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Part 2

My name is Nikita. 6 years ago, I was taken out of prison and forced by a covert unit of the government, to be an assassin. 3 years ago, I escaped, and have been hunted ever since. I was the first recruit to get out. I’m going to make certain I’m not the last. 。。。。。。

I hope you don’t mind me dripping in unannounced. Oh, not at all. You were always one of my favourite customers. Oh, thank you. I gotta hand it to you, Trevor. These are gorgeous. If something jumps out, I have any number of accessories to match. That’s nice. That’s mine. Oh, love. It’s very you. I’m going to need a mag of lokken 2-12, a thermographic scope, and no questions asked. I assume the price is still the same. Afraid it’s gone up. Trevor…supply and demand, Nikita. Ever since you went rogue, your friends are in short supply, and there’s great demand for your corpse. I know. New deal, Trev…. I keep the gun, you keep breathing, and never tell anyone I was here. You… you’re not going to kill me? Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve got a much bigger target in mind.

Murderer! The people gathered behind me are protesting Mirko Dadich’s overturned conviction due to prosecutorial misconduct. The government is currently deciding whether to initiate deportation proceedings against him. But as of today, he walks free. 2 years, and all my belongings are still here. America. Ready when you are, Mr Dadich. Hold on, that’s not Dadich. Someone’s playing a diversion. He’s hired protection! Percy! Not bad. I feel safer already. Protection is just the beginning. In 6 months, you won’t be hiding from your enemies. Trust me. They’ll be hiding from you.

Ok, kiddies, 30 seconds left, come on. Penetrate the system! Penetrate! 10 seconds left before they dump you. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … fail. Alex…. You never launched your exploit. Why? I don’t know. This hacker stuff is really… complicated. Actually, it’s not, it’s simple. Because, you see, I do all the hacker stuff. I write the exploit. I even make it look like a video game. So your tween minds can understand it! You think that’s funny? Must be the drugs, sir. You know how it is with junkies. I thought our files were secret. Failure was on me, sir. Alex was having trouble finding the shell code. And I gave her the wrong one. You shouldn’t have been giving it in the first place. You know what, this is pathetic. All of you, get out of here. The bunch of you, get out! Up and out of your seats now. not you. You stay. You too, get out of here. Left foot in front of the right one. You can handle that, right? All right. You stay here, and you work this until you get it right. I’m going to check back with you in half an hour. And it better be right. Because scrubs who can’t pass the basics don’t survive very long in here.

Wonderful. He is no fun. Come on, let’s drink. Oh, whatever you’re having. You’re not making our guest feel very welcome. Well, we should have used the Astoria safe house. This place isn’t secure. What are you worried about? Communist rebels, hit men from the old country, Nikita. She is a wild card. She knows our security procedures. And she said herself that she’s coming after us. She can’t counter us without intel. Your mission was to find out who’s controlling her. Nikita wouldn’t allow anyone to control her. And if she was getting any help, it would be a quid pro quo deal. And what, prey tell, are you basing your intel on? It’s just a feeling.

Are you alone? Nestravi! Let me make sure I understand what you are toasting to. Your plan is to assassinate my successor, creat a coup in the labor party, and return me to my seat of power in 6 months. It’s something we’ve accomplished before. Small nations don’t present much of a problem. You know my accounts are frozen. I can’t afford a down payment on your services. Your
