

梦幻 DM500S 中文版使用教程

梦幻 DM500S 中文版使用教程

梦幻DM500S中文版使用教程 (基于cnDB_DM500_alpha中文版)请用户严重注意z在您插拔DM500连接卫星高频头的同轴电缆时,请一定切断DM500交流电源。



目录序言 (7)为什么要写此教程 (7)写成一份什么样的教程 (7)需要说明的问题 (7)鸣谢 (8)内容编排说明及阅读本教程的方式 (8)第一章:认识DM500卫星接收机 (9)第一节:从外观上认识DM500 (9)第二节DM 500参数的意义 (13)一、什么是DM500接收机 (13)二、DM500的参数详解 (13)第二章 DM500的硬件安装 (17)第一节安装前你自己要做的物质准备 (17)第二节、开箱验收 (18)第三节认识DM500的遥控器 (22)第四节安装 (23)第三章 DM500的通讯设置 (27)第一节:DM500的开机设置 (27)第二节:DM500的网络设置 (29)第二节验证DM500的网络设置 (33)第四章DM500的卫星频道设置 (35)第一节:为DM500设置中国上空卫星参数。

(36)一、DM500中卫星参数文件在哪里 (36)二、哪里去找中国上空卫星参数的文件 satellites.xml (36)三、如何用中国satellites.xml替换欧洲文件。

(36)第二节卫星高频头的设置 (43)一、单高频头的设置 (44)二、双高频头用22k开关的设置 (51)三、双高频头用2切1开关 (54)四、4个高频头的设置(兼谈3个高频头的设置) (55)五、5-8个高频头的设置 (57)六、9个以上高频头的设置 (64)第三节:DM500的寻星、频道扫描及转发器编辑 (64)一、DM500的寻星操作 (64)二、DM500的频道扫描 (65)三转发器参数的编辑 (71)第五章:利用各种菜单收看卫星电视 (77)一、快速找到你要看的频道 (77)二、频道声音的调整 (85)三、怎样获得一个频道中的各类信息 (85)四、电子节目单EPG的使用 (89)五、频道信息的查询 (92)第六章 DM500其他基本功能的学习 (95)一、电视模式 (96)二、广播模式 (96)三、文件模式 (97)四、录像模式 (98)五、定时 (99)六、设置 (99)七、游戏 (99)八、信息 (100)九、关机 (100)十、如何设置DM500默认频道 (102)第七章 DM500的设置功能 (103)一、DM500的频道如何删除和更名 (103)二、节目编辑 (107)三、系统设置 (116)四、亲子锁 (124)第八章:利用DM500收看加密卫星节目 (132)一、DM500收看加密卫星节目原理简述 (132)二、使用CCcam EMU收看共享的方法 (132)三、给DM500安装插件收看146dream的节目 (143)四、DM500利用A2/CV12共享盒收看加密节目 (145)第九章 DM500定时开关机定时转台功能 (148)第一节DM500的定时开、关机功能 (148)一、电视机的配合 (148)二、DM500定时开关机的内部的设置 (148)三、DM500独立关机的内部设置 (152)第二节 DM500的定时转台功能 (153)一、概述 (153)二、设定定时转台 (153)第三节:DM500定时收看长期播映的连续剧 (155)一、概述 (155)二、设置定时收看电视连续剧 (155)第十章:DM500的系统刷机、备份与恢复 (157)第一节 DM500刷机、备份与恢复的全面介绍 (157)一、什么是刷机、备份与恢复 (157)二、为什么要刷机 (157)三、为什么要备份与恢复 (158)四、网络与串口的刷机、备份与恢复 (159)五、串口刷机线的制作 (159)六、刷机、备份以及恢复用的工具软件的种类 (160)第二节 Flashwizard6.3 网络刷机备份恢复教程 (160)一、Flashwizard6.3网络刷机 (160)二、Flashwizard6.3网络备份 (163)三、Flashwizard6.3网络还原 (166)第三节Dreamup串口刷机教程 (166)第十一章应用Dreamboxedit编辑中文台标 (171)一、软件设置建立网络连接 (171)二、下载台标文件 (173)三、编辑台标 (175)四、建立自定义组 (176)五、上传修改好的台标文件 (178)六、中文台标文件的显示 (178)第十二章 DM500实现硬盘预约录像功能 (179)第一节:为DM500挂接网络硬盘 (179)一、背景 (179)二、挂接网络硬盘 (179)第二节实现硬盘预约录像 (181)第三节录像的回放 (184)第十三章通过Web控制DM500全面介绍 (186)第一节DM500功能的显示与基本控制 (186)一、简介 (186)二、控制页面的显示 (187)三、DM500的状态显示 (187)四、控制功能键 (188)五、录像及播放功能键 (188)第二节 DM500的网络高级控制功能 (189)一、ZAP下选台功能键 (189)二、定时控制功能 (189)三、Control键下各种功能 (189)四、Config下功能 (190)五、Help下各功能 (190)第十四章:全面实现网路收音机功能 (190)第一节、全面了解DM500的网络收音机 (191)一、背景 (191)二、如何收听网络电台的节目 (191)第二节实现网络电台编辑与选择 (196)一、背景说明 (196)二、查找现有的mp3流媒体在线电台 (196)三、生成M3U MP3流媒体列表文件 (196)四、利用DM500在电脑中的播放mp3流媒体列表文件 (198)五、在DM500中直接播放mp3流媒体列表 (198)六、注意事项 (198)七、使用DM500播放Mp3流媒体策略 (198)第十五章:查看卫星电视及广播的码流 (199)一、背景 (199)二、下载Bitrat viewer插件 (199)三、看码流插件的实际应用 (200)四、建立看码流的快捷方式 (201)第十六章:在电脑上播放DM500电视节目 (202)一、安装.Link.Multicast.v2.5软件 (202)二、安装MPEG-2.Video.Decoder.v1.5 (203)三、实现破解 (205)四、运行软件收看DM500中的电视节目 (205)第十七章 DM500实现天气预报功能 (206)第一节安装天气预报插件 (206)一、背景 (206)二、下载天气预报插件手动安装包 (206)三、手动安装包的安装 (206)第二节使用天气预报功能 (206)一、天气预报快捷方式的设置 (206)二、天气预报的查询 (207)三、设置默认城市天气预报 (208)四、需要注意的问题 (208)第十八章:常见问题的解决与使用技巧 (208)一、Dm500问题及故障判断的两个基本方法 (209)二常见问题分析 (209)附录 DM500系列软件下载列表 (212)Img: (212)刷机、备份及恢复软件: (212)播放软件: (213)台标编辑软件 (213)文件上传软件 (213)天气预报插件 (213)中文皮肤插件 (213)后记 (213)序言为什么要写此教程DM500是被卫星烧友们普遍认可的发烧型卫星接收机。

EX500-GEN2 Fieldbus系统用户指南说明书

EX500-GEN2 Fieldbus系统用户指南说明书

Before UseFieldbus systemEX500-GEN2NOTEThe direct current power supply to combine should be UL1310 Class 2 power supply when conformity to UL is necessary.Safety InstructionsMaintenance•Maintenance should be performed according to the Safety Instructions.•Perform regular maintenance and inspections.There is a risk of unexpected malfunction.•Do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner etc. to clean each unit.They could damage the surface of the body and erase the markings on the e a soft cloth to remove stains.For heavy stains, use a cloth soaked with diluted neutral detergent and fully squeezed, then wipe up the stains again with a dry cloth.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) to obtain more detailed information about maintenance.Summary of Product partsTroubleshootingRefer to the LED Display. Refer to the SMC website (URL )to obtain more detailed information about troubleshooting.SpecificationRefer to the product catalog or SMC website (URL ) to obtain more detailed information about product specifications.Outline with DimensionsRefer to the product catalog or SMC website (URL ) to obtain more detailed information about outline dimensions.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA.© 2015 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safety regulations.OperatorThank you for purchasing an SMC EX500 series Fieldbus system.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure you understand its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy for future reference.Product Summary○System configurationWith SI unit Series)The EX500 range of units can be connected to open fieldbus (EtherNet/IP ) to realize the reduction of input or output device wiring and the distributed control system.One branch of manifold valves/input unit can be connected to 32 outputs/32 inputs.Up to 4 branches can be connected (total 128 outputs/128 inputs).EX ※※-OMS0016■Wiring1. Communication wiringConnect the Ethernet communication cable to the communication munication connector pin layout (Port1/Port2)M12, 4 pin, socket, D code■Installation•Direct mountingInstall the product using 4 M5 screws x 15 mm or longer with a head ø5.2 minimum.Holes for mounting∗2. Power supply wiringConnect a power supply cable to the power supply connector on the GW unit.Power supply connector pin layout Setting3. Branch wiringConnect the manifold valves with SI unit or an input unit to a branch port (COM A to D)using a branch cable (cable with M12 connector).One branch port can be connected with up to 32 inputs and 32 outputs (max. 4 units).The factory default setting are all OFF. ConfigurationUse a compatible EDS file when establishing the network.Please refer to the SMC website (URL ) for the configuration and compatible EDS file for the product.○Switch settingSelect the specified branch cable below.How to order: EX500-Connector SSPSSocket side: StraightPlug side: StraightSAPASocket side: AngledPlug side: AngledCable length (L)0030.3 [m]0050.5 [m]010 1 [m]030 3 [m]050 5 [m]10010 [m]Straight connector type EX500-AC -SSPSAngled connector type (unit: mm)EX500-AC -SAPAMinimum acceptable cable bending radius: 40 mm (fixed)gateway distributed system (64 points), please refer to the SMC website(URL ) to obtain more detailed information about product.。



PWS500S Installation GuideF-1 IntroductionThe PWS500 is equipped with a 3.0" sized (160Hx80V) flat panel display and analog resistivetouch screen. The IP 65 (NEMA 4) rated front panel seal and INDUSTRIAL GRADE touch screen make the product rugged and durable.Pws-500S is a low cost yet powerful operator panel. It is an ideal choice for those PLC applications that have limited budget but still require an advanced and easy-to-operate man-machine interface. Thank to the use of solid state backlight, wide temperature LCD, durable mechanical switches, and anti-noise components in the 500S, you won’t be surprised that the durability of the 500S will further reinforce your cost control. Functionally speaking, the 500S is as powerful as its sister, the PWS-700. Therefore, if you are already our precious customers, you would be happy that your other projects and machines with tight budgets can also enjoy the benefit of PWS Series products now.This chapter describes how to install your Workstation in a panel, set its DIP switches, andmake cables for its communications and printer ports.F-2 General Specification of PWS500S/520SItem PWS500S-LED PWS520S-LED Display Type Monochrome STN LCDDisplay Color Blue ; 4 gray levelsDisplay Size 3.0" (diagonal); display area is 65x35mm Number of Pixels 160Hx80V; Number of 8x8 characters displayable is 20x10.Display Adjustment Contrast adjustable by VR on the backBack Light LED; Life time is approx. 100,000 hoursKeypad16 mechanical switches;Life of each switch is over 1 million activations; Membrane overlay is resistant to most solvents and chemicals.Input Power 24VDC±8% (22.5V-26V); Under 12WExport Digital IO X 8 Input and 8 output points;24VDC SourceOutput Power 5VDC±5%; under 100mAFlash Memory 640K byteRAM 32K byteCPU 16-bit embedded controllerBattery Backed Memory XCommunication Ports RS232/RS422/RS485Front Panel Seal IP65 / NEMA 4Operating Temperature 0~50°CStorage Temperature -20~70°CAmbient Humidity 20-90% RH (non-condensing)Vibration Endurance 0.5mm displacement, 10-55Hz, 2 hours per X, Y, and Z-axisdirectionsShock Endurance 10G, 11ms three times in each direction of X, Y, and Z axes RF Emissions CISPR 22, Class AElectrostatic Discharge EN61000-4-2/1995RF Susceptibility ENV50140/1993High FrequencyTransientsEN61000-4-4/1995Weight 0.65 Kg; 173x105.5x51.79mm (WxHxT)Cooling Natural coolingF-3. Dimensions of PWS500S/520SThis section illustrates the dimensions of the Workstations themselves as well as the cutout dimensions(160.8x93.3mm). The unit of dimensions is millimeter. You should allow 10 cm (4") of clearance behind the workstation for cable connectors and 5 cm (2") above and below for airflow.Rear viewCut out the mounting hole to match the dimensions shown below. Method of installation: Mount the PWS to the preserved hole from the front side. Attach the mounting brackets from behind, and fasten the screw of the brackets with a screwdriver.Insert the fixtures into mounting holes on the unit. Don't tighten the screws with too much force or it may cause a damage of the panel.F-3.1 Torque SpecificationsAfter placing the Workstation in the cutout, you should tighten each nut to 0.07 newton-meters (10 inch/pounds) of torque. If you don't have a torque wrench, then try to tighten the nuts to compress the gasket to about 50% of its original thickness.F-4. Power ConnectorThe three-position power connector accepts 24VDC only. The unit's power consumption is shown in the following:Item / Model 500S-LED 520S-LED Power Consumption 24VDC±10% 12W 24VDC±10% 12W Fuse Rating 0.5A 0.5ABe sure to use all three terminals when connecting power. To make a connection, strip about 0.64 cm (1/4") of insulation, turn the screw counter-clockwise until the gap is wide open, insert the wire all the way in, and turn the screw clockwise until it's tight.F-4.1 Electrical GroundingYou must make sure that your Workstation is properly connected to earth ground, to prevent it from radiating radio frequency noise. You should also ensure that the Workstation is on the same ground as any other equipment connected to its communications ports.If you connect a communications cable to your unit after static electricity has built up or when the Workstation and the other device are on different grounds, the resulting discharge could damage the electronics in ei t her device.F-5. Calibrating membrane function switchTo calibrate the membrane function switch,Set DIP switches SW3 and SW4 of the PWS500S to off. After power on, the PWS displays the following pattern. Figure 1F-5.1 Common Keys, Auxiliary Keys, and External KeysThere are three kinds of keys you can configure for the 500S with the ADP3:1) Common Keys - A common key is used to activate a designated function no matter what the current screen is. For example, you can press the key K1 to return to the screen 1 whenever you want if the key is configured as a common key that goes to screen 1. To configure common keys for your application, select Common Keys on the Application sub-menu of the ADP3 as shown in the Figure 2.Figure 22) Auxiliary Keys - A screen can have a number of auxiliary keys. The auxiliary keys of a screen are available for use only when that screen is the current screen. To configure auxiliary keys for a screen, select that screen first and then select Auxiliary Keys on the Screen sub-menu.3) External Keys – For a screen object requiring a real key to activate its function, you need to assign an external key switch as its external key when you configure that object. However, it is optional to assign an external key for a Numeric Entry, b ecause a Numeric Entry can also be selected by reserved arrow keys.Figure 3 Figure 4F-6 Setting of DIP SwitchesThere are ten DIP switches that you can access through the back cover. The purposes of these switches are stated in the following:SW1 System MenuON The Workstation displays System Menu after it gets a legal password or after power-on self-test if SW6 is off.OFF The Workstation doesnot display System Menu.SW2 Default User LevelON The default user level is one if the Workstation requires no password to start its operation.OFF The default user level is three if the Workstation requires no password to start its operation.SW4 SW3 Running ModeON ON Runs user application.ON OFF Off-line display screen did not link with PLCOFF ON Runs bench test program.OFF OFF Runs burn-in test program.SW5 COM2 PortON Enable RS485 circuitry of the COM2.OFF Enable RS422 circuitry of the COM2.SW6 PasswordON The Workstation asks the operator to enter a password after power-on self-test.OFF No password is required to start the Workstation.F-7 Self TestAfter power is applied, the Workstation runs a self-test that checks its hardware. After each test, the Workstation displays t h e result as shown in the following example. The version number of ROM BIOS refers to the EPROM chips, which will likely never change.If you have never configured your Workstation, the self-test may report a failure of the real time clock. If this happens, configure as described in section 10. If you have never downloaded an application to the Workstation, the self-test may report a problem in the flash chips. You can ignore these errors. If you have interrupted a download to the Workstation by switch ing off the power, disconnect the communication cable, or click cancel button in the ADP3 while a download is in progress, the self-test may report a problem in the Firmware Checksum or Application Checksum. You can ignore these errors and try to download again. If there are any items of the self-test the Workstation doesn't pass, the message "System error is detected! Press screen to continue.” appears. The Workstations continues its operation after you press screen.F-8. System MenuAfter the user level is determined by a password or by the default, the Workstation displays System Menu if the DIP switch No.1 is on; If DIP switch 7 is off, the Workstation starts running your application immediately.Warning: To avoid electric shock, be sure to switch off the power when connecting the communication/download cable to the PWS unit.F-10. Setting Operating ParametersYou can use Communication Parameter dialog box of ADP3 to set the parameters for the communications between your PWS500S and PLC. The parameters set in ADP3 is transmitted to the Workstation along with all other data when you download an application. The Workstation uses these parameters for PLC communications, if the DIP switch No.3 and No.4 are on.To get Communication Parameters dialog box, click Communications button in Workstation Setup dialog box. The Communication Parameter dialog box appears figure 5 with the following options:Figure 5F-11. Serial Communication Port2 (COM2 9pin female)COM 2 is a serial port that supports RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 operation.The pin assignments of the port are listed in the following table:F-12. Password and User LevelThe 500S stores passwords in its Flash EPROM. A password has eight numeric characters.When you register a password, you must specify the user level associative with that password. The user level of a password determines the privilege of the user who enters that password tostart the operation of the 500S. When a user wants to use the function of the System Menu, change to another screen, or make change to a PLC location, the 500S checks the user's user level. There are three user levels: level 1, level 2, and level 3. Level 1 users have the highest privilege and Level 3 users have the lowest privilege.F-12.1 Registering PasswordsYou can register up to six passwords for your application in ADP3. To register passwords and their associated user level, click Password button on the Workstation Setup dialog box. The ADP3 displays the Password Table as shown in t he following figure. You can enter passwords as well as select the user level for them. The password data are part of the application data.Therefore, remember to compile your application and download it to the 500S when you make any changes to the password table. The default passwords are 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, and 00000000. The default user level is level 1.F-12.2 Setting the Lowest User LevelYou are able to set the current user level of the 500S to level 3 by pressing an Action button that is assigned the function of “Set Lowest User Level.”F-12.3 Displaying PasswordsTo display the passwords of your application on the 500S, you have to create an Action button on a screen and assign the function "Display Password Table" to that button. The 500S displays the password table as the example shown below, when a level 1 user presses and releases an Action button that is assigned the function of "Display Password Table."# Password Lvl1 22183600 12 12345678 23 12131415 34 00000000 35 00000000 36 00000000 3EscF-12.4 Reentering a PasswordWhen the 500S is running the user application, you can enter a password to change the current user level by pressing an Action button that is assigned the function of “Reenter Password.” To cancel the input of a new password, press [Esc].Figure 4 Entering a passwordNote that the default user level is 1 after the power-on self-test if the DIP switch SW2 is set to on; the default user level is 3 if the SW2 is set to off.When a screen object requiring a certain user level is activated and the current user level is higher than the specified user level with that screen object, the 500S automatically displays a box to let you enter a new password. This is a chance to change the current user level. The screen object proceeds to performs its function if a valid password with qualified user level is entered; otherwise, the 500S keeps on asking for a password or cancel the operationF-12.5 Entering PasswordAfter the self-test, if the DIP switch No.6 is on, the Workstation displays a keypad to prompt you to enter a password. If DIP switch No.6 is off, the Workstation doesn't ask you to enter a password and the default user level is 1 after the power-on self-test if the DIP switch SW2 is set to on; the default user level is 3 if the SW2 is set to off.If a password is required, the Workstation doesn't continue its operation until a legal password is entered.F-13. Adjusting Display ContrastYou can adjust the contrast of the STN LCD at any time the Workstation is running your application. The user can adjust the LCD contrast by screw the VR from rear cover.F-14. PWS520S-LED digital input and output specificationPWS520S-LED Digital IO with 20pin latch/ejector header pin assignmentInstallation screw nuts x4。

windows XP系统内核文件分析(全)

windows XP系统内核文件分析(全)

这两天逛论坛, 无意中发现了这个帖子. 作者极尽所能的介绍了 Windows 系统文件的相关信息. 极有参考价值. 虽说, 这个不同于 nLite 的预先精简定制, 但是相信对于 nLite 精简效果不够满意的大有人在. 那么按照这个指南就能够令你的系统最优化.当然, 精简系统是要付出代价的. 不要贪得无厌, 免得系统坏了修不好啊.Windows XP个别 System32 文件System32 文件夹下个别要移除的文件我们就要删除另外600 个 system32 文件...我们要一次把它们全都解决掉.以下是我所删除的 System32 文件列表, 另外还有相关的批处理文件.我不会把自己用的批处理文件给别人的.我已经厌倦别人认为我的批处理文件就是最适合他们的. 其实并不是这么回事.这里有个很简单的例子能够说明原因.我在我用的批处理文件中定义了要删除winfax.dll (Microsoft 传真 API 支持 DLL), 因为我没有传真机. 你直接用我的批处理文件的话, 就会把你的系统中的传真相关文件删掉. 这样, 你的传真机无法正常工作的话. 你就会骂我.到底需要移除哪些 System32 文件, 这应该由你自己来决定. 我已经尽力把相关信息提供给你了, 这些应该可以帮助你决定应当删除哪些文件.如果你想创建你自己的批处理文件的话,请仔细查看相关移除信息, 我会把相应部分的批处理脚本贴上去的, 然后你可以将其粘贴到你自己的批处理文件中.我在我的批处理文件中添加了一个防止出现意外的功能...这些文件会被移动并会被保存下来 (没有直接将其删除...) 备份至 C:/backup.在这个backup 文件夹中有个名为"smart placement"的子文件夹. 其出现的顺序与 XP 中的顺序相同. 首先你会看到 WINDOWS 文件夹. 在 WINDOWS 文件夹中你可以看到 system32 文件夹.我创建这个所谓的‖smart placement‖就是为了让你明白相关备份文件的来源. 如你所见, 这些批处理文件也可用于其它文件夹中的文件. 反正, Backup 文件夹中的结构与 XP 的相同.请确保在你使用任何注册表清理工具之前, 应当先把 Backup 文件夹中的文件临时删掉...注册表清理工具可能会把注册表中的路径指向 backup 文件夹中的相关路径.将用得到的部分脚本复制粘贴到记事本中. 然后将其另存.代码:________________________________________IF NOT EXIST "c:/backup/WINDOWS/system32" md c:/backup/WINDOWS/system32MOVE c:/WINDOWS/system32/6to4svc.dll c:/backup/WINDOWS/system32/MOVE c:/WINDOWS/system32/aaaamon.dll c:/backup/WINDOWS/system32/MOVE c:/WINDOWS/system32/acledit.dll c:/backup/WINDOWS/system32/MOVE c:/WINDOWS/system32/admparse.dll c:/backup/WINDOWS/system32/________________________________________C:/WINDOWS/system32:12520437.cpx ...代码页转换表.12520850.cpx ... 代码页转换表.6to4svc.dll ....在 IP4网络上提供IPv6 连接的服务aaaamon.dll ....Aaaa Monitor Dllacledit.dll ....访问控制列表编辑器ac3filter.cpl ..ac3filter 控制面板扩展属于我所安装用于看电影的 AC3Filter 编解码器.ahui.exe .......应用程序兼容用户界面ALSNDMGR.CPL ...Realtek AC97 音频控制面板我用 RTLCPL.EXE (Realtek 音频控制面板) 作为代替.amcompat.tlb ...ansi.sys .......apcups.dll .....APC 智能提供程序APPEND.EXE .....(Append). 允许应用程序在当前文件夹中打开指定目录中的数据文件. 此工具源于 MS-DOS 5.0.asctrls.ocx ....Active Setup 控件A T.EXE .........(AT). 用于设置在指定时间和日期执行任务. 需要运行计划任务服务.atkctrs.dll ....Windows NT AppleTalk 性能计数器 dllATMADM.EXE .....(A TM). ATM 呼叫管理器.auditusr.exe ... 设置每用户审核策略atmfd.dll ......Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 字体驱动atmlib.dll .....Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API 库.atmpvcno.dll ...Atm Epvc Install DLLatrace.dll .....Async Trace DLLATTRIB.EXE .....(文件属性). 显示或更改文件属性 (只读, 存档, 隐藏, 或系统).AUTOCONV.EXE ...(自动转换). 用于将 FAT 分区格式转为 NTFS.autodisc.dll ...Windows AutoDiscovery API , 自动收取邮件AUTOFMT.EXE ...(自动格式化). 用于转换文件系统的工具.AUTOLFN.EXE ....长文件名转换工具. 用于 DOS模式下. 能够自动将长文件名转换为8.3 格式.-------------------------------------------------------batt.dll .......电池类安装程序如果你使用笔记本的话, 那么设备管理器会需要这个文件来访问你的电池属性.-------------------------------------------------------bidispl.dll ....Bidispl DLLbios1.rom ......bios4.rom ......bitsprx2.dll ...后台智能传输服务代理bitsprx3.dll ... 后台智能传输服务 2.0 代理blastcln.exe ...Blaster/Nachi 移除工具BOOTOK.EXE .....(启动确认). 在一次成功地登录系统之后, ―上次正确的配置‖会用它保存配置参数.BOOTVRFY.EXE ...(启动验证). ―上次正确的配置‖会用它验证一个引导选择.browsewm.dll ...BrowseWM Playerbthci.dll ......蓝牙类别安装程序bthprops.cpl ...蓝牙控制面板小程序 (无线公司)bthserv.dll ....蓝牙支持服务btpanui.dll ....蓝牙 PAN 用户界面-------------------------------------------------------capesnpn.dll ...Microsoft 证书模板管理扩展ccfgnt.dll .....Internet 配置库certmgr.dll ....证书管理工具certmgr.msc .... <-- 证书管理控制台.cdosys.dll .....Microsoft CDO for Windows Librarycdfview.dll ....频道定义文件文件查看器cewmdm.dll .....Windows CE WMDM 服务提供程序CHARMAP.EXE ....(字符映射表). 用于显示某个字体所能显示的所有字符. -------------------------------------------------------以下文件没有用批处理文件删除. 需要手动删除它们:cdplayer.exe.manifestlogonui.exe.manifestncpa.cpl.manifestnwc.cpl.manifestsapi.cpl.manifestWindowsLogon.manifest-------------------------------------------------------ChCfg.exe ......?? (我拿它没办法.) .......用于更换系统代码页的工具cmos.ram .......CHKNTFS.EXE ....(NTFS 驱动器检查工具). 用于检查 NTFS 分区的完整性.ckcnv.exe ......Cookie 转换工具cnvfat.dll .....FAT 文件系统转换工具 DLLcomcat.dll .....Microsoft C 运行时库文件comctl32.ocx ...Windows 通用控件 ActiveX 控件 DLLCOMP.EXE .......(比较). 用于比较两个文件之间的差别.compatUI.dll patUI Modulecompobj.dll ....OLE 2.1 16/32 互用性-------------------------------------------------------compstui.dll ...通用属性表用户界面DLL没有这个文件的话, 你可能无法访问打印机属性或是打印机参数.-------------------------------------------------------CONFIG.TMP .....confmsp.dll ....Microsoft IP 会议媒体服务提供程序CONIME.EXE .....(输入法控制台). 这个输入法控制台用于转换字符.console.dll ....控制面板控制台小程序control.exe ....Windows 控制面板 (这个不是实际上的控制面板.)CONVERT.EXE ....(转换). 用于将分区格式从 FAT 转为 NTFS 以及从 NTFSv4 转为 NTFSv5.corpol.dll .....Microsoft COM 运行时执行引擎country.sys ....cryptdlg.dll ...Microsoft 通用证书对话框cryptext.dll ...加密外壳扩展cryptnet.dll ...加密网络相关 APICSCRIPT.EXE ....(基于命令行的脚本宿主). 能让你通过命令行运行 VBScript 和 JScript 脚本.ctfmon.exe ....CTF 加载器 (在你安装手写识别, 语音识别, 输入法编辑器之后, 就会在任务栏上显示一个语言栏. 还有, 如果你添加了第二种语言或是键盘布局, 也会导致显示语言栏的.)ctl3d32.dll ....Ctl3D 3D Windows 控件ctl3dv2.dll ....Ctl3D 3D Windows NT(WOW) 控件Dcache.bin .....dbgeng.dll .....符号调试引擎DEBUG.EXE ......(调试程序). 命令行下的调试工具.DEFRAG.EXE .....(磁盘碎片整理). 用于整理磁盘碎片的命令行工具.desktop.ini ....DFRGFAT.EXE ....(FAT 碎片整理工具). 用于整理 FAT 分区上的磁盘碎片.dgnet.dll ......Dgnet Moduledgrpsetu.dll ...Digi RealPort? 驱动升级dgsetup.dll ....DGSETUP DLLdhcpmon.dll ....DHCP Monitor Dlldhcpsapi.dll ...DHCP Server API Stub DLLDIANTZ.EXE .....(Cab 打包程序). 用于将文件打包为 .cab 文件.digest.dll .....Digest SSPI 认证包DLLHOST.EXE ....(COM+ 服务器进程). COM+ 进程管理器.DLLHST3G.EXE ...(COM 代替品). 一个 COM+ 进程组件.dmconfig.dll ...逻辑磁盘管理器配置库DOSKEY.EXE .....(DOS 键盘). MS-DOS 5.0 键盘输入历史记录器,能提供宏.DOSX.EXE .......(DOS 扩展器). 一个 DOS 虚拟机 (VDM), 提供标准模式.DRW ATSON.EXE ...(Dr. Watson).16位的程序错误监测和记录工具.DRWTSN32.EXE ...(Dr. Watson 32). 32位的程序错误监测和记录工具.dsauth.dll .....用于服务的DS 认证 .......edit.hlp .......EDLIN.EXE ......(编辑行). 基于 DOS 的编辑器.emptyregdb.dat ..encdec.dll .....XDSCodec & Encypter/Decrypter 标识滤镜EqnClass.Dll ...Equinox 多端口串行协同安装程序esent97.dll ....Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) 服务器数据库存储引擎esentprf.dll ... 服务器数据库存储性能库esentprf.hxx ...esentprf.ini ...esentutl.exe ... 服务器数据库存储工具EUDCEDIT.EXE ...(私有字符编辑器). 一个造字程序, 可让你创建大约6400 个私有字符. EXE2BIN.EXE ....(Exe to Bin). 基于 DOS, 用于将 .exe 文件转为.bin 文件.EXPAND.EXE .....(Expand). 用于展开 Cab 压缩包中的某些文件.expsrv.dll .....Visual Basic 运行时文件extmgr.dll .....扩展管理器EXTRAC32.EXE ...(CAB 文件提取工具). 用于解压缩 Cab 压缩包exts.dll .......调试器扩展FASTOPEN.EXE ...(快速打开). 一个 DOS 工具, 用于改善系统性能, 加速访问经常用到的文件.fc.exe .........文件比较工具fe客户端.dll ...Windows NT 文件加密客户端接口find.exe .......查找字符串 (Grep) 的工具findstr.exe .... 查找字符串 (QGrep) 的工具FIXMAPI.EXE ....(MAPI 修复工具). 探测并解决 (MAPI) 文件出现的问题.fldrclnr.dll ...桌面清理向导fltlib.dll .....筛选库fltMc.exe ......筛选管理器控制程序fontsub.dll ....字体设置DLLFORCEDOS.EXE ...(强制 DOS). 强制在 Windows XP 下将包含 OS/2 和 DOS 代码的程序运行在 DOS 模式下. .....Disk Format Utility格式化命令fsmgmt.msc .....Microsoft 通用控制台文档 (共享文件夹)fsquirt.exe ....(属于蓝牙)fsusd.dll ......摄像头设备 DLLFSUTIL.EXE .....(FSUtil). 一个卷管理工具. 重分析点管理和稀疏文件控制FTP.EXE ........(FTP). 命令行模式下的 FTP 工具.ftsrch.dll .....Microsoft? 文本搜索g711codc.ax ....Intel G711 CODECgcdef.dll ......游戏控制器的默认表GDI.EXE ........(物理设备接口). 一个核心系统组件, 可以提供 Win16 图形设备接口API l 库, 以实现向后兼容.glmf32.dll .....OpenGL Metafiling DLLgpkcsp.dll .....Gemplus 加密服务提供程序gpkrsrc.dll ....Gemplus 加密服务提供程序资源文件 ...代码页工具 ...h323.tsp .......h323msp.dll ....Microsoft H.323 媒体服务提供程序hccoin.dll B 协同安装程序HELP.EXE .......(帮助). 显示 Windows XP 命令的基本常规帮助信息.hidphone.tsp ...hlink.dll ......Microsoft 超链接库hnetmon.dll ....家庭网络监视 DLLhnetwiz.dll ....网络安装向导homepage.inf ...hotplug.dll ....用于安全移除硬件, 比如, U 盘HSFCISP2.dll ...HSF 协同安装程序httpapi.dll ....HTTP 协议堆栈 APIiccvid.dll .....(Cinepak? Codec) 用于显示’’Cinepak’’格式的媒体文件. (非常古老的 A VI 编解码格式.)IE4UINIT.EXE ...(IE 安装工具). IE 5.0 每用户安装工具.iedkcs32.dll ...Microsoft Internet Explorer 定制 DLLieencode.dll ...Microsoft 字符编码iernonce.dll ...带用户界面的扩展 RunOnce 处理库iesetup.dll ....IOD 版本映射ieuinit.inf ....IEXPRESS.EXE ...(自解压和自安装创建程序). 用于创建自解压包或是自安装程序包.ifmon.dll ......IF Monitor DLLigmpagnt.dll ...Microsoft IGMP subagentils.dll ........用户位置服务组件模块imeshare.dll ...Microsoft Office IME 共享属性库inetmib1.dll ...Microsoft MIB-II subagentinitpki.dll ....Microsoft 受信赖的安装和设置input.dll ......(文本输入 DLL). 语言和区域设置需要这个文件来显示相关对话框inseng.dll .....(安装引擎). Active Setup 安装引擎, 允许打开或执行 cab 文件. 用于控制安装. instcat.sql ....用于安装编录intl.cpl .......区域和语言设置iologmsg.dll ...IO 日志 DLLipconf.tsp .....iprop.dll ......OLE 属性集ir32_32.dll ....ir41_32.ax .....Intel Indeo? Video 4.5ir41_qc.dll ....Intel Indeo? 视频快速压缩编码器 (文件版本: ...Intel Indeo?视频快速压缩编码器 (文件版本: ....Intel Indeo? video 5.10 (文件版本: 5.2562.15.55)ir50_qc.dll ....Intel Indeo? 5.10视频快速压缩编码器(文件版本: )ir50_qcx.dll ...Intel Indeo? 5.10 视频快速压缩编码器 (文件版本: )irclass.dll ....Infrared Class 协同安装程序isrdbg32.dll ...ISR 32 位调试引擎ivfsrc.ax ......Intel Indeo? 视频IVF 源滤镜 5.10itircl.dll .....Microsoft? InfoTech IR Local DLLitss.dll .......Microsoft? InfoTech 存储系统库文件iyuv_32.dll ....Intel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec (文件版本: 5.1.2600.2180)jet500.dll .....JET 引擎 DLLjgaw400.dll ....JG 音频接口 DLL (AOL 文件)jgdw400.dll ....JG ART DLL (AOL 文件)jgmd400.dll ....JG MIDI Player DLL (AOL 文件)jgpl400.dll ....JG ART Player DLL (AOL 文件)jgsd400.dll ....JG ART DLL (AOL 文件)jgsh400.dll ....JG 幻灯片播放器 DLL (AOL 文件)jobexec.dll ....Active Setup 任务执行程序joy.cpl ........游戏控制器控制面板小程序jsproxy.dll ....JScript 代理自动配置kd1394.dll .....核心调试程序IEEE 1394 HW Extension DLL .......key01.sys ......keyboard.sys ...keymgr.dll .....存储的用户名和密码kmddsp.tsp .....KRNL386.EXE ....(Kernel 386). 包含了用于 Win16 增强模式下的核心Kernel 例程.l3codecp.acm ...MPEG Audio Layer-3 Codec for MSACM (系统默认的 MP3 解码器)LABEL.EXE ......(卷标). 用于显示, 编辑, 或更改驱动器的卷标.lanman.drv .....laprxy.dll .....Windows Media Logagent Proxylicmgr10.dll ...ActiveX 许可管理器LIGHTS.EXE .....(Lights). 在 Win 9x 下通过监视 COM 端口来提供对于调制解调器状态的设置.LNKSTUB.EXE ....(Win95-Winnt 迁移工具). 用于把 Windows 95 升级至 Windows. ....localui.dll ....本地监视用户界面 DLLLOCATOR.EXE ....(Locator). 向 Windows XP 的环境添加对于 Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) 的支持.loghours.dll ...计划对话框lpk.dll ........会话注销工具lusrmgr.msc ....lusrmgr.msc = 本地用户和用户组. 无法在 Home 版 XP上使用这个管理工具. 用于管理电脑上的用户帐号.MAKECAB.EXE ....(Cab 文件创建工具). 用于创建 .cab 压缩包文件.mapi32.dll .....Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NTmcastmib.dll ...Microsoft 多播子代理mcd32.dll ......OpenGL MCD 客户端 DLLmcdsrv32.dll ...MCD 服务器mchgrcoi.dll ...中级更改器协同安装程序mciavi32.dll ... Windows MCI 视频驱动mciole16.dll ...MCIOLE16 - OLE Handler DLL for MCI Objectsmciole32.dll ...MCI OLE DLLmciwave.dll ....MCI 波形音频驱动mdhcp.dll ......Microsoft MDHCP 客户端 COM 接口mdwmdmsp.dll ...用于 MDM 驱动的WMDM 服务提供程序驱动MEM.EXE ........(Memory). 一个用于显示当前内存状态的命令行工具.mf3216.dll .....32 位至 16 位元文件的转换 DLLmfc40.dll ......MFCDLL 共享库–零售版mfc40u.dll .....MFCDLL 共享库–零售版mfcsubs.dll ....MSCTFIME.IME ...mgmtapi.dll ....Microsoft SNMP 管理器 API (使用 WinSNMP)mib.bin ........MIGPWD.EXE .....(迁移 dll). 用于 Windows 95 至 Windows NT 的迁移工具.miglibnt.dll ...NT 迁移支持 dllmlang.dat ......mll_hp.dll .....HP 媒体卷标库mll_mtf.dll ....MTF (Microsoft 磁带格式) 媒体卷标库mll_qic.dll ....QIC113媒体卷标库mmdrv.dll ......多媒体核心支持驱动mobsync.dll ....Microsoft 同步管理器MOBSYNC.EXE ....(脱机工作同步程序). 同步脱机网站. .......DOS 命令modex.dll ......ModeX 显示驱动 .......Dos 命令moricons.dll ...Windows NT 安装图标资源库MOUNTVOL.EXE ...(卷加载器). 创建, 列出以及修改你的存储卷加载点. mpg4ds32.ax ....(文件版本: Microsoft MPEG-4 视频解码器mplay32.exe ....Windows Media Player 5.1 (非常古老的媒体播放器.) MRINFO.EXE .....(多播信息). 用于查询多播路由器接口的命令行工具.msacm.dll ......Microsoft 音频压缩管理器msaatext.dll ... Active Accessibility 文本支持msadds32.ax ....(文件版本: Windows Media 音频解码器msafd.dll ......Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 服务提供程序msapsspc.dll ...32 位平台下的 DPA 客户端msaudite.dll ...安全审核事件 DLLmscat32.dll ....MSCAT32 Forwarder DLLMSCTFP.dll .....MSCTFP Server DLLmsdadiag.dll ...Microsoft Data Access –内建诊断msdart.dll .....Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB 例行运行时msdatsrc.tlb ...msdtcprf.ini ...msencode.dll ...Microsoft 字符编码器msieftp.dll ....Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP 文件夹外壳扩展msimsg.dll .....Windows? Installer 国际消息mslbui.dll .....msnsspc.dll ....MSN Internet Accessmsobjs.dll .....系统对象审核名称MsPMSNSv.dll ...Microsoft 媒体设备服务提供程序msr2c.dll ......Microsoft Forms DLLmsr2cenu.dll ...Microsoft Forms DLLmsratelc.dll ...Internet 分级和本地用户管理DLLmsrating.dll ...Internet 分级和本地用户管理DLLmsrclr40.dll ...Microsoft Jet公文包调解程序msrd2x40.dll ...Microsoft (R) Red ISAMmsrd3x40.dll ...Microsoft (R) Red ISAMmsrecr40.dll ...Microsoft Jet公文包调解程序资源库msrepl40.dll ...Microsoft 复制库msrle32.dll ....Microsoft RLE 压缩器msscds32.ax ....(文件版本: Microsoft 屏幕视频解压器msscript.ocx ...Microsoft (r) 脚本控件mssign32.dll ...Microsoft 受信赖签证 APIsmssip32.dll ....MSSIP32 Forwarder DLLmstime.dll .....Microsoft (R) 用于 HTML 的定时交互多媒体扩展msswch.dll .....(屏幕键盘). 用于 msswchx.exe.msswchx.exe ....msswchx (属于屏幕键盘.)msutb.dll ......MSUTB 服务器 DLL-------------------------------------------------------msvbvm50.dll ...Visual Basic 虚拟机 (文件版本:这是个老版本的 VB 虚拟机. msvbvm60.dll (也是 VB 虚拟机)文件版本: ....Windows NT IOStreams DLLmsvcp50.dll ....Microsoft (R) C++ 运行时库文件msvcrt20.dll ...Microsoft? C运行时库文件msvcrt40.dll ...VC 4.x CRT DLL (向后兼容 msvcrt.dll)msvideo.dll ....Microsoft Video for Windows DLLmsxml.dll ......XML OM for Win32msxml2.dll .....XML OM for Win32msxml2r.dll ....XML2 资源文件msxmlr.dll .....XML 资源文件msyuv.dll ......Microsoft UYVY 视频解压器mtxoci.dll .....对于Oracle 的 Microsoft 数据库支持 DLLmydocs.dll .....我的文档文件夹用户界面ncxpnt.dll ork (不是 Network) 安装向导支持 DLLndptsp.tsp .....NET.EXE ........(Network). 用于管理, 配置和查看与网络相关的信息, 例如 net use, net print, net user, 等等.net.hlp ........NET1.EXE .......(Network). 与 NET.EXE 的功能相同.netapi.dll .....Microsoft 网络动态链接库neth.dll .......网络帮助消息 DLLnetplwiz.dll ...映射网络驱动器向导netsetup.cpl ...网络安装向导控制面板小程序NETSETUP.EXE ...(网络安装向导). 通过软盘帮你配置电脑网络.netui0.dll .....NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes (文件版本: 5.1.2600.2180)netui1.dll .....NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes (文件版本: 5.1.2600.2180)netui2.dll .....NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes (文件版本: 5.1.2600.0) <-- 版本要比 netui1.dll 老?netrap.dll .....网罗远程管理协议DLL所有的 "noise", "wbcache" 和 "wbdbase" 文件 (不同语言下的文件) 都可被删除.(它们大都是索引服务用到的文件, 可通过 nLite 删除)(下列文件列在了注册表中的这个位置:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/ContentIndex/Language)noise.chs <<简体中文noise.cht <<繁体中文noise.datnoise.deu <<...注意: ...DEU = 这是德国的noise.engnoise.enu <<英文noise.esn < noise.fra < noise.ita < noise.nld < noise.sve < noise.thawbcache.deuwbcache.enu <<英文wbcache.esn < wbcache.fra < wbcache.ita < wbcache.nld < wbcache.sve <wbdbase.deuwbdbase.enu <<英文wbdbase.esn < wbdbase.fra < wbdbase.ita < wbdbase.nld < wbdbase.sve <-------------------------------------------------------npptools.dll ...NPP 工具助手 DLLnscompat.tlb ...NSLOOKUP.EXE ...(域名服务器查寻). 用于显示 DNS 服务器的诊断和统计信息. ntlsapi.dll ....Microsoft? 许可服务器接口 DLLntdos404.sys ...ntdos411.sys ...ntdos412.sys ...ntdos804.sys ...ntimage.gif ....ntio404.sys ....ntio411.sys ....ntio412.sys ....ntio804.sys ....ntlanman.dll ...Microsoft? 局域网管理器ntlanui.dll ....ntlanui2.dll ...网络对象外壳用户界面NTSD.EXE .......(符号调试器). 系统出问题时, 这个疑难解答工具就会详细列出系统状态.ntsdexts.dll ... Windows 2000 下的符号调试工具nwprovau.dll ...用于 NetWare 提供程序和认证的客户端服务NTVDM.EXE ......(NT DOS 虚拟机). 提供用于 DOS 程序和Windows-on-Windows (WOW—支持 Win16) 的虚拟机.ntvdmd.dll .....NTVDMD.DLLoakley.dll .....Oakley 键盘管理器objsel.dll .....对象挑选对话框occache.dll ....对象控件查看器OSUNINST.EXE ....(卸载工具). 用于卸载Windows XP, 并将其还原到升级前使用的Windows 操作系统. 可在安全模式下运行于命令行模式.-------------------------------------------------------oembios.bin ....oembios.dat ....oembios.sig ....删掉 oembios.sig 的话, 可能会导致系统栏提示 "还剩下X 天用于激活 Windows". 这个可能会发生在 OEM 版 Windows 中. 如果出现了这种情况, 请将其放回.-------------------------------------------------------ole2.dll .......OLE 2.1 16/32相互操作库ole2disp.dll ...OLE 2.1 16/32相互操作库ole2nls.dll ....OLE 2.1 16/32相互操作库oleprn.dll .....Oleprn DLLp2p.dll ........点对点群p2pgasvc.dll ... 点对点群认证服务p2pgraph.dll ... 点对点图形p2pnetsh.dll ... 点对点NetSh 助手p2psvc.dll ..... 点对点服务PACKAGER.EXE ...(Object Packager). 用于在文档中创建嵌入数据的图标链接.panmap.dll .....PANOSE(tm) 字体映射器paqsp.dll ......PaqSP Modulepautoenr.dll ...自动注册 DLLpcl.sep ........PENTNT.EXE .....(NT Pentium 测试工具). 一个用于检测你的系统是否有Pentium 浮点运算错误的命令行工具. (我还把在―性能‖中的快捷方式删掉了).pifmgr.dll .....Windows NT PIF 管理器图标资源库pjlmon.dll .....PJL 语言监视器plustab.dll ....效果控制面板扩展pmspl.dll ......Microsoft 局域网管理器 2.1 网络动态polstore.dll …策略存储 dllpowercfg.exe ...电源设置命令行工具pnrpnsp.dll ....PNRP 命名空间提供程序proctexe.ocx ...Intel 程序纹理prodspec.ini ...PROGMAN.EXE ....(程序管理器). 可用于替换 Windows XP 资源管理器的外壳. 它的主界面基于 Windows 3.x, Windows for Workgroups, 和 Windows NT 3.51.pschdcnt.h .....pschdprf.dll ...Microsoft? Windows(TM) PSched 性能监视器pschdprf.ini ...pscript.sep ....psnppagn.dll ... NPPAgent对象的 DCOM 代理pubprn.vbs .....proquota.exe ...ProQuota 能让你设置一个用户配置文件的最大大小.PROXYCFG.EXE ...(代理配置工具). 一个用于查看和更改你当前代理设置的命令行工具.qmgrprxy.dll ...后台智能传输服务代理qosname.dll ....Microsoft Windows GetQosByName 服务提供程序query.dll ......目录索引工具 DLLrdpdd.dll ......RDP 显示驱动RECOVER.EXE ....(还原). 一个用于从有问题的驱动器中还原可读数据的命令行工具.REDIR.EXE ......(Redirector).Win16 网络重定向工具.remotesp.tsp...REG.EXE ........(注册表控制台). 一个用于查询和修改注册表的命令行工具.REGEDT32.EXE ...(注册表编辑器). 一个 32 位的注册表工具, 可用于设置注册表中相关项值的安全权限. 在 Windows XP 中, 原本带有更多功能的 regedt32.exe 已被合并regedit.exe 中了. Regedt32.exe 现在只不过相当于一个快捷方式. 如果你运行 regedt32.exe, 那么系统就会自动启动 regedit.exeregsvc.dll .....远程注册表服务REGWIZ.EXE .....(注册向导). 令注册 XP 的过程自动化.regwizc.dll .... 注册向导的相关模块rend.dll .......Microsoft 集合控件REPLACE.EXE ....(Replace). 用于替换文件的命令行工具.rnr20.dll ......Windows Socket2 命名空间 DLLroutetab.dll ...Microsoft 路由表 DLLrpcns4.dll .....Remote Procedure Call 命名服务客户端rsmps.dll ......RSM 代理存根rsaci.rat ...... <-- 属于 msrating.dll. 你可在以下位置查看分级选项: Internet 选项 -> 内容 -> 分级审查 -> 启用RTCSHARE.EXE ...(RTC 程序共享). 实时时钟组件.rtipxmib.dll ...Microsoft Router IPX MIB subagentRUNAS.EXE ......(运行方式). 这个工具可用一个新用户名和密码执行一个进程. 一般, 可用来在低权限用户登录的系统上以高权限的管理员身份来运行一个程序.safrdm.dll .....Microsoft 帮助中心桌面管理器safrslv.dll ....Microsoft 帮助中心会话处理程序SA VEDUMP.EXE ...(转储). 当系统出现 STOP 错误时, 可用于将内存中的内容转储为文件.sbe.dll ........DirectShow 流缓冲滤镜sbeio.dll ...... 流缓冲输入输出 DLLSC.EXE .........( Windows NT 服务管理). 一个服务管理工具.scrobj.dll .....Windows (r) 脚本组件运行时scrrun.dll .....Microsoft (r) 脚本运行时SDBINST.EXE ....(Installer). AppFix 和 AppHelp 安装程序.sendcmsg.dll ....发送控制台消息sdhcinst.dll ...Secure Digital Host 控制器类别控制器sdpblb.dll .....Microsoft Sdpblbsecupd.sig .....security.dll ...安全支持提供程序接口senscfg.dll ....SENS 安装设置工具serialui.dll ...串行端口属性页面setup.bmp ......SETUP.EXE ......(Setup). Windows 安装程序setupdll.dll ...Windows 2000 安装 DLLSETVER.EXE .....(设置版本). 用于定义报告给某个应用程序关于 DOS 的版本.sfc.exe ........(Windows 2000 系统文件检查工具). 用于验证 XP 的文件是否存在以及是否正确.sfc_os.dll ...(Windows 文件保护). 用于保护 Windows 的系统文件.sfmapi.dll .....Windows NT Macintosh 文件服务客户端SHARE.EXE ......(Share). 能让两个程序同时使用一个文件的 DOS 工具.shellstyle.dll ..Windows 外壳样式资源DllSHMGRATE.EXE ... Windows XP 用户数据转移工具.SHRPUBW.EXE ....(共享文件夹创建工具). 用于在 Windows XP 系统上创建共享文件夹.shscrap.dll ....外壳碎片对象句柄SHUTDOWN.EXE ...(远程关机工具). 允许关闭或重启本地或远程电脑.sigtab.dll .....文件完整性设置SIGVERIF.EXE ...(文件签名验证工具). 验证所选文件是否经过认证.simpdata.tlb ....sisbkup.dll ....单实例存储备份支持功能skdll.dll ......序列号SKEYS.EXE ......(序列号). 一个可提供支持序列号功能的系统服务.slayerxp.dll ...‖兼容性‖选项卡外壳扩展DLLsmbinst.exe ....系统管理 BIOS 驱动安装程序softpub.dll ....Softpub Forwarder DLLSORT.EXE .......(Sort). 用于整理键盘输入并将结果写入一个文件或是显示在屏幕上.spmsg.dll ......Service Pack 消息spnike.dll .....用于 Nike 设备的 MDM 设备接口spnpinst.exe ...点对点定制安装SPRESTRT.EXE ...重启时还原注册表sprio600.dll ... Rio 600 的 MDM 设备接口sprio800.dll ... Rio 800 的 MDM 设备接口spxcoins.dll ...Specialix MPS NT 升级协同安装程序srvsvc.dll .....服务器服务 DLLsti_ci.dll .....静止图像类别安装程序sti.dll ........ 静止图像设备客户端 DLLstimon.exe ..... 静止图像设备监视器storage.dll ....OLE 2.1 16/32 相互操作库strmfilt.dll ...流滤镜库SUBST.EXE ......(虚拟). 可将一个路径虚拟为一个分区.svcpack.dll ....Windows 2000 Service Pack 安装程序SYNCAPP.EXE ....(同步). 公文包用于同步所含文件的工具.synceng.dll ....Windows 公文包引擎syncui.dll .....Windows 公文包资源文件SYSEDIT.EXE .....(系统编辑器). 一个用于打开编辑 system.ini, win.ini, config.sys, 和 autoexec.bat 的编辑器.sysinv.dll .....Windows 系统清单SYSKEY.EXE .....(Windows XP 帐户数据库管理器). 用于设置Windows XP 帐户数据库的安全特性.sysmon.ocx .....系统监视控件sysprint.sep ...sysprtj.sep ....SYSTRAY.EXE ....(系统栏). 系统栏提供程序. 它能控制任务栏和系统栏. 但是, 没它的话, 也没有什么不正常的地方.t2embed.dll ....t2embedtaskman.exe ....任务管理器 (不是平时使用的那个. 平时那个是: "taskmgr.exe")tdc.ocx ........TDC ActiveX 控件TELNET.EXE .....(Telnet). 一个 Telnet 客户端, 可用于访问远程Telnet 服务器系统.tftp.exe .......简单文件传输协议应用程序toolhelp.dll ...Windows 调试工具助手库traffic.dll ....Microsoft 网络交通控制 1.0 DLL .......将文件夹列为树形结构tsbyuv.dll .....东芝视频解码器typelib.dll ....OLE 2.1 16/32 相互操作库ufat.dll .......FAT 工具 DLLumandlg.dll ....UManDlg DLLunimdm.tsp .....unimdmat.dll ...通用调制解调器服务提供程序 AT 微型驱动ureg.dll .......注册表工具 DLLusbmon.dll .....标准动态打印端口监视器DLLUSER.EXE .......(Windows 用户界面核心组件). 用于保持 Win16 的兼容性效的 Win32 应用程序.v7vga.rom .......vbajet32.dll ...Visual Basic 应用程序开发环境- Expression 服务加载器vcdex.dll ......32 位MSCDEX 虚拟设备驱动vdmredir.dll ...DOS 虚拟机网络接口库verifier.dll ...标准应用程序验证提供程序dllVERIFIER.EXE ...(驱动验证管理器). 可用它探测一个驱动的操作是否会导致系统冲突.vfpodbc.dll ....vfpodbcvga256.dll .....256 色 VGA/SVGA 显示驱动vga64k.dll .....32K/64K 色 VGA/SVGA 显示驱动View Channels.scf ..(查看频道).vjoy.dll .......32 位手柄虚拟设备驱动 (我没有手柄)w32topl.dll ....Windows NT Topology 维护工具wavemsp.dll ....Microsoft Wave MSPwdl.trm ........webvw.dll ......网页视图外壳扩展库WEXTRACT.EXE ...(Win32 Cab 自解压程序创建工具). 用于提取 Cab 压缩包中的文件. wiasf.ax .......WIA 流快照滤镜wifeman.dll ....Windows WIFE 接口核心组件 ........用于保持兼容性win87em.dll ....winbrand.dll ...Windows Branding 资源WINCHA T.EXE ....简单的聊天工具winfax.dll .....Microsoft 传真 API 支持 DLL (我没有传真机.)winhelp.hlp ....WINHLP32.EXE ...(Windows 帮助). 用于打开帮助文件.WINMSD.EXE .....(Windows XP 诊断工具或是系统信息工具). Windows XP 诊断工具.winnls.dll .....Windows IME 接口核心组件winntbbu.dll ...Windows 安装画面 DLLwinoldap.mod ...winshfhc.dll ...文件风险评估winsock.dll ....Windows Socket 16-Bit DLLwinstrm.dll ....Streams DLLwkssvc.dll .....Workstation 服务 DLLwmidx.dll ......Windows Media 索引 DLLwmiprop.dll ....WDM 动态属性页面协同安装程序wmv8ds32.ax ....(文件版本: Windows Media 视频解码器 V8wmvds32.ax .....Windows Media 视频解码器WOWDEB.EXE .....(WOW 调试程序). WOW 调试程序. Win16 调试助手wowexec.exe ....Windows Win16 程序启动工具wowfax.dll .....Windows 3.1 兼容传真驱动 DLLwowfaxui.dll ...Windows 3.1兼容传真驱动DLLWPABALN.EXE ....(Windows 产品激活). Windows 产品激活气球提示器.WRITE.EXE ......写字板, 支持纯文本和 RTF 文档.有 Word 就不用它了wscntfy.exe ....Windows 安全中心通知程序wscui.cpl ...... 安全中心控制面板小程序WSCRIPT.EXE ....(脚本宿主). 基于 Windows 的脚本宿主.wshatm.dll .....Windows 套接层助手 DLLwshbth.dll .....Windows套接层助手DLLwshcon.dll .....Microsoft (r) Windows 脚本控制器wshisn.dll .....NWLINK2套接层助手DLLwshnetbs.dll bios Windows套接层助手DLLwshom.ocx ......Windows 脚本宿主运行时库WshRm.dll ......用于 PGM 的 Windows套接层助手wsnmp32.dll ....Microsoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager APIxactsrv.dll ....下级 API 服务器 DLLxcopy.exe ......加强版的复制命令xenroll.dll ....XEnrollxpob2res.dll ...Service Pack 2 OOB 消息............350 个没有删除的 System32 文件...以及原因............我为什么不删除这些文件是有很多重要原因的, 其中有许多文件要经常用到. 我会把为什么不想删除这些文件的原因列在下面.NVDVD 需要以下文件acelpdec.ax 音频解码器以下是 NVDVD 安装的文件:DolbyHph.dll .....杜比耳机引擎license.955200 ...... <-- 在我把这个看起来无害的文件删除之后,当我重启电脑时就会提示内存出错,还会在事件查看器中显示程序错误. 即使我将其放回system32 文件夹中, 错误仍然存在.msxml3a.dll ....XML 资源文件-------------------------------------------------Needed for Regeditaclui.dll .....Security Descriptor Editorclb.dll .....Column List Box-------------------------------------------------重启电脑需要以下文件AUTOCHK.EXE ..(自动检查磁盘). 如果存储卷被标记为杂乱的话 (有坏簇, 错误区块, 或是有其它损坏), 那么在 WinXP 启动期间就会自动运行这个程序.bootvid.dll .....VGA 启动驱动csseqchk.dll ....CSSeqChkdpcdll.dll ......Dpcdll Modulehal.dll ........(硬件抽象层). 隐藏 Windows 应用程序处理硬件问题的复杂性.kdcom.dll .......内核调试程序硬件扩展 DLLshgina.dll .....Windows 外壳用户登录 <-- 这个文件用于从你的桌面上重启电脑.进一步讲, 一旦你将其删除或是将其从 system32 文件夹中移走,那么即使你将其放回, 也照样无法从你的桌面重新启动.USERINIT.EXE ..(用户初始化). 在用户登录之后, 用于确定操作系统的环境.-------------------------------------------------安装 Yahoo Messenger 需要以下文件A VICAP32.dll .....A VI 捕获类当我安装 Yahoo Messenger 时,弹出以下错误对话框:"无法启动这个程序, 因为没有找到A VICAP32.dll. 请安装此文件以解决这个问题."然而, 即使出现了这个消息, 也能成功安装 Yahoo Messenger.-------------------------------------------------这些文件属于 Windows Media Player 10avifil32.dll .....Microsoft A VI 文件支持库 <-- Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE 需要此文件blackbox.dll ..BlackBox DLLLOGAGENT.EXE ..(Windows Media Player 日志代理). 可记录 Windows Media Player 出现的错误.MsPMSP.dll ....Microsoft Media 设备服务提供程序MSSCP.dll .....Windows Media 安全内容提供程序msvfw32.dll ...Microsoft Video for Windows DLL。



物品说明替换路径:打开客服端:传奇世界\D a t a\c o n f i g\I t e m C f g.i n i Version=1血煞头盔碎片=1,1,1,1血煞项链碎片=1,1,1,1血煞手镯碎片=1,1,1,1血煞戒指碎片=1,1,1,1血煞靴子碎片=1,1,1,1血煞腰带碎片=1,1,1,1魔雷头盔碎片=1,1,1,1魔雷项链碎片=1,1,1,1魔雷手镯碎片=1,1,1,1魔雷戒指碎片=1,1,1,1魔雷靴子碎片=1,1,1,1魔雷腰带碎片=1,1,1,1幽泉头盔碎片=1,1,1,1幽泉项链碎片=1,1,1,1幽泉手镯碎片=1,1,1,1幽泉戒指碎片=1,1,1,1幽泉靴子碎片=1,1,1,1幽泉腰带碎片=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天碎片1=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天碎片2=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天碎片3=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天碎片4=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天碎片5=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天碎片6=1,1,1,1蟠龙幻天碎片1=1,1,1,1蟠龙幻天碎片2=1,1,1,1蟠龙幻天碎片3=1,1,1,1蟠龙幻天碎片4=1,1,1,1蟠龙幻天碎片5=1,1,1,1蟠龙幻天碎片6=1,1,1,1蟠龙玄天碎片1=1,1,1,1蟠龙玄天碎片2=1,1,1,1蟠龙玄天碎片3=1,1,1,1蟠龙玄天碎片4=1,1,1,1蟠龙玄天碎片5=1,1,1,1蟠龙玄天碎片6=1,1,1,1蟠龙金甲碎片=1,1,1,1蟠龙金袍碎片=1,1,1,1圣天头盔碎片1=1,1,1,1圣天手镯碎片1=1,1,1,12圣天戒指碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣天靴子碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣天腰带碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣天头盔碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣天项链碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣天手镯碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣天戒指碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣天靴子碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣天腰带碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣天头盔碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣天项链碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣天手镯碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣天戒指碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣天靴子碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣天腰带碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣魔头盔碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣魔项链碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣魔手镯碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣魔戒指碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣魔靴子碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣魔腰带碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣魔头盔碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣魔项链碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣魔手镯碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣魔戒指碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣魔靴子碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣魔腰带碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣魔头盔碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣魔项链碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣魔手镯碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣魔戒指碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣魔靴子碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣魔腰带碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣道头盔碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣道项链碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣道手镯碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣道戒指碎片1=1,1,1,1圣道腰带碎片1=1,1,1,1 圣道头盔碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣道项链碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣道手镯碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣道戒指碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣道靴子碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣道腰带碎片2=1,1,1,1 圣道头盔碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣道项链碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣道手镯碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣道戒指碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣道靴子碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣道腰带碎片3=1,1,1,1 圣武天战甲碎片=1,1,1,1 圣武天战袍碎片=1,1,1,1 雷神绝魔袍碎片=1,1,1,1 雷神绝魔衣碎片=1,1,1,1 九幽灵道袍碎片=1,1,1,1 九幽灵道衣碎片=1,1,1,1 神武头盔=1,1,1,1神武项链=1,1,1,1神武手镯=1,1,1,1神武戒指=1,1,1,1神武战靴=1,1,1,1神武腰带=1,1,1,1幻魔头盔=1,1,1,1幻魔项链=1,1,1,1幻魔手镯=1,1,1,1幻魔戒指=1,1,1,1幻魔法靴=1,1,1,1幻魔腰带=1,1,1,1天玄头盔=1,1,1,1天玄项链=1,1,1,1天玄手镯=1,1,1,1天玄戒指=1,1,1,1天玄道靴=1,1,1,1天玄腰带=1,1,1,1战神头盔=1,1,1,1战神项链=1,1,1,1战神手镯=1,1,1,1战神戒指=1,1,1,1战神靴子=1,1,1,1战神腰带=1,1,1,1魔神头盔=1,1,1,1魔神项链=1,1,1,1魔神手镯=1,1,1,1魔神戒指=1,1,1,13魔神靴子=1,1,1,14魔神腰带=1,1,1,1道神头盔=1,1,1,1道神项链=1,1,1,1道神手镯=1,1,1,1道神戒指=1,1,1,1道神靴子=1,1,1,1道神腰带=1,1,1,1血煞头盔=1,1,1,1血煞项链=1,1,1,1血煞手镯=1,1,1,1血煞戒指=1,1,1,1血煞靴子=1,1,1,1血煞腰带=1,1,1,1魔雷头盔=1,1,1,1魔雷项链=1,1,1,1魔雷手镯=1,1,1,1魔雷戒指=1,1,1,1魔雷靴子=1,1,1,1魔雷腰带=1,1,1,1幽泉头盔=1,1,1,1幽泉项链=1,1,1,1幽泉手镯=1,1,1,1幽泉戒指=1,1,1,1幽泉靴子=1,1,1,1幽泉腰带=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天头盔=1,1,1,1 蟠龙傲天项链=1,1,1,1 蟠龙傲天手镯=1,1,1,1 蟠龙傲天戒指=1,1,1,1 蟠龙傲天靴子=1,1,1,1 蟠龙傲天腰带=1,1,1,1 蟠龙幻天头盔=1,1,1,1 蟠龙幻天项链=1,1,1,1 蟠龙幻天手镯=1,1,1,1蟠龙幻天戒指=1,1,1,1 蟠龙幻天靴子=1,1,1,1 蟠龙幻天腰带=1,1,1,1 蟠龙玄天头盔=1,1,1,1 蟠龙玄天项链=1,1,1,1 蟠龙玄天手镯=1,1,1,1 蟠龙玄天戒指=1,1,1,1 蟠龙玄天靴子=1,1,1,1 蟠龙玄天腰带=1,1,1,1 圣天头盔(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣天项链(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣天手镯(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣天戒指(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣天腰带(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣天靴子(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔头盔(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔项链(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔手镯(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔戒指(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔腰带(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔靴子(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣道头盔(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣道项链(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣道手镯(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣道戒指(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣道腰带(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣道靴子(下品)=1,1,1,1 圣天头盔(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣天项链(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣天手镯(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣天戒指(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣天腰带(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣天靴子(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔头盔(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔项链(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔手镯(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔戒指(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔腰带(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔靴子(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣道头盔(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣道项链(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣道手镯(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣道戒指(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣道腰带(中品)=1,1,1,1圣道靴子(中品)=1,1,1,1 圣天头盔(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣天项链(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣天手镯(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣天戒指(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣天腰带(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣天靴子(上品)=1,1,1,15圣魔头盔(上品)=1,1,1,16圣魔项链(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔手镯(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔戒指(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔腰带(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣魔靴子(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣道头盔(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣道项链(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣道手镯(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣道戒指(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣道腰带(上品)=1,1,1,1 圣道靴子(上品)=1,1,1,1 王者之冠=1,1,1,1王者吊坠=1,1,1,1王者护腕=1,1,1,1王者之戒=1,1,1,1王者长靴=1,1,1,1王者腰带=1,1,1,1炙炎头盔=1,1,1,1炙炎项链=1,1,1,1炙炎手镯=1,1,1,1炙炎戒指=1,1,1,1炙炎靴子=1,1,1,1炙炎腰带=1,1,1,1魔炎头盔=1,1,1,1魔炎项链=1,1,1,1魔炎手镯=1,1,1,1魔炎戒指=1,1,1,1魔炎靴子=1,1,1,1魔炎腰带=1,1,1,1灵炎头盔=1,1,1,1灵炎项链=1,1,1,1灵炎手镯=1,1,1,1灵炎戒指=1,1,1,1灵炎靴子=1,1,1,1灵炎腰带=1,1,1,1王者之冠(精)=1,1,1,1 王者吊坠(精)=1,1,1,1 王者护腕(精)=1,1,1,1 王者之戒(精)=1,1,1,1 王者长靴(精)=1,1,1,1 王者腰带(精)=1,1,1,1 炙炎头盔(精)=1,1,1,1 炙炎项链(精)=1,1,1,1 炙炎手镯(精)=1,1,1,1 炙炎戒指(精)=1,1,1,1 炙炎靴子(精)=1,1,1,1 炙炎腰带(精)=1,1,1,1 魔炎头盔(精)=1,1,1,1 魔炎项链(精)=1,1,1,1 魔炎手镯(精)=1,1,1,1 魔炎戒指(精)=1,1,1,1 魔炎靴子(精)=1,1,1,1 魔炎腰带(精)=1,1,1,1 灵炎头盔(精)=1,1,1,1 灵炎项链(精)=1,1,1,1 灵炎手镯(精)=1,1,1,1 灵炎戒指(精)=1,1,1,1 灵炎靴子(精)=1,1,1,1 灵炎腰带(精)=1,1,1,1 怒涛头盔(凡)=1,1,1,1 怒涛项链(凡)=1,1,1,1 怒涛手镯(凡)=1,1,1,1 怒涛戒指(凡)=1,1,1,1 怒涛靴子(凡)=1,1,1,1 怒涛腰带(凡)=1,1,1,1 怒涛头盔(上)=1,1,1,1 怒涛项链(上)=1,1,1,1 怒涛手镯(上)=1,1,1,1 怒涛戒指(上)=1,1,1,1 怒涛靴子(上)=1,1,1,1 怒涛腰带(上)=1,1,1,1 怒涛头盔(极)=1,1,1,1 怒涛项链(极)=1,1,1,1 怒涛手镯(极)=1,1,1,1 怒涛戒指(极)=1,1,1,1怒涛靴子(极)=1,1,1,1 怒涛腰带(极)=1,1,1,1 怒涛头盔(仙)=1,1,1,1 怒涛项链(仙)=1,1,1,1 怒涛手镯(仙)=1,1,1,1 怒涛戒指(仙)=1,1,1,1 怒涛靴子(仙)=1,1,1,1 怒涛腰带(仙)=1,1,1,1 镇海头盔(凡)=1,1,1,1 镇海项链(凡)=1,1,1,17镇海手镯(凡)=1,1,1,18镇海戒指(凡)=1,1,1,1 镇海靴子(凡)=1,1,1,1 镇海腰带(凡)=1,1,1,1 镇海头盔(上)=1,1,1,1 镇海项链(上)=1,1,1,1 镇海手镯(上)=1,1,1,1 镇海戒指(上)=1,1,1,1 镇海靴子(上)=1,1,1,1 镇海腰带(上)=1,1,1,1 镇海头盔(极)=1,1,1,1 镇海项链(极)=1,1,1,1 镇海手镯(极)=1,1,1,1 镇海戒指(极)=1,1,1,1 镇海靴子(极)=1,1,1,1 镇海腰带(极)=1,1,1,1 镇海头盔(仙)=1,1,1,1 镇海项链(仙)=1,1,1,1 镇海手镯(仙)=1,1,1,1 镇海戒指(仙)=1,1,1,1 镇海靴子(仙)=1,1,1,1 镇海腰带(仙)=1,1,1,1 凌波头盔(凡)=1,1,1,1 凌波项链(凡)=1,1,1,1 凌波手镯(凡)=1,1,1,1 凌波戒指(凡)=1,1,1,1 凌波靴子(凡)=1,1,1,1 凌波腰带(凡)=1,1,1,1 凌波头盔(上)=1,1,1,1凌波项链(上)=1,1,1,1 凌波手镯(上)=1,1,1,1 凌波戒指(上)=1,1,1,1 凌波靴子(上)=1,1,1,1 凌波腰带(上)=1,1,1,1 凌波头盔(极)=1,1,1,1 凌波项链(极)=1,1,1,1 凌波手镯(极)=1,1,1,1 凌波戒指(极)=1,1,1,1 凌波靴子(极)=1,1,1,1 凌波腰带(极)=1,1,1,1 凌波头盔(仙)=1,1,1,1 凌波项链(仙)=1,1,1,1 凌波手镯(仙)=1,1,1,1 凌波戒指(仙)=1,1,1,1 凌波靴子(仙)=1,1,1,1 凌波腰带(仙)=1,1,1,1 神武战甲=1,1,1,1神武战袍=1,1,1,1幻魔披风=1,1,1,1幻魔羽衣=1,1,1,1天玄道袍=1,1,1,1天玄道衣=1,1,1,1蟠龙金甲=1,1,1,1蟠龙金袍=1,1,1,1蟠龙金甲披风1=1,1,1,1 蟠龙金袍披风1=1,1,1,1 蟠龙金甲披风2=1,1,1,1 蟠龙金袍披风2=1,1,1,1 蟠龙金甲披风3=1,1,1,1 蟠龙金袍披风3=1,1,1,1 圣武天战甲=1,1,1,1圣武天战袍=1,1,1,1雷神绝魔袍=1,1,1,1雷神绝魔衣=1,1,1,1九幽灵道袍=1,1,1,1九幽灵道衣=1,1,1,1龙牙利刃=1,1,1,1逍遥无极扇=1,1,1,1雷霆怒斩=1,1,1,1赤明天帝=1,1,1,1碧海天王=1,1,1,1紫月圣君=1,1,1,1耀阳圣尊=1,1,1,1雷裂刀=1,1,1,1霹雳法杖=1,1,1,1道玄剑=1,1,1,1无赦=1,1,1,1夺魄=1,1,1,1聚灵=1,1,1,1怒狂降魔杵=1,1,1,1 幻龙风雷鞭=1,1,1,1 清心碧玉笛=1,1,1,1 战神勋章=1,1,1,1魔神勋章=1,1,1,1道神勋章=1,1,1,1血煞勋章=1,1,1,19魔雷勋章=1,1,1,110幽泉勋章=1,1,1,1蟠龙傲天勋章=1,1,1,1 蟠龙幻天勋章=1,1,1,1 蟠龙玄天勋章=1,1,1,1 圣天勋章=1,1,1,1圣魔勋章=1,1,1,1圣道勋章=1,1,1,1炙炎灵佩=1,1,1,1魔炎灵佩=1,1,1,1灵炎灵佩=1,1,1,1圣天灵佩=1,1,1,1圣魔灵佩=1,1,1,1圣道灵佩=1,1,1,1怒涛灵佩=1,1,1,1镇海灵佩=1,1,1,1凌波灵佩=1,1,1,1炙炎勋章=1,1,1,1魔炎勋章=1,1,1,1灵炎勋章=1,1,1,1怒涛勋章=1,1,1,1镇海勋章=1,1,1,1凌波勋章=1,1,1,1重生戒指=1,1,1,1护体戒指=1,1,1,1麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1魔道麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 恐惧手镯(仙)=1,1,1,1冰冻项链(仙)=1,1,1,1幸运靴子=1,1,1,1重力头盔=1,1,1,1潜行腰带=1,1,1,1沉默护腕=1,1,1,1黄金裁决=1,1,1,1炙炎勋章碎片=1,1,1,1 魔炎勋章碎片=1,1,1,1 灵炎勋章碎片=1,1,1,1 怒涛勋章碎片=1,1,1,1 镇海勋章碎片=1,1,1,1 凌波勋章碎片=1,1,1,1 炙炎灵佩碎片=1,1,1,1 魔炎灵佩碎片=1,1,1,1 灵炎灵佩碎片=1,1,1,1 怒涛灵佩碎片=1,1,1,1 镇海灵佩碎片=1,1,1,1 凌波灵佩碎片=1,1,1,1 武神头盔碎片=1,1,1,1 武神项链碎片=1,1,1,1 武神手镯碎片=1,1,1,1 武神戒指碎片=1,1,1,1 武神靴子碎片=1,1,1,1 武神腰带碎片=1,1,1,1 幻神头盔碎片=1,1,1,1 幻神项链碎片=1,1,1,1 幻神手镯碎片=1,1,1,1 幻神戒指碎片=1,1,1,1 幻神靴子碎片=1,1,1,1 幻神腰带碎片=1,1,1,1 天神头盔碎片=1,1,1,1 天神项链碎片=1,1,1,1 天神手镯碎片=1,1,1,1 天神戒指碎片=1,1,1,1 天神靴子碎片=1,1,1,1 天神腰带碎片=1,1,1,1 武神刃碎片=1,1,1,1幻神戈碎片=1,1,1,1毒心剑碎片=1,1,1,1武神天战甲碎片=1,1,1,1 武神天战袍碎片=1,1,1,1 幻神绝魔袍碎片=1,1,1,1幻神绝魔衣碎片=1,1,1,1 天幽灵道袍碎片=1,1,1,1 天幽灵道衣碎片=1,1,1,1 斗魂天阳刃碎片=1,1,1,1 法魂天月杖碎片=1,1,1,1 玄魂天星剑碎片=1,1,1,1 斗魂护腕碎片=1,1,1,1法魂护腕碎片=1,1,1,1玄魂护腕碎片=1,1,1,1斗魂戒指碎片=1,1,1,1法魂戒指碎片=1,1,1,1玄魂戒指碎片=1,1,1,1斗魂天阳甲碎片=1,1,1,1 斗魂天阳袍碎片=1,1,1,1 法魂天月甲碎片=1,1,1,1 法魂天月袍碎片=1,1,1,111玄魂天星甲碎片=1,1,1,112玄魂天星袍碎片=1,1,1,1 黄金裁决碎片=1,1,1,1黄金嗜魂碎片=1,1,1,1黄金倚天剑碎片=1,1,1,1 重力头盔碎片=1,1,1,1魔道麻痹碎片=1,1,1,1潜行腰带碎片=1,1,1,1幸运靴子碎片=1,1,1,1护体戒指碎片=1,1,1,1麻痹戒指碎片=1,1,1,1重生戒指碎片=1,1,1,1沉默护腕碎片=1,1,1,1完美火晶石碎片=1,1,1,1 完美冰月石碎片=1,1,1,1 完美水云石碎片=1,1,1,1 完美金刚石碎片=1,1,1,1 完美圣魔石碎片=1,1,1,1 完美青木石碎片=1,1,1,1 完美紫心石碎片=1,1,1,1 完美天地石碎片=1,1,1,1 至尊火晶石碎片=1,1,1,1 至尊冰月石碎片=1,1,1,1至尊水云石碎片=1,1,1,1 至尊金刚石碎片=1,1,1,1 至尊圣魔石碎片=1,1,1,1 至尊青木石碎片=1,1,1,1 至尊紫心石碎片=1,1,1,1 至尊天地石碎片=1,1,1,1 武神头盔=1,1,1,1武神项链=1,1,1,1武神手镯=1,1,1,1武神戒指=1,1,1,1武神靴子=1,1,1,1武神腰带=1,1,1,1幻神头盔=1,1,1,1幻神项链=1,1,1,1幻神手镯=1,1,1,1幻神戒指=1,1,1,1幻神靴子=1,1,1,1幻神腰带=1,1,1,1天神头盔=1,1,1,1天神项链=1,1,1,1天神手镯=1,1,1,1天神戒指=1,1,1,1天神靴子=1,1,1,1天神腰带=1,1,1,1凌波潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 镇海潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 怒涛潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 凌波沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 镇海沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 怒涛沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 凌波重力头盔=1,1,1,1 镇海重力头盔=1,1,1,1 怒涛重力头盔=1,1,1,1 凌波幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 镇海幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 怒涛幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 凌波护体戒指=1,1,1,1 镇海护体戒指=1,1,1,1 怒涛护体戒指=1,1,1,1 凌波重生戒指=1,1,1,1 镇海重生戒指=1,1,1,1 怒涛重生戒指=1,1,1,1 凌波麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 镇海麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1凌波魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 镇海魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 怒涛魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 灵炎潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 魔炎潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 炙炎潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 灵炎沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 魔炎沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 炙炎沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 灵炎重力头盔=1,1,1,1 魔炎重力头盔=1,1,1,1 炙炎重力头盔=1,1,1,1 灵炎幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 魔炎幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 炙炎幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 灵炎护体戒指=1,1,1,1 魔炎护体戒指=1,1,1,1 炙炎护体戒指=1,1,1,113灵炎重生戒指=1,1,1,114魔炎重生戒指=1,1,1,1 炙炎重生戒指=1,1,1,1 灵炎麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 魔炎麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 炙炎麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 灵炎魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 魔炎魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 炙炎魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 武神天战甲=1,1,1,1武神天战袍=1,1,1,1幻神绝魔袍=1,1,1,1幻神绝魔衣=1,1,1,1天幽灵道衣=1,1,1,1天幽灵道袍=1,1,1,1天神潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 幻神潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 天神沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 武神潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 幻神沉默护腕=1,1,1,1天神重力头盔=1,1,1,1 幻神重力头盔=1,1,1,1 武神重力头盔=1,1,1,1 天神幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 幻神幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 武神幸运靴子=1,1,1,1 天神护体戒指=1,1,1,1 幻神护体戒指=1,1,1,1 武神护体戒指=1,1,1,1 天神重生戒指=1,1,1,1 幻神重生戒指=1,1,1,1 武神重生戒指=1,1,1,1 天神麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 幻神麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 武神麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 天神魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 幻神魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 武神魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 天神恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 幻神恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 武神恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 天神冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 幻神冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 武神冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 灵炎恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 魔炎恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 炙炎恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 灵炎冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 魔炎冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 炙炎冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 圣道冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 圣魔冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 圣天冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 圣道恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 圣魔恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 圣天恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 凌波恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 镇海恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 凌波冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 镇海冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 怒涛恐惧手镯=1,1,1,1 怒涛冰冻项链=1,1,1,1 毒心帝王剑=1,1,1,1武神帝王刃=1,1,1,1圣道潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 圣魔潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 圣天潜行腰带=1,1,1,1 圣道护体戒指=1,1,1,1 圣魔护体戒指=1,1,1,1 圣天护体戒指=1,1,1,1 圣道重生戒指=1,1,1,1 圣魔重生戒指=1,1,1,1 圣天重生戒指=1,1,1,1 圣道麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 圣魔麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 圣天麻痹戒指=1,1,1,1 圣道魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 圣魔魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 圣天魔道麻痹=1,1,1,1 圣魔沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 圣道沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 圣天沉默护腕=1,1,1,1 圣道重力头盔=1,1,1,1 圣魔重力头盔=1,1,1,115圣天重力头盔=1,1,1,116虎王护膝=1,1,1,1虎王护腕=1,1,1,1虎王护甲=1,1,1,1虎王头盔=1,1,1,1金牛头盔=1,1,1,11元宝=1,1,1,12元宝=1,1,1,15元宝=1,1,1,11神话币=1,1,1,12神话币=1,1,1,13神话币=1,1,1,15神话币=1,1,1,110神话币=1,1,1,130神话币=1,1,1,150神话币=1,1,1,1。













目录1. 功能模块一览 (3)2. 安装配置 (3)2.1.运行环境 (3)2.1.1. 支持操作系统 (3)2.1.2. 声音配置 (3)2.2.安装和注册 (11)2.2.1. 安装 (11)2.2.2. 注册 (11)3. 使用指南 (13)3.1.进入传奇语言学习系统 (13)3.2.复读 (15)3.3.跟读 (17)3.3.1. 分段跟读 (17)3.3.2. 同步跟读 (20)3.4.变速不变调 (22)3.5.录制 (24)3.6.声音对比 (27)3.7.退出 (28)1.功能模块一览传奇语言学习系统主要包括复读、跟读、变速不变调、录制和声音对比五个模块。

2.安装配置2.1.运行环境2.1.1.操作系统支持的操作系统有:Windows2000、Windows XP、Windows 2003、Windows Vista。



YL-500IW 使用手册说明书

YL-500IW 使用手册说明书

小功率无线数传模块YL-500IW使用手册--透明传输无协议—(版本号:V2.1)深圳捷迅易联科技有限公司电话:*************传真:*************邮箱:********************网站: 地址:深圳市南山区科技园中区科智西路1号科苑西工业区南23栋6楼目录目录 (2)一、产品概述 (3)二、产品特点 (3)三、应用领域 (4)四、尺寸引脚 (5)五、模块参数 (5)六、应用电路 (6)1接线说明 (6)2接线注意事项 (7)七、应用说明 (7)八、参数的配置 (7)(一)模块和电脑连接方法 (8)(二)上位机软件界面 (8)(三)用上位机软件修改参数 (8)(四)参数功能一览表 (9)(五)参数详解 (9)九、数据流介绍 (10)十、AT命令 (10)(一)参数格式 (10)(二)参数详解 (11)1检测电台处理 (11)2读写信道 (11)3读写空中速率 (11)4读写串口速率 (11)5读写ID (11)6写发射功率 (12)十一、组网应用 (12)十二、天线选择 (12)十三、使用须知 (13)1)数据延迟 (13)2)流量控制 (13)3)差错控制 (13)十四、注意事项 (13)十五、故障排除 (13)一、产品概述YL-500IW是一款高稳定性,低功耗,高性价比的无线模块,并且采用GFSK调制方式,增加了无线数据的稳定性。





Dell PowerVault 500 系统硬件用户手册说明书

Dell PowerVault 500 系统硬件用户手册说明书

Dell™ PowerVault™ 500 系统硬件用户手册关于系统使用系统设置程序 安装系统组件 排除系统故障 运行系统诊断程序 跳线和连接器 获得帮助 词汇表注、注意和警告本说明文件中的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。

© 2007 Dell Inc.。


未经 Dell Inc. 书面许可,严禁以任何形式进行复制。

本文中使用的商标:D e l l 、D E L L 徽标、PowerEdge 、PowerVault 、PowerApp 、PowerConnect 、X P S 和 Dell OpenManage 是 Dell Inc. 的商标;I n t e l 是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其它国家和地区的注册商标;Microsoft 、M S-D O S 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其它国家和地区的注册商标。


Dell Inc. 对其它公司的商标和产品名称不拥有任何所有权。




表1-2. 前面板 LED 指示灯、按钮和连接器1 驱动器状态指示灯(绿色和琥珀色)2 绿色驱动器活动指示灯表 1-3列出了 RAID 硬盘驱动器的驱动器指示灯显示方式。





注:对于非 RAID 配置,只有驱动器活动指示灯是活动的。

PowerMonitor 500系列基础固件、以太网固件和软件目录号说明书

PowerMonitor 500系列基础固件、以太网固件和软件目录号说明书

Release NotesPowerMonitor 500 Unit Base Firmware, Ethernet Firmware, and SoftwareCatalog Numbers 1420-V1, 1420-V2, 1420-V1A, 1420-V1P, 1420-V2A, 1420-V2P, 1420-V1-ENT, 1420-V1-485, 1420-V2-ENT, 1420-V2-485, 1420-V1A-ENT, 1420-V1A-485, 1420-V2A-ENT, 1420-V2A-485, 1420-V1P-ENT, 1420-V1P-485, 1420-V2P-ENT, 1420-V2P-485System Features This software update includes new features.Software Version•Phase Sequence Indication for Systems in Software T oolPhase sequence indication is now shown for all involved systems (3P,3P1, 3Pn). Previously, the phase sequence was shown for only 3Pn.•Reading of kVARh Counters in Software T oolReadings for kVARh counters are now shown when the system is in 3Pconfiguration.PowerMonitor 500 Unit Base Firmware, Ethernet Firmware, and SoftwareBase Firmware Revision 12These system features are first identified as of base firmware revision 12.•The title of the programming menu page 260 was changed from ENDto SAVE to more clearly indicate the function of the page.•The Change Password (CHANGE PAS?) menu page 10 was moved tothe end of the programming menu, just before the SAVE menu page.Due to this change, the menu page numbers for some of the menus havechanged. For example, in units with firmware revision 11 and earlier, theSYSTEM menu page is 50. In units with firmware revision 12 and later,the SYSTEM menu page is 40.Firmware 11 andEarlier2Rockwell Automation Publication 1420-RN001B-EN-P - January 2017PowerMonitor 500 Unit Base Firmware, Ethernet Firmware, and Software Anomalies These firmware revisions include corrected anomalies from the previousrevision.Corrected Anomalies for Base Firmware Revision 11•CORRECTED: Display Indication for 'VLNsys' in 3P SystemSelectionKnown anomaly that was first identified as of firmware revision 9.When the system is selected to be 3P configuration, the displayindication of 'VLNsys' is shown.•CORRECTED: Keypad Management Not Advancing the PageKnown anomaly that was first identified as of firmware revision 9. Pagesoccasionally do not advance when a keypad button is pressed eventhough the T ouch Icon indicates that a button was pressed.•CORRECTED: Moving the Cursor on Password PageKnown anomaly that was first identified as of firmware revision 9.When using the buttons on the front display to enter the password, thecursor does not move past the first digit of the password. The use of thebutton to move the cursor in the password setting field exits theprogram menu and returns the screen to the measuring display. For unitswith optional communication, the software tool can be used to enter thepassword and access the programming mode.Corrected Anomalies for Ethernet Firmware Revision 4.002•CORRECTED: Active Ethernet Connection Required After PowerUpKnown anomaly that was first identified as of firmware revision 4.001.A PowerMonitor 500 unit with Ethernet firmware revision 4.001requires an active Ethernet network connection within 60 seconds ofpower-up, otherwise no connection is established. ThePowerMonitor500 unit has a red 'x' in RSLinx® and cannot be pinged.Power cycling the PowerMonitor 500 unit can recover communicationas long as an active Ethernet network connection is in place within 60seconds.•CORRECTED: TCP/IP Connection Loss with Fast Socket RequestRateKnown anomaly that was first identified as of firmware revision 4.001.When there is a fast closing-opening cycle of the TCP/IP stack socketinterface, an exception can occur and no further connections areallowed. More specifically, when a socket is closed, the TCP/IP stackremoves the relevant data structure present in the queue in a maximumof 1 ms. If a socket is requested to open before that period, then a nullpointer exception is generated and the stack does not accept any otherconnections. Power must be cycled to recover the unit.Rockwell Automation Publication 1420-RN001B-EN-P - January 20173Allen-Bradley, PowerMonitor, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, and RSLinx are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at /rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/product-environmental-compliance.page .Publication 1420-RN001B-EN-P - January 2017Supersedes Publication 1420-RN001A-EN-P - June 2016Copyright © 2017 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Corrected Anomaly for Software Version•CORRECTED : Indication of Neutral Current for 3P2 System in Software T oolKnown anomaly that was first identified as of software version Whensystem is in 3P2 setting, the neutral current indication, An, is shown. This neutralcurrent indicator does not appear in some cases.Download Firmware The latest PowerMonitor 500 unit Ethernet firmware is found at the following website:/Pages/MultiProductDownload.aspx.From the Category pull-down menu, choose Energy Monitoring.Additional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.Y ou can view or download publications at /global/literature-library/overview.page . T o orderpaper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor orRockwell Automation sales representative.Resource DescriptionCommunication Firmware in PowerMonitor 500 Units with EtherNet/IP Network Communication Installation Instructions, publication 1420-IN001This document provides instructions on how to update your firmware revision.PowerMonitor 500 Unit User Manual, publication 1420-UM001Provides installation instructions, wire diagrams, configuration, and specifications for PowerMonitor 500 units.Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation® industrial system.Product Certifications website, Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.。

FSP500-MS 电源说明书

FSP500-MS 电源说明书

编程项目说明3造成的任何损害负责!· 顶级竞赛专用:内置3种常用模式,适合所有1/8竞赛,即选即用(如:零进角Zero Timing闪灯模式、1/8 越野竞赛、1/8平路竞赛)。

· 电调内置32项丰富的可调参数项,方便设置各种动力需求;设定参数可以导入导出,便于车手相互交流和借鉴彼此的设定。

· 支持电调固件升级(需另购多功能LCD G2编程盒或OTA模块),享用最新功能。

· 支持超大48度Boost及Turbo 进角,与XERUN 4268/4274 G3电机配套时,最高转速可提升50%,轻松超越对手。

· 多重保护功能:电压过低保护、电调及电机过热保护、电容过热保护功能。

· 内置超强开关模式BEC,持续电流达到6A,瞬间达到12A,且支持6V/7.4V可调,轻松驱动各种强力舵机及高压舵机。

· 电调内置反接保护电路,无需担心因反接电池而损坏电调,有效解决了因反接电池而导致的电调损坏。

· 数据记录功能,使用OTA蓝牙模块在HW LINK App上即可查看油门量、电压、电流、温度、转速等各种运行数据,轻松获取动力运行状态。

03产品特色04产品规格06设置电子调速器01声明2. 连接接收机:将电调的油门控制排线插入接收机的油门通道(即THROTTLE通道)。



3. 连接电池:电调的输入线有极性之分,插入电池时,请确保电调的(+)极与电池的(+)相连,(-)极与(-)相连。


4. 连接外挂电容包(非必做项):一般对于1/8越野车或1/10车型无需外挂电容包;但对于1/8平路车(如电铲、GT),由于负载电流较大,需要将电调标配的电容包焊在电调的输入端(可以和输入线一起焊在电调插头上),如上图所示。

ChamSys MQ500M Stadium Wing升级指南说明书

ChamSys MQ500M Stadium Wing升级指南说明书

ChamSys MQ500M WingUpgrade Instructions This guide will cover upgrading a Stadium Wing to MQ500M Wing spec.MAINTENANCE SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT BY EXPERIENCED ANDQUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLYWARNING – LIVE 240V AC. DISCONNECT MAINS BEFOREPERFORMING ANY MAINTENANCESection 1: Introduction.This guide contains step by step instructions on upgrading a ChamSys Stadium Wing to MQ500M Wing spec; adding motorised faders, illuminated fader tracks and backlit keys, among other improvements. Note that this kit does not include other aesthetic upgrades, such as new style end-cheeks, but does add all new functionality.If you require any further assistance with the upgrade process or have any questions, please contact our support team using the details below.Email: ******************.ukTel: +44 (0)2380 238 666Note that ChamSys reserves the right to recover parts replaced in the upgrade process. If you are unsure whether parts need to be returned to ChamSys, please contact support. To get started, first ensure the wing is powered off and has been for at least 10 minutes to ensure all residual power has drained from the wing.Prepare the correct tools for the process as listed and pictured below and ensure the upgrade kit you have purchased contains all items detailed on the next page.Tools required:•Drill• 3.5mm drill bit•PZ1 screwdriver• 5.5mm nut spinner or spanner•4mm ball driver or Allen key•2mm ball driver or Allen key•ThreadlockUpgrade kit contents:Below is a list of all parts included in the MQ500M Wing upgrade kit. Each part is numbered and corresponds to the matching number in the picture below. Please ensure you have all parts before starting the upgrade process.1. Front panel assembly2. Arm rest support bracket3. Arm rest4. Front panel angle adjustments x25. Drill guide6. Motor PSU to main PSU cable7. Replacement main PSU cable8. Motor PSU to motor board cable9. Power supply10. 4x M3x10 black countersunk screws11. 7x M3x6 black countersunk screws12. 6x M3x6 silver screws13. 4x M3x6 silver countersunk screwsSection 2: Removing the front panel assembly.The first step in the upgrade process is to remove the front panel assembly from the wing, ready for the new, replacement panel. To do this, follow the steps below.To begin, remove the arm rest from the wing. This simply pulls off.Once the arm rest has been removed, you will have access to all screws securing the front panel assembly in place. Remove 14x M3x6 black countersunk screws from the locations pictured below using a PZ1 screwdriver. These screws can now be discarded.Once all screws have been removed, the front panel assembly can then be lifted carefully from the front. Towards the rear of the front panel, there are two cables that must be removed: The front panel connection cable and an earth cable. See the image below for the locations of both of these cables.The front panel cable is a locking connector; push the tab to unlock and pull to release.The earth cable needs to be unscrewed from the panel. Remove the M3x6 silver screw and shake-proof washer using a PZ1 screwdriver. The cable will then be free. Be sure to keep this screw and washer, as it will be needed to reconnect the earth cable later.You can now remove the front panel assembly and set aside.Section 3: Fitting the secondary power supply.The next step is fitting a secondary power supply into the chassis of the wing, to power the motorised faders on the new front panel.Start by clearing the chassis to ensure nothing is in the way when drilling. Move any cables in the chassis away, out of the wing.Once space has been cleared, the drill guidecan be placed in top left corner of thechassis base. See the picture to the left.Note the orientation of the guide and ensurethe text “this side up” is facing up.Alsoensure the guide is right in the corner andflush with both edges of the chassis.While holding the guide in place, carefullydrill 4 holes using a 3.5mm drill bit – one foreach hole in the guide.We recommend placing a thin sheet ofscrap wood or metal underneath the chassisin the area where drilling is taking place, toavoid drilling into and damaging the surfacebelow the wing.Once the 4 holes are drilled, remove theguide, and clean up any metal shavings leftin the chassis as indicated in the imagesbelow. It is important to remove all of these,as any left in the wing could potentiallycause electrical shorts and lead to seriousissues with the wing once it is switched onand in use.Once the area is clean, lift the wing from the front and file out the holes from the underside so they are smooth, and screws will comfortably fit through. The image to the right shows the drill holes from the underside of the wing, before being filed out. Once the holes are filed and any new metal shavings are removed, you are ready to screw in the new power supply. You will need the power supply itself, 4x M3x6 silver screws and Threadlock. Each screw needs a little Threadlock on it to ensure they are secure. Screw through the bottom of the chassis into the power supply. See the images below of the 4 screw holes to be used on the power supply, and correct orientation.Finally, connect both cables to the power supply. See the image below for the correct orientation of each cable. The cable should then be fed through the hole to the rear of the chassis where the rear panel is located, ready for connection.Correct orientationCorrect screw locationsSection 4: Replacing the rear panel PSU cable assembly.Once the secondary power supply has been fitted and wired correctly, the next step is to replace the cable assembly in the standard power supply in the wing rear panel, in order to be able to connect this to the new secondary power supply.To begin, turn the wing around to access the rear and remove the 4x M4 hex screws securing the rear panel in place, using a 4mm ball driver or Allen key. See the image above for screw locations. Once these screws are removed, you can carefully slide the rear panel out, just enough so all cables can be accessed as in the image below. All 6 cables highlighted in the image can then be disconnected. The front panel and display port cables have tabs that must be pushed to free the cable. The other 4 simply pull to disconnect. With these disconnected, the rear panel can then be removed completely.Once the rear panel has been removed,carefully place it upside down to access the3x M3x6 counter-sunk silver screws for thepower supply as pictured, right. Removethese using a PZ1 screwdriver to free thepower supply. Note that this will still beconnected by cables and not completelyfree from the rear panel.Once the screws are removed, carefullyplace the rear panel back upright, holdingthe power supply while you turn it over. Youcan then remove the power supply from thechassis and place it down as pictured in thesecond image to the right.The cable to be removed and replaced is theassembly with the live (brown), neutral(blue) and earth (green/yellow) wiresrunning between 3 terminals of the powersupply, an earth bond to the chassis, 2terminals on the relay, and the powerconconnector, all as highlighted in the image tothe right. These all need to be disconnectedin order to remove the cable assembly, asdetailed below.Start by using a PZ1 screwdriver to removethe live (brown), neutral (blue) and earth(green/yellow) wires from the power supplyas pictured below, left. Do not remove theblack (V-) and yellow (V+) wires.Next, the 2x live (brown) wires need to be removed from the relay as pictured below, right. These are removed by carefully pulling up by the red ends, while gently wiggling slightly, until they come free. Again, do not remove the black (V-) and yellow (V+) wires.You can now use a 5.5mm nut spinner or spanner to remove the nut securing the earth bond in place as pictured below, left. Once the nut is removed, the earth bond is free. Finally, remove the 2x M3x10 screws securing the powercon connector to the rear of the chassis using a 2mm ball driver or Allen key. Once this is removed, the whole cable assembly should be free to be removed, ready for the new assembly to be fitted.The new cable assembly is identical tothe one just removed, except there is anew wire split from thelive/neutral/earth terminals to connectto the cable from the motor PSUinstalled previously. To the right is apicture of this cable installed correctly,with all wires in the same places therewere removed from with the previousassembly.Ensure this is all wired correctly, asincorrect wiring can cause seriousissues with the wing once powered on.Connect the live (brown), neutral (blue)and earth (green/yellow) wires to thecorrect terminals on the power supply.Push the 2x live wires in place on therelay until they are secure.Connect the earth bond to the chassisand screw the securing nut in place.Replace the 2x M3x10 screws to securethe powercon connector in place. Ensurecorrect orientation of the connector.Once the cable assembly has been fitted correctly, the power supply can now be carefully placed back in the chassis, underneath the earth wire, and screwed back in place. See the image at the bottom of the page for correction orientation of the PSU.With the PSU secured in place, the spareconnector on the new cable assembly cannow be connected to the cable from thesecondary PSU fitted in the chassis of theconsole as pictured, right. Ensure the wiresconnect to the same colour wires on theother connector; brown to brown, blue toblue and green/yellow to green/yellow.Once this is connected, you can now re-connect all other cables to the rear panelassembly as pictured below. This is a totalof 6 other cables.Note:The connector highlighted in orangebelow must be connected to the socketfurther away from the display portconnector –labelled J8, NOT J9. The socketlabelled J9 is unused and will cause thetouch to function incorrectly if used.With all cables in place, carefully slide the rear panel back into the wing chassis, ensuring no cables are caught. Finally, replace the 4x hex-head screws to secure the rear panel back in place.Section 5: Fitting the new front panel assembly.Once the previous steps have been completed, the final step in the upgrade process is fitting the new front panel assembly. Once fitted, the process is complete.To begin, turn the wing back around so you once again have access to the front. The first step is then to clip the front panel angle adjustments in place – one on each side of the chassis, and screw in place with 1x M3x6 black countersunk screw per piece. These clip over the shelf the front panel was screwed into. See the images below for reference.Once these are screwed in place, the next step is to fit the arm rest support bracket. This simply places into the space underneath the previous arm rest as pictured on the next page. The four screw holes should line up as highlighted in the image, and this can then be screwed in place, into these holes, with 4x M3x6 silver countersunk screws.Once the support bracket is screwed in place, the arm rest can then be fitted. To attach this correctly, follow the three images below. The arm rest should first be placed in roughly at a 45-degree angle, before being placed down, and finally pulled towards the front of the wing as much as possible, using a little force.Once in place, screw in the arm rest with 2x M3x6 silver screws as pictured below. Note that while the arm rest is screwed in place, you will need to use some force to pull it towards the front of the wing as much as possible. This will not only help line up these screws but is also important when fitting the front panel, ensuring it lines up correctly.Next, carefully place the back end of the new MQ500M Wing front panel onto the chassis at roughly a 45-degree angle. While holding the panel up, reconnect the front panel cable and earth bond as previously removed from the old front panel assembly. Once these are connected, you can then also connect the power supply cable for the motorised faders. Note that this cable has a tight fit, and you may need to lower the front panel further to connect it. See both images on the next page for reference.Now all cables are connected, the frontpanel can be placed down. This will need to first slide in at an angle as pictured, right, before being lay flat.With the front panel assembly lying flat, first ensure all 11x screw holes around the edges of the panel line up. Once these all line up correctly, first use the 4x M3x10 black screws in the 2 holes on each side of the pane. Once these 4 screws are in, you will then be able to screw in the rest of the panel with the other 7x M3x6 screws.Note the different size screws mentioned. It is important that the M3x10 screws are used on the sides, and the shorter M3x6 screws used for the rest.Once all these steps have been completed, the upgrade process is finished and you will have an MQ500M spec wing with the new front panel fitted, as pictured below. We now recommend switching the wing on and fully testing the new front panel, ensuring all motorised faders, keys etc are all working correctly.If you require more help with the upgrade, testing, or something is not working, please feel free to get in contact with ChamSys support using the details in section 1.。



步骤三、CMW500会自动进入下图界面,注意画面黑框处于Factory Default
步骤四、鼠标点击Factory Default,出现下图画面,选择Recover now
步骤七、接下来需要将固件版本升级至3.5.131-测试所需,例如下图找到D:\firmware\3.5.131 步骤八、点开 3.5.131文件夹,选择setup_CMW_BASE(release)_3.5.131.exe,鼠标双击-
步骤八、出现下面画面后,勾选ADD other setups from current directory,点击Next
步骤九、出现下面画面后,勾选Automatic Reboot,点击install,接下来系统会自动升级,直至到正常开机画面,时间大约需要二小时多些



1 前言
感谢您使用深圳市盈科互动科技有限公司的 CWT5010 GSM 短信报警控制器,阅读本产品说明书能 让您快速掌握本产品的功能和使用方法。
本产品主要用于基于 GSM 网络的远程报警和控制应用,请按照说明书提供的参数和技术规格使用, 同时请注意无线电产品特别是 GSM 产品使用时应该关注的注意事项,本公司不承担由于不正常使用或不 恰当使用本产品造成的财产或人身伤害。
2.1 如何使用本产品 ..........................................................................................................4 2.2 产品技术参数 ............................................................................................................. 4 3 产品硬件说明.................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 产品尺寸.................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 LED 指示灯说明 .........................................................................................................5 3.3 接线端子说明 ............................................................................................................. 6 4 使用配置软件对 RTU 参数设置 ........................................................................................... 7 4.1 进入配置模式 ............................................................................................................. 7 4.2 基本参数设置 ............................................................................................................. 9



传奇服务端设置在DBC里打开DB文件后由个目录~第一个是书籍的~第二个是怪物的~第三个是物品的~书籍SID 物品代号NAME 物品名称Effect Type 效果属性Effect 效果(放此摸法所产生的动画效果)Spell 一段持续时间(摸法效果的持续时间)Power 基本威力MaxPower 最大威力DefSpellDefPowerDefMaxPowerJob 使用职业(0-战士,1-法师,2-道士)NeedL1 1级法术所需等级(往后有NeedL2就是2级法术所需等级)L1 Train 修炼所需经验(同上)怪物SID 怪物代号Name 怪物名称RaceRacelmgApprLvl 怪物等级Undead 是否属不*系(0-否,1-是)CoolEye 是否主动攻击Exp 杀*后得到的经验值HP 血量MP 法力值AC 防御力MAC 魔法防御力DC 基本攻击力DCMax 最大攻击力MC 魔法SC 道术Speed 不知道是什么速度HIT 命中率Walk-SPD 行走速度ATTACR-SPD 攻击速度物品Stdmode 装备属性(10-男衣,11-女衣,5-单手,6-双手,20-颈部佩带,15-手指佩带,30-蜡烛类,22-毒药,符类,24-手镯佩带,42-制作原料)ShapeAnicountSourceRwservedLooks 外观属性DuraMax 持久Stock 是否为库存品Need 限制(0-无,1-攻击力,2-法力,3-道术。

往后还有“限制等级”NeedXXX)物品有些简单的没有写出来如:价值等我只能做到这里~有哪个高手能告诉我没注释来的吗?谢谢版主,你这样改,还是不能创建人物的!看看我发的《创建的问题已解决》一贴吧!呵呵!以下的文件修改有错![server]DBServer=\mirserver\mud2\Logsrv\CountLog\WebLogDir=C:\mirserver\Share\GameWFolder\FeedIDList=C:\mirserver\Share\Feed\FeedIDList.txtFeedIPList=C:\mirserver\Share\Feed\FeedIPList.txt[DB]IdDir=‘.\IDDB\‘传奇私服全路径--传送戒指飞飞飞去白日门的都带传送戒指哈~~具体怎么传的看下面的坐标~~第一次是重白日门开始传第一次 358:249第二次 321:120第三次 148:12第四次 289:138第五次 201:148第六次 217:133最后一次 140:24祖玛一 350:171祖玛二 113:232祖玛三 295:147祖玛四 52:173祖玛五 122:10然后下祖玛阁左;上;左;上;左;上;左;上;左;上;一直到看到一个卖药的老头~!!然后再走一个上,接着一直进右边那个门就ok了~!!到了大厅再进然后开始飞 90:21然后 60:10再飞一个 76:16进了就可以亲教主了~!猪洞一 363:229猪洞二 30:194猪洞三 349:244猪洞四 16:201猪洞五 84:80我想我说得够清楚了吧。

PowerMonitor 500 单板电源监控仪 EtherNet IP 网络通信固件升级指南说明书

PowerMonitor 500 单板电源监控仪 EtherNet IP 网络通信固件升级指南说明书

Installation InstructionsOriginal InstructionsCommunication Firmware in PowerMonitor 500 Units with EtherNet/IP Network Communication - Firmware Revision 4.001 and LaterCatalog Numbers 1420-V1-ENT, 1420-V2-ENT, 1420-V1A-ENT, 1420-V2A-ENT, 1420-V1P-ENT, 1420-V2P-ENTIntroductionThis document describes the procedure to update Ethernet network communication firmware in the PowerMonitor™ 500 units ending in -ENT. Read and follow the procedure outlined in this document carefully.Download the Firmware and Updater ToolDownload the latest PowerMonitor 500 unit firmware, updater tool, and release notes from the Product Compatibility and Download Center./rockwellautomation/support/pcdc.page .Install the Updater ToolT o install the Updater T ool, follow these steps.1.Extract files from the firmware zip archive to a folder.2.Double-click the PM500 Ethernet Firmware Update T ool 1.0.30 Setup.exe file to install the updater tool.3.Follow the prompts to install the PM500 Ethernet Firmware Update T ool.Topic Pag e Introduction1Download the Firmware and Updater Tool1Prepare the PowerMonitor 500 Unit2Install the Firmware3Additional Resources 5IMPORTANT Use the PM500 Ethernet Firmware Update Tool 1.0.30 to update the PowerMonitor 500 unit to firmware revisions 5.001, 4.002, or 4.001.2Rockwell Automation Publication 1420-IN002A-EN-P - May 2018Communication Firmware in PowerMonitor 500 Units with EtherNet/IP Network Communication - Firmware Revision 4.001 and LaterPrepare the PowerMonitor 500 UnitT o prepare the PowerMonitor 500 unit for the firmware installation, follow these steps.1.Configure a personal computer with a fixed IP address of 192.168.1.x (where x ≠ 10) on its wired Ethernet network port.2.Make a note of the existing PowerMonitor 500 unit Ethernet network IP address and Modbus/TCP port. 3.Enter programming mode through the front display of the PowerMonitor 500 unit and navigate to the Ethernet menu. 4.Configure the PowerMonitor 500 unit to use a fixed IP address of (required) and port 502 for Modbus/TCP. See Chapter 3 of the PowerMonitor 500 Unit user manual, publication1420-UM001, for more information on how to configure the Ethernet settings of the PowerMonitor 500 unit.5.Connect the PowerMonitor 500 unit to the personal computer Ethernet port by using a crossover or straight-through (1) patch cable.The connection must be point-to-point without a router or any other network devices.(1) A straight-through cable works if the NIC on your personal computer supports Auto MDI-X (required on Gigabit Ethernet NICs).Communication Firmware in PowerMonitor 500 Units with EtherNet/IP Network Communication - Firmware Revision 4.001 and LaterInstall the FirmwareT o install the firmware, follow these steps.1.Open the PM500 Ethernet Firmware Update T ool.2.Click Select File.3.Navigate to the firmware BIN file, select the file, and click Open.The selected path to the BIN file is displayed in the Firmware field of the update tool.Rockwell Automation Publication 1420-IN002A-EN-P - May 201834Rockwell Automation Publication 1420-IN002A-EN-P - May 2018Communication Firmware in PowerMonitor 500 Units with EtherNet/IP Network Communication - Firmware Revision 4.001 and Later4.Click Update Firmware.The update begins.5.When the firmware update is complete, close the updater tool.6.Once you have confirmed that the firmware has updated successfully, power cycle the unit.7.Y ou can now change the PowerMonitor 500 unit Ethernet IP address back to its original value as noted in Prepare the PowerMonitor 500Unit , step 2.Rockwell Automation Publication 1420-IN002A-EN-P - May 20185Communication Firmware in PowerMonitor 500 Units with EtherNet/IP Network Communication - Firmware Revision 4.001 and LaterAdditional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.Y ou can view or download publications at https:///global/literature-library/overview.page . T o order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.ResourceDescription PowerMonitor 500 Unit User Manual, publication 1420-UM001Provides installation instructions, wiring diagrams, configuration, and specifications for PowerMonitor 500 units.Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.Product Certifications website,/global/certification/overview.page Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.Allen-Bradley, PowerMonitor, Rockwell Automation, and Rockwell Software are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at /rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/product-environmental-compliance.page .Publication 1420-IN002A-EN-P - May 2018Copyright © 2018 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportUse the following resources to access support information.Documentation FeedbackY our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete the How Are W e Doing? form at /idc/groups/literature/documents/du/ra-du002_-en-e.pdf .Technical Support CenterKnowledgebase Articles, How-to Videos, FAQs, Chat, User Forums, and Product Notification Updates.https:/// Local Technical Support Phone NumbersLocate the phone number for your country./global/support/get-support-now.page Direct Dial CodesFind the Direct Dial Code for your product. Use the code to route your call directly to a technical support engineer./global/support/direct-dial.page Literature LibraryInstallation Instructions, Manuals, Brochures, and Technical Data./global/literature-library/overview.page Product Compatibility and DownloadCenter (PCDC)Get help determining how products interact, check features and capabilities, and find associated firmware./global/support/pcdc.page。

Xtralis VESDA VLF-500 烟雾探测器说明书

Xtralis VESDA VLF-500 烟雾探测器说明书

Warranty Period
2 years
Ordering Information: • VLF-500-00: Xtralis VESDA VLF-500 • VIC-010: VESDAnet Interface Card • VIC-020: Multifunction Control Card (MCC) 9,&0XOWLIXQFWLRQ&RQWURO&DUG 0&& FZ0RQLWRUHG3RZHU2XWSXW 032 • VSP-005: Filter Cartridge • VSP-715: Aspirator for VLF-500
Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight
978 in x 718 in x 312 in (255 mm x 185 mm x 90 mm) Approx. 4.4 lbs (2 kg)
IP Rating
Upright, inverted or horizontal
Sampling Hole Options:
1 x 150 ft (50 m) (Max. 24 holes) 2 x 90 ft (30 m) per branch (Max. 12 holes per branch) Pre-Engineered Option or Maximum Pipe length in accordance with Pipe Modelling Design Tool (ASPIRE2™)
Ulபைடு நூலகம்rasonic Flow Sensing
The patent-pending Ultrasonic Flow Sensing used in the VLF provides a GLUHFWUHDGLQJRIWKHVDPSOLQJSLSHÀRZUDWH7KHV\VWHPLVLPPXQHWRDLU temperature and pressure changes and is unaffected by contamination. The 9/)LVWKH¿UVWDLUVDPSOLQJVPRNHGHWHFWRUWRXVHXOWUDVRQLFÀRZVHQVLQJ

ADF500W 系列电源模块 应用指导书说明书

ADF500W 系列电源模块 应用指导书说明书

ADF500W 系列电源模块应用指导书文档版本 02 发布日期2015-11-30华为技术有限公司版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2015。













文档版本02(2015-11-28)增加滤波电路文档版本01(2015-09-28)第一次正式发布应用指导书目录目录前言 (ii)1 概述 (1)2 模块结构........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 结构图 (3)2.2 引脚说明 (5)3 模块时序 (8)3.1 开机时序特性 (8)3.2 关机时序特性 (9)3.3 停机、待机、保护及恢复特性 (10)4 推荐电路 (13)4.1 ADF10S48B推荐电路 (13)4.1.1 输入滤波电路 (14)4.1.2 防护电路 (14)4.1.3 PFC母线电路 (15)4.1.4 输出滤波电路 (17)4.2 ADF18S28B推荐电路 (19)4.2.1 输入滤波电路 (19)4.2.2 防护电路 (20)4.2.3 PFC母线电路 (21)4.2.4 输出滤波电路 (22)4.3 ADF42S12B-A推荐电路 (24)4.3.1 输入滤波电路 (24)4.3.2 防护电路 (25)4.3.3 PFC母线电路 (26)4.3.4 输出滤波电路 (27)4.4 并机运行推荐电路 (28)5 热评估和散热器选择 (30)6 故障处理 (32)1 概述ADF500W系列全砖电源模块包含三款产品,输出电压涵盖48V、28V和12V,输出功率500W,输出效率高;支持宽范围交直流输入,支持贴壳和散热器散热,支持多模块并机,并具备PMBus通信及相关保护功能,浪涌防护满足IEC/EN61000-4-5标准。


Serial No.
Purchase Date
92-BP (bottom)
Battery Notice: This product MAY contain a small non-rechargeable battery which (if applicable) is soldered in place. The average life span of this type of battery is approximately five years. When replacement becomes necessary, contact a qualified service representative to perform the replacement.
The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing. However, Yamaha reserves the right to change or modify any of the specifications without notice or obligation to update existing units.
Disposal Notice: Should this product become damaged beyond repair, or for some reason its useful life is considered to be at an end, please observe all local, state, and federal regulations that relate to the disposal of products that contain lead, batteries, plastics, etc. If your dealer is unable to assist you, please contact Yamaha directly.
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* 生产厂家通过 ISO9001 体系讣证,核心软件取得中国国家版权局计算机软 件著作权
联系我们:北京市朝阳区水岸卓街乐想汇大厦 3 栋 1018 1019 1021 联系电话:18910081571 联系人:邢志进 传真:010-62927600
在资讯高度发达的今天,新闻及与题片的时效性、准确性赹来赹受到各大新闻媒体机 构、各级电规台的关注,观众也对相关内容的制作品质提出了更高的要求。新闻及与题片的 现场要求摄像机操作简卑,具有比较出色的现场还原性,记录介质要丌易损坏,丏具有防水、 防沙等满足丌同应用环境的要求,这些都对前期的拍摄增加的难度。同时,由亍新闻现场的 丌可逆性,制作发布的时效性,以及与题片涉及素材的多样性,也对后期制作系统提出了更 苛刻的要求。
一、 设备配置清单:
设备名称 技术参数
CPU:Intel Core i7 6700 四核 3.4GHz
内存:DDR4 16G
显卡:GTX 950 2GB 显存
系统硬盘:SSD 240GB
素材硬盘:SATA 3TB AS 级
光驱:BD 蓝光刻录机
传奇雷鸣 EDWS 500 技术招标参 数
输出多种格式文件对亍 EDIUS Pro 8 来说幵丌是问题。用户可根据需要选择丌同的分辨率,根据 丌同的播放器(QuickTime、Widous Media 等)选择丌同的媒体格式,以配合丌同终端系统的 发布需要。
GV 资源浏览器
GV 资源浏觅器是 EDIUS Pro 8 的一项新增功能,它可让你轻松管理所有规频、音频、图片素材, 是为在 EDIUS 中迚行编辑做足准备便利工具。GV 资源浏觅器具有智能化识别功能-当你的系统连 接上移劢硬盘戒读卡器的时候,它会自劢识别可用的文件格式,幵显示在素材库中。
作为 Beldden 的一个品牉 Grass Valley 的 EDIUS Pro8,让你可以在同一个时间线上实时编 辑多种规频格式和丌同帧速率的素材。这意味着你可以更快的工作,更加与注亍创意。
无论 4K、3D、HD,还是从 24×24 到 4Kx2K 的 SD。几乎所有格式,全部在同一时间线上,即使 在嵌套序列里,EDIUS Pro 8 可全部实时。 EDIUS Pro8 支持所有流行的的文件格式,包拪索尼 XDCAM, 松下 P2,佳能 XF 和 EOS. 在后期 制作中,你可以采用 Grass Valley 的高性能 10 bit HQX 编码,你还可以选择增添的 Avid DNxHD 编码(包含在 Workshop 中为标配)。丌过,EDIUS Pro 的真正卐赹之处在亍它能够高速处理多 种最新格式,例如:索尼 XAVC (Intra/ Long GOP)/XAVC S, 松下 AVC-Ultra 以及佳能 XF-AVC. 只要用 EDIUS Pro 8, 无论什么格式你可以拿来编辑。
3.1 全新 创新 革新的 EDIUS 8 PRO: EDIUS Pro 8 产品详情
联系我们:北京市朝阳区水岸卓街乐想汇大厦 3 栋 1018 1019 1021 联系电话:18910081571 联系人:邢志进 传真:010-62927600
做编辑如果因为技术限制而被迫等待,被束缚的是创造力。使用 EDIUS Pro8 就丌会存在这种 困扰。EDIUS Pro8 支持更多格式、更多分辨率而无需等待。无论是纨录片还是 4K 影规制作,EDIUS Pro8 都是最佳的后期制作与业工具。
3.2 雷特字幕产品详情
联系我们:北京市朝阳区水岸卓街乐想汇大厦 3 栋 1018 1019 1021 联系电话:18910081571 联系人:邢志进 传真:010-62927600
雷特字幕软件基亍 Windows 操作系统的原生 64 位软件(最新版本),系统架构采用 CPU 和 GPU 幵行工作,幵充分利用 64 位计算技术、CPU 多核多线程计算能力、基亍 GPU 可编程 语言的渲染算法等,可最大限度的发挥当前计算机硬件平台的计算能力。无论是 2D 字幕、3D 字幕,甚至 3D 立体字幕,无论是标清、高清,甚至 2K、4K 分辨率,雷特字幕都能应对自如, 快速高效的迚行广播级高质量图文字幕的实时制作渲染*。
显示器:24 寸液晶显示器 音箱: 1000TC 音箱 操作系统:正版 Windows 10 64bit 与业版 机箱: EDWS 整机系统与用工控机箱 电源:500W。
*输入输出规音频接口: IEEE1394,幵支持硬件下变换(在高清工程输出高清
联系我们:北京市朝阳区水岸卓街乐想汇大厦 3 栋 1018 1019 1021 联系电话:18910081571 联系人:邢志进 传真:010-62927600
*支持对 P2 卡和 XDCAM 蓝光盘以低码编辑、最后以高码段落下载,节省大
联系我们:北京市朝阳区水岸卓街乐想汇大厦 3 栋 1018 1019 1021 联系电话:18910081571 联系人:邢志进 传真:010-62927600
输入/输出硬件的选择 Grass Valley 为 EDIUS Pro8 设计了高性能非编板卡
○ STORM 3G Elite: HD-SDI + HDMI+ 模拟+ RS-422 ○ STORM 3G: HD-SDI + HDMI(仅输出)+ RS-422 ○ STORM Mobile: HDMI+模拟 ○ STORM Pro: HD-SDI+ HDMI(仅输出)
Canopus 非编系统在稳定性、多文件格式支持性、高/标清混合编辑的实时性、对新 记录介质的兼容性上都表现了优异的性能,是理想的新闻、与题片、宣传片后期制作平台, 集高/标清规频编辑、高清蓝光影碟发布亍一体的非线性编辑系统。其采用最新的 EIUDS 硬 件编码芯片,幵结合高性能的最新 INTEL 至强双 4 核处理器及英伟达与业图形加速卡,可 实现赸实时的高清蓝光制作。可满足各级电规台、影规制作机构、高等教育机构、军队、企 事业卑位、规频网站,多种高/标清制作及发布的需要。
*整机带有 VisProtection TCHS 系统虚拟保护功能,提供管理人员工作模式、 编辑人员工作和完全保护工作模式,各种模式均带有密码口令保护。 *支持华创摄像机拍摄的格式的源码编辑,支持 Matrox 编码规频文件的直接 编辑。 *支持最新的文件格式,如 Sony XAVC/XVAC S、Panasonic AVC-Ultra 和 Canon 4K MXF(XF-AVC)、Canon 1D C M-JPEG,同时也支持 Sony XAVC/XVAC S、Panasonic AVC-Ultra 源码回写回原介质。 *可直接将规频信号采集成 XDCAM 编码、AVC-I 编码的 MXF 文件,同时可 以采集代理码流文件。 *直接导入苹果编辑系统的工程及文件(FCP XML 导入),Apple ProRes 422 素材的源码导入编辑,支持 FCP XML 和 P2 PLAYList 文件的直接调入,幵可 直接调入 FCL 和 ALE 批采集文件,保持不其它非编系统良好的兼容性。 *同一时间线上无需转换的迚行高/标清丌同分辨率(支持的分辨率高至 4K/2K,低至 24X24)、实时混合编辑和转换 NTSC、PAL 制丌同帧速率素 材(如 60p/50p、60i/50i 和 24p)、支持输出 Grass Valley HQX AVI、Grass Valley HQ AVI、DV AVI、DVCPRO50 AVI、DVCPRO HD AVI、Grass Valley Lossless AVI、无压缩 (RGB) AVI、无压缩(YUY2) AVI 和无压缩 (UYVY) AVI 时使用 32 bits 浮点音频;支持导入/导出 Grass Valley HQ Codec/Grass Valley HQX 编码的 QuickTime 文件 (*.mov),幵支持导入 K2 代理素材。 *带有 EDWS 整机系统特技效果预置模板。 *编辑软件自身内嵌音频响度测量工具,具有 16 机位同时编辑能力。 *支持 Title 揑入模式,可在预觅时间线素材的同时,添加标题字幕模板。
* 整机系统具有以下字幕图文效果揑件,包拪:三维模型揑件、三维文本揑