英汉互译 嘉莉妹妹翻译对比赏析

1.《德伯家的苔丝》、《嘉莉妹妹》和《血泪打工妹》的不同视角 [J], 田平
2.女性主义视角下的戴乃迭译介活动研究——对20世纪80年代中国女性文学的译介 [J], 王惠萍
3.女性主义视角下的戴乃迭译介活动研究——对20世纪80年代中国女性文学的译介 [J], 王惠萍;
4.译介学视角下非物质文化遗产对外译介研究——以湖南省浏阳花炮为例 [J], 陈
5.从《嘉莉妹妹》的不同视角来解读时代新女性 [J], 汪艳萍;单长河

嘉莉妹妹句子赏析1. 嘉莉妹妹精彩文段我以前也曾经看过德莱塞的《嘉莉妹妹》。
……” 这种陈述给人的印象,使我想起曾经有人说过的话:“巴尔扎克最大的秘密,在于句式+概括+洞察力。

《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)是德莱塞的第一部长篇小说,备受国内外读者的关注。
Robert H.Elias认为德莱塞童年和青年生活对其小说中表达的价值观念有重要的影响[2]。
随后学者利用各种研究手法解读文本,如Leonard Cassuto根据拉康的心理学理论分析小说[3]。

A BRIEF ANALYSIS OF SISITER CARRIE《嘉莉妹妹》解读June, 2007Xiaogan UniversityAbstractSister Carrie tells the story of a small country girl Carrie who moves to Chicago to realize her “American Dream”and eventually becomes a Broadway star in New York. Despite living a luxurious life, she is lost in sprit. Reading the novel, we may easily notice Carrie’different needs and desires arising gradually and also the betrayal of traditional moral code in the process of pursuing material gain. The paper analyzes the reasons why Carrie has various needs at different stages of life, mainly based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. One is Carrie’s inner desires; the other is the outside force, including temptations of environment, cities, etc. The interaction between them makes Carrie lose herself eventually. It seems to tell people that in modern society material supplies more and more abundantly, but we should never pursue it blindly and much importance should be attached to happiness and stability created by spirit. It is essential to ponder the significance and the value of life.Key words: Sister Carrie; desire; lost; hierarchy of needs从马斯洛层次需要理论重新解读《嘉莉妹妹》摘要《嘉莉妹妹》讲述一位农村女孩嘉莉不甘贫穷来到芝加哥实现自己的“美国梦”,最终成为纽约百老汇一位著名的演员,享受奢华的物质却陷入精神迷失的故事。

LITERATURE REVIEW—AN ANALYSIS OF DREISER’S SISTER CARRIE《嘉莉妹妹》文学评论An 18-year-old girl without money or connections ventures forth from her small town in search of a better life in Theodore Dreiser's revolutionary first novel. The chronicle of Carrie Meeber's rise from obscurity to fame--and the effects of her progress on the men who use her and are used in turn--aroused a storm of controversy and debate upon its debut in 1900. The author's nonjudgmental portrait of a heroine who violates the contemporary moral code outraged some critics. A century later, Dreiser's characters continue to fascinate readers. The protagonist Carrie is still a controversial character. Many critics regard Carrie as a “fallen woman”, and there are also some critics regard her a s a “new woman”.Many people hold such an opinion that Sister Carrie is a tragedy, in which carrie is described as an immoral woman and she had an empty life though she succeeded as a famous player at the end of the novel. They conclude that “it is impossible to possess true happiness in a money-oriented capitalism society.”①(Li qi-shan 45).Jiang yu-qin says that “the city changed Carrie,a once innocent country girl into a seemingly successful empty life.”②(Jiang yu-qin 135)In her abstract she points out that Carrie represents the women who “experience desiring,chasing,struggling,falling and disillusioning.” Carrie was successful eventually from material aspect, but still unhappy spiritually.We can find such a paragraph in Peng dan-kui’s “Theodore and his Sister Carrie ”, “She(Carrie) has two persons to help her,but instead of getting better, she goes from bad to worse. Actually there is no one who can be the saviour for Carrie in the society. And she comes to realize it is impossible to be a success by working hard honestly…….Carrie is just one of the many victims of the city’s influence and of the capitalist society.”③(Peng dan-kui 75)From this passage, we can conclude that Mr. Peng takes Carrie as a traditional woman victim in a corrupted society. In other words, he denies that Carrie has her own motivates as an independent person.There are also many critics about the character carrie abroad.For example, in Sister Carrie and the Hidden Longing for Love: Sublimation or Subterfuge?Leon F. Seltzer says, “The thesis of this study is Carrie’s longing is shown by Dreiser(though never clearly understood by him )to be a longling for love and emotional relatedness. Such a longing, however, can never know fulfillment because, on one level, carrie is depicted as deficient in the capacity to love and, on far more essential level, her creator ( a man at once sterile and promiscuous, who….)was incapable of appreciating either the nature orpossibiities of human intimacy.”④(Leon F. Seltzer 192)We notice that seltzer descried carrie as a woman without the capability of love. Here he also attacked dreiser.From so many critics, we can see there are really many people they don’t appreciate Carrie. They think she is degenerate, immoral,cold-blooded, and without a lofty soul.But like everything has two sides, lots of other people have different viewpoints. They don’t take carrie so simply, so traditionally. They argue that carrie, from some aspects, stands for “new woman”, which we can see in Wu hong-yun’s Sister Carrie under the unconventional discourse of feminism. First she declares that “Carrie is not a victim ” of the captilist world, on the contrary, she is a victor, be cause “she (Carrie) proves her ability and realizes her value through her own efforts in the capitalist fatherhood society.”⑤(Wu hong-yun 36) Then Mrs. Wu put forward the idea “Carrie is not a immoral woman”, and she admires Carrie highly with the words like “spirit independently”, “rational and witty”, “hard working”, “a new woman” from the feminist angle. She even justifies Carrie’s desire for material gains. She insists that carrie shows a quality of “modern females”.It’s not superisingly that we can find almost the same words in Wang gang-hua’s article. He even puts Carrie to a new higher level. Here is a paragraph from his Carrie’s desires and motives : “in short, carrie shaped her own perfect image through the reflection in mirror , the discernment and the confirmation of the surrounding people. This kind of self-shaping cultivated carrie’s own consciousness, that is, she regards herself as an independent subject, and keeps an independent position in social activities. Thereafter, carrie gradully stepped into being active from passive.”⑥(Wang gang-hua 92) If we surf on the internet, we can find lots of critics about Sister Carrie. Clare Virginia Eby says in his Cultural and Historical Contexts for Sister Carrie, “Dreiser's evolutionary treatment of ethics in Sister Carrie ultimately verges toward the revolutionary, in that he tries to get readers to suspend judgment on actions that would typically be condemned as immoral, such as Carrie's premarital sex and Hurstwood's theft….. Dreiser discourages readers from viewing Carrie as immoral, instead drawing attention to the obsolescence of traditional moral standards. The ending of the novel is especially significant in this regard, for Dreiser breaks with long-standing literary tradition that "fallen women" must be fully punished, preferably by a grisly death. Carrie, to the contrary, may be unfulfilled or lonely at the novel's end, but she is very much alive and eminently successful in the eyes of the world.”⑦He added, “Carrie is not simply rebelling against her husband(Hurtswood) but more significantly against the role that women were traditionally supposed to follow. As historian Barbara Welter describes the nineteenth century ideal for the white middle class, the "True Woman" was expected to be pious, pure, domestic, and submissive. However a competing model for femininity emerged in the U.S. around the 1880s. The "New Woman" typically had a career and was economically independent. Frequently New Women aligned themselves with members of their own sex rather than in conventional marriages. Carrie follows this pattern …… Yet the typical New Woman was be tter educated and frequently more politically inclined than Carrie, and so we might best thinkof Dreiser's heroine as a transitional figure, moving from the Victorian model of True Woman toward the recognizably modern New Woman.”⑧From these two paragraphs, we can know clearly about Eby’s understanding of Carrie.Too many critics about Carrie exist from 1900 when dreiser finished the novel till now, and I can’t cite them one by one. Here I just classified them into two groups. From the totally different views, we can see that different people does hold different opinions. To me, I also have my own understanding of Carrie.First, I really can’t agree Carrie is a “fallen woman”.Those who criticized that she is greedy for material gains and she loses her sense of morality when she pursues her desire, to me, they failed to understand the novel deeply and they failed to treat carrie equally as well. It’s quite true that carrie had sexual relations with two men, which maybe the most unbearable thing for those who said Carrie is “immoral”, but when we read the novel, actually we can say that Carrie’s intention was to have a good husband.First she met Drouet who attracted her with his beautiful clothes and fine manners which represented he belongs to a high class. That is very nature, as I say. Carrie came from a poor peasant family and she wanted to search a better life in Chigago. When she met such a young man who was “ an experienced traveller, a brisk man of the world”⑨(Dreiser 9) and was so courteous to her. “It disposed her pleasantly toward all he might do.”⑩(10)After Carrie arrived the Hanson’s, she found things disappointing. She did efforts to search a job, but she failed at last. Drived by the desire for survival, she eventually accepted drouet. Here we should notice that though the main reason Carrie accepted Drouet is he had the money to support her, but on the other hand, Carrie did have some good feelings on him. Besides, Drouet promised to marry her. So at the beginning, the story went like lots of other love stories. Poor young beautiful girl comes to a big city and wants a “better life”, then she meets a rich man who makes she believe that they love each other, inevitably she wishes a wedding with the man. That happens a lot now. but in the fact, the man didn’t have a plan to marry her.And later, Carrie found another man who seemed worth her love. Hurtswood stands for a calss higher than Drouet’s. He was more attractive and he knew women’s heart better. Carrie once hesitated, but Drouet really couldn’t touch her heart any longer. Drouet himself was not a guy who really wanted to get married. So Carrie didn’t resist when Hurstwood lied to her and brought her to New York. That happened on a base that Carrie thought Hurstwood would marry her and gave her a happy life. That’s human’s instinct. Carrie’s instinct is to survive and to live better. That’s all. She didn’t have any intrigues like Mrs.Hurstwood. We still can say she is pure. She was just drived by the circumstances. So sexual relations with two men didn’t make carrie a “fallen woman”.Secondly, I do n’t agree completely that Carrie is a “new woman”.When Carrie met the living crisis in New York, at the beginning, she still believed that Hurstwood could made all things right. But later, she found Hurstwood was fallingrapidly. She tried to encourage Hurstwood to find a job to support the family, but he failed. He couldn’t find his place in the bigger city New York at all. But Carrie didn’t want to wait and die. She got a job in a theatre,not so easily, then she left him. Here we can often see many critics said carrie is “stone-hearted”. To me, Carrie’s behavior may be a bit cruel, but still can be forgave. Think what an enviroment she lives in! she needs to live! I also explain her action as a result of her instinct.Next, Carrie made herself successful on the stage by a small chance. She got money and fame gradually. But these can’t make her a “new woman”, because her success has much contingency. Her self-consciousness hadn’t be aroused untill she met Ames, a young engineer. His influence causes Carrie to become disillusioned with her success as an actress in comedy and makes her desire to perform more dramatic works. He introduced some writers to Carrie, and also gave some astonishing views about the surrounding people, which made Carrie think he was a special man. From that, Carrie started to think about lots of other things deeply. I say, Carrie at this moment is still not a“new woman”. She doesn’t has her own understanding of the world. She still can’t think and action as an independent woman.To sum up, I don’t think Carrie is “immoral”. When she is drived by her instinct to find a way to live, she has nothing to blame for. As Jerome Loving said, “For him(dreiser), man-all of humankind—was still halfway between animal instinct and ideal of human morality,and so alack of morality was to be expected.”⑾(Jerome Loving 92 The last titan:a life of theodore dreiser)To some extent, I agree with Eby’s opinion that Carrie is “a transitional figure, moving from the Victorian model of True Woman toward therecognizably modern New Woman”.Notes:⑦⑧Clare Virginia Eby:// /collections/rbm/dreiser/scculhist.htmlBibliography:(1)李其珊.《嘉莉妹妹》中的对比和象征艺术[J]玉林师范学院学报(哲学社会科学)2004(2)姜玉琴. 城市:一个承载事业、绞杀灵魂的谬体-从德莱塞的《嘉丽妹妹》到尤凤伟的《泥鳅》[J]外国文学研究2004(3)彭丹逵. 德莱塞和他的《嘉莉妹妹》[J]嘉兴大学学报1995(4)Leon F. Seltzer. Sister Carrie and the Hidden Longing for Love: Sublimation orSubterfuge?--- Twentieth Century Literature, V ol. 22, No. 2 (May, 1976) , pp. 192-209(5)王刚华. 嘉莉妹妹的欲望和驱动力[J]外国文学研究2002(6)Clare Virginia Eby .Cultural and Historical Contexts for Sister Carrie:// /collections/rbm/dreiser/scculhist.html(7)Dreiser,Theodore. Sister Carrie. Pennsylvania:University of Pennsylvania Press 1981(8)Loving,Jerome. The last titan:a life of theodore dreiser.California :University of California Press 1997(9)Pizer ,Donald. New Essays on Sister Carrie. New York:Cambridge University Press1991(10)Yoshinobu, Hakutani . Sister Carrie and the Problem of Literary NaturalismTwentieth Century Literature, V ol. 13, No. 1 (Apr., 1967) , pp. 3-17绝密文件,核心资料,拒绝盗版支持正版,从我做起,一切是在为了方便大家!。

迷失在欲望中———《嘉莉妹妹》中的欲望解析摘要: 《嘉莉妹妹》是德莱塞的杰出代表作之一, 作品深刻地反映了当时的美国现实。
嘉莉对物的欲望, 赫斯特伍德对权力的欲望, 杜洛埃对性的欲望, 三位主公全都迷失在欲望中。
关键词: 德莱赛; 嘉莉; 欲望; 迷失西奥多·德莱塞( Theodore Herman AlberDreiser, 187118127—1945112128) 是20 世纪美国著名的现实主义作家。
他的小说形象生动地刻画了19世纪末, 20世纪初资本主义迅速发展中的美国现实社会。
在美国文学史上他第一次广泛真实地描写了美国多阶层的社会生活, 为美国现实主义文学开辟了新领域。
《嘉莉妹妹》是德莱塞第一部长名作, 揭露了当时的社会现实, 展现了在物欲横流的资本主义社会里, 人们迷失在自己的欲望中,展现了美国生活中没有上帝的一面”。
故事讲述的是嘉罗琳·米蓓(嘉莉妹妹) , 一个俊俏的农村姑娘, 她羡慕大都市的物质生活来到了芝加哥谋生。
严酷的现实破碎了她的美梦, 迎接她的是失业和疾病。
在走投无路时, 她做了推销员杜洛埃的情妇, 后来由于更大的欲望又做了酒店经理赫斯特伍德的情妇。
与赫斯特伍德私奔后, 在纽约由于偶然的机会她成了走红一时的演员, 挤上了上流社会,实现了她的梦想。
并抛弃了逐渐贫困的赫斯特伍德, 以不自觉的残忍将他推上了绝望之路。
然而,所谓的“上流社会生活”又给她带来了什么呢?她感到空虚, 找不到真正生活的意义, 在寂寞和凄凉中, 她坐在摇椅里梦想着那终不可得的幸福。
一、嘉莉的欲望———对物的欲望在小说中, 嘉莉的欲望是作者着重刻画的。
嘉莉本身就是一个充满欲望的人, 充满对物和金钱的欲望, 这一部分源于她的本性, “小时候, 她梦过童话里的宫殿和各种豪华气派的地方”。
嘉莉从哥伦比亚城来到芝加哥那一刻起就开始了对金钱的追求, 嘉莉在火车上看到杜洛埃的时髦打扮便意识到自己穿着寒酸, “突然间觉得自己像是穿了一身破烂儿。

《嘉莉妹妹赏析》1.德莱赛和主人公嘉莉1.1 德莱赛德莱赛出生于美国印度安娜州的特雷霍特。
1.2 主人公嘉莉生活状况的改变故事发生在19世纪80年代末90年代初,女主角嘉莉出生在芝加哥附近的一个农村,她的家庭环境及其困窘。
1.3 嘉莉的性格农村的生活环境造就了主人公嘉莉朴素天真无邪而且性格内向的女孩,这一点从她在火车上的表现就可以看出来,当她在火车上时,她不知道如何与人陌生人沟通,但她的魅美丽有吸引着车上很多异性的目光,当杜洛埃为她介绍窗外的风景的时候,她胆怯的回答着。

制作/演讲: 英语12-1班 胡江
Company name
Company slogan here
chapter 1
an introduction to the author
Company name
Company slogan here
who is heTheodore Dreiser
Company name
Company slogan here
Company name
Company slogan here
Theodore Dreiser
西奥多· 德莱塞
西奥多·德莱塞(1871—1945),美国现代小说的先驱、 现实主义作家之一,他还是一个自然主义者,他的作品贴近广大人 民的生活,诚实、大胆、充满了生活的激情。 德莱塞出生在印第安纳州一个破产的小业主家庭。童年是 在苦难中度过的,中学没毕业就去芝加哥独自谋生。1889年,进 入印第安纳大学学习,一年后再次辍学。1892年,开始了记者生 涯。 他的代表作《嘉莉妹妹》真实再现了当时美国社会,而 《美国悲剧》则是德莱赛成就最高的作品,是人们清晰地看到了美 国社会的真实情况,“至今依然具有巨大的现实意义。”
杜洛埃:一个普通的推销员,凭借着手段,将嘉莉诱骗。但是最终爱上了嘉莉,可是 嘉莉已经和赫斯特伍德私奔了。一个花花公子而已,许多单纯的姑娘就是在这种诱惑 当中迷失了自己。
Company name
Company slogan here
main characters
George Hurstwood
•the manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's, a saloon in Chicago.
英汉互译 嘉莉妹妹翻译对比赏析

变越好, 要么很快接受了大 都市道德标准而越变越坏。
【P1 】
【动】帮助人脱离危险或灾难。 【动】指点引导。 分析:刚进城的嘉利正处于选择的十字路口,稍有不慎,就 -- --汉语词典P240 -- --汉语词典P1754 可能走上一条不归路,所以徐版中与“指引”相对应的“走 正路”比潘版中与“搭救”相对应的“越变越好”更说明了 嘉利对自己人生的疑惑和焦虑,与书中嘉利没有主见的性格 相得益彰,更说明了这个“好心人”的重要性;因而与之对应 的“堕落”比“越变越坏”要好。但是,为了更好的符合 “雅”的标准,符合中国语言文体之美,我们小组认为将 “堕落”改为“误入歧途”更好,与前面的“走正路”相对 应,显得更具有文学韵味。
Chapter 45 赫斯特伍德此时的 生活陷入了困境,并且 嘉莉也离开了他,他不 得不靠着变卖家具来维 持生计。
He had saved and counted untill his health was affected. His stoutness had gone .【P528】
strong and thick【牛津高阶P1991
Number Three
Chapter 29
赫斯特伍德拿了酒吧 保险柜里的钱骗嘉莉和他 私奔,嘉莉在火车上知道 自己被骗了,这是在 下火 车的第一站的旅馆里发生 的事,他问她“从今往后 你会一直和我在一起吗?” 下面是嘉莉的反应。
She looked at him quizzically , but melted with sympathy as the value of the look upon his face forced itself upon her. 【P332】 of an expression showing that you quizzically:


AnalysisofSisterCarrie’scharacter嘉莉妹妹性格分析Analysis of Sister Carrie’s character“Sister Carrie” is the first novel of famous American novelist Theodore Dreiser in the 19th century. It is also a remarkable naturalist one of his works. Carrie is the major character of this book. The story took place in the United States in the late 19th century, when the emerging industrial and commercial city were rising. There was a large number of rural population pouring into the city. Carrie, an eighteen years old, smart and simple girl, in order to get rid of poverty, she took on a train to Chicago with only four dollars. However, the reality broke her dream. She became the mistress of the salesman. Then she met a hotel manager, Hurstwood, who was attracted to Carrie’s simplicity and beauty. Later he stole the money from the hotel, and deceived Carrie to make her elope with him to New York. In New York, Hurstwood lost the money, and he couldn’t find a job because of steal. Carrie had to find a job as an actress to earn their livings, then she became a famous actress and squeezed into the upper class. She abandoned Hurstwood and pushed him unconsciously to despair and death. Although she owned the fame, she felt very lonely.In my opinion, Carrie is an innocent, simple, hard-working and romantic girl. Also she is realistic, enterprising but vainglorious.First, her simplicity and naivete. She is easy to be moved by man’s complaisance. On the train to Chi cago she met Drouet, and when she got off the train, Drouet offered to help her take the package. She said,”very kind of you.” and felt that it was very lucky to get care in strange place. Carrie didn’t knowDrouet was a person who liked to be adored by women and make them happy. When Carrie couldn’t find job after an illness, she met Drouet again. He invited Carrie to dinner and gave her 20 dollars to buy clothes. Carrie felt ashamed and refused him, but she accepted at last under the lure of money. Then she thought Drouet was a generous and good person, but she didn’t know he was only a man who took the pursuit ofwomen for fun. (洪艺帆)Second, she is diligent and enterprising.Carrie’s diligence is shown principally in her work. When she first arrived in Chicago and the next day, she went out to find a job. For running all day, she finally found a job that pays four point five dollars a week in a shoes factory. Though it was low-paid, long working hours, and poor working conditions, she endured that. After she became the mistress of Drouet, who belongs to the Masonic, Carrie tried to improve herself in taste. And at that time, the Masonic was performing a fund-raising play. In order to act the heroine, Carrie practiced at home every day. She knew that if she wanted to success, she had to hardworking and finally she performed this role successfully.Hurstwood lured Carrie to New York and they lived together. Carrie first was a housewife, but when Hurstwood was unemployment and stayed at home, she had to go out to look for a job to change the situation which was getting embarrassing. Then she worked in a choir as a humble chorus actor. But she never gave up hope and made great effort in living a better life, she eventually became more and more popular. Without her diligence and gumption, Carrie could not get success at last.Third, she is romantic and practical. Her romance reflected in her fantasy of life and emotion, she imagined that she willeventually be paid off and her hardworking will not be wasted. When she got her first job, she fantasied that a happy life is waiting for her. But her fantasy soon shattered, she lost her job.The romance is also reflected in her emotional fantasies, her first fantasy is that she and Drouet would get married, and later fantasy is that Hurstwood and she would be happy together, but both of them are shattered. After she became famous, she still was not happy. So she gradually became practical. When Hurstwood was unemployed, she lefthim and tried to find her position. She is romantic because she does not understand that social competition is brutal, sinister; she is practical because she learned that only by working hard can she live a wanted life.(惠宝琴)Fourth, Carrie is a Woman with strong vanity and desire for material, which contributed to her make succeeds in the future. Her heart is filled with the desire of wear and beauty. When she went to the department store to look for a job, Carrie was always attracted by trinkets, jewelry and so on. She wanted to wear all the jewelry on her body and desire to have them all. At the same time, she was eager to dress beautiful to show off her in here. “What a happy thing it is”! And it displayed her pursuit of fame and fortune. However, It is precisely that this vanity makes her not satisfied with her present situation, which made her out of the circle of her own lives and, ultimately, she met with success and got the fame and gain what she wanted.Fifth, Carrie's independence is not her willing,but is forced out. She came to Chicago to live with her brother-in-law and sister’s home and had to look for a job by herself. But when she got a job, she must pay for meals to her sister. But she was not welcomed by the families after she was unemployment, theysuggest her to return home. And then at that Carrie she fall in love with Drouet, but after a short while she breaking up and to find a job again. Later she was lured to New York by Hurstwood, Carrie not satisfied the present situation and she make great effort to find jobs, after failing many times and tried several,she finally became the main star of the Broadway.From the above analysis, we know that Carrie is an innocent single, Pure, hard-working, romantic and realistic, carefully compare good but vanity compared with the strong independent women. After reading the work, I tastethe author has two intention. On the one hand, I understand the author in order to praise the men who are similar to Carrie that making a wonderful achievement in a highly competitive society through effort. On the other hand, the author want to reflect the social reality. Though the live of Carrie, it is reflect the social scene and the status situation from the side. (苗悦)。


(英语毕业论文)《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象分析————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 商务合同中的语篇衔接分析2 An Analysis of the Problems on Chinese Early Childhood Education3 论《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻选择的经济动因4 On the Female Image in The Oval Portrait5 从消费心理学角度谈汽车品牌名称的翻译6 论《呼啸山庄》中的象征主义运用7 伊恩.麦克尤恩作品《赎罪》中的成长主题探析8 Three Discriminations to Little Black American Girls in The Bluest Eye9 从麦琪的礼物中折射出欧亨利对已故妻子的爱10 论《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中的环境描写----从视觉和听学的角度11 论中美家庭教育的差异12 外语学习中学习动机的影响13 创世神话与民族特性—《旧约》与中国古代民间传说14 英语演讲语篇中的parallelism及其汉译策略—以奥巴马就职演说稿为例15 论《教授的房子》中圣彼得教授对自我的追求16 The Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Tess in Tess of The D'Urbervilles17 英语教学中非言语交流与跨文化交际中能力的培养18 分析《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯渥的人物形象19 从《阿甘正传》看美国青年文化20 A Paralysed Wilderness—The Appreciation and Analysis of Symbols in Araby21 男女二元等级对立的颠覆--《奥兰多》之女性主义解读22 文化差异对英语阅读的影响23 高中英语任务型语法教学初探24 Existentialism in Pride and Prejudice25 从"龙"一词的文化内涵看汉英文化的差异26 归化和异化策略在《红楼梦》文化负载词翻译中的应用27 试析海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的人物形象28 女性社会价值的深情呼唤—小说《到灯塔去》中拉姆齐夫人和莉丽人物形象的对比研究29 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法30 论《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公对真爱的追求31 欧亨利与马克吐温的讽刺对比——以短篇小说为例32 浅谈涉外谈判礼仪的重要性33 试论班扬《天路历程》中基督徒的精神历程34 广告语的特点及其翻译技巧35 A Probe into Charles Dickens’ Family Values Reflected in A Christmas Carol36 《理智与情感》中的婚姻37 从原型批评理论来看<<哈利波特>>系列小说中的人物原型38 《看不见的人》的主人公形象解析39 A Study on Problems and Strategies in Phonetic Teaching of Spoken English in JEFC40 李白《静夜思》六种英译本的对比研究41 浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵及翻译42 The differences on advertising translations under the Chinese and Western cultures43 浅析美国传奇总统的共性44 英汉习语翻译中文化意象的转换45 论《儿子与情人》中“花”的象征意义46 论《红字》中海斯特的抗争与命运47 弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析48 美国基督新教与中国儒家的伦理道德的比较49 从精神分析学角度探究《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克里夫50 简爱的独立性格剖析51 女性主义视角下的《了不起的盖茨比》52 凯特.肖邦小说《觉醒》中的超验主义思想分析53 《抽彩》和《蝇王》的艺术魅力比较54 撒旦和孙悟空的形象和文化内涵对比55 经典英语电影台词的语言特征和文化态度56 大学英语四级考试的效度57 论《杀死一只知更鸟》中的象征58 解读布莱克的《伦敦》与华兹华斯的《在西敏寺桥上》的诗歌异同59 合作学习在初中英语写作教学中应用的可行性研究60 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧根源61 从《绝望主妇》析字幕翻译的目的和归化策略62 从关联理论的角度看科技英语翻译63 中美大学课堂文化比较研究64 《西风颂》两个汉译版本的文体分析65 比较研究王维与华兹华斯的自然观66 习语的文化现象及翻译策略研究67 浅议英语诗歌中的书写变异68 On the Cultural Signification and Translation of Animal Idioms69 On The Narrative Perspective Type of J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace70 The Characters and Personality of American Slang71 视频辅助和背景知识对听力理解的作用72 浅析《喜福会》中母亲们悲惨遭遇的成因73 《简.爱》的简和《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝的比较研究74 Cultures and Intercultural Communications75 中英广告宣传方式的比较研究76 论象征主义在《喜福会》中的体现77 英汉颜色词的文化内涵78 从阿里巴巴BB电子商务平台论中小企业的发展趋势79 《了不起的盖茨比》叙述者尼克分析80 中式英语与标准英语的差别81 On the Progressive Awakening of Feminine Consciousness in The Hours82 动物习语中文化意象的比较与翻译83 浅析“红”和“黑”在中英文中的文化及语义对比84 Cultural Differences in Business Negotiations: East and West85 功能对等理论在新闻英语翻译中的应用86 试析英汉颜色习语折射出的中西文化异同87 艾米莉.狄金森的死亡观研究88 对《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白性格的分析89 中式菜名的英译90 从安利(中国)的成功看直销模式在我国的发展91 中西礼貌用语的语用对比研究92 Verification of Soft Term in Letter of Credit93 语言变体的翻译——《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的两汉译本的比较94 《第十二夜》中女性人物特征分析95 从主述位理论看奥巴马就职演讲的连贯性96 Terror of the Soul-Analysis of Features in Poe’s Gothic Fictions97 交际法在大学英语教学中的现状探究98 分析《基督山伯爵》爱德蒙的二重性格99 An Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Letter “A” in T he Scarlet Letter100 A Comparative Study of the Character of Tess and Jane Eyre101 欧亨利《最后一片叶子》解读102 On Freudian Interpretation of Dreams In Sense and Sensibility103 《简爱》中的女性主义意识初探104 Who Stole Our Panda——An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Transmission Through an American Movie Kung Fu Panda105 英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法106 中西跨文化交际中非语言行为的比较研究107 旅游翻译中的文化差异和处理策略108 安妮赖斯小说《夜访吸血鬼》的新哥特世界109 影响英语专业学生阅读理解因素的分析及对策探讨110 从叙事结构分析电影《撞车》中对种族歧视问题的诠释111 The Conflict between Desire and Surroundings:an Analysis of Clyde in An American Tragedy112 歧义的语用研究113 论伍尔夫《到灯塔去》女权主义主题思想及对中国女性文学之影响114 在英语教学中发展学生的自主学习能力115 英语中源于希腊罗马神话主要神祇姓名词汇的认知探索116 从用词的角度分析商务英语信函的翻译117 目的论指导下的英语字幕翻译策略118 《哈姆雷特》中不言而喻的隐喻魅力(开题报告+论文+文献综述)119 英语动结式V+PP的语义整合研究120 目的论视角下的广告翻译121 浅析新闻发布会口译语言的语体学特点122 论《西风颂》背后的精神力量123 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中麦琪悲剧原因分析124 从成长教育理论视角解读奥利弗.退斯特的生活经历125 浅论《汤姆琼斯》的现实主义特征126 从玛丽沃斯通克拉夫特的女性主义观点看《傲慢与偏见》的女性形象塑造127 语法翻译法视角下的中学生英语家教辅导128 从文化的角度审视中西习语的来源129 从《成长的烦恼》和《家有儿女》的对比看中西方家庭价值观的差异130 《隐形人》中主人公的性格分析131 论中西方思维方式的差异132 澳大利亚文学中的丛林文化—以亨利.劳森《赶牲畜人的妻子》为例133 解读艾丽斯.沃克《紫色》中的家庭134 女性主义视角下《傲慢与偏见》的情态意义解读135 “Lady First” Reflected in Different Cultures136 从生态女性主义视角解读《喜福会》137 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视现象138 中英姓名文化内涵的探究139 论华裔女星在好莱坞电影中的角色转变140 从《野性的呼唤》浅析杰克伦敦的哲学思想及其哲学倾向141 The Religious Thoughts in The Pilg rim’s Progress142 谈英汉文学作品中数字的模糊性及其翻译143 浅析英语拟声词的功能144 由《红楼梦》中人名的英译看中西文化差异145 浅析《喜福会》中的母女关系146 The Lexical Features of Black English in RAP Music and its Influence147 试析邓恩《别离辞.节哀》中圆规与圆的意象148 小说《黑猫》中双重人格149 《远大前程》中皮普的心路历程150 英语语音学习中的母语负迁移现象研究151 浅析合作学习在英语专业口语教学中的应用152 魔法世界的双重间谍——《哈利波特》西佛勒斯.斯内普的矛盾形象分析153 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的创伤和治愈154 图式理论在高中英语阅读中的运用155 春节与圣诞节的对比研究156 日用品广告语言中中西方价值观差异比较研究157 融入与挑战--从生态角度看《老人与海》与《瓦尔登湖》158 文化视角下的英汉委婉语翻译探讨159 论《爱玛》中简.奥斯丁的女性主义观160 中餐菜谱翻译的错误分析161 On English-Chinese Translation of Automobile Brand Names162 英语广告的语言特点163 从违反合作原则看电影语言的会话含义——以《最后的武士》为例164 女权主义翻译理论关照下的《呼啸山庄》多个译本比较研究165 从功能翻译理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译166167 《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》中的幽默168 The Transcultural Differences in the Translation of Commercial Advertisements 169 傲慢与偏见中的婚姻观170 Psychological Analysis of Stuttering in The King’s Speech171 以马斯洛需求层次理论分析《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情婚姻观172 Sister Carrie—A Woman Lost in the Material World173 以赫索格为代表的索尔贝娄作品中知识分子的困境与出路174 从数字看中西方文化差异175 玛莎.诺曼戏剧中的母女关系研究176 浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中的苔丝悲剧的成因177 广告的翻译178 从鹿鼎记和唐吉诃德的主要人物的较对比来比中西方侠文化179 论《一个温和的建议》中的黑色幽默180 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述181 生态哲人约翰.斯坦贝克182 使用影视片对中学生进行英语听说教学183 对小说《野草在歌唱》的功能文体分析184 英美日常交际礼仪对比分析185 A Comparative Study of Coincidental Plots in Jane Eyre and Tess of the d’Urbervilles186 英语广告语中的隐喻认知187 On Wisdom of Tao in Tao De Jing and the Subjectivity of Translator--Based upon Translations of Wu(无)and You(有)188 通过《喧哗与骚动》中三兄弟各自对于凯蒂的叙述分析三人各自性格特征189 Gothic Romance: Inheritance and Development of Medieval Romance--A Case Study of The Castle of Otranto190 解析《红字》中的红与黑191 从《嘉莉妹妹》看德莱塞的女性观192 关于高中生英语阅读策略运用情况的调查193 论戏剧《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克的悲剧形象194 On Characteristic Features of the Main Characters in The Moon and Sixpence195 从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同196 浅谈中学英语教学中交际任务型教学活动的设计197 合作教学理论在初中英语阅读中的运用198 Conversational Humor in American Sitcoms——A Case Study of The Big Bang Theory199 论《红字》中海丝特的女性身份重构200。

- Hello, Meeber. - Morning, Tom.我想买♥♥去芝加哥的票。
I wanna buy a ticket to Chicago.-你要去芝加哥吗? - 不是我。
- You going to Chicago? - Not me. Another one of my girls.- 往返? -不行- Round trip? - No. One-way.妈妈再见Goodbye, Mama.-再见,爸爸。
- Goodbye, Papa. - Goodbye, Carrie.-跟姐姐嘉莉说再见。
- Say goodbye to sister Carrie. - Bye, Carrie.再见,Maudie。
Goodbye, Maudie. Remember the things we said.都上了。
All aboard.让我帮你。
Let me help you with that.- 谢谢。
- 欢迎。
- Thank you. - Welcome.您是在哥伦比亚市参观吗?Were you visiting in Columbia City?-我住在那里。
- 不。
- I live there. - No.为什么,您看起来像刚走出密歇根大道就行了。
Why, you look like you just stepped right off Michigan Boulevard. 他们有没有告诉你不要和陌生人说话?Did they tell you not to talk to strangers?在遇到他们之前,每个人都是一个陌生人。
Everybody's a stranger till you meet them.快要跑过去了,不是吗?Almost got run over, didn't you?请允许我介绍一下自己。

嘉莉妹妹中英文佳句1.在《嘉莉妹妹》著作中,跪求英文高手给翻译这段话When a girls leaves her home at eighteen, she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse. Of an intermediate balance, under the circumstances, there isno possibility.2.《嘉莉妹妹》的英文评论Living in a poor and intensely religious family,Dreiser had a very unhappy childhood.A world of jungle where "kill or to be killed" was the law can be found in Dreiser's fictions.In Sister Carrie Dreiser expressed his naturalistic pursuit by expounding the purposelessness of life and attacking the conventional moral standards.Sister Carrie best embodies Dreiser's naturalistic belief that while men are controlled and conditioned by heredity, instinct and chance,a few extraodinary and unsophisticated human beings refuse to accept their fate wordlessly and instead strive,unsuccessfully,to find meaning and purpose for their existence.Carrie,as one of such,senses that she is merely a cipher in an uncaring world yet seeks to grasp the mysteries of life and thereby satisfies her desires for social status and material comfort.至于新女性的观点,以下我的意见供您参考To satisfies her disires for social status and material comfort Sister Carrie naively puts her stakes on two men, first Drouet then Hurstwood. While this proved to no avail, she starts striving by her own. This is against the convention that a woman can only hope her marriage bring her worldly success.3.嘉莉妹妹的人物名字的中英文嘉莉/Caroline Meeber/Carrie:美丽聪明的女主角。

嘉莉妹妹(中⽂导读英⽂版)版权信息书名:嘉莉妹妹(中⽂导读英⽂版)作者:(美)德莱塞(Dreiser,T.)ISBN:9787302238690本书由清华⼤学出版社授权百度阅读电⼦版制作与发⾏版权所有 · 侵权必究内容简介《嘉莉妹妹》是⼆⼗世纪最有影响的⼩说之⼀,由美国著名作家德莱塞编著。
西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser,1871—1945),美国现代⼩说的先驱、最杰出的现实主义作家之⼀,与海明威、福克纳并称为美国现代⼩说的三巨头。

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分析:本小组成员经讨论一直觉得“消瘦 ”比 徐版:因为他一直很节俭, 潘版:他一而再地节省,掂来 拨去的算计着,到头来使健康 数着钱度日,最终使他的健 “不如以前壮实”用得好。在潘版里,“不如以前壮 受到了严重影响。他的身体不 康受损了,他消瘦了很多。 实“ 传达给读者的第一个信息就是赫斯特伍德之前的 如从前壮实了。 【p453】 【P433 身体很强壮。其次“壮实”这个词强调了他依然强壮 】 【动】身体极瘦 只是没有以前那般壮实,所以他的身体状况已经不可 【形容词】身体强壮结实 【现代汉语P1494】 【现代汉语P1794】 能“壮实”这个词来形容。而在徐版“消瘦”强调了 他的身体很瘦,并没有表示出身体还强壮的意思,此 时的赫斯特伍德已经贫困潦倒,各方面的情况也大不 如从前。所以,“消瘦”比“不如以前壮实”更为贴 切。
事情有些害怕,不过一想 到害怕,不过一想到结束自己 译采用的直译,我们组认为徐版的翻译更生动 到这种局面可以结束,还 在这里的窘境,不觉舒了一口 是感到宽慰。 【 气。 【P65 一些。窘境比较贴切的表现了嘉莉妹妹当时在 P67】 】
徐版:嘉莉对自己要做的 潘版:嘉莉对自己要办的时感 分析:徐版的翻译采用的意译,潘版的翻
Number One
Chapter 1 这是整部作品的开篇之 初,也是经典之处。漂亮、 羞涩的乡村姑娘嘉莉满心 幻想大城市的生活,决定 带着全部家当离开家乡, 去芝加哥尝试新的生活。
Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse. 【P8 】 徐版:要么遇到好心人指引 潘版:要么遇好人搭救而越
are slightly surprised or amused
困惑一词体现了嘉莉被动缺乏主见的性格特点,表现 的嘉莉对赫斯特伍德这表白的疑惑 【副】嘲笑;讽刺 【副】1.感到疑难,不 揶揄比较符合嘉莉当时的心态,因为赫斯特伍德两次 【汉语词典 知道该怎么办。 的欺骗,嘉莉对他必然有所怨恨,所以揶揄更好的表 P1588 】 【汉语词典 现了嘉莉的情绪 P801 】
作者简介 故事梗概 人物介绍 译者简介 翻译对比 小组总结
西奥多▪德莱赛 (1871.8.27~1945) 美国小说家。代表作长篇小说《美 国的悲剧》《嘉莉妹妹》《珍妮姑娘》 《欲望三部曲》《德莱塞访苏印象记》, 政论集《悲剧的美国》,短篇小说集《 妇女群像》等。
作 者:(美国)德莱塞 (Dreiser.T ) 出版社:外文出版社 ISBN:7119053949/9787119053943
译 本 基 本 信 息
潘庆舲:中国资深翻译家,半个多世纪来致力于 出版社: 中国书籍出版社 出版社:长江文艺出版社 东西方文学翻译与研究,译著有美国文学长篇名 ISBN: 9787506813402 ISBN:753543272 译者: 潘庆舲 译者:徐菊 著《大街》、《巴比特》、《嘉莉妹妹》、《珍 妮姑娘》、《美国悲剧》、《金融家》、《哈克 贝利· 费恩历险记》等。
Chapter 45 赫斯特伍德此时的 生活陷入了困境,并且 嘉莉也离开了他,他不 得不靠着变卖家具来维 持生计。
He had saved and counted untill his health was affected. His stoutness had gone .【P528】
strong and thick【牛津高阶P1991
“同情”译出来;潘版只译出了“同情“,没有“心 【动】容易被外界事物 【动】对于别人的遭遇 软的”体现。所以 我们认为把二者结合起来比较好。 感动而心生怜悯或同情 在感情上发生共鸣 即“他脸上的神情使她心软了,不觉对他有所同情。” 【现代汉语 【 现代汉语 P1513 】 P1588 】
Number Four
1、在讨论中会发现最佳的结论。 2、团队分工合作很重要,但是人物要分配的恰当, 效率才会高。 3、在实践中得到做PPT的经验。 4、学会了咬文嚼字。 5、在激烈讨 论中,场面 如同吵架,可 这却是我们的财富。
参考文献 [1] 【美】西奥多▪德莱赛(徐菊译) 嘉莉妹妹[M]. 长江文艺 出版社,2006,4 [2] Theodore Dresiser Sister Carrie[M]. 外文出版社,2008 [3] 【美】德莱赛(裘柱常译) 嘉莉妹妹[M]. 上海译文出版社, 2001,8 [4] 【美】德莱赛(路旦俊译) 嘉莉妹妹[M]. 北京燕山出版社 2002,8 [5] 【美】德莱赛(潘庆舲译) 嘉莉妹妹[M]. 中国书籍出版社 2005,4
Number Three
Chapter 29
赫斯特伍德拿了酒吧 保险柜里的钱骗嘉莉和他 私奔,嘉莉在火车上知道 自己被骗了,这是在 下火 车的第一站的旅馆里发生 的事,他问她“从今往后 你会一直和我在一起吗?” 下面是嘉莉的反应。
She looked at him quizzically , but melted with sympathy as the value of the look upon his face forced itself upon her. 【P332】 of an expression showing that you quizzically:
Carrie was afraid of what she was going to do but she was relieved to know that this condition was ending. 【P92】
Relieved: feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not happened. 【680 牛津高阶7 版】 分析:这里徐版将relieved翻译成 “宽慰”, 潘版:嘉莉对自己要办的 徐版:嘉莉对自己要做的
十八岁的嘉莉,漂亮而胆小, 性格单纯,为了谋生,她满怀着 对大都市繁华生活的幻想来到芝 加哥,可面对她的却是贫困与失 业。无奈之下,她和推销员杜鲁 埃同居,后来又成为酒店经理赫 斯特伍德的情妇。 在纽约,一个偶然的机会使 嘉莉成为演员,并大获成功。但 是丰裕的生活并未带给她幸福, 她依然觉得孤独、无助,她不知 道耀眼的光华背后有多少谎言、 邪恶和伪善在等着她……
困惑VS揶揄 瞅着他,但是一见他脸上的 他脸上的表情打动了她, 表情,不觉对他有所同情。 她心软了。 【P269】 我们认为这两个词用的各有千秋 【P290】
She looked at him quizzically , but melted with sympathy as the value of the look upon his face forced itself upon her. 【P332)】 be or make sth become liquid as a result of Melted:1.to
heating.2.to become or to make a feeling ,an emotion ,etc. become gentler and less strong. 【牛津词 典P1087】 潘版:她两眼有点儿揶揄地 徐版:她困惑地看着他。 瞅着他,但是一见他脸上的 他脸上的表情打动了她, 表情,不觉对他有所同情。 徐版的“她心软了”译得很恰当。体现出嘉莉的 她心软了。 【P269】 【 被动,富于感情,天真。但是却没有把sympathy的 P290】
时感到害怕,不过一想到 事情有些害怕,不过一想 宽慰在这里我们觉得用的并不是很恰当,因为 结束自己在这里的窘境, 到这种局面可以结束,还 宽慰多用在长辈对晚辈的某些贴心的举动上如: 不觉舒了一口气。 【P65 是感到宽慰。 【P67】 】 妈妈对儿子的这种行为感到很宽慰。所以如果 【形】宽慰:宽畅欣慰 【形】舒心:心情舒展;适意 这里用宽慰来表达当时嘉莉的心情的话并不是 (汉语词典P793) (汉语词典 很恰当。而潘版翻译成的舒了一口气就很直接 P1264) 有效的表现出了嘉莉妹妹当时的心情。
而走正路,要么很快被都市 腐化的道德标准同化而堕落。
变越好, 要么很快接受了大 都市道德标准而越变越坏。
【P1 】
【动】帮助人脱离危险或灾难。 【动】指点引导。 分析:刚进城的嘉利正处于选择的十字路口,稍有不慎,就 -- --汉语词典P240 -- --汉语词典P1754 可能走上一条不归路,所以徐版中与“指引”相对应的“走 正路”比潘版中与“搭救”相对应的“越变越好”更说明了 嘉利对自己人生的疑惑和焦虑,与书中嘉利没有主见的性格 相得益彰,更说明了这个“好心人”的重要性;因而与之对应 的“堕落”比“越变越坏”要好。但是,为了更好的符合 “雅”的标准,符合中国语言文体之美,我们小组认为将 “堕落”改为“误入歧途”更好,与前面的“走正路”相对 应,显得更具有文学韵味。
Number Two
Chapter 7
嘉丽在杜鲁埃的鼓 动下决定离开姐姐家, 这句话是嘉莉离开时的 心理活动。
Carrie was afraid of what she was going to do but she was relieved to know that this condition was ending. 【P92 Condition: the state that something is in.(P411 牛津双解7版 】
姐姐家生活得很不顺心,为她离家出走的行为 【名】一个时期内事 【名】十分为难的处境、 情的状态 (汉语词典 困境 (汉语词典 给予了适当的理由。而潘版的翻译虽然表达出 P737) P729) 了嘉莉妹妹生活得不顺心这一状态,但是情感 不激烈,对嘉莉妹妹做出离家出走这一决定的 潜在动力表现的不是很充分。