



SARS-CoV-2抗原快速检测(自测)试剂说明书REF L031-118M5 REF L031-118P5 REF L031-118Z5 简体中文 /Simplified Chinese检查鼻前部拭子样本中SARS-CoV-2核壳体抗原的快速检测。







结果说明只显现对照线(C )而没有检测线(T )。






对照线(C )和检测线(T )都显现。


注意:即便检测线(T )只是模糊地显影,也应视为阳性。




未显现对照线(C )。


















All-in-One qPCR Mix 产品说明书

All-in-One qPCR Mix 产品说明书

All-in-One™qPCR MixFor universal quantitative real-time PCRCat.No.QP001(Old Cat.No.AOPR-0200,20μl×200reactions)Cat.No.QP002(Old Cat.No.AOPR-0600,20μl×600reactions)Cat.No.QP004(Old Cat.No.AOPR-1000,20μl×1000reactions)Cat.No.QP005(Old Cat.No.AOPR-4000,20μl×4000reactions)Performance optimized for All-In-One™qPCR Primers,All-In-One™miRNA qPCR Primers, miProfile™miRNA qPCR Arrays,ExProfile™Gene qPCR Arrays,All-In-One™First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit and All-In-One™miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis KitUser ManualGeneCopoeia,Inc.9620Medical Center Drive,#101Rockville,MD20850USA301-762-0888866-360-9531***********************©2016GeneCopoeia,Inc.USER MANUALAll-in-One TM qPCR MixI.DescriptionII.Related ProductsIII.Contents and StorageIV.PreparationV.ProcedureVI.ExampleVII.Trouble Shooting GuideVIII.Limited Use License and WarrantyI.DescriptionThe All-in-One™qPCR Mix provides fast and efficient SYBR®Green-based real-time quantitative PCR.The qPCR Mix uses a high-fidelity hot-start DNA polymerase,optimized reaction buffer and high-quality dNTPs to enable specific and sensitive amplification of even low-copy genes or miRNAs.The All-in-One TM qPCR Mix reduces experimental design time by providing a universal reaction condition that can be used with almost all primers and most real-time PCR instruments.II.Related ProductsGeneCopoeia offers comprehensive solutions for studying gene expression.A careful process of co-development ensures that they work well together and provide robust and reproducible results.Product DescriptionAll-in-One™First-Strand cDNASynthesis KitReverse transcribe mRNA into first–stand cDNAAll-in-One™qPCR PrimersValidated,gene-specific primers ensure specificity and sensitivity (human,mouse and rat)ExProfile™Gene qPCR Arrays High-throughput or focused group profiling of gene expression All-in-One™miRNA First-StrandcDNA Synthesis KitReverse transcribe miRNA into first–stand cDNAAll-in-One™miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kits SYBR®Green-based detection kit accurately quantifies miRNA expressionAll-in-One™miRNA qPCR Primers Validated human,mouse,rat miRNA primers for robust,reproducible and reliable quantitation of miRNA activitymiProfile™miRNA qPCR Arrays High-throughput or focused group profiling of miRNA expression RNAzol®RT RNA Isolation Reagent Easy isolation of mRNA,microRNA or total RNAIII.Contents and StorageContents and storage recommendations for the All-in-One TM qPCR Mix are provided in the following table. Cat.Nos.QP001,QP002,QP004,and QP005Contents Quantity Storage temperature/conditions2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix 2×1ml3×(2×1ml)5×(2×1ml)20×(2×1ml)–20°C(Stable for at least12months)Alternatively,the solution can also bestored at–80°C in aliquots.Avoidrepeated freezing/thawing.ROX Reference Dye (30μΜ)1×80µl3×80µl5×80µl20×80µl–20°C(Stable for at least12months)Alternatively,the solution can also bestored at–80°C in aliquots.Avoidrepeated freezing/thawing.IV.PreparationWearing a lab coat,disposable gloves and protective goggles are recommended when handling chemicals.IMPORTANT NOTES:1.When using the All-in-One qPCR Mix with miProfile miRNA qPCR Arrays and All-in-One miRNAFirst-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for miRNA expression profiling,please follow the miProfile miRNA qPCR array user manual for the complete instruction.2.Store the kit at–20°C.Avoid storage or leaving reagents at4°C or room temperature.Avoid lightexposure at all times.3.Mix reagents thoroughly by gently inverting tubes several times avoiding bubbles and then brieflycentrifuge before use.4.Prepare the reaction mix with PCR grade water.5.Strictly follow standard procedures for PCR to avoid nucleic acid contamination and non-specificamplification.6.Read all procedures before setting up the PCR reactionV.Procedure1.Thaw the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix and ROX Reference Dye as needed.2.Prepare the PCR reaction mix on ice.See the example below.Reagent Volume Final concentration2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix a10μl1×PCR forward primer(2µM)b2µl0.2µM cPCR reverse primer(2µM)2µl0.2µMTemplate d2μlROX Reference Dye e(30μΜ)ifneeded0.4-0.1μl600nM-150nMWater(double distilled)■Not using ROX Reference Dye4μl■Using ROX Reference Dye3.6-3.9μlTotal20μle the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix as half of the total reaction volume and adjust other reagentsaccordingly.If the total reaction volume is changed,maintain each component in the proper proportion. b.Primers are important considerations to ensure success with real-time PCR.All-in-One TM human,mouseand rat primer sets from GeneCopoeia have been validated to provide specific and sensitive amplification even with low copy number genes.For designing your own primers,you may wish to use Oligo primer analysis software(Molecular Biology Insights)or Primer Premier software(Premier Biosoft International).c.Primer concentration should be in the range of0.2to0.6µM.In general,a PCR reaction using0.2µMprimers produces good results.If the PCR efficiency is low,consider increasing primer concentration.However,keep in mind that non-specific PCR products may also increase with increased primer concentration.d.Generally,the amount of DNA template should be less than100ng.Because different templates containvarying copies of a target gene,it may be necessary to perform a gradient dilution to determine the optimal amount of DNA template to use.If reverse transcript cDNA is used as template,dilute before use.Do not add more than5%of the original cDNA solution volume to the total qPCR reaction solution.e.ROX Reference Dye is added only for qPCR instruments that require ROX for calibration.ROXReference Dye provides an internal reference to which the reporter-dye signal can be normalized during data analysis.Normalization is necessary to correct for fluorescence fluctuations due to changes in concentration or volume.Adjust the ROX Reference Dye to optimal concentration according to different qPCR instruments.Instrument ROX per20µl PCR Reaction Final Concentration BioRad iCycler,MyiQ,iQ5,CFX-96,CFX-384,Eppendorf Mastercyclerrealplex,Roche LightCycler480,LightCycler2.0None No ROXABI PRISM7000/7300/7700/7900HTand7900HTFast,ABI Step One,ABI Step One Plus0.4µl(0.2-0.4µl)600nM(300-600nM)ABI7500,7500Fast,ABI Viia7,Stratagene Mx3000P,Mx3005P,Mx4000,0.1µl(0.02-0.1µl)150nM(30-150nM)For other instruments which need calibration of ROX but have not been listed out in the table,please optimize the concentration of ROX according to the guide line of specific instrument.3.Mix the PCR reaction mix sufficiently and add to the PCR reaction tubes.4.Briefly centrifuge to make sure all the reagents are at the bottom of the reaction tubes.5.The following three-step method for programming the PCR reaction is recommended:Cycles Steps Temperature Time Detection 1Initial denaturation95°C10min No40Denaturation95°C10sec No Annealing55°C~60°C20sec No Extension72°C15sec YesNotesi.When using SYBR Green dye to monitor the qPCR reaction,a melting curve analysis should beperformed immediately at the end of cycling.(example adapted from the iQ5real-time PCRdetection system from Bio-Rad):Temperature range Heating rate Constant temperature Detection 72–95°C0.5°C/unit time6sec/unit time Yes25°C30sec NoThe conditions for your instrument may differ,consult the documentation of your qPCR instrument for instructions.ii.The DNA polymerase used in the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix is a special chemically modified hot-start enzyme.Incubation for10minutes at95°C will sufficiently activate the enzyme.iii.The actual annealing temperature should be adjusted around the primer melting temperature ranging from55°C~60°C.However,the optimal annealing temperature may be outside of thisrange.Adjust the temperature according to actual reaction conditionsiv.The optimal fragment length to use for amplification during real-time PCR is in the range of80-150bp.However,fragment lengths up to300bp are possible.v.The main condition for the above reaction are referred to in the iQ5qPCR instrument manual from Bio-Rad.If a qPCR instrument from another commercial source is used,please reference theinstrument manual and adjust the extention time and melting curve conditions accordingly.VI.ExampleObjective:The amplification efficiency and detection sensitivity of the2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix are assessed by standard curves made by gradient dilution of plasmid DNA.The target fragment is102bp.Equipment:iQ5instrument(Bio-Rad Laboratories)Procedure:1.The plasmid is serially diluted to6concentrations ranging from105to1molecule/μl.2.PCR reaction mix preparation(on ice)Reagent components Volume2×All-in-One qPCR Mix10µlPCR forward primer(2µM)2µlPCR reverse primer(2µM)2µlddH201µlTotal15µl3.Mix the above reagents sufficiently.Aliquot to PCR tubes after a brief centrifugation.4.Add5μl of the diluted plasmid template to each PCR e5μl ddH2O as a negative control.5.Program the PCR reaction and corresponding reading conditions of the melting curve:Cycles Steps Temperature Time Detection1Initial denaturation95°C10min No45Denaturation95°C10sec No Annealing60°C20sec No Extension72°C15sec Yes Melting curve reading72°C~95°CHeating Rate0.5°C/6secYes Cooling25°C30sec No6.Analyze the amplification and corresponding melting curves after the qPCR experiment:Amplification curves of serially diluted plasmid DNA Peak values of amplified products in melting curves.7.Construct a standard curve using the Ct values from each amplification curve:Picture of a standard curve8.Conclusion:The peak values from the amplification and melting curves show that as low as5molecules can be detected when using plasmid DNA as a template and that there is only a single amplified product,showing that very high sensitivity can be attained using the All-in-One TM qPCR Mix.At the same time,high amplification efficiency is also shown by the good linear relationship among each concentration of serially diluted plasmid.VII.Trouble Shooting GuidePoor precision or failed qPCR reactions ∙Make sure the initial denature time was set as10min,sufficiently activating of the hot-start polymerase could avoid non-specific amplification and production of primer-dimers.∙The fluorescence detection temperature may not be appropriate.Adjust accordingly.∙The set up position for reaction samples in the real-time PCR instrument may not be right.Adjust accordingly.∙PCR cycle conditions,primer concentration and primer sequences may not be appropriate.Adjust the primer concentration and annealing temperature.If this does not work,redesign the primers.∙The template sample purity may not be adequate.Purify the template sample by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.If the samples are reverse transcribed cDNA,set up the qPCR reaction with a diluted sample as other concentrated reagents in the RT reaction mixture may be interfering with the qPCR.∙Try to use 3.0%agarose gel electrophoresis to check the qPCR products.Check the purity of the primers by electrophoresis or use PAGE-purified primers if the bands are diffused.One may also use phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation methods to treat the primers before the experiment.Abnormal meltingcurvesSignal in the blank(No Template Control)sample∙There may be contamination of the positive samples in the qPCR reaction system if the T m of the melting curve of the blank control is the same as the positive control.Eliminate sample application error first.If the situation still persists,replace the PCR grade water and/or primers and/or use a new2×All-in-One TM qPCR Mix.∙If the T m of the melting curve of the blank control is lower than the positive control,the qPCR reaction may have produced nonspecific amplification such as primer-dimers.Prepare the qPCR reaction mix on ice and increase the temperature of fluorescence detection.If this does not work,redesign the primers.Double peaks and multiple peaks in the melting curve of the positive control∙In the absence of other primers present in the reaction,double or multiple peaks in the melting curve of the positive control indicate that the qPCR reaction produced nonspecific amplification fragments.Prepare the qPCR reaction mix on ice;optimize the qPCR reaction conditions,for example,by increasing the annealing temperature, decreasing the primer concentration or increasing the fluorescence detection temperature(not more than the T m value of the expected product).If this does not work,redesign the forward primer.No peaks or abnormal peaks in the melting curve(or the amplification curves)of the positive control∙Adjust the ROX Dye to optimized concentration according to instrument.No signal(Ct)or late appearing signal ∙Not enough PCR cycles.For good sensitivity,one should generally set up more than35PCR cycles,but more than45cycles may result in too much background signal.∙The amount of template used may not be enough or the template may be e the highest concentration possible of diluted template samples to set up the qPCR.At the same time,avoid freezing and thawing the samples repeatedly.∙The amplification efficiency is low and the qPCR reaction conditions are not optimal.Redesign the primers and optimize the reaction conditions.VIII.Limited Use License and WarrantyLimited Use LicenseFollowing terms and conditions apply to use of all OmicsLink™ORF Expression Clones in all lentiviral vectors and Packaging Kit(theProduct).If the terms and conditions are not acceptable,the Product in its entirety must be returned to GeneCopoeia within5calendar days.A limited End-User license is granted to the purchaser of the Product.The Product shall be used by the purchaser for internal researchpurposes only.The Product is expressly not designed,intended,or warranted for use in humans or for therapeutic or diagnostic use.TheProduct must not be resold,repackaged or modified for resale,or used to manufacture commercial products without prior written consentfrom GeneCopoeia.This Product should be used in accordance with the NIH guidelines developed for recombinant DNA and genetice of any part of the Product constitutes acceptance of the above terms.Limited WarrantyGeneCopoeia warrants that the Product meets the specifications described in the accompanying Product Datasheet.If it is proven to the satisfaction of GeneCopoeia that the Product fails to meet these specifications,GeneCopoeia will replace the Product.In the event a replacement cannot be provided,GeneCopoeia will provide the purchaser with a refund.This limited warranty shall not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser of the Product.Notice of nonconforming products must be made to GeneCopoeia within30days of receipt of the Product.GeneCopoeia’s liability is expressly limited to replacement of Product or a refund limited to the actual purchase price.GeneCopoeia’s liability does not extend to any damages arising from use or improper use of the Product,or losses associated with the use of additional materials or reagents.This limited warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty.GeneCopoeia does not provide any other warranties of any kind,expressed or implied,including the merchantability or fitness of the Product for a particular purpose.GeneCopoeia is committed to providing our customers with high-quality products.If you should have any questions or concerns about anyGeneCopoeia products,please contact us at301-762-0888.©2016,GeneCopoeia,Inc.GeneCopoeia,Inc.9620Medical Center Drive,#101Rockville,MD20850Tel:301-762-0888Fax:301-762-3888Email:***********************Web:GeneCopoeia Products are for Research Use Only Copyright©2016GeneCopoeia,Inc. Trademarks:GeneCopoeia™,All-in-One™,ExProfile™,miProfile™(GeneCopoeia Inc.);RNAzol®(Molecular Research Center,Inc.);SYBR®(Molecular Probes);iQ™5(Bio-Rad);ROX®(Invitrogen).QP001020216。

安费诺精密连接器(深圳)有限公司 面向ATEX爆炸性环境的RJ45/USB和RJ11以太网连接器

安费诺精密连接器(深圳)有限公司 面向ATEX爆炸性环境的RJ45/USB和RJ11以太网连接器


1.安费诺安费诺全新推出直角、大电流的ePower连接器 [J], ;
2.安费诺推出Suelok Plus大电流连接器 [J], ;
3.安费诺科技(珠海)有限公司Amphe—MineEX系列防爆重载型连接器 [J],
4.面向ATEX爆炸性环境的RJ45/USB和RJ11以太网连接器 [J],
5.安费诺推出电动汽车专用中电流塑胶外壳连接器 [J],



5.检测动力学范围: 100-1010
6.反应容积: 5-100μL
7.F3:CY3; F4:ROX; F5:CY5 FF6:CY5.5F7:选配F8:选配
8.波长范围: F1:470-525nm, F2:523-564nm, F3:543-584nm, F4:571-612nm, F5:624-692nm, F6:655-716nm,F7、F8选配
3.工作压力: 0.2-0.4 MPa
4.规格尺寸: DN32 PN16 RF 标准 HG20592-2009 法兰连接,
出口尺寸: DN40 PN16 RF 标准 HG20592-2009 法兰连接,


Mercury in other lamps not specifically mentioned above..其它上面没有特别提到的汞灯。
Mercury used as a cathode sputtering inhibition in DC plasma display with a content up to 30mg per display until 1 July 2010 2010年前直流等离子显示器中阴极溅射抑制剂中的汞,其含量不得超过30毫克/显示器
All Applications
溴(Br)+氯(Cl) <1,500ppm
All Applications
Level C: Reportable SubstancesTable 3
Restricted Substance
卤化物及产品会产生酸蒸气物质(Halogenates that produce acidic vapor with water)
100 PPM
All Applications全部适用
铁及其化合物(Iron and iron compounds)
100 PPM
All Applications全部适用
镁及其化合物(Magnesium and its compounds)
100 PPM
All Applications全部适用
胺,脂肪族类(Amines, aliphatic)
100 PPM
All Applications全部适用
苯胺盐(Aniline salts)

ADNOC VOYAGER GOLD 5W 40 (SM CF) Safety Data Sheet

ADNOC VOYAGER GOLD 5W 40 (SM CF) Safety Data Sheet

f1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / PREPARATIONProduct : ADNOC VOYAGER GOLD 5W/40 (SM/CF)Date of Issue : September 2011Company Information :Abu Dhabi National Oil Company For DistributionP.O Box: 4188,Abu Dhabi ,United Arab Emirates.Tel : +971-2-6771300.2. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSIngredients present at or above 0.1 Wt% (classified as toxic or very toxic) or 1 wt% (classified asharmful , irritant or corrosive).Hazardous Ingredient Approximate ConcentrationNone3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATIONThis product consists of highly refined base oils with additives. It is of low oral and dermal toxicity andUnder normal conditions of use should present no significant health hazards. However, in common withmost mineral oils, prolonged and repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis. Handling precautions should be strictly observed.4. FIRST AID:INHALATION :At ambient/normal handling temperature, inhalation of vapors is normally not a problem. If overexposed to oil mist, remove from further exposure. Administer artificial respiration if breathing is irregular or has stopped. Get prompt medical attention.SKIN CONTACT :Wash thoroughly with plenty of water, using soap if available. Remove contaminated clothing.If irritation persists, get medical attention.EYE CONTACT :Rinse immediately with plenty of water until irritation subsides. If irritation persists, obtain medical advice.INGESTION: If swallowed , DO NOT induce vomiting , keep at rest and call a physician.PRODUCT :ADNOC VOYAGER GOLD 5W/40 (SM/CF)5. FIRE – FIGHTING MEASURESEXTINGUISHING MEDIA:Foam, dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide.FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS:Combustible material, low hazard. The product can form flammable mixtures or can burn onlyon heating above the flash point. However, minor contamination by hydrocarbons of highervolatility may increase the hazard.SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES:Water fog or spray, to cool fire-exposed surfaces (e.g. containers) and to protect personnel, shouldonly be used by personnel trained in fire fighting.Cut off “fuel”, depending on circumstances, either allow the fire to burn out under controlledconditions or use foam or dry chemical powder to extinguish the fire.Respiratory and eye protections required for fire fighting personnel exposed to fumes or smoke.HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS:Smoke, oxides of sulphur, phosphorus and nitrogen, and carbon monoxide in the event ofincomplete combustion.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPERSONAL PRECAUTIONS : See Section 8.LAND SPILL :Shut off source taking normal safety precautions. Prevent liquid from entering sewers, water courses orlow lying areas, advise the relevant authorities if it has, or if it contaminates soil/vegetation. Takemeasures to minimize the effects on ground water.Recover by skimming or pumping using explosion proof equipment, or contain spilled liquid with booms, sand, or other suitable absorbent and remove mechanically into containers.If necessary, dispose of adsorbed residues as directed in Section 13.WATER SPILL:Confine the spill immediately with booms. Warn other shipping. Notify port and other relevant authorities.Remove from the surface by skimming or with suitable absorbents. Disperse the residue in unconfined waters, if permitted by local authorities and environmental agencies.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStore the product in cool, well ventilated surroundings, well away from sources of ignition.Provide suitable mechanical equipment for the safe handling of drums and heavy packages.Electrical equipment and fittings must comply with local regulations regarding fire prevention with thisclass of product.PRODUCT : ADNOC VOYAGER GOLD 5W/40 (SM/CF)7. HANDLING AND STORAGE (continued)Load/Unload ºC : (Ambient to 40 ºC)Storage ºC : (Ambient to 40 ºC)SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS :Keep containers closed when not in use.Prevent small spills and leakages to avoid slip hazard.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTIONOCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMIT:5 mg/m3 for oil mists (TWA, 8h – workday) recommended based upon the ACGIH TLV (analysisaccording to US NIOSH method 5026, NIOSH manual of analytical methods , 3rd ed..).PERSONAL PROTECTION:In open systems where contact is likely, wear safety goggles, chemical- resistant overalls, and chemically impervious gloves.Where only incidental contact is likely, wear safety glasses with side shields. No other special precautions are necessary provided skin/eye contact is avoided.When concentrations in air may exceed the occupational exposure limit, and where engineering, work practices, or other means of exposure reductions are not adequate, approved respirators may be required.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:Appearance/Odour : Clear reddish liquid, mild petroleum odourDensity @ 15ºC , Kg/ltr : 0.855Kin. Viscosity @ 100 ºC , cSt : 14.5Boiling Point /Range , ºC : Data not availableVapour Pressure, kPa : Non-volatileVapour Density @ 1 Bar (air=1) : Heavier than AirEvaporation Rate (n-butyl acetate=1) : Non-volatileSolubility in water @20 ºC : NegligiblepH : Not applicableFlash Point, COC , ºC : >200Auto ignition Temperature , ºC : Data not availablePartition co-efficient (n-octanol/water) : Data not available10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYSTABILITY (Thermal, Light, etc): StableCONDITIONS TO AVOID : Keep away from heat sources, open flames and other sources of ignition.PRODUCT : ADNOC VOYAGER GOLD 5W/40 (SM/CF)10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY (continued)INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS:Avoid contact with strong oxidants such as liquid chlorine and concentrated oxygen.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:Product does not decompose at ambient temperature.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEFFECTS OF OVER EXPOSURE:INHALATION:Negligible hazard at ambient / normal handling temperatures.Elevated temperatures or mechanical action may form vapours, mists, or fumes which may be irritating to the eyes , nose, throat and lungs.Avoid breathing vapours, mists or fumes.SKIN CONTACT:Low order of acute toxicity.Prolonged or repeated contact may lead to mild skin irritation.Prolonged or repeated contact with used gasoline engine oils could lead to skin cancer.EYE CONTACT:Slightly irritating, but does not injure eye tissues.INGESTION:Low order of acute / systemic toxicity.CHRONIC:No data available to indicate that product or components present at greater than 1 % are chronichealth hazard.TOXICITY DATA:ACUTE:No test data are available for the complete formulated product. The potential health hazards described were therefore derived from what is generally known of the toxicity of the base oils and the additives,taking into account the concentrations at which they are present. The general effects of mineral oilsof this type are well known and are described in numerous publications including CONCAWE report 5/87 “Health Aspects of Lubricants”.CHRONIC:USED ENGINE OILS : Used gasoline engine oils have produced skin tumors when applied twiceweekly for 18 months to the shaved skin of experimental mice. The gasoline engine oils tested hadundergone 3,6 and 12 thousand miles of service. When tested similarly, unused gasoline engine oilsdid not produce skin tumors.PRODUCT : ADNOC VOYAGER GOLD 5W/40 (SM/CF)12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONIn the absence of specific environmental data for this product, this assessment is based on informationfor general hydrocarbon components found in lubricant mineral oils. Lubricant mineral oils immediatelyfollowing a release into the environment, will remain largely on the soil surface, and in water will remain largely on the water surface. Based on chemical/physical information from the literature for this productcategory , no harmful effects to terrestrial or aquatic habitats would be expected. This product is expected to be resistant to biodegradation and to persist in the environment. This product may contain additives for which no environmental data is available. Hence, the above assessment concerns the base oil (s) only. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSCollect and dispose of waste product at an authorized disposal facility, in conformance with nationaland local regulations, and in accordance with EEC Directives on the disposal of waste oil.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUSUAL SHIPPING CONTAINERS : Rail Cars , tank trucks, and drumsTRANSPORT TEMPERATURE ºC: Ambient to 40 ºC15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEC DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES/PREPARATIONS CLASSIFICATION : Not Regulated.Refer to your national legislation implementing the EC Directive 91/155/EC16. OTHER INFORMATIONPRODUCT TYPE/USES :Fully synthetic premium lubricating oil for gasoline and diesel engines.SOURCE OF KEY DATA:The recommendations presented in this Health and Safety data sheet were compiled from actual testdata (when available), comparison with similar products, component information from suppliers and from recognized codes of good practice. The information and recommendations contained herein are, to thebest of ADNOC’s knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued, but are offeredwithout guarantee or warranty. They relate to the specific material designated and may not be valid forsuch material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Conditions of use of thematerial is under the control of the user, therefore it is the user’s responsibility to satisfy himself as tothe suitability and completeness of such information for his own particular use.。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告深圳市安费诺电子科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:深圳市安费诺电子科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分深圳市安费诺电子科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业-其他电子设备制造资质一般纳税人产品服务是:兴办实业(具体项目另行申报);电子产1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标信息最多显示100条记录,如需更多信息请到企业大数据平台查询7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



人心纳素(ANF)ELISA试剂盒说明书中文名称:人心纳素(ANF)ELISA试剂盒英文名:ANF ELISA Kit规格:48T/96T特异性:本试剂盒可同时检测自然或重组的,且与其他相关蛋白无交叉反应试剂盒保管:28℃(频繁使用时);20℃(较长时间不用时)。

保质期:6个月试剂盒的构成96/48微孔板(1块,已包被抗人心纳素(ANF)ELISA试剂盒单抗)、样品稀释液(1瓶)、第一抗体工作液(1瓶)、酶标抗体工作液(1瓶)、底物稀释液(1瓶)、停止液(1瓶)、洗涤液(20×,1瓶)、标准品(2000 pg/ml,2管,冻干粉)、OPD片(3片)、坐标纸(1张)。

人心纳素(ANF)ELISA试剂盒试验准备工作1、试剂配制:洗涤液按1:20三蒸水稀释;标准品在用前每管加入200 ?l蒸馏水溶解即可(具体见说明书);底物工作液应在显色前510 min将OPD片放入底物稀释液中溶解,每片加5 ml液。

2、标本收集:手记血清或体液尽早检测,2~8 ℃保管一天需更长时间须冷冻(20℃)保管,躲避反复冻融;组织(胎肝、胎脑等)试验前一天组织匀浆,用90%体积RIPA裂解液(PH 8.0,50 mM Tris HCl、1% NP40、,0.25% sodium deoxycholate、150 mM NaCl、1 mM EDTA)和10%体积的10 mM PMSF进行组织匀浆(10%),冰上裂解30 min,12000×20min后取上清,4℃待用。

3、器材准备:酶标仪、37 ℃恒温烤箱、滤纸、托盘、量筒、烧杯、各种规格的移液器、离心管、管架和废液缸等。


人心纳素(ANF)ELISA试剂盒操作步骤1、设立标准孔8孔(依据样品蛋白浓度可调整为6孔),每孔中先各加入样品稀释液100 ul,第一孔再加标准品100 ul,混匀后用移液器吸出100 ul,移至第二孔,如此反复作对倍稀释至第7孔,最终,从第7孔中吸出100 ul弃去,使之体积均为100 ul。

Annexin V-APC 7-AAD 荧光双染细胞凋亡检测试剂盒说明书

Annexin V-APC   7-AAD 荧光双染细胞凋亡检测试剂盒说明书

Annexin V-APC /7-AAD 荧光双染细胞凋亡检测试剂盒货号: P-CA-208规格: 20Assays / 50Assays / 100Assays / 200Assays产品编号成分20Assays50Assays 200AssaysStorageP-CA-107Annexin V-APC 染色液100μL 250μL 500μL 1mL 2~8℃,避光P-CA-151Annexin V Binding Buffer(10×) 1.4mL×2 5.5mL 11mL 11mL×22~8°C P-CA-1627-AAD 染色液(100μg/mL)100μL250μL500μL 1mL-5~-20℃,避光说明书一份保存条件7-AAD 染色液适当分装后-5~-20℃可保存1年,其他试剂2~8℃可保存1年。

Annexin V-APC 禁止冷冻保存。

实验原理Annexin V-APC /7-AAD 荧光双染细胞凋亡检测试剂盒,可用于检测悬浮细胞和贴壁细胞的凋亡。

Annexin V 是一种钙离子依赖性磷脂结合蛋白,与磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)有高度亲和力。

当细胞发生凋亡时,膜内侧的磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)外翻到膜表面,而被荧光染料APC 标记的Annexin V 结合,可通过流式细胞仪或荧光显微镜进行检测。

由于凋亡晚期或坏死细胞膜丧失完整性,而7-氨基放线菌素D (7-Amino Actinomycin D,7-AAD )可与双链DNA 特异性结合并产生强烈的荧光,与Annexin V 搭配使用,可区分处于不同凋亡时期的细胞。

本试剂盒检测喜树碱诱导的Jurkat细胞凋亡效果如下图所示:Jurkat 细胞用5μM 喜树碱(Camptothecin )(左)或未加药(右)处理4h ,本试剂盒染色后流式检测。

Annexin V-APC 单阳细胞为早期凋亡细胞,Annexin V-APC 和7-AAD 双阳细胞为坏死或晚期凋亡细胞,7-AAD 单阳细胞为裸核细胞。

All-in-One miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kit 2.0 产品说明书

All-in-One miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kit 2.0 产品说明书

1.IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTRANCE/PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION4.FIRST AND MEASURES5.FIRE-FIGHTINGMEASURESMaterial Safety Data SheetRevision Date:September,22,2020Product codeQP115,QP116Product name All-in-One ™miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kit 2.0Contact manufacturerGeneCopoeia Inc.9620Medical Center Drive,Suite 101Rockville,MD 20850USAPhone:301-762-0888Fax:301-762-3888Hazardous/Non-hazardous ComponentsROX reference dye CAS.No.7732-18-5waterEmergency overview not applicableInformation pertaining to particular dangers for man and environmentnot applicable Classification system The classification was made according to OSHA 29CFR 1910.1200and 1910.1030,and is expanded upon from company and/or literature information.General informationNo special measures required.After inhalationSupply fresh air;consult doctor incase of complaints.After skin contactGenerally the product does not irritate the skin.After eye contactRinse opened eye for several minutes under runningwater.After swallowing Induce vomiting and call for medicalhelp.Suitable extinguishing agents CO2,extinguishing powder or water spray.Fight larger fires with water spray or alcohol resistant foam.Protective equipment No special measures required.7.HANDLING AND STORAGE8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS /PERSONAL PROTECTION6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPerson-related safety precautions Not requiredMeasures for environmental protectionDilute with plenty of water.Measures for cleaning/collecting Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand,diatomite,acid binders,universal binders,sawdust).Additional information No dangerous substances are released.Handling Information for safe handling No special measures required.No special precautions are necessary if used correctly.Information about protection against explosions and firesNo special measures required.Storage Requirements to be met by storeroomsand receptaclesAccording to product specification Information about storage in one commonstorage facilityNot required.Further information about storage conditions None.Additional information about design oftechnical systems No further data;see item 7.Components with limit values that require monitoring at the workplaceNot required.Additional information The lists that were valid during the creation were used as basis.Personal protective equipment General protective and hygienic measures The usual precautionary measures for handling chemicals should be followed.Breathing equipmentNot required.Protection of handsProtective gloves.Material of gloves Synthetic glovesPenetration time of glove material The exact break through time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to be observed.Eye protection Safety glasses10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITY11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESGeneral information Form liquid Color Colorless Odor OrderlessChange in condition Melting point/melting range 0°C Boiling point/boiling range100°C Flash point N/ADanger of explosion Do not present an explosion hazard.Vapor pressure at 20°C 23hPaDensity at 20°C 1g/cm³Solubility in /Miscibility with WaterFully miscible pH-value at 20°C 7Organic solvents 0.0%Water 100.0%Thermal decomposition /conditions to be avoided No decomposition if used according to specifications.Materials to be avoided Dangerous reactions No dangerous reactions known Dangerous products of decomposition No dangerous decomposition productsknownAcute Toxicity Primary irritant effect On the skin No irritant effect.On the eyeNo irritant effect.Sensitization No sensitizing effects known.Additional toxicological information When used and handled according to specifications,the product does not have any harmful effects according to our experience and the information provided to us.The substance is not subject to classification according to the latest version of the EU lists.Target organs Not applicable.Generally not hazardous for water.14.TRANSPORT INFORMATION15.REGULATARY INFORMATION16.OTHER INFORMATION13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDispose of in accordance with local regulationsUNITED STATES:TSCA:This product is solely for research and development purposes only and may not be used,processed or distributed for a commercial purpose.It may only be handled by technically qualified individuals.Prop 65Listed Chemicals:No Prop 65Chemicals.No 313ChemicalsCANADA:DSL/NDSL:Not determined.COMPONENT DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE WHMIS Classification D2BEUROPEAN UNION:PRODUCT RISK PHRASES:None assigned.PRODUCT SAFETY PHRASES:Not applicable.PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Not classifiedCOMPONENT DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE EINECS NUMBER 200-664-3Abbreviations N/A -Data is not applicable or not available SARA -Superfund and Reauthorization Act HMIS -Hazard Material Information System WHMIS -Workplace Hazard Materials Information System NTP -National Toxicology Program OSHA -Occupational Health and Safety Administration IARC -International Agency for Research on Cancer PROP 65-California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986EINECS -European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical SubstancesThis material is sold for research and development purposes only.It is not for any human or animal therapeutic or clinical diagnostic use.It is not intended for food,drug,household,agricultural,or cosmetic use.An individual technically qualified to handle potentially hazardous chemicals must supervise the use of this material.The above information was acquired by diligent search and/or investigation and the recommendations are based on prudent application of professional judgment.The information shall not be taken as being all inclusive and is to be used only as a guide.All materials and mixtures may be present unknown hazards and should be used with caution.Since Invitrogen Corporation cannot control the actual methods,volumes,or conditions of use,the Company shall not be held liable for any damages or losses resulting from the handling or from contact with the product as described herein.THE INFORMATION IN THIS MSDS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTCULAR PURPOSE.IATA Proper shipping name Not classified as dangerous in the meaning of transport regulations Hazard Class No information available Subsidiary Class No information available Packing group No information available UN-No UN 1845。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告安徽安费诺精密电子有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:安徽安费诺精密电子有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分安徽安费诺精密电子有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业-电子器件制造资质空产品服务空1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。




Fluo-4, AM 产品说明书

Fluo-4, AM 产品说明书

Fluo-4, AMStorage upon receipt: -20°C, protected from lightIntroductionFluo-4, AM is an analog of Fluo-3, AM with the two chlorine substituents replaced by fluorines, which results in increased fluorescence excitation at 488 nm and consequently higher fluorescence signal levels. Fluo-4, AM is a membrane permeant probe and can be passively loaded in cells by simple incubation. Once inside the cell, Fluo-4 becomes fluorescent in the presence of free Ca2+. Fluo-4, AM is widely used for determining GPCR function via cell-based high-throughput screening.This indicator is useful for fluorescence and confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, and microplate screening applications.Fluo-4, AM is supplied as 0.5 mg solid (C219), special packing 10×50 µg (C220), and 1 mM solution in DMSO (C221).SpecificationsApplicationsCell Loading GuidelineNote: The following protocol is provided as an introductory guide only. The detailed procedures can be found from literatures.1,21. Prepare a Fluo-4 AM stock solution in anhydrous DMSO at 1-5 mM.2. Dilute an aliquot of Fluo-4 AM stock solution (1-5 mM) to a final concentration of 1-5 µM in the bufferedphysiological medium of choice. Addition of the non-ionic detergent Pluronic R F-127 can assist inPage 1dispersion of the nonpolar Fluo-4 AM ester in aqueous media. This can be conveniently accomplished by mixing the aliquot of Fluo-4 AM ester stock solution in DMSO with an equal volume of 20% (w/v) Pluronic in DMSO (Cat No. C021) before dilution into the loading medium, making the final Pluronic concentration about 0.02%.3. The organic anion-transport inhibitors probenecid (1-2.5 mM) may be added to the cell medium toreduce leakage of the de-esterified indicator.4. Cells are normally incubated with the Fluo-4 AM ester for 15–60minutes at 20–37°C. Exact loadingconcentration, time, and temperature will need to be determined empirically; in general it is desirable to use the minimum dye concentration required to yield fluorescence signals with adequate signal to noise.Subcellular compartmentalization, an inherent problem with the AM ester loading technique, is usually lessened by lowering the incubation temperature.5. Before fluorescence measurements are commenced, cells should be washed in indicator-free medium(containing an anion transport inhibitor, if applicable) to remove any dye that is nonspecificallyassociated with the cell surface, and then incubated for a further 30 minutes to allow completede-esterification of intracellular Fluo-4 AM ester.High-Throughput ScreeningIntracellular Ca2+ measurements in 96-well and 384-well microplates are an essential tool for high- throughput pharmacological screening. Cell samples in microplate wells are loaded with the AM ester form of the indicator using protocol basically similar to those described in Cell Loading Guideline. References:1. Methods Cell Biol 40, 155 (1994);2. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, 2nd Edition, J.E. Celis, Ed., Volume 3, pp 363–374,Academic Press (1998);Page 2。



1.0 OBJECTIVEThis specification defines the performance, test, quality and reliability requirements of WireLock® series connector.本规格书定义了WireLock®系列线对板产品的性能、测试、质量以及可靠性要求。

2.0 SCOPEThis Specification includes the Materials/Finishing, Mechanical Characteristics,Electrical Characteristics and Environmental requirements of WireLock® seriesconnector.本规范包括以WireLock®系列线对板产品的材料/表面处理、机械特性、电气特性和环境要求。

3.0 GENERALThis document is composed of the following sections:本文件由以下各节组成:Paragraph Title1.0 OBJECTIVE2.0 SCOPE3.0 GENERAL4.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS5.0 REQUIREMENTS5.1 Qualification5.2 Definitions5.3 Material5.4 Finish5.5 Mating5.6 Workmanship6.0 TEST METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS6.1 Samples pretreatment6.2 Appearance standard6.3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS6.4 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS6.5 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS7.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS7.1 Equipment Calibration7.2 Inspection Conditions7.3 Sample Quantity and Description7.4 Acceptance7.5 Qualification Testing7.6 Requalification Testing7.7 Qualification Test TableTABLE 1 QUALIFICATION TEST SEQUENCE MATRIX8.0 RECORD RETENTION4.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSThe following documents, of the issue in effect on the date of the latest revision of this specification, shall form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.在本规范最新修订之日起生效的下列文件应在本规范中规定的范围内构成本规范的一部分。

Synergy 2000 中文产品介绍

Synergy 2000 中文产品介绍

实时监控使得管理者不需要到现 场便知晓多个设备或过程状态。 多个控制特性的数据、图表和数 据表同时在同一屏幕显示。“信号 灯”作为过程状态标志,数据点 状态预示了每个控制特性、零件 或过程的变化,管理者一眼就能 确定过程是否受控。在软件窗口 最小化时,当过程失控和超出规 范状态的情况下,系统自动弹出 警告窗口提醒管理者。
统将弹出警告窗口提醒操作者, 同时发送email给相关的人员。 可以直接复制和粘贴 Synergy 2000图表 和数据到其他 Windows应用程序, 如Word或Excel等。 同时在软件中可以直接显示 零件设置图或操作指南 等文件,以减少纸面 文件的传递与查看。 客户化的定义屏幕显示, 可以让用户重点关注某 一重要的方面。整个程序完全基 于简单易用和最大满足用户的应 用要求而设计。
无须设定基本图表和电子表, Synergy 2000给出了多种选择: 正态与非正态数据分析、6δ过程 能力与损失函数分析、Short Run
和Gage R&R图等等,多种图表 同时显示,并行比较。检查某点 或缩放数据的详细情况,在一张 图表上观察所有历史数据,涵盖 多种图表,真正找到引起过程变 化的事件。
采集数据,生成正确的控制图表,查询分 析和形成报告等只需要点击一下鼠标就可 以轻易完成。Synergy2000提供非常快捷 的性能,因为它完全基于制造业应用而设 计,让您能瞬间反馈并识别质量目标内容 或一些无用的工作。 非常简单的应用与维护,质量部门的人员 就可以非常容易地进行维护与应用支持, 而且对于SPC文件的创建、过程参数改 变、设计报告或提供系统日常的运行管理 都不需要专门的程序人员或数据库专家。
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AmphenolRectangularAttached Multi-Pin Industrial Cable AssembliesR-146 Advantage™R-Line®Amphenol - Sine Systems•Quick Delivery forNon-Standard Lengths•Durable Die-Cast AluminumInner Shell• Fewer Components•Latching Rib - Proven Stronger•Field Repair Kits Available1•Available as Kits or Assemblies •Heavy Die Cast Housings •Allows Power and Control in the Same Housing •Top or Side Entry Designs •Positive Locking Latches •Rapid Mating Functions for the Plug and Receptacle•Offers a Stainless SteelBasketweave to Control Strain Relief, Bend Radi & Cable Pull-Out•20 Standard InsertConfigurations Accommodated by Seven Sizes of Connector Housings.•Inserts Available for Crimp or Screw Type T ermination •Complete Environmental Sealing•UL & CSA ApprovedMechanical R-Line ® Series TPE (flex)or PVC (static)Jacketed CableCable Bonded to Over-Mold21)R-Line2)Insert Type (Refer to pages 6)(D) RD Series (P) RP Series (C) RC Series (S) RS Series (E) RE Series3)InsertConfiguration (Refer to page 6)4)Plug (3) Male (4) Female Mountable Side Entry (5) Male (6) Female In-LineReceptacle (7) Male (8) Female5)Connector Backend Hardware (A) Molded Top Entry (B) Molded Side Entry (K) Top Entry CableAdapter w/Basketweave (T) Top Entry Cable Adapter (S) Side Entry Cable Adapter (Y) Side Entry Cable Adapter w/Basketweave(CODING)Leave Blank for Standard Assemblies For Coded Assemblies (Refer to page 13)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(Coding)(OPTIONAL)Leave Blank for Silver or (G) for Gold9)Wire AWG (16)Other AWG Available -Please Consult Factory 10)LengthSubstitute Letter Plus Length (E15=15 feet)(E) Feet (H) Inches (M) Meters (P) T o Print (Use (P) Plus Print Number)(6)(7)(10)(OPTIONAL)See Diagram Leave Blank for Standard Assemblies For Coded Assemblies (Refer to page 13)8)Cable Type(Refer to page 14)MR - Red, Cond.Continuous Flex MF - Blue, Cond.Continuous Flex 8J - Red, Cond.Stationary Tray Cable8F - Blue, Cond.Stationary Tray CableC a b l e A s s e m b l i e s4)Plug (3) Male (4) Female Mountable Side Entry (5) Male (6) Female In-LineReceptacle (7) Male (8) Female5)Connector Backend Hardware (A) Molded Top Entry (B) Molded Side Entry (K) Top Entry CableAdapter w/Basketweave (T) Top Entry Cable Adapter (S) Side Entry Cable Adapter (Y) Side Entry Cable Adapter w/Basketweave6) N/A 7)WireMarketing(3) Pigtail w/Tie-WrapEvery 12”Wire marked1 or A thru(4) Pigtail w/Tie-WrapEvery 12”Wire markedTo Print9)Wire AWG(16)Other AWGAvailable -PleaseConsultFactory11)LengthSubstitute LetterPlus Length(E15=15 feet)(E) Feet(H) Inches(M) Meters(P) To Print(Use (P) PlusPrint Number)10)Color PigtailAssembliesOnly(A) Brown(B) Black(C) Orange(E) Green(F) Blue(G) Grey(M) Mixed(R) Red(V) Violet(W) White(OPTIONAL)See DiagramLeave balnkfor StandardAssembliesFor CodedAssemblies(Refer topage 13)8)(7) Single Conduc-tor, Stranded, PVCInsulation UL1007,30 thru 16 AWG(9) Single Conduc-tor, 2-64 PVCInsulation UL StyleMTW 600V-90°C,18 thru 02 AWG(18) SingleConductorStranded, PVCInsulation UL 1017,18 thru 10 AWG4589Recognized under theComponent program ofUnderwriters Laboratories, Inc.Certified by CanadianStandards Association.12Limit of MaterialsT emperatureLimit Current CurveAllowed13• CSA AWM II A/B 600V FT4Characteristics:• Operating Temperature:25°C to 90°C• Voltage Rating: 600 Volt• Product Description:Conductor - 16 AWG (1,50 mm) 65/34, stranded bare copper Insulation - Red PVC/Nylon or Blue PVC/NylonJacket - Specially formulated thermoplastic elastomer Conductor - 16 AWG (1,50 mm) 65/34,stranded bare copperInsulation - Red PVC/Nylon or Blue PVC/Nylon Jacket - Specially formulated, oil resistant PVCNOTE: Other cables are available.Please consult factory for more information.14AmphenolSine Systems Corporation25325 Joy Boulevard Mt. Clemens, MI 48046Tel: 810.465.3131 / Fax: 810.465.1216info@ / This publication must not be used in any form or manner without prior approval in writing (copyright law, fair trading law, civil code). We reserve the right to modify designs in order to improve quality, keep pace with technological advancement or to meet particular requirements in production. Specifications subject to change.FSMP0347/06.01。
