


To: Martha Marples

From: Yang Li

Re:“driving” under the influence of alcohol

Date: unknown

Robin Shymite,our client, he has decided to drive the car after drunk 2 or 3 bears, but failed to drive as he feel too tired to drive, and then sleep in the driver’s seat. The police officer approached the car and insisted that he had the alcohol test, then the policeman put him in jail. One day later, his friend arranged for his release, and our client worried about he will lose the medical license if convicted of driving while intoxicated.

Issue: Does Shymite’s conduct constitute “driving” the car while intoxicated because he admitted he drink bears and decided to drive home when leaving the bar, though he did not actually drive the car away, but sleep instead.

Short Answer: Shymite’s conduct probably not constitutes a driving under the influence of alcohol and his action has not violated RSA 265:82, as he turned off the engine and decided not to drive the car before falling asleep. Shymite is passive and is not immediately going to control the car, rather than using the car for a rest.

Facts: Shymite drunk two or three bear in the local bar. When leaving the bar, Shymite decided to drive home, but before moving the car, he realized that he was too tired to drive. He turned off the engine. However, he left the keys in the ignition so that he could listen to the radio while resting. Approximately one and half hour later, the policemen found him in the car and woke him up. The policeman insisted he was fialed the alcohol test and put him in jail.


RSA 265:82 No person shall drive or attempt to drive a vehicle upon any way: (a) While such person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any controlled drug or any combination of intoxicating liquor and controlled drugs; or (b) While such person has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more or in the case of a person under the age of 21, 0.02 or more.

“Dr iving” for purposes of RSA 265:82 means operating or having actual physical control of the vehicle.If the defendant had started his car before falling asleep—if so, then he was in actual physical control while awake and in the driver’s seat. The court says that the word “drive” does not necessarily mean “operate.” The court says that if the occupant of the car is totally passive and has not actively tried to control or is not imminently going to control the car, then that occupant should not be penalized by the

law. State v. Willard, 660 A.2d 1086 (N.H. 1995) (June).

“Driving” for purposes of RSA 265:82 means actual physical control of the vehicle. “Actual physical control” varies according to the facts of the case, but when it is reasonable to assume that the defendant will be imminently operating a vehicle rather than using the vehicle for stationary shelter, the defendant will be found to be in actual physical control. State v. Holloran, 669 A.2d 800 (N.H. 1995) (December)

In Williard case, the vehicle’s engine was idling, and the defendant was asleep. The court holds that if the defendant had started his car before falling asleep, he was in actual physical control while awake and in the driver’s seat. Just like the Williard, Shymite also started the car before falling asleep. His action also constitutes the actual physical control of the car. However, unlike Williard case, in this case, Shymite turned off the engine instead. Shymite has decided not to drive the car and he turned off the engine, according to this action, it is reasonable to believe Shymite is merely using the car for resting rather than driving home. Hence, though like the Willard, Shymite was in actual physical control of the car, but he is not attempt to drive the car.

In Holloran Case, the court holds that the defendant was driving and in actual physical control of his vehicle when found sitting behind the wheel, the keys in the ignition, the vehicle parked, and engine and lights off. Just like the Holloran Case, Shymite also left the key in the ignition. However, unlike Holloran Case, Shymite turned off the engine before falling asleep, and he left the key only for listening the radio while have a rest. Shymite was only using the car for shelter, and his conduct cannot constitute the actual physical control of the car. Hence, his action does not constitute a RSA 265:82 violation.


Shymite’s conduct does not constitute a RAS 265:82 violaion. In this case, Shymite does not actually operate the car, and also not going to start the car. Provided the facts show that Shymite has changed his mind and decided not to drive instead. Hence, he did not attempt to drive the car, but stay in the car for a rest. He has turned off the engine and left the key in the ignition only for radio listening. He shall not be convicted of driving while intoxicated.


备忘录 1.*收件人姓名、职务; *发件人姓名、职务; *保密级别:分为三类 top secret, secret, confidential, 一般备忘录不用保密,这一栏就空着; *文件编号:发件人方文件编号和收件人方文件编号; *发件日期; *备忘录标题线; *正文; *签名、职务; *誊写备忘录的人和打字员姓名首字母缩写; *附件数目; *抄送:如果送给收件人以外的人时要注明。 写备忘录时要注意以下几点: (1) 第一句话就要明白交代写此备忘录的目的。 (2) 备忘录中交代的事情应该简明扼要,一段话说明一个意思。 (3) 如在备忘录中通知信息,语言一定要准确,避免产生歧义。 (4) 最后要用一句话总结,强调读备忘录的人要尽快做出反应。 2.(1) To: Mr. ____ (name) From: ____ (name) Date: ____ (date) Subject: ____ (Salutation) I would like to remind you that our office is badly in need of ____ (product’s name). I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible. (Complimentary Close) Signature: ____ (2)必背模版句型 I have the honor to inform you that... 我很荣幸地通知您…… I would like to remind you that our office is in want of a new English typewriter. 我想提醒您一下,我们办公室急需一部英文打字机。 I have several proposals for cutting down the cost. 关于降低成本我有几个建议。 In response to your request for... I have to inform you that we can not approve it. 对于你……的请求,我不得不告诉你我们不能批准。


?法律英语典型句型的翻译 ?1. OTHERWISE ?2. SUBJECT TO ?3. WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO ?4. WHERE ?5. ANY PERSON WHO DOES... SHALL ... ?6. FOR THE PURPOSE(S) OF ... ?7. PROVIDED THAT ... ?8. NOTWITHSTANDING ... ?9. SA VE.../ EXCEPT (FOR)... ?10. IN RESPECT OF… 1.OTHERWISE ?Otherwise 在法律英语中的用法: ?跟unless引导的句子(让步状语从句)连用; ?置放在连词or之后使用; ?与than一起,通常用来否定句子的主语。 例1 OTHERWISE ?In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, "state" means a territory or group of territories having its own law of nationality. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap.30, Wills Ordinance, Art. 2) ?在本条例中﹐除文意另有所指外, “国家”指拥有本身国籍法的领域或一组领域。 例2 OTHERWISE ? A notice under subjection (1) shall, unless it otherwise provides, apply to the income from any property specified therein as it applies to the property itself. ?根据第(1)款发出的通知书﹐除其中另有订定外﹐亦适用于通知书内指明的财产的收入﹐一如适用于该项财产本身。 例3 OTHERWISE Any person who by threats, persuasion or otherwise induces a witness or a party not to give evidence in any hearing before the Board commits an offence. ?任何人籍恐吓﹑怂恿或以其它手段诱使证人或一方当事人不在仲裁处聆讯中作证﹐即属犯罪。 例4 OTHERWISE ?If 2 or more persons are defendants to a claim, as partners or otherwise, a process may be served on any of them and an award may be obtained and execution issued against any person so served


备忘录怎么写英文的 备忘录是一种正式的文件,通常是提出请求或发布人们对某个具体问题的迅速反应,它结构清晰、阅读方便、传递迅速,经常为公司或团体所使用。 备忘录怎么写? 撰写备忘录时应简洁明确地写明备忘录的目的、原因、期限等。备忘录后面不再需要结束语和落款。可釆用回答记者问题的方式:“who”、“what”、“when”、“where” 和“why”。 主体内容常见的写法有三种: 一、条文式写法 二、综述式写法 三、摘记式写法 备忘录英文范文 TO: ABC CO., Sales Manager FROM: ABC CO., Personnel Manager DATE: May 5, 2009 SUBJECT: Applicants for Sales Specialists Attached are the resumes and certificates of four applicants who have applied for your department position. Please evaluate these applicants and then recommend person you want to interview to me. As soon as I have the names, I will make arrangement for the interviews. 备忘录英文范文【译文】 交与:ABC公司,销售部经理 来白:ABC公司,人事部经理 日期:2009年5月5日 主题:销售专员应征者附有简历和证书的四个应征者中请的是你部门的职位。 请评估这些应征者,然后告知我您希望面试的人选。当我获得名单,我将安排而试。 备忘录英文范文写作提示: 备忘录书端(Header)是写在备忘录幵头的压缩信息。根据情况不同,书端的格式可能不同,但是通常应釆用下而这种格式: Date: January 24, 2005 To: F. Prefect From: A. Dent Subject: My Suggested Revisions to the Local Demolition Schedule 日期要釆用正式的全部拼写形式。有些国家“12/01/98”是指“1998年12月1日”,而有些国家却指“1998年1月12日”;一般省去诸如“教授”或“先生”这类头衔;“自:” 后而要先写名字,再写姓,注意首字母要大写。


The first part, who can be a president? First, the U.S. president must be native American born in the United States. Second, he must be at least 35 years old. Third, he has lived in the United States at least 14 years. Next, I will introduce the process of the election. The U.S. implement Presidential system, the presidential election was hold every four years. It includes five stages. Primary election、Nominating process、Running、General election 、Inauguration. Let's look it one by one. 1. Primary election usually starts in Feb. and ends in June. It has two forms: indirect election system & direct election system. The first form, each county, strict, state host meeting to select electors. The second form, all voters cast ballots in the same day to select electors. Most states adopt the second form. purpose: To select electors for the National Party Conventions. 2.Nominating process from July to Aug. The electors from each state make up the "Electoral College".The major political parties will officially hold its Presidential Nominating Conventions. In this Nominating Conventions, the "Electoral College" cast ballots for the candidates. Normally, the candidate for president receiving the majority(>50%) of the electoral votes is the elected president. 3.Running. The candidates of the major parties will go to many states to win the supporters by means of: campaigning trips to different states, addressing TV speeches, showing on TV debates etc. The candidates deliver countless speeches and shake countless hands. The media tools play an important role in this process. From this picture, we can see this process costs a lot. 4.General election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in Nov. is called Presidential Election Day. That day, all voters cast ballots for the candidates. V oters can't determine the president directly. The first Monday after the second Wednesday is the real presidential election day. That day, the “Electoral College”represents the wishes of the voters to cast ballots for the candidate. Take California as an example, this state has 55 ballots, if more than a half voters support President Obama, then the electoral college will vote these 55 ballots to Obama. From this picture, we can see, there are 538 ballots altogether. Each state is allocated a number of Electoral College electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the U.S. Congress. 5.The candidate who gets more than 270 ballots can be the president. In 2012, president Obama got 332 ballots. In Inauguration day, there are nine events, let 's look at together . 1.Morning Worship Service The tradition of attending a morning worship service on Inauguration Day began with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.


《当代法律英语》翻译 第四章公法 在所有的民法法系(civil law) 中所做的基础分辨便是公法(public law) 与私法(private law) 的区分。这种分类方法,对于普通法系(common law)而言 仅仅是潜在的或者默示性质的,但对于民法法系而言却是一种基础性的理解方式。一方面,正如我们所了解的一样,这种分类为民法法系国家提供了法庭组织系统的分辨模板。随着公法领域的争端于19世纪可受法院裁判(justiciable) 开始,独立的特别法庭(tribunal) 被建立起来并约束起公法行为。在今天,除了 刑事案件(criminal matters)这一主要例外,普通法院的管辖权(jurisdiction) 依旧限于私法领域的争端。除了这些司法管辖权的推论以外,公法和私法的分别还产生了一种存在于法律专业中的工作(labor)性质的差别。大量的法学教师倾向于证明他们是“公法专家”(publicist) 或者是“私法专家” (privatist)。课 程和论文(treatise) 倾向于公法或私法的其中一个领域,尽管事实上如今已经考虑到的案由(subject matter) 至少更倾向于许多公法方面。 即使在民法法系世界中公法与私法的分别被广泛承认,但这类法系的法学家(lawyer)对其法系划分的理论基础或者法理正当性仍未达成一致,各国对于这种划分方法的范围和效果也未达成一致。然而,一般来说,公法所关注的是国家机 关之间的关系或者国家与公民之间的关系。公法至少包括宪法(con stitutio nal law),行政法(administrative law)和刑法(criminal law)。而私法是处理公民 或私人团体之间的关系,它至少包括民法(civil law)和商法(commercial law)。这种分类方法的其他几个领域是争论的主题所在。举个例子,民法程序是包含于 一些主体的私人组织的些许法系之中,并且被其他主体认为包含于公法领域。劳动法(labor law),农业法(agricultural law) ,社会保障(social security) , 同时也包括大量的现代规则领域,这些法律有些时候被解释为公法与私法领域的混合,有时又被说成自成一类(拉丁文:sui generis)。 即使公法与私法的划分已经扎根于罗马法系(Roman law)中,然而直到当代 与公法相关的领域仍有一种未开发的因素。这便是对于主权(sovereign)的保护, 法理学家(jurist) 总是谨慎的将其放在一边。正如我们注意到的对于民法法系传 统的历史介绍,几乎所有流传下来并被我们所掌握的罗马法律文献都是关注于私法领域,并且大陆法系(continental legal) 科学的传统也是关注于私法领域。 我们观察到的也是如此:在地方主义(localism)和法律多样化的中世纪,公法的研究余地是很小的。但是当集权化(ce ntralize) 的国家以及它的行政机构(administrative organ)开始出现于欧洲大陆的时候 (与逐步产生影响的法律训 练专业化吻合),这对行政法的发展产生了有利的条件。在19世纪,由于行政法 开始繁荣昌盛,似乎一般的话用于私人个体或者组织的私法规则并不能简单的维持各主体之间的关系,这是因为国家已被政党所垄断。在法国它似乎也是这样的,普通法院(ordinary court) 不能被委托(entrust)从事牵扯到解决国家争端的任 务。正如我们已经了解到的一样:法国对权利分立学说(separation of powers led)的理解,导致其在行政机构中建立起了一系列独立的公法法院。 在德国就是另外一回事了,该国关心被行政权力压迫的普遍性胜过对于司法裁判的不信任。因此,为了避免当公民与行政机构发生争端时是由后者裁决(adjudicate),德国建立了存在于司法机构中并独立于行政法院的裁判体系。


特朗普当选美国总统的演讲稿(英文原文) Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much. I've just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. I mean she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely. Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of pision, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. As I've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will. Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I've gotten to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It is going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I've gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey. The time I've spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to


T o:A s s i s t a n t B o b From:Sophie Subject:On-the-job training plans Date:Oct.24,2013 I want to invite sales teachers. On-the-job training for the sales staff of our company, please arrange a two-day weekend. 1, get in touch with training project sponsor. 2, determine the time and place, the participant and duration of the project. 3, arrange two can take advantage of the weekend. 4, Welcome to sales of the teacher 5, after the end of each person need to submit a result. Notice: the plan to me, my signature rear can implement. Message: Remember to list in the plan for on-the-job training personnel list Offer of more hope: what don't understand the problems experienced director Li consulting host activities.


第一课美国法律制度介绍 第一部分特征与特点 美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。与许多别的国家相比它是一个新的国家。同时,它还因新人口成分和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家。但是在其它的意义上它是老国家。它是最老的“新”国家——第一个由旧大陆殖民地脱胎而出的国家。它拥有最古老的成文宪法、最古老的持续的联邦体制以及最古老的民族自治实践。 美国的年轻(性)有一个很有意思的特点就是它的历史肇始于印刷机发明之后。因此它的整个历史都得以记录下来:确实可以很有把握地说,任何其它国家都没有像美国这样全面的历史记录,因为像在意大利、法国或者英国过去的传说中湮没的那样的事件在美国都成了有文字记载的历史之一部分。而且其记录不仅全面,还非常浩繁。不仅包括这个国家自1776年以来的殖民时期的记录,还有当前五十个州以及各州和联邦(nation)之间错综复杂的关系网络的历史记录。因此,据一个非常简单的例子,美国最高法院判例汇编有大约350卷,而一些州的判例汇编也几乎有同样多的卷数:想研究美国法律史的读者要面对的是超过5000巨卷的司法案例。 我们不能说一个文件或几个文件就能揭示出一国人民或其政府的特性。但如果横跨一百多年的千百万个文件敲出始终如一的音调,我们就有理由说这就是其主调。当千百万个文件都以同样的方式去解决同样的中心问题,我们就有理由从中得出可以被称为国民特定的确定结论。 第二部分普通法和衡平法 同英国一样,美国法律制度从方法论上来说主要是一种判例法制度。许多私法领域仍然主要是由判例法构成,广泛而不断增长的制定法一直受制于有约束力的(解释制定法的)判例法。因此,判例法方法的知识以及使用判例法的技巧对于理解美国法律和法律方法是极其重要的。 从历史的角度来看,普通法就是由英国皇家法院的巡回法官的判决所得出的普通的一般法——优于地方法。采纳或执行某项诉讼请求是以存在法院令状这种特殊形式的诉为前提的,而这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法的“诉”所构成的体系。如果存在令状(于1227年),诉讼请求就可以被采纳或执行;没有法院令状(为前提)的诉讼请求就没有追索权,因而该诉讼请求也不存在。“牛津条例”(1285年)禁止创设除了“个案令状”之外的新令状,这种“个案令状”使该制度变得较为灵活了,而且导致了后来合同和侵权法的发展。 对于诉的形式的严格限制及由此产生的对追索权的限制导致了衡平法和衡平判例法的发展。“衡平”的一般意义就是寻求“公平”,即公平且善良地裁决,它最初是由国王,后来由作为“国王良知守护人”的大法官颁行,以便在艰难的案件中提供救济。但是到了十四世纪,衡平法和衡平判例法发展成了一个独立的法律制度和与一般的普通法法院一争高下的司法系统(衡平法院)。其规则和格言变得非常固定而且在某种程度上不像在其它法律制度中一样灵活。衡平法的特点有:以特定履行(或实际履行)的方式提供救济(与普通法提供补偿性损害赔偿金的救济方式形成对照);强制令(为或者不为某项具体行为的临时或者最终法令);渗透了整个法律制度并且能在许多场合下揭示现代法律概念的起源的所谓的衡平法格言的发展。不过,一般都是只有在普通法救济不充分时,才会出现衡平法救济。比如,优于普通法损害赔偿金被认为是不充分的,这是因为考虑到不动产所具有的唯一性,这些赔偿金无法补偿不动产购买人(的损失),就可能判以特定履行购买不动产。 与普通法一样,衡平法通过司法接纳或通过明确的制定法条款,成了美国法律的一部分。目前,这两个法律制度在许多美国司法管辖区中得以融合(始于1848年的纽约),因而,在这些司法管辖区以及联邦的实践中只存在一种形式的民事诉讼。只有为数很少的州还保留着单独的衡平法院。尽管如此,提及这一历史演变仍然是很重要的,因为它一方面解释了许多当代法律概念(如财产法中的所有权分割)的起源和意义,另一方面,它仍然与做出某些裁决有一定的关联,比如是否有权获得陪审团的审理(这仅发生与普通法的讼案中,在其它案件中仅由法官审理)。另外,这种区别将决定“通常的”普通法赔偿金救济是否适用或者是否可以使用“特别的”衡平法特定履行救济。 “判例法”代表了整个的法官造法体系,而且在现代还包括了普通法和衡平法先例。在不准确的和令人迷惑的用法中,“普通法”和“判例法”这两个术语通常被当作同义词来使用,在这里,“普通法”这个术语一般代表着法官制定的法,以示区别制定法。“判例法”总是代表着法官制定的法律,而“普通法”则相对来说,根据想表达的意思不同,要么代表普通法主题事项(即具体问题)上法官制定的法律,要么在更广范围内指所有法官制定的法律。 第二课法律职业 第一部分律师协会 法律职业的规范主要是各州的事务,每一各州对于执业许可都有其自己的要求。大多数州都要求三年的学业和法律学位。各州自行管理本州申请律师资格的书面考试。不过,几乎所有的州都利用“多州律师资格考试”,这是一种长达一天的多项选择测试,在这项考试之外,各州还会再增加一次主要是关于其本州法律的时长一天的论文考试。大多数申请人都可以通过第一次考试,而且许多失败者都会在下一次考试中通过。每年有四万多人通过这些考试,在经过人品调查之后,他们便可获准在相应的州执业许可。在获得许可之前或之后都不要求实习。到各联邦法院执业的许可规则互不相同,但一般来讲,那些获准在州最高法院执业的律师在办理一些无关紧要的手续之后即可获准在联邦法院执业。 律师执业范围通常仅限于一个地区,因为尽管律师可以代表当事人到其它地区办理事务,但是一个人只能在其获得许可的州内执业。人们习惯雇用本州的律师办理其它洲的事务。但是,只要一个人已经在其获得职业资格的州执业达一定时间(通常是五年),那么他移居到另外一个州时通常无需考试便可获得执业许可。 律师不仅可以从事法律事务,还允许从事任何其他公民能从事的事务。执业律师在企业客户的董事会中工作、从事商业或者积极参与公共事务都是很平常的事情。律师即使在成为法官、政府或者私人企业集团的雇员或者法律教师之后仍然是律师协会的会员,他们可以辞掉这些其它事务,回头开始私人执业。为了在工商业中担任重要的执行职务而放弃执业的律师人数相对较少。这一职业中的流动性和公共责任感的一个例证是哈兰·菲斯克的职业生涯,他曾多次成为一名纽约州律师、一名教授和哥伦比亚法学院院长、美国总检察长和美国最高法院首席大法官。 律师并不按照职责进行正式的划分。在英国对诉讼律师和非诉律师的区分并没有移植到美国,既不存在拥有特别或者专有出庭权的职业群体,也没有专门制作法律文书的职业群体。美国律师的业务范围包括出庭辩护、咨询和起草文书。另外,在被广泛地成为“法律执业”的范围之内,律师的业务范围是专有性的,不对其他人开放。在出庭辩护领域,这种规则非常清楚:任何个人都可以代表其自己出庭,但除了一些基层法院之外,只有律师可以代表他人出庭。不过,律师不得代表他人参与一些行政机关设立的具有司法性质的正式程序当中。在咨询和起草法律文书领域的界限并不是太清晰,比如在在联邦所得税领域的法律执业和会计执业之间就是如此。但是,纽约最高法院的一个裁决表明了大多数美国法院的严格标准,该裁决认为,一个获准在外国执业单位获准在纽约执业的律师不得在纽约对客户提供法律咨询,即使该意见仅限于该律师获准执业的该外国的法律。但是,一个外国律师可能获准在一个州执业,而且无需获得许可便可以以一个外国法律顾问的身份向美国律师提供法律咨询。 1


仔细阅读作文要求,判断该题就是要求您写备忘录还就是便条?因为这关系到作文行文中语言表达的正式程度。 根据题目要求核对所写作文就是否包括了该写的三个部分。 核对作文第一稿的长度,必要时可作修改。 写完后,校对作文中的语法、词汇及文体就是否正确、恰当。 范例: 您就是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理。 您打算请Cooway公司为您安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 √给您的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 √说明项目的参加人员与持续时间。 √安排两个可以利用的周末 提示: 1) 按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄与问候等客套。 2) 瞧清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr、或Mrs、等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。 Jim Could you please contact Cooway to organize a team-building event for sales staff? There would be ten participants and the course should last for two days、I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November or, if that is not possible, the following weekend、 Thanks, Alan 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 您就是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。您刚刚任命Sally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。


摘 要:针对目前国内法律英语翻译中存在的一些问题,本文全面系统地总结了法律英语的基本特征,法律英语翻译需遵循的原则和基本方法,介绍了影响法律英语翻译的一些因素,如文化的差异、法系的差异和思维方式的差异等,希望能够对提高我国的法律英语翻译的整体水平有所帮助。 关键词:法律英语 英语翻译 文化差异 法系差异 心理思维差异 法律英语,是以英语为基础,用以表述法律科学概念及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语,它是在立法和司法等活动中形成和使用的具有法律专业特点的语言。法律英语特点鲜明,在词汇使用上庄重规范,书面语多,句法结构纷繁复杂,大量使用祈使句、被动语态、综合复杂句以及虚拟语气等。法律英语目前已经成为法律与英语中的一门交叉学科,在社会上日益得到广泛的重视和应用,本文主要对法律英语翻译进

行了总结分析,希望能够对法律英语翻译的进一步发展有所帮助。 一、法律英语的特征 法律英语就其文体来说属于职业专用英语,是一种正式的书面语体,是应用语的一个分支,也是具有良好发展前景的一种语种。其行文庄重、结构严谨、表达准确。作为一种专用英语,法律英语在词汇的使用、句法的安排、文体的选择上都有自己独有的特征,具体来说: 1.句法特征 句法特征是法律英语特征的重要组成部分,常包括惯用长句,分词短语使用普遍(为了清晰地表达句意,法律英语往往更多地使用分词短语来代替从句做定语、状语或宾语),介词和介词短语使用频率高,条件从句使用率高。法律英语句法的这些特征是我们研究和对其进行翻译时所必须深入考虑和分析的。 2.词汇特征

词汇特征是法律英语特征的又一重要组成部分,具体来说分为使用法律专门术语(法律英语在长期的法律实践中逐渐形成了一些具有个性化色彩的法律语言);拉丁语频繁被使用(由于历史和现实的原因,拉丁语在英美法律实践中频繁被使用);相对词义的词语大量涌现;普通词语被赋予法律含义,如Party在法律英语中被理解为“当事人”等。 3.文体特征 法律英语属于书面英语。在起草法律文件时,严密准确是法律英语最重要的最基本的要求和特征。只有严密准确的法律英语才能保障法律的权威性,才能更好地反映立法意图并体现立法原则,才能更好地维护法律双方当事人的利益,才能更好地便于对法律进行解读和执行,从而有利于提高整个社会的法制水平。 二、法律英语翻译 1.法律英语翻译的一般原则


商务英语中备忘录的写作技巧 --> 随着中国与世界各国经济和科技交流的不断加强,商务英语和科技英语的写作成为当代年轻人必修之课.本文主要通过文体格式(style forms)和文体内容(style contents)两个方面,对商务英语和科技英语备忘录的写作进行比较.文体版武主要是指备忘录的组成部分:标题和正文.而文体内容是指备忘录的遣词造句,以达到简明扼要的目的.希望能对诸多年轻人英文备忘录的写作起到借鉴和帮助的作用. 备忘录是非正式的外交信件;特指政府部门或外交部致大使馆或公使馆的书面声明,尤其用于例行传达或询问,无需签署,备忘或保留准备将来用的非正式的记事录;帮助或唤起记忆的记录;日记本里的记事录。 范例: 你是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理。 你打算请Cooway公司为你安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 给你的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: 告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。 安排两个可以利用的周末

1) 按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄和问候等客套。 2) 看清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr.或Mrs.等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。 Jim Could you please contact Cooway to organize a team-building event for sales staff There would be ten participants and the course should last for two days. I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November or, if that is not possible, the following weekend. Thanks, Alan 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命Sally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。 给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: 宣布对Sally Jolie女士的任命。 说明她开始工作的具体时间。 要求总部员工准备欢迎她。


September 8, 2009 美国总统奥巴马对全美中小学生的讲话弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中2009年9月8日 Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.) 大家好!谢谢你们。谢谢你们。谢谢你们大家。好,大家请就坐。你们今天都好吗?(掌声)蒂姆·斯派塞(Tim Spicer)好吗?(掌声)我现在与弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起。美国各地从小学预备班到中学12年级的学生正在收听收看。我很高兴大家今天都能参与。我还要感谢韦克菲尔德高中出色的组织安排。请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。(掌声) I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day in a new school, so it’s understandable if you’re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now -- (applause) -- with just one more y ear to go. And no matter what grade you’re in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer and you could’ve stayed in bed just a little bit longer this morning.
