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as well as 用法

as well as 是英语中常用的连接词,学生在使用时常常会出现错误,本文将其用法作以下简要归纳和说明。

1. as well as 可连接并列的单词或短语。

It is unpleasant in summer as well as in winter. 夏天不好过,冬天也不好过。

The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既健康又活泼。

2. as well as 连接两个谓语动词时,它们的时态应保持一致。:

He publishes as well as prints his own books. 他的书是他自己印刷出版的。

We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls. 我们在粉刷墙壁同时也在修理屋顶。

as well as 与动词连用时,其后可用V-ing形式,尤其as well as 位于句首时,此时相当于in addition to。

As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm. 他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊。

3. 如果as well as 前面是动词不定式,那么其后的动词也是不定式,但to要省略。例如:

You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.


4. 由as well as 连接的复合主语并不影响谓语动词的数。例如:

Helen as well as I is eager to see the performance. 海伦和我一样急于要看演出。

I as well as they am ready to help you. 不仅他们愿意帮助你,我也愿意帮助你。


1.either用作代词,意为“(两者之中)任一、任何一个”。在句中可作主语(此时句中谓语动词用单数)、宾语、表语和定语(作定语时,有的词典把它称为形容词;either作定语时,只能修饰单数名词。)Either (of the books) is popular with the students. 两本书)随便哪一本都受到同学们的欢迎。(主语)

I have bought two cakes;you may have either. 我买了两块蛋糕;你要哪块都行。(宾语)

The books were either works on travel or detective novels. 这些书要么是旅游方面的书,要么是侦探小说。(表语)You can park on either side of the street. 在街道的哪边停车都可以。(定语)

2. either用作副词,用于否定句作“也”解释,通常置于句末。如:

I don”t like the red shirt and I don”t like the green one either. 我不喜欢这件红衬衫,也不喜欢这件绿衬衫。As for me, I shall not return there either. 如果是我,我也不会回到那儿的。


I know a good ltalian restaurant. I t”s not far from here either. 我知道一家意大利餐馆,离这儿并不远。

3. either可以构成短语,either…or…,意为“要么…要么…”、“不是…就是…”,在句中连接两个并列成分。

Either you or Tom has done it.(连接并列主语)不是你就是汤姆做了这件事。

You may either stay at home or go there with us.(连接并列谓语)你既可以待在家里也可以和我们一道去。 He must be either mad or drunk. 他不是疯了就是醉了。(连接并列表语)

You can go swimming or play tennis. 你可以去游泳也可以去打网球。

Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错了就是我错了。

Are either you or I wrong? 是你错了还是我错了?

I want to visit either Paris or London. 我想去巴黎或伦敦游览一下。(连接并列宾语)

Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well. 不是他没讲清楚,就是我没听明白。(连接句子)【注】通常应连接两个相同性质的句子成分,但有时后一成分可能省略与前一成分相同的词。若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致:

You can either have tea or coffee. 你喝茶也行,喝咖啡也行。

Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错,就是我错。

4. either的反义词为neither“(两者)都不”,either…or…的反义词组为neither…nor…“既不……也不……”。

You can drop either of the two courses. 你可以放弃这两门课程中的任何一门。

You can drop neither of the two courses. 这两门课程中的任何一门都不能放弃。

Either you or he has made the mistake. 不是你就是他犯了这个错误。

Neither you nor he has made the mistake. 犯错误的既不是你也不是他。


The sentence can be either true or false.句子要么是对的要么是错的。

You can either come with me or walk home. 你要么跟我一块去,要么走回家去。

Either mum or I cook supper.要么我母亲要么我做晚饭。


Neither Li Lei nor Wang Hai was there.李雷和王海都不在那里。

I neither watch TV nor listen to the radio.我既不看电视也不听收音机



Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。

The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish. 这位秘书不但能讲而且能写西班牙语。

You’ve given both your uncle and myself a lot of trouble. 你给了你姑父和我很多麻烦。

The food was both bad and insufficient. 食物既坏又不够吃。

She was ashamed, both for herself and for Diana. 她感到羞愧,既为自己也为戴安娜。

I did all this both for you and for myself. 我做这一切是为了你,也为我自己。

He both speaks and writes Spanish. 他既会说也会写西班牙语。

Tonight they will both sing and dance. 今晚他们将又唱歌又跳舞。


Both she and I are good at English. 她和我都擅长英语(

Both teaching and research work are making great strides. 教学与科研都在大踏步前进。
