



2020年04期总第496期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS翻译实践报告中翻译理论应用的问题及对策文/买天春在MTI的培养中,翻译理论与实践的结合问题受到极大关注,翻译理论规范能指导实践、描写和阐释实践、启发和预测实践(曹明伦,2014)。





















翻译实践报告总结翻译实践报告范⽂3篇翻译实践报告总结翻译实践报告范⽂3篇 总结是对某⼀特定时间段内的学习和⼯作⽣活等表现情况加以回顾和分析的⼀种书⾯材料,通过它可以全⾯地、系统地了解以往的学习和⼯作情况,不妨让我们认真地完成总结吧。


翻译实践报告总结翻译实践报告范⽂3篇1 My country and my people是林语堂先⽣于1933年⾄1934年间⽤英⽂写成,并⾸先在美国出版发⾏的⼀本书。


我们⼩组的任务是翻译My country and my people的第三章————Chinese Mind,每个成员负责⼀个⼩节,我翻译的是第⼀⼩节———intelligence。








如:Confucius long ago condemned the Jack Dempsey type of physical courage in his discipleTzulu,and I am sure he would have preferred a Gene Tunney who could be at home in circles of educated friends as well,我翻译为“杰克·登 普西(世界重量级拳击史上最有实⼒、最凶狠的重量级拳王之⼀)的⾎⽓之勇,我认为他更青睐吉内·腾尼(曾战胜杰克·登普西⽽荣登冠军宝座,后成为⼀位著名的企业家),既有⾎⽓之勇,⼜能安然于家,与读书⼈侃侃⽽谈”。



• 优秀译作
– 《简爱》、《傲慢与偏见》、《爱玛》、《德伯家的 苔丝》、《名利场》等文学著作译本; – 《中国翻译》等杂志刊登的优秀英译汉、汉译英文章; – 译林出版社《英语美文50篇》、青岛出版社《名作精 译》;张培基《英译中国现代散文选》(汉英对照);
• 翻译教材
• 一、课程定位与目标
“翻译理论与实践”是为英语专业高年级 学生开设的一门学科基础课,由英译汉和汉译 英两大课程模块组成。本课程在一定的翻译原 则指导和理论指引下,注重学生英/汉、汉/英 双向翻译训练和技巧积累,培养学生的翻译能 力。
• 四、课程教学方法与手段 课程教学方法与手段
1、以“读、写”带“译”,以“译”促 “读、写。 2、注重汉英比较。 3、组织翻译学习活动,重视优秀译作的 学习,鼓励学生参加各级各类翻译大赛。
– 参考文献
• 刘宓庆. 当代翻译理论. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1999 • Gentzler, Edwin. COntemporary Translation Theories.上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2004 • 王秉钦. 20世纪中国翻译思想史. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2004 • 吕俊. 翻译学----一个建构主义的视角.上海:上海外语教育出版 社,2006 • 冯庆华. 红译艺坛----《红楼梦》翻译艺术研究.上海:上海外语 教育出版社,2006. • 方梦之.译学词典.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004 • 孙迎春.汉英双向翻译学语林.济南:山东大学出版社,2003 • • • • 国际译联 中国译协网/ 中国科学院科技翻译工作者协会/ 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试网



了解源语和目标语的文化 背景知识,避免文化误解 和冲突。
深入理解原文的语境,包 括上下文、情境、背景等, 确保译文的准确性和贴切 性。
• 翻译理论概述 • 翻译实践技巧 • 翻译案例分析 • 翻译质量评估与改进 • 翻译行业现状与前景
翻译是将一种语言中的文本转换成另 一种语言中的文本的过程,涉及语言 、文化、社会等多个方面。
翻译的本质是信息传递和文化交流, 旨在促进不同语言和文化之间的理解 和沟通。
根据上下文和语境,选择最准确、贴切的词汇进行翻 译。
由于翻译人才素质和翻 译公司管理水平参差不 齐,导致翻译质量良莠 不齐,客户投诉率较高。
随着人工智能和机器学习技术的发展,机器翻译的质量和效率不 断提高,未来将更加普及。
翻译行业将越来越专业化和细分化,不同领域的翻译将需要不同的 专业背景和技能。



13、a process-oriented way of categorizing translator’s electronic tools。










无论是上英语还是语文,我都本着work hard,play harder的理念,以欢乐教学的方式,把嬉戏和教学融为一体,教他们唱英语儿歌,一个月的时间里,我教会了他们四首英文儿歌,同学的学习态度由“要我学”转化为了“我要学”。

学校五班级又是毕业班级,除了要求提高他们对学习的爱好,更重要的还是在于成果的要求,所以,在胜利提高同学的学习爱好之后,我又转变把战略变为力量教学,应校长的要求,教给他们一些生活化的英语口语,于是,我把目标索定了“美国俚语”这一环节,每天晚上回家的第一任务,就是翻查资料,找到适合于他们的一些美国俚语,比如“where can i wash my hands?” “may i have your name?” “where to?” 等。

在课堂上大家都很期盼“美国俚语”的环节,同学们都说:这样的英语既好玩又有用!一个月的时间,他们的口语有了明显的提高,无论课上还是课下,同学都会用“hello ada,goodmorning”的方式和我问好,看着他们有这样的成果,我想,我胜利了!此外,由于班主任的信任,我除了英语教学以外,还负责全学年的语文写作课程,一个月的时间里,作文讲解课10余堂,同学们由原来一篇作文100多字增长到400字左右,对作文的爱好也大大提高,课下同学主动找到我说:老师,我现在觉得作文一点都不难!听到这样的话语,我真的兴奋极了。



“翻译理论与实践”系列课程参考文献目录[1]Arnold, D. et al. 1994. Machine Translation: An Introductory Guide [M]. London: Blackwells NCC.[2]Baker, Mona. 1992, 2000. In Other Words: A Course-book on Translation [Z]. London: Taylor&Francis Ltd.; Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.[3]Bell, Roger. T. 1991, 2001. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice [M]. London: Longman Group UK Ltd.; Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. [4]Benjamin, W. 1993. The Task of the Translator[A]. In: L. Venuti ed. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader [C]. London & New York: Routledge.[5] Dann, Graham M.S. 1996. The Language of Tourism [M]. A Sociolinguistic Perspective.Wallingford: CAB International.[6]Davis, K. 2004. Deconstruction and Translation [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.[7]Delisle, J. 1988. Translation: An Interpretive Approach [M]. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.[8]Hatim, Basil and Mason, Ian. 1990, 2001. Discourse and the Translator [M]. 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关键词:功能翻译理论;基础理论;阐释Abstract:Chinesetraditionaltranslationtheoryconsistsonlyoftranslationprincipleswithoutconcretemethodologyanditcannotbeappliedtopracticaltranslating.Thispapergivesabriefaccounttofunctionaltranslationtheory,prob Keywords:functionaltranslationtheory;basictheory;exposition功能翻译理论强调,翻译是⼀种特殊的交际形式,涉及三种⽂本:原语⽂本、译者的图式⽂本和译语⽂本。









翻译实践报告范文(共7篇)1. 引言 ................................................ ................................................... (1)2. 翻译过程分析 ................................................ ................................................... .....2.1直译法 ................................................ ................................................... ...............2.2排比、对偶句的处理 ................................................ ..........................................2.3语序调整 ................................................ ................................................... ...........2.4成语及四字词语的处理 ......................................................................................3. 结语 ................................................ ................................................... .....................参考文献................................................. ................................................... ....................1. 引言翻译是一门艺术,一门语言的艺术。



中南财经政法大学研究生课程考试试卷(课程论文)论文题目On the Aesthetic Effects of theTranslation of Haunting Olivia 课程名称翻译理论与实践完成时间 2015.2专业年级 2014级翻译硕士中文摘要文学翻译是语言再现的艺术, 是审美的翻译。





关键字:审美;翻译;人物语言个性;人物塑造;修辞AbstractLiterary translation is an art of language representation with aesthetic effect. As one kind of literary text, fiction is a special art form, and the aim of fiction translation is to represent the aesthetic effects. This paper analyzes character personalities reflected by their speech, characterization and rhetoric, introduces the process of translating this fiction. And this paper will emphasize on analyzing my translation process and some strategies and skills. Also, this paper lists some problems I have met during translation.Key words:aesthetic; translation; character personalities reflected by their speech;characterization; rhetoricContentsABSTRACT (2)Ⅰ. Introduction of the author (4)Ⅱ. Analysis of the short story (5)2.1 What is the story about (5)2.2 Aesthetic analysis of the source text (5)2.2.1 Distinct character personalities reflected by their speech (5)2.2.2 Vivid characterisation (6)2.2.3 Rhetorical beauty (7)Ⅲ. The analysis of source text’s translation (7)3.1 The translation of distinct character personalities reflected by their speech (7)3.1.1 The translation of linguistic meaning (8)3.1.2The translation of pragmatic meaning (9)3.2 The representation of vivid characterisation (10)3.2.1 The translation of portrait description (10)3.2.2The translation of action description (10)3.2.3The translation of psychological description (11)3.3 The translation of rhetorical beauty (12)3.3.1 The translation of metaphor (12)3.3.2The translation of symbol (12)Ⅳ. Problems in the process of translation (13)Ⅴ.What I’ve learnt from the project (15)Bibliography (16)Appendix (17)Ⅰ. Introduction of the authorKaren Russell (born July 10, 1981) is an American novelist and short story writer whose haunting yet comic tales blend fantastical elements with psychological realism and classic themes of transformation and redemption. Setting much of her work in the Everglades of her native Florida, she depicts in lyrical, energetic prose an enchanting and forbidding landscape and delves into subcultures rarely encountered in contemporary American literature.The vividly realized stories in her debut collection, St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (2006), revolve around a cast of adolescents, often parentless, caught between the worlds of childhood and adulthood, wilderness and civilization, island and mainland, the living and the dead. In her novel Swamplandia! (2011), R ussell revisits and expands on the opening story of her earlier collection, “Ava Wrestles the Alligator,” to explore the intricacies and consequences of a family’s grief following the death of their matriarch. Narrated primarily by its thirteen-year-old protagonist, Ava, the novel weaves together a chilling odyssey into a swampland netherworld; lush descriptions of the flora, fauna, and history of the Everglades region; and profound observations about human nature in the face of irreparable loss.Russell’s recently published collection of stories, Vampires in the Lemon Grove (2013), navigates new and diverse terrain, from a nineteenth-century silk factory in Japan, to a drought-ravaged homesteader settlement on the plains of Nebraska, to the traumatic memories of an Iraq War veteran. Through the wildly inventive premises of these and other stories, Russell is widening the scope of her already far-reaching and distinctive imagination.Karen Russell received a B.A. (2003) from Northwestern University and an M.F.A. (2006) from Columbia University. Her short stories have appeared in such publications as The New Yorker, Granta, Zoetrope, and Oxford American. She was a fellow at the Cullman Center (2010) and at the American Academy of Berlin (2012), and she has taught writing and literature at Columbia University (2006–2009), Williams College (2009), Bard College (2011), Bryn Mawr College (2012), and theUniversity of Rutgers, Camden (2013).Ⅱ.Analysis of the short story2.1What is the story aboutThe short story Haunting Olivia is about two boys,Wallow and Timothy took a crab sled to look for their little dead sister and describes the wonderful scene they saw and their deep missing for their sister during search. In the novel, crab sledding is the closest thing island kids have to a winter sport. Wallow, Timothy and Olivia often played this game. One day, they’d spent all day crab sledding down the beach, and Wallow and Timothy wanted to go to Granana’s house. But Olivia wanted to play for a while. While neither of them is willing to accompany Olivia who was only 8 years old. After giving her a final push that sent her racing down the slopes, they left. Sine then, Olivia disappeared for ever. Wallow and Timothy planned to look for their little sister by rowing crab sled, and they thought Olivia must be in a cave of Glowworm Grotto drawn by herself. They began working their way around the island to find that cave. This fiction describes what Timothy saw under the water wearing goggles, the night sky above the sea and the scene in the cave during the process of their searching for Olivia, and reflects their deep missing for Olivia.2.2Aesthetic analysis of the source text2.2.1 Distinct character personalities reflected by their speechFiction contains the aesthetic factors which hide in semantic information and exists in characters’conversation(Hu Anjiang, 2005). In the fiction, character personality is an important factor inducing or restricting the variations of language style. Words are the voice of the mind; words are the reflections of one person. So the characters’conversation is undoubtedly the best explanation of self image. The meaning of “words are the voice of the mind”is that the conversations can show characters’ ideological trend, convey the mood of characters and reflect the character'spsychology. That words are the reflections of one person means conversation can reveal one’s characters' personality and nature. In Haunting Olivia, all the conversations between characters convey a certain sense and highlight characters’distinctive individuality. Conversations between Wallow and Timothy, including conversations taking place when they try the goggles, their first booty, founding in the process of two people looking for Olivia. It vividly portrays two little lovely and innocent kids whose relationship is close; Conversations between Olivia and her brothers reflect Olivia is a naughty,smart and cute; Conversations between the two boys and Granana reflect Granana is a very simple old woman having experienced hardships……2.2.2 Vivid characterizationOne important feature of fiction is to shape a large number of the vivid characters. These images not only inspired but also move the reader, and bring reader into poetic realm, and let them own extremely rich aesthetic experience at the same time(Hu Xianyao & Lili, 2009). Here, I will analyze the vivid characters in this fiction from three aspects: portrait description, action description and psychological description(Liu Xinlei, 2011).Portrait description depicts the characters by describing the character's appearance, clothing and gesture, and it is a way of revealing characters’ thoughts and personalities of a way. This novel has many portrait descriptions in paragraph ten, these descriptions use extensive adjectives and similes which compare Olivia's face to red apple and compare the Wallow teeth to the tusks of warthog. Thus it vividly highlights the Olivia's cuteness and Wallow’s funny appearance. But the sentences in source text are hard to understand, so when translating into Chinese, translators should convert them into ones conforming to Chinese patterns. In addition to the portrait description, action description can also vividly shape the characters.There are a large number of action descriptions in the novel. Paragraph 25 vividly depicts the picture of Timothy jump from pier down to water. In addition, paragraph 30 also lively the pleasant scene of rowing crab sled on the beach. Theseaction descriptions are consisted of a series of verbs, so we should pay attention to choose the corresponding words during translation.Novelists prefer using psychological description to shape the characters. By describing characters’ inner world, the author can directly narrates the ups and downs characters’ emotion and shows the characters’mind and personality traits. Psychological description is well organized, and readers can logically see characters’rational spirit world. The psychological descriptions of Timothy after seeing the ghosts of dead children show that timothy was very scared. And the psychological description: "I'd rather drown in Olivia's ghost than have question look at me that way" shows us the struggle in Timothy’s spirit world.2.2.3 Rhetorical beautyNovelist can’t improve language skills and create charm language art without rhetoric. The rhetoric is a kind of language art, which can let reader have an aesthetic experience when reading a novel. Haunting Olivia uses a large number of rhetorical devices, such as:1. Aesthetic effects created by metaphorsCompared with simile, the relationship between ontology and vehicle are not directly express. Metaphor gives readers more vast space for imagination. This novel use metaphor for many times and make the source text vivid (Chen Dingan, 2004). The description of Olivia eyes and the scene emerging in Timothy’s mind after hearing grandfather used to take Granana skinny-dipping swim. All these show the aesthetic effects of metaphor.2. Aesthetic effects created by symbolIn the novel, symbol is a micro rhetoric as important as metaphor. In this novel, there are many descriptions of light in the cave including the light coming from the the caves, the light of glowworms and the light shadow on the stone at the bottom of cave. The description of the light symbolizes the Timothy’s mood changes.Ⅲ.The analysis of source text’s translation3.1 The translation of distinct character personalities reflectedby their speechJust as the analysis of character personalities reflected by their speech above, the aim of conversations is to depict characters and convey a certain meaning, so the translation is to translate meaning. But meaning has multiple levels, semiotics provides the most comprehensive meaning theory: As a kind of symbol system, language has three meanings: referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning. Here I mainly analyze linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning applied in my translation. Linguistic meaning refers to the relationship between the language symbols of the same language system. Pragmatic meaning refers to the relationship between symbols and the user, namely the relationship between language and its users( Xu Jun, 2014).3.1.1 The translation of linguistic meaningLinguistic meaning is owned by a certain kind of language, so it’s hard to keep it in the process of translation, but it does not mean it can not be conveyed. Linguistic meaning includes the sound system meaning, grammatical meaning, lexical meaning, syntactic meaning, etc. Please look at the following example:Source text:“I want my parents to stop sailing around taking pictures of Sudanese leper colonies. I want Wallow to row back to shore and sleep through the night. I want everybody in the goddam family to leave Olivia here for dead.”Target text:“我想爸妈不要旅行去拍苏丹拍一些麻风病人隔离区的照片;我想瓦洛划回岸上然后好好睡一觉;我想这个讨厌的家庭中每个人都让奥莉维亚死在这儿。





关键词:课程思政;科技英语翻译;教学方法中图分类号:G641 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)35-0166-04Abstract: Moral education through courses is an important way to teach and educate students. Integrating moral education into the course of EST Translation is of positive practical value and great significance. Based on the characteristics of EST Translation, the concept of educating students should be integrated into the teaching objectives. Special attention should be paid to the cultivation of patriotism and global vision, scientific literacy and humanism, as well as professional ethics and craftsman spirit. It requires the integration of teaching content and moral education, the reform of teaching methodology, and the improvement of teaching evaluation in order to realize the unity of value shaping, knowledge imparting and ability training.Keywords: moral education through courses; EST Translation; teaching methodology高等學校人才培养是育人和育才相统一的过程,课程思政建设是全面提高人才培养质量的重要任务。













关键词:目的论翻译方法语言学《语言与文化─翻译中的语境》A Report on English-Chinese Translation Guided by SkoposTheory: A Case Study on the Translation of Chapter 7-9 of Language and Culture: the Context in TranslatingAbstractMTI Candidate: Hou Li Advisor: Hu RongWith the acceleration of globalization, the cultural exchanges between countries are increasing. More and more people, who have interests in language and culture, are involved in cultural exchange activities. Meanwhile, a large number of English language books have been introduced to China. Language and Culture: the Context in Translating is written by Eugene A. Nida who is an American linguist, translator and translation theorist. In this book, Nida analyzes the close relationship between language and culture from different aspects and explains how to deal with the various relationships and problems in translation from the perspective of context. Therefore, the author selected Chapter 7 through Chapter 9 (namely: Language and Culture, Functional Equivalence, Translation Procedures) of the first part in Language and Culture: the Context in Translating to translate, hoping to provide some references for those who are interested in Nida’s “Functional Equivalence”and translation procedures.As the most important theory of German Functionalism, Skopos theory plays a good guiding role in translation practice. In the process of translation, the author found that there are many linguistic terms and long sentences in the book. Therefore, in the四川师范大学硕士学位论文translation of the above three chapters, the author of the translation report took the Skopos theory as the guiding principle and some translation methods like negation, amplification as well as splitting, trying to be target language readers-oriented, and carried on the translation according to the reader’s reading habits and the Chinese grammar rules and logic. From the perspective of Skopos theory, this report provides valuable references for translators who are engaged in the translation of linguistic books by taking some flexible translation methods towards the translation of linguistic books.Keys words: Skopos theory, translation methods, linguistics, Language and Culture: the Context in TranslatingContents摘要 (I)Abstract (III)Introduction (1)Chapter One Project Description (3)1.1 Background of the Translation Project (3)1.2 Source Text Analysis (4)Chapter Two Translation Process (7)2.1 Preparation before Translation (7)2.2 Work Done during Translation (8)2.3 Quality Control after Translation (8)Chapter Three Theoretical Basis (11)3.1 An Overview of Skopos Theory (11)3.2 Skopos Theory as Theoretical Guidance (12)Chapter Four Case Study (15)4.1 Negation (16)4.2 Amplification (19)4.3 Splitting (22)4.4 Logic Reorganization (25)4.5 Word-selection (27)Conclusion (31)Bibliography (33)Appendix (35)Source Text & Target Text (35)Glossary (104)Acknowledgements (107)IntroductionWith the development of economic globalization, exchanges in trade and economy among different countries become more and more frequent. In recent years, our country pays more attention to the communication with other countries, for example, reviving the century-old traditions of the Great Silk Road used to unite and facilitate strengthening relations between peoples. Therefore, the need for translators becomes urgent. In recent years, more and more students choose to study translation; consequently, the books on translation theories are in great demand.Eugene A. Nida, as a pioneer in the fields of translation theory and linguistics, is well-known in China. People who are interested in translation or linguistics try to study his theories. As early as 1980s, Tan Zaixi had studied on his theories and said “his translation theory was the first contemporary foreign translation theory which was introduced to China since 1976.”(谭载喜30). From then on, scholars in Chinese translation field have shown a great interest in his theories, for “his theories is based on developments of contemporary linguistics, semiotics and so on”(刘宇松1), which helped Chinese translators shake off the experimentalism in the previous translation studies and made translation studies have the scientific significance for the first time. However, with the further understanding of the nature of translation, scholars began to question some of Nida’s theories. “Nida’s theory is only useful for Bible translation, and is unsuitable for translation of other types of texts, especial of literary works” (王东风313). Although some of Nida’s theories are not totally right, his ideas towards translation and linguistics still worth studying.So there are three purposes for the author to choose three chapters of the book Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating as the translation material. First, the author hopes to provide some information about Nida’s ideas towards translation for those who aspire to learn translation or who are interested in this field. Second, the author wants to offer some valuable references for translators who are engaged in the四川师范大学硕士学位论文translation of linguistic books by taking some flexible translation methods towards the translation of linguistic books. Third, the author wants to improve translation ability, trying to avoid mistranslation or missing translation or other mistakes so as to make sure of the quality of the translation. So the author took some translation methods under the guidance of Skopos theory to deal with the translation of professional terms and complex sentences.In addition to the general introduction and conclusion, the main contents of this report are divided into four parts: Part One is the introduction of the translation project, including project background and analysis of the original text. Part Two is about the translation processes, including translation preparation, proof-reading and modification. Part Three is the description of the guiding theory in translation - Skopos theory. Part Four is the methods used in translation, like negation, amplification, splitting, logic reorganization, and word-selection.Chapter One Project DescriptionChapter OneProject Description1.1 Background of the Translation ProjectThe source text of the translation project is from Professor Eugene A. Nida’s influential book Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating. It was introduced to China by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press on November 20, 2001.As we know, with the development of economic globalization, our country continues to pay more attention to enhance the communication with other countries, for example, reviving the century-old traditions of the Great Silk Road used to unite and facilitate strengthening relations between peoples. Therefore, the need for translators becomes urgent, which also leads more students to study translation. Thus, books and articles concerned with the study of foreign language translation become more and more popular. And in the book of Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating, Nida analyzes the close relationship between language and culture from different angles, and then discusses how to deal with the relationship and problems in translation from the perspective of context, which could provide translators or students with some knowledge and guidance in translation. So it is practical for the author to translate this book.The translation project mainly translates Chapter seven to nine of Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating, aiming to achieve the following purposes: first, to provide Chinese version of Chapter seven to nine of this book, hoping to offer language translators and students some useful information in learning translation. Second, dealing with the difficulties in translation under the guidance of translation theory (Skopos theory) and skills as well as strategies so as to improve theoretical attainment in translation and sum up the translation experience, adding more valuable experience for future translation practice. Third, the translation project would help the author increase四川师范大学硕士学位论文the quantity of translation exercises and have a further study of Nida’s translation theory.1.2 Source Text AnalysisEugene A. Nida is an outstanding translator and translation theorist; he is famous for his translation theory- “Dynamic Equivalence”, and is regarded as the father of the contemporary translation theory. In the light of the innate character of translation, Nida has officially raised his well-known translation theory-“Dynamic E quivalence”. In 1969, he changed that idea into “Functional Equivalence”, because he realized that translation means communication, it depends on what the person who hears or reads the translated text can learn from that. Therefore, when we talk about “Functional Equivalence”, the most important thing to consider is to compare how the source-text readers and target-text readers understand the source text and target text. Nida stressed that “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style .”(Nida 12) “Since the 1950s, Nida’s translation theory has roughly experienced three primary stages: descriptive linguistics stage; communicative theory stage as well as social semiotic stage.”(谭载喜56)Apart from the preface, Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating contains 286 pages, including bibliography, index and appendix. The main body is divided into three parts (a total of 17 chapters). It is Nida’s latest theory study achievement. It collects his latest views on translation studies. In this book, Nida not only modified the former terminology “dynamic equivalence”to “functional equivalence”, but also emphasized the importance of culture and context in translation. This book is formed by three parts; first, it is a revised version of Language, Culture and Translating which was published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in 1993. Second, the notes, which Nida sorted out and perfected after doing lecture tours in more than ten famous colleges and universities in China in 1999, were compiled into a book named Context in Translation. Third, the information in this book also includes theChapter One Project Descriptioncommunication and correspondences that Nida made with Chinese reports, experts and friends.The features of this book are obvious. First, the book has many professional terms; its language is concise and coherent. Second, its logic is clear. It expounds how to deal with all kinds of relations and problems in the process of translation from the perspective of context. Third, it’s full of examples. Nida integrates his abundant translation experience into the book, accompanied by interviews and letters, carefully elaborating its ideas. This report is based on the translation of Chapter 7 through Chapter 9 of the first part in Language and Culture: the Context in Translation. The seventh chapter introduces the relationship between language and culture; besides, in this chapter, the concepts of bilingual competence and multicultural were put forward. The eighth chapter presents “f unctional equivalence” view of Nida, which is the improvement of “dynamic equivalence”. The ninth chapter shows the translation process, including some of the preliminary factors that should be taken into account before translation and some basic steps in the translation process, etc.四川师范大学硕士学位论文Chapter Two Translation ProcessChapter TwoTranslation Process2.1 Preparation before TranslationThe translation of the book Language and Culture: the Context in Translating was appointed by our teacher Mr. Zhu. He is in charge of Master of MTI in our school. So the author was assigned to translate Chapter seven through nine of the first part in the book. Because the material that the author received was in picture format, the author used ABBYY FineReader to convert image material into word document.Language and Culture: the Context in Translation is written by Eugene A. Nida. For the limited knowledge about the book and relevant information, the author referred many other relevant books like Cultural Context and Language Translation written by Bao Huinan and Intercultural Translation: A Globalization Perspective written by Zhang Quan for some information. And then, the author also learned more about Nida, the author of Language and Culture: the Context in Translation, by google, Wikipedia and Baidu Encyclopedia. After that, the author read the whole book roughly and carefully read the chapters that need to be translated.Once finishing reading the whole book, especially the three chapters which are needed to be translated, the author collected many translation theories, such as Skopos theory, Nida’s Functional Equivalence, Newmark’s Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation, trying to find a guiding theory for the translation. After comparing, the author found that Skopos theory should be taken as the guiding theory, because Skopos theory has three rules: Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule, which can help the translation be more readable. The three chapters show author’s idea on translation. Chapter seven focuses on the relationship between language and culture; Chapter eight emphasizes on explaining functional equivalence; Chapter nine pays attention to teach translators how to prepare and do the translation. So there is no need四川师范大学硕士学位论文to translate in the same ways as the original book. Let the target readers understand the content of the three chapters is the first priority. Conveying the contents of the three chapters is the main purpose of the translation. Besides, the requirements of another two rules (coherence rule and fidelity rule) could make the translation better absorbed and accepted by the target readers.2.2 Work Done during TranslationIn the process of translation, the author wrote a translation plan and followed it strictly. Meanwhile, the author referred to some books like A practical Course on Translation written by Feng Qinghua and Advanced Course in English-Chinese Translation (Third Edition) written by Ye Zinan, and downloaded many papers from CNKI for references.During the translation, the author noticed that there are plenty of professional terminologies, such as intralingual translating, interlingual translating, language universal, so a glossary is needed to unify professional vocabulary translation. Besides, there are a great number of long sentences with complicated structures, and many sentences were written in passive voices. So the author of this report wrote down the words or sentences that cannot be easily understood or appropriately translated, and made sure of them according to professional materials, and then divided them into different groups according to their types.Besides, the author also used Internet, dictionaries and professional books to translate and carried out the plan rigorously so as to ensure the efficiency and correctness of the translation.2.3 Quality Control after TranslationThe quality of translation should be put at the first place, because it is directly related to the success or failure of the translation. If the original meanings are distorted, then the translation would be meaningless and won’t be adopted by others. So theChapter Two Translation Processquality control is so important for translators and translation companies. How does the translation community control the quality of translation? The author of this report worked in a translation company as an intern for three months last year. During the internship, the author found that when the company received a translation task, six steps would be taken, that is: project analysis, setting up project team, translating by professional translators, reviewing by related field, language proofreading by senior translators, translation typesetting. Besides, translation software is also adopted, like SDL Trados Studio 2011, ABBYY Finereader, Adobe reader/acrobat, Subtitle Workshop, SDL MultiTerm Desktop,ErrorSpy. Dictionaries, including Collins Cobuild, American Heritage, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate, Random House Webster, are useful.So during the translation of Nida’s book, the author of this report took the ABBYY Finereader to convert image material into word document, and then used some dictionaries like Lingoes as well as other web tools. The author didn’t take CAT software; because only in the case of a large number of repeated words or sentences can this kind of software improve efficiency. But after finishing translating, the author used CAT to correct some mistakes and collect terminologies. As for this translation project, the author of this report thought we should translate carefully by ourselves, and then we can actually improve our translation abilities.After completing the first draft of the translation, the author switched attention to the quality control of the translation. Three steps were taken. Besides, translation evaluation is needed.First, self-proofreading; the author read the first draft carefully, trying to correct wrong spellings and wrong punctuation by using ErrorSpy, and figuring out omission translation and word-for-word translation. Then, the author read the translated text straightly without referring to the original text. Some sentences which are not clear or coherent would be marked down by the author for further revising. At last, the author compared the translated text with the original one sentence by sentence to correct missing or incorrect translations.四川师范大学硕士学位论文Second, classmates revising; “Every translation has its points of strength and weakness and every translation is open to improvement.” (Mona Baker 7). Classmate A, Classmate B and the author of this report worked together to translate the whole book. It is very important for them to read each other’s translation. In this way, some mistakes that the author overlooked could be pointed out by classmates. Besides, the translation of the original terminologies appearing in the original text could be kept consistent.Third, advisor’s checking. After the above steps, the author finished the final draft and then invited supervisor to help with correction. Advisor’s opinions and suggestions can help the author with further revision.Finally, evaluation is needed. Although the translation task has been completed, there are still some unsatisfactory places in the translated text which also needs further improving. Some classmates read the author’s translation; they thought the original meaning of the three chapters has been clearly translated. And the author’s advisor thought some of Chinese words could be further refined; in general, the translation is good.Chapter Three Theoretical BasisChapter ThreeTheoretical Basis3.1 An Overview of Skopos TheorySkopos theory is one of the most important theories proposed by German functional school. “It was established by the German linguists Hans Vermeer and Katharina Reißand comprises the idea that translating and interpreting should primarily take into account the function of the target text”(Wikipedia). It has experienced three phrases: The first stage was the initial study of Katharina Reiss. “As early as 1971 Katharina Reiss introduced a functional category into her ‘objective approach to translation criticism’. Although still firmly with equivalence-based theory, her book may be regarded as the starting point for scholarly analysis of translation in German.”(Nord 9) In the second stage, “Hans J. Vermeer has gone much further in trying to bridge the gap between theory and practice.”(Nord 10), after learning some of her ideas and making a little change in the theory of translation equivalence centered at the source language, Reiss’s student Vermeer created Skopos theory based on act theory and the Skopos of text which was taken as the first criterion of translation process. In the third stage, Justa Holz-Mänttäri and Christiane Nord developed the Skopos. The former concentrated on the action in the process of translation, the part of the participants and the environment of translation process; the latter raised “fidelity rule”, which cares whether the translator is loyal to the author of the original text and its target readers.Three guiding principles are involved in Skopos theory: Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. In the light of Skopos rule, translation should be carried out in a manner that is expected by the target language recipients and also in the context of the target language. A translational action is determined by its Skopos; just like Vermeer said “the end justifies the means”(Vermeer 25). This kind of Skopos has three四川师范大学硕士学位论文explanations: first, the elementary purpose of the translator; second, the communicative goal of the translation, third, the purpose that applying concrete translation strategies or methods to accomplish. But ordinaril y, the “Skopos” means the communicative goal of translation. With the exception of the Skopos rule, Vermeer’s theory also contains another two rules: coherence rule and fidelity rule. The former emphasizes that the translation should be comprehend by the target readers and makes sense in the target language culture and communicative environment. The latter means that translation needs to be faithful to the original text to a certain degree.3.2 Skopos Theory as Theoretical Guidance“Translation is the conversion of text from one language to another.”(Wikipedia) It is the process of converting a relatively unfamiliar expression into a relatively familiar expression and makes communication possible. When someone wants to choose something to translate, there must be a purpose behind it. So purposes could be the motivation of translation. From the book of Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating, Nida carefully analyzes the close relation between language and culture and tells readers how to deal with all kinds of relations and problems from the perspective of context. The author of this report hopes to provide some useful information for readers who have interest in translating or want to learn more about Nida’s theories. Deng Jun says “Translation must follow a set of rules, in which the Skopos rule should be in the first place. In other words, the translated text depends on the purpose of translation, different purposes lead to different translation strategies and methods.” (邓隽2)Through reading, the author found that there are a large number of long and complex sentences in the book (like “The meaning of the chapter on the “Grand Inquisitor” in Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov can only be understood by noting the isomorphic similarities and contrasts in the novel, in the history of the Inquisition, and in the biblical accounts of Jesus’life.” (Nida 90). Such long sentences are not common in Chinese. So the author of this report got rid of the structure of theChapter Three Theoretical Basisoriginal sentence and took the method of logical reorganization so as to make its meaning conform to Chinese logic and easy to be understood by Chinese readers. The kind of translation method just meets the requirement of Skopos rule of Skopos theory.What’s more, the author found the book actually emphases on conveying readers the concepts of translation and teaching readers how to be a good translator through the interviews and letters which highlight the issues of practice in translating and fundamental linguistic structures that make interlingual communication possible. So another two rules (coherence rule and fidelity rule) would help the translated text be more coherent, and let the target readers learn as much information as the original readers do. Furthermore, considering questions like whether the words or sentences conform to the language habits of target language or not; whether the reader of target language can maximally understand the information, the author finally decided to take Skopos theory as theoretical direction to make the translation faithful to the original text and let the readers of the target language get information in a familiar form. So some strategic methods were taken to do translation under the guidance of Skopos theory.Chapter FourCase StudyDue to the great differences between English and Chinese, the author of this report has encountered many difficulties while translating the text, here the author pointed out the following two parts: first, after reading the original text, the author found that the expounding of the original text is precise and careful; meanwhile, it has many long and complex sentences. So it would be hard for the author to analyze and understand those sentences’ structures and meanings. Second, the original text emphasizes on conveying information, so the author needs to attach great importance to accurate transmission of the original information, the translation shouldn’t be too conservative or mechanical or deviating from the meaning of the original text. Thus, flexible translation methods and techniques are needed to make the translated text natural and accord with the target language norms.After reading the original text and analyzing its grammatical structures as well as central idea, the author decided to take the Skopos theory as the guiding theory. Under its guidance, the author made an analysis of the above difficulties and found the corresponding translation methods, like negation, amplification, splitting, logic reorganization and word-selection. For example, when the author meets some sentences with relatively complex structure or incomplete expression, then amplification would be taken by the author to try to make the translation natural and conform to the rules of Chinese grammar, like:The original text: “It is always assumed that translators are at least bilingual, but this is really not enough. To be a fully competent translator, one also needs to be bicultural in order to ‘read between the lines.’” (Nida 99)The translated text:对译者的最低要求一般是其至少能懂两种语言,但这一要求真的还不够。



校园英语 / 翻译研究试论翻译理论与实践的关系及其结合方式对外经济贸易大学/苏盼【摘要】“翻译理论与实践”是高校英语专业的一门基础课程,要获得完美的翻译效果,必须要运用翻译理论来决定采用的翻译实践类型,通过翻译实践来完成译作,要厘清两者的关系并进行有机的结合。


【关键词】翻译理论 翻译实践 关系 结合方式一、前言翻译是一种交际活动,它是不同语言、文化和社会关系的交流,翻译同时也是一门科学和艺术。


































研究生课程论文学年学期:2011-2012学年第一学期论文题目:隐喻及隐喻的英汉翻译课程:《翻译理论与实践》任课教师:姓名:班级:翻译硕士英语笔译学号:Discussion on Metaphor and Related English-Chinese Translation Abstract: According to the translation theory of Newmark, an English translator, metaphor can be divided into five types-“dead”, “cliché”, “stock”, “recent” and “origina1”, which will be subject to the analysis in this text in terms of their features. Meanwhile, on the basis of the translation theories learned, there are many kinds of methods for translation of metaphor. And this text also deals with the following approaches to translation of metaphor-literal translation, free translation, domestication and alienation. In addition, metaphor also serves as a way of thinking of people in western world and there are some traps in the translation of metaphor. So, it is not an easy task to carry out the translation of metaphor properly.Key words: metaphor; literal translation; free translation; domestication; alienation; trap1. PrefaceMetaphor is a common kind of rhetorical device in English. To bring the metaphor into the translation study can facilitate our interpretation of the original text and achieve the balance of various manners of recognition of the world and ourselves between two different kinds of languages and cultures so as to draw on others’ merits widely.2. Classification of MetaphorIn his work Approaches to Translation, Newmark divides metaphor into five types, namely “dead”, “cliché”, “stock”, “recent” and “origina1”.(1) DeadThe “dead” metaphor means the metaphor related with the ordinary words describing time, space, human body, natural environment and human activities with the vehicle almost not realized by people. In English, words like “space, field, top, bottom, arm, circle, drop, fall, rise” usually carry meanings of metaphor in order to ensure the explicit and clear expression of concepts and ideas. For instance, in the field of human knowledge, at the bottom of the mountain, the rise and fall off the Roman Empire, etc.(2) Cliché“Cliché” refers to many common metaphor methods that have lost their former influence. For example, one says the first one comparing woman as flower can be called genius and the second on who uses such comparison is called also-ran. This type of metaphor, cliché-some though, has its application value. For instance, “So, let us in the next five years, start a newLong March together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goa1”.(3) Stock“Stock” refers to a kind of metaphor that has long been accepted, which has become an inherent part of language and will not lose its influence as a result of overuse. And the cultural metaphor represents an important part of the stock metaphor. For instance, “Judas’kiss (metaphor for insidious deeds –honey words and dastardly heart)” and “cat’s paw (metaphor for person serving as tool for others)”.(4) Recent“Recent” means the new terms that emerge recently. For instance, Levinski (metaphor for illicit love), Water gate scandal (metaphor for political scandal) and “9·I1”(metaphor for terrorist incidents)etc.(5) Original“Original” means a kind of metaphor used first by the writer. This kind of metaphor is not always available but product of writers’ inspiration.比如有些”坐冷板凳”的词,在作者的笔下却闪烁出灵感的光芒,这就是独创隐喻的魅力所在.Therefore, whenever you come across a sentence with correct grammatical structure but without any meaning, you must check the factors leading to the superficial meaninglessness carefully to explore the probable meaning of metaphor.3. Discussion on Translation Methods of MetaphorIn discussing the translation of metaphor, Newmark has raised seven methods:(1) Reproducing the same image in the TL); (2) Replace the image in the SL with a standard TL image; (3)The translation of metaphor by simile; (4) Translation of metaphor (or simile) by simile plus sense; (5) Conversion of metaphor to sense; (6) Deletion; (7) Same metaphor combined with sense. With reference to other methods and combining the conclusion of some of the above methods, this text will discuss the following four methods.(1) Literal TranslationLiteral translation is applicable to the metaphor with complete English-Chinese equivalence. It can retain the ethnic and cultural features of the metaphor in the original text and helpreaders using the target language have more understanding of the cultural characteristics of the original language. As a matter of fact, many cases of metaphor in English have been absorbed by the Chinese language. For example, “crocodile’s tears”, “Pandora’S box”, and “cold war”, etc. And literal translation should be adopted for some idioms consisting of metaphor and with completely equivalent meanings. For instance, “castle in the air”, “walls have ears”, and “to add oil to the flames”, etc. Besides, for some sentences containing metaphor, this method can also be used. For example, “Time is money” and “The world is a stage” etc.(2) Free TranslationFree translation, a concept opposite to literal translation, generally refers to that remove the form and reserve the content of the original text, which allows translators’ originality to some degree but with the basic information of the original text retained.Eg1. His theory has thousands of little rooms and long, windy corridors.Translation: 他的理论有过多的组成部分, 而且各部分间的关系也过于错综复杂.Eg Because of his one man style of operation, Henry Kissinger had become a kind of bottleneck in his own National Security Council system.Translation:由于亨利·基辛格惯于独断专行, 他已经成了国家安全事务委员会工作中的一块绊脚石.(3) Domestication TranslationThe domestication translation is targeted at the proper conformity of the translated text with the linguistic and cultural norms of the target language to properly satisfy the readers’ need for more localization.Eg2. They were only crying crocodile tears at the old man’s funeral because nobody had really liked man.Translation 1: 在老头的葬礼上, 他们只不过假惺惺的哭了几声, 因为在老人生前, 没人真的喜欢他.Translation 2: 在老头的葬礼上, 他们只不过挤了几滴鳄鱼的眼泪, 因为在老人生前, 没人真的喜欢他.Eg3. Many Canadians have never read a news paper though some newspapers are free, because they do not know their ABC.Translation 1: 尽管有的报纸免费, 许多加拿大人从不看报, 因为他们目不识丁. Translation 2: 尽管有的报纸免费, 许多加拿大人从不看报, 因为他们不懂自己的ABC.Domestication method is applied to Translation 1 for Eg 2, which provides all convenient conditions for readers. So, on the basis of the standard “it does not look the translation when read”, it can be rated as better translation.However, from the perspective of cultural exchange, it is obvious that Translation 2 has better effect. The reason is: although the term “crocodile tears” is borrowed, its meaning has been known for Chinese readers, and not only can literal translation be accepted by Chinese readers, but it can reflect the national features of the original text properly, which can also be reproduced. Additionally, the substitution of the expression means of the target language for that of the original language, though conveying related meanings, cannot reflect the way of thinking of the user of the original text and help readers have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of their culture to achieve the goal of translation in real terms. Nevertheless, despite the equivalence conversion of Translation 2 for Eg3, it has failed to achieve its communication goal.(4) Alienation Translation异化翻译策略是以源语文化为归宿而进行的语际间篇章意义的相互转换.近年来, 在翻译界主张重视异化翻译的学者日益增多.从文化交流的角度看, 它是尊重各国文化的内在要求, 有助于在平等的基础上真实地反映外国文化.随着文化交流的不断深入, 异化翻译逐渐显示出其特有的魅力.隐喻的异化翻译策略可以分为两种情形:a. Direct AlienationThe meaning of some vases of metaphor can be reflected clearly through the context. So the direct alienation method can be adopted without the necessity to explore the corresponding expression in the translation painstakingly.Eg4.Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.Translation: 希特勒在发动第二次世界大战时是武装到牙齿的, 可是不到几年, 就被彻底打败了.Eg5.Some personnel executives complained that many college graduates they had interviewed here had two star abilities with five2star ambitions.Translation: 一些人事经理抱怨, 在他们面试过的大学毕业生中, 不少人本事只有”二星级”, 心气儿倒有”五星级”.b. Alienation ExplanationThere are limited cases where the direct alienation method can be used in the translation of metaphor. On many occasions, brief elaboration must be made on the cultural information or cultural context contained in the text, only in which way can the goal of communication be attained.Eg6.The Warren Report has left many ques2tions unanswered.Translation: 沃伦报告(指美国肯尼迪总统被谋杀事件的调查报告) 留下许多未解之迷. Eg7.The man who waters his grass after a heavy rain is carrying coals to Newcastle. Translation:大雨后给草地浇水是多此一举.(注: 纽卡斯尔是英国的一个产煤中心.)Eg8.He was in the seventh heaven last night.Translation: 昨晚他欣喜若狂.(in the seventh heaven: ( not formal) in a state of great happiness or contentment, 意思是: 人能和上帝同居最高层,自然是非常愉快的.) Domestication and alienation are two kinds of translation strategies applied by the translator targeted at the differences in the two languages and corresponding cultures according to varied aspects such as aim of translation, type of text, intention of writers and readers of the target language to facilitate the guidance of the selection and application of specific translation methods and techniques. The two methods, sometimes, should be selected with reference to the regulations of the social culture as well as political and ideological aspects. Whichever strategy is used, it is required to focus on the need of readers and the society.Eg9. The students had been trained to compete continually against each other, so that the lesson turned into a kind of noisy grey dog race.Translation 1: 学生们练就了持续相互竞争的本事,所以这堂课变成了一场嘈杂的拍卖会场.Translation 2: 学生们练就了持续相互竞争的本事,所以这堂课变成了一场嘈杂的灰狗比赛.In the above sentence, the term “grey hound race” created in the original language-English, is analogous to the scene of disorder and chaos in class like the scene of grey dog race. Anddomestication and alienation methods are used respectively in the two sentences. But it is quite difficult for Chinese readers to understand the alienation method for translation of metaphor due to lack of grey dog race in Chinese culture. By contrast, the Chinese readers can understand the scene of the auction, which can help readers catch the connotation of this metaphor. It follows that domestication and alienation cannot only be reflected on the level of language, but also in processing the cultural factors.4. Way of Thinking in Metaphor and Traps in TranslationMetaphor is not only a type of rhetorical device but also represents a way of thinking. In other words, metaphor exists in languages and people’s thinking and behavior as well as all aspects of our daily life. And from some expressions of basic concepts of people in western countries, we can further understand that metaphor serves as their way of thinking. Way of thinking related with love: Love is a physical force; love is war.与时间有关的思维:Time is money; time is life. Besides, as a matter of fact, many proverbs in English contain the way of thinking featured by metaphor. For instance: Time and tide wait for no man(时光和潮流不等人). This is a proverb encouraging people to value time, in which the translation has failed to reflect the metaphor contained. And in this proverb, “and” does not only serve as a parallelism structure linking “time” and “tide”, but constitutes a kind of metaphor, 即将time比作tide: tide (caused by the lunar gravity) waits for no man, so does time. Another example is: Truth and roses have thorns about them(真理和玫瑰一样,都带刺); Kings and bears worry their keeper(伴君如伴虎).Only through understanding and precise translation of the metaphor implicated in these proverbs can we get hang of the way of thinking of people in western world in a more impressive and thorough way. On the other hand, some cases of metaphor seem in harmony but actually at variance. That’s what is called “trap” according to Newmark’s theory. For instance, here are some idioms containing metaphor: To heat about the bush≠打草惊蛇(而是to talk about something without coming to the point”旁敲侧击”); to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen≠亡羊补牢(而是to take precautions too late to be effective”于事无补”); the last straw≠救命稻草(actually, “the last straw” originates from the English proverb “the last straw that breaks the camel’s back”“致命一击”). Thus, intranslating these idioms with traps of metaphor, one should avoid having superficial understanding and catching the meaning of words literally from the context, otherwise, it will lead to a miss as good as a mile.5. ConclusionIn discussing the metaphor and its translation, we do not only take metaphor as a kind of rhetorical device but also a way of thinking and a way of recognizing the objective world. And as a way of recognition, metaphor is featured with clear national characteristics as well as rich cultural connotations. Therefore, we should take flexible translation methods according to the features of texts, different contexts as well as readers’ acceptability. And generally, when involving metaphor, translation should be focused on the vehicle of the original text with the meaning of metaphor reproduces to achieve the unity of form and spirit.Reference【1】Newmark,P.A Textbook of Translation IM].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.【2】Newmark,P.Approaches to Translation【M】.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.【3】胡曙中.英汉修辞比较研究fM1.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1993.【4】毛荣贵.新世纪大学英汉翻译教程fM1.上海:上海交通大学出版社,2002.。






















理论与实践英语作文及翻译Theory and Practice。

Theory and practice are two important components in the process of learning. Theory provides us with a frameworkfor understanding and analyzing concepts, while practice allows us to apply these concepts in real-life situations. Both theory and practice are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of any subject.Theoretical knowledge is important because it helps us to understand the underlying principles of a subject. For example, in the field of physics, theoretical knowledge helps us to understand the laws of motion, the properties of matter, and the behavior of energy. Without this theoretical knowledge, it would be difficult to make sense of the world around us.However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. We also need to apply this knowledge in real-life situationsin order to fully understand its implications. This is where practice comes in. Through practice, we can test our theories and see how they work in real-life situations. For example, a doctor may have a theoretical understanding of how to treat a particular illness, but it is only through practice that they can develop the skills and experience necessary to successfully treat patients.Theory and practice are also interconnected. Theoretical knowledge can inform our practice, while practice can also lead to new theoretical insights. For example, a scientist may develop a new theory based on observations made during an experiment.In conclusion, theory and practice are both essential components of learning. Theoretical knowledge provides us with a framework for understanding concepts, while practice allows us to apply this knowledge in real-life situations. By combining theory and practice, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of any subject and develop the skills and experience necessary to succeed in our chosen field.理论与实践。

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中国地质大学研究生课程论文封面课程名称高级翻译理论与实践教师姓名胡志红研究生姓名李灵智研究生学号120131468研究生专业翻译硕士所在院系外国语学院类别: A.博士 B.硕士 C.进修生日期: 2013 年12 月27 日评语对课程论文的评语:平时成绩:课程论文成绩:总成绩:评阅人签名:注:1、无评阅人签名成绩无效;2、必须用钢笔或圆珠笔批阅,用铅笔阅卷无效;3、如有平时成绩,必须在上面评分表中标出,并计算入总成绩。

















(谭载喜, 2005: 257) 语内字幕翻译是指将话语转换成同语言文本; 语际字幕指的是在保留影视原声的情况下,将源语译为目的语叠印在屏幕下方的文字。

(张美芳, 2005:83) 因此,通常所说的字幕翻译是指语际字幕翻译。


” (钱绍昌,2000)。

因此,电影字幕翻译具有如下的特点:第一, 受限性。















三、汉译英字幕的翻译策略在具体的汉译英翻译时,可采取以下策略,保留电影的文化价值: ( 1) 片名或对白中的人名、地名多采用直译,坚持文化自信,同时通过电影扩大中华文化的影响力; ( 2)影片中事件、事物名要反映原中文名特有的文化内涵; ( 3)中文成语、熟语或诗词往往有深刻的寓意,尽量以意译与直译相结合的方法还原表达,必要时可双关或比喻。











为救天下苍生于水火,为赎还自己的罪恶,师徒四人义无反顾的踏上了“下地狱”般的西行取经之路......《西游降魔篇》的电影片名采取了直译的方法,译为Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons。

不仅清晰的表达了电影的故事内容,同时当外国观众看到“Conquering the Demons”的时候,脑袋中闪现出恶魔打斗的场面,也体现出了电影的魔幻色彩。












电影转换到降服猪妖的场景,一对师兄妹之间的对话,其中师妹对师哥说了句“讨厌”,英文翻译为“You’re terrible.”这个背景实际上是类似于情侣之间的调情,大家都知道,女生总是口是心非的,当她说出这句“讨厌”的时候,并不是真的表达出厌恶之情,而是一种不好意思的、扭捏的情绪。


“Terrible means very unpleasant; or making you feel very unhappy,upset or frightened”.翻译为中文便是“非常讨厌的;令人不愉快的;可怕的”。


电影中的名字翻译似乎是个硬伤,猪妖猪刚鬣出场的时候,英文翻译为“KL Hog”。



如同广埠屯这个地名,英译的时候就不需要把屯字翻译成英文的意思,而是保留的名称的完整性,直接译为“Guang Bu Tun”,完全采取了汉语拼音的翻译。

电影中当师傅给玄奘讲述猪妖的来源时,有一句台词说猪妖原本“是个情种”,英文翻译为“he was a kind man”,这里的“kind man”就没有充分体现出“情种”的内涵。


而“kind man”只能笼统地说明他是个好人或者善良,不如中文表达的情感细腻。

当段小姐做戏引玄奘就范的时候,玄奘的一句台词“男女之间的小情小爱”,翻译成“lesser love”,这里的英译与前文的大爱“greater love”在英文格式上形成了对比。

但是却没有明显地体现出“Lesser love”究竟是哪一种“love”。


因此仅仅将男女之间的小情小爱翻译成“lesser love”,实际上也丢失了影片想要表达的文化内涵。


