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Morsel n. (食物)的一小口,一小块

Sitter n. 保姆

Compulsion n. 强制(行为),强迫(行为),强制力,强迫力

Eat dirt 受辱 a compulsion to eat dirt 强迫受辱

Heartbreaking adj. 令人心碎的

Clientele n. 老顾客

Wouldn’t you be more comfortable at home? 你在自己教不会更自在些吗?【wouldn’t you …? 你难道不…?】

Running commentary 实况报道【commentary n. 评论,述评;广播电影的解说】

I have been told sometimes I overstay my welcome. 我有时会被告知自己做客时间过长。【overstay one’s welcome 做客】

Gynecologist n. 妇科医生

Railroading n. 铁路修筑,铁路经营

Railroad n. 铁路

Gauge n. 铁道的轨距,汽车的轮距

Controversial adj. 有争议的

Which side do you come down on? 你支持哪边?【come down on 支持】

It’s O-gauge or no gauge. O距离的铁路,舍O其谁

Grown man 成年人

Closet n. 柜子

Illusion n. 幻想

Attic n. 阁楼

She actually has hair on her chinny-chin-chin. 在她下巴上确实有胡子。【chin n. 下巴】

Not now, not ever. 现在不会,将来也不会。

Movie theatre 电影院

Shower n. 冲澡;浴室

Out of curiosity 出于好奇

I’m up all night. 我整晚都不睡

Possum n. 夜猫子

You were not liked at high school. 你在高中是不是不受欢迎

It’s reserved for …它应该赏赐给

Make the movie 看电影

Hang on 等等

Self-respect n. 自尊自爱

Set food in 进入

Give-and-take on the merit of

Merit n. 优点,长处,价值

Hymen n. 处女膜

Briefcase n. 公文包

Give-and-take 平等互换

Setup n. 计划,方案

Intimidate v. 恫吓,恐吓,威胁

Spine n. 骨气,勇气;spineless adj. 没骨气

Rube n. 乡巴佬

I need somebody to accompany me to the wedding. 我需要有人陪我去参加婚礼。

Would n’t you rather do sth? 你做…不是更好吗?

Prom n. 高中的毕业舞会

How time changes. 造化弄人

Run it by you first. 事先征求你的意见

Beckoning adj. 诱人的

Cheekbone n. 颧骨

Corsage n. 胸花

When you are gone copping a feel, that goes on my wrist.

Trainiac n. 火车爱好者

Do canoodling 亲热

I’m really not much of dancer. 我真是一个不擅长跳舞的人。

Bride n. 新郎groom n. 新娘

Feverish adj. 激情的

You’re not holding up your end of evening. 你却呆不下去了。

Moody adj. 忧郁的Self-obsession n. 忧郁obsession n. 着迷困扰,摆脱不了的思想(或感情)A word of advise 友情提示一下

Mustache n. 小胡子

Conservational icebreaker 活跃气氛的事情

Whorish adj. 浓妆的

Snap v. 噼啪乱响

Hokey pokey 变戏法

Swan n. 天鹅

Groin n. 腹股沟

I excel at special reasoning and I had a hunch that the graceful slope of its neck cradle your genital nicely . 我很擅长空间推理当时预感到天鹅脖子那有没的弧度恰好做你生殖器的支架。Vulnerable adj. 脆弱

Whore n. 浪女

Defile v. 玷污

Motor n. 激情

Let sb down easy. 让某人好受点。

Wonderland n. 乐土

Frankly adv. 老实说

You’ve got a better shot than he does. 你的机会都比他大呢!

Loosen up 放松

To send a message 告诉你
