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1. representativen.代表representv.be represented as

2. finance vt/n财政/给…提供经费financial adj.financial centre财政中心financial responsibility经济责任in deep financial difficulties财政困难

3.deliberately adv.故意地== on purposedeliberateadj.故意的;小心的

in a deliberate manner以谨慎的态度

4.in defence of sb.== in one's defence为…辩护;防卫defend vt.防守;保卫;辩护defend interests of捍卫..的利益defend sb/oneself为….辩护

defend sb against/from保护…不受危险

5.boycott vt.拒绝购买(或使用,参加);抵制boycott a meeting拒绝出席会议boycott foreign imports抵制外国货物进口

reject拒绝接受人/物(否定/敌对的态度)reject doingrefuse to do sth拒绝做(坚决果断)resist抵制,抗拒(计划,主张)

6.expose vt.暴露exposure n.be exposed to暴露在…之下

7.contradict vt/vi反驳;相反contradictory adj.相反的

8.broad adj.宽阔的;广泛的broaden vt.broaden one's view拓展视野

9.tiresome adj.讨厌的troublesome令人讨厌的;令人烦恼的handsome英俊的,漂亮的be tired of对..厌烦== be bored with==be fed up withbe tired with因…感到疲惫

10.sincere adj真诚的sincerely adv.

11.congratulation n.祝贺congratulate vt

congratulate sb. on sth== congratulations to sb on sth就某事祝贺某人

celebrate sth==in celebration of sth祝贺某事

12hatch vt①策划,(尤指)密谋hatch a plot策划一个阴谋

②孵化Don't count your chickens before they are hatched .别过早打如意算盘

13.preference n.偏爱prefer vipreferential adj.优惠的;优先的

have a preference for偏爱give a preference to sb/sth给某人优先权;优先考虑某事in preference to优先a preferential policy优惠政策get preferential treatment受到优惠待遇M8U4 Reading词组

1.每周一期的节目weekly programme

2.represent vt.象征;代表;描绘representative n.代表bepresent at出席

3,对…来说相当合适it is rather appropriate for sb to do sth

4.是…的一部分be part of

5.把…当做当代艺术的特殊形式view film as a particular type of contemporary art把…看作view …as /see…as/consider…as/think of…as/regard…as/look on …as观点point of view依某人看in one’s view鉴于,考虑到in view of

6….的主要标准be the main criterion for标准(复数)criteria

7.由…资助be financed by

8.为…辩护;保卫in defence of/in one’s defence

9.不管regardless of

10.对…没有限制make no restrictions on

11.区分A和Bdistinguish between A and B=distinguish/tell A from B

==make a distinction between A and B

因…而著名be distinguished for

12.只要as long as

13.达到….的标准meet one’s standards

14.最初的想法the initial idea for

15.诞生于be hatched back in

16.将重点转到独立电影上change the focus to independent films独立于be independent of

17.依靠有限的预算on very modest budgets

18.让大众接触到expose the public to

19.没权/机会获得have no access to

20.获得奖项win an award授予/奖励某人某物award sb. sth./award sth to sb 用…报答、酬谢某人reward sb with sth

21有机会做have a chance of doing sth有机会夺魁have a real chance of becoming champions很可能There is a good chance that==There is much chance that

==There is a high probability that ==Chances are that

有可能吗? Is there any chance that不可能There is no chance that22公平地说it is fair to say

23.不想反驳你hate to contradict you

24.对…情有独钟show special favour to偏袒、偏爱favour sb/sth

帮某人一个忙do sb. a favour/do a favour for sb支持;赞成in favour of

25.退步take a step backwards

26.在某方面与…相像resemble…in=be similar to…in

27.大预算with large budgets
