
1.跨文化交际引起重视的原因 1.跨文化交际引起重视的原因 交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展使得不同国家、 不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往 L.S Harms:语言的产生;文字的使用;印刷技 Harms: 术的发明;近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的 迅速发展;跨文化交际 2.对跨文化交际的不同理解及原因 2.对跨文化交际的不同理解及原因 一种看法是任何两个人之间的交际都是跨文化交 际 Australian and American Interractions American Interactions with Israelis 在作文化比较时似乎可以大到东西方对比,小到 两个人之间的对比。中间还有种族、民族、国家、 地区、阶级、阶层、职业、性别、年龄等等层次 主流文化-亚文化-地区文化主流文化-亚文化-地区文化-小群体文化(不同年 龄、职业、性别群体的文化)
一、跨文化交际是指来自不同文化 一、跨文化交际是指来自不同文化 背景的个体、群体或组织之间进行 背景的个体、群体或组织之间进行 的交流活动。
以下哪些是跨文化交际 A外交部长与他国人员谈判 B公司工作人员与外国人谈生意 C我们与泰国学生老师交往 D阅读外国小说 E观看外国电影、电视节目
R.T Oliver Culture and Communication A. Smith Communication and Culture I. Parry The Psychology of Human Communication 2.在传播学(Communication)理论基 2.在传播学(Communication)理论基 础上, 础上,与人类学、心理学、语言学、 文化学以及社会学等相互交叉而发 展起来的学科。

跨文化交际试题答案(附翻译)1.Threeinternationaldevelopmentshavemadeinterculturalco ntactmorepervasive(无处不在),theyare.(D)A.newtechnologyandinformationsystemB.changesintheworld’spopulationC.ashiftintheworld’seconomicarenaD.A,BandC2.__C____hasevolvedthatletssocietiesshareculturalexperience swithoneanotherasfilmsareproducedandshownaroundthewo rld.A.ShowbusinessB.I.T.C.internationalfilmindustryD.Massmedia3._A_____intheUnitedStates,becausetheyhavebeenprofoundlyaffectedbypopulatio nandimmigrationincreases,areaprimarysettingfordomesticinte rculturalcontact.A.V11._C used.CC.differentstyles,thespeechactsD.vocabulary,thepronunciationnguageisaccompaniedbyacontinuousflowofnonverbalc ommunication,whichinvolvesnotonly____butalso____and__ ___.CA.thetone,gaze,postureB.thevoice,theface,thebodyC.thepitch,gaze,gestureD.thepace,thedistance,touch15._B____istheprocessofselecting,organizing,andinterpreting sensorydatainawaythatenablesustomakesenseofourphysicalandsocialworld.A.InterpretationB.PerceptionC.AnalysisD.Understanding16.Themapsareusuallydrawnbyputtingone’scountryinthece nter.Thisillustrates___C___.A.MisinterpretationB.RacialbiasC.EthnocentrismD.Stereotype17.Manystereotypesareprovidedbythe__D______.A.SchooleducationB.TextbookC.HistoryD.Massmedia18.Culturalbreakdowns,setbacksorconflictsresultfrommisinte rpretations,ethnocentrism,andstereotypeasaresultof____B__ _.A.MisperceptionB.RacialbiasC.MisunderstandingD.Falseimpression19.___C__aredefinedas“anenduringsetofbeliefsthatservetoguideordirectourbehavior ”.wsB.PerceptionsC.ValuesD.Worldviews20.Whichofthestatementsaboutculturalvaluesisnottrue?CA.Culturalvalues,asisthecasewithculturalbeliefs,guidebothpe rceptionandcommunication.B.Culturalvalueshavenothingtodowithindividualvalues.C.Culturalvaluesareprescriptive.A.Tendstodeveloptransitorypersonalrelationship.B.Tendstouse"logic"topresentideas.C.Tendstogivesimple,ambiguous,non-contextingmessages.D.V aluesindividualism.30.Thefollowingadvantagesofhigh-contextculture don’t include______.DA.itsavesusmakingmanytrivialdecisions;B.itallowsforgreatflexibility,adaptabilityandoriginality;C.rolestendtobeclear;D.groupprojectsandteameffortstendtobepracticableandeffe ctive.31.Peoplefromculturesthatprefer“highinvolvement”stylestendto__ A_______.A.expecttobeinterruptedepolitelisteningsoundC.giveplentyofpositiveandrespectfulresponsestotheirconvers ationpartnersD.speakoneatatime32.Peoplefrom“highconsiderateness”culturesareoftenthou ghttobe_____B___.A.loudB.passiveC.chattyD.pushy33.Onewaytodeterminewhetheraculturefavorsadirectorindir ectstyleincommunicationis_____A_______.A.H owtheysay,“No.”B.Howtheyinvitepeople.C.Howtheyteachpeople.D.Howtheyacceptpeople.34.In2010,theEasterison___A______.A.4th,AprilB.5th,AprilC.2nd,AprilD.6th,April(5)(T)(11)(12)((18)(T)TheArabic-speakingnations,LatinAmerica,Russia,andnearlyallofAsia(especial lyIndiaandChina)arehighpowerdi stance.(19)()Languageisinfluencedandshapedbyculture;itreflectscul ture.(20)(F)MainstreamAmericanconversationstylewouldalsobech aracterizedas“high involvement”,althoughitdifferssignifican tlyfromthevariousAsianpatterns.(21)()Wearecaptivesofourculture,thoughitoffersusacommonf rameofreference.(22)()Westudyotherculturesfromtheperspectiveofourowncult ure,soourobservationsandourconclusionaretaintedbyourperso nalandculturalorientations.(23)()Becausewedonothavedirectacc esstothethoughtsandfeelingsofothers,wecan’tinferwhatt heyare experiencing.(24)()Therearerulesforspeakerstofollowastohowmessagesare constructedandinterpreted.(25)()Onlywhenwearedeprivedofourowncultureorputintoaco mpletelynewculturecanwerealizetheimportanceofculturetous.(26)()Stereotypereferstoanunfair,biased,orintolerantattitudet owardsanothergroupofpeople.(27)()Theassumptionofsimilarityisoneofthebiggestpromotio nsininterculturalcommunication.(28)(T)CountriesorregionswithmasculinetraitsareIreland,theP hilippines,Greece,SouthAfrica,Austria,Japan,Italy,andMexico.(29)()Lowcontextcommunicationsavesusmakingmanytriviald ecisions.(30)(F)ForAmericans,twoorthreesecondsofsilencecanbecomf ortable.1.三个国际的发展作出了跨文化联系更普遍的(无处不在),他们是。

Unit Two Culture ShockⅠ.Fill in blanksa.In a formal western meal, you’re offered a second helping but you have already had enough. You should say “”.That was delicious but I’ve already had plenty, thanks.b.Taboos are words, expressions, etc. that are considered as being or . unpleasant, disgustingc.is a culture that scores high on individualism. Individual cultured.Social distance refers to the degree of or between two cultures. similarity, dissimilaritye.Because of their , individualists give little thought to the of others. But collectivists care very much what others in their groups think and do not like to be the targets of and . independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticismⅡ. Key Termsa.culture shockb.collectivist culturec.hospitalityd.politenesse.privacyⅢ. Short Answera.What are the five basic themes in individualist culture?b.Why is there a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy?c.What ‘s the difference on tendency for foreigners to treat strangers between Individualism and Collectivism Theories?Ⅳ. Case study(1)Analyze the case and try to find the misunderstanding between the girl and the westerner.A westerner invited a Chinese girl to have lunch and take a tour around the British Parliament. In fact, the girl didn't have the lunch just because when the westerner asked her "Are you hungry?" The girl answered no. Then they didn't have lunch together.(2)Can you find some differences in hospitality between a Chinese and English? What are the reasons?An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived his parents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bound to ear that too.A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had? One one -- a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green. They never put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half-starved.Key to Unit TwoⅠ.Fill in blanksa.That was delicious but I’ve already had plenty, thanks.b.unpleasant, disgustingc.Individual cultured.similarity, dissimilaritye.independence, evaluations, scrutiny, criticismⅡ.Key Termsa.culture shock: It is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture.b.collectivist culture: It is a culture that places little value on individual identity and great value on group identity.c.hospitality: It means cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests.d.politeness: It refers to consideration for others, tact, and observance of accepted social usage.e.privacy: It could be understood as the right of an individual to self-determination as to the degree to which the individual is willing to share with others information about himself that may be compromised by unauthorized exchange of such information among other individuals or organizations.Ⅲ.Short Answera.1) There is a tendency for foreigners to treat strangers as equals, seen in the politeness with which foreigners treat out-group members and their willingness to follow public rules and laws that guarantee the rights of all. 2 ) There is a desire for independence and separateness, found in foreigners' needs for their own privacy and autonomy and in the freedom they give to children. 3) There is a lack of inhibition on the part of foreigners in terms of expressive behaviors, seen in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emotions. 4) There is a lack of understanding if the reciprocal bonds and duties that regulate in-group members, found in foreigners' casual attitudes towards hospitality. 5) There is a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy.b.The reason might be that even the freedom with which foreigners express love and sexual desire can be seen as a valorization of the individual's pursuit of personal pleasure and happiness. That this is offensive tocollectivists is not surprising, as intense dyadic fusion is a kind of personal involvement that draws loyalty on attention from the group and focuses it on individual needs.c.Individualists tend to believe in equality; their communication norms stress equal treatment of subordinate and superior, friend and stranger. In contrast, collectivists’ communication norms often stress deference; a clear demarcation is made between one’s treatment of those above and below one in the social hierarchy. Clearly, to a collectivist, the way individualists treat strangers will seem unusual and unnecessarily polite.Ⅳ.Case studya.The mistake is that the westerner used his question as an invitation. The girl understood it only as a question. According to the Chinese tradition, the man should have invited her to lunch since their appointment was to have lunch first.b.Yes. The Chinese student felt disappointed at British hospitality because she used the Chinese way of showing hospitality to judge the British one. In the story taking place in China, the westerner couldn't imagine that there should be sixteen dishes prepared for her. When she ate from the eight cold dishes, she couldn't eat anymore. It is because a Western meal normally severs one main course plus a starter and sweets or desserts. The fact is that different people in the world show their different hospitality in different ways.。


Unit 1Language and Culture in Communication1.Fill in blanksa. There are here-------- Chinese equivalents to communication in Mainland.交际()交流()沟通()传播()通信()交通()传理()b. There must be ___________conditions for communication to take place.c. There are _______ kinds of communication.d. The two kinds of cross-cultural communication are _______ and ______.e. In any forms of communication, mono-cultural, unilateral and bilateral cross-cultural alike, ______ is the essence.f. You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone is a________ example of communication.g. You send an e-mail message to an American friend is an instance of communication but______.h. An Arabic traveler talks to you in Arabic that is Greek to you is an instance of_________.i. The community definition of a social situation is a sort of ______ definition, or ______ interpretation of the situation.j. In cross-cultural communication, private goals are difficult to detect and are likely to cause ______.k. A social situation may receive two definitions. They are____________________ and ______________.l. The verbal message of shrug is a non-verbal signal of_________________.m. The verbal message of thank is a non-verbal signal of________________.n. The goal of Dick’s going to the library is likely to _______________________________________.Ⅱ. Key Termsa. languageb. non-verbal communicationc. cross-cultural communicationd. situational schemae. signalf. cultureg. communicationh.. mutual monitoringi. valuej. competenceⅢ. Short Answer1. Give some best and not good instances of communication.2. How to understand a mutual monitoring?a. Types of communication.b. Cultural influencing factors of cross-cultural communication.c. b. collectivist culturec. hospitalityⅣ. Case studyUse the communication theory to analyze the following case:Xiao Huang meets Evelyn at the airport and says to her: "Long time no see!" 1)The source of information is: ______.2)The encoder is: ______.3)The code is: ______.4)The message is: "______!"5)The channel is: ______.6)The medium is: ______.7)The noise is: ______.8)The decoder is: ______.9)The retrieval of information is: ______.Keys To Unit OneⅠ.Fill in the blanks.a. 6b. 4c. 5d. unilateral cross-cultural communication, bilateral cross-cultural communicatione. meaning exchangef. bestg. Yes, but not very good.h. non-communicationi. official,officialj. misunderstandingk. one of the community and one of the participants.l. raising one’s shoulders up and down.m. holding one’s hands in a fist in frontn. borrow booksII. Key Termsa. language. a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols ("He taught foreign languages")b. While we speak with our vocal organs we converse with our whole bodies. In addition to the words we use we convey a whole variety of information to others with our bodies. This is non-verbal communication.c.It refers to the communication between the people with different cultural backgrounds.d. It refers to the rules and procedures that govern the way things are going to proceed.e. It means an element of the behavior, appearance, etc., of one organism that is received by the sense organs of a second organism and affects its behavior.f. Culture means:1.The arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.2.The beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that constitute a people's way of life.g. communication: the exchange of information between people, e.g. by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behaviors. There are source of information, encoder, code, channel, decoder, retrieval of information.III. Short answers.Best examples:You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone. Two blind people exchange ideas in Braille. Not so good examples; An orator delivers a speech to a large gathering. You send an email message to an American friend.when you are alone with no one else being present , you can do anything you like, because you are not in a social situation. Once another person joins you, or even comes close enough that you two can see each other, your behavior is affected by his or her presence. That is mutual monitoring.a. human communicationb. animal communicationc. human-animal communicationd. human-machine communicatione. machine-to-machine communication4. they are of history, tradition, religion, value, social organization, customs, social development and systems.5. collectivist culture places little value on individual identity and great value on group identity. They have been labeled as ‘we’ cultures because the basic unit is the in-group or collective.IV. Case study1)Xiao Huang2)Xiao Huang3)English;4)Long time no see!;5)face to face;6)air;7)the disturbance of the passing airplanes; 8)Evelyn;9)Evelyn。

1.Threeinternationaldevelopmentshavemadeinterculturalcontactmorepervasive(无处不在),theyare.(D)A.newtechnologyandinformationsystemB.changesintheworld’spopulationC.ashiftintheworld’seconomicarenaD.A,BandC2.__C____hasevolvedthatletssocietiesshareculturalexperienceswithoneanotherasfilmsareproducedandshownaroundthewo rld.A.ShowbusinessB.I.T.C.internationalfilmindustryD.Massmedia3._A_____intheUnitedStates,becausetheyhavebeenprofoundlyaffectedbypopulationandimmigrationincreases,areaprimarysettingfordomesticinte rculturalcontact.A.V11._C used.CC.differentstyles,thespeechactsD.vocabulary,thepronunciationnguageisaccompaniedbyacontinuousflowofnonverbalcommunication,whichinvolvesnotonly____butalso____and__ ___.CA.thetone,gaze,postureB.thevoice,theface,thebodyC.thepitch,gaze,gestureD.thepace,thedistance,touch15._B____istheprocessofselecting,organizing,andinterpretingsensorydatainawaythatenablesustomakesenseofourphysicala ndsocialworld.A.InterpretationB.PerceptionC.AnalysisD.Understanding16.Themapsareusuallydrawnbyputtingone’scountryinthecenter.Thisillustrates___C___.A.MisinterpretationB.RacialbiasC.EthnocentrismD.Stereotype17.Manystereotypesareprovidedbythe__D______.A.SchooleducationB.TextbookC.HistoryD.Massmedia18.Culturalbreakdowns,setbacksorconflictsresultfrommisinterpretations,ethnocentrism,andstereotypeasaresultof____B__ _.A.MisperceptionB.RacialbiasC.MisunderstandingD.Falseimpression19.___C__aredefined as“anenduringsetofbeliefsthatservetoguideordirectourbehavior”.wsB.PerceptionsC.ValuesD.Worldviews20.Whichofthestatementsaboutculturalvaluesisnottrue?CA.Culturalvalues,asisthecasewithculturalbeliefs,guidebothperceptionandcommunication.B.Culturalvalueshavenothingtodowithindividualvalues.C.Culturalvaluesareprescriptive.A.Tendstodeveloptransitorypersonalrelationship.B.Tendstouse"logic"topresentideas.C.Tendstogivesimple,ambiguous,non-contextingmessages.D.V aluesindividualism.30.Thefollowingadvantagesofhigh-contextculture don’t include______.DA.itsavesusmakingmanytrivialdecisions;B.itallowsforgreatflexibility,adaptabilityandoriginality;C.rolestendtobeclear;D.groupprojectsandteameffortstendtobepracticableandeffective.31.P eoplefromculturesthatprefer“highinvolvement”stylestendto__A_______.A.expecttobeinterruptedepolitelisteningsoundC.giveplentyofpositiveandrespectfulresponsestotheirconversationpartnersD.speakoneatatime32.Peoplefrom“highconsiderateness”culturesareoftenthoughttobe_____B___.A.loudB.passiveC.chattyD.pushy33.Onewaytodeterminewhetheraculturefavorsadirectorindirectstyleincommunicationis_____A_______.A.H owtheysay,“No.”B.Howtheyinvitepeople.C.Howtheyteachpeople.D.Howtheyacceptpeople.34.In2010,theEasterison___A______.A.4th,AprilB.5th,AprilC.2nd,AprilD.6th,April(5)(T)(11)?(12)((18)(T)TheArabic-speakingnations,LatinAmerica,Russia,andnearlyallofAsia(especiallyIndiaandChina)arehighpowerdi stance.(19)()Languageisinfluencedandshapedbyculture;itreflectsculture.(20)(F)MainstreamAmericanconversationstylewouldalsobecharacterizedas“high involvement”,althoughitdifferssignifican tlyfromthevariousAsianpatterns.(21)()Wearecaptivesofourculture,thoughitoffersusacommonframeofreference.(22)()Westudyotherculturesfromtheperspectiveofourownculture,soourobservationsandourconclusionaretaintedbyourperso nalandculturalorientations.(23)()Becausewedonothavedirectacc esstothethoughtsandfeelingsofothers,wecan’tinferwhattheyareexperiencing.(24)()Therearerulesforspeakerstofollowastohowmessagesareconstructedandinterpreted.(25)()Onlywhenwearedeprivedofourowncultureorputintoacompletelynewculturecanwerealizetheimportanceofculturetous.(26)()Stereotypereferstoanunfair,biased,orintolerantattitudetowardsanothergroupofpeople.(27)()Theassumptionofsimilarityisoneofthebiggestpromotionsininterculturalcommunication.(28)(T)CountriesorregionswithmasculinetraitsareIreland,thePhilippines,Greece,SouthAfrica,Austria,Japan,Italy,andMexico.(29)()Lowcontextcommunicationsavesusmakingmanytrivialdecisions.(30)(F)ForAmericans,twoorthreesecondsofsilencecanbecomfortable.1.三个国际的发展作出了跨文化联系更普遍的(无处不在),他们是。

跨⽂化交际课后答案Case 1 A CanadianThe shipping agent(代理) is serving the customers in the way that is considered efficient in Venezuelan(委内瑞拉) culture. To the Canadian, however, this is unfocused activity(活动) that is not nearly as efficient(有效地) as it would be —particularly from her point of view — if the agent simply dealt(处理) exclusively(专门) with her scheduled(计划) appointment. In Canada, businesspeople typically(通常) write appointments and activities into the day’s agenda(议程) every day. They then work sequentially(顺序) through the agenda until they have completed each task or the day is over. In other words, Canadians prefer to do one thing at a time, while the South Americans, including Venezuelans, tend to do a few things simultaneously(同时).Case 2 A dozenAs a Westerner, the American visiting professor(客座教授) does not quite understand the collective ownership(集体所有制) of information in some other cultural environments. What made her annoyed(恼⽕) is a different attitude toward information about people. In the United States, it is generally assumed(认为) that personal matters are private(隐私). Teachers go through elaborate(精⼼) procedures(设计) to assure that students do not have access(接触) to each other’s grades. In business it is the same. Evaluations(评估) are confidential(保密的).Case 3 WhenAs a matter of fact, the American woman was not being disrespectful(不敬). However, it is clear that her way of showing respect and welcome was different from the ancient tradition of keeping physical distance from superiors(上级), which is still widely observed(遵守), especially when royalty(皇室) is involved(有关的).Paul Keating, the Australian prime minister(总理), may have intended(打算) to suggest by his gesture(姿态) that Australia would no longer accept the queen as head of state but just as one of their honored guests. Obviously, the British would not like it at all.Sometimes, such seemingly(表⾯上的) trivial(琐碎的) things can influence relations between countries. That’s why protocol(协议) is taken seriously and people who are to hold diplomatic(外交) posts(公告) will be given detailed and careful instructions(指⽰).Case 7 A femaleWhen the Canadian young man said, “Who took my peanut butter(花⽣酱)?”, what he really meant was “Where is my peanut butter? I can’t find it.” The Chinese doctor felt upset because in Chinese culture questions like this, especially expressed in the way the young Canadian man did, often imply(暗⽰) that someone is to blame(罪魁祸⾸). Chinese culture prohibits(禁⽌) direct accusing(指责)unless a person has been targeted for shame. However, true(忠诚的) to her learned cultural behavior of nevershowing anger in public, the Chinese doctor didn’t say anything, though she was deeply distressed.Later, the physiotherapist(理疗师) was making a joke when she said the Chinese doctor had “three hands”. She wasn’t serious, of course, and expected the patient to be amused(被逗乐) by her explanation for his pain: that the doctor on the other side of the room could have reached an imaginary(虚构的) hand out to touch him. She didn’t know that in Chinese a “three-handed person” is a slang(俚语) for a thief.Case 8 Brent WeberIn American culture, people’s personal goals take priority(优先) over their allegiance(效忠) to groups like the family or the employer. The loyalty(忠诚) of individuals to a group is usually weak. Americans are apt(倾向于) to change their relationship if it suits their individual needs, and they are not likely to be emotionally(情绪) dependent on organizations(组织) and institutions(机构).In Japanese society, the relationship between an employee and the firm(公司) is much more interdependent(依赖), somewhat similar to a child-mother relationship where the mother (firm) is obliged(义务) to take care of her children (employees) and children (employees) have to obey and follow the commands(命令) of their mother (firm).It is not surprising for an American to try to find another job before he or she leaves his or her present employer if he or she consider it necessary for him- or herself. However, this action was regarded(认为) by the Japanese firm as disloyal(不忠), undermining(破坏) the trust between the two parties. In spite of this, the manager(经理) of the firm did not like the parting to be understood as Brent being fired, because the appearance of harmony(和谐) and agreement(协议) within the group (the firm inthis case) is important in Japanese society.Case 9 In a cross-culturalWhen they are being scolded(责骂) by the trainers(辅导员) for being repeatedly late for afternoon sessions(会议), the Chinese trainees felt bewildered(困惑) because they thought it is inappropriate(不适当的) for the Canadian trainers to become so angry about it. In their opinion, one should not let him- or herself behave as emotionally(冲动) like this. The appropriate(适当) way to deal with such a person would be to become cooler toward and more distant from the person who behaved so irresponsibly(不负责任的). It was understandable that one would feel angry in this situation but it was not appropriate to show anger, for the other person would certainly lose face if anger were directed toward him or her, and the angry person would look foolish and childish(幼稚的) and therefore also lose face.Canadians see such situations in a very different way. They tend to explicitly(明确地) express how they feel and openly criticize(批评) the person who they think has been wrong or irresponsible(不负责的). It seems to them that this has little to do with face.Case 16 A missionWhat went wrong in this case? Contrary(相反) to general American perception(观念), it is considered proper behavior for Japanese to be silent(沉默). It is a discreet(谨慎) way to show respect if he listens to others speak rather than speaking out. So the Japanese delegates(代表) did what they considered proper, i.e., listen quietly to what the Americans had to say. Silence often means that they are seriously thinking about the subject at issue(讨论中的问题). But many Americans will interpret(理解) silence in a conversation(谈话) to mean disapproval(不满), disagreement(分歧), or even arrogance(傲慢). This is an example that illustrates(说明) the problem of the so-called “perception-gap(观念鸿沟)”. Participants(参与者) in communication perceive(感知) each other’s behavior in very different ways, which often results in misunderstanding or conflict(争执).Case 17 TomIt is customary(习俗) in China and many other Asian countries for hosts(主⼈) to ask their guests again and again to take more. Tom didn’t have to eat extra food if he didn’t want any more.In the U.S., a host will offer more food usually only once. And the Americans will take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it is the first, second or third time. However, in many other parts of the world it is considered good manners for guests not to accept an offer at first. Sometimes one mustn’t accept food the second time it is offered. Therefore, hosts try to repeat an offer until they are sure that their guests really want to decline(谢绝).Case 18 Ted WashingtonTed Washington, the marketing manager, rejected(拒绝) the sale proposals(议案) of both the American, Dale Peters and the Japanese, Hideo Takahashi, without considering who made the proposal. While the direct and outright(公然的) rejection is O.K. with Peters, for he and the manager are from the same culture, to Hideo, it means something beyond the rejection of a proposal itself. Therefore, the two people responded(响应) to the rejection in quite different ways.In this case, the American believes the root(根源) of the conflict(冲突) lay in different goals and objectives(⽬标), therefore, Peters entered into a heated(热烈的) discussion with Ted, trying to get his proposal(议案) accepted by producing facts(事实), figures(数据), and graphs(图) to illustrate his case. But the Japanese believes the conflict was not in the rejection of the proposal but rather in the way it was communicated, so he thinks of it as a personal attack or a sign of mistrust. In short, Americans tend to be more task-oriented(⼯作型) while the Japanese are more likely to focus on(集中于) interpersonal relationships(⼈际关系).Case 22 An AmericanPeople from different cultures may consider their own communication style to be natural and normal, and therefore tend to evaluate(评价) other styles negatively(负⾯的). In this case, both people are unaware(未察觉) of the American preference(偏爱) for a direct and explicit(直率的) style in contrast to(与…相反) the morecontextual(语境) African style. Both these communicators(传播者) are likely to leave the situation less inclined(倾向) to ask or answer questions of each other again. Case 23 A FrenchIn France it is required that all calls begin with an apology for disturbing(打扰) the answer. They are also expected(希望) to begin the call by checking that they have reached the right number, identifying(确认) themselves, and then chatting(聊天) with whoever has answered the phone, if this person is known to them. Only after some conversation may callers indicate(表明) their wish to speak with the person they have actually called to speak to.In contrast, callers in the U. S. A. apologize only when they feel they have called at an inappropriate(不适当的) time; theyoften ask for the person they want without identifying themselves or conversing with the answer, even when that person is known to them; and they behave, in general, as though the person who has answered the phone is just an extension(扩展) of the instrument(仪器) itself.Case 24 At a 1970The Japanese have a strong dislike of entering into direct confrontations(对抗) and placing others in an embarrassing(尴尬) position. It is very difficult for a Japanese to respond to any suggestion or request with a definite(明确的) “no”. What the Japanese will often do instead is resort to a vague(模糊) sort of reply to the effect(结果) that the matter needs further study and consideration. They do this to save face for the person who has made the suggestion or request, but Americans may not properly understand it and may completely misinterpret(误解) the vagueness(模糊性) as compliance(符合) and assume(认为) that the proposition(提议) has been accepted. But this was apparently(显然的) never made clear to Nixon(尼克松). That is why he included that he had been double-crossed(出卖了). The misunderstanding had serious adverse(不利) consequences(后果) for Japanese U. S. relations.Case 25 A JapaneseNonverbal(⾮语⾔) behaviors such as smiles seem to cut across(超过) cultural lines. But in reality(现实), they are often found to be not universal(普遍). To most Americans, a smile is the most common nonverbal behavior to bridge gaps that may exist between strangers (including foreigners) and themselves. It is natural for them to be smiling and friendly when they come across(遇到) strangers. But in eastern Asian countries like Japan, smiles are used differently. Japanese do not readily(乐意) show their feelings. In Japan, people do not usually smile at a stranger. If you do, you might be considered impolite.Case 26 Wang PingChinese people seldom(很少) hug(拥抱) each other, particularly in public places. If people do, a romantic message is usually conveyed(表达). Go to any airport or train station in China, and you will see scenes of greeting and good-bye with all the feeling expressed in the eyes and the face and in the practical things family members andrelatives and friends do for each other, but it is unlikely people will hug, with only younger ones as an exception(例外).In contrast, people of Latin American(拉美) cultures touch each other in communication much more than people of some other cultures, especially Eastern Asian cultures. At a time of meeting a friend or upon departing(分别), hugging each other is very natural for Latin American people. On such occasions(场合), hugging has no sexual connotation(性内涵); it is just like a handshake in China, but warmer and more enthusiastic(热情). Women tend to hug each other more than men hug women, but both are common. One’s discomfort(不适) at hugging in such situations may be interpreted(被理解为) by Latin American people as unfriendliness(不友善). Case 27 The otherAs with smiling, laughing does not always serve the same function in different cultures. Interestingly, for us Chinese, laughing often has a special function during tense(紧张) social occasions. People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, to express their concern(关怀) for you, their intention(意图) to put you at ease or to help you shrug off(摆脱) the embarrassment. In this case, the people there actually(实际上) wished to laugh with the American rather than at him. Their laughing seemed to convey(传达) a number of messages: don’t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing; such things can happen to any of us, etc. unfortunately(不幸的是), the America was unaware(没意识到) of this. He thought they were laughing at him, which made him feel more embarrassed and angry, for in his culture laughing on such an occasion would be interpreted(被理解为) as an insulting(侮辱的) response, humiliating(羞辱) and negative(消极).Case 37 What isThe U.S. salesman(推销员) in this case was acting according to ideas about dress that seemed appropriate(适当的) to him in his culture. He may have considered the informality of his dress as signaling(暗号) a willingness(⾃愿的) to put aside rigid rules(死板的规定) of behavior and be friendly. He may have been cold and enjoyed the warmth of a large sweater(线⾐). He may have spent the previous(先前的) 20 hours on plane and, without a chance to change his clothes, may have gone straight to the trade show(贸易展览), because to him, being there was more important than being dressed a certain way. But in the Japanese culture, this kind of dress is considered very inappropriate(不适当的) for such a formal business occasions. Case 38 The marketingIn a country where there are very strict cultural taboos(⽂化禁忌) on nudity(裸体), such packaging(包装) would be considered a form of obscenity(猥亵). The U.S. firm had to pay a high price for not understanding the culture of their customers. Religion plays an important role in influencing(影响) customs, people’s attitudes towards life, what and how to buy and so on. More seriously, people may even refuse(拒绝) to buy certain products or services for religious reasons. So it’s no wonder that a common and well-received culture in one culture may meet itswaterloo(惨败) in another culture. In Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯), the Muslim faith(穆斯林) plays a significant(重要) role in people’s lives. This case demonstrates(展⽰) to us that moral standards(道德标准) vary(不同) from country to country. Thuswhen doing international trade, one should never take his own religion and moral standards for granted(假定) but should always bear(怀有) those differences in mind.Case 39 In internationalIn this case, what is at issue(争论) is the correct translation of terms(条款), as well as the accepted use of terms in the chicken trade. The meaning of chicken in Swiss culture is different from that in America. In this case, the failure(失误) was caused by the misunderstanding of the different meanings of chicken in each other’s culture. In Swiss, chicken has a specific meaning, while in America this term is used for any type of chicken.As the case went to trial(试验) in the U.S., it was judged according to the American culture, which seems unfair. However, unawareness(没意识到) of these cultural differences will definitely(肯定) result in problems in intercultural communication(跨⽂化交际).。

《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improvedupon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successfulcommunication or cultural understanding.?Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist,Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are havingdinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'lllove it!Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.? Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at aBritish university for some months. It has not been totally successful.They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong!Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job. Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure. Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is ascientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child' s play, and I'm playingthe game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather importantexperiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.? Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several thingsrequire more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problemsand explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were studentsafterlater, year A Britain. in University Leeds at together graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year'sexchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classicalpiano concert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up ontothe stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers duringthe playing of a particular musical item. This happened several timesduring the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stagesinging some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all thesequite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applaudedthe pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave whilethe pianist remained on the stage.?Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill thegap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spacesprovided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the words.?4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided onadifferent .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it wasdecided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still somethat needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people'srelationships in China.8. Mike! Meet Jane, the .9. Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know.10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face orhurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture,especially the system of which all members of the group areexpected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she receivedthe news that her husband had left her for another woman. 13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations.?Paper 3 Translation?Translate the following passage from English into Chinese. Pleasewrite your translation on the answer sheet.?What do we mean by Intercultural Communications or IC? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academicand applied discipline that has developed internationally since the1950s. Sometimes called cross-cultural communications or comparative culture , scholars most often use the prefix inter with the word cultural to describe the interaction between cultures.On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examinethe political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. Onanother level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek tounderstandthe relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese Englishteachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learnthe basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other Englishspeaking countries.?But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinaryapplication of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology (and social psychology), communication studies, appliedlinguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attemptto understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact witheach other.?To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek tounderstand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. Aswe understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people,we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how itinteracts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the lastthirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical frameworkconsideringfor dimensions practical some and cultures comparing for the similarity and differences between them. One level of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level ofcomparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving muchattention is Nonverbal Communication.?Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20?In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist biasin the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabularyand grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of theworld as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role.Take the word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact applyto people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-orientedas it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairmanwere exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compoundof 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased toview this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed ofthese two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of 'cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman mightbe defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman. Despite suchconsiderations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitiveto the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive itas a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of womenin society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral termssuch as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to askquestions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee?'Other changes advocated include the replacement of words suchas 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutralterms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer'.There is, however, continuing controversy about how far suchlanguagechanges should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idiomsas 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man'? What aboutthose words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant,such as 'manhandle'?To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done somore in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postmanbeen?' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here'postman' remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian andTurkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makesthroughits system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain thatmales who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speakEnglish!?Answer the following questions according to the above text:?15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word'chairman'?18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' isgiven?19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes?20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraph?? Passage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating Stocks?Since May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clientsusing a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid theconflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms,whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companiesbeing courted by their investment bankers.We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity, said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice presidentfor investment advice and products. While the development of thesystematicallyperformed being is analysis the human, is methodologyand automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks ina similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individualstocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over timehas not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as towhether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though,is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stockratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out verygenerously.People who run computerized selection systems criticizetraditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflictsof interest, as well as individual bias. I am very suspicious aboutopinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stockselection, said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely onthe selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factorsthat their developers believe have the greatest ability to predictshare prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earningsgrowth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to whichearnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems asmarketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on howa group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, asdo stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans,and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform themarket averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwabsystem or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-Scouter? Mark the following statements True (T) / False (F) / Not Given (NG)according to the information provided in the text.?Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided forquestions.?21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better thanhumans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices. 答案及评分标准?Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered (underlined). Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢?这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述。

跨文化交际复习题和答案解析(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--判断题T 1 As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. 作为一种现象,跨文化传播已经存在了数千年。
F 2 Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe. 跨文化交际是欧洲第一门学科F 3 Culture is a static entity 静态的实体 while communication is a dynamic process. 文化是一个静态的实体而沟通是一个动态的过程T 4 Culture can be seen as shared knowledge ,what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given 约定的特定的 culture. 文化可以被看作是一种共享的知识,人们需要知道的是在一个特定的文化中扮演适当的行为T 5 Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization),it still contributes toa person’s cultural cognition.认识、认知文化刻板印象虽有其局限性,但仍有助于人的文化认知。
T 6 In intercultural communication, we should separate one’s individual character from cultural generalization. 在跨文化交际中,我们要把自己的个性和文化的泛化分开。

跨文化交际全部答案参考资料Unit 1 Communication Across CulturesReading IIntercultural Communication:An IntroductionComprehension questions1. Is it still often the case that “everyone?s quick to blame the alien”in the contemporary world?This is still powerful in today…s social and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today…s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants.2. What?s the difference between today?s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past?Today…s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history.3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today?New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter.4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”?Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from theinstant of birth. It is omnipresent.5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication?The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state).6. What does one?s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it?The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world.7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture?Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community.8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to?People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc.9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist?A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without1prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society.Reading IIThe Challenge of GlobalizationComprehension questions1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed?Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.2. What a “global village”is like?As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalization?Technology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force.4. What does the author mean by saying that “the…global?may be more local than the …local?”?The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of thelocal events. In this sense, ―the ?global…may be more local than the ?local…‖.5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the world?Effective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have to meet diverse customer needs on a global basis. Succeeding in the global market today requires the ability to communicate sensitively with people from other cultures, a sensitivity that is based on an understanding of cross-cultural differences.6. What are the serious problems that countries throughout the world are confronted with?Countries throughout the world are confronted with serious problems such as volatile international economy, shrinking resources, mounting environmental contamination, and epidemics that know no boundaries.7. What implications can we draw from the case of Michael Fay?This case shows that in a world of international interdependence, the ability to understand and communicate effectively with people from other cultures takes on extreme urgency. If we are unaware of the significant role culture plays in communication, we may place the blame for communication failure on people of other cultures.8. What attitudes are favored by the author towards globalization?Globalization, for better or for worse, has changed the world greatly. Whether we like it or not,2globalization is all but unstoppable. It is already here to stay. It is both a fact and an opportunity. The challenges are not insurmountable. Solutions exist, and are waiting to be identifiedand implemented. From a globalistic point of view, there is hope and faith in humanity.Translation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。

Part One Defining Culture一.讨论题1.How do you think culture and communication are related?2.What are the barriers you experienced in intercultural communication? And how did youhandle them?3.Work in groups to decide which of the following belong to overt culture and which to covert:A. What and how people eatB. How to keep healthyC. How to raise childrenD. How to do businessE. How to use timeF. How to introduce peopleG. How to participate in ceremoniesH. Rules for facial expressions and eye contactI. RitualsJ. EtiquetteK. Work speedL. What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or bad, etc.M. Theories of disease, sin, death, god or gods, sanity, self, etc.4.Can you add more to the above list? Which of them do you think are more likelyto cause problems in intercultural communication? And why do you think they are?二、分析、解答题Please read the following example (taken from Scollon & Scollon, 2000) and study how communication is affected by culture.Two men meet on a plane from Tokyo to Hong Kong. Chu Hon-fei is a Hong Kong exporter who is returning from a business trip to Japan. Andrew Richardson is an American buyer on his first business trip to Hong Kong. It Is a convenient meeting for them because Mr. Chu‘s company sells some of t he products Mr. Richardson has some to Hong Kong to buy. After a bit of conversation they introduce themselves to each other.Mr. Richardson: By the way, I‘m Andrew Richardson. My friends call me Andy. This is my business card.Mr. Chu: I‘m David Chu. Plea sed to meet you, Mr. Richardson. This is my card.Mr. Richardson: No, no. Call me Andy. I think we‘ll be doing a lot of business together.Mr. Chu: Y es, I hope so.Mr. Richardson (reading Mr. Chu‘s card ) : Chu, Hon-fei. Hon-fei, I‘ll give you a call tomorrow as soon as I get settled at my hotel.Mr Chu (smiling): Y es, I‘ll expect your call.When these two men separate, they leave each other with very different impressions of the situation. Mr. Richardson is very pleased to have made theacquaintance of Mr. Chu and feels they have gotten off to a very good start. They have established their relationship on a first-name basis and Mr. Chu‘s smile seems to indicate that he will be friendly and easy to do business with. Mr. Richardson is very particularly pleased that he has treated Mr. Chu with respect for his Chinese background by calling him Hon-fei rather than using the western name, David, which seems to him an unnecessary imposition of western culture.In contrast, Mr. Chu feels quite uncomfortable with Mr. Richardson. He feels it will be difficult to work with him, and that Mr. Richardson might be rather insensitive to cultural differences. He is particularly bothered that Mr. Richardson used his given name, Hon-fei, instead of either David or Mr. Chu.How do you account for their different impressions? Does culture play a role in the communication between these two men?三、思考题:1. We have learned some characteristics of culture. For example, culture is learned. Culture can be learned through diverse ways, proverbs being one of them. Now study the following proverbs and decide what value(s) they represent, which of them are still strong in the American culture and the Chinese culture respectively, and which don‘t apply any longer.Proverbs1.Blood is thicker than water.2.Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.3.Too many cooks spoil the broth.4.The early bird catches the worm.5.God helps those who help themselves.6.Haste makes waste.7.Time is money.8. A man‘s home is his castle.9.Think three times before you take action.10.Modesty makes you progress; conceitedness makes you lag behind.2. Read the following and think about the questions:Some years ago, several international businessmen were on a conference cruise when the ship began to sink. ―Go tell those fellows to put on life jackets and jump overboard,‖ the captain directed his first mate.A few minutes later the first mate re turned. ―Those guys won‘t jump,‖ hereported.―Take over,‖ the captain ordered, ―And I‘ll see what I can do.‖Returning moments later, he announced, ―They‘re gone.‖―How‘d you do it?‖ asked the first mate.―I told different things to different people. I to ld the Englishman it was the sporting thing to do, and he jumped. I told the Frenchman it was _____; the German that it was a command; the Italian that it was ______; the Russian that it was _____; so they jumped overboard.‖―And how did you get the American to jump?‖―No problem,‖ said the captain, ―I told him he was ______!‖Questions:1) Can you decide to whom each of the following words was actually used by the captain?Revolutionary forbidden chic insured2) If there had been a Chinese businessman on board, what should the captain say in order to make him jump overboard?3) What do you think of the story? Does it tell you something that is true of people of those different nations?Part T wo Communication and Culture一、讨论题1. Study the following two versions of the same spoken discourse presented in a business meeting between a Hong Kong Chinese and an Anglo—North American businessman. Decide in small groups, which one might be given by a Chinese and which by an American. Why?A. Because m ost of our production is done in China now, and it‘s not really certain how Hong Kong will be like after 1997, and since I think a certain amount of caution in committing to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense. So, I suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision.(Scollon & Scollon, 2000)B. I suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision. That‘s because I think a certain amount of caution in committing to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense. In addition to that, most of our production is done in China now, and it‘s not really certain how Hong Kong will be like after 1997.( Scollon & Scollon, 2000)2.Can you find some cases in which ―是‖in Chinese does not mean ―yes‖ inEnglish?3.How would you put the following into Chinese?a)Do you like the new school?Y es, I will.b)Please don‘t say that. --- Y es, I will.c)I know what he wants. --- Y es? ---Money!d)Waiter! --- Y es, sir.e)Y es? --- I‘d like two tickets, please.f)Everything will be all right soon, yes?Saying ―no‖ seems to be more complicated.Sometimes ―no‖ may mean ―maybe‖ given the right time and circumstances. This is quite important in interpersonal relations and in politics. Look at the following sex-biased joke:What‘s the difference between a lady and a diplomat?When a diplomat says ―yes‖, he means maybe.When a diplomat says ―maybe‖, he means no.When a diplomat says ―no‖, he‘s no diplomat.When a lady says ―no‖, she means ―maybe‖.When a lady says ―maybe‖, she means ―yes‖.When a lady says ―yes‖, she‘s no lady all!4. What are you going to do if you are in the following situations? Why or why not?A. When you are offered a drink the taste of which you find very unpleasant.B. When your friends ask if you will go to a picnic with them and you do not feellike going.C. When you are asked about the meaning of an English word that you do notknow.D. When you are asked whether you agree with a professor‘s idea about learningEnglish that you do not quite appreciateE. When you find yourself in class unable to answer the question the teacher asksyou.F. When someone asks for your finished homework to copy and you do not like tocomply.G. When you are asked by your parents about your problems in your studies andyou do not really like to.5. Why do people in countries like Japan and China often refuse to say ―no‖ directly?6. What problems may arise in intercultural communication because of such indirect ways of saying ―no‖?二、思考题1. The following are two letters, one in Chinese and the other in English. Compare them to see if there is similarity in their discourse patterns.尊敬的节目主持人:我作为贵台英语教学节目和《你喜欢的歌》节目的忠实听众已有好几年的历史了。

跨文化交际unit1答案解析Unit 1Communication Across CulturesWarm UpQuestions1. Why is it difficult to explain to a blind person what colors are?2. Do you sometimes find it hard to make yourself properly understood by others? If you do, why do you think it is hard?It is very difficult for people to understand one another if th ey do not share the same experiences. Of course, we all share the experience of being human, but there are many experiences which we donot share and which are different for all of us. It is these different experiences thatmake up what is called ―culture‖ in the social sciences -the habits of everyday life, the cues towhich people respond, the automatic reactions they have to whatever they see and hear. These often differ, and the differences may introduce misunderstandings where we seek understanding.Reading IIntercultural Communication:An IntroductionComprehension questions1. Is it still often the case that“e veryone?s quick to blame the alien”in the contemporary world?This is still powerful in today‘s social and political rhetoric. For instance,it is not uncommon intoday‘s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems arecaused by minorities and immigrants.2. What?s the difference between today?s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past?Today‘s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greaterimportance than in anytime in history.3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today?New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated culturalinteraction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter.4. How do you understand the sentence“culture is everything and everywhere”?Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent.5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication?The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state).6. What does one?s family teach him or her while he or shegrows up in it?The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world.7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture? Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generallyagreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community.8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to?People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc.9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist?A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society.Discovering Problems: Slim Is Beautiful?Questions for discussionWhich do you think is the mark of beauty, thin or fat? Why is it often said that beauty is in the eye of beholder?One sociologist once said that with the greater influence of American culture across the world, the standard of a beauty is becoming more and more Hollywood-like, characterized by a chiseled chin and a tall, slim figure. One can see such beautiful images in almost any American movie. We Chinese also share the notion that the standard idea of beauty includes being tall, thin, and light skinned. It seems that with the process of globalization, eastern and western beauties look more and more alike.But we have to remember that the definition of beauty differs from culture to culture. For example, Hispanic standards of female beauty are to have big hips, a moderate tan, and a short height. As is described in the article, in southeastern Nigeria, Coca-Cola-bottle voluptuousness is celebrated and ample backsides and bosoms are considered ideals of female beauty.What‘s more, the ideal standard of beauty varies from time to time. For instance, during timesof famine, the ideal standard of beauty for women is a much larger body size. Larger size and more body fat may reflect one‘s status; for it suggests that the person is well fed and healthy. Thinness then wouldreflect malnutrition. However, during times of plenty, plumpness is not a reflection ofstatus. People may easily associate fatness with hypertension, h eart disease or other potential diseases. Likewise, during eras in which lower-class labors had to toil predominantly outside for hours a day, tanned skin was an indication of lower status, and therefore the ideal standard of female beauty was very pale skin; women during those times actually used a lot of white powdered cosmetics to exaggerate the paleness of their skin. Now, however, tan is a reflection of having more leisure time spent on seashores instead of working in an office all the time, and therefore it may suggest higher status, so women strive for darker skin tones.It is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder because people of different cultures and in different situations may have different ideas about what is beautiful and what is not.Group WorkFirst share with your group member whatever experiences you have had in communication events that can be consideredas intercultural. Then work together to decide whether each of the following cases of communication is possibly intercultural or not and, if it is, to what extent it is intercultural. Try to place all the cases along a continuum of interculturalness, from the most intercultural to the least intercultural.All the cases may seem to be intercultural but they differ in the extent to which they are intercultural. However it may be very difficult for us to place all these cases along a continuum of interculturalness from the most intercultural to the least intercultural, for many other factors have to be taken into consideration if we have to decide which is more intercultural than another. For instance, whether communication between a male manager and a female secretary is intercultural or not and, if it is, how intercultural it may be, may depend on the cultural and social backgrounds of the two persons. If they are from drastically different cultures, communication between them is surely intercultural and may be very intercultural. If they are from the same culture, communication between them may be little intercultural.The following is tentatively suggested for measuringthe interculturalness of the cases of communication, and the cases are presented from the most intercultural to the least intercultural: Communication between a Chinese university student and an American professor; Communication between a Canadian girl and a South African boy;Communication between a first-generation Chinese American and third generation one; Communication between a businessperson from Hong Kong and an artist from Xian; Communication between a teenager from Beijing and a teenager from Tibet;Communication between a father who is a farmer all his life and his son who works as an engineer;Communication between a software technician and a fisherman; Communication between a male manager and a female secretary (supposing they are of the similar cultural and social backgrounds) .DebateThe class is to be divided into two groups and debate on the two different views mentioned in thefollowing on intercultural communication. State your point of vi ew clearly and support your argument with convincing and substantive evidence.Pro: People are people; more interactions would lead to greate r understanding of each other.(Commonality precedes)Con: People are shaped by different environments they find themselves in, therefore, the difference overrides. (Differences precedes)1. Human beings tend to draw close to one another by their common nature. We all share the common basic needs.2. Rapid expansion of worldwide transportation and communication networks have made it far easier than ever before for people throughout the world to contact with one another.3. The process of globalization may reduce the regional differences between people all over the world. We are all members of the ―global village‖.4. Economic interdependence in today‘s world requires people of different countries to interact onan unprecedented scale, and more interaction will result inmore similarity among people.5. More and more people from various cultures have to work and live together and they will adapt to each other to such an extent that cultural differences between them may no longer matter.1. People throughout the world may be similar in many aspects, but differences in habits and customs keep them apart.2. Though the basic human needs are universally the same, people all over the world satisfy their basic common human needs in different ways.3. As our society is becoming more and more diversified, differences between people tend to grow larger in some aspects.4. It is differences between people that underlie the necessity of communication, and it does not follow that communication which may increase the possibility of understanding between people will always reduce differences.5. People nowadays are more likely to try to maintain their unique cultural identities when they find themselves living closely with people of other cultures.From the two seemingly opposite viewpoints, we can learn something that we should keep in mind when we are involved in interculturalcommunication. First, all human beings share some common heritages that link us to one another. To some extent, people throughout the world are pretty much alike in many aspects, and that has formed the very basis on which it is possible for people of various cultures to communicate. However, what we have to realize is that there are also vast differences between people from various cultural groups. T o really understand a person whose cultural background is different from yours can be very difficult,for both you and that person maybe subconsciously influenced by each one‘s own cultural upbringing. In a sense, what we should doin intercultural communication is to treat people of other cultures both as the same with and as different from us.Reading IIThe Challenge of GlobalizationComprehension questions1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed?Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.2. What a“global village”is like?As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalization?Technology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force.4. What does the author mean by sayingthat“the…global?may be more local than the…local?”?The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of the local events. In this sense, ―the ?global‘may be more local than the ?local‘‖.5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the world?Effective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have tomeet diverse customer needs on a global basis. Succeeding in the global market today requires the ability to communicate sensitively with people from other cultures, a sensitivity that is based on an understanding of cross-cultural differences.6. What are the serious problems that countries throughout the world are confronted with?Countries throughout the world are confronted with serious problems such as volatile international economy, shrinking resources, mounting environmental contamination, and epidemics that know no boundaries.7. What implications can we draw from the case of Michael Fay?This case shows that in a world of international interdependence, the ability to understand and communicate effectively with people from other cultures takes on extreme urgency. If we are unaware of the significant role culture plays in communication, we may place the blame for communication failure on people of other cultures.8. What attitudes are favored by the author towardsglobalization? Globalization, for better or for worse, has changed the world greatly. Whether we like it or not, globalization is all but unstoppable. It is already here to stay. It is both a fact and an opportunity. The challenges are not insurmountable. Solutions exist, and are waiting to be identified and implemented. From a globalistic point of view, there is hope and faith in humanity.WritingRead the following and then try to write a short essay on what one has to learn to get prepared for working and living in a new cultural environment.There seems to be so much that one can do to get oneself well prepared for working and living in a new cultural environment. Apart from what is mentioned in the passage, the following may be what a person in Anna ‘s situation should al so try to do:1. Learning the language that is used in the new cultural environment.2. Learning about the history and present social situation of the area or the country.3. Learning about the dominant religious belief and some important social customs.4. Learning about the cultural uses of nonverbal means inc luding time and space for communication.5. Learning to look at things and people in new perspectives that are different from what one is accustomed to.。

大学英语跨文化交际教程课后答案(全)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Unit1 Sportsmanship: It is the ability to practise a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.2. Traditionally, an Englishman is thought to be reserved, unemotional, courteous, shy of strangers, suspicious of change, and slow to accept new ideas.3. It is the ability to practise a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s oppo nent and good temper in defeat. Moreover, sportsmanship as an idea is applied to life in general.The pioneering spirit: Except for the brought from Africa, immigrants came to America voluntarily, early in search of greater prosperity and freedom.Rags-to-riches: It is story about a poor boy who, because he was hardworking, honest, and lucky, grew up to become rich and respected.American dream: The belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve weather and fame through diligence and virtue.1. Traditionally, individualism, independence and collaboration, practice, tolerance, melting pot and racial discrimination are the character of Americans.3. The American Dream is the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue.Unit 2 Key concepts Five relationships Five relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend-friend.Humanism Humanism means that man not only had the right to enjoy the beauty of their life, but also had the ability to perfect themselves and perform wonders. Individualism An individualism culture is one in which people tend to view themselves ad individuals and to emphasize the needs of individuals.Collectivism A collectivism culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Comprehension questions1.According to Confucianism, what are the five cardinal relationships in Chinese society and what should these relationships be?That is the well-known five relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend-friend. This was explained as" There should be affection between man and wife, stratification between old and young, and good faith between friends."2.What is the difference between collectivism and individualism?Firstly, westerns tend to believe that people should rely on themselves as much as possible- and they usually expect other people to do the same. So they don't think they have the obligation to help family members and friends during emergency situations. In contrast, people in collectivist cultures generally feel that they have a right to help other members of their groups.Secondly, westerns generally feel that the rights of individuals should not be subordinated to the needs of a larger group, or at least that individuals should have the right to decide for themselves whether to sacrifice their personal benefit for the sake of the group. In contrast, people in collectivist cultures are generally more willing to accept the idea that individuals should sacrifice for the benefit of the group.Thirdly, westerners tend to believe that individuals should make decisions for themselves, and that individuals should take credit and responsibility for what they have personally done. In contrast, people in collectivist cultures tend to feel more that they are representatives of their group, and to accept more responsibility for the other members of their groups too.A final difference lies in the way people in different cultures view the idea of "individualism". Westerners tend to view individualism as a good thing. In contrast, the Chinese term for "individualism", often has a somewhat negative connotation, and is sometimes used as a synonym for "selfishness."Unit3 Nuclear family: include a husband, a wife and their childrenExtended family: adult couples are expected to form their own household with either of their biological families.2. Because they desire a close and intense bond with their partners,they expect so much from marriage that so many get divorcedImpermanence: the property of not existing for indefinitely long durations. Stable: resistant to change of position or conditionConnection vs. contract: relationship4. ①Chinese are likely to react more to the other person as a whole and will avoid forming friendships with those values and behaviors are in some way deemed undesirable. ②In China a friend is accepted completely or not at all ③Chinese friends give each other much more concrete help and assistance than Western friends do.①American have casual, friendly relationships with many people, but deeper, closer friendships with only a few. ②American friendships tend to be verycom partmentalized. ③American friendships is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together.Unit5 Nutrition and balance: a look at the nutritional information, like the number of calories preserving, grams of fat, sodium, cholesterol, fiber and sugar content will make you more knowledgeable in selecting foods to reduce your nutritional health risk.Pragmatism:in the westerns’ eyes, food or eating is just a way to keep healthy, having little to do with artistry. Nor will they be particular about the taste of food too much.Unit6 Creativity: the ability to createSelf-reliance: is a principal value of child rearing in middle-class American. Originality:1.How do the Chinese teach their children?A: Chinese teach their children by holding their handsHow do Americans do?A: On their own and even to discover new problem for which creative solutions are wanted.Can you find the theories supporting the two different teaching method?A: Evolutionary and revolutionary2. Can you tell any other differences between the two educational systems?A: The contrast between the two cultures can also be seen in the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later.Unit7 Key concepts Monochronic time Monochronic time is an approach that favors linear structure and focus on one event or interaction at a time. Polychronic time A polychronic time system is a system where several things can be done at once, and a more fluid approach is taken to scheduling time. Unlike Americans and most northern and western European cultures, Latin American and Arabic cultures use the polychromic of time.Linear structure In monochromic time, linear structure means people focus on one event or interaction at a time.Schedule oriented People in polychronic time cultures treat time as a less tangible medium so that they can interact with more than one person or do more than one thing at a time.People oriented Polychronic individuals are oriented toward people, human relationships, and the family, which is the core of their existence. Family takes precedence over everything else, close friends come next..Comprehension questionsWhat is monochronic culture What is polychronic cultureMonochronic cultures typically emphasize doing one thing at a time during a specified time-period, working on a single task until it is finished.Polychronic cultures are involved with many things at once, usually with varying levels of attention paid to each.What are the different attitudes monchronic people and polychronic people hold toward time?Monochronic people see time as being divided into fixed elements (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.)Sequential blocks that can be organized, quantified, and scheduled.What are the strengths and weaknesses of M-time system and P-time system? Once the time is set, it is rarely changed, and people take it seriously. M-time cultures is one who violates the rule of punctuality shall be punished seriously. Matters in a polychronic plans for the future: even important plans maybe changed right up the minute of execution.Unit 9Key concepts High-context culture High context cultures rely on the context, either the actual physical environment of communication or an internalized social context or both, or convey a large part or even all of a message’s meaning.Low-context culture Low context culture, in which context is not assumed to be understood, messages are explicit, direct, and completely encoded in words, and meaning is entrusted almost entirely to words.ImplicitnessThe message which someone expressed is elliptical, indirect, and allusive.Explicitness The message which someone expressed is direct, and completely encoded in words, and meaning is entrusted almost entirely to words.. Verbalizing Verbalizing- that is, to put things in words, whether written or oral. Comprehensive questionsWhat is High-context culture What is Low-context cultureHigh context cultures rely on the context, either the actual physical environment of communication or an internalized social context or both, or convey a large part or even all of a message’s meaning.Low context culture, in which context is not assumed to be understood, messages are explicit, direct, and completely encoded in words, and meaning is entrusted almost entirely to words.ImplicitnessWhat does silence mean in high-context cultures What is the function of silence in high-context cultures It means entirely accepted.In the individual level, silence can be viewed as a state of being allowing you to experience the highest truth and bliss; on the interpersonal level, silence can be used to promote harmony, cooperation, and other collectivistic values; on the level of social movements, silence can be protest.Why does silence mean differently in different culturesDifferent in the uses of silence can be best examined in high-context and low-context cultures. High-context cultures are relational, collectivist, intuitive, and contemplative. Low-context cultures are logical, linear, individualistic, and action-oriented.Key conceptsCulture shock Culture shock happens to people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. It is, first and foremost an emotional phenomenon; then comes cognitive disorientation and identity dissonance.Comprehension questionsWhat are the five stages of the cultural adjustment process Does everyone have the same experienceThe five stages of the cultural adjustment process:Honeymoon period: Initially many people are fascinated and excited by everything of the new culture.Culture shock: The individuals are immersed in news problems: housing, transportation, employment, shopping, and language.Initial adjustment: Everyone activities such as housing and shopping are no longer major problems. The visitors may not yet be fluent in the spoken language, but they can express their basic ideas and feelings.Mental isolations: Individuals away from their family and good friends for a long time may feel lonely.Acceptance and integration: A routine ( eg; work, business, or school) has been established. The newcomer has become accustomed to the habits, customs, foods, and characteristics of the people in the new culture.Individuals experience the stages of adjustment in different ways. Some people never experience a “honeymoon” period because the circumstances of their coming to a new country may have been too painful. In addition, certain stages last longer for some than for others, depending on such factors as the newcomer’s personality, age, language and cultural competence, support from family and friends, financial situation, job status, and motivations for being in the new country.。

《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it!Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong!Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job.Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classical pianoconcert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up onto the stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers during the playing of a particular musical item. This happened several times during the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stage singing some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all these things quite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applauded the pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave while the pianist remained on the stage.Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some that needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people's relationships in China.8. "Mike! Meet Jane, the ."9. "Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know."10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face or hurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture, especially the system of which all members of the group are expected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman.13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations. Paper 3 TranslationTranslate the following passage from English into Chinese. Please write your translation on the answer sheet.What do we mean by "Intercultural Communications" or "IC"? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academic and applied discipline that has developed internationally since the 1950s. Sometimes called "cross-cultural communications" or "comparative culture" , scholars most often use the prefix "inter" with the word "cultural" to describe the interaction between cultures. On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examine the political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. On another level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek to understand the relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese English teachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the 1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learn the basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other English speaking countries.But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinary application of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology (and social psychology), communication studies, applied linguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attempt to understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact with each other.To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek to understand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the last thirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical framework for comparing cultures and some practical dimensions for considering the similarity and differences between them. One level of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level of comparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving much attention is Nonverbal Communication. Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist bias in the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabulary and grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of the world as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role. Takethe word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact apply to people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-oriented as it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairman were exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compound of 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased to view this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed of these two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of ' cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman might be defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/ rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman. Despite such considerations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitive to the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive it as a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of women in society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral terms such as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to ask questions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee?' Other changes advocated include the replacement of words such as 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutral terms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer’. There is, however, continuing controversy about how far such language changes should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idioms as 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man'? What about those words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant, such as 'manhandle'?To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done so more in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that 'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postman been?' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here 'postma n’ remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Turkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makes through its system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain that males who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speak English! Answer the following questions according to the above text:15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word 'chairman'?18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' is given?19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes?20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraph?Passage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating Stocks?Since May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clients using a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid the conflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms, whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companies being courted by their investment bankers."We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity," said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice president for investment advice and products. " While the development of the methodology is human, the analysis is being performed systematically and automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks in a similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individual stocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over time has not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as to whether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though, is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stock ratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out very generously.People who run computerized selection systems criticize traditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflicts of interest, as well as individual bias. "I am very suspicious about opinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stock selection," said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely on the selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factors that their developers believe have the greatest ability to predict share prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earnings growth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to which earnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems as marketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on how a group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, as do stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans, and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform the market averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwab system or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-ScouterMark the following statements True (T) / False (F) / Not Given (NG) according to the information provided in the text.Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided for questions.21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better than humans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices.答案及评分标准Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered (underlined). Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢?这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述。


跨文化交际第三章第三节的思考题摘要:I.引言- 介绍跨文化交际的重要性- 提出本节思考题的目的和意义II.跨文化交际中的文化差异- 分析文化差异的来源- 探讨文化差异对跨文化交际的影响III.跨文化交际中的文化冲突- 定义文化冲突- 分析文化冲突的原因- 探讨解决文化冲突的方法IV.跨文化交际中的文化适应- 定义文化适应- 分析文化适应的重要性- 探讨如何进行文化适应V.结论- 总结跨文化交际中的文化差异、冲突和适应- 强调跨文化交际中尊重和理解的重要性正文:跨文化交际是指来自不同文化背景的人在交际中,通过语言和非语言手段传递和获取信息的过程。

4. 王老师发现,在学习汉语的时候,学生会有如下偏误:

第一讲跨文化交际1. 在你的日常活动中哪些是比较典型的跨文化交际?答:(1)具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程就是跨文化交际.(2)日常活动中比较典型的跨文化交际有:①中外领导人谈判、进出口公司的工作人员与外国商人谈生意;②和外国旅游者、外国留学生、外国教师交往;③阅读外国小说、观看外国电影、电视节目。
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在英语中,peacock的内涵意义通常是贬义,含有骄傲、炫耀、洋洋自得的意思,例如as proud as a peacock(像孔雀那样骄傲)语法——在英语中,接电话的人先报自己的名字或办公室,或电话号码,或其他,但绝不会拿起电话筒就问对方。
举例:我们在机场欢迎客人,一边说:Welcome to Beijing,一边热烈握手。