
(1.0分)我的答案:A 33我的答案:C38文艺复兴时期的人文主义特点是()。
国开汉语专科《西方文化》历年期末考试试题及答案 汇编(开卷)

国开汉语专科《西方文化》历年期末考试试题及答案汇编(开卷)历年期末考试试题汇编第一部分:选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪位是古希腊著名的哲学家?A. 孔子B. 老子C. 柏拉图D. 庄子2. 文艺复兴起源于哪个国家?A. 意大利B. 德国C. 法国D. 英国3. 《独立宣言》是在哪一年颁布的?A. 1776年B. 1787年C. 1791年D. 1865年4. 以下哪位是美国历史上著名的总统?A. 乔治·华盛顿B. ·林肯C. 富兰克林·罗斯福D. 所有选项都是正确的5. 教的创始人是?A.B. 佛陀C.D. 穆罕默德第二部分:简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 请简述古希腊哲学的主要特点及其对后世的影响。
2. 请介绍一位文艺复兴时期的艺术家及其代表作品。
3. 请简述美国独立战争的原因及其历史意义。
4. 请谈谈你对西方文化的理解,以及它对你的生活有哪些影响。
第三部分:论述题(每题20分,共40分)1. 请论述西方政治制度的起源和发展,并分析其对现代社会的影响。
2. 请谈谈你对西方教育体制的理解,以及其优缺点。
答案解析1. C. 柏拉图2. A. 意大利3. A. 1776年4. D. 所有选项都是正确的5. A.答案解析说明1. 古希腊哲学的主要特点是理性思维和探索真理的精神。
2. 文艺复兴时期的代表艺术家有达·芬奇、米开朗基罗和拉斐尔等。
3. 美国独立战争的原因主要是英国对殖民地的剥削和压迫,以及美国殖民地居民对自由和独立的追求。

爱琴文明简表:前26c—前15c 优雅精巧的米诺斯文明(克里特人)前16c—前12c 粗犷豪迈的迈锡尼文明(阿卡亚人)前12c—前8c 黑暗时代(多利亚人)前8c—前4c 希腊城邦时代4.英雄:半人半神,神与人所生,神是理想化的人,因此英雄是理想化的人。

西概期末复习题1.The word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses, they are①Excellence oftaste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. ②An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning . ③The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.2.Characteristics of Culture are ①It is based on symbols. ②Culture is shared. ③Culture islearned. ④Culture is adaptive.3.The origins of Western culture ——“three pillars” are①Ancient Greece (concretely Greekphilosophy) ②the Roman Empire (specifically Roman law) ③Catholic and ProtestantChristianity.4.Greece is a country in southeastern Europe.5.The civilization of ancient Greece is generally considered the cradle of Western civilization.6.Classical Greek Athenian philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Xenophon.7.Principle Figures in Greek mythology are①Gods ②Mortals ③Heroes.8.The Olympians refers to the twelve major gods and goddesses dwelling on MountOlympus.9.Following the Age of Discovery, through missionary work and colonization, Christianityspread to the Americas and the rest of the world.10.Christianity has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization at leastsince the 4th century.11.God is usually held to have the properties of holiness, justice, omnipotence, omniscience,omnibenevolence, omnipresence and immortality.12.God is believed to be transcendent, meaning that he is outside space and outside time, andtherefore eternal and unable to be changed by earthly forces or anything else within his creation.13.The account of Adam and Eve is in the Book of Genesis.14.Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,which gave them the ability to judge and know good from evil for themselves.15.In Christian theology, the death of Jesus on the cross is the antidote to the sin of Adam.16.Christians generally believe that Jesus is God incarnate and "true God and true man".17.According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit andborn from the Virgin Mary.18.According to the New Testament Jesus was crucified, died a physical death, buried withina tomb, and rose from the dead three days later.19.Jesus Christ is the belief that one can be saved (rescued) from sin and eternal death.20.The three principal traditions within Christianity are Protestantism, Roman Catholicism andEastern Orthodoxy.21.Protestantism is associated with the belief that the Bible is the final source of authority forChristians.22.Trinity refers to the teaching that the one God comprises three distinct, eternallyco-existing persons; the Father, the Son (incarnate in Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.23.Christianity regards the Bible, a collection of canonical books in two parts: the OldTestament and the New Testament, as authoritative. It is believed by Christians to have been written by human authors under the inspiration of Holy Spirit, and therefore for many it is held to be the inerrant word of salvation.24.The Old Testament is about God and the laws of God, and the New Testament is about thedoctrines of Jesus Christ. The Word “Testament” means“agreement” or “covenant”.25.The Torah, or "Instruction," is also known as the“Five Books” of Moses: Genesis, Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.26.The Torah contains the Ten Commandments, of God, revealed at Mount Sinai.27.Most Christians believe that human beings experience divine judgment and are rewardedeither with eternal life or eternal damnation.28.Christians believe that the second coming of Christ will occur at the end of the time.29.In Christianity, baptism is the ritual act, with the use of water, by which one is admitted asa full member of the Christian Church.30.The crucifix is a cross with a representation of Jesus'body, or corpus. It is a principalsymbol of the Christian religion.31.Zeus is the god of sky, the supreme god, and the father of both gods and men.32.Hera is the queen of heaven and of the Olympians, the goddess of marriage and family, theprotectress of married women and their legal children.33.Poseidon is the god of sea, the protector of seamen, and the god of earthquakes andtsunamis.34.Hades /Pluto is the god of the underworld.35.Athena is the goddess of war, wisdom and handicraft.36.Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty.37.Apolloe is the sun god, the god of music, and a god of prophecy.38.Artemis is the moon goddess, the goddess of childbirth, of nature, and of the harvest, thegoddess of hunting, and the protectress of huntsmen.39.Hephaestus is the god of fire, the patron god of metal-smiths.40.Hermes is the messenger of gods, a messenger god, the god of roads and doorways, theprotector of travelers, and the guide for the dead to Hades.41.Hestia is goddess of the hearth, the goddess of home and family, and a guardian of homes.42.Dionysus is the god of wine and ecstasy.43.The Iliad, an epic poem by Greek poet Homer, tells the story of the Trojan War.44.At Olympia, the Olympic Games were celebrated in honor of Zeus every fourth year.45.Odyssey is a story after the Trojan War. Odysseus returned to his faithful wife, Penelope,Agamemnon returned to be murdered by his faithless wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover.46.The idiom “Pandora’s box” means the fountainhead of all evils.47.The idiom “Sisyphean task” suggests everlasting fruitless hard labor.48.“The golden apple” refers to the things that give rise to conflicts and strife.49.“Achilles’s heel” refers to the only part of the body that remains vulnerable.50.“Trojan horse” means a trap intended to undermine an enemy, or subversion from inside.51.Jesus Christ's traditional birthday is celebrated as Christmas Day around the world, onDecember 25.52.In Christianity, baptism is for the majority the rite of admission (or adoption), almostinvariably with the use of water, into the Christian Church generally and also membership of a particular church tradition.53.Scouting is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people intheir physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society.54.Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple,presentation of a gift (offering, ring(s), symbolic item, flowers, money), and a publicproclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader.55.The groom’s family will pay the rehearsal feast and other accessories.56.The bride’s family will pay the wedding fees.57.Modern wedding customs and traditions can be dated back to the Middle Ages.58.Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of thewinged Cupid.59.Passover celebrates the Exodus, the freedom from slavery of the Children of Israel fromancient Egypt that followed the Ten Plagues.60.Egg is widely used as a symbol of the start of new life, just as new life emerges from an eggwhen the chick hatches out.61.Halloween is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31.62.Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of acircus, mask and public street party. People often dress up or masquerade during thecelebrations, which mark an overturning of daily life.63.Westerners are in such a contradiction that they believe in both the science and God.64.Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause ofanother without any process in the physical world linking the two events.65.In western superstitions,①Black Friday ②the 13th ③Walk under a Ladder ④Break aMirror ⑤Black Cats can’t bring good luck.66.Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence(generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person.67.A good building should satisfy the 3 principles: Durability, Utility, Beauty.68.Structuralism, a modern intellectual movement that analyses cultural phenomenaaccording to principles derived from linguistics, emphasizing the systematicinterrelationships among the elements of any human activity, and thus the abstract codes and conventions governing the social production of meanings.69.Deconstruction is a term introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his 1967book Of Grammatology.70.Psychoanalysis is a psychological and psychotherapeutic theory conceived in the late 19thand early 20th centuries by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud.71.Vampires are mythological creatures said to survive by feeding on the blood of animals andhumans.72.Vampire symbolizes the renewal of life.73.Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause ofanother without any process in the physical world linking the two events.74.Vernacular architecture is a term used to categorize methods of construction which uselocally available resources and traditions to address local needs and circumstances.75.The Tower of Babel, according to the Book of Genesis, was an enormous tower built in theplain of Shinar.76.According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the GreatFlood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar.77.The phrase "The Tower of Babel" does not actually appear in the Bible; it is always, "thecity and its tower", or just“the city".78.Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and theonly one to remain largely intact.79.The Great Pyramid consists of an estimated 2.3 million limestone blocks with most believedto have been transported from nearby quarries.80.When looked from the outside, the great pyramids point to the sky at the top whichresembles a “ladder to heaven”.81.The top of the Doric column is a simple square.82.There is no base at the bottom of Doric column.83.A Doric column is straight and has 20 small sides.84.Ionic column is more slender and decorative than Doric column.paring the major styles of Greek columns, the most slender one is the Corinthiancolumn.86.The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the Greekgoddess Athena.87.The Colosseum, or the Coliseum is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city ofRome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire.88.Colosseum can hold 50,000 to 80,000 people.89.The gladiators in the show in Colosseum were mainly slaves.90.A characteristic of Gothic church architecture is its height, both absolute and in proportionto its width, the verticality suggesting an aspiration to Heaven.91.Medieval stained glass is the coloured and painted glass of medieval Europe from the 10thcentury to the 16th century.92.According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque is derived from thePortuguese word "barroco", Spanish "barroco", or French "baroque", all of which refer to a“rough or imperfect pearl ".93.What are the distinctive features of Baroque architecture?①broader naves and sometimesgiven oval forms ②broader naves and sometimes given oval forms ③dramatic use of light ④opulent use of colour and ornaments or figures ⑤large-scale ceiling frescoes ⑥an externalfaçade often characterized by a dramatic central projection ⑦the interior is a shell for painting, sculpture and stucco ⑧illusory effects li ke trompe l’oeil and the blending of painting andarchitecture94.Rococo style took pleasure in asymmetry, a taste that was new to European style. Thispractice of leaving elements unbalanced for effect is called contraste.95.What are the ideals of the International Style which are commonly summed up in threeslogans? They are ornament is a crime, truth to materials, form follows function.96.Deconstruction is a term introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his 1967book Of Grammatology.97.Ferdinand de Saussure argued that words are signs in that they consist of twosides—langue/parole and signifier/signified.98.Sigmund Freud proposed the mental processes could be divided into three parts: the id,the ego, and the superego.99.Many psychological concepts were first proposed by Carl Jung, which is excluded?thearchetype, the collective unconscious, the complex, synchronicity.100.The anthropological origins of archetypal criticism can pre-date its psychoanalytic origins by over thirty years.The Golden Bough, written by the Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer, was the first influential text dealing with cultural mythologies. 101.Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.102.Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States.103.Rock 'n' roll is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from a combination of African American blues, country, jazz, and gospel music.104.“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” was written by Albert Einstein.。

西方文化 试题及答案

西方文化的特点主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 传统与现代相结合:西方文化在长期的发展过程中,历经多个时期和重大事件的冲击、变革。
2. 科技与创新:西方文化注重科学技术的发展与应用,强调创新和实用性。
3. 个人价值与自由:西方文化强调个人的价值和权利,主张尊重个体的自由和独立思考的能力。
4. 多元开放与国际交流:西方文化接纳多元文化,促进国际交流,以开放的心态对待其他文化。
1. 挑战:全球化带来的文化冲击。
2. 机遇:文化多元促进创新与发展。
3. 挑战:社会价值观的多元化和冲突。
4. 机遇:推动全球性的社会问题解决。

《基督教与西方文化》期末考试(20)成绩:99.0分一、单选题(题数:50,共50.0 分)1辉煌的希腊罗马世界的崩塌,罪魁祸首应当是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、君主的愚昧统治B、教会与世俗王权的斗争C、基督教的神权统治D、日耳曼民族的入侵我的答案:D2()是只信仰一个神的民族。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、波斯民族B、犹太民族C、希腊民族D、罗马民族我的答案:B3下面犹太教派别中()信奉耶稣就是拯救他们的弥赛亚。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、法利赛人B、撒都该人C、吉伦特派D、加利利派我的答案:D4截止到2003年,北美基督徒大约占当地人口总数的()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、75%B、76%C、80%D、我的答案:D5封建农奴与封建主之间的关系是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、土地依附关系B、人身依附关系C、财产依附关系D、思想依附关系我的答案:A6加尔文最开始在()进行宗教改革。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、法国B、荷兰C、日内瓦D、北欧我的答案:C7犹太人把总是被别人奴役的责任归到自己身上后,他们的苦难意识逐渐转化为了()意识。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、不幸B、罪孽C、敌视D、欢快我的答案:B8德意志在近代发展缓慢的原因是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、外族入侵B、没有形成统一的民族国家C、经济基础薄弱D、天主教的干预我的答案:B9()把无神论推向了共产主义。
(1.0分)1.0 分康德B、黑格尔C、费尔巴哈D、马克思我的答案:D10()为了弥补英法战争造成的法国国库空虚提出向教士们征税。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、约翰二世B、腓力四世C、腓力六世D、卜尼法斯八世我的答案:B11从()开始西欧皇帝必须要经过教皇的加冕。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、凯撒大帝B、奥托一世C、查理曼大帝D、查理一世我的答案:C12第()次十字军东征进一步加深了西方天主教徒与东方东正教徒之间的矛盾。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、二B、三C、四D、五我的答案:C13()最早提出了“道成肉身”的思想。

尔雅年下半年-西方文化概论-期末考试答案(分)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:西方文化概论赵林课程评价返回•《西方文化概论》期末考试(20)姓名:班级:默认班级成绩:100.0分一、单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1“自由,有多少罪恶是假借你的名义而得逞的”出自()。


尔雅下半年西方文化概论期末考试答案分Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】姓名:班级:默认班级成绩:100.0分一、单选题(题数:50,共50.0分)1“自由,有多少罪恶是假借你的名义而得逞的”出自()。

西方文论期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪部作品是弗洛伊德的代表作?A. 《梦的解析》B. 《存在与时间》C. 《悲剧的诞生》D. 《文明的辩证法》2. 结构主义文论的核心观点是:A. 文本的意义由读者的主观体验决定B. 文本的意义由社会文化背景决定C. 文本的意义由其内在结构决定D. 文本的意义是开放的,由多种解读构成3. 后殖民主义批评关注的重点是什么?A. 文化霸权与权力结构B. 个体心理与社会关系C. 文本的语言学分析D. 艺术形式与审美价值4. 女性主义文论主要批判的是:A. 性别不平等与性别歧视B. 社会经济不平等C. 种族歧视与民族压迫D. 环境问题与生态危机5. 新历史主义文论强调:A. 文学作品与历史背景的紧密联系B. 文学作品的独立审美价值C. 文学作品的普遍人性D. 文学作品的作者中心论6. 接受美学的核心观点是:A. 读者的接受和解读是文学作品意义的最终实现B. 作者的意图是解读文学作品的唯一标准C. 文学作品的意义是固定的、不变的D. 文学批评应该完全客观,不受个人情感影响7. 西方马克思主义文论主要关注的是:A. 文学作品的形式与技巧B. 文学作品与社会经济结构的关系C. 文学作品的道德教化功能D. 文学作品的宗教象征意义8. 精神分析文论认为无意识主要通过什么方式影响文本的解读?A. 梦境B. 语言失误C. 文化传统D. 社会规范9. 符号学文论认为文本是由什么构成的?A. 语言符号B. 社会符号C. 文化符号D. 个人符号10. 下列哪位学者是解构主义文论的代表人物?A. 罗兰·巴特B. 弗朗茨·卡夫卡C. 弗里德里希·尼采D. 让-保罗·萨特二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述亚里士多德的悲剧理论中“卡塔西斯”的含义及其在悲剧中的作用。
12. 描述米歇尔·福柯关于“话语权力”的理论,并解释其对文论研究的影响。

《西方文化概论》期末考试任课教师:褚新国专业:历史学姓名:王姣学号:1121102911 成绩:第一部分:思考题请就教材每章中你感兴趣的内容列举一则思考题,并分别试作简要回答(每题5分且限100字以内,共20题,满分100分)。

《基督教与西方文化》期末考试一、单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1大日耳曼尼亚的区域包括()。
0分A、多瑙河北岸B、多瑙河南岸C、莱茵河西岸D、两河流域正确答案:A 我的答案:A2加尔文的宗教改革只设立()作为教会的领袖。
0分A、主教B、大主教C、神父D、长老正确答案:D 我的答案:D3下面对加尔文评价不正确的一项是()。
(1.0分)1.0分A、信仰和善功都需要B、勤奋节俭C、不拘小节D、严谨刻板正确答案:C 我的答案:C4()是希伯来文化的最主要代表。
0分A、希伯来数学B、希伯来哲学C、犹太教D、伊斯兰教正确答案:C 我的答案:C5骑士文学反映的是骑士精神,一般指哪个阶层的人员?()(1.0分)1.0分A、骑士阶层B、贵族阶层C、国王D、以上都是正确答案:D 我的答案:D6新约的同观福音书不包括()。
0分A、马太福音B、马可福音C、约翰福音D、路加福音正确答案:C 我的答案:C7骑士精神最原始的表现是()。
(1.0分)1.0分A、对上帝的虔诚B、对世俗首领的忠诚C、对女士的浪漫爱情D、勇敢正确答案:B 我的答案:B8下面不能体现骑士精神影响的是().(1。
0分A、《战争与和平》B、对妇女尊重C、《佐罗》D、《巴黎圣母院》正确答案: D 我的答案:D9下面不属于天主教阵营的国家是()。
0分A、法国B、德国C、西班牙D、意大利正确答案:B 我的答案:B10“特兰托会议”是哪个教派所召开的改革会议?()(1。
0分A、东正教B、新教C、基督教D、天主教正确答案: D 我的答案:D11()最先提出上帝不在自然界中但可以在人们的心中.(1.0分)1。
0分A、卢梭B、康德C、施莱尔马赫D、费尔巴哈正确答案: A 我的答案:A12关于主教策封权的冲突中,参与的国王是()。
(1.0分)1.0分A、亨利二世B、亨利四世C、格利哥里七世D、格利哥里九世正确答案:B 我的答案:B13中世纪西欧封建社会最小的单位是()。


西方文化试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪部作品不是莎士比亚的悲剧?A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》C. 《威尼斯商人》D. 《奥赛罗》答案:C2. 被称为“现代艺术之父”的艺术家是:A. 达芬奇B. 米开朗基罗C. 梵高D. 塞尚答案:D3. 以下哪个节日起源于古罗马?A. 圣诞节B. 感恩节C. 万圣节D. 复活节答案:C4. 以下哪个国家不是欧洲国家?A. 法国B. 德国C. 澳大利亚D. 意大利答案:C5. 以下哪个不是西方文化中的四大发明?A. 造纸术B. 印刷术C. 指南针D. 火药答案:A(注:西方文化中的四大发明通常指的是:蒸汽机、电力、内燃机和计算机)二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 被誉为西方哲学之父的是________。
答案:苏格拉底2. 《神曲》是意大利诗人________的代表作。
答案:但丁3. 欧洲文艺复兴运动起源于________世纪的意大利。
答案:144. 现代奥运会的发源地是________。
答案:希腊5. 法国大革命发生在________年。
答案:1789三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述文艺复兴时期的主要特点。
2. 描述一下启蒙运动对西方社会的影响。
3. 阐述一下工业革命对西方社会经济和文化的影响。

西方文化试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪位哲学家不是法国启蒙运动的代表人物?A. 伏尔泰B. 卢梭C. 康德D. 狄德罗答案:C2. 莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中,主人公哈姆雷特的叔叔叫什么名字?A. 克劳狄斯B. 麦克白C. 李尔王D. 奥赛罗答案:A3. 美国的独立宣言是在哪一年份签署的?A. 1775B. 1776C. 1789D. 1783答案:B4. 以下哪部作品不是简·奥斯汀的代表作?A. 《傲慢与偏见》B. 《理智与情感》C. 《简·爱》D. 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》答案:C5. 以下哪位艺术家不是印象派画家?A. 莫奈B. 梵高C. 高更D. 毕加索答案:D6. 古希腊神话中,宙斯是哪位神的儿子?A. 波塞冬B. 哈迪斯C. 克罗诺斯D. 阿波罗答案:C7. 以下哪部作品是弗洛伊德的代表作?A. 《梦的解析》B. 《人性的弱点》C. 《乌合之众》D. 《存在与时间》答案:A8. 英国的工业革命开始于哪个世纪?A. 16世纪B. 17世纪C. 18世纪D. 19世纪答案:C9. 以下哪部作品不是威廉·福克纳的代表作?A. 《喧哗与骚动》B. 《老人与海》C. 《我弥留之际》D. 《去吧,摩西》答案:B10. 以下哪位作曲家不是浪漫主义时期的代表人物?A. 贝多芬B. 肖邦C. 巴赫D. 李斯特答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国的国花是________。
答案:玫瑰2. 欧洲文艺复兴运动开始于________世纪。
答案:143. 被誉为“现代经济学之父”的是________。
答案:亚当·斯密4. 法国大革命爆发于________年。
答案:17895. 被誉为“现代戏剧之父”的是________。
答案:易卜生6. 英国的首都伦敦位于________河沿岸。
答案:泰晤士7. 被誉为“现代心理学之父”的是________。

《国富论》 C、 《政府论》 《论自由》 正确答案:C我的答案:C 答案解析: 141■给我物质.我就能创建整个宇宙.这句话出自().(1.。分)1。分 阿基米德 Bk 牛侦 C、 旅缚 D、 里因斯坦
正确答案C我的答案:C 答案解析 15英国的湖辞诗人不包括0。(1.0分)1.0分 Ax 华兹华斯 轻塞 C、 布莱克 柯勒律治 正聃答案:C我的答案:C 答案解析: 16小说《九三年》的作者是。.(I。分)1.0分 狄更斯 莫泊桑
拉斐尔 亚里士多德 正确答案:D我的答案:D 答案解析: 32意大利文艺复兴时期的文化中心是0。(10分)1。分 米兰 罗马 亚历山大 D, 佛罗伦萨正确答案:D我的答案:D 答案解析 33关于伽利略的说法,错误的一项是0。(19分)1.。分 他是近代试驶科学的先驱者 他创制了天文望远镣
C, 他被称为“近代科学之父• Ds 他著有《自然哲学之数学原理》一书 正确答案D我的答案D 答案解析: 34《论法的精神》的作者是()。(1.0分)】.0分 卢梭 洛克 孟德斯鸠 伏尔泰 正确答案:C我的答案:C 答案解析: 35不属于欧洲近代理性主义派别的哲学家是(),(1。分)10分
伏尔泰 密尔 正聃答案 B我的答案:B 答案解析 20下面哪一顼符合功利主义的基本前提?()(1.0分)1.。分 聪腹人应当替给武人做出确定 父母比孩子更关切孩子本人的利益 个人在原则上是他自身华蜜的最好推断者 为了保证个人的自由.个人必需脱需共同体 正确答案:C我的答案:C 答案解析: 21涂尔干是()闻名的社会理论家.(1.0分)10分 镌国 英国
答案解析: 38伽利略逝世于().(1.o分)1。分 A、 1578年 Bx 1611年 C, 1642年 D、 1712年 正确答案C我的答案:C 答案解析 39下列关于康境的说法,错误的是().(1.0分)1.0分 A、
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(20%)1. apology______2. company_______3. appreciate_______4. attendto_______5.somewhat_______6.neglect______7.favor_______8.awkward _______9.stay out of one’s way_______10.gratitude______rm____ 12.by all means______13.decline______14.drop in_____15.in a mess_____ 16.punctual______17.overnight______18.courtesy_______19.vacant______20.hesitation______二、判断题(20分)1.At the dinner table when you want some salt, you say “please pass me the salt” instead of stretching out your arms to reach for it.2. Americans say “excuse me”more often and on more occasions than the Chinese people.3.We say “sorry” when we need to pass in front of someone.4.”Thank you”means that you appreciate what someone has done for you very often, very small and most ordinary things.5.People in the West thank people all day long.6.Some Japanese students make excessive expressions of gratitude, which give Westerners the sense of empty thanks and insincerity.7.Over doing apology actually is a right behavior in the American8.Americans often plan social gatherings on short notice.9.If a friend has invited you to drop in by any time, it is best to call before visiting to make sure it is convenient for them.10.If you have accepted the invitation, you should get to the place at the fixed time, or 15 minutes after that.三、把下面句子翻译成中文(20分)1. If the guest is a lady, most men in the room will stand up when she comes in.2.On the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the side of the ladies which is closer to the traffic.3.A man is introduced to a woman, unless he is much older and more senior. As a general rule, younger ones are introduced to elder ones.4.The ladies in the sitting room will not stand up whether the new comer is a man or a woman..5.It is considered bad manners in the West to leave one’s food on the plate.6.In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or press something on him.7.Americans are very direct. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say, “No, thanks.”8.Americans are taught that “Honesty is the policy.”9.When you go to the United States, you had better “do as the Romans do.”10.In America, public restrooms are located in gasoline stations, airports, and bus and railroad stations, restaurants, libraries, large stores, theaters.四、选择正确的单词填空。
(20分)1.As the Chinese customs are different, some students abroad may appear not polite enough.A. somewhatB. anythingC. something2.Some Chinese students to express thanks for the small favors that others have done for them.A. rememberB. neglectC. hate3. If you are busy, do not be afraid to the invitation.A. acceptB. attendC. decline4. If you don’t know the way to the place, be sure to ask for .A. time C. children D. instructions5. That is where occurs when people from two different countriesmeet.A. misunderstandingB. accidentC. earthquake6. might be more important than honesty in some countries.A. courtesyB. Lady firstC. Helping others7. Without a moment’s , he answered “ Finding a public bathroom.”A. restB.hesitationC. invitation8.In the States, people of all ages may be called by their first names. A. dislike B. agree to C. prefer to9.Addressing people by their first names usually indicates .A. friendlinessB.impoliteC. goodness10. is used either for a married woman or unmarried woman.A. MissB.Mr.C. Ms五、根据所学的知识回答问题。
1. What is the most difficult thing for a newly arrived visitor to the U.S.?2. Where can a foreign visitor find a public rest room in the U.S. ?3. What may confuse a foreign visitor when he/she is looking for a rest room?4. What terms are rarely used in the U.S. to indicate a rest room?5. What is considered bad manners at the dinner table in the West?6. What are men expected to do when a woman guest comes into the sitting room?7.How do good-mannered men in the West behave in public?8. What rules do people have to follow when a new comer is shown into the sitting room?9.What will you dothen if you are willing to accept an American’s invitation?10. What is a proper gift that you should take to the hostess?西方文化期中考试题答题卡班级:姓名:分数:一、写出下面单词或短语的中文意思。
(20%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20二、判断题(20分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.三.把下面句子翻译成中文(20分)四.选择正确的单词填空。
(20分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.五、根据所学的知识回答问题。