



随后,经过数学家从理论上的完 善,使有限元法不断发展,并逐 渐应用于求解航空、航天、机械 、电子、船舶、土木等众多的工 程问题
这种包含了有限个未知量的有限单元模型,只能近似模拟具有 无限未知量的实际系统的响应。
所以问题是:怎样才能达到最好的 “近似”? 然而,对该问题还没有一个容易的 解决方案。这完全依赖于你所模拟 的对象和模拟方式。我们将尽力通 过这次培训为你提供指导。
1-5 有限元法基本步骤
• 所研究问题的数学建模 (问题分析) • 结构离散 • 单元分析 (位移函数、单刚方程) • 整体分析与求解 (总刚方程与求解) • 结果分析及后处理
(3)弹性极限:材料在外力作用下将产生变形,但是去除外力后仍能恢复原 状的能力称为弹性。金属材料能保持弹性变形的最大应力即为弹性极限,相应 于拉伸试验曲线图中的e点,以σe表示,单位为兆帕(MPa):σe=Pe/Fo 式中 Pe为保持弹性时的最大外力 。 (4)弹性模数:这是材料在弹性极限范围内的应力σ与应变δ(与应力相对应 的单位变形量)之比,用E表示,单位兆帕(MPa):E=σ/δ=tgα 式中α为拉伸 试验曲线上o-e线与水平轴o-x的夹角。反映金属材料刚性的指标。 (5)疲劳强度极限:金属材料在长期的反复应力作用或交变应力作用下(应 力一般均小于屈服极限强度σs),未经显著变形就发生断裂的现象称为疲劳 破坏或疲劳断裂,这是由于多种原因使得零件表面的局部造成大于σs甚至大 于σb的应力(应力集中),使该局部发生塑性变形或微裂纹,随着反复交变 应力作用次数的增加,使裂纹逐渐扩展加深(裂纹尖端处应力集中)导致该局 部处承受应力的实际截面积减小,直至局部应力大于σb而产生断裂。



femapFemap + NX Nastran是Siemens PLM Software家族的业界领先的高级有限元分析软件。

该解决方案由两部分组成,即前后处理器Femap和解算器NX Nastra n。

Femap以Parasolid为内核,具有近20年专注于有限元建模领域的工程经验,有助于用户将复杂的模型建模简单化,其基于Windows 的特性为用户提供了强大的功能,且易学易用!Femap 产品被广泛地应用于多种工程产品系统及过程之中,例如:卫星、航空器、重型起重机、高真空密封器等。

Femap 提供了从高级梁建模、中面提取、六面体网格划分,到功能卓越的CAD 输入和简化的工具。

NX Nastran是CAE解算器技术事实上的标准,是全球航空、航天、汽车、造船等行业绝大部分客户认可的解算器。

NX Nastran与Femap的结合为用户提供了一个强大且可承受的解决方案。


它是一个许可证灵活、融合了Siemens PLM Software公司的“公平的市场价值”的价格哲学理念的软件包,为用户提供了强有力的有限元分析工具,用户只需支付较低的整体价格就能得到最高级的Nastran功能。

Femap + NX Nastran已经在全球各行业超过10000家企业应用。

关于FemapFemap 是基于Windows平台的、全球领先的高级有限元分析解决方案,解算器为NX Nastran。

该解决方案独立于CAD系统,可以读取所有主流CA D系统数据,其强大的功能涵盖线性分析、模态分析、失稳分析、热传递分析、非线性分析、动力学分析、优化、流体分析等,能够满足从最简单到最复杂的有限元分析需求。




Femap with NX Nastran1© UGS Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.内容概述f产品评估过程的比较 f数字化仿真的目的 fFemap前后处理的优势 fNastran求解问题的优势 fFemap f案例 f总结with NX Nastran的功能2产品评估过程的比较传统方法:物理样机测试物理样机制造 数据采集 分析结果高成本/周期长 难以研究/再利用CAE方法:数字化仿真低成本/周期短 易于研究/再利用模型建立 解算 模型优化分析结果3数字化仿真的目的f增强对设计方案的理解和创新能力f了解零件的受力情况等,有效地使用材料f快速通过模型构造阶段f项目工程开始于对设计方案的评估分析结果f节省开发成本和开发周期f减少样机试制的频次和产品的可靠性用最低的开发成本,最快速的为市场 用最低的开发成本 最快速的为市场 提供最可靠的、最具竞争力的产品!4Femap p –更可靠、更易用的FEAf是Finite Element Method Application Program(有限元 方法应用程序的首字母组合) 全球领先的高级工程分析环境f ff专用的工程分析工具 由专 由专业工程师编写 程师编写f被全球顶级工程机构广泛采用f超过 10,000 10 000 家客户,涵盖所有行业、所有规模的工 程机构f强大的、深入的功能f快速、轻松解决极具挑战性的工程分析问题,如网格 的定义,对装配体的分析,强大的前后处理功能Chris Flanigan,5“在我们看来,Femap 是市场上最好的解决方案之一,而且简单易用。

” Quartus 工程公司Femap p –更可靠、更易用的FEAf基于Windows do s系统,直观的用户界面,易于使用f f f f生产力提高 – 使产品推向市场的时间更早 缩短学习周期 减少培训支出 具有应力分析向导,适合设计 程师使用 具有应力分析向导,适合设计工程师使用 行 中最好的性能价格 行业中最好的性能价格比f负担得起的CAE 解决方案ff f可升级,用于解决最复杂的工程分析问题 高质量的解决方案 以NX Nastran为求解器 高质量的解决方案,以 为求解器,功能强大,而且确 功能强大 而 确 保结果可信让分析师与设计师之间的关系更加密切,Femap 缩短了把产品推向 市场的时间,帮助改善创新过程6Femap p有限元分析的流程f f几何建模 (Solid Edge或其它CAD系统) 建立有限元模型 (Femap)f f f f施加载荷 施加约束条件 划分网格 (mesh) 定义材料和单元属性f f f分析求解 (NX Nastran或其它求解器) 结果评估 (Femap) 反馈给设计师对几何进行优化7Femap p前处理的优势f与Parasolid无缝集成,参数协同, 减少了CAD模型数据转换和导入 的时间,以及模型修补的时间 最优秀的CAD输入接口fff f强大的CAD建模能力超强的模型修补和简化能力 集成NX Nastran基本分析包Femap有20年以上的与Nastran集成的历史, Femap可以让使用者用到迄今为止最复杂的Nastran功能。


可设置多个载荷步,模拟不同时间 或不同工况下的载荷变化情况,以 便更全面地了解结构的响应特性。
根据模型的几何形状、尺寸和特 征进行网格划分,确保网格能够
尽量保持网格的均匀性,避免出 现过大或过小的网格,以提高计 算精度和稳定性。
针对学员在练习过程 中遇到的问题,进行 解答和指导。
通过讨论和互动,加 深对有限元分析方法 和应用的理解。
鼓励学员之间的互动 交流,分享各自的经 验和心得。
• FEMAP软件简介与安装 • 模型建立基础 • 网格划分与优化策略 • 求解器设置与运算过程监控 • 后处理功能深入挖掘 • 实际应用案例分析与讨论
支持多种CAD软件格式(如 SolidWorks、CATIA、AutoCAD等) 的导入,实现与外部CAD软件的无缝 对接。
内置丰富的材料库,用户 可自定义材料属性并添加 到材料库中,方便后续调 用。
将材料属性分配给几何模 型中的各个部分,确保分 析结果的准确性。



从分析结果中提取关键数据,如最大应力、最大位移等,以便进 一步分析和评估。
将处理后的数据以图表、表格等形式输出,便于报告编制和交流沟 通。
根据分析结果,提出针对性的设计优化建议,如改进材料选择、调 整截面尺寸等,以提高结构的性能。
针对制造过程中可能出现的问题,提出改进建议,如优化焊接工艺、 提高加工精度等。
根据结构在使用过程中可能出现的问题,提出相应的维护建议,如定 期检查、加固措施等。
高级应用:疲劳分析、非线性 分析等
在求解过程中,可以通过查看求解器的输出信息来监控求解过程, 确保分析的正确性。
通过去除重复面、删除小孔、简化细 节等操作,降低模型复杂度,提高计 算效率。
对于导入的几何模型,Femap提供了 一系列修复工具,如缝合、填充、偏 移等,以处理模型中的错误和缺陷。






1.1 Femap界面也许,你已经看到了Femap,也许你还没有看到,但是,它是基于Windows平台开发的、我们每天都在使用的操作系统。





图1-1 Femap基本界面在图1-1的左侧是可停靠面板,Femap吸收了CAD软件模型树的概念,让用户可以有效管理、分析每一个环节,同时吸收了Microsoft Visual Studio编辑器的优点,让用户不必打开对话框即可修改模型的相关信息,如材料的物理属性。

Femap & NX Nastran基础及高级应用21.2 菜单Femap的菜单如图1-2所示。

图1-2 Femap菜单现在只是在英文下面注释了中文,也许不久就可以看到中文版的Femap。




1.2.1 File菜单文件菜单包含了一个软件的基本功能,对于熟悉Windows平台的用户来说,图1-3中简单的命令不再详细介绍。

Femap 结构分析案例报告

Femap 结构分析案例报告

*******项目整体式传动系统支撑结构有限元分析报告摘要:基于******项目更换传动系统时不能停机的要求,我司特为此项目设计一个新的整体式传动系统吊支撑以满足现场更换的需求,为保证新的设计的有效性,我司特此采用FEMAP有限元结构分析软件做吊安装就位状态下的结构有限元分析并结合中国钢结构规范GB 50017-2003及AISC-American 装及安装就位安装就位Institute of Steel Construction inc. (美国钢结构设计协会)手册来判断新的整体式传动系统支撑结安全合理性。

构设计的安全合理性安全合理性吊装状态示意图已知工况::已知工况电机重量:708 lb齿轮箱重量:814 lb联轴器重量:约60 lb材质:碳钢Q235Q235碳钢密度:486 lb/in31.吊装状态1.1建模支撑架由两根长20a槽钢,四根短20a槽钢,厚20mm钢板及厚10mm钢板焊接组成。

(钢丝绳及工字钢客户现场自备)按1 inch有限元划分为1194个有限元1.2布置荷载及约束根据已知条件,加之吊装为移动状态所以荷载为增加 1.5系数,电机支撑板每个点荷载为:(708+30)*1.5/4=276 lb f齿轮箱支撑板每个点荷载为:(814+30)*1.5/3=422 lb f整个结构体自重荷载密度为:486 lb/in3固定约束布置在工字钢中间左右。

如右图所示1.3 分析及显示变形状态经过FEMAP分析处理后得到如下视图(300倍放大)以上是整个吊装结构的变形示意图,针对支撑架结构分析如下图:检查输出数据:(举例)1.4 检查校核组合梁的强度及刚度强度校核采用AISC-American Institute of Steel Construction inc 手册第H 章规范(16.1-70):刚度校核采用中国钢结构规范中国钢结构规范GB 50017-20031.4.1强度校核采用excel 数据处理方式,如后附录附录1,(12ry rx R C cx cyM M P P M M ++≤ 结论所有值均小于1,强度OK!; 1.4.2刚度校核查看输出数据 element ID 1007 的最大y 轴位移量为0.011819inch 即为长槽钢的最大挠度, element ID 7414的最大y 轴位移量为0.012469inch 即为短槽钢的最大挠度,根据钢结构规范钢结构规范GB 50017-2003受弯构件的挠度容许值 l /400判断0.011819inch <54.8818/400=0.13720inch 长槽钢 OK!0.012469inch <24.685/400=0.06171inch 短槽钢 OK!2.安装就位安装就位状态状态2.1建模(省略)2.2布置荷载及约束根据已知条件,电机支撑板每个点荷载为:(708+30)/4=184.5 lb f齿轮箱支撑板每个点荷载为:(814+30)*1.5/3=282 lb f整个结构体自重荷载密度为:486 lb/in 3安装在支撑梁上,所以固定约束布置,如右图所示。











当然,对于CAE模型来说,我们是不是要给出一些注释?是不是要对程序进行一些预设置?这就是文件菜单的主要内容了!我们来看一下文件菜单:对不对?为什么有Close All呀?Femap可以同时打开多个文档,每一个文档可以有多个窗口,比如:对于一个分析模型,可以建立一个几何窗口,建立一个有限元模型的窗口,可以建立一个应力窗口,再建立一个位移窗口。



Time Save是什么呀?很简单,以前我们使用CAE程序是不是程序出错了就没有办法了,这个东西可以解决问题那么,我希望大家准备一下Femap,然后,我们来讨论一下File菜单里面的内容,关于菜单的内容就在这个主题下进行讨论吧。



撤销上一步操作或重做已撤销的 操作。
用于创建新文件、打开已有文件 和保存文件。
显示所选元素的属性信息,如几 何尺寸、材料属性等。
在Femap中直接创建几何 模型,利用基本图形元素 (如点、线、面)构建复 杂结构。
支持多种CAD格式导入, 如STEP、IGES、 Parasolid等,实现与其他 CAD系统的无缝集成。
包含文件、编辑、视图、工具、 窗口和帮助等菜单项,用于执 行各种命令。
显示当前操作状态和相关提示 信息。
显示模型、分析结果和其他主 要信息。
提供常用命令的快捷按钮,方 便用户快速执行操作。
展示模型的层次结构,方便用 户管理和查看模型。


案 例




除了API接口外,Femap还支持脚本编程,用户可以使用 Python等脚本语言编写自动化脚本,实现批量操作和自 定义分析流程。
Femap实战案例 解析
简单结构静力学分析是Femap的基础应用之一,通过对结构施加 静力载荷,求解结构的位移、应力和应变等响应。
考虑温度场对结构应力和变形的影响,适用于分析热膨胀、热应 力等问题。
模拟流体与固体结构间的相互作用,适用于分析流体载荷对结构 性能的影响。
Femap与其他软 件集成应用
对网格进行优化处理,提高计算效率和精度 。
Femap前处理技 术
Femap可以直接导入多种主流的CAD格式 ,如CATIA、NX、SolidWorks等,方便用 户进行模型数据交换。
对于导入的几何模型,Femap提供了强大的修复工 具,如缝合、填充、删除等,以处理模型中的错误 或缺陷。
建立几何模型、定义材料热物性参数、施加热边 界条件和热源、划分网格、求解和后处理。
确保几何模型的准确性、选择合适的热分析类型 、正确施加热边界条件和热源、关注温度分布和 热流密度等结果。
Femap提供丰富的后处理功能,用 户可通过云图、等值线、矢量图等方 式查看分析结果。

美国NASA的卫星设计离不开Femap - 航空航天

美国NASA的卫星设计离不开Femap - 航空航天
• 尽管整个卫星必须进行完整测试,但是利用分析还是能够完 全取代某些单独部件的物理测试。通常对一个新部件进行物理测 试需要加载相当于预期飞行负荷1.25倍安全系数的载荷。但是,如 果分析结果显示部件能够承受具有2.0倍安全系数的载荷,则同一 零件可能只需要加载预期飞行负荷来进行物理测试。对于这个变 化,FEMAP功不可没。
在GLAS系统之前的的开发过程中,工程师已经对一定数量的 部件和子系统进行了物理测试。采用FEMAP以后,分析师正努力 将这些信息用来改善他们的分析模型的精度。这被称为模型的相 关性分析。当整个卫星装配建立并测试后,他们将利用这些测试 数据来进一步精炼他们的模型。
• 当NASTRAN解算结果与分析师的预期不同时,他们利用 FEMAP的模型关联查询功能来寻找合理的解释。比如,选择一个 单元,将调出其特征的详细列表(比如约束、与哪些单元相连 等)。利用该工具,分析师能够轻易地找到在正常模式动态分析 中导致错误结果的一个人工接地条件 - 模型零件本应该自由移
在2001年12月,NASA发射地球科学激光测高仪系统 (GLAS)。GLAS是ICESat航天器上面的主要科学仪器,由数千个 独立零件组成,重量大约为600磅。同所有卫星一样,该系统必须 经得住发射时的极大推力(相当于8倍于重力加速度的发射加速 度;对随机振动的动态响应最大为30g)。但是,对于GLAS来说,
• 分析师把 IGES文件导入 FEMAP之中。自从 FEMAP软件于上个 世纪90年代初期 推出以来,美国 国家航空航天局 戈达德空间飞行中心(NASA Goddard)分析部门的数个成员就 一直使用FEMAP。NASA选择Femap的原因之一是由于它的低成本 和易用性。另外,GLAS系统的主要分析承包商(Orbital Sciences Corporation)也使用FEMAP。 • 分析师利用FEMAP的分层功能,从CAD数据中建立分析模 型。导入的IGES文件置于一层,同时把分析师用作他们模型基础 的点和线放置在另一层。通过隐藏包含IGES模型的那一层,分析 师能够只显示他们需要的信息。 • 分析师使用壳单元和梁单元构建用于动态分析的二维模型, 或者使用实体单元构建用于热分析的三维模型,从而建立分析用 的网格模型。他们采取混合的网格划分方法:对于预期承受复杂 负荷的区域进行手动网格划分,对不太复杂的区域则采用FEMAP 的自动网格划分。 • GLAS系统项目组的分析师们开发了一种新方法对用作主仪 器平台的蜂巢面板进行建模。通过利用FEMAP能够按照材料方向 来改变材料属性的功能,他们发现蜂巢结构核心的机械属性将根 据其朝向而发生极大变化。 • 通过FEMAP建立的分析模型被导出到NASTRAN,这是该项 目采用的主要有限元解算器。NASA的分析师与其承包商使用的 NASTRAN是不同的版本,但是不管是哪个版本,FEMAP都能够为 该解算器输出准确的文件,确保了来自所有分析师的结果的一致 性。 • 一旦NASTRAN解算完毕,结果被传送回FEMAP中进行可视 化处理。



1-3 场问题的求解策略及方法
一、求解策略: • • 1、直接法:求解基本方程和相应定解条件的解; 2、间接法:基于变分原理,构造基本方程及相应定解条件的泛函形式 ,通过求解泛函的极值来获得原问题的近似解。即将微分形式转化与 其等价的泛函变分的积分形式; 二、求解方法: • • • • 1、解析或半解析法: 2、数值法: A)基于直接法的数值法,如差分法; B)基于间接法的数值法,如等效积分法(如里兹法)、有限元法等
1-5 有限元法基本步骤
• 所研究问题的数学建模 (问题分析) • 结构离散 • 单元分析 (位移函数、单刚方程) • 整体分析与求解 (总刚方程与求解) • 结果分析及后处理
1-1 工程和科学中典型问题
在工程技术领域内,经常会遇到两类典型的问题。第一类问题,可 以归结为有限个已知单元体的组合。例如,材料力学中的连续梁、建 筑结构框架和桁架结构。把这类问题称为离散系统。如左图所示平面 桁架结构,是由6个承受轴向力的“杆单元”组成。尽管离散系统是可 解的,但是求解右图这类复杂的离散系统,要依靠计算机技术。
• 有限元计算结果分类 • 有限元结果分析 • 有限元结果的可视化 常用有限元分析系统简介 • 有限元分析系统的基本组成 • 有限元分析系统的基本功能 • 常见商业化有限元分析系统
绪论 • • • • • • • • • 1-1工程和科学中典型问题 1-2 场问题的一般描述 1-3 场问题的求解策略及求解方法比较 1-4 有限元法基本思想 1-5 有限元法的基本步骤 1-6 有限单元法的发展 1-7 有限单元法的基本内容 1-8 有限单元法的应用 1-9 有限元法的几个热点问题

Femap 中面抽取 及几何模型编辑

Femap 中面抽取 及几何模型编辑

Femap中面抽取及几何模型编辑Table of ContentsOverview and Setup (1)Geometry Import (2)Mid-Plane Extraction (2)Geometry Preparation for Meshing (5)Overview and SetupThe geometry model for this demonstration is a Parasolid model of a thin-walled sheet metal part. The intention of this demonstration is to show model import and subsequent mid-plane extraction of the model. Also included are further model alterations to facilitate subsequent meshing.As much use as possible has been made of the Model Info tree, toolbars and icons in the user interface to access Femap’s functionality. Usually there is more than one approach that can be employed for any given command.Note that the Parasolid model file was created using millimeters as the unit of length. All references to length in this demonstration therefore are in millimeters(在Femap中设定为mm单位).To ensure that you have all of the necessary icons displayed, a standard layout should be loaded using the Load layout command:-Select File Preferences-In the Toolbars section of the User Interface tab, select the Load Layout button-In the Load Layout From dialog, browse to the workshop directory and select the yout file, and click OpenGeometry ImportImport the bracket model geometry from the workshop directory.-Select File Import / Geometry or select the Import Geometry icon on the Model toolbar, and browse for the Parasolid geometry file Bracket.X_T(此文件可从QQ群199022551下载),select it and click Open-In the Solid Model Read Options dialog, ensure that the Geometry Scale Factor is set to 1000.0 for Metric units, and click OKThis is a Parasolid geometry file that contains a single thin-walled sheet metal bracket component.Mid-Plane ExtractionThe nature of the thin-walled geometry drives the need to create a shell type finite element model. A solid model of this geometry would require a very small element size and hence would require a very large model. Femap provides numerous ways of creating surfaces in the mid-plane of the thin wall, which can then be meshed using shell elements. In this demonstration the Offset Tangent Surfaces method will be used to create the mid-plane surfaces. This method requires the selection of a seed surface (either inside or outside the model) from which Femap will find all those tangent surfaces that connect to it. This model, as a thin-walled constant section sheet metal part, all interior or exterior (depending on the seed surface selected) tangentially connecting surfaces will be identified, which will cover the complete extent of the model. The next step is to offset all the surfaces by half the thickness of the plate in the relevant direction to correctly position the surfaces at the mid-plane position.-First verify the wall thickness, select the Zoom icon in the View toolbar-Zoom in on part of the model where it’s possible to see two points on either side of the plate -Select Tools / Measure / Distance-Right click in the graphics area and select Snap to Point-Double click on two opposing points in the model, the distance information can be read from the Messages pane and shows a distance between the points (plate thickness) of 1.981 mm-Click Cancel, and select the Previous Zoom icon on the View toolbar-Select Geometry / Midsurface / Offset Tangent Surfaces(几何体/中面/偏置相切曲面)-In the Select Seed Surface dialog, select a surface that is either interior or exterior to the model and click OK-In the Offset Tangent Mid-Surface Tolerance dialog, keep the default tangency tolerance and click OK-In the Mid-Surface Tangent Offset dialog, Femap correctly determines half of the wall thickness and enters it as the offset distance (0.9905 mm – half of the previously verified plate thickness), note also that as an exterior surface was initially selected the offset should be positive (acting inward), click OK-Select Yes in the question dialog to delete the original solid, now only the mid-plane surfaces remainGeometry Preparation for MeshingIn order to help prepare the geometry from meshing in some crucial areas where high quality elements are required to produce accurate results some areas of the model geometry will be modified to ensure a better mesh is created. In the connector area of the model washers will be placed around the three attachment holes.-Select Geometry / Curve – From Surface / Offset Curve/Washer or click on the Curve Washer icon in the Curves on Surfaces toolbar-In the Define Washer or Offset Curves dialog set the Offset Size to 5(可以自调). and click OK -Select one curve for each of the three holes in the Entity Selection – Select Edges dialog-The offset curves now appear, click OK, Cancel and Cancel-Now to define a pad around one of the flange holes, select Geometry / Curve from Surface / Pad or click the Pad icon on the Curves on Surfaces toolbar-In the Pad Options dialog, click the Setup Mapped Meshing checkbox and set the Pad Size Factor to 3(值可自己调整)., click OK and select a curve on the edge of the flange hole and click OK-The Pad curves now appear, click Cancel-To finish off the flange we’ll use the geom etry splitters to break the surfaces along the length of the flange, select Geometry / Curve – From Surface / Point to Edge or click the Split Point toEdge icon on the Curves on Surfaces toolbar-In the Select Split Point dialog select one of the mid points of the pad-Click OK then select to opposite edge curve and click OK-The split in the flange surface now appears-Repeat the process for the other side of the pad so that the split geometry extends the full length of the flangeThe bracket model is now ready for meshing.This concludes the bracket model mid-plane extraction and geometry preparation demonstration.。





8nastran PSHELL对应的卡片PSHELL对应FEMAP的板属性9后处理隐藏单元的边可以选择是否显示后处理单元的边10.瞬态(振动)动力学输出选项其中瞬态时间步与间隔选项有以下规定步数×每步时间=动力学加载时间,输出间隔为间隔的步数,如图为每十步输出一个积分结果,加上0时刻的结果应该十一个输出积分结果。





3.关键点与RP必须与非独立节点共同有六个约束,而且FEMAP 的独立关联点不需要而外加对称加约束,直接定义点时就可以定义约束,而ABAQUS必须对关键点加对称约束。



根据桥梁的实际支撑情况,设置桥墩底部 的固定约束、桥面的滑动约束等。
通过FEMAP进行桥梁结构的有限元分析, 得到桥梁的应力、变形等结果,并评估其 安全性。
求解器选择与结果输 出设置
基于直接法,适用于中小规模问题,计算精度高,但内存消耗较大 。
展示飞机机翼结构优化设计的结果,包括优化前后的性能对比、成 本降低和效益提升等方面的分析。
基于迭代法,适用于大规模问题,内存消耗较小,但计算精度可能 受迭代次数和收敛准则影响。
对于中小规模、对精度要求高的问题,推荐使用直接求解器;对于大 规模问题或需要快速求解的场景,推荐使用迭代求解器。
支持多种格式的结果文件输出,如文本文件、 Excel文件、图形文件等。
根据实际问题,为模型施加适当的边界条 件,如固定约束、位移约束、力或压力载 荷等。

femap 03-电子箱抽中面

femap 03-电子箱抽中面

Page 11
Siemens PLM Software
Step 3:划分网格:建立材料属性
Model>material,点击load(加载),然后选择材料库中的材料AISI 4340 ,点击ok,Define Material对话框,点击ok,然后点击Cancel
© 2011. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved
Page 7
Siemens PLM Software
Step 2:创建中面模型
在模型树下将geometry展开, 隐藏13,14
点击split point to edge,选择
图示第一点,点击ok,选择图 示的边,点击ok
© 2011. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved
进行设置,点击ok,view select对话框点击ok
© 2011. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved
Page 21
Siemens PLM Software
Step 6:结果后处理 应力云图
© 2011. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved
Page 19
Siemens PLM Software
Step 5:分析计算
model>analysis,点击new,选择NX nastran求解器,分析类型选择 static,然后点击analyze



FemapV11复合材料建模分析IntroductionIn this exercise, you perform a linear stress analysis of a composite laminate fitting. The steps you will perform in this workshop are:Import a Femap Neutral File with geometry edits for meshing already appliedCreate two layups for the fitting –one for the normal thickness of the fitting and a second for reinforced areas around themounting holesCreate properties for the two layupsMesh the fittingAssign material directions to the meshApply constraints and loads to the fittingAnalyze the fitting and review resultsStep 1:Start Femap and Import Parasolid Geometry of the FittingStart FemapFrom either a desktop icon, or from the Windows Start menu, select the icon for Femap v11.Set your Femap preferences for the correct Geometry Scale Factor.The Geometry Scale Factor is number of length units permeter used by Parasolid.Select the command, File > Preferences.In the Preferences dialog box, select the Geometry/Model tab.Under the Geometry Preferences option group, set theGeometry Scale Factor to Millimeters.Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.Import a Femap Neutral file with the fitting geometry editing for meshing and with mesh sizing already applied.Select the command, File, Import, Femap Neutral.In your workshop folder, select the Parasolid file,Fitting.NEU.In the Neutral File Read Options dialog box, click OK to read in the fitting.Your Femap model should appear as below.In this model, the green surfaces represent 5 mm offsets from the holes modeled as washers and the orange surfaces represent pads around the holes. These areas will be meshed with a thicker laminate than the rest of the fitting. Mesh sizes have also been preset for this model, with a default mesh size of 5.There are also three (3) additional coordinate systems that will be used to set material orientations. Display of points, coordinate systems and nodes are turned off in the current view.Save the model.Click the Save Model icon on the Model toolbar to execute the File > Save command.In the File, Save As dialog box, navigate up one folder to select the Exercises folder.Enter laminate-fitting as the name of the Femap model file.The .modfem extension for Femap models will beautomatically appended to the name.Click Save to complete saving the Femap model file.Step 2:Create two layups for the fitting – one for thenormal thickness of the fitting and a second forreinforced areas around the cutout and themounting holesSave your Femap model.Create a new 2D orthotropic material using a prepeg fabric.Using the Model Info pane, right-click on the Material object and select new.In the Create Material dialog box, click the Type button and select Orthotropic (2D) in the Material Type dialog box.Click OK to confirm your selection.You will now select a fabric from a material library provided with this workshop.Click the Load button in the Define Material dialog box.In the Select From Library dialog box, click the Choose Library button.In the Library File dialog box, navigate to your workshop folder and select the libraryComposites_Material_Library.esp, then, click the Openbutton to load the library into your model.Select the material, CFS003 Carbon LMT25 Epoxy Fabric in the Select From Library dialog box, then, click OK to load the attributes of this material into the Define Material dialog box.Note that the tensile and compressive properties are very similar for this composite fabric material.Click OK to complete creating the material.Since this will be the only material used in this model, you should Cancel the command.Note: If you want to load all the materials in a library into a Femap model, use the command, File, Import,Femap N eutral and select the material library. You’llneed to change the file extension to from .neuto .esp.Create a layup for the standard thickness of the fitting.Right-click on the Layups object in the Model Info pane and select New.In the Layup Editor dialog box, create Global Plies that represent the top, bottom and mid-plane of the layups byclicking the Global Ply iconIn the Global Ply Definition dialog box, click the New button.In the New Global Ply dialog box, set the Title to Bottom Global Ply.Select the material you just loaded from the material library and set the Thickness to .25.Click the More button to continue creating two moreglobal plies.Set the next Title to Midplane Global Ply.Select the material you just loaded from the material library and set the Thickness to .25.Click the More button to continue creating the final global ply.Set the next Title to Top Global Ply.Select the material you just loaded from the material library and set the Thickness to .25.Click the OK button to complete creating global plies.You should now see three global plies.In the Global Ply Definition dialog box, click Done.In the Layup Editor dialog box, set the Title to Standard Layup.Select the Global Ply ID, 1..Bottom Global Ply.Select the Material, 1..CFS003 Carbon LMT25 Epoxy Fabric.Set the Thickness to .25 and the Angle to 0.Click the New Ply button.For the next ply, set the Global Ply ID to 0..None.Set the Angle to 45.Click the New Ply button.Continue creating another ply by setting the Angle to 0.Note how the previous selections for Global Ply ID, Material,Thickness and Angle maintained.Click the New Ply button.Duplicate plies 2 and 3.Select Ply 2 in the Layup Editor dialog box.While holding the Shift key, select Ply 3.Click the Duplicate button.Note how the two plies have been copied at the top of the layup. Also note how the value of the Total Thickness hasbeen updated.Click OK to create the layup and to exit the Layup Editor dialog box.Click Cancel to end creating layups.In this step, you will display the Laminate Equivalent Properties using the Entity Info pane.Open the Entity Info pane by either clicking the Entity Info icon on the Panes toolbar, or by selecting the command, Tools, Entity Info.Edit the layup.Right-click on the Standard Layup object in the Model Info pane and select Edit from the menu.Note how the Laminate Equivalent Properties are nowdisplayed in the Entity Info pane including:Total ThicknessIn-Plane PropertiesBending/Flexural PropertiesA, B, D, A-Inverse, B-Inverse and D-Inverse matricesIn the Layup Editor dialog box, using the Shift key, select plies 4 and 5, and click the Duplicate button.Again, note how the Entity Info window’s display of theLaminate Equivalent Properties have been updated.Since we want a symmetric layup, using the Shift key, select plies 2 through 6, then click the Symmetric button.Note that you now have a total of 12 plies and a totalthickness equal to 3.Select Ply 12.Note that until only a single ply is selected, the New Plybutton is inactive. However, you will need to deselect the ply in order to create a new ply on top of the layup;otherwise the new ply will be created below the selected ply.While holding the Ctrl key, select Ply 12.Set the Global Ply ID to 3..Top Global Ply. Set the Angle to0 and then, click the New Ply button.Update the Global Ply for the middle plies.Select Ply 7.Set the Global Ply ID to 2..Midplane Global Ply.Click OK to complete the creation of the layup. Save your Femap model.Copy the first layup.Right-click on the newly created layup in the Model Info pane and select Copy from the menu.Modify the copied layup to represent the reinforced areas around the holes.Right-click the copied layup in the Model Info pane and select Edit from the menu.In the Layup Editor dialog box, change the Title to Hole Reinforcement Layup.While the Ctrl key, select plies 5, 6, 8 and 9.Click the Duplicate button.Note that the duplicated plies are now at the top of the layup.。


可通过Ctrl+Z和Ctrl+Y快捷键进 行撤销和重做操作。
支持多种视图方向设置,如正视、侧视、俯 视等。
可调整模型元素的显示属性,如颜色、线型、 线宽等。
提供多种视图风格选项,如线框、隐藏线、 着色等。
支持对视图进行裁剪,以便更好地观察和分 析模型局部细节。
提供丰富的结果可视化工具,帮 助用户直观地理解和评估分析结 果。
包括新建、打开、保存模型文件 等,可通过快捷键Ctrl+N、
支持平移、旋转、缩放等视图操 作,可通过鼠标拖拽或快捷键进 行操作。
可通过单击、框选等方式选择模 型元素,支持多种选择模式。
用于创建和编辑几何模型,支持 多种CAD数据格式的导入和导出。
提供多种网格生成技术和网格编 辑工具,以满足不同分析需求。
支持多种求解器接口,可进行线 性、非线性、动力学等分析。
包括菜单栏、工具栏、模型树、 属性窗口以及图形窗口等部分, 为用户提供了直观的操作环境。
质量的有限元模型。 高效的求解器和后处理功能 Femap配备了高性能的求解器和灵活 的后处理工具,可以实现快速准确的
Femap内置了丰富的材料库和多种单 元类型,可以满足各种复杂结构和材 料的仿真需求。
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IntroductionIn this exercise, you will generate a midsurface model of a machined bracket. The steps to complete this exercise are:•Import geometry•Generate and edit midsurfaces•Assign mesh attributes, set mesh sizing and mesh the bracket•Create constraints and loads, including combined load sets•Analyse the bracket using a Multi-set analysis and view the stress results.Step 1:Import geometryImport the Parasolid geometry of the multi-thickness solid model.•Open a new FEMAP model.•Select the File, Import, Geometry command.•Select the Parasolid file ex13-Bracket_inches.x_t from your class Geometry folder.•Click OK to accept the defaults in the Solid Model Read Options dialog box.Change the view orientation to the Trimetric view.•Press the F8key (or use the View, Rotate, Model command) to open the View Rotate dialog box.•Select the Isometric button.•Click OK to close the dialog box.Save the model•Save the model in your class Exercises folder as “ex13-Bracket.modfem”.Step 2:Create midsurfacesExtract the midsurfaces from the solid.•Select the Geometry, Midsurface, Automaticcommand.•Click the Select All button to select all the surfaces on the solid.•In the Mid-Surface Tolerance dialog box, click the Measure Distance icon to enable measuring a 3-Ddistance. Ctrl+D can also be used to measure adistance from the graphics window while in acommand.•When the Locate –Define Location to Measure From dialog box is displayed, select one of the points onthe thickest edge of the sold. Set the Method to OnPoint and select one of the points shown below.•Click OK to confirm the selection of the first point.•Select the “other” point shown below that has not been chosen, then click OK to confirm the selection.•Click OK to accept the calculated distance, .156 in the Mid-Surface Tolerance dialog box. FEMAP willnow extract the mid-surfaces.Display the automatically generated Midsurfaces group.•In the Model Info pane, turn on “highlighting” by clicking the Show When Selected icon.•Expand the Group object in the tree and select1..Midsurfaces in the Model Info pane. This willhighlight the newly created group. Since we are onlyworking with a single part, you can delete the groupand the original solid.•Right-click 1..Midsurfaces and select Delete from the context-sensitive menu.•Expand the Geometry object in the Model Info tree, select 1..ex12-Bracket, and using the context-sensitive menu, Delete the original solid part.•Expand the view if needed with the Ctrl+A hotkey to “Autoscale”Note that the midsurfacing operation has generatedsplit lines in the midsurfaces that will be easily beremoved in the next step.Remove the split lines from the surfaces.•Select the command, Geometry, Solid, Cleanup.•Select All surfaces and click OK.•In the Solid Cleanup dialog box, accept the default option to Remove Redundant Surfaces and click OKto proceed with remove the split lines in the surfaces.Extend the surface representing the bend of the rib.•Switch your view orientation to the Front view.•Note that the bottom edge of bend surface doesnot intersect the surface representing the flange.•Select the command, Geometry, Midsurface, Extend.•Select the bottom edge of the bend surface in the Select Entity dialog box.Complete extending the surface representing the bend of the rib.•In the Surface Extend Options dialog box, leave the option for Extend Shape as Linear.•Using the Extend To –Solid option, select the Solid that represents the flange and click OK.Note that the blend surface now extends to theintersection with the flange.Trim the two surfaces representing the flat sections of the rib.You will use two different Geometry, Midsurfacecommands to do this, the first is to use the Trim with Curve operation and the second is use the Intersect operation.•Select the command, Geometry, Midsurface, Trim with Curve.•Select the flat surface of the rib closest to the back surface (the surface with the four mounting holes) inthe Solid/Surface to Trim dialog box and the clickOK.•In the Entity Select ion –Select Line(s) to Trim With dialog box, select the top edge of the rib and theedge of the blend surface intersecting the flat ribsection and click OK to confirm your selection.•With highlighting enabled in the Model Info pane, select the sheet solid of the rib section you justmodified and note how it has been sliced into threesurfaces.Continue with trimming the two surfaces representing the flat sections of the rib.•Select the command, Geometry, Midsurface, Intersect.•Select the two (2) surfaces that will represent the blend and the end of the rib then click OK togenerate the intersection.Delete the extraneous surfaces.•Select the command Delete, Geometry, Surfaces.•Select the small tab on the longer flat section of the rib and the two surfaces on the flat rib sections thatextend beyond the blend of the rib. Click OK todelete the surfaces.Stitch the surfaces together to create contiguous sheet solids.•Select the command Geometry, Solid, Stitch.•Select all the surfaces and click OK.•Click OK to accept the default Gap Tolerance.•Note how there are now three sheet solidsrepresenting the back face, web, and rib of thebracket.Intersect the surfaces to imprint the surfaces at the intersection of the three main features of the bracket.•Select the command Geometry, Midsurfaces, Intersect.•Select all the surfaces and click OK.•Again, using the Model Info pane, click the three sheet solids under the Geometry tree and note howthe surfaces have been imprinted using theintersection operation.Create Offset Curves around the six holes on thebracket.•If not displayed, active the Curves on Surfaces toolbar.•Click the Curve Washer icon on the Curves on Surfaces toolbar.•In the Define Washer or Offset Curves dialog box,set the Mode to Washer , enable the option for Save Split Lines and set the Offset to .125. Click OK to accept the settings.•Select one of the arcs on each of the six holes on thebracket and click OK .•Cancel out of the Curve Washer command.•After completing the Curve Washer operation, your model should appear as follows (shown with multiple windows to more clearly display the washers).Step 3:Assign mesh attributes, set mesh sizing and mesh the bracketAssign the mesh attributes (property) to themidsurfaces.•Select the Geometry, Midsurface, Assign Mesh Attributes command.•Press Select All the surfaces and click OK.•The Define Material –ISOTROPIC dialog box will open, prompting you for a material. Click the Loadbutton to open up the default material library.•In the Select from Library dialog box, select one of the Stainless Steel materials and click OK.•Click OK.•In the dialog box, click Yes to consolidate the properties by thickness.•Note that there are now two (2) properties that reflect the two different wall thicknesses of the part.Set the mesh size for the mid-surfaces.•Using the Select toolbar, set the Selector Entity to Surface and Selector Mode to Select Multiple .•Select all the surfaces by holding down the Shift keyto create a box picking region around the entire model.•In the graphics pane, right-click your mouse andselect Mesh Size from the context-sensitive menu.•In the Automatic Mesh Sizing dialog box, set the Element Size to .2 set the Max Angle Tolerance to15. Disable the Max Elem on Small Feature optionthen click OK to set the mesh size.Set the mesh size for the curves around the holes•Before meshing, turn on the mesh size indicators using the F6hotkey to open the View Options dialog box.•In the View Options dialog box, set the Category to Labels ,Entities and Color, enable the Draw Entityoption and set Show As to 3..Symbols and Count.Click Apply to update the display and once theoptions are displayed as below, you can close thedialog box by clicking either the OK or Cancelbutton.Set mesh sizes for the holes.•Using the Select toolbar, set the Selector Entity to Curve and leave the Selector Mode as SelectMultiple.•Select the curves surrounding the holes on the bracket to include the hole and the washer’s arcs,but not the split lines.•In the Model Info pane, expand the Selection List object .•Right-click the Curves object and select Mesh Size from the context-sensitive menu.•In the Mesh Size Along Curve dialog box, set the Number of Elements to 6 then click OK to set themesh size.Mesh the model.•In the Model Info pane, right –click the Surfaces object then select Mesh from the context-sensitivemenu.•Click OK in the Automesh Surfaces dialog box to mesh the model using the “Mesh Attributes”assigned to the surfaces in an earlier step.With mesh size symbols turned off and elementthickness display turned off, your model shouldappear similar to the following.Step 4:Create constraints and loads, including aCombined load setCreate the constraints on the back wall of the part.•In the Model Info pane, create a Constrain Set. Use a descriptive name for the title of the constraint set.•Expand the new constraint set and right-clickConstraint Definitions and select On Surface from the context-sensitive menu.•Select the eight (8) surfaces which represent the washers around the holes on the back wall of the bracket.•In the Create Constraints on Geometry dialog box,set the constraint to Pinned then click OK to create the constraints.•Again, right-click Constraint Definitions and select On Surface from the context-sensitive menu.Continue with creating the constraints on the back wall of the bracket.•Select the two (2) remaining surfaces on the back wall of the bracket and click OK.•In the Create Constraints on Geometry dialog box, set the constraint to Surface and choose Slidingalong Surface (Symmetry)then click OK to create the constraints.Create the loads on the holes on the left end of the bracket. To do this, you will create a Rigid elementconnecting the washers of the holes on the front of the bracket to a node at the center of the holes.•Select the command, Model, Element.•In the Define Plate Element dialog box, click the Type button an d select the Rigid element under theOther type.•Click the RBE2tab.•Click the New Node at Center button. Femap will then create the Independent node at the center ofthe selected Dependent nodes.•Click the Nodes button.•In the Entity Selection dialog box, change Methods^to on Curve and select the two curves making up one of the two holes on the web then Click OK to confirm your selection.•Create a second rigid element on the other hole byrepeating the previous two steps (New Node atCenter and selecting nodes on the two curves on the edge of the other hole).Create loads on the center nodes of the rigid “spider”elements in the holes.•Zoom in on the end of the bracket where you just created the rigid “spiders”.•From the Model Info tree, right-click the Loads object select New .•Enter a Title for the new Load Set as Front Web Hole Loading and click OK .•Expand the Load Set just created, right-click Load Definitions and select Nodal from the menu.•Select the node at the center of the front hole rigid element on the web then click OK .•In the Create Loads on Nodes dialog box, enter adescriptive name for the load, set the Load Type to Force , and set the Load value to FZ = 1.•Create a second load set and load at the node at the center of the read hole on the web by repeating steps b) through f) for the other hole. Set the Title for the second load set to Rear Web Hole Loading and click OK .Create a combined load set that will take the two previous load sets and by setting a scale factor, willcreate a combined load of 100 lbs in the negative Zdirection.•Select the command Model, Load, Combine.•In the Combine Load Data dialog box, set the Title to Combined 100 lb Web Hole Load.•In the From list, select both of the load sets you just created.•With both load sets selected, set the Scale Factor to -50.•Click the Add Combination button.•After the previous step, the Combinations section of the dialog box should appear as shown to the right.•Click OK to create the combined load set.•In the Model Info pane, right-click the combined load set you created and select Activate from the menu. Create a Nastran combined load set that will take the two previous load sets and by setting a scale factor, will create a combined load of 50 lbs in the positive Zdirection for the front hole and 50 lbs in the negative Z direction for the rear hole.•In the Model Info pane, right-click the Loads object and select New from the menu.•In the New Load Set dialog box, set the Title to a descriptive name similar to below.•For the Set Type, select Nastran LOAD Combination then click OK.•Select Reference Sets after right-clicking the newly created load set in the Model Info pane.•In the Referenced Loads Sets for Nastran LOAD dialog box, click the first load set under the Available Sets list field.•With the first load set selected, set the value For Referenced Set to 50then click the Add Referenced Set button.•With the second load set selected, set the value For Referenced Set to -50 then click the Add Referenced Set button. The Referenced Sets list field shouldappear as below.•Click OK to update the load set.Display the element thickness.•From the View toolbar, select the View Style pull down icon and select the Thickness/Cross Sectionicon to toggle on the display of the elementthickness.Step 5:Analyze the bracket and display stress resultsModify the Femap preference for Output Set Titles .•Select the command File, Preferences .•Select the Interfaces tab.•Under the Nastran Solver Write Options group, setthe Output Set Title option to 2..Nastran SUBTITLE .•Click OK to apply the changes to Femap’s preferences.Create an MultiSet Analysis Set and run the analysis.•Create an new analysis set for NX Nastran Linear Statics by right-clicking the Analysis object in theModel Info pane and select New.•Set the Title of the analysis set to MultiSet Linear Statics.•Expand the newly created analysis set to display Boundary Conditions.•Select Boundary Conditions then click Edit.Continue with creating the new analysis set for linear statics.•Set both the Constraints and Loads to None.•Click the MultiSet button.•In the Entity Selection –Select Constraint Set(s) to Generate Cases dialog box, click Select All thenOK.•In the Entity Selection –Select Load Set(s) to Generate Cases dialog box, click the Select fromList button.•In the Select One or More Load Sets(s) dialog box, select the two combined load sets, then clickOK.•Click OK to add the two load sets to the analysisset. The analysis set should now show two subcases as part of the analysis set.•Click the Analyze button in the Analysis Set Manager dialog box to start the analysis.•Close the NX Nastran Analysis Monitor when theanalysis completes and the results sets have been read into Femap.Review the results.•Activate the first results set by right-clicking on it in the Model Info pane.•Using the PostProcessing Toolbox, create a deformed contour plot of the Plate TopMajorPrin(cipal)Stress.•Set the Type to Elemental•Enable the option for Double-Sided Planar.•Save your model and exit Femap.。
