一、根据名词解释填空1 •既能带来损失又能带来收益的风险称为()。
5 •金融机构持有的资产流动性差和对融资能力枯竭而造成的损失或破产的可能性称为()。
A、火灾保险合同B、人寿保险合同C、机动车辆保险合同D、货品运送保险合同1、A2、B3、A4、A5、C6、D7、B8、B9、C 10、D1、近代火灾保险来源于()。
A.财产风险 B.人身风险 C.责任风险 D.信用风险3.对于损失频率低.损失程度小的风险应该采用()的风险管理方法。
A.保险 B.自留风险 C.避免风险 D.减少风险4.保险存在的客观基础是()。
A.社会管理的需要 B.人为的能动性C.转嫁损失 D.存在风险5.在种类.品质.性能.价值等方面大体相近的风险是()。
风险管理的期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 风险管理的核心目标是什么?A. 降低风险发生的概率B. 减少风险带来的损失C. 消除所有风险D. 以上都是2. 下列哪项不是风险管理的基本步骤?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险转移D. 风险接受3. 风险矩阵通常用于以下哪个阶段?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险监控D. 风险缓解4. 以下哪种保险属于风险转移的一种方式?A. 人寿保险B. 健康保险C. 财产保险D. 所有选项都是5. 风险评估中,VaR(Value at Risk)是指:A. 风险事件发生的概率B. 风险事件发生的最大可能损失C. 风险事件发生时的平均损失D. 风险事件发生时的预期损失...(此处可继续添加选择题)二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述风险管理的三个主要目标。
2. 解释什么是风险偏好,并举例说明如何确定一个企业的风险偏好。
3. 描述风险监测与风险评估的区别。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一家制造企业的首席风险官(CRO),公司计划进入一个新的海外市场。
2. 某公司在进行一项大规模的IT系统升级。
风险管理的期末考试题答案一、选择题答案1. B2. C3. B4. D5. B...(此处可继续添加选择题答案)二、简答题答案1. 风险管理的三个主要目标是:降低风险发生的概率,减少风险带来的损失,以及提高组织对风险的适应能力。
2. 风险偏好是指一个组织或个人愿意接受风险的程度。
3. 风险监测是持续跟踪风险的过程,以确保风险管理措施的有效性并及时调整策略。
保险学期末考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 保险合同中,保险人承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的期限被称为:A. 保险期限B. 保险责任期C. 保险等待期D. 保险免赔期答案:A2. 以下哪项不是保险合同的基本要素?A. 保险标的B. 保险金额C. 保险费D. 保险赔付率答案:D3. 根据保险法规定,保险合同的订立应当遵循的原则是:A. 自愿原则B. 公平原则C. 诚实信用原则D. 以上都是答案:D4. 保险事故发生后,保险人应当在多长时间内进行赔付?A. 30日内B. 60日内C. 90日内D. 120日内答案:C5. 保险合同中,投保人未按照约定支付保险费,保险人可以采取的措施是:A. 解除合同B. 减少保险金额C. 增加保险费D. 以上都不是答案:A6. 保险合同中,保险人承担赔偿责任的最高限额被称为:A. 保险金额B. 保险责任限额C. 赔偿限额D. 保险赔付率答案:A7. 保险合同生效后,投保人可以申请解除合同,但需支付一定的费用,这部分费用被称为:A. 退保金B. 解除合同费C. 保险费D. 保险赔付率答案:A8. 保险合同中,保险人对保险标的的损失进行赔偿的方式是:A. 现金赔偿B. 修复赔偿C. 替换赔偿D. 以上都是答案:D9. 保险合同中,投保人对保险标的具有保险利益的期限被称为:A. 保险期限B. 保险责任期C. 保险等待期D. 保险免赔期答案:A10. 保险合同中,保险人对投保人未如实告知的情况有权解除合同,但解除权的行使期限是:A. 30日内B. 60日内C. 90日内D. 120日内答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些属于保险合同的基本原则?A. 自愿原则B. 公平原则C. 诚实信用原则D. 保险利益原则答案:ABCD2. 保险合同中,以下哪些情况可以导致保险合同解除?A. 投保人未如实告知B. 保险人未按期支付保险费C. 保险合同到期D. 投保人申请解除合同答案:AD3. 保险合同中,以下哪些属于保险人的义务?A. 收取保险费B. 承担赔偿责任C. 及时赔付D. 提供咨询服务答案:ABC4. 保险合同中,以下哪些属于投保人的权利?A. 申请解除合同B. 要求保险人赔偿C. 要求保险人提供咨询服务D. 要求保险人退还保险费答案:ABC5. 保险合同中,以下哪些属于保险合同的变更?A. 保险金额的变更B. 保险期限的变更C. 保险标的的变更D. 保险费的变更答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 保险合同的订立必须遵循自愿原则。
保险学模拟试题一一、名词解释(每题3分,共15分)1、风险2、保险供给3、被保险人4、重要事实915、保险单二、单项选择(每题1分,共10分)1、既有损失机会又有获利可能的风险是()A 自然风险B 投机风险C 纯粹风险D 财产风险2、风险管理程序中最基本和最重要的环节是()A 风险识别B 风险衡量C 风险评价D 风险自留3、保险人行使代位求偿权追偿到的金额大于赔偿给被保险人的金额,超出部分应归()所有。
A 保险人B 被保险人C 投保人D 保险代理人4、下面各方中()有资格直接指定受益人。
A 投保人B 保险人C 被保险人D 受益人自己5、正式保险单签发之前由保险人出立给投保人或被保险人的一种临时凭证是()A 保险费收据B 投保单C 保险凭证D 暂保单6、某批货物以定值保险方式投保,保额为110万元,后该批货物发生全损,事故发生地货物的市场价值是90万元,则保险公司应赔偿()A 90万元B 110万元C 100万元D 保险公司不承担赔偿责任7、某业主将自有的一套价值120万元的住宅投保了家庭财产保险,保险金额为90万元,后房屋发生火灾,造成部分损失共计40万元。
A 120万元B 90万元C 40万元D 30万元8、某企业投保了企业财产保险,保险金额为1000万元,约定的免赔额是1000元,保险事故发生后总计造成的损失为50万元,若按相对免赔额保险公司应赔偿()。
A 1000元B 499000元C 500000元D 不予赔偿9、各国普遍采用的保险组织形式是()A 相互保险公司B 国有独资保险公司C 互助保险组织D 股份有限公司10、在大多数国家,汽车保险中的()属于法定保险。
A 车辆损失险B 无过错责任险C 玻璃破碎险 D第三者责任险三、多项选择(每题2分,共20分)1、风险转移包括()。
A 建立自保公司B 建立损失储备基金C 非保险转移D 保险转移2、按照经营目的的不同可以将保险分为()A 财产保险B 社会保险C 人身保险D 商业保险3、保险的基本职能是()A 分散危险B 补偿损失C 防灾防损D 投资4、取得投保人资格必须具备的要件有()A 必须具有权利能力B 必须具有行为能力C 必须具有可保利益D 必须承担缴纳保险费的义务5、违法最大诚信原则的情形主要有()A 未申报B 误告C 隐瞒D 欺诈6、可保利益的构成条件包括()A 必须是确定的利益B 必须是可以实现的利益C 必须具有经济价值D 必须是合法的7、损失补偿原则中保险人对赔偿金额有一定限度,即()A 以实际损失为限B 以保险金额为限C 以可保利益为限D 上述三者之中,以低者为限8、从保险人承担的责任看,保险合同的类型可以分为()A 补偿性合同B 财产保险合同 C给付性合同D 人身保险合同E 汽车保险合同9、保险合同发生争议后的解决方式主要有()A 协商B 仲裁C 诉讼D 支付违约金E 支付赔偿金10、保险合同中规定投保人有()义务A 支付保险费B 风险增加通知C 保险事故发生通知D 施救E 维护保险标的安全四、判断改错(每题2分,共10分)1、目前我国的保险法规允许个人经营保险经纪业务,也存在个人保险经纪人。
保险学英文期末试题及答案IntroductionInsurance plays a crucial role in our society today as it offers individuals and businesses protection against various risks. It is important for insurance professionals to have a strong understanding of insurance principles and practices, both in their native language and in English. This article will present an English-language final exam for a course in insurance studies, along with the corresponding answers.Multiple Choice Questions1. Insurance is the transfer of:a) Risk from one party to another partyb) Money from one party to another partyc) Goods from one party to another partyd) Services from one party to another partyAnswer: a) Risk from one party to another party2. The person or entity seeking insurance coverage is known as the:a) Insurerb) Advocatec) Policyholderd) AssessorAnswer: c) Policyholder3. Which of the following is not a type of insurance contract?a) Life insuranceb) Home insurancec) Car insuranced) Health insuranceAnswer: d) Health insurance4. The premium is the:a) Amount of money reimbursed by the insurerb) Amount of money paid by the policyholder to the insurerc) Deductible paid by the policyholderd) Amount of coverage provided by the insurerAnswer: b) Amount of money paid by the policyholder to the insurer5. One of the principles of insurance that states the insured should be restored to the approximate financial position that existed prior to the occurrence of an insured event is known as:a) Indemnityb) Subrogationc) Utmost good faithd) ContributionAnswer: a) IndemnityShort Answer Questions1. Define the principle of utmost good faith in insurance.Answer: The principle of utmost good faith requires both the insurer and the insured to disclose all relevant information truthfully and completely. Both parties must act honestly and fairly throughout the insurance process.2. Explain the concept of subrogation in insurance.Answer: Subrogation is the legal right of the insurer to seek reimbursement from a third party who is responsible for causing the insured loss. Once the insurer has paid the claim, they can legally pursue the responsible party to recover the amount paid.3. What factors are considered when determining the premium for an insurance policy?Answer: The premium for an insurance policy is determined based on several factors, including the type of coverage, the insured's risk profile, the value of the insured property or life, the deductible amount, and any discounts or additional coverages requested by the insured.Essay Questions1. Discuss the importance of insurance in modern society and provide examples of how insurance has positively impacted individuals and businesses.Answer: Insurance is crucial in modern society as it offers protection against various risks that can cause financial devastation. For individuals,life insurance provides financial security for their loved ones in the event of their death. Health insurance ensures access to healthcare services without incurring exorbitant costs. Home insurance protects homeowners from the financial burden of property damage or theft. For businesses, insurance provides coverage for property damage, liability claims, and business interruption, allowing them to operate with peace of mind. Overall, insurance plays a vital role in safeguarding individuals and businesses from unexpected and costly events.2. Explain the significance of the principle of indemnity in insurance and provide an example to illustrate its application.Answer: The principle of indemnity in insurance ensures that the insured is restored to the approximate financial position they were in prior to the occurrence of an insured event. This principle prevents the insured from profiting from an insurance claim. For example, if a car valued at $10,000 is involved in an accident and is determined to be a total loss, the insured will receive the actual cash value of the car at the time of the accident, which may be less than the original purchase price. This ensures that the insured is compensated for the loss suffered, but not in a manner that would result in a financial gain.ConclusionInsurance is a complex field that requires a strong understanding of its principles and practices. This English-language final exam, along with the provided answers, covers key concepts in insurance studies. It is essential for insurance professionals to have a solid grasp of insurance terminology andprinciples in order to effectively serve their clients and navigate the ever-evolving insurance landscape.。
浙江财经大学2021年6月期末考试试卷考试年度:2021年考试科目代码及名称:435-保险专业基础(自命题)适用专业:025500 保险[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]一、名词解释(15题,每题3分,共45分)1.均衡价格2.需求的价格弹性3.边际效用递减规律4.边际替代率5.无差异曲线6.收入效应7.机会成本8.帕累托最优9.衍生金融工具10.货币乘数11.风险12.告知13.诚信原则14.偿付能力15.再保险二、问答题(9题,每题5分,共45分)1.简述市场失灵的原因及其对策2. 简述需求规律及其原因3.比较消费者行为理论和生产者行为理论4.GDP与GNP的区别是什么?5.简述金融工具的基本特征6.简述利率的决定与影响因素7.可保风险的条件是什么?8.投保人的义务有哪些?9.简述保险利益原则的内涵三、论述题(4题,每题15分,共60分)1.论述消费者剩余和生产者剩余的含义及对经济分析的意义2.论述宏观货币政策工具及其运用3.论述保险合同与一般合同的共性及其特性4.论述保险的利与弊参考答案一、选择题:(共10题,每题2分)11、(共4分,每句1分)①不耻下问②疏影横斜水清浅③天生我材必有用④无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来12、(2分)我没有罪,是有人在陷害我,望大人明察。
吴下阿蒙:指人没有学问17、(4分)A、当权、当道 B、粗略地阅读C、推辞D、到18、(4分)A、只是应当粗略地阅读,了解历史罢了。
保险学期末考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 保险合同的当事人不包括以下哪一方?A. 投保人B. 保险人C. 被保险人D. 第三方受益人答案:D2. 以下哪一项不是保险合同的基本要素?A. 保险标的B. 保险金额C. 保险期限D. 保险费率答案:D3. 保险合同的解除权属于以下哪一方?A. 投保人B. 保险人C. 被保险人D. 受益人答案:A4. 以下哪一项不是保险合同的基本原则?A. 最大诚信原则B. 保险利益原则C. 损失补偿原则D. 风险共担原则答案:D5. 保险合同中,投保人未履行如实告知义务,保险公司可以采取以下哪种措施?A. 增加保险费B. 减少保险金额C. 解除合同D. 拒绝赔偿答案:C6. 保险合同中,保险人承担赔偿责任的前提条件是?A. 投保人支付保险费B. 被保险人遭受损失C. 保险事故发生D. 受益人提出索赔答案:C7. 以下哪一项不是保险合同的变更形式?A. 保险金额的增加B. 保险期限的延长C. 保险人的更换D. 保险费的调整答案:C8. 保险合同中,投保人未按期支付保险费,保险公司可以采取以下哪种措施?A. 增加保险费B. 减少保险金额C. 解除合同D. 拒绝赔偿答案:C9. 以下哪一项不是保险合同的解除原因?A. 投保人未履行如实告知义务B. 保险合同到期C. 投保人故意制造保险事故D. 保险人未按期支付赔偿金答案:D10. 保险合同中,投保人和保险人的权利义务关系终止的原因是?A. 保险合同到期B. 保险事故发生C. 保险合同解除D. 投保人支付保险费答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些因素会影响保险费的计算?A. 保险金额B. 保险期限C. 投保人的年龄D. 投保人的职业答案:A, B, C, D2. 以下哪些属于保险合同的变更?A. 保险金额的增加B. 保险期限的延长C. 保险人的更换D. 保险费的调整答案:A, B, D3. 以下哪些属于保险合同的解除原因?A. 投保人未履行如实告知义务B. 保险合同到期C. 投保人故意制造保险事故D. 保险人未按期支付赔偿金答案:A, C4. 以下哪些属于保险合同的基本原则?A. 最大诚信原则B. 保险利益原则C. 损失补偿原则D. 风险共担原则答案:A, B, C5. 以下哪些属于保险合同的当事人?A. 投保人B. 保险人C. 被保险人D. 第三方受益人答案:A, B, C三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 保险合同的解除权属于投保人。
风险管理与保险全套习题含答案(大学期末复习资料)CHAPTER 1Introduction to RiskTrue-False1. A peril is a contingency that can cause a loss.ANSWER: T2. An objective risk is the risk based on the mental state of an individual who experiencesuncertainty as to the outcome of an event.ANSWER: F3. Pure risk exists when there is uncertainty as to whether loss will occur.ANSWER: T4. If a loss is certain to occur, objective risk is zero.ANSWER: T5. As the probability of an event occurring increases, the degree of objective risk also increases.ANSWER: F6. Doing nothing about a risk exposure is a viable risk management technique.ANSWER: T7. Enterprise risk management is concerned solely with the management of exposures to pure risks.ANSWER: F8. As the number of exposure units increases, the degree of risk increases.ANSWER: F9. As the chance of loss increases, the variation of actual from expected losses tends to increase ifthe number of exposures remains the same.ANSWER: F10. Employee theft is an example of a morale hazard.ANSWER: F11. The long-run chance of occurrence or relative frequency of a loss is defined to be the degree ofrisk.ANSWER: F12. The threat of Congress enacting a costly environmental regulation is an example of a risk that isboth pure and dynamic.ANSWER: T13. The purchase of a stock that has little chance of earnings growth or price appreciation is anexample of the assumption of a speculative risk.ANSWER: T14. The degree of subjective risk is easily measured.ANSWER: F15. The term objective risk is most often used in connection with pure static risks.ANSWER: T16. If two companies have the same number of exposure units and experience the same averagenumber of losses, then the degree of risk for each company tends to be equal.ANSWER: F17. The degree of risk is essentially the same concept as the chance of loss.ANSWER: F18. Fire is an example of a physical hazard.ANSWER: FMatchinga. Dynamic risks 1. _________________ is the process of systematically managingrisks through the following steps: identifying risks, evaluating risks, selecting risk management techniques, and implementingand reviewing decisions.b. Financial risk 2. A/An _________________ is a contingency that can cause a loss.c. Hazards 3. _________________ is uncertainty regarding loss.d. Integrated risk management 4. Probable variation of actual from expected losses divided by theexpected loss is the _________________.e. moral hazard 5. _________________ does not include a chance of a gain andinvolves only uncertainty as to whether loss will occur.f. morale hazard 6. A/An _________________ is associated with intentional actionsdesigned to either cause a loss or increase the severity of a loss.g. objective risk 7. _________________ involves uncertainty as to whether a gain ora loss will occur.h. peril 8. _________________ arises from psychological uncertainty that isbased on an individual’s mental attitude or state of mind.i. Pure risk 9. _________________ are conditions that introduce or increase theprobability of a loss stemming from the existence of a givenperil. j. Risk 10. _________________ are caused by societal changes.k. Risk management 11. The mental attitude of a careless or accident prone person isreferred to as _________________.l. Speculative risk 12. _________________ are those that would exist in an unchangingsociety that is in stable equilibrium.m. Static risk 13. A risk management approach in which an organization'sspeculative and pure risks are both considered together is knownas either enterprise or _________________ risk management.n. Subjective risk 14. Credit risk, commodities, and interest rate risks are all examplesof _________________.ANSWERS:1. l2 i3 k4 h5 j6 f7 m8 o9 d10 a11 k12 g13 n14 b15 e16 cMultiple Choice1. Examples of physical hazards includea. a building fireb. a building fire, oily rags, and a dishonest employeec.oily rags and a gas leakd. a dishonest employee.ANSWER: C2. Expressed as a percentage, what is the degree of objective risk if a company owns 1,000 cars,has averaged 25 collision losses per year, the collision losses will very likely range between 20and 30, and last year’s loss experience was 23?a.43.5 percentb.92.0 percentc.25.0 percentd.40.0 percent.ANSWER: D3. Which of the following are steps in the four-step risk management process described in the text?a.select risk management techniques and purchase insurance on selected risksb.select risk management techniques and identify risksc.select risk management techniques, purchase insurance on selected risks, and identify risksd.identify risks and analyze severity of expected losses.ANSWER: B4. Risk is defined asa.uncertainty concerning lossb.the probable variation of actual from expected experiencec.the long-run chance of occurrence or relative frequency of lossd. a specific contingency that may cause loss.ANSWER: A5. In which of the following towns is the degree of objective risk from the peril of fire the highest?a.Town A has 10,000 homes with an average loss of 2 percent and a range of 100-250 lossesper yearb.Town B has 100,000 homes with an average loss of 5 percent and a range of 400-500 lossesper yearc.Town C has 1,000 homes with an average loss of 1 percent and a range of 7-15 losses peryeard.Town D has 10,000 homes with an average loss of 3 percent and a range of 150-350 lossesper year.ANSWER: C6. Risk can be categorized asa.objective-subjective and perils-hazardsb.objective-subjective, physical-moral-morale, and pure-speculativec.objective-subjective and pure-speculatived.objective-subjective, physical-moral-morale, pure-speculative, and perils-hazards.ANSWER: C7. Pure risk may be said to create an economic burden in allexcept which of the following ways?a.reserve funds may be necessitated that may not yield the highest rate of return available,b.pure risk can result in feelings of mental unrest and worry that can drain human energiesc.pure risk results in gambling, which is a destructive social forced.pure risk may deprive society of certain goods or services determined to bear excessive risk.ANSWER: C8. Which of the following does not involve a moral hazard?a. a dishonest employeeb.an employee known to falsify personal injury claimsc. a driver who drives recklessly because he feels that any damage to his car will be covered byinsuranced. a building owner who is considering torching the building.ANSWER: C9. The formula used to calculate the degree of objective risk isa.probable variation of actual from expected losses divided by the expected lossb.expected loss multiplied by the quantity 1 minus variance divided by expected lossc.range of reasonable loss expectation divided by actual loss experienced.expected losses minus probable losses divided by the range of actual losses experienced.ANSWER: A10. Which one of the following is not a risk managementtechnique that a risk manager willtypically choose for managing pure risks?a.purchase insurance to cover a risk exposureb.do nothing about a risk exposurec.sell a high risk investment to purchase one of lower riskd.establish a reserve fund.ANSWER: C11. A peril that relates to a dynamic risk isa.an earthquakeb. a riotc.deathd.an increase in the consumption of cholesterol by society.ANSWER: B12. An insurer is least likely to insurea.static riskb.pure riskc.objective riskd.speculative risk.ANSWER: D13. Under which of the following conditions will objective risk decrease, assuming everything elseremains constant?a.the number of exposure units increasesb.the chance of loss decreasesc.the number of exposure units decreasesd.the probable variation of actual from objective losses increases.ANSWER: A14. A peril that involves pure risk isa. a building fire that burns one of several company ownedoffice buildingsb.the purchase of a stock with a high degree of price fluctuationc. a competitor’s attempt to take market share from a businessd.betting that the Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl at the beginning of the footballseason.ANSWER: A15. Which of the following represent hazards that affect the level of Company ABC’s liability risk?a. a large amount of debt in comparison with the level of ABC’s assets and an award o f ajudgment against ABCb.an award of judgment against ABC and the frequent occurrence of slippery spills on thefloor of ABC’s personnel departmentc.the frequent occurrence of slippery spills on the floor of ABC’s personnel department and aparticularly toxic waste product that is temporarily stored in a vacant lot next to a largechemical factoryd.an award of judgment against ABC and a particularly toxic waste product that is temporarilystored in a vacant lot next to a large chemical factory.ANSWER: CCHAPTER 2Risk Identification and EvaluationTrue-False1.Loss exposure checklists cannot be tailored to specificindustries.ANSWER: F2.A financial statement analysis would include a review of a long range strategic plan.ANSWER: T3.Outside suppliers can be added to a company’s flowcharts.ANSWER: T4.Risk managers can discover previously unidentified loss exposures from on-site inspections.ANSWER: T5.Risk management information systems can analyze claim payments, accident causes, and safetyprograms. (The risk manager does these things, not the RMIS.)ANSWER: F6.Risk managers should leave contract analysis for potential risks to the company’s attorney.ANSWER: F7. If all risk identification methods are properly used, all loss exposures can be identified.ANSWER: F8. The maximum possible loss to a firm with $200,000 in assets is $200,000.ANSWER: F9. Liability losses outside the United States are not as likely to happen as those inside thecountry.ANSWER: T10. The binomial distribution is used to evaluate partiallosses.ANSWER: F11. The main difference between the Poisson distribution and the normal distribution is that oneinvolves continuous variables while the other involves discrete variables.ANSWER: F12. As the number of exposure units increases the loss exposure becomes less risky, all else the same.ANSWER: T13. A loss exposure and a pure risk are the same thing.ANSWER: F14. One method to identify loss exposures is the Poisson analysis.ANSWER: F15. Risk mapping considers both risk frequency and risk severity. ANSWER: TMatchinga. Adjusted return on capital 1. _________________ involves analyzing each item on a firm’sincome statement and balance sheet regarding risks that may be present.b. contractual liability 2. A/An _________________ maps out the physical flow of goodsand can be analyzed with respect to the types of risks that mayaffect the goods at each point.c. expected value 3. A/An _________________ enumerates various specific sources ofloss.d. financial statement analysis 4. The _________________ of a group of losses represents theaverage of all losses.e. flowchart 5. The _________________ represents the middle value when valuesare arranged from smallest to largest.f. law of large numbers 6. The _________________, which is the square root of the variance,is a measure of variability.g. loss exposure checklist 7. Under the concept of _________________, one’s liability may beimputed to another by contract.h. maximum possible loss 8. The _________________ of a collection of observations is definedas the observed value with the largest relative frequency.i. mean 9. Among other things, a _________________ analyzes past lossesand forecasts future losses with the use of computers.j. median 10. The _________________ states that the greater the number ofexposure units insured, the greater the accuracy in the predictionof future losses by the insurer.k. mode 11. The _________________ is another term that describes the meanof a group of values.l. risk management information system 12. By calculating the _________________, the firm can determinethe extent to which the firm is exposed to a particular loss.m. standard deviation 13. _________________ analysisconstructs probability distributionsof risks and combinations of risks to estimate the risk of loss atdifferent probability levels.n. Value at risk 14. _________________ assesses how much capital would be requiredto keep the probability of bankruptcy below a specified level.ANSWER:1 d2 e3 g4 i5 j6 m7 b8 k9 l10 f11 c12 h13 n14 aMultiple Choice1.Which approach is not used by risk managers to identify and evaluate risks?a.contract analysisb.risk mappingc.financial discriminationd.on-site inspections.ANSWER: C2.Which method would be more useful to discover a dollar estimate of losses?a.flowchartsb.financial statement analysisc.contract analysisd.statistical analysis.ANSWER: B3.Which combination of methods would be best to identify as many loss exposures as possible for anorganization?a.flowcharts and contract analysisb.on-site inspections, statistical analysis, and contract analysisc.financial statement analysis, statistical analysis, and on-site inspectionsd.all the methods combined.ANSWER: D4.The Goode Company has a plant in Newark, New Jersey, and a plant in upstate New York. Thecompany has had many prior damage losses due to riots in the Newark plant in the past, but no similar losses in the New York plant. The possibility of the riot losses in the New York plant are considered remote. There have been reports of community tensions in Newark recently.What is the maximum probable loss due to riots to the plants?a.There is no maximum probable loss because nothing has happened yetb.T he maximum probable loss is complete damage to both plantsc.The maximum probable loss is minor damage to the plantin Newarkd.T he maximum probable loss is complete destruction of the plant in Newark.ANSWER: C5.In the past, Traci e’s Ceramics has averaged 5 injuries among her 30 emp loyees per year. What’s theprobability of an employee injury this year?a.0.1667b.16.67c. 6.67d.none of the above.ANSWER: A6.Which of the following uses is not a usual function of a RMIS?a.claims managementb.report generationc.catastrophe predictiond.adjuster performance monitoring.ANSWER: C7.Consider the following numbers that range from 10 to 40 (10, 14, 23, 23, 30, 36, 40) and theirprobabilities (.20, .10, .05, .20). Name the median, mean, mode, and the expected valuerespectively.a.23, 23, 23, and 25b.23, 24, 23, and 25.3c.23, 24.3, 24, and 26d.23, 25.3, 23, and 30.ANSWER: A8.What is the best number of exposure units for Cofield Drugs in estimating the actual loss frequency oftheir 100-vehicle automobile fleet?a.100b.92c.1,000d.infinite.ANSWER: D9.The Cookie Company (CC) has 1,200 employees and the chance of an injury to employees is 0.05.Suitmaker Lauren Alexander (LA) has 750 employees and the chance of an injury to employees is 0.08. The possible variation of losses for both are 34 and 40, respectively. What is the objective risk of both companies, and which is more risky?a. 46.6% for CC, 56.7% for LA; LA is more riskyb. 56.6% for CC, 66.7% for LA; LA is more riskyc. 56.6% for CC, 46.7% for LA; CC is more riskyd. 46.6% for CC, 66.7% for LA; CC is more riskyANSWER: B10. Sharlene, the risk manager of Chief Rocking Records, has been asked to assist the corporatestrategy team in planning a new compact disk factor y. The team wants Sharlene’s input on how many CDs th ey should produce. Sharlene knows the losses are distributed normally, and theprobability of loss is 8%. She will use 2 standard deviations for the calculations. What is thenumber of exposure units needed for the actual loss to be within 10% of the expected?a. 4,300b. 4,600c. 4,900d. infinite.ANSWER: B11. Which theoretical distribution would be most appropriate to use for a large number of exposureunits (over 50) and the probability of loss is very small?a.normal distributionb.binomial distributionc.Poisson distributiond.fourier distribution.ANSWER: C12. Which theoretical distribution would be most appropriate to use for a small number of exposureunits (under 50) if there is no probability of a partial loss?a.normal distributionb.binomial distributionc.Poisson distributiond.fourier distribution.ANSWER: B13. Which measure of central tendency is used most often by risk managers?a.medianb.modec.standard deviationd.mean.ANSWER: D14. Sharon, the risk manager of Tracie’s Ceramics, wants toknow more about the employee injuries ather firm. One loss was a wrist sprain that has a probability of 0.06. Another was a back sprainwith a probability of 0.07. Yet another was overinhalation of a hazardous substance with aprobability of 0.02. The other two were slips and falls with a probability of 0.13. If the amounts of the losses were $700, $3,000, $2,500, $950, and $950, respectively, what is the expected value of an employee injury loss for that year?a.$500b.$749c.$549d.$1,249.ANSWER: C15. Dawson Products had 20 losses in 1999, 21 in 2000, 43 in 2001, 38 in 2002, and 29 in 2003.What is the standard deviation of losses?a.20.37。
大学保险期末试题及答案第一部分:选择题(共40题,每题2分,共80分)1. 保险合同成立时,以下哪项不是必须的?A. 投保人的投保意愿B. 投保人的申请书C. 保险公司的接受意愿D. 保险费的支付答案:A. 投保人的投保意愿2. 保险人作为保险合同的一方,以下哪项是其权利?A. 缴纳保险费B. 确定保险金额C. 解除保险合同D. 要求保险金给付答案:C. 解除保险合同3. 以下关于保险金给付的说法,正确的是:A. 保险人可以随意决定保险金的给付对象B. 保险金的给付金额可以超过被保险人的实际损失C. 保险金的给付时间可以晚于保险事故发生后的合理期限D. 保险公司可以拒绝给付保险金答案:D. 保险公司可以拒绝给付保险金4. 以下哪种保险属于非人身保险?A. 健康保险B. 意外险C. 车险D. 旅行保险答案:C. 车险5. 以下国家对于保险公司设立和经营有一定监管要求的是:A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 英国D. 所有选项都是答案:D. 所有选项都是......(以下省略部分题目及答案)第二部分:简答题(共4题,每题10分,共40分)1. 请简要解释下列概念:保险合同、保险费、保险金、投保人、被保险人。
2. 请解释以下风险的理论:绝对风险、相对风险、保险风险。
6.保险单:保险单(Insurance policy)简称为保单,是保险人与被保险人订立保险合同的正式书面证明。
国际金融双语期末A卷2009 2010 2
![国际金融双语期末A卷2009 2010 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ceb0ec8ced630b1c59eeb5f8.png)
国际金融双语期末卷A2009-2010-2浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Part I: Multiple choice(1*30=30score)( only one choice for each question)1.Which of the following transactions is recorded in the financial account?A)Ford motor company builds a new plant in ChinaB)A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobiles from the UnitedStates.C)A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China.D)The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by the Chinese to play anexhibition game in Beijing, China.2.In the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancy or error term is usedto:A)Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum of all credits.B)Ensure that imports equal the value of exports.C)Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments deficit.D)Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments surplus.3.A deficit in the overall balance generally is an indication that:A)The country's monetary authorities were selling foreign currency.B)The country's monetary authorities were buying foreign currency.C)The country's monetary authorities were buying domestic currency.D)The country's monetary authorities were buying imported goods.4. Suppose that a Korean television set that costs 600 won in Korea costs $400 inthe United States. These prices suggest that the exchange rate between the wonand the dollar is:A)1.5 won per dollarB)0.75 won per dollarC)$1.50 per wonD)$3 per won5. To the US, U.S. capital inflows will create a __________ foreign currency and a__________ U.S. dollars.A)Demand for; supply ofB)Supply of; demand forC)Shortage of; demand forD)Supply of; shortage of6. U.S. imports of goods and services will create a __________ foreign currencyand a __________ U.S. dollars.A) Demand for; supply ofB) Supply of; demand forC) Shortage of; demand forD) Supply of; shortage of页23页,共2第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷7.If the spot price of the euro is $1.10 per euro and the 30-day forward rate is$1.00 per euro, and you believe that the spot rate in 30 days will be $1.05 pereuro, you can maximize speculative gains by:A)Buying euros in the spot market and selling the euros in30 days at thefuture spot rate.B)Signing a forward foreign exchange contract to sell the euros in 30days.C)Signing a forward foreign exchange contract to sell the dollars in 30days.D)Buying dollars in the spot market and selling the dollars in 30 days atthe future spot rate.8.Assume you are a Chinese exporter and expect to receive $250,000 at the end of60 days. You can remove the risk of loss due to a devaluation of the dollar by:A)Selling dollars in the forward market for 60-day delivery.B)Buying dollars now and selling it at the end of 60 days.C)Selling the yuan equivalent in the forward market for 60-day delivery.D)Keeping the dollars in the United States after they are delivered toyou.9. The interest rate in the U.K. is 4% for 90 days, the current spot rate is$2.00/£ and the forward rate is $1.96/£. If the covered interest rate differential isabout ?1%, then the interest rate in the U.S. for 90 days wouldhave to be:A)7%B)4%C)3%D)2%10. If the covered interest differential is zero:A)International investments will be unprofitable.B)Parity has not been reached.C)The overall covered return on a foreign-currency investment equalsthe return on a comparable domestic-currency investment.D)A currency is at a forward premium by as much as its interest rate ishigher than the interest rate in the other country.11. When uncovered interest parity holds:A)A currency is expected to appreciate by as much as its interest rate islower than the interest rate in the other country.B) A currency is expected to appreciate by as much as itsinterestrate is higher than the interest rate in the other country C) A currency is expected to depreciate by as much as its interest rate is lower than the interest rate in the othercountryD)The forward premium equals the interest rate differential.页23页,共3第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷12. International Fisher Effect refers to the condition when:A)Covered differential equals zero.B)Expected uncovered differential equals zero.C)Uncovered interest parity holds.D)Both (B) and (C).13. __________ purchasing power parity states that the difference betweenchanges over time in product-price levels in two countries will be offset by thechange in the exchange rate over this time.A)FullB)PartialC)RelativeD)Absolute14. The __________ approach to exchange rates emphasizes the importance ofthe supply and demand for money as a key to understanding the determinants ofexchange rates.A)Purchasing-power-parityB)Asset marketC)MonetaryD)Balance of payments15. Based on PPP and the quantity theory of money, if Japan's real income risesrelative to real income in the US, there should be a(n):A)Appreciation of the dollar.B)Appreciation of the yen.C)Interest rate parity.D)Depreciation of the yen.16..The __________ effect can sometimes be destabilizing because it moves theexchange rate away from its long-run equilibrium value.A) BandwagonB) BubbleC) Exchange rateD) Arbitrage17. The law of __________ states that a product that is easily and freely traded ina perfectly competitive global market should have the same price everywhere.A) International tradeB) One priceC) Diminishing returnsD) Relative PPP18..According to the relative version of purchasing power parity, when theforeign country inflation rate increases, the home country's:A)Currency tends to depreciate.B)Currency tends to appreciate.C)Inflation rate tends to decrease.D)Inflation rate tends to stay the same.19..Which of the following are in place when government imposes limits on or页23页,共4第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷requires approvals for payments related to some (or all) international financialactivities?A)Exchange controls.B)Capital controls.C)Official interventions.D)Adjustable pegs.20. Pressures in the foreign exchange market are such as to cause the Britishpound to appreciate with respect to the U.S. dollar. If Britain is trying tomaintain a fixed exchange rate with respect to the U.S. dollar, which of thefollowing interventions will stem the pressures for appreciation of the pound?A)Britain should sell pounds and buy dollars.B)Britain should do nothing as a fixed rate will not change.C)Britain should buy pounds and sell dollars.D)Britain should decrease their money supply to contract the economy.21. Faced with ever increasing outflows of gold in the late 1960's, the UnitedStates:A)Used contractionary fiscal policies to rid the nation of deficits.B)Devalued the dollar in terms of gold.C) Suspended the convertibility of dollars into gold.D) Imposed foreign exchange controls.22. .If the marginal propensity to save is 0.3 and the marginal propensity toimport is 0.1, and the government increases expenditures by $10 billion, ignoringforeign-income repercussions(回流效应), how much will GDPrise?A)$20 billion.B)$10 billion.C)$25 billion.D)$15 billion.23.The IS curve illustrates:A)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates for whichthe domestic product market is in equilibrium.B)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates for whichthe domestic money market is in equilibrium.C)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates thatresults in a zero balance for the country's official settlements balance.D)All combinations of domestic output levels and interest rates for whichthere is full employment.24.The LM curve has a:A)Positive slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decrease inthe demand for money and thus a higher level of domestic production is needed to cause people to continue to hold thesameamount of money.B)Negative slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decreasein the demand for money and thus a higher level of domestic 页23页,共5第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷production is needed to cause people to continue to hold thesameamount of money.C)Negative slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decreasein aggregate demand and thus a lower level of domestic production is needed for equilibrium.D)Positive slope because a higher interest rate leads to a decrease inaggregate demand and thus a higher money supply is needed for equilibrium.25. Official intervention in the foreign exchange market to defend a fixedexchange rate when the value of domestic currency is under downward pressure:A)Causes international reserve holdings to rise.B)Has no impact on the domestic money supply.C)Causes the domestic money supply to rise.D)Causes the domestic money supply to fall.26. Floating exchange rates ensure:A) Full employment domestically.B) Domestic price stability.C) Equilibrium in the overall balance of payments.D) A surplus in the trade balance.27. There are limits to the ability of monetary authoritiesto use sterilizedintervention in the case of a surplus because:A)The central bank may be unwilling to increase its holdings of foreigncurrency.B) Pressure from foreign countries to allow the domestic currency todepreciate will lead to large losses.C)The central bank is limited in its ability to obtain foreign currency.D)There are no limits on the use of sterilized intervention.28. Under a floating exchange rate regime, following an expansion in the moneysupply, monetary authorities will:A) Buy foreign currency in the foreign exchange market.B) Buy domestic currency in the foreign exchange market.C) Do nothing in the foreign exchange market.D) Sell domestic currency in the foreign exchange market.29.Given the IS-LM-FE framework and an overall payments balance of zero, ifthe country implements expansionary monetary policy, the LM curve will shift tothe __________ which will lead to the country's currency__________. Inresponse, the FE and IS curves will shift to the __________ and external balancewill be reestablished.A) left; appreciating; rightB) left; depreciating; leftC) right; depreciating; rightD) right; appreciating; right30. Under a floating exchange rate regime with a low degree of capital mobility,expansionary fiscal policy will lead to:页23页,共6第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷A) Higher interest rates.B) Lower interest rates.C) Capital outflows.D) A surplus in the official settlements balance.Part II, True or False (10*1.5=15 score)( T for true and F For false, you are not required to give reason for your choice)1.If a currency is at a forward premium by as much as its interest rate is lowerthan the interest rate in the other country, covered interest parity holds.2. Contractionary fiscal policy with floating exchange rates and low capitalmobility leads to currency depreciation.3. Over the long-run, a country with a relatively high inflation rate tends to havea depreciating currency.4.The quantity theory of money says that in any country the money supply isequated to the demand for money, which is directly proportional to themoney value of the gross domestic product.5.With fixed exchange rates, external capital flow shocks have little impact onthe internal economy.6.The Bretton Woods conference created the International Monetary Fund(IMF).7.The official settlements balance is in deficit if the IS-LM intersection is to theright of the FE curve.8.(P*e / P) is a useful indicator of a country's international price f competitiveness.9.The assignment rule says that, with fixed exchange rates, fiscal policy shouldbe assigned to stabilizing the balance of payments and monetary policyshould be assigned to stabilizing the domestic economy. 10.The J curve shows a typical response of the current account balance to a dropin the exchange rate value of a country's currency.Part III: Questions(6*6=36 score)1.You are provided with the following information about a country'sinternational transactions during a given year:Service exports $ 346Service imports $354Merchandise exports $480Merchandise imports $348Income flow, net $153Unilateral transfers, net $142Increase in the country holding of foreign assets, net $352 (excluding official reserves assets)页23页,共7第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Increase in foreign holding of foreign assets, net $252 (excluding official reserves assets)Statistical discrepancy, net $154 Calculate the official settlements balance and the current account balance. Isthe country increasing or decreasing its net holdings of official reserve assets?Why?2. The following rates exist:Current spot exchange rate: $1.8/£Annualized interest rate on 90-day dollar-denominated bonds: 8% (2% for 90days)Annualized interest rate on 90-day pound-denominated bonds: 12% (3% for90 days)Financial investor expect the spot exchange rate to be $1.77/£ in 90 days,A)With the uncovered interest differential to make judgment that if he bases hisdecisions solely on the difference in the expected rate of return, should aU.S.-based investor make an uncovered investment inpound-denominated bondsrather than investing in dollar-denominated bonds? Why?B) if there is substantial uncovered investment seeking higher expected returns,what pressure is placed on the current spot exchange rate?3.What is the exchange rate overshooting, why does it occur?4.Assume that a government has become committed to maintaining a fixedexchange rate that officially values foreign currencies less, and the domesticcurrency (here the dollar) more, than the free market equilibrium rate. Theofficial rate is, say, $1.0 per pound sterling. This exchange controls result inconsiderable costs to a country whose government imposes them. Describethese costs and the role that bribery and parallel markets can play ineconomies with exchange controls.Figure: Welfare Losses from Exchange Controls页23页,共8第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷 $/£A E1.5B C££B 30begins at a country 5. Use the standard IS-LM-FE framework and assume thefollowing exchange rate. What effect will the triple intersection under floatinghave on domestic interest rates, output levels, and the official settlements balance,assuming low capital mobility?(you are suggested explain with figure)The central bank increases the money supply. a.The government increases its spending.b.6.Explain the effects of expanding the money supply on the economy of a countrytriple a begins at exchange with fixed rates. (Assume the countryintersection ,you are suggested explain with figure)Part III, Reading and analysis (9 score for paper1 and 10 score forpaper 2))体制(1: China to further reform RMB exchange rate regime, (PBOC)Bank The People's of Chinaproceed decided to central China's bank, hasRenminbi the the further with reform ofexchange rate regime to enhance the (RMB)spokespersonflexibility, a rate RMB exchange 2010,on Jun 19, said central of the bank 页23页,共9第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Saturday Beijing.The decision was made in view of therecent economic situation and financial marketdevelopments at home and abroad, and thebalance of payments (BOP) situation in China,the spokesperson said in a statement.In further proceeding with the reform,continued emphasis would be placed toreflecting market supply and demand withreference to a basket of currencies. Theexchange rate floating bands will remain thesame as previously announced in the inter-bankforeign exchange market, the spokesman said.The spokesperson said China's externaltrade is becoming more balanced. The ratio ofcurrent account surplus to GDP, after a notablereduction in 2009, has been declining since thebeginning of 2010.With the BOP account moving closer toequilibrium,thebasisforlarge-scaleappreciation of the RMB exchange rate does notexist, the spokesperson said. 页23页,共10第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷The PBOC will further enable market toplay a fundamental role in resource allocation,promote a more balanced BOP account,maintain the RMB exchange rate basicallystable at an adaptive and equilibrium level, andachieve the macroeconomic and financialstability in China, the spokesperson said.China has moved into a managed floatingexchange rate regime based on market supplyand demand with reference of a basket ofcurrencies since July 1, 2005. The spokesperson said the reform of theRMB exchange rate regime has been makingsteady progress since 2005, producing theanticipated results and playing a positive role.( On July 21, 2005, the People's Bank of China,announced that the RMB yuan, will be traded ata rate of 8.11 to the US and the yuan to USdollar pegging system is switched to a basket offoreign currencies.)With the current round of internationalfinancial crisis was at its worst, the exchange页23页,共11第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷rate of a number of sovereign currencies to theUS dollar depreciated by varying margins.The stability of the RMB exchange ratehas played an important role in mitigating(缓解)the crisis' impact, contributing significantly toAsian and global recovery, and demonstratingChina'seffortsinpromotingglobalrebalancing, the spokesperson said.The gradual recovery of the global economy and upturn of the Chineseeconomyhas become more solid with enhanced economicstability. It is desirable to proceed further withreform of the RMB exchange rate regime andincrease the RMB exchange rate flexibility, saidthe spokesperson.Question1:Why the spokesperson said.With the BOP account moving closer toequilibrium, the basis forlarge-scaleappreciation of the RMB exchange rate does notexist,bank Question2: Why the Chinese Centraltheof the to would like proceed reform页23页,共12第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Renminbi (RMB) exchange rate regime toenhance the RMB exchange rate flexibility. Canyou explain the benefit by making the RMBmore flexible?2: Hot money flow and its explanationThe generally accepted view is that theinflowofshort-termspeculativemoney(so-called hot-money) began in 2007 in Chinatargeting capital gains derivedfrom rising stockand property prices and the anticipatedappreciation of the RMB. “hot money” isdefined as the flow of funds counted as capitaland financial account other than for directinvestment and errors and omissions. In otherwords, “hot money” is defined as “changes inreserve assets” minus “changes in currentaccount” minus “directinvestment flows”. Thisis the simplest way to express the movement ofshort-term funds, and the most conservative, asthe estimates tend to be smaller.When adjustments are made for the some页23页,共13第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷policy measures, the BoPstatistics indicate thataccelerated inflows into China “hot money ”2007, from 22.5 billion USD in the first half of2007, of second half 70.2 billion USD in the toof first half billion USD in the and up to 139.1of USD 184.8 a huge billion 2008. In contrast,of half the second in “hot money ” flowed out2008 (2008, 2H)(Figure 1).Figure 1: Hot money in China after adjustmentForeignDirectCurrentHotSome people says that the huge inflow of hotof price the increasing for money is the reasonto order property and price. In price stockcheck this point, here we give two figures about页23页,共14第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷the Shanghai Stock index and Property (资产)Price index of different regions includingShangHai, Shengzhen, Beijing.Figure 2: Shanghai Stock IndexFigure 3: Property Price index.页23页,共15第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷We find that Stock prices peaked in Octobertrend a downward thereafter 2008, and beganto began in (Figure 2). Growth property prices3) of 2008 (c) (Figure first fall in the halfalthough the hot money inflow go to its peak atthe same time.Figure 4: RMB exchange rate and interest rate parity InterestRMBForwardofChangethe RMB forward exchange rate shifted From the above figure 4, we find thatafter the rapid appreciation of the RMB spot exchange rate, and deviated frominterest rate parity from late-2007 until the autumn of 2008. The distance frominterest rate parity widened most in the first half of 2008. This is because spotexchange rates are under the control of the authorities while forward exchangerates are not, and their appreciation reflected market participants' expectation of页23页,共16第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷spot rate appreciation in the following period. As a consequence, the RMBforward exchange rate moved toward appreciation, and the difference betweenthe RMB forward rate and spot rate began to deviate from interest rate parity inMay 2007, peaking in March 2008.Figure 5: Returns from arbitrage transactions using RMB forward exchangerateQuestion 1: From fighre1,2,3, do you agree withthe such idea that the huge hot money inflow isthe main force that pushes the Chinese stockprice and property price increase and raises thebubbles. Why?Question 2: With the figure 1, 4, 5 would youplease explain the relationship between RMBappreciation and hot money inflow by the assetmarket approach, say, the covered interestdifferential equation and covered interest parity.页23页,共17第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷学年第一学期2009~2010浙江财经学院卷)答案 A )》课程期末考试试卷(《国际金融(双语)(10*1=10PART I: Multiple choice 16-20 ABBBA 6-10 ACACC11-15 ADCCB 1-5 AAAAB26-30CACCA 21-25 CCAADPART II TRUTH OR FALSE(10*1.5=15)10 T 9 F 7T 8T 2 F 3 T 4T 5F. 6T 1TPART III: Questions(6*6=36)Question 1:POSSIBLE RESPONSE:348 + 153 - 142 = $135354 + 480 ?Current account balance: $346 ?352 + –??354 + 480348 +153 -142 + 252 Official settlements balance: $346154 = $189$189. ?Change in official reserve assets (net) = ?officialsettlements balance =The country is increasing its net holdings of official reserve assets.Question 2:POSSIBLE RESPONSE:uncovered expected investor, the of view of the U.S.-based the a)From pointthe Because is [(1+0.03)*1.77/1.8]-(1+0.02)=-0.0072.interest differentialbased investor should stay at home, investing in differential is negative, the U.S –dollar-denominated bonds, if he baseshis decision on the difference in expectedreurns.the Britain to investment flowing from there b) If is substantial uncoveredUnited States, this increases the supply of pounds in the spot exchange market.There is downward pressure on the spot exchange rate to drop below $1.8/pound.The pound teds to depreciate.Question 3:POSSIBLE RESPONSE:monetary of the version because in this sticky price Overshooting occursapproach, prices are assumed to be fixed in the short run and completely flexiblein the increase for of A considerable amount time must passrun. the in longmoney supply to lead to an increase in domestic prices. Thus, purchasing powerparity is more realistically assumed to hold in the long run but not in the shortrun. Because prices are sticky at first, the increase in money supply drives downdomestic interest rates. This shift favors foreign currency assets which results inimmediate depreciation of the domestic currency. As prices adjust, the domesticcurrency reverts back to its new long run equilibrium.页23页,共18第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷Question4、Assume that a government has become committed tomaintaining afixed exchange rate that officially values foreign currencies less, and the domesticcurrency (here the dollar) more, than the free market equilibrium rate. Theofficial rate is, say, $1.0 per pound sterling. This exchange controls result inconsiderable costs to a country whose government imposes them. Describe thesecosts and the role that bribery and parallel markets can play in economies withexchange controls.Figure: Welfare Losses from Exchange ControlsPOSSIBLE RESPONSE:The exchange controls require exporters to turn over all their revenues fromforeign buyers to the government. The government, in turn, gives them $1.0 indomestic bank deposits for each pound sterling they have earned. In Figure 20.2,the exchange control limits the foreign currency available to 30 billion pounds,which is the amount earned by the country's exporters at the exchange rate of$1.0 per pound. Even if those who most value the limited foreign currency get it,the country suffers a loss of well being equal to the triangulararea depicted byCEA.Actual exchange control regimes are likely to have other effects and costs.One such example is the efforts evade exchange controls. People are frustratedwhen they are not allowed to buy foreign exchange, even though they are willingto pay more than the recipients of foreign exchange will get from the governmentwhen these holders sell their foreign currency. The frustrated demanders willlook for other ways to obtain foreign exchange. One way is to bribe thegovernment functionaries in charge of determining the official approvals.Another is to offer more to recipients of foreign exchange than the government isoffering. In this way a second foreign exchange market, a parallel market orblack market, develops as a way for private demanders and sellers of foreignexchange to evade exchange controls. Parallel markets exist in most countriesthat have exchange controls.5. Use the standard IS-LM-FE framework and assume the country begins at atriple intersection under floating exchange rate. What effect will the followinghave on domestic interest rates, output levels, and the official settlements balance,assuming low capital mobility?(you are suggested explain with figure)a.The central bank increases the money supply.b.The government increases its spending.POSSIBLE RESPONSE:a.The LM curve shifts to the right, and the country moves to a newshort-run equilibrium at the intersection of the IS curve and the newLM curve. The domestic interest rate decreases, real GDP increases,and the official settlements balance goes into deficit. Withtheincrease in the money supply, it is temporarily greater than moneydemand. To bring about an equilibrium in the money market, interest页23页,共19第浙江财经学院课程期末考试试卷rates must fall. The fall in interest rates increases interest-sensitivespending, so the GDP output level increases. There is now a paymentdeficit because the new intersection of the IS and LM curves takesplace to the right of the FE curve.b.The IS curve shifts to the right, and the country moves to a newshort-run equilibrium at the intersection of the LM curve and the newIS curve. Real GDP increases, the domestic interest rate increases,and the official settlements balance goes into deficit. This newintersection occurs to the right of the relatively steep FE curve, whichcorresponds to a payments deficit.The figure is neglected.6. Explain the effects of expanding the money supply on the economy of acountry with fixed exchange rates. (Assume the country begins at a tripleintersection , you are suggested explain with figure) POSSIBLE RESPONSE:Beginning from an external balance, an expansion in the money supplyincreases bank liquidity. In the short run, as banks compete with each other tolend money, interest rates are bid down. The fall in interest rates causes someholders of financial assets denominated in the domestic currency to seek higherreturns abroad. The international capital outflow causes the financial account todeteriorate. the currency of this country will under the。
风险管理期末考试一试题(A 卷)一、单项选择题( 本大题共20 小题,每题 1 分,共 20 分 )在每题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是切合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1. 大部分纯粹风险属于()A. 经济风险B. 静态风险C.特定风险D. 财富风险2. 以部下于谋利风险的是()A. 交通事故B. 买卖股票C. 地震D. 火灾3.保险属于()A. 防止风险B.自留风险C. 中微风险D. 转移风险4. 安装避雷针属于()A. 损失克制B. 损失预防C. 风险防止D.风险转移5. 医生在手术前要求病人家眷署名的行为属于()A. 风险防止B.风险隔绝C.风险转移D.风险自留6. 多米诺骨牌理论的创办者是()A. 哈顿B. 海因里希C. 加拉格尔D. 马歇尔7. 在风险事故发生前完成的借贷协议属于()A. 内部借钱B. 特别贷款C. 应急贷款D. 抵押借钱8. 营业中止损失属于 ()A. 直接损失B.间接损失C.责任损失D. 额外花费损失9. 当保险方与被保险方对合同的理解不一致时,对合同的解说应有益于()A. 保险方B.第三方C.被保险方D.详细状况详细确立10. 对于集体保险以下说法正确的选项是()A. 保险金额无上限B. 增添了逆选择C.对集体的性质有要求D.不可以免体检11. 实行风险管理的首要步骤是()A. 风险辨别B. 风险评论C.风险办理D.风险管理决议12. 选择保险人时,以下要素中最重要的是()A. 费率高低B. 规模大小C.偿付能力D.折扣多少13. 以部下于特定风险的是()A. 战争B.通货膨胀C.自然灾祸D. 盗窃14. 在必定的概率水平下,单调风险单位因单调事故所致的最大损失称为()A. 最大可能损失B.最大预期损失C.损失希望值D.年度最大可能损失15. 公司广泛采纳的风险管理组织是()A. 直线制B. 职能制C.直线职能制D. 选择制16.在火灾保险中,最常用的共保条款比率是()A.60%B.70%C.80%D.90%17.以下不属于保险与自留相联合的方式是()A. 不足额保险B.足额保险C.自负额保险D. 限制损失保险18.被保险人放火属于()A. 道德风险要素B.本质风险要素C.心理风险要素D. 有形风险要素19.中和用办理()A. 纯粹风险B. 谋利风险C.人身风险D.国家风险20.以人们行为为控制着眼点的损失控制技术是()A. 损失预防B. 损失克制C.工程法D. 行为法二、多项选择题( 本大题共 10 小题,每题 2 分,共 20 分 )在每题列出的五个备选项中起码有两个是切合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
20202021保险学期末课程考试试卷A含答案2020-2021保险学期末课程考试试卷A一、选择题(每题4分,共50分)1. 保险最早出现在哪个国家?A. 美国B. 英国C. 中国D. 德国2. 以下哪个不属于保险的基本原理?A. 互助原理B. 分摊原理C. 共同利益原理D. 风险转移原理3. 保险合同的基本要素包括:A. 投保人、被保险人、受益人B. 保费、承保责任、保险金额C. 管理机构、中介公司、监管机构D.行政制度、税收政策、市场需求4. 以下不属于人寿保险的是:A. 终身寿险B. 儿童保险C. 分红保险D. 家庭财产险5. 保险公司的主要利润来源是:A. 保费收入B. 投资收入C. 代理费D. 再保险费...二、解答题(每题15分,共70分)1. 请简要解释保险的功能和作用。
2. 请列举并解释至少三种不同类型的财产保险。
3. 请解释再保险的概念和作用。
4. 请解释合同解除和保险金豁免。
5. 请简要介绍保险监管的基本原则和措施。
...四、简答题(每题10分,共50分)1. 请简述保险合同中的最大利益原则和损害赔偿原则。
2. 请解释保险公司的承保原则和精算原理。
3. 请列举并解释至少三种保险销售渠道。
4. 请解释保险代理人的职责和义务。
5. 请解释保险公司的再保险安排和目的。
名词解释Term billA bill which is payable at a fixed or determinable future time.Documentary bill:a bill to which shipping documents are attached, and most frequently used under documentary collection or letter of credit transactions.Bill of exchange(汇票):An unconditional order in writing addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at sight or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to ,or to the order of a specified person or to the bearer.Promissory note(本票):An unconditional promise in writing signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to pr to the order of a specified person or to bearer.Cheque(支票):A check is an unconditional order in writing, signed by the person giving it,requiring the banker to whom it is addressed to pay on demand a sum certain in money to ,or to the order of ,a specified person or to bearer.Mail remittance :The remitting bank ,on the request of the remitter ,transfers the funds by mailing a payment order(支付委托书or advice,authorizing the paying bank to make payment to the payee or beneficiary.Demand draft:A kind of draft which is payable at sight ,on demand ,or on presentation ,most commonly used in international trade.Documentary collection:Documentary collection means collection of:(1)financial documents accompanied by commercial documents;(2)commercial documents not accompanied by financial documents.Irrevocable Documentary creditA kind of letters of credit which can not be revised or cancelled without consents of all the major parties.Deferred Payment CreditA DPC which allows the nominated bank , or the issuing bank to effect payment against stipulated documents at a maturity date as specified. Negotiation creditthe credit under which the issuing bank authorizes other nominated banks to purchase the drafts and/or documents presented by the beneficiary. Anticipated creditA credit with a clause which authorizes the advising bank to make an advance payment to the beneficiary.buyer’s usance creditA credit under which according to the contract, payment to the seller at sight,Time draft discounting charges and acceptance commission(承兑手续费)are for the buyer’s account简答题1、比较FOB,CFR,CIFSimilarities:1.the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment, and the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point.2.Requires the seller to clear the goods for export.3.Can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.Differences:1.CFR the seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination.2.CIF the seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. Besides, the seller has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover. If the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as much expressly with the seller or make his own extra insurance arrangements.4、F O B船上交货(……指定装运港)“船上交货(……指定装运港)”是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。
浙江财经⼤学-全⾯风险管理与保险(双语)-期末题库pure risk: Risk where the random outcome can only result in loss (produce a cash outflow); that is, no outcome involving a gain (cash flow) is possible.retention: With which a business or individual retains the obligation to pay for part of all of the losses. When coupled with a formal plan to fund losses for medium-to-large business, retention often is self-insurance. integrated risk management: It is a new approach to corporate the risk management, which uses the technology of both finance and insurance to address the whole range of corporate risk-financial, insurable, operational, and business risk.the return on equity (ROE) : It is defined as the ratio of net operating earnings to the book value of equity.the weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) :valued contracts: It establishes the amount of that the insurer pays at the time the contract is initiated without regard to the amount of the loss caused by the insured event.policy limits: Insurance policies often limit the amount of coverage by placing an upper limit, known as policy limits, on the amount that the insurer will pay for any loss. 保单限额deductibles: It is a common way to limit the amount of the coverage,which eliminate coverage for relatively small losses. 免赔额multi-line/multi-year products (MMPs): Several lines of insurance are bundled within the same insurance programme.multi-tragger products (MTPs): The most important feature of these covers is that claims are only paid if, in addition to an insurance event (“first trigger”) during the term of the policy, a non-insurance event (“second trigger”) also occurs.1. Intuitively explain why risk management activities like insurance purchases and loss control expenditures may be redundant form the perspective of diversified shareholders.1 Risk management is unlikely to decrease the opportunity cost of capital for firms with well-diversified shareholders because risk management activities generally decrease the type of risk (diversifiable risk) that shareholders can eliminate on their own by holding diversified portfolios.2 If risk management does decrease non-diversifiable risk and therefore the opportunity cost of capital, the cost of doing so is likely to negate the benefits of reducing the discount rate.2. Analyze relations between risk management activities (like insurance purchase and loss control) and the opportunity cost of capital for firms. The discount rate (the opportunity cost of capital) equals the risk-free rate plus a risk premium. The risk-free rate is the rate of return on government bonds and cannot be influenced by firm decisions. Thus, if risk management is to affect the discount rate it must affect the risk premium. The risk premium depends only on the amount of non-diversifiable risk. As a result, if risk management decreases diversifiable risk only (the risk that investors can eliminate by holding diversified portfolios), the risk premium will be unaffected and so the opportunity cost of capital will be unaffected.1 Risk management activities like insurance purchases and loss control expenditures typically only reduce a firm’s diversifiable risk. The type of risk that insurance companies tend to insure also are risks that insurance company can largely diversified by selling insurance to many different policyholders. If insurance companies can diversified the risk, then so can shareholders by holding well-diversified portfolios, can thus insurance purchases generally do not reduce a firm’s opportunity cost of capital.2 The risk that is reduced through loss control also tends to be firm-specific risk. For example, the frequency and severity of workplace accidents and product failures are likely to be uncorrelated across firms. These firm-specific risks can be diversified by shareholders and so control activities usually will not decreases a firm’s opportunity cost of capital.3. Explain why exposures with low severity of losses are not likely to be insured?Exposures with low severity of losses are not likely to be insured on an individual basis because the fixed costs associated with underwriting and distributing a policy make the loading very high compared to expected losses.4. Describe the advantages of captives for a company. ⾃保1 Efficiency gains through participating in one’s claims experienceCaptive were originally invented because companies questioned the efficiency transferring high-frequency risks. Captiveshelp companies avoid the cost of substantial transaction cost as well as improve claims experience through appropriate risk management measures.2 Tax and financial advantages?At the start of the captive boom towards the end of the sixties and the start of the seventies, tax and financial considerations played an important role. The financial advantages include the explicit inclusion of investment income for claims payments and the ability to influence investment policy as well as direct access to the reinsurance market.3 Stabilization of insurance costsHigh price and the lack of capacity in the traditional market, as well as the long-term stabilization of insurance cost make the number of captives rose sharply.4 The strategic benefit is becoming more and more important: captive as an instrument of holistic risk management Increasingly a broader spectrum of risks is being ceded to captives, as well as the entire range of insurance risks. Captives allow a business to benefit from the natural smoothing and diversification effects of different risks.5. Explain why correlated exposures are not likely to be insured?When losses are highly correlated across potential policyholders, the variance of the distribution average losses also will be high. Examples of highly correlated losses are losses from major earthquake, hurricanes and other storms. The problem insuring highly correlated losses is that insurers need to hold a large amount of capital to keep the probability of insolvency low. The cost of raising and holding this capital imply that insurance against highly correlated losses will have a high premium loading. As a result, the amount of coverage purchases is likely to limited and in some cases private insurance coverage will not exist.6. Describe conditions that are required for moral hazard to arise and methods that can decrease moral hazard.Expected losses must depend on the insured’s behavior after having obtained insurance. It must be costly for the insurer to observe precautions by policyholders and measure their impact on expected claim costs.Reducing: Experience rating and limited coverage are the two methods of reducing moral hazard. Experience rating makes the premium charged contingent on the claims in prior periods. Limiting the amount of insurance coverage through deductibles and other provisions.7. What are the major reasons that insurance contracts rarely provide full coverage?If a insurance contract’s premium equals the present value of expectedclaim costs, a risk-averse person will likely demand full insurance coverage for monetary losses that otherwise would be paid by the person. Because premiums almost always have a positive loading. However, risk-averse people will demand less than full coverage. As the loading increases, the quantity of coverage demanded is likely to decrease. Thus, any factor that increases administrative or capital costs (and thus the loading on a policy) will limit the amount of private market insurance coverage.8. Describe inefficiencies of traditional insurance solutions. P1491 Good risks are becoming increasingly risks reluctant to subsidize bad and are choosing self instead insurance (adverse selection)2 Insurance reduces the incentive to prevent/contain losses (moral hazard)3 Basis risks as counterpole to moral hazard4 Traditional (re)insurance involves a substantial credit risk5 Capacity bottlenecks and coverage gaps for large risks (limited insurance capacities)9. Outline the risk management process and describe major risk management methods.Process:1.Identify all significant risks.2.Evaluate the potential frequency and severity of losses.3.Develop and select methods for managing risk.4.Implement the risk management methods chosen.5.Monitor the performance and suitability of the risk managementmethods and strategies on an ongoing basis.Method:10. Analyze relations between the insurability of risk and premium loading.There are three major factors that increase costs and there limit the insurability of risk in private insurance market:1premium loadings, which reflect insurer administrative and capital costs 2moral hazard that arises because insurance changes a person’s incentive to take precautions3adverse selection that arises when policyholders are better informed about expected claim costs than insurers.11. Please make a comparison between catastrophe bonds and contingent capital.巨灾债券和应急资本的⽐较:(1)在赔偿/融资⽅⾯,前者是赔偿买⽅的损失,后者是在损失事件发⽣时按照事先约定的条件提供融资,且不可以改善收益。
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pure risk: Risk where the random outcome can only result in loss (produce a cash outflow); that is, no outcome involving a gain (cash flow) is possible.retention: With which a business or individual retains the obligation to pay for part of all of the losses. When coupled with a formal plan to fund losses for medium-to-large business, retention often is self-insurance. integrated risk management: It is a new approach to corporate the risk management, which uses the technology of both finance and insurance to address the whole range of corporate risk-financial, insurable, operational, and business risk.the return on equity (ROE) : It is defined as the ratio of net operating earnings to the book value of equity.the weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) :valued contracts: It establishes the amount of that the insurer pays at the time the contract is initiated without regard to the amount of the loss caused by the insured event.policy limits: Insurance policies often limit the amount of coverage by placing an upper limit, known as policy limits, on the amount that the insurer will pay for any loss. 保单限额deductibles: It is a common way to limit the amount of the coverage,which eliminate coverage for relatively small losses. 免赔额multi-line/multi-year products (MMPs): Several lines of insurance are bundled within the same insurance programme.multi-tragger products (MTPs): The most important feature of these covers is that claims are only paid if, in addition to an insurance event (“first trigger”) during the term of the policy, a non-insurance event (“second trigger”) also occurs.1. Intuitively explain why risk management activities like insurance purchases and loss control expenditures may be redundant form the perspective of diversified shareholders.1 Risk management is unlikely to decrease the opportunity cost of capital for firms with well-diversified shareholders because risk management activities generally decrease the type of risk (diversifiable risk) that shareholders can eliminate on their own by holding diversified portfolios.2 If risk management does decrease non-diversifiable risk and therefore the opportunity cost of capital, the cost of doing so is likely to negate the benefits of reducing the discount rate.2. Analyze relations between risk management activities (like insurance purchase and loss control) and the opportunity cost of capital for firms. The discount rate (the opportunity cost of capital) equals the risk-free rate plus a risk premium. The risk-free rate is the rate of return on government bonds and cannot be influenced by firm decisions. Thus, if risk management is to affect the discount rate it must affect the risk premium. The risk premium depends only on the amount of non-diversifiable risk. As a result, if risk management decreases diversifiable risk only (the risk that investors can eliminate by holding diversified portfolios), the risk premium will be unaffected and so the opportunity cost of capital will be unaffected.1 Risk management activities like insurance purchases and loss control expenditures typically only reduce a firm’s diversifiable risk. The type of risk that insurance companies tend to insure also are risks that insurance company can largely diversified by selling insurance to many different policyholders. If insurance companies can diversified the risk, then so can shareholders by holding well-diversified portfolios, can thus insurance purchases generally do not reduce a firm’s opportunity cost of capital.2 The risk that is reduced through loss control also tends to be firm-specific risk. For example, the frequency and severity of workplace accidents and product failures are likely to be uncorrelated across firms. These firm-specific risks can be diversified by shareholders and so control activities usually will not decreases a firm’s opportunity cost of capital.3. Explain why exposures with low severity of losses are not likely to be insured?Exposures with low severity of losses are not likely to be insured on an individual basis because the fixed costs associated with underwriting and distributing a policy make the loading very high compared to expected losses.4. Describe the advantages of captives for a company. 自保1 Efficiency gains through participating in one’s claims experienceCaptive were originally invented because companies questioned the efficiency transferring high-frequency risks. Captives help companies avoid the cost of substantial transaction cost as well as improve claims experience through appropriate risk management measures.2 Tax and financial advantages?At the start of the captive boom towards the end of the sixties and the start of the seventies, tax and financial considerations played an important role. The financial advantages include the explicit inclusion of investment income for claims payments and the ability to influence investment policy as well as direct access to the reinsurance market.3 Stabilization of insurance costsHigh price and the lack of capacity in the traditional market, as well as the long-term stabilization of insurance cost make the number of captives rose sharply.4 The strategic benefit is becoming more and more important: captive as an instrument of holistic risk managementIncreasingly a broader spectrum of risks is being ceded to captives, as well as the entire range of insurance risks. Captives allow a business to benefit from the natural smoothing and diversification effects of different risks.5. Explain why correlated exposures are not likely to be insured?When losses are highly correlated across potential policyholders, the variance of the distribution average losses also will be high. Examples of highly correlated losses are losses from major earthquake, hurricanes and other storms. The problem insuring highly correlated losses is that insurers need to hold a large amount of capital to keep the probability of insolvency low. The cost of raising and holding this capital imply that insurance against highly correlated losses will have a high premium loading. As a result, the amount of coverage purchases is likely to limited and in some cases private insurance coverage will not exist.6. Describe conditions that are required for moral hazard to arise and methods that can decrease moral hazard.Expected losses must depend on the insured’s behavior after having obtained insurance. It must be costly for the insurer to observe precautions by policyholders and measure their impact on expected claim costs.Reducing: Experience rating and limited coverage are the two methods of reducing moral hazard. Experience rating makes the premium charged contingent on the claims in prior periods. Limiting the amount of insurance coverage through deductibles and other provisions.7. What are the major reasons that insurance contracts rarely provide full coverage?If a insurance contract’s premium equals the present value of expectedclaim costs, a risk-averse person will likely demand full insurance coverage for monetary losses that otherwise would be paid by the person. Because premiums almost always have a positive loading. However, risk-averse people will demand less than full coverage. As the loading increases, the quantity of coverage demanded is likely to decrease. Thus, any factor that increases administrative or capital costs (and thus the loading on a policy) will limit the amount of private market insurance coverage.8. Describe inefficiencies of traditional insurance solutions. P1491 Good risks are becoming increasingly risks reluctant to subsidize bad and are choosing self instead insurance (adverse selection)2 Insurance reduces the incentive to prevent/contain losses (moral hazard)3 Basis risks as counterpole to moral hazard4 Traditional (re)insurance involves a substantial credit risk5 Capacity bottlenecks and coverage gaps for large risks (limited insurance capacities)9. Outline the risk management process and describe major risk management methods.Process:1.Identify all significant risks.2.Evaluate the potential frequency and severity of losses.3.Develop and select methods for managing risk.4.Implement the risk management methods chosen.5.Monitor the performance and suitability of the risk managementmethods and strategies on an ongoing basis.Method:10. Analyze relations between the insurability of risk and premium loading.There are three major factors that increase costs and there limit the insurability of risk in private insurance market:1premium loadings, which reflect insurer administrative and capital costs 2moral hazard that arises because insurance changes a person’s incentive to take precautions3adverse selection that arises when policyholders are better informed about expected claim costs than insurers.11. Please make a comparison between catastrophe bonds and contingent capital.巨灾债券和应急资本的比较:(1)在赔偿/融资方面,前者是赔偿买方的损失,后者是在损失事件发生时按照事先约定的条件提供融资,且不可以改善收益。