Chapter 5 大学语言学概论第5章ppt课件
2. Linguistic model of the
conceptualist view
• 1. 形式与意义直接相关 ,用实线连接。意义通过 符号形式来表达,形式是 语义的载体。
1. Definition
• Contextualism(语境论): is a view
concerning meaning which holds that meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context. According to this view, one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.
• 2. 意义是在各观事物的 基础上概括而成的,是客 观事物在头脑中的概括反 映,两者也有直接联系, 用实线连接。
• 3. 形式和所指之间没有
(Ogden and Richards 1923: 物可以用不同的形式来表
• Or what is exactly meant by “thinking of a concept”?
6. Question
• What do you think of when you hear or see the words:
water-tight 密封,不漏气
没膝深 knee-deep
齐肩高 shoulder-high
终生 lifelong
晶莹剔透 Crycle-clear
苦乐参半 bittersweet
谈论话题 talked-about topic
杜撰故事 made-up story
e.g. autocracy hydrography telephone
autocracy = auto [构词成份] + cracy (suffix)
hydrography = hydro [构词成份] + graphy (suffix)
telephone = tele [构词成份] + phone (suffix)
From the point of view of derivation, no distinction should be made between combining forms and affixes in this book, in which all the combining forms are labeled either as prefixes or suffixes.
undesirables: undesirable (stem or base, not root)
desired: desire (root, stem or base)
3.2 Compounding 复合构词法
Questions: 1. What is compounding? 2. What are the relative criteria of a
– bow-wow or woof-woof , miaow , baa-baa moo , roar, coo, hiss, hum , quack; 阿嚏! 布谷!boom, crack, clang , clash, bang, rumble
• Morphological motivation
-- Eric Partridge
Most English words are conventional, arbitrary symbols; there is no intrinsic relation between the sound-symbol and its sense/meaning. • Conventionality: the arbitrariness between a sound and its meaning. • Most words in any human language conventional. e.g. English house French mansion
词的理据(motivation)指的是事物和现象获得名称的依据,说明词 义与事物或现象的命名之间的关系。
• Motivation can arise in three major ways
– Phonetic motivation – Morphological motivation – Semantic motivation
About the course
1.1 Aims of the course
– Give a systematic description of the English vocabulary.
• What is a word?
– The minimal free form of a language, which has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.
– Ultimately improve your receptive and productive skills in language processing as well as language production.
1.3 Arrangements
• Oral Presentation
– Group of 4-5 for ONE CHAPTER – One group each week
• Essay
– A short essay about the relevant topic(s) – 3 weeks before the end of the course
1.4 Grade
• Oral presentation • Short essay • Final exam
An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology
张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。
首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。
第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。
如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。
英语词汇学授课课件 PPT
B: rapid growth of present-day English Vocabulary and Its causes
❖ Neologisms(新词) after World War II ❖ Reasons: ❖ 1. progress of science and technology科技
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
Bloomfield布洛姆菲尔德(美国语言学家教育 家) and ❖ a French linguist, Antoine Meillet(梅耶,法 国语言学家)
❖ “some linguistic forms(语言形态), which we call bound forms(限定/非自由形态) are never used as sentences.
invaded by Angles盎格鲁, Saxons撒克逊, Jutes朱特人
❖ Vocabulary: 5000-6000 words,chiefly Anglo-Saxon/ some Old Norse古斯堪的那维 亚语
❖ Old Norse words (are, they, their, them, till, call, die, give, take, skin, window, ill, weak)
5. 3.1. Grammatical and Lexical Meaning
2. The same word may have different grammatical meaning:
forget, forgets, forgot, forgotten, forgetting
5. 3.1. Grammatical and Lexical Meaning
different types of meaning.
5. 3.1. Grammatical and Lexical Meaning
Grammatical meaning Examples: --singular and plural meaning of nouns --tense meaning of verbs and their
The figurative meaning is suggested by the literal meaning.
5. 2. 4. Etymological Motivation
pen = feather → quill pen → any writing tool 笔=bamboo + hair → modern writing tool quisling = Quisling → traitor braille = Braille → language for the blind
Concept is beyond language. It is the result of human cognition,
reflecting the objective world in the human mind.
5. 1. 1. Concept
B. Lexical meaning
3. social or stylistic meaning the criterion of formality: formal, neutral and informal
B. Lexical meaning
4. affective meaning appreciatory (apprec.), derogatory (derog.)
Advantages of componential analysis Enable us to have an exact knowledge of the conceptual meaning of a word Help us to choose the right word or collocation e.g. Five students elapsed. Five years elapsed. Elapse: vi. fml. (of time) pass by
Motivation: there is the connection between word-symbol and its sense Phonetic motivation Morphological motivation Semantic motivation
Phonetic motivation: pronunciation suggests the meaning, including echoic words or onomatopoeic words E.g. woof-woof the woof-woof of a dog miaow the miaow of a cat roar the roar of a lion bang the bang of a door
B. Specialization/narrowing in a social milieu/'mi:ljə:/ Polysemy often arises through a kind of verbal shorthand. For example, ―action‖ will naturally mean ―legal action‖; for the soldier it will mean a military operation, without any need for a qualifying epithet. In this way the same word may acquire a number of specialized senses, only one of which will be applicable in a given milieu. C. Figurative language A word can be given one or more figurative senses without losing its original meaning: old and new will live on side by side as long as there is no possibility of confusion between them. Polysemy that is based on metaphor can be exemplified by the following phrases:
Change of meaning can be brought about by many causes. 1. Polysemy Polysemy is ―term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings.‖ It is a universal feature to all natural languages. This particularly true of highly developed languages like English. In modern English, an overwhelming majority of words are polysemous. A casual glance of any pages of an English dictionary will justify the fact. There are words that have two or
初中英语词汇学精美课件ppt (5)
• Spectacle=spect(看)+acle名词 后缀
• n.奇观,景象;光景,场面 • Specious=speci (看)+ous ...的. • a.华而不实的 • Speculate= specul (看)+ate动
词后缀 • v.推测,推断,投机
• Spirit=spir(呼吸)+it名词后缀 • n.精神,气概;情绪,心情
• Conspiracy=con(共同)+spir(呼 吸)+acy名词后缀
• n.同谋,Βιβλιοθήκη 谋• Perspire=per(贯穿,自始至 终)+spire
• v.出汗
• Aspire=a(加强)+spire(呼 吸)
• Soliloquy=sol+loqu说话 +y名词后缀
• n.自言自语
• Desolate=de(离 开)+sol+ate形容词后缀
• a. 荒废的,荒凉的
• Circumsolar a.环日的, 近日的
• Parasol n.太阳伞 • Solar a.太阳的,太阳光的
• Sol=sun(太阳)
• v.有抱负,立志做某事.
• Expire = ex(出) + pir(=spir)+e(动词后缀)
• v.期满;断气死亡
• Respire=re(一再)+spire • v.连续呼吸,透口气
• a.无所不知的
• Sophisticate=sophist( 诡辩家)+ic+ate(形容词后 缀,有...性质的)
张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》一一解析第一部分Chapter I英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。
首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the , a , my这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。
另外,Bloomfield 的定义侧重在于语法(syntax )却没有涉及到词的意义。
”(《辞海》1984 (上) 375页,上海辞书出版社)一种语言中所有的单词汇集起来便构成了该语言的词库。
第二部分Chapter H 到Chapter IV英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of Englishwords and word-formati on )(一) 词素(Morphemes )单词是有词素(morphemes )构成的。
如:n ati on是一个词素,national 有nation+al 两个词素。
The sound and meaning of words related
Two ways:
Most English words are conventional, arbitrary symbol.
Chapter 5Word meaning and Semantic Features词义与语义特征
5.1 Conventionality and Motivation约定俗成与有理据词
5.2 Main Types of Word Meaning词义的分类
5.3 Componential Analysis and Semantic Features语义成分分析与语义特征
□English –houseFrench –maisonChinese –fángziRussian –domSpanish –casa
2. Motivation有理据词
Motivation:refers to the connection between word-symbol and its sense.
Arbitrary:adj.decided by or based on chance or personal opinion rather than facts or reason.
Conventional or arbitrary: there is no intrinsic relation between the sound-symbol and its sense.
E.g. anticancer抗癌的
Antonyms are words that have opposite or contrasting meanings
Types of Antonyms
Antonyms can be classified into gradable Antonyms, which exists on a scale (e.g., hot/cold), and complete Antonyms, which represents two mutually exclusive categories (e.g., male/female)
Distinguishing synonyms
Synonyms of differences in annotation, emotional color, stylistic level, and location
Antonyms and their corresponding relationships
Classification and Composition of
English Vocabulary
Basic vocabulary and professional vocabulary
Basic Vocabulary
Basic vocabulary refers to the core set of words that are essential for daily communication and are typically learned in the early stages of language acquisition These words are generally simple, frequently used, and have a broad range of means
英语词汇学教程课件第5章English Lexicology 5上
Inflection and Derivation
Inflection results in the formation of alternative grammatical forms of the same word, while derivation creates new vocabulary items.
Irregular inflections are those that do not follow this pattern and which usually apply to only one or a small number of members of the word class concerned.
For example, the following nouns form their plurals irregularly: datum – data, fish fish, goose – geese, man - men, mouse mice, tooth – teeth, woman - women.
For example, the addition of prefixes and suffixes such as mis-, -ness, and –ist, has given English such words as misunderstand, correctness, and economist.
Moreover, the addition of the possessive suffix fits the inflected noun for use in syntax as noun modifier. The noun with the possessive marker can be used as a modifier of another noun, never as a head or main element in a given structure.
第1章:现代英语词汇学概论【A general servey of English vocabulary】
没有上面描述特征的词,不属于语言的正常核 心。它们包括下面:
1.术语Terminology: technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas.包括特定学科和学术领域的技术术语,例如在医学 上:光扫描,肝炎,消化不良,青霉素;在数学上:代数,三角学,微积 分;音乐上,交响乐,管弦乐队,奏鸣曲,协奏曲,教育上:视听教学, 自休大学,微型教学等等。 2.行话。Jargon(行话): the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades and professions communicate among themselves.用于特定的词汇,通过特定艺术,科 学,商业和专业领域的成员在彼此之间交流。
词语是什么?多年来已经引起了语言学家的关注。争议较大。尽管已 经提出了很多的定义,没有一个是最好的。学者们仍然没有在词语的 定义上达成一致。 当我们谈起一个词语,我们倾向于根据视觉条件来思考。在这个角度, 一个词可以被定义为平印在或者写在纸上的字母的有意义的集合。当 根据口语定义的时候,词被看成是一个发音或发音的集合,是由人的 发音器官自由的发出的。根据语义学家的意见,一个词是一个意义单 位。
——自然现象:雨雪火,水,太阳月亮春夏风山 ——人的身体和亲属:头足手脸父母兄弟姐妹儿子女儿 ——动植物:橡树松树草梨苹果树马牛羊猫狗小鸡 ——动作,尺寸,范围,状态:来去吃听打带好邪恶老年轻 热冷重白黑 ——数词代词介词连接词:一十百我你你的,谁,在里,在 外,在下 等,和但直到如同 这些词不能被英语会话者回避。不能不考虑词源教育专业 地区文化等等。
张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇得概论(Ageneralsurvey ofEnglish vocabu lary)Bloomfield1933中对词得定义就是,每个单词都就是最小得自由词.然而这个定义不够全面,存在着缺陷。
首先,不就是所有得单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义.另外,Bloomfield得定义侧重在于语法(syntax)却没有涉及到词得意义。
第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇得形态结构与词得构词(Morphologicalstructure of Engli shwords and word—formation)(一)词素(Morphemes)单词就是有词素(morphemes)构成得。
如:nation就是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。
英语词汇学教程课件第5章English Lexicology 5下
The criterion of stress applies only to nominal compounds, and the distinction between compound and idiom becomes fuzzy for verbs and other nominal categories.
Compounding refers to the faculty and device of language to form new words by combining or putting together old words.
Compounds are stems consisting of more than one root, e.g. bedside, blackbird, by-effect, rainbow, waste paper basket. Compounding is a very common and frequent process for enlarging vocabulary.
However, in addition to the semantic criterion, we may also use involving order.
In a verb plus adverb compound like forthcoming, there is a clear difference in order between the phrases from which they derive (e.g. come forth) and the resultant compound.
From the root ced (and its variant form cess), ‘go, yield,’ are derived abscess, accede, accessory, ancestry, antecedent, cease, cede, concession, decease, exceed, excessive, incessant, intercede, precede, predecessor, proceed, recede, recess, succeed ….
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How are the sound and meaning of words related?
Two ways: 1. Conventionality
(约定俗成) 2. Motivation
E.g. a stony heart the leg of a table
What is the relationship between the sound-symbol and its sense?
1. Conventionality (约定俗成) Most words are conventional.
A. Grammatical meaning
2. inflectional paradigm seasons of a year
一年四季 the poles
南北两极 “I bought it,” said Becky, in a voice trembling with
emotion; “I went to see if I could be of any use to my kind friends. I have never parted with that picture--- I never will.” “是我把它买下的。那时候我去看了看到底有没有法子 帮帮我的好朋友们。我一直把这幅画好好藏着-----我 以后也要把它好好藏着。”
Conventional or arbitrary
Arbitrary: adj. decided by or based on
chance or personal opinion rather than facts or reason. Conventional or arbitrary: there is no intrinsic relation between the soundsymbol and its sense.
Chapter 5
Word meaning and Semantic Features
Chapter 5
5.1 Conventionality and Motivation 5.2 Main Types of Word Meaning 5.3 Componential Analysis and
E.g. woof-woof
the woof-woof of a dog miaow
the miaow of a cat roar
the roar of a lion bang
the bang of a door
Morphological motivation: there is a direct connection between the morphemic structure of the word and its meaning.
Being a child, he can’t understand what he just said. He never dreams of being a superstar.
____ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. A. The girl to be educated C. The girl educated B. The girl’s being educated D. The girl was educated
Motivation: there is the connection between word-symbol and its sense
Phonetic motivation Morphological motivation Semantic motivation
Phonetic motivation: pronunciation suggests the meaning, including echoic words or onomatopoeic words
B. Lexical meaning 1. denotative meaning 2. connotative meaningห้องสมุดไป่ตู้3. social or stylistic meaning 4. affective meaning
A. Grammatical meaning
1. word-class: The word-class determines the position that a word normally occupies in a sentence e.g.
E.g. anticancer kilogram good-looking daydream
Semantic motivation: The figurative meaning can be understood by those who know the literal meaning.
2. Motivation (有理可据)
5.2 Types of Word Meaning
Types of Word Meaning: A. Grammatical meaning B. Lexical meaning
Types of Word Meaning
A. Grammatical meaning 1. word-class 2. inflectional paradigm
Semantic Features
5.1 The relationship between the sound-symbol and its sense
Questions: 1. What is the relationship between the
sound-symbol and its sense?