on cold, damp days.Harmonious teacher - student relationship is a prerequisite to s (刺激)students interest in learning.He harvested rewards in f (名誉)and wealth for his successful experiment.We want to be known not just for what we c (消费), but for what we produce.We shall a (加速)community building and promote the socialization of social security.Thunder often accompanies l (闪电).If you hurt the bee it may s (蜇)you.The post served as a b (界限)- army marker.I had to shake him several times to r (唤醒)him form his sleep.You should c (培养)yourself to be strong - minded. Don't become a weak person.Waste products from factories can be made into road - building m (材料).The country is importing a broad range of skilled p (人员).It realizes the system control in design and can automatically d (展示/播放).In physics the concept of a noninteracting p (粒子) does not exist.Remember, Prince Charming comes disguised as a f (青蛙)for some girls.If you do better next time, then people will often forget their first i (印象)of you.Genetic engineering is perhaps the most exciting recent development in b (生物学).People who drives when they are d (醉酒)should be heavily penalized.Lack of confidence is the biggest b (障碍)to investment in the region.The shop takes s (存货)every week on Friday mornings.A net is to a f (渔夫)what a gun is to a hunter.The p (政客)defected from his own party and joined the opposition.British r (王室的)authority was based on the principle of contract between the ruler and the ruled. The b (理发师)thinned out his customer's thick hair.He then fills the s (长袜)with Christmas presents.She was appointed a US d (代表)to the United Nations.Expand on your resume and h (突出)your background as it relates to the job.He is in a state of deep d (沮丧)on account of his failure to pass the examination. Cardholder s 签名must be identical as appeared in credit card.The a 大气consist of more than 70 % of nitrogen.If human capital can e 评估and transfer, the human capital can be lawful finance object.Sodiers and other rescue personnels were busy with the r 救援work.The p 人格system includes three parts: cognition, emotion and will.The problem is examined in detail in l 后面的chapters.She won a seat in p 议会at the election.Computer i 输入is whatever is put into a computer system.Total commercial honesty always costs something, but total or p 部分的dishonesty will cost more. The rat represents smart, while the dog represents l 忠诚.According to the c 日历, my birthday falls on a Sunday this year.We should not o 忽视the difficulties.The d 争论became white - hot.He had to s 俯身to go through the door.Word list 1汉翻英1.我为这种缺乏礼貌的行为向总统致以诚挚的歉意。




1.1 extend():将一个列表里的所有元素添加到一个列表中。

list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
list1.extend(list2) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
1.2 + : 将两个列表合并为一个列表。

2.1 sort()方法:对列表进行排序。

3.1 index()方法:查找列表中某个元素的位置。

4.1 pop()方法:用于移除列表中的一个元素,并返回该元素的值。

4.3 del关键字:用于删除列表中指定位置的元素。


四级核心词汇word list 2

四级核心词汇word list 2
agent 代理商;政府代表;动因
• aggressive
• 好斗的;敢作敢为的;有进取 心的;
• agriculture • 农业;农学
• aid • 救护;助手
• aircraft • 飞机;飞行器
• airline • 航空公司;航线
• airplane • 飞机
• airport • 机场;航空港
• anyway • 无论如何;至少
• apart • 相间隔;分开;分离的
• apartment • 一套公寓房间
• apologize • 谢罪;认错
• apology • 认错;谢罪
• appearant • 表面上的;明显的
• appeal • 呼吁;吸引力;上诉
• appearence • 出现;来到;外观
• alarm • 忧虑;使惊恐;使担心
• alcohol • 酒精;乙醇
• alert • 警觉的;使认识到;警报
• alike • 相同的;一样的;同样程度的
• alliance • 结盟;联盟
• allocate • 分配;分派;把拨给
• allow • 准许;承认;准许进入
• allowance • 补贴;零用钱
• approximately • 近似;估计
• arbitrary • 随心所欲的;专断的
• appointment • 约定;约会;委任的职位
• appreciate • 赏识;领会;增值
• approach • 向靠近;靠近
• appropriate • 适当的;恰当的
• approve • 同意;批准
• approval • 赞成;赞许;批准
• approximate • 近似的

遍历list 2次循环的结果拼接

遍历list 2次循环的结果拼接

遍历list 2次循环的结果拼接遍历list是一种常见的数据操作,它可用于访问列表中的每个元素,并对其进行处理。








遍历列表可以使用for循环完成,如下所示:```my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]for element in my_list:#处理每个元素print(element)```上述代码中,我们定义了一个列表my_list,并使用for循环遍历该列表。




为了达到这个目的,我们可以使用两层嵌套的循环,如下所示:```pythonlist1 = [1, 2, 3]list2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']result = []for i in list1:for j in list2:result.append(str(i) + j)print(result)```上述代码中,我们定义了两个列表list1和list2,并创建一个空列表result用于存储结果。





Python中list是一种有序的集合,可以容纳任意类型的数据,可以使用索引来访问list 中的元素。

1. 创建list:
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list2 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
2. 访问list中的元素:
list1[0] # 访问list1中的第一个元素
list2[3] # 访问list2中的第四个元素
3. 修改list中的元素:
list1[2] = 10 # 修改list1中第三个元素为10
list2[1] = "x" # 修改list2中第二个元素为x
4. 删除list中的元素:
del list1[1] # 删除list1中的第二个元素
del list2[2] # 删除list2中的第三个元素
5. 获取list的长度:
len(list1) # 获取list1的长度
len(list2) # 获取list2的长度
6. 合并list:
list3 = list1 + list2 # 合并list1和list2 ```。






1、创建list:可以使用[],例如: list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
2、添加元素:可以使用append和extend方法,例如: list1.append('5') 或 list2.extend(list1)
3、删除元素:可以使用remove和pop方法,例如:list1.remove('5') 或list1.pop(2)
4、访问元素:可以使用索引和循环控制,例如:list1[2] 或 for item in list1:
5、修改元素值:可以使用索引,例如:list1[2] = '6'
6、排序:可以使用sort or sorted方法,例如:list1.sort() 或 sorted(list2)
7、移动元素:可以使用insert方法,例如:list1.insert(3, '7')



List 2 Exercise雅思

List 2 Exercise雅思

achieve obtained computed instituted credit residents evaluated assist primary site1.He obtained a final mark of just over 80%.他获得了超过80%的最终成绩.。

2.If I can assist you in any way, please let me know.如果我能以任何方式帮助你,请让我知道。

3.We have to give her a lot of credit for our success.我们必须为她的成功归功于她。

4.The government is looking for a site on which to build a new school in this area.政府正在寻找一个在这方面建一所新学校的场地.。

5.The primary reason he has done so well at school is that he works incredibly hard.他在学校表现得很好的主要原因是他工作非常努力.。

6.Firemen had to evacuate the elderly residents of a local nursing home after smoke wasseen coming from one of the rooms.消防员被疏散的地方居民的养老院居民后,烟雾被认为是来自一个房间。

7.If you want to achieve real progress in your speaking skills, you need to speak English asoften as possible while you are here.如果你想取得真正的进步,你的演讲技巧,你需要尽可能多地说英语,而你在这里。

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托福红宝书45天突破 List Two ability accord additive affection alike alternately behaviorism biological budget calendar coil colleague composer composition dairy deadline deal deceive distant dramatic erosion explosive forestall fume igneous immutable impetus indicate industry intelligence interpret intriguing justify legislative legitimate 能力 一致 添加的 添加剂 喜爱 影响 相同的 相似的 交替地 间隔的 行为主义、 生物学家 预算 日历 线圈 同事、 作曲家 成分 作品 奶制品 截止日期 处理 数量 交易 欺骗 远离的 戏剧性的 腐蚀 爆炸性的 炸药 预先阻止 臭气 烟 激怒 (地理)火的 不变的 促进 指出 勤奋 工业 智力 解释 理解 吸引人的 证明。是正当的 合法的 正当的 literacy locomotion longitude lower marked modulate monarch motto mutual overall overlook parallel paramount participant pendent planet plausible plot precipitate radiate remnant removal renaissance retire rod salon scar shipwright sloth solitary specialize specimen spectator state stem string sturdy 识字 有文化 移动 运动 经度 降低 较低的 显著的 调节 君主 座右铭 相互的 全面的 工作服 俯瞰 忽视 纬线 平行的 比较 极为重要的 参与者 下垂物 行星 似乎有理的 情节 划分 促成 降水 沉淀 发出 辐射 残余物 除去 复兴 再生 退休 棒杆 沙龙 疤痕 造船者 树懒 孤独的 专攻 样本 观众 溢出 溅出 情况 国家 茎 发源 细绳 带子 强壮的 稳固的 substantial towering versus worth wrap 实质的 坚固的 高耸的 关 立法的 spill